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kyokyeo · 1 year ago
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Diamonds are a girl's best friend
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werubisu · 3 months ago
The cutest thing in this cruel arc is that Bisky finally found someone who adores and loves her true form. #WeruBisu must sail
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Vergei x Bisky
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vergeibisky · 1 month ago
Vergei and Bisky wedding
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By anonymous
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beatle-07 · 2 years ago
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Proof that Vergei is the only character who has ever been right on the death boat:
-Didn't trust the unstable blonde on the phone -> so true bestie!
-Saw Bisky's real form and fell madly in love on the spot -> also a perfect response
-Asks to learn nen afterwards but mostly because he wanted private lessons with Bisky -> ngl, I would have done the same thing
-This pannel ↓
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That's a 10/10 character for me.
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Ayyyyy, there are a couple of people on this site who, if I see you reblogging from them often enough i will simply block you. Not a bad by association thing, it doesn't make me think anything about you. But put quite simply, these are people I refuse to be in "six degrees from kevin bacon" vacinity of them. Them showing up on my dash because people I follow are following them means my occupied space has gotten too close to those motherfuckers, and I'm not about that.
Anyway, this isn't a call out post, I'm not making morality commentary here, but sometimes you look at a person and go "if we are ever in the same room I'm going to jail for murder" and that's just how life is
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susie-dreemurr · 10 months ago
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samsassinparvismagna · 1 year ago
*melts into oblivion*
@poodletime fancy a double date with you and Astarion and me and Vergil??
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White hair men have me brain rotted fr fr
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celoufane · 2 years ago
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Celoufane, Vergeis (Germination) 2019
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keynewssuriname · 1 year ago
Uniek boek belicht bewogen LGBT-geschiedenis van Suriname
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De lotgevallen, levens en liefdes van LGBT-personen in Suriname staan centraal in het boek 'Love - A History of Hate in Suriname' dat maandagavond is gepresenteerd door schrijver en researcher Patrick Liesdek. In 366 pagina's beschrijft hij het leven van LGBT-personen sinds de zeventiende eeuw in Suriname. Op basis van uitgebreid archiefonderzoek, grondige research en diepgaande interviews laat Liesdek de lezer zien wat LGBT-personen tussen 1692 en nu hebben ervaren in Suriname. Om hun liefde voor mensen van hetzelfde geslacht kregen mensen de doodstraf, moesten anderen jarenlang de gevangenis in en durfden velen niet in het openbaar te laten zien tot wie zij zich aangetrokken voelden. De schrijver belicht de strijd voor gelijke rechten en de veerkracht van individuen en organisaties. Hij benadrukt dat de LGBT-gemeenschap slechts één van de kwetsbare groepen in de samenleving is. "Vervang je anywhere in het boek de term LGBT door inheemsen, vrouwen, of een andere minderheid, dan is het net zo relevant", zei Liesdek gisteren in Spice Quest in een interview met Zulile Blinker. Het boek is uniek in de regio, maar ook daarbuiten. Liesdek werkte er zeven jaar aan en schreef het in het Engels om zoveel mogelijk lezers te bereiken. "Ik hoop dat het ook die gebieden bereikt, waar het in de verste verte niet mogelijk is om LGBT te zijn. Je moet nagaan: dit boek zou op dit moment in 133 landen verboden zijn. En ze zouden me daar gewoon opsluiten." Het gaat om een belangrijk en pijnlijk boek, zei EU-ambassadeur René van Nes, die het eerste exemplaar maandagavond in ontvangst nam. Hij benadrukte dat de strijd voor mensenrechten moet doorgaan. "Misschien dachten we tien of twintig jaar geleden: dit hebben we gewonnen. Dit komt nooit meer in gevaar. Ik denk dat we ons nu realiseren dat dat niet zo is en dat we daarom dit altijd moeten blijven bevechten." De ambassadeur gaf aan trots te zijn dat de EU kon bijdragen aan de publicatie. Het boek laat zien hoeveel bloed, zweet, tranen en levens de strijd om gelijke rechten voor LGBT-personen heeft gekost, "omdat wat we vandaag als mensenrechten kennen er toen niet was of werd vertrapt", zei Vergey Miles, die sprak namens de jongere generatie van mensenrechtenactivisten. Hij bedankte Liesdek voor zijn harde werk "... ik weet dat honderd jaar na vandaag mensen jouw naam en de titel van dit boek nog zullen noemen. Zoveel is het waard." Om de rijk geïllustreerde uitgave bereikbaar te maken voor zoveel mogelijk lezers in Suriname, zijn maandagavond exemplaren overhandigd aan vertegenwoordigers van bibliotheken, documentatiecentra en maatschappelijke instellingen. Ook parlementariër Patrick Kensenhuis, lid van de vaste commissie Mensenrechten, nam een exemplaar in ontvangst voor de bibliotheek van de Nationale Assemblée. De boekpresentatie en -donaties tijdens de PRIDE Month zijn gerealiseerd vanuit 'Stand With Us: creating the building blocks for an LGBTQ-inclusive Suriname' (SWU), het project waarmee Projekta en Parea met partnerorganisaties werken aan een breed maatschappelijk draagvlak voor de erkenning van LGBTQ-rechten in Suriname. Het programma wordt gefinancierd door de Europese Unie. Read the full article
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cocogum · 4 years ago
Bisky Krueger is sadly relatable.
