#Vinnie 2020
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evilhorse · 3 months ago
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Biker Mice From Mars #3
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male-beauty-gifsets · 2 years ago
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stressedjester · 8 months ago
Art fight looks like it'd be fun to participate in but unfortunately I don't even have motivation to make art for myself 90% of the time
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gladiatorcunt · 8 months ago
bruh why is hamzah so fucking fine my 2020 self was definitely hearing people out 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
no because like……
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actual-haise · 2 years ago
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Raymond has been in boxes for three slutty, slutty years
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myfavoritemaneuver · 1 year ago
Dane Burman - Hope To Die
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onewhoturns · 1 year ago
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Five Dates (2020)
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azzifuddsgirlfriend · 2 months ago
Ok I’ve never seen anyone with the same pazzi timeline as me so here it is lol also this is long asf and very detailed (yes I’m bored)
I think Paige prob had a crush on Azzi first, especially with her being a little bit older she might have already known she liked girls before meeting Azzi. I think Paige was probably azzi’s “gay awakening” if you will lol. But I think Paige might have even seen Azzi/thought she was cute before they officially met given how interconnected the basketball world is plus there was something on here about them having an overlap in Atlanta I think about a year before they officially met. But I think they became more than friends sooner than most people seem to think. I think they became more than friends (talking/fwb/situationship) whatever you want to call it, like almost immediately after meeting. Paige seemed to really be glued to Azzi during team USA era. So I think they became “more than just friends” in like 2017/early 2018. But especially being so young (Azzi would have been like 14/15 and Paige 15/16) and being long distance, and basketball being your #1 priority, AND coming to terms with your sexuality so young and with another person can make things complicated. But I believe they were only talking to/seeing each other all throughout high school. If someone tries to mention vinnie hacker to me, my answer is I just think Paige was trolling tbh 😭. But she obviously wasn’t out to the public yet in hs, and still isn’t technically but I mean it’s obvious lol, bc of her saying a guy as her celebrity crush in an interview I think her senior year. But I mean most of her family and close friends prob knew ab her and Azzi in hs given how close p & a were and how often they saw each other, while living states away. But yeah I’d say around 2020ish it became more serious, especially quarantining together they kinda got to play gfs/house together. I’m not quite sure if they were officially gfs at this time or just non official gfs, but I mean I’ve never named someone I’m just talking to or just fwb with as “💗” or called them my other half if we weren’t dating so… I think even when Paige first got to college they were just seeing each other bc of Azzi commenting how she missed Paige or something on tik tok and how she wanted to see her. Plus with Paige recruiting Azzi so hard I don’t think she would do that if they had “broken up” lol. But I guess sometime Paige’s freshman year she might have talked to other people. I wouldn’t be surprised if it happened or if it didn’t happen tbh. I’ve never seen solid proof of her talking with anyone else and I feel like if someone was talking to someone so famous we would all know about it lol. What I’m trying to say is she might have talked to other ppl but wasn’t really in a “talking stage”/in a relationship with anyone else ever. Also they both pretty much liked all of each others Instagram pics through hs and college so I don’t think they ever had a big fight/argument/falling out/breakup or whatever you want to call it. But yeah from my personal experience being so young and seeing a girl can kinda be confusing as to how that dynamic works (ex: who asks who out? How does it become official? Should we even tell anyone?) so it was probably just a kinda known thing that they were together in hs/early college years without the official label. But they both might have seen/talked to other people in like 2020/2021 but I don’t think they ever stopped seeing each other. Also I honestly would not be surprised if either of them have never really talked to/seen other people either so idk. But I think around mid 2022 (so like Azzi going into her sophomore year and Paige her junior year) they became officially girlfriends. This being because of how they interacted/posted with each other. Like the pic in Paige’s photo dump on tik tok of the old man with the flowers and her saying “how I’m trynna be” was crazy lol. So yeah and obviously the longer they date the more serious and obvious it’s going to be for the public and this summer idk if they had a conversation about being more open or if it just happened naturally that way but it’s quite obvious that they are together and have been for awhile.
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lassu-a-netem · 3 months ago
Kedves ismerősök, ismeretlenek!
Eljött az idő, amikor megtöröm a jeget, és segítséget kell kérjek.
2020 áprilisában derült ki, hogy daganatos vagyok.
Rosszindulatú, műthetetlen májrákkal kezdődött.
Mára már 18 daganatom van, amiből az agyamban levő agresszív.
Idén a sok bajt tetézve, még az élet is rátett egy nagy lapáttal.
Januárban 1,5 milliós mínusszal kezdtem, mivel volt egy elmaradt orvosi kezelés kiegyenlítése, amiről semmilyen figyelmeztetést/felszólítást nem kaptam, és a klinikáról, ahol kezelnek is behajtásra került egy nagyobb összeg.
Majd szép sorban, behalt a telefonom, a hűtő, mosógép, és megannyi hátráltató tényező akadályozott.
Közel 5 hónapja már dolgozni is képtelen vagyok sajnos.
Pedig akik ismernek, tudják, 7 napból 7-et dolgoztam, és mellette segítettem akin tudtam,legyen az ember, vagy állat.
Most azonban én is segítségre szorulok.
A klinikán az adósságom közelít a 3 millióhoz.
Albérlet, lakbér, gyógyszerek, élelmiszer, egyéb apróságok, tisztálkodási szerek amiket minden hónapban rendezni/venni kell.
Ezt, most munkaképtelenséggel, elég nehéz összehozni, és ehhez kérném a ti segítségeteket.
Mivel a családom már minden vagyonát bele ölte a gyógyulásomba, kezeléseimbe, és rengeteg barát, ismerős is segített, őket nem tudnám, és őszintén, nem is akarnám ezzel tovább terhelni.
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Sok kicsi sokra megy!
Ezt a gyűjtést január végéig szándékozom megtartani, abban a reményben, hogy enyhíti a 2 téli hónap kiadásait, és az agyi daganat beavatkozását fedezni fogja.
Minden vasárnap a kommentbe írom a befolyt összeget, és hogy mire szánom, vagy épp mit fizettem be ebből.
Plusz, van egy, egyetlen egy vágyam, amit remélem általatok meg fogok tudni oldani.
A vágyam, hogy a kis felvigyázómat el tudjam vinni az állatorvoshoz.
Idős, és sok baja van már.
Ő a mindenem!
Hálásan köszönöm a figyelmedet!
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Erste bank:
Számlatulajdonos: Farkas Rita
Számlaszám : 11600006-00000000-99634951
IBAN: HU26 1160 0006 0000 0000 9963 4951
Számlatulajdonos : Farkas Rita (@farkasl6um)
IBAN: LT84 3250 0533 5468 4142
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kirameliaoustern · 1 year ago
Boston Chris
Summary: Chris and y/n have been dating since they were 15teen. Everything was fine but what happens when Chris starts to loose focus after he gets VERY famous with his YouTube career….
Chris sturniolo x reader, slight Vinnie Hacker x reader
Long As hell, sorry bout that, ANGST & fluff
Link to part two at the bottom
Not prof read!
“Nick, Matt and I have been thinking about starting a YouTube channel” Chris says with his arm around y/n’s shoulder and her head resting on his chest.”I know we probably won’t make a living out of it but we think it would be fun, I mean you always say it’s hilarious when we three are fighting so….”
“Really?” Y/n looked surprised. “It was just an idea I know it’s sounds silly but-“ “I think that’s a great Idea” she cut his rambling of sensing he was getting nervous.
“You guys are super funny and not just I think that. Nate and Ahlana are always laughing their ass of too so why not let the whole word have the enjoyment.”
Chris smiles looking at her. “It will be just for fun anyways, it’s not like we’re gonna be something” he says shaking his head.
“No stop that. You guys will probably become super famous I know it” y/n says as she starts laughing “the girls are gonna go crazy for you- now you stop” chris tries to cut her off as he starts laughing too and getting red in the face.
“No it’s the truth -y/n” he tries again.
“I’m serious, gonna have to compete with all the pretty girls who are gonna love you.” She jokes around smiling.
