raurquiz · 8 months
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#happybirthday @JulieCaitlinB #juliecaitlinbrown #actress #tykajada #startrek #deepspacenine #thepassenger #vekor #thenextgeneration #gambit #natoth #babylon5 #sliders #MiamiBlues #BeverlyHills90210 #jag #lawandorder #criminalintent #silkstalkings #allaboutevil #ds930 #startrek57
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Nolphe hated the sensation of waking up. It was sticky and it was almost like he could feel the fingers of the dreamscape clutching at his arms. That said, he would have preferred to stay asleep forever and ever. Never having to wake up again would have been bliss for him.
He sat up in bed, brushing away the invisible fingers of sleep and dreams that usually held him and swinging his legs over the side of the bed. Sunlight, too joyful, streamed into his room from the crack under his door. It was sharp and golden and warm, and illuminated the room quite well, for being such a small source.
He rose to his feet, wobbly on unsteady footing, still feeling groggy. He moved to the door and pushed aside the wooden bolt, pulling the rough wood door inward. He peered out at the courtyard, which was bustling with early risers hoping to set up in a good spot for today’s market. His house sat on the inside of a bend in the road that ran through the courtyard, and as he looked down one end of the road, he could see the busier, more highly sought after market spots already full with colorful stalls and patrons. He grumbled and closed the door again, but not before he separated the top portion of the door from its bottom part, allowing him to relatch the lower part, and leave the top part open. This provided him light into the room.
He walked to his basin and water jug and poured a generous amount of water into the basin before submerging his arms in the cold water. He splashed some up into his beard and onto his face to further wake himself up, before drying himself off with a woven cloth. That routine completed, he pulled his head scarf from its hook by the door and carefully arranged the red fabric around his head and neck and shoulders, letting one end trail long down his back, as was the custom. He wandered deeper into the house for a moment, to grab his leather bag, which he strung diagonally across his body.
Properly adorned, he fastened on his sandals and let himself out of the house, latching both top and bottom parts of the door, and then locking the entire thing with his key. He stowed his key in his bag, then touched his index and middle fingers to his forehead and then to the head of a small stone statue set into the wall alcove beside his door. He wasn’t religious, but if the vekor of protection was real, he wouldn’t want to be caught as an unbeliever.
Nolphe made his way down the street toward the market stalls. As he approached, the familiar sounds of merchants hawking their wares, all trying to catch a potential customer’s attention. Fruits of all sizes had been set out in neat piles in their display troughs, and just a stall or two down, a farmer had spread his vegetables out. Closer to the square, the bleating and lowing of animals filled the air. He stopped for a moment at a cloth merchant’s stall, carefully examining some of the cloth. One bolt had fine gold threads woven in intricate patterns among a deep blue, another had deep black and soft cream colored threads added to the purplish red. He considered asking if there was any blood red colored fabric, as he thought about buying some fabric for a new head covering. However he quickly dismissed the idea, as he didn’t have the money to spend on something frivolous like that. He already had a perfectly decent covering anyway.
He continued on, navigating the crowd easily, deftly stepping around customers as they haggled at stalls, and other pedestrians as they passed by. No one paid him any mind, not many knew of his ability, and the few that did notice him only did so because of his head covering. Most men did not cover their heads, but all somnipaths were required to, no matter their gender. Nolphe had chosen his red head covering because it had been the color his mother had worn, and it meant everything to him.
He stopped a moment at a carver’s stall, his eyes caught by a small wooden jay that had been delicately stained blue at the tips of its carved feathers. He gently picked up the bird, which had its wings spread in frozen flight. It fit perfectly in his hand, and he could imagine a child running around with it in hand, pretending the bird was swooping and diving through the air.
“How much for this?” he asked the merchant, holding up the carving.
“That there is handcrafted moulin oak, I can give it to you for twenty five.”
Nolphe nodded, that was a fair price for such an object, pulling out his money purse and paying the merchant, then stowing the carving in his bag.
Now he pushed through the crowd with fervor, impatient to get where he was going, he no longer stopped at any of the stalls to peruse. He turned down familiar streets, getting into the middle of town now. Here were the permanent shops, tailors, butchers, a smithery, these were artisans and quality craftsmen, and they’d charge double the price of the markets.
