#Vektal and Georgie
mioteez · 5 months
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isa-sketches · 8 days
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From book 1 of Ice Planet barbarians!
I started re-listening to the ipb audiobooks and they are so much fun!
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shaymacmorran · 4 months
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Georgie and Vektal! 💙
I’ve been rereading Ice Planet Barbarians. I’ve drawn SaKuhi a few times now. This is my favorite. I hope you guys dig it. 😊
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neesh-ipb-art · 1 year
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Georgie and Vektal from Ice Planet Barbarians by Ruby Dixon <3
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I guess I read ice planet barbarians
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novagirlxoxo · 1 year
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alexa, play “dive in” by trey songz
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simplegal · 2 years
After reading Georgie describe the Khui singing as booms of thunder I realize I'd likely rather die then get one XD seeing as I'm massively afraid of thunder and loud booms.
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dearratroi · 7 months
Vektal when he resonates with Georgie: She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen I love her I need to mate with her she is my forever soulmate
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bloodycassian · 6 months
Ice Planet Freaks - Ice Planet Barbarians fic.
Reader x OC Sa-Kuhi (alien man)
The floor is freezing, your head spinning with confusion and wooziness. There’s a foul smell in the air but your senses are returning to you slowly. Your mind as fogged as it is though, knows that something is wrong. And not just because there’s several enormous, blue-gray men standing across from you.
“He’s the leader, he’s the one insisting on us taking this parasite.” One of the girls growls. You can’t bother to remember any of their names, not when the reality of aliens had just been dropped on you. Worse, the fact that you’d been abducted by a completely different race of aliens than the ones who were now trying to help you.
You were still hoping to wake up from this nightmare.
The beast fell with a massive, not-earth shaking rumble and the others bring you with them, surrounding the thing while the alien leader and his woman go about pulling parts out of the beast. 
You feel your face pale when the return from the depths of the thing with a long, writhing rope-like thing. It would resemble a snake, if it weren’t for it’s lack of face and the thinness of it.
Words are exchanged, and the woman - Georgie, you remember just as the leader slices into her neck - is visibly uneasy, but when she looks to the leader, she seems put at ease.
The worm-thing slides into her neck, burrowing down and in until she collapses, the big leader catching her before she can fall.
Your legs quiver, vision going hazy for a moment, your mouth going dry and stomach churning - then you’re gone.
“Drink this.” A voice murmurs, but you can’t see who it is. It’s one of the women from the group, you can tell that much from her soft tone and the fact you can understand her.
Something presses to your lips, warm and utterly delicious. You drink the entirety of it in only a few short moments.
“More-” You pant, suddenly ravenous. Your head is much clearer than it was when you were freezing outside before, like a fog has been lifted and you’ve finally been granted access to your own mind again.
Something is said in a guttural, uneven accent and for a moment you almost think you can make out the words of it.
“She can’t-” the woman’s voice protests.
“Make her.” The voice- undoubtedly male and annoyed states.
Your eyes crack open, and there’s only the dim glow of torchlight keeping the woman’s face lit. She’s one of the others, the ones who’d broken you out of the tube you’d been stored in, but she’s different somehow.
“Welcome to your new home.” She says, with an uneasy, apologetic smile. 
Your eyes flash over the room, and land on the giant blue man leaning on the wall opposite you. 
Your mind spins, the whole room going with it, and you have to lean back down on the warm bed to regain your ability to think.
It hadn’t been a dream. It was real - is real and you’re currently on a world that isn’t earth but also inhabited by aliens… 
You want to scream but all if it seems just like your kind of luck.
“Can I at least know if there’s alcohol here?”
The girl laughs, and the man stiffens, pushing away from the wall.
“She’s asking about ahh… Kolcharr-” She makes a motion with her hands like drinking.
“If that’s what she wants I will gladly provide-”
“Who are you, anyway?” You spit the words like an accusation. He’s trying to be nice but something about his presence in your seemingly private quarters annoys you.
