#Vesta Blackbeak
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rainingriversofyou · 7 months ago
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“We are the thirteen; from now until the darkness claims us” —Heir Of Fire 🖤
Manon, Asterin, Sorrel, Vesta, Briar, Fallon, Edda, Faline, Kaya, Ghislaine, Thea, Linnea & Imogen
Throne Of Glass / Artist: @madschofield
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shadowhandss60 · 1 year ago
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“Manon began screaming then.
Screaming, endless and wordless, as that thing in her chest, as her heart, shattered.”
Art by @s.seidel.art, commissioned by me
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shadowdaddies · 1 year ago
It would be so cute if Manon hisses and snaps at anyone who talks to her gf because she’s so protective but only feels okay if the thirteen do it. She only thinks her gf is safe if she or the thirteen are around. She smiles when she sees the thirteen make her gf smile and giggle
Roar of the Wind
Manon x Reader fluff
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Your boots crunched against the hay as Manon led you through the wyvern warrens, a possessive hand wrapped around your waist. The smell of the large beasts permeated the air, and you subtly brought the sleeve of your shirt to cover your nose to keep from gagging. 
Manon gave you a sidelong glance, a soft laugh escaping her at your thinly veiled distaste. You passed by a stall where a Yellowlegs witch was feeding her wyvern, the rust-colored beast giving a pleased hum as it licked its chops. You giggled at the smile that seemed to show on the creature’s face, causing the Yellowlegs witch to turn and give you a smile. She opened her mouth to say something, shutting it quickly and backing away when Manon hissed at her, staring daggers as her arm tightened around your waist.
You bit your lip in an attempt to hide your amusement, your hand moving to find Manon’s on your waist, interlocking your fingers with hers. Pride flashed across her features, the witch queen standing slightly taller as you reached Abraxos’s stall. The wyvern bumped his gray snout against you, nearly knocking you over with the force as his chest rumbled in demand for pets. 
Manon rolled her eyes, patting the beast’s neck as she maneuvered past him to grab the saddle. You heard a squeal of excitement before arms wrapped around your middle and you were pulled back into a fierce hug. Your head whipped to where Manon stood, half-expecting the iron nails to rip the person to shreds, but Manon just smiled as Vesta pressed a kiss to your cheek. 
“Hi, lovely!” she exclaimed in a sing-song voice as she let you go, her red hair blowing behind her in the wind.
“Look who it is!” Asterin said, coming up to you as she slung one arm around your shoulders, the other around Vesta’s. 
“Hey Ster,” you greeted softly, relaxing into her touch as Manon smiled at the three of you. “We’re just going for a flight on Abraxos.”
Vesta and Asterin exchanged a glance before smirking at Manon. “Is this an exclusive, romantic flight, or might we join as well?” Vesta teased.
Manon shot her a playful glare, looking back and forth between the witches as if she were deciding whether it was worth putting up with them. You gave a slight nod of approval, smiling as Manon sighed in resignation. “Alright, you can come with us.” 
Vesta and Asterin left to mount each of their own wyverns, leaving you with Manon and Abraxos. Pressing a kiss to Manon’s cheek, you leapt into the saddle behind her, ready for flight. “I’ll make sure we get some time alone once we’re home,” you promised, pressing a kiss below her ear, reveling in the blush that crossed her cheeks just before Abraxos took off.
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acourtofquestions · 19 days ago
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Credits: @madschofield
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pergaminaa · 7 months ago
Since it's summer let's have some headcanons:
Sorrel, Lin, Faline, Fallon and Ghislaine can tolerate the sun because they actually have melanin and are chill about the heat like, they just don’t go out when it’s bright outside? Just common sense things, really.
They also have the sense not to go out in the middle of the day and risk a heatstroke for no reason.
Edda and Briar morph into night creatures and exist only at night. When the sun is about to set is when they peak and they go to sleep when the sun is well up in the horizon.
Manon, Asterin, Thea and Imogen lack said melanin and suffer in the heat.