He passed through the crowded streets dodging around pull carts and wagons, until finally he arrived at a large gate. They were just opening for the day, as the groundskeepers were securing the gates in their open position for the day. He joined the scraggle of other people waiting outside, and together they all headed up the walk toward the large hospital.
It was a massive stone structure, rising majestically from the trees around it, built on a large, well tended plot of land in the middle of town. Nolphe remembered how the town magistrates had attempted to shrink the hospital’s land piece recently, but the vote had not passed.
As he waited in line, he pulled his head covering around his mouth and nose. Those around him didn’t appear sickly, there were no coughs or peeling skin, but he didn’t want to take any chances. Getting sick was the last thing he needed right now.
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filmjunky-99 · 2 years
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s t a r t r e k t h e n e x t g e n e r a t i o n created by gene roddenberry Gambit, Part II [s7ep5]
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itsagrayarea · 7 years
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#TrekToons are back for #GreatestGen eps 155/156 Gambit, parts 1&2. Featuring #Vekor the punk rock merc who dies too soon. #startrekthenextgeneration #startrektng #pencilsketches #pencil #sketchbook #sketches
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mysticmachmir · 4 years
Judaism: Solstices and Equinoxes
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Judaism runs on a lunar calendar, for example, all our holidays start at sundown. So, this means that the changes of the seasons which are based on a solar calendar do not have as much prominence as the phases of the moon. However, in the Jewish Pre-Talmudic text the Book of Jubilees, we see an alternate Jewish solar calendar. In the end, it was not chosen for what our system is based on - but the Rabbis do talk about the solstices and equinoxes within the Talmud (Berakhot 59b, Shabbat 53a, Eruvin 56a). The word for these four seasons marked by these events is "Tekufot" (tekufah in the singular) which literally means "turn" or "cycle" in Hebrew. According to the sages, each tekufah marks the beginning of a period of 91 days 7½ hours. Tekufot are not necessarily positive events, associated with some negative superstitions. However, there are some different recorded Midrashim that have positive or neutral associations, along with a blessing that can be used to acknowledge them (though this is a minority opinion in the Babylonian Talmud, majority rules this was not necessary). While there is no exact answer, there is some speculation that the four new years within Judaism may be marking the four solar transitions within the year, but some of them are at half-points and not accurately aligned. 
An ancient superstition connected with the tekufot is surrounding water. All water that may be in the house or stored away in vessels in the first hour of the tekufah is thrown away in the belief that the water is then poisoned, and if drunk would cause swelling of the body, sickness, and sometimes death. One of the reasons it is said is because the angels who guard and are the protectors of the year "change shifts" at every solar transition, so water is left unguarded. Another is that Cancer fights with Libra and drops blood into the water. Another reason is that at every tekufah, blood has been shed in our spiritual history. At Tekufat Nissan, the waters in Egypt turned to blood. At Tekufat Tammuz, Moshe smote the rock and caused drops of blood to flow from it. At Tekufat Tishrei the knife which Avraham held to slay Yitzchak dropped blood. Finally, at Tekufat Tevet, Yiftach sacrificed his daughter. It is not only against kashrut laws to ingest blood, but there is a lot of superstition around keeping life and death separated in many of our rituals. To avoid this issue with unused water, one must put a piece of iron within it or put it in an iron vessel. If you are making matzot on Tekufat Nisan, you must use a new iron nail and lower it by a string into the water first. 
There is no traceable origin of this superstition, but in the 10th-century Rabbis asked about these questions and discussed it, meaning it was widespread even then.
In Berakhot 59b, the sages say: "One who sees the sun in her tekufah, or the moon in her power, or the stars in their orbits, recites: Blessed is the one who makes Creation' (baruch oseh vereshit)." Abaye argues this should only be done every 29 years when the spring equinox falls so that the sun is in the same place it was on the day of Creation. However, the minority opinion was still written, so you could make the choice to recite it in the astrological events mentioned.
Havdalah ha-Tekufah
This blessing may be recited over a cup of wine or grape juice on the day of the equinox or solstice. This prayer also may be recited along with a blessing over a scent related to the season, for example, flowers for spring, fruit for summer, leaves for fall, and pine boughs for winter. It is based on the following texts:
The Havdalah ceremony dividing Shabbat from the weekday. 
The blessing over equinoxes and solstices found in the Babylonian Talmud (Berakhot 59b).
The traditional evening prayer marking the transition between day and night.
