#Victor Torpedo
altamontpt · 2 years
Surma - Alla (2022)
Cinco anos depois de Antwerpen, Surma chega para nos dar Alla. Vem com muitos e bons amigos, mas com a criatividade e inquietação de sempre. 2022 termina muito bem com a pluralidade de Alla e de Surma.
De quando em vez, Surma regressa aos discos, embora nunca esteja verdadeiramente parada nesses lapsos de tempo. A criatividade é que a move e a inquieta. Alla é o seu disco do dessossego. “Feliz o país que não tem geografia”, Saki (H. H. Munro), The Unbearable Bassington Quando Alberto Manguel escreveu, em 1980, o seu Dicionário de Lugares Imaginários (Tinta-da-China, agosto de 2013), não o fez…
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musicaemdx · 2 years
Já está disponível o alinhamento do XVII Festival de Música Moderna de Corroios
O Festival de Música Moderna de Corroios já anunciou a programação das eliminatórias sendo que este ano cada eliminatória vai ter uma banda convidada, tal como a final. Tomem nota:
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"Soldiers, no poor sap ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by being all that he can be. Damn the torpedoes, or give me death! Eternal vigilance is the price of duty. And, to the victors go the spoils. So remember: you are the best of the best of the few and the proud. So ask not what your country can do for you, only regret that you have but one life to live! The war against the Gorgonites will be won! Commando Elite, let the first shot be fired! Search out the Gorgonites and frag 'em all!"
Happy 25th Anniversary to Small Soldiers
July 10th 1998-July 10th 2023
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It occurred to me that Lance probably doesn't appear in Pelican Town often, given his occupation.
Imagine being in a relationship with Lance but none of the townspeople are really aware of him because most of the time he spends with the farmer is a) on the farm b) the guilds c) ginger island d) the outpost etc.
After a while though, someone might spot him with the farmer one day on the farm and now everyone knows the farmer has a handsome rugged adventurer for a lover 🫢
How would everyone react?
You're so right, dear anon. In fact, aside from festivals, Lance doesn't really show up anywhere except for the farm and the Guild in Stardew Valley. And the Farmer goes to Lewis one day and says, "This is my lover. Please marry us." He's fucking stunned at the news, and then everyone else who was invited to the wedding. Like excuse me, who the fuck is this handsome pink haired man?
Sorry if the answer came out a little short and chaotic, but I thought it would be better this way. I hope you like it. Thanks for the question!
Lewis will be friendly with the now frequent tourist, but will keep an eye out for Lance and Farmer. Even if Farmer is a Lewis's friend, they can be such a daredevil! Robin and Marnie talk him into relaxing and "letting the young ones enjoy their youth".
Willy didn't realize Lance knew so much about fish. Some species even an experienced sailor had never heard of. Torpedo trout? Now that's interesting. Another friend to tell fish stories with over a beer.
Abigail, having gotten to know Lance better, would immediately beg him to train with her: "Let's sword fight!", "Train me, please!". Lance sees great potential in the unusual girl, and later agrees to show her a couple of self-defense techniques.
Victor almost shit his pants with happiness. An adventurer - and not just any adventurer, but second in command of the First Slash clan! Victor was a little shy, but he could see that Lance was friendly enough to chat, so he asked him questions about monsters and the adventurer's life in general.
Sophia will burn with shame when she accidentally mistakes Lance for a cosplayer, luckily Scarlett defuses the situation and also meets a nicely dressed man. Farmer's husband? No way! That means a new friend!
Lance wouldn't refuse to show the kids (Jas, Vincent and Leo) a couple of safe magic spells. Morgan wouldn't be surprised by magic, but they looked at Lance with admiration as well. He's just as cool as Marlon!
Shane doesn't give a shit about Lance, but he'll keep an eye on him. After all, Farmer has also become a friend to him, and he doesn't want them to get hurt, who knows what kind of guy this adventurer is....
The first rumors about Farmer's new lover came from the gossipy trio of Olivia, Jodi and Caroline. A stranger (and a very handsome one, Olivia said) suddenly appeared in Pelican Town, always with Farmer, and they were even caught kissing. You don't keep quiet about something like that.
Sam would probably be the very first of all the young Valley residents to welcome Lance with open arms. The Farmer's friend (lover?) is Sam's friend! Too bad, though, that Lance doesn't share his love of pizza (a food of the Gods!), but oh well.
For Marlon, Magnus, and Gil, the news that Lance has befriended their friend and student is not new. Although they didn't realize that the two of them would have an affair. Magnus and Gil congratulate Lance and Farmer. Marlon does as well, but he has a heavy stone of memories in his heart that was accidentally disturbed. After all, he too was in love with an adventurer. Faithful to her even now... Even when she has been with Yoba for a long time....
