#Vigore Gold 100
meimi-haneoka · 7 months
Oh my!!!! Just read your post and the summary of the chapter and lmao, I am perfectly willing to wait for the volume to come out. First of all, congratulations to all of us YunaAki fandom that we actually got our favourite hobo to confess his feelings. Lmao, stuff his mouth with chocomint ice cream, Akiho! It feels a bit embarrassingly cute to finally have them being canon (officially that is!). Second, are we getting hints of a potential future arc that ties up with TRC/xxxHolic, especially since xxxHolic Rei is supposedly going to be revived? That description of Momo's scene makes me think that a book that is capable of rewriting the world would without a doubt be involved in TRC/xxxHolic shenanigans. I don't want to keep my hopes up too high given that CLAMP are ageing and have been working tirelessly for so long but maybe secondary author written light novels with illustrations from Mokona-sensei may be the way to go in the future, at least as far as CCS continuation goes? Given that Light Novels are at their all time popularity high right now and they have done it for CLAMP Academy before, fingers crossed! Although I believe we might take a few years before we get anything concrete on that side. Sigh! At least we have CCS CC anime Season 2 to look forward to now. Third, OMG!!!!! Tomoyo!!! I am now 100 percent certain that Sakura is going to be wearing a "King of Kwa" Qun Kwa, fully designed, hand embroidered and stitched by Tomoyo. There will definitely be two weddings - one at Japan (which will be whatever the couple chooses but I would love it to be a traditional Shinto one at the Tsukimine shrine) and a traditional Cantonese-Chinese one at Hong Kong (ain't no way the Heir of the Clan and his Japanese bride getting away without a "proper" and traditional Chinese wedding). Given that it takes at least a year for even an traditionally experienced embroiderer to create a King of Kwa, maybe Tomoyo mentioning this as they are entering 9th grade means that SS will really get married right out of high school. Like even her brain says whoops, I better begin the wedding planning and bridal dress designing already. Yes! Give us I-am-a-wealthy-Victoria-Peak boy Syaoran and his enormously large family being in sync over Sakura wearing a real gold and silver embroidered on finest silk from Guangdong with it weighing around 10-15 kg and that being the bare minimum because it brings the most fortune and fertility with its Nine Dragons and Nine Phoenixes. Buhahaha. And Sakura just going along with it because she does not really get to dip her feet into her husband's culture much and she is enjoying all the big family time because everyone, legit everyone in the family, is enamoured with her and how cute and absolutely precious she is. Ahahahaha. Sheesh, I am blushing so much. I had headcanons for so many years but these are all of them coming true!!! *shakes my head and arms vigorously in my fangirling heaven*
OMG Aubretiaaaaaaa!! YES!! We finally made it!! WEEE ARE THE CHAMPIONS, MY FRIEEEENNNDDDD 😂😂 Ok excuse my silly little moment but yes, can you believe that I would've NEVER imagined they would make him say THAT in canon? I've always thought that they would go "the subtle way", for several reasons (and it also makes sense, character-wise) and leave it at the true name reveal, but nope, they had to SHOCK ME even in the final, definitive special chapter!! 😂 It isn't a shock that Kaito is feeling romantic love for Akiho, not at all: the shock comes from seeing it spelled out "clearly" on paper! 😂 I even imagined that this could happen a couple of years later along the way, but it's perfectly fine like this. We talked about this before, right? The attraction he feels comes from a chemistry between souls, and there isn't anything shady going on. So everything else will still come at the right time (and it's not like CLAMP will portray any of it, so each one of us can imagine it however we like). I'm gonna write another post later about the chocomint ice cream because I realized I forgot to point some things out in my commentary! 😁
About the Holic tie-in, in this specific chapter it doesn't look like there's any hint (the "appropriate price" Momo paid is a concept that exists in CCS too), but it can still totally happen, even in Holic itself. Like a cameo from Kaito and Akiho (since it would be kinda weird to feature Sakura herself, and she would steal the spotlight wherever she goes). I don't know, I won't hope too much for it, but things in Clear Card definitely were left open enough for them to reconnect to it in the future!
And yes, I also am totally convinced that SyaoSaku will have a double wedding! 😁 Tomoyo can still totally create a western-style dress for the celebration in Japan, since usually after the traditional Shinto ceremony, there's the party and that's where the bride changes outfit and can wear the western-style dress! But yeah, I also cannot see them going without a ceremony in Hong Kong too, and I really appreciated the description of the King of Qwa traditional wedding dress, especially cause I looked for it and...YES, I CAN TOTALLY SEE HOW THIS "BEAST" REQUIRES AT LEAST A YEAR OF EMBROIDERY!! If Tomoyo is going to undertake this challenge, SHE REALLY NEEDS TO START NOW 😂 I mean, look at this....pink blossom, it's perfect!
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It is so beautiful!! I can totally see Sakura wearing this! And YES, I agree, I think SyaoSaku will marry right out of high school 🥰 This special chapter really gave us "fuel" for so many future headcanons, right?? I really can't thank CLAMP enough for this!
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wishesofeternity · 1 year
Edward Despenser was fortunate in making a prosperous marriage to a tenacious businesswoman. Elizabeth (de Burghersh) was skilled at upholding her rights on the estates and worked hard to protect the lands of her two-year old son after Edward's premature death in 1375. There is abundant evidence of her willingness to maintain, even augment, the enormous Despenser inheritance and she combined shrewd business acumen with a clear awareness of the problems that a long minority could bring. This was a time when widows, as well as wives left at home during military campaigns, needed to be able to manage property. The French noblewoman Christine de PiZan wrote in The Treasure of the City of Ladies of the need for preparation for this task- 'they should have the responsibility of the administration and know how to make use of their revenues and possessions ... [and] they will be good managers of their estates'. It was a call for female entrepreneurs, and Elizabeth Despenser was a woman after Christine de Pizan's heart. The trust that her husband placed in her is made apparent by his choice to remain in Italy when Bartholomew Burghersh died, trusting his wife to look after the enlarged patrimony. Ten Suffolk manors fell to the Despensers - Carlton, Middleton, Clopton, Little WeInetham, Blaxhall, Swilland, Witnesham, Cock-field, FenhaH and Chesilford - together with Ewyas (Heref.) and Bosworth (Leics. ), and the patrimony was greater than it had ever been.
After Edward's death Elizabeth vigorously pursued lands farmed out by the crown and within five years recovered control of Shipton, Burford, Sherston, Kimberworth, Caversham and Great Marlow, collectively worth over £100 per year. She also obtained seisin of lands of her Despenser relatives, Gilbert (d. 1382), and Thomas, her brother-in-law (d. 1381). From Gilbert came the keeping of Broadtown (Wilts.); from Thomas various Lincolnshire lands and two-thirds of the manor of Mapledurwell (Hants.), which she later demised to her esquire Henry Yakesley. Via her daughter Anne, married to Hugh Hastings, came the Norfolk manors of Gressenhall and East Lexham. In 1392 Elizabeth obtained the wardship of Peter Veel after the death of his mother Eleanor, a tenant of the Despensers in Glamorgan. She held onto this as long as she was able, and it was fully ten years later when Henry IV ordered her to release the lands to the heir. In the meantime, Elizabeth had convinced Richard II to re-grant the Irish manor of Killoran, county Waterford, that had originally been held by her husband. At the same time, she had to contend with paying out two major annual sums. The first came in 1378 when £200 from the farm of Glamorgan was ordered to be paid to Sir Degary Says. Says had sustained losses in Aquitaine and also made forced loans of gold to the crown for the upkeep of the English armies, and King Richard's regency council decided that recompense should be made from the Despenser estates. The second came two years later, when Edmund earl of Cambridge, son of King Edward III, was awarded Thomas Despenser's wardship and 500 marks per annum. from Elizabeth's dower lands. Shortly before his death Edward Despenser spent his final military campaign in Brittany with the earl and it is possible that an arrangement was made at this time about Thomas's guardian. In 1384 Richard II gave permission for Thomas and the earl's daughter Constance to be married, and Elizabeth was then required to pay for her daughter-in-law's upkeep. Some idea of the considerable annual turnover of the Despenser estates may be found from documents dated between April and October 1391, where expenditure on annuities alone totalled 1016 marks (£677 6s 8d).