He turns his head, still smiling like an idiot and turns her around so he’s hovering over her. Her smile vanishes at his sudden move.
“No one could EVER compete with you my love. You’re the only one for me.” He says looking deep into her eyes. No sights of joking is seen in his expression. “I love you, y/n”
She starts smiling shyly
and she believed him, she really did. She thought nothing would ever come between them….
“I love you Chris.” She leans up, closes her eyes and they share a slow, loving kiss.
“Did you just call me love?” She says in a joking tone against his lips, eyes still closed.
“Shut up” he whisper with a faint smile on his lips as he leans down to kiss her again.
“You’re so corny” pulling always slightly
“You love me” leaning down again
“Doesn’t make you any less corny. You know for someone who claims he hates all this corny stuff yo-
“Shut up so I can kiss you y/n” looking into her eyes with a bright smile on his lips.
“If you insist, my love.” She says while leaning up to reach his lips with emphasis of my love just to tease him.
“You’re unbelievable” it’s the last thing that leaves his lips before he engulfs them with hers again.
Sitting on her couch y/n hears knocking on her door. She knows its Chris. She practically runs to her front door with the biggest smile on her lips.
“Hey you” Chris says as she opens the door with the same smile grazing his lips.
“What is this?” Glancing down at the bouquet of flowers in his hands.
“Oh you know these are for the old man that lives beside you but he wasn’t home so could you give these to him?” He hands them to her.
“Ah yeah so you mean him when you say ‘for the most beautiful girl in the world’?” She says jokingly looking up at him as she reads the card that lays between the flowers.
“Absolutely, have you seen him? He’s very sexy. And we have this whole role playing thing going on where he’s the nice school girl and I am the strict teacher and when I come we-
“CHRIS” y/n cuts him off laughing
“They are for you obviously dummy.”
“Thank you” kissing his cheek.
They go inside as chris closes the door and y/n goes to find a vase for the flowers.
She’s about to put flowers in the vase that she filled with water just seconds ago as she feels Chris arms sneak around her waist and his face nuzzling in her neck.
It tickles as she lets out giggles
“Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?”
She smiles reaching her hand out behind her to scrap her nails on the back of his neck.
“Everyday Chris.” She says softly
“That’s no enough. You’re beautiful, beautiful so beauti-
“Okay okay okay, what has gotten you in such a happy mood? Not that I’m complaining.” Y/n wonders out loud, Turning around in his arms to face him.
“We just uploaded our first videos yesterday” he answers with the most exciting look in his eyes.
“Really.” Y/n jumps matching his excitement.
“Yeah and I know it doesn’t have a lot of views but the comments we received are so positive and it was so fun making it.”
“I’m happy for you chris. I knew they would love you. Maybe not as much as I do but still.” Letting out a slight chuckle as he caress his cheek.
“You’re love is the only one I need.” He says leaning down to kiss her.
“Okay so I was thinking a long knee short blue dress, but a light blue, and some white converse. I don’t know who it way to do my hair yet so.” Y/n told Nick as they were walking on their way to the Sturniolo household.
It was early April and currently talking about what they were gonna wear to their high school graduation.
“Oh yeah that would look so pretty. Blue is definitely your color bro.” Nick answers.
“Yes right, that’s what I am saying. Anyways back to you. What are you going to wear?”
“I was thinking about a Black suit but I want a special touch to it”
“I know what you mean. Do have any ideas yet?”
“No, something colorful for sure.”
“Mhm.. how about a little pink. Pink and black look good together and for sure are gonna look good on you”
“Oh stop it you’re gonna make me blush.” Nick jokingly takes an imaginary hair in his hands and puts it behind his ear, acting like a little school girl in love.
Y/n laughs at his actions as she took a sip of her iced coffe
“But seriously dude how about..” she trails off
“Wait I got it, a pink tie” nick yells slightly
“That would look so cool nick.” Y/n exclaims cheerfully.
“Did you tell Chris what dress you’re going to wear?” Nick turn to y/n.
“Nope. It’s a surprise. I hope he will like it.” She admits with shyness.
“Are you kidding me? That guy ist like crazy about you. I means seriously the amount of times he talks about you, don’t get me wrong I love you but damn he find a way to bring you up in every conversation. He would find you beautiful in a trash bag and frizzy hair girl.” The girl blushes at his words.
“What can I say, I’m just a in love with him. Probably even more.”
“Alright gross…. But in all seriousness I’m happy for you guys. You are the perfect couple. High school sweethearts.”
“I can’t believe we are already two year together. I can’t imagine ever being with someone else.”
“Okay future sister in law it’s starting to rain. Let’s hurry.”
“Race ya nick.” She yells as she’s running off
2021 May
“10K BABY” y/n hears Chris yelling through the house as she enters the Sturniolo household.
“You’re here.” He’s still yelling as he sees her. Running up to her, picking her and twirling her around.
“Wow chris I missed you too.” Y/n says chucking full of happiness.
“Did you see it?” He looks at her excitingly, all giddy.
“Yea but I’m pretty sure the whole neighborhood heard you.”
“A they should.” Chris leans down kissing her passionately.
“Chris let the girl breath, jeez” nick blurts as he enters the room.
“alright, alright you need to see the cake we baked to celebrate, the other will come soon but I really need to use the toilette I drank like 3 cans of Pepsi out of happiness sooo suit yourself.” Chris yells already running in the direction of the toilette.
Nick just rolls his eyes but smiles nonetheless at his brothers happiness
Y/n walks in the kitchen and sees Matt sitting at the table on his phone
“Sup matty boy” she calls out cheerfully to him
“What’s up y/n/n” matt looks up from his phone smiling at her, dabbing her up.
“Not much but I heard 10k people are up your ass.” Y/n says with a warm smile sitting down beside him
“Yeah it’s crazy, I never thought so many people would enjoy our videos.” Matt says running his hand nervously through his hair. “Can I tell you something tho?” He adds.
“Of course matt. Shoot.”
“Don’t get me wrong I love all of this but, ..but what if this all goes down?” He admits. “I mean now it’s great and the people are mostly nice but there comes also more pressure what if someday they turn against us? Nick and Chris are super happy and I am too but I’m scared that it will not end well. So many people lose themselves in the fame and I know 10k is not titled as famous but we growth really fast the last few weeks and if it goes on like this people will notice us and that’s great but then they expect things from us and we will disappoint them then they start too-“
“Okay Matt stop. You worry to much.” Y/n cut him off knowing he tends to start rambling when he panics.
“It’s gonna be okay. Look let’s say it goes downhill, what’s not gonna happen, you still have all of us. Nick, Chris, Alahna, Nate-“
“Don’t forget to add you.”
“Yeah of course I’m gonna be there. But they only gonna love you. You won’t need us i’m sure it’s overwhelming right now but it’s gonna be okay. You can’t influence how people think but that’s not your responsibility. Just be you and it’s gonna work out.” She sends him a warm smile his way.
He reciprocates her smile as he’s about to respond he gets cut off by alahna who just walked through the door.
“Alright my best friends just reached 10k followers and I heard the cake is ready so what are we waiting for” alahna practically yelled as she enters the kitchen with Nate right behind.
“That’s right let’s get stared. CHRIS” nick came back and screamed for Chris.
“I’M COMMING MAN DONT RUSH ME BRO” he replied while running up the stairs.
“Congratulations bro” Nate comes dabbing Chris up, than Matt than Nick
“Thanks, means a lot.”
As Matt got ready to start cutting y/n feels a pair of arm hugging her around her waist with a head resting on her shoulder.
“hi” Chris whispers in hear ear “I’m glad you’re here” kissing her cheek he focused back on Matt.
2021 July
“Oh my gosh you look so pretty girl” y/n turns around as she hears alahna entering her bedroom.
“Oh absolutely, Chris is going to drool babe” she replies while y/n lets out a chuckle. She stares a moment at the picture of Chris and her on her nightstand table.
The pictures was take at their one year anniversary. Chris looked at her while she laughed with her eyes closed.