If Alex meets Lance for the first time at the Stardew Valley Fair, he'll definitely call him out on the strength meter ride (hoping to show off to Haley).... And lost to Lance. So yeah, whatever, he just gave in to him so Farmer wouldn't be upset! Haley, on the other hand, will be interested in Lance, since a new face in the Valley is a great excuse to gossip with the girls. And if she catches them two in an embrace. Oh-ho-ho-ho!
Susan and Evelyn will terrorize Lance with care and sweets as a sign of their first acquaintance. Poor Lance can't say no to such kind people. The Farmer is sure to be laughing their ass off when Lance returns with a basket full of pies, cake and other goodies.
The rest of the residents will react normally. They'd all congratulate the two of them, they wouldn't mind when Lance made the first step towards getting to know them, but they wouldn't be fanatical about it. After all, the Farmer knows Lance better than anyone.
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greatwesternway · 4 months
How does U-505 expect the victor to behave as far as prize rules are concerned?
You know how the warplanes play rough, too rough for everyone else? This is because war machines see the world through the lens of power struggle and so every interaction is a battle. Usually these are diplomatic, sometimes not, but it's always about sussing out who's going to bend to the will of whom.
And this would have been all well and good if one of the destroyers had been strong enough to actually haul U-505 to the rendezvous. It's like I said in that other post, you can't just claim a prize because your side won, you actually have to be able to stake your claim yourself.
So there's two opposing things at play here:
Guadalcanal is the strongest of the ships in the capture party and the only one able to actually tow U-505, which is why he gets to lay claim to him. But
He didn't do much of the actual work of bringing U-505 to heel. When all the destroyers opened fire on him, Can Do retreated and deployed a couple more planes into the fray.
So what you have here is a situation in which Guadalcanal is claiming a prize he didn't actually fight for, because he's the only one who can collect it and because he outranks everyone else. It's iffy how much claim he actually has, but none of the other ships are fighting him on it so U-505 would still find this acceptable if Guadalcanal behaved like a warship about it.
If Pillsbury had been able to tow him, for instance, without him listing into her, she would have been much more respectful of him than Guadalcanal. In fact, she is much more respectful because he flooded three of her compartments on accident. She understands the danger he still poses even without a crew or the ability to fire torpedoes and treats him with the appropriate deference.
If Chatelain were the one making the claim (and she rather thinks she has the most right to given how much ordnance she spent on it), she'd pick a second fight with U-505 just to put him in his place and prove she didn't need five other guys to help her. In his position though, this would signal that she still thought he was a formidable opponent, worthy and capable of fighting her, even damaged and hobbled without his crew. Respectful.
What Guadalcanal is doing... is practically doting on him.
He's asking friendly questions, trying to make U-505 feel comfortable in the fleet. He's casting about, trying to find something that perks the U-boat up (they do finally arrive at this when they mention they rescued all of his crew). That they never have time together without being boats spares U-505 further indignity. Suffice it say, Guadalcanal is very sweet, gentle, and accommodating and combat warships do not find this attractive at all.
It's not that U-505 objects to being a prize; he got got, simple as that, and he's not in denial about it. Guadalcanal can do whatever he wants with him and that's his right (and U-505 might have even been looking forward to it on the assumption that Can Do wasn't gonna make it weird). What U-505 objects to is Guadalcanal treating this situation almost like a romance. U-505 wants to be a treated as the prisoner he is, someone who still poses a significant danger (and even demonstrated it without meaning to!) and must be regarded carefully. Can Do is treating him almost akin to a civilian ship that he's rescued, a deep insult. And from a guy who delegated his attack on him. The disrespect!
If they'd had time together as people, U-505 could have goaded Can Do into a fight, got his clock cleaned, and everyone woulda been happier for it. Even as boats, all that was really needed was to tell U-505 that he was being watched carefully and not to try anything. Just a little pretense would have gone a long way.
The thing is, though, Guadalcanal's not doing this on purpose. He's not trying to demoralize U-505 by showing no regard for his inherent danger. He just genuinely thinks this is the correct way to treat a defeated and captured enemy, particularly as a naval unit (who take battle less personally than land units do) and especially when neither of you know what's going to happen to him once you pass him off to the tugboat. So try as the destroyer ships might to explain to him that he'd catch more flies if those flies caught some hands, Can Do thinks he knows better.
He's not even ignoring their advice maliciously or to an ulterior motive. He simply thinks they are wrong! They are little boats compared to him, after all. What do they know? He doesn't think they understand that claiming a prize is also taking a responsibility for them. Nothing good is going to happen to this submarine from here on out so he might as well try to make the next three days the least of his miseries.
But that strategy was counter-intuitive.
It's ten years before U-505's opinion of Guadalcanal softens. While he's being set up in the museum as a memorial to U. S. sailors lost in battle, his own crew survived the war because Guadalcanal saw them back to land. This is quite special all told. 75% of U-boat crews perished in the war (some of them directly due to intelligence gathered from U-505's capture). That his crew survived despite his poor fortune is a gift, one he'd like to offer thanks for.