Elizabeth was vital to the continuing presence of the family in the last quarter of the century. Had she remarried after 1375, her dower lands would have been demised to her new husband and the Despenser inheritance impoverished. As it turned out, the ease with which Thomas took over the estates owed everything to her tireless efforts. She continued to pay annuities owed to members of Edward Despenser's retinue, and the fact that a number of these men served the family throughout this period tells us much about the advantages of continuity in estate management. We know that she held court in Glamorgan in 1393, and doubtless did so on other occasions. Her name also appears on two charters of 1397 confirming the privileges of the burgesses of Cardiff and Neath. However, Elizabeth's longevity was eventually to cause problems for Thomas who never enjoyed full possession of his inheritance. When he died at Bristol in 1400 she was still in possession of her dower as well as her own Burghersh inheritance. Other properties, such as Mapledurwell, had been safeguarded through grants to retainers or were held by cadet branches of the family. Only after Richard Despenser's early death in 1414 was the entire inheritance reunited under his sister Isabel and her first husband Richard earl of Worcester. The survival of the patrimony was due in no small part to Elizabeth Despenser, whose efforts, in the context of incessant Marcher power struggles and the Glyn Dwr revolt of 1400-8, should not be underestimated. It is a testament to her ability in the eyes of successive kings that in 1375 and 1400, unlike in 1349, no royal justices were appointed in Glamorgan to hear pleas of the crown. Everything was left to the Despenser women. Like her earlier kinswoman Elizabeth de Burgh, Elizabeth Despenser proved the value of a dowager administrator.
- Martyn John Lawrence, “Power, Ambition and Political Rehabilitation - the Despensers”
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adndmonsteraday · 1 month
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A dwarf (pl: dwarves) was a member of a natural humanoid race common throughout parts of Toril as well as Abeir. Dwarves, sometimes called the Stout Folk and Deep Folk, were a tough, tradition-abiding folk known for their strong martial traditions and beautiful craftsmanship.
“Dwarves are creatures of stone, and like stone they change only in response to extremes. The dwarves of the many worlds share much in common, but never allow those similarities to blind you to their unique traits.” — Mordenkainen
Dwarves were a short race, as their name implied, standing from 4'3"–4'9" (1.3–1.45 meters) on average, with gold dwarves a bit shorter.[11] What dwarves lacked in height they made up for in bulk; they were, on average, about as heavy as humans. A dwarf could weigh anywhere from about 160–220 lbs (73–100 kg). Dwarven males were a bit taller and heavier than their female counterparts. Like humans, dwarves had a wide variety of skin, eye, and hair colors, typically pale among shield dwarves and deeply tanned or brown amongst gold dwarves. Hazel eyes were common throughout the race, with blue eyes more common amongst shield dwarves and brown or green eyes found amongst the gold dwarves.
Male dwarves were often bald and grew thick facial hair, which was sometimes used to display social status. Unusually for humanoids, both sexes naturally grew ample facial hair, though the majority of shield dwarf females shaved their beards off. Many dwarven women would do this to conform with the beauty standards of human societies, but some would revel in their long, luscious beards, or trim them in goatee-style. This hair was often dark in hue, though among shield dwarves blond or red hair was just as common. Gold dwarves took the care of facial hair to an extreme, carefully oiling and grooming it, with some adding perfume and ornamentations. Naturally curly hair did not exist among the dwarves of Toril. Curles could only be achieved though deliberate styling.
Dwarves were a long-lived race, though not so much as elves, and reached physical maturity somewhat later than humans. A dwarf was traditionally considered an adult once he or she reached age fifty.Dwarves aged much like humans but over a longer period of time, remaining vigorous well past 150 years. Most dwarves lived to see their bicentennial and a few lived to be over 400. A dwarf was considered to be young until they reached the age of 50.
Whether or not the dwarven claim that they'd been carved from the world's stone was true, dwarves shared many qualities considered similar to the stone they lived with. Strong, hardy, and dependable, dwarves were polite, particularly to elders, and possessed a wisdom beyond that of many other races. Dwarves valued their traditions, regardless of the subrace they came from, and looked for inspiration from ancestral heroes. Dwarves were also known for their stubborn nature and cynicism, traits widespread amongst the dwarves but which contributed to and were commonly offset by their bravery and tenacity.
Dwarven friendship was hard to earn, but was strong once won. Naturally dour and suspicious, the stout folk were slow to trust others, specifically those outside their family, suspecting the worst of an individual until the outsider had proved their good will many times. Once this trust was gained, dwarves held their friends to it and viewed betrayals, even minor ones, with a vicious propensity for vengeance. A common gnomish oath, remarking on this dwarven sense of justice, was "If I'm lying, may I cross a dwarf."
For dwarves, loyalty was more than a word and they felt that it should be both valued and rewarded. Dwarves believed it a gift and mark of respect to stand beside a friend in combat, and an even deeper one to protect that ally from harm. Many dwarven tales subsequently revolved around the sacrifice of dwarves for their friends and family. Just as dwarves were known for their dependability as friends and allies, dwarves also harbored grudges far longer than many other races. This might be on an individual basis between a dwarf and one who had wronged them, or against entire races, even if warfare with the enemy had long since ceased.
Dwarves were careful and deliberate, with a more serious disposition than other races, who they sometimes viewed as flighty or reckless. A dwarf did all things with care and a stubborn resolve, with brash or cowardly behavior unusual for them. However, dwarves did succumb easily to wrath or greed, which were their most common vices.
Dwarves who left their homeland to become adventurers did so for a number of reasons. In part, a dwarf might be motivated by simple avarice, given the dwarven love of beautiful things. As often, however, a dwarf might be motivated by a drive to do what was right for others (particularly their clan) or a love of excitement because, as settled as dwarves were, they rarely tired of thrills. But even these wayward dwarves retained the spirit of their brethren, hoping that their accomplishments abroad could bring honor to themselves, their clan, or both. Given that successful dwarven adventurers were likely to recover rare items or defeat enemies of the dwarven people during such challenges, this was a hope not entirely without merit.
Dwarves highly valued the ties between family members and friends, weaving tightly knit clans. Dwarves particularly respected elders, from whom they expected sound leadership and the wisdom of experience, as well as ancestral heroes or clan founders. This idea carried on to relations with other races and dwarves were deferential even to the elders of another, non-dwarven race.
Likewise, dwarves, perhaps moreso than most other races, turned to their gods for guidance and protection. Non-evil dwarves looked to the divine for comfort and inspiration, while the wicked looked to their divine overlords for methods through which to obtain power over others. Individual dwarves might be faithless, but the race as a whole, regardless of subrace, had a strong inclination for religion and almost every community maintained at least one temple or ancestral shrine.
Most dwarven societies were divided into clans built along family ties and political allegiances. These clans were usually led by hereditary rulers, often monarchs of a sort and descended from the founder of the clan. Dwarves strongly valued loyalty to these rulers and to the clan as a whole and even objective dwarves tended to side primarily with their kin over other races or communities.
These clan structures promoted a tradition of inbreeding. This was so excessive that it was considered one of the reasons for the dwarves' low birth rate.
