#Victoria Vance
leoleolovesdc · 11 months
The villain from the new paw patrol movie be kinda fine...
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dragonslayertez · 10 months
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Paw patrol went unecessarily hard on villain design in their latest movie
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madnesswithmadhu · 3 months
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beeclops · 11 months
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This villain from the new Paw Patrol movie has blue hair and pronouns!
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weather0witch · 1 year
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Go see my character WeatherWitch in the new Paw Patrol : The Mighty Movie in theaters!
"I pitched my weatherwitch character to nickelodeon a year and a half ago and Victoria Vance looks very close to her." Nick you are mad sus lol
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ardethbayrulez · 4 months
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Star Trek Discovery
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taintedarabesque · 6 months
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she’s perfect
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afellowgoodsir · 7 months
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“It’s Nell…”
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izzidane · 4 months
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hangsawoman · 2 years
i hate when books get turned into movies and then when i read the book again after watching the movie all i can imagine are the actors ….. idk when i read a book i see the characters really vaguely and i could never describe them but i know what they look like, they’re like a mist in my head? so when there’s a movie and the actors are actually solid images they just wipe out that mist and my imaginations and replace them and i can’t stop it ughhh i hate it i hate it that is not what they look like!!!
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leoandbeholdclark · 2 months
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hionaarts · 2 months
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Vitoria Vainel Vance - (sketch commission)
Commish for the ever loyal Rossem Klyn! This time featuring a newer OC of theirs, Vitoria Vainel Vance. Former CEO of VVV Corp. before handing the reins over to her son, VeVe Vance (this lil gremlin XD). With a hot temper & an even hotter blade she's certainly not the kind of woman to be trifled with, nor one to give mercy O.O! Was an absolute treat pushing the perspective & trying to figure it out, def love how it came out on this one (ntm the effect on the hotblade hahah), really feel like I'm making strides with my art ^w^ Hope ya'll enjoy!
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msn-04iinightingale · 5 months
(Since our Star Colonel is busy, I thought we could for lack of better terms, kill some time and get to know folks who will soon be risking life and limb fighting zealots. Open to anyone who wants to get to know some of my people before the big drop)
Clustered around the docking berth to one of Barghest Company’s two dropships, but not in the way of the stream of crew, techs, and other personnel, Lt . Victoria Everheart watched the munitions and supply carts go by to be loaded not only into the Leopard Class dropship “Dando”, but also into her mech, an Axman dubbed “Queen of Hearts”. The 6 foot muscled Mechwarrior wouldn’t normally have stood out, we’re it not for the cat ears, tail and eyes she possessed, and tattoos on prominent display garbed as she was in tank top and compact pants and boots.
Around her sat or stood the two other members of her lance, as well as possibly the largest black German Shepard ever seen in the inner sphere.
Major Vance Strider, a gaunt, bald man sits on a crate beside her, seemingly mumbling or speaking at himself with closed eyes, in meditation or contemplation.
“This is gonna be one hell of a drop, huh?” Said Major Anya Corwin, a buxom woman on the shorter side with curly red hair. As if in response, the large dog she is petting and giving skritches to chuffs a bit.
Victoria snorts. “Thanks for the input, Loki.” She stretches, rolling well sculpted shoulders. “But yeah, looks that way…can’t say I’ve seen this many people in one place since well, the last war.”
“Hope it all goes well…or as well as can be expected…” Anya chips in.
“Yeah, same.” Victoria agrees.
As if in agreement once again, the dog Loki huffs again.
@starcommanderhannahlewis @the-clawtake @harwood-pmc-official @the-tired-merc @lt-chari @snords-sword @wolf-among-mechs @house-steiner-stays-winning @karriethemechtech @starcolonelkatrinamoon @is-the-battlemech-cool-or-not
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reality-detective · 2 months
Okay, I don't know who this 👇 guy is really
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A senator from Ohio huh?
Isn’t Ohio where they are threatening farmers and rationing the water to kill the crops?
What about the chicken farms?
He graduated from YALE, at the top of his class… impressed yet?
Former Marine.
I can’t wait to find out more about JD Vance…
But there are videos floating around showing he has/had a forked tongue. 👆
Trump has been exposing the swamp by putting them in the spotlight hoping people will do their due diligence and pay attention as he hangs himself.
Could there be a connection? 👇
Les Wexner lives in Ohio who owned Victoria Secret and was really close to Jeffery "He didn't kill himself" Epstein.
