#Venus trine Neptune
astrosky33 · 10 months
Aspect Associations 1
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Venus sextile Mars: The aspect of extreme charm
Venus rules over charm/attraction and Mars rules over lust/flirting. It can indicate someone has a way with words and is very good at flirting. Sextile’s are also harmonious aspects that can be associated sometimes with sexual energy, enhancing the effect of this aspect
Example: Jack Harlow
Pluto sextile Midheaven: The aspect of worldwide fame
Pluto represents areas where we have a lot of power and the Midheaven rules over career, public image, and fame. Sextile’s open pathways for areas of growth, so their fame just continuously grows, sometimes even after death
Example: Elvis Presley
Venus trine Jupiter: The aspect of easy wealth
Venus represents attraction and Jupiter represents success/wealth. Trines represent talents as well as things coming at ease and are a harmonious aspect. With this aspect you can attract lots of wealth with minimal effort
Example: Mark Zuckerberg
Venus trine Neptune: The aspect of extreme musical talent
Venus rules over harmonies (not just harmony in general), Neptune rules over music, and Trines represent our talents/things that come at ease. People with this aspect have natural talents involving music
Example: Ariana Grande
Mercury square Jupiter: The aspect of underestimated intelligence
Mercury represents the mind/intellect and Jupiter represents knowledge/wisdom. When these two aspect each other it indicate extreme intelligence. However, if they square each other because squares are challenging aspects, it can cause people to have a false perception of your intelligence
Example: Marilyn Monroe
Jupiter trine Chiron: The aspect of dark humor
Jupiter represents humor and Chiron represents karmic wounds. Often people with this aspect joke about their trauma due to this. The Trine makes them have naturally humorous dark jokes
Example: Theo Von
Mars square Pluto: The aspect of ops
Mars represents conflict/aggression, one of things Pluto represents is toxicity, and squares indicate challenges. Often people with this placement regardless if they’re someone who’s toxic or not will attract lots of ops (enemies)
Example: Nicki Minaj
These aspects are most relevant when under an orb of 4°
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ferie-anon · 1 year
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🐚 Aspects & asteroid observations etc 🐚
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🍵 I notice people with bella asteroid (695) in sagittarius tend to be known for their bigger figure and curvy for females, as sag rules the booty. Men with this placement could have broader shoulders and look athletic or look fit. Btw the bella asteroid (695) can show you where ur “beauty” is.
🍵 Bella asteroid in virgo tend to have an “earthly”/natural and warm beauty. Their skin could be tanned or just have a warm undertone. They could have big doe eyes, from the ones I’ve seen that has this placement.
Bella asteroid in libra or 7th house may be known for their harmonious facial features.
🍵 Moon in 9th/sag tend to space out at times I notice, or they don’t recall certain details/events at times if they don’t remember anything memorable of it.
🍵 Venus trine neptune falling for morally grey characters? 👀
🍵 Nymphe (875) in leo in conjunct the ascendant may have luscious and wavy hair or their hair is ethereal/pretty to others.
🍵 Jupiter conjunct asc = big chest + booty 👯‍♀️ tho I’m sure ppl alrdy know that 🧍‍♀️
Difference between pluto negatively aspecting ascendant vs positively aspecting:
Me having pluto square ascendant and ppl finding it a bit hard to approach irl becuz I look quiet and studious and isolated (pluto square asc ppl are private and keep to themselves)
While my friend has pluto sextile ascendant and people finding her interesting and easy to talk to, cuz shes kinda quiet but also wants to make friends/experience the fullest of life (pluto sextile asc makes them more comfortable and confident in their power and making them magnetic and able to understand others in a deeper and different way).
Also I have another friend who has pluto square asc and ppl think she’s judgy/intimidating or looks to be a critical person at first glance/impression, even tho shes actually chill and friendly. So sometimes they don’t approach at first till they find out shes nice actually.
Random moon sign analysis:
🍵 Interestingly I have two friends with moon in 9th house but they don’t act the same. One of them has virgo moon in 9th house at 15 degrees (gemini degree), and the other has gemini moon in 9th house at 19 degrees (libra degree). Both moon signs are in mutable signs and house(while the degrees are different), but I feel the degrees slightly change the way they process and interpret information. The one with the gemini degree in her moon in 9th tend to be a bit “scattered” and have random unusual but creative and funny ideas, whereas my friend with libra degree in her moon in 9th seems to be more calm and just going with the flow with her thinking and balanced with her side and processing what others are saying to add to it. Since libra degree is cardinal energy, so her process of thinking is more direct.
It could also be becuz the two moon signs are inherently different in their process since virgo moon is more practical but also tries to retain and have a lot going thru their head, while gemini moon’s brains easily access and connect a lot of things in their head at that moment or just intuitively/ gemini moons thinkings are less filled with overthinking as they are not focused on the effects but the "possibilities".
