merydockal · 6 months
Ballando con me
«´¨°•❤• •❤• °´¨»
My blog details: merydockal.blogspot.com/?zx=78d0119d49327e0f «´¨°•❤• •❤• °´¨» Body •❀••►eBODY - REBORN Head •❀••►Lelutka prim 3.1 «´¨°•❤• •❤• °´¨» OUTFIT : RUVER-Set :: Lanka Mewsery ••❀••►Mewsery Pulset Heels & Socks «´¨°•❤• •❤• °´¨»
MOVE Animations Cologne ••❀••► NINA_VOL4_BENTO 📌Taxi STORE TP : maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/MOVE%20Animations%20Cologn…
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coletivoinstantaneo · 2 years
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Voadoras segue circulando, tem exibição online e presencial chegando:
25/11 .. Andromeda Film Festival, Voadoras premiada como melhor curta experimental na décima edição do festival turco. Tem exibição paga no www.opprime.tv, plataforma streaming de filmes independentes.
27/11 .. Dança em Foco, Festival Internacional de Vídeo & Dança, Edição 2022. O festival acontece sábado e domingo no Teatro Angel Vianna, no cativo Centro Coreográfico da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Voadoras ta no Programa 04, domingo a partir das 10h.
Em dezembro tem exibição online no festival italiano Savona International Film Event, em breve link de acesso!
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datsalmon · 10 months
Had a dream about Baldurs Gate (a game I know very little about) that added at least one fat main character, and a sick spy kids 3D style racing level.
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watermotif · 2 months
pentiment is DOWNLOADED✅
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a-drama-addict · 1 month
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also some shots where they looked. pretty <3
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stretch-time · 9 months
Someone needs to stop Dawko he's going crazy /hj
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faedecay · 2 years
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It’s raining today, so here’s the fit 🖤
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sparklerzii · 3 months
why did i just see vanny pregnant with montys baby on my fyp.
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15ktherapy · 5 months
very rvery important update on da slab hes been making little teeny tiny versions of everyone lately. Man must make his friends cute and tiny ^_^
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prettypurpleponies · 7 months
Had a wonderful lesson out in the sunshine! And zero runouts or refusals!! For what feels like the first time all year. It’s so nice to be back outside where it feels so much easier to generate impulsion which as a little pony with a scared cat mom we really need. But today was good! And so fun!
Also the crupper seams to really be making her more comfortable, we’ve had no more bucks! And the non slip pad underneath seems to do enough to help with the side to side slipping too. So for the jumping lesson I added the matching bonnet to her saddle pad so she could be the prettiest pony as well as the most perfect
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thehitchhikerguide · 7 months
Season 2, Episode 6: Videodate
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Let me start out by saying this is one of the best episodes I've seen so far. The sleeze, the revenge plot, crazy 80's visuals...all perfect for a Hitchhiker episode.
The famous guest star this week is Shannon Tweed, known for being in some not-so-recognizable movies and also for being Gene Simmon's wife. I know her from Hot Dog...The Movie, which I guess is a must see for anyone who has ever been a skier or just likes a lot of full-frontal in their movies. The main male character is played by Gregg Henry, who looks to have a decent acting career, but I didn't recognize him. I thought he maybe looked like a low rent James Woods.
We start out with a woman who has very 80's hair watching a video dating service tape of a guy who is making it out to be his first time doing something like this. She is charmed by his vulnerability.
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You can see by her joker-like smile, he has sealed the deal. He takes her out to an art exhibit and I have to say this is something I would love to go to even now. There is an area where you can smash a TV:
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I mean, that is a really fun date!
Then we see the exhibit of a hot new artist named Monique. Wait, what? It's always weird when I hear other characters on TV with my name, since I don't hear it too often. I guess with a Canadian show, it was just a matter of time.
This is an art exhibit I would love to go to. People with TV heads that play some sort of strange video. It's creepy and disturbing and I'm all in for it.
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This one represents the woman TV head's fantasy of running off with another man (shown on the TV). Of course our male character decides to man-splain to his date and also mention that he knows the artist. She seems to be watching this conversation behind him, unamused.
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At least I think that is the artist...right? I guess they don't say but it seemed obvious at this point.
By now, the date is going really well.
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Well that was a cool art exhibit so I kind of get it, even though he looks like a creep whose hair is just hanging on for dear life. She seems pretty vulnerable and mentions to him that she doesn't want this to be a one night stand. He tells her what she wants to hear...
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...then immediately rushes her into a cab. After she is gone, we find out that wasn't even his apartment! He has been paying his friend who is a doorman to use people's apartments for these sleezy videodates.
As he drive away, we see something we haven't seen in awhile.
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Oh yeah I almost forgot, there was also this weird image and some video game noise. Not sure what this is, his car is in a video game now?