She really hoped he will like her dress
“But enough about me you look so so so beautiful” the girl turns around and grabs alahnas hands and admires her
“Stop i’m getting red” she blushes
They both chuckled at each other as y/n’s mom began to yell
“The boys are here, come down girls I wanna get pictures.”
“Are you ready?” Alahna turns to y/n
“I think so, I can’t wait to be out of high school.” Y/n replies
“Okay I go first, I wanna capture Chris face when he sees you in this pretty, hot dress” she winks at y/n
“ALAHNA” y/n starts chuckling at her friends choice of words.
As Alahna walked downstairs she heard their boys greet her and she looks at herself in the mirror one more time before she starts heading downstairs too.
“Oh my god” she immediately heat Chris voice and she began smiling. Oh how much she loves him.
“You look stunning I can’t even- wow.” Chris says breathless
“Alright Chris we all see that the girls look beautiful but get yourself together man.” Matt says while letting out a giggle at Chris’s reaction.
“Alright guys now I wanna take pictures.” Y/n’s mom exclaims excitingly.
“You’re really are the most beautiful girl in the world.” Chris whispers in the girls ear so only she could hear him as they get ready to take pictures.
After spending 15 minutes on taking photos some with all of them, some with only the girls then only the guys and hundred of couple photos of y/n and Chris they finally made their way to their graduation.
Almost being late
It was now 8:46 pm and the group of friends were sitting outside the triplets house eating take out form mc donalds and reminiscing about their high school time now that they graduated just a few hours ago.
“Yeah I hated it most of the times but you guys made it special, well sometimes.” Nate said as the rest of them startet to laugh
“Okay I’ll be right back but I really need to get out of this uncomfortable dress.” Y/n’s while standing up, heading into Chris’s room where her spare and comfy clothes were.
Right as she pulled her Chris’s
Mac Miller t-Shirt over her head, her eyes fell on the photo on Chris’s wall of him, Matt, Nate, Nick, Alahna and her. The last day before they were about to start high school.
It feels like an eternity has gone by since the photo was taken. So much has happened in these years.
She didn’t notice Chris comming after her. He is leaning against the doorway just admiring her with the ghost of a smile on his lips.
He was so happy to have her. His girl. He couldn’t wait to start spending the rest of his days with her.
“What are you thinking about?”
She jumps at the sound of his voice
“Jesus Chris you scarred me” she said putting the photo on his bed.
“I’m sorry” he said lightly chuckling at her reaction “didn’t mean to” he add while slowly making his way over to her as they both sit down on his bed
“It’s crazy. High school is over. Can you believe that? The rest of our live is starting now.” Y/n said out of nowhere
“Yeah I can’t really realize it at the moment.” He answers
“I don’t know what happens next.” The girl admits
“None of us does”
“Ya but what if we mess this up”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean now it’s getting serious. There will be challenges and the real live and the pressure and all this-“
“Slow down love, you’re not alone. We’re in this together” Chris places his hand over y/n’s and started squeezing it “you and me.”
“Because in the end you and me is only thing I’m never going to doubt.” He finishes
“But what if we end up being shitty at this whole adult thing and end up living a sad live?”
“If we are together it’s not a sad live. Us, is more than enough, more than I ever need. As long as I have you I am happy.” Chris reassures her. “You’re it for me.”
“And you’re it for me Chris.”
They smile at each other and lean in to share a loving kiss.
Rolling his eyes he replies “COMING GIVE US A SECOND”
“I love them but they have bad timing.” The girl chuckles at that.
“Ready to get your ass beat?” She answers instead with as mischievous smile.
“We’ll see about that my dear.” He says in return, grabbing her hand and rushing down.
Summer 2021
Chris and his brothers are currently in LA for the first time
In coming call y/n <3
Chris sees his phone light up and immediately starts smiling seeing y/n’s name pop up on his screen.
“Hey LA boy”
The boy chuckles at that
“Hey, how are you?”
“Nothing just hanging out with alahna the whole day and complaining about not seeing my boyfriend”
“Thinking about me?” He’s asking, a teasing smile grazing his lips
“Oh all the time dear”
Another chuckle
“How is LA?”
“Amazing, it’s so different you have now idea. I really wish you were, you would love it here”
“That sounds great, I’m glad you like it”
“Yeah, I miss you though”
“I miss you too Chris”
After talking for another 15 minutes Chris heard Nick yelling at him to get ready that they going out
“Alright my love I need to go but I’ll call you tomorrow”
“Okay, I love you”
Chris smiles at the sincerity in her voice
“I love you more”
2021 November
Winter is about to arrive and y/n couldn’t be happier. She is going to see Chris again after 2 weeks of not seeing him.
In those 4 months after graduation a lot has changed.
Y/n is enjoying her gap year and travels a lot to get inspiration. She want to study Fashion next year. She met a girl named Lia in New York and they get along really well.
Chris was or is really busy. His career started to get big a few weeks ago. They even have a manager now, Laura and her daughter Madi.
Madi and y/n got really close due ind Chris bringing her to LA a few time and the always hung out for some girls time.
Madi updates y/n often and acts annoying that Chris is talking nonstop about the girl but she secretly finds it adorable.
For the holidays they alle celebrate in Boston and she can’t wait to see him again.
He will arrive in 3 days. December first an the staying til new years.
“Are you nervous” Nick asks Chris as they were sitting beside each other on their plane to Boston.
“I just CANT wait to see y/n again. I never thought I would miss her that much.” The boy answers looking dawn at his lap.
“I’m pretty sure she misses you just as much.” Matt chimes in. “You guys are crazy for each other. I’m surprised you even survived a week without another” he adds.
“What did you got her for Christmas?” Nick ask.
“I read her favorite book but I wrote down something nice that made me fall in love with her on every page.”
“YOU READ A BOOK?” Matt almost screams
“Just up dude.”
December first 2021
Knock knock’
“COMING” y/n screamed excitedly as she makes a run for the door. She knew exactly who it was, her favourite boy-
“Chris” she breaths out as a huge smiles takes over her face.
“Hey ma” Chris replies with the same smile on his lips.
For a moment they just stand there staring at one another. They haven’t seen each other for weeks and it was as if time stopped now that they were together again.
“Äh, I’m sorry come in” the girl let out a light chuckle as she walks in the living room. Chris following after he took his shoes off.
As Chris approaches y/n they both could sense how nervous the other was. Y/n smiles shyly and walks over to Chris, who returns the smile and engulfs her in a big hug.
Y/n buries her head in his chest and inhales his scent as Chris lays his head on top of hers an closes his eyes. For a while they just stood like that, enjoying each others company after not being able to do so for a long time.
“Hi” Chris whispers quietly in her ear.
“Hi” y/n says back in the same tone.
“You have no idea how much I missed you.”
“I’m glad you’re back home.”
“You’re my home.”
“Corny” she lets out with a teasing smile while her head is still buried in his chest but he could feel her grin and lets out a chuckle
“Unbelievable” and the Ice broke….
A few hours later they were cuddling in y/n bed just talking about everything
His phone lights up a few times signalling someone was clearly messaging him
“Chris you should check who it is.”
“Nah” The boy took his phone and turned it off “ My time with you is more important than anything else.” He finishes.
She smiles at that.
No matter how much was going on in his life, he always made time for her, always made sure she never felt left out in his live and as long as he did that she knew they were going to be okay.
A few days later
Y/n and Chris were cuddling in her bedroom talking about the next steps that were ahead of them in the following year.
“Yeah that will be awesome and I will -“
Ring Ring
Chris phone.
“I’m sorry ma, I gotta take this one.” He apologises while standing up. It was their manager who has been non stop calling him and his brothers.
Y/n understands this but that doesn’t mean she didn’t find it annoying.
“It’s okay, I know it’s important” she says as Chris leans down to kiss her head then walking out and accepting the call.
Y/n noticed that Chris was Stressed the last few days, it’s all still so new to him. Being known now and recognised, having to talk to important people and having to be available all the time. She catches him sometimes not really being with her instead being in his head about other things.
She wishes she could take some pressure off of him or help him in any way she just doesn’t know how….