The Torah text in which the Holy One promises Noach that the seasons will continue as long as the earth endures (Bereishit 8:22).
The blessings over the abundance of years found in the daily Amidah prayer (recited in the feminine to honor the Skehinah, the immanent Divine Presence). 
Baruch atah Hashem Elokeinu melekh ha'olam borei peri ha'gafen.
Blessed are You, Hashem, Ruler of the Universe, creator of the fruit of the vine.
Bercuchah at Shekhinah Elokeinu ruach ha'olam, borei isvei (atzei) vesamim. 
Blessed are You, Shekhinah, the Presence who embodies the world, who creates fragrant plants and grasses (or: fragrant trees). 
Baruch atah Hashem Elokeinu melekh ha'olam, oseh vereishit, asher bit'vunah meshaneh itim umachalif et hazemanim. Od kol yemei ha'aretz zera vekatzir vekor vechom vekayitz vechoref veyom velailah lo yishbotu. Bercuhah at Shekhinah, mevarechet hashanim. 
Blessed are you, Hashem, Ruler of the Universe, who makes Creation, whose wisdom changes the times and turns the seasons. As long as the days of the earth endure, planting and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night shall not cease. Blessed are You, Divine Presence, who blesses the years.
Midrashim and Teachings
Pirkei de-Rabbi Eliezer, a Rabbinic work, tells of the teaching of tekufot to Adam and Chava as part of divine wisdom. Pirkei de-Rabbi Eliezer (7) also notes the combination of lunar and solar elements in the Jewish calendar. The passage explains that Rabbinic authorities inserted leap months in the calendar "for the sake of the trees, for the sake of the grasses, and for the sake of the tekufot," meaning that the lunar calendar had to be balanced with the cycles of planting and harvest and with the cycles of the solar year. 
Medieval traditions about the tekufot emphasized the eerie qualities of the solstices and equinoxes. The Machzor Vitry indicates the frightening biblical events such as the plague of blood that happened at the four seasonal transitions. 
The Otzar Midrashim (Hashem Behomah, Yasad Aretz 6) mentions a more positive midrash in which giant mythical beings and animals roar on each of the four seasonal dates. These roars compel the demons and wild creatures of the world to restrain themselves so that order prevails and life continues. Thus they encourage all beings to praise the compassion of the Divine. This midrash suggests that the solstices and equinoxes have both frightening and life-preserving qualities. 
Midrash Tanhuma (Korach 10) tells us that the chieftains of Moshe were selected partly because they knew how to calculate and observe the tekufot.
Tekufat Nisan
Tekufat Nisan is the vernal equinox when the Sun enters Aries; this is the beginning of spring, or "eit hazera" (seed-time) when day and night are equal. It is also known as the season of "the triumph of life". 
Jubilees (6:25) records the 1st of Nisan as the day the Divine commanded Noach to build an ark and the day Noach opened the ark and saw dry land.
Seder Olam (11:1), a work from Talmudic times, relates that the new moon of Nissan, the day the Holy Ones gives the calendar to Moshe in preparation for the first celebration of Pesach, is also the spring equinox.
The ancient midrashic collection Peskita Rabbati (15:17), on the other hand, suggests the day of the Exodus was the spring equinox.
In the Machzor Vitry, the spring equinox is the day the first plague, the plague of blood, falls upon Mitzrayim.
In Otzar Midrashim (Hashem Behomah, Yasad Aretz 6), the spring equinox is the day when humans receive protection from demons and evil spirits. On that day, the seraphim "lift up their heads to the heaven, and the fear of them falls upon demons and spirits, and the seraphim shelter humans beneath their wings to hide them from the demons."
The Purim holiday falls near the spring equinox. Its heroine, Esther, reveals herself as a Jew to save her people.
These tales associate the spring equinox with freedom, with divine protection from oppressor or danger, and with life. in spring, the young plants bursting forth from the ground need protection and room to grow, and we ask this blessing for ourselves as well.
Kavanot la-Tekufot: "Arise, my beloved, my fair one, come away, for now the winter is past, the rains are over and gone, the blossoms appear in the land, the time of singing has come, and the song of the dove is in heard in our land." -- Shir haShirim 2:10-12
Tekufat Tammuz
Tekufat Tammuz is the summer solstice when the Sun enters Cancer; this is the summer season, or "et ha-katsir" (harvest-time) when the day is the longest in the year. It is also known as the season of "loss and abundance".
