shadez-art · 2 years
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Draecember Day 10. I just felt like drawing the Vindicaar today!
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s-dei · 28 days
First let me say, I LOVE your art.
I wondered, I’m not sure if you have a separate head cannon where Illidan didn’t sacrifice himself. But if he does/had how did poor Khadgar take it?
Sorry for the angst! 😭😭😩
hiiiiiiiii and TYSM!!! I'm really happy you love it 🌟
My main story for illigar is "written in canon" - while there is additional interactions+relationships between characters and little events, the major events are same with canon. And yes, Illidan leaves.
Angst area
It of course adds drama to the story. When Khadgar was deciding if he should date Illidan or not, he had an understanding that being an immortal creature with Legion fix, Illidan isn't going to be a family person, and even if they win the war, he is likely to take Illidari and fight the demon leftovers somewhere in the space instead from staying at Azeroth.
He expected Illidan to always put Legion before anything else, but... suddenly Illidan happened to be pretty involved into their relationship, and he was so happy with it he even forgot about his concerns. Well, he shoudn't.
It was ingame line where Illidan said "When I saw Argus, I already knew I won't come back" (or something), and in my version it happens kinda the same. He didn't told it right away to Khadgar, he didn't wanted to hurt him especially as the last haven't felt well for some time they reached Argus. But sometimes they had conversations, with Khadgar saying "when the war is over, then we will [do something]", and Illidan tried to keep his face, but Khadgar noticed him becoming grumpy, but wasn't sure about the reason and if he should ask.
Illidan isn't leaving suddenly, he eventually told Khadgar about this (not at a final battle coming, but more early). It isn't about "I always only cared about demons and them suffering", but "I have to make sure not even a single demon is going to invade Azeroth again and make you deal with it". And other pathos stuff. That's Illidan. And honestly I didn't came up with a certain scene. Khadgar feels dejected for sure. But I had a scene in my mind, when he said "Well, allright? I was kinda prepared for this. I undersdand your reasons, and I know Illidan Stormrage was fated to make it". And he doesn't say it sarcastic or to show his pain - he is really trying to sound supportive and really understands, even if it hurts his mortal human being so fkin much. It results in breaking Illidan, actually, who expected Khadgar to go desparate, or mad, but def NOT THIS. He is the one who leaves the room in tears (ngl - I just really wanted to make him pathetic. Don't take it as carved in stone). In any case they both confess that they want to spend as much time together as possible before the final battle and any outcome it will have.
^ I think I should point out, that at this moment they were talking about Illidan just staying on Argus or somewhere in space. They didn't knew they will seal Sargeras. Yep it meant the inter-world portal closed anyway, but hey, there is still an option Illidan will come for holidays, right? So while Khadgar didn't felt really well about all of this, he tried to focus on business and their current time together.
The Sargeras decision have been made at the last moment and I don't know if Khadgar was present in this scene (when Illy speaks to Velen), or if he got to know only about the result. Decide yourself depending on the drama amounts you want. I prefer some last goodbyes and kisses :)
The fact the Titans appeared to help them gave him a lil hope, that without their leader the Legion will be a lesser danger, and maybe Illidan will come back sooner, but... you have what you have. Khadgar kept his face on their way home, but once Vindicaar landed, without Illidan, he was broken completely. (Sargeras' sword helped this too).
(I don't want to go hella detailed about it, as I have some artistic plans here)
I can see it being the main reason for him to left for BFA events. Yep, he is tired of war, and while he wanted to help his world, he was really devastated that this world Illidan sacrificed himself for happened to be so ignorant. He said: fuck you all, and that's why he left :д
You don't need to apologize for bringing angst: honestly, after so many years in fandom spaces I got kinda tired of those "perfect ships who have their stuff alright". I decided to keep the drama and I don't regret it. I was literally in tears over those moments while thinking of them, and I think it's cool - to be emotional over something.
Nicey area
But well! If you wonder if I had some good options - I do! They're mostly little fanservice things, but I still did them to cheer myself. One of them is after the war Illidan and Khadgar married and gone to honeymoon and dgaf about all those problems. The other is Illidan do pays visits at holidays (well damn, he's in a place of some serious magic, you think he can't make a portal or something? Or they have some chatting device so they can speak anytime they want.
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I even had an option for Illidan thinking "alright, I'm going to watch Sargeras" and the other Titans saying: are you fkin dumb, go home immediately and be happy with your fiance (not literally, but they meant it 😂)
Anyway, thanks for asking!!!
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teriyakichop · 5 months
I want to light the fuse so phuqing bad!!!
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You see this screen capture here? This screen capture is from a tumblr page from @herewegoagainyall with their tumblr page being called "Wall of Shame" On March 25th at 11:36pm, @herewegoagainyall posted a statement from an anonymous poster alleging that a big draenei guild (My guild, First Vindicaar Templari) were engaged in r**e and pedo activity, and how they were kicked from my guild because they attempted to stand up to the abusive officers and not take no for an answer when they demanded that something be done to fix the issue. They say they didn't think to take screenshots. Damn, I truly wish they did. They want the issue to be kept in public record. What they don't realize is, this is actually good for the Templari, because now, we are soon going to insert our information into public record as well. Then, @herewegoagainyall had the nerve to say that they saw the screenshots. and then made SUPER out of context statements, and said that I told Xyzis to "be careful about that shit." I wasn't telling Xyzis to be careful about what he posts in relation to his content being found. I told Xyzis to be careful about what he posts in relation to ME, because if he DID post pedo content, he'd be removed. The investigation on the matter is still ongoing, but I found some VERY interesting content that I will be making public soon. I honestly thought I saw all of the slander against the Templari, but this post in particular was shown to me from another little birdie. And when I tried to see it on the browser that I am signed into tumblr on, it says that there's nothing to see. BUT, when I log off and see the tumblr, it's right there, plain as day. Which means that @herewegoagainyall has me blocked, and they don't want me to see their content. Hey, @wyrmguardsecrets I hope you're seeing this. As I am doing my investigation, players continue to make false slandering statements. However, I received information that has taken this situation to another level. And the people that pleaded with me to not start the Fireworks show...I am contemplating ignoring their pleas and lighting the fuse anyway. The only reason why I have not lit the fuse yet is because this NEW information I received actually makes my fireworks payload larger. like...SIGNIFICANTLY larger. These fireworks may in fact illuminate ALL of Moonguard... To everyone reading, ask yourselves this: If the information being used against Xyzis and the Templari are so bad and damning, why did none of the guild or myself go into hiding? I mean, CLEARLY, if this information against us is true, then we should hide in shame, right? But no, that's not what we're doing. In fact, we're doubling down because the pompous idiots and wicked bitches in these tumblr groups that slander us have not a fucking clue as to what they've done. It's not too late to reach out to me and talk to me about this and apologize for the slander. I'm legit worried that the payload is much larger than fireworks. This situation might go nuclear, now. And after speaking to a few people, there are some people that are going to get caught in the blast. It's not too late. Just reach out to me and we can talk. But the moment I light this fuse and the fireworks goes off...there won't be any chance to turn back. You've been warned.