Most dwarven clans focused on one or two kinds of crafting, such as blacksmithing, jewelry, engineering, or masonry. Dwarves strove to avoid overspecialization by sending some of their youths to other clans to serve as apprentices, which also helped to foster racial unity. Because of their longevity, these apprenticeships might last decades.
Like many races, the exact origins of the dwarves were lost in myth and legend. While many non-dwarven scholars believed that dwarves were not native to Abeir-Toril or its successor worlds, most dwarves believed that their ancestors came from the heart of the planet itself, given life by Moradin after being made by the All-Father's hammer in the Soulforge. These legends held that the dwarves fought their way to the surface world, overcoming the dangers they faced below through strength of arms and skill.
The first known dwarven settlements on Abeir-Toril originated from the mountains of Yehimal. These dwarves settled underneath the junction between the three continents of Faerûn, Kara-Tur, and Zakhara, and migrated in all directions from there, spreading across the face of all the planet, except for those who migrated northwards and came to rest in the mountains of Novularond, becoming the ancestors of the arctic dwarves. Those who turned westward to what would eventually become the continent of Faerûn settled in what was later Semphar. The dwarves then migrated westward from there, founding many settlements. The first great kingdom of the dwarves was Bhaerynden, beneath the Shaar.
The dwarves in Bhaerynden prospered for centuries but gradually began to endure schisms and fractures, which drove the dwarves apart. The first of these schisms occurred around −11,000 DR when Taark Shanat, the so-called "Crusader", led a westward migration from the caverns of Bhaerynden. The descendants of these dwarves would eventually become the shield dwarves and forged the vast empire of Shanatar. The god Dumathoin created the urdunnir, who moved deeper into the earth and faded from common knowledge.
Some time after this, Bhaerynden fell to the drow shortly after their Descent following the Crown Wars, and these southern dwarves were driven into exile, ending the ancient kingdom. Their descendants became known as the gold dwarves and would return millennia later with the collapse of Bhaerynden into the Great Rift, forming a new kingdom. Another dwarven subrace emerged from some of these southern dwarves, who fled to Chult and embraced the ways of the jungle, becoming the wild dwarves.
The last dwarven lineage formed from the shield dwarves of Clan Duergar. These hapless dwarves who lived beneath the Shining Plains were in time captured and enslaved by the illithids, becoming the separate but related race known as the duergar. Over the ages, the twisting of illithid psionics caused the duergar to grow more and more distant from their kin.
In the middle of the 5th century DR, the dwarves who had controlled the World Pillar Mountains were enslaved or cast out by the nascent empire the yak-men.
Over the centuries, dwarves entered into a long decline and most of the ancient kingdoms that once stood had fallen by the 15th century DR. The shield dwarves saw parts of the North overrun and conquered by the orcs of Many Arrows while to the south the gold dwarves were largely driven from their underground kingdom in the Great Rift towards the surface world. In spite of this, the dwarves remained a proud and hardy people, unshaken by the pitfalls that had befallen them.
The most significant event in recent history for the dwarven peoples was the Thunder Blessing of 1306 DR, in which, after centuries of demographic decline, a sudden boom in fertility occurred, resulting in the births of many twins amongst the dwarves. The Blessing was widely believed to have been the work of Moradin, possibly as the culmination of a quest by a dwarven heroine or as part of some grander plan of the All-Father. One of the consequences of this sudden boon was, other than a demographic resurgence that helped bring the dwarves out of their decline, was a sudden shift in culture. The so-called thunder children were radical in comparison with their parents and during their lifetimes over the Era of Upheaval, dwarves took a more active role in the world and abandoned some of their oldest traditions, such as the ancient fear of magic and the arcane.
Source: https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Dwarf
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chevvy-yates · 1 year
How do people get their stuff done always on time? I'm too dumb for it and my time management is fucked up as hell.
Can't manage to fucking post when I intend to (because I forget it). Not even making drafts helps me because I keep hording them there like a dragon sitting on gold in a cave instead of placing them into queue.
When I browse tblr and want to queue stuff I still reblog 85% intstantly once I find 30 min to sit down and scroll trough tblr. after 30min I'm exhausted of it and trying to give some productive comments as well.
Then I try getting that graphic stuff done, do it for 30min and meh — then I go over to writing fic/rp answer in the middle of the night always falling asleep in front of my mac. i mostly get ideas when I go to bed because I'm suddenly awake again - brain doesn't stop thinking - but once I want to write it down it makes me sleepy. the fuck.
And when I take VP? one session goes like 2-3h Dx And mostly I do maybe spawn one light, and/or a cigarette and a weapon. nothing else.
Today. I've been adding new outfits to Thyjs and Jaysen (with browsing nexus for it half the day jeez), and edited some of their outfits I didn't like a lot. I still have problems with their formal looks. I have sth (Paul night outfits) now but it's not 100% what I want – Some day some cooler stuff will appear, I'm sure.
I cursed old replacer mods replacing mostly some current mods I do not want to have replaced and so I found not much in the end (like all that search was useless).
And besides that? I can't manage to catch up on discord servers anymore.
in between I do work 40h a week but that's not a problem, there time management works fine.
Welcome to my nutshell. Dx
EDIT: This up there was just my day yesterday - I do not always try each day to get my fandom graphics stuff done neither do I try to do VP each day or write (I mostly do not have vigor left for that after my 8h of doing graphic design)
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romance-club-daily · 2 years
Loadind Screen Tips! Heart of Trespia~
Wiki | Heart of Trespia | Loading Screen Tips Masterlist
Tips about paths:
Make a choice between Compassion and Rationality instead of following both paths.
Assets unlock additional scenes and sometimes provide alternative routes for low Influence paths.
High influence often requires integrity and diplomacy.
Are you more compassionate or rational? Choose the kind of queen you want to be!
Your ending is determined by the points you acquire. If you can, try to stay on the Path of High Influence!
Tips about gameplay:
The choices you make heavily impact the path of your story, even if it isn't always obvious.
You can form deep, platonic bonds with characters by selecting friendly options.
Think twice before taking a negative action... no matter how appealing it may seem.
Your decisions in Season 1 may affect what happens in Season 2 and 3!
Kindness towards some characters may allow you to see them again later on.
If you are seeing a lack of romance in your story, you might have missed the chance to commit to a relationship in Season 2.
Growth is at the heart of this story, and your choices should reflect that.
Tips about characters and plot:
As per Trespia's tradition, an heir always ascends the throne at the age of 20.
Trespia ranks as the smallest kingdom on Isrion, but it has the richest natural resources.
Sprite eagles can lift five times their own weight with their magnificent wings!
Trespians believe that after good people pass away, their spirits become stars in the sky.
In Trespia, 1 gold is worth 50 silver, and 1 silver is worth 100 copper.
Redbark is the sturdiest wood in Isrion.
Isrion is only a continent in this world. One more realm known to exist is Octobian, which lies beyond the Unresting Sea.
Silver thistles can counteract many lesser poisons found in Isrion.
Trespia is home to the best horses and riders, while Xaelian ships sail the farthest.
Marriage to a Trespian heir or ruler requires either being royal or having a nobility rank of Earl, Countess or higher.
Trespian middle names are typically chosen by parents from ancestors of great renown, or those they hope their child will aspire to be like.
Most Trespians believe in respecting nature, hunting and gathering only as necessary for survival.
A queen's lady-in-waiting plays a crucial role in the inner court of the castle.
A ruler can refuse to attend the Grand Summit, although it may lead to tension between kingdoms.
Shaadha and Maith are the only kingdoms in Isrion where harems are customary.
The eight regions of Trespia are Coral Ridge, Sapphire Vale, Dewberry Isle, Silverwood Shore, Scarlet Mountains, Fairymoss Meadow, Whisperleaf Fields, and Cerulean Shire.
For prospective Trespian Council members to be endorsed by the monarchs, they must demonstrate proficiency in the positions during their probationary period.
