#Vicky you owe me if you don't know me well
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What if Reader is jealous cause a couple of playboy bunnies had been flown in, performing for the troops on a Friday night. All the boys are infatuated by them, so she thinks, why should Barnes be any different? She worries Barnes has eyes for them, yet tries to hide her blatant jealousy from him due to embarrassment (assuming he even saw the girls performing in the first place). Shutting up when she feels his presence or even painfully faking a smile.
How would he handle this? How would he set her straight? Or would he pry and prod to see if he could pull the jealousy out of her, finding it endearing / entertaining / a turn on.
Thank youuu, you’re a genius 😌
The USO Show.
Robert Barnes x Reader.
The world of that travels fast, at whirlwind speed, spreading like wildfire.
And instantaneously, the atmosphere at base camp changes, something holiday-like, almost jubilant overtaking everyone, washing over the general disposition and the morale of the platoon like a warm wave; whispers, plan-making and generally subdued excitement filling barracks, foxholes, bunkers and tents along with the occasional poster of the handmade variety as well as official print dotting bulletin boards; it's what you wake up to that morning, carrying provisional crates containing bandages and gauze. Bunny and Junior nailing a large centerfold a vulturous, redhaired woman on a huge notice sign starkly in the middle of base camp with a hammer. Starring, Ann-Margret, Nancy Sinatra, Playboy Bunnies and the Lonnie B. and Vicky G. Show with special host, Bob Hope! The poster says, the smiling auburn-headed woman taking center stage in knee-length shining boots and a mini-dress caught glamorous amidst a dance move grazing your eyesight and leaving behind a burning sensation. She was beautiful.-"You know what I wanna do to her?"- Bunny points with deliberation and you avert your gaze passing the pair, speeding up your pace, trying not to overhear but overhearing anyway, for better or for worse. -"I wanna suck her through a straw sticking out of her ginger Swedish poontang, man."- Typical Bunny being Bunny. You nod at the two as a way of hello; luckily, they don't notice. Too immersed in the task of ogling and leering over the centerfold they just put up next to a makeshift road sign of various distances, anywhere from Kansas, to LA to New York; erected for nostalgia's sake. A little reminder of home.
-"Bunny, you fucking gross, man! Put me off my lunch!"-
You hear Junior whine from behind you, truly aggrieved.
-"Yeah, that's cause'youse don't like pussy. You like carrot."-
Bunny retorts with a jab, but by then, you're long out of sight, biting down on your lip.
You were crestfallen.
Yes, crestfallen.
Now, you understood there was something contrarian and maybe even a tad bit selfish in feeling so blue when everyone else was ecstatic, right along the fact that it was downright delusional to ponder and consider the possibility of how the Sergeants would behave at this show if mere infantry and soldiery was behaving the way they were already, case and point, Bunny and Junior, but your mind still guided you unwittingly, where it shouldn't have been guiding you; Sergeant Barnes was a private fascination, sure. You had a right to those, you tell yourself. Man owed you nothing. Knew nothing of your feelings and it would stay that way too. If you liked him, you liked him privately, for yourself. by yourself. He, just as you had the right to have unrequited feelings for him, had the right to go and feast his eyes on something pretty after months and months spent in the bush --- you really couldn't even blame him or anyone else as for that matter, your pain genuine, but still having no righteous reason or basis to exist, you thought. Quietly suffering over a man who wasn't even yours, going to enjoy a spectacle put on by professionals who did this for a living. My goodness, you're really hellbent on hurting yourself, you tell yourself, shrugging off intrusive thoughts of Barnes's focused, intense eyes staring out at the busy stage, following all those legs, velvet clad derrières, immaculate, synched waistlines, winking cat eyes, puckered roughed lips and haridos sprayed to perfection. And here you were, grimy nails, hair tucked away beneath a hair scarf tied at the nape of your neck, sweaty, chronically exhausted and in a state of constant work, staying behind on washing duty, scrubbing the blood stained sheets of deceased patients with white soap.
Maybe if I was freshly flown in on some glitzy plane, you think.
Maybe If was freshly powered up, perfumed, dressed and clean ---
Maybe I could make him turn his eyes on me too.
Same as those dancing dolls.
An empty, childish fantasy, you conclude bitterly as the trucks next to the main barracks were filling up with eager men practically jumping into the back of the vehicle with a roaring cacophony of running motor engines, privates already singing, shouting, laughing and slapping each other the back, far away from the outhouse on the outskirts of the base where you did the platoon's basic wash up --- you decided to isolate yourself today of all days. That was the general idea, yes. Make yourself busy. Useful. Sink yourself into your duties. Try and tune out the world. Not show how upset you were, but try and stay out of everyone's sight long enough to prevent yourself from spoiling everyone else's fun. Not be present when he boards the truck with the rest of them. With Bunny filling his ears about whether the carpets match the drapes and O'Neill no doubt egging him on to stay after hours, in bars and clubs dotting the beach front of Cam Rahn, causing you to envision him inebriated and high on life, one girl seated on one knee and one on the other as they silently moved upstairs sometime after midnight, to some tucked away room somewhere, at the end of some red hallway enveloped in cigarette smoke. Why do you do this to yourself, your subconsciousness asks, once the fatigues, uniforms, towels and sheets were all washed and drying, having done a full week's work within one afternoon on purpose, the basecamp enveloped in the shroud of dusk by the time you emerge out of the small building, deciding to check on the barracks; maybe give whatever needed cleaning a good clean. Tire yourself out so much you'll merely plop down on your own bed like someone just hit by a train, drifting off to a dreamless sleep and not think. Not think for at least six hours minimum.
You exhale, finding the lights at the main hall starkly bright.
Overhead. Attracting flies and mosquitos.
A long row of immaculate empty beds lining the hall and a singular form sitting on a nearby ammo crate; causing you to halt in your steps.
He ---
-"You haven't gone with the others, Sarge? The last truck has just headed out."-
You stutter, addressing Barnes, head downcast, seemingly making busy with the task of carving something with a push knife. He stayed behind? Why did he stay behind!? He looks up at you, like he knew you were there long before he ever acknowledged it with a physical cue. In response, all you get is a shrug. -"Eh."- He tilts his head, nonchalant, barely interested, causing you to feel like an intruder; like you weren't supposed to be here. You genuinely thought there was nobody here but you and the night watch. The night watch that would take its turn to be chauffeured out to Cam Rahn tomorrow for their break when someone else takes their shift. You shift from one leg to another, about to back out of the building, making small talk to fill the discomfort of surprise. -"Aren't you sad you missed them?"- You ask, dropping the formal tone and instantly regretting it; your chuckle awkward and small, realizing you were so startled you forgot proper form. He says nothing, his blade grazing the edge of something flat that sounded like wood. -"Bob Hope's gonna be entertaining."- You try again, fidgeting, hoping to be excused and simultaneously wanting to falling into the floor. -"And Ann-Margaret's coming too! Landing in a private plane!"- You add, unsure why; maybe by accident. Maybe because you expected some sort of positive reaction out of him that would only serve as a dagger to hurt yourself further with and enjoy it too; enjoy the weird, bizarre, exquisite, self-reinforcing pain of being unwanted. He looks up at you again, this time holding his stare for longer. -"If I'm keen on hearin' some Californian of dubious background shootin' the breeze off of a stage I can just listen to 'Lias playin' wise guy without movin' an inch."- You retorts and it takes you a couple of seconds to register a joke at the Sergeants expense; your smile tiny, embarrassed, covered up with your hand, unsure if, by accord, you were allowed to laugh at that, snorting against your palm, now standing on the threshold to the eerily empty barracks, one step away from scurrying out on some newly invented excuse of a task. -"But, the bunnies!"- You shoot in. -"Everyone's been really excited about them."- Yeah. Everyone. So, why ain't you among them, something from deep inside you asks him. -"Eyup."- Is all Barnes remarks, confirming, clipped and a man of few words as ever.
-"A broad preformin' for ten thousand sad sacks of shit is preformin' for none of 'em."-
He mutters and you need to stop breathing to ensure you were hearing that right.
-"Certainly ain' for me."-
He clicks his tongue, something about the notion seeming to displease him.
-"It ain' real."-
He builds in on his statement, leaving it as large as a house; looming over you, practically engulfing. You...didn't know what to say to that frankly. He must've been the only man in the 25th Bravo Division who thought that way and truth of the matter, probably the only man in the whole wide world, deepening the night time quietude even further, causing you to realize you were just effectively stunned into silence and that the scraping of his blade was practically echoing throughout the barracks, matching the thumping, beating staccato of your heart, your guts coiling into a painful knot. Maybe this didn't mean anything. Sergeant Barnes was always known to be so duty bound and piqued on the task at hand that he'd often neglect rest, breaks, R&R, and even sleep purely so he'd maintain that extra hour on guard, that extra hour on the ground, on terrain, out on the field, on the ready. That was simply his manner. In fact, this was the most you've ever heard him speak to anyone off the record, you included.
Maybe why you were so caught out of left field about it.
-"Why ain'chu goin'?"-
He inquires, and a shiver runs through you once you stir back to attention.
Now, that was a question you didn't expect.
Having the tables turned around on you.
You never expected anyone to care or even notice why you stayed behind. Not when all the other nurses have gone and boarded the trucks too right alongside the men, and just as eager as they were.
-"Your eyes ain' waterin' to catch a glimpse of Heston in them tight bell bottoms? Makin' good use of tax payin' dollars."-
He jabs, head cocked to one side; a trace of humor clearly laced through his words, albeit faintly as he throw one leg over his knee where he sat, twiddling the knife between his fingers, the light of the bulbs overhead reflection off the polished steel like a camera flash. -"Bobby Rydell with cookin' oil in his hair swingin' and swoonin'?"- He adds, clearly meaning to paint a vivid picture. No, all I want is to catch a glimpse of you, your innermost voice whispers. I am more than content with that. In fact, just standing here with you fills me with all the joy and agony in the world. Nobody they could fly in from all the lands and countries imaginable would make me so happy. -"Oh, no, sir."- You clear your throat instead, keeping your thoughts at bay, mustering a tiny smile; cordial, for politeness's sake, crossing your hands behind your back, fingers squeezing each other for comfort and so you would avoid twiddling them quite as much. -"Not for me."- You manage, shaking your head. -"Why not? You're a healthy, full-blooded woman."- He interjects almost immediately, standing up from the crate leisurely, blade and his half carved little piece of wood still in each hand. Somehow, that description of you as healthy and full-blooded sounded both as a complement and a fair bit of chiding; like he didn't quite understand what had to be wrong with you to miss the opportunity to see some of Hollywood's leading men live. Funnily enough, you could say the same about him. Some of the most dead drop gorgeous smokeshows would be at Cam Rahn and he was just indifferent to being there? -"A woman likes seein' her eyecandy."- Those words practically dance in his mouth, matching the odd leisurely pace of his footsteps, like he borderline intended to tease you for simply being here with him, embolden something dormant in you that nearly capsized inside of you with how fiercely you guarded it; your courage. -"Same as a man."- You counter. Not unkindly. But, a counter was still a counter. A counter you halfway regret dishing out once you find his eyes burning, unmoving and fierce. Crosshairs that could shoot you dead where you stood. You brace yourself, coming up with tactical, politically correct excuses ever a talent you practiced like a finely toned muscle.
-"Well, in either case, guess it's us two, sir. I'll fix you up more coffee, if you like. A chance to tidy up the place with everyone being away too."-
You practically stutter, in an artificial, make belief hurry, taking a couple of steps back, not turning your back to him until he'd, as you hoped, got sufficiently bored of this exchange to dismiss you. What did you know of his troubles, after all? Maybe solitude was what he craved. Maybe you were disturbing him in that without intending to. He wouldn't have stayed behind if solitude wasn't what he wanted. Still, his voice halts you. You whip back, semi expecting him to call you a wall flower and a special snowflake incapable of running with the tides, something within your guts telling you, however fantastical of a notion it was, that he stayed behind for you as much as you stayed behind for him. A healthy, full-blooded person could dream.
-"Who'd they have to fly in for you to go and take a break with erry'one else? With them other nurses?"-
He leans one shoulder at one of the supporting pillars that held up the roof of the barracks, fingers newly engrossed in the old task of carving; his trust in his knife so complete that he could drag the shiv across the wood without even looking, eyes entirely on you. Who...would have to be starring at a USO show for you to be tempted to go with the other women? Was that what he was asking? Nobody? Somebody? Anybody? Everybody? Made no difference to you. You weren't the going type.
-"Haven't really thought about it, sir."-
You answer in honest, finding yourself unable to lie to him so blatantly.
If he expected a specific name or face, he'd have to consider this inquiry a letdown.
What was this conversation anyway?
Not that you didn't enjoy every second spent with him.
It was just...well...a surprise.
You sure as heck didn't expect to spend the end of today's day standing around chatting with Sergeant Barnes on the topic of which male celebrity was your favorite, rendering everything around you with a fever dream like quality; liminal and strange, the added weight of everything emphasized by the fact you were alone out here and the whole great wide world was out there, miles and miles away from your current position. In fact, if you listened carefully enough, you could swear you could hear the faintest signs of stage music all the way out here, on the edges of the jungle perimeter, in this lone building where you both stood, now merely a couple of steps between you. God strike me dead. He stood right in front of you in his green fatigues, his button up shirt rolled up at the sleeves, the veins lining his arms moving and flexing as he reach over to hand you whatever he was clenching in his fist, blade tucked back into place, somewhere in his safety belt. -"Yeah, haven't thought 'bout it myself none much. No point in gettin' up and ridin' all the way to Cam Rahn."- He concludes with a drawl; dry and distant --- disinterest oozing out of every pore he had, staring out the barrack's main entrance and the orange light spilling over the threshold and into the darkness on the horizon, gazing past your form and then landing back on you once your hand opens to feel a carved shape close around it, receiving what he gave you, before his free hand grabbed a hold of the reigns of the weapon hanging from a nearby shelf, slinging it over one shoulder, always on the ready. You open the palm of your hand tentatively, mouth agape. A face. A woman's face was what you were holding. It vaguely looked like ---
-"The views' to my likin' right here too."-
Barnes observes, giving you a lingering look, walking past you, obscured by the night.
You. It was you, it hits you like lightning. He was carving you.
By then, he was gone, blending with the abyss outside.
#platoon#platoon 1986#platoon imagine#platoon imagines#platoon headcanon#platoon headcanons#platoon reader insert#platoon reader inserts#robert barnes#bob barnes#robert barnes x reader#bob barnes x reader#robert barnes imagine#robert barnes imagines#bob barnes imagine#bob barnes imagines#bob barnes headcanon#bob barnes headcanons#robert barnes headcanon#robert barnes headcanons
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Hello! How about 21 for your Spotify wrapped? 👯
HI! I am so fucking sorry this took me forever. This one was a massive challenge for me because 21 on my Spotify Wrapped is Counting Worms by Knocked Loose. For any of you that know, Counting Worms is thirteen words long so I had to process how I wanted to handle this. (And work fucking sucks and I'm exhausted as hell but that's beside the point.) I hope you enjoy this. I actually love it a lot more than I thought I would. 🖤
'I wrote a song about getting better, it's a feeling I don't remember'
Steve stares at the words on the page, looking up to cock an eyebrow at Eddie, "What comes next?"
Eddie stifles a laugh. "Nothing does, Stevie. That's it."
Steve scrunches his nose, confused. "Thats--the song? That like ten words."
Eddie grabs the paper from him and smiles down at it. "It's thirteen words, big boy. And its--sometimes it's not about the amount of words. It's about feeling something."
Steve tries not to blush. Big boy certainly did a number on him. He would never fucking admit that--but, it is what it is.
He shakes he his head, to try and clear his thoughts, "Sure."
Steve watches as Eddie's smile widens, eyes crinkling in the corners. Christ.
"Did you?" Steve asks.
"Did I what?" Eddie questions.
"Did you ever get better?"
Eddie's smile softens then. "I'm working on it."
Steve always knew he was something--something not straight. He just didn't really have a word for it, and he tried not to dwell on it. Didn't get caught with drifting eyes in locker rooms, made sure Tommy wouldn't tell a soul about what they got up to. He didn't. Tommy might be an asshole but he wouldn't out himself or Steve…
Anyway, Steve always knew. He always knew and he had told Robin a few months after Starcourt. She helped him find the words for it. Bisexual. So Steve knew what he was, but he was fine ending up with a woman. That's just what he always figured would happen
But Eddie? Eddie changed everything.
Robin had told him just to fucking talk to him. She said that he was being a hypocrite because he had helped her get her shit together enough to talk to Vickie after everything and it had worked out--at least for a bit--but that's beside the point. The point is Robin had asked Vickie out and Steve just stared at Eddie talking, at Eddie playing D&D with kids, at Eddie writing music. He just watched.
He was scared because Eddie? Eddie was loud and confident and interesting and important.
Steve was just…Steve.
What would he even say?
It'd been a few months since Steve had found the song. Thirteen words.
He couldn't stop thinking about it.
'It's about feeling something.'
He still hadn't said anything to Eddie, but he needed to…Well, he wanted to.
There's only a couple of days left until the kids have winter break, and Steve is expecting them to invade his home as per usual so he has been cleanly all fucking day listening to Abba and thinking about Eddie Munson's stupid fucking hands.
He was feeling impulsive--he could talk to Eddie--he could. Eddie had said it wasn't about the amount of things he had to say it just had to mean something…right?
Steve grumbles out a sigh before stomping over to the phone. He dials out the number--has it memorized by now. It's late, he listens to the line trilling as the clock turns. 10:12 pm.
"Thanks for calling the bat cave." Eddie rambles off.
"Yeah, hi batman. It's Steve."
Eddie laughs over the line. "Stevie! To what do I owe the late night call?"
Steve steels himself. "Listen, I--can I come over?"
"Uh--yeah? Are you okay?" Eddie asks and Steve shakes his head, not that Eddie can see it anyway.
"I'm--I just--I'll be over in a few." Steve breathes. He can do this. It's fine.
"Okay, S. Just be safe--alright?"
Steve mumbles out an affirmative before hanging up and grabbing his keys.
He only paces outside of Eddie's door for a minute or two before he knocks lightly. Eddie is quick to answer, looking ridiculously hot for a man wearing worn out sweats and one of a thousand old band tees. He looks worried and Steve feels bad about that but--he's just gotta--
"Can we go to your room?" Steve asks and Eddie lets out a shocked laugh before nodding and heading back through the apartment. Steve follows behind.
He stands frozen in the bedroom doorway, watches as Eddie sits on the edge of his bed with head cocked to the side.
"What's going on Stevie? Was it the nightmares again because--"
Steve shakes his head, and swallows before just--going for it.
"Look--I've been--running so many things through my head. I've written speeches and songs--which is sort of your thing. So, I stopped that. But--I have thought over and over again about how to say what I need to say.
And you--you told me 'it's not about the amount of words, it's about feeling something.
And when I look at you? I feel everything--
And I just--I just needed you to know."
Eddie blinks up at Steve, eyes wide. Great. Steve fucking scared him. Awesome this is great. This was a really fucking awesome idea Steve. Nice--
"That was a lot more than thirteen words, sweetheart." Eddie smirks at him and Steve feels his heart stutter at the name.