Still, even then, he'd rather be thanking Chatelain instead.
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brakingpoint · 2 years
catching up on the formula e and i literally cannot stop laughing at dan ticktum’s grovelling instagram post about torpedoing jake dennis. the whole digression about how the area around turn one is normally used for carnival so it has a different type of tarmac… legitimately victor hugo behaviour
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existentia1dread · 4 months
gender dysphoria is kicking my ass again so here's a villanelle i wrote at two am about it
next step stiletto in the midst of dysphoria next step tuxedo some choose commando, the woman's euphoria next step stiletto masculine bravado smelling of steel and acacia next step tuxedo adjust the libido and own the hysteria next step stiletto crash in like a torpedo, take over the area next step tuxedo which to call my alter ego, victor or victoria? next step stiletto next step tuxedo
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the-nimbasa-trio · 5 months
*Echo smiled, blue eyes lighting up.*
"That's so sweet! I know how hard a language barrier can be, it was uh-hm." *She paused, before pushing forward.* "I'm an empath. It's meant to connect me with Titan and other pokemon. Part of the whole-" *She gestured to her hair.* "Shiny business. Doesn't allow me to do much other than know if a pokemon is happy or sad or whatever. But it made me a very weird kid, especially since I couldn't tell what other *people* were feeling."
*She shrugged, a lax expression on her face.*
"Like I said, kids would bully me, but their pokemon would protect me. Started up a rumor that I was mind controlling pokemon, and since I could only tell the...vibes of the pokemon, who *liked me*, it was exceptionally easy for me to be tricked into getting hurt. And then the pokemon would realize their trainer was hurting me in some way, and that'd cause infighting, and it just-"
*She sighs, looking over at the twins.*
"It was so hard, feeling like I was speaking a language nobody else could understand. I can only imagine how hard it is to *actually be in that situation.* I'm sure you guys were probably the one good thing happening to Elesa when everything else seemed like it was horrible."
*She smiled at their comment on trains, rocking back and forth slightly.*
"I'm no expert when it comes to trains, but I'm well aware you guys are. When we have some free time, you should *absolutely* infodump on me. The steam engine is a work of *art* and you guys could probably give me the entire history on the paints alone."
Ingo nodded in understanding, but towards the infodumping he perked up. He had to hold himself back, and Emmet, from infodumping right there and then. Now was not the time. "Well, don't worry, Mx. Echo! We'll keep you safe."
Emmet nodded in agreement and gave a respectful solute. "I know how it is to get bullied," they commented and shrugged a bit, brushing it off. "It isn't fun. I also have the curse of knowing if someone is lying, too. If someone lied to my face, I'd sense something is wrong. I'll try and get more information. As a result, it makes me kind of weird."
"It's useful," Ingo replied and patted his brother on the back. "But hey, we're just a group of weirdos that can stick together. That's why we befriended Elesa, too! He needed a friend that understood him. We happened to fit the criteria! Now we're inseparable, and no matter what happens, we'll stick together."
"Yup yup! So now you're part of the squad. Welcome!" Emmet cheered which, surprisingly, went along with the sudden cheers of the crowd around them.
The twins spun on their heels to look at the battle, and on the screen behind Elesa, it displayed how many Pokemon each trainer had. Elesa was down to Typhoon, who looked tired and weakened, while the opponent had only his Togekiss. Ingo and Emmet were caught off-guard by how quickly the battle was nearing its end, but when they checked their respective watches, it's been going on for far longer than expected.
When the opponent trainer flew his hand out in front of him, he didn't need to call a command. The Togekiss flew forward and a ball of pink energy formed in front of her mouth, and she torpedoed it forward. The Moonblast struck its target despite Typhoon's attempt at avoiding the fast strike, and smoke flung in every direction from the sheer power this Togekiss wielded.
Emmet shielded Echo and the Zorua from the smoke, while Ingo coughed and acted as an extra barrier. Once the smoke cleared, Elesa's dumbfounded expression and posture became visible, and Typhoon's fainted body laid on the runway. The opponent was the victor.
Elesa gave a small smile and recalled Typhoon into his pokeball. He sighed and walked up to the purple-haired trainer. He extended his hand and clasped the opponent's in a show of sportsmanship. "Congratulations, Dolor, for defeating the Nimbasa City gym. You fought well out there."
When he pulled away, the badge was in Dolor's hand. It shone brilliantly in the light of the stadium. "It was a pleasure, Elesa. You fought brilliantly, as well."
Elesa nodded in response and turned towards the crowd. "And here you have it! The winner of the battle! I'll sign autographs in ten minutes, so get ready for a personal meet and greet!"
The crowd began cheering again as Elesa left behind stage.
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( splash ) : one muse rescues the other from drowning [I know I've sent you like a billion prompts, BUT. Hank saving Victor?]
[And I will answer a billion SabreBeast prompts!]
It's stupid. He feels stupid.