“Your Resonance, human.” 
“Tarvir, give us a few moments for me to explain.” The woman requests, holding out a hand to him as he approaches. 
He takes a long, slow look at you in the bed before nodding, and walking out the hide-door.
She’s human. I’ve waited a century for my mate to be a human woman with no horns or tail or-
No, I cannot be ungrateful when there’s other males who would kill for an opportunity to have a mate. Even if she is angry and withdrawn and unnerving.
“Tarvir!” Vektal calls, motioning me over to the wide landing where we share feasts when a hunter returns with a large prize. 
I fear what he may say to me, as strange as it is. On top of it, leaving my Resonance behind feels worse than any physical pain I’ve had in a long time. I touch the scarred flesh at my ribs from my encounter with the snowcats. 
Perhaps she is more dangerous than a snowcat, and my body is telling me to avoid her. Yet still, my resonance hums deep inside me. 
“The humans have rules. You must give her time to gain her strength back before-” Vektal’s voice is low, his eyes scanning the small crowd that is our tribe below. They’ve taken to showing the humans our cave, pride shining in every word.
“Her Kuhi resonates as well. She is mine, Vektal…” The words sound strange coming out, choked and tearful when I should be happy. Something deep inside me wells with despair and a fear that I do not understand though. 
Vektal puts a muscled hand on my shoulder and squeezes, a reassuring gesture. My tail can’t help but rise with renewed hope in his confidence. “The Humans are weak,I know your fears. But with the Kuhi now a  part of them, they will be alright. You will live a long, happy life with your mate, Tarvir.” He says, and i can see the knowledge of the words in his face. His mate, his Georgie has changed him, and I can only hope my own mate greets me with such enthusiasm as Georgie did for him.
His words feel reassuring, and I cannot explain the leaping in my chest when his eyes go over my shoulder. It’s fear and excitement together, a strange mix of emotion I’ve never felt aside from when my mate is near. 
And of course, when I turn around she is squinting with her strange flat face into the cave, down at the glowing pools and my people and hers below. I watch her and watch, my chest thrumming with anticipation of what her reaction will be.
Her eyes dart about, from the open roof of the cave that gives us light from our sky, to the carved walls and hide doors. Her eyes are strange, filled with white still even after accepting the Kuhi, but I can learn to love them. I can learn to love all of her, should she let me. Vektal is right, they need to be given the choice, but if her Kuhi does respond.. How is that anything but acceptance?
My chest thrumming, I begin walking towards my mate and the other human female. Her head snaps in my direction, as wild and untamed as a snowcat as she eyes me.
Then, she pushes off the half-wall overlooking my people below, and vomits on the floor.
I rush to her, already calling for our healer. Has she eaten something poisonous? Surely the Kuhi had healed her of any of her human sicknesses by now. It made no sense, she should be as strong and capable as any of us with the Kuhi in her.
“Tarvir?” She pants when I’m lifting her from the ground. She is light as a Kit in my arms, and her soft skin makes my cock harden. I put away the impulsive thought, she is cleaelry sick and needs tending to. 
“I am here my Resonance.” I reassure her, hope filling my chest. She’s able to speak, that is good. If only she would stop being so confused about things. I stop my ungrateful thinking. Vektal had said they are unknowledgeable and as helpless as even the youngest Kits, I must keep that in mind when caring for my mate.
It will be a challenge, especially for one as impatient as I can be. I will learn, and make myself a better mate for her, though.
His skin is supple, the corded muscle beneath the silken skin a delectable contrast to what one would expect. A rumbling in your ears nearly drowns out his cooing words as he chatters to you. He’s huge, and carries you like a child’s stuffed animal, but with utmost care. 
He’s tall and built like a house, not lithe like Vektal, a bit thicker in the chest and his face was less angular. He was what you’d think a lumberjack version of these guys probably was, a huntsman of sorts. 
Great, you’d scored the burly version of their people. You couldn’t have gotten the supermodel one, like Georgie had? 