Steve breathes, "Yeah well--did I fuck everything up?"
Eddie moves from his bed then, quick to meet Steve in the doorway. Steve is quiet. He watches as Eddie's eyes move from Steve's own, down to his lips and back up again.
Eddie brings a hand up to cup his cheek and Steve can't help the soft noise that escapes his throat. The other man swipes his thumb over Steve's cheekbone. "No Stevie, I really don't think you did. I'm gonna kiss you now, okay?"
Steve can't do anything other than nod.
#steddie#steddie fanfic#steddie blurb#steddie ficlet#yall this one was TUFF#Worm Spotify Series#I AM STILL ALIVE--but I'm barely breathin#have u ever run a business in the middle of chrimas cause ten this is year ten and im TIRED#anyway thats enough of that#Don't think that I didn't want to include the ARF ARF in here#but unfortunatley there is no puppy play featured--this time#worm brain#hellfiredemon
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The Importance of Friendship
After the Starcourt incident, Steve gave it a little bit of time before inviting Robin over for pizza, a movie, and cupcakes. Robin had been surprised to learn that Steve had made all the food himself.
"One new thing that I learned about my new friend, noted," Robin said and then was surprised when he held a lit cupcake up to her. "What's this then?"
"To celebrate our new friendship," Steve said with a grin.
"Dingus," she said affectionately before blowing out the candle with him.
"I want you to know how much this friendship means to me," Steve said softly. "And not just because you're the first friend that I know for sure won't lead to me having sex with them. You're the first real friend that I've had in forever, and it means a lot to me."
"Your friendship means a lot to me too," Robin said and hugged him. "Okay, enough with this mushy shit, let's watch the movie."
They had just started the movie when Robin paused it, turning to Steve with a look of realization.
"Is something wrong?" Steve asked.
"Did you just imply that you had sex with Tommy H and Carol?" Robin asked, and Steve sighed before pulling her up. "Where are we going?"
"Can't have this conversation here, Robin," Steve replied as he pulled her into the bathroom.
"I think I know where this is going," Robin said, smiling softly. "So, you like. . ."
"Both. I like both," Steve said.
"Have you always known you like both?" Robin asked.
"Wait. So, were you, Tommy H, and Carol all. . ."
"Together? Yep. Until I got overwhelmed and had to back off. We remained friends for a while after that, but then I started dating Nancy, and well, you know. . .," Steve said.
"Were you in love with them?" Robin asked.
"No, no. I'm pretty sure in their own way they loved me, but it was a bad, needy relationship. They always had to know where I was going or who I was with, and I never liked the way they talked shit about people," Steve said. "It was hard for me to walk away when I know. . .
"When you know the relationship is bad," Robin said.
"Yeah," Steve said softly.
"How come you didn't tell me all of this at the mall?" She asked.
"Well, Dustin came in, and also, I didn't want to step on your moment," he replied.
"Dingus," Robin replied tearfully. "I hope one day that I meet someone who will understand just how important you are to me. You're a permanent part of my life now, Steve. You're not going anywhere, even when one day you decide that you're sick of me."
"You're a permanent part of my life, too. There's no way I'm ever going to get sick of you. It's you, who's going to get sick of me," Steve replied.
"You're going to get sick of me!"
"No, you're going to get sick of me!"
"No, you are!"
"You're right. I'm already sick of you, Robin."
"Hey! I thought we were doing something here!" Robin exclaimed as she kicked him, and they both started laughing.
"Hey, if you don't stop kicking me, I won't tell you about the guy I've had a crush on since freshman year," Steve said.
"I'll be good."
Steve was sitting poolside while everyone celebrated around him. He was content on watching everyone enjoying his pool, smiling at the sight of his best friend sitting by Vickie. She still hasn't made her move yet, but it was alright, Steve hadn't made his move yet either. Speaking of. . . Eddie plopped down in the chair beside him.
"Tired already?" Eddie asked. "I really wore you out, didn't I, big boy?"
"Yeah. You made it really difficult to keep your legs wrapped around my head. Did you have to squeeze so tight?" Steve asked.
"I had to win, Steve, I wasn't going to let Buckley take me out," Eddie said. "Especially not in a game of chicken."
"I think you owe me a new neck," Steve said.
"Aw, do you want Daddy to kiss it all better?" Eddie pouted, his voice deep and husky.
"Fuck off," Steve laughed, his cheeks red. "I told you to stop calling yourself that."
"Oop, I guess I've been a very bad boy," Eddie winked at him.
"That's it!"
Steve picked him up and threw him over his shoulder. Eddie shrieked as he was tossed into the pool. Steve grinned and dove into the pool after him. Steve chased him around the pool as well as chasing the kids. At one point, Steve had teamed up with Eddie to target the kids, and then they played a game of Marco Polo. Once they were all properly pruned up, they climbed out of the pool and laid around it, drying off. However, once they were all dry, the kids still had quite a bit of energy. Steve groaned when Dustin suggested they play a game of tag.
Now, here Steve was, running around in his own damn house. He slid into the bathroom and closed the door, leaning against the bathtub. Suddenly, the shower curtain opened behind him, and a hand slapped over his mouth. Steve let out a muffled yell.
"You ever been split in half on the floor of a bathroom?" a deep voice whispered in his ear before dragging his tongue across his cheek.
Steve struggled out of their grasp and turned around to find Eddie cackling in the bathtub.
"You fucker! I hate you," Steve glared.
"Sure you do, sweetheart," Eddie said.
Suddenly, the door opened, and Eddie quickly pulled Steve into the tub, shutting the curtain quickly. Steve was in Eddie's arms, his ringed fingers covering Steve’s mouth. He was doing everything in his power, not to nibble on his fingers. He turned his head towards Eddie's. They were so close. Eddie took his hand off of his mouth and started leaning in. Steve’s nose started to tickle. Oh no. He couldn't move his arms as Eddie had them trapped by his sides so he couldn't stop it from happening. Steve sneezed. Right. Into. Eddie's. Face. He froze. The curtain opened, and there stood Robin.
"Were you two about to . . ."
"I sneezed! I fucking sneezed!" Steve exclaimed.
"Into his face?" Robin asked with wide eyes as Eddie wiped his face.
Eddie started laughing and wiped his face into Steve’s hair. Robin rolled her eyes at them before plopping down on the floor next to the tub.
"Did you leave Vickie out there to get tagged?" Steve asked.
His question was answered a moment later when Vickie rolled into the bathroom and closed the door, locking it behind her. She turned around, grinning.
"Oh, cool, a sub party!" Vickie whispered. "Sorry, Mike almost saw me."
She sat down in front of Robin and placed her feet in her lap.
"We have to stop meeting like this, Steve," Robin said.
"Where's the fun in that, Robin?" Steve asked.
Robin and Steve’s eyes met, their lips upturned into a grin.
"Happy bathroom anniversary!" Robin and Steve exclaimed.
"You guys going to explain that or what?" Eddie asked, narrowing his eyes.
"A year ago, awful shit happened, people died, and we found ourselves on the floor of the bathroom during the fire at Starcourt," Steve said, unsure of how much Vickie knew. "Confessions were had. I told Robin I had a crush on her."
"I don't blame you for that one. She's very pretty," Vickie said, smiling at Robin and Robin snorted, blushing.
"Uh, yeah, and I told Steve I like girls," Robin said. "And he mocked me for my crush at the time, but not for me being a lesbian."
"A few days later, I invited her over where we had another bathroom conversation. I told her I'm bisexual," Steve said. "We've been best friends ever since."
"You left out something in your own coming out story," Robin said, raising an eyebrow.
"It's a good time as any," Robin said. "I'll tell them about my previous crush and my current crush if you do the same. No, pressure, though."
"Fine, I also told her about a crush I had," Steve rolled his eyes as he leaned back against Eddie. "So, there's this guy that I've had a crush on since freshman year. It kind of came back recently. He was a sophomore at the time, and he wasn't ashamed to be himself. I thought he was the coolest guy ever."
"And this guy is. . .?" Eddie asked, growling.
"Really cute. Especially the way he hides behind his hair sometimes and the way he takes lost sheep under his wings. Very cute behavior," Steve said.
"You're talking about me?" Eddie asked. "I mean, I'm right, aren't I?"
Steve nodded. Eddie pulled him into a fierce kiss. Steve deepened the kiss, hoping he didn't sneeze again, and cupped the back of his neck. They were too busy to notice that Robin had shut the curtain on them. Steve broke the kiss, nuzzling Eddie's cheek.
"You wanna go steady, Eddie?" Steve giggled.
"As long as you promise to pin me later, big boy," Eddie said. "And I'm definitely stealing your letterman."
"Oh my God! You guys are disgustingly cute!" Robin yelled as she pushed the curtain back. "You guys done eating each other's faces?"
Steve raised his eyebrows at the sight of Vickie and Robin's own bruised lips.
"Looks like we weren't the only ones eating out," Eddie cackled, and Robin threw a bar of soap at his head.
"Don't use me as a shield!" Steve shrieked.
Eddie pulled him tightly against, his hands resting firmly against Steve’s tummy. He kissed Steve’s cheek and began scratching his stomach.
"You know what I just realized?" Eddie asked.
"What?" Vickie asked.
"We all share the same anniversary now!" Eddie exclaimed. "Cheers!"
"That is so cool!" Vickie exclaimed.
"I bet me and Vickie will last longer than you, Munson," Robin told him.
"You're on, Buckley!" Eddie said, snapping his fingers at her. "Hey, how much money do you want to put on this?"
"No, Robin, you're not putting money on our relationship," Vickie said, laughing at her pouting face.
Eddie turned to look at Steve, hopefully.
"Yeah, that's a no from me," Steve replied.
"Hey, does that mean we're now going to somehow find ourselves in a bathroom every year?" Vickie asked.
"God, I hope not," Eddie said. "This is where people shit."
It was silent for a moment before everyone started laughing. They jumped when the bathroom doorknob started rattling, and there was cursing outside the door. Suddenly, the door unlocked itself and swung open. Dustin stood there with a grin and a Bobby pin.
"There you guys are!" Dustin exclaimed.
"This is familiar," Robin said.
"What are you guys doing in here?" Dustin asked.
"Hiding from Mike," Steve replied.
"Oh, we stopped playing a while ago, we want to watch a movie now," Dustin said.
They followed Dustin into the living room, where everyone was waiting for them. The four of them settled on the floor while the others took up the couch. Steve smiled at Robin while she smiled over at the top of Vickie's head. He couldn't believe how lucky they were to have found people who both knew exactly how important they were to each other, and they weren't bothered by it all. It just goes to show that friendship and romance were just as important, especially if you found the right person who was so willing to also let them into their lives. Honestly, it makes Steve love Eddie even more now.
#stranger things#steve harrington#robin buckley#robin & steve#platonic with a capital p#platonic soulmates#platonic stobin#eddie munson#stranger things s4#joseph quinn#eddie stranger things#eddie munson lives#steddie#steve x eddie#steve harrington x eddie munson#robin x vickie#rovickie#rockie#stranger things vickie fisher#fisher is her last name because i said so#bisexual steve harrington#bisexual eddie munson#bisexual vickie#lesbian robin buckley#happy fourth of july#love and friendship#stranger things fanfiction#long fic
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@steddie-week day 1 pining
Steve always fell hard and fast, and he'd never been scared of doing something about it. Any girl he'd fallen for, he'd be happy to pursue them, sometimes he was successful, often he wasn't. He had the attitude that the worst that they could say was no. But this was different. He had fallen for Eddie somewhere between taking a denim vest to the face in the Upside Down and getting called "Big boy" in the front of a hotwired RV. And he was terrified about what he meant, sure he'd found other guys attractive before. He'd even had a small crush on Tommy Hagan that he'd never admit to. But it'd never been anything like this, the feelings so similar to what he once felt for Nancy. The small touches that made him flustered, the in-jokes that had him riding a high for hours, the flirting that made him question everything about where he stood with Eddie, drifting off into daydreams about a future and a family together. He was terrified about it going wrong.
He confided in Robin about it. She was the only person he'd told about being bisexual, after he heard the word from Vickie. He'd accepted liking both, but it was nice to know that there was a word for it, and that he wasn't the only one. Robin hadn't exactly been helpful about his feelings for Eddie, encouraging him to at least come out to Eddie.
"I mean he's cool with me being a lesbian and Vickie being bi, and he's cool with us dating. I don't see why he wouldn't accept you being bi. It's not like he's an asshole or anything." Robin insisted while they were working.
"Well, he can be kinda an asshole. And it's different. You're girls. You don't pose a threat to him, it's not like you and Vickie being together changes anything for him. With me being bi, I like him. I want to be with him, and straight guys feel threatened by that. Do you know how many guys on the basketball team got off to lesbian porn, but would break a guy's nose for looking just a little too long? Newsflash, it was most of them." Steve dropped his head onto the counter, not wanting to think about what could go wrong.
"First of all, gross. You owe me lunch for putting that image in my head. And Eddie isn't like those guys. He's not going to hurt you for liking guys. Or are you just going to make me watch you pining over him your whole life?" Robin asked, nudging him.
"I'm not pining." Steve hissed, before quickly straightening up as he heard the bell over the door chime. "Hi, welcome to Family Video, please let us know if you need- oh, hey, Eddie."
"At someone's excited to see me. Where's your enthusiasm, Buckley?" Eddie said as he approached the desk.
"Any enthusiasm I have dies when I walk in those doors, and comes back to life when I walk back out of them," Robin replied dryly.
"I'm always excited to see you, Eddie." Steve deadpanned, hoping he wouldn't be able to see through the words.
"Excited enough to waive my late fees for these?" Eddie asked holding a stack of four Friday the 13th tapes, but Steve already had the screen open to clear them.
"Already done. I hope you took the time to rewind them, Munson." Steve replied as he started checking the cases.
"I would do anything for my favorite Family Video employee, Stevie." Eddie winked at him before moving away to look for another movie.
Steve fought back a blush, and tried not to over think it.
"How's that crush, Stevie?" Robin whispered in a mocking tone.
"Shut up," Steve whispered back, keeping his eyes on Eddie, hoping he hadn't heard the exchange.
"So, what do you say about a movie night at mine tonight.? I've got the movies, and any other provisions." Eddie asked as he came back to the counter. Robin started checking out the movies.
"Sure, need me to bring anything?" Steve replied, wanting to make the most of his time with Eddie.
"Just your pretty self, Stevie." Eddie smiled at Steve. "And Buckley if she's in?"
"Yeah. Vickie's out of town, so it's not like I have anything better to do." Robin handed the movies back to Eddie.
"We get off at six," Steve added.
"Just come over any time, I'll be waiting for your arrival." Eddie winked at Steve again, before leaving.
"I'm so screwed." Steve dropped his head back onto the counter as soon as the door shut. "How does he get away with coming in here looking like that and calling me pretty."
"I believe you now, totally not pining or anything. You're just so normal about your friendship with Eddie." Robin hopped up onto the counter next to Steve, determined to keep bugging him about it.
After work, Robin had to convince Steve that it would be weird to go home and change before heading over to Eddie's.
"I get that you have this huge crush on him or whatever, but he saw you like this earlier, so he'd know that you changed just for him. That you wanted to make yourself look good for him." Robin pointed out as Steve started to drive.
"Jesus, Rob, you don't need to lay it on so thick. I get it, I'm hopeless." Steve sighed. He just wanted to get through the evening without anything going wrong.
When he pulled up outside the small house the government had given Eddie and Wayne in the aftermath of the Upside Down, he stopped to check his hair and appearance in the mirror of his car.
"You look fine, Dingus. Eddie's not going to care that you look the exact same as you did when he saw you four hours ago." Robin called from where she was standing on the top step.
The movie night started as normal, with Eddie rambling as he got the tv set up.
"So Gareth is trying to set me up with his cousin. And nothing against the guy, he's nice and pretty attractive, but it wouldn't be fair to him because I'm interested in another guy right now." Eddie said as he plugged the wires in.
Steve froze. The only thing going around his head was the words 'interested in another guy.'
"Guy, huh?" Robin asked, elbowing Steve in the side to pull him out of his mini freak out.
"Uh, yeah. I'm bisexual." Eddie admitted a little shyly.
"Me- bi- same." Steve stuttered out, not wanting Eddie to think he was against it. "I mean, me too. I'm bi as well."
"Cool." Eddie flashed a smile at Steve, before coming over to join them on the couch.
After the first movie, while Eddie was in the bathroom, Steve and Robin had a hurried conversation.
"Now's your chance. Ask him out, you know he also likes guys. You can do this, Steve." Robin said quickly, almost bouncing in her seat.
"Didn't you hear? He said he's interested in another guy. I don't want to ask him out just to get turned down." Steve pointed out.
"He said he didn't want to date Gareth's cousin because he was interested in another guy. You might be that other guy. If you ask him out the worst that could happen is he says no."
"The worst that could happen is I make it awkward by having feelings for him and it wrecks our friendship. I don't want to ruin anything, Robin." He replied a little sadly.
"You won't ruin it. He won't think badly of you for liking him."
"Can you just drop it for tonight? I want to just get through the movie without thinking about how pathetic I am." Steve turned away from her, signalling the end of the conversation as Eddie walked back in.
It was getting late when Steve and Robin were leaving, both wanting to get home as they were working another opening shift the next day.
"Hey, Steve? Can I talk to you a minute?" Eddie called as Steve went to follow Robin out the door.
"Yeah, man. What's going on?" Steve folded his arms over his chest and leaned against the wall, hoping to look casual.
"Are you busy Saturday night? I was wondering if you'd want to get dinner or something? With me? Just us?" Eddie asked, tripping over his words a little.
Steve flushed slightly. "I-I'd like that. What were you thinking?"
"I'm gonna plan something good. I'll pick you up at eight?"
Steve took a step closer to Eddie. "It's a date."
Now crossposted on AO3
#steddieweek2023#steddie#steddie fic#steve harrington#eddie munson#steve x eddie#steve harrington x eddie munson#robin buckley#platonic stobin#steddie fluff#a little robin x vickie as a treat#i nearly chose the prompt somebody to love with a really angsty idea bc apparently i write angst now but this happened instead#atimeofyourwrites#this was written in a bit of a rush bc i only decided a few hours ago to take part in steddie week
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Honest Answer Eddie Munson
Summary: Your best friend Steve Harrington has a party but his usual dealer is out of town, so he asks you to go to the only other dealer he trust who happens to be the person you despise. Eddie Munson. Warning: mention of drugs,swearing,mention of drink there are gonna be 2 parts. MDNI
"This school sucks" you rant to your best friend Steve, "yes it is shit, but we have my party tonight so we have something to be happy about and it's gonna be sick". he assures you while removing his books from his locker and placing them in his bag.
You and Harrington have been friends since middle school and have always been close, you too were practically brother and sister. He's always got your back though anything."yeah well i haven't even picked out a outfit i was gonna just go in jeans and red crop top but i feel its too basic, it's pretty much what i wear on a daily" you sigh walking down to the classroom taking a seat next to Steve. "Well please don't do what u did last time and turn up late after going though 20 different choices to only go decided on the first one" he said making you roll your eyes "look i'm just a girl" you place your hand over your heart you both laugh then turn to face the front. Half way though the class Eddie walks in taking the only seat left right next to you, you turn to look at Steve giving him the annoyed look he knew you hated Eddie.
