#Victor Castanet
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ronnydeschepper · 1 year ago
De peperbus van nonkel Miele (65): neemt de honger naar winsten de ouderenzorg over?
Veertig jaar lang vreet het neoliberalisme als een sluipend gif aan de welvaartsstaat. Na vier decennia zijn de etterbuilen niet meer weg te moffelen, onder meer: een falende overheid en niets ontziende jacht van Vlaamse en multinationale entiteiten op maximale winsten, onder meer in de zorgsector. Vlaanderen wordt gekoloniseerd, ook in de ouderenzorg. Continue reading De peperbus van nonkel…
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philipedurand89 · 4 months ago
Scandale des crèches privées : nous recevons le journaliste d’investigation Victor Castanet, auteur du livre-enquête « Les Ogres ».
Rendez-vous à partir de 14h en direct sur notre chaine Twitch 👉 twitch.tv/lhumanitefr
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hotnew-pt · 5 months ago
Victor Castanet revela documentos para apoiar suas acusações contra Aurore Bergé #ÚltimasNotícias #França
Hot News O autor do livro investigativo “Les Ogres” revelou no France info nesta quinta-feira, 3 de outubro, três documentos que comprovam o conluio entre a ex-ministra das Famílias Aurore Bergé e a delegada geral da Federação Francesa de Creches (FFEC) Elsa Hervy. Ele revela suas cartas. Victor Castanet, autor do livro investigativo Les Ogres que acusa Aurore Bergé de ter celebrado um pacto com…
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lejournaldupeintre · 5 months ago
Questionable practices by France's for-profit daycare centers
A push for bigger profits in industry worth €1.5bn is putting children in danger, warn author. His first publication, Les Fossoyeurs (2022), triggered the Orpéa case. After denouncing the living conditions of our elders in some Ehpads, Victor Castanet attacks private nurseries. In Les Ogres, the independent journalist portrays a sick system that generates deplorable working conditions for the…
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sarahc351 · 9 months ago
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love-bokumono-fics · 1 year ago
Fresh Crops! February 19 - February 25, 2024
This week's newest fics and chapter updates for Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons on AO3!
Tale of Two Twins - by IliaVessalius; WIP, 1/?, 1.2k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M Fandom: The Tale of Two Towns Characters: Farmer, Cam, Nori, Georgia, Ash, Kana, Dirk, Laney, Rutger, Mikhail, Howard, Ayame, Jessica, Gombe, Reina, Ina, Oracle | Ulyssa, Eileen, Alisa, Hiro Additional Tags: Twins, Slow Burn, Family Fluff, Fluff, Plot Summary: Lillian and Phillip are twin farmers moving into a new town. When they find out that the two neighboring towns of Bluebell and Konohana are feuding they are asked for help to mend the gap between the towns.
Fact and Friction - by actaeoncross; Complete, 4/4, 4.7k
Rating: Not Rated; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Fandoms: A Wonderful Life, Animal Parade Relationships: Daryl/Pony, Cecilia/Nami mentioned, Gordy/Matthew mentioned, Rock/Molly mentioned, Gustafa/Lumina mentioned; Characters: Daryl, Pony | Aya | Jill, Forget Me Not villagers, Wizard Gale, Witch Vivi, Harvest King Ignis Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Enemies to Lovers, Supernatural Elements, Suspense, Romance, NaNoWriMo 2023, Not Beta Read Summary: Struggling to come to grips with the death of her parents, Pony moves to Forget-Me-Not Valley. She tries to avoid being involved with sprites, gods, or goddesses, only to be drawn in against her will. Pony's only help to solve the disappearance of the Harvest Goddess involves three enthusiastic but not very helpful sprites and a scientist. She slowly learns that she cannot run from herself and to come to terms with her past and feelings—even those for the infuriating scientist.
Garden - by Robotkitty5848; WIP, 2/20, 2.5k
Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandom: A New Beginning Relationship: Soseki/OC; Characters: Soseki | Sengoku, Original Characters Summary: Risa doesn't want to be in a relationship. So when she moves in with her cousin and her new family, her connection to Soseki is bound to be explosive.