One and Two are Justicar Vigor's most adept assassins, as implied by their names.
Morel is one of the few Kingsguards in history who did not wield a shield.
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videostak · 1 year
still seareching for a liver than youll ever be stones CD T-T the one i had got was a CDr which CDrs tend to not work well or like have trouble being read on my CD player and also just always have kinda blurry not v nice packaging and none of the magic of 90s CDs bootlegs so looking for one stilll tho it seems real hard T-T almost got one that was like a bootleg in the style of those mfsl original master CDs u kno w/ hte minimized album art and gold CD but then looked it up and saw it was a CDr and was like T-T tho rly just want one thatss the full 2nd concert tho will probably also get one thats the og LP track listing if it sshows up for cheap since i do just want one in general. tho the nicest looking CDs are ones w/ the og stamped on type cover that are CDs released in 94/96 but also the amount of ppl on discogs who own those discs is v small so im sure theyre p rare but the other CDs have p ugly covers tbh that arent even from the 1969 tour and are mostly still mick taylor era pics but like later 70s like exile tour n so forth n stuff. tho the best bet is the swingin pig CD thats from 1990 cause that has all 16 tracks but that showed up a week or so ago for like more than 100$ soo ya T-T theres another one called vintage but vigorous that only has the og LP track listing and a slightly better looking cover imo even tho it also isnt from the 69 tour but yaa just gonna have to wait and keep an eye out. also of mention is that the 100$ dissappeared later the same night it showed up and i think it was delisted so like i have to keep an eye out daily tbh if i really wanna find one. idk what the rules on bootlegs on ebay are cause like u can find tons but some do get removed so it is strange. i remember when i was getting beach boys smile CDs and a seller messaged me cause i viewed smthn they later delisted saying they would relist it if i bought it right away lol like i guess to avoid having it delisted by ebay. tho i guess it depends cause like therees some that are always up like idk. reallly wanna find one its a great greate album like def a equal to if not better than ya yas like ya ya has the upper hand of being official better quality and stuff but live'r has the benefit of being like unfiltered live audio and the roughness goes in its favor in the same way got live's roughness benefits its energy. even just the LP live'r like the fact it doesnt have vocal overdubs like ya yas does gives it an upper hand at being a more genuine live document and the CDs that have the full second concert benefit from having the full concert like stuff like under my thumb and gimme shelter sound real great so yeas.. anyways my musik von harmonia germanofon CD shipped today so im like yayyyyy wonder what its gonna sound like. germanofons aree usually great sounding given the context but i have this 1995 japanese CD of musik von harmonia that really sounds excellent and has great packaging n everything that i have zero complaints abt so like wonder how its gonna hold up to that.
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galaxythreads · 2 years
Idk if you're still doing the lore thing, but if you are: The Blood Of My Enemy Stains My Hands Now?
I am ALWAYS still doing lore for fics. Sorry this took like two weeks to answer, anon.
this was written as a request for Tamuril2, who asked for something with Loki and Fury after I wrote My Kids Will Call Me Fury , where Fury collected the Avengers as his kids. They wanted something with Loki and Fury specifically, so when I added the additional scene at the end of MKWCMF, I also decided to just...write this.
I didn't have a plan. I didn't even really have an end goal in mind.
I remember starting to write it and just being like "yknow what, fine" and just letting it go wherever. I wrote the entire thing in like seven hours. I am a meticulous planner for multi-chapters. For one-shots I kinda just let the story take itself.
Fair warning, I haven't read this story in probably 2 years. No, I think i listened to it at work recently? honestly i have no idea.
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lol. Fury is such an a-hole.
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it was not ear blood. It was the fact that Loki was crying. The ear blood just sort of sealed the deal.
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PTSD from being tortured by Thanos ^^^
"Flesh around a long, ragged gorge (a stab, not clean) is blackened and the veins around it are turning a purplish-blue."
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that's kind of too funny to go and edit out honestly. Sometimes I find grammar errors that I can't stand but this is just. This is comedy gold.
reason 1134325235 I should have a beta, but don't. (I edit vigorously but that only catches 92% of everything)
"Fury can see evidence of previous scars there, white and not as faint as he's expecting for someone over a millennia old."
from torture with thanos
yeah, i think the injury has changed like at least two times that I've noticed. If you can't tell, I literally had no idea what I was going with, lol.
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ha. Everyone kept making jokes about how Thanos would be defeated by Cap Marvel alone without any effort on her part whatsoever before Endgame came out and I found it really annoying. This is 1000% a "look, carol can't solve everything" point.
"He jolts a little and his face twitches with something that looks close to a grimace. Fury leans against the side of the car a little, and stares at him."
^^ hypervigilance, a common symptom of ptsd
""Believe me, Director, the things that are after me would horrify you."
Fury blinks. "That is not reassuring."
"It wasn't meant to be."
Of course not. Brat."
I love them, your honor.
"And, well, he attempted to smuggle me out the next day. We didn't make it far. Odin commissioned Thor banned from Asgard for the next two years and I to the snake pits beneath the palace."
"There is no way that Fury is sending him back. None on this planet, none on any other. If capital punishment must be met, it should be clean. Fury has never been big on torture as recompense for a crime."
I know there are a lot of mcu fics out there where Fury 100% engages in torture and believes it's an effective means of retrieving information or enacting punishment, but I personally don't see Fury doing that. To be clear, I think those fics are fun and very enjoyable, but I don't think that Natasha, Clint, or Tony would trust Tony to the extent they do if Fury was willing to do a ton of physical/mental harm to someone.
"Stop scowling, S.H.I.E.L.D. can always use the assets. You work for us and we'll give you a roof over your head and keep you from Asgard, and whatever else it is that's hunting you.""
Between yet another villain attack and Tony breaking into S.H.I.E.L.D. again, Fury nearly forgets all about it.
I need the context behind this and yet I have none XD
 Despite the fact that his leathers were destroyed and Fury banned him from using magic save truly dire circumstances, he still manages to seem well dressed. Fury's not even certain where the long suit coat came from. He doesn't wear ties from what Fury's seen unless the circumstance permits it.
more ptsd from torture. ties are a little too close to strangulation for him.
If Fury hadn't been looking for it he would have missed the slight widening of Loki's eyes and the relief slip into his stance.
I always got the impression that Odin spent a great deal of time yelling at Thor and Loki for doing things wrong. I don't imagine Loki's delivered reports to his father that went over smoothly.
"So, you're keeping him?" Coulson questions and Fury nearly jumps in surprise at the voice, turning to look back at the agent currently seated in a chair in his office, the folder that he's compiled on Loki in hand.
I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH! WHY IS COULSON HERE? I DON"T KNOW, BUT IT'S GREAT HE BROKE INTO FURY'S OFFICE AND FURY ISN'T EVEN ANNOYED, JUST RESIGNED. like it happens all the time. (Oh, hill asked him to look into it. okay. makes sense. still glorious)
Also loving that Coulson is literally chill with the guy who stabbed him working with them. Like. Bro. You're a SAINT.
He hasn't mentioned it to his higher-ups and plans to keep it that way.
The more they can make it seem like Loki vanished off the face of the Earth the better.
Less things to shove off his tail.
Fury's desperate self explanations for everything are fantastic. Literally he's doing this so the "big bad thing" after Loki doesn't pick up the fact that he didn't die on the street corner.
"Fury's rising desire to punch Odin and any other Asgardian (save Thor) in the face kicks up a notch."
yeah if this is not clear from earlier, Fury and Thor are good terms. They've talked a bit about Loki, which is how Fury knew that Loki would make a good agent to begin with.
It both strings and numbs him to realize that Loki trusts him enough not to sneak something into the food. Loki stays the rest of the night on the couch, his face twitching with discomfort, but the trust that he presents Fury with is humbling.