You didn't always hate him,he used to be sweet,kind,understanding but he changed in the last year. You never understood why he just started been horrible,once you saw that side of him you hated him."why so late Edward Munson". The teacher spoke as she shifted her eyes away from the bored to face him, he shrugged at her question "well detention after school" she spoke turning her head back to teaching everyone in the room Eddie then flopped his head down on his desk. It's not like Eddie not to answer back normally he tries wigging his way out of it yet today he didn't "you okay dude" Steve leaned over your desk Eddie nodded his head in response Harrington sat back in his chair waiting for class to end
2 hours later
You were home trying to pick out a outfit for Steve's party you couldn't decide between the black strapless dress or the red skirt with the matching top,you was stood there trying to choose one for longer than 10 minutes till eventually you choose the black strapless dress,you matched everything up to it your hair was in curls and your makeup was a smokey eye look and you went with a leather jacket. Soon as all that was done you set off to Steve's .
Once you arrive at the party it was already full of people Cheerleaders,the Basket ball team pretty much everyone from Hawking high you weren't really expecting this many people but then again Steve was a popular guy i mean how else would he get the name the king of hawking high."hey your finally here"he rushes over to greeting you with a hug. "Yeah sorry". You shout over the music playing from each end of the room from the expensive speakers."i need a favour you know how you owe me for getting you that movie for free from the video store for your date?", he half yells at the top of the music "yeah i remember that date it went horrible he ended up having a girlfriend the dickhead" you stated, "yeah well we are running out of weed ,my dealer in out of town and the only other dealer is..." you cut him off immediately, "ABSOLUTELY NOT NO.." he stops you from reacting. "Please you know i wouldn't ask but Eddie is the only other person that sells weed cheap and he is down the road most people are drinking i have to stay here and robin is finally getting somewhere with Vicky " he pleaded. You sigh rolling your eyes back "Fucking hell fine where's the money " Steve then points to the draw and leaves you to go stop someone from breaking the vase,You then leave the party hoping in your car and beginning to drive over to the Munson's trailer in Forest Hills trailer park .
Ones you arrive you debate on just turning back and going home but you did owe your best friend a favour. So you went and knocked on the trailer and about 3 seconds later the door swings open, "oh it's you" the long haired brunette stood in front of you in no clothing but grey joggers, his body on show, exposing his tattoo's that you have never seen before, his hair soaked from the shower water. "I..I just came for Steve's weed for his party he should of told you it was me coming" you rubbed the back of you head trying to shake the view of Eddie's perfectly shaped body out your head "come in I'll grab the bag", you nod walking into the room. Your eyes circle the room it's different to what you imagined. "I want money first never know what girls like u are like" he commands, "girls like me?" baffled about what Eddie just said, "i mean girls like you would do anything for there boyfriends even steal" he replied you look at him annoyed with his response. "Whatever Eddie you really know how to be a dick" you pass him the money as he hands you the bag. "Just get out I've seen your face enough today ". So you do exactly that you step out the trailer but just before the door shuts "wait Eddie" you speak "what?" he reacted to you "why" you stutter "why do you hate me please give me a honest answer please cause i really don't know why" you add "I don.." you cut him off "don't say you don't cause it's clear you do i mean don't think i haven't heard what you say around school, so please don't lie you, just stopped talking to me you blocked my number you dogged me eds and i never knew why" you tear up as you are speaking your words the tears making you stutter, You don't know why it was happening or why it was all coming out but it did and you wanted to know the truth" he glared at you he could hear the pain in your voice he never meant to hurt you like that he never meant to hurt you at all. "i...
#eddie munson#eddiemusonsmuts#strangerthings#eddie munson fanfic#eddie munson fics#eddie munson fandom#eddie munson fluff#stranger things#steve harrington#steve x eddie
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Agitation 3.12 Live Reactions
(This is me, writing reactions as I read, because why the fuck not. They're not complete, mature thoughts taken after I sit back and evaluate what I've read. Consider them as such)
“Falsified records,” Tattletale grinned.
I do love just how deep the hypocrisy of "New Wave Means Accountability" actually goes.
“We know this story already,” Glory Girl replied, her tone just a touch testy. Whatever Tattletale was doing, I sensed it was giving us more control over the situation. I commented, “This is new to me. I’m sort of intrigued.”
Character: "I know all this already"
Protagonist: "Well, I don't, and the readers need to know, so why not keep going?"
“It’s not the man that would bother her so much. It’s the knowing. Every hour of every day after hearing me say his name, she would wonder. She’s terrified she’ll start second guessing every part of herself, wondering if she inherited it from him, or if she was that way out of an unconscious desire to not be him. Knowing as much as she does already keeps her awake some nights, but knowing his name, knowing who he is and what he did? For the rest of her life, she would compare herself to him. Isn’t that right, Amy?” “Shut up. Just… shut up,” Panacea retorted, her voice thick with emotion.
Okay, seriously, Tattletale, do you really feel no guilt about this? You aren't actually a soulless monster or anything.
I get I'm just unreasonably partisan towards Amy, but JESUS FUCK I really hate Tattletale for all this. It's just... so fucking cruel.
I saw a flicker of doubt cross Glory Girl’s face.
She's probably thinking about the beating guys into pulp thing.
“Very principled. Very self-involved too, that you think the secret and the consequences have to do with you and your overzealous nature. They don’t. They have to do with her.” Tattletale directed the laser pointer at Panacea’s forehead, “You won’t be tickled pink, either, but the aftermath would be hers to deal with. Humiliation, shame, heartbreak.”
And if Lisa did say it and did ruin Amy's life, she'd just go 'Look What You Made Me Do."
Ugh, I don't think I'm ever gonna like Lisa. It's not really reasonable, but who cares. Yes, villain protagonists and all, but like... just the cavalier willingness to just... destroy people.
Fuck you, Tattle-bitch.
Panacea abruptly tore out of my grip, so violently I had to pull the knife away to keep her from cutting her own throat against it.
I wouldn't be surprised if on a very tiny level Amy was like 'if this gets out my life is ruined so if she does cut my throat who cares?' Because she couldn't know that Taylor was going to pull her knife back.
“Nobody fucks with my family!” she shouted, and her power cranked out full-bore. My knees turned to jelly and my brain just gave up on rational thought.
That aura really is nucking futs.
“I’m going to pull in every favor I’m owed, and put myself in debt with the local D.A. and whoever else I have to, to get you both sent to the Birdcage,”
Okay, so... Vicky? What the ABSOLUTE fuck?
A prison without wardens. No communication with the outside world. No escapes yet, which is pretty amazing considering it houses all of the worst and most powerful villains we’ve been able to capture. We don’t even know for sure if anyone’s alive inside there. It’s just a bucket where we dump scum like you, so we never have to worry about you again.”
oooh! Worldbuilding!
Also, such a wonderful idea for a prison! No issues with a black box like that at all! /s
“And no contact with the outside world means you don’t go fucking talking about whatever Amy wants to keep private. I trust my sister, I trust she has a reason for keeping it to herself.”
I've said it before - Vicky really was Amy's number one fan, the person who trusted and believed in her the most and nope I'm not crying about what happens between them what Amy does to her, to *them* not at all
“Idiots,” Glory Girl’s muffled voice came from the midst of the cloud of insects, “I’m invincible.” Tattletale used her good arm to prop herself up, groaning, “First of all, I warned you about calling me stupid. Second, no, you’re not invincible. Not exactly.”
Does Earth Bet not have an equivalent of the Evil Overlord's List?
Well, probably not, but like - Alexandria Package or not, hero or not, Vicky, Vicky, I love you, but the minute you say 'I'm Invincible' is the minute you get your ass handed to you, you get that right?
“She’s not really invincible. That’s just an idea she likes to put in people’s heads. She has a forcefield around her entire body, but it shorts out whenever she takes a good hit, comes back online a few seconds later. I knew when I saw she had dust on her costume. Dust that her forcefield would keep off her. Fuck, this hurts.”
The illusion of perfection, invincibility, flawlessness. Really is a whole package for her.
Another reason to remember Carol sucks as a mom.
The fight outside the bank was still going our way. Only Aegis was still in action, and he was hemmed in by the three dogs and Regent’s borrowed laser cannon.
What happened in the interval? Because Vicky was implying things were turning the Wards way when she came in. Though that could have just been posturing.
“It was Glory Girl on the roof,”
Glory Girl, on the Roof, With the Aura. That's whodunnit in Clue.
We’d done it. I’d done it. We’d escaped without killing anyone. The only ones who’d really been hurt at all had been the Wards, Glory Girl and Panacea, and that would be fixed when Panacea came to, for sure. Any property damage had largely been the fault of the Wards and Glory Girl.
Alec did fire the laser into the building a couple of times, don't forget that. But overall, a fair point. Reminds me of that Powerpuff Girls episode where they move to Citisville and destroy a multimillion dollar bridge to stop bank robbers who had like, a few ten thousand or something.
And how the fuck did that come back to my mind? I was like 7 when I saw that?!
“No injuries or deaths for us, for the heroes or for the bystanders,” she confirmed. “Then it’s a good day,” I said. “A very good day,” she agreed.
A good way to ease Taylor into all this (had there been a major injury or a death, even on the Wards side, I'm not sure Taylor would have been able to rationalize that yet). And ease the readers. Sure, we were warned what this would be, and yet, people still want to root for their MC, so we've got to be eased into it, into villain Taylor.
#Amy Dallon#Victoria Dallon#Worm#Wormblr#Lisa Wilbourn#Anti-Tattletale#Kylia Reads Worm#Agitation 3.12
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❛ isn't it quite the opposite ? there's- there's nothing going on ... i'm just his primary caretaker and he's this sweet , cool guy who's clearly in trouble . why else would he be constantly getting hurt ? ❜ the worry is evident in her expression , even moreso in love's tone . she's never been good at hiding it , especially when she was nervous . still , an appreciative little smile appears when cameron promises not to tell on her . ❛ thanks , i owe you one ... vicky ?! she better not find out you're getting her name wrong on purpose ! nobody likes that , i bet you don't either . ❜ and knowing vasha , she might even have called him ' caleb ' to cameron's face . shaking her head with a chuckle , the nurse set the pair of tweezers down with her tools and threw the splinter in the trash . ❛ good thing i was never cut out for that job . how do you feel ? anything else that i should be mindful of since you're here , any pain or weird aches you need me to examine ? ❜ she asked , figuring he might as well take advantage of the situation . ❛ i can do with kinda nice , you're ... kinda decent yourself . ❜ the brunette joked , pressing her lips together to hold in a laugh .
the red on her cheeks burns brighter , ❛ um , i ... this isn't the sort of conversation i should be having during work hours , cam . ❜ it occurs to her then that she used his nickname . a mere slip , one she wasn't proud of . if love let cameron get too comfortable , he'd never leave her alone ; he was already a thorn on her side as is ! ❛ please don't tell him ? i - i'll do it , i'll tell him myself . maybe , when i'm ready to . ❜ if ever . rolling her eyes , she raised a brow at his comment about vasha , then laughed at how the guy had a great talent for making it sound like a big deal . since when was it a bad thing to have squishable cheeks ? ❛ she probably thinks you have cute cheeks , that's all . wait , i am nice to you ! you're the one who's always trying to annoy me , which , to be fair , you're rather good at . is that what fedra teaches you at officer school ? ❜ she teased . despite the bickering and being unsure of where she stood with fedra , love felt for the officers . most of them were good people , and it couldn't be easy doing what they did everyday . love chuckles when he mentions ' taking it like a man ' , carefully wrapping a hand around his while the other brings the tweezers to his finger . then , in a matter of seconds , the splinter is out and she places it on a piece of paper to be thrown away later . ❛ there you go , good as new ! still think i'm not nice ? ❜
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20 Questions Game
Rules : Answer 20 questions and then tag 10 bloggers you want to get to know better.
Tagged : @dreamcatcherjiah you'd better have written somewhere your answers 😏😎
Name: Ευμορφία, Eumorfia (Read Evmorfia stressed on - i )
Pronouns: she/her
Nicknames: Oof now Fitsa, Momo, Moonie, used to be called Baby rose by my grandma, Smartass, Mini Namjoon, Goddess of Destruction 👌🏻 (Vicky please add more if you have)
Zodiac sign: Proud as hell Scorpio ♏
Height: 1.59 cm /5'2
Languages spoken: Greek, English, Italian
Nationality: Greek
Favourite Season: Autumn or Winter, I lean more on Autumn
Favourite Flower: It's a combo mainly on the meaning top choice are Wild roses meaning pleasure and pain, then Agapanthus meaning magical love, and last Gardenia and Hydrangea meaning purity, sweetness and heartfelt emotions respectively.
Favourite Scent: Scandalwiood, Vanilla, Roses
Favourite Colour: Pastel Pink
Favourite Animal: Foxes
Favourite Fictional Character: That's hard cause each book and movie has its own but like top tier ever is Rukia Kuchiki from Bleach (I dare you to call me a weeb 😂)
Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate: Coffee definitely. I enjoy tea if brewed correctly but I have a knack to amstee coffee making easily and I love tasting new kinds of coffees and varieties of beans and roasts.
Average Sleep Hours: 9 to 11 hours. I'm mostly a night person so I sleep at 2 to 4 maximum, wake up at 11 or 12 and then may take a nap in the afternoon or not.
Dog or Cat person: Dog definitely
Number of blankets you sleep with: 2 a fleece that I use because it's fluffy and I love it and my regular huge grandma one.
Dream Trip: Oof hard. My dream trip isn't just a city or country and I'm not gonna list half the world in here but top that can be easily done if I get the chance is Firenze (Florence) and Rome from Italy and Malta because I owe my sis.
Blog Established: No idea some time round 2015 maybe
Followers: 164 here
Random fact: What am I supposed to write here? I make small song demos just cause I get struck by inspiration, I read the tarot, I have a bunch of hobbies and I'm that shy introvert that breaks stereotypes and become the spokesperson and icebreaker because I don't wanna put others on a tough spot 🙆
I'm tagging: @irenekap 😏😏, @rhi-vealing-tarot if you wanna 🥺, @hollyhomburg because I love your blog and I'm coward to speak to you normally ❤️, @arpwrites cause we haven't talked in a while 💜, @myjinjoo 😘💜
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Operation Stumpy Re-Read
ADWD: Daenerys IX (Chapter 52)
Where is Vicky? I've waited long enough.
Jhiqui brought a soft towel to pat her dry. "Khaleesi, which tokar will you want today?" asked Irri.
"The yellow silk." The queen of the rabbits could not be seen without her floppy ears. The yellow silk was light and cool, and it would be blistering down in the pit. The red sands will burn the soles of those about to die. "And over it, the long red veils." The veils would keep the wind from blowing sand into her mouth. And the red will hide any blood spatters.
You have no idea.
At the base of the Great Pyramid, Ser Barristan awaited them beside an ornate open palanquin, surrounded by Brazen Beasts. Ser Grandfather, Dany thought. Despite his age, he looked tall and handsome in the armor that she'd given him. "I would be happier if you had Unsullied guards about you today, Your Grace," the old knight said, as Hizdahr went to greet his cousin. "Half of these Brazen Beasts are untried freedmen." And the other half are Meereenese of doubtful loyalty, he left unsaid. Selmy mistrusted all the Meereenese, even shavepates.
Who poisoned the locusts? I apologize, we'll need Barry's POV to help solve this mystery. Today we'll only be covering the three major suspects.
Starting with SUSPECT #1: the Brazen Beasts (the Shavepate).
Within the first few paragraphs of the chapter we learn 1) the Brazen Beasts are guarding Daenerys instead of the Unsullied, 2) Some have doubtful loyalty.
We're off to a good start.
Ser Grandfather, Dany thought.
I would do anything for her to slip and say this out loud.
"A mask can hide many things, Your Grace. Is the man behind the owl mask the same owl who guarded you yesterday and the day before? How can we know?"
"How should Meereen ever come to trust the Brazen Beasts if I do not? There are good brave men beneath those masks. I put my life into their hands."
3) They're unidentifiable.
The Shavepate was absent as well. The first thing Hizdahr had done upon being crowned was to remove him from command of the Brazen Beasts, replacing him with his own cousin, the plump and pasty Marghaz zo Loraq. It is for the best. The Green Grace says there is blood between Loraq and Kandaq, and the Shavepate never made a secret of his disdain for my lord husband. And Daario … - Daenerys VIII, ADWD
If I wed Hizdahr, will that turn Skahaz against me? She trusted Skahaz more than she trusted Hizdahr, but the Shavepate would be a disaster as a king. He was too quick to anger, too slow to forgive. - Daenerys IV, ADWD
We don't know if the Shavepate is lurking under one of these masks.
I put my life into their hands.
Dany smiled for him. "You fret too much, ser. I will have you beside me, what other protection do I need?"
Please oh please let him be there when she's murdered. I don't ask for much.
"Barristan the Bold, they call him. Twice he has saved me from assassins." - Daenerys III, ADWD
"Your Grace. We set the woman Meris free, as you commanded. Before she went, she asked to speak with you. I met with her instead. She claims this Tattered Prince meant to bring the Windblown over to your cause from the beginning. That he sent her here to treat with you secretly, but the Dornishmen unmasked them and betrayed them before she could make her own approach."
Treachery on treachery, the queen thought wearily. Is there no end to it? "How much of this do you believe, ser?"
"Little and less, Your Grace, but those were her words."
"Will they come over to us, if need be?"
"She says they will. But for a price."
"Pay it." Meereen needed iron, not gold.
"The Tattered Prince will want more than coin, Your Grace. Meris says that he wants Pentos."
"Pentos belongs to the Pentoshi. And Magister Illyrio is in Pentos. He who arranged my marriage to Khal Drogo and gave me my dragon eggs. Who sent me you, and Belwas, and Groleo. I owe him much and more. I will not repay that debt by giving his city to some sellsword. No."
This must be here for a reason.
Let's see if she keeps this same energy when she learns about Illyrio and Aegon.
Ser Barristan inclined his head. "Your Grace is wise."

"Auspicious for you, perhaps. Less so for those who must die before the sun goes down."
"All men must die," said Hizdahr
When they caught sight of the palanquin emerging from the pyramid, a cheer went up from those nearest and spread across the plaza. How queer, the queen thought. They cheer me on the same plaza where I once impaled one hundred sixty-three Great Masters.
Daenerys rejecting a cheering crowd? Nothing will make this girl happy at this point.
A great drum led the royal procession to clear their way through the streets. Between each beat, a shavepate herald in a shirt of polished copper disks cried for the crowd to part. BOMM. "They come!" BOMM. "Make way!" BOMM. "The queen!" BOMM. "The king!" BOMM.
The Red Wedding taught me to be wary of these noises.
Behind the drum marched Brazen Beasts four abreast. Some carried cudgels, others staves; all wore pleated skirts, leathern sandals, and patchwork cloaks sewn from squares of many colors to echo the many-colored bricks of Meereen. Their masks gleamed in the sun: boars and bulls, hawks and herons, lions and tigers and bears, fork-tongued serpents and hideous basilisks.
