#Victor Hely-Hutchinson
paul-archibald · 9 months
Christmas 2023
Performances of Christmas music at concerts, in churches, at shopping malls, on streets and in private gatherings are a staple of the Christmas season in many cultures across the world. The programme this week offers a wide selection of music over the last three hundred years that celebrates the joy of Christmas. Karl Jenkins (b. 1944)Stella Natalis: CelebroTenebraeMarylebone CamerataAdiemus…
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firestorm09890 · 2 years
assert your dominance as a musician by putting very old and obscure classical music on character playlists based on their vibes
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landrysg · 2 years
Music for the Season:
Victor Hely-Hutchinson (1901-1947), Carol Symphony
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alewing · 3 years
The Box Of Delights
We finally put up the tree! And very handsome it looks too. So here's another Yuletide tune, the third movement of the Carol Symphony - eagle-eared followers might know this as the theme from Xmas TV classic The Box Of Delights, featuring the late, great Patrick Troughton. This isn't the full thing, but it does jump in right at the moment of greatest mystery, and I like the picture this particular YouTuber accompanied it with.
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notfspurejam · 3 years
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Christmas comes early for The Box of Delights!
Big Finish Classics: The Box of Delights is available to pre-order as a limited edition 6-CD box set (priced at £34.99) or digital download (at £29.99), HERE!
Mark Gatiss said: ��There’s something special about The Box of Delights. From the opening Victor Hely-Hutchinson music, it is so beautiful it makes your hair stand on end. The whole idea and the tale has got such a sort of magic to it.
“And Abner’s a great part. The idea of a corrupt magician posing as a clergyman... it's weird and mystical and then also villainous. What can I say? It’s why you do it!”
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churchofsatannews · 3 years
Vox Satanae - Episode #536: Yule V - 13th-21st Centuries - Week of December 20, 2021
Vox Satanae – Episode #536: Yule V – 13th-21st Centuries – Week of December 20, 2021
Vox Satanae – Episode #536 – Yule V 13th-21st Centuries This week we hear anonymous and traditional works as well as works by Pierre de Manchicourt, Heinrich Scheidemann, Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Michel Corrette, Franz Liszt, Ottorino Respighi, Victor Hely-Hutchinson, Charles Wood, George Ratcliffe Woodward, Leroy Anderson, Edward Arthur, and Samuel Scheidt. 164 Minutes – Week of December 20,…
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fuckyeahmarkgatiss · 3 years
Big Finish presents...
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The Box of Delights!
Mark Gatiss joins the cast of this brand new audio adaptation based on the classic novel by Johnathan Masefield. It’s a fantasy adventure about a schoolboy given a magical box that he must protect from an evil magician and save Christmas as well!
Mark Gatiss said: “There’s something special about The Box of Delights. From the opening Victor Hely-Hutchinson music, it is so beautiful it makes your hair stand on end. The whole idea and the tale has got such a sort of magic to it.
“And Abner’s a great part. The idea of a corrupt magician posing as a clergyman... it's weird and mystical and then also villainous. What can I say? It’s why you do it!”
Christmas comes early for The Box of Delights!
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blog-artlover · 5 years
Carol Symphony is a collection of four preludes, written by Victor Hely-Hutchinson, Irish composer in 1927.
It is based on four Christmas carols, given additional orchestration and counterpoint arrangements. The four movements are written to be played uninterrupted consecutively. (Wiki)
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Mark Gatiss will be part of an extensive cast led by Derek Jacobi for a Big Finish audio adaptation of the 1935 children’s fantasy novel The Box of Delights by John Masefield. Mark is quoted in the press release: 
“There’s something special about The Box of Delights. From the opening Victor Hely-Hutchinson music, it is so beautiful it makes your hair stand on end. The whole idea and the tale has got such a sort of magic to it. 
“And Abner’s a great part. The idea of a corrupt magician posing as a clergyman... it's weird and mystical and then also villainous. What can I say? It’s why you do it!”