Lady Of Grasstrail Farms - by FromADenOfBeasts; WIP, 42/?, 62k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Pioneers of Olive Town Relationship: Female Farmer/Lars; Characters: Original Female Character(s), Female Farmer, Lars, Laura, Angela, Clemens, Damon, Jack, Emilio, Reina, Victor, Gloria, Simon, Jesse Additional Tags: My First AO3 Post, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Slow Burn, Fluff and Angst, Supportive Big Brother, honestly the best big brother ever, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Domestic Fluff, Wish Fulfillment, Mysterious Origins, Childbirth, Family Drama, Angst with a Happy Ending, Family History Summary: A young woman named Vallon quits her job and follows her heart to Olive Town, where her family has roots deeper than she ever thought. Now she has to contend with new neighbors, ancient magic, and getting the hang of farming a wild land. Can she cope on her own, or can she at least find someone to share it with?
Sugar and Spice - by Chibimiie; WIP, 61/?, 165k
Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Animal Parade Relationships: Chase/Molly the Farmer, Angela/Luke; Characters: Molly | Hikari, Angela the Farmer, Chase, Luke, Kasey the Farme Additional Tags: Slow Burn, oh god how do you tag fics, mentions of eating disorders, alternating povs, Friends to Lovers, Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net, bumped up the rating because i honestly should have a little bit ago, burn so slow it's honestly a simmer, Mutual Pining Summary: farm on the faraway island of Castanet. Leaving behind their closest friends and brother Kasey, the two take a chance and move to the tiny island hoping for a new chance at life.
Nausea - by durotos; Complete, 1/1, 1.5k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town Relationship: Gray/Karen; Characters: Gray, Karen Additional Tags: Love at First Sight, Awkward Flirting, Finally writing about one of my dream rarepairs, Rare Pairings, Alcohol Summary: Gray, brand new to town, sees a woman on the opposite side of the bar that makes him feel sick - in a good way, though. But that only raises the big problem: how to introduce yourself when making small talk makes you also feel sick, but in a bad way.
Vacation - by Emmi_Beau; Complete, 1/1, 5.4k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: Gen Fandoms: Trio of Towns Relationship: Brad & Ford & Wayne; Characters: Wayne, Brad, Ford Additional Tags: Vacation, Summer Vacation, Road Trips, Mild Language, Ford has autism Summary: It's not every day that you get the chance to go to Mallorca with your best friends.
Brown - by CreationsGoneAwry; WIP, 1/7, 1.8k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M Fandom: Trio of Towns Relationship: Female Farmer/Hinata; Characters: Female Farmer, Hinata, Komari, Yuzuki, other characters make minor appearances Additional Tags: Romance, Friendship, Family Issues, Female Friendship, Male Friendship, Drama Summary: Three childhood friends - Hinata, Yuzuki, and Komari - have let the newcomer, Holly, into their circle, and the four are very close friends. As time goes on, though, Holly realizes she wants to be more than friends with Hinata, who is also not-so-secretly crushing on her. Light teasing and frustration from Komari and Yuzuki ensue when either of the idiot pair continues to deny the possibility that the other has feelings for them.
And one Not Safe For Tumblr fic by Thefallen1986 titled Sasha's Doggy time
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sosehpad · 1 year ago
Transparence et Ehpad en 2024 : Lumière sur les Nouveaux Standards de l'Âge D'Or
🔍 Vers une transparence accrue dans les #Ehpad : progrès importants mais lenteur législative. Des critères clés disponibles, d'autres en attente. Un pas de plus vers des soins dignes et responsables pour nos aînés. #SoinsAuxAînés #TransparenceEhpad
La publication du livre Les fossoyeurs de Victor Castanet en janvier 2022 a ébranlé le secteur des Etablissements d’hébergement pour personnes âgées dépendantes (Ehpad), notamment en révélant des pratiques contestables au sein du groupe privé Orpea. En réponse, le gouvernement a initié une série de mesures pour regagner la confiance du public. Parmi ces initiatives, une campagne de contrôle…
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globalhappenings · 3 years ago
France: storm over giant retirement homes, the director is gone
France: storm over giant retirement homes, the director is gone
(ANSA) – PARIS, JAN 31 – Storm over the French giant of nursing homes for the elderly, after the chilling revelations contained in a book regarding what is happening in the institutions of the world-renowned brand “Orpea”, between dirt, abandonment and meals rationed to save. The Board of Directors of the group decided last night to remove from office the general manager Yves Le Masne, in office…
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Le mercredi 26 janvier 2022 est paru Les Fossoyeurs, un livre-choc dans lequel le journaliste Victor Castanet dénonce de graves dysfonctionnements dans des Ehpads (établissement d’hébergement pour personnes âgées dépendantes) gérés par le groupe Orpea. Les 250 témoignages recueillis au cours des trois années d'enquête illustrent de nombreuses situations de maltraitance. L'auteur décrit un système qui rationne les soins d’hygiène, la prise en charge médicale, et m��me les repas des résidents. Et ce alors que les séjours sont facturés au prix fort
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jesuisgourde · 3 years ago
First thoughts/impressions of The Fantasy Life Of Poetry & Crime
Okay, various thoughts on Peter’s new album, as I listen for the second time. I’m pretty much typing for as long as the song runs, unless I get a more complex thought and pause.