SUSPECT #1: the Brazen Beasts (the Shavepate) are name-dropped roughly 57 times at the start of this chapter. The author wants you to be aware of their presence.
Dany could hear her handmaids arguing behind her, debating who was going to win the day's final match. Jhiqui favored the gigantic Goghor, who looked more bull than man, even to the bronze ring in his nose. Irri insisted that Belaquo Bonebreaker's flail would prove the giant's undoing. My handmaids are Dothraki, she told herself. Death rides with every khalasar. The day she wed Khal Drogo, the arakhs had flashed at her wedding feast, and men had died whilst others drank and mated. Life and death went hand in hand amongst the horselords, and a sprinkling of blood was thought to bless a marriage. Her new marriage would soon be drenched in blood. How blessed it would be.
You are also Dothraki in mind and spirit.
And did a whole lot less bitching at all the barbaric shit they did.
BOMM, BOMM, BOMM, BOMM, BOMM, BOMM, came the drumbeats, faster than before, suddenly angry and impatient. Ser Barristan drew his sword as the column ground to an abrupt halt between the pink-and-white pyramid of Pahl and the green-and-black of Naqqan.
Dany turned. "Why are we stopped?"
Hizdahr stood. "The way is blocked."
A palanquin lay overturned athwart their way.
Enter SUSPECT #2: House Pahl.
Why House Pahl?
There's a lot of bad blood between Daenerys and House Pahl.
It was true that there was blood between her and the House of Pahl. Oznak zo Pahl had been cut down by Strong Belwas in single combat. His father, commander of Meereen's city watch, had died defending the gates when Joso's Cock smashed them into splinters. Three uncles had been among the hundred sixty-three on the plaza. - Daenerys I, ADWD
It's now a house comprised of women who don't forgive or forget.
"You have no lack of enemies, Your Grace. You can see their pyramids from your terrace. Zhak, Hazkar, Ghazeen, Merreq, Loraq, all the old slaving families. Pahl. Pahl, most of all. A house of women now. Bitter old women with a taste for blood. Women do not forget. Women do not forgive." - Daenerys I, ADWD
Not the best situation to be abruptly stopped between a pyramid of theirs and Naqqan.
Ser Barristan glanced uneasily to left and right. Ghiscari faces were visible on the terraces, looking down with cool and unsympathetic eyes. "Your Grace, I do not like this halt. This may be some trap. The Sons of the Harpy—"
"—have been tamed," declared Hizdahr zo Loraq.
Apparently Hizdahr knows the Common Tongue.
Or maybe the author is being ditzy again.
"Why should they seek to harm my queen when she has taken me for her king and consort? Now help that man, as my sweet queen has commanded." He took Dany by the hand and smiled.
I'm skipping ahead, but I have to make a point.
Introducing SUSPECT #3: Hizdahr zo Loraq.
I know what you're asking yourselves -
"Didn't she make him king? Didn't he get his fighting pits reopened? Didn't he successfully convince her to allow the slave trade to continue in Slaver's Bay? Didn't he get everything he wanted?"
"What's his motive? Why would he want to kill Daenerys before they produce an heir?"
I don't know, ask the dumbfuck in white.
The Brazen Beasts did as they were bid. Dany watched them at their work. "Those bearers were slaves before I came. I made them free. Yet that palanquin is no lighter."
"True," said Hizdahr, "but those men are paid to bear its weight now. Before you came, that man who fell would have an overseer standing over him, stripping the skin off his back with a whip. Instead he is being given aid."
It was true. A Brazen Beast in a boar mask had offered the litter bearer a skin of water. "I suppose I must be thankful for small victories," the queen said.
How is that a small victory?
The Brazen Beasts are doing things!
"One step, then the next, and soon we shall be running. Together we shall make a new Meereen."
Slly goose, why walk when you can fly?
Around them peddlers were selling dog sausages, roast onions, and unborn puppies on a stick, but Dany had no need of such.
My Western brain is simply aghast at the cultural practices of these primitive uncivilized people.
The wedding feast began with a thin leek soup, followed by a salad of green beans, onions, and beets, river pike poached in almond milk, mounds of mashed turnips that were cold before they reached the table, jellied calves' brains, and a leche of stringy beef. - Catelyn VII, ASOS
Hizdahr had stocked their box with flagons of chilled wine and sweetwater, with figs, dates, melons, and pomegranates, with pecans and peppers and a big bowl of honeyed locusts. Strong Belwas bellowed, "Locusts!" as he seized the bowl and began to crunch them by the handful.
"Those are very tasty," advised Hizdahr. "You ought to try a few yourself, my love. They are rolled in spice before the honey, so they are sweet and hot at once."
"That explains the way Belwas is sweating," Dany said. "I believe I will content myself with figs and dates."
Boy, that doesn't look good for SUSPECT #3: Hizdahr zo Loraq.
Except, if he is trying to kill Daenerys, he's doing it in a way that would guarantee he's the prime suspect. Imagine how stupid it would have been if Olenna chose to hand Joffrey the glass of wine.
For the record, the locusts were already in their box when they arrived, Hizdahr was unbothered when she declined, and he will never mention the locusts again.
Across the pit the Graces sat in flowing robes of many colors, clustered around the austere figure of Galazza Galare, who alone amongst them wore the green. The Great Masters of Meereen occupied the red and orange benches. The women were veiled, and the men had brushed and lacquered their hair into horns and hands and spikes. Hizdahr's kin of the ancient line of Loraq seemed to favor tokars of purple and indigo and lilac, whilst those of Pahl were striped in pink and white.
Random SUSPECT #2: House Pahl mention.
"Great Masters! My queen has come this day, to show her love for you, her people. By her grace and with her leave, I give you now your mortal art. Meereen! Let Queen Daenerys hear your love!"
Ten thousand throats roared out their thanks; then twenty thousand; then all. They did not call her name, which few of them could pronounce. "Mother!" they cried instead; in the old dead tongue of Ghis, the word was Mhysa! They stamped their feet and slapped their bellies and shouted, "Mhysa, Mhysa, Mhysa," until the whole pit seemed to tremble. Dany let the sound wash over her. I am not your mother, she might have shouted, back, I am the mother of your slaves, of every boy who ever died upon these sands whilst you gorged on honeyed locusts. Behind her, Reznak leaned in to whisper in her ear, "Magnificence, hear how they love you!"
No, she knew, they love their mortal art.
Even "Mhysa, Mhysa, Mhysa" is not cheering up grumpy? Man oh man, these people are going to die a bad death.
Khrazz was Meereenese, of humble birth—a tall man with a brush of stiff red-black hair running down the center of his head. His foe was an ebon-skinned spearman from the Summer Isles whose thrusts kept Khrazz at bay for a time, but once he slipped inside the spear with his shortsword, only butchery remained. After it was done, Khrazz cut the heart from the black man, raised it above his head red and dripping, and took a bite from it.
"Khrazz believes the hearts of brave men make him stronger," said Hizdahr. Jhiqui murmured her approval. Dany had once eaten a stallion's heart to give strength to her unborn son … but that had not saved Rhaego when the maegi murdered him in her womb.
Ser Jorah had killed her son, Dany knew. He had done what he did for love and loyalty, yet he had carried her into a place no living man should go and fed her baby to the darkness. He knew it too; the grey face, the hollow eyes, the limp. "The shadows have touched you too, Ser Jorah," she told him. The knight made no reply. Dany turned to the godswife. "You warned me that only death could pay for life. I thought you meant the horse."
"No," Mirri Maz Duur said. "That was a lie you told yourself. You knew the price."
Had she? Had she? If I look back I am lost. "The price was paid," Dany said. - Daenerys IX, AGOT
Three treasons shall you know. She was the first, Jorah was the second, Brown Ben Plumm the third. Was she done with betrayals?
How is Brown Ben Plumm your treason for love? God, what a dumb person.
"Ah," said Hizdahr, pleased. "Now comes the Spotted Cat. See how he moves, my queen. A poem on two feet."
The foe Hizdahr had found for the walking poem was as tall as Goghor and as broad as Belwas, but slow. They were fighting six feet from Dany's box when the Spotted Cat hamstrung him. As the man stumbled to his knees, the Cat put a foot on his back and a hand around his head and opened his throat from ear to ear. The red sands drank his blood, the wind his final words. The crowd screamed its approval.
Some of these fights appear to be foreshadowing future events. It's possible the Spotted Cat might be hinting at someone.

If Arya is slitting someone's throat, it's not Walder Frey's.
"Bad fighting, good dying," said Strong Belwas. "Strong Belwas hates it when they scream." He had finished all the honeyed locusts. He gave a belch and took a swig of wine.
Daenerys loves it when they scream.
Because he drank wine, a ton of people question whether it was the locusts or the wine that poisoned him.
Why does it matter? We don't have to overthink this.
"This one shows much promise, my sweet," Hizdahr said of a Lysene youth with long blond hair that fluttered in the wind … but his foe grabbed a handful of that hair, pulled the boy off-balance, and gutted him. In death he looked even younger than he had with blade in hand. "A boy," said Dany. "He was only a boy."
"Six-and-ten," Hizdahr insisted. "A man grown, who freely chose to risk his life for gold and glory. No children die today in Daznak's, as my gentle queen in her wisdom has decreed."
That's considered fAegon evidence.
Aurane did not resemble Prince Rhaegar as much as she had thought. He has the hair, but so do half the whores in Lys, if the tales are true. Rhaegar was a man. This is a sly boy, no more. Useful in his way, though. - Cersei VIII, ADWD
He was a lithe and well-made youth, with a lanky build and a shock of dark blue hair. The dwarf put his age at fifteen, sixteen, or near enough to make no matter. - Tyrion III, ADWD
"A boy," said Dany. "He was only a boy."
"Six-and-ten," Hizdahr insisted.
"Slay the Good Masters, slay the soldiers, slay every man who wears a tokar or holds a whip, but harm no child under twelve, and strike the chains off every slave you see." - Daenerys III, ASOS
Shut up, Daenerys.
Another small victory. Perhaps I cannot make my people good, she told herself, but I should at least try to make them a little less bad.
Do you ever remember her thinking about the Dothraki this way? I don't.
It had been the custom to sentence criminals to the pits; that practice she agreed might resume, but only for certain crimes. "Murderers and rapers may be forced to fight, and all those who persist in slaving, but not thieves or debtors."
It's okay when we're doing Justice™.
Beasts were still allowed, though. Dany watched an elephant make short work of a pack of six red wolves.
The number six is a little troubling. Hopefully nothing.
Next a bull was set against a bear in a bloody battle that left both animals torn and dying. "The flesh is not wasted," said Hizdahr. "The butchers use the carcasses to make a healthful stew for the hungry. Any man who presents himself at the Gates of Fate may have a bowl."
"A good law," Dany said. You have so few of them. "We must make certain that this tradition is continued."
Has the novelty worn off?
After the beast fights came a mock battle, pitting six men on foot against six horsemen, the former armed with shields and longswords, the latter with Dothraki arakhs. The mock knights were clad in mail hauberks, whilst the mock Dothraki wore no armor. At first the riders seemed to have the advantage, riding down two of their foes and slashing the ear from a third, but then the surviving knights began to attack the horses, and one by one the riders were unmounted and slain, to Jhiqui's great disgust. "That was no true khalasar," she said.
First the snow, and now this? I'm starting to think these Dothraki might struggle in Westeros!
The man was no knight, but his courage had earned him that much courtesy. Khrazz did not know how to fight a man in armor. Ser Barristan could see it in his eyes: doubt, confusion, the beginnings of fear. The pit fighter came on again, screaming this time, as if sound could slay his foe where steel could not. The arakh slashed low, high, low again. - The Kingbreaker, ADWD
(Shoutout to @redwolf17 for helping me find the quote!)
The battle was followed by the day's first folly, a tilt between a pair of jousting dwarfs, presented by one of the Yunkish lords that Hizdahr had invited to the games. One rode a hound, the other a sow. Their wooden armor had been freshly painted, so one bore the stag of the usurper Robert Baratheon, the other the golden lion of House Lannister. That was for her sake, plainly. Their antics soon had Belwas snorting laughter, though Dany's smile was faint and forced. When the dwarf in red tumbled from the saddle and began to chase his sow across the sands, whilst the dwarf on the dog galloped after him, whapping at his buttocks with a wooden sword, she said, "This is sweet and silly, but …"
"Be patient, my sweet," said Hizdahr. "They are about to loose the lions."
Daenerys gave him a quizzical look. "Lions?"
"Three of them. The dwarfs will not expect them."
She frowned. "The dwarfs have wooden swords. Wooden armor. How do you expect them to fight lions?"
"Badly," said Hizdahr, "though perhaps they will surprise us. More like they will shriek and run about and try to climb out of the pit. That is what makes this a folly."
Dany was not pleased. "I forbid it."
"Gentle queen. You do not want to disappoint your people."
"You swore to me that the fighters would be grown men who had freely consented to risk their lives for gold and honor. These dwarfs did not consent to battle lions with wooden swords. You will stop it. Now."
The king's mouth tightened. For a heartbeat Dany thought she saw a flash of anger in those placid eyes. "As you command." Hizdahr beckoned to his pitmaster. "No lions," he said when the man trotted over, whip in hand.
And just like that, Hizdahr becomes a sadist.
That must mean someone is going to brutally kill him.
The dwarfs were herded off, pig and dog and all, as the spectators hissed their disapproval and pelted them with stones and rotten fruit.
Why must Penny be there? I'm not allowed to have one happy moment.
The boar was a huge beast, with tusks as long as a man's forearm and small eyes that swam with rage. She wondered whether the boar that had killed Robert Baratheon had looked as fierce. A terrible creature and a terrible death. For a heartbeat she felt almost sorry for the Usurper.
"Barsena is very quick," Reznak said. "She will dance with the boar, Magnificence, and slice him when he passes near her. He will be awash in blood before he falls, you shall see."
It began just as he said. The boar charged, Barsena spun aside, her blade flashed silver in the sun. "She needs a spear," Ser Barristan said, as Barsena vaulted over the beast's second charge. "That is no way to fight a boar." He sounded like someone's fussy old grandsire, just as Daario was always saying.
Sure, now you're a boar expert.
He sounded like someone's fussy old grandsire, just as Daario was always saying.
How do people read this and not see Cersei?
Shouting, she edged closer to the boar, tossing her knife from hand to hand. When the beast backed away, she cursed and slashed at his snout, trying to provoke him … and succeeding. This time her leap came an instant too late, and a tusk ripped her left leg open from knee to crotch.
A moan went up from thirty thousand throats. Clutching at her torn leg, Barsena dropped her knife and tried to hobble off, but before she had gone two feet the boar was on her once again.
"Fighting pigs is brave, but it is not brave to scream so loud. It hurts Strong Belwas in the ears." The eunuch rubbed his swollen stomach, crisscrossed with old white scars. "It makes Strong Belwas sick in his belly too."
See what happens when you talk shit?
That's why I always have ipecac on hand.
The boar buried his snout in Barsena's belly and began rooting out her entrails. The smell was more than the queen could stand. The heat, the flies, the shouts from the crowd … I cannot breathe. She lifted her veil and let it flutter away. She took her tokar off as well. The pearls rattled softly against one another as she unwound the silk.
"Khaleesi?" Irri asked. "What are you doing?"
"Taking off my floppy ears."
There goes the pearly tokar. Forever.
Guys, I think she might be done with Meereen.

(Is she half naked? Lol.)
"Belaquo will win," Irri declared. "It is known."
"It is not known," Jhiqui said. "Belaquo will die."
"One will die, or the other will," said Dany. "And the one who lives will die some other day. This was a mistake."
"Strong Belwas ate too many locusts." There was a queasy look on Belwas's broad brown face. "Strong Belwas needs milk."
Hizdahr ignored the eunuch.
SUSPECT #3: Hizdahr zo Loraq doesn't appear to know what's happening to Strong Belwas. Kind of strange when you're the one who poisoned the locusts.
The Dothraki girls loving the entertainment is a nice touch.
"Magnificence, the people of Meereen have come to celebrate our union. You heard them cheering you. Do not cast away their love."
"It was my floppy ears they cheered, not me. Take me from this abbatoir, husband."
Look at how pouty she is over fake love.
A shadow rippled across his face.
The tumult and the shouting died. Ten thousand voices stilled. Every eye turned skyward. A warm wind brushed Dany's cheeks, and above the beating of her heart she heard the sound of wings. Two spearmen dashed for shelter. The pitmaster froze where he stood. The boar went snuffling back to Barsena. Strong Belwas gave a moan, stumbled from his seat, and fell to his knees.
Above them all the dragon turned, dark against the sun. His scales were black, his eyes and horns and spinal plates blood red. Ever the largest of her three, in the wild Drogon had grown larger still. His wings stretched twenty feet from tip to tip, black as jet. He flapped them once as he swept back above the sands, and the sound was like a clap of thunder. The boar raised his head, snorting … and flame engulfed him, black fire shot with red. Dany felt the wash of heat thirty feet away. The beast's dying scream sounded almost human. Drogon landed on the carcass and sank his claws into the smoking flesh. As he began to feed, he made no distinction between Barsena and the boar.
Won't be the last time we hear that sound.
"Oh, gods," moaned Reznak, "he's eating her!" The seneschal covered his mouth. Strong Belwas was retching noisily. A queer look passed across Hizdahr zo Loraq's long, pale face—part fear, part lust, part rapture. He licked his lips.
Will someone get Belwas some ginger ale?
I don't think she's projecting.
"Hot and sweet and poisoned. With mine own ears I heard you commanding the men in the pit to kill Drogon. Shouting at them."
Hizdahr licked his lips. "The beast devoured Barsena's flesh. Dragons prey on men. It was killing, burning …" - The Kingbreaker, ADWD
Hizdahr has suddenly transformed into a weirdo who fetishizes all violence.
Dany could see the Pahls streaming up the steps, clutching their tokars and tripping over the fringes in their haste to be away. Others followed. Some ran, shoving at one another. More stayed in their seats.
There goes SUSPECT #2: House Pahl. No other family mentioned.
Do I think the author is purposely misleading the reader? Yes.
One man took it on himself to be a hero.
He was one of the spearmen sent out to drive the boar back to his pen. Perhaps he was drunk, or mad. Perhaps he had loved Barsena Blackhair from afar or had heard some whisper of the girl Hazzea. Perhaps he was just some common man who wanted bards to sing of him. He darted forward, his boar spear in his hands. Red sand kicked up beneath his heels, and shouts rang out from the seats. Drogon raised his head, blood dripping from his teeth.
Say her name.
I know it's similar, but I don't believe the Jaime charging Drogon scene was real. It was too stupid.
The hero leapt onto his back and drove the iron spearpoint down at the base of the dragon's long scaled neck.
Dany and Drogon screamed as one.
Sansa couldn't help but smile a little. The kennelmaster once told her that an animal takes after its master. - Sansa I, AGOT
The hero leaned into his spear, using his weight to twist the point in deeper. Drogon arched upward with a hiss of pain. His tail lashed sideways. She watched his head crane around at the end of that long serpentine neck, saw his black wings unfold. The dragonslayer lost his footing and went tumbling to the sand. He was trying to struggle back to his feet when the dragon's teeth closed hard around his forearm. "No" was all the man had time to shout. Drogon wrenched his arm from his shoulder and tossed it aside as a dog might toss a rodent in a rat pit.