The audio project will be available in June. The 6-CD box set version is limited to 1000 copies. 
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korrektheiten · 4 years
A Carol Symphony
LePenseur:" Der irische Komponist Victor Hely-Hutchinson, dessen bekanntestes Werkerklingen soll, hat damit in der Tat einen musikalischen »long-seller« geschaffen — von einer absolut bemerkenswerten Qualität (was ja nicht unbedingt von allen solchen Werken in langdauernder Publikumsgunst gesagt werden kann, denn die meisten dieser sind bloß gefällige »Ohrwürmer« ohne tiefere Bedeutung ...). Aber die Carol Symphony verdient durchaus ihren Ruhm — v.a. im angelsächsischen Bereich, von dem sie rechtens endlich auch bei uns bekannter und beheimatet werden sollte!    Zur Einstimmung ein Auszug aus dem unter dem Youtube-Video gebrachten Einführungstext: "A Carol Symphony" is really more a sequence of 'preludes' rather than movements in a classical or traditional sense. Some critics have worried about its internal cohesion, but typically most have been impressed by the unity of the work considering the small number of carols that the composer used. Each movement is based on a single carol, with allusions to others, although the scherzo and the finale do have additional material. The entire work was designed to be played without a break; although there are short pauses between the movements in the recordings".  I took these photographs in York, York Minster (cathedral); various places in the Peak District National Park, including a few pictures of this year's C. S. Lewis "Narnia" theme for Christmas at Chatsworth House, Derbyshire, England. The final slide is a photograph of "The Wilton Diptych" (c. 1395--1399) a small portable diptych of two hinged panels painted on both sides (tempera on oak) now in the National Gallery, London. It is an extremely rare survival of a late Medieval religious panel painting from England.    http://dlvr.it/RpLQ9D "
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euriosaparisi · 6 years
Carol Symphony (complete) - Victor Hely-Hutchinson (1901-1947)
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aposhouse · 7 years
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聖誕節相關商品~《影音商品及週邊》CD 聖誕節是基督教紀念耶穌降生的節日,西方基督教通常將此節日定於12月25日。不認同耶穌為聖人或是為了政治正確的族群則稱之耶誕節。身為基督教禮儀年曆的重要節日,教會透過將臨期或降臨期來準備,並以八日慶典與禮儀節期延續慶祝。聖誕節也是許多國家、尤其是西方國家等以基督教文化為主流之地區的公共假日;在教會以外的場合,聖誕節已轉化成一種民俗節日,並常與日期相近的公曆新年合稱「聖誕與新年季」。 由於耶穌的誕生日期無法確定,聖經上也無相關記載,所以在學術上認為聖誕節是以聖母領報的日期來推算,或是在基督教發展初期將外教的太陽神生日轉化而來,當時社會上(如古羅馬的冬至)以該節日慶祝日照時間由短變長。西方教會在發展初期至4世紀前中期開始將聖誕節定在12月25日,東方正教會稍晚以儒略曆定於1月7日,亞美尼亞教會則定在1月6日或1月19日。 在基督教國家,聖誕節同時兼具宗教節日與文化節慶的雙重功能,除了參與教會儀式與活動外,家戶、行號與街頭上也可見相關布置,更是重要的商業活動時令;而過聖誕節的習慣,亦隨著近代西方國家的影響力而擴展到全世界。但在基督教並非主流的地區(如東亞),除了當地的教會團體外,聖誕節經常與消費活動掛鉤,且如同西方國家的「聖誕與新年季」與公曆新年結合,過節時間拉長到數週,成為全年重要的購物季之一。 