This is. Bro. Loki is so untrusting. like deeply at his core. the fact that he did this with fury just really makes me realize how much Loki trusts him. He showed up at Fury's house when he was having an anxiety attack to ask for help. He didn't think Fury would turn him away. He didn't even bother to pick through the food because he trusts fury. Like. whoa.
He comes to with an aching back, a sore throat unequal to any other, and the sound of quiet voices talking around him. His mind refuses to really process any of the words their speaking beyond frazzled bits of mumbles, but he recognizes the voices enough that he doesn't panic.
"Thank you." Fury interrupts.
Loki's jaw hangs a little and he stares at him, "What?"
"Thank you." Fury repeats.
Loki's eyebrows look in danger of disappearing into his hairline. "I…?"
Curse you, Odin, and all you other Asgardian idiots.
Loki saved everyone's lives on Jotunheim and not one (1) person thanked him for keeping them alive. I don't get the impression he gets thanked that often.
"Sure, he was shot, but it isn't the worst thing that's ever happened to him before.
He's a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. S.H.I.E.L.D. director.
He has other things to do."
"Loki belongs to Asgard—!"
"And I've elected to ignore that."
probably a better summary of this fic, lol.
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stormyykat · 2 years
if dooslefriend was a fairly-shitty ya fantasy book trilogy, how would you divide it into 3-5 houses/guilds/sects to vigorously push merch for, what symbol would they have, and what 1-3 words would completely describe them
this is the best ask ive ever gotten. thank you.
my first thought was to turn the three planets into the houses, but after further consideration i think each planet would each have its own set of 3-5 houses, where the rulers of each are considered the head of all their houses. each planet is rivals with each other because of course they are. anyways a read more because im going to be insane for the next few 100 words
PLANET SKYWAIY: One out of the two considered powerhouses. Seen over by (googles fantasy name generator title names) the Divine Aka. While each house of Skywaiy is unique, they all put great value in the more naturalistic side of life, attempting to coexist with nature while still advancing their own technology and magic.
House Ravenway: The house of elegance and hardiness. Those in House Ravenway are diplomatic yet tough, and willing to stand up for what they believe in. They have natural leadership skills, and tend to be more militaristic than the other houses. They have a strong belief in the Divine. Their symbol is the raven, and their house colors are light blue and white.
House Athergon: The house of the independent and magic. While each house uses magic, the house of Athergon makes it its main focus. Those in this house are creative, intelligent, and abstract, but tend to focus more on bettering themselves then others. They are either indifferent to or look up to the Divine. Their symbol is the snake, and their house colors are gold and purple.
House Isleman: The house of cunning and delinquents. This house is the most disorganized, and therefore is scrutinized the most by the Divine, to which they have a very negative view on. Those in this house are stubborn, ambitious and combative. They have the least amount of focus on magic, instead preferring the dirtiness of physical combat. Their symbol is the kraken and their house colors are orange and green.
PLANET TOOLAH: The second of two the considered powerhouses. Seen over by Divine Sabre. Each house of Toolah all put great value into innovation and the future.
House Polybrook: The house of capital and culture. This house is the most diverse, and gives home to many merchants and young inventors looking to make their way in the world. Fueled strongly by innovation, those in this house are open-minded, hard-working, and detailed. Their symbol is the butterfly and their colors are pink and white.
House Thunder: The house of rationality and mind. This house is the most peaceful of the houses, focusing on the more philosophical aspects of life. They tend to be very in-tune with themselves, yet still observant of the outside world. If in need to fight, they prefer to use themselves as a weapon, instead of using magic or built weaponry. Their symbol is the red panda and their colors are red and light yellow.
House Wyerwood: The house of nature and change. This house focuses on flora and fauna. Said to be one with nature, many in this house work with agriculture and animals, and they tend to be against the development of industrial areas. Many in this house are reclusive, choosing to live out in the wild instead of the city. Their symbol is the rabbit and their colors are light green and light purple.
PLANET STARLESS: The third head of houses, yet not considered to be very strong. Only one house stands after the planet's destruction.
House Starbound: The house of exploration and survival. Made up of the remaining survivors, this house is disheveled and unruly. There is no order among its members, instead, they chose to wander about and adhere to no rules. Infighting is common as those in the house tend to be selfish, the only goal in mind being survival. Their symbol is the wolf and their colors and black and gray.
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Best shilajit brands in india
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Shilajit has gained popularity due to its healing,  aphrodisiac, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial properties. However, consumers usually feel confused between the many brands offering shilajit because they are not thoroughly aware of the benefits of any shilajit brand. They often go by word of mouth, and reviews are given by their near and dear ones. In this article, we will deal with a comparative analysis of brands offering shilajit to help potential customers decide which brand to buy
Shilajit: Nature’s Ancient Wellness Secret
Shilajit is a Sanskrit word that means "conqueror of mountain" or "winner of rock." It is a thick, sticky resin-like substance found in rocks of the Himalayan region. It is formed by the decomposition of plants and minerals over centuries under extreme heat and pressure. The main components of shilajit are fulvic acid, humic acid, and minerals.
It is considered a brain tonic due to its antioxidant properties and the presence of fulvic acid. It also possesses antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, reducing damage by harmful cells and lowering cellular damage in the body. Thus, it improves the overall health and functionality of the cells and slows the aging process. It also has cardioprotective and anti-inflammatory properties, which help to improve heart and immune health.
Shilajit: The Nutritional Powerhouse of the Himalayas
This ancient and natural  herb consist of carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber, vitamin C, calcium, sulfur, iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese, zinc and several other substances including amino acids, fatty acids, polyphenols, triterpenes, sterols, and dibenzo-alpha pyrones.
Comparative analysis of shilajit brands
1. Upakarma Pure and Alkaline Shilajit
Form — Capsules/Resin 
Ingredients — 84 minerals including fulvic acid, iron, magnesium, retinol, vitamin B, C and E
Key features — Pure and alkaline, Highest solubility, Premium quality, High bioavailability, increase energy levels, Boost immunity, Increase strength
Certifications — NABL certified, Lab tested, Best quality, Scientifically tested, Validated by modern science
Price range — Moderate to high
2. Dabur Shilajit Gold Capsules
Form — Capsules 
Ingredients - Shilajit, Swarna Bhasma, Kesar Ashwagandha, Kewanch Beej and Safed Musli
Key features - Well-established reputation in herbal wellness, helps to increase strength, stamina, vigor and vitality
Certifications - Backed by modern pharmacological studies.
Price range  -  Moderate
3. Baidyanath Shilajit
Form  - Resin
Ingredients - Over 80 minerals in ionic form, vitamins, phytonutrients, and Fulvic acid.
Key features  - Traditional ayurvedic formulation, Improving strength, stamina and power, Made from pure shilajit
Certifications - 100% genuine, Quality analysis certificate
Price range  -  Moderate
4. Zandu Shilajit
Form  -  Capsules
Ingredients - 80 essential minerals, including iron, zinc, magnesium and calcium
Key features  -  Effective formulation for vitality, Support reproductive health and metabolism, No artificial color added,  No gelatin
Certifications - Best quality, scientifically tested, Developed by experienced Ayurvedic experts at Zandu Advanced Ayurvedic Research Centre
Price range  -  Moderate
5. Vedapure Shilajit
Form  -  Resin
Ingredients - Fulvic and humic acid, humins, safed musli, ashwagandha
Key features  -  Natural and unprocessed detoxification process, - Improves stamina, metabolic rate and skin health
Certifications - Comes with test report
Price range  -  Moderate to high
6. Himalayan Shilajit
Form  -  Capsules/Resin
Ingredients – 85 essential minerals
Key features  -  High  mineral content and longevity, Vegan friendly, Expert approved,  Improves immunity
Certifications -  Expert approved
Price range  -  Moderate to high
7. Jiva Shilajit
Form  -  Capsues/Resin
Ingredients - Gokshura, Shatavari, Konch , Musli, Ashwagandha, Makardhwaj, Abharak Bhasma , Swarn bhasma  shudh shilajit  
Key features  -   Focus on Ayurvedic formulations, promotes overall wellness and vitality, improve sexual performance and muscle strength, reduce stress and anxiety.