She called him a dragonslayer, I love it.
"Kill it," Hizdahr zo Loraq shouted to the other spearmen. "Kill the beast!"
Ser Barristan held her tightly. "Look away, Your Grace."
"Let me go!" Dany twisted from his grasp. The world seemed to slow as she cleared the parapet. When she landed in the pit she lost a sandal. Running, she could feel the sand between her toes, hot and rough. Ser Barristan was calling after her. Strong Belwas was still vomiting. She ran faster.
It's reverse Cinderella. Drizella lost her shoe while running towards her Prince Charming. Shoutout to @agentrouka-blog for the laugh!
All the Strong Belwas stuff happening in the background is so funny.
The hero was jerking on the sand, the bright blood pouring from the ragged stump of his shoulder. His spear remained in Drogon's back, wobbling as the dragon beat his wings. Smoke rose from the wound. As the other spears closed in, the dragon spat fire, bathing two men in black flame.
His flames are black? I didn't know that.
I'm not suggesting he's Black Flame from the Quaithe warning.
The Meereenese were screaming, cursing, howling. Dany could hear someone pounding after her. "Drogon," she screamed. "Drogon."
His head turned. Smoke rose between his teeth. His blood was smoking too, where it dripped upon the ground. He beat his wings again, sending up a choking storm of scarlet sand. Dany stumbled into the hot red cloud, coughing. He snapped.
"No" was all that she had time to say. No, not me, don't you know me? The black teeth closed inches from her face. He meant to tear my head off. The sand was in her eyes. She stumbled over the pitmaster's corpse and fell on her backside.
Lady would never.
Drogon roared. The sound filled the pit. A furnace wind engulfed her. The dragon's long scaled neck stretched toward her. When his mouth opened, she could see bits of broken bone and charred flesh between his black teeth. His eyes were molten. I am looking into hell, but I dare not look away. She had never been so certain of anything. If I run from him, he will burn me and devour me.
Ghost would never.
In Westeros the septons spoke of seven hells and seven heavens, but the Seven Kingdoms and their gods were far away. If she died here, Dany wondered, would the horse god of the Dothraki part the grass and claim her for his starry khalasar, so she might ride the nightlands beside her sun-and-stars? Or would the angry gods of Ghis send their harpies to seize her soul and drag her down to torment? Drogon roared full in her face, his breath hot enough to blister skin.
Of course she hopes for a Dothraki heaven.
Off to her right Dany heard Barristan Selmy shouting, "Me! Try me. Over here. Me!"
You have one job, demon.
In the smoldering red pits of Drogon's eyes, Dany saw her own reflection. How small she looked, how weak and frail and scared. I cannot let him see my fear. She scrabbled in the sand, pushing against the pitmaster's corpse, and her fingers brushed against the handle of his whip. Touching it made her feel braver. The leather was warm, alive. Drogon roared again, the sound so loud that she almost dropped the whip. His teeth snapped at her.
Summer would never.
The whip kills me every time.
Dany hit him. "No," she screamed, swinging the lash with all the strength that she had in her. The dragon jerked his head back. "No," she screamed again. "NO!" The barbs raked along his snout. Drogon rose, his wings covering her in shadow. Dany swung the lash at his scaled belly, back and forth until her arm began to ache. His long serpentine neck bent like an archer's bow. With a hisssssss, he spat black fire down at her. Dany darted underneath the flames, swinging the whip and shouting, "No, no, no. Get DOWN!" His answering roar was full of fear and fury, full of pain. His wings beat once, twice …
… and folded. The dragon gave one last hiss and stretched out flat upon his belly. Black blood was flowing from the wound where the spear had pierced him, smoking where it dripped onto the scorched sands. He is fire made flesh, she thought, and so am I.
I'm going to have to stop there, because Drogon's about as well trained as Nymeria.
Daenerys Targaryen vaulted onto the dragon's back, seized the spear, and ripped it out. The point was half-melted, the iron red-hot, glowing. She flung it aside. Drogon twisted under her, his muscles rippling as he gathered his strength. The air was thick with sand. Dany could not see, she could not breathe, she could not think. The black wings cracked like thunder, and suddenly the scarlet sands were falling away beneath her.
Why am I not getting a description of Barry's charred body? These god damn Targaryens and their dragons can't do anything right.
The lash was still in her hand. She flicked it against Drogon's neck and cried, "Higher!" Her other hand clutched at his scales, her fingers scrabbling for purchase. Drogon's wide black wings beat the air. Dany could feel the heat of him between her thighs. Her heart felt as if it were about to burst. Yes, she thought, yes, now, now, do it, do it, take me, take me, FLY!
Look, they're consummating the marriage.
This is so much funnier when you realize she removed clothing.
Final thoughts:
Don't you love how the show turned the Second Coming of Satan chapter into a scene where baby boy Drogon gets to heroically save his mommy from the evil ambushing Sons of the Harpy?

Great stuff, guys.
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The Eighth Child (~TUA AU~) - Season 3
Chapter 10: Double Wedding at the End of the World (II)
Warning: Strong language, mild sexual content, mention of death
(The Eighth Child Masterlist)
Not wanting to create bad blood right before the wedding, I went in search of the boys and their bachelor party. It wasn't hard to find them as they sang (horribly, might I add) to I've Had the Time of My Life in the lobby.
"Cause I've had the time of my life and I've searched through every open door..." Klaus sang into the mic.
"Til I found the truth and I owe it all to you!" I sang and he lifted his gaze, lighting up when he saw me.
"Vicky! I thought you were having a thing with Sloane," he ran to drag me to the 'stage'.
"Well, things went a little sour after she said some stuff, so I thought it would be better to come here instead of losing my cool and hurting her again."
"Good choice," he praised, handing me a mic. "Okay, gentlemen, we have a new addition to our little soirée. Go on, pick a song."
"Well, since Ben isn't here," my voice cracked when I imagined how happy he would be for us. Underneath all that facade of disgust and mockery, he had always been supportive and wanted for us to be happy more than anything. "I'll sing a song he used to love when I would play as a kid."
"Oh, I know, I know!" Klaus joined me with his microphone to sing our duet.
"If you bring out the Ragatanga again..." Diego threatened and we laughed.
"Well, now that you mentioned we kinda have to," Viktor tried to fight a grin. "It'll be my next choice. Hope I still remember the choreography."
When that familiar melody from the song A Lenda by Sandy & Junior started playing, my eyes filled with tears. Ben was crazy for that song, he would keep it on repeat every time we put that CD on. He would be the one singing with me if it wasn't for everything that happened and took him from me.
"Bem lá no céu uma lua existe vivendo só no seu mundo triste. O seu olhar sobre a terra lançou e veio procurando por amor," I started.
"Então o mar frio e sem carinho Também cansou de ficar sozinho. Sentiu na pele aquele brilho tocar e pela lua foi se apaixonar," Klaus continued with that cute little accent of his.
While he carried on, I looked up at the mezzanine. Just as I suspected, Sparrow Ben was up there watching us with that bitter look on his face. I just knew how much he wished he was invited, but that wasn't my department, I couldn't decide for the boys.
"Hey, I can hear your thoughts," I called, hoping maybe there was a chance of him having at least a little bit of my brother in there. "If there's anything in the world that would bring the old Ben out is this, you love that song!"
"What? He's spying on us?" Luther frowned.
"Se a lenda dessa paixão faz sorrir ou faz chorar, o coração é quem sabe. Se a lua toca no mar, ela pode nos tocar pra dizer que o amor não se acabe," Klaus and I joined our voices for the chorus, and part of me truly hoped Ben would come down and be with us. Just the way he used to be, a little goody-two-shoes in the middle of us misfits. God, how I wish I could give him one last hug.
Instead, the Ben upstairs simply scoffed dismissively and left which upset me so clearly that Diego jumped from his seat, leaving his cigar behind to hold me in his arms. A hug from Diego completely unprovoked was the rarest occurrence, he must've really felt bad for me.
"Hey, I don't mind if you all do the Ragatanga after you're done," he whispered.
"Hey there, Vickynha," Diego rolled his eyes fondly when I opened my door. "Lila told me it's apparently the maid of honor's job to help the bride get ready, so here I am."
"Awww, you big softie! Come in, I'm almost done with my makeup, maybe you can help me close the dress and make sure the veil stays in place... So, how far along is she?"
"Lila, she's pregnant. You're very excited about it, and worried, and scared."
"Two months, I can't hide anything from you with this mind reading of yours."
"You say it like you could before, I know you like the back of my hand," I got up to put the boho style dress on. "When I look at you I don't see this lone wolf vigilante everyone sees. I see my Dieguito, who is embarrassed of his stutter even though there's nothing wrong with it, who loves telenovelas even though you'll never admit it, who stabbed me in the eye a billion times."
"I don't see some lame CEO when I look at you either," Diego chuckled, clumsily buttoning up my dress. "You're just Vicky, Vicky who helps everyone and lives her life to make other people happy. Vicky who loved Stanley more than I did at first, even though he's not mine."
"He's not?" I frowned. "So he's not my nephew?"
"No, he's Lila's friend's son. She brought him here to make sure I'd be a good dad."
"Damn it, and I still love that little shit."
"Me too, him and his leaky ears that smelled like puke. He was a good kid, or tried to be."
"No matter what happens, I know you are a great dad. I'm sorry I said you weren't, you were still learning and nobody's good at something the first time they try."
Diego nodded, looking at my reflection in the mirror with tears in his eyes, but I knew he wasn't the type to cry. He simply grabbed a bunch of hairpins to stick my veil to my hair and pressed a kiss on my cheek.
"You are a beautiful bride, linda, and I'm proud of you. Even if you're a weirdo who's marrying that other weirdo... I l-l-love you and I'm so fucking happy you picked me to be your maid of honor. Te amo, Vickynha."
"Também te amo, Deiguito."
After getting ready, we both headed to the lobby. The rest of the family was already there waiting, Viktor standing on his tiptoes to cover Luther's eyes so he wouldn't see Sloane.
"Don't worry, Vicky, he can't see you either," Diego ran to cover Klaus' face while escorting him to the elevator. "We'll get to the venue and send it back up so you and Sloane can make your big entrance."
"Are you ready for this?" she asked with such a genuine grin, I couldn't be mad at her. She didn't seem upset at all about what happened earlier.
"I've been ready all my life," I took her hand while holding my little bouquet on the other and we walked into the elevator together. "You look beautiful by the way."
"So do you."
There was a ding as the doors closed and a few seconds later another ding as they opened. Everyone was waiting, staring in anticipation until a unison gasp took me by surprise.
"Oh my God, Schnucki, you look perfect," Klaus breathed in awe. For a second he looked like a little boy, that little boy who I asked to kiss once when we were nine. That same look of wonder on his face, the same devoted eyes that melted my heart. That made me, more than anything, sure he loved me. "Like an angel."
"You look like a fairytale prince," I cried.
"Let's get this over with before I die of cringe," Ben said, watching Luther admire his fiancé with the same loving eyes, unable to say a single word.
The chairs and the flower arch were waiting outside on the patio. Klaus took his place as the groom while Luther and Sloane sat to wait for their turn, Five stood under the arch with an unreadable look of admiration? Disgust? Cynicism?
Diego locked arms with me and we slowly made our way down the aisle in silence, all the words he had for me were said when I was getting ready.
Finally, he gave me away and I couldn't even believe that was actually happening. A childhood dream, a crush that became pure love, a feeling so strong that persevered through everything. Two apocalypses and a half later, I still loved my Klausie just like I used to when I was a girl.
"Family, friends, and the ones in between," Five started, looking between the two of us. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the love between Klaus Hargreeves and Victoria Maria Hargreeves. This sick, perverted infatuation started from something as innocent as a little boy consoling a little girl after her father yelled at her for not having any powers. A little girl defending a little boy when his brothers would tease him for being different. All I can say is that love is very hard to find and I know better than anyone, sometimes it comes from the most unlikely sources, but it's still love nonetheless. What these two have is a one in a million, once in a lifetime bond that everybody wants, but very few are able to find. So tonight instead of brother and sister, I'd like to address two juvenile lovers."
"Who you calling juvenile?" I murmured with a giggle.
"Klaus Hargreeves, do you take this stubborn, childish, incredibly smart, beautiful, and tough young lady as your wife to love and cherish for as long as you shall live?" Five asked.
"I do," he wiped his tears and took my right hand to switch the engagement ring to my left.
"Victoria Maria Hargreeves, do you take this idiot with zero self-control, who is also a kindhearted, strong-willed, resilient man as your husband to love and cherish for as long as you shall live?"
"I do," I said those words I've been waiting decades to say while I also switched the side of his ring.
"Then by no power vested in me, I declare you husband and wife" Five nodded. "You may kiss the bride, above the neck, please. Everyone, a round of applause for Mr. and Mrs. Hargreeves."
Klaus giggled with excitement as he pulled me closer for that long-awaited kiss, our first kiss as a married couple. He was mine, really mine until death would do us part. Then I'd obviously have to remarry him in the afterlife so we can spend the rest of eternity making up for lost time.
"I love you," he purred.
"I love you too," I took his hand and we took Five's place as the officiants. "Luther and Sloane, will you two bring your asses here? As the prophet and prophetess of Destiny's Children, I think we have the power to do this."
I've got you under my skin
I've got you, deep in the heart of me
So deep in my heart that you're really a part of me
I've got you under my skin
We couldn't choose another song to be our first dance. That same song we danced many years ago at Allison's wedding, that dance that was burned in my memory as one of the last happy nights of my life before I managed to fuck everything up.
"So, is it like you imagined?" Klaus asked, swaying me gently.
"No, but it's what I have and I'm glad it's with you. Anything with you is perfect."
"If we get out of this one, I'll make sure we have the wedding you deserve, Mrs. Hargreeves. And if we don't, I'll still do it, but our mothers will be there too. And Ben, and your friends from the strip club, and Stan, and your friend from the store, and Dave! It's gonna be great, you'll see."
"You're such a good husband, what did I do to deserve you?"
"Hey, that's my line. We're all about to die and I'm the happiest I've ever been, all because of you... Thank you for not giving up on me. When everyone saw me as a junkie, a nuisance, you knew I could be better."
"Thank you for not giving up on me after I abandoned you. I was a coward and there's not one day I don't regret wasting those five years away from you."
As the song came to an end, Chet took our picture and I went straight to the buffet to get some of that eggplant lasagna and whatever else I could find. After going so long without eating, I was starving.
Klaus told me he would join me soon, he had to 'talk to some people' first.
"Do you mind, young lady?" Reggie stood next to me with a plate full of deviled eggs and grapes.
"Not at all, sit down. We can have our dance soon, after the speeches," I suggested.
"I would be honored," he stared deep into my eyes while cutting the eggs with a knife and fork. "You are so strong, Victoria. Even with all that heavy training, you are still here."
"Um... Thank you?"
"Make sure you eat well, go on. Get some more food, you need it."
Did he also think I was too thin? I had no idea I looked that unwell before. It was the 60s, everyone on tv was unhealthily skinny, that's why Twiggy became so popular later that decade.
"I will, let me just rescue my husband first, he's up to no good, I can tell," I took my plate and grabbed a piece of cheese that I could eat on the go before rushing to the table where Ben was sitting alone with Klaus.
"I am so much better than that other Ben, I was Number One twice! Does dad give a shit? No, he was too busy hanging out with you and your sister bride!"
"Hey there, buddy, let's not go there right? Don't tarnish the memory of my brother like that or I'll be forced to kick your ass," I smiled. "You try too hard to be dad's favorite, we're all fuck ups, the sooner you embrace that, the sooner you'll be part of the family. Now, what are you doing here, Klaus?"
"I was talking to Ben-ihana here about dad's plan to save the universe."
"Can you stop preaching for our dad just for tonight and spend time with your wife instead? How about that? Maybe you can even have fun with our family without trying to brainwash them for a few hours."
"Yeah, you're right, I'm sorry. I'll grab some food and we can feed each other like we used to do."
That night was a bit of a disaster. Ben and Five were drunk beyond all recognition which made for the funniest speech of the night, Allison left early after a fight with Viktor, and Reggie gave the weirdest speech I've ever heard about death and how we were about to face it, before dancing the worst version of the song I picked because no one could find that beautiful acoustic cover.
But still, it was the best night of my life and nothing could take that away from me, I was married to my first and only love and that was enough.
After dad left, we all reunited on the patio to look at what was left of the stars. I skipped outside after a quick visit to the lost and found carrying an old violin and gave it to Viktor, looking expectantly at him.
"I thought since it's a special occasion you could play something for us."
"Me? I haven't done this so long, it feels like ages," Viktor shook his head with a laugh.
"Please, please, please! It's my wedding gift!"
"Fine, what do you want? Just remember the last time I did it, the world ended."
"The world is already ending, so... Surprise me?"
"Are you still a die-hard fan of Green Day?" he asked, quickly tuning the violin.
"Is the Pope Catholic? Well... was Catholic."
Viktor started playing what had to be the saddest rendition of Good Riddance and I couldn't help but notice the way he just seemed so at ease, even after the fight with Allison. The violin was still his refuge. When there were no powers, when there was no one, he had the violin. And it was by the violin that the world ended once, but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing, it just means that it makes him more powerful.
I missed hearing him play, it brought memories from when I would watch him practice as a kid and the one time I got to watch his recital, even though he was third chair. I thought my brother was the most brilliant musician in that theater and I was so incredibly proud of him.
"That was beautiful!" Ben cried. "Oh my God!"
"Is he okay?" I asked Klaus quietly.
"I'm fine! I'm the new new Ben! I'm trying my best to not try my best."
"You have no idea how much I love my Ben, my brother Ben. I love him with all my heart and you'll never know how much it hurts to see you and hear you being such a dick when all I wanted was to give you a hug," I admitted.
"C'mere! Bring it in!" he wrapped his arms around me with a grunt. "I bet he loved you too as much as you love him."
"Thank you," I murmured, taking Klaus' champagne glass. "This is perfect, even with this weird orange sky and all."
"Hey, maybe don't. You've had enough," my husband took the glass back. "How about some water?"
"What? Klaus Hargreeves telling me to stop drinking? I only had a couple of glasses," I grimaced.
"Yeah, but you're a lightweight, and I want you completely conscious for our wedding night. I bought us a little gift before the entire world was blitzed."
"Oh, what is it?" I bit my lip, having a feeling I knew what he was about to say.
"A strap-on so you can finally..."
"Okay! How about you save that talk for the bedroom?" Luther shouted before he could finish. "Don't ruin it, tonight is all I ever really wanted. Everybody coming together when it really matters, one big real family."
That heartfelt confession might've been too much for Five, because he started gagging and I looked away. Klaus wrapped one arm around me, rubbing my shoulder soothingly.
"Maybe it's time for us to leave?" he suggested before my anxiety took the best of me. "It's getting late and I really wanna try that strap-on. Don't worry though, I'll take care of you first, Mrs. Hargreeves. Good night everyone."
"Congratulations, lovebirds!" Lila called. "Maybe we should call it a night too."
"Good night guys," I waved them goodbye, hoping the next morning they would all still be there, just like the way we left them.
