#Vincent: that man is getting railed tonight
renegadeem · 2 months
Band!AU - AVALANCHE promo shoot
Cid just told a dumb joke.
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inkandpen22 · 3 years
The Heiress and the Gangster (1/?)
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Female!Reader
Warnings: violence, swearing
Word Count: 2.7k
Part Summary: Y/N Adair, an American heiress, is visiting London for the social season with her fiancé Alfred Bamford. Alfie Simmons and Tommy Shelby have formed a plan to kidnap Y/N and hold her for ransom, that is until Tommy changes his mind...
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The car rolls up to the entrance of the race track. My driver, Mr. Richards, comes to a steady halt and immediately hops out of the car.
"Ready, darling?" Al questions with a grin beside me.
I pull back the velvet curtain covering my window to peer up at the arena. "As I'll ever be."
Mr. Richards opens the door and offers me his glove-covered hand. "Miss Adair."
I step out gracefully, my wide-brim hat blocking the beaming sun from my face. Al crosses behind the car to join me. His head finds its way to my back securely. Robert, my main bodyguard, climbs out of his own car with two more security my father hired. Al escorts me inside the stadium to the boxes. Robert leads the way with his two henchmen behind us. It's like being put into a human box.
When we arrive at our box, we're greeted by our friends in attendance. It's rare that we make it over to England, so when we do it's nice to see everyone. Al and I perform our social duties, making small talk and asking about everyone's families as though we all didn't have dinner together last night. It's the same couples in different settings for the entire month we're here.
I watch from one of the pub tables at the top of the box with John as posh folks shuffle in to find their spots. When news broke that Y/N Adair would be visiting London for a month, both American and England were over the moon. The youngest child and only daughter of William Vincent Adair, the richest banker in America. She will inherit a third of his multi-million dollar fortune. It's a known fact amongst the public that's she's the favorite child so the percentage may be greater than just a third. My boys and Alfie's team are banking on that rumor. If she were to be kidnapped and held for ransom by a couple of English gangsters, it's certain her father will pay a hefty sum for her safe return to The States.
John nudges me subtly to avoid attention. "There she is!"
My eyes flicker away from the hustle and bustle of the crowd toward the entrance of the box. A young woman in an all-white lace dress crosses our path. A gentle smile rests across her lips as the Viscount and Viscountess Furness approach her, each greeting her with an embrace. Her Y/H/C hair peeks through beneath her lavish matching hat. For a moment, I experience hesitation. She's not what I expected at all.
John nudges my arm with a snicker. “You alright, Tom? Look as though you’ve seen a ghost.” 
I shake my head, taking a smoke from my cigarette. "No, that can't be her. She's far too young."
"Of course it is!" John argues.
A young gentleman in a brand new navy suit follows close beside her, keeping a protective hand pressed to her back. He shakes hands with his peers, charming his audience as he and Miss Adair are greeted with cheers.
"And her arrogant playboy fiancé, Alfred Bamford." My brother scoffs. "His family owns more railways in the U.S. than any company in the entire world!"
As my brother babbles, I watch closely as Y/N stands beside Alfred with a restrained, but convincing, smile. As he gloats and encourages banter with their fellow posh folk, she's quiet and glancing about the arena.
"Their marriage will create a media frenzy!" John describes in my ear. "Adair Banks and Bamford Rails, it's a match made in posh people heaven. Shame she'll never live to see it," he snickers.
I press my cigarette into the ashtray and turn my body toward my brother. "As soon as the gun fires that's when Alfie's man takes the shot.” I check my watch. “He'll be here in five minutes. That's when you leave and fetch the car. Understood?"
He nods sharply, "right, Tom. Got it."
Anticipating the race, Al and I stand right against the rail with our dainty gold binoculars, searching for my family's horse.
"I need Olympus to win," I worry outwardly. "I need to prove to my father that this trip was worth it."
"I’m certain William will be pleased no matter the outcome."
"You don't know my father then," I chuckle.
"Excuse me!" A voice announces over the chatter of the box.
I glance over my shoulder as a well-dressed middle-aged man hurries up to my security. His brow is sweaty and his white suit wrinkled. He rushes out words to Robert before being escorted over to me.
"Welcome to Ascot, Madam," he welcomes, gesturing to the large building. "I'm John Wilkson and I'm a partner at the track. May I get you anything before the festivities?" He rubs his hands in circles nervously.
I offer John my hand with a warm smile. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance. If possible, I would like a pot of Earl Grey."
"Oh yes! Yes, definitely!" The man gushes as Robert leads him toward the door. "Right away, Madam!"
"Thank you!" I nod, maintaining my smile until he's out of view.
Al chuckles beside me at the man’s expense as he rubs his palm up and down my spine. "How are you enjoying it so far, My Dear?"
"I don't see what all the fuss is about," I remark. " It doesn't appear any more luxurious than Arlington Park."
"You are far too difficult to please, darling," he teases, scooping up my glove-covered hand and planting a kiss to the back of it.
"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to today's festivities..." the announcer begins, causing widespread cheering across the crowd.
Al and I clap our hands along with our friends.
"Your tea, Miss Adair, a young waiter informs me as he sets down the set on a side table by our chairs.
I thank him quietly before he dismisses himself.
"Don't forget, tonight is the dinner with Prince Albert and Lady Elizabeth," Al reminds me.
"Aw yes, thank you!" I express with relief as I step back to pick up my teacup and return to my spot beside him. "They're quite lovely, aren't they? Their engagement is such delightful news." I bring my cup to my lips for a sip.
"I'm certainly looking forward to the wedding, it'll be a spectacle." He smirks. “Another excuse to return in the spring.”
I narrow my eyes mischievously, sharing the same agenda as him. "They can be the social event of the season in England, but we shall claim America."
Two of Miss Adair’s men are positioned outside while his Head stands against the far wall, just a few feet from her. Alfie's hitman enters the tent without suspicion, dressed like a posh race-goer and his gun well concealed. He glances in my direction, giving me the signal to release my brother. I give John a brief nod and he disappears through the opening in the curtain.
"Jockeys! Prepare your horses!" The announcer declares, marking the start of the races.
I clap along with the crowd. Everyone in the box is zoned in on the gates where the jockeys are mounting their horses. Alfie's man claps as well, keeping his eyes on the horses to blend in as he continues toward Miss Adair and Mr. Bamford. He stops in the second row, just behind the couple.
My eyes flicker to Y/N. A glowing smile forms across her face as she switches her sight away from the gates toward her fiancé. Her eyes glimmering with optimism and excitement. There’s a youthfulness in her I haven’t seen in anyone since the war. She has no idea that the man behind her has been sent to point a gun at her head and kidnap her. Her attention travels about the box, at her friends and peers. Her eyes glance in my direction, her soft Y/E/C eyes meet mine. Her radiating smile softens as her hands slows to a steady halt. Then, something in me just... snaps.
My attention changes to the man on the field lifts his gun into the air. At the same moment, Alfie's man reaches into his coat pocket.
"No! Wait!" I shout, knocking the table out of the way. "Everyone down!"
I leap over the chairs and tackle Alfie's man. He sets off the gun as we stumble to the floor, chairs flying all about. Screams ensue as we wrestle on the floor. A man I recognize as the Head of Y/N's security steps on Alfie's man's hand. With a hiss, he releases his fist around the gun and the security knocks it away. I rush to my feet to inspect the damages, to see if Y/N was hurt, but I see no sign of her. Where did the bullet hit? A hanging bit of cloth that was once the awning answers my question. The arena is in chaos as people travel upstream toward the exists. People are being trampled and pushing each other about.
I work against the traffic down toward the railing to where I last saw Y/N. I shove people out of my way in a hurry. Then, that's when I spot her hat, squashed flat on the floor. I lean down to pick it up and that's when I finally find her resting against the wood base of the rail, holding her head with a bloody hand.
I remove my hand from my stinging forehead to see my once white-glove soaked in blood. One minute I was scanning the reaction of the crowd behind me, then there was a shout. The shot for the race to begin rang and I was knocked forward. My head hit the metal railing and I fell to the floor. My forehead was stinging and I realized I was bleeding. Then, I swear I heard another gunshot. I've tried to stand up, but everyone’s scrambling to get out. Plus, my head is throbbing
Suddenly, a man appears hovering above me. He stares down at me with a clenched jaw and a look of determination. He leans down, scoops up my unscathed hand. Before I utter a word, he begins to usher me through the chaos. My feet shuffle across the floor briskly to keep up as he grips my hand tightly. People continue to shout and scream for their loved ones, frightened.
"Who are you?" I ask loudly over the noise.
He ignores me, guiding the way through the arena. People rush down the closest stairs, eager to reach one of the main exits. This man, however, avoids all the staircases and remains on the walkway of the top floor. I sense he's leading me to the furthermost end and hopefully to an emergency exit.
"Answer me this instant!" I demand, attempting to yank my hand free. "Do you know who I am?"
"Yes, Miss Adair, I do!" He finally answers and whips his head around to meet my gaze. "Now, if you wish to not get shot, I suggest you follow me!"
I check over my shoulder for Al. "But my fiancé-"
"They're not after him," he states turning his attention back ahead.
My stomach drops. "You mean you know who's behind this?"
"I know enough..." His answer is vague and it worries me.
"Why do they wish to hurt me?"
"Your family is the wealthiest in the United States! You should really travel with more security," he suggests over his shoulder.
My prediction was correct, the man takes me to the furthest end of the platform to a fire escape of sorts behind a curtain. It's much less hectic than the main stairwells other than some workers attempting to escape. The man never releases my hand as he leads the swift way down the metal stairs. Once we're on solid ground, we weave through various parts of the arena. Booths and vendors scatter the area. The man seems to know this well, making a bee-line for a large white tent tucked away near the main staircase where Al and I first entered the race track.
When we rush into the tent, I first note a series of telephone booths, the dirt floor, and the absence of any of else. The man releases my hand and starts marching around. I assume checking to make sure we're alone. I spin around, checking my surroundings, frightened that one of these men this stranger speaks of will attack me suddenly.
My head is pounding and I can feel the warm blood twinkle down my cheek. My hair must look a fright. Who am I kidding, my white dress is covered in blood and dirt, every part of me is messy.
Y/N and I both struggle to catch our breath. I double-check that neither Alfie nor any of his men are hiding out in here. "We should be safe in here," I announce.
"Don't you think we should fetch a car or something!" She rushes out worriedly. “My car is parked just-”
I shake my head, moving back toward her. "No, not yet. They'll be expecting that."
Now that her hand is away from her head, I can inspect her injury properly. A minor gash above her brow. It doesn't appear awful, won't need stitches, but she has significant amounts of blood down the side of her face and cheek.
"Here." The man reaches into his pocket square and pulls out his handkerchief. He brings one hand behind my head and the other presses the fabric to my forehead. "We'll have someone look at this once everything is settled."
I nod, still a tad dazed to say the least. "Thank you," I mumble as my eyes fall to his tie directly ahead of me.
For a moment, despite the chaos outside the tent, there's a sense of peacefulness as the stranger pats my cut.
"So, you know my name, what's yours?" I ask. Considering he saved my life, I don't think we should be strangers anymore. “Since we were in the same box, I suspect you’re friends with the Bowes-Lyons.”
"Thomas, Thomas Shelby," he answers directly without much emotion.
"Well, despite the circumstance, it's pleasure to make your acquaintance, Sir. I'm surprised we've never met before considering we share friends."
A faint snicker escapes him as a smirk creeps onto the edge of his lips.
I grin. "What's so funny?"
"An heiress calling me "sir," he chuckles, glancing down from my forehead to meet my gaze. "It's not exactly something I thought I'd ever hear."
My brows scrunch together in confusion. “But aren’t you-”
"Tommy!" A voice calls from behind me.
Frightened, I rush to stand behind Mr. Shelby. My hands wrap around his bicep as I peek around his shoulder. His arm reaches around to keep me close to his back.
"In here Arthur!" He hollers.
Wait, he knows the person?
Suddenly, a lengthy man with a mustache marches into the tent. When his eyes land on us, his brows scrunch together. "What's this? What happened to-"
"Change of plans," Mr. Shelby states, physically relaxing at the sight of him.
The man switches his sight between me and Mr. Shelby. He rocks on his heels nervously. He steps to the side to get a better view of me. "Oh uh... hello then... Miss Adair. Nice to meet ya," he greets.
"And he's a friend?" I ask Mr. Shelby quietly.
He chuckles. "Yes, he's my brother. He's safe."
I step out from behind him hesitantly. I redirect my attention to Arthur and remove my glove to offer him my hand slowly. "Pleasure to meet you as well."
His brows rise at the sight of my hand, but he shakes it nonetheless. He chuckles. "She's awfully friendly," he tells his brother.
"Did you happen to see my fiancé? Alfred Bamford," I ask, growing worried that Al may have been hurt.
"He was escorted to your car I believe by one of your security."
"And the others?" I press urgently. “Are my friends alright? What about Lord and Lady Elphinstone?”
His features fall. "I lost them in the crowd, Miss..."
My eyes grow wide. "I should go find them!"
I go to head back outside, but Mr. Shelby grabs my wrist and steps to block my path.
"The men trying to harm you may still be out there," he warns.
"But my friends! Alfred!” I argue. “They’re probably worried sick! I’ll find my car and have them take me back to the hotel!”
"They'll be searching for you there! I'm sure they already have it staked out."
I huff. "Then where do you suggest I go?"
His eyes flicker to his brother and it's evident a thought has crossed his mind.
"I have an idea..." he states vaguely.
Oh no...
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bittersweet--chaos · 3 years
Inversion Talk with Leto: Relisten Edition
So I woke up randomly at 4 am and made the stupid ass decision to relisten to the Inversion. And I picked up some things we all (me) might have missed the first time. Figure that it'd be easier to see and hear things more clearly now that I'm seeing things more logically and not emotionally I'm traumatizing myself again for you all so.
Were there really no other shifters other than the Shaw pack? Did no other shifters come to the games?
Sometimes I will forget that the rest are shifters and forget how badass they are
Shades are from death right? So they're basically vengeful ghost. My theory, shades are just ghetto ass poltergeist. A poltergeist will fuck with you before killing you, a shade'll kill the and there!
This reminds me of FNAF but life or death version. Like, "6 hours in the Inversion" (this is 4 am humor ok)
Milo and Angel would've fought Jett I'm just saying
In a way I understand why Jett wanted d(a)emons forces to deal with everything. He most likely didn't want to risk a human life on his teams so opted to d(a)emons knowing that shades wouldn't affected them and that they were more powerful when it came to magic
When David made that choice to close the wards so Daliha was safe, I know he had Angel in mind
I just remember when Angel and Babe first got the news (when I first listened to it) I damn near had a panic attack from the amount of emotions I was feeling
Just realized, FL didn't do much during the apocalypse did they? And they didn't really have to since they had Gavin, but the most they did was ground Gavin (and thank God for it cause he was about to go off the rails)
OK, so Gavin said he couldn't feel something so distinct as Damien and Huxely's aura through the chaos, even with everyone calmed down. Vincent, however, was able to pinpoint where Lovely is and get to them in enough time. Is that bc Vincent and Lovely are bridged or bc Gavin has to many people's emotions inside him?
OK, Huxely said that the shades had started strategizing. Them motherfuckers we're getting smarter. Either they were learning from that the more people the more life force or with every new wave it's the same shade. OR everytime a person was to die they'd come back as a shade, adding to the blood shed
Imagine how man funerals are going to happen bevause of all of this. There's no way D.A.M.N is going to stay open and running after tgis even that happened on their campus
Jett only wanting Department d(a)emons to be apart of this situation shows that he didn't want the public knowing anything and that's what I fucking hate
DECK KODY 2022!!!! IK all through Damien's head as he kicked the shit outta Kody was all pent up anger from the incident with FL, anger of the situation, and anger with Kody bc he's just a general asshole who should rot
Damien is always going to want to help people, from back when he and FL wanted to make a change at D.A.M.N to wanting to help people during the Inversion. And it shows how good a person Damien is! And Huxely working as Damien's anchor helps because he knows how to make clear points and help calm his friend down
Milo's plan in a nutshell was literally to throw himself at the Ward NOT EVEN SHIFTED HE DID IT AS A HUMAN, absorb all the wards magic into himself, and have a mini army of empowered people kill off whatever shades were left. The idea was good but if that didn't work not only would he have died from that much magically intake but the wards would've been down and shades still would've ran through Daliah (where were Babe and Angel during that? In the radio tower? They can't have been with Lasko the whole time)
Seeing Gavin having an empathy overload breaks my heart and makes me so glad that Caelum wasn't there. Gavin was breaking at the seams at everything, if Caelum we're there he would've lost it and spiraled out of control. Especially if he tried helping everyone
So Vincent and Lovely aren't bridged? Because Vincent said that back when he was looking for Lovely with Adam, he tried to sense them the same way. Is it because he marked them then or is it a vamp thing?
Do you guys think if Lovely hadn't hesitated to fire lightning at Vincent and the shade, they wouldn't have been attacked?