In Jubilees (6:26), the story of Noach's flood, the summer solstice is the day the mouths of the great abyss are closed so that the water ceases pouring onto the earth. 
Jubilees (3:32) also names the summer solstice as the day the Divine exiles Adam and Chava from Gan Eden. This is the day the animals lose their power of speech.
In Seder Olam (11;1), we learn that the day the sun stood still so that Yehoshuah's warriors could win the battle of Gibeon was the summer solstice.
In Genesis Rabbah (6:6), we learn that "on the summer solstice no creation has a shadow."
In the Machzor Vitry, the summer solstice is the day Moshe strikes a rock in anger while seeking water for the people. The Eternal tells Moshe he will never enter Eretz Yisrael as a result of his actions.
In Otzar Midrashim (Hashem Behohmah, Yasad Aretz 6), the summer solstice is the day animals receive protection from their predators. On that day, "the Holy One puts strength in the Behemoth and it becomes strong and raises its head and cries out, and its voice extends through all the settled land, and the wild animals hear and are afraid."
In Jewish tradition, the summer solstice carries with it themes of closure, exile, and loss, yet also the benevolence of nature and the divine. We meditate on grief, yet also on the world's abundance. The summer solstice is a day of paradox: maximum light but also a turn toward darkness.
Kavanot la-Tekufot: "A day is coming that burns like a furnace … I will shine upon you who revere the name of the Infinite a sun of righteousness, with healing in Her wings." -- Malachi 3:19-20
Summer Solstice Rituals: http://telshemesh.org/tammuz/a_jewish_summer_solstice_ritual.html https://www.ritualwell.org/ritual/meditation-tekufat-tammuz https://www.ritualwell.org/ritual/earth-prays
Tekufat Tishrei
Tekufat Tishrei, the autumnal equinox, when the sun enters Libra, and autumn, or "et ha-batsir" (vintage-time), begins, and when the day again equals the night. It is also known as the season of "the link between earth and heaven". 
Jubilees (6:26), in its story of the Flood, records the autumn equinox as the day the floodwaters begin to descend back into the depths so that the earth can be fruitful once again.
On the autumn equinox, Avraham sits up all night to observe the stars, to forecast the rains of the coming season (Jubilees 12:16).
In the Machzor Vitry, the autumn equinox is the day Avraham nearly sacrifices Yitzchak on Mount Moriah, before the Divine stays his hand. Because of his act, Avraham is blessed that his seed will be as the stars in the sky.
According to the Babylonian Talmud (Rosh Hashanah 10b), Sarah, Rakhel, and Channah all conceived on the 1st of Tishrei, a date close to the autumn equinox. 
In Otzar Midrashim (Hashem Behohmah, Yasad Aretz 6), the autumn equinox is the season of the ziz, when birds receive protection from their predators. "On the autumn equinox, the Holy One gives strength to the ziz and it becomes strong, and it lifts is head and flaps its winds and sends forth its voice, so that fear of it falls on the culture and the osprey from one year to the next."
The autumn equinox seems related to the skies, the stars, and the rains. Yet it is also related to fertility and to the renewal of life. In many climates, autumn is a season of harvest and of rain. Perhaps the autumn equinox is the time of reforging the lin between earth and heaven- a link necessary for life to continue.
Kavanot la-Tekufot: "May it be Your will that it be a year of rain and dew, a year of favor, a year of blessing, and a year of abundance … and please do not listen to the prayers of those who pray that there be no rain!" -- Leviticus Rabbah 20:44
Tekufat Tevet
Tekufat Tevet is the winter solstice when the sun enters Capricorn; this is the beginning of winter, or "et ha-ḥoref" (winter-time), when the night is the longest during the year. It is also known as the season for "the search for light".
In Jubilees (7), in the days of Noach, the winter solstice is the day the peaks of the mountains became visible after the floodwaters recede.
In the Babylonian Talmud (Avodah Zarah 8a), Adam and Chava become frightened as the winter solstice approaches, thinking the shortening of the days is a punishment. They fast for eight days. On the winter solstice, when the light grows, they celebrate for eight days. 
In the Machzor Vitry, the winter solstice is the day Yiftach, a chieftain of Yisrael, sacrifices his daughter in fulfillment of a foolish battle vow. She has been bewailing her fate on the hills for two months.