2022 June
10am Los Angelos CA - 01pm Boston MA
“And then they said I had potential can you believe that?”
Y/n was currently on a phone call with Chris. He is in LA again for the 4th time this year. She wonders what’s so great about LA that they are so often there.
“Don’t talk down on yourself love, I knew they would love you when they see you.” The boy on the other side of the phone replies.
“Yeah but it’s so crazy. If I play my cards right I could really do something big there. Lia said she has a free room in her apartment in New York and for the time that I’m working at Vogue I could stay with her. They were all so nice. This could be the Chance for me. Do you think this is too soon tho?” She questions him.
“What, oh no yeah that is great ma” he answers but she could hear he didn’t knew what she was talking about. She didn’t blame him, she knew he was super busy with work at the moment, I mean they barely seen each other yeah even talk with each other the last 4 weeks.
“I didn’t even told you the best part yet, you will never guess what happened next.”
“Baby can I call you later? Laura just texted and Nick and Matt want to film later.” The boy ask in an apologising tone.
“Yeah no problem love.” She replies.
“You’re the best, kiss I’ll call you I promise”
“Alright love you”
“Love you too”
02am Boston MA - 11pm Los Angelos CA
She waited, The call never came.
09am Boston MA - the next day
From Chris ❤️: I’m sorry baby it got late last night, let’s call later, kiss
Send 09:12am
From Y/n <3: no worries
Send 04:28pm
2022 September
“You look gorgeous” Lia said as she saw what y/n was wearing for her date with Chris tonight.
“Are u sure? Shouldn’t I’ll be wearing something… I don’t know something more revealing?” She questioned with uncertainty in her voice.
“No, wear what you feel comfortable with. Chris will find you beautiful in everything.” Lia answered.
“Yeah but he’s taking me out to this fancy restaurant, I don’t know if this is the right fit.”
“You’re Crazy, do you feel pretty?”
“Then wear it.”
Y/n decided to listen to her. She and Chris haven’t seen each other the last month and phone calls were 10 minutes long maximum. She wanted this date to be perfect and for Chris to find her stunning.
A few hours later
Y/n drove to the restaurant. Chris and her agreed to met there since Chris had a meeting right before the date and it would be easier this way.
As Chris saw her car pull into park he made his way to the driver side and opened the door for her.
Taking his hand y/n stepped out as Chris admired her.
“You look beautiful y/n”
“Thank you” y/n blushes
As they sat down and ordered their food y/n began to feel nervous. They haven’t talked properly in weeks and now that they finally had the time to it felt weird. She didn’t liked this. Things never felt weird with Chris that what she loved about their relationship, she could say anything or nothing at all and it still wouldn’t feel weird.
Not it seems like things were different.
“So… how have you been?” How have you been????
Why did she asked that? He’s her boyfriend. She should’ve know how he is and what’s going on in his life.
“Uhm great yeah, business runs as good as ever and I’ll already met such cool people and the fans, Oh and the places we went to were amazing.” She could tell he also felt weird but she didn’t wanted to address it.
After a little small talk they began to get back to normal. Although it did bother her how often Chris went on his phone to message somebody or looked at something she could make out.
Sometimes he didn’t even notice when she stopped talking.
She didn’t say anything
“Lia said they found it amazing but I thought they looked like they’re expected to..” y/n stopped talking.
“Mhm” Chris hummed in agreement. Looking up from his phone for a second then back down. He didn’t even notice her not finishing her sentence.
“Sorry love, but you know how it is.” Chris tries to reassure her with an apologetic smile grazing his lips.
“But hey are you free next Friday?” She asked curiously.
“Yeah, why?” The boy answers putting his phone back in his pocket.
“They hosting a party for me as a sign of appreciation, I’m gonna hold a speech and everything and I would really look forward if you would come.” She asked
“Of course sweetheart. If you want me there I will be. Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” He said with a smile putting his hand over hers and squeezing it.
She returns his smile and it feels as if they were finally going back to how they were.
Next Friday, 05:48pm
“Excited?” Lia asked.
“You have no idea” y/n let’s out breathless. “I never talked infront or so many people before. I hope Chris gets here soon. He’s was supposed to be here at 05:30, that was almost 20 minutes ago.”
“He’s probably on his way and you’ll do great, I know you will.” She sends y/n are reassuring smile.
Y/n tries to return it but as she sees how many more people are just walking in the more nervous she gets and the smile falters.
“Stop worrying.” Lia tries one more time.
She would have to start in 12 minutes.
Y/n appreciate it, she really does but right now she just wishes for Chris to be here.
Chris ❤️
From Chris: Can’t wait to see you later 💋
Seen 01:22 pm
Y/n: Me either, I’m so nervous
From Chris: You don’t have to be. I know you and I’ll be there the whole time if anything goes wrong, what won’t happen, I’ll help you ❤️
Seen: 01:26 am
Y/n: Thanks. I know I will feel better if you are there ❤️
From Chris: ofc love, see you there
Y/n: see you there, kiss
Seen: 01:28 pm
Y/n: hey are you on your way? ❤️
Delivered: 05:34pm
Y/n: text me when you’re outside ❤️
Delivered: 05:38 pm
Y/n: Chris?
Delivered: 05:42 pm
Y/n: it’s about to start where are?
Delivered: 05:51 pm
Y/n: Chris come on
Delivered: 05:55 pm
Y/n: I really need you here please just answer me
Delivered: 05:57 pm
“Y/n you’re turn.” Lia informed her.
Y/n took a deep breath, shook her hands out and got up.
She felt sick to her stomach
The whole time her eyes searched the crown for one particular of blue yes…
They never showed up.
Earlier 04:05 pm
“Wow, for what have u dresses up so well?” Matt asks as he sees Chris putting much effort in his outfit.
“Y/n has this event tonight and as the hood boyfriend I am, I’m gonna support her.” The boy answers.
“Wait, tonight?!” Nick ask from the livingroom as he heard his brothers conversations.
“Äh yeah.. why?”
“It’s just Larry, Nailea, Arlington, Madison beer, Josh richards, Vinnie hacker, Jack wright (and other famous tiktoker, I’m sorry Idk a lot of them so just imagin) are coming over later to hang out ans I thought it would be the best if we three were there.” Nick answers.
“Tonight?! Oh man I really wish I could be there.” Chris replies.
“Can you really not come?” Matt chimes in.
“Sorry bro I promised her and u know her, she is super nervous and needs me there. I can’t let her hang it’s like I’ve barely saw her the last weeks and I miss her. You guys will be okay for one night without me.” The boy states.
“Yeah I guess.”
04:21 pm
Ding dang dong
Nick opens the door to their friends and greets madison and Nailea.
Chris had a few minutes left before he had to go so he took part in the conversation with his brother and the girls.
A little bit later Arrington and Larray showed up and after them Jack and Vinnie and the 9 of them ate the pizza jack and Vinnie brought with them.
“What time is it?” Chris asks
“Uhm… 04:52 pm” Jack answers his questions.
“Oh shit” Chris stands up “I need to go i a few” as he’s about to stand up Larray ask
“You’re going out?”
“Yeah, my girlfriend has this thing tonight.” The brunette boy response
“That’s why you’re dressed so well? I thought it was for the Party at the hype house” madison pipes up
“We’re invited? There are all the big influencers and important people.” Matt says
“Yeah we thought it will be cool if we could go.” Nailea adds
“..I’m sorry guys.” Chris response
As he was about to go to his room and take his phone to he meet y/n he was stopped by Arlington and Matt.
“Chris bro listen to me we need to go there tonight.” Matt shook his shoulders.
“Yeah man you know how many connections you guys would get.” The other boy says
“I can’t let y/n down guys. She counts on me.”
“Just this time. She’ll understand.”
Chris doesn’t know what to do. He knows he should be there for his girlfriend but this is such a big opportunity for not only him but his brothers as well.
“Alright.” Swallowing his guilt he goes back downstairs.
Totally forgetting his phone.
The next morning
Chris woke up late. It was currently 02:14 pm and the sun shone through his window.
He was rolling over to get his phone and his heart dropped at what he saw.