🖋️ Mars at 0 degrees would lash out or have a lot of anger in them. If u tick them off or they feel disrespected, their anger can be volatile or hurtful.
🖋️ Saturn in 4th house could indicate to a difficult childhood or a family life of feeling disconnected or alone at times. One of my friends has this in her natal chart and her family dynamics is complicated, as she feels distant with her father and step-mom, while her birth mother and grandma lives in another country and she feels closer with them.
🖋️ I notice if theres gemini in the big 3 and earth placements in the big 6 together, they may be interested in getting tattoos on their body. For eg. Taurus sun with gemini moon and venus, they may think of getting meaningful word tattoos on their neck. (Eg. Ricky from boys planet has a tattoo on his neck with the word rolemodel on it) meanwhile sung hanbin from boys planet has a word/quote tattoo on his inner part of his arm and he has a sun and moon tattoo around the center of his collarbone/chest (hanbin has a gemini sun pisces moon with taurus venus)
I just notice that if theres gemini and earth placements in there, they’re likely interested in getting tattoos over their upper body, like arm, neck, or back. I think the moon sign can heavily influence where they put the tattoos and wut type of tattoos. Pisces moon may be more visual and may have tattoos of objects that are symbolic to them. Gemini moon may tend to get a quote they find meaningful or a fancy word tattoo. Capricorn moon may have their tattoos around areas of their joints, area wheres theres bone structure to support like the back since capricorn rules the skeletal system.
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mariaelenaariente · 1 year
The Most Stylish Astro Placements
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For a limited time only, I'm offering in-depth tarot readings for just 8$. Only 10 slots available. Find out more here
In-depth Natal Chart Analysis - reconnect with your Soul and uncover the Divine within you
Taurus placements - let's start with the obvious. Taurus placements will forever take the crown as the ones with the greatest eye for beauty, details, aesthetics, luxury, and style. Their creativity (especially enhanced if they're placed in the 5th house) knows no bounds and is truly inspiring. You can spot someone with heavy Taurian energy from a mile away, although the manifestation of this influence will heavily depend on how these placements are aspected and which planets are involved. If you're struggling to connect with your creativity as a Taurian, you can ask me for personalized guidance and insight based on your chart.
Leo placements - although their approach to their style is not as intuitive as that of Taurus placements, they wish to shine and eventually get there. If there's Scorpio influence in their chart they may also be very pragmatic about the clothes they choose to wear and how they style them. A very creative sign, those born with these placements have a strong desire to express themselves, even through clothes.
Virgo placements - I hope no one's surprised by this. Virgos are known for their attention to detail - they generally look well put together and may often choose the "clean girl" aesthetic for themselves. Although their style could be more on the simple side rather than super creative, it is still very personal and prioritizes what is in tune with their lifestyle. They may be particularly interested in accessories.
Libra placements - I personally feel that those born with a strong LIbranian influence often choose to follow trends rather than create them, but they do so in such a pleasant, harmonious, and natural way that you'd think they invented it. The mediators of the zodiac, they're great at putting things together and making it seem effortless.
Honorable mentions: Aquarius and Pisces placements - the way Aquarians approach their style may be very unique but will be heavily influenced by the rest of their chart. Still, they're often the ones coming up with unique inspiration and daring looks. Pisces placements have tons of creative energy in them, so those Pisceians who are living in tune with their nature can have a real blast when it comes to clothing and accessories, but that is not as common and we often see them being quite indecisive and uncertain when it comes to their personal style.
I feel like there's also something to be said about Gemini placements and their playful approach to creativity and style, but I can't quite pinpoint it yet in a general one-size-fits-all definition.
Moon in harmonious aspect to Venus - these people integrate emotion and beauty beautifully! They're naturally inclined to look for comfort both within and outside of themselves. If they channel this into fashion and their personal style, you can bet you're going to see the most beautifully put-together outfits.
Sun in harmonious aspect to Venus - their desire for self-expression could often manifest through intricate/aesthetically pleasing clothing choices. If Pluto is involved here, there could also be some sort of obsession regarding one's style and appearance.
Venus in harmonious aspect to Neptune - the creative potential here is absurd! Depending on the houses, these aspects can bring a strong desire for a coherent and beautiful, almost dreamy style.
For a limited time only, I'm offering in-depth tarot readings for just 8$. Only 10 slots available. Find out more here
In-depth Natal Chart Analysis - reconnect with your Soul and uncover the Divine within you
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seafoamreadings · 2 months
venus trine neptune (rx)
this trine is the ultimate in lovey-dovey googoo eyes. unconditional love (or its toxic relatives) are in the air. keep some logical thought in your mind as you go about enjoying this very sweet, rosy vibe.