“This is real.” You’d been repeating it, over and over again since Tarvir had guided you inside the room, one you now recognized was likely his. You were his mate, after all. That’s what one of the girls had told you, and though you wanted to deny it, there was no other reason you could think of to explain the humming in your chest. 
“It’s to make the best offspring, I’d guess.” She supplied with an uneasy smile.
So, you were expected to make an alien-baby with the guy who’d brought you here, who’d insisted upon being your mate… But you couldn’t exactly blame him. You doubted he had much of a say in the matter either. And looking at him, you were glad that he was at least in one piece, unlike the one that had stolen Liz away. 
And Tarvir hadn’t stolen you away, that was also a good point to be made towards his character.
Names and information were slowly coming back to you now, like your dream-state had still absorbed all the information around you while you were in the tube. 
“So what do you want from  me?” You ask the blue man, crossing your arms over your chest. Your head is still dizzy but at least while sitting you can catch your breath somewhat. 
His large brow scrunches together, his head cocking to one side like a dog. It’s charming on him, and it makes the corner of your lip curl in an almost smile. 
“Want?” He repeats, leaning in towards you. He’s close enough that you can feel the heat radiating from him, and the furs suddenly feel much to warm on you, but it’s a comfort you’d been lacking for the time you’d been in the ship. You clutch them tighter around yourself. 
You try again, the language barrier clearly at play in this conversation. “Why.. why me?” The words are barely a whisper when you say them, and you can feel your cheeks heat with the way the question sounded so juvenile. 
His hands frame your face, forcing you to look into his magnificently blue eyes. Your heart thunders, the blood rushing in your ears almost too loud for you to hear him. Only, it’s not just blood, its the Cootie that’s also humming now. The throbbing of it reaching from your chest to your groin in a drumbeat of horniness.
His breath is sweet as he speaks, entrancing you further. “I want you. Only you. I want whatever you will allow me to have, whatever your own wants are will become mine, and we will live happily together. Whatever it is I want, it is only because you wish for it as well.”
Your heart soars, the rumbling in your chest spiking. Your breath is shallow and uneven as you fight the urge to grab on to his horns and pull him in for a demanding kiss. It’s just the cootie, that’s all that’s making you feel this way. 
But his words… You groan and lean back in the bed, freezing in place when he slides in beside you. It’s not like you can kick him out after he’d just said something sweeter than any human had ever said. 
“My Resonance, whatever your wants are will be mine, I promise. So if you wish to lay here, I will do the same. Until you ask me to leave, I will always be here.” He places a hand on your chest, and it’s a weight you can’t describe as anything but needed. 
His presence alone is already so comforting, is it because of this thing inside you now or because you truly are already falling for him? How couldn’t a girl, when their man spoke like a freaking shakespeare play? 
“This is real.” You breathe, and look over to him. 
He’s staring at you, eyes full of wonder and admiration. You turn on your side to face him, but his hand on your chest doesn’t move from it’s spot, as if waiting for you to do something with it. He’s waiting for your permission, you realize. 
You take his hand and bring it to your cheek, then kiss the soft skinned blue man for the first time. In his cave. On a different planet. After you’ve been freshly given a parasite. 
Yup, totally real and not a dream.
My human’s skin is soft, and so very different from my own. It’s not a bad thing, but strangely intoxicating as I breathe in her scent and her lips press against my own. This is a strange sensation, but I’ve seen Vektal and Georgie do this, and know that it must be some kind of acceptance of our bond together.
My heart soars. She’s accepted me, at least on this physical level. If she is willing to press her lips to my own, it may be similar to humans as mating is to us. Will I need to show her what mating truly means to us? Surely the lip-pressing doesn’t create human kits on their world, does it? 