Listening to the title track again with knowledge of the other songs is really interesting. Frederic and Peter melded really well sonically but I also think it’s cool that you can tell what parts are really definitely Peter and what is more collaborative, both lyrically and sonically. I love the solo in this song, it’s really nice (and the castanets sound cool). This song is really a nice beginning because it is abstract and an introduction of the themes of the album but it also includes that self-awareness and slight insecurity of this new kind of endeavour (“Have I begun this too weirdly?”).
I’ve already said this but I love the hotel reference in The Epidemiologist, it’s cute. This song is so fucking beautiful. I really really like it. It makes me kind of happy-sad, it’s a song of hope, but a sort of tired hope and encouragement, a realization that you can stop beating your brains in some specific way and even if things feel less intense or less full of variety or whatever it doesn’t mean they don’t work. I’ve already posted a photoset but it reminds me of the opposite of or a reply to that “thoughts” poem he put on auction last year. I wonder what connects all of the artists he lists, for him. I know that Jean Seberg and Emile Ajar were married, and both died by suicide, and that Dashiell Hammett wrote noir and Lorre and Bogart were often cast in noir films (both were in The Maltese Falcon). Panic In The Streets is an Elia Kazan noir film, and Panic In Needle Park is a film with Al Pacino about a heroin addict in 70s NYC. But mostly I really like the sentiment that things can change and not be worse and while they might not be the expectation/intention they might still be okay.
The Ballad Of reminds me of Peter’s random moments of funky word-play and nonsense rhyming in his journals, where he just plays with the rhyme or rhythm made with words. This one sounds like it’s based on a novel or a film but I can’t identify it. The “living in flashback” line reminds me of the saddest part of the middle 8 of Shoreleave. This song is pretty simple, I don’t really have much to say about it, but I do like chorus and I like the crescendos, they sound really nice.
I’ve already said that You Can’t Keep It From Me Forever reminds me of Ask by The Smiths. I really love the chorus of this song, it’s fun and those claps are nice and it’s catchy. It’s an interesting decision to make a song that is so clearly about struggling with recovery into something so catchy and bouncy, but I think it’s also a really cool move, since it makes it into something that it’s harder to (emotionally) dwell on in the same way that a slower, sadder song would do. Of all the songs, this one sounds like Peter had the most input all round, it sounds like it could have been a Madres song.
Yes I Wear A Mask has such lovely introspective lyrics, even though they’re pretty simple. Again, the “sweetest saddest songs” line reminds me of Peter’s non-Babyshambles stuff, how sweet and sad a lot of his solo albums and Madres songs are. And this is the introspective slow sad song to offset the bounce of the last song. And the “Occasionally / I scale the highest peak / To find the peace I seek” has a similar sentiment to the "lurch headlong into atrocities” line in The Epidemiologist, but from the opposite side or opposite angle. But it also makes me sad because this song feels like it’s talking about making beautiful art in order to hide the fact that inside you think you are bad or have done wrong. Hiding behind beauty for fear that if people see the things you think are bad they’ll hate you.