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wyrmguardsecrets · 5 months
Not a huge fan of the new Conquest storyline. Idk there's something weird about traveling the span of the galaxy using a Discount Vindicaar controlled by a Man'ari that just rubs me the wrong way. Feels super disjointed to everything else
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wowhead · 1 year
in the 10.1.7 quest line to unlock eredar customizations for draenei...how did velen go back to argus? its no longer in azeroth's atmosphere. i thought the only reason we could fly the vindicaar there in legion was bc illidan opened a rift with the sargerite keystone. but after antorus i thought the rift was closed?
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"Where is our daughter? Where is my baby?" The female voice asked immediately upon arriving aboard the Vindicaar.
Arator's heart sank. He knew this would happen. He knew he should have atleast bothered to wear something feminine to make the change easier on his long lost parents.
He saw Vereesa frown and look at him, nodding slowly to let him know she's there for him.
"Where is she? Has she not arrived yet?" Turalyon was looking around and noone dared to say.
Arator looked down on his shoes. He couldn't even lift his gaze up to see his parents.
"Did something happen to her? For Light's sake, why are all of you so quiet? What happened to her?"
"Nothing-" Khadgar started but his sentence was cut short by Turalyon.
"Something happened and HE has something to do with it! Look at how pale he looks!"
Arator looked up at his father, who was enraged, obviously not recognizing him.
"That's very far from the truth actually..." Vereesa said. "This is Arator... Arator the redeemer."
Arator instinctually bowed a little although he felt as if he could throw up if he actually bowed properly.
"And why should that interest us?"
"Because he is your son, Turalyon..."
Alleria's eyes lit up after a second and she immediately walked over to hug Arator. He was completely frozen in place, not knowing how to respond to her embrace. "Arator..." She said, a smile on her lips, tears in her eyes. "What a beautiful name you've chosen..."
Turalyon was just standing there, mouth agape, confused by the whole situation.
"You are a handsome young gentleman, Arator... I'm delighted to finally meet you..." Alleria said, slowly pulling back. "Can I, please, hear your voice?"
A few moments of silence and then... "Mother..." As he essentially fell back into her embrace.
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shadowphoenixrider · 5 months
(This was the last proper fic I wrote for Draggka and Khadgar, and never got around to releasing it. This’ll be the last one; after this I’m closing the door on these two for the foreseeable future. I hope you enjoy.)
The Vindicaar was a remarkable piece of engineering. Draggka had heard of the draenei’s great city-ship the Exodar, and the stories of it fleeing across the Great Dark to escape the grasp of the Burning Legion. Those stories paled in comparison to when she saw the immense ship with her own eyes, both inside and out. She’d heard a couple of the Alliance snickers at some of the Horde’s gawping, but the troll had been too busy taking in the ship to care.
The hunter had been to other worlds before. Outland, the Alternate Draenor, Niskara, Helheim, wherever the Halls of Valour were, but they had been through portals. To travel physically to another place, another world... Despite her trepidation in going to the Legion’s homeworld, Draggka felt excitement sing through her veins. Wanderlust was not so easily tamed.
“If you don’t pick up your jaw, someone might trip over your tusks.” A playful murmur sounded out from her side, and Draggka turned to see Khadgar lingering in the shadows, blue eyes sparkling with mirth.
“Ya know de risk of dat happenin’ be comin’ from my brudder,” she said, narrowing her eyes at him as she approached the mage, his hand petting Spike as the raptor rubbed by his leg. She could still see the dark rings around the human’s eyes, even here.
“Perhaps.” Khadgar’s smile faded, his expression shifting. “Listen, Draggka, I wanted to discuss something with you, before we go to Argus.”
“Sure.” She nodded, stepping to the side with him, away from the main thoroughfare. Spike padded away from them to keep watch for eavesdroppers.
“We know that this...could be a one way trip.” He began softly. “I don’t intend it to be, and I’m sure you don’t either, but we need to accept it’s going to be dangerous. We are going right into the heart of the Legion’s power.” He took a breath. “Tell me, Draggka, did you keep the ring we forged on Draenor?”
“‘Course I did.” She nodded, pulling at a silver chain hidden under her cuirass, and undoing its fastening at her neck. “It may not be as powerful as some of da rings I be finding on da Broken Shore, but....It be ours.” She smiled as the golden-orange band came free from under her protective layers, holding it out for him to inspect. “It be full of memories. Memories of da two of us.”
“Yes.” Khadgar took it gently, cradling it in his hand. “A symbol of our struggles, and our courtship.” A smile that made the troll’s heart ache. “Of course you would keep it.”
Draggka giggled.
“Good to see ya finally payin’ attention.” She commented, before blinking away her humour.  “What were ya tinking?”
“As the homeworld of the Burning Legion, Argus is likely to be crawling with demons, and if we’re both to return to Azeroth alive, I was thinking of forging a magical connection between us.” Khadgar explained. “Nothing too complex, mind. Just a way for us to sense if the other is alive and in danger, as well as vague general location if enough magic is applied.” He looked at her questioningly.
“I only be knowing just enough magic to be castin’ an arcane shot.” Draggka said, frowning. “But I dunno if it be enough to use it to sense you like dat.”
“Don’t worry, it does not take much application of magic to work. You will be just fine.” Khadgar said. “And don’t worry about me reading your mind or other such things; the connection will not be strong enough for that. I will only use enough to link our life-forces, nothing more. It will barely make the ring magical, and enhancements as weak as that are often overlooked.” He smiled at her. “Of course, it’s your decision.”
“I be perfectly okay wit dis.” The hunter nodded. “It be reassuring dat we be having someting dat can be helping us out of a bad situation.”
“Yes. It will certainly give me a few less white hairs worrying about you.” Khadgar flashed a grin at her before bright pink-purple arcane magic filled his eyes and crackled around his hands. He began to chant the spell, the words foreign and utterly alien to Draggka, yet she couldn’t deny the shiver that ran down her spine as she listened. Stop it! This is hardly the time or place! Her mind scolded her.
Magic swirled around the ring, the ruby itself beginning to glow and flicker as if a flame had ignited within. And, to her surprise, the arcane energy also twined around Khadgar’s collar. Runes suddenly began to appear along its length, as if they’d always been there, and were only just being revealed. There was a bright flash and ripple of energy, and the spell was complete. The ring became inert once more, and the bright pink runes now inscribed on Khadgar’s collar slowly faded away.
“There we go.” Khadgar smiled. “Job done. Try using the magic you have to sense me. Just channel it into the ring, and it will do the rest.”
Draggka closed her eyes and followed Khadgar’s instructions, using the same motions she would if she was casting her Arcane Shot. The ring reacted, and seemed to ‘open’, letting her reach further through it. She did, and a strange sensation came over her. Warm, familiar, safe, whole...and then she felt a heartbeat. Strong and slow and reassuring; everything about the feeling was Khadgar.
The hunter opened her eyes, the sensations falling away except for the warmth and the feeling of Khadgar’s presence, which lingered faintly around her like a blanket. The mage himself smiled.
“It worked.” He murmured, eyes gleaming. The troll’s own eyes widened.
“You sensed dat?” She asked, glancing down at the ring.
“Yes, I did.” He flashed her a cheeky grin. “I’m quite sensitive to magic, you see. So I sent a little something back. You should be able to sense me if I inquire after you. Only slightly, not enough to bother you in dangerous situations, or draw attention to your ring.” The archmage frowned thoughtfully. “I don’t know if you could ‘reply’ the same way I just did for you, however. Not to worry, though. The ring will give me all the information I require. The reply is...” He glanced away, smiling shyly. “A small thing...”