Erik made an Imperium reference when David and Sam healed Ash. In the imperium Asher had said David died in his arms. If Sam didn't have David help him or if Asher didn't pull through, that would've happened again just reversed
You know how Erik said that once a vampire turns they can take on the name of their maker, which is why Vincent has Will's last name. I think Lovely will do that same thing
Damien was out of magic was because he was putting so much force into it (the little "Oh fuck" as he waited for the shade to get him reminded me of Jurassic park)
Bruh, i would like to remind you all of how powerful Hux is, when Huxely destroyed the shades that got to Damien, Milo and Sweetheart could hear that shit
1: why does Milo know how to stop such a powerful flow of magic and 2: do you think with all that magic stored up it's like Lovely's blood. He'll probably want to release it so he'll just keep shifting back and fourth
The amount of magic that got rid of the shades must've hit everyone in one wave and hit like a freight train. If it were aimed at anything other than than the shades I just know it could've killed everyone
Again, I see where Jett is coming from. He's thinking about the image of the Department and after the prison breaks begin so recent, he doesn't want the public to know about another crisis that's happened under their watch. If anything, people are gonna trust DUMP a hell of a lot less
Jett said he had to let the unempowered know about everything, that means those mfs know!
At the end with Brachium and Sunshine, Brachium is talking to someone. Someone in the river. All that magic and death that it caused fed it, but Brachium said he's do it again so we probably have another, bigger apocalypse coming our way. He also said how much time do we have left, which makes me think that if Sunshine and Elliot don't hurry up now, all is going to be lost to this thing. It's got to be the Sovereigns that Closeknit's trying to get to
Alright I'm done! I can happily say I did not cry or tear up again. I think I'm invincible from having done this and the Inversion ended literally 2 days ago. From 4:50 am to 7:46 I have listened to the entirety of the Inversion. And I'm not doing that shit again dear God.
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penny-beee · 4 years
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warnings- I used a character name but I can post one with ‘y/n’ if you want
summary- A Ravenclaw and Slytherin living different paths but will the love be able to survive ?
word count- 3.9k
My Girl
The echos of my parents persistent ‘house of Ravenclaw’ speeches ring throw my head as I made my way into Hogwarts. I could feel the stares of my peers as I walked passed them and into the dining hall, whispers of ‘the next headmaster’ falling my every step. Only at the age of eleven would people think it’s okay to push this so harshly onto me. My mother Juliet Payne and father Reginald Payne were as close as one could be to Dumbledore - being as they were the closest of friends they’d made an agreement that once I passed top of class with a level and good nature - I’d become headmaster.
The sorting hat called name after name, Hermoine Granger, Vincent Crabbe, Draco Malfoy, and then me - Persephone Payne. I sat in the chair that towered over me, intricate wooden carvings ran through the back of the chair. Professor McGonagall placed the old hat atop of my head. The overwhelming feeling rushed through me, the rumbling of its voice vibrated and rung my ears.
“I see so much potential, I see the prophecy. Yes..” The hats words ran off. “Yes.. I see much of Gryfindoor but I see much more in Ravenclaw.” It thought for a moment, grumbling down at me. “Ravenclaw!” The hat shouted for the whole room to hear.
Gazing over at Dumbledore, he had a soft smile on his face - he was happy with the result. I knew my parents would be too.
I sat at my wooden desk in my dorm room, the ornate mirror casted my reflection. Long brunette hair curved around my cheek bones, deep green eyes of the forest, and porcelain skin that I had inherited from my darling mother. I cleared my throat, brushing through my bedhead, today being my very first day of classes - I tried hard to look presentable. I slipped on my navy uniform and made my way down to my first class, Charms. I sauntered over to the front of the classroom, Hermoine sat just across from me - books already out. I gave her a soft grin as I got my own supplies out. The young girl had a very competitive energy - her smile back was barely meaningful.
Class went on, we all introduced ourselves and one thing we’d want to learn this year. Not many people paid attention, most gazing off into space or slowly falling asleep. I took notes, repeated important information in my head and volunteered when no one else would. I gathered my few books as class was dismissed, I continued on with my day.
When the long day had ended, I sat at the Ravenclaw dinner table, plenty of students would smile kindly and try to start small conversations. They knew of the prophecy - as did I of course. The dining hall was enormous, bigger than the one at my parents estate. Old stone adorned the walls and floors, headless horsemen and beautiful historic women danced around the room. The dinner had disappeared around 6:30 and desert popped up from the middle of the table, cupcakes and candies lining the center. I placed a white cupcake on my plate, not too bothered in eating the tiny sweet. Mother gave me such a sweet tooth growing up, we had candies and muggle treats around every corner of the house - her excuse was always that she felt it gave a warm feeling to the house.
A bounce of my bench woke me from my thoughts, my head reacted faster than my eyes did and whipped towards the maker of the small commotion. A boy sat besides me; white hair slicked back and light blue-gray eyes stared deeply into my soul. His cocky smirk lit his face up. The boy looked familiar but I couldn’t quite put his face to a name.
“So, you must be Persephone Payne - the girl who will take over from Dumbledore. You’re cursed to this retched place eternally.” He huffed, thinking his disrespect was something humorous.
“I’m sorry, but you are?” Confused why I should even have to listen to a word he had said.
“A pure-blood like yourself and you can’t even recognize a Malfoy. How tragic.” The boy rolled his eyes, it then clicked. The icey blonde hair, cocky demeanor, he was definitely Lucious’ son.
“Ah, Draco. How pleasant to speak to a Malfoy.” The fake words of endearment dripped down my lips like venom. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to go get to bed.” I swung my legs over the bench and turned my back on him for the first time.
A few years had passed since my first day at Hogwarts, my name no longer was a big deal (people finally realized I’m just a normal witch with normal feelings). I had grown a few inches in height but never reached the average 5’5”. My cheeks thinned and my invisible curves came in, skin finally cleared after year 3.
Year four - the year of the yule hall and the tri-wizard competition. Alone in the astronomy tower, I watched the stars. The autumn night was crisp, the musky pine smell mixed with a hint of cinnamon was always comforting. A slow wind, kissed my bare wrists and cheeks - turning my face a soft rosy red. Hermoine had ditched out on me tonight, usually she came up here with me to study but with Harry in the competition she didn’t want to leave him or Ron alone. So I stood at the edge of the railing; hand curled under my chin and feet twisted under me. The nights like this were when I felt at peace with the world, the loud halls were forgotten and the lonely meals were put behind me.
I could breathe up here, scream at the world for cursing me to live the life my parents had wanted for me. I adore helping and teaching people from every walk of life, but it being my parents choice before it was mine was the difficulty. I sighed loudly, turning on my heels to leave. A tall blonde boy lurking in the shadows startled me, jumping slightly as my heart raced. Draco.
“I-I was just leaving.” I stuttered in surprise.
“No, no worries I was actually looking for you.” He grinned, nothing of his usual cocky smirk was detected.
“Alright, whats going on?”
His hand reached for the back of his neck, scratching sort of awkwardly. The boy looked shy - preserved almost; hand buried in one of his pockets, hair slightly tussled and the most awkward grin making its way onto his face. “Well, the Yule Ball is coming up and I was sort of hoping you would go with me?” Ah that’s why.
“Sort of?” I tested him.
“Uh, no no. I do hope you would go with me.” There he was, the boy with all the confidence in the world - or maybe none at all. He stood a little taller, head a little higher.
“Sure Draco, I’ll go with you. No funny business though!” I pointed a single finger at him - gently smiling
He simply nodded, gazing down at his feet awkwardly. “Cool.” He breathed out quietly.
I walked passed him slowly, stepping up slightly to give him a soft kiss of his frozen cheek.
The day of the ball came up quickly - all the girls gossiped about who was taking them and who was taking others. I just smiled and nodded, not wanting to be in the drama too much. My dress was hung up on in my closet for about a week, a sheath navy blue velvet dress waited to be shown off. I happily threw it over my shoulders, the slit went up just to the center of my right thigh, the spaghetti straps accentuated my collar bones perfectly. I straightened my brunette locks and painted light makeup onto my pale face. Leaning over, I strapped on my black heels. Draco had left me red rose the day before, since the night he’d asked me to go with him he’d been around more. He would wave in the halls; sit next to me in class every now and again, even come to the astronomy tower to keep me company. The way I was starting to feel about the Slytherin boy felt dangerous. The heir to the cruel and awful man Lucious with the good and fair heir to Dumbledore was the oddest of mixes. We brought stares when we were seen in public, although we aren’t together - people had their doubts.
Cho came in - swinging the door wide open, of course startling me from my thoughts of Draco. I stood up, nodding at her.
“We’ve got to go Seph.” She smiled, she looked astonishing. The two Ravenclaw girls to be the talk of the night.
“Alright, let’s go.”
Draco met me at the entrance of the Ravenclaw common room, he looked dashing. Black suit and fluffed hair, oddly a rush of nerves ran through my body.
His cocky grin showed up once again when his eyes landed on me. “Well don’t you look breathtaking Ms. Ravenclaw.” He smirked.
“As do you Mr. Slytherin.” A hushed chuckle left my lips.
I didn’t take his hand or arm that he offered, instead a little spurt of anxiety dampened my hands. I rubbed them together nervously. My walk was a slight waddle as we made our way to hall, feeling powerful in my heels, I stomped next to Draco - hair swaying behind me. We talked about everything from our parents, to the prophecy, to classes to what our favorite candy was. Draco was sweet, different from what I had seen in the halls throughout the years. He had a kind heart, unlike his father (who I’d met one unfortunate day). His presence was warm, I could actually speak to him. The awful part about this whole thing was that tonight would be the last night I could “pursue” him as my mother said. Him - a Slytherin boy with corrupt parents and views wasn't to be with me. Mother didn’t want to break my heart too much and tell me I couldn’t go with him to the dance, so here I was sadly swaying from side to side to the music in Dracos comforting arms. He smelled of fresh morning dew and a sweet green apple, a unique scent.
I let a single tear fall from my eyes as I laid my head on his chest. No one were to see it, no one were to know of the anguish I was to endure after breaking this poor boys heart. Before he could divulge his eyes onto me, I wiped the tear away. He pulled me out in front of him - a genuine smile on his goofy face.
“Thank you for being my date tonight, we hadn’t talked much these past few years so I was shocked you said yes.” A chuckle left his soft lips.
“I thought I should take a chance on you. I’m glad I did.”
“I really do like you Seph. I can’t help but feel whole when I’m around you, you make my hard days so much better. I want you to be mi-.”
I cut him off.
“Draco, I got to go.” I spun around quickly and made a run for it, I couldn’t do it. I ran down the empty corridors - down halls - turned corners till I made it to the courtyard.
The crisp air rang chills down my spine. “Seph! Persephone!” His voice came into earshot.
“What Draco!?” I shouted, I wasn’t angry but I tried hard to be.
“What’s going on? Why did you run off like that?” He quizzed, I could hear the hurt in his words.
“I can’t be with you. I can’t do this. I don’t want this.” My voice was stern, I stared into his eyes as I watched the happiness fade.
“Why not? What did I do wrong? What happened between now and the last two months?”
“You’re cruel just like your father, I’m suppose to be with someone good. Someone that will help others thrive not drown.”
“I am not like my father.”
I shoved passed him, heart breaking piece by piece as I made my way back to my dorm. The tears fell heavily - gasps and hiccups leaving my throat. A feeling of heartbreak I had never felt before tore at my bones.
Although it had been two years after my “break up” with Draco - I still couldn’t get that boy out of my head. I passed him in the halls - stealing quick glances. Watched from afar as his life spiraled down - I knew he was hurting. Everyday he grew more quiet and more pale, he was becoming a walking bag of bones. I watched as he slowly melted into a depressive state. We had potions together with Mr. Slughorn. Draco was quiet, didn’t ever talk, stayed out of group conversations
As a group, the class stood together in the center of the room. I watched as Slughorn explained the potion in front of us. Amortentia - supposedly the most powerful love potion there was. I chewed on my thumb nail as he called up a few students to take a whiff - of course Hermoine described Ron. Hermoine came and took her spot next to me, she fidgeted with her fingers slightly as she gazed at Ron for a moment.
“Persephone, would you please come take a sniff?” Slughorn asked politely.
I nodded my head, taking the few steps to the cauldron. I bent over taking that small sniff. Memories of Draco filled my head, the teasing back and forth in year three, his perfect winks, his warm smile, resting my head in his chest as we danced - the overwhelming scent of him. The scent from the night he’d asked me to go to the dance with him. Slughorn leaned over, intrigued.
“Uh, fresh air after it’s rained, crisp green apples and cinnamon.”
Slughorn gave me a knowing look before ushering me back to my spot. Glancing out of the corner of my eye I could see Draco's face scrunched up like he had smelled something bad. He was angry with me.
Slughorn dismissed class 20 minutes later, I gathered my things and made my way for the door. Leaving the class behind me, I felt a big hand grasp my wrist, turning me around swiftly. Eyes meeting with the once vast blue ones of Draco's.
“So you reject me and don’t speak to me for two years and then decide to say you smell me for your Amortentia?!” he shouted, his voice startling me. He could see me jump practically afraid of what was to be said next from him.
“I didn’t want it to be you Draco, I didn’t even want to be asked to go up.” My voice quivered, I tried to sound strong - like I hadn’t felt bad for toying with him.
“You’re a real class act Persephone.” With that Draco left, he left me just how I did him two years ago. Alone, sad and broken.
Dumbledore was dead, murdered by his dear friend Snape. The school was taken over, death eaters ran a muck around the school. Our ‘army’ fought hard, throwing spell after spell. I was guarding the Gryfindoor dorms from the death eaters, all of the first through third years hiding away upstairs. A fellow Ravenclaw Beatrice stood next to me, our wands raised while we hid behind our makeshift barriers in front of the wooden doors. My head was pounding, head bashed from a death eater just a few moments before. My fingers ached as I clutched my wand tightly, watching every inch of the corridor for someone of the opposite side. I just wanted mother and father, I just wanted to see Draco one last time. He had come to say goodbye only a few days before, saying he understood if I never forgave him but he had no choice. No details were given but I’m sure he was talking about the current situation.
“You’ll always be a part of me.” His last words to me sang in my ears all day. A boy that was forced into the all wrong choices now had his life on the line because he couldn’t leave his mother behind.
A rush of a few death eaters ran down the hall towards Beatrice and myself, our screams filled the hall as we fought back and forth. Spells flew over my head, next to my face and right at the barrier. I feel like I was done, like I had no more fight inside me, for 5 hours I had been at this post fighting off the cruel and hate filled followers. Finally the two of us fought them off.
The sound of quick steps brought my attention back at the hall, wand up I pointed it at the direction of the sound. Turning the corner, a frightened Draco made his way down the corridor. My wand staying up and pointed at him, did I trust him? Beatrice peeked over at me, unsure of what to do next.
His face was bruised and bloody, suit covered in dust and dirt. He looked lost, like his hope was sucked from his eyes.
“It’s over, Seph. Please, Voldemort wants us out front.” His voice desperate, his eyes searched for help.
I pondered for a moment, wether me going out to the courtyard was the best choice; ultimately deciding yes.
“Beatrice, get Luna and keep the door closed and gaurded.” Beatrice nodded - turning and calling out for Luna from the common room.
Luna stepped out with her wand in hand, I gave the two girls a strong smile and walked away from them. I clenched my wand tightly in my hand as I walked with Draco. We didn’t speak, he knew I was angry at him, he knew that if it were any other time I’d shout and shout till my voice broke. We made our way to the front entrance and stood among the crowd - sifting through the people we both stood out at the very front.
Harry used all his power to fight against Voldemort, he pushed and pushed till Voldemort finally let off and died from the over power of Harry. Draco held my hand behind his body, tightly he saw his mother emerge from the band of death eaters. His mother stared over and found us, her eyes pleaded for him.
“Draco.” Her soft voice sang from across the way.
He didn’t move.
“Draco, let’s go home.” Again, she quietly begged for her son back.
His grip let go of my own, taking strides towards his mother. The whole group watching him leave the scene silently. My heart shattering for the third time, he had left me behind again.
My chest caving in, I made my way to the make shift infirmary. There laid my mother and father, dead.
Merlin mocked me, he looked down on me and decided all in one day I were to lose the love of my life, parents and friends. My throat grew dry, I felt dizzy and like I was suffocating. Hoarse screams left my throat as I fell onto my knees next to my deceased parents. The life taken from their kind souls, no goodbyes were ever given.
I felt people staring, for the first time since fourth year I felt alienated again. I felt helpless and weak. I pushed the tears that wouldn’t stop spilling from my cheeks, snot mixing with them making me look like pure hell.
That night I cried myself to sleep, for the last time I was with my mother and father. My body was shriveled while I slept in a hall.
A couple of years passed, I inherited my parents estate and all the money they left behind. I declined the offer at Hogwarts as I had lost so much in my years there. The ministry understood - I lived off the 1.2 billion dollars my parents left behind for me.