Otzah Midrashim (Hashem Behohmah, Yasad Aretz 6), tells that on the winter solstice, Leviathan protects the creatures of the sea from their predators: "On every winter solstice he lifts his head and makes himself great, and blows in the water, and roils the sea, and makes all the fish in the ocean afraid." Leviathan is a creature known for being G!d's playmate (Babylonian Talmud, Avodah Zarah 3b) and a wise teacher of human beings (Otzar Midrashim Alphabet of Ben Sira 17). His eyes, according to the Talmud, flash in the deep (Bava Batra 74b). 
The winter solstice seems to have to do with sight or the lack thereof. Mountains become visible to Noach, and the patterns of nature become visible to Adam and Chava. Leviathan is associated with inner sight. Yiftach, on the other hand, is blind to his own wrongdoings. On the winter solstice, the sun's light begins to become stronger, and we too consider how to strengthen our vision.
Kavanot la-Tekufot: "We are grateful before You, Eternal One, for You have brought us from darkness to light." -- Midrash Bereshit 68:11
Winter Solstice Rituals: http://telshemesh.org/tevet/winter_solstice_take_2.html http://telshemesh.org/tevet/chanukahsolstice_thoughts_for_2008.html http://telshemesh.org/tevet/chanukat_hatekufahritual_for_chanukah_and_the_winter_solstice_jill_hammer.html https://www.ritualwell.org/blog/burning-away-darkness-winter-solstice-ritual
If you like my writing, feel free to leave me a tip here: https://ko-fi.com/ezrasaville
Sources: The Jewish Book of Days by Rabbi Jill Hammer Jewish Encyclopedia, 1906. http://www.peelapom.com/  http://www.devotaj.com/ http://telshemesh.org/ 
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defconprime · 2 years
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Rittenhouse Quotable TNG autograph card for Julie Caitlin Brown as Vekor, 2005.
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unidadkafe · 3 years
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Desde el Colectivo Fundamental grabando un nuevo tema con mi carnal Vekors desde la mejor Frontera de México compa Puro Juaritoz 656! (at Ciudad Juárez) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYFyL2VIURQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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okoslam-blog · 5 years
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Halo! Aplikasi design berbasin vekor itu sebenernya ada banyak, tapi yang paling populer sih menurut saya sih ini: 1. Adobe Illustrator 2. Sketch 3. CorelDraw 4. Ink Scape 5. Affinity Designer - Kamu biasanya suka pake yang mana nih? Atau ada yg belum pernah nyobain salah satu aplikasi di atas? Cobain dulu deh biar tau bedanya. - Kalo ada yang mau nambahin boleh share aja di kolom komentar. Semoga postingan ini bermanfaat ✌🏻 - #desaingrafis #desainer #desainunik #desainindonesia #desainkreatif #microblogger #microblog #microblogging #vektor #dkvdaily #sketch #design #designer #graphicdesign #uidesigner #coreldrawindonesia #photoshopindonesia #designinspirations #designers #okoslam #webdesigner #interiordesigner #tips #learning #vector https://www.instagram.com/p/B8JLvSCF5xj/?igshid=dt8d7ey2euc3
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douxreviews · 5 years
Star Trek: The Next Generation - ‘Gambit, Part 2′ Review
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"Oh, what a tangled web we weave."
I remember a cliffhanger starting in a similar fashion way back when...
Right off the bat, we have Data being an awesome captain. He exhibited quick thinking and great timing, from faking massive damage to the Enterprise to coordinating an attack that drove away the mercenary ship without crippling it. When Worf unintentionally challenged Data's authority, Data dressed him down in private in a way that was both logical and well handled, asserting his authority while allowing Worf to save face. Then there were the absolutely wonderful interactions with Koral, the straight-faced Klingon bad guy. If you were to create a litmus test for Starfleet captains, I imagine what Data went through in this episode would prove to anyone that he deserves his own ship.
That said, this was still Picard's episode; he resolved all of the conflict, delivered Riker back to safety, and defeated Tallera... Okay, Tallera made no sense. She turned out to be a Vulcan insurrectionist planning to use an ancient weapon to… take over Vulcan? Her motivations and plans were vague at best and deeply stupid at worst. I did like Picard's presence of mind, just coming out and saying he was the Captain. I imagine that when they went down to the planet, he already had a clue about what was going on with the ancient weapon, and when he saw the third god depicted on it, he had an easy solution.