Draggka titled her head to the side, taking this all in.
“Ya bound ya connection to your collar,” she said softly. He touched it self-consciously.
“Yes, I did.” A small smile played at his lips. “I always wear it, and wear it close, so I presumed it would be the best place to hide the enchantment.” His eyes lit up with magic, and the runes glowed for a moment, before disappearing once more. “This will make it look a little more...fancy now too.”
The hunter stared hard, but even with knowing that the runes were there, she couldn’t pick out their marks out within the leather. Perhaps they were nothing more than tricks of the light.
“Ya sure no-one will notice it?” She asked. “It be a bit suspicious if ya collar be lighting up if it didn’t before.”
“Don’t worry. The runes will only show up if I’m using a great deal of magical power to locate you. A cursory check of your health would barely be a blip to an archmage like myself. This is just for show.” Khadgar smiled. “Thank you for indulging me, my love. I...” He took a breath. “I can’t lose you now. Not after everything we’ve been through.”
“No.” Draggka nodded, taking his hands in her own. “We be seeing dis through. Together.” Her orange eyes burned fiercely. “Dey will not take you or my world from me. Not now. Not ever.” She lifted her chin high. “Lok’tar ogar.”
“Lok’tar.” Khadgar replied in kind, before his eyes flicked to glance behind her. “Anyway, I better let you go before someone comes looking for you.”
“Ya not coming wit?” Draggka asked, tilting her head to the side.
“Oh, I will. I just need to see what the sleeping arrangements are.” He rubbed his chin. “I doubt we will get much privacy here.”
“Hmm.” Draggka hummed. “It be hard to sneak time for each other here.”
“Yes.” Khadgar hesitated. “Though, I confess...I’m finding it more difficult to care. The Legion’s homeworld hangs within our skies, we may all be heading toward out ultimate doom, and we are worrying about what people will think our partnership?” He snorted. “I’m so tired of all this politicking at what feels like the end of the world.”
The hunter considered. She did feel the same; who had time to quibble over their relationship when total annihilation by demons was a very real possibility? And it would be so much easier for them not have to sneak around to find time together.
Yet...Khadgar had the most to lose if their relationship was more widely known. Whilst Draggka would certainly get in some trouble, and Sylvanas would take an extremely dim view of the relationship, the troll highly doubted she’d stop being the Huntmaster, and it wasn’t like she wielded much political power anyway. 
Khadgar, however, was the Leader of the Kirin Tor, and regardless of their current neutrality, she could bet they would not take kindly to discovering their leader was courting a member of the Horde.
“I be more den happy not to be hidin’ from de others. But...are ya sure? It could be causing a lotta issues for ya. I mean, Vereesa ain’t gonna be happy findin’ out dat ya been dating me for a while. I know she be barely tolerating me an’ my friends, but dat?” Draggka sighed softly. “I know ya be reckless as a goblin, but dis...I want ya to be sure. Dat’s all.”
“I am sure.” Khadgar said. He closed his eyes, and suddenly blew out a sharp sigh, taking her hands. “To hell with it all. I’m not going to lose any more time with you than I have to any more. Never again.” The steel in his voice was brief, returning to his usual soft tone. “That’s not to say I’m immediately going to kiss you amorously in front of a crowd. I just don’t want to have to hide things like this,” he nodded to their joined hands, “or this,” a quick peck on her cheek, “any more.”
Draggka couldn’t help it; she smiled. It was if a weight had suddenly been lifted from her heart. She’d always loved him, but found it difficult to stopper the emotion she felt for the mage even when she knew she had to.
“We gonna get into a hell’va lotta trouble when we be gettin’ back,” she said.
“Perhaps.” Khadgar shrugged, squeezing her hands. “But after all this? I find it difficult to be afraid of them. And even more difficult to care.” He lifted a hand to stroke her cheek. “I love you. And Azeroth is just going to deal with it.”
“Yeah.” Draggka said softly. “Yeah. It be strange, not hidin’. But good. More den good.”
The archmage smiled.
“That’s what I thought. No second thoughts about our actions, no watching what we say or do. Just...whatever our heart’s desire. Within reason, of course.” His blue eyes glimmered with mischief, and Draggka’s amber ones rolled.
“I be reminding ya of dat da next time you be getting ideas.” The troll folded her arms, raising an eyebrow at him. He was about to reply when Spike uttered a grunt-chuff, a soft warning that something was approaching. Khadgar murmured something, stepping backwards and vanishing into the dark as the raptor returned to his hunter, watching the approaching figure come into view.
“There you are.” Elizabone said, golden eyes brightening to see her friend. Behind the Forsaken floated the glowing demon skull Thaz’kiel, looking as creepy as usual. “We’ve been looking all over for you.”
“Sorry.” Draggka grinned toothily. “We were just explorin’ and got a bit carried away.”
“I don’t think this place is big enough to get lost in.” The warlock retorted. “But you’ve always liked new stuff, so I guess that’s why you’d be down here.” She glanced around, her eyebrows furrowing, but the hunter wasn’t concerned. Only a felhound could detect the archmage’s invisibility spell, especially if he was cloaked in shadows too.
“Yeah. I know dat da draenei be pretty ahead wit dere tech, but dey be...way ahead!”
“Good thing they don’t hate our guts.” Elizabone nodded. “Hope Velen doesn’t do anything stupid like he did in the Tomb. I’m starting to like the old coot.”
“You are?” Draggka arched an eyebrow. “It be gettin’ chilly in de Firelands!”
“Ah, shut up!” The Forsaken swatted at her with a bony hand. “I know it’s weird for me, but I like the lights they’ve got going on here. Enough to see where you’re going, but not eye-blinding. Nice shades of pink too. I could stay here.”
“Dat’s good. Gotta have da Netherlord by our side when we be kicking da Legion where it hurts.” Draggka grinned.
“I’m not going anywhere. Even if this place was sickeningly Light-coloured, I’d still be here. As long as my soul is still stuck in these bones, I’d keep going. I’d be like this guy, floating and angry and just a head.” Elizabone gestured to Thaz’kiel, whose eye sockets appeared to glare back at them. “He’s not talking to me right now. I think he’s shy.”
“Uh huh.” Draggka frowned. She’d never liked the demon skull, and hoped her friend would destroy it after the Legion was defeated. “Hey, ya don’t be having Luufum wit ya.”
“Yeah, I figured it was a little rude to have a demon knocking about here, even if they’re bound to me. I’m also pretty sure they would appreciate not getting routinely murdered for just strolling around with me.” A shrug of her bony shoulders. “I’d kinda like the draenei to trust me. If you’re fighting beside them and living on their ship, the last thing you want is a crystal hammer crushing your head into a crunchy pancake. I mean, I’m already undead. Demons would only be an excuse to attack me.”
“Dat’s...a fair way of lookin’ at it.” The troll nodded. “I don’t tink dey would do dat, but if it makes dem happy, den it makes sense to be keepin’ ya demons out of here.”
“Exactly.” Elizabone nodded, before narrowing her eyes at the troll. “Anyway, I was here to fetch you, not chew the cud! We’re almost ready to go. Velen wanted everyone up top in case something bad happens.”