I am silently cursing Vektal for not giving us more information when my human rolls on top of me, straddling my waist. My cock is achingly hard and I feel shame for it, she may not be ready for such kinds of mating ritual-
She grinds her hips down onto me and I suck in a breath, my eyes going wide in surprise at the heat I can feel from her with even two layers between us. I growl and bear my teeth, my fingers digging in to her soft hips as she sways atop me. My Kuhi is humming violently, filling my space with the sounds of our shared pleasure, fueling my drive as I arch into her.
She wouldn’t be doing this if she did not accept our bond. I sit up and take her small face in my hand, bringing our lips together again. This is a strange talent that I must learn, and what a better time than now? It sends shocks of pleasure through my body at her taste, the way she touches me back is delicious and more precious than the twin-suns. 
“Need your cock-” She pants against my skin. She’s already left love-bites on my shoulder and I am ecstatic at this. Many of the mated pairs in the tribe share love-bite ink marks to signify their love for each other. I hope my human will want the same for us. 
I’m off the bed the instant she rolls off of me, stripping off her own clothes. Mine are much faster to remove, so I take the pleasure in removing her tunic ties as she undoes the laces at her borrowed trousers. They look ridiculous on her, tied in different places and cuffed at the bottoms to stay up, but they are mine and I am proud to share any part of myself with her. 
She moves to take my cock in her hand and as much as I’d love to feel her soft grip upon me, I catch her wrist in my hand and move her to lie back on my bed. I pull her hips forward, off the edge and wrap her legs around my shoulders. I’ve never had a lover of my own people, but I’ve heard enough. 
I lap at her slowly, and her taste is like seeing new colors, scenting new spices. I groan, my kuhi responding with desperation as I gorge myself on her wetness. My cock is rock solid and dripping with lubricant, but as much as I want to bury myself inside her, I resist. I’ve heard enough stories from the mated males about this that I know they like it slow at first, a building thing. 
But my human seems to not want this. She grips my horns and pulls me close, like she wants me elsewhere, and I worry for a moment that I’m hurting her. I relent my lapping at her entrance, and look up at her. Her maine is tangled and I make a note to help her wash it later, but the delicious flush of her cheeks has me dripping to the floor of the cave. 
She pulls me, and I place my lips every inch of the way up her body, but she stops me, moaning in a particular spot. She pushes me back down, and I cock my head to the side. Does she want me or not? 
She removes a hand from one of my horns and reaches for her sex. I nearly protest her touching herself when I am right here, but she rubs a small circle over the very top of her opening, and I see it then. Ahh- This is what Vektal had mentioned, the nipple. 
I nudge her fingers out of the way and lap at it slowly. It is a strange bud, less similar to how I imagined nipples and feeling much more like sucking the meat from the river-creatures that live in the streams in the summer time. I dare not bite my Resonance, though. I know this is working for my mate, because she writhes below me, her hips arching off my bed and her cries growing louder as I increase the speed of my tongue. 
Her hands are gripping my horns, holding me in place with her desperate pleading. I do not relent my tongue upon her, even when she’s panting “Please, please–” because she hasn’t pushed me away. I do not know if this part is the human custom, but she isn’t pushing away, so I continue. 
Her slickness is better than any catch, even the rarest. She’s warm and balanced and I can’t imagine how I’ve lived before having this. She’s saying something about moving or going somewhere when her thighs suddenly crash against my head, deafening me. I keep my mouth open as she rocks and shudders upon my tongue. I use a hand to ease the aching in my cock, relieving some of the pressure she’s caused me to build. 
I cannot tell if she’s like the other humans, or if this mating is strange for them. After her thighs ease from my head I go to lick her more, but she pushes me away with a strange, small foot. She waves me toward her, wrapping her legs around my waist and pulling me down atop her.
Her hand goes to grip my cock once I am holding myself above her, and I cannot deny my own need for any longer.
The moment her small hand wraps around me, my mind goes blank aside from the pleasure of it.
He’s huge. Okay, he’s massive, thick and veiny and with the built in ridges it has you seeing stars before he’s even entered you. 