He panicked. They fell into the river after a dispute with some local piss-ants and Hank didn't want to kill anyone this time, so Victor had to hold back, and it resulted in them getting fucking thrown off a bridge.
Which, fine, it's not Victor's first time getting thrown off a bridge. Usually he hits concrete, though. Or a car. No, he hit water. And the moment his head went under, a lot more than water was rushing over him.
He was twelve, held down and choking on holy water because his old man thought that'd get the devil out of him. Then he was twenty eight and caught in a submarine that'd been torpedoed and the walls were shrinking around him, trapping him in a water filled, metal coffin.
Dozens of similar incidents, and he couldn't find his way to the surface. His lungs burned, taking in water when he tried to scream and the line between living and dying began to blur again. He was going to die, he could feel it. The edges of his vision started to blur and an inky black swept across his sight. Until he felt someone else grabbing him. Pulling. And then he's above water, he can feel air on his face. And ground. He's on the ground.
Victor's skin crawls as his rage simmers. He's angry at himself; his embarrassment only making it harder for him to calm the fuck down. He scrambles up the river bank on all fours like a cat taking off from an involuntary flea bath.
"Get off!" Victor wheels his arm to get Hank off of him, six inch long nails digging into the river bank as he tries to breathe but only ends up coughing until he retches. His hair stands on end, blatantly obvious against the sagging of his waterlogged clothes. Teeth bared, eyes iridescent gold, he spits and forces himself to move.
Sitting back on his legs, Victor presses his hands to his face. He doesn't mind the dirt, he breathes in the smell of earth like it's about to disappear. He felt so fucking stupid, he looked so fucking stupid. When he can finally speak again, his voice is raw, healing factor still trying to get his lungs up and running again.
"What the fuck was that? We had them! We coulda gotten them! The world wouldn't miss a couple of fuckheads like that. Jesus fucking Christ."
He stands on unsteady legs but his glare is warning enough to not fucking touch him. He doesn't need help. "Go write your stupid fucking report. Dickheads got away, but at least they were alive! Fucking skippy, fucking fantastic. Fuck you."
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Victor stalks away, shoulders still bristled. He's too angry to care what impact his words have, he's too embarrassed by the overwhelming fear he'd felt in those moments under water. He has to get away from here.
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lenbryant · 8 months
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Illustration by Rebecca Chew/The New York Times
By The Editorial Board
Republicans who will gather to cast the first votes of the 2024 presidential primary season have one essential responsibility: to nominate a candidate who is fit to serve as president, one who will “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
Donald Trump, who has proved himself unwilling to do so, is manifestly unworthy. He is facing criminal trials for his conduct as a candidate in 2016, as president and as a former president. In this, his third presidential bid, he has intensified his multiyear campaign to undermine the rule of law and the democratic process. He has said that if elected, he will behave like a dictator on “Day 1” and that he will direct the Justice Department to investigate his political rivals and his critics in the media, declaring that the greatest dangers to the nation come “not from abroad but from within.”
Mr. Trump has a clear path to the nomination; no polling to date suggests he is anything but the front-runner. Yet Republicans in these states still have their ballots to cast. At this critical moment, it is imperative to remind voters that they still have the opportunity to nominate a different standard-bearer for the Republican Party, and all Americans should hope that they do so. This is not a partisan concern. It is good for the country when both major parties have qualified presidential candidates to put forward their competing views on the role of government in American society. Voters deserve such a choice in 2024.
Mr. Trump’s construction of a cult of personality in which loyalty is the only real requirement has badly damaged the Republican Party and the health of American democracy. During the fight over the leadership of the House of Representatives in the fall, for example, Mr. Trump torpedoed the candidacy of Tom Emmer, a lawmaker who voted to certify the 2020 election results, to ensure the ascendancy of Mike Johnson, a loyalist who was an architect of the attempt to overturn that election. (Mr. Emmer has since endorsed Mr. Trump.) But some Republicans have set an example of integrity, demonstrating the courage to put their convictions and conservative principles above loyalty to Mr. Trump. Examples include people whom he once counted as allies, like former Attorney General Bill Barr, former Gov. Doug Ducey of Arizona, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and the evangelical leader Bob Vander Plaats.
Voters may agree with the former president’s plans for further tax cuts, restrictions on abortions or strict limits on immigration. That’s politics, and the divisions among Americans over these issues will persist regardless of the outcome of this election. But electing Mr. Trump to four more years in the White House is a unique danger. Because what remains, what still binds Americans together as a nation, is the commitment to a process, a constitutional system for making decisions and moving forward even when Americans do not agree about the destination. That system guarantees the freedoms Americans enjoy, the foundation of the nation’s prosperity and of its security.
Mr. Trump’s record of contempt for the Constitution — and his willingness to corrupt people, systems and processes to his advantage — puts all of it at risk.