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ophelyia · 7 months
Venus trine Ascendant
Your ability to create moments of unity, cohesion, and beauty brings bounty into your world. You know how to smooth ruffled feathers, preen your plume, and attract a wide variety of playmates to your park. You treat the exchange of pleasantries like an Olympic sport when necessary, and few can escape your charms when you've decided to lay them on thick. Like honey, so much sticks to you when unprotected. Make sure you save the sweet stuff for those that know how to reciprocate.
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Venus is aspecting neptune in my chart. I am exceptionally serious, when I tell you I’ve had a trillion romantic fantasies in my lifetime.
Feigning off the endless romance novels stored on my kindle at the ripe age of twelve.
This real life shit has yet to follow my standards aligning with the pristine fairytale daydream in my imagination.
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suniverseastro · 2 years
Neptune aspect Venus
Dreamer, loves romance, is a born romantic, cheesy, sacrificial in love, fogiving
Likes love stories like in fairy tales, stories that are not true. Likes to listen, discuss, chat about them, illusory relationships like with fairies, with characters in comics,…
Can "fall in love" with fantasy characters in comics, games, celebrities, idols, heroes,…
Have knowledge of art, poetry, books, literature, history, singing, dancing
May have their ideal type placed in the house of Venus and Neptune For example: Venus 7th will probably be attracted to someone with good looks
Neptune 3th is attracted to people who are good at storytelling, understanding and flexible Neptune is a planet of illusion, fantasy, dream, romance, hopelessness, paranoia and escapism, eternity. It needs to be balanced by practicality or else it will be easily derailed by the obscuring pink light and the romantic images they imagine it will have, it will appear.
With Square, Opposite, Conjunct corners. They need to be careful in choosing a life partner because they are prone to choosing the wrong person, maybe that object is of the type: a pitiful person, someone who has been hurt, a Venus-Neptune person if knocked to the left. their heart, they can act like a hero to deal with that person's pain; this can lead to wasted time, being taken advantage of; The third is the person who appeals to their dreamy nature,… Be careful about who you allow into your relationship. Need to see what kind of people they are? Bring reality with you The serenity of this angle can lead to a relationship very quickly because Neptune's light, charismatic, dreamy energy makes it easy for two people to connect with each other. But when they go further they will realize that other points have been obscured by themselves, in other words, the truth about each person is revealed and they feel that this person is not really suitable. Relationships are easy to come, easy to go Applies to both Venus in Pisces and Venus 12th
I have a Venus conjunct Neptune angle and I love the characters in the game, in the story and consider some as ideal lovers. Does it sound normal? if you stop there. I want to find real people in real life with such personalities, or "love" those characters instead of real lovers in real life. Even unrealistic fantasies. I'm trying to be more realistic, I hope we find the right person!
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esoteriamaya · 2 years
Venus Trine Neptune (tips)
Connecting to art and putting youre entire heart in it will connect you to source.
When it comes to self love rituals I believe mirror magic would be a good way to connect deeper to yourself . I feel like mirrors (portals) is a big thing with Neptune since the energy around mirrors connect heavy to them.
Your art can have this interesting, unique feeling to them. (this isn't a tip, mainly an observation)
When manifesting, I believe scripting would be great especially if you write it as some type of poem. Maybe even a story!
Being compassionate to yourself could make this trine work stronger. Both planets are connected to the heart chakra.
You can literally transform yourself with this placement because Neptune rules the subconscious. Daydreaming/meditating/scripting how you want to look and be would be a huge advantage here.
hope these help :)
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sagittarianmind · 2 years
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bitesize-astrology · 2 months
Thursday - July 11, 2024
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Yesterday I had someone insult my business practices and then demand I give her a reading according to her time frame. Well ... bless your heart Sister, but this Astrologer don't play that way.
Later today Venus moves into Leo, a sign she loves to be in. In Leo she can enjoy the things of her heart, and take pleasure in creative efforts and artistic endeavors. She's able to open her heart to relationships and to relating with the world in a deeply loving way.
But before she enters into the loving arms of Leo (at 12:18pm ET), she's got to face a trine with Neptune in Pisces at 29°, the most tested degree in the zodiac. A trine is best used when two energies align with each other, band together if you will. And that partnership is necessary, as this trine will require you to love yourself enough to be respected. Not necessary liked, or to be agreed with; but respected.
Don't fall into the Neptune illusion that you have to be in the presence of disrespect. Simply saying NO is all you've got to do. No fuss, no drama. A simple NO.
And it's the most loving thing you can do for yourself, and ultimately for others as well.