#umbrella academy fanfic#umbrella academy klaus#umbrella academy#tua#tua klaus#tua fanfic#klaus hargreeves#klaus hargreeves x oc#fanfic#robert sheehan character fic#robert sheehan fanfic
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On the Track to Victory
Part 9: Roulette
The walk from the Anville Pokemon Center to the home Ingo apparently shared with his brother was not peaceful. Not at all. People were running and screaming and freaking out like the world was ending. Emmet's smile was fixed, wooden, and Elesa was hustling along and glancing at the sky every few minutes as though expecting the rift to change.
It probably wouldn't change, Victoria thought bitterly, until some wide-eyed teenager with an impressive throwing arm decked Volo in the face and found a way to close the new Space-Time rift.
So obviously the first thing this wide-eyed teenager needed to do was regain her arm so she could actually throw that punch. And maybe some platform shoes. Volo is tall.
Everyone she hates is too tall to punch.
"Emmet, the sky has been torn open." Elesa finally manages. She hadn't spoken since they had looked out the window of the hospital and seen the rift.
Emmet nods, adjusting his grip on Ingo. He had elected to carry her uncle 'due to safety concerns' while Victoria had insisted on walking (by growling at anyone who suggested carrying her or attempted to pick her up). She's fine. She really is.
Okay, she's not. That's a total lie. But her nap had gone well and her feet mostly did what she commanded them to do.
Ingo waves a claw in a rather vague gesture. "Miss Victoria, any idea how we can tell them we've dealt with this once already?"
Victoria considers the problem, almost tripping over a crack in the sidewalk. "Might have to wait for that letter board, Uncle Ingo."
He sighs in response and Victoria goes back to glaring at the rift. Fucking Volo. Fucking asshole. She's going to tear him to shreds.
"Stop thinking of violent retribution." Ingo scolds.
He knows her too well.
"When we get to yours I'm calling Alder. I have zero doubt that there's going to be a meeting about this. Do you think it has something to do with Team Plasma?"
Emmet opens his mouth to speak but then notices Ingo shaking his head. "Ingo? Are you… you are answering her question, right?"
He nods.
"So… do you know what this is?"
Ingo rocks a hand in a so-so gesture.
"Okay. Okay that's both great and awful. You three are coming to whatever meeting gets called by the league about this… sky tear." Elesa says with the weight of authority in her voice.
Victoria nods, about to tell her Uncle that his brother is perceptive, but suddenly her senses overload-- her vision goes white, her ears fill with the sound of screams, her hair all stands on end, and ozone fills her nose.
She can barely hear her Uncle over the screaming.
Something impacts with her side and she stumbles, paws leaving the sidewalk and going onto grass and it's too much light and noise and sensation and her breathing is heavy and she's screaming and writhing and she can't see can't hear can't can't can't
h e l p……..
"Why don't you like nicknames, Miss Victoria?" Ingo asks. The pair are sitting on the edge of a cliff in the Obsidian Fieldlands. "I heard about you telling off Rei for calling you Vicky."
Victoria feels heat come to her cheeks and screws up her face. She aims and throws a Jet Ball, just barely missing the Togekiss for the twentieth time.
"Yelling at Rei about that was not my finest moment, no, but truthfully? I don't remember."
Sometimes these random conversations stir up memories like kicked silt in the bottom of a river. Sometimes there's nothing more than the answer of 'I don't recall'.
She whiffs another Jet Ball. "That thing is so fast." She grumbles.
"So do you think there is a reason?"
Does she think there is a reason…? Hesitantly, Victoria nods.
"Come on, Tia, I have this great idea. Let's go! You owe me $3,000 if we're late!" And with that he was off.
"You forGOT to tell me your idea!" Victoria shouts after him, shoving her boots on and thundering down the stairs. A woman with blue hair seated at a counter Victoria passes chuckles.
He's waiting for her outside, hands on his hips and foot tapping. "You took too long, Tia!"
"I took less than a minute, B--"
Victoria clutches at her head, the Jet Ball she'd been holding thudding to the grass from nerveless fingers. "How do you even get Tia out of Victoria?" She mumbles, rubbing her temples gently.
"You remembered something?"
"It's already gone." Victoria sighs. "Someone called me Tia at some point. That's all I got."
"I see." Ingo picks up the dropped Jet Ball and gives it a toss. It smacks the Togekiss right on the back, and into the ball it goes.
"Oh, come on! I've been trying to catch that thing for hours."
The lightning had come suddenly, striking dozens of places at once and not ceasing. There seemed to be a new strike every second, and whenever it hit a Pokemon said Pokemon would start screaming and flailing and writhing in pain. Some were turning on people and attacking them, or other Pokemon, indiscriminately.
Normally Emmet would be taking control of the panicking populace. He would organize everyone into evacuating the area and use his own Pokemon to protect bystanders from the… frenzied, that's the only thing he can describe it as, these Pokemon are frenzied and cannot be calmed.
Normally Emmet didn't have his injured older brother in his arms, clinging to his coat. He couldn't risk Ingo. Could not risk losing his brother again.
Victoria wasn't among the ones struck who were attacking, but she was clearly in a lot of pain, and almost immediately after she was struck (right in between Emmet and Elesa!) she was Feint Attacked by a frenzied Purrloin. Emmet had been surprised at the ferocity of her return Tackle, which sent the street cat flying before Victoria had collapsed onto the grass yowling in pain.
"Emmet!" Elesa says, and his head snaps towards her. She bends down and lifts Victoria, who shrieks in pain, and shoves her into the giant tote bag containing all of their belongings from the Pokemon Center. This is then shoved at Emmet.
"Take her and Ingo and get out of here! I'll try and get a handle on things here, but I don't want to find out what would happen if Ingo got hit with this freaky lightning in the state he's in! Get to your place and stay there until I call you!"
Emmet reaches out to grab the bag and support it beside Ingo, hoping she doesn't thrash too much. "Are you certain?"
"I'm a Gym Leader. This is part of the job. Get going!" Elesa commands over the sound of thunder and lightning, giving Emmet a small shove.
Emmet takes the hint and starts running.
#on the track to victory au#pokemon legends ingo#transfer error au#victoria pokemon#pokemon elesa#emmet pokemon#barry pokemon#hey! a scene where Barry's not dead yet
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I posted 516 times in 2022
That's 331 more posts than 2021!
41 posts created (8%)
475 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 162 of my posts in 2022
#shit post - 20 posts
#wordgirl - 15 posts
#shit repost - 6 posts
#gotham - 6 posts
#oswald cobblepot - 5 posts
#spooky month - 5 posts
#bob velseb - 5 posts
#ow - 4 posts
#spooky month art - 4 posts
#overwatch 2 - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 74 characters
#the collector is basically if moondrop and sundrop’s personalities swapped
My Top Posts in 2022:
Ms. Teavee: What is your biggest weakness?
Willy Wonka : I can be uncooperative.
Ms. Teavee : Okay, can you give me an example?
Willy Wonka: No.
Mr. Salt Mr. Wonka was banned from the chicken shack, so we had to go out of town to get some.
Willy Wonka: Well, they shouldn’t say “all you can eat” if they don’t mean it.
Mr. Salt: Mr. Wonka, you ate a chair.
Mr. Salt: Mr. Beauregarde, what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean?
Mr. Beauregarde: I don’t know, love you, talk to you later
Mr. Salt: Ok, I love you too, I’ll just ask Ms. Teavee.
Charlie Bucket: Date someone who will drag you outside at 3am to look at the stars.
Mike Teavee: If anyone, and I mean anyone, wakes me up at 3am to go look at the damn sky they will be removed indefinitely from my life.
Charlie Bucket, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him
Ms. Bucket: You did WHAT–
Willy Wonka: William Snakepeare
31 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
Normal I don’t like Yandere stuff
My Favorite Employee is an exception
( I made some art for it, though I used two oc I made for Spooky Month- the one in mask is named Jacob and the employee is named Delilah )

See the full post
38 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
I love Stu so much ❤️


I used Vicky to romance him when I originally played it
I love this stoner gargoyle
53 notes - Posted December 14, 2022
Otto Octavius x reader

Sometimes love can start from the little things, sometimes they start by bumping into someone. This was simply started because a joke about saltwater.
Otto struggled as he tried to untie his robotic tentacles. He sighed as it didn't help much, it might've even made it tighter against him. He narrowed his eyes at two people, Spiderman... he was also known as Peter Parker, but it wasn't the one he knows and a person by the name of Y/N.
He of course was displeased by Peter, but he didn't mind the other's company as much.
“Y/N, I'm gonna need to check up on something, so stay here with Dr. Octopus, okay?” Peter had said.
Dr. Octopus?
Really? Otto thought the child could've just called him by the name... he had already told him his name anyway!
“Oh, sorry about him! He likes to joke, umm... thirsty?” Y/N had asked. Was she actually trying to be nice to him? He wasn't sure very much sure.
“Umm... I suppose so”
“Okay, do want fresh or saltwater?” Y/N tried to joke, but the joke didn't seem to land on him well by the look on his face.
“O-Oh.. sorry- since your an octopus... nevermind. Fresh it is then.”They went into a near by kitchen and started to fill a cup with some fresh water from the tap, she even added a little bit of ice.
Otto actually kind of felt.. bad? He didn't mean to upset them, maybe he should apologize? Y/N soon came back with the water, he had drank the water before starting,
“Sorry-” The doctor had began, “I didn't mean to well... upset you.”
“Don't worry, I wasn't thinking when I made the joke.” Y/N chuckled out. This was strange.. were the doctor and Peter's friend getting along? Were they even…in love? Yes, it wasn't to hard to see. Luckily, once he is back to himself again, they won't have to hide their love from themselves or anyone else.
Hopefully you liked that! This was my first ever fanfic, so I’m pretty sure there are mistakes
I’ll be posting this on Wattpad, deviantart, and Commaful.
Wattpad and Commaful username is stardewey
Deviantart username is Stardewwy
75 notes - Posted March 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
So Bob Velseb, but It’s Cold Outside?
No one?
I guess I will, others can join though lmao

See the full post
90 notes - Posted December 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
You simps ( For Bob Velseb and Otto Octavius )
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Steve Harrington's Mother's Day Surprise
Warning: mentions of unprotected sex. Wrap it before you tap it. Male carriers. Mature talk. It's very long.
Summary: Sex, lies, unplanned pregnancy, and found family.
Steve Harrington found out he was pregnant on Mother's Day. Yep, pregnant. Steve Harrington was pregnant. He wanted so badly to blame his parents. Okay, that sounds wrong, but it's not what you think. They should have warned him this could happen. They knew what he was, and they hadn't told him. Steve Harrington was a male carrier. It was supposed to be a myth, a story to tell your queer kids not to sleep with men. Apparently, it was real, and the story hadn't stopped Steve from getting railed by a man.
"What's the bathroom emergency?" Robin asked, stumbling into his bathroom, breathlessly, and plopped down on the floor in front of him.
"I'm pregnant," Steve said.
"Seriously! That's what you called me over for? A joke? You know, I was about to invite Vickie over and then you - " Robin started, and Steve slapped a hand over her mouth.
"I'm a male carrier, a fact my parents neglected to tell me," Steve said. "I'm pregnant, Robin."
He removed his hand from her mouth, and it dropped open.
"You're a male carrier. . .you're pregnant. . .but that means you had sex. . .with a man!" Robin exclaimed. "When? Where? Who? What?!"
"It was spring break, I went to deliver Eddie some food. He was ranting and freaking out about going to jail, and then he went on about how he didn't want his first time to be in jail. He did NOT want to be somebody's bitch. Guy or girl, it didn't matter to him. If he was going to go out, he was going out with a bang. He did NOT expect me to offer myself up on a platter, but you know that I know about me. I just haven't had sex with a guy, and Eddie was pretty. The next thing I know he was fucking me against the wall of the boathouse and I loved it. Now, he's in a coma, and I don't know what to do, Robin," Steve rambled on.
"Wow, I think I rubbed off on you. That was a Robin sized ramble. Hey, dingus, breathe with me. Okay, I want you to focus on my breathing and then yours. Steve, do you want to keep this baby?" Robin asked.
"More than anything," Steve sniffled softly.
"Well, you know, just because Eddie's in a coma right now doesn't mean that you're alone, alright, because you have a huge support system who's willing to help you. So, don't think you have to do this alone, okay?" Robin said.
"Hey, Steve?"
"You're going to be a mom."
"I'm a man, and I'm going to be a mom!"
"And a damn good one. Happy Mother's Day, Steve. . . Wait. Did you have you unprotected sex with a guy?!"
"There weren't any condoms! Eddie was a virgin and I just got tested! OW! You're aren't supposed to hit expectant mothers, Robin!"
It was still a little early to be telling everyone about the pregnancy, but they did tell Joyce, Hop, and Wayne. Robin managed to keep him from rambling out all the details, but he managed to tell them the basics. He had invited the Byers and Wayne to stay with him until they found a place of their own. The house was Steve's now, so he could do what he wanted and he loved having everyone there.
"Oh, I just can't believe your parents never told you," Joyce said furiously.
"Well, they never thought I would end up sleeping with a guy so it was easier for them to pretend like I wasn't weird," Steve said.
"You're not weird, honey," Joyce said.
"Not weird for that anyways," Robin snorted and Steve laughed, nudging her.
"Like you're one to talk," Steve said.
"I am the weirdest!" Robin said proudly and Joyce laughed.
"You said you're about 7 weeks or so, right?" Wayne asked.
"That's right around spring break, isn't it?" Wayne asked and Steve nodded. "Eddie's the father?"
"Yes," Steve said, looking down at his feet and Wayne went quiet for a moment.
"You know, Eddie always wanted to be a father," Wayne said.
"He does?" Steve asked, looking up.
"Yeah, but he said that it was probably never going to happen for him," Wayne said. "I'm glad he was proven wrong. I'm here for you, son."
"Yes, Steve, so are we," Joyce said.
"Whatever you need, kid, just ask us," Hop said.
"I told you they'd support you," Robin said in a sing song voice.
"Yeah. I believed you."
"Mmm, I don't think you did."
Steve was now in his second trimester and he was glad that the morning sickness seemed to have stopped. He was starting to show now so he had to start wearing baggy sweaters to hide it from the kids. He still hadn't told them yet. He was far along now that he could tell them but he wasn't ready yet. Steve wanted Eddie to wake up. He was sitting by Eddie's bedside, knitting a pair of socks for the baby.
"I don't think those will fit me," a voice croaked.
Steve looked up to find Eddie looking at him and he dropped the socks, jumping to Eddie's side.
"You're awake!" Steve exclaimed and burst into tears.
"I did not expect that reaction," Eddie said. "Are you happy or disappointed?"
Steve leaned down and pressed a hard kiss to his lips.
"Okay, happy it is," Eddie said.
"I'm going to call Wayne," Steve cried and kissed him again before running out the door.
They were all so happy that he was alive they were all talking at once, and the explanation sort of got jumbled. Eddie was wake, Vecna was defeated, and Max was okay. She just needed glasses. Also, he would be living with Steve and the Hopper-Byers. He would be living with the same guy who used to arrest him and buy weed from him. He wasn't sure how to feel about that, but apparently, he was also the guy who got his name cleared, so he was grateful.
"No one said but how long was I in coma for?" Eddie asked sitting on Steve’s bed.
They had gotten Eddie all settled in Steve’s room but they didn't stay long, pushing everyone out of the room which was odd. Wayne and Hop had to grab Dustin by each arm to drag him out.
"Sirs, you are manhandling a child!" Dustin had yelled.
"13 weeks," Steve replied.
"That's specific," Eddie said and Steve blushed. "So. . .I guess you kissing me meant that you don't want what happened in the boathouse to be just a one time thing?"
"No, I don't," Steve said. "Do you?"
"Nope! Come here," Eddie said and made grabby hands at him.
Steve stood in between his legs as Eddie placed his hands on his hips. Eddie gazed at him with a smile on his face.
"You're so beautiful, you know that?" Eddie asked and pulled him into his lap.
He kissed him and Steve smiled against his lips, pressing his lips eagerly against Eddie's. They were exploring each other's mouths when Eddie's fingers started to slip under his sweater. Steve broke the kiss and stopped his hand from going further.
"There's something that I need to tell you before we go any further," Steve said.
"I'm a male carrier and I didn't know that when we had sex. My parents didn't tell me," Steve said quickly.
"Uh, are you saying - are you - you're - am I going to be a daddy?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah, you are!" Steve exclaimed. "And I'm going to be a mommy!"
Eddie laughed and kissed him hard. As they were kissing, they didn't hear the thundering of footsteps and so when the door burst open, they both screamed.
"You guys are going to have a baby!" Dustin exclaimed with a grin.
"Wait, how did you - El," Steve said with realization.
She had the decency to at least look guilty. Wayne appeared huffing behind them.
"Steve, how the hell do you manage to wrangle all these cattle?" Wayne asked.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Dustin asked.
"Oh, I don't know, maybe because I wanted the father of my child to know before you guys did," Steve said.
"That makes sense," he said.
"Does it? Does it make sense?" Steve asked.
"Wow, bitchy Steve comes out to play," Dustin said, still smiling.
"Well, I am being bitchy for two now," Steve replied.
"Everyone out!" Wayne yelled.
"I got this, Wayne," Hop said, pulling out a water bottle and started spraying them with it. "Give them some goddamn privacy!"
They started screaming and leaving the room.
"They're not cats, Hop!" Joyce exclaimed with a laugh.
"It's working, isn't it?" Hop asked.
"We're happy for you!" Dustin exclaimed as they left and Hop sprayed him. "Goddamnit, we're leaving!"
"I love our family," Eddie said as he laughed.
"I'm really sorry I bit you," Steve sniffled.
"You were in a lot of pain, sweetheart, I don't blame you," Eddie cooed softly. "Besides, I'll tattoo the bite mark as a reminder of what occurred here."
"Our daughter's not a good enough reminder?" Steve asked.
"Please, don't bite me again," Eddie pleaded, and Steve kissed him. "You did so good, baby. Look at her."
Eddie's eyes filled up with tears, and his lip started trembling as he gazed down at his daughter. They were back at home now, Winnifred Robin Munson was tucked safely in her bassinet and fast asleep.
"If you start crying, I'm gonna cry, and I'm so tired of crying," Steve said.
"I just want to look at her forever," Eddie said.
"Guys, you should be sleeping," Joyce said softly. "We'll wake you when she needs you."
"I miss her," Steve said as he walked down the hallway.
"Me too."
"No, I miss her being inside of me," Steve said. "Let's make another one."
"No! If I hear you guys fooling around in there, I'll come in there and hose you down," Hop whisper yelled. "Sleep."
"Kinky, Chief," Eddie grinned. "Nana and Bunny are bossy."
"She is not calling me Bunny," Hop hissed at him.
Steve woke up and noticed that he had slept in for once. Just then, the door to his bedroom opened, and in came Eddie with a tray of food.
"Happy Mother's Day, Stevie!" Eddie grinned brightly.
Steve yawned, sat up, and rubbed his eyes.
"The house is oddly quiet. Where is everyone?" Steve asked.
"Winnie is with her Bunny and Grandpa Wayne. Jonathan, Will, and El took Nana Joyce out to breakfast," Eddie said.