Unfortunately that was kind of the issue – the plot in this episode fizzled. Baran went nowhere as a villain, but of course he was just a red herring anyway, a patsy for Tallera, who turned out to be the real villain. Even though I like Robin Curtis, I don’t believe she was quite strong enough to fully pull off this role as they intended. With a stronger presence and better writing about her motives, Tallera might have been a memorable villain. Instead, she fizzled out, just like Baran.
While the plot of this episode was a little wonky, the action scenes were all well done – the phaser fights and ship battles, the standoff at the end. While the villains were both a bit of a letdown, I thought all the characters were initially set up well. Even secondary characters like Vekor and Narik were established to the point where I felt a bit of disappointment when they were killed off.
What I liked most was the message behind the story, that violence and hate are never the answer. Peace and kindness, and in this case, logic will always win the day in the end. It was a very Star Trek resolution to a violent, action-heavy two-parter.
-- Worf handled the situation with Data very well, and even proved he could be a good first officer later on in the episode.
-- In the new series Star Trek: Discovery, there are several mentions of Vulcan insurrectionists who believe in purity.
-- In the HD remaster of this episode, Vulcan is pictured as a mostly red planet with several prominent oceans.
Picard: (as Galen) "What's wrong, commander? You having second thoughts about betraying your comrades? 'Cause that's what you've done: betrayed them. Betrayed them in order to save yourself. You used to be just a second-rate officer. Now you're a traitor and a coward. How does that feel?" Riker: (punches Galen) "I don't know. How did that feel?"
Data: "May I inquire as to your destination?" Koral: "No." Data: "May I ask the purpose of your journey?" Koral: "No."
Troi: "He's all right, he's only stunned." Data: "I must admit, I am experiencing a similar sensation." Riker: "This is going to take a little time to explain."
This entire exchange was priceless:
Picard: "Number one, will you set a course for Starbase 227? I'll join you on the bridge shortly." Riker: "Wait a minute. You've been declared dead. You can't give orders around here." Data: "If we are to adhere to the exact letter of Starfleet regulations, then technically sir, you have been declared a renegade. In fact I believe you are facing twelve counts of court martial offenses. You cannot give orders either, sir." Picard: "That's quite right. And as I am supposed to be dead, I'll go and get some sleep, and Mr. Data, I suggest that you escort Commander Riker to the brig." Data: "Aye, sir..." (Data grabs Riker to lead him towards the brig) "This way, sir." Riker: "Data, he was joking. You know that, right?... Data?"
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While I applaud the ambition of this episode and the lovely character moments, the actual plot was a bit of a dud. I’m torn between 2 and 3 out of four Undercover Captains Searching for Dangerous Vulcan Religious Artifacts.
J.D. Balthazar is a confirmed nerd who loves most things sci-fi or fantasy-related.
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raurquiz · 2 years
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#happybirthday @juliecaitlinbrown #juliecaitlinbrown #actress #tykajada #startrek    #deepspacenine #thepassenger #vekor #thenextgeneration #gambit #natoth #babylon5 #sliders #MiamiBlues #BeverlyHills90210 #jag #lawandorder #criminalintent #silkstalkings #allaboutevil #ds930 #startrek56 @startrekonpplus https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn7HUMvO2tu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ranaicygnus · 8 years
Opening Gambit
((SWTOR story))
She had never seen anyone quite as unique as the man in front of her now. Everything about him was striking, or handsome if you will. He had long silky smooth hair that made the perfect frame for his dark-skinned face - and the fact that it was white made it no less stunning as it curled its way softly over his shoulders and down his back. Not a strain was out of place. But the thing that caught her the most, was probably his pale and ghostly eyes. They had an intensity about them that she didn’t think he intentionally tried to convey - and right now they were fixed on her as if nothing else mattered.
Ranai gave the man a little professional smile and stepped further into the small interrogation room as the door closed behind her. “Allow me to introduce myself. I am Agent Cygnus of the Republic Strategic Information Service.” The smile remained in place as she reached for the only other chair in the room that wasn’t already occupied. “How are you feeling today, m’lord?”
The female Human agent was perhaps not stunning in the same unique manner as the Sith, but she had her own charms, and a very pretty smile that lit up her brown eyes. She was dressed very merc-like but lacked any visible weapons to go with the look. Security protocols was probably to blame.