6 missed calls from y/n <3
9 missen texts from y/n <3
He tries calling her but to no avail. It’s was going straight to voicemail.
Earlier that day
Y/n was still sad at he fact that Chris basically stood her up on a night where she really needed him.
At first she was worried last night, thinking something bad had happened because he would just ghost her right?
As she saw Chris at the Party at the hypes house on Matts story.
To say she was mad was and understatement she could understand how her sweet, longing Chris ditched her for a party.
She shut phone off and tried not to think to much about it or she would burst out in tears.
A while later she heard knocking on her door. It was early in the afternoon and she was reading on of her books.
Standing up, waking to the door she wasn’t surprised seeing Chris standing on her doorstep.
He looked disheveled and had a guilty look on his face. At least something.
“Y/n” he breathed out “let me explain”
“I don’t wanna hear it Chris” she didn’t sound angry or upset but more so tired and disappointed. He hated it.
“Please can I come in?”
She didn’t answer him instead opened the door wider and walker back inside. He Follower her suit.
“Look I wanted to come, I really did. You know I was getting ready and had dressed up nice for you then Nick told me he invited Larray, Vinnie and all those other people and I thought ‘okay cool just hang with them for a bit and then go to y/n’ because I had some time left before I needed to go yk.” She just looked at him with her puppy eyes.
“Anyways as I was about to go madison mentioned the Party hosting at the hype house and I was like damn I have to miss it cause I can’t let you down but then Arrington and Matt came to me they begged me to go with them and made clear what a chance this would be not only for me but for Nick and Matt so I was like okay do it for them y/n would understand.” He finishes
She stayed silent
“And you couldn’t answer your phone?” She asked quietly
“I forgot it at home. Listen to me” he came over to her and her hands in his to pull her closer “I’m so sorry I just wanted to do them right and I knew you would be fantastic and I know I should have called you or anything but you know this is all knew to me and I just don’t want to miss any opportunity.”
The girl was still mad or more sad that he didn’t even think to call her and just forget her the moment he heard that those “famous” people were throwing a party but she didn’t wanna fight him.
Everyone makes mistakes.
She kissed his cheek and smiled sadly
Februar 2023
Y/n just woke up in Chris bed, in his arms. The pair was cuddling and just enjoying each others company.
“You smell really good” Chris says while nuzzling his head in y/n chest. She was spooning him with his head on her chest and he could feel her chest moving as she laughed at his comment.
That made him smile
“We have dinner left overs from last night. You hungry?” He asked.
“Yeah I could have some food right now” the girls answered his question.
The two of them made their way into the kitchen and as Chris was warming up the food y/n noticed her boy getting nervous.
“You alright, Chris?”
“What? mhm, oh yeah.. yeah”
Y/n set the table while Chris brought the food on the table.
While eating dinning Chris bounced his leg nervously.
After they finished eating and cleaned up Chris called out to Y/n.
“Hey, uh can we sit down for a moment? I kinda have to tell you something.” He admits
They sat down on the couch and Chris began to fiddle with his fingers. He didn’t know how to begin.
“So Um, as you probably noticed we’ve spent a lot of time in LA.”
“Yeah, I’ve noticed. I missed you like crazy honey.”
That didn’t make it easier
“Missed you too baby but what I want so say is so… uh we’ve… so we’ve kinda brought a house there.” Chris admits.
“You’re moving to LA?” The girls asks after some time.
“Yeah.” He couldn’t look at her.
“Are you.. I mean what.. that’s great and I’m happy if you’re happy with it but… but what does this mean for.. us?”
“We can make this work y/n.”
“You think?”
“Yes. 100%. I’ve given it a lot of thought and I come visit and you can visit us, we can call and, and I update you and you me and think about it when in years from now we are living together, our kids this time where we were apart won’t matter anymore.” He rushes out.
That was a lot to take in but she wanted to make this work.
“We can try” she smiles at him although it was an uncertain smile.
She was scared at the thought of not seeing Chris so often, that they would lose what they have.
It was already hard now how difficult would it be if he lives hours away?
April 2023
09:13 pm
“Ready to go?” Chris asked y/n from his bedroom. She was getting ready to go with her boyfriend and his brother to another party at the hype house.
She was wearing light blue jeans and a white top. Nothing too special. Her hair was curled and she was just finishing putting on her jewelry.
She’s been staying with Chris and his brothers in their house in LA for a few days. It was her third day there and she would leave in two.
If the girl was honest she was overwhelmed with all this. Her boyfriend lived in LA now for about 4 weeks now and this was the first time she was there.
She never met any of his “new” friends but he seems so happy here. He’s really living his life in LA with the fancy events and everything.
She’s worried about him not having space for her in his live anymore.
“Yes just gone done” y/n answers.
“Awesome. Nick and Matt are upstairs waiting.”
“Y/n you look beautiful.” Nick says immediately as his eyes land on her.
“Thank you, you don’t look so bad yourself Nicolas.” She response with a smile.
Arriving at the party y/n definitely underestimated how big and how many people where going to be there. Sure she expected it but not THIS much.
Chris beamed as he saw the party while y/n looked like she was about to throw up. He didn’t noticed her distress and instead grabbed her hand and lead her into the crowd.
It feels like hundred of people were dabbing up her boyfriend and she didn’t know one of them. In fact she didn’t know anyone at this party except the triplets.
Finally in the kitchen y/n and Chris grabbed something to drink. Y/n just water and Chris grabbed a Pepsi her hand found his again as she felt slightly uncomfortable.
Chris looked relaxed as a few people came over to him. She had no idea who they were (seen as they weren’t famous people) but Chris dropped her hand as they came over to him.
She looked up at him with a slight frown but he looked like nothing happened.
Maybe he didn’t even noticed he dropped her hand but as she was about to reach for it he put them in his pants pockets.
“CHRIS BRO” one of the guys said coming to them.
“What’s up guys” her boyfriend response.
“Oh sorry this is my girlfriend y/n” he quickly introduced her.
She gave a shy wave to the people in front of her.
“Oh didn’t know you had a girlfriend” one says and that stung.
They began talking an y/n just stands there awkwardly.
After some time Chris says in her era, during the loud music “hey is it okay if I go with them for a second? They wanna show me something in the back I promise I’ll be right back.”
She nodded at him even tho him leaving her was the last thing she wanted.
She turned around and searched for Matt and Nick but no sight of them.
It was getting to loud for her so she tuned around but another body suddenly crashed into her and spilled their drink all over her white top.
“I’m sorry ya.” The guy apologised without even looking at her.
“No problem” the girl breathed out, slightly annoying.
She Began to search for a bathroom. She felt sticky because of the drink all over her shirt.
After about 10 minutes she gave up on finding a bathroom in this giant house.
She spotted Chris but stopped as she saw what was in front of her.
There was Chris laughing and dancing with his brothers, Arrington, Nailea and Madison beer. He looked so happy she didn’t wanted to interrupt them.
And as she saw him dancing and taking photos with madison beer with a smile on his face she felt her heart wink.
She wasn’t the jealous type by any means but she couldn’t but think about how they would fit good together.
She was walking outside as thoughts began to corrupt her mind. Their fans already shipped madison and Chris and sure madison was gorgeous why wouldn’t Chris want someone like her?
She understood the live style and she lived also in LA.
Furthermore the guys from earlier didn’t even knew he had a girlfriend. Does the girls here now he has one? Does madison know?
Is he even talking about her like she starts rambling what an awesome guy he is the moment someone mentioned his name?
Stop these thoughts y/n
She sat down outside on a tree trunk and held her cup of water.
“Enjoying yourself?” A male voice suddenly called out. She looked up and was met with a pair of hazel brown eyes.
She knew who he was. Vinnie hacker.
“Uhm me?” She pointed at herself, unsure if he was talking to her even if he looked directly at her.
“No I mean the other girl behind you who also looked like she would rather be anywhere else.” He spoke ironically with a warm smile.
Y/n let out a chuckle.
“What are you doing here all by yourself? Drinking alone?” Vinnie said pointing at the red cup in her hands .