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taratarotgreene · 2 months
Weekly Astrology July 8-14 Soul Mates and power struggles
July 8-14 Venus trines Neptune, a very romantic idealistic soul mate energy,but then she dances into Leo and opposes Pluto.
JULY 8 VENUS SEXTILES URANUS + MERCURY SEXTILE JUPITER IN GEMINI- Your love life and values, creativity, writing, ideas, and big light bulb energies,there are unusual communications or cyber screw ups. JULY 10 SUN TRINE SATURN – 8:05 pm PDT, 11:05 PM EDT Use the serious spiritual energy to donate to a charity supporting abused women, get serious about addictions and signing up for rehab, and…
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libra-stellium · 4 months
Tracking Venus transits!
Notes from Planets in Transit - Robert Hand
Venus sextile Ascendant (May 8 - May 12)
I was sleep deprived during this time from my loud upstairs neighbors so I didn't go anywhere lol it was still a chill time
Very lighthearted time, you should be able to relax with friends
You feel so good you want to share it with everyone and express your feelings of affections
This transit helps to improve your relationships with everyone especially those closest to you
Good time to go out and meet people
Transit helps ensure you make a favorable impression
Venus sextile Saturn (May 13 - May 18)
This transit will show you in a positive way the duties and obligations that you have to live up to in your relationships, this will not be difficult
On 5/17 my aunt came to my apt asking for a slice of bread (she lives in the building lol) and I was like just make a sandwich and she did and at the same time my bestie texted me she was on her way and I was like ??? you're a day early lol but she didn't want to stay at her house so I told her it was fine to come and that was honestly fine! I think that the space I created for myself is so homey that it also brings other people comfort when they are here and I'm happy to share it!
Transit favors any creative activity demanding close attention to details
I made so much progress on my 3000 piece puzzle! I went to zumba and that was a lot of fun!
Your work will be carried out with great discipline
I packed my suitcase so easily!
Venus trine Neptune (May 15 - May 20)
Very pleasant transit, not very good to get work done, daydreaming
I didn't have any work at work and I was getting ready for vacation lol
Enables you to deal with people with great compassion and tenderness, you understand what they feel and think
That same night my aunt came for the sandwich we had a conversation and she was basically saying how she doesn't like having thoughts and i was like ??? tf?? lmao but basically she doesn't process anything ever bc to her it happened in the past so it doesn't matter anymore lol and then in the same convo she wants to talk about stuff her dad did when she was younger and the effect on her lol like....okay girl
Transit induces unselfish and spiritual love, just wandering about in a fog
I think this was an ideal transit to have while traveling bc this sounds like barely sleeping on the place and still having a fun day out bc it doesn't even feel real!
Venus trine Uranus (May 18 - May 23)
Transit will bring a little excitement to your life, something unexpected and stimulating that will help to make ordinary days more easily borne
New experiences every day in Amsterdam!
People you meet today are likely to be quite different from your usual friends
I was in a different country so everyone was different lol all super nice! Although tell me why at baggage claim when we arrived this lady literally punched my shoulder to move me out of her way LMFAO old ass bitch
You will seek different forms of entertainment today, maybe a concert of experimental music
Bestie and I tried edibles for the first time! It just made me more hilarious tbh but it was interesting to see that i had the same "sober up" power for like 5 min that I have when I'm drunk which is just enough to make sure we were safe and would get to our hotel safely lol
Venus opposite Pluto (May 20 - May 24)
You will seek feelings and emotions that transport you out of the ordinary
I feel like it was fated to try edibles in Amsterdam lol
Existing relationships may suffer difficulties because of obscure conflicts
I wonder if my aunt sharing my pics with my mom on 5/21 would count as an obscure conflict....
Be aware of yourself at all times, don���t let resentment flare up, air tensions but not destructively
I don't remember tensions tbh
Venus trine Sun (May 23 - May 28)
One of the most pleasant transits, good for enjoyable activity
This was the last couple days of my vacation, the trip back and first day back at work lol it was a fun time overall and that first day back at work no one emailed me asking for things so that was great!
Transit is good for recreation, pleasure, and amusing yourself with friends
Bestie and I went on these swings at the top of a building in Amsterdam and that was amazing!
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bouquetface · 2 months
ENTIRE chart will influence accuracy.
Mars Square Neptune.
- Floating - these people tend to easily disconnect from the real world.
- Needing music to workout. Tend to hate silence. Need background music or noise.
- Will encounter disappointing men. Father may be unreliable. Father may not be the provider and/or protector. Father doesn’t fit the traditional father role. For my friend w this aspect, this experience created disgust for “weak men”.
Accuracy for you heavily depends on house & sign.
Mars Trine Neptune.
- Often have an artistic hobby - drawing, painting, playing an instrument, etc.
- Often end up developing a physical hobby that brings them peace of mind - gym, yoga, meditation, etc.