The house was huge, 10 bedrooms and 12 bathrooms all for myself, my cat Ginger and my house elf Elsa. Elsa and Ginger were my only friends these days. The house had a warm toned pallet, all shades of brown and maroon. Antique furniture and paintings filled each room, plants in every window. Most days I spent in the living room, laying under the huge window listening to classical music and reading. Elsa would make some tea for us and we’d read together or she’d go off and do her own thing.
I finished up my plate of pasta and grabbed Elsas from her as she had finished as well. I sauntered over to the cozy candle-lit kitchen and placed the dishes in the sink - not feeling up to the task quite yet. I sighed - another night of being alone in the huge house I called home. I roamed up the wide wooden stairs to my bedroom in the west wing.
The walls were painted a sandy beige, floors a dark cherry oak and a large ornate rug laid on top. My wide bed sat in between two grand windows, draped with sheer white curtains. I had two antique wooden night stands next to my bed, photos of my family were on each. The smell of cinnamon apple was a constant need for my room to feel warm and welcoming. Like the boy all those years ago.
I drug my feet over to my walk-in closet and looked for my navy silk night gown. Satisfied, i slipped out of my day clothing and pulled the gown up onto my body. I turned to gaze into my floor length mirror, looking at my body. A single scar on my shoulder left from the war, reminded me everyday of what happened.
A chime of my doorbell filled my ears - making me question why someone would be here so late. I grabbed my silky mesh robe and threw it across my shoulders. I walked out of my room and towards the stair case. As I glanced down at the door, now opened and Elsa closing it behind the guest my heart quickened it’s beating. A boy I once knew was now a man. His famous black suit with a black turtle neck underneath, blonde hair hanging down his face, small wrinkles forming in between his brows, his skin brighter and eyes blue once more. Tears began flowing down my face, I fastened my pace - robe flowing in the wind behind me. I jumped off the last stair and into Draco’s arms. He caught me perfectly. I held onto the back of his hair, wanting to make sure he was really there. I cried into the man, holding him so tightly afraid he’d disappear if I didn’t.
“My girl. My Seph. I’m here now.” His voice cracked, he was starting to cry too.
“I thought I’d never see you again.” My muffled words floated into the air.
“I know, but I got out. I couldn’t take it anymore, living the life others wanted for me.” He took a deep breath in. “But I’m here now. I’m not going anywhere.” Voice calming.
I pulled out of his hug, placing me gently on the ground so he could look at me properly. “you look as beautiful as the day I lost you.” A tear fell from his sorrowful eyes.
Wiping it away, I connected our lips. All the passion I had worked up for years just let out in one kiss. His hands grabbed at my hips, one arm gently moved to my cheek and then to the back of my head getting lost in my messy hair.
I pulled away once more and grabbed his hand from my hip, leading him up the stairs to our new room.
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bonniebird · 6 years
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Klaus x Reader
Requested by Anon
“I could go! Marcel likes me.” You offered as you gathered the papers Klaus and Elijah had been looking over.
“Somehow I don’t think sending a human across the city that may be infected by hunters that are trying to kill us all with our plans is a good idea.” Klaus said, smiling when you rolled your eyes and let him take back the papers.
“I can be of some help you know.” You said huffily. Klaus smiled with amusement at your expression. When you’d first met he’d scared the life out of you, you were squeamish when it came to blood, seeing a beating heart in his hands was apparently enough for you to faint.
“Well if you could be so kind as to tell Camille I will be late to our meeting tonight, that would be wonderful.” Klaus gave you a warm smile when you nodded and rushed off.
“I always find it fascinating how some humans are so devoted to us, others hate and fear us… (Y/N) seems to fall in the middle.” Elijah said softly as he heard you excitedly babbling to Rebekah about hanging out with Camille as you got ready to leave the house.
“Devoted to the cause, not killing supernatural creatures? But not to us brother? I think she’s gotten rather fond of us. The very least she trusts us.” Klaus mused.
“Not without your attempts to frighten the poor creature to death.” Elijah said back which made Klaus chuckle as he sipped from his drink and left the room.
“Niklaus? You didn’t appear at the meeting with Marcel.” Elijah said as he joined his brother on a balcony, overlooking the quarter.
“(Y/N) never arrived at the bar to speak with Camille. In fact no one has seen her since she left.” Klaus muttered, glancing at Elijah who narrowed his eyes and fiddled with his cuff.
“You couldn’t find out where she’d gone, perhaps gotten distracted. You know how she’s like a magpie for a bookstore.” Elijah offered.
“Even Hayley and Jackson helped look for her. We can find bits of her scent but… she’s vanished.” Klaus said and swallowed his guilt as he turned back to stare at his hands.
“Like the others that were taken, by the hunters. Niklaus you aren’t trying to tell me you think the hunters are so brazen that they would take someone from our city, someone whom we consider family?” Elijah asked carefully as he stepped to lean on the rail of the balcony.
“I can’t think of anything else that could have happened.” Klaus muttered.
The brother’s stood looking over the city for a while. “I’ll get Freya started on a location spell, Hayley and Rebekah can be canvassing for her. I’ll fill in Marcel too.” Elijah said firmly.
“I thought if I sent her to Camille her need to be helpful would diminish for a while. I had intended on keeping her out of their way.” Klaus admitted and Elijah placed a reassuring hand on Klaus’ shoulder.
“This could not be avoided brother. Taking her in broad daylight, in the quarter that is crawling with our allies was a bold move. No one has heard from Davina in a while, you know how she likes to stick her foot in our troubles.” Elijah smiled when Klaus snickered and imagined what Marcel would say in her defence.
You tried to move but the space was to confined. The hunters had caught you by surprise. Admittedly it wasn’t hard. It was even easier when they used a witch. Now you were trapped in the boot of one of their cars. You had heard them arguing over how to keep you hidden from Freya. Her friendship with Vincent worried them and they thought of them consorting to locate you seemed to terrify them.
You spent the time in the dark telling yourself to keep calm, go over the fight move Hayley had shown you. Sure she’d gone easy on you but at least you’d gone toe to toe with a Hybrid and fought until you were exhausted. You could defend yourself if there was one of them.
There was a huge bang which made you freeze. You’d been working on loosening the restraints on your wrists as you thought over escape plans, which wasn’t to easy, not to mention you hadn’t even started on your legs.
“Hello there.” Klaus said to the hunters that were aiming guns at him. The car he’d slammed into and flipped over lay smouldering beside him.
“Where’s the girl!” Marcel growled and glared at the hunter that cocked his gun. In a flash Klaus was in the second car.
“I think you have a friend of mine. How many of you do I kill before you tell me where she is? Let’s find out, shall we?�� He gave an unnerving smile to the man next to him.
You screwed your eyes shut as the boot opened, clenching your fists, ready to at least give one of the hunters a black eye for their trouble. “Hello little one. You look comfy.” Your eyes snapped open to see Klaus staring down at you.
“I’m so glad you found me!” You said in relief as he and Marcel started working on the ropes tying you up.
“You were not easy to find.” Klaus admitted cheerfully as he scooped you out of the boot and in a rush of cold air you were back into the quarter.
“Do you have (Y/N)?” Hayley called as she rushed down the stairs as you stumbled, wobbly legged, into the courtyard. She smiled when you saw her but before she and Freya who was close behind could rush to hug you Rebekah got there first, shortly followed by Davina and Camille who had followed Marcel on the way to the courtyard.
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happy-haunts · 5 years
Madame Leota pt. 2
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Madame Leota pt. 2
Chapter one | Constance pt.1 : Constance pt.2
Chapter two | Mister Topper pt.1 : Mister Topper pt.2
Chapter three | Madame Leota pt.1 : Madame Leota pt.2
Chapter four | The Hostess
Chapter five | Captain Blood pt.1 : Captain Blood pt.2
Chapter six | Emily DeClaire pt.1 : Emily DeClaire pt.2 : Emily DeClaire pt.3
Chapter seven | Finale
Reading someone was all about tuning into their memories - which were stored best inside one’s heart, for the mind could force a person to forget an event if it were horrible enough but the heart will always remember the feeling of that past pain.
And as for searching...
I stood in a hallway with doors on either side with a white door at the very end- odd considering usually all the doors I had ever encountered were usually the same color. Upon the first step forward there was a squish and I then realized there was blood pooling out of certain rooms leaving the floor coated in the sticky liquid.
I pressed on and opened the first door; he was arguing with a young man holding onto a woman who was covering her cheek as though she had been struck.
I stepped to another door; this one had blood coming from the bottom which was pooling out of two bodies - it seemed to be at night and the mayor was telling two officers to dispose of the bodies.
I shut that door while my heart began racing, this man covered up murder! I ran to another room that pooled out blood, another cover up with the police.
I felt sick as I opened another, this one had no blood but he was talking to a man and woman - with sapphire eyes.
“He’s no longer welcome in this town, I suggest you find some way to get rid of him.” Said the mayor.
“He’s my son and I will not abandon him, I’m all he has!” The man with sapphire eyes pleaded.
“If you don’t have him gone by tomorrow then I will get rid of him, a bastard is a disgrace to this town, make your choice George because you will not me to do it for you.”
I shut that door and looked at all the ones remaining but bypassed them to instead find some kind of softness in such a cruel man.
The door was chipped and hardly taken care of, when I opened it the hinges let out an ear shattering squeal. This room was already so much nicer than the previous rooms- it was a sunny day on a hill of wildflowers, the breeze was soft against my skin while I watched the mayor approach a girl on the hill. The girl had short hair to her chin while wearing a mourning gown and humming... her humming was delightful, though she sounded so sweet the song she hummed seemed to have a rather morose tune.
She plucked flower after flower while placing them carefully in her arms and standing- she turned around accidentally bumping into the mayor causing her flowers to burst in a cloud of petals and pollen.
“I’m so sorry!” She had her eyes clamped shut as if waiting to be struck- but he slid his hand across her tanned cheek and slid it down to her chin- tilting it up to face him as he leaned down to kiss her.
I lifted my hands from his as he sat looking rather unimpressed.
“Who is she?” I whispered, she looked no older than I was when I gained my powers.
“Who do you mean?” But he was visibly uncomfortable.
“I saw a young girl in a black dress picking flowers and you kissed her.” I wrung my hands as if I could get his touch off me. “Is it all young girls or just that one?”
“You’ve imagined a false memory, witch.” He hissed to me while standing from his chair, “Just as I suspected you’re a fraud.”
“And she wasn’t too far from my skin color either come to think of it, seems your distain for ‘slaves’ is just a mask.”
He turned a dark red and walked off - leaving me to pack up my things.
“Wow, I’m the only one who can get the old man’s face that red.” Called William from his front door. “What did you tell him you saw?”
“I saw his truest desire.” I stated matter of factly.
“Well whatever you guessed - it hit close to home.” William took my table and followed me back to my wagon as I began putting my things away.
“I don’t guess, he was after a young girl’s heart and kissed her while she was gathering flowers.” I reached back to him from my wagon to take my table.
“Gathering flowers...?” William mumbled, “What was she wearing?” I rolled my eyes and leaned on my wagon before him- arms crossed.
“It hardly matters what she was wearing, he had no right to touch such a young girl like that.”
“T-that’s not what I meant!” He turned red and ran his hand through his hair. “You know what never mind, do you need help with anything else?”
“That should be all of it... William let me give you a reading, I’m curious to know what dirty deeds you have resting inside here.” I poked his chest making him cock an eyebrow to me, but he rolled his eyes and held out his palms.
“Alright but hurry up, dinner is ready and I don’t want my roast to be cold.”
I placed my hands on his and was taken to a more familiar sight, a hallway without blood pooling onto the tiles.
I opened a door showing a young William sitting at a desk in the mansion library - listening to some woman teach him as he slumped bored over his desk.
The next he was working tirelessly at piano, after that he was barraged by his parents that he was hardly showing the same progress as his brothers, and the next he was lounging beside an unmarked grave sleeping as yelling erupted from his home. I made a face- none of this was very interesting... just typical rich kid stuff.
I skipped to the second to last door, he was ... he was...
What in the actual hell?
William was steering a ship in a red coat with golden details, they landed at an island where the pirates all began unloading.
“Lets go men! But leave the prize to me!” And as he jumped over the railing into the sands I saw he was approaching a church.
I stepped back from that door - now completely thrown off as I reached for the very last door.
Inside it was night time as the moon bathed two bodies among the graves in silver light, it was William and the girl in black.
She was stroking his hair as they lay in the grass humming her sweet sad tune, she pecked him on the lips and snuggled against his chest while William closed his eyes and smiled.
I lifted my hands and looked at William with a little smile. “You knew her, that girl in black.” William stepped back from me, his eyes wide but he made no attempt to validate my claim.
“Lets go, dinner will be getting cold.” He adjusted his coat and turned to walk away.
“Of course, Captain.” I placed my hand on my hip when he turned around with a blush rising to his cheeks.
“Did the mayor tell you? How -?”
“Oh so the mayor knows? What do you work for him?”
He didn’t answer but instead walked inside, I followed behind him to the dining room where a beautiful roast was sitting drenched in it’s fatty juices, steamed vegetables seasoned besides it, and fresh flaky biscuits were prepared and ready in a wicker bread bowl.
“You can’t dodge my questions and you know that my black magic is very real and very powerful - so just tell me! A little piracy is exciting, far better than your dreary childhood.”
“I have nothing to say, Madame.” William sliced off some roast and slid a plate down to me as he began helping himself.
“William, I could make you tell me.” I threatened with a little smile, he straightened and looked at me with a glare.
“I wouldn’t if I were you.” But he set the silverware down as he took in a breath, “Do you want to know how I earned this?” He held up his hand which was branded with a ‘B’. “Do you want to know the people I’ve killed? The towns I’ve burned to the ground? The women I’ve stolen?” I wasn’t sure what he wanted me to say.
“Yes, I want to know, who did you kill?”
William blinked as the silence filled the room but then placed a hand over his eyes while he laughed.
“Leota you are disturbed by nothing.”
“I’m disturbed by your brother’s lack of sense in women.”
“Oh you did NOT have feelings for Vincent!” He began laughing harder as he plopped down in a seat beside me.
“He knew all the right words! And his graveyard was so...” I bit my lip as I sighed, “I bought a dress and everything! But do you know what he did?” William shook his head as he chewed a mouthful of roast. “He heard from the spirits that you were in town and showed me out right after to go visit you.”
“Ha! You expected too much of Vincent- he loves death more than he could love any woman.” And we drank that night sharing stories of piracy as well as black arts- till we both passed out on the table.
The weeks following were similar in that way as William and I kept to ourselves usually during the day while at night we ate and drank till we couldn’t anymore.
The partying came to a halt one night when I came back from a day of ruining people’s lives and found William sulking at the table.
“So did you want to talk about it or am I going to be eating alone tonight?” I asked as I pulled up a chair beside him.
“I can’t say... I just...” He grunted and threw his glass at the wall. “It’s not my place to say... I’m just stuck in a situation where there is little I can do.”
“What? With your reputation? I would think you can do anything.” William was giving a silent nod but stopped - a smile ran across his face and he hurriedly got up to give me a hug, making me spill my drink.
“Leota you’re amazing!”
I wasn’t sure how I was amazing exactly? But he wasn’t wrong I was rather brilliant on any given day, however I don’t know what about that made him announce his marriage to Emily the VERY NEXT DAY!
If only his brother were that bold.
But the engagement made for a very promising party at the mansion, gypsies were swinging from the chandelier (not sure how they got up there) and others were dancing to their hearts content.
I stumbled over to Emily in a drunken stupor and pulled her off to the hall. “Leota! I was in the middle of a dance, can’t it wait?”
“I wanna ask you for that favor! Since you and William getting married in one day’s time is pretty suspicious!”
“O-oh?” Emily stammered while wringing her fingers. “I assure you it’s a mutual engagement.”
“I invoke my favor! I would like to preform a reading.” She couldn’t refuse due to the deal she struck with me so her hands held themselves out palms upwards.
“W-what does a reading do? Is it painful?”
“Shhh! Shhh... no it’s not painful, I’m just going to take a look into that cute heart of yours and check out your memories.”
I placed my hands atop hers.
As soon as I stepped into the hallway I was overwhelmed as tears began to pour from my eyes, it didn’t help that I was waist deep in water either.
I opened her first door - she was reading with her parents.
Next door - she was asleep by the door when he parents came in, apologizing since they had to work late.
The next door - she was alone in a barren room sobbing.
I swam down towards the end of the hall since all this crying was driving me mad! I almost missed it but there was a room that had blood coming out of it- though you could hardly tell through the water. I went to investigate but a current was sweeping me back to where I entered.
No way, she was not going to push me out that easily.
I turned my attention to the door at the end instead- it was black with veins crawling their way along the wall around it like an infection. As soon as I touched the handle I tried to give it a mighty tug but it refused to budge, so I slammed my hand on it - green smoke seeping into the wood till it finally creaked open.
The water was sucked into the vast dark emptiness of the room it contained until I stood before it - the dripping from my clothes the only sound left.
I wasn’t sure what I should be seeing or if I should be seeing anything since inside was only inky blackness. But after a moment the darkness formed into long hands that latched onto me, the fingers ran through my hair and lifted my chin to inspect me, I was prodded and groped all around as panic set into my chest - I could hardly move my arms as tears still poured from my eyes. Inside of the room I heard a shrill scream, “NO! NO! NO!” Before the water returned and a current forced me back out.