Upholding the Constitution means accepting the results of elections. Unsuccessful presidential candidates have shouldered the burden of conceding because the integrity of the process is ultimately more important than the identity of the president. “The people have spoken, and we respect the majesty of the democratic system,” George H.W. Bush, the last president before Mr. Trump to lose a bid for re-election, said on the night of his defeat in 1992. When Mr. Trump lost the 2020 presidential election, he sought to retain power by fomenting a violent insurrection against the government of the United States.
It also means accepting that the power of the victors is limited. When the Supreme Court delivered a sharp setback to President George W. Bush in 2008, ruling that foreign terrorism suspects held at Guantánamo Bay had the right to challenge their detention in federal court, the Bush administration accepted the ruling. Senator John McCain, then the Republican Party’s presidential nominee, said he disagreed with the court, “but it is a decision the Supreme Court has made, and now we need to move forward.”
By contrast, as president, Mr. Trump repeatedly attacked the integrity of other government officials — including members of Congress, Federal Reserve governors, public health authorities and federal judges — and disregarded their authority. When the court ruled that the Trump administration could not add a citizenship question to the 2020 census, for example, Mr. Trump announced that he intended to ignore the court’s ruling. After leaving the White House, Mr. Trump refused repeated demands, including a grand jury subpoena, to return classified materials to the government. As the government investigated, he called on Congress to defund the F.B.I. and the Department of Justice “until they come to their senses.”
Voters inclined to support Mr. Trump as an instrument of certain policy goals might learn from his presidency that changes achieved by lawless machinations can prove ephemeral. Federal courts overturned his effort to deny federal funding to sanctuary cities. Campaign promises to roll back environmental regulations also came to naught: Courts repeatedly chastised the Trump administration for failing to follow regulatory procedures or to provide adequate justifications for its decisions. His ban on transgender individuals serving in the military, announced on Twitter in 2017, was challenged in court and reversed on the sixth day of the Biden administration.
In 2016, Mr. Trump appealed to many caucus and primary voters as an alternative to the Republican establishment. He campaigned on a platform that challenged the party’s orthodoxies, including promises to provide support for domestic manufacturing and pursue a foreign policy much more narrowly defined by self-interest.
Voters who favor Mr. Trump’s prescriptions now have other options. The Republican Party of 2024 has been reshaped by the former president’s populism. While there are some meaningful differences among the other Republican candidates — on foreign policy, in particular — for the most part, Mr. Trump’s “America First” agenda has become the new orthodoxy.
Mr. Trump is now distinguished from the rest of the Republican candidates primarily by his contempt for the rule of law. The sooner he is rejected, the sooner the Republican Party can return to the difficult but necessary task of working within the system to achieve its goals.
The editorial board is a group of opinion journalists whose views are informed by expertise, research, debate and certain longstanding values. It is separate from the newsroom.
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crystalelemental · 8 months
Oh wow, what a shitty update, Masters. You torpedoed my hopes for Lillie/Magearna for apparently a Gladion alt when there were plenty of other options, gave fucking Victor of all things an alt, the only girl all month is Candice who got Galarian Darmanitan rather than a Pokemon I could actually like, and the only other thing is…Chase. This is supremely disappointing.
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rueroyale · 1 year
On the eve of the day on which Victor had planned to arrive, Pnin entered a sport shop in Waindell's Main Street and asked for a football. The request was unseasonable but he was offered one.
'No, no', said Pnin, 'I do not wish an egg or, for example, a torpedo. I want a simple football ball. Round!'
- Pnin, Vladimir Nabokov
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handeaux · 1 year
Who Died First? A German Torpedo And An Irish Autopsy Roil A Cincinnati Courtroom
Victor E. Shields was a well-to-do Cincinnati liquor merchant. His wife, Retta Cohen Shields, came from a family of means. Mr. Shields wrote a will leaving everything to Mrs. Shields. Mrs. Shields wrote a will leaving everything to Mr. Shields. Both wills were simple and straightforward, plain as day.
All was well until a torpedo launched by a German U-Boat sank the RMS Lusitania on 7 May 1915. Mr. and Mrs. Shields were both passengers and, at least in the days following the horrible tragedy, were assumed to have died together and simultaneously among the 1,198 lives lost on that fatal day.
Neither Mr. Shields nor Mrs. Shields, nor their attorneys, had considered the possibility that a German submarine might shuffle both of them from this mortal coil concurrently. According to the accepted standards of the law, if the Shields did die at the same time, Mr. Shields’ estate would have reverted to his heirs, and Mrs. Shields’ estate would have reverted to her heirs. But, if either was proved to have died first, that person’s estate would have passed to the surviving spouse, leaving nothing for the heirs of the first to die.
The Shields had no children, but siblings and other relatives expressed a great deal of interest in determining who got all the money. Lawyers for the potential heirs of each spouse rushed to the Hamilton County Courthouse and filed a series of motions that constitute one of the strangest court battles in all of Cincinnati history. The courtroom drama dragged on for nine months and all of it hung on a single question: Who died first?