Just a little ground work to get you interested and hopefully inspire you to really pay attention to what's truly happening? 🤔
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finalgirlsidney · 6 months
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Victoria Pedretti as Eleanor "Nellie" Vance (née Crain) The Haunting of Hill House
@lgbtqcreators creator bingo | album covers + purple + grief (temp)
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writeandsurvive · 5 months
I'm sorry for this, it's not good. But somehow, I managed to get something done, so I gotta share. Kinda inspired by NCIS S21E08 'Heartless'.
Warnings: age gap, married couple, established relationship, talks of miscarriage, giving birth, jealousy, womanizer!Alden, daddy!Alden, very slight smut
Mine ~ Alden Parker
When you started to date Alden Parker, as he was still an FBI agent, you never considered becoming friends with his coworkers. Especially, after meeting a few of them he would consider his friends and they turned out to be judgmental towards the age gap in your relationship. Not that you wanted to befriend his coworkers anyways, you just agreed to meet them cause he asked. 
However, it changed when Alden joined NCIS. He immediately started to tell you about his new team, and you could he was fond of them all, including his boss - which was extremely surprising since he never got along with his FBI boss, Sweeney. You quickly knew it would be different this time. It did take him a while before introducing you to them, but once it happened, you all hit it off. The guys were quite impressed with Alden wedlocking a woman fairly younger than him, while the girls, even though they wouldn't go for someone older, they agreed that Alden Parker had a little something. "It's the freaking hair!" Jess joked. 
Before you knew it, this new team felt like family. You'd all hang out together - dinners, games night - and sometimes you'd have girls night with Jess and Kasie. You even babysit McGee's twins and/or Victoria a few times. Which, as much as you loved it, did hurt a little since it would remind you of the struggles you and Alden had been having to have a baby. Between not getting pregnant for months and the miscarriages, you had started to think that it wouldn't happen the natural way for you. Also, Alden really felt like he was getting too old to have a kid, no matter how badly he wanted one with you. 
When you reached your third trimester, Alden felt pretty confident that this time everything was going to be alright while you couldn't shut that little voice in your head saying that something bad would happen like the other times. But finally, the nurse put your crying new born in your arms, and everything felt right. "You did so good, my love." Alden cried, kissing your forehead and looking down at his son. "Our miracle baby. He's perfect." 
You didn't want the nurse to take him away from you but you knew they needed to check him up and clean him. "Do you guys have a name for this little guy?" Another nurse asked. You and Alden looked at each other for a second. "Axel Roman Parker." He said, proudly. 
Obviously, the team was in the waiting room. Alden had been at work when you called him to tell him that your water broke. Nick had been the one driving to the hospital, "Torres, I'd like to meet my son before I die, thank you very much!" Alden shouted, holding onto the handle above the window. 
"Don't worry, dad." Nick grinned. 
Your husband went to see them to let them know that mom and baby boy were alright. "Is it okay if you guys only meet him in a few days?" 
"Of course, no rush!"
"Send us pictures though! Please?" 
Alden didn't want to go back to work after his paternity leave. He didn't want to leave his little family. The night before his first day back, he actually felt depressed. "He's changing so much so fast, I'm gonna miss so much." He sadly said, stroking his son's back, who was peaceful sleeping on daddy's chest. 
"I'll take as many pics and videos I can." You kissed your husband's cheek. "And Vance said you don't have to put many hours like you usually do." 
"I know, but still." 
You noticed the tears forming in his eyes and it broke your heart a little. You didn't want him to go back to work either. You wish he could push his leave a little more, but he had pushed it as much as possible already - director Vance had been amazing and made it easy. You wrapped your arm around Alden's neck, carefully so you wouldn't wake up Axel. He nuzzled your neck as you gently stroked his hair. "He loves you and perfectly knows who daddy is. It won't change in a few hours, I promise." 
"I honestly thought it would never happen for me, you know? Before you and then the issues we had, I thought-- I just wasn't meant to be a dad. But now he's here, and I just don't want to be away from him."
"Aw, baby." You cried with him. "I wish there was a way for you to stay." 
The next day, Alden arrived late at work as he struggled to let go of Axel. Jimmy and Tim, who knew how it felt, were very helpful throughout the following week. 
It took you months to separate from Axel, just for a few hours. And even more time to go out for a girls night while Alden had a boys night with his little man. 
"I almost forgot how champagne tasted." You smiled, having your first drink in over a year. 
"Good thing we took a whole bottle then!" 
The conversation between you, Jess, Kasie and Delilah went on as it usually does when you four get together. Jess talked about her relationship with Jimmy, and her dad. Kasie confessed about her new crush - you and the girls immediately hyped her. Delilah talked about her job, and the twins newest obsessions. And you obviously talked about Axel and your husband. 