- Dislike for conflict. Not likely to fight - verbally or physically. Avoidant behaviours.
Accuracy heavily depends on house & sign.
Saturn Aspects Uranus.
- Sudden change in relationship w authority. Ex: Following rules when young but rebelling against parents when older. Rebelling against what’s expected when older.
- Preferring and/or creating unconventional ways to do things.
- Good teachers. Simplifying complicated things to be easily understood. Creating new effective ways to be productive.
- Conflicted between desire for recognition from authority and desire for freedom.
Accuracy heavily depends on house & sign.
Mars Aspects MC.
- You or others are competitive in the workplace. You can desire leadership positions. You want to be recognized as the best. Or you simply dislike working with others. Prefer independent work.
- May become known for your body (in a good or bad way). People can assume you are physically active. You likely become physically fit. If you are a woman, you can have a reputation for being a “bitch”. You could be assertive and it’s seen as aggressive. You could prioritize your goals, you’re seen as selfish.
- Often I see these people irl have a bad reputation. IRL EX: People see them as assholes. People discuss their sex lives. People label them as sluts. People assume they have eating disorders. It’s just so weird how every single person ik with this aspect has random & untrue rumours spread about them.
- Entrepreneur indicator. However, not a strong one. Would need to check entire chart.
- Career may involve physical activity. Ex: Walking around a lot, physiotherapy, gym teacher, cleaning, etc.
- Conflict between authority figures like parents. A Parent encourages you to be ambitious. A parent pushes you toward choosing a career or finding a job early on.
- Parents who are forced to prioritize work over children due to financial struggle of the family.
- One strong parent. A single parent or one parent takes on most of the burden.
Accuracy heavily depends on house & sign.
Mercury Aspects Ascendant.
- Good texters. Funny and can keep a conversation going.
- Observant. This can make them anxious and/or very talkative.
- Enjoy nicknames, clever slogans and phrases. The kind of person to say things like “whatever floats your boat” “break a leg” “time to hit the sack”
- Fast talkers. Probably been told they talk too much. Using hand gestures to talk. Moving the body a lot when talking. Fast thinking.
- Difficult to relax. Unintentionally blurting things out. Feeling like you misrepresent yourself.
- Indicator of a popular person. Well connected. Could be a good salesman. Funny people.
Accuracy heavily depends on houses and signs.
Neptune Aspects Ascendant.
- People believe they can read you like an open book.
- Wandering vibe. You look lost. You feel lost. You could enjoy feeling directionless or you wish someone would show you the way.
- Expecting or wishing something would happen to help you. Wishing or expecting someone to help you. Feeling like you’re waiting for your dreams to come true.
- Escapism. Fantasy world in your mind. Wishing to live in a different reality.
- Longing and yearning for people, places and things. Feeling like you’re missing something.
- Prone to giving up. Prefer to give up and go with the flow. Dislike for standing up for yourself. Being assertive is difficult. Letting your presence be known is difficult.
- Feeling like you don’t really belong here.
- Tend to live in their own world. They can be unaware of how things they do or say are perceived. Something they randomly say or do without bad intent can be seen as disrespectful or hateful. They may not even realize it until randomly reflecting on it years later. People can have one sided feuds with them for YEARS. it’s almost funny.
Accuracy heavily depends on houses and signs.
Venus Aspect Uranus
- Relationships begin and end suddenly. ghosting and getting ghosted at some point is extremely likely. Experiencing sudden attraction. Getting close very quickly in relationships (romantic, platonic & business)
- Can experience distance in relationships. Could literally be a long distance relationship or emotional distance.
- Possible problem you could encounter: Partners or you can be awkward when expressing love. Lack of physical affection, lack of sincerity, not very romantic. Mostly jokes to avoid serious conversations.
- On the bright side you will have strong initial attraction. Get close fast. Partners can feel like best friends. Likely to be funny and openminded. Partners have unique viewpoints.
- More comfortable expressing oneself over text than in person. All my friends w this have tried dating apps.
- Later in life they develop unique perspectives on love. This is because they end up having non traditional relationships. Ex: poly, long distance relationship, blended families, interracial couples, couple from diff religions or countries, etc.
Accuracy heavily influenced by houses and signs.
MC Aspect Sun
- Desire recognition and praise. May secretly or openly want to make a parent proud. May secretly want to prove themselves to people through career success.
- Desire leadership positions. Secretly can desire fame. They want to be respected and known in their field.
- If negatively placed, it can manifest as being a sore loser. Being envious when others are praised or succeed.
- In squares and oppositions, people can be willing to bend their morals for fame/recognition and success.
- Career can become a big part of your identity. Entrepreneurship indicator.
- Fear of being gossiped about. Fear of people perceiving you in a negative light. People’s opinions matter deeply.