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Haha, as usual, perfect butt is on display. Man, he looks like he could double for George Michael in this shot. Anyways, we see the main character interacting with the Hitchhiker. He refuses to give him a ride.
Also, we are over 8 minutes into the episode before he shows up! We learn that this main dude is named Jack Rhodes. He has a lot of disguises and thinks he is the master of the illusion. But Jack is not the only one with tricks up his sleeve. Yes! Comeuppance! Comeuppance!
So this guy Jack is actually a salesman at an electronics store. He likes to brag to his coworkers about these conquests.
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Co-workers Joey McIntyre and Wallace Shawn are not impressed.
We see the female video artist at the store as he is making a sale using his dynamic personality. She is still observing his behavior with disgust. When he gets home he notices a package at his door.
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Wait a minute, am I watching Lost Highway now?
We get a good look at his apartment and his "last known photo" board and notice something a little weird.
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Nice, huh? But what I'm not showing is that he has a section on this board labeled "foxes" and there are no photos under there.
He settles in to watch the mysterious tape.
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Oh no, why does it look like Videodrome now? How many movies are in this?
Honestly I would be crapping my pants right now.
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I mean I know it's a hot babe, but this video is still very disturbing.
Anyways, it's Monique, the artist in her underwear. She is saying her name is Barbara and that she wants to go on a date with Jack. Does he think this is from the video dating service, because I wouldn't think they just plop unmarked tapes in front of his door. I thought you had to go to a place to watch the tapes. Well despite this, she's a fox and we've established he's never been with a fox so he is up for anything.
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Hmm, now it looks like Blue Velvet. I should probably stop obsessing over these movie references.
Their first date is playing video games. He plays a round and then she sets out to beat his score. She is the original gamer girl! Maybe she WAS creating a videogame from videotaping his car.
I immediately recognize the video game sounds to be from the game Centipede, however the game they show is shooting the letter E for some reason.
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Maybe it's also an eye test, who knows. Defeat Enron!
She cuts the date off with the promise that they will see each other again. She invites him to her place for dinner. The building looks run down and this elevator...
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I know, but now it looks like we are in an Adrian Lyne movie! Okay I'll stop.
She's cooking him dinner and he is being a total gentleman.
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It's not a Hitchhiker episode without someone leering.
Monique changes in a dominatrix-type outfit under her clothes. They have dinner and retire to the bedroom. Jack immediately lets Monique tie him to the bed.
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She reveals her sexy outfit and asks if he wants to play a game called Blastoff. I mean, it sounds pretty sexy right? Sounds like code for something else?
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She puts on this neon metronome and says he has 1 minute to free himself or he will blastoff. Pretty cryptic.
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This thing keeps booping faster and faster as Monique explains that she knows how he treats other women. Jack is upset and sounds like he wants to kill her, demanding she free him. The metronome goes even faster and then...
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...his genitals explode? It looks like he dies in ball of flames. Wow what an ending!
Oh wait there's more.
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I guess she had been filming this whole thing for her newest art installation. The people watching the exhibit seem confused, maybe they've never seen an episode of The Hitchhiker before.
There is an announcement showing the artist Monique is there and we get this big reveal.
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It's Barbara! I mean, I knew she was the artist all along, were we only supposed to get that now?
Anyways, The Hitchhiker is leaving the art museum telling us that Jack Rhodes used the state of the art in video to get what he wanted (really, VCRs state of the art?) but when he had to do it for the sake of art , he went to pieces. Haha! Good one Page! An actual joke! I think he's enjoying Jack's suffering a little more than he should.
Let that be a lesson to everyone...pick up hitchhikers.
As I said before, this was a great episode that had it all, even the confusing ending. I mean, what actually happened to Jack and how did he explode like that? It's episodes like this that keeps me coming back for more, so until next time, be nice to people named Monique!
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Fully updated reference sheet for my courier, Chaye!
Hopefully this is a step toward revealing the seven months of work that went into brewing a backstory and a FNV route for them.
Individual versions of the photos:
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mintbees · 9 months
while waiting for a game to install i thought "oh ill read a few pages of babel while im at it" and something so fucking crazy just happened im
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slowdrippingnoise · 1 year
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shout out to The Depths my friend The Depths
bonus yiga quest summary-
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stonerzelda · 1 year
Maybe i should just paint ethel cain in faiths dress. Maybe she will see that and be like okay ill bite
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jaggialliance · 1 year
i'm so tired. i overextended yesterday. went like 5 different places (with a COWORKER no less) and then also cooked dinner. i've been feeling the repercussions today i was basically not functional. and in pain. and i had to go out twice even tho i didnt do anything i was just driving people places. and im probably going to still be exhausted tomorrow. maybe the day after that too. lol!
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