"By the way, how's Alden's neck?" Jess asked. 
"Perfect! Did Nick really fix him with a bear hug?" 
"He did! It was pretty funny!" Jess laughed, remembering the scene from a couple of days ago. "Doctor Logan probably thought we were crazy." 
"I can't believe that my husband im-so-scared-of-needles-hold-me-hand worked on a heart surgery." You laughed, trying to imagine the scene. 
"Mr I fainted when my wife got her epidural." Kasie teased. 
"In his defense, it's a pretty big needle for this." Delilah said. "Thank god he didn't faint during the surgery though." She joked. 
"Well, if he did, I'm sure Doctor Logan would've enjoyed giving him mouth to mouth." 
You, Kasie and Delilah turned like one person to look at Jessica. "What?" She asked, confused. Then she looked at you. "He didn't tell you?"
"Tell me what?" 
"Jessica Knight."
"The doc clearly developed a crush on him. She practically flirted with him in front of me." 
You let out a deep breath. "Did he flirt back?"
"Not really, he was genuinely confused."
"Did he not learn his lesson with the senator?" Kasie chimed in. 
You finished your drink in one swallow, remembering when he gave you a piece of paper with a number on it. "Whose number is it?"
"A senator." He had said. 
"Alright and what am I supposed to do with it?" 
"You, nothing. But I guess she wanted me to call when she gave it to me." The jerk was smiling while you used to candle flame to burn the paper. 
"I don't care about the 'it's safer for you if people don't know I'm married' crap, I'm gonna glue the wedding band to his damn finger." 
The girls laughed, always enjoying how easily you get jealous when there's a woman around Alden. When you had learned that some women in the office kinda liked your man, you showed up at the NCIS headquarters for the first time and asked for a tour. When his ex wife got involved in a case, you were feeling anxious, even though she knew about you from the beginning, thanks to Alden's parents. The worst actually was when he saw his first love for the first time in over thirty years. He had admitted that it felt very strange, and maybe if he had been single, he'd have pursued something, but he was married to you, and deeply in love with you and he'd be crazy to let you go. It was one of those rare moments when you and Alden were struggling, and fought a little more often. But he never gave you a reason to be jealous or suspicious, it was just a part of your personality. And to be fair, he was such a womanizer, you couldn't help but to think that any other woman would be better than you. 
You got home slightly drunk, which Alden expected. He was happy that you finally let yourself have some fun away from him and Axel. Barely sleeping on the couch, he immediately got up when he heard you come in. "Hey! What are you doing up? Is Axel awake?" You asked, struggling to take your shoes off. Alden kneeled down to help you. 
"He did wake up an hour ago for his bottle but he's fast asleep now." 
"Good, good." You leaned a little and ran your hand through his hair. "I'm so so so so happy you're my baby daddy." 
Chuckling softly, he got back up and wrapped his arms around your waist. "Thank you for choosing me. You made all my dreams come true." You hugged there for a moment, just enjoying each other. "Let's go to bed, baby mama." He started to carry you, grabbing the baby monitor on the way. 
"No sleeping, gimme another baby." He laughed but quickly got cut off as you smashed your mouth on his. He managed to get to the bedroom while you practically assaulting him, holding his face firmly and french kissing him. Of course his body was responding positively. As he put you down on the bed, you dragged him along. He was on top of you and you started to make out. It was long until you felt his erected cock between your legs. You reached for it, forcing your hands under his shorts. "Fuck, baby." He moaned. 
"Yes, fuck me daddy." 
And he did just that. ~
After freshening up in the bathroom, Alden found you in the nursery, looking over Axel. He hugged you from behind. "Do you really want another?" He asked, cautiously. 
"Not necessarily," you admitted. "I mean, if it happens, I'll be very happy but I can't go through the struggles again."
"Okay. We've got him and he's absolutely perfect." You stroked your son's hair one more time before turning around to face your husband. 
"He really is." You grabbed his left hand and stared at it for a moment. "This wedding band stays on, Alden. 24/7." 
"No but. I'm done with women flirting with you cause they assume you're single. You're taken, you're fucking mine. You keep the damn ring on." 
Alden stayed silent for a moment. "Jess told you about Doctor Logan, didn't she?" You only looked at him, arms crossed. "Fine, I won't take off my ring ever again." He reached for your wrists and made you uncrossed your arms as he hated when you strike that pose on purpose. He brought you as close as possible to him. "Are you ever going to accept the fact that you're the love of my life? That I rather be single for the rest of my life than with someone else than you? That losing you and now Axel, would absolutely destroy me?" 
All you could do was kiss him, but he did saw the tears falling down your cheeks.
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