“Oh no, I don’t drink it’s just water.” She answered.
“Sorry just assumes beaches you reek of vodka.”
“Yeah this guy spilled his drink all over me and I kinda lost my boyfriend and I don’t know anyone else here so..” she trailed off.
“Well now you do. I’m Vinnie.” The boy said stretching out his hand.
“I know.” Y/n said shaking his hand.
“Oh right, But I don’t know your name..” he said with a warm smile on his lips.
“So y/n.. not your night.” Vinnie let out while sitting down next to her.
“Not my night.”
“Who is your boyfriend by the way? Maybe I can help you find him?”
“Chris, Chris Sturniolo.”
A look of recognition flashes on his face. He knew who her boyfriend was, he was there when he ditched her for another party.
He felt bad but not just about that.
He saw Chris having the time of his life in there while he was on his way outside.
The thought that y/n just didn’t feel comfortable around them came to his mind because there was no way she didn’t saw Chris on her way out.
“Yes I know him.” He said while letting out a breath. “He’s been blowing up recently” he added.
“Yeah.” The girl beside him agreed “you could say that.” She finished with a sad tone in her voice.
Vinnie looked down beside him at y/n.
“You doesn’t like it?” He asked.
“No I am happy for him” she quickly defensives herself. “It’s great that he’s making a name for himself and gets al those opportunities.”
“But?” The boy said while looking at her.
“I’m not sure he has space for me in this “new” life of his.” She admits while looking up into his eyes.
She cant believe she just said that.
“I never told anyone this but this whole famous thing isn’t my world, not when he makes me feel like I’m not important. I want the old us back. The us that would do anything to make the other happy. Because in that us… I would.. I would have never questioned his love for me.” She finished.
Looking back at him and finding him just staring at her.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know why I tell you all of this you probably want to go back to your friends.” The girl apologised while running her hands up down her arms. She began to feel cold.
Vinnie noticed this too.
“No no, don’t apologize” he rushes out while taking of his jacket. “You’re cold” he stated “take this” he handed her the jacket.”
“Are you sure?”
“Y/n” crooking his head to one side with a loop sided smile.
“Alright alright” letting out a chuckle and taking the jacket from Vinnie.
“Thank you.” She let out looking deep into his eyes.
He knew she wasn’t just thanking him for the jacket but also for listening to her when no one else did.
“No problem.” He said in return while his mind swirled with thoughts of how beautiful she was with the moonlight shining on her.
Meanwhile y/n just hoped Chris would notice her absence and start coming to her.
“Chris is an Idiot if he doesn’t see how much you do for him.”
Y/n just forced a smile at him. She was thankful she wasn’t alone at this moment.
“How do you deal with this?” Looking up to the side at him again.
“What do you mean?” Vinnie asked.
“I mean the fame, the fans, spending time with your loved ones etc.”
“Oh. You know it gets hard sometimes and at the beginning I lost a little sight of who was important too. From one day of the other people just suddenly knew who I was and wanted me to do all those things and everything it got overwhelming. But after a while I understood it wasn’t about all the money and the fame and I started backing off a while.” Breathing out he continued
“ you start to see people different, nah it’s hard to explain but Uhm I started to miss the quiet life. And if you love someone or care for them you take your time for them it doesn’t matter who wants you at what event or what people wanna meet you. I thought All this people don’t even know me so why am I spending so much time with them just to make good impression and stressing about what they would think of me? I have friends and family who I don’t need to stress these kind of things over they just love me for me and once I realized that, i made time for the important things.”
That was a lot
They both talked for a while after that before y/n realised that it was time to find Chris and go home.
“Come on I’ll help you find him. Wouldn’t want you to get lost now would we?” They both chuckled at that as Vinnie brought his hand to her back to guide her through the crowd.
As Chris saw HIS girlfriend walking into the house with THE Vinnie Hacker he suddenly felt jealous.
If he was being honest he kinda forget she was there with him but seeing this handsome dude having his hands on his y/n he got mad.
And as he saw her laughing at something he said he lost it. Stalking over to them with an angry expression.
“Y/n where have you been? I was looking everywhere for you, got me worried” he lied but she didn’t have to know that. He wanted her to feel guilty for spending time with another dude.
“I was outside.” She stated pulling the jacket closer to her body as she bag an to get uncomfortable. Again.
Only then did Chris noticed the jacket she was wearing. A make jacket, Vinnies jacket.
His blood began boiling.
��come on, we’re going home now!” Chris let out, grabbing her hands and pulling her away harshly.
“Chris stop, what has gotten into you?“ the girls asked trying to wring her hand out of his grasp but he was too strong.
She didn’t knew this side of him, this aggressive side.
Chris didn’t listen to her as he was to busy texting Matt to meet them at the car.
Walking into house with angry food steps Chris turned around.
„What the was that?!“ he almost screamed.
„What?“ her voice gentle as y/n had a frown on her face.
„You spending the whole time with Vinnie. You’re even wearing his fucking jacket. I thought you were MY girlfriend.“
„Yeah well if you treated me like I was maybe I could act this way. No wait I didn’t even do anything wrong you’re the one that doesn’t act like my boyfriend.“ the girl said still not raising her voice.
„What the hell do you mean.“
„firstly you ditched me multiple times the last Month, then you dropped my hand as soon as your friends came to us and what really hurt was they didn’t even know you had one as if I’m some secret you don’t wanna talk about.“
„Oh I’m sorry but what do you think?“ Chris said letting out a sarcastic laugh which only hurt her more „that all that’s ok my mind is you?“ the way he said it, as if she was stupid. „I have more important things to worry about, no one wants to hear about a girlfriend that won’t even support me.“
No she was angry
„not support you? Are you kidding me? I have been nothing but supportive your whole career, I came to every show you did, to every event hell I always understood when you ditched me again for in don’t even know how many times.“
He just looked at her, knowing she was right and the worst thing was the he looked like he didnt care. He didn’t care that he hurt her or abandoned her because as he said now there are more important things he has to deal with.
They just stand there for a moment looking at each other while breathing heavily.
Then y/n made her way towards the front door. She didn’t know where she would go she just wanted away from him.
She came wide tho then Chris suddenly grabbed her wrist. Hard. It hurt her slightly.
„Where are you going?“
„Away from you.“ trying to pull her wrist away from his grasp to no avail as he was stronger than her.
„The fuck you are.“ pulling her harshly closer to him. „Do know how it would look if I let my girlfriend out alone, at this time in a city she wasn’t familiar with?“
Finally pulling out of his grasp she walked to the bathroom.
As she was finally alone she sat down on the bathtub and for the first time let the tears fall.
Gripping both sides of the tub trying not to let the sobs out. Pulling a hand over her mouth she saw the hand imprint from Chris‘s hate gripping earlier.
She couldn’t believe he gripped her so hard it felt sore.
Y/n knew he probably didn’t mean to.
As the girl heard the door to his bedroom close Signaling Chris going to bed she once realised he didn’t care that she was now all alone, he didn’t even bother asking her if she was okay.
The next day
Y/n woke up on the couch to the sound of someone pulling the cabinets harshly open.
Looking at her phone it said 09:54 am
She looked at again as she saw an Instagram notification.
Vinnie Hacker followed you
Vinnie Hacker: Are you okay after last night?
She smiled at his text at least someone asked her that. She noticed she was still wearing his jacket that she didn’t took of last and pulled the jacket off.
Standing up and walking in the kitchen she saw Matt as he pulled the cereal’s out.
„Morning“ she said
Matt twitched. He didn’t knew anyone was up.
„Y/n.“ breathing out and putting a hand over his heart „you scarred me.“
„Sorry“ she said sitting down at one of the bar stool’s.
Taking in her appearance. She looked tired, hair disheveled and make up smudged. He pieces together that she slept on the couch as a consequence of her’s and Chris‘s fight last night that he, unfortunately, heard loud and clear.
„Are you okay?“ the boy asked putting the cereals away, sitting down opposite her and putting his full attention on her.