That question lingered without hope of resolution for more than 70 days until a very much deteriorated corpse washed ashore at Castle Gregory, a tiny hamlet in County Kerry in the far west of Ireland. The sea-mangled body wore the remnants of a Lusitania life belt. Letters found in the jacket pocket, an engraved watch and a monogrammed penknife all proved beyond any doubt that these were the earthly remains of Victor E. Shields.
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At this revelation, Cincinnati attorney Sidney G. Stricker, representing the estate of Victor Shields, sprang into action. He wired the United States Consul General in Ireland to have the body of Victor Shields transported post haste to Cork, the nearest Irish town with a creditable medical college. There, an autopsy determined that Shields’ death was not caused by violence or injury as in an explosion. Nor had he drowned. The evidence suggested he died of exposure or shock, most likely exposure, and that death had occurred several hours after his last meal.
That disclosure raised the question of Retta Shields’ death. Her body was never found. Attorney Stricker told the Cincinnati Enquirer [21 August 1923]:
“To complete the chain of evidence I prepared at once and mailed through the Cunard company a printed questionnaire to each of the surviving passengers of the Lusitania, which contained a picture of Victor E. Shields on one side and of Retta Shields on the other. I propounded the same questions as to each, which were in substance, when, where, and under what circumstances they last saw Victor E. Shields and Retta Shields alive, before or after the ship was torpedoed, and what conversation, if any, they had with them at such time.”
Amazingly, almost all the survivors returned the questionnaire, many with heart-rending accounts of chaos and panic and loved ones lost as the giant ship sank. Several contained very precise information about the whereabouts of the Shieldses before and after the fatal explosion. One response, in particular, yielded conclusive evidence that Mrs. Shields had died first. According to Attorney Stricker:
“Among the numerous letters was one from a woman who sat at the same table in the dining salon with both Mr. and Mrs. Shields at luncheon as late as 10 minutes after 2 o’clock, which was 10 minutes before the ship was torpedoed. She testified that Shields left the table first, stating he was going up on deck; that Mrs. Shields left the table later, stating she was going to her cabin to prepare their luggage for disembarkation.”
The Shields cabin was very close to the point of impact of the torpedo, explaining why Mrs. Shields was never seen after the explosion. In all probability she was killed in the detonation or drowned immediately after because the ship rolled toward the gaping hole blasted by the torpedo as seawater poured through it into the hull. Other passengers testified they saw Mr. Shields rushing madly about on deck, wearing a lifebelt, looking frantically for his wife. The Lusitania sunk just 18 minutes after the torpedo’s impact.
The evidence overwhelmingly indicated that Retta Shields died within minutes of the torpedo’s explosion and that Victor Shields died of shock or exposure several hours later, floating in the ocean. The entirety of Retta Shields’ estate therefore legally passed to her dying husband as he succumbed to the elements.
Despite conclusive evidence that Victor Shields had survived long enough to inherit his wife’s estate, both sets of heirs reached an amicable agreement in February 1916, almost nine months after the submarine attack that killed Victor and Retta. According to the Enquirer [3 February 1916]:
“From the start heirs of Mr. Shields were disposed favorably to the memory of his helpmate, and this state of mind tended to bring about a speedy adjustment.”
Although few details were announced, it appeared that Mrs. Shields’ heirs received the property she had inherited from her parents and some of the insurance settlements. The bulk of the couple’s property went to heirs of Victor Shields. Attorney Stricker provided the sad conclusion to the saga:
“The body of Victor E. Shields was subsequently returned to the United States and was buried at the United Jewish Cemetery in Cincinnati on the Shields’ family burial plot, where it remains a perpetual memorial to the tragedy of the Lusitania. The body of Retta Shields probably rests at the bottom of the sea with what is left of the Lusitania.”
What is left of the Lusitania lies approximately 350 feet beneath the surface of the sea, about 11 miles south of the lighthouse at Kinsale, Ireland. Over the years, several expeditions have been organized to explore and salvage the wreck, but none have been successful. It is generally acknowledged that the attack on the Lusitania contributed to America’s decision to enter World War I.
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Welcome to my masterlist!
Here you will find links to various headcanons for Stardew valley and SDV mods. The masterlist will be constantly updated as new headcanons are created. I will write the rules for asking questions later, perhaps in a separate post.
(Edit: This is old masterlist, I have new in my blog!)