Well Asterin not so much because she actually doesn’t burn in the sun and instead gets this beautiful golden sheen to her skin??? Kinda unfair, really.
Kaya and Vesta just burn. Not ten minutes out in the sun and they're about to die but they always somehow need to be out during the day doing god knows what and end up burning while also risking a heatstroke.
If we're going by the lack of melanin the ones who really suffer are: Vesta, Manon, and Kaya because they're so pale they’re almost see-through.
Manon is smart enough to avoid going out during peak sun time, but that's also because she's a huge introvert and hates people.
Vesta and Kaya aren't.
Asterin loves to tan so she's out on the beach getting a nice golden color while trying not to burn (if she times it right she’s successful but any longer and it’s straight to burns)
Sorrel thinks she's an idiot but she's there with lots of chilled drinks and many bottles of sunscreen
Ghislaine wards off the awful heat by spending her time indoors reading. She can go out and have fun when the sun sets
She can see firsthand what happens when people try to brave the heat
It is always the same victims because they never learn
She really is done lecturing them and would let them suffer the consequences of their (idiotic) actions
Sorrel agrees with her
But Sorrel also makes sure they get plenty of water and stay down while their symptoms pass
They all really hate it though. They're used to cold temperatures and summer is not for them
Anything above 17C is too warm for them
If it gets above 25C they start dropping
Dorian tries to get Manon to join him at the beach but she gets out of it every time he tries
She doesn't really explain anything but one day Sorrel is fed up and tells him that she’ll just burn in the sun.
Dorian had a moment of realization and decided that the beach isn’t a good date idea. Sorrel remind him that going out during the day isn’t a good idea in general because have you seen how pale she is? You think the sun will be kind to her? You will kill her if you take her outside.
So indoors it is. Honestly Dorian finds it a good excuse to get Manon to stay over often. And she doesn’t really resist his “it’s already morning you can’t leave now,” and they just spend whole days together doing all kinds of things.
They still go out though, but it’s usually after 5 pm because the sun isn’t as vicious at around that time.
Dorian tans so beautifully though it’s not fair.
Summer is a time of hibernation for Manon though. She stays indoors under the cold AC because this is the only thing she can do during the the heat she knows she isn’t built for the hot weather. Like she’s powerful and doesn’t backdown from anything but she knows if she has a face off with the sun outside she’ll be taken out instantly.
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ataraxiaaaaaaa · 5 months ago
What if
Nesta Archeron and Manon Blackbeak meets and once Nesta introduces herself the first thing Manon would think of is Vesta because of the similarities in their name
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manonslayme · 2 years ago
Hi do you ever think about the possible dynamics and personality and relationships the thirteen could have had with each other and then feel sad about losing them and then see a bunch of horrifically sad poems on TikTok and then wonder how Manon will ever love again?
Not exactly in the romantic sense but in the familial sense? The thirteen were her family, not Glennis or Bronwen or her parents or the matron. The thirteen were family, they knew her for more than a century and loved her and knew her and understood her and fought for her and with her. They were such a tangled up, intense part of her life and her love and she lost them.
How can she ever love again in the same way she loves them?
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loudtrashphantom · 19 days ago
I finished Kingdom of Ash and i have some thoughts (as always).
It was wild! I was crying at parts and laughing, panicking, devastated, and annoyed all at the same time.
This series, the Throne of Glass series, has now ranked number one of all time for the series I've read.
Gavriel died!? The Thirteen died!? Abraxos' mate died!? Elena's dead? The Gods are gone?
Yrene being pregnant was...surprising?
Yrene, with Dorian and Elide's help, killed Erawan? Fenrys got his teleporting abilities back! Maeve is dead (hopefully).
How the fuck did Aelin survive? Like, yes, she had Dorian...and then Dorian but what!? Deanna can rot, tbh. "We don't do deals with mortals." Shut up.
Aelin seeing Crescent City and Prythian during her travels through the multiverse (Maasverse?) and Rhysand helping slow her travel?
Lord Lorcan Lochan. Lady Elide Lochan. That's it. That's them. I have grown to love Lorcan and his grumpiness. The softness he shows only Elide.