„Uhm yeah of course.“
„I heard you last night.“
„Are you and Chris alright?“
Looking up in his eyes for the first time
„Honestly, I don’t know.“ she admitted trying to hold back her tears „I think he’s not in love with me anymore.“ the first tear fell.
Matt felt horrible watching one of his closest friend crying over something like this. He was honest he always thought y/n and Chris would get married someday but now sitting in front of her and hearing her crying over something his brother did broke his heart slightly.
Putting his hand over here he said „look I know it’s rough right now but there will be better times. You guys just have to pull through it.“ he gave her a reassuring smile.
„I Hope so.“
August 2023
It was the triplets birthday and they were all together in Boston to celebrate.
Since the night in April after the party things between y/n and Chris changed.
When Chris finally woke up the the day after he acted like nothing happened so y/n played along cause she didn’t wanted another fight.
But it felt like there was a wall between them now. The rest 2 day that y/n had stayed there they acted like a happy couple, like everything was okay.
They were never alone always with Nick and Matt or one of their friends so the wouldn’t have to talk about it. At night when they would have to sleep in the same bed they didn’t faced each other, they didn’t cuddled, the most there was, was a kiss on the cheek.
A wall was between them suddenly.
They saw each other during the months from April to august a few times but only to birthdays of their friends or when the triplets visited their family and they all hung out together.
It was awkward.
At their birthday it was exactly like this. No body contact, awkward eye contact and only small talk. As if they weren’t boyfriend and girlfriend.
„Happy birthday Chris“ she congratulated him but she only patted him on the shoulder.
September 2023
Y/n stood outside the restaurant were Chris was supposed to meet her 20 minutes ago.
She tried to call him and message him multiple times but he wouldn’t answer.
He forgot.
Like the date in may.
November 2023
The triplets arrived yesterday in Boston and today was thanksgiving. Y/n and Chris haven’t seen each other but they have to tonight.
The two family celebrated together this year. The y/l/n would go over to the sturniolo‘s at five pm and it was currently three pm.
Y/n was a nervous wreck. She wasn’t sure how she felt about seeing him again. He was still her boyfriend right?
6 pm
The two family were sitting together, laughing and sharing jokes. Y/n and Chris opposite each other yet they couldn’t look at one another.
„So y/n..“ Marylou began. „Chris said you’re career is starting really off recently.“
The girl looked up.
„Oh Uhm yeah, they want me to work at their biggest facility.“
„Ah, so in LA? That would be fantastic you and Chris could live together and start making more plans for the future.“ the women gushes.
Y/n hesitated.
„No it would be in London.“
Chris dropped his fork.
„You’re moving to London?!“ he exclaimed and their eyes met for the first time that night.
„Yeah I was Uhm thinking about it.“
„You never told me this.“
An uncomfortable tension arose around them.
„Can we not do this now?“ she asked giving him a look.
„No y/n, what the hell youre dropping this bomb that you’re moving across the ocean and expect me not to have a reaction? How long have you known?“
„since June.“
„Wow.“ „all this time and you didn’t tell me?“
„When was I supposed to tell?! At your birthday we’re you couldn’t even look at me or the at the dates you didn’t show up to?!“ the girl let out. She regretted it now remembering both their family sat beside him and just heard everything. All of them had shocked expressions across their faces. They didn’t knew the pair has problems.
Y/n stood up and made her way outside. It was dark and cold.
Both family’s looked at Chris who also stood up and followed her out.
„Y/N“ he yelled finally out the door as she fell shut. „Y/n wait“
Y/n turned around to face him and Chris saw the tears in her eyes. „What are we doing Chris“ she let out. Her voice was calm and steady nothin like how she looked.
„What… what do mean“ Chris knew what she meant.
„come on now, it feels like I’m in a relationship with a stranger.“ she admitted.
Chris looked down.
„And I know you’re not in love with me anymore.“
As she said that Chris looked up. He didn’t denied it.
„You know I really did believed you when you said that you would love me forever. I know it sounds stupid but I thought we were the couple that wouldn’t break up, that would make it.“
„I said that when we were kids y/n“ was the only thing that left his mouth. „I grew up.“
„I just have to concentrate on my career now and, and this thing is still new to me alright, this is all a new world to me and I don’t know we’re I fit in yet and I.. I..“
„You have no space for me in this world.“ he shut his mouth at her statement.
He didn’t know what to say at that. As she didn’t hear him denying it, she knew they were over. At this moment as the words left her lips.
„So this is it. I really thought we would make it.“
„That was childish of us“ Chris said and that hurt because for her it’s wasn’t childish.
„How is this so easy for you?“ y/n asked
„I means losing you felt like losing a part of myself but to you it seems like losing me is a relieve.“
„That’s not true.“
„I watched you change. Now I don’t even know you anymore.“ y/n said looking deep into his eyes.
„The fame changed you Chris.“
She turned around to walk away.
„I really did love you y/n. once.“ Chris said watching her back.
Y/n didn‘t tunred around instead walking farther across the street toward her house. As Chris saw her enter he sat down on his front door steps and just stared in the dark.
After a while he got up and walked back inside.
As he came back to the table he sat down and began eating again. The family’s looked at him and saw so much sadness behind his eyes.
They didn’t comment on it.
The next day
The triplets will leave again for LA today.
Sitting in the car Chris looks out the window at y/n’s house. At her window.
“We can wait if you wanna say goodbye” Matt says looking at his brother while nick nods agreeing.
Chris thinks about but he already know the answer.
“No no there is nothing more so say. Drive.”
So they made their way towards the airport.
Meanwhile y/n woke up and stayed in bed. She didn’t wanted to go up, she didn’t want to go up about her day knowing Chris wasn’t part of it anymore.
She eventually did stand up, going to her window and looking out at the sturniolo drive way. Their car was gone. They were gone.
He was gone.
She felt relieved but also so much grief…
A/n: Hey guys sooo this is my first fic I’m sorry for spelling mistakes English isn’t my first language.
Also I just tried to write something and didn’t wanted to make people up so I just took the triplets as face claims and everything.
Let me know if you like it, xoxo
[part two below]
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evilhorse · 6 months ago
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Biker Mice From Mars #1
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haveyouseenthismovie-poll · 1 month ago
End of month update - January
Hello, all! This is the end-of-month update, where I post Tumblr’s current top four films that have received the highest percentage of “yes,” “no,” and “haven’t even heard of this movie” votes.
As of today, the top four films with the highest percentage of “yes” votes are:
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Finding Nemo (2003) | Shrek (2001) |The Lion King (1994) | Toy Story (1995)
Next, the top four films with the highest percentage of “no” votes are:
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Mulan (2020) | Fifty Shades of Grey (2015) | Sausage Party (2016) | Pinocchio (2019)
This top four changed through the new addition of Mulan (2020), which replaced The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence) (2011).
Finally, the top four films with the highest percentage of “haven’t even heard of this movie” votes are:
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Faat Kiné (2001) | Zumiriki (2019) | Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald(1997) | Now Add Honey (2015)
That’s it for January’s end-of-month update! Remember that you can view last month’s update by clicking here. Additionally, you can view the full ranked Letterboxd lists of movies that have come up on this blog by clicking the following links:
This list is ranked from highest-to-lowest percentage of “yes” votes.
This list is ranked from highest-to-lowest percentage of “no” votes.
This list is ranked from highest-to-lowest percentage of “haven’t even heard of this movie” votes.