“Makes sense.” Draggka nodded. “Ya feeling up to it?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” the warlock replied, her face-veil rippling with her sigh. “You?”
“It’s not gonna be easy.” The troll said grimly, running her fingers down Spike’s neck. “But...I gotta a good feeling ‘bout dis. I tink we gonna do someting good.”
The undead’s golden eyes seemed to widen slightly, the only indication of her surprise with her lower face hidden.
“You really think that?” She asked, an unsurprising tone of cynicism to her voice.
Draggka touched her chest, where she swore she felt the ring warm against her skin. She glanced over her shoulder, just in time to see a flash of sapphire blue and a bright grin vanishing back into the ether.
“Yeah.” The hunter looked back to her friend, smiling. “I do.”
(In memory of my friend Briyanna. Rest in power.)
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sirdolraan · 1 year
For any of your three - Has any of the Primalist's standard spiel and motivations changed the way they view the world?
Dolraan: He's been distrustful of any of the Great Powers ever since the Argus campaign and the X'era incident, and furthermore during the Shadowlands adventure. He's absolutely willing and able to believe that the Titans were just as screwy with everything. That said, the Primalists are wrong. No matter what evils were placed upon the primal dragons by the titans, that doesn't excuse their desire to wipe out our civilizations and lives. If they wanted to borrow the Vindicaar to go to the Titans and demand answers/satisfaction, Dolraan would go with them and demand at their side. But as is, if they think we're going to accept being wiped out because one of the key powers that created us was cruel to them, they've got another thing coming.
Vasily: The primalists are an important reminder of how much hurt exists in the world, and how those hurts can be twisted into spreading more pain. It has strengthened his resolve to help heal all those who suffer, regardless of what side of the conflict they're on. Pour one out for the primalists he faces in battle, as when it's done they'll be captured and subject to his endless kindness as he seeks understanding and healing.
Lorellai: She'd heard stories of cults before, but this is her first time encountering one. She doesn't understand why they are so convinced that they're in the right, don't they understand that they themselves are "tainted" by the titans? What do they think the incarnates will do to them if they win? They need to be stopped, for their own good and ours. She'd like to better understand them, but thus far they've just been shouting about how she refuses to listen, while the aspects have been nothing but forthcoming and reasonable to her.
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irishk0rn · 1 year
Family is more than beliefs
Never abandon or ostracize your family, no matter how much you yourself were from your own.
Hello, everyone! Just a quick fic I got an idea for while writing. I want there to be a fix it with Turalyon and I decided to give him a bit more dynamic for who he is.
I will post about his headcanoned story later! For now, happy reading!
Context: Arator is a trans man
Content warnings: transphobia, homophobia, internalized trans and homophobia
   “You cannot continue to treat your son this way.”
   Turalyon chose not to acknowledge his old friend, Khadgar. His mind was too occupied by his own, clouded thoughts and judgment. It was ironic, for a paladin such as himself.
   The mage frowned. “Turalyon.”
   The paladin slammed his papers, which had been occupying his hand, down on the desk in front of him. “What?”
   Khadgar didn’t flinch. “Are you listening to me?”
   Turalyon pinched the bridge of his nose and inhaled through it. “Look, Khadgar, I’m not as concerned with Arator right now. We have demons to fight,”
   Khadgar gave him a look and crossed his arms. “I would think your son or partner is the most important.”
   Turalyon stood up. “What do you want from me?”
   “I want you to treat Arator how he is. Your son.”
   “My son, who was my daughter.”
   The mage grimaced. “And that is a thought you should never allow him to hear. Just talk to him, at least. It’s…” Khadgar took a deep breath. “It’s eating away at him, thinking you could hold any contempt for him.”
   Turalyon sighed. “Fine.”
   But Turalyon didn’t. He got distracted, he told himself, but really, he didn’t want to see Arator. It brought him so much anger — but why? Arator was… happy, as far as everyone else was concerned. Not even Alleria had taken Turalyon’s side.
   The next day, Khadgar came to Turalyon’s office in the Vindicaar again. He looked frustrated, a look that was not often exhibited on the mage.
   He crossed his arms. “You didn’t go talk to him,”
   Turalyon didn’t look at him. “I got… distracted.”
   “Don’t lie. It will piss me off more than I already am and I don’t believe you want to see that.”
   The paladin stood up, a glare hanging on his face. Khadgar glared back with the same viciousness.
   “Why do you care so much, Khadgar? Arator made that choice. I do not have to like it.”
   I’m disgusted by it.
   Khadgar tensed, like he could read his mind. Could he? Turalyon wasn’t very in tune with the powers of mages.
   “And me, Turalyon?” Khadgar moved forward, placing a hand on the desk and rounding the corner of it.
   “Do I disgust you?”
   Right. Khadgar is this way, too.
   “Well, I— I didn’t know you, then. I only knew you as Khadgar.”
   Khadgar frowned. That was beginning to be his default expression with Turalyon. He didn’t like that. “Why does it matter?”
   Turalyon stammered, his words dry.
   “Arator reminds me a lot of myself. Only I didn’t have parents to support me. Be what I didn’t have, what a lot of us didn’t have. Alleria already is.”
   “I will… think on it.”
   Khadgar groaned. “You are impossible. Why?” Khadgar pressed, moving closer. “Why, Turalyon? Why?”
   “What do you… mean?”
   “You know what I mean. Is it the Light? Is it because it goes against the Naaru?”
   The paladin looked down, silent. Angry tears pricked his eyes, and for the first time, Turalyon’s body found what a tremble felt like. He slipped back down into his chair, his hands on either side of his temples, and remained quiet.
   Khadgar’s expression softened. “What happened to you?”
   Turalyon let the tears fall. He remained unresponsive to his friend, even as the mage approached.
   Khadgar frowned at him. Not with anger, but pity. “Turalyon?”
   “I’m so lost, Khadgar,” muttered the paladin, before he took several moments to breathe. The lumps in his throat clawed their way through his neck and sat.
   “So, so lost…”
   The mage pulled Turalyon into an embrace, a tight one. The archbishop let out a choked sob into his shoulder.
   “It’s okay, who you are. It’s okay,”
   Turalyon looked up.
   “Do you fancy men? That’s great. Both? Great, too. Not wanting to be one? Fantastic. It’s all okay,
   “But don’t make Arator feel like it isn’t.”
   Turalyon nodded and closed his eyes, pulling back from Khadgar. He wiped his face. “I’m going to speak to him.”
   Khadgar smiled at him. “That’s the spirit.”
   Turalyon got up.
   A few minutes later, Turalyon was in more comfortable clothes, with a tunic, trousers and boots, and light chainmail over the tunic. He sought out Arator on the Vindicaar, as it was later in the evening when he did.
   He heard talking, one of the voices he had come to know as Arator’s. The other was undoubtedly his aunt, Vareesa.
   He paused outside where they were for a few moments.
   “Maybe I should conform, Vari. Maybe I should just be his daughter…”
   Turalyon frowned.
   He could hear the sadness in Vareesa’s voice. “No, Arator. You be who you are and you don’t let your father get in the way of that,”
   Turalyon chose this moment to walk in, as Arator explained to his aunt that he, quote, only wanted his father’s approval.