I opened my eyes which had grown wet, Emily pulled her hands out of my own and lifted them to wipe my tears.
“Oh my goodness, I’m sorry! You must have seen when my parents died.”
“Emily did someone hurt you?” I whispered, taking her wrists in my grasp, my fingertips glowing with a faint green. “If someone hurt you I’ll take care of them.”
“Nothing happened! I promise I’m perfectly fine.” She flashed a smile, “But you were crying... Was that because of me? And if it was I’ll make up for it, I’ll ... umm make you something!” I only stared at her while she attempted to offer remedies of arts and crafts. “I’ve never made a birdhouse before but I can always try, or - or perhaps you would like a love letter instead? I’ve never made one of those either but they can’t be very hard.”
“Okay okay, I don’t need anything from you Emily.” I wrapped my arms around her neck and held her close to me. “If he has hurt you or ends up hurting you in any way... I’ll take care of him.”
“H-he? I’m not hurt! I’ve never been hurt except when I hurt myself- which I do a lot but jumping from a second story building doesn’t really help I guess!” She laughed nervously and gave me a tight squeeze before wiggling away. “I had better get going... big day tomorrow!”
I had the worst hangover the next morning, I felt horrible since this was Emily’s big day and I was starting it off on such a sour note.
If only that was the worst part.
I had been talking to some of the gypsies in the parlor when I heard her scream, I remember dropping my glass and running to the open front doors only to see Emily laying on her back in her white gown, her blood trickling down the front steps.
I looked back up to the window and saw William standing there with his hands gripping the window pane.
I ran back inside and rammed right into the mayor who glared at me, “Out of my way, slave.”
I honestly did not have time as I hurried to the attic- out of breath as I gripped the doorframe, I composed myself as I stepped towards William but my foot bumped into something just inside... a hatbox?
I gasped upon seeing the decaying head inside.
“She’s gone ... Leota you have to bring her back, she never deserved this.” William croaked from the window, he approached me and grabbed my wrist.
“Get your hands off me!” I screamed, but he placed my hand on his head.
“Give me the power to bring her back if you won’t!”
“Did you do this?” I growled finally with my hand still on his head, he dropped his gaze sadly.
“I didn’t mean to... I wanted to be with her forever... we were almost together forever.” I removed my hand from his head and tried to steady my breaths.
“I’ll make a deal with you William.” I smiled and extended my hand to him, “I’ll give the Gracey family the power to raise any spirit that has died on their soil, but only under certain conditions, do you accept?” He eagerly grabbed my hand and shook it.
“Anything you want.”
“You foolish mortal...” I cooed and flexed the green aura from my hand- squeezing his hand so hard he dropped to his knees before me. “Your legacy may bring whomever spirit they so choose to come back to our world under some conditions, you must die before you can ever achieve this power.”
“What?” William hissed as I released his hand, still grinning to him.
“You’re right... Emily never deserved that, so I’m not going to let you get away with it.” I turned and walked away listening to him scream and throw what items there were in the attic.
As I walked into the parlor I heard the Mayor shouting, “That’s her! She shoved past me after she pushed the bride from the window!”
“What?” I snapped, but the officers grabbed my arms and shackled me. “I did nothing like that!”
“You should never cross me, slave.” He smirked and I was marched off to a holding cell before my sentencing.
I’m sure you can guess.
It was death I was sentenced to death, beheading to be specific.
I remember the disgusted looks of the people as I was walked onto the platform, I spat on the ground before me and cursed the ground that this town lay on.
I was cursing William as well, that bastard didn’t even get his punishment in the end! Instead he took his own life before he could be arrested...
My chin was propped onto the platform, I closed my eyes, imagining my parents... imagining my caravan, even emily.
And then the blade dropped.
When my eyes opened again I was here and I had all the powers of the universe at my disposal- seated before me was a girl with black hair and dressed in a green and black outfit.
“So your curse actually works.” She stated rather monotone.
“Of course it does, who are you? And what do you want?” I glared at the girl but she remained expressionless.
“I’m here on behalf of the Adventurer’s Club, I am to watch over this mansion in case you decide to in anyway damage or destroy life as we know it, eachother, or any bystanders who think it would be fun to watch ghosts in an omnimover attraction, just call me the Hostess.”
“Wait, the hostess actually has a purpose?” Red gasped and leaned forward - obviously quite engaged.
“Of course she does, why else would she be here?”
“I don’t know I just figured she was a homeless mortal who stayed here and read that ani-may stuff.”
“It’s manga if you read it.” I corrected.
“Who cares?” Red sighed and then rubbed the bridge of her nose, “But it sounds like this William guy is who killed Hatty, probably killed Emily, and is making all of us suffer with him- so where do I find him?”
“You don’t.” I stated cooly, “He is the house and he finds you.” Constance seemed to be lifted from her trance as the door opened to the seance room.
“What? How did I get to Leotas’ room?” Constance mumbled, but no answer was given for instead standing in the doorway was a raven haired woman, her green eyes heavy with disinterest, and wearing a black and green striped dress that hung down to her calves.
“I should have known you two would be the ones to start stirring things up.” She sighed, in her hand was a lantern and it seemed as the warm yellow light washed over Constance her memory remained intact.
“We just wanted to find out who killed Emily!” Red shouted, “I didn’t think it was going to make the house freak out!”
“You what?” The hostess took a step forward and looked around the room, she waved her hand for Red and Constance to follow her. “You two come with me, I can’t believe ... Not even the Adventurer’s Club would pull what you two have tried!”
“Adventure’s Club?” Constance wondered, both she and Red were getting up now as I watched them leave through the door, the last thing I heard was the Hostess responding to Red.
“They’re my employers.”
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~KISS AU writings 8~
THIS ONE HAS BEEN A LONG TIME COMING!! There’s apparently been a lot of anticipation for it too so here we go!! 
Featured Pairing: Bruce Kulick/Paul Stanley
Special Guests: Gene Simmons, Eric Carr, Ace Frehley, Peter Criss, Vinnie Vincent
Summary: Bruce’s friends take him to a gentleman’s club for his birthday. He falls hard for one of the dancers..and things go off the rails~ (told from Bruce’s POV)
I laugh as I’m showered with confetti as soon as I come through my door. Eric comes up and straps a party hat to my head. This was totally unexpected! I bet they’d been planning this for weeks! They guide me to my kitchen where there’s a huge pizza and a beautiful birthday cake waiting on the table. The living room is decorated with balloons, streamers, colorful plates and napkins. I can’t believe they did all of this for me! I’m not going to cry! 
Ace goes into my fridge and pulls out a big case of beer. “Can’t have a party without the party favors!” he said with his usual maniacal cackle. Gene shakes his head. “Just go easy on those cause we’ve got plans later. And if you get drunk I’m not taking you.” Plans? What’s he got in mind? Ace whines but eventually he agrees. These plans must be pretty damn great if it gets Ace to not drown himself in booze. I worry about him sometimes.. Eric distracts me by patting my back. “Cmon, birthday boy let’s get this party started!” 
We carry everything into the living room and set it all on the coffee table. Peter goes over to my tv to put in a movie. “I brought ‘the Godfather.’ It’s a great movie, you’re gonna love it!” Ohhhh, Peter and his love for gangster movies~ It’s a nice sentiment but I’m pretty sure nobody will pay attention except for me and him..and Eric. Cause he’s a nice guy like that~ Fortunately I was wrong. We all sat with our beers (Gene with his soda), and pizza with our eyes glued to the screen. I’d heard of this movie but I’d never actually seen it before. It was really good! Nothing gave Peter more joy than watching someone else enjoy the movies he enjoyed~ After the movie was over Eric went into the kitchen to grab a knife and candles. “It’s cake time!” After the candles were placed Ace took out his lighter to light them. They sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to me loudly and obnoxiously..just like I expected. Bunch of idiots. But they’re my idiots~ I blow out all the candles in one breath and they applaud. Eric hands me the knife. “Birthday boy gets the first piece!” I can’t wait to dig into it. It’s all chocolate. I can smell it..and it’s wonderful~ I cut out five pieces and put them on our plates. We spend the next couple of hours enjoying our cake and joking with each other. This has been the best birthday I’ve had in years~
Gene looks at his watch and grins. “Alright, gentlemen it’s time to go~ We gotta get there before all the good seats are gone.” Ace is already up on his feet and ready to go which startles the hell out of me. “About damn time! Lead the way, Genie!” Gene sighed. “Change first. We brought extra clothes for a reason.” I blink. When he sees my confusion Gene pats my shoulder. “It’s a very nice place..so we have to dress nice. I suggest a suit jacket and slacks.” Sounds fancy. And expensive. Also the fact that Gene is perfectly fine with spending that much money on me is not helping my case for not trying to cry. “O-okay. I’ll find something to change into.” I go to my room while the others take turns changing in the bathroom. Going through my closet I find the gray suit I wore to my brother’s wedding. This is perfect! Hoping it still fits I try it on. To my absolute relief it does. Taking off the jacket I take out a nice white button up shirt. I thought about wearing a tie but I decide against it. I don’t think we need to go that formal. Once we’re all done dressing we gather in the front hall. Gene picks up his keys. “We can all go in my car. I’ve got room for everyone. Birthday boy has shotgun~” I feel so special~ With a smile I let everyone out the door and lock up. Looks like it’s going to be a pretty interesting night~
When we reach our destination I see a long line of people waiting to get into some kind of club. “Is that where we were going? There’s no way we’re getting in there!” Gene parked the car and turned off the engine. “Relax, Bruce. I told you I’ve got it covered. Trust me~” When he says things like that I can’t bring myself to question him. We all get out and head straight for the entrance. Once the bouncers spot us I start getting nervous. They look like they’re ready to beat the hell out of all of us. Calm as ever Gene just takes out his wallet, opens it up and shows it to them. “Good evening. We have a reservation.” One of the bouncers narrows his eyes and looks closer, makes an expression of recognition and pulls the door open. “Good evening, Mr. Simmons.” he says. “Gentlemen, welcome to the Firehouse.” Ace was cracking up and smacking Gene on the back. “They know you by name, Genie? How many times have ya been here~?” Gene just reached back to put his wallet away. “If you really must know I just happen to have a VIP membership to this place. With it I can pretty much get anyone I bring with me in here for free so I figured why not~?” I’m just at a loss for words. Not to mention relieved that he actually didn’t have to spend ridiculous amounts of money to get us in. A high class place like this cannot be cheap. “I..I dunno what to say, Gene..except thank you~” I can tell Peter’s already taking a liking to his surroundings. I’m guessing this is his kind of place~ Eric looked a bit nervous but tried to play it off. I think as long as we stay with him he won’t get too overwhelmed. 
Gene guides us to the main lounge. The stage was lined with neon lights shaped to look like fire. The dance pole was of course made to look like one you’d see at a firehouse. Clever~ When we take our seats a very good-looking man comes over dressed in a skimpy gold fireman’s costume. “Good evening, gentlemen~ I’m Vinnie and I’ll be your server tonight~ Can I get you anything~?”
“How about a tall glass of you, baby~?” Ace said, leaning back in his chair and cackling with Peter joining him. Those two, I swear~ Whenever they get together craziness follows. Vinnie just took it all in stride. I’m sure he’s heard those kinds of comments before. Many times. “I’ve got the time if you’ve got the money, handsome~” Ace’s eyes went wide. He definitely wasn’t expecting that response~ “Why don’t you tell me what you’re worth~?” We all turn to stare at him, except Peter who’s still laughing his ass off. “What? Heeey..Brucie shouldn’t be the only one gettin’ the special treatment~” Vinnie was clearly amused at Ace’s eagerness. “Well..let me at least take your drink orders first before we get down to business~” We all order drinks, except Gene who asks for water. “Be right back~” Vinnie turned on his gold stiletto heels and walked off towards the bar. “Do you actually have the money, Ace?” Gene asked, leaning forward. “The ‘company’ here isn’t cheap you know. Some of these beauties cost up to $10,000 for a night.” My jaw drops. “Seriously?! I wouldn’t mind having some fun either but not if it’s going to bankrupt me!” Ace just waved us off. “Will you relax, Genie? I got it covered! That Vinnie’s lookin’ mighty fine and I want a piece of that tonight~”
A few minutes later Vinnie comes back with our drinks and sets them on our table before going over to Ace. “So what would you like~? It’s $1,000 if you want a private dance and $5,000 if you want my company for the night~” Ace is grinning from ear to ear as he gets up and wraps his arm around Vinnie’s shoulders. “Think I’m gonna go with option B, sweet thing~ Let’s go have some fun, hah~?” I can’t believe he’s doing this! Neither can Eric. We both just gawk at them as they leave. Peter on the other hand is beside himself. “Knock ‘im dead!” he shouts, waving until they’re out of sight. Gene picks up his glass and takes a sip. “I guess he’s finding his own way home tonight.” Before I can even fathom what the hell just happened the lights went out. The flames around the stage glowed brighter and a spotlight shined down on the dance pole. Looked like the show was finally starting! As soon as the music began everybody was clapping and scrambling to get closer to the stage. Apparently this dancer was very popular. I recognize the song right away and I have myself a little laugh. At least now I’m familiar with one other person who actually liked Queen’s Hot Space album~ The dancer sashayed down the dimly lit part of the stage to the song’s intro. Guys were attempting to lean over to get a closer look but the ‘flames’ were a pretty damn sufficient deterrent. 
Body Language
Body Language
Grabbing the pole the dancer pulled himself into the spotlight and hooked his leg around the pole, swaying his hips back and forth to the rhythm. The crowd was going wild and now I could see why. Holy shit, that dancer was sexy! He sparkled from head to toe in a rhinestone studded black bodysuit (with a large majority of those rhinestones covering his crotch) cut incredibly low in the front to reveal his entire torso, complete with a black leather collar and belt, studded with rhinestones that shaped stars. He had thick, curly hair the went down his back and bangs that framed his face just perfectly. A face that was covered in white makeup with a black star over his right eye and bright red lips. Wow..I don’t think I’ve ever seen an exotic dancer go that far with their makeup. But it was fascinating and impossible for me to take my eyes away.
Give me your body
Just give me your body
He slowly spun around the pole a few times, I think just to get a better look at his audience, who were already clamoring for his attention and holding out money in hopes that he’d take it from them. It was quite a spectacle. He ignored them of course, just to tease them further. I could see the smirk on his face as he pulled himself to the pole again and started grinding his pelvis against it. 
Give me your body
Don’t talk
Body Language
He moved up and down the pole with his legs spread apart, gyrating his hips while his hair flew about with every movement of his head. Damn, it was hot. Glancing around at the others I could see that they were just as mesmerized. I never thought anyone could command that much attention on a pole without even removing a single piece of clothing. 
Body Language
Body Language
He threw his head back, and he looked so damn good with his lips parted like that. Like he was giving himself the ultimate pleasure. 
You got red lips
Damn right he did~ He turned his head to look out at the crowd, tracing his upper lip with his tongue.
Snakes in your eyes
He leaned his head forward and threw it back again, making his curls fly everywhere.
Long legs 
Great thighs
He grabbed the pole with both hands and raised his leg high in the air. Only then did I notice he was wearing rhinestone studded platform heeled boots. How is he even doing that while wearing those?! They must weigh a ton!
You’ve got the cutest ass I’ve ever seen
Knock me down for a six any time
He turned his back to the crowd and swayed his hips again, showing off his beautiful ass to that hungry crowd. Oh, they were riled up now. Too bad they could look but they couldn’t touch. 
Look at me, I got a case of Body Language
Look at me, I got a case of Body Language..
The song was nowhere near over, but it began to fade out. What a cruel punishment. Give them a taste of what they want then cut them off and leave them begging for more. An excellent strategy to get them to pay more money. The dancer took the time to collect the money they desperately wanted to give him. They placed bills in his belt, in his boots, and if they were really lucky he’d lean down and they’d place bills inside of his suit. God, I wish I could give him money right now..cause he sure as hell earned it. As he moved off the stage the same way he came in, the entire place erupted in applause, us included. A voice suddenly blasted from the speakers. 
Alright, Firehouse!! Show your love for StarChild!!
So that’s what he’s called. Perfect name~ Since the show was over I figured we would all be leaving so I get up from my chair. Gene grabs my hand to stop me. “Hang on, Bruce..you’re not going anywhere just yet. You have a date with that dancer~” Wait. WHAT? I must’ve been hearing things! “I’m..what..?” Gene smiles and I can hear Peter and Eric snickering behind me. “That’s right~ A special little birthday gift from us to you~” I’m frozen. I can’t think. I can barely breathe. My brain is still trying to process what Gene has just told me. 
I am going to be spending the night with StarChild.
To be Continued!!
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kara-dolan · 6 years
Coachella -Day 1 ~Part 1~
A/N ~ hola it be a while since i have posted but whats up hahaha i am so so sorry ive had writers block and ms. vivi aka @notanotherdolantwinsblog was moving during the time she agreed to help with this so once both of our lives calm tf down things will return to normal scheduling.