"So, we have the house to ourselves? We could do whatever we wanted to as loudly as we wanted to?" Steve asked.
"It's your day. It's whatever you want to do," Eddie said.
"What if I want to do you?" Steve asked.
"I wouldn't say no to that," Eddie smiled.
Steve kissed him, smiling against his lips.
"But first, we eat," Steve said. "I am eating for two after all."
"I'm pregnant, Eddie," Steve told him.
"Oh my, you little slut," Eddie cackled.
"Says the guy who knocked me up," he replied.
"I didn't say I wasn't a slut myself, especially for you," Eddie replied.
"Are you happy?"
"Eh, I can't complain," Eddie said and Steve slapped his chest. "I'm very happy, baby. Are you?"
"Oh, by the way, Gareth says him and the guys have a surprise for Winnie. He wants to come by next weekend," Eddie said as he fed Steve a bite of food.
"You already know what the surprise is, don't you?" Steve asked.
"Of course! They created a baby one-shot adventure for our princess with giant foam dice and everything! They even had a onesie made for her! I mean, we're probably going to have to do the work for her, and it's probably going to mostly just them telling her a story, but still. . . cutest thing ever!" Eddie exclaimed.
Steve watched his lover ramble on, moving his arms about as he did so. Yeah, Steve Harrington was very happy.
#stranger things#eddie munson#joseph quinn#stranger things s4#eddie stranger things#eddie munson lives#steve harrington#steddie#steve x eddie#steve harrington x eddie munson#steddie fanfiction#pregnant steve harrington#rueleigh writes
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Queens Of The Mayans, Nevaeh, Chapter 7
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: angst, mentions of cheating, jealousy
"Well if it isn't Taza the Apache himself, just gracing me with his presence," I smirked, putting the bar towel over my shoulder. He smirked and sad down at the bar with a cigarette, "and what do I owe the pleasure?"
"I'm here for business," he said simply. I pulled out a rocks glass and gave him a heavily poured tequila straight. He downed it and tapped the glass. I filled it up again, "you have history with a potential prospect. I've come for your opinion. Call it me vetting the kid."
"Sweetie I'm just a retired whore who bartends and attends night school," I said, grabbing myself a glass, "I don't have shit for opinions."
"You do on this one," he said quickly. I poured us both a good amount, "gang-banger and former sniper for the military. Johnny 'Coco' Cruz."
My breath caught in my throat, and I put the bottle down a little hard. I cringed at the 'clank' that rattled through the bar as the wood met the glass. Che took a light sip from his drink making sure to watch me.
"Don't look at me like that."
"Like what, little one?"
I grabbed the glass and downed the liquor, before pouring myself another one, "I'm not talking about Coco, and you know why."
"Well, you're the only one that can speak on his behalf," he said with a shrug, "I know he used to work for your brother when he got started. And if I'm not mistaken those are his dog tags around your neck...I've known you for a few years now, and I haven't seen a day where you aren't wearing them."
Suddenly I felt self-conscious and stupid.
Johnny had probably forgotten all about me in all these years, and here I was holding onto his dog tags like some lovesick fool, "you said he's trying to prospect of ya? That mean he's in town."
"Been working for your brother's old number two on and off for the past year."
"Bingo," he said with a nod, "and uh, that’s your current squeeze if I'm not mistaken."
"You're too good at your job, you know that?" I asked him. Che smirked at me, and the playfulness appeared in his eyes once more, "but I'm still not talking about Coco."
"Well, you're obviously interested in talking about him," he laughed, "while your one hands been on your glass, the others been playing with his tags the entire time. So what did he do that has you so interested still, sweetheart? He play with your heart, or just has a hold on it?"
Cursing myself internally I removed my hand from my neck.
"What can I really say about the guy?" I asked, “it’s not like this is a job interview for a fortune 500 company. You’re bikers. And you know the important shit. Ex gang-banger. Former military sniper. Apparently a biker.”
My friend looked at me with a deadly serious look in his eyes, "I know you two had a past, but I want to know what you think about him being in the club! Should I sponsor him?"
"You ever wonder what you get when a tornado meets a volcano?" I asked, copying the lyrics to a song that I heard on the radio that felt like an all too familiar comparison, "that's me and Johnny. If he gets involved with the club, I don't think we should keep these visits up."
"And why not, sweetheart?" he asked, "he that unpredictable?"
"Johnny's a little over-protective of me," I sighed, thumbing his dog tags, "well...at least he used to be. I don't know anymore."
"Well," Che said, lighting up another cigarette, "it sounds like you don't want to find out."
"Maybe I don't."
"Tell me about it. Tell me everything you know about him."
He nodded, "everything."
"You gonna stop asking me about him if I do?"
"Trust me," he laughed, "I'll stop ya when I feel I know enough about the kid that I can make a good decision. Now talk, or I'll have Riz unretire ya from Vickies."
"I don't do that anymore."
"Oh come on sweetheart. I know you've got a soft spot for good ole Mikey Ariza."
"Not since the boy came along. You remember how well our 'get togethers' always end up being," I laughed and grabbed the bottle, pushing it to his side of the bar. Looking around, I grabbed my keys and locked the front door, then sat on the bar stool opposite of him, "pick a year?"
"The beginning, sweetheart," he laughed, taking a drag, "no good story starts from the middle, so just start from the beginning."
"Alright, but only because it's you," I nodded, taking a cigarette from his pack off the bar. I lit up and took a deep drag, "I've known Johnny as long as I can remember. Fuck, my first memory was when I was three years old. Our moms were both whores up in Northern Cali, and he told me when I grew up that he was forced to watch me as an infant."
"No shit."
"Yeah," I laughed, "he's three years old at the time, watching a fucking newborn. Imagine that shit..."
"Well, he did alright, didn’t he? I mean, you're alive."
"Yeah," I nodded thoughtfully, "there were a lot of times where I thought I shouldn't be, but Johnny had my back."
"You mean to tell me that is your first memory?" Che asked as he downed another one, "that your prostitute mother abandoned you and you went across the hall so that you could be fed."
"Yup," I said, popping my 'p,' "You know, it's at least the first one I can really think of. I mean, listen Taza, I don't know what you want me to say. Johnny is a good man. He's compassionate, and he always take care of his own even if it's four in the morning and he just wants to sleep."
He nodded, "so you think he'd make a good Mayan?"
The Johnny I knew would," I said, "I don't know what he's like now. Maybe you should be having these types of conversations with someone else. Try one of his friends from the Latin Kings."
"They won't talk to me."
"Well, it's not my place to either," I sighed, "You know Pablo is gonna be mad I talked to you at all."
"And you can be mad at him for not telling you that your old flame works for him."
"Johnny isn't an old flame."
"Not what I know about your relationship, but go ahead," he said matter of fact. "Make him more than just a 'flame,' in your past."
"I let you off once," he said, referring to the fact that I didn't use his biker nickname, "be straight with me and I’ll be straight with you."
"I am."
He pushed his glass away from him, "you're saying you don't know him, but I've known you for years, so you can't hide that. I was the one you always talked to when Riz pissed you off, remember?"
"You wanna say something Che," I growled, pushing my glass away, "just say it."
"I'm getting too close to the fact that you might still love the kid. You're scared of that aren't you? If he becomes a Mayan you know you would go running."
"I don't know how I feel about Johnny," I admitted, “I haven’t seen him in years.”
"You call him Johnny," he said slowly, "do you care for his nickname? I know the Kings have called him Coco since he was a young buck."
"Do you even know why his nickname is Coco?" I asked.
"Because he's fucking crazy."
"No," I giggled, "he got it when we were young, before everyone knew how crazy he was. He was probably seven or eight...I was four or five...I can't remember the exact year it happened."
Che raised a brow, "it's not because of how he's fucking crazy insane?"
"Not at all," I laughed, "my older brother Raul gave him the nickname. And trust me when I say it's got everything to do with the fact that he was obsessed with those Coco Puff commercials."
"You know," I laughed again, getting up from the bar stool. I walked around the counter and began washing the glasses out, "the fucking cereal made of chocolate corn puffs. Coco Puffs. Had that crazy as hell bird that'd go wild for the cereal."
"What about it?" he laughed.
"That's how Johnny became 'Coco.' It was because any time Raul would pick us up from the apartment when our moms got picked up by the cops, he'd have to go grocery shopping. Johnny would always insist on my brother getting boxes of the fucking cereal. He had a real sweet tooth for the stuff and he loved the commercials."
"Wait," he laughed, shaking his head, "you mean the stories of him going off the rails, and loco are all because of some fucking cereal."
"Well don't get me wrong," I sighed, shaking my head, "Johnny has definitely got some issues...he's a few fries short of a happy meal, I know for a fact he's killed before he was a teenager. Hell, that's on me...and if you force me to tell you every memory about him, we may get there...but the reason his nickname is Coco is because it always cracked Raul up that he would only eat the cereal when he picked us up. Raul would literally try everything. He'd buy us steaks, burgers, chicken tenders. Ice cream. Johnny would always insist that he wanted coco puffs. He loved that damn commercial."
Che lit up another cigarette and began chuckling to himself as he gave me a curious look, "You're not fucking with me?"
"Cross my heart."
"Sweetheart, I'm telling you," he laughed, "you've gotta tell the guys this. They won't believe it coming from me."
"I ain't tellin the guys shit," I said, shaking my head, "I've got stories about Johnny. The good, the bad, and the ugly. He's got the same about me, but I ain't talking to the club. I'm still pissed at most of them."
"You ever think about seeing 'Johnny,' again?" he asked, "I mean, if I do sponsor the kid, he'd be coming around here with me. You know that, right?"
"I doubt Johnny cares about me, or cares to see me. Hell, I’ve been with Pablo for a while and you said that he’s been working on and off for him for the past year, and I haven’t seen him. But, again, the stories go both ways. I may have did something to make him fucking hate me, I don’t know," I said, taking another cigarette from him. He held out his lighter and I caught it, taking a deep drag, "last time I'd seen Johnny I kidnapped his daughter from his mother."
"You kidnapped a child?" he asked, raising a brow, "What the hell did you do that for?"
I shrugged off his alarm, "it's a long story, Che, but his mom was abusing the kid. But we'll get there in time...where were we again though?"
"How 'Johnny' became Coco."
"Right," I nodded, letting the smoke out, "Johnny and that fucking bird."
"You spend a lot of time with your brother and this Dasia chick?"
I nodded, "yeah. Fuck. I remember the day that my mom brought me around. It was a few months after we'd moved into the new apartment complex...Johnny's mom told my mom about it, and they blew the supe. He gave us the apartment right across the hall. After that she needed some money. Blew through whatever the hell she'd saved getting us in there. It was sometime in 93. I had other siblings too, but I hardly knew them. They were in and out of children youth services or with Raul…"
"Is that when you met your brother?"
"Yeah. I was about three," I said again, "like I said. My mom blew through her cash, so she went to Raul. Told him about me, and I think it broke his heart. I have a few older siblings. Raul isn't the oldest. Silvia is. She's Raul's twin, but she's a few minutes older. Then Tish, and Addy...then Chico. He's about a year older than Johnny. But mom lost custody of him before I was born. I think he was more mad than anything that I was born. He hated my mom...but he never held it against me."
"Sounds like you have a big family."
"No," I said, shaking my head as I finished cleaning off the counters, "Its just me, Addy, and Chico left. Silvia died about 10 years ago. She got AIDS in the 90's from some prick she was dating…fucking…not dating. They ended up keeping that going for a while. Then he left her to rot. He was just a carrier. Tisha died in 07. She committed suicide. Couldn’t handle the life of an aging junkie whore. Then Addy cleaned up her life, she couldn't handle being a junkie whore that was all alone. She OD'd. Watched that shit go down. And Raul got murdered earlier this year...but you know that."
"That's why I am here, sweetheart," he sighed, "Raul made us promise to consider Coco if he ever wanted to be a Mayan. It's the reason we've got no beef with your boy and his crew."
"I just don't get why he would have made you guys promise that then not tell you about Johnny."
"Your brother was an odd guy."
"Raul was a good man," I said, biting my lip. I looked at the bar that I'd named after him. Dasia and I bought this place and ran it like an altar to him. This place used to be a shitty hole in the wall, but it was his watering hole. When we offered to buy it from the old owners with the life insurance policy Raul left us, they only took half the offering price.
Everyone had loved Raul.
He kept the town safe.
Unfortunately, shit was getting kicked up ever since he passed. Up North some bikers had been having issues for a few years with the feds. The Son's had the feds so far up their asses, the Mayans decided they wanted a bigger piece of the action and met up with my brother. I agreed to move down to keep an eye on things and ended up working at a house for the famous Victoria Ariza.
A heavy knock on the door brought me back out of my thoughts.
"EY!" a man's voice yelled through the oak. I looked at Che, “What’s going on in there?”
He smiled, "I may have told Riz you'd be working tonight, and that I was coming to catch up with you."
"I hate you."
He chuckled as I went over to the heavy door and unlocked it. He had a shit eating grin on his face, and he leaned against the frame, "hola mami."
"Can I help you?" I asked, mocking his pose.
He smiled and walked over to me, then brushed some hair from my face, "si bonita."
"Don't try and get all cutesy with me, Ariza."
"Me?" he said innocently. He pulled his hands away and gestured to himself, "I have no idea what you are talking about! I just came here to check on a brother...you good?"
"How long have you been waiting out here?" I asked him, crossing my arms over my chest. He took a deep breath, admiring me, "hey, asshole. Eyes are up here."
"I don't gotta look to remember how your body feels against mine."
I glared at him, "you done?"
"She as feisty as you remembered?"
"More so," he smirked. I raised my brow at him, "don't worry mi amor, I like it."
"Since Che came in," he said quickly, referring back to my earlier question, "but he was supposed to let me know if it was okay to come in or not."
"Slipped my mind, brother," Che laughed. I could hear some noise behind me, and I saw Che reaching over to grab the bottle, "sorry."
"EY!" I said, bringing Riz' attention back to me, "you can go."
"No way," he laughed, "Bishop told me not to come back without the both of you."
"Oops," Che chuckled from behind me.
I stomped towards him, calling him every curse word I could think of, "and what in the hell in your right mind would make you think Pablo will be okay with me hanging out with not one, not two, but the whole fucking pack of Mayans, huh? You must be more dense than a fucking rock if you think I'm going anywhere with the two of you ass clowns."
"Eyyyy," Riz said defensively, coming into the bar. I glanced at him as he closed the bar door, "calm down beautiful. Nothing's gonna happen. And anyways, if Pablo makes a stink about it, say I wanted to talk about the boy."
"That boy has a name," I said, feeling anger in the pit of my stomach, "and right now Dasia is watching him."
"He's not with Pablo?"
"You think I let him near our son, Michael?" I asked, "what kind of woman do you think I am, huh?"
"heyyyy," he said quickly, rushing up to me, "I didn't mean anything by it. I swear. I jus-"
"Just what?" I asked, cutting him off, "What Michael?"
"I'm realizing that you really don't like nicknames," Che said swiftly, finally standing up from his chair, "but anyways, Riz is right. Bishop did tell him not to come back without the both of us...I was the good cop."
"And you sent him to be the bad?"
He could hear the tension in my voice. Riz frowned, "what's so bad about me, huh? You must have liked me at some point. I mean we do have a child together."
"Yeah," I growled, "When I didn't know how much of a man whore you were, I loved you, but then you couldn't keep it in your pants."
"Hey, I was very up front about that. You knew my history, Nev," he said defensively, "you knew that going into our relationship...I just wasn't enough after you got pregnant with him."
“Wel you named him that name."
"You won't even say our son's name," I smirked, suddenly feeling smug as I crossed my arms over my chest, “won’t even fucking say it.”
"YOU FUCKING NAMED HIM AFTER COCO!" he said, finally breaking his normally casual tone. He stormed away from me and pulled out his knife. He began pacing the length of the bar before finally stopping long enough to stab it. Then he looked at me, "YOU had OUR son without telling ME so much as that your water broke, and THEN you fucking came home two days later saying 'meet Johnny,' Nevaeh. HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO FEEL?"
"Johnny saved my life!" I growled at him, "I knew back then if I ever had a baby boy, I'd name it after him in his honor."
Chapter 8
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AFTER HOURS chapter two
Summary: Enemies to the public, friends to their close ones, friends with benefits between them. Rival companies and an attraction that can’t be ignored.
Tim Drake x reader
Warnings: swearing, mature content, smut, 18+ only, mention death of parents, car crash mentions.
A/N: Chapter twooooooo it shall be getting more interesting next chapter😏
Word Count: 3.6k
It seemed that her life seemed revolve around business meetings. Nine in the morning, another at eleven, two at noon but there was no way to attend both, a final one at three. Meeting after meeting, and for what? To hear the same things over and over again? Some people choose to do this for the rest of their lives.
There was something about the busy Gotham streets that always caught her attention. Maybe it was the sound of the horns, or the people yelling within their cars. Gun shots or screams. There was always something to distract her from whatever meeting she was forced to listen to. Maybe it was because she didn't want to listen to it at all.
Of course, running this company was important. Without her parents, she had to take control of it. It was an important company too, just along side WE, they worked to make Gotham, and the world a better place. That didn't mean that she wanted to here about the statistical analysis of it all.
Not to mention that the weight of her parent's anniversary was heavy in her mind. Four years since they had been gone, four years of blaming herself. They went to Gotham to visit her, if they had just stayed home, they would still be home. Car accidents happen all the time, but that didn't make it any easier.
The second that the final meeting was over, she couldn't seem to get out of that room fast enough. She just wanted to be in the privacy of her own office. The door nearly slammed shut as she closed it. Back against the wall, heavy breathing as she tried to hold herself together. It was always hard on that day of the year.
A bright bouquet of flowers was on her desk. With a shaky breath, she headed over to see who they were from. It wasn't rare for her to receive flowers. Gotham's greatest bachelorette - more like people wanted her for sex and money. Without that company, she wouldn't have been idolized like that.
The bouquet was grand: flowers of every color and kind poked out from it. Whoever this was, they had spent a lot of money on it. (Y/N) picked up the small card and read what it said.
For your parents. I know days like these aren't easy, I'm sorry. - T.D.
"Those are pretty."
"Ms. Vale," her jaw clenched at the sound of the voice behind here. Great, this was the last thing that she needed to deal with today. Vicki Vale had a tendency to show up on her worst days. "What do I owe the pleasure of today and who let you into my office?"
"I let myself in," she said. Vicki Vale stood tall and proud. She had a large purse over her shoulder which surely held a plethora of notebooks and pens. Always ready to catch a story and always eager to stir up drama within the city. "Hope you don't mind. Just wanted to ask you a few questions about this new business deal that you're about to make. But, now I'm curious about the flowers, who're they from?"
"Why don't you tell me?" She sat in her chair as Vicky sat in the one across from her. "You do enjoy making headlines about me and my, as you say 'promiscuous life'." There had been many titles about (Y/N) - between her risky clothing, the second that she were talking with a man outside of business, or her attempts for normal dates - she was there.
Vicki casually reached her perfectly manicured finger tips towards the card from the flowers. Before she could even come near, (Y/N)'s palm slammed down on the desk. She pulled the card towards herself and out of the reach of Vicki. The last thing she needed was for the reporter to put two and two together to realize T.D. was Tim Drake-Wayne.