   The exarch took a deep breath and strode over to his in-law and son. “Arator!”
   Arator jumped up. “Father! I, er, I wasn’t… expecting you.”
   Turalyon couldn’t speak, he just pulled his son into a tight hug and closed his eyes. Arator let out a noise of surprise, not hugging back immediately. He seemed confused about the situation.
   “I’m so, so sorry, my son,” Turalyon said, pulling back a bit to look down at Arator. “I’ve been terrible.”
   “Father, you haven’t, I understand, I… get that treatment a lot.”
   “No— no! That does not make it okay, especially not from me… as your father, it is my job to be there for my child.
“I wasn’t there when you were young, and going through these things, and I can’t say I understand very well— but, I will be your father now. I’m sorry.”
   The half elf smiled weakly as a tear stung his eye and made its way down his cheek. And another. And another.
   “It is better late than never…”
   Turalyon hugged his son again. “I wish I was never late.”
   It wouldn’t undo the past, but it would shape the future. Arator felt confident, as a man, and he learned to be his own kind of man, even separate from Turalyon.
   Alleria and Turalyon parted ways romantically, but continued to be partners and parents to their beloved son. Alleria began a relationship with a woman named Calia Menethil, who was a wonderful stepmother to Arator.
   Turalyon began his first relationship with a man, a draenei.
   The issues on Argus were far from over, but they were dealt with united and strong, rather than apart and broken.
   The end.
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nixalegos · 8 months
Has there been a chance to visit Argus?
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"Lady Felscythe and I responded to the call for aid from the Draenei, and assisted in 'securing' the nearby wasteland at the onset of what we learned later, was a faction of Man'ari demons to beg before the Prophet Velen." He said with audible contempt. "Even the few hours spend aboard the Vindicaar were nostalgic, but unsettling. Instead of the varied and combined forces of Azeroth, it was almost entirely crewed by Lightforged and Draenei. It was, after all, their ship, and the Legions threat may yet be sundered in a way they'll never properly recover from, but I couldn't help but remember the sheer batteries of air to surface weapons and firepower the now unmatched vessel boasted...And how their few remaining targets include the Horde." "Argus itself was..well, still a wasteland. That the Lightforged maintained beacons to stabilize portal technology back to that broken world surprising, but then I suppose I would have done the same, and I do not boast over two hundred thousand years of tactical experience and foresight." "We have not been back since. Broken demon scrap, and pilfered Lightforged technology may be valuable, possibly even useful, but we had more pressing immediate matters since the Legions defeat." @tyleinth for mention Thank you anon!
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Prompt Fic: Rose Tinted Memories
Doing some writing practice with ficlets some prompts.
 “Thank you for agreeing to help.”
 “Thank you for agreeing to help.” Khadgar said, his voice was barely above a whisper. He could barely believe that his former master was standing at his side. That they would face Sargeras and the Legion together. 
 Fear rolled around in the Archmage’s stomach. Fear of failure, but also fear that this moment was just a dream. That, with a blink, Medivh wouldn’t be there and Khadgar would find himself alone.
 Alone. Such a simple word that held so much weight and terror for Khadgar. He had been alone before, many times. He had lost so much, so many people over the years. One would think that he’d have gotten used to it, numb to it. But it still hurt now, just as much as it did when he plunged a dagger into Medivh’s chest all those years ago.
 Medivh blinked. Khadgar’s words caught him a little off guard. He had been enjoying the relative silence with his former apprentice as they looked out at Azaroth from the Vindicaar. He had been so enamored with the breathtaking view of their world that he almost missed Khadgar’s words entirely.
 Medivh had originally planned to leave after the defeat of Viz’aduum in the upper reaches of his tower home. He was ready to do it but that look Khadgar gave as he asked him to stay. Seeing him standing there, having come so far but still being the Young Trust, he knew under it all. Medivh’s feet were suddenly lead. He couldn’t bring himself to leave.
 “I’m not sure how useful I’ll be. Your friend Turalyon says I’m a potential threat. He’s probably not wrong.” Medivh admitted.
 The mention of Turalyon and the fight Khadgar had with him over Medivh made his stomach twist. His hold on Atiesh tightened a little, as they had thrown harsh words back and forth between them.
 Lately, it had seemed like the universe had been giving some things back to Khadgar. Alleria and Turalyon were here. He had friends in his champions; he had Medivh back, of all things. Yet, everything was still ‘off’. Alleria and Turalyon, he cared about dearly, were very different from when they last saw each other. Both changed by void and light. Turalyon was much harsher, even allowing for his wife to be locked up by Xe’ra. Alleria was wrapped in the embrace of the void. She was colder, more venomous. Khadgar found himself worrying about her, for her sanity. She always had a mean streak. He remembered the times he used to butt heads with Alleria in the past. But this was different. This was much more dangerous.
 Khadgar quietly mourned his friends all over again. That small part of himself that hoped against all hope that they’d be together again finally died. Khadgar had to wonder if the fond memories he had of them were truly real. Being there in their presence, listening to them as they spoke, memories bubbled up. Both the good and bad. Every argument he had with Alleria, his crush on Turalyon, and the pained disappointment when they became a pair. Khadgar still loved them, he still cared about them, but the three of them were more flawed than he cared to admit. He held on to his rose-tinted memories to help him get through the toughest times. 
 Now, that was all peeled away. Khadgar found his ironclad resolve start to waver.
“I’ve been living as a hermit for a long time.” Medivh spoke up, breaking Khadgar away from his thoughts. “Going out now and then for supplies, doing tasks for people in Darkshire. I would tell myself that it was a self-imposed punishment.” Medivh gave Khadgar a moment to let it all sink in. “I wanted to see you when I heard you had returned from Draenor…Or, ‘Outland’, as it’s known now. I even traveled all the way to Dalaran…”
 The memory of that day was still fresh in Medivh’s mind. The feel of his hammering heart as he walked the streets of the mage city. The goosebumps that rose from his skin as he feared recognition, even with how unlikely it was. Disguise aside, his time was a good number of years ago. It was highly unlikely any civilian would have realized who he was, let alone a young student. Still, there may have been someone out there that could. The anxiety only grew with gradual over stimulation of everything Dalaran, from the magic flaunted about the markets to the crowds of civilians, students, and adventurers crept up on him.
 It all boiled over, the moment he caught sight of Khadgar. He was being shown around the city by some eager students. He looked far older then, having a beard that went down to his knees. His hair was all grey, save for a thick streak of pure, bright white that Medivh recognized as Khadgar's signature Mullen stripe. It was him. It really was Khadgar, there and alive. Medivh's feet moved on their own, marching towards him. It took a minute for his mind to catch up with his body's actions. One of the students noticed him, eyeing him, and suddenly it all became too much. Medivh ducked into an alleyway before Khadgar could turn around to see him.
 He couldn't do it. Medivh couldn't face him. So he fled.
 “Honestly, I was just hiding from the world, and the repercussions of my crimes.” Medivh admitted to himself more than anything. It was a truth that needed to be said, that he needed to accept. “I separated my study from the rest of the tower, never realizing what was happening within it. That Moroes and my friends are still there, cursed and having to put up with demons and adventurers. Even now, I’m terrified of facing Sargeras, of the idea that he might…that I might…” Medivh didn’t finish. He looked down at one of his hands and found it trembling. Turalyon had raised the idea that Sargeras might try to use Medivh against them. As much as the magus didn’t want to admit it, it was a very real possibility. “I’m just a coward, Khadgar.”