Word Count~ 4,309
Warnings ~ Soft feels, Fluff, Fun, Flirting?, Possible use of cannabis aka weed 
Summary~ Fun and music festivals with your best friend? What could possibly happen? Oh right running into anyone and everyone you adore looking absolutely devin with sweaty bodies touching and bass booming under your feet. But what adventures are to come when Y/N and Viviana come face to face with Coachella ?
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“Viviana I can’t believe you actually got tickets for Coachella. I can’t believe the house you got for Coachella weekend. I can’t believe that we are here!” I say excitedly gripping her arm.
“Bitch, I can’t believe that we might run into the Dolan Twins!” she says to me smiling.
“Okay yes that is a huge plus but, Day 1 will be the most exciting especially since it’s the first time we’ll be going!” I say releasing her walking up to the house.
She shook her head at me and opened the door revealing the Greek interior architecture. I walk in setting my hand bag on the ground taking everything in.
“Holy shi- is this real life right now?” I questioned looking up and spinning around to view everything.
“If you think this is amazing just wait till you see the backyard and bedrooms, not to mention the bathrooms.” Viviana says.
I looked at her and smiled then found my way to the stairs that spiraled up to the bedroom I was staying in. It was completely white with a sliding door that led out to the balcony that overlooked the backyard. Below me I saw the pool that had a huge baby blue clam bed next to the pool with a pearl shaped pillow that was silver and sparkled in the sun.
“V, I am never leaving.” I say looking away from the pool and up at the view of trees and mountains that were decorated by the sun’s beautiful rays and wind causing them to sway.
“Okay, sure, you say that every time you visit a new place. Watch once we get to Coachella you’ll never want to leave there either. Speaking of which, we have to get unpacked and set up for tomorrow after that we can get pizza and just chill.” Viviana says walking out onto the balcony.
“Ha. Yeah, I fall in love with places too easily. But, have you seen the view and the trees? It’s so beautiful. We should camp outside tonight and just watch the stars.” I say leaning against the railing watching the beautiful scenery.
“You’re fucking crazy. There’s bugs and animals. No way in hell am I sleeping out here, especially the day before Coachella starts. I am not getting dirt in my pores and you shouldn’t either,” she says stepping away to go back inside.
I sigh and look down pushing myself off the railing and going inside to unpack.
It took about an hour to get everything unpacked an organized, I had brought makeup and wigs, so I didn’t have to dye my Y/H/C hair and damage it. I also brought any and all facial cleansers because we were going to be in the desert for 3 days. I had hung all 3 outfits up in the closet and folded extra clothes I brought because no way in hell was I not going to shower and be forced to wear glitter covered outfits for the week that we were going to be staying at the house. Y/F/N and I had gotten walkie talkies set up on a private channel to find each other if we got lost and 3 cases of water so we could take 5 bottles of water with us for each day. After everything was unpacked and organized I made my way down the spiraling stairs and through the living room and into the kitchen where V was sitting at the island scrolling through her phone.
“Hey, you order the pizza yet?” I asked going to the fridge to get a water.
“No, I was waiting on you. I did see some updates on Twitter though, involving the twins and well, the drama is crazy.” she yawned out.
“When is it not though? Like honestly people need to leave them alone. But let’s not get into it. I’ll order a pepperoni and Hawaiian pizza and set up a movie.” I say after taking a drink of water.
“Sounds good. I’m getting blankets and pillows to fort up the living area.” She yelled to me running upstairs.
I smile and pull my phone out of my pocket and order the pizzas.
After the pizza arrived, we watched a random movie as we ate in the fort. Halfway through the movie and one pizza gone we fell asleep surrounded by pillows and blankets. The next thing I knew my phone was going off at 6 am which resulted in Viviana hitting me in the face with a pillow followed by groaning which signaled me to turn it off. I grabbed my phone and stopped the alarm. I made my way to my room and changed into some shorts and a loose tank and pulled on running shoes. I quietly made my way out of the house and into the woods near the park for a morning run.
I found myself at an overlook. The view was impeccable with the sun rising and colors blending together, putting me in a trance. The trance was broken when I notice movement below, a tall broad figure jogging through the hiking trail. The figure belonged to a man, as the sun rose more his golden shoulders glistened with sweat, his hair flopping with each step. It was like the trance from the sunrise was transferred to him. I couldn’t stop watching him until he disappeared deeper into the trail.
“What the hell was that?” I asked myself. I shook it off and ran back towards the house. By time I got back it was 7 am and I was drenched in sweat. I took a shower once I got back. After my shower, I put on my first Coachella outfit. I was wearing a white tank top with strings that tied in front of my chest with high waisted black shorts and a hunter green jacket. I put on black ankle boots and accessorized with a necklace that reached my waist.
Once I was dressed I applied my makeup, natural smokey eye and maroon lips. I put on my pink Ombre white high pony wig and grecian leaf new forehead crown. I went to the kitchen and saw Viviana wearing a black crop top with maroon jean shorts and black knee-high boots that had fishnets underneath. Her hair was loosely curled draping around her shoulders, she had dark smokey eye and a light pink lip.
“Okay, V. I see you.” I squeal out and she looks at me and laughs.
“Stop… we have to get going soon if we want to make it on time.”
“Okay. Okay. I am so ready to see Kyle perform today. Oh my gosh and The Neighborhood, St. Vincent, SZA, and The Weeknd. Just today is going to be crazy.” I say while packing up our bags for Day 1.
“For sure, not to mention how many social media stars and celebrities we will be seeing there.” V says taking her bag. I nod.
“We should get breakfast on the way there. I mean it is only 9 am. Coachella gates don’t open till 11.”
“You just want to go to an acai bowl place to see if you can run into Grayson” She teased.
I rolled my eyes and smiled.
“Maybe it’s a little true but if we run into Grayson we also run into Ethan…” I wink and nudge her.  She laughs and grabs her car keys.
“Fine, you win. Using my love for Ethan against me. That isn’t fair.”
I scrunch my nose at her and smile. After our playful teasing ended we headed out and went to the closest acai place. Once we arrived we saw girls squealing and crying. I looked over at Viviana and raised my eyebrow while smiling.
“No. We are getting the acai bowls and going.” She scolded me.
“Ugh, fine. I won’t go and ask them if they are acting like that ‘cause of the twins. Mainly ‘cause I already know they were here… thank you, Instagram… but fine let’s get the bowls and go.” I replied rolling my eyes.
“You’re entirely something else. In a good way.” She reassured me.
“Thanks, I guess.” I say while laughing.
We were waiting in line to get the acai bowls when I realized everyone was staring at us.
“Well this isn’t awkward or anything.” I mumbled out.
“What?” she questioned.
“We are the only ones dressed like this here. Seriously, everyone is wearing normal clothes. We need to hurry up and get the hell out of here.” I say looking around getting uncomfortable.
“Why? We look hot. Stop trying to cover up. Let them stare it shows them what they can’t have.” She says making me loosen my grip on my jacket and letting it slip down my arms. “Okay. I got this. We got this.” I say smiling and nodding.
We got our acai bowls and left. We were about 5 mins away from Coachella grounds and we had finished our acai bowls. Now we were just blasting music and getting hype as we got closer to the festival. We pulled into the most available parking spot. Once V put the car in park I got out throwing my bag over my shoulder and adjusting my VIP wristbands.
“I can’t believe were actually here...” I say shutting the car door.
“Neither can I. Now let’s go before we miss any performances!” She shouts while pulling my arms and entire body towards the entrance.
“Okay! Okay! I can walk on my own!” I laugh out.
“I know just hurry the hell up!” she shrieked out and took off running. I shook my head and ran after her, I finally caught up at the entrance because we had to scan our wristbands.
We were finally inside, I grabbed at V tapping her like crazy.
“Look, Look, We’re here. Oh my gosh we’re here” I screamed out.
We ran to the Sahara stage until it was time to head to the main stage. When we reached the main stage Los Angeles Azules were performing and we saw Bryant recording some of the performance on his phone. I look over at V who was already looking at me. We walked closer to Bryant but not close enough for him to notice, we stood there enjoying the performance.
“We literally just saw the Yodeling Walmart Boy perform with Whethan and now we see Bryant right here. What is happening?” I whisper to Viviana. She laughed.
“Life. Life is happening and giving us this amazing opportunity.” She whispered back. “Opportunities?” I question at the last minute when she bumped into me causing me to stumble back only to be caught by someone.
“Oh my gosh I am so sorry. My fri-” I stopped once I saw who caught me.
“It’s fine.” He said chuckling. I stood up.
“Sorry, again. Thank you for catching me though.”
I turn my neck to glare at V who was smirking.
“No problem. Not everyday I get to catch a beautiful girl from falling.” He flirted which made me look back to him.
“I think I did fall though… Umm… sorry. Bad attempt and now I am making a bigger fool of myself. Bye.” I say nervously while laughing a bit while turning to walk away.
He grabbed my right hand with his left spinning me around.
“You aren’t making a fool of yourself. I’m Grayson.” He smiled down at me.
“I know, but I’m Y/N and the person behind me is my best friend Viviana.” I say looking up at him through my lashes.
He smiled down at me and I looked away and as soon as I did Bryant came over
“Hey Gray we should go find E and get more photos.”
“For sure. Y/N want to come?” he asked me. I looked at him bewildered.
“You mean like go with you and Bryant to find Ethan?” I questioned. He smiled and nodded “That’s the general idea. You can even bring um... V- Vivi-”
“Viviana.” She interrupted him. “We would love to go with you. Right Y/N?” she nudged me “Oh yeah. Totally, for sure.” I mumbled out.
“Great. Yo, Bry, Y/N and Viviana are going to come with.” He shouted towards Bryant.
Bryant smiled and nodded, we all began walking away from the main stage to find Ethan. We found him by the food trucks drooling over the acai bowls.
“Ethan!” Grayson called out to him pulling his attention from the trucks. He ran over to join us “Yo Gray. Who’s this?” he asked.
“I’m Y/N. Just met Grayson when my friend Viviana “accidently” bumped into me and Grayson caught me” I said smiling a bit while air quoting.
“Oh cool. I’m Ethan.”
“This is Viviana or V. By the way.” I say pulling Viviana’s’ arm.
“Oh. Hi” she waved shyly. I heard everyone near the main stage start chanting Really, Really, Really, Yeah,
“V, we got to go. Kyle is performing now!” I grab at her arm. “Sorry guys. Just been waiting all day to see him.” I yell over my shoulder as we run to the main stage.
We reached the main stage finally.
“Y/N are you stupid you just left Ethan and Grayson. We aren’t going to ever see them again.”
“I wouldn’t be too sure about that. Grayson loves SuperDuperKyle.” Ethan whispered between us which made me jump.
“E you can’t just scare them like that.” Grayson said coming from behind me smiling.  I laughed and rolled my eyes.
“Glad you guys could join us” I smiled at him and started jumping and chanting with the rest of the crowd.
“Don’t Wanna Fall in Love” played and I looked at Gray and smiled.
“Yo, you gonna show us some moves, possibly the same ones from the warehouse?” I asked him.
“I remember that I gave him so much shit about it.” Ethan said laughing. I rolled my eyes.
“You did great. Just ignore him.” I looked at him placing my hand on his shoulder.
He grabbed my hand and spun me around in front of him, he gripped my waist and rested his chin on top of my head. We swayed to the rest of the set until iSpy came on and we had to move to avoid a mosh pit. We gave up on finding a new spot, so Grayson offered to go get ice cream for us, I decided to wait with Ethan and Viviana. I was listening to V and E talk about which bands they were excited to see, I left them alone to talk and headed over to the food trucks to see if Grayson needed help. When I saw him, he was talking to a girl.
“Hey, I know you from YouTube. I love your videos and they’re super inspiring.” She said to him awkwardly laughing a little.
“Really? Thank you so much that means a lot.” He replied to her smiling, “Want anything?” He asked her pointing to the menu.
“Oh my god no. Of course not. Thank you” She said sweetly.
“Oh okay.” He said, and she gave him a hug which he returned.
“See you around” he said.  
“Yeah see ya” she called out as she walked off.
I walked over to him and smiled at him.
“Hey, why are you looking at me like that?” He asked.
“Okay, it’s kind of weird…but, I like seeing how you interact with fans.” I explained.
“It’s an amazing experience I appreciate you guys. If I can make you guys happy even just taking a picture or talking to you it is completely worth it.” He says while paying for the ice cream. “Grayson, you literally just looking at us is enough to make us happy” I giggled out. He laughed and handed me the ice cream he got for me
“It’s kind of shocking to hear that. Not entirely used to this still.” I smiled at him.
“I mean majority of your fan base is female which you should know from tour. You’re attractive and athletic and you have a great personality at least from what I can tell from your videos and well now that I’ve met you and hung out with you. I honestly can’t believe that I am here… That I even got to meet you…” I say staring up at him losing my words.
“Yeah… I don’t meet a lot of people who are quite like you though.” He finished looking down at me. I laughed breaking the gaze.
“I bet. Not a lot of girls would walk away from you to go and enjoy a music performance like 4 minutes after meeting you” he grabbed my hand as we walked back over to Ethan and Viviana. “You’re not going to do that, again right?” He asked.
“Hmmmm… I don’t know. If I do what are you going to do about it?” I ask cocking my eyebrow while smiling.
“Guess I have to stay close then.” He let go of my hand and draped his arm carefully around my neck pulling me closer towards him and I wrapped my arm around his waist.
“Yo, Gray. Where we headed now?” Ethan asked him taking note on how close me and Grayson were.
“I don’t know. Where to now, Y/N?” he inquired.
“I kind of want and need to see The Neighborhood.” I say looking up to Grayson licking the ice cream from the cone.
“Alright, The Neighborhood it is. Let’s go.”
We walked back over to the mainstage where Kyle was performing, and The Neighborhood was now setting up.  Bryant met back up with us from taking photos of other YouTubers that were here.
One of the first songs they played was Scary Love which I adored and sang along with every word. Grayson just watched me the entire time and spun me around a couple times. Ethan and Viviana were exchanging numbers which made me think about giving Grayson mine. He noticed my dancing falter and pulled me into him. I stumbled into his chest in which he took the opportunity to hug my waist as I collected myself.
“You okay?” He asked me. I nodded.
“Yeah, why do you ask?” I retorted reaching my arms around his neck. He chuckled.
“No reason…”
I pulled away from him when I heard Daddy Issues come on.
“Hey, Grayson can I borrow y/n for a minute?” V asked pulling my hand. He nodded, and I stumbled trying to keep up with her as she dragged me away
“What is going on?” I questioned her.
“Okay so Ethan and I were talking, and I somehow talked him into coming back to the house later tonight, but he wants to bring Grayson too. I was wondering if you could keep Grayson busy while I try to get closer to Ethan?” she pleaded.
“For sure. Like it’s honestly so weird how close we have gotten in just the past couple hours that we’ve been here, and we haven’t even had a ‘get to know you’ talk it is just a comfortable thing as if we’ve known each other for years. I wouldn’t necessarily call it keeping him busy though as much as just hanging out with him and getting to know him more.” I respond.
“Ahh yay! You’re the best.” She squealed while hugging me then running back to Ethan.
I smiled and rolled my eyes I looked around for a little before making my way back to Grayson, when I got closer to the main stage where The Neighborhood was performing Sweater Weather I noticed Grayson wasn’t there anymore and neither was V or E.
“Okay. Don’t really know what to do. I literally just saw V though.” I thought out loud.
“Yo make sure you get some of those cotton sticks!” I heard Ethan shout from behind me. I turned around so quick.
“Ethan what the hell are cotton sticks?” I yelled to him while laughing noticing the same girl who was talking to Gray earlier laugh.
“Cotton candy.” He said smiling like a 3-year-old getting called adorable.
“Okay then… Where’s Gray and V?” I asked him.
“Ryan met back up with us so Gray is with them by the disco ball trash can. I am on my way back to them. Come on.” He said nodding his head over towards where they all were.
“Ethan wait up!” the girl called after him in which he made a confused face.
“I’ll see you when you get over there.” I say walking away slowly just listening in on the conversation.
“What’s up...?” he asked.
“The sky, pfft… you’re the best youtubers who’ve lived on planet earth.” She said after a small awkward moment. “Oh, oops... That was cringe.”
At this point I was half way out of earshot.
“Are you enjoying ‘Chella’?” he questioned.
“Heck yeah. It’s awesome.”
I stopped listening when I saw Grayson adjusting the part of his ripped jean armband.
“Hey, there you guys are. Kind of wondered off for a while. Sorry.” I say which made Grayson look up from his armband.
“Hey. I was going to look for you, but V said you would find us.” He said pulling me into a hug. “Well okay then someone missed you.” Ethan chuckled wrapping his arm around Viviana’s waist.
“I mean can you blame me?” Gray asked.
“Oh my gosh. No. Stop. Both of you.”  I say pulling away from Gray laughing.
“Oh, by the way this is Ryan. Ryan this is Y/N.” Ethan introduced us.
“Hey. I actually know who Ryan is. You guys have collabed before and it was fucking hilarious I loved it.” I blurt out.