https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/圣诞节 聖誕節相關商品~《影音商品及週邊》CD 聖誕耶!! https://www.facebook.com/662554480442884/photos/a.1395322687166056.1073742008.662554480442884/1395323587165966/?type=3&theater 聖誕節相關商品~《影音商品及週邊》CD 聖誕夜漫遊 Merry Christmas https://www.facebook.com/662554480442884/photos/a.1395322687166056.1073742008.662554480442884/1397926473572344/?type=3&theater 聖誕節相關商品~《影音商品及週邊》CD 聖誕辣翻天 SPICY CHRISTMAS GIRLS https://www.facebook.com/662554480442884/photos/a.1395322687166056.1073742008.662554480442884/1399280246770300/?type=3&theater 聖誕節相關商品~《影音商品及週邊》CD 魔力聖誕頌 The Magic of Christmas https://www.facebook.com/662554480442884/photos/a.1395322687166056.1073742008.662554480442884/1401447353220256/?type=3&theater 聖誕節相關商品~《影音商品及週邊》CD 聖誕歡喜城 Christmas Classics https://www.facebook.com/662554480442884/photos/a.1395322687166056.1073742008.662554480442884/1403197756378549/?type=3&theater 聖誕節相關商品~《影音商品及週邊》CD 吐司熊 Toast Bear 聖誕專輯 Co'mas https://www.facebook.com/662554480442884/photos/a.1395322687166056.1073742008.662554480442884/1404860639545594/?type=3&theater 聖誕節相關商品~《影音商品及週邊》CD 絕色聖誕夜 Merry Christmas https://www.facebook.com/662554480442884/photos/a.1395322687166056.1073742008.662554480442884/1406097479421910/?type=3&theater 聖誕節相關商品~《影音商品及週邊》CD 國外進口片 HANSSLER Various The Musical Advent Calendar(無封膜) https://www.facebook.com/662554480442884/photos/a.1395322687166056.1073742008.662554480442884/1749541671744154/?type=3&theater 聖誕節相關商品~《影音商品及週邊》CD 國外進口片 Naxos 維克多Victor HELY-HUTCHINSON(1901-1947):卡羅爾交響曲 A Carol Symphony (無封膜) https://www.facebook.com/662554480442884/photos/a.1395322687166056.1073742008.662554480442884/1749541671744154/?type=3&theater 可以幫我分享宣傳唷~ Fb搜尋【阿波的窩 Apo's house】加入粉絲專頁喲! 如果要購買的人,請在下方留言喲!先搶先贏,買不到的人,就先跟你們說抱歉囉!啾咪~ #阿波的窩 Apo's house #聖誕節相關商品 #影音商品及週邊 #CD #國外進口片 #HANSSLER #Naxos #無封膜 #不怕賣不掉,怕你買不到 #堅持沒錢不買,也不買盜版 #商品售出,恕不退換貨 交易結帳寄送方式 1、均以【現金】結帳方式為主,寄送可選【面交】或【郵寄】! 2、【面交】以高雄市區內為主 3、【郵寄】方式,請私訊問我匯款帳戶,並告知下面的購買資訊,確定收到款項後,會回覆訊息,並以郵局掛號寄出(運費另計)! P.S 購買前請先詢問是否有貨唷! 匯完款後,收件人資料請填妥如下: 要購買的~ 商品名稱: 數量: 買方您的~ 姓名: 電話: 地址: 匯款末5碼: 相關連結: https://www.facebook.com/662554480442884/photos/a.792889490742715.1073741832.662554480442884/1750292995002355/?type=3&theater
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The Bride of Dionysus: Prelude Composer: Donald Francis Tovey (1875-1940) Performer: Ulster Orchestra Picture: Victor Hely -Hutchinson with Sir Walter Parratt and Donald Tovey 1912
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aardwolfpack · 9 years
"Carol Symphony, Movement 3: Andante Quasi Lento e Cantabile."  Composed by Victor Hely-Hutchinson (incorporating elements of the traditional pieces "Coventry Carol" and "The First Noel"), performed by the Pro Arte Orchestra conducted by Barry Rose.
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dailyclassicalmusic · 9 years
Composer: Victor Hely-Hutchinson (1901 - 1947)
Work: Scherzo. Allegro molto moderato from Carol Symphony (1927)
Performer: City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra; concudted by Gavin Sutherland
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