I’m a giant Victor Hugo nerd so I want to know what Peter is referencing in Rock & Roll Alchemy. Surely he’s read The Last Days Of A Condemned Man, and maybe Les Miserables? He’d probably have read The Man Who Laughs too. Okay anyway. I don’t know who the Lee he’s referencing is here. There aren’t any literary or film Lee’s with that spelling coming to mind right now. Les paradis artificiel is a book by Baudelaire about wine, opium and hashish. I’ve read a chapter from it, and it’s some account and some critique. I think if I knew who the “Lee” reference was about I’d have a better idea of what I thought of the lyrics. But I do like the music, the bass is nice and the Dave Stewart-type flourishes of the guitar are fun. Again, the lyrics are really simple. Peter has said before that for him the music and the lyrics often come together, or at least very close together (and then when he wrote with Carl they were either writing back and forth or just adding bits to each other’s work), and it must be strange and difficult to have to put words to someone else’s already fully composed music.
The Monster has the prettiest opening, I really really like it, those violins! Musically I think it’s the most melded and everything feels very blended together. The bells are so nice, and Peter’s voice always sounds lovely with violin, whether it’s Miki’s wonky folk violin or these more refined ones. I love the moments of pause and gap in the music, how they work as emphasis just as much as the wonderful crescendos. This whole song is really pretty. It also reminds me of the bit of writing in Typecast where he talks about his addiction/triggers as a sort of personified “demon” and how you can’t spell “demon” the same way twice or it calls it forth. The “stand and deliver your woes” line invokes thievery, too, as though it’s speaking of being robbed of properly feeling woes or sadness or conflict, and instead accepting this robbing of unimpaired experience as something that felt right. It’s also another addressing of the audience, a la Heart Of The Matter, with “most people think that it’s all slime and stink / That the monster’s there for me,” but also an admission of struggle and the pains of relapse in the next line too. This album is really interesting because it goes back and forth between songs that are clearly mostly fictional references and songs that are very clearly about dealing with addiction and recovery. It’s noticeable to me, I think, because Peter tended previously to combine the two in song or in his journals, whereas here they’re more separated.  “La vie est tendre, belle et violente” is “life is tender, beautiful, and violent” which I think is a sentiment that really encapsulates a lot of what Peter captures in his art. “A la fin tu es la” is “at the end, you are there.” However, it’s the first part of the first line of Zone by Apollinaire, which begins “A la fin tu es las de ce monde ancien” or “In the end you’re tired of this old world,” which again in this case reflects the same kind of exhaustion with the conflicts and vagaries and general hardships physical and mental that come with addiction. I’m not sure if this is what Peter is referencing, but in looking up “et c’est la mort,” I found a quote from poet Ausone de Chancel, “On entre, on crie, / Et c'est la vie; / On bâille, on sort, / Et c'est la mort” or “We enter, we shout, And that's life; We yawn, we go out, And it's death”  which again feels like another reference to struggling with recovery, but also to art and creation in general as a sort of shout that keeps one going; Peter has mentioned a number of times how how he seems to just have this engine that runs on creating. I think this song might be my favourite, it certainly made me think.
Okay so this is something in Invictus that I find really interesting and it definitely feels intentional. The decision to place a song with the line “In time's of great need boy find yourself on your knees / Praying to a god in whom you don't even believe” directly after a song whose chorus includes “Stand and deliver oh it felt so right / The Lord knows”. It’s also something I saw reflected a lot in Peter’s journals writings; he really only invoked god or whatever when he was in extreme emotional dire straits (his prison and rehab diaries do it the most often, and a little from 2013-ish when he was in terrible shape). Again, bits of this also remind me of Peter’s journal writings where he just plays with word-sounds and word-rhythms. I really like this song, I think the electric and classical instruments combine very well in this song with Peter’s lyrics. Again, they’re very simple, but I do really like them. And a quick moment of me rewinding and writing what I can catch of that crazy spoken middle eight with effects on it: “son of a gun / shadows of the man with the golden arm / fingers in the fire it’s red hot / covered in that stuff, oh.” This does mention The Man With The Golden Arm, and I did just finished reading it. It does fit many of the main themes of the novel and the main character’s problems, so I wonder if it’s also a reference to that.