“The amount that Y/N watches your old videos is crazy.” V interjected.
“Hey! They’re funny, leave me alone. You freaking binge watch them with me you have no room to talk.” I defended.
Grayson and Ethan laughed at us
“Oh yeah., you guys want to laugh? Cause I have things I can say that will make you cringe instantly.” A teasing smile played on my lips after I spoke those words. The twins exchanged a worried look.
“Here are your ‘Cotton sticks’ Ethan.” Bryant returned with at least 8 of them and his camera. “Bryant do you want some help with all of that?” I asked, and he nodded.
I took a couple of them and handed one to V.
“Cotton candy yum.” Grayson said taking a bite out of one that was in my hand from over my shoulder.
“Hey! If you wanted one you could have just asked.” I smiled at him holding one out for him to take.
“Nah, I like it when you hold it.” He licked his lips and grinned.
I was going to respond but Ethan came over and took 3 of them from me leaving the one Gray bit from.
“Well okay then…”  I say as Grayson takes another bite. “Damn I might as well just hand feed the cotton candy to you” I joked.
“That’s a fantastic idea.” He said while smiling at me, I shook my head
“Are you serious?” I asked raising my eyebrow.
He nodded while grabbing a piece of cotton candy and holding it against my lips I shook my head no.
“I’m not eating that.” I laughed out
“Yes you are” He grinned now
“No… I’m really not. Grayson, I mean it. Oh my gosh stop.” I backed away from him while laughing.
I ran around our group as he chased me playfully, he ended up grabbing my waist from behind and spinning me around.
“Grayson!” I managed to yell out in the middle of my fits of giggles.
“What?” He asked putting me down, so I could face him. Once I turned around, my eyes immediately made contact with his and I was entranced. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer not breaking eye contact until he looked at my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips gently against his while standing on my tippy toes. He placed his hands on my waist ho
lding me steady and kissed me back.
We were in our own little world, unbothered and carefree smiling into the kiss.
“Grayson!” Ethan screamed which made us break the kiss.
“What E?” He asked annoyed.
“You know we can’t do that. Not here. Fans might see.”  
“He’s right Gray… Look me and Vivi will go and check out some more bands. We can meet back up during the Weeknd’s performance.” I say placing my hand on his shoulder.
“Come on bro.” Ethan said dragging Grayson away letting my hand slide down his arm.
Vi pulled me back to the main stage where Vince Staples was setting up to perform. We were having fun dancing around like no one was watching which they weren’t, after the set we went to use the bathrooms.
“What are we doing after we leave?” Vivi asked.
“Well I know for sure we are going to go home but maybe on the way stop for some In-N-Out.” I answered.
“In-N-Out sounds amazing.” I hear Grayson suddenly say from behind me as he wrapped his arms around my waist and resting his chin upon my shoulder.
“Grayson, we talked about this.” Ethan warned pulling him off of me.
“Right sorry E.”
“Okay so I guess you guys are coming with us after to get In-N-Out too?” I questioned. We all agreed to it after me and Vivi went to the bathroom and were walking back to the main stage to see SZA perform.
On the way back to the stage I tripped over my own feet and stumbled into a bleach blonde girl wearing a two piece purple bikini.
“Oh my gosh I am so so sorry-” I say going to help her up.
“Wait… you're Tana Mongeau-”
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marie-dufresne · 3 years
This Isn’t a Beach Episode
🧬 Main Verse Page 🧬 
This isn’t a Beach Episode: After Marie oversteps, Hojo takes it upon himself to remind her of the place she holds in Sephiroth’s life.
Marie was enjoying a weekend with both her boys at home. Gideon, at seventeen, was studying for final exams and Sephiroth, at twelve, had been given the weekend off from the training and testing he was undergoing at the lab. Edmund hadn’t showed his face much, buried in his work as always, but it was his voice that took her attention from her embroidery that Sunday evening.
“What is this I hear about a trip to Costa?”
He didn’t seem pleased about it, so she lowered her handiwork to the table, smiling brightly.
“Has Sephiroth brought it up to you? He’s so excited. I don’t think we’ve ever brought him to the beach, have we?”
With his hands in his pockets, Hojo shuffled over to her, brows pulled down over his eyes.
“And you thought to plan this without consulting me?”
He reached out, catching her chin between his thumb and forefinger. To a passerby it might have seemed like an act of affection, a tender moment between husband and wife, but Marie saw the glint in his eyes and felt the slight pressure of the pad of his thumb.
Angry was too mild a word to describe the emotion she was bracing herself for. She had only been the victim of it a few times, but she’d seen him demonstrate it in his lab. Dr. Crescent had been on the receiving end of it once and it was the only time Marie had seen the other woman cry.
Taking a deep breath, she shrunk back just enough for him to notice, never breaking her smile.
“It’s just the beach, darling.”
A flash of light and she found herself on the floor. It wasn’t the first time he’d hit her, but it was the first time she’d been hit so hard she hadn’t registered it happening. Her ears were ringing, head throbbing with the onslaught of a headache and now, on the side of her face, a thud, pressure.
His boot.
“How many years of my research were you planning on destroying with your little trip out of town?” he sneered, “do you have any idea how crucial timing can be?”
Of course she knew. She’d worked for him up until Gideon had been born. She’d never been a scientist, never would be, never pretended to be. She was fully intending on checking his schedule, of being sure he was on board. He might have become engrossed in his work over the years, a bit too obsessive even, but he was still her husband. He was still Sephiroth’s father. Marie was not the sort of wife or mother to overstep the boundaries of teamwork.
But now it seemed, since he’d gotten what he wanted from her, Edmund was no longer interested in being a team player.
Mr. Henry in marketing would disapprove.
Neither Gideon nor Sephiroth would approve of this scene, and Marie’s heart was racing not for herself, but the thought of how bad things might get if she didn’t put the room back in order. She could see her supplies scattered across the ground.
“Darling please,” she gasped, her little hand coming up to push his shoe away, rolling into all fours as he complied, stepping away.
She should have stayed quiet after that. Apologized and offered him a cup of coffee and a massage. Revisited it another day. But she didn’t. Instead, her manicured fingers dug into the plush carpet and her lip curled.
“He’s just a child!” she snarled, “he is a child who needs to play like all the others!”
Her legs were shaking as she stood and she felt her stockings rip. She’d never snapped at him like that before and if she wasn’t fast enough, she’d be picking herself up off the floor again.
“He is…a child,” she repeated, standing up straight, pleading in her eyes, “he is our child. Don’t you want him to be happy?”
Hojo’s upper lip twitched once and he stood in silence, watching as she awaited another blow.
“Happy? No one is truly happy, my dear wife. Don’t mistake occasional laughter and cordial smiles for happiness.”
“He could be,” she argued, “if you’d stop poking and prodding him for three seconds! Allow him some friends. He’s twelve years old.”
Another twitch. This time accompanied with a glint from his glasses. A wicked look.
“I gave you the first one to play with, aren’t you satisfied?”
Marie gasped, her hands brushing the string of pearls he’d bought her the day after Gideon had come home from the intensive care unit, born five weeks too early. He’d been such a different man then. His obsession with his work had been endearing, admirable even. Now it was heartbreaking.
“To play with? Edmund—“
She remembered a time when he loved his family. When Gideon was up at night, he held him, pouring over his notebooks until they both fell asleep. Sometimes she heard him proposing theories, talking to himself, working over problems aloud to his infant son. He took him to work, explained to him how things worked, fostered a love of science in Gideon’s heart.
When Sephiroth was born, Gideon had been tossed aside. Once their silver haired child began to walk and talk, so had she. Gideon had accepted it, focusing instead on his studies and the gratitude and love he had for his mother, his pseudo uncle Vincent, and younger brother.
Marie was living in denial.
“They are our babies. They aren’t dolls to dress up or test subjects to study! They’re human beings who need a well rounded upbringing. I am his mother. I won’t let you continue this—”
She didn’t hit the floor this time. She hit the wall. The chair rail of the parlor cut against her spine and she felt her breath lose its way in her lungs, her husband’s forearm pressed up against her chest.
“Do not.”
The air she couldn’t control came back to her in heavy inhales, but she didn’t fight his hold. He wasn’t particularly strong. It was likely that she could have gotten away, cried to Vincent about it and earned him a solid Turk beating in his own lab and perhaps she should have, but Marie Hojo was living in denial. To her, this was no more than an overdue spat.
She didn’t fight, but she was tense, the fire of challenge in her eyes. Hojo was prepared to douse it.
“Do not speak to me about being his mother,” he hissed, leaning in to whisper against her cheek, as if a secret just between the two of them, “you gave away that right every time you let me stick you with my needles.”
Just as he knew she would, he felt her relax in his hold. The tears wouldn’t be far off; she was in the exact position he needed her.
It had been his own error to conduct the Jenova Project on his own offspring. His wife was too emotional, too attached to the children. His second error had been allowing her the first three years of the child’s life to be lived at home, fundamental developmental milestones reached in the comforting arms of a loving mother. Key memories that would shape him and she was embedded in so many of them.
Now he had to tread carefully, particularly as his son was on the cusp of puberty. He wasn’t nearly as emotional as his mother, but feelings were becoming difficult for him to regulate. Combined with the strength he hadn’t yet mastered, Hojo was in no way willing to experiment with grief as intense as losing a mother.
He might…later.
For now, it was too dangerous. He had to keep Sephiroth content. To do that, he had to keep his wife stable. It was an irritating game.
Marie’s breath shuddered and she went even further lax, the guilt of being called out on her participation of human experimentation bubbling up to the surface. “I just…wanted a healthy baby…”
Yes. He had her. Perfect.
Pulling his arm from her chest, Hojo took her face in his hands, wiping away the tears that started to fall.
“And that’s what you got, isn’t it? He’s healthy and he’s strong, hm?”
She nodded, chin wobbling. His eyes softened and he shifted his gaze slightly.
“But he isn’t a baby anymore, is he Marie?”
“No,” she breathed, “no he isn’t.”
The scientist hummed, pulling her closer and giving her hair a gentle stroke, playing the part of a doting husband, as if he wasn’t the cause of her despair.
“You know Sephiroth is special, my love. He’s always been special.”
Against his chest, Marie nodded. While she hadn’t been told outright it had been Jenova cells she was accepting into her body (a liability to anyone else, but Hojo was well aware his beautiful wife was too blinded by the fantasy version of family she’d created to take legal action against him), she had accepted the consequences. A child that looked nothing like her, that harbored super strength and an (almost) unflappable constitution.
A child that was property of ShinRa Electric Power Company.
“I can’t concede to a beach vacation,” he murmured into her hair, “but…I don’t see why we can’t find something fun for him to do here in Midgar. Let’s talk about it tomorrow.”
A kiss to the top of her head, a light squeeze. Tonight he’d nurse the injuries he caused. Tomorrow he’d send Vince for a gift and buy tickets to the theatre or something or other to make their son happy.
Then he could be left alone to work.  
0 notes
berettajane · 3 years
Through the Dark - Part Six - Emergency
Tumblr media
Pairing: Ashton x OFC
Word Count: 1246
Summary: "Ashton...we're here, man," Calum said, the tone of his voice indicating that it's not the first time he tried to get Ashton's attention. "Where's your head at, Ash?"
A/N:  TRIGGER WARNING! This fic contains abuse and self-harm in graphic detail. I do not own the picture used.
Part five
When their coffees were long gone, and the crowd finally dissipated, Calum, Lena, and Ashton decided to head back to the clinic to help clean up and begin checking on their patients. They walked in as the director of Angel's Sanctuary, Mr. Vincent, was finishing up his announcement to the staff.
"I will be speaking to the senior staff members, as well as members of the Board of Psychology from the State to see what policy changes need to be made to prevent this from ever happening again," Mr. Vincent said, looking at the solemn faces in the crowd of staff before him. Everyone felt it was their fault, but knew there was nothing different they could have done.
When the meeting finished, Ashton grabbed his clipboard and began making his rounds, checking on each of his patients, and seeing if they were exhibiting any warning signs leading to a dangerous reaction to the events of the day.
Four patients in, he heard a knock on the door of his patient's room. Calum peaked his head in, "Ashton, I'm sorry, but we just got a call from the hospital. There's an emergency case they brought in that the doctors think may be a candidate for the Sanctuary."
Ashton turned back to Brandon, who was a resident that had grown close to Skyler through their similar dark pasts. "I'm going to send another counselor in to finish meeting with you tonight, but we'll definitely talk tomorrow, okay?" Ashton said, placing a comforting hand on Brandon's knee before standing up and walking out of the room behind Calum. He walked up to the nurses' deck and turned in his clipboard.
"Abby, would you mind sending Mr. Vincent in to speak to Brandon for me? And I would have someone check his room during dinner and keep an eye on him tonight."
"Yes, sir. I'll add him to the list," the nurse said with a soft smile, knowing tonight would be a tough one for many of the residents.
Ashton turned to Calum and followed him into the breakroom to gather their things, and get details on the emergency case at the hospital.
"We got a call from Dr. Sandberg on the north side of town. He said they got a young lady in tonight who was found in pretty rough shape. Early to mid 20s and rail thin. Neighbor called 911 after hearing a fight next door and found her beat to shit and unconscious. Four males ran out the door before he was able to get a good look at them, but he's pretty sure one of them was her live-in boyfriend," Calum filled Ashton in as they walked to Calum's car and began the trip to the hospital on the north side of town.
"This girl's going to need extensive rehabilitation and therapy, by the information I got from Dr. Sandberg. She's got bruises in various stages of healing, scars on her face, legs, and arms. Some may be self-harm, but this is definitely a long-term abuse case. Police report said she was underweight, but the house was stocked with food. Broken glass was found in the kitchen trash with fresh blood on it. We're probably not going to get the full story for a while, but I definitely think she's going to need somewhere to stay when she gets released from the hospital. She's going to need full confidentiality and security," Calum continued on, but Ashton was only half-listening. He was too into his thoughts surrounding the girl in the park today, and how beautiful she was, even in her severely broken state.
He wanted to know more about her; about her past, her present, her dreams. He wanted to know how she was like before she became the person she is today, and then thought of how sad it would be if she was always this way; if she was not only broken, but never being whole to begin with.
It's people like the girl in the park that are the reason he got into counseling to begin with. He wanted to help the broken and down-trodden people. He wanted to help them be their own people again, or for the first time in their lives. He knew getting into this that he would come across people he couldn't help, people too far gone before he could get to them. It was the success stories, the people on the road to finding happiness again that were his reason for continuing his work. The people like Skyler.
Ashton closed his eyes and was thankful that she was at least not in harm's way anymore, and that no one else could cause the beautiful soul anymore pain.
"Ashton...we're here, man," Calum said, the tone of his voice indicating that it's not the first time he tried to get Ashton's attention. "Where's your head at, Ash?" Calum said, having taken his seatbelt off and turned to face Ashton in the car.
Ashton shook his head, not feeling up to explaining himself at the moment. "Come on. Let's head in before it gets too late," he said, climbing out of the car.
They walked in, heading to the information desk. "We're here from Angel's Sanctuary. We got a call from a Dr. Sandberg that there was an emergency situation," Ashton said to the nurse.
She looked at the badges around their necks before flipping through her notes and saying, "Floor 7, is what note I have here for you. Just go to the nurses' station there, and they'll direct you."
Walking into the elevator and pushing the button for the 7th floor, Ashton and Calum kept their eyes down, mentally preparing themselves for the scene they were about to take in with the information they had, knowing they could never truly be prepared when it came to the unknown mixed with the rage of someone using another human being as their punching bag.
They headed to the nurses' station and waited for one of the nurses to get off the phone before finding out which room they needed to be in. They looked around at all of the various medical professionals bustling around, doing what they can to help their patients.
"How can I help you?" A man in blue scrubs with his hands in the pockets of his white coat said, snapping them back to reality.
"We're from Angel's Sanctuary. We got a call from Dr. Sandberg about an emergency," Ashton said, showing his badge.
The man took his right hand out of his coat pocket. "I'm Dr. Sandberg, but please, call me Keith. Come with me," he said, a slight frown pulling at the side of his mouth. Ashton and Calum looked at each other, understanding the severity of the situation. They followed the doctor without saying a word.
They walked down the long hallway, absentmindedly peering into rooms as they passed, seeing relieved faces of loved ones as they spoke to the patients awake in their beds, and the worried faces of loved ones as they stared at the patients lying in the beds, eyes unopened, as they were hooked up to various machines beeping at steady rates. The two men focused their attention to Keith once more as he stopped in front of a door. He looked at both men, having a silent conversation with them before nodding and opening the curtain to the room, passing the security guards as they walked in.
Part seven
AO3: BerettaJane
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demitgibbs · 6 years
What’s Hot South Florida Dec.6 – Dec.12
Thursday, December 6
It’s the annual Art Basel Miami Beach. For a list of all the events, exhibitors, etc., go to: artbasel.com/miami-beach.