But he’d just made you come so hard that you need more, and your clit is much too overstimulated. You guide the crown of him to your entrance, and he sucks in a sharp breath. Yeah, you doubt he’ll last long, which is a good thing considering his size. He’s thick and muscled and holy shit, the ridges feel amazing. 
The first inch of him is a stretch already, and he pulls out to spread your wetness and his own along his shaft. His re entry is smoother, drawing moans from both of you. He’s shuddering within the first few minutes, and with those kinds of muscles you know its not because he’s getting tired. 
You adjust your hips, angling upwards more and your mind goes blank. He’s brushing your g-spot already, and he’s only making shallow thrusts. Your legs squeeze him, pulling him in harder and your eyes roll back. God, he’s perfect for you- your nails bite into his soft skin and you think he likes it, because he leans down and places a bite mark on your shoulder, the elongated canine teeth leaving gentle pock marks where they intended your skin. He looks there proudly, and slams into you. The slapping sound of his thighs meeting yours echoes through his home, and your moans join it.
You’re wet, dribbling wet and it’s about halfway through fucking that you notice his hands aren’t what keeps brushing over your clit, but a second, smaller and softer dick that has been nudging you the whole time. Your legs quiver at the idea of it alone, all the things that it could do-
He stiffens when your insides clench around him, his thrusting faltering for a moment. Then, he’s gripping your hips and lifting you, pulling you forward with every one of his thrusts into you. His pace is demanding and with the g-spot stimulation and his second dick… You’re a mess. You're spilling profanities and cursing him to the worst places imaginable. Thankfully, he doesn’t understand what half the shit you’re saying means. Doubly thankful, he doesn’t stop his relentless assault on that tender spot inside of you. 
The ridges on his dick are fucking incredible as he pulls out and slams back in, and it heightens the experience even more. There’s no chance you’re not going to cum from this. It’s hard to hold back, and with the new positioning you’re nearly drooling with the immense pleasure of it all. The second he palms your breasts, your eyes squeeze shut and you’re trying to hold back your climax, but it washes over you anyway. you’re squirming, cumming on him with an intense sense of need and belonging. You’re sent through the peaks of it relentlessly, his second dick rubbing away at your clit as you ride through it. It’s intense and demanding and possibly the most mind-shattering fuck you’ve ever had. Even without the whole giant-blue-alien-mate thing.
He doesn’t stop thrusting, and as you pant and groan he’s bringing you into another orgasm with the way his other member rubs against you. His strokes are becoming frantic, feral and completely brutal as he fucks deep inside you. Your pussy clenches, milking him and he snarls something in his language that you don’t yet know. He stiffens, providing only shallow thrusts that have you seeing stars. Your body is jelly as he pumps into you, then he’s tightening his hold, his blunt nails digging into your skin. His eyes flare, and you can tell he’s wishing he had the restraint to keep fucking you.
He’s groaning, a guttural feral sound that is like a sweet song in your ears. He spills inside you, pulsing and twitching and god he’s gorgeous and so sweet as he fills you. He licks at your neck and flicks his bumpy tongue over your nipples, his hands going to cradle you in his arms. 
His tail is wrapped around your ankle like some kind of anchor point as you lose yourself in the pleasure of it all. 
You’re brushing his hair back and nuzzling into his neck the moment he lies down beside you, pulling you into his embrace. Like you’ve been lovers for your entire lives. 
His plan is likely to be just that.
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oblivionsdream · 1 year
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Commission for @//bookbeau on Insta of Georgie and Vektal from Ice Planet Barbarians. This can also be found in their shop! :)
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shaymacmorran · 4 months
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Rereading IPB. Here’s Georgie and Vektal. 💙
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neesh-ipb-art · 1 year
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baby 101 with Georgie and Vektal
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c-e-d-dreamer · 1 year
Tell me more about IPB Nessian! I just finished Barbarian Alien and I am obsessed with the series! I'm anxious to see Cassian being an insta simp as a Sa Khui male.