“I feel better, thank you.” His reply was calm and to the point, and she made a note of the missing Imperial accent as she sat down at the table opposite him. For a moment, she didn’t say anything and instead just placed a datapad on the surface between them. Her eyes shifted between him and the device, and the fact that he didn’t appear visibly restrained didn’t seem to bother her, despite her knowing that this was a capable Sith. Albeit currently unarmed to the naked eye and wearing nothing but a simple grey suit, she knew that his Force abilities were a different thing altogether.
“I trust that you have found our treatment of you to be satisfactory, everything considered?” She continued. Her left hand lifted to shift some unruly strains of black messy hair behind her ears.
She leaned back in her chair after turning the datapad on. “Excellent.” So far so good. “I apologize for what happened up until you came into our custody. I would never have authorized such…measures, had I known ahead of time.” 
He dipped his chin in an acknowledging fashion without taking his eyes off her. “I understand.” A thin smile then crept over the man’s dark features and she couldn’t help but feel that it somehow seemed to contribute to his fascinating looks.
“Do you have anything to add? You seem like you do,” she helpfully offered.
“Under other circumstances, perhaps…” He gave her a thoughtful look. “But why bother, you already know everything about me, yes?” He lifted his hands from their position in his lap and now rested them on the table itself. The two missing fingers on his right hand were hard to ignore.
She nodded, knowing exactly what he was referring to. “Yes, we know a great deal…about things that are strategically important, so obviously, that is not why I am sitting here now.” The curious look she received from him, prompted her to continue. “Your past intrigues me, Lord Neshimo. It is a mystery that needs solving because, well, inquiring minds are…inquiring.” She smirked. “For instance, did you know that your genetic makeup is partly tampered with? As in, engineered?”
The look that she earned from him, told her instantly that he was not the least surprised by her words. “You already knew,” she said. When he didn’t say anything, she tapped the screen on the datapad, reading something on it. “You are of Thyrsian descent according to the tests that we ran, but obviously, that is not the whole story, seeing as you…look rather different from the rest of your people.” 
“Where are you going with this, Agent Cygnus?”
“Nowhere in particular, just curious as to why someone would do this to you.” She tapped the small screen again. “You were found on Thyrsus as a child by Master Shogona L’ar…” The experienced agent glanced up and managed to catch a tiny flicker in his pale eyes. Interesting. She continued; “According to this report, she found you in the middle of a desert with nothing but big scary beasts keeping you company. You couldn’t have been more than six years old at the time, and yet you appeared to oversee the creatures.” She casually gestured at the datapad and the information on it. “That is quite Impressive.”
“So you say.”
She grinned at his curt replies. “You can relax, we are just having a conversation. I am not here to harm you or put you away in some dark cell for the rest of your life. In fact, I contacted the old man and we are going to meet to discuss how best to solve this little peculiar...obstacle of ours. Speaking of the Inquisitor, does he know that you are partially engineered?”
A chuckle slowly worked its way up through the man’s throat. “There is no such thing as ‘just having a conversation’ with a Republic agent – or Imperial for that matter – besides, I read your file, Agent Ranai Cygnus.” He emphasized her first name to make her aware that he knew it. “You have had quite the active career, haven’t you? Always proactive and trying to deal with matters before they evolve into something unmanageable. You did a lot of undercover work against the Sith Empire.” He paused for a moment, and she could have sworn that his eyes went a little paler with his next words. “Too bad that Lord Vekor put a stop to a lot of that…” 
The grin on her face had faded considerably, but her tone of voice was still relaxed and forthcoming. “Yes, too bad indeed. It has restricted a lot of my work and I now deal with public relations – as I am sure the file that you have on me also states. Though, as you can see, I am sitting here doing something that isn’t entirely public, so who knows, maybe you need to revise your file a bit whenever you get back home to Dromund Kaas.” She held up a hand and got an almost confused look on her face that was anything but sincere. “Oh, I’m sorry, I guess that was pretentious of me. Is Thyrsus your home? Or maybe Tython? I can’t tell.”
Her words elicited a little amused snort from the Sith. “Why don’t you tell me? I bet you have a working theory.”
