#Vietnam War Vet
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on assorted shots of Vietnam War vet, co-founder, and six-string noise-monger of SF hardcore/noise/ punk rock band FLIPPER, playing a gig somewhere in the Bay Area, c. 1981. 📸: "Toyranch." Sax player unknown.
MINI-OVERVIEW: "Looking back, Falconi says there's plenty of factors in his life that influenced his work with FLIPPER, but there’s one that stands out above all: the Vietnam War.
“If I hadn’t gone to Vietnam, I probably wouldn’t have started FLIPPER,” Falconi says.
Falconi spent two years in Vietnam, from '67 to '69, and he came home with a new determination to live by his own rules. The army showed him how to focus on his goals and work to reach them.
After Falconi got out of the Army, he moved to San Francisco. It was 1970, and for the next decade, Falconi would dedicate his life to art -- mostly sculpture. He earned an MFA in art from UC Berkeley and almost completed a second master's degree in music from Mills College, where he experimented with early synthesizers and other noise-making instruments.
But it was John Gullak, guitarist for THE MUTANTS, who introduced Falconi to the electric guitar. The two were hanging out at Joe "Target" Rees's studios in San Francisco, where THE MUTANTS were being filmed, and Gullak let Falconi play around with his guitar and amp.
"I never had that much loudness,” Falconi said. “So a week later, I had a guitar and amplifier, and I was starting a band.""
-- KQED, "Meet FLIPPER's Ted Falconi, Vietnam Vet and Punk Rock Legend," by Kevin L. Jones, published November 10, 2017
Sources: Lifted these from my Facebook page (in turn lifted from Hiveminer), & www.kqed.org/arts/13814497/ted-falconi-vietnam-vet.
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was meaning to write a serious and thoughtful meta on this shot as the show's first use of metatextual framing (a story within a story) linking its premise to the war movie as a genre (the show as a fascist gothic work) but yknow what. scratch all of that lmao. the only thought that matters is: the moment you really start thinking about the show as a reactionary post 9/11 power fantasy, you can't stop.
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this edible AINT shi-
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phantom-of-the-keurig · 8 months
“are you saying you don’t care if people ship-”
Lemme stop you right there, I’m almost 27 years old. I’m almost $200K in student debt with at least another $100K to go. I have greying hair. I cannot sleep through the night without having to take a piss at least once. I have a mortgage and life insurance and retirement account. I’m married and face the horrors of adulthood on the daily.
So no, my dude, I don’t give a fuck who wants to fuck who or when or why or where if it’s legal and the FBI doesn’t give a fuck neither do I let me suffer under a capitalist society and rot away in peace smh I don’t have the capacity or time to give a single spare shit
“What about-”
NAH-AHH. Stop it. Don’t make me get the spray bottle.
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Is someone being murdered? Is a crime being committed? Would a jury of your peers find the situation worthy of a guilty verdict? No? Fuck off.
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artistictiliqua · 1 year
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Vidya game MLG peepaw print
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ocelotegg · 7 months
the notes on that post about the vietnam war veteran going back to vietnam for vacation and getting pranked by the tour guide are driving me CRAZY. "what if he was drafted and he has ptsd" was he drafted to vacation 60 years later. or did he go back of his own free will knowing full well this could be a triggering environment for him? it's almost like he has agency and has chosen to fly to vietnam and take + pay for this tour through an area with VC tunnels and then proceed to be so shocked and offended by a (relatively tame) prank that he yelled at the tour guide For Ten Consecutive Fucking Minutes
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hudbannonarchive · 8 months
For what legitimate reasons do you think people should hate John Winchester but don't?
i’m gonna be so honest right now. his biggest crime to me will always be voluntarily participating in the vietnam war.
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otakusapien · 7 months
Holy crap, US veterans burned their uniforms at a vigil in an act of solidarity with Aaron Bushnell and protest of the Palestinian genocide
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theupfish · 7 hours
There is hope!
A few notable Republicans refusing to join Trump's cult include:
Dick Cheney, of all people
Liz Cheney
The Govornator, Arnold Schwarzenegger
Dubya (former President Bush)
The late war hero John McCain
Hank Hill and Red Foreman also strike me as reasonable-type Conservatives who by now at least would be joining the RVAT.