 “Then why did you stay?” Khadgar asked. There was no accusation in his voice.
 Medivh slowly closed his trembling hand into a fist. “...I...don’t know. I was going to leave, but I couldn’t.”
 “I’d like to think that if there’s one thing I understand, it’s you, Medivh.” Khadgar said with a weary smile. “You were never the type to simply do as you were told. Even back then, you fought Sargeras’ control as much as you could. I’m sure I would have been a pile of ashes if you hadn’t.” Khadgar’s smile grew more fond, he blinked and Medivh could see his eyes had begun to tear up. “I think the two of us standing here, together again, is proof of that.”
 Medivh felt his face heat up. He broke eye contact with Khadgar and returned his gaze to Azaroth. “It was because you asked me to, Khadgar. I saw you there and for a moment, I saw that awkward lad the Kirin Tor threw at me.” Medivh felt his own eyes sting as it was their turn to tear up. “You’ve changed so much but you’re still ‘Young Trust’. You wanted me here and I couldn’t bring myself to say ‘no’ to you.”
 Khadgar couldn’t help the blush that creeped its way into his face. He chewed lightly on his lower lip as he tried to pick out the words he wished to say. 
 “I’m afraid too, Medivh.” Khadgar admitted. “I’ve made so many mistakes as a leader and poor choices as a person. We’re both flawed and damaged people. But I can’t deny that I feel braver with you here, with me.” Khadgar took a chance, reached over, and took Medivh’s hand into his own. He threaded their fingers together. When Medivh gently squeezed back, he felt his heart flutter. “I don’t just want to defeat Sargeras, I want to come out of this alive with you.”
 Medivh couldn’t help but smile a little. “I…wouldn’t mind leaving the tower more after this. Maybe…we could…? Ah…I…”
 “I’d love to show you around Dalaran.” Khadgar said. “I know you never liked it, but there are excellent places to eat. There’s also a very famous bookshop there that has more of those steamy romance novels…”
 “Dear light, you saw all of those?!” Medivh laughed halfway through the sentence.
 “I’ve always known about your smut collection. I had to organize those too back when I was cleaning your library.”
 Medivh’s face grew so hot, so fast that he felt a little lightheaded. His free hand rose up to cover his face. Laughter bubbled up from his chest and broke free. It was light, warm, and almost melodic. It brought a warmth to the room that Khadgar knew so well. At that moment, Medivh was lighter, more vibrant.
 “Excuse me…” a familiar drawling voice spoke. Moroes had arrived, with broom and dustpan in hand. The ever loyal steward refused to let Khadgar and Medivh go off without him. Surprising them both in his ability to leave Karazhan’s tower. Moroes gestured both magi to step aside as he began to sweep up what Khadgar noticed were small, golden crystalline shards. “Honestly, you’d think people around here would know to sweep up random bits of glass. If this junk gets into their hooves, it’ll cause them all sorts of problems.”
 Medivh’s brow furrowed as he stared at the collection of shards that were in Moroes’ dustpan. “Huh, so that’s what that occasional ‘crunch’ under my boots was…”
 “Um, that’s…Khadgar paled as he realized quickly what Moroes was sweeping up. “...That’s not glass.”
 Medivh looked to Khadgar, and then the realization hit him. “Oh, that’s the naru your moody purple friend blew up, isn’t it?”
 “Y-yep…” Khadgar could hear tiny, disjointed tones coming from the shards.
 “I don’t care what it is!” Moroes huffed. “It’s a mess, and it’s everywhere! Do your mage thing and help me clean.”
 “Magic!? Oh no, I couldn’t! I’d never!” Medivh said as an impish smile spread across his face. “I seem to remember a certain someone telling me that magic didn’t belong with cleaning. That all you need is good old-fashioned elbow grease and--”
 “Medivh.” Moroes’ voice was firm. He crossed his arms and gave the magus a firm look. “Enough of your sass or I’ll box you on your ears.”
 “Yes, yes, Mother Hen…” Medivh said, his smile turning warmer. He had very much missed Moroes and was thankful to have him back. He raised both of his hands into the air and his fingers gave a loud, sharp ‘snap’.
 Arcane crackled as mana flowed from Medivh and swirled in the air before shaping itself into multiple brooms. They floated off and went about sweeping and cleaning around the Vindicaar.
 Khadgar would take whatever levity he could get. Being there with Moroes and Medivh was grounding. Something he needed for the trials to come, for when they finally faced Sargeras.
 They would defeat him and get out of it alive, together. Khadgar didn’t need to hold on to rose-tinted memories to push him forward. There was so much to look forward to in the future.
 -The End-
Fic can be found on AO3
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thetantiger · 1 year
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Character Insight #2: Tayonna
Full Name: Tayonna Gender: Trans Female (she/her) Race: Lightforged Draenei Class: Paladin Specialization: Protection Orientation: Bisexual (with a preference for men) Relatives: No Known Relatives Age: ??? Height: 7'4 Voice Reference: Nala - The Lion King Theme: Little Game - Benny
[BACKSTORY] Tayonna was born on Argus, a faraway planet riddled with political issues involving power and greed and dark magics. When Sargeras had come to successfully manipulate Archimonde and Kil'jaeden, she fled with the rest of her faithful people under the lead of Velen to a planet named Draenor, as they dubbed themselves the Draenei. Tayonna fought as a soldier for pretty much the entirety of her time there, protecting their settlements from ogres or orcs or, later on, demons. She had befriended a fellow Paladin named Jormungar, who later went on to father a daughter named Blue that she'd meet later, but for the most part, things seemed to be going alright. She had discovered her identity as a woman--after having been born a man and assumed to be such for the majority of her life up until this point--and received support from her peers. After all, it didn't make her any less of a kickass soldier, of course. She was resilient, and got back up on her hooves after every blow. On top of that, she had also undergone the ancient Lightforged ritual in order to empower herself as a fighter and a Paladin. Overall, things were going remarkably well for Tayonna.
...And then the Legion came.
The Legion's assault on Draenor was brutal, cruel, unforgiving and unrelenting. They turned the vast majority of the orcs against them. Approximately ninety percent of the Draenei race were slaughtered in a massive genocide brought on by fel corruption of Draenor's orcs. Tayonna saw many of her friends and fellow soldiers die on the battlefield or, worse, go missing under the capture of orcs or demons and never be heard from again. Jormungar was one of them--a valiant Paladin and a dear friend, struck down before his daughter had even had the chance to be born in a battle against the orcs. It did not turn Tayonna calloused, but once the Vindicaar left to fight the Legion across the cosmos, she swore to never lay eyes upon Draenor--now known as Outland--ever again.
The Army of the Light's war against the Legion was a long and tiresome one. The demons were relentless--but so was Tayonna. After so many years, finally, Sargeras was defeated. The ancient war was over.