The Glassblower is a lovely song, and I like when Peter throws a little social commentary into his songs. “Bottles on my vertebrae / Vases are my mainstay” is some fucking gorgeous visual. I’m super into the organ in the background, a la The Stranglers, and parts of the vocals feel a little like a traditional folk or children’s rhyme song that I can’t quite place. I wonder if this is in original character of Peter’s or if it’s inspired by something he read or saw. In any case, it’s an interesting sort of critique of the way that artists and art and art-making can survive so many different kinds of tragedies, but lack of support and increase in prices and gentrification and the tsunami of capitalism and all that can destroy them in a way that “natural” tragedies cannot. “And my legs in the air” also reminds me of the fact that so many artists and creators end up resorting to sex work because they can no longer support themselves monetarily on just their art. And it’s so hard to get a “normal” (in the eyes of society) job when you’re already poor, or when you look or act different from expected, or when you’re dealing with systemic racism or other systemic prejudices on top of 9 to 5 jobs leaving you so little time to work on the art you truly want to do.
I don’t have much to say about Keeping Me On File. I think it’s the simplest song on the album and not very interesting. It’s very cheerful and beachy and cute. It reminds me of that sweet little video of Peter and the Madres walking around Etretat with an instrumental of I Don’t Love Anyone in the background. It’s just kind of playful. I think perhaps it’s reminiscent of another French musician, but I don’t have enough knowledge of French musicians. It is a really cute way to say “I hope you’re thinking of me, because I’m thinking of you” though. I’m surprised at how well organ and harmonica mesh in this song.
Abe Wassenstein is interesting to because there is a mention of an “’Nstein” a few times in the Albion To Shangri-La journals but that name is not included in the “cast of characters” type legend at the beginning of the book. Perhaps it was a nickname for Alan Wass, similar to Peter’s Billy Bilo or something. I get the feeling from the emotion in this song that it’s another Alan Wass song, or at least about another dead friend. It also feels the closest song to old school American country blues on this album. I like it, it feels very sweet and genuine and soft, like it’s something that ought to be sung in the sunrise hours sitting outside on the grass somewhere with some beers and maybe a campfire.
I’m both surprised and unsurprised that there’s a blatant Pandemic Song on this album, but I like it. Also the title cracks me up because it’s been about a million years since I’ve read the Thomas Hardy novel but I remember it being very chaotic and very depressing (also it’s the film that is referenced in the “Terry meets Julie” line in Waterloo Sunset). It’s always fascinating to me to see the massive difference between Peter (and Carl’s) love of performing and belief that they really belong onstage, and the absolutely torturous-seeming terror of their pre-show heebeejeebies and stage panic. I think this song is really lovely because while it’s obvious that the isolation and calm of lockdown has been really good for Peter in terms of recovery, it’s nice that what he’s yearning for here is performing and being up on stage again and being back in that chaos and emotional back-and-forth of a gig. It’s a sweet song to end the album on too, like looking forward.
Final thoughts: I think this album goes about half and half for me. There are some really gorgeous songs that I definitely like a lot and some that I think will grow on me and a few that are just very simple and don’t grab me. This album is really unique because it’s not Peter writing his own music as the lyrics come to him, or working with others to write music. It’s him taking fully or mostly-formed instrumental compositions and putting vocals to them, which I’m sure requires a new and different angle of thinking. I tend to really enjoy Peter’s “character songs” where he sings about a character separate from himself or transplants himself into a character to sing about rather than himself, but I think I like the more personal songs on this album and the character ones don’t pack so much of a punch. I wonder if that’s to do with the musicality? Instead of coming up with a character and writing the music around it (like with Farmer’s Daughter or Travelling Tinker or English Roses), it becomes about fitting a character to already made music, and that doesn’t always mesh the same. I think my favourite is The Monster, it made me think and it’s got beautiful instrumentals and lovely vocals and is very fleshed out.
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vernonliving · 2 years ago
Vernon BC election 2022
Here's who I'm endorsing for the 2022 municipal election in Vernon, British Columbia.
✅ Victor Cummings is the only reasonable candidate for mayor this year. As the incumbent, I think he's been "OK." Overall, he seems reasonable and is generally a good representative of our city. He and the council pushed for new water filtration solutions and helped secure a $30 million dollar grant from the province.