Certifications - NA
Price range  -  Moderate
8. Nutra herbal Shilajit
Form  -  Capsules
Ingredients - 40% of fulvic acid, 2.5% withanolides and minerals
Key features  -   Standardized extract for consistency, Non GMO, 100% veg, vitality enhancement, boost metabolism, ease of use
Certifications – Clinically proven ingredients, Ayush approved
Price range  -  Moderate
9. Inlife Shilajit
Form  -  Capsules
Ingredients – Shilajit extract
Key features  -   Emphasizes quality and purity, supports immunity and energy, high quality extract, vegan capsules, no additives used
Certifications -  ISO 22000:2005 certified, Each batch is produced under stringent GMP guidelines
Price range  -  Moderate to high
To conclude, numerous Shilajit brands are available, and sometimes, it isn't easy to choose the best shilajit brand as the ingredients and features of products are almost the same, with slight differences. Considering different factors such as your budget, formulation, and individual goals is essential before purchasing this product. It is also crucial to consult with your healthcare professional, as every individual's needs and responses differ. By understanding the characteristics of these brands, you can make an informed choice to incorporate shilajit into your wellness routine, harnessing its natural benefits for enhanced vitality and overall health.
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sociomi · 2 months
Online Slot Guide | How to Pick a Good Online Slot
It has all the earmarks of being exceptionally absolutely unworkable for this to happen on openings with enormous amounts of win lines, but I have solidified runs of 20-30 dead bends even on 243 winning line spaces.
Return to Player % When to Play
97-almost 100% Most Often
95-97% Less Much of the time
90-95 Once in a while
<90% Never
It is steady with saying that more standard huge successes will come from openings with cut down RTP's anyway how that renders into a good time for you will depend vigorously on how pleasant you are with a rollercoaster ride of your bankroll. If you like riding gigantic scoops, it may be adequate for you, with your balance dropping quickly and restored with enormous triumphs.
Pick Spaces with Low Unsteadiness
If you can join a HIGH RTP with a Low Unusualness opening, you will get the smoothest ride of any space available at your electronic club.
You will get more ordinary victories at a low worth, meaning your credits, 'should' endure longer.
Recall the edge is still there, and that suggests in the excessively long you should lose, and high RTP doesn't mean you will not lose quickly once in a while. Overall, nonetheless, you will have a smooth ride on these openings and simultaneously get the potential chance to win immense on remuneration and disperse changes, free bend, and huge stakes.
For my motivations, it looks awful to play high precariousness, or low RTP. Enormous stakes are at this point open, additional changes and free contorts can constantly pay huge, you could have to remain by fairly longer to get to them. With a harmony that is enduring longer, you will get your potential outcomes. On LOW RTP and HIgh Flimsiness, you could get cleaned off out before you've had any entertainment regard from your space. Check out Slot88max.
RTP/Shakiness Guide
Utilize this accommodating manual to see how your bankroll will feel
High RTP - Low Unsteadiness - Smooth Ride
Remedy RTP - Low Precariousness -
High RTP - High Unsteadiness
Low RTP - Low Unsteadiness
Remedy RTP - High Unsteadiness
Low RTP - High Shakiness - Preposterous Ride
This scale above will show you what kind of ride you will have playing the mixes of RTP and eccentricism.
HIGH RTP + LowVolatility suggests standard more unobtrusive victories with less constant extra changes and gold mine prospects
LOW RTP + HIGH unsteadiness suggests conflicting greater triumphs with intriguing immense victories on additional changes and enormous stake prospects
There is no confirmation in dealing with a compensation round and getting a better progress. I offer one individual model when more than $250 was turned on $0.05 denoms and when I finally got the disperse reward it paid $3.40!
Stick to Low Insecurity and high RTP to routinely win on spaces more.
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medicineforcare · 3 months
Vigore Gold 100mg
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Vigore Gold 100mg is a medication primarily used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. It contains Sildenafil Citrate as its active ingredient, which is the same ingredient found in Viagra. Here is detailed information about Vigore Gold 100mg:
Active Ingredient
Sildenafil Citrate: Sildenafil is a phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor. It helps to relax the blood vessels in the penis, allowing increased blood flow during sexual arousal. This helps in achieving and maintaining an erection.
Erectile Dysfunction: It is used to treat erectile dysfunction, which is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance.
How to Use
Dosage: The recommended dose is 50 mg, but Vigore Gold comes in a 100 mg dosage. A doctor may adjust the dosage based on individual efficacy and tolerability.
Administration: It should be taken orally with a glass of water. It is usually taken 30 minutes to 1 hour before planned sexual activity. However, it can be taken up to 4 hours before sexual activity.
Food: It can be taken with or without food, but high-fat meals might delay its effectiveness.
Mechanism of Action
How it Works: Sildenafil Citrate inhibits the PDE5 enzyme, preventing the breakdown of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). This leads to increased levels of cGMP, resulting in smooth muscle relaxation and increased blood flow to the penis.
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Birthday Decoration Trends 2024: Unveiling the Hottest and Fading Fads in Party Décor
In the dynamic realm of birthday celebrations, staying ahead of the curve is essential to hosting a memorable and Instagram-worthy party. As we step into 2024, let's explore the latest birthday decoration trends that are set to make waves and those that are gracefully bowing out.
Choose a theme for your birthday party decoration from Take Rent Pe, an online provider of rental decoration settings, to make it even more memorable and spectacular. Choose from the more than 100+ décor set options available, and let the experts handle all aspects of the event planning.
Balloon Garlands: Elevating the 'Wow' Factor
Birthday decoration in 2024 is all about making a grand entrance, and nothing accomplishes that quite like balloon garlands. These whimsical displays have evolved beyond basic arches to become intricate, eye-catching masterpieces. Imagine a cascade of metallic balloons framing your entrance, guiding guests into a world of celebration. The versatility of balloon garlands makes them a timeless yet trendy choice for birthday decorations.
Sustainability Takes Center Stage
 In the era of environmental consciousness, sustainable birthday party decorations are gaining traction. Swap out single-use plastics for eco-friendly options like recycled paper banners, compostable tableware, and reusable fabric decorations. Elevate your birthday celebration decoration by showcasing your commitment to the planet, turning your event into a stylish and responsible affair.
Traditional Party Décor
An extravagant colour scheme is often what defines traditional decor. Rich golds, emerald greens, royal blues, and deep reds are commonly utilized to convey an air of grandeur and sophistication. These hues create a mood of regality and celebration in addition to being aesthetically pleasing and evoking a feeling of tradition and timelessness.
Personalized Touches: The Rise of Customization
The times of conventional party supplies are a distant memory. Birthday style in 2024 will be vigorously customized. Adding individual contacts ensures an exceptional and remarkable experience. Instances of these remember customized flags with the honouree’s name for them and custom highlights that address their inclinations. Because of this pattern, hosts can plan a festival that appears particularly for the honouree.
LED Neon Signs: Modern Elegance
 Step into the future of birthday party decorations with LED neon signs. These contemporary additions infuse a touch of modern elegance into any celebration. Whether it's the birthday individual's name, an exceptional message, or a notorious image, drove neon signs enlighten the merriments in a stylish and Instagramable manner. As a hot pattern in 2024, they easily mix style with innovation.