...So.. what now? Well, Tayonna went the same route as many Lightforged Draenei--to join the Alliance's ranks alongside their less-glowy brethren. She became an adventurer, looking to help out whomever and wherever she could, gaining a reputation as a protector and a helper. Along the way, she met an absolute wreck of a man named Sanlasteron Falconstrider, a Ren'dorei rogue who was sneaky yet clumsy, who was dark yet bright, and she once again found herself a wonderful friend. They traveled together everywhere, eventually stumbling upon the Shadows of the Faithful in Drustvar and joining their ranks, mostly as just.. something to do. To their surprise, Sanlas reunited with his long lost Sin'dorei sister, a fellow Paladin named Nyssedri, as a result of this alliance, since the Faithful had a Horde sister organization named the Warblade Clan. Also, Sanlas found himself a romantic partner, as he quickly fell for a Kaldorei named Lunastrae. Tayonna was overjoyed for her friend, but she couldn't help to feel like she hadn't really found anything herself.
...Except for one thing. She met another Paladin (real Paladin-heavy story here) named Ghallavant Brandine, a Human from Lordaeron who had also taken up a trend of helping and protecting people. After all, the Light's will was a wholesome one (for most people). Tayonna couldn't help but relate to the Human on a level she hadn't really found with anyone else before. His city was taken over by the Scourge and would never be a place he could ever return to, as it was destroyed beyond recognition, and very few Lordaeronians actually came out of the event still Human. The necrotic energies of the Scourge were an offshoot of the Legion's demonic magics anyway.. It seemed a little too familiar for her to not take special notice of Ghallavant. However, the Paladin was sort of shy around her and, admittedly, flaky. She couldn't quite gauge whether he was into her or not, but she knew for a fact she was into him, and liked to think she was rather calm about it. The first person she told was Sanlas--because of course--and he almost burst at the seams trying not to tell anybody but kept his promise to Tayonna anyway. Eventually, though, Ghallavant pulled Tayonna aside and admitted to her that he was, in fact, very into her, and wanted to pursue a romantic relationship. Tayonna, of course, accepted.
Nowadays, Tayonna still resides among the Shadows of the Faithful, finding herself forming a new sense of loyalty after some almost world-shattering events. She thought she was going to die for a second only for Raymond--the leader of the group--to have sacrificed herself to defeat the villain and save Azeroth. The experience shook Tayonna, frankly. Ghallavant and her had exchanged thanks as if they were going to die together. For the first time since Draenor, Tayonna looked her mortality in the eyes and barely escaped with her life. So, now, after that traumatic event, she has sworn herself to the Faithful, in order to protect the people she has formed a new bond with and make the Army of the Light proud.
[THOUGHTS] Well, random-name-picker has decreed Tayonna was next, but admittedly I've never put much thought into Tayonna, so writing this was kind of a challenge! I had a vague idea for her backstory but had never really actually put it down anywhere or formed it into specifics. I also only just as I was writing this recognized the parallel between Draenor and Lordaeron and was happy to make that connection between Tayonna and Ghall, lmao. But no, Tayonna's a sweet gal and a fun character to just chill on sometimes, and I'm glad to have given her a little love!
[ART] A ship that from this point on I am going to dub "Tayonnavant"
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nattvingen · 2 years
Tag Game: Ten First Lines
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
(I decided to interpret this as "most recently worked on" with the qualifier "has an actual line" so both posted fics and WIPs ahoy!)
The rug beneath Aethas’ bare feet is plush and dirt-free, in spite of the boots that cross it daily. [Halduron/Aethas, Dom/sub + aftercare, E, WIP]
"He looks like he could suplex you." [Endgame HalduRomThemar, lots of pining and a love triangle-goes-poly, M/E, WIP]
There’s a cat on every corner in Silvermoon. [HalduRomThemar, pre-relationship implied, a whoops-we're-animals curse, T]
Time had lost all meaning who knows how long ago. [HalduRomThemar, filthy smut with surprise feelings at the end, E]
They’d built the treehouse as kids. [Varian/Genn, a.k.a. the Suburban Dad Affair, E, WIP]
It's difficult for a man like Lor'themar Theron to relax. [Lor'themar/Rommath, invisibility spell used creatively :3c, E, Wip]
After the Vindicaar departs for Argus, Halduron goes looking for a familiar face. [Halduron/Rommath, two guys learning to get along better with sex, E, WIP]
The first words out of Anduin's mouth after Wrathion drops his bag by the kitchen door is, "come here." [Wranduin, college AU blowies idk, E, WIP]
"You sure you’re okay? You look a little, uh, flustered." [Roy/Tim, bonked on the head-mutual pining-getting together, T]
"I know I’ve said it before, Nine, but boy am I ever glad to have you on deck to take the heat off of me," Commander Reyes says offhandedly while checking over the ammunition strapped to his thighs. [Genji/Zenyatta, Blackwatch AU, pre-relationship, T]
Won't tag, but please steal, I like to see what peeps are working on! :D
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teriyakichop · 2 months
Sociopaths Among Us
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THESE are the sociopaths that lurk within the Moon Guard "Community." They are dangerous sensationalists, provocateurs and saboteurs that, as I have said before, only cause damage for the sake of watching things burn to the ground. They don't care about anything, and especially not themselves, and the only pleasure they feel is when they make you feel just as lowlife and miserable as they do. They are sociopaths and saying that they are not to be taken seriously doesn't give them the recognition they deserve. You must expose these demons like a vampire to the high-noon sun. Otherwise, they will plant propaganda among you and your peers and have your family and friends turning against each other, just so they can find some sense of arousal as they plummet to the depths of hell. They don't hate me because I am--according to them--a "pedophile defender," No. They hate me because they can't destroy me.
"Your name is being dragged in the mud! Your reputation is ruined! Your guild is seen as worthless! Nobody will interact with you!" And then I log on, I get requests to RP, I initiate RP with players, --WHO HAVE ME ON DNI, MIND YOU, and we have a good time. Moqzi from Starbound Vestige came close to bringing me down, but I realized he was spreading propaganda. So I told the truth. And then he had no choice but to tell the truth too. And that was his downfall. The Templari repaired, grew, and thrived. Starbound.....well, they're no longer around. Whether I remove players from my guild or not is irrelevant. Whether or not I leave WoW for good is irrelevant. First Vindicaar Templari falls, when I say it falls and as far as I am concerned, that ain't happening anytime soon. Stand on your square, stand firm against these lowlives and don't let them pull your strings. Remember: THEY hide, THEY cause damage in secret, because they're not strong enough to do it in front of everyone because they know they will get obliterated. Don't forget that.
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trixcuomo · 1 year
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Meanwhile at the Daily Mail Valdrakken studio...
Umberto Umberscale: Trixany! Will you talk about your new Dua Lipa Warsong Gulch parody song? Isn't this the Warcraft parody song critics are saying will finally launch you into coveted Horde A-celeb status?
Trixany: *charming celebrity laughter* Oh, I would love to! This song not only shows the strife between the factions, all the pain and emotional struggle, but it also sets things to a hot new beat!
Umberscale: And your old Night Elf friend Sharpen Jadescythe features in the music video as well, right? Is it true parts of it were shot on location, his hometown in Ashenvale?
Trixany: Um, not unless he grew up in Warsong Gulch, which is an active PvP battleground and physically impossible. Uh, why is this about Sharpen all of a sudden?
Umberscale: We here at the picturesque, windswept Daily Mail Valdrakken studio don't know what you're implying. This is a totally normal interview. Why, Fyrakk was here just last week.
