#Vigil 2021
spockvarietyhour · 8 months
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partiallypearl · 9 months
a little gift for my fellow silvacre fans
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age-of-moonknight · 10 months
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“The Final Hours of Moon Knight,” Moon Knight (Vol. 9/2021), #29.
Writer: Jed MacKay; Inker and Penciler: Federico Sabbatini; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
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gavinners-soundbox · 1 year
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musclem3m0ry · 1 year
One time this guy I went to rehab with in 2014 was still trying to hit me up almost ten years after our first and last interaction asking me to come visit him and other dumb shit and he was not taking the hint of me saying 'No thanks, I'm married' and 'I'm not interested in that actually' and I knew he was one of those people who reads into everything to make it about him so i posted We Will Not Be Lovers by the Waterboys on my Instagram story and after viewing it, as i knew he would, he unfollowed me on both Instagram and Snapchat
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camyfilms · 2 years
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VIGIL 2021
At any given moment, one of these boats is out on active patrol, ready to fire within fifteen minutes. It’s been that way for over fifty years. We’re not going to abandon it over one man’s mistake and some bureaucratic bullshit.
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history-of-the-echo · 2 years
There is darkness behind the glass In the sound of rain I hear It cannot last The sirens drawing ever near
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The Vigil (2019)
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A man providing overnight watch to a deceased member of his former Orthodox Jewish community finds himself opposite a malevolent entity, in writer-director Keith Thomas' electrifying feature debut.
[spoken language: Yiddish/English]
where to watch it: Shudder
rating: 5/10 (but i want to rewatch it with my Jewish friends)
I actually really liked this movie, though I will say I cannot give it much justice in my review because I watched casually. Much of it is in Yiddish and warranted more attention than I gave it. I intend to give it another watch in the future.
That being said, i loved the story here. The movie tells a really toothsome tale about generational trauma and survivor’s guilt. The bond between the main, Yakov, and the dead man he is Shomer for feels really genuine by the end.
Some bits are clunky, the sound mixing leaves a lot to be desired and the use of jumpscares always makes a rating take a hit.
This movie, though, encompasses so much about what I adore about the genre; catharsis and character. There’s a lot of heart in this movie. More than I was expecting by the end.
I recommend it highly, especially for people like me who are fans of religious horror and metaphors for emotional pain.
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wlwgif · 9 months
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AMY X KIRSTEN in Season 2 of Vigil (2021 -)
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rosamundpkes · 9 months
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Suranne Jones as Amy Silva in VIGIL (2021 -)
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spockvarietyhour · 9 months
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femaledaily · 9 months
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Rose Leslie as Kirsten Longacre in VIGIL (2021-)
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
"Lead is a neurotoxin; it causes premature deaths and lifelong negative effects. It’s said “there is no safe level of lead exposure” — as far as we know, any lead causes damage, and it just gets worse the more exposure there is.
After a 20-year, worldwide campaign, in 2021 Algeria became the final country to end leaded gasoline in cars — something the US phased out in 1996. That should make a huge difference to environmental lead levels. But lots of sources remain, from car batteries to ceramics...
Bangladesh phased out leaded gasoline in the 1990s. But high blood lead levels have remained. Why? When researchers Stephen Luby and Jenny Forsyth, doing work in rural Bangladesh, tried to isolate the source, it turned out to be a surprising one: lead-adulterated turmeric.
Turmeric, a spice in common use for cooking in South Asia and beyond, is yellow, and adding a pigment made of lead chromate makes for bright, vibrant colors — and better sales. Buyers of the adulterated turmeric were slowly being poisoned...
But there’s also good news: A recent paper studying lead in turmeric in Bangladesh found that researchers and the Bangladeshi government appear to have driven lead out of the turmeric business in Bangladesh.
How Bangladesh got serious about lead poisoning
The researchers who’d isolated turmeric as the primary cause of high blood lead levels —working for the nonprofit International Center for Diarrheal Disease Research, Bangladesh — went to meet with government officials. They collected samples nationwide and published a 2019 follow-up paper on the extent of the problem. Bangladesh’s Food Safety Authority got involved.
They settled on a two-part approach, starting with an education campaign to warn people about the dangers of lead. Once people had been warned that lead adulteration was illegal, they followed up with raids to analyze turmeric and fine sellers who were selling adulterated products.
They posted tens of thousands of fliers informing people about the risks of lead. They got coverage in the news. And then they swept through the markets with X-ray fluorescence analyzers, which detect lead. They seized contaminated products and fined sellers.
According to the study released earlier this month, this worked spectacularly well. “The proportion of market turmeric samples containing detectable lead decreased from 47 percent pre-intervention in 2019 to 0 percent in 2021,” the study found. And the vanishing of lead from turmeric had an immediate and dramatic effect on blood lead levels in the affected populations, too: “Blood lead levels dropped a median of 30 percent.”
The researchers who helped make that result happen are gearing up for similar campaigns in other areas where spices are adulterated.
The power of problem-solving
...When the Food Safety Authority showed up at the market and started issuing fines for lead adulteration, it stopped being a savvy business move to add lead. Purchasers who were accustomed to unnatural lead-colored turmeric learned how to recognize non-adulterated turmeric. And so lead went from ubiquitous to nearly nonexistent in the space of just a few years.
That’s a better world for everyone, from turmeric wholesalers to vulnerable kids — all purchased at a shockingly low price. The paper published this month concludes, “with credible information, appropriate technology, and good enough governance, the adulteration of spices can be stopped.”
There’s still a lot more to be done. India, like Bangladesh, has widespread adulteration of turmeric. And safety testing will have to remain vigilant to prevent lead in Bangladesh from creeping back into the spice supply.
But for all those caveats, it’s rare to see such fast, decisive action on a major health problem — and impressive to see it immediately rewarded with such a dramatic improvement in blood lead levels and health outcomes. It’s a reminder that things can change, and can change very quickly, as long as people care, and as long as they act."
-via Vox, September 20, 2023
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sylkithecat · 9 months
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SYLVIE LAUFEYDOTTIR; a phoenix only needs her fire to burn.
Catherynne M. Valente, Deathless | Taylor Swift; Would've, Could've, Should've | Emilie Autumn, The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls | Aria Aber, Ideology | Sally Wen Mao, Mad Honey Symposium | Lidia Yuknavitch, The Chronology of Water | Taylor Swift, Nothing New | Joan Macleod, The Shape of a Girl / Jewel | Linda M. Crate, A brighter phoenix | Odysseus Elytis; Maria Nephele: A Poem in Two Voices, | Clementine von Radics, Vigil
Sophia Di Martino & Cailey Fleming as Sylvie (Loki 2021-2023)
@giftober 2023 + @mcuchallenge| Day 21/31: Spring & LOKI APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | for @dailyloki + @mcuchallenge
Day 4: Favorite character (or Variant)
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gavinners-soundbox · 9 months
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azarovas · 1 year
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You always made it sound so easy when you said you loved me. Aye, well, I don’t think that should be hard. I find it hard, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t feel it.
VIGIL (2021-)
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