Sordid Lives creator Del Shores’ new one-man show, directed by Emerson Collins, proves once and for all that he is not a writer, he’s a self-proclaimed thief!  In “Six Characters In Search Of A Play“, riffing on Pirandello’s classic title, Shores brings to life six one-of-a-kind characters he has met in real life that haven’t quite made it into one of his plays, films or TV shows.  In 90 minutes, the audience will hear the truth behind how he collected these eccentrics and their stories as he portrays his hilarious, off-the-rails encounters with them. The show runs from today until December 16 at Empire Stage (1140 N. Flagler Drive Ft. Lauderdale). For tickets, which are $35, go to EmpireStage.com or call 954-678-1496
Friday, December 7
Twist presents “This Place is Smokin’! with DJ Mike James hitting hard until 5am!
Saturday, December 8
Come experience Aviation up-close-and-personal during Mayor Wayne M. Messam’s 2ND annual 2018 Aviation Expo sponsored by Spirit Airlines. The event is a Community Day, open to the public from 9am to 3pm. The Expo will take place at The Miramar Amphitheater, 16801 Miramar Parkway, Miramar, and admission is free!
Tonight and tomorrow at 7pm, Lillusion du Plumage, a feathered costume and dance production takes place at the War Memorial Auditorium (800 NE 8th St). For more information or to order tickets, go to: Lillusionduplumage.com.
The Manor Complex will feature a South Beach Reunion party. In the Ballroom, they will feature DJ Monty Q along with South Beach Drag Icons Kitty Meow and Adora. In The Ivy Dance Room and Patio, Noche Latina Saturdays, honors the most famous Latina from South Beach Gloria Estefan, with performances by Erika Norell and Estephania St. Lords (Miss Noche Latina 2018) along with DJ Cubano Miik and sexy Latin Go-Go Papi’s. Saturdays at the Manor are from 11pm to 4 am and feature NO COVER before midnight (FL Res) and only $7 for members after midnight and $10 for non-members (18-20 – $12 all night).
Sunday, December 9
Thinking Cap Theatre (1501 S Andrews Ave, Fort Lauderdale) presents ‘Tis The Season,” their 2019 winter/spring season announcement. Enjoy live performances, Hors d’oeuvres, photos with Santa, Raffle prizes, and special offers on season passes and gift certificates. There is a cash bar and admission is a $10 donation (Tistheseason.brownpapertickets.com).
Monday, December 10
I met Deja Devonier when he (I said he because I met him before he did drag) was 17 and a customer at Kashmir in West Palm Beach. I went up to support my friends John and Joey and to see Velvet perform, and I was introduced by Velvet to this energetic young man. He eventually became a she, but the wonderful person I met at 17 never changed. I am so sad that I have to go to her Celebration of Life, but will rejoice in the joy she brought us all tonight at Lips from 7-10pm. If you knew Deja, or she touched your life in any way, please come out and celebrate with all of us!
Tuesday, December 11
SAGE of South Florida, in partnership with the Pride Center proudly presents “Man In An Orange Shirt” at 1:15pm in the main hall. Two love stories, 60 years apart, chart the changes and challenges in gay lives in England—from the era of jail terms to the onset of dating apps. Vanessa Redgrave stars in this “heart-rending” drama. This drama contains brief scenes of male nudity. This showing is free of charge, open to all, and popcorn and sodas will be served.
Miami will be the last stop of The Ritz-Carlton Fashion Santa Tour and visitors and locals alike will have an exclusive opportunity to see former model-turned “Fashion Santa,” Paul Mason, at The Ritz-Carlton Bal Harbour, Miami from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Donning the season’s hottest looks from Neiman Marcus, Fashion Santa isn’t your average Kris Kringle. Don’t miss your chance to snap selfies with the most dapper Santa of them all, and for a charitable cause.  The property will donate to the Boys & Girls Club of Miami-Dade for every selfie taken with Fashion Santa tagging #FashionSanta and #RCMemories in addition to a portion of proceeds from the evening.
Wednesday, December 12
The Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce presents Holigay – their 9th annual Celebration & Toy Drive from 6-9pm at the LGBT Visitors Center (1130 Washington Avenue). Admission is an Unwrapped Toy or $20 as contribution to the Miami Beach Police Department’s Children’s Holiday Relief Fund. This event will feature food, beverages, music and an appearance by Santa!
Hot Stuff
J. Marks, one of my favorite restaurants, is offering a $10 complimentary Gift Card for every $50 gift card purchased. This is a great way to buy gifts for your loved ones and get a gift for yourself… ☺
This is HOT
Dolly Parton recently released Dumplin’ Original Motion Picture Soundtrack featuring exceptional guests including Sia, Elle King, Mavis Staples, Miranda Lambert, Willa Amai, Rhonda Vincent, Alison Krauss, Macy Gray, and Dorothy, as well as cameos by Dumplin’ stars Danielle Macdonald and Jennifer Aniston, the project was produced by Grammy nominee Linda Perry. 
Dumplin’ (Macdonald) is the teenage daughter of a former beauty queen (Aniston), who signs up for her mom’s pageant as a protest that escalates when other contestants follow her footsteps, revolutionizing the pageant and their small Texas town. The film stars Macdonald (Bird Box, Patti Cake$) and Aniston (Upcoming Murder Mystery, Horrible Bosses, Marley and Me), in addition to Odeya Rush (Lady Bird, Goosebumps), Dove Cameron (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Liv and Maddie, Descendants), and Harold Perrineau (Claws, Lost) and is directed by Anne Fletcher (The Proposal, 27 Dresses). 
Dumplin’ Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Track Listing:
Here I Am (Dolly Parton & Sia)
Holdin’ On To You (Dolly Parton & Elle King)
Girl in the Movies
Red Shoes
Wonder Why (Dolly Parton & Mavis Staples)
Dumb Blonde (Dolly Parton & Miranda Lambert)
Here You Come Again (Dolly Parton & Willa Amai)
Push & Pull (featuring Jennifer Aniston & Danielle Macdonald)
If We Don’t (Dolly Parton & Rhonda Vincent with Alison Krauss)
Two Doors Down (Dolly Parton & Macy Gray with Dorothy)
Jolene (New String Version)
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/12/05/whats-hot-south-florida-dec-6-dec-12/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.tumblr.com/post/180835120045
0 notes
hotspotsmagazine · 6 years
What’s Hot South Florida Dec.6 – Dec.12
Thursday, December 6
It’s the annual Art Basel Miami Beach. For a list of all the events, exhibitors, etc., go to: artbasel.com/miami-beach.
Sordid Lives creator Del Shores’ new one-man show, directed by Emerson Collins, proves once and for all that he is not a writer, he’s a self-proclaimed thief!  In “Six Characters In Search Of A Play“, riffing on Pirandello’s classic title, Shores brings to life six one-of-a-kind characters he has met in real life that haven’t quite made it into one of his plays, films or TV shows.  In 90 minutes, the audience will hear the truth behind how he collected these eccentrics and their stories as he portrays his hilarious, off-the-rails encounters with them. The show runs from today until December 16 at Empire Stage (1140 N. Flagler Drive Ft. Lauderdale). For tickets, which are $35, go to EmpireStage.com or call 954-678-1496
Friday, December 7
Twist presents “This Place is Smokin’! with DJ Mike James hitting hard until 5am!
Saturday, December 8
Come experience Aviation up-close-and-personal during Mayor Wayne M. Messam’s 2ND annual 2018 Aviation Expo sponsored by Spirit Airlines. The event is a Community Day, open to the public from 9am to 3pm. The Expo will take place at The Miramar Amphitheater, 16801 Miramar Parkway, Miramar, and admission is free!
Tonight and tomorrow at 7pm, Lillusion du Plumage, a feathered costume and dance production takes place at the War Memorial Auditorium (800 NE 8th St). For more information or to order tickets, go to: Lillusionduplumage.com.
The Manor Complex will feature a South Beach Reunion party. In the Ballroom, they will feature DJ Monty Q along with South Beach Drag Icons Kitty Meow and Adora. In The Ivy Dance Room and Patio, Noche Latina Saturdays, honors the most famous Latina from South Beach Gloria Estefan, with performances by Erika Norell and Estephania St. Lords (Miss Noche Latina 2018) along with DJ Cubano Miik and sexy Latin Go-Go Papi’s. Saturdays at the Manor are from 11pm to 4 am and feature NO COVER before midnight (FL Res) and only $7 for members after midnight and $10 for non-members (18-20 – $12 all night).
Sunday, December 9
Thinking Cap Theatre (1501 S Andrews Ave, Fort Lauderdale) presents ‘Tis The Season,” their 2019 winter/spring season announcement. Enjoy live performances, Hors d’oeuvres, photos with Santa, Raffle prizes, and special offers on season passes and gift certificates. There is a cash bar and admission is a $10 donation (Tistheseason.brownpapertickets.com).
Monday, December 10
I met Deja Devonier when he (I said he because I met him before he did drag) was 17 and a customer at Kashmir in West Palm Beach. I went up to support my friends John and Joey and to see Velvet perform, and I was introduced by Velvet to this energetic young man. He eventually became a she, but the wonderful person I met at 17 never changed. I am so sad that I have to go to her Celebration of Life, but will rejoice in the joy she brought us all tonight at Lips from 7-10pm. If you knew Deja, or she touched your life in any way, please come out and celebrate with all of us!
Tuesday, December 11
SAGE of South Florida, in partnership with the Pride Center proudly presents “Man In An Orange Shirt” at 1:15pm in the main hall. Two love stories, 60 years apart, chart the changes and challenges in gay lives in England—from the era of jail terms to the onset of dating apps. Vanessa Redgrave stars in this “heart-rending” drama. This drama contains brief scenes of male nudity. This showing is free of charge, open to all, and popcorn and sodas will be served.
Miami will be the last stop of The Ritz-Carlton Fashion Santa Tour and visitors and locals alike will have an exclusive opportunity to see former model-turned “Fashion Santa,” Paul Mason, at The Ritz-Carlton Bal Harbour, Miami from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Donning the season’s hottest looks from Neiman Marcus, Fashion Santa isn’t your average Kris Kringle. Don’t miss your chance to snap selfies with the most dapper Santa of them all, and for a charitable cause.  The property will donate to the Boys & Girls Club of Miami-Dade for every selfie taken with Fashion Santa tagging #FashionSanta and #RCMemories in addition to a portion of proceeds from the evening.
Wednesday, December 12
The Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce presents Holigay – their 9th annual Celebration & Toy Drive from 6-9pm at the LGBT Visitors Center (1130 Washington Avenue). Admission is an Unwrapped Toy or $20 as contribution to the Miami Beach Police Department’s Children’s Holiday Relief Fund. This event will feature food, beverages, music and an appearance by Santa!
Hot Stuff
J. Marks, one of my favorite restaurants, is offering a $10 complimentary Gift Card for every $50 gift card purchased. This is a great way to buy gifts for your loved ones and get a gift for yourself… ☺
This is HOT
Dolly Parton recently released Dumplin’ Original Motion Picture Soundtrack featuring exceptional guests including Sia, Elle King, Mavis Staples, Miranda Lambert, Willa Amai, Rhonda Vincent, Alison Krauss, Macy Gray, and Dorothy, as well as cameos by Dumplin’ stars Danielle Macdonald and Jennifer Aniston, the project was produced by Grammy nominee Linda Perry. 
Dumplin’ (Macdonald) is the teenage daughter of a former beauty queen (Aniston), who signs up for her mom’s pageant as a protest that escalates when other contestants follow her footsteps, revolutionizing the pageant and their small Texas town. The film stars Macdonald (Bird Box, Patti Cake$) and Aniston (Upcoming Murder Mystery, Horrible Bosses, Marley and Me), in addition to Odeya Rush (Lady Bird, Goosebumps), Dove Cameron (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Liv and Maddie, Descendants), and Harold Perrineau (Claws, Lost) and is directed by Anne Fletcher (The Proposal, 27 Dresses). 
Dumplin’ Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Track Listing:
Here I Am (Dolly Parton & Sia)
Holdin’ On To You (Dolly Parton & Elle King)
Girl in the Movies
Red Shoes
Wonder Why (Dolly Parton & Mavis Staples)
Dumb Blonde (Dolly Parton & Miranda Lambert)
Here You Come Again (Dolly Parton & Willa Amai)
Push & Pull (featuring Jennifer Aniston & Danielle Macdonald)
If We Don’t (Dolly Parton & Rhonda Vincent with Alison Krauss)
Two Doors Down (Dolly Parton & Macy Gray with Dorothy)
Jolene (New String Version)
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/12/05/whats-hot-south-florida-dec-6-dec-12/
0 notes
drizzitwrites · 6 years
Football RPF Challenge - Day 11: Under the Influence
So...today's prompt is the INCREDIBLY EASY ONE (given that I have an entire 3-series AU set around "Vincent is a model who takes way too many drugs") of "under the influence."
Like, it essentially just required me to write 90% of any scenes of this AU that involve Vincent, since he is almost always under the influence in some way or another. And earlier this year I was having absolutely no problems whatsoever just sitting down for an hour or an hour and a half and just typing out scenes of the AU and not worrying about how bad they were (like back in the old days of my writing when I didn't know enough to judge myself for how good or bad my writing was), but that's changed lately. In fact, part of what I was trying to do with undertaking this exercise in writing 30 scenes in 30 days is to get back to that freeform "I don't care because it's written and I can fix it later" mentality.
But then when I sat down to actually write this today suddenly I was bombarded with a million doubts like "but WHY is Christian in this situation? Is this plausible? Is it realistic to believe that this would be happening? etc." And this is the problem I need to fight against. Because, okay...yes, in the end the events of this AU actually have to be something that could conceivably be plausible in the real life narrative, because I've chosen to let Christian just be himself--Tottenham Hotspur player who has ambitions to make a move to Barcelona sooner rather than later. He's always been career above all else and getting him from conscientious, hardworking footballer to conscientious, hardworking footballer that also somehow ends up in late night clubs and taking up with a model with a substance abuse problem does need to be a believable progression. BUT! for what I'm doing here that doesn't matter. I just need to write a scene. Write it. Be done. Slot it into place in the draft. And then when the draft is complete I go in and say "okay, is this believable? If no, can I make it believable? If yes, what do I need to do to get there."
But that is not for now. Now is for just getting the damned writing done.
So, I present you with no context whatsoever...Christian and Ben end up at a rooftop party in LA with a bunch of models and also random footballers, including their former teammate DeAndre Yedlin who in this world went back to LA after Spurs instead of to Newcastle, because that is where I need him to be.
As with all things involving this AU, things got away from me and we’re 2000 words in and haven’t yet gotten to Christian and Vincent actually crossing paths, so as of now absolutely no one involved in this scene is at all under the influence (unless you include Christian being under Vincent’s influence and having NO IDEA AT ALL ABOUT IT), but, honestly, y’all should know what to expect with me and prompts. I’ve been working on this on and off for 4 hours, and it’s 8pm on a Sunday and I’m calling it quits for today.
"This is quite the do," Ben said, sliding into one of the plush looking but decidedly uncomfortable chairs that lined the perimeter of the hotel's rooftop.
Around them, crowds of people stood in groups around small, waist-height tables, talking and laughing, all of them with drinks in hand. Further away, crowds pressed together on a makeshift dancefloor, complete with requisite DJ high up in a box, headphones on as he went about his work. The music a tangle of bass and synth, swooping and soaring as the crowd moved and swayed together as one, hands in the air.
A few metres away, the full-sized swimming pool shifted through the whole spectrum of colours, lights set in the bottom shining up and diffusing out from the water's surface to fall on the crowds of people lounging in chairs or sitting on the side with their feet dangling in the water. Every one of them with drinks in hand and the perfectly crafted features and slender bodies that Los Angeles seemed to demand.
The sun had set, but here in Los Angeles the nights were never fully dark. Even so, the entire rooftop had been strung with light. Blue and white LED lights had been strung around railings, and even the various chairs and benches featured inset lighting along the bottoms. A few floodlights had been stationed at intervals around the roof--probably a security feature to prevent anyone from stumbling headlong into the water or over the railing in the dark--but for the most part, the space was lit in blue and pink and orange and green, everything cast in an almost eerie glow.
Evening in Los Angeles, and the party was in full swing.
Ben held out a clear plastic cup towards him, but Chris waved it away. "No, thanks. It's already been a long day and we have another training session in this heat tomorrow. I definitely didn't bring enough sun cream, and I'm so burnt I think my skin is on fire."
"Right," Ben said, shoving the cup at him more emphatically, "Thus, ice water. This heat is no joke."
"Oh...Um. Thanks." Chris gratefully took the cup from Ben, plastic wet and mercifully cold against his hand, condensation already sliding down the side.
"Cheers," Ben said. He held his glass out towards Chris, and Chris rolled his eyes before pressing the rim of his cup against Ben's.
The least he could do, really, was indulge Ben the occasional eccentricity tonight. He'd agreed to accompany Chris to this ridiculous event, after all.
"I meant it," Ben said. "This is quite the do. And everyone here is bloody gorgeous. Like...I'm a footballer you know, so I'd like to think I'm decently fit, isn't it? But you look around here and everyone is absolutely lush. I was feeling a bit overdressed, what with me wearing a shirt and all, but if I'm honest I'm a bit intimidated to strip down in front of this lot."