Minimalistic Tablescapes: Less is More
Bid farewell to cluttered tables adorned with excessive decorations. The trend in birthday celebration decoration for 2024 is embracing minimalism. Decide on basic yet significant tablescapes, including painstakingly chosen components that supplement the subject. A well-organized show permits visitors to zero in on the festival without overpowering visual interruptions.
Floral Installations: Timeless Beauty
Because of their timeless appeal, floral arrangements are still a popular choice for birthday decorations in 2024. Flowers lend a timeless elegance to everything from elaborate table centrepieces to entrancing floral installations. To create an ethereal ambiance that captivates guests and elevates the celebration's overall look, choose a combination of fresh and dried flowers.
In conclusion, as we navigate the evolving landscape of birthday celebration decoration trends in 2024, it's evident that the emphasis is on innovation, personalization, and sustainability. Balloon garlands, LED neon signs, and minimalistic tables capes are stealing the spotlight, while sustainability and personal touches remain at the forefront of the party planning scene. As you get ready for your next birthday festivity, guarantee your enhancements line up with the furthest down the line patterns to make an extraordinary encounter for both you and your visitors. Birthday stylistic layout in 2024 is tied in with making way for a festival that isn't just outwardly dazzling yet in addition intelligent of individual style and values.
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upavedas · 7 months
Unveiling the Top 10 Shilajit Brands in India: A Comprehensive Guide by Upavedas
Shilajit is one of the broadly used Ayurvedic Substances. It is found in the Himalaya rocks by slow decomposition plants. You do treatments for many health conditions with the help of Shilajit like Anemia, low testosterone levels, male infertility, and more. So, please let’s look at the Top 10 Shilajit Brands in India.
There are many Shilajit capsules in India so it becomes difficult to find the best option. Shilajit is available in the market in various forms such as drops, tablets, capsules, and more. Shilajit is very helpful to increase the immune system and more. Globally, shilajit is used in many Ayurvedic medicines due to its qualities. Here we mention the Top 10 Shilajit Brands in India.
Top 10 Shilajit Brands in India
Upavedas is one of the best companies in India and our company understands the daily life struggles. The main objective of this company is to develop the Herbal Ayurvedic Formulations. Our company makes products that include high-quality ingredients. In our products, there is no use of chemicals. Our company makes 100% vegetarian products without any chemicals. Our shilajit capsules help to boost the energy level, increase the individual, boost performance, increase the testosterone, and more.
UpaVeda’s Ayurveda
DaburShilajit Gold Capsule
Patanjali Ayurveda Shilajit Capsule
ZanduShilajit Capsules
BaidyanathShilajeet Tablet
Dr.MorepenShilajit Capsule
HealthKart HK Vitals Pure Himalayan Shilajit Resin
Kapiva Pure Himalayan Shilajit
Tata 1mg TejasyaShilajit Capsule
RasayanamTestoboost – Shilajit Capsules
Benefits of UpaVeda’s Pure Shilajit Capsules
Increase the strength
Increase the stamina
Increase the level of energy
Boost the immunity system
Improve the health
Make the muscle stronger
Reduce the mental stress
Increase vigor, vitality
Enhance the performance
Increase the testosterone level
Enhance the circulation of blood
Help to fight with weakness
So, guys, hope you understand about the shilajit ingredient. With your hectic schedule and unhealthy lifestyle, you can’t able to take care of your health. So consume the shilajit and help to get relief from it. This ingredient is helpful in healing from serious health issues, boosting stamina, boosting strength, and lives an active lifestyle. So buy once and see the best results.
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drbestchd · 8 months
Get the Best Shilajit Gold Capsules in India for Men & Women Health - Dr Best Provides 100% Pure, Safe and Effective Formulation! Without Any Side Effects
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Shilajit Gold capsules produced by renowned Dr Best Pharmaceuticals stands out as a top clinically studies Ayurvedic proprietary medicine for enhancing men's health and wellbeing holistically. This synergistic blend of powerful herbs and minerals offer multi-faceted health benefits for male vitality without any adverse effects.
In this blog, learn what makes Dr Best's Shilajit Gold capsule the best choice for improving vigour and performance in men.
What is Shilajit Gold Capsule? 
Shilajit Gold capsules contain a combination of five potent ingredients that includes:
1. Pure Shilajit – 200mg per capsule 
The key component, Shilajit is a rare herbo-mineral complex oozing out of the Himalayan rocks in the summer months. As a potent rejuvenator and vitalizer in Ayurveda, Shilajit boosts energy, immunity and stamina while enhancing the action of other herbs. Dr Best's capsules contain high quality purified shilajit resin sourced internationally from the best mines.
2. Ashwagandha – 100 mg per capsule
This is Withania somnifera, renowned in Ayurvedic medicine for increasing muscle strength, endurance and alleviating fatigue. It also bolsters the immune function and manages effects of stress.
3. Indian Ginseng – 50 mg per capsule  
The roots and stems of renowned Indian ginseng (Withania somnifera) provides anti-oxidant protection, helps improves circulation and manage exhaustion following illness or physical exertion. This adaptogen herb improves tolerance to mental and physical stress.
4. Swarna Bhasma – 12 mg per capsule
Swarna bhasma is a specially processed gold microfine powder known in India since ancient times to boost immunity, enhance memory and strengthen the nervous system. As it is inert, it is extremely safe for human consumption in small purified quantities.
5. Saffron – 25 mg per capsule
The stigma of this fall flower gives the capsules a unique color but saffron is included for its active medicinal compounds like crocetin and crocins which have anti-depressant, anti-oxidant benefits along with helping enhance sperm parameters and regulate the hormones for improving desire and performance.
Together, this powerful blend makes each vegetarian Shilajit Gold capsule highly effective for bolstering vigor while also helping build health and prevent illness. They are manufactured in specialised facilities conforming to GMP standards ensuring premium quality products.
What Benefits Can You Expect from Shilajit Gold Capsules?
As Shilajit gold packs the advantages of multiple time tested herbs and minerals used traditionally, users can expect benefits such as:
- Improved strength, energy and athletic performance
- Enhanced sexual potency and fertility 
- Better stamina and endurance 
- Increased muscle mass gains with exercise  
- Antioxidant properties from ashwagandha and saffron 
- Regulation of stress hormones like cortisol by adaptogens
- Higher mental focus and mood by ginseng
- Protection from illness and boosted immunity through mineral effects
How Safe is it to Take these Capsules?
As Dr Best's Shilajit Gold capsules contain only high quality vegetarian ingredients which are minimally processed to retain bioactives, they offer superior safety compared to synthetic multivitamin formulations or medications with chemical preparations. Over 20 independent studies conducted both internationally and in India demonstrate its safety including in athletes and infertile men.
Of course as with any health product some precautions are warranted:
- Avoid large overdose or high prolonged doses without monitoring
- Those with allergy to any herbal ingredients should exercise care
- Not recommended for less than 18 years age group
- Temporary gastric discomfort can occur if taken hastily without water  
- Reduce caffeine intake if feeling palpitations or restlessness due to stimulant effect
Otherwise for most healthy individuals, Shilajit Gold capsule offers a safe herbal remedy for improving nutritional and hormonal support in men as it does NOT lead to any withdrawals unlike chronic pain medication, anxiety pills or sleeping tablets. Superior product purity further bolsters the safety profile of this product. Careful GMP manufacturing also eliminates risks of heavy metal contamination making these capsules amongst the finest health supplements for men in that sense.
So in summary, Dr Best's Shilajit Gold capsule remains highly recommended by thousands of satisfied consumers as one of the most efficacious herbal formulations for male health support without adverse reactions making them safe and beneficial! Direct Buy Now: https://drbest.in/product/dr-best-shilajit-gold/
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powerfar · 1 year
Automotive Aftermarket Drives Industry Development
With the increasing level of national consumption in our country, the sales of automobiles show a "blowout" growth. As of the end of March 2017, the national motor vehicle population exceeded 300 million for the first time. There are 200 million civilian vehicles, and the automotive aftermarket industry derived from this can exceed trillions.