It seems like many people don’t notice or even question Bisky’s actions whenever she says the things that she says as well as the way that she deals with her ‘problems’.
Because to be honest: she’s too relatable.
Underneath all that acting of getting crazy over boys and looking all cute and innocent, Bisky is seriously self-conscious.
And it is painfully obvious.
Every time you see her entering a scene, she always has to try acting cute and small when her real form and personality are the complete opposite.
The only reason why she doesn’t show her true self is because she doesn’t like her real self in the first place.
Actually, the word ‘dislike’ here is pretty small.
She doesn’t just dislike her true body.
She hates it.
When someone attempts to say how she truly looks, she becomes violent and immediately wants to shut them up.
That’s awfully accurate to what some of us girls do.
We laugh it off or gently start slapping the guy who accidentally or unconsciously told our insecurities in the open.
This is exactly what’s happening right now.
We can think of two possibilities as to why she acts this way:
1) Bisky saw many portraying of what an ‘ideal’ woman should look like so this made her feel like she should change herself.
2) Bisky always wanted to act cute and small so she hides her true body to get the one that she wants instead and never thought about her real body as something beautiful.
So in short, either she chose to listen about what beauty truly was, or it was to her own accord that she ‘remade’ herself.
However, there is one last possibility for her physical change:
3) She chose this child-like appearance for stealth and spying abilities.
While it is true that she claimed to stay more in her younger form to fool the enemy, she mainly changed herself for her looks.
Even though we can consider her ability to turn small as a perfect kind of scouting technique, we cannot ignore the fact that she despises her real form.
Which means she must’ve changed herself for personal reasons first.
Her nen ability is literally about relaxing your muscles and giving your skin a younger look (there is nothing wrong with that ability but it’s just that the power gives her an unrealistic result).
And it’s sometimes heartbreaking to see her trying too hard to please the men with this form.
Because none of them have a distinct reaction when they see her acting all cute with them in her younger body.
There are many examples such as:
A) She tried convincing Hisoka to join them by doing the goo-goo eyes at him (instead of simply asking) but failed at having him react to her ‘cuteness’.
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B) She easily accepted to help Kurapika when he complimented (manipulated) her by telling her how ‘fragile’ and ‘graceful’ a girl like her can be meaning she got swooned over by him quite easily.
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C) She tried acting all cute and silly to Gon and Killua when she first met them to lower their guard around her and invite her into their group.
But also failed at doing so.
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D) She easily got distracted by a greed island NPC from the City of Love instead of keeping track with their program like Killua.
And later on, nagged Gon about literally doing the same thing.
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There were many more situations like A),B),C) and D) involving men she’s been trying to seduce with her ‘adorableness’ and they have never provided her with the reaction she was expecting.
For someone who has a wide knowledge of nen and usually knows how to recognize a liar from a mile away, Bisky just keeps...weirdly doing it again and again.
No matter how many times her attempts get rejected it almost seems like Bisky doesn’t notice it because you DON’T see her getting annoyed at failing over and over again.
Almost like she doesn’t see that no one thinks she's cute in that appearance.
But Bisky’s relatability stops here.
Because it only gets worse from now on.
The fact that Bisky looks like she’s clueless about it all practically feels like she might be delusional about all of this.
And by delusional here, I mean she’s being ignorant about the reactions everyone is giving her and doesn’t believe that anyone would be impressed by her real body.
It came to a point where she strongly believes that having a cute and bubbly look will for sure be better to look at than a tough and masculine appearance on a woman.
And she doesn’t stop no matter how many times her fake looks don’t work.