Trixan6: But you don't care about the musicality, the brilliance of choosing Dua Lipa's red versus blue aesthetic? The big, beautiful 'I don't give a grunt' parody hook? It's damn catchy, I worked hard!
Umberscale: True, we do have a clip for our viewers out there. Trixany, can you set the scene for us?
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Trixany: Only happy to. *video plays* So look at the intensity here between this Orc and his victim. We hired a real Orgrimmar grunt for this authentic scene. And that's um, a real Alliance... guy.
Umberscale: My, oh my! By my talons and scales! Look who it is in the blue Alliance cloak, it's none other than Sharpen Jadescythe!
Trixany: Maybe. Okay, yes. You can't see his ears in the shot or something.
Umberscale: Oh wow, it's true, someone DID work hard on the set! Now what are those two doing??
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Trixany: What the hell! That wasn't in the script?? Wait, is that Thronk? That Orgrimmar grunt Sharpen's been hooking up with? I didn't approve any of this--
Umberscale: Next up on Daily Mail Valdrakken! Alliance A-celebrity Sharpen Jadescythe talks about the spicy music video that launched his new genre of Warcraft pop, Cross-faction Smash! Where there are plenty of romantic Horde-Alliance cutscenes spliced in the middle of... Serious. Warcraft. Business.
Trixany: Wait! That is MY music video. This was my interview?!!
Umberscale: Care to elaborate, Sharpen? *camera swivels over fast*
Trixany: When did he even get here? Sharpen, were you friggin' shadowmelded the entire time?
Sharpen: *shirtless, grinning* Umberto, let's just say that I was honored to don the iconic blindfold to play Illidan Stormrage. And then, as Illidan himself, I made out with Khadgar, and also Thrall, in that iconic sargerite keystone scene on the Vindicaar. My ancestors would be so proud of us sloppy-kissing. His, too.
Trixany: Thrall was never on the Vindicaar, you idiot himbo!
Sharpen: *flexes pecs, crosses his legs* Well, Thrall sure showed up fast when he heard I was the one playing Illidan. After that, my newest music video 'Park That Planet Up' basically wrote itself.
Trixany: Argghhh!
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For the latest ask, either 8 or 9 for IllidanxMaiev… I cannot resist the comfort potential in these :”D
8. things you (Maiev) said when you were crying
The sun was slowly going down, bathing the ruins of the fallen Kaldorei Empire scattered all over the Broken Shore. Far away in the distance, the imposing building of the former Temple of Elune was casting an even bigger shadow over the small island, and over it, the grey and green clouds of the Felstorm were had disappeared long ago.
Instead, Argus, the homeworld of the demons, brought in their sky by Illidan, was looming over them.
Standing in what was left of their headquarters --- after all, once the campaign on the Shore had reached its end, they moved to the Vindicaar to relentlessly attack the foreign planet --- Maiev raised her head and sighed, with a slight shake of her head. She had decided to stay on the Shore to cleanse it from every last demons trying to hide from their wrath, and also because she wanted to stay away from Illidan.
Over the months that had followed his return, she had madly behaved and she was ashamed of herself. If at first she had been rightfully angry that they brought him back to life without talking about it with her first, after a few weeks, her opinions had changed. She kept watching him, but he was surprisingly different from the monster she remembered. He had been nice, obliging, and his job was done. And done well. Yet, he kept proposing weird and dangerous plans, always with a snide remarks and that grin that she wanted to erase from his face.
Which she did at some point, and she was still beating herself over it.
It had been an evening, a little before the attack on the Tomb, and they were partying as a way to reward the adventurers already for their future success. Khadgar's idea. Of course, she showed up as she had to, and she stood there to look down on the plebe and remind them that they haven't won yet. Illidan joined her with a glass of wine and they spent the evening together, reminiscing of their shared past and... what was that? Some kind of flirting? Maiev wasn't so sure, but she had the faint memory of his grin as they stood too close and that he complimented her.
Of course, she ended up drunk --- he probably was too. She couldn't remember exactly what went through her mind. Maybe she did want to erase that grin, but in the end, what mattered was that she grabbed his face and pulled him for a kiss. She felt his grin disappearing as he tried to process what was happening --- was he too surprised that she was kissing him, or was it that she ended up doing it? After all, it wasn't as if they grew closer since his return. They talked more, worked together, and maybe that there was some flirt between them leading to that night. He kissed her back, and Maiev was sure that they made a show of themselves.
Especially once she realized what she was doing.
She pushed him away abruptly and reverted to her Warden self. It wasn't nice to see as she drunkly panicked and insulted him instead of insulting herself. She ran away, and since that day, avoided Illidan as much as she could. There was no way she would be able to face him ever again.
Staying away from him was the best she could do. Yes, it was. With some luck, the more she would repeat it to herself, the easier it'll become to believe it.
And it was with that mindset that she planned to spend the evening on her own --- her Wardens were back to Azsuna --- and she prepared herself for the night. Only to hear footsteps behind her.
Footsteps that were sounding exactly like hooves.
"Hey," Illidan said with a soft voice.
"Hey," she replied, not even looking at him.
She heard the steps getting closer, and she could just feel her presence behind her. It only reminded her why she had been willing to start avoiding him so much. His natural warmth, those tattoos --- always shining bright --- and his body overall. The strong arms that held her from time to time. That grin on his face. A blush took over her cheeks as she remembered the kiss. How close they have been to each other that evening. If she hadn't panicked, what would have happened? Surely something really good.
Instead, her harsh words were the last things she had really said to him.
Making sure that their relationship would actually never evolve from their Warden and Betrayer dynamics.
Her throat dried at that thought. She realized that she would be unable to talk anymore, and the pain was such that she felt tears at the corners of her eyes. At least, it was what she would pretend, that the pain of her throat was making her cry. Not her feelings...
"I need to talk to you," he added. "We will attack Antorus soon."
She just nodded. Of course, he was just there to keep her in touch with their plans against the Legion. They were regularly updating her about those as she demanded it, but it was the first time Illidan was doing it. She couldn't blame him. But she felt tears running down her cheeks as she anticipated what he would have to say. She already knew. He wouldn't stay. As soon as he would get an opportunity, he would leave Azeroth and potentially never come back.
She had eavesdropped on a conversation he had with Khadgar, and she was still unable to know how she had to react at that thought.
She had stayed still for too long, without saying a word, and she had no way to stop her tears anymore. It was more than probably a goodbye that she would experience that day, and she wasn't ready for it. Big hands went on her shoulders and Illidan forced her to turn around and face him. Against her will, a sob left her throat and echoed against her helmet, which was the last barrier of dignity she had left. Unfortunately, his hands moved to the side of the protection and slowly removed it.
Doing her best, she tried to stand proud on her feet and face him as an equal despite the tears running down her face. His expression changed to worries, and one of his hands slowly made it's way to her cheek. At soon as it touched her skin, Maiev felt an electric shock and she only cried harder as she had messed up everything.
Yet, she needed those words out.
"I think I love you", she cried out loud.
Her helmet fell to the ground with a loud thump, and his second hand cupped her face and that he pulled her on his lips.
(Follow up with the prompt n°9 in a few days! It'll be a reblog from this post ^^)
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