🙅‍♂️ Scott Anderson was openly antagonistic toward public health measures during the pandemic. He frequently shares toxic rhetoric on social media. He openly mocks electric cars and other green initiatives. He supported the Freedom Convoy on multiple occasions. He was widely criticized for his stance on the homeless and shopping carts. He opposed cultural training for City of Vernon staff, where the purpose was to pursue reconciliation and raise awareness about First Nations history.
🤷‍♂️ Erik Olesen has a reasonable platform but doesn't have experience on City Council (he tried in 2021 but didn't secure a seat).
You can vote for up to 6 councillors.
If you disagree with Scott Anderson's politics, be careful which councillor you vote for! Many candidates' platforms and websites look reasonable but frequently vote with Scott.
✅ This year I'm endorsing:
Kelly Fehr (incumbent): tireless advocate for people with addictions, affordable housing, and community safety.
Brian Guy: living in Vernon since 1994. Has been an active community leader: founder of Summit Environmental, Okanagan Basin Water Board member, co-chair of Climate Action Advisory Committee.
Dawn Tucker: we've debated a bit online, and haven't always agreed, but I like her moxie. She's always seemed well-researched on local issues. I also appreciate her inclusive approach to politics.
Akbal Mund: the most responsive politician I've met. Whenever I've sent him a DM, or email, he's responded almost immediately. We don't always agree, but he's always willing to listen and describe his stance. His years of experience as mayor are also a big asset for the city.
School Trustees
🙅‍♂️ The ParentsVoice BC group running trustee candidates who have some truly heinous aims for our education system in Vernon. The NOLC union condemned the group, saying:
“The harmful policy and rhetoric positions embraced by ParentsVoiceBC candidates, and others, and to instead vote for candidates who support human rights and inclusion in our schools."
These candidates have refused to show up for debates, and have refused to answer questions from the media. They all scrubbed their social media profiles to hide previously expressed views.
Don’t vote for ParentsVoice BC candidates!
✅ This year I'm endorsing:
Philipp Gruner (Vernon)
Vanessa Mitchell (Vernon)
Jenn Comazzetto (Vernon)
Mark Olsen (Vernon)
Kelli Sullivan (Coldstream): I wish Kelli was running in my area! If you're in Coldstream, she's the clear choice. Understands the education system, has had kids go through local schools, and has lived here for 20 years. She's also the only candidate who lives in Coldstream!
More resources
Hats off to anyone who does research for an election. It took me hours to look up each candidate, scroll through their social media profiles, find relevant news stories, and talk to other community members about who they were voting for and why.
Here are a few election guides that might be helpful:
Vital Vernon: responses to questions for candidates
Vernon Morning Star coverage
Castanet Vernon
Vernon Candidate List
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howardhawkshollywood · 3 years ago
The back of this 1939 publicity still reads NO MORE CASTANETS: Rita Hayworth, who started her career as Rita Cansino, member of the well known Cansino clan of Spanish dancers, is under long term contract to Columbia as a straight dramatic player. In the company’s stirring aviation drama, “Only Angels Have Wings”, she plays the part of wife to Richard Barthelmess. Jean Arthur and Cary Grant are co-starred as a new romantic team, and among other featured players are Thomas Mitchell, Sig Rumann, Noah Beery Jr., Victor Kilian and Allyn Joslyn,
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actu24hp · 2 years ago
Orpea: Caisse des dépôts will take control
The negotiations finally bore fruit. According to our colleagues from Release, the Caisse des dépôts et consignations (CDC) will take control of Orpea. The creditors of the manager of retirement homes, in turmoil since the revelations of the book The Gravediggers of Victor Castanet, reached an agreement with the financial institution of the State. Some of them have agreed to “draw a line under…
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bouxmounir · 3 years ago
Ehpad Orpea : repas rationnés et cadres de pourboires payés, révélations à la centrale d'achat du groupe
Ehpad Orpea : repas rationnés et cadres de pourboires payés, révélations à la centrale d’achat du groupe
La cellule enquête de Radio France révèle ce jeudi 19 mai des pratiques douteuses de la part de Kauforg, la centrale d’achat du groupe Orpea. Ce mercredi 18 mai, l’action boursière du groupe a été annoncée en raison de nouvelles révélations de Médiapart. Bien sûr, le groupe Orpea n’a pas fini de lui parler. Après les révélations bouleversantes du livre “Les Fossoyeurs” de Victor Castanet sur les…
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love-bokumono-fics · 3 years ago
Fresh Crops! Week of February 7 - February 13, 2022
This week’s newest fics and chapter updates for Story of Seasons and Harvest Moon on AO3!