"Another hopeless lover of yours?" She raised an eyebrow. There was no answer. "I just wanted to ask you what you thought about Wayne Enterprise's attempt to stop the progress of your new development? Mr. Drake - sorry, Mr. Wayne, had lots to say on the matter, I hope you do as well."
"As a matter of fact, I don't." WE's attempt to stop the development was futile. Even Tim had told her that. There was no reason for them to try and stop it when in the end it would benefit both companies. They just wanted their name on it rather than hers. Everyone in both companies knew that.
It was for namesake that there was disagreements about the development. She was lucky enough to have beaten Tim to it first. This was going to a be a massive break for the company, one that would sky rocket sales and put you neck and neck with Wayne Enterprises once again.
"Mr. Wayne is your biggest competitor, aren't you worried?" She continued to pry. (Y/N) had gotten skilled over the years of not letting the curiosity of others get to her. She was able to keep her face straight and her mouth shut - even when she had lots she wanted to say.
"Mr. Wayne has always, and will always be my biggest competitor. Unfortunately for him, I was the one to give the statement first about this new addition to the city. I will become Gotham's biggest economic resources, just as I have always tried to do in the past - and just as Mr. Wayne has always done in the past."
"So, you're saying that you public enemies?" Vicki pressed. She had always known about (Y/N)'s vendetta against the WE, but there had never been a statement that she tried to take the company down so hers could thrive. That was never her intention, they could co-exist always.
"I'm saying, Ms. Vale, that Timothy Drake-Wayne is a smart man. He knows when to push through fights, and he knows when he is losing. This time, he's lost. The next time, I won't be so lucky. Those who are fighting for the same cost are never enemies," she firmly stated.
"Will you be attending the Wayne Gala?" Vicki continued. Of course, there always had to be questions that weren't related to the company. She wanted anything to see (Y/N) with a man, just to make a headline for the decade. In all these years, not once had she been caught in the dating scene.
"No. I've made a donation, but I will not be attending," She answered. The tag from the flowers seemed to burn the skin of her hands. Tim sent those flowers because he worried, not because he wished to impress her. "Don't you have some better reporting to do rather than finding strings to cling onto of my personal life, Ms. Vale?"
"That'll be all for today."
Tim's bouquet of flowers felt heavy in her hands. The weight of having to visit her parent's graves was always a hard task to do alone. As time passed, it seemed easier to go visit them. Years of working hard to make them proud, years of showing them how much the business they started thrived.
There was nothing more that she wanted than to make them proud. Even as a child - working hard in school, playing sports, everything that would have brought a smile to their faces. In death, it felt like she needed to work even harder. Then again, as time passed, she forgot the sound of their voices, the crinkle by their eyes as they smiled, she forgot the warmth of their hugs.
As time passed, she forgot that she could be happy.
Work consumed her in the past four years. Late nights at the office, early mornings, weekends even. She lost friends, disconnected from family, deterred everyone away. Running this company had changed her life, and not necessarily for the better. The responsibility of it all was almost too much to handle on her own.
"Mr. Wayne's son bought these for you," she spoke to her parents graves. Tim's flowers sat on the grass, bringing some brightness to that gloomy day. "Surprising, I know. He's very kind, I think you guys would like him if he wasn't running Wayne Enterprises. At this point though I think you would like any man that I talked to.
"I miss you both, a lot. I'm securing a new development in the company, it's really going to pull us ahead this time. Dad would have thought it would have been a risky move, but I did it. I beat them for once. I hope you guys are proud of me up there, I'm really trying to make this city a better place in your name.
"Happy anniversary mom and dad, I love you," she sighed once more before heading back to her car. The walk back seemed long. Her shoulders hung low and she furiously wiped away the hot tears that threatened to spill down her eyes.
To her surprise, Tim was there, leaning against his own car right next to hers. He was reading something on his phone, but as he heard her footsteps, he looked up. "Mr. Wayne, thank you for those flowers, they were beautiful. What are you doing here?"
It wasn't often that they met up in public without there being some sort of business meeting along with it. Tim shoved his phone in his pocket and gave her a smile filled with sympathy. To be honest, he was visiting his own parents. Their chat the previous night had edged him to go visit their graves.
It just happened to be lucky timing that she was there as well. Tim didn't want to disturb her, but he did wish to speak to her. He always wished to talk with her - not just about business. He liked being with her, she was refreshing in his life of darkness. Without evening knowing much about it, it seemed she understood him more than anyone.
"I was in the area," Tim vaguely answered. He knew that he could tell her that he was visiting his parents just like she were but he felt deterred from doing so. Besides, upon seeing the redness in her eyes, he didn't want to worry about anything besides her. She had been crying, it was evident for someone like him. "I'm glad you liked the flowers, they used to be mother's favourites."
"They stirred up quite the fuss with Vicki Vale today," she tried to joke. Tim rolled his eyes at the sound of her name. He wasn't her biggest fan, in fact he was far from it. Vicki had single-handedly meddled into his life and forced him to live an entire year with a fake spinal injury and crutches. He had gotten off of them just before meeting (Y/N).
"She came to see you too, huh?" Tim shuddered at their meeting that afternoon. Question after question about his involvement with Ms. (L/N). Vicki was sure that there was something going on between the two of them - and for once she was right. "The new development or your latest hot date?"
"Considering my latest hot date is non-existent, it was the development. But, she was pretty eager for me to say something about you," She half-smiled. Tim shook his head, of course. Vicki was always trying to start a turf war or make the two of them fall in love. "I know you just came over last night... but I could really use a distraction from today."
A distraction. That seemed that was all he was to her. Nothing more than something to get her mind of the life she was thrown into. Of course, that was what it was all about at the start. Fucking to forget. He knew it, he went into their benefit relationship knowing it but as time grew...
"There's nothing wrong with taking a break from work," Tim changed the subject a little too quickly. In the four years he had known her, she had aged. Worried creases were around her eyes and scattered on her forehead. Dark circles always under her eyes. It worried him. "I'm not saying leave or anything, but you can have fun every once in a while. It's a Friday night, why not go to the bar with your friends? Let loose and live a little."
Tim was right. She wasn't the young eighteen year old anymore that would have been chastised for having a drink. It was legal for her to go out and have fun, maybe tonight was the kind of night that she deserved. Her parents wouldn't want her to sulk over their deaths, they would have wanted her to live her best life.
Going out was exactly what she needed. Not a distraction, not something that would keep her mind busy for a couple hours just to fall back in her pit of despair. She needed a genuine change in her life, and maybe that started with connecting with old friends and making some new ones.
As no words came out of her mouth, Tim took the time to realize that it was his moment to leave. She was obviously deep in thought with his words. He placed his hand on her shoulder and squeezed it before getting into his car. "I hate when you call me Mr. Wayne," he told her.
It was true, not only did it make him feel old, but it also made him feel like they didn't know each other at all. That was far from the truth, they both were far closer to each other than they would like to admit. Tim knew of her desire to keep their relationship business - and emotionless sex. They were after all, public enemies.
For the first time in years she woke up with a hangover. Pounding head, upset stomach - it was a feeling that she didn't miss. It wasn't rare for her to sleep naked in her own home, but it was to feel a heavy arm across her waist. Dark hair, muscular back - for a second she swore it to be Tim, but this man wasn't nearly as broad as he was.
Aside from the thumping in her head, memories of what happened the night before started to resurface. She had taken Tim's advice and called up her friends to go get a drink. One drink turned to two, which turned to shots and getting plastered. It had been so long since she had seen them all that letting loose was almost too easy.
She knew that she shouldn't have gotten that drunk, but having fun like that for the first time since she started working at that company was exhilarating. Unlike she had thought - her friends accepted her right back in. They knew that she was under a lot of pressure and that making time wasn't easy. They were just thankful for that night.
So, with a small reunion at the front of the bar, they headed in and got hammered. She treated her friends round after round - partially because she easily could and partially for an apology. It didn't take long for them to become a laughing mess while catching up and remembering the old days.
By the time the night was coming to an end, her friend pointed out the man that had been eyeing her up for hours. Whether it was the alcohol, the need to continue her good night, or to show her friends that she was just as fun as ever, she went to the man. Minutes later, they were walking out of the club and into a taxi.
Now, he was asleep in her bed and she had no idea whether or not anyone outside of her friend group knew what had happened. The man stirred. He pulled himself closer towards her as he woke. Warm brown eyes met hers, a genuine smile. What was his name? Jacob.
"Good morning beautiful," his voice was hoarse, sexy. Her mind raced between the option of soaking up some more moments of fun or getting back to her usual self and kicking him out. She went with the first one as he glided his hands along the curves of her side before placing his hand at her jaw.
It made her falter. This man... as good looking and as sexy as he was, he wasn't Tim. He didn't please her like Tim did. He didn't make her feel as good as Tim did. Even the sound of his voice didn't bring her the same amount of excitement. Why did she feel like she betrayed him? They were allowed to sleep with who they wanted.
She pushed away the feeling. Tim was the one to tell her to go out and have fun. Let loose from the burden of running a company and just the kid that she was. Sleeping with men, getting drunk, that was all part of her teen years that she missed out on. Tim wanted her to have this.
"Coffee?" She asked. Maybe that would stop the ridiculous headache she had. Or maybe she was using it as an excuse to get out of bed with him. Jacob nodded. He pulled her in for a long kiss, lingering against her for just a moment too long. The two of them grabbed whatever scattered clothes they could before going to her kitchen.
As the smell of coffee beans filled the air, she checked her phone for the first time that morning. Unlike the endless abundance of emails that she had gotten - there was a plethora of missed calls and texts. This was far from usual. Her eyebrows furrowed as she opened up the one from her closet advisor.
A picture of her and Jacob leaving the club, pictures of them kissing, her taking shots and drinking with her friends. Is she really mature enough to run this company? Black bold letters stared back at her. This was exactly what she was trying to avoid. The media had taken her one night of fun and turned the city against her.
"Fuck," she breathed out.
"What's wrong?" Jacob asked. Genuine concern was in his eyes for why she was suddenly upset. She was frozen in her spot, unable to tear her eyes away from the screen. Jacob stood behind her, hands on her shoulders as he glanced over the article itself. "Oh." He never assumed that the media would do this.
In the bar, he knew who she was. Everyone in Gotham knew who she was, however he never expected her to be that beautiful in person. His friends had been hyping him up all night to go talk to her, but he knew it would never be a success. So, when she came to him, he couldn't say no.
Now, he worried that in one fowl swoop, he had tainted everything that she had worked so hard for.
"I think you should go," she told him, not trying to be rude. This wasn't his fault, none of this was. It was her fault for agreeing to her friends to go after him, it was her fault for agreeing to Tim's idea. Tim. This wouldn't have happened if he hadn't offered. Was this a ploy to get her company to fall so he could come out on top?
"I know it doesn't really mean much from someone like me, but... No matter what Gotham has to say about you, I think you’re the only one keeping this city somewhat sane," Jacob told her. He genuinely thought her to be a good person - not just some chick with a nice ass and easy access. There were people in Gotham that wanted to see her succeed, regardless of her age.
It was a hard idea to get through her head - people believing in her for her brain, not her body. So many articles, just like the one she read this morning, forced her to a life that made her weary of trusting people. She wanted to be seen as powerful, influential - not as a little girl who ran around sleeping with people.
"Thank you," she smiled. "If it means anything, I did have a great time last night." Jacob chuckled, but agreed. He waved a final time and left her home. Reluctantly, she went through the rest of the texts that she had gotten over the night. All of them were the same - reminding her that she was still an immature kid.
The board of directors, her friends, advisors - everyone seemed to have seen it before she had. It was the text from Tim that stood out to her the most. I see you took my advise, hope you had fun last night. Don't worry to much about the paps.
Don't worry? Don't worry? The great Tim Wayne had nothing to worry about, ever. Her on the other hand? She was constantly under scrutiny. In the eyes of society, Tim was the perfect candidate to take over WE. He was smart, cunning, he had a way with the people. It seemed that there was never anything bad for someone to say about him.
Her life on the other hand? She fell under Gotham's microscope and was picked apart until there was nothing left beside the mistakes she had made. This was another mistake, another mishap that would push her back and make her fall under the hand of Wayne Enterprises. The same man that tried to convince her that this was the best thing that she could do for herself.
This was Tim's fault, and she was furious.
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#tim drake#tim drake imagine#tim drake smut#Tim drake fanficition#tim drake fic#tim drake x fem!reader#red robin#red robin imagine#dc imagine#dc#after hours#tim drake series#smut
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Anon asked: could you write a fic/imagine of your promptlist (the new one) angst #21 and #22 with hank loza💖
21. “Please, talk to me”.
22. “You’re hurting me”.
Word Count: 1.3k
Author comments: This work wasn't re-edited, so I'm sorry if you find grammar mistakes! I hope you all enjoy. Gif credits: @angels-reyes.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 @chibsytelford @dazzledamazon @mara-mpou @sammskellington @gemini0410 @1-800-imagines @briana-mishell24 @sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x @xx--day-dreamer--xx @spiced-reads @tita127 @ifoundmyhappythought @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @angelxshiba ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
💬 : i think i have strength enough to have a beer
Long day. Bad week. Worst month. Finally, you have four days off from the hospital. You're driving on the way to Tranq's house, when your phone dings, lightning the screen. He replies to your last message telling you that he's at the club, and that you can come if you want. Actually, no. You don't want. You just want to lie down on the sofa, with him holding you and filling your face with a bunch of kisses. Stopping by a side of the road, you take the phone with a heavy sight dying in your lips.
💬 : okay
He just read it, but there's no answer back. Sometimes, you hate him. It's supposed he promised to spend the night together, but now seems like another Mayans party is more important than your mental health. He's not your boyfriend, not officially at least, but everybody knows that you're hanging out; even so, you can't reproach him for nothing because of that. You have to settle for being around him for a while.
The yard is full of Mayans from other charters, looking like a big meeting and a celebration. Parking your car before reaching it, you step out covering your mouth with a hand to drown a yawn. You're dressed with the white uniform of the hospital and a leather jacket. Your hair tied in a braid is a little mess and there are two slight eye bags over your cheeks. Yes, you look like shit, and Angel has to highlight it as soon as he sees you.
“Damn, mami”. He hugs you tightly, leaving a kiss on your temple. “Hey, Coco! Bring a beer to our nurse!”
“Thanks”. You just say, letting the oldest Reyes lead you inside the clubhouse.
But your steps stop dead when you find Tranq sitting in a couch with one of Vicki's girl on his lap and her waist being surrounded by the man. They're laughing with other members crew, sharing some drinks and old stories. Angel doesn't give credit either. Letting yourself go from his grip, you turn over your sneakers going out of there. No words. Just some tears running down your face, while you go downstairs to the yard.
“(Y/N)! Wait”.
You don't turn at the characteristic hoarse voice of the man, continuing your way to the black car parked outside.
“Hey, hey, wait! Where are you going?”
Tranq stops you, holding your forearm to make you face him, clicking the tongue loudly when he finds out you're actually crying.
“It's just a fr—”.
“I don' care, Hank. You don' owe me any explanation”.
“No? Then, why are you crying? Why don't you stay? Please… talk to me”.
“'Cause I came for you, but you're already busy”.
“She's my friend”.
“So am I”.
“The fuck are you talking about?”
“I don' sit on my friends lap and I don' let them touch me as you do. That's ‘the fuck’ I'm talking about”.
Tranq has both eyebrows raised up, crossing his arms against his stomach, because he knows you haven't finished talking.
“I'm… tired. It's been a bad month, and you promised me that…”
You think you're sounding so stupid that you don't continue de sentence, rubbing your face with both hands and cleaning the tears. Then, you have a deep breath.
“I'm sorry, Hank. I'm just… going home. Enjoy the party”. You just said licking your lower lip.
“Lemme' grab my things and I'll follow you”.
“I wanna be alone”.
“'Cause you're hurting me right now”.
He just nods with pursed lips, realizing he fucked up things for not giving you the place and the respect you deserve. Under his constant look, you step in your car to turn it on, and drive away from the clubhouse.
Your flat is empty, assuming that your two house-mates are having a party somewhere around Santa Madre. So it's kinda good have some time alone, crying without no one asking you what happened. You take a warm shower until the tips of your fingers wrinkle. After that, you lie down on your big bed hugging a pillow, without having a dinner. The little hunger you have, you lost a while ago. You're trying to figure out why he acted like this. Why he didn't keep his promise. And why he was holding a Vicki's girl, being or not being friends. But, who are you to asking for anything?
The cry appears again, more bitter than before, trying to keep yourself awake waiting for him to come, even if you told him to not doing it. Having the little hope that he would to do it anyway. But you end up falling asleep alone.
When you open your eyes, feeling somewhat rested, instinctively your left hand travels to your phone. Unlocking it you check on the notifications, but there are no calls, or messages from him. Maybe it means that you broke up last night, in case you were having a relationship. A knot grows inside your chest, leaving down the phone to rest your face on the pillow spitting a sad sigh. Some minutes after you decide to get up from bed, walking barefoot through the main hallway towards the kitchen, stopping your legs when you see Hank sitting at the table with a mug of coffee supported against his lips, having a sip.
“Morning”. He just says, sounding a little nervous, putting the drink over the wood.
“How did you get in?” You ask with a fine thread of voice, noticing how much your throat hurts speaking.
“Patricia was leaving when I came”. The man gets up from his chair, doubting between getting closer or not. “Are you ok?”
You just shrug your shoulders in silence.
“I'm sorry about last night, I swear to God”.
“It doesn't matter, Tranq. She's your friend”. Even if it sounds like a passive and aggressive comment, it's not intentionally.
“And you're mi reina. You were right. There are some things I mustn't do 'cause I owe you a respect”.
“You don' owe me nothing, Tranq. It's your friend, that's all”.
“Yeah, but at the end of the night, she just wanted to ‘make it up to me’ because I was fucked up by you”.
Your heart jumps hearing those words, quickly creating a movie in your head of what happened, letting your head falls down to your chest. You're about to cry again when he wraps your body between his arms, kissing your head.
“I did nothing”. He's quick to say. “I went home when you left… Uh, well… I actually sat for an hour at your door, waiting you to call me, at least to tell me that I was being an asshole. I didn' want to bother you, so I just went home”.
You surround his back with both arms, resting your cheek on his chest, tightly and closer. You feel stupid, so he does.
“Listen… I was thinking about packing some things and spend these four days at LA”. Pulling himself away, Tranq cups your face in his huge hands. “Just you and me, riding the coast. What you say… Would you like?”
You nod with your lips pursed in a blissful smile.
“Or we can go to Chihuahua. You're always saying you would like to visit it”. Suddenly he sound excited about traveling together for the first time, after six months together.
“Chihuahua”. You say then starting to laugh, after clearing your throat.
“Ok. Pack your things while I prepare you some breakfast”.
Leaning forward, he presses his lips on yours, placing his hands on the back of your head to push you a little closer.
“I love you, okay? Only you, mi reina”.
#mayans mc x reader#mayans mc#mayans mc imagine#mayans x reader#hank tranq loza x reader#hank tranq loza#tranq loza x reader#tranq losa x reader
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