Fenrys Moonbeam.
I do wonder what might happen with Vaughan.
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theflowerr-childdd · 8 months ago
nobody told me I’d be a crying mess once I reached chapter 89 in kingdom of ash but here I am distraught
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tragcdysewn · 1 year ago
@lcngliive asked: ' oh, here's an idea: let's make pictures of our internal organs and give them to other people we love on valentine's day. that's not weird at all ' vesta to manon hehe
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"planning on ripping out some poor mortal man's heart tonight, vesta?" manon smirked, linking her arm with vesta's as they spoke. "if you are, make sure not to cause too much of a scene."
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wvsteria · 1 year ago
samara palpatine & vesta blackbeak @lcngliive
samara came up to sit next to the other, sliding the other's drinks towards them. "took much longer than it should've." they said with a bit of annoyance lacing their voice. "but, here are the drinks. and i managed to leave the bartender alone on account that he stilled owed us the drinks."
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wvsteria · 11 months ago
"you're not mortal?" ghislaine asked to reconfirm. it was official the person was not in their right state of mind. "war is often the reason for many choices cultures make in history. it's quite common." they couldn't help themselves, wanting to add the statement despite the disbelief they were feeling at the other.
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"I say it like that because I'm not mortal," and neither are you, they thought to themselves. "how dreary, you'd think that they'd outlaw something more exciting for people to get themselves into trouble for." vesta couldn't imagine getting arrested or killed for being in love with someone, that was pathetic. "tales of slaughter always make for good small talk," she grinned.
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shadowhandss60 · 1 year ago
Manon: I do not care for the princeling.
Vesta: Then don’t mind if I do-
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shadowdaddies · 1 year ago
would you write something for vesta blackbeak? she’s always teasing, so it’d be nice to see her being the subject of it for once
some of the thirteen find her holding hands with a crochan witch and vesta doesn’t heard the end of it
take care, enjoy your day! 💌
hi my love! ty for your patience with this one, I'm still working through requests from the holidays. I love writing for the witches so much, this was so fun to write💜💜
New Beginnings
Vesta Blackbeak x Reader
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Hopping from your redwood broom, you landed on the grass outside of the warrens with a thud. Heads turned, Ironteeth witches looking on with a combination of admiration and jealousy at your flying abilities. With a flip of your hair, you sent the group a wink as you walked towards the armory where you stored your brooms.
A flash of red hair caught your eye, and you glanced sidelong with a knowing smirk at the witch whose golden eyes were locked on you. Vesta’s usual arrogance was absent, her pale cheeks slightly flushed as she tracked the sway of your hips. 
With a small wave of your fingers in her direction, you released a small laugh as Vesta’s blush deepened, her friends quickly taking note as they snickered at her reaction to you.
Entering the armory, you set your broom alongside the others, turning as you heard a familiar voice call your name. Manon strode through the door, eyes alight with an amusement you rarely saw from her. 
“There is a group of witches going into town for drinks tonight. Several Ironteeth will be going, and I would appreciate your help in convincing Crochan witches - including yourself - to go, as I know the influence you have with them.” You had developed a loose friendship with Manon since she came into her role as Queen, assisting her with the unification of Ironteeth and Crochan clans. She often came to you with requests like these, and you were more than willing to help her in her efforts.
“Of course. I will speak to some of the others, and see who I can convince to go,” you confirmed, nodding respectfully to your Queen.
Manon gave you a grateful smile, nodding her head slightly in thanks. “I am appreciative, as always. As are Asterin, Sorrel, and Vesta...” Manon’s eyes assessed you, lips twitching upward as she tracked the faint blush that dusted your cheeks at Vesta’s name. “They will all be there tonight as well,” the Queen added, golden eyes shimmering with delight as she turned and walked out the door.
Swallowing nervously, you made your way to your quarters to recruit a group to go out this evening. A surprising number of witches agreed, everyone seemingly eager to let loose and enjoy the night. 