Accuracy heavily influenced by houses and signs.
MC Aspects Pluto
- Desire positions of authority. Desire power over others.
- Later in life, career transforms. Ex: Changing fields, Going to get a higher education later in life, etc. And this is an entrepreneurship indicator.
- Feeling pressure to be successful. Needing to prove yourself to others. May have parents or family members who didn’t support your dreams. Or family with high expectations.
- Hard aspects can end up sacrificing family & relationships for career in some kind of way. Extreme example: Having kids late to advance career. Working long hours or travelling for work. This may not allow you to be with kids or partner that much.
- Be wary these people often end up with a tarnished reputation. They can need to become like a phoenix (rising from the ashes).
- Big indicator of attracting public scrutiny.
Accuracy heavily influenced by houses and sign.
Saturn Aspect Ascendant
- Reserved presence. Observant. Patient & polite. Old soul indicator. Mature. Good mentors/teacher. Indicator of becoming a person in an authoritative position. You may not realize it but people can grow to respect & admire you. Your words have influence on others.
- Good planners. They create long term plans. Good at manifesting. Good at going after what they want. Tough start in life but always get what they want later in life.
- Have a lot of responsibility. Independent person. Difficult asking for & accepting help. Older sibling vibe. Being the forgotten child. Being the child who compromises for their siblings. Attempting to create less burden for your parents.
- Deeply value the opinion of authority (Parents, teachers, etc).
- Tough on themselves. Feel they need to work harder. Feeling the need to earn things. Feeling you haven’t done enough. Feeling you aren’t enough.
- Strong boundaries. You may have high standards and strict “rules” for people in your life especially romantic partners. Will not just accept anybody.
- And one thing I’ve noticed is whether it be saturn trine asc or saturn square asc, these people end up in positions where their partners have to “earn” them. Ex: making yourself difficult to schedule dates with. Making their potential partner prove interest and intent in some kind of way. Partners have to chase you to an extent.
- Also, I’ve seen this as dad disapproving of partner. Partner had to gradually work to bond with the dad. Ex: Helping him at the house, Initiating conversation with him every visit, Telling the dad his future plans and how they involve his daughter, etc. Saturn Asc people’s partners really WORK to prove themselves.
Accuracy heavily influenced by houses and signs.
Mars Aspect Jupiter
- Strong sense of faith. Strong sense of optimism. Strong sense of doing the right thing. Could manifest as being self righteous.
- Jupiter strengthens mars. This creates a strong drive, need for passion and action.
- Ex: Let’s say mars is in scorpio: You will truly never forget people from the past. Strong memory. Grudge holder for sure.
- If in a fire sign, very quick to anger. On the bright side, very funny. Quick thinking. But similar to Scorpio mars, will not forgive easily. An abundance of anger.
- Independent. Ability to lead. Could be a good leader or mentor.
Accuracy heavily influenced houses and sign.
Mercury Aspects Mars
- Fast thinking. This can make them charming. Or opposite effect: Fast speaking. Blurting things out without thinking. Misunderstood.
- They’d make good rappers or a good lawyer. Persuasive. Clever in speech.
- Communication has a strong effect on others. Deeply hurt others.
- Flirty without even trying.
- Might be too clever or too quick for most. Leaving people speechless.
- Fights with siblings. Issues with siblings. May grow to feel bad about how you treated them back in the day. May forever have a rivalry.
- Men may feel competitive with other men. Need to one up others. Competitive person.
- Honest and straightforward. However, if they want to lie, they’re VERY good at it.
- May have scars. Important to check the house you have gemini in. For ex: Lets say you have gemini 2nd house & mercury conjunct mars, you could have scars on the face. Prone to acne.
- Ex.2: Ik a gemini rising with mercury conjunct mars who had plastic surgery done. Mercury rules their body. Mars is “cutting”.
Accuracy heavily influenced by houses and signs.
Sun Aspects Neptune.
- Mysterious. People can’t figure you out 100%. You don’t fit into one specific label or box. Private person especially if you have scorpio placements.
- You don’t try to be a mystery. You are naturally withdrawn. Quiet but not shy person.
- Difficulty expressing oneself. Looking for escape to cope. Driving around aimlessly. Focusing on education and career over personal matters. Or depending on entire chart, substance abuse issues.
- A father who can’t stand up for himself. A father who is taken advantage of by other families members. A father who looks for escape.
Accuracy influenced by house and sign.
Sun Aspects Jupiter.
- Confident person. Many creative outlets. Optimistic outlook.
- Expressive person. Ex: Laughs loud, hand gestures, facial expression, lots of body movement, physically tall or large.
- Father could fit the above description. Father could lecture a lot. Father may be a generally happy person. Father could be a gambler. Father has the tendency to overdo things. Father could either be selfish or very generous.