“Oh absolutely. I have a theory on pretty much everything, but I don’t feel like sharing it just yet. I’d like you to answer a few questions first, and then I’d be happy to answer any that you might have.” She shifted in her seat, as if getting ready to dig in. “Like say, how much do you think the Inquisitor values you? What kind of deal do you think he would be agreeable to? I mean, I am sure that he on some level cares about you, he did spend about fourteen years on you after all. That is a lot of work to put into someone, right? But I’m just wondering… Do you think he’d part with Enigma knowledge to get you back?”
The pale stare that she received from the man, was annoyingly indifferent, and she let out a sigh. “Come now, work with me a little. I am actually trying to get you back where you belong – or at least, back where I think you belong. However, I cannot do so without knowing what it will take.”
There was an odd silent moment before the silver haired Sith finally replied. He sounded almost hesitant. “You know of our project. You know what is at stake. It is bigger than any one person, so no, he will not part with Enigma knowledge in return for me.” 
She let out a slow exhale at his evenhanded reply. “Are you sure about that? You seem like quite the price to him; would he really give up on you so easily?” She drummed a couple of fingers on the table and studied him keenly, taking note of the slight flicker in his eyes once more. It was very telling to her, and she cleared her throat. “Alright, I’ll tell you what…” She switched the datapad off. “I am going to give you a few hours to figure out how to best help yourself.” She calmly picked up the device and rose from the chair. “You clearly didn’t expect me to be willing to hand you your freedom back, and I guess the surprise has left you a bit…indecisive…in how best to approach this.”
She gave him a comforting smile as he just sat there and stared at her. Unmoving. Hmm. She hoped for everyone’s sake that she had read him correctly just moments earlier. She would know soon enough… and with that, she turned on her heel and went for the door.
    To Be Continued...
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akapyondiary · 8 years
⭕️⭕️市民病院 suger...
Jag åkte dit vänta i en o halv timmar. Käk läkare hon är ... Hon är typ... Vill inte hjälpa Jag sa jag vill rätta position av min käk.... Hon sa typ det finns många som är inte rätt position ... Jag sa jag vill åtminstone ha test ... Hon sa även om jag har test hon har inne behandling .... Jag sa kan du rekommendera behandling för min fibromyalgi kommer från min käk position och tmj ... Hon sa hon tror inte det relaterad min tmj och fibromyalgi ....... Liten stad liten sjukhus hon är en kunskaplösa människa .... Hon sa hon bara rekommendera jag borde checka mental del ... Fxck Jag kollade mental del och det kommer från fibromyalgi även jag var i sjukhus i Osaka i två vekor typ.... Men min tmj o fibromyalgi blev värre pga jag förväntade bra behandling från sjukhuset men de gör fel.... Bara sjukhuset som vill ha pengar bara... Förstår inte min fibromyalgi .... Japanska vissa sjukhuset borde förbättra !!!
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filmjunky-99 · 2 years
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s t a r t r e k t h e n e x t g e n e r a t i o n created by gene roddenberry Gambit, Part I [s7ep4]
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thrasheaters · 9 years
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Some of my personal favorite modern thrash metal albums that I extremely like and enjoy listening to over and over again. Check them out if you haven't yet! Vektor - Outer Isolation (2011) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rcg30Zt7kc Power Trip - Manifest Decimation (2013) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_rirNgqrG4 Municipal Waste - The Art of Partying (2007) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89rvBQwWUOc Toxic Holocaust - Conjure And Command (2011) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXIKh4Ym1Lo Ghoul (Official) - Splatterthrash (2006) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qv_VO9Qx2ak HAVOK - Time Is Up (2011) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebeGEdgh9vk IRON REAGAN - Worse Than Dead (2013) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQgwoUex2JU Warbringer - Worlds Torn Asunder (2011) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jiizfl9exHM Dr Living Dead (Official) - Dr Living Dead! (2011) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHpRt39VrVQ Vektor - Black Future (2009) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gs0B0BWdMo
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raurquiz · 11 months
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#otd #startrek #thenextgeneration #gambit #part2 #picard #riker #troi #data #laforge #worf #drcrusher #baran #tallera #vekor #narik #koral #satok #startrek57 @TrekMovie @TrekCore @StarTrek @StarTrekOnPPlus @SirPatStew
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raurquiz · 1 year
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#otd #startrek #thenextgeneration #gambit #part1 #picard #riker #troi #data #laforge #worf #drcrusher #baran #tallera #vekor #narik #yranac #admiralchekote #startrek57 @TrekMovie @TrekCore @StarTrek @StarTrekOnPPlus @SirPatStew
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