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muttball · 1 year
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Thank You for Your Service!
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districtunrest · 2 years
If THG's characters are living in modern world (now), what do you feel would be their profession?
Also, what would they study in university?
PS : For Peeta (baker or painter) and Mrs Everdeen (nurse or doctor), could you list another profession beside those please?
You can include as many characters as you can or want.
Thank you so much 😀
I'm very picky when it comes to modern!AUs and I mostly avoid them when it comes to THG. the characters are hard to translate to another universe the way I'd want. a direct translation wouldn't involve coffee shop baristas or librarians, you know? and I think TBOSAS made clear only Capitol characters go to university.
like, Haymitch is the equivalent of that guy you thought would 'make it out of this town' until Something Bad happened to him - Vietnam war? deadly driving accident? idk! - that left him a bitter, washed up drunk that makes everyone around him kinda sad and uncomfortable.
Katniss is a poor Appalachian girl whose father died in the mines. that's something that still happens today. she'd work odd jobs to pay the bills and hunt game to put food on the table. only difference is she wouldn't star in the state-sanctioned child sacrifice.
(Gale, in similar circumstances, would probably get his head turned by some radicalization movement that targets young, angry men.)
President Snow would be, uh, the president who rose to power through corruption and a carefully curated image of someone with a high education and either military or law enforcement background, take your pick.
Caesar Flickerman is the quintessential new year's eve host who is publicly loved for no discernible reason, and serves as a zany, politically comfortable government mouthpiece on Twitter. ("the Peacekeepers are here to keep the peace! it's in the name folks!!! please observe the curfew and notify officials of suspicious behavior.")
Finnick would start as a super competitive (and beautiful) child athlete from backwater Louisiana that gains crazy media attention overnight and attracts sponsorships, movie deals, modeling gigs, etc - and spirals from there.
but yes, it would still track that Peeta remains a baker, from a family business. he does the frosting on the cakes. he paints on the side.
and Katniss' mom: maybe a home midwife or a pharmacist working at a rural hospital. she's still poor, it would take a lot of resources to go to pharm or med school (and rural Appalachia is a healthcare desert), but it's not impossible.
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 11 months
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A photograph taken for a *LIFE Magazine* cover from many years ago, which has always stayed with me.
* * * * *
If you and I were men of common conscious we might agree on a collective dedication to our Walls Within. As for me they could all read: This wall is dedicated to mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, wives, husbands, sons, daughters, lovers, friends, and most of all dreams of the men and women who risked it all in Vietnam while you continued to lose them during and after the war with less a chance than they for a parade and no chance at all for an explanation.
You lost them to bullets, internment, drugs, suicide, alcohol, jail, PTS[D] Divorce, but never never did you any of you ever lose them to the truth which is now being shared across this great nation in such an act of spontaneous moral courage, its like many never have been seen on any battlefield in the history of mankind....
Amen to that, brother.
You can find "The Wall Within" in the book (or cassette) entitled Johnny's Song: Poetry of a Vietnam Veteran by Steve Mason (May 1986).A Bantam Book. The dedication reads:
"Dedicated to all of us who know the true cost of war and have paid the price."
Steve Mason died at age 65 on March 25th, 2005 in Ashland, OR of lung cancer from AO exposure. Steve was a decorated Vietnam Veteran, poet, Poet Laureate of the VVA (Vietnam Veterans of America) and spokesman for so many.
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I want to emphasize that the American version is NOT an adaptation or remake of the Japanese movie. If House is ripping off influenced by anything, it was probably Poltergeist.
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age-of-moonknight · 2 years
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“Darkness at the Edge of Town (Part Two),” Avengers Unlimited (Vol. 1/2022), Infinity Comic, #34.
Writer: Alex Segura; Artist: Jim Towe; Colorist: Andres Mossa; Letterer: Joe Sabino
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geffenrecords · 7 months
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sometimes I feel like I fall into stereotypes so badly it's embarrassing
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the-kneesbees · 11 months
my toxic trait is that if you dare me to lick something I'll lick it, no questions asked
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