#Vergilius lbc
kage-hide · 1 year
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ruinaimagines · 2 years
Can I get uhhh Vergilius x Reader hcs 👉👈 I love that miserable miserable man
He is truly truly sad, someone come help him pls
Vergilius x Reader Headcanons:
How?? Did you get close to this man?? He has like 800 emotional walls up so it’s going to take a long while before you actually get anywhere. This is only increased by tenfold after what happened to the orphanage and his office.
Though if you did manage to get close to him I think that if you hold a good heart and desire to make change he would favor you… a bit more. But there is a fine line between making progress and playing the long careful game rather than being a reckless idiot. Please don’t be the latter; he already has enough to worry about.
Warming up towards you is something that he can’t really stop from happening, but is still a very dangerous game to play. You might come to find that you’re on good terms with him but he will still randomly close off from time to time, this isn’t your fault but instead stems from his own internal turmoil of getting too friendly. It just takes patience and all will be well again.
If he meets you outside of his work then he will do everything in his power for you to not become involved in any possible way. The closer and more you know, the higher the chance you yourself might get immersed in the dangerous work, or even worse Iori gets her eyes on you. 
Unless you yourself are another fixer he has a bit of a problem with underestimating you- not out of malice or anything, nor does he think you’re incapable he just really doesn’t want to risk anything. He trusts you to be efficient in your fields but anything else he will keep a very close watchful eye over you.
Charon is the only one who really knows about your blossoming relationship, and even then she doesn’t fully know the details because she doesn’t bother to ask much. Everyone else that has heard of you thinks you are solely a business partner or acquaintance- nothing less, nothing more.
If you do meet him because you share a similar line of work it’s a bit more complicated. He doesn’t want to hold your hand or come across like he’s favoring you, so he treats you indiscriminately, but at the same time deep down he is concerned for you. He has absolutely no control over what you are going up against and that nags at him because he has no clue what could happen to you.
I wouldn’t say he’s a super controlling person, but he is definitely one who wants to be aware of what you are doing and where you are going at almost all times, especially if he’s begun caring for you in a romantic sense. You’ll have privacy of course, but there’s a lot of people who want him dead and you could very easily become a prime target should they figure out his relationship with you. He needs that reassurance that you’re safe, and in the case where you aren’t he can get there quickly.
I am so sorry if you are a fan of PDA but this man is god awful with it. Like he is as stiff as a concrete pillar in public and will not really reciprocate to any touch you make. This isn’t due to the fact he doesn’t feel the same way, or is embarrassed, but because he is just really awkward and constantly concerned someone might see and jump you later.
If your relationship came to fruition would probably be on the down low, and should anyone relating to him besides Charon ever find out about it they will keep their mouth shut. He knows his ways of being intimidating and very few desire to cross him.
Speaking of which, if there is anyone trash talking you or in general giving you a hard time for no reason he does not put up with that. Will either stare at them with such intensity that they can virtually feel the irritation, or will chastise them and quickly shut them up. And when this man glares you can feel it even if you are not looking at him, like holes burning straight through your back.
Takes you out to eat places, completely his treat. He has a hard time vocalizing his feelings because of the emotional weight and trauma he has, but that doesn’t mean he won’t do his best to show you through gifts or acts of service. The times you meet up he usually has a little bag neatly tied to hand over to you, filled with anything he thinks you’ll like as he speaks with that long, droning voice of his.
Will pick you up things on the way home or to where you reside if they remind him of you. This does include more light-hearted things like plushies, and it’s a bit amusing to see such an intimidating stoic man gripping one in his arm when you open the door to face him. He holds onto things tight too. Poor plush probably is having its life strangled out of it.
His touch is almost like a ghost, just barely hovering over your skin with such hesitation like he’s scared that if he holds onto you, you’ll shatter. If you look closer you’ll see the way they sometimes shake as though he’s worried about testing the waters.
When he does embrace you it is firm, secure, distant but full of longing. His hair falls over his face as he crooks his neck to place his chin on your shoulder. He’s not super talkative at times like these, but even so not many words need to be exchanged.
There have been very few times, but you have seen him breaking down a bit. It feels uncomfortable for him, a bit humiliating even to be seen in such a vulnerable state. He usually deals with his problems alone, even if it’s not the healthiest route, so even if someone like you is there for him he’s going to struggle in reaching out.
He appreciates your will to stand alongside him and listen, but there are many things he doesn’t really tell you. Not unless they bubble up to the surface and bring him to a point of distress. Often so long as he isn’t in immediate turmoil he disregards or undermines the impact it has on him, putting off facing it for later.
Please just hold him close if and while he cries. It gives him a sense of comfort, reminds him that he’s not entirely alone. He’s not expecting answers to his problems or solutions, just someone to accompany him and listen.
Okay but on a less serious note you get to know all the drama happening at the job, and he does not hold back when he’s trash-talking too. It’s honestly so funny because you will hear some of the most obscure borderline-insults as he describes some of the batshit things the sinners do and how he is completely bewildered on how they even thought that would be a good idea. Sure they are all selected for a reason but god he doesn’t understand how some of them hadn’t died before they got hired in Limbus Company. He has a lot of pent up irritation because he doesn’t want to be the guide in the first place and ranting about it helps as well as serves as a source of entertainment for you so… double win.
Okay but you are a breath of fresh air and lord does he need one. Just offer companionship and give him time and see where things take you.
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citricchatter · 1 year
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Wow I can’t believe it’s canon.. [April Fools]
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