Remember to vote on the polls that are currently running: Love Me Tonight (1932) | The Mighty (1998) | The Best Christmas Ever! (1990) | The Ewok Adventure (1984) | Galaxy Quest (1999) | Trouble in Paradise (1932) | Ewoks: The Battle for Endor (1985) | The Simpsons Movie (2007) | What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993) | Norma Rae (1979) | I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang (1932) | Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker (2012) | The Raid (2011) | Blade (1998) | When Harry Met Sally... (1989) | Boudu Saved from Drowning (1932) | The Feather Fairy (1985) | King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017) | The Gentlemen (2019) | Punishment Park (1971) | Me and My Gal (1932) | Matewan (1987) | Nightcrawler (2014) | Cape Fear (1991) | The Broken Giant (1998) | The Bitter Tea of General Yen (1932) | Mystics in Bali (1981) | No Half Measures: Creating the Final Season of Breaking Bad (2013) | One Crazy Summer: A Look Back at Gravity Falls (2018) | The Omen (1976) | She Done Him Wrong (1933) | My Cousin Vinny (1992) | Autumn Marathon (1979) | Quiz Show (1994) | Caddyshack (1980)
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stressedjester · 10 months ago
catastrophic event where gay man who says he doesnt like twinks learns the character its lusting after is actually a twink, 504 dead 1029 injured
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savi0rr · 10 months ago
hii! could i request a stone x reader where the fic is based on the song “Lemon Boy” by cavetown?
reader shows up one day in the alley vinnie,skipp and stone stay at and they kick them out multiple times but the reader just keeps coming back!!
they figured they arent getting rid of reader so they just let them be and stone gets closer to them and figures out that reader can be pretty sweet and just a really great person, even though they are bitter and dry at first
thank you if you write this ilysm and take care of yourself<3
sending love, 👽anon
Just Like a Dog
Stone x Reader
a/n: I used to be obsessed with this song back in 2020😭
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“How much longer are you going to stand there?” Stone asked, his eyebrows furrowed as he grumbled. You perked up, but stayed silent. “Stone! You don’t need to be so mean.” Skipp frowned, looking over to you. “Just tell them to bug off!” Vinnie yelled from a dumpster. Stone rolled his eyes, walking up to you. “Go!” He said, poking your forehead, causing you to stumbled back.
You frowned, glancing off before walking away. “Really? We didn’t need to be that mean!” Skipp shouted. “Whatever, just keep looking for beans.” Stone said as he pushed Skipp into a trash can. Stone’s eyes traveled back to you—he felt his heart skip a beat. Before he shrugged.
“They are behind me, aren’t they?” Stone asked, sighing. Vinnie and Skipp nodded. “Can I have some?” You asked bitterly. Stone was taken aback by your tone of voice. "No." He said, holding his bottle of alcove close to him. "Fuck off." He said, rolling his eyes as he grumbled. "You're like a stalker," Vinnie muttered as she raised an eyebrow. "A creepy one." "Vinnie!" Skipp said, his eyebrows furrowed. "What? You know it's true!" "Yeah...but you can't just say it to their face." You frowned, glancing off. You didn't mean for your tone of voice to come off as bitter, or even mean.
"Now buzz off, weirdo." Stone sighed. You nodded. "Sorry..." You muttered before you walked off. Stone observed you as you walked away, his eyebrows furrowed. He huffed.
Stone tapped his foot, waiting for you to come by. For almost three months, you always stopped by every single day. Even if it was for a little bit. "They're late." He muttered, his eyes locked on the street. "It is weird...hopefully they're okay..." Vinnie frowned as she tilted her head to the side.
You came into view, holding a bag. You walked over to the three. "I brought some food." As you spoke, a small smile appeared on your lips. Skipp perked up, smiling happily. "Hey!" He smiled, peeking over your shoulder. "Hi, I got you some apples." You said, reaching into the bag and pulling out an apple. You gave it to Skipp, who quickly nibbled at it.
"I got something for you, Vinnie." You said, walking up to her, and grabbing two full cans of beans. She gasped, her jaw dropping. 'oh my god." She muttered, taking the beans into her arms, and then sitting on the ground in utter shock.
Stone watched as his friends got something from you. His eyebrows furrowed, waiting for his turn. You finally turned to him. "I got something for you." You said, taking out a bottle of alcohol. He perked up, taking it from your hands. "Thanks." He said, popping it open and taking a swing.
The four of you sat against the wall. Vinnie and Skipp were on one side, while Stone and you were on the other. "Remember when we hated you?" Vinnie spoke up, eating her beans. You sighed, nodding. "Of course I do." You smiled weakly. "I'm glad you insisted on coming back every day! You are the best!" Vinnie smiled, and Skipp nodded.
"Thank you.." "OH! Stone used to mutter how much he missed you!" "NO, I DIDN'T."
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will80sbyers · 10 months ago
Do you still have the list of movies that inspired ST4? I had a picture of it but I lost it and I haven't been able to find it since. Please and thank you in advance.
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Long post warning lol
2001: A Space Odyssey
47 Meters Down: Uncaged
12 Monkeys
28 Days Later
13th Warrior
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
Altered States
American Sniper
Analyze This
Assassins Creed
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Almost Famous
Batman Begins
Batman V. Superman
Basket Case
Battle at Big Rock
Beauty and the Beast
Behind Enemy Lines
Beverly Hills Cop
Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey
Billy Madison
Black Cauldron
Black Swan
Boondock Saints
Bram Stoker’s Dracula
Burn After Reading
Broken Arrow
Blade Runner
Con Air
Cast Away
Children of Men
Cabin in the Woods
Crimson Tide
Dukes of Hazzard
Don’t Breathe
Death to Smoochy
Dark Knight
Deep Blue Sea
Drop Dead Fred
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard 3
Don���s Plum
Dances with Wolves
Dumb and Dumber
Edward Scissorhands
Enter the Void
Ex Machina
Event Horizon
Emma (2020)
Forrest Gump
Fisher King
Full Metal Jacket
Ferris Bueller
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Good Fellas
Girl Interrupted
Godzilla: King of the Monsters
Get Out
Good Will Hunting
High Fidelity
Hellraiser 1
Hellraiser 2
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
High School Musical
Hurt Locker
Hunger Games
Hell or High Water
Home Alone
I am Legend
It’s a Wonderful Life
In Cold Blood
I am a Fugitive from Chain Gang
Inside Out
Island of Doctor Moreau
It Follows
Interview with a Vampire
Inner Space
Into the Spiderverse
Independence Day
Jupiter Ascending
John Carter of Mars
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
James Bond (All Movies)
Karate Kid
Knives Out
Little Miss Sunshine
Long Kiss Goodnight
Lost Boys
Leon: The Professional
Let the Right One In
Little Women (1994)
Mad Max: Fury Road
Men in Black
My Cousin Vinny
Mystic River
Minority Report
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Neverending Story
Never Been Kissed
No Country for Old Men
Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors
North by Northwest
Open Water
Orange County
Oceans 8
Oceans 11
Oceans 12
One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Ordinary People
Paddington 2
Pulp Fiction
Pan’s Labyrinth
Pineapple Express
Peter Pan
Princess Bride
Paradise Lost
Primal Fear
Peter Jackson’s King Kong
Reservoir Dogs
Road Warrior
Rogue One
Reality Bites
Raider of the Lost Ark
Red Dragon
Sky High
Sword in the Stone
Step Up 2
Spy Kids
Saving Private Ryan
Shape of Water
Swept Away
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Silence of the Lambs
Source Code
Starship Troopers
Silver Bullet
The Visit
The Italian Job
The Mask of Zorro
True Lies
The Blair Witch Project
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
The Craft
The Guest
The Devil’s Advocate
The Graduate
The Prestige
The Rock
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
The Fly
The Mummy
The Guardian
The Goofy Movie
The Peanut Butter Solution
Toy Story 4
The Ring
The Crazies
The Mist
The Revenant
The Perfect Storm
The Shining
Terminator 2
The Truman Show
Temple of Doom
The Cell
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Good Son
The Orphan
The Birdcage
The Green Mile
The Raid
The Cider House Rules
The Lighthouse
The Book of Henry
The A-Team
The Crow
The Terminal
Thor Ragnarok
The Descent
The Birds
Total Recall
The Natural
The Fifth Element
True Romance
Terminator: Dark Fate
The Hobbit Trilogy
Very Bad Things
Wayne’s World
What Women Want
War Dogs
Wedding Crashers
What’s Eating Gilbert Grape
Welcome to the Dollhouse
Welcome to Marwen
Wet Hot American Summer
What Lies Beneath
What Dreams May Come
War Games
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Weird Science
Wizard of Oz
Young Sherlock Holmes
You’ve Got Mail
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15tarlit5kyline · 1 year ago
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