Last update: 22.03.2023
✨Stardew Valley headcanon✨
General headcanons:
SDV bachelors and bachelorettes on the first date with Farmer | SDV townspeople's react to the news that Farmer has joined the Adventurer's Guild |SDV Bachelors found out their kid was being bullied | SDV bachelors will Artist!Farmer s/o | SDV bachelor and bachelorettes with the Farmer who has a young brother/sister | SDV bachelors and bachelorettes receiving a drawing of them from the Farmer | SDV bachelor and bachelorette file a divorce from the Farmer | SDV bachelors meeting their son/daughter for the first time | Protective SDV bachelor | SDV bachelors react to the Farmer using return scepter/warp obelisks | SDV bachelors random HC with Farmer s/o | SDV bachelors with the Farmer s/o who has tic disorder/Tourette's
Specific headcanons:
Sebastian asking/going out with the Farmer on Valentine's Day | Sebastian's first date/confession with the Farmer s/o
Elliott with the Farmer s/o being silly
Leah with the Farmer s/o being silly
Shane, when Jas grows up
Penny asking/going out with the Farmer on Valentine's Day | Penny's first date/confession with the Farmer s/o
Farmer cheers her up after bad day
Harvey with tall!Farmer s/o | Harvey has a dream in white the Farmer is seriously injured
Farmer cheers him up after a bad day
Some random headcanons:
Pierre's secret stash | Dance arcade machine | Annoying song in JojaMart | Shane and Jas on the snow slide | Frog wallet | Spicy food festival and poor choice | Sam and fear of needles | Maru and Sebastian get along | Unusual farm and interview | Sunflower tattoo | Compromise after Sam's 6-heart event | Stupid gay idiot frogs fighting | Emily's 10-heart event and forest guest | Friendship with pirates of Ginger Island | Give Marlon some rest | Rules for the safe use of magic | Love and music with Abigail
✨Stardew Valley Expanded (modded) headcanons ✨
General headcanons:
SVE bachelors and bachelorettes on the first date with Farmer | SVE townspeople's react to the news that Farmer has joined the Adventurer's Guild |SVE Bachelors found out their kid was being bullied | SVE bachelors and bachelorettes with the Farmer who has a young brother/sister | SVE bachelor will Artist!Farmer s/o | SVE mages and adventurers react to Farmer's new all-powerful wizard friend | SVE bachelors random HC with Farmer s/o | Farmer's finds out they lives longer that ordinary people
Specific headcanons:
Magnus Rasmodius:
From teacher and student to lovers | Magnus as Farmer's partner | Magnus without a beard
Olivia with the Farmer s/o
Farmer cheers him up after a bad day
Lance with the Farmer s/o being silly | Lance's and Jadu's friendship | Lance's appreciation post | Lance as a father | Lance as Farmer's partner | General Lance headcanon
General headcanons | Lance's and Jadu's friendship
Some random headcanons:
Adventurer's habit | Ticklish Isaac | Andy with pink slippers | Farmer accidentally teleports to Castle Village | The First Slash guildmember as babysitters for Lance's and Farmer's baby | Fallen adventurers in Crimson Baldlans | Lance's empathy for shadow people. | Sushi for Sebastian's birthday | Awkward situation with iridium 'snake' milk | Sophia, Scarlet, Farmer and pillow fight | Alesia's first lessons and mistakes | Marlon's cooking | Torpedo trout and Farmer's rescue | Camilla's permission | Young mage and confused Magnus | Previous resident of the Aurora Vineyard | Give Andy some appreciation | Methods for educating a young adventurer | Linus' protective squad | Papa Marlon | Rain totems on Ginger Island | Diet of Chaotic Farmer | New member of Adventurer's Guild | Victor's strict look | Farmer's and Krobus' picnic | Pierre apologizes for taking Farmer's credit for himself | Singing Farmer in the forest | Monster fruit farming lessons for The First Slash Clan | Sebastian, Morgan and frogs | Thankless job | Kidnapping and the concept of 'stranger-danger' | Let us adopt Morgan | Love and appreciation from SDV Community | Farm tour for Penny and kids
✨Other headcanons✨
People ask about random headcanons:
People ask about random HC I (SDV+SVE) | People ask about random HC II (SDV+SVE)
Thoughts on the theory that Abigail is the Wizard's daughter | Madness and pink cake in a huge slime
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Events 12.24
502 – Chinese emperor Xiao Yan names Xiao Tong his heir designate. 640 – Pope John IV is elected, several months after his predecessor's death. 759 – Tang dynasty poet Du Fu departs for Chengdu, where he is hosted by fellow poet Pei Di. 1144 – The capital of the crusader County of Edessa falls to Imad ad-Din Zengi, the atabeg of Mosul and Aleppo. 1294 – Pope Boniface VIII is elected, replacing St. Celestine V, who had resigned. 1500 – A joint Venetian–Spanish fleet captures the Castle of St. George on the island of Cephalonia. 1737 – The Marathas defeat the combined forces of the Mughal Empire, Rajputs of Jaipur, Nizam of Hyderabad, Nawab of Awadh and Nawab of Bengal in the Battle of Bhopal. 1777 – Kiritimati, also called Christmas Island, is discovered by James Cook. 1800 – The Plot of the rue Saint-Nicaise fails to kill Napoleon Bonaparte. 