Sugar and Spice - by Chibimiie; WIP, 32/?, 67k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M
Fandoms: Animal Parade
Relationships: Chase/Molly the Farmer, Angela/Luke; Characters: Molly | Hikari, Angela the Farmer, Chase, Luke
Additional Tags: Slow Burn, oh god how do you tag fics, mentions of eating disorders, alternating povs, Friends to Lovers, Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net
Summary: Wanting to get away from past hurts of the city, sisters Molly and Angela decide to respond to a flyer advertising an abandoned farm on the faraway island of Castanet. Leaving behind their closest friends and brother Kasey, the two take a chance and move to the tiny island hoping for a new chance at life.
It Was Always You - by jugoanne; WIP, 7/8, 7.1k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M
Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town, Back To Nature
Relationship: Karen/Rick; Characters: Karen, Rick, Popuri, Kai
Summary: Rick and Karen have been a packaged deal for as long as anyone can remember, and they were always quick to declare their relationship strictly platonic. Yet they both knew that was never really true. The question was, how many years would it take to admit it? And who would be the first to crack?
Life Renewed - by SisyphusWorker; WIP, 10/?, 27k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M
Fandoms: Harvest Moon: DS, Friends of Mineral Town
Relationship: Keira/Pete | Jack; Characters: Keira | Kirara, Pete | Jack, Witch Princess, Male Farmer | Yuto
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Romance, Awkward Romance, Difficult Decisions, Revenge, Family Issues, Moving On, Closure, Two Endings, Diptych, Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net
Summary: A princess of the past and a farmer of the present. Two tales that were once separate had now been permanently intertwined into one, be it out of curse or fate. One desires to discover more of herself. One desires to give meaning to his life. Yet, these two have their hurdles to overcome, personal and shared. As these two cross their paths, what new chapters shall unfold as these two take on a new life together?
Story of Life - by SpiritWolfStar; Complete, 1/1, 1.1k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: Gen
Fandom: Friends of Mineral Town
Characters: Rick, Yuto, Naomi, Popuri, Lillia, Pete, Maria, Original Characters, Huang, Claire, Karen, Kai, Harvest Goddess
Additional Tags: Children, Pets, Mentions gray, Ellen/Yu and Mugi/Mei
Summary: Just a look into several people's lives and relationships, and the animals they have.
In Search of Peace - by TheBeckster; Complete, 1/1, 1.8k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Categories: F/M, Gen
Fandoms: Pioneers of Olive Town
Relationship: Victor/Gloria; Characters: MC's Grandfather (Evan), Victor, Gloria, Simon, Jessie, Nguyen, Nguyen's Wife (Quynh)
Additional Tags: Prompt Fill, Tumblr Prompt, Pre-Canon, grandpa moved out to the middle of nowhere, and then moved farther away from nowhere, because he wanted nobody to bother him., and here comes young mayor Victor to ruin it all, Humor, in which half the town plays matchmaker because they are Tired TM, i wrote this very quickly. so it's probably a bit of a mess
Summary: There was a reason Evan did not live in the town proper. There was a reason Evan, having found this isolated peninsula some thirty years back with the others, had gone even further away to the very edge of the land and settled there. The mile-long walk was farther than most anyone wanted to go unless it was truly important – even his friends knew that when Evan wanted company, he would take himself into town for a visit. Evan had isolated himself on purpose and yet! In which Evan introduces Victor to Gloria because he just wants some gd peace and quiet.
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plumedepoete · 3 years ago
La vieillesse comme une renaissance - Jean-Marie Aud
La vieillesse comme une renaissance – Jean-Marie Aud
    « Hier, soupire l’un. Demain, soupire l’autre. Mais il faut avoir atteint la vieillesse pour comprendre le sens éclatant, absolu, irrécusable, irremplaçable, de ce mot : “Aujourd’hui” », écrit Paul Claudel dans son journal. Cette minute m’a été inspirée par la lecture du récent livre Les Fossoyeurs de Victor Castanet. En le lisant, on pense aux mots du pape François datant de 2014 : « Combien…
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