The moment you stepped into the tavern that evening, you could feel her eyes on you. Red hair shone like a bright flame as Vesta watched you from where she leaned against the bar, half-interested in her conversation with Sorrel. 
Her keen focus - eyes raking over your figure as you removed the cape from your shoulders - granted you the boldness to approach her. As you reached the spot where she perched, you ordered a drink from the barkeep and turned to face her. This close, it was impossible to ignore her beauty, the disarming smile she gave you.
“Are you listening?” a swat to Vesta’s arm drew both of you from the moment, turning to see Sorrel staring at her before the dark-haired witch noticed you with a smirk. Her eyes flicked back to Vesta, grin deepening to reveal dimples on her cheeks. “Ah, I see you have found a more interesting conversation partner,” Sorrel snickered, grabbing her drink from the counter before spotting a table full of witches and striding towards them.
Vesta peered at you cautiously, that same blush from earlier brightening her alabaster skin somehow making her appear even more beautiful. With a nod of thanks to the bartender, you picked up your drink. “Cheers, to the Ironteeth-Crochan witches,” you murmured, admiring Vesta’s full lips as they spread into a smile.
“Cheers, to new beginnings,” she murmured, taking a sip of her drink before glancing around the room. Her eyes stopped on a side door before flicking to yours, holding out her hand in invitation. Butterflies erupted in your stomach as you accepted her hand, fingers interlocking with hers as you let the beautiful witch guide you outside. 
Dim lights twinkled on a chilly side street, the area empty with the exception of a few chairs that were left against the wall. “Here,” you gestured to the chairs, pulling two of them up next to each other as you took a seat. 
Conversation with Vesta came easy, her charming demeanor quelling any reservations you had. You had lost track of how long the conversation went on, time only told by the emptiness of your drink glasses as you set them on the ground. 
A cold wind blew through, sending a chill through you that made you wish you’d left your cloak on earlier. Noticing your discomfort, Vesta opened up her own cloak, scooting her chair until the wooden seat clacked against your own. “Here, I’ll keep you warm,” she whispered, shockingly tender as she awaited your reaction.
With a goofy grin, you saddled up next to her, savoring her warmth and the smell of cinnamon as she wrapped her cloak around the both of you. The vibration from her chest as she spoke comforted you as conversation continued, lulling you into her cozy hold. 
You had somehow ended up in her lap, legs draped over hers as you lay half-asleep in Vesta’s arms. The door swung open, slightly stirring you before Vesta hissed at the intruders, pressing a kiss to your hair as she whispered for you to go back to sleep.
Asterin and Sorrel were bent over in silent laughter at the sight while Vesta glared back. Manon simply smiled on, satisfaction in her eyes as she teased, “Vesta Blackbeak, man-eater and Crochan-cuddler.” Asterin and Sorrel laughed louder at that, rousing you from your sleepy state with a yawn as you looked up to see them all standing around you.
Blushing sheepishly at Manon, you greeted the Witch Queen, who greeted you back before shoving her giggling friends through the door, leaving you alone with Vesta. 
“Your friends are very amused by us,” you noted quietly.
Vesta swallowed nervously. “They’ve... I am not usually this affectionate,” she admitted slowly. 
Sitting up, you moved to straddle her lap as your hands threaded through her fiery hair. Her warm chest brushed yours as you pulled her impossibly close. “Neither am I, but here’s to new beginnings,” you whispered, lips brushing hers as you pulled her in for a kiss.
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acourtofquestions · 4 months ago
Manon: Of course I care about all my coven equally.
Ghislaine: We were attacked while you were away.
Manon: Is Abraxos okay???
Asterin *shouting from a distance*: Really I get beat by a damned Wyvern?!
Vesta *casually slides money to Sorrel*
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pergaminaa · 8 months ago
Not the Thirteen realizing Manon has a thing for Dorian and they took matters into their own hands.
Vesta flirted with him just to get Manon to have a reaction and admit her own feelings. Vesta is suicidal but she’s doing it for Manon so she’s okay with it, she took one for the team.
But seeing Manon get jealous/grumpy over it? Worth it.
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