Chris rewarded his friend with a scoff, but he understood Ben's point. Sure, he'd never thought of himself as the sort of people who made everyone in a room stop dead so they could watch him walk by or anything, but he was a Premier League footballer in his prime. He did alright, but the moment he'd stepped into this bizarre world of fashion models and beautiful people he'd spent a disproportionate amount of time feeling like the guy who'd been cast in the "before" photo.
"So where's your boy?" Ben asked.
Chris stiffened and jerked his head around to look at his friend. "My what...oh, Vincent? How should I know? Probably somewhere in all...that." He gestured to the far end of the space--flashing lights and pounding bass and people shouting the words along to some song he might have heard once or twice on the radio but didn't know.
Ben leaned back in his chair, hands behind his head. He shifted around for a while, likely going through the same process Chris had a few moments before as he struggled to find an even decently comfortable position in the box-like frame. This space wasn't intended for anyone to sit for any length of time--everything designed to press people towards the swimming pool and onward past the full-service bar to the dancefloor.
He'd chosen this spot for a reason. A handful of empty chairs in a shadowy corner of the balcony as far away from the chaos of the party as he could get. Not that Chris found himself in parties of any sort with great frequency, but as a rule he liked to position himself on the fringes of things--here and present, but ready to slip away and disappear without much notice if the madness of it all got to be too much. He liked a little space to think; somewhere he could hear the other half of any conversation he might happen to fall into.
It was decidedly...not where Vincent would be. And, honestly, the fact that he knew this about someone he'd run into by random chance three times now, on two different continents, no less, was certainly...something.
"If I'm being honest..." Ben said.
Chris had long ago learned this meant he was about to say something Chris probably wasn't going to like.
"...I'm not really sure why you've dragged me all the way up here if we're just going to hang about in the dark. Like, all this is doing is making me think I need to double my work rate the next time we have a gym session. Honestly, look at these blokes."
If Chris was being honest, he had no idea either. What was it  about Vincent that kept him from listening to the very logical voice in his brain screaming at him to run in the opposite direction as quickly as he could and not look back until he was a safe distance away? A rational person would have responded to Vincent's relentless barrage of messages begging Chris to come up to the roof for a party by turning his phone off, but instead, here Chris was, sitting poolside on a Los Angeles roof surrounded by models.
"You're right. We should just go. This whole scene is..." Chris shrugged. "It's not for me."
He pushed out of his chair, wincing at the pins and needles flooding down his leg from where he'd been sitting in an awkward position for too many minutes.
"Alright, mate?" Ben asked, and Chris's hiss of breath at the pain must have been audible even above the din of the crowd.
"'s fine," he said, shifting his weight from foot to foot in an attempt to get feeling back into his limbs. He reached down to retrieve the plastic cup he'd deposited on the table beside his chair, now half filled with melted ice and water, and took a drink.
"Let's just go," he said. "I'll...turn my phone off or...can you block people on WhatsApp? I assume so, yes?"
Ben laughed and shook his head at Chris as he climbed to his feet. "You remain, as always, an enigma, mate."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"What it is is--" Ben started, but he was interrupted by someone calling their names.
They both whipped their heads in the direction of the voice--to their right, a figure approaching through the dim light. Average height, well-built although who wasn't around here, dark hair close-cropped to his head.
"Maaaaates," the man called out, "it is you."
American, by the accent, and Chris stretched his brain trying to place who at this event besides Vincent would have the first clue who they were. The man drew closer, emerging from the shadows into the brighter circle of light thrown out by the LEDs strung across the balcony and Chris couldn't help from breaking out into a wide grin.
He stepped forward toward the man, one arm out to wrap his former teammate in a sideways hug. "DeAndre. It's good to see you. What are you doing...?"
"I play here now," DeAndre said. "Couldn't hack it in England so they sent me back home. Or, well...close to home, I suppose. Right coast, anyway."
"I thought they called it the Left Coast." Ben joined them, and DeAndre shifted away from Chris to afford Ben a hug as well.
DeAndre Yedlin, promising US International who'd joined them at Tottenham for a minute before going to Newcastle on loan and then making the move back to MLS. He was an impressive talent, lightning quick, with good instincts and vision on the pitch. He'd played right back by trade, but was fast enough to cover space in the midfield and on the wing if need arose. He'd only been with Spurs for half a season, spending most of that time training with the youth team, although he'd started alongside Christian in a few matches during his time in London.
Chris had always liked DeAndre's easygoing manner and infectious laugh, and had enjoyed getting to know him for the few months they'd trained together, but DeAndre had never quite adapted to life in London--getting a bit too caught up in time in the big city far away from home--and, ultimately, he and Pochettino had agreed that a move out of London might be what he needed. Chris had wished him all the best, but when his loan spell had ended and Pochettino made it clear he'd have no role to play on the Spurs first team, he'd returned to the US. Chris had lost touch with him after that, the time and distance and their odd training schedules letting them drift apart.
"You look great, mate," Ben said, patting DeAndre's stomach. "Keeping up with the beautiful people of Los Angeles."
"Ha. I heard that," DeAndre said. "But no, it's good. I like it here. The weather's gorgeous every day of the year--step out the back door onto the beach, a party every night if you want it--but I know my limits now. I learned that lesson, trust me. Still. Sun, surf, sand. What's not to love?"
He stepped back and flashed them both a carefree grin. "I stopped being surprised by this city years ago, but I have to say, of all the people I expected to come across tonight, you two weren't even close to being on the list. What brings you here?"
"Pre-season tour," Chris said. "We're in town training for a week before we head out to...somewhere else"
"Minneapolis," Ben said helpfully. "Where they played the Super Bowl. It's...well I dunno exactly, but I know it's cold there."
DeAndre threw his head back and laughed, his whole body shaking with it. "To be fair, I've only played there once and, yeah, it was cold. But for real, what are you doing here?"
He gestured around him to the party, now in full swing--people drifting away from the frenzy of the dancefloor and into the swimming pool as the DJ called for a break, the speakers now blaring with some generic pop music. Chris supposed that was a fair question. As he'd already established, he wasn't even sure what he was doing here himself.
"Haven't you heard?" Ben said. "Christian's a model now."
DeAndre raised an eyebrow.
"I'm not a...piss off," Chris said to Ben. Then, to DeAndre, "I'm not a model. Far from it. I had a few events for Nike, sponsor things, you know how it is, it's not...I'm not a model."
"Yeah, man, of course," DeAndre said. "Actually, I should introduce you to my teammate Sebastian. He's just getting into modeling and he loves it. Are you staying around for a while? Let me go find him for you, he's around here somewhere."
"No, no, I don't--" Chris started, but was interrupted by DeAndre's surprised shout as someone grabbed him from behind and wrapped himself around DeAndre.
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chicagopdlover · 6 years
A look at a terribly reviewed television show | KNSS 98.7/1330
A look at a terribly reviewed television show | KNSS 98.7/1330
As the 4th of July approaches, what is your favorite part of the festivities? Just enjoying a day off Hosting or attending a barbecue, picnic, or cookout Attending a fireworks display Fire off your own fireworks Watch a Fourth of July parade A look at a terribly reviewed television show Steve and Ted sample ABC’s “The Proposal” on The Blur 00:13:29 Download Transcript – Not for consumer use. Robot overlords only. Will not be accurate. He came in as the future of the morning Steve back into Ted Woodward at 830. The leader of Starbucks makes his drug days exit today on its feet and even your. For the coffee company Starbucks founder and executive chair 64 year old Howard Schultz officially steps down. Shields is seen as the architect of the modern Starbucks having overseen its expansion from a single coffee shop. Opening in Seattle’s Pike Place Market in 1971. In overtime. Growing the brand to more than 28000. Locations worldwide. In 1982 shall it’s becoming director of operations and marketing of Starbucks and is responsible for the company’s huge financial success. Schultz is known for being socially conscious and politically vocal on tripping York. In fact there has been speculation specials will run for office shields will now become chairman emeritus Hillary bar ski Fox News. Stuff fire department leadership is getting criticism from the firefighters union. Wichita fire department and aerial platform that was assisting in a fire at Saint Joseph Catholic church and and dale Sunday. Was recalled to Wichita before the fire was considered to be under control. In a social media post to the union said in part. The Wichita professional firefighters deeply regret the unfortunate situation to abandon our Brothers and sisters. Other Sedgwick county and surrounding volunteer fire companies during a difficult firefight. Here’s Wichita fire chief Tammy snow. We did not provide the service that we normally do to the citizens and then we regret that. And extremely sorry about that we’re still investigating as to hit the further details on. That’s like it’s been in the papers. Chiefs those said the incident was an error in judgment by staff members and they will be reiterating policies and procedures to staff the leadership. When it comes to offering mutual aid to other departments. Health and human services says they’re working to connect children separated from families of the border to their parents. And get unaccompanied minors with family members or sponsors. Immigration attorneys and advocates say they’re trying to learn more about house separated children will be reunited with their parents. Mark Webber with health and human services says all children apprehended at the border are in their care in shelters that. First thing we do when they come and HHS shelter and then 24 hours isn’t sure they are connected to a parent or family up why. And before their place for the sponsor or other family members he says the parent has to approve I have 32 parents here we’ll Satan. That is categorically. Untrue. Ruben Garcia director of annunciation house translated for a group of parents Monday who’s spoken El Paso about their difficulties contacting their children. Jack skip Rosenthal Fox News. Which are managed file the lawsuit against pizza house alleging the food companies delivery practices or at least partly responsible for a crash. That killed his mother had injured his grandmother Wichita eagle reporting Michael Capps filed a wrongful death and negligence lawsuit against Pizza Hut earlier this month. The lawsuit alleges a pizza chains promised to give customers hot pizza quickly. Is responsible for workers driving when he rear ended Karen and Juanita caps. A soldier who fought in World War II is set to posthumously received the medal of honor. After twenty years in this Stanley fighting for the upgrade army first lieutenant Garland Merle Connor will be honored at the white house with the medal of honor Connor Kentucky native who died in 1998 at age 79. Earned four silver stars won bronze star three purple hearts. And the distinguished service cross for his actions storing 28 months in combat tours in World War II. He’s being honored for his bravery on January 24 1945. When he volunteered to run 400 yards through an intense concentration of enemy artillery and France. He’s credited with stopping more than 150 German troops. And preventing heavy loss of life in his own unit Connery is said to be the second most decorated soldier from World War II. At the White House Jon Decker Fox News. Snell forecast with K innocent staff meteorologist Dan Holliday can morning Dan. Good morning we could see an isolated shower or thunderstorm popped up early on but most of those will be toward north and east. This afternoon breezy and warm with a high 92. Tonight becomes partly cloudy are low 73. And the National Weather Service has issued a heat advisory from Wednesday through Friday tomorrow’s high 101. Triple digit heat may continue through much of this week. I’m KM SS meteorologist Dan Holliday now partly cloudy 75 degrees on southwest wind gusting to 24 miles per hour. 835 now Stephen 10 in the morning here on K and it says it’s cyber entertainment news. The cooler with deliberate and it just are off today with a obituary now one of the fan favorites on History Channel upon stars. Has passed away the old man from pond stars has died at the age of 77 Richard Harrison. With the navy veteran and open the gold and silver pawn store in Las Vegas with a sonogram tell. Your rookie of the year is sure I’m a wonderfully old man because he doesn’t always crowd for very operative word slump don’t. Potency over ponds FaceBook page posted their fans will remember and. As these sometimes grumpy always loving however often wise cracking and of course most notably. Always the voice of reason on the history reality series Paris and was surrounded by loving family this past weekend and died peacefully. We shall we know Fox News. Let’s get a little celebrity news from the world of music the fox celebrity profiles. The siege for a country singer Craig Campbell recently released a new leave piece called see you try and. I’ve read new music sales so. 1 PM crazy excited about it. Get the new music yeah okay let’s fans know what ability known. He says a lot happened during that time that delayed the news and. It’s also on the ground. We don’t record label then close. Sounds of another record company and I and haven’t a couple of singles. Lay of the land James and his sister this time. He’ll be heading out on your friend is grateful to all those who buy a ticket. On this I feel like country music and somebody there to listen I’m one in 101000 in a matter will come have a good time. It’s. But I’m glad. To see. Actually the door again. Fox News. Former white house Press Secretary Sean Spicer working on a new gig if he was on the receiving end of a lot of questions during his six month tenure at the White House. Thank you thank you. Question now former Press Secretary Sean Spicer would be the one doing the questioning and a new TV show Sean Spicer is common ground which has aid pilot episode in the works according to syndicator Dan Maher Mercury. The plans first reported by the New York Times which says the show would feature Spicer inner viewing public figures chatting respectfully on topics ranging from the media to sports to marriage Michael love and not the attorney for porn star stormy Daniels says he was approached to be a guest on that first episode but declined. Lilian woo Fox News. Party B the sad to rise of X accessed and hostility and Sheryl Crow teams up with saint Vincent. I’m Michelle Marino’s Arabian Al Sadr officially married but act yellow wrapper tweeting and a confirmation Monday. That big TMZ story. The two have been married for awhile was true saying that you want to keep that moment private. Announced that wanted to give her proper engagement. So they did it at a later time on staying in marriage was star of the moment the public he and happened in October at that point. Need to marry. XXX tens this year and it was shot and killed last week at the age twenty. As most popular song in the country it’s sad to lead single from his last album rocketed to the top of the billboard went into this week. After an outpouring of grief following his death. According to Nielsen said was streamed nearly fifty million times this week. Anemia and Sheryl Crow recruited saint Vincent for her latest single what I wanna be like you which rails against political corruption. That’s fox rocks on Fox News. The latest round of performers at farm aid has been announced. Chris staple and the latest to join the performers for the 33 annual farm made in Connecticut organizers just announcing Monday the benefit for farmers being held that the extended. 22. Stapleton won a Grammy for best country album in February and he’ll be joining farm aid regulars Willie Nelson John Mellencamp Neil young and Dave Matthews. Other performers include Casey musgrave stirred Jill Simpson and Margo price farm aid is raise more than 53 million for grants to aid family farmers and lobby on their behalf wanna go tickets go on sale Friday through live nation I’m directly Carl Fox News. Twenty years ago on this night was the TV finale series finale of the TV shows step by step. You watch the show Steve Miller who I’m problem but did not who’s on the air for seven years. Patrick Duffy and Suzanne Somers as parents try to. Have a blended family all of it pretty much Brady Bunch of events for the late 1990s again. Hey it was on things on the air for seven years. And the series finale was twenty years ago on this night and they NB Davis on their high noon. You go step by step finished up twenty years ago. Steve fifteen years ago today it came out in Wichita movie theaters the Thomas crown affair. Yup they think at this point ample I enjoyed it. A father doesn’t domino is a big Steve McQueen for me alone. Of them and bullet. And this movie. It is a little bit and we’re pretty much came out same time bull in Canada and in a weird little rich guy alone. Electro Thais stayed in a way. The make up the dress she wore that was the sixties. He looked gorgeous. Gorgeous. Directed by Norman juiced Leah good movement. The book and it did didn’t they did deal that really hadn’t been done a whole lot of these is split screen yeah honestly I hear they would do a split screen so something’s going on the other analyzing the tired dollars and lives and dune buggy or whatever you do this and kind of use that which was pretty revolutionary times. McQueen did all his own stunts playing polo driving a dune buggy along the Massachusetts coastline. Now the moment and Jack Weston and it yeah. But it gas. And gothic Colorado now Jack Westin gases if people missed course good music I’m kilogram. Now he he wanted to he won a couple Oscar for that to renewals in your mind reels of your mind is that famous I know the movement. Pago Steve McQueen Faye Dunaway the Thomas crown affair that came up fifty years ago today. Finally Steve last night on ABC you had the proposal. Show that is just being ruhr ripped by the critics. This is the same people that came up with the bachelor. This is a deal where you got. Of some a woman or man introduced ten contestants trying to win them over. In some in and there’s a mystery person whose identity is concealed. It’s not getting good room in fact it’s getting pummeled. Said one revealer for bolster ABC kicked off this solely pageant and an episode where nearly naked women descend the staircase and painfully high heels. I feel confident than in the pro rained department’s ability to start they showed exactly the by the intended to create. Begging viewers to ignore the ego and another viewer said it. This thing has no dramatic through line the proposal trying to manufacture romances like the chef trying to make me a lot of half of a rice crispy streets. Here’s some of the men such goings on last night on the proposal. Thanks and load lately you know amazing how. This is so high and it really ends. I did this I have to go in I. I. It’s. I feel the intelligence being sucked already are now. Air X I feel dumber by the minute I’m Nicole and I added that. I took about 35 seconds out of that boy whose. Thanks out. Dude the proposal out. The vapid programming that ABC you may not crank out for the summer. Entertainment news in the blurs brought to you Larry good friends at pizza John indoor arena here’s something. Little satisfy you and read time event and on down McKay fifteen and stop in at 208 south Baltimore. And yourself let tasty pizza fire right there at pizza John did nerdy 44 Steven did give an airport. Editor bill Roy that was our business journal new contract for Boeing’s. 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