1814 – Representatives of the United Kingdom and the United States sign the Treaty of Ghent, ending the War of 1812. 1818 – The first performance of "Silent Night" takes place in the church of St. Nikolaus in Oberndorf, Austria. 1826 – The Eggnog Riot at the United States Military Academy begins that night, wrapping up the following morning. 1846 – British acquired Labuan from the Sultanate of Brunei for Great Britain. 1865 – Jonathan Shank and Barry Ownby form The Ku Klux Klan. 1868 – The Greek Presidential Guard is established as the royal escort by King George I. 1871 – The opera Aida premieres in Cairo, Egypt. 1906 – Reginald Fessenden transmits the first radio broadcast; consisting of a poetry reading, a violin solo, and a speech. 1913 – The Italian Hall disaster in Calumet, Michigan results in the deaths of 73 striking workers families at a Christmas party participants (including 59 children) when someone falsely yells "fire". 1914 – World War I: The "Christmas truce" begins. 1918 – Region of Međimurje is captured by the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes from Hungary. 1920 – Gabriele D'Annunzio surrendered the Italian Regency of Carnaro in the city of Fiume to Italian Armed Forces. 1924 – Albania becomes a republic. 1929 – Assassination attempt on Argentine President Hipólito Yrigoyen. 1929 – A four alarm fire breaks out in the West Wing of the White House in Washington, D.C. 1939 – World War II: Pope Pius XII makes a Christmas Eve appeal for peace. 1941 – World War II: Kuching is conquered by Japanese forces. 1941 – World War II: Benghazi is conquered by the British Eighth Army. 1942 – World War II: French monarchist, Fernand Bonnier de La Chapelle, assassinates Vichy French Admiral François Darlan in Algiers, Algeria. 1943 – World War II: U.S. General Dwight D. Eisenhower is named Supreme Allied Commander for the Operation Overlord. 1944 – World War II: The Belgian Troopship Leopoldville was torpedoed and sank with the loss of 763 soldiers and 56 crew. 1945 – Five of nine children become missing after their home in Fayetteville, West Virginia, is burned down. 1951 – Libya becomes independent. Idris I is proclaimed King of Libya. 1952 – First flight of Britain's Handley Page Victor strategic bomber. 1953 – Tangiwai disaster: In New Zealand's North Island, at Tangiwai, a railway bridge is damaged by a lahar and collapses beneath a passenger train, killing 151 people. 1964 – Vietnam War: Viet Cong operatives bomb the Brinks Hotel in Saigon, South Vietnam to demonstrate they can strike an American installation in the heavily guarded capital. 1964 – Flying Tiger Line Flight 282 crashes after takeoff from San Francisco International Airport, killing three. 1966 – A Canadair CL-44 chartered by the United States military crashes into a small village in South Vietnam, killing 111. 1968 – Apollo program: The crew of Apollo 8 enters into orbit around the Moon, becoming the first humans to do so. They performed ten lunar orbits and broadcast live TV pictures. 1969 – Nigerian troops capture Umuahia, the Biafran capital. 1971 – LANSA Flight 508 is struck by lightning and crashes in the Puerto Inca District in the Department of Huánuco in Peru, killing 91. 1973 – District of Columbia Home Rule Act is passed, allowing residents of Washington, D.C. to elect their own local government. 1974 – Cyclone Tracy devastates Darwin, Australia. 1994 – Air France Flight 8969 is hijacked on the ground at Houari Boumediene Airport, Algiers, Algeria. Over the course of three days three passengers are killed, as are all four terrorists. 1996 – A Learjet 35 crashes into Smarts Mountain near Dorchester, New Hampshire, killing both pilots on board. 1997 – The Sid El-Antri massacre in Algeria kills between 50 and 100 people. 1999 – Indian Airlines Flight 814 is hijacked in Indian airspace between Kathmandu, Nepal, and Delhi, India. The aircraft landed at Kandahar in Afghanistan. The incident ended on December 31 with the release of 190 survivors (one passenger is killed). 2003 – The Spanish police thwart an attempt by ETA to detonate 50 kg of explosives at 3:55 p.m. inside Madrid's busy Chamartín Station. 2005 – Chad–Sudan relations: Chad declares a state of belligerence against Sudan following a December 18 attack on Adré, which left about 100 people dead. 2008 – The Lord's Resistance Army, a Ugandan rebel group, begins a series of attacks against civilians in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, massacring more than 400. 2018 – A helicopter crash kills Martha Érika Alonso, first female Governor of Puebla, Mexico, and her husband Rafael Moreno Valle Rosas, former governor.
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georgemcginn · 7 months
DOD Featured Photos
Astro Assistance Navy divers help NASA astronaut, Navy Capt. Victor J. Glover Jr., out of a crew module test article … Photo Details > Torpedo Walk Marines transport Bangalore torpedoes during a demolition range in preparation for Nordic Response i… Photo Details > Night Flight A Missouri Air National Guard C-130H Hercules waits to be refueled at Rosecrans Air National Guard B… Photo Details…
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