Um I would absolutely LOVE to talk about the Nessian IPB AU I'm hoping to post for Nessian Week! I devoured like the whole original series and it's just so fun to put all the ACOTAR characters into that Universe.
Feyre is obviously the Georgie of this AU with Rhys as the Vektal, and they're just happily mated and running the tribe. And there's other folks there like Az as a blue alien man and Gwyn as a human, and Vassa as Harlow and Jurian as the "wild" alien aka Rukh.
A la Josie's story, Nesta has a IUD that has kept her from resonating, but that's how she prefers it. She has no interest in a mate!
Except, one evening, it falls out, and she's like NOPE! So she tries to sneak out in the middle of the night, but of course Cassian who's been simping and won't leave her alone catches her and ope! They resonate 😏
Nesta is even more like no thank you, and she decides that she's going to go to the spaceship/Elder Cave, get the IUD reinserted via the medical machine, and will make this whole thing go away. Cassian is a sad boi about this idea, but he agrees to escort her. Shenanigans, of course, ensue then 😉 and you already know they get their happy ending!
Anywho! Enjoy a cheeky little snippet below the cut just for you, bestie 😘
Everyone is chatting or smiling, and Nesta presses her knees that little bit tighter against her chest, digs her nails in that little harder into her arms. She just doesn’t understand how everyone can be so normal. How everyone can act like this whole thing is normal.
“Hello, Nes.”
Nesta snaps her head to the right, finding Cassian standing there, his dark, curly hair falling around his face for once. He folds his long legs to settle into the seat beside her, offering her one of his easy smiles that tugs the left side of his lips up higher than the right.
“What do you want?” Nesta asks, hoping her cool, clipped tone will scare him off the way the rest of the sa-khui have steered clear of her. Unsurprisingly, Cassian’s grin only seems to grow, his glowing eyes almost seeming to glint.
“I brought you some meat,” Cassian explains, holding out his hands and showing off the food in question. “I have burned it the way you humans like.”
Nesta rolls her eyes and turns away from him. “I’m not hungry.”
Cassian is silent for a moment, and when Nesta chances a glance back toward him, he’s frowning in confusion. “You must be. You have not eaten at all today.”
“What? Are you watching me?”
Nesta scoffs at that. If there’s one thing these aliens are terrible at, it’s reading a room. She decides not to deem him with a response, hoping that with her extended silence, he’ll finally take a hint and leave her alone.
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i'm reading ice planet barbarians and am i crazy for thinking georgie/vektal are feysand coded and liz/raahosh are nessian coded? i feel like there is something there like they're a bit tethered!
No, not crazy at all! I think the same thing!! How far have you gotten? I know who i think elucien is, but I want to know if you do, too
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rabid-reads · 3 months
the Ice Planet Barbarian series has been the equivalent of saturday morning cartoons for adults, and they are exactly what they need to be: the sa-khui men are perfect in every way.
i wanted to list my favorite to least favorite, but i've genuinely enjoyed each book. i'll continue to update this list as i work my way through the series. i just might read all 65 books.
1. Barbarian's Taming (Hassen x Maddie)
*for me, this book had the best couple and smut
2. Ice Planet Barbarians (Vektal x Georgie)
*i love Sheorgie and Vektal so much
3. Barbarian Mine (Rukh x Harlow)
*i loved how protective and conflicted Rukh was
4. Barbarian's Tease (Taushen x Brooke)
*i liked how jealous and funny Taushen was
5. Barbarian's Lady (Harrec x Kate)
*this one is all the fun and silliness i love about the books. Harrec's whole plot to get Kate alone backfiring? and he's just so unserious, even when he's about to be crushed by rocks.
6. Barbarian's Redemption (Elly x Bek)
Elly is my favorite fmc, and i loved the whole concept of her and Bek starting over together and helping each other be better.