It was so bad that Bisky had to stop fooling around to succeed in joining Gon and Killua’s little group.
If her fake looks and personality don’t even work on pre-teens, then what makes her think that it’ll work on adults?
But it also looks like she’s not just unaware about not seeing the negative hints people are giving her on her fake appearance.
It seems that she might also be clueless about the ones who are genuinely giving her some appreciation and love based on her real form instead of what she pretends to be.
And Vergei is a great example of this.
If you do not have any recollection of this man, Vergei is the Captain of Queen Sevanti's Royal Guard as well as the Captain of the Guards of Prince Marayam.
We see his first appearance in the Succession Contest arc where he was mainly recognized by the readers as the first man (that we know of) who fell in love with Bisky’s true form.
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It surprised some fans since they’ve never seen someone noticing her true physique in this way before.
Some were even amused by Vergei’s reaction and made comments about how he might be into muscular girls.
He is a rare representation that loves varieties instead of sticking to the basics.
(And by basic I just mean big breasts and butts.)
As much as some fans loved that he enjoys the muscular type, it opened up many other answers as to maybe why Bisky constantly ignores her real body.
For one: whenever they see it, they become terrified and attempt to start running away.
And two: they may call her names like ‘big woman’ or ‘hold hag’.
But three is where we hit the jackpot.
Three: Bisky sticks to the Kawaii type to gain more positive attention.
Remember how I mentioned that there were three possibilities as to why she might have changed herself?
I said that the first possibility might have been because she was listening to the media and that the second one might have been because she always hated her macho body.
Those two may have been both of the truth mixed considering that she did always hated her physique.
Nonetheless, we can at least suspect that she listened to them while trying to find a way to hide her true self.
And she found the answer.
The Kawaii cute type.
If you do not fully understand the meaning behind this category, it basically consists of cute clothes, childish styles, soft colors, adorable animals as well as anything else that’s considered fluffy and adorable.
The Kawaii type also goes by another name known as ‘Cutecore’.
Women that use this kind of style, are typically known to have a child-like look and have perfect skin. They act all petite and innocent while wearing loli clothes and don't have much muscles. They also don’t seem to possess any strong features to be showing anywhere in their body.
Does that sound similar?
Not only did she chose this trope because it was getting popularity, but she fully embraced it.
Instead of finding encouragement and support for women like her, she found the opposite.
And Bisky learned five things that day:
1- Everyone likes ‘kawaii’, some have comfort with kawaii things.
2- Girls are typed by their style: Kawaii type is better than beautiful type.
3- Machismo society is pushing women to put makeup, shave and all.
4- Standardisation of the clothes, model of beauty (Barbie, Marilyn Monroe, etc.)
5- Imperfections, ageing, acceptance of the time passing by and death.
So in short, here’s how these five points reflect her behaviour and thoughts:
1- She came to realize that people lean more on cute and small things because they’re prettier to look at.
2- The Kawaii type gets more people to talk about than honest beauty because it has more things to aesthetically say about it.
3- As a macho woman herself, being this way wouldn’t be appealing enough. So putting makeup and wearing cute outfits (if she was petite) on herself would look much better.
4- Noticed how there were many more cute and perfect body role models than women who represented her.
5- Because of what she learned, this only pushed her hatred of her body on a higher scale resulting in creating her ability to dodge imperfections such as too many muscles, wrinkles and skin problems.
She obviously isn’t afraid of death since she has encountered many death situations while being a hunter and all.
So what she didn’t accept, was time itself.
This is why Bisky is sadly relatable.
Because she represents people who don’t see the beauty of their bodies and try to change so that they could appeal to themselves and the public.
We may or may not see Bisky finally accepting her true self in the future.
But what we currently do know, is that there are people who would genuinely love her but for her.
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cuchufletapl · 1 year ago
A man of taste.
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Also have Hanzo and Bisky sharing a look like, "Oh okay this dude's into muscles. Alright. We can use this."
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Massive shoutout to that Kakin bodyguard guy who, upon seeing Bisky's buff form, immediately went 😯😳😳😳😳, because same.