- Good humour. Usually a kind and easygoing person. Adventurous spirit.
- Can get preachy about their beliefs. Stubborn on their beliefs. Conversations can become one sided - one person talking too much without realizing the others haven’t gotten a chance to speak.
- They want to share knowledge. Help others - humans and animals.
Accuracy influenced by house and signs.
Moon Aspects Venus.
- Feminine & seemingly flirtatious habits. (Twirling/playing with your hair, swaying body movements, etc). It is all naturally not intentionally done. Others, may perceive it as trying to be flirty though.
- Cooperate person. Moms can be very peace loving. Mom who sacrifices in attempt to keep the peace.
- In men, this can result in seeing women through the Madonna whore complex. Men can idealize women - lack of understanding & experience with real women.
- Taking pleasure in nurturing people. Potential to be a good baker & cook.
- Artistic eye. Home design and clothing. However, depending on signs, may prefer comfort over fashion.
- Expensive taste. Potential to overspend and be indulgent. Be cautious of ending up in debt. Sweet tooth.
- You or the mother may have a baby face. Soft and often clear skin. Especially you if your rising is in connection to moon or venus. If in connection to mars, acne & scars likely. But either way, youthful appearance.
- Happier in relationships. Feeling the need to always be in a relationship. However, depending on the signs, can be moody. Inconsistent in what you desire. Inconsistent in likes and dislikes.
Accuracy influenced by entire natal chart.
Sun Aspects Saturn.
- Restricted in self expression. May fear other’s opinions. May fear criticism. Dislike of teasing/roasting. Dislike of comedy in general.
- Being hard on yourself for mistakes. Being fussy about how you look and behave. Self conscious.
- Late bloomers. Become authority figures later in life. Desire respect over all else. Grandparent energy.
- Patient. Good planners. Hardworking.
Accuracy influenced by houses and signs.
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martian-astro · 2 months
Astrology observations (use whole signs)
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🍃 Venus in 1st house people have THICK hair (I have Venus in 1st and 3 of my friends have it as well, and we all have really voluminous frizzy/curly hair, that's hard to manage)
🍃 Saturn in 3rd can mean that you'll start college later than your peers ( I have it and my student visa got rejected 3 times😭😭 and by the time I started college, all my friends were already in their third year)
🍃 Saturn in 3rd can also mean that you start dating later than your friends or it could mean that you just aren't THAT interested in casual relationships, you probably want something serious.
🍃 Mars in 1st, if in friendly signs, can mean having a really high sex drive, sexual attraction is very important for you in a relationship. (I have it, Mars in 1st in Aries, and it's true for me, I also have rahu there so I play a lot of sports to control this, like I really exhaust myself to the bone, meditating also helps. hypersexuality is not good, so just make sure that you don't go overboard)
🍃 Moon trine Saturn people are really respectful towards women. They were either raised by a single mother or their mother made the important decisions in the family. I have it but I also know a guy who has this and he's just the sweetest and even though his mom is a sahm and his dad earns, his mom is the more powerful one��, like his dad just earns and gives all the money to his mom. It's really cute.
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🍃 Venus square midheaven people were often bullied for their appearance when young, from what I've noticed, and that's why they grow up to become people pleasers, because they don't want to be the "outcast" again. A lot of self esteem issues as well. You guys are the type to wake your partner up in the middle of the night and ask them "do you love me" and then they probably reply with "we've been married for 10 years"
🍃 Neptune square ascendant is that "HOW DO I REALLY LOOK" placement, they're the ones who get really frustrated because they look different in the mirror and camera. (I have this 🥲👍) It sucks, also you guys are obsessed with personality tests
🍃 Venus in 1st house people care a lot about a person's appearance in a relationship, it's not wrong but just make sure that it's not the ONLY thing that you focus on. I also think that it sort of stems from your own insecurity, like you guys think that you aren't attractive so being with a conventionally attractive person makes up for it, IN YOUR MIND, so work on increasing your self confidence
🍃 Moon opposite Venus people want to be affectionate but the fear of getting rejected stops them from doing so. ( I have this and sometimes I get this urge to just hug or kiss someone, like on the cheeks, friend, family, romantic partner, but then I assume that the person won't like it, so i give up. Here's the thing, ASK, this is what I started doing, now whenever I feel like that, i just go- can i kiss you on the cheek, if the person says yes, I do it, and back off if they say no) oppositions and squares are not bad aspects okay, you just need to learn how to deal with them, so yeah, ask people, don't be scared, they won't bite, some of them might, but don't hold yourself back because of them 😘🫂
🍃 Sun square Pluto women, are men scared of you?? (If yes, then, AS THEY FUCKING SHOULD). I have this and i think men find me intimidating (I'm the least intimidating person EVER), but also, I feel like, this makes you kind of unable to deal with men, you always wanna be in control, a lot of trust issues, you also think all men are shit (WHICH THEY ARE) but also you guys need to realise that some men are actually......kinda.....good🤢, almost threw up while writing this, ewwww, actually you know what, keep on having trust issues, BE IN CONTROL
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seafoamreadings · 9 months
venus trine neptune
a really sweet vibe for christmas time, even if you aren't much for the religion. this is a trine jesus himself could really get behind; unconditional, transcendent love.