The automobile aftermarket refers to various services surrounding the use of automobiles after automobile sales. The auto aftermarket covers all the services consumers need after buying a car, which is undoubtedly the gold industry of the auto industry. Benrong Group, under the leadership of Mr. Qiu, aimed at this blue ocean as early as 2011.
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Behind the over 100 million car ownership is the 100 billion level auto aftermarket industry. Statistics show that every 1 yuan of car purchase consumption will drive 0.65 yuan of car after-sales service. The automotive aftermarket industries such as auto maintenance, auto parts, second-hand car transactions, and emergency starter power supplies will usher in a huge market space. Since its establishment, Benrong Technology has focused on the design, development, production and sales of high-quality automotive emergency starters, LED headlights, driving recorders, charging treasures and other automotive supplies.
The founder and CEO of the company, Qiu Kaijian, is an authentic young talent, who often gives the impression of a fearless and daring entrepreneur. It is this youthful courage that attracts a large number of young and promising talents with dreams and ambitions like him. This makes the company a dynamic and vigorous enterprise.
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By surprise, aiming at the blue ocean layout market.
Qiu Kaijian not only has the courage of a young man, but also has an incredible and meticulous thinking. He realized that the automotive aftermarket will soon become the key to promoting the development of the automotive industry. The prospect of auto parts supplies is very broad, which means the advent of the era of the automotive aftermarket. This will also usher in the "modern era" of the automotive aftermarket.
The company was just a small stall with two fronts at first, with less than ten people including the boss. At that time, the main product was car CDs. Many employees don't understand that car CDs are a product that is about to be eliminated by society. There is no company doing it anymore, so why does Mr. Qiu invest manpower and material resources to develop it. Only later did they know Mr. Qiu's foresight. This move of his is not looking at the petty profit in front of him, but setting up a game. Establish a channel for the automotive aftermarket through the CD business. When the channels are perfected, and then cooperate with new projects, it will be more work with less effort. What he wants is to integrate the automotive aftermarket and benefit the majority of car owners and friends.
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The solid channel foundation laid by Benrong has made it a leader in the automotive electronics industry. In terms of product technology, the company continues to innovate and iterate. With E-MARK, CQC, UL, CE, FCC, RoHS certification and utility model patents, design patent certification and MSDS, UN38.3 transport reports. The products sell well all over the country, and are exported to Europe, America and other countries and regions by OEM and ODM, and have been highly praised by customers at home and abroad.
With a keen sense of smell, we firmly grasp the development opportunities of the industry.
Intelligence and technology have become the highlights of the automotive aftermarket industry. Benrong Technology operates emergency power supplies for automobiles, and Mr. Qiu had an early insight into this business opportunity. When this product first appeared, many people did not recognize this product. Because the function of emergency start and rescue is almost useless, and the price is not cheap, I feel that there is no market. However, Mr. Qiu doesn't think so. He thinks that people's awareness of self-help is getting stronger and stronger. Especially with the rise of self-driving travel after the popularization of cars, it is normal to reserve one for the car in order to prevent the car from breaking down on the road.
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In this way, under his leadership, the company invested the most manpower and material resources in R&D and design. During this period, everyone can imagine the difficulties encountered. One is product research and development, and the other is product sales, which must be explored step by step. From the single function and single model at the beginning, to the rich function and product model now. From the shipment of sets at the beginning, to the current shipment of cabinets. It can be said that Mr. Qiu made the car starting power supply, and the car starting power supply has made today's Benrong Technology.
For an ambitious, restless young entrepreneur, what he has achieved now is not what he wanted. A sense of responsibility to the larger society made him understand that he had to move on. Because of the desire to integrate the automotive aftermarket, it has never wavered since the establishment of the automotive CD-ROM channel. The results of the new round will soon surface in Mr. Qiu's layout. Let us wait and see.
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pacosemnoticias · 1 year
Cerca de 150.000 famílias recebem o apoio às rendas esta segunda-feira
O subsídio mensal de apoio à renda, em vigor desde maio, vai ser pago esta segunda-feira a cerca de 150 mil famílias, com retroativos a janeiro, informou o gabinete da ministra da Habitação.
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Em comunicado, o ministério tutelado por Marina Gonçalves refere que será pago esta segunda-feira a cerca de 150 mil famílias "o subsídio mensal de apoio à renda, promovido pelo Instituto da Habitação e da Reabilitação Urbana, que está em vigor desde o mês de maio, com retroativos a janeiro".
A maioria das famílias vão receber o apoio "pela primeira vez, juntando-se assim aos beneficiários da Segurança Social que já tinham recebido em maio este apoio".
O Governo recorda que "os apoios com valor mensal abaixo de 20 euros são pagos apenas semestralmente".
O apoio, "no conjunto das mais de 185 mil famílias apuradas como elegíveis para a medida, pode ir até aos 200 euros mensais, sendo que o valor médio ronda os 100 euros", lê-se no comunicado.
A medida insere-se no programa do Governo Mais Habitação, de combate à crise no setor, e terá um custo anual de cerca de 240 milhões de euros.
"Este apoio produz efeitos a partir de 1 de janeiro 2023, pelo que as famílias que recebam este mês pela primeira vez terão direito ao valor retroativo em falta", adianta.
O Governo volta a alertar para a necessidade de os beneficiários terem o IBAN atualizado quer na Autoridade Tributária, quer na Segurança Social Direta, uma vez que este apoio é pago em exclusivo por transferência bancária.
O primeiro-ministro assinalou que, esta segunda-feira, que 150 mil famílias começam a receber o apoio direto do Estado para o pagamento de rendas, destacando que esta medida poderá atingir 200 euros por mês.
As referências a esta medida do Governo, que faz parte do programa Mais Habitação, foram feitas por António Costa em mensagens que publicou na sua conta na rede social Twitter.
"Hoje [segunda-feira] é um dia muito importante para as cerca de 150 mil famílias que começam a receber o apoio direto do Estado para pagamento das rendas. Um apoio com retroativos a janeiro, que pode ir até aos 200 euros por mês, durante cinco anos" escreveu o líder do Executivo.
Na mesma mensagem, o primeiro-ministro referiu que já em maio "começaram a ser apoiadas cerca de 35 mil famílias".
"É um grande esforço financeiro, passando a haver, assim, cerca de 185 mil famílias abrangidas pelas medidas de apoio às rendas. Continuamos focados nas políticas de habitação", acrescentou.
Para serem elegíveis, os inquilinos deverão ter uma taxa de esforço (rendimento mensal afeto ao pagamento da prestação) igual ou superior a 35% e rendimentos coletáveis anuais até 38.632 euros (6.º escalão do IRS) e com contratos de arrendamento ou subarrendamento para habitação permanente celebrados até ao dia 15 de março deste ano.
Aprovado em Conselho de Ministros no dia 30 de março, o programa Mais Habitação inclui medidas como o arrendamento forçado de casas devolutas, a suspensão de novas licenças de alojamento local ou o fim dos vistos gold, encontrando-se na Assembleia da República para discussão na especialidade.
Em vigor já estão os diplomas referentes ao apoio à renda e à bonificação dos juros no crédito à habitação, que o Governo pôde adotar sem discussão parlamentar prévia.
Apresentado em 16 de fevereiro, o programa assenta em cinco eixos: aumentar a oferta de imóveis para fins de habitação, simplificar os processos de licenciamento, aumentar o número de casas no mercado de arrendamento, combater a especulação imobiliária e apoiar as famílias.
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