7. Barbarian's Mate (Haeden x Josie)
*i was mad at Josie for wanting to get her khui removed, but adored how in love with her Haeden was
8. Barbarian Alien (Raahosh x Liz)
*i feel like these two deserved to drive each other insane
9. Barbarian's Prize (Salukh x Tiffany)
*i did not like how Tiffany wouldn't stand up for Salukh, but bc Salukh and all sa-khui men are perfect, this book won me over bc Salukh was so patient and amazing
10. Barbarian's Touch (Rokan x Lila)
*Rokan was so sweet, and it was adorable how the whole tribe learned sign language and were excited to meet Lila
11. Barbarian Lover (Aehako x Kira)
*it was so endearing how determined Aehako was to cheer up Kira
12. Barbarian's Heart (Pashov x Stacy)
*i liked how the plot was developed through their story, and how jealous Pashov would get
13. Barbarian's Hope (Hemalo x Asha)
*i don't enjoy the alien pairings as much, but i like Asha and her friendship with Claire. it was the highlight of this book for me
14. Barbarian's Choice (Mardok x Farli)
*idk Mardok wasn't it for me. he took too long to decide not to tear Farli away from her family...he just wasn't as perfect as the men in the tribe. Vektal would never
15. Barbarian's Rescue (Warrek x Summer)
*the best thing that happened was the interactions with other characters, and the sa-khui finding the she-spot.
Books I've read but haven't ranked yet:
Barbarian's Tease (Taushen X Brooke)
Barbarian's Beloved (Zolaya x Ariana)
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theladyofbloodshed · 2 years
Wait what is iced planet barbarians
Okay, I am going to try and remain semi-normal about this.
You'd think being abducted by aliens would be the worst thing that could happen to me. And you'd be wrong. Because now, the aliens are having ship trouble, and they've left their cargo of human women - including me - on an ice planet.
And the only native inhabitant I've met? He's big, horned, blue, and really, really has a thing for me...
The first book follows Georgie as she wakes up on an alien ship having been abducted from her bed. There are other girls on the ship with her - some are awake and some are in stasis pods. She becomes the defacto leader and after a crash, she goes in search of help. The aliens who planned to enslave them are not the same ones on Not-Hoth.
Georgie gets caught in a trap and meets Vektal - a massive, blue alien whose chest is purring because that's her resonance mate! He's also the chief of the tribe. Resonance means time to make a baby, but Georgie has a group of girls who are freezing, starving, and injured waiting for her to seek help so she has to convey to her alien that there are lots of girls who need assistance.
Many years earlier, there was a sickness amongst the tribe so they literally have no women in the tribe. A whole ship full of women? It's Vektal's lucky day!
The series follows the girls as they get paired with a big, cinnamon roll alien who is their mate. It's not a copy and paste book every time as it's not always smooth sailing between the couples, lots of issues are explored like SA and anxiety to more funny ones like Dagesh thinking Nora wants a Jewish wedding to make things more official but really she just wants some spanking in the bedroom. They are better to read as part of a series but Ruby Dixon writes ridiculously quickly so has so many books.
Literally all of the alien men are kind and loving and just want to take care of their mate and see them flourish. I end up reading a whole book in one sitting because it switches between the two POVs of the couple and they're just really enjoyable books.
First book set ups all the romance. The second book is almost enemies to lovers. Third is sad girl meets flirty, sunshine boy. Fourth is tarzan retelling. They're just great. We have an alien who learns sign language to communicate with his partner. We have one who is told by a human woman to carve a likeness of his dick as a courting gift (they're all very naive). We have an earth girl who cannot stop talking paired with strong and silent guy. There's fake dating, there's twins, there's sunshine and grumpy trope! It has it all!!!
However, I will say that for the original Ice Planet Barbarian series couples resonate to each other. This is when the khui (a little parasite they have implanted to help them survive on the hostile planet) decides its met its equal and they go into heat until the woman gets pregnant. All of the couples are straight and all end up with pregnancy so if this is something that puts you off, you'll probably want to avoid the whole series!
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