but be advised you CAN and perhaps should!!! enjoy this sweet trine without making a martyr of yourself, although it may be a natural tendency. just love.
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vivmaek · 10 months
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This was originally going to be another roast. But tbh, my heart has been feeling heavy the past few months. I'm sure some of you can relate, especially with all the events currently occurring in our world. So, I decided to focus on what I love most about certain placements in an effort to spread a little positivity.
✿ Aries Moons stand up and fight for the people they care about. They won’t let their friends be belittled within their presence, they have your back. They’re the first to speak out on injustice and will take action to make things right. 
❀ People who have Gemini in the 8th house ask questions that matter. They invoke deep thoughts within other people and are unafraid to explore topics that are uncomfortable or taboo. 
✿ Those who have a Moon Sextile Venus aspect know how to make others feel loved. They pay attention to their loved ones, and give each and every one of them the special attention that they deserve. These people are relationship builders. 
❀ Libra Venus, how does it feel to be god's favorite? These types invoke good feelings in other people. They’re so sweet and have hearts of gold. Good friends and romantic companionships are easy for them to find because their affection comes from a place of authenticity. 
✿ People with Saturn in the 7th house wait for what's right for them. They take their commitments seriously and don’t play around with people's feelings. They respect their romantic partners. Their firm boundaries lead to successful relationships. 
❀ Walking earth angels have a Sun trine Neptune aspect. They have a divine presence and they don’t get tied up within their own ego. People look to them for spiritual guidance. They uplift the souls of others. 
✿ Aquarius Mercurys aren’t afraid to evoke controversy. Sometimes this is needed in the world. If there's an elephant in the room, they’ll point out the obvious. They formulate their own unique thoughts, and are not easily influenced. 
❀ People who have their Moon placed within the 4th house know how to make a home. As someone who was raised by a person with this placement, I truly reaped the benefits of this. They keep family traditions alive, or even start new ones. They understand the importance of family and act as the glue that holds everything together. 
✿ Those who have a Uranus trine Ascendant aspect make life more interesting. Without them, the world would be a boring place. There is no one like them, and they cannot be replaced. Their quirky nature is endearing. They are such a breath of fresh air. 
❀ Taurus Mercurys are so level headed that it has a calming effect upon the people who surround them. They take things slow and are not quick to jump to conclusions. Within group projects or endeavors, they are at the heart of it. People can depend on them. 
✿ People who have Uranus in the 10th house prove to others that you can lead an unconventional life and still find success. They don’t follow the rules, and don’t rely on tradition for stability. They inspire others through their free spirit. 
❀ When someone has a Venus sextile Saturn aspect within their birth chart, they make relationships that last a lifetime. These people are loyal friends and they know how to maintain the longevity of a relationship. They show up for people when needed and they never make a promise that they can’t keep. 
✿ People with a Gemini Venus teach other people how to have fun within relationships. They love innocently and there are no strings attached. They make their friends and loved ones feel like a kid again when in their presence. Their lighthearted approach to love is comedic, they live life as if it were a rom-com. 
❀ Cancer 1st housers are quiet leaders. They approach life with a healthy level of confidence. As a leader, they still treat their subordinates with the respect they deserve. They don’t forget about the little people, and are attentive to people who are struggling. 
✿ A Saturn trine Neptune aspect allows the native to grow significantly when faced with opposition and challenge. They understand the importance of spiritual lessons, and go out of their way to right their wrongs. They don’t lose sight of what they’re working towards, and won’t lose their sense of morality once they achieve success. 
❀ Libra Moons remind people how important it is to incorporate pleasure into life. Working hard means nothing if you don’t stop and appreciate the benefits you’ve gained. Having an appreciation for the little things doesn't mean they’re materialistic. 
✿ Uranus 7th houses maintain independence within relationships and don’t lose sight of who they are. They are not going to change who they are just so a relationship can function. They march to the beat of their own drum, you can dance to the music or move along. 
❀ People with a Mercury trine Ascendant aspect bring humor into this world. Of course, they’re incredibly smart and their academic skills are impressive. However, they still don’t take themselves too seriously and are full of witty remarks. They share the best memes and are always in the know. 
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