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werubisu · 3 months ago
Her beauty made him speechless. #WeruBisu
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Vergei x Bisky
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melody-hxh-spamblog · 2 years ago
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Sometimes I remember Melody was willing to give up her hearing ability to restore her body* and... not gonna lie, I hope she ends up changing her mind about that
(*this line sounds like it could also just mean "I wish none of this ever happened" vs. "I'd actually trade this ability to get my old body back," but the 2011 anime('s translation) explicitly mentions restoring her body no matter what it takes, so I'm inclined to think it's more literal)
Part of me does want her to get her old appearance back, if only because a) I'm curious to see it and b) those teeth must be a pain in the butt lol, especially for a musician - seems like she's managing with the flute somehow though
But also, considering we already have Bisky, who put a lot of effort into looking more conventionally attractive and cute to the point of suppressing some of her strength, I think it'd be nice to have Melody instead become comfortable with her new appearance to the point where she would choose to keep it along with the cool new power
(veering into wild speculation territory here, but the combination of hamsterifying her appearance while granting her an ability that lets her "see under the surface" and read people's emotions is an interesting one. Makes me wonder if she could have been a bit more shallow about looks before, and the sonata was kind of a Learning Moment? Though on the other hand, the leap from "having super good hearing" to "learning how to infer people's emotional states from their heartbeats" doesn't feel like something that necessarily Just Happens - seems like a very personal take on the ability, so maybe she was already quite an empathetic person beforehand)
(a little more half-coherent rambling about Melody, Bisky, & appearances under the cut because this post got long)
I do kind of wonder if Bisky's arc could also be headed in the direction of getting more comfortable with her buff looks (hi Vergei)... Originally I was going to say something like, Bisky's desire to look a certain way feels like an internally-motivated personal choice (which is fine - if she does it just because it makes her happy, then there's no real need to change), while Melody's feels motivated by external factors (so imo it'd be nice to see her overcome that and be more comfortable with herself).
But I'm actually not sure if that's true? We know Bisky hates her muscular body and Melody wants her old body back, but I don't think it's really clear for either of them whether that comes from insecurity, or simply from preferring a particular look (in Melody's case, the way she used to be before something horrible happened to her, which is totally understandable).
But while Bisky seems very confident and self-assured (with good reason), and I don't suuuper get the vibe that her decades-in-the-making choice of appearance is going to be undone by one very fervent simp lol, we did also see how she totally latched on to Kurapika's flattery, so. maybe needing external validation is more of a factor than it seems for her?
(and maybe that's a bit of a moot point anyway - I think external pressures can get pretty closely bound up together with one's own personal desire to look a certain way, something something We Live In A Society)
So maybe Bisky's actually the one who should embrace her true form, while Melody restores her body as a way of healing from the terrible thing that happened to her? Ooor maybe we get buff Bisky and keep hamster Melody and everyone is winning \o/
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samsassinparvismagna · 2 years ago
I have loved this pixel man since 2007 and I'm not about to stop now!
Also I fully agree that DMCV begins his smiling arc and I'm here for it!!
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Vergil’s Dimples Appreciation Post
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foreverfangirlalways · 5 years ago
Limes (part 2)
Summery- Virgil has a crush, and when his friend realize it and figure out who it is, chaos and bad puns ensues.
Ship- Analogical
As soon as the bell rang for lunch, Remy jumped out of his chair, threw his coffee in the trash, and waited, quite impacietly, for Virgil to get his stuff together. “Come on Verge! It's lunch time, let's go!” Virgil looked at his friend, becoming suspicious. He got his stuff together and shuffled out of the class, just before Remy was about to pull him out. As soon as they entered the cafeteria, Virgil decided to ask Remy what was up with the shit-eating grin on his face. “Sooo, you plan to tell me why you are so excited to go eat lunch on this particular day?” Virgil asked. Remy looked ecstatic. “It’s Wednesday.” “SHIT! Whelp, I'm dead. I’m leaving, I will be in the bathroom, dead if you need me.” Virgil started, turning around. Remy grabbed him, and started dragging him to their lunch table, where Emile, Dee, and Patton were already sitting and staring. Remy pushedVirgil into his normal Wednesday seat, in between Dee and Patton. There was only one, continuous thought that was going through Virgil’s head. “Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!!!” (in case you were wondering) Remy plopped into his seat next to Emile, looking like a smug bastard. Dee was the one who broke the silence. “So, Remy, do feel like informing us why you texted us, ‘some shit is about to go down at lunch, keep an eye on Virgil. God I love Wednesdays!’ or should we just continue to wonder?” “YOU WHAT?!” Virgil shouted, then slamming his head into the table. Some ‘I hate you’s and a few choice curse words were heard from Virgil until Patton hugged him and told him to stop cursing and apologize. Virgil looked at Remy and deadpanned, “I’m sorry that I can’t burn all of the Starbucks in the word and blame it on you.” Patton gasped, “Virgil!” until Remy spoke up, hidden laughter heard in his voice. “Don’t worry Patton, it’s fine. You’ll understand his reaction in a few minutes. Anyways, to answer your question, yes Dee, I will tell you what all of this is about. You see, our little Vergey has a problem.” “Yeah, my best friend is an asshole.” Virgil muttered. Remy pointedly ignored him, but Patton swatted him. “Now V, all you have to do is say who you were giving The Look and why, and everything will be fine.” Dee looked between Virgil and Remy. “That’s what this is about? Wait, THE Look?! The ‘I’m going to shove you into a wall’ look?” Remy looked pleased. “Why yes Dee, it was that very look!” The entire table turned to look at Virgil. Virgil flipped everyone off while burying his head in his arms. Emile started flipping through his notebook, finding the page where he had written what Virgil’s glares mean. “So,” Emile said, “was it a ‘I hate your existence' glare or an ‘you are too cute to be legal’ glare?” Virgil blushed so hard that everyone immediately knew the answer. Dee looked at Remy, silently agreeing to tease Vigil once they found out who it was. “Remy,” Dee started, “you texted that you took pictures? Give.” Virgil tried to jump on top of the table, but Patton was curious of who had caught his kiddos eye, so he held onto Virgil. Once Dee had the phone, Virgil stopped struggling as much. “Fine. I doubt that Dee will be able to identify someone from their hair color.” Dee smirked at Virgil's comment. “Oh sweety, you seriously underestimate me.” Virgil was getting nervous, but became absolutely terrified when Dee’s face lit up. “Virgil, Virgil, Virgil, you thought I wouldn’t recognise him?” Virgil was pale. “I was kinda hoping, yeah.” “So Mr. Dee, care to share your findings with the class?” Remy asked. “Well,” Dee said, Looking at Virgil. “It appears our resident emo has taken a liking to the Nerd.” Emile and Patton looked confused while Remy and Dee were looking at a shocked Virgil, grinning. “Yeah, so what if I have?” Virgil snarked. “It’s not like he will like me back.”
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estenbourgsims · 5 years ago
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The Grand Ducal Family Arrives at the Spring Gala!
The Spring Gala’s festivities are well underway, and we at Sims! Magazine are here to provide all of your royal-watching needs!
The Spring Gala was established more than 50 years ago. Initially a celebration of the birth of Her Royal Highness Princess Mathilda of Estenbourg (now the Dowager Countess of Vergeis-Huel), it has since become the start of the Estenbourg social season and an occasion for the great and the good to display their charitable side. Ever since Princess Mathilda was 16, she has selected a charity and asked guests to make contributions to it, rather than give her gifts. Past charities have included The Marie Therese Fund, the WAWG, and many more. This year’s charity is Forgotten Students, a scholarship fund to help underprivileged students in Verguiss-Huell attend university.
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Her Royal Highness Princess Mathilda, out of mourning for the first time in far too long, led the Grand Ducal Family into the historic Royal Greenhouse of Estenbourg (this year’s Gala location). Having taken a step back from the duties of a senior royal since the loss of her son and husband, Wenceslaus Palace recently announced that she would be resuming duties on behalf of the Von Esten Family. We have nothing but praise for her choice of dress and jewels, but our fashion report on the royal women won’t be released until later!
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Their Royal Highnesses, Grand Duke Mathew II and Grand Duchess Alexandrine entered the gala arm-in-arm. The Grand Duke wore his family orders, as well as the Estenbourg Rose and Star- the highest honor awarded by the Grand Duchy. He received it from his father, the late Grand Duke Adam-Josephe, when he came of age. He also wore the Imperial Collar, a relic of when the House Von Esten was part of the Simssau Empire.
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His Royal Highness Prince Wilhelm, Hereditary Grand Duke of Estenbourg, did not escort anyone to this year’s gala. Gossip has recently linked him with a number of eligible bachelorettes, but photographs and reliable reports remain elusive. He opted not to wear his father’s order but wore the Rose and Star, as well as a sash which marks him as the heir to the Grand Duchy.
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Surprising absolutely no one, Her Royal Highness Princess Amelia of Estenbourg was escorted to the gala by Lord Victor Fitz-Braun, Count of Glitzenbach! They appeared hand-in-hand with wide smiles. The two have been speculated to be a couple for some time now, but this seems to confirm it! More information on the Spring Gala to follow!
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