#Vee is the player!! sorta
rowynri · 2 years
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asherashedwings · 2 months
How to Play With a Distractor on Your Team: A Guide
Been playing as Pebble a bit recently, and y'all. Distracting is hard work. Like. Obviously. You're literally being chased by twisteds the whole time.
But I mean dealing with other people. That do not know how to act around distractors. Like, no fault to them, many of them are newer players and you gotta learn somehow.
But y'all. It's tough work out here.
So I have compiled a list of tips for those who don't exactly know how to play around a distractor. So you can make ur distractor's life as easy as possible :]
Tip 1:
This is more common knowledge, but it's important to know which characters are often used as distractors, so you know not to try and help them if they're getting chased. These characters are Pebble, Goob, and Flutter. There are RARE cases that Brightney can also be a distractor, due to her horrid stealth and decent movement speed. I know this cuz I was a Brightney distractor for a while. In those cases, it's important to pay attention to if the player is actually trying to get away from the twisteds.
Tip 2:
Try and keep away from distractors the best you can, ESPECIALLY if ur a toon with really low stealth like Vee or Brightney. This seems obvious, but a lot of people still struggle with this. I assume many are just looking for gens, and so they have to check where the distractor is too, right? Not necessarily. From my experience, most distractors check the area they're in to make sure there's no gens there. I know I do at least. Our purpose is to keep the twisteds AWAY from you, so we don't want to be anywhere you need to go. So odds are, if ur distractor is sticking to a place, there's likely no gens there.
Tip 3:
This sorta goes along with number 2, but if the twisteds DO happen to lose the distractor and aggro onto you, try and break line of sight with them as much as possible. A little fact I don't know if many know is that as soon as twisteds break line of sight with a target, they instantly move onto the next closest target. This can be a HUGE help to distractors, since it can help them rally up the twisteds easier so they can keep doing their job.
Those are my main tips. Hope this helped any of y'all :3
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setratwo · 1 month
Dandy's world Oc! Meet....
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Sparkles the Star!
This is a lone toon, she doesn't usually interact with other toons, as she is awkward and such! Although once she warms up into one of them, she's pretty loud and very interactive.
She's technically an All-rounder of some sort,
She requires 2,650 ichor and 50 research on her twisted part.
(if you want to know more just click on the line break!)
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A nice looking Scarf!
Ability (Active)
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*insert ashbaby meme*
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Twisted Sparkles
An Rare twisted. For being so bright, she makes the player unable to move. Be sure not to run into her with a twisted chasing you!
Although it's already said, she emits a large orange light, like Brightney, excluding the color of the light.
Speed: Below Average
Mechanic: Paralyzing the player for five seconds once they get near her. Has the cooldown of 25 seconds.
Relationship Chart
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Oh hey, Fun fact, Astro and Sparkles are Cousins!
Since she's sorta awkward with most toons, she's also pretty neutral with them.
Although Teagan isn't a celestial thing that could shine, she still is a shining beauty. Which made Sparkles admire her.
She haves mixed feelings with Vee if it's obvious.
Sparkles doesn't actually despises Glisten! They both just like to "rival" up, and they're friends.
Finn is annoying, Sparkles thinks.
Fun facts:
Sparkles is a part of Brightney's Book club!
She likes RnD, which is... Painfully obvious. Not sure if the feelings are mutual though.
Sparkles haves a small friend group, which consists of her cousin, Shelly, Vee, Razzle and Dazzle, Glisten, Brightney and kinda Tisha.
She doesn't like Physical touch, so she doesn't also like Goob too. (sorry Goob-likers)
If you noticed her eyes, She's actually a half twisted. One of the reasons why she wouldn't chase you.
I forgot that Brightney's club is named Book Club, so in my tiktok, she's in the reading club.... :(
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pinkiepiebones · 2 years
Does Vee play any instruments? Does he have a favorite ghoul? How does Special feel about Vee?
theramin Vee has dabbled. He's classically trained on piano. Despite his apparent adoration of cybernetics and electronics he's never been too keen on electronic keyboards (except mechanical computer keyboards). In his Bishop days he was even the organ player for special sermons. Not the usual sermons, but, like, the sermon on the night of an orgy or the sermon for Papa Nihil's birthday. Not the best work, but it's work, you know? He really wants to try the keytar but he also doesn't want to order Cirrus to give him lessons. In this AU I'm building, Copia retires before he can be offed, and Vee is sorta lined up to step in ala the transition from Papa I to Papa II. So in that respect, the whole "Copia gets to keep living" sense, Special really likes Vee. Special's not a fan of Vee's whole aesthetic -"I like, y'know, experimental, prog, Daft Punk-y sorts of things, but Papa Vee is very much this old fart who is stuck in 1987 looking into 2001, or, You ever seen those old magazines, the pontificating 'oh, what will life be like in the future' that get it all wrong and envision a world were we still use flippy phones an' floppy disks... he's that guy. I tried showing him my phone a few times. He thinks touch screens is antithetical to the notion of, uhhhh, 'the Beast in the Machine' or whatevers the fuck he's on about. He's pretty mellow besides that, though. Did you know he had conceptual drawings for the band ghoul looks back when he was a Cardinal? He had no ambitions to be Papa, he just thought the church's ghouls could do with new looks. Eheheeheh."
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surelybystarlight · 4 years
16 and 25 for the ask game?
16. Post a picture from the beginning of the year
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I took these both on the same day in January 2020, in the before now times. My best friend and I went to the San Francisco Baths and wandered around.
Ended up getting dinner from a little diner that over looked it. We had just enough to get a grilled cheese with a side of fries and a hot chocolate to split between us (and a tip always tip your waiter!!)
25. Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one
This got stupidly long so Answer is bellow the cut.
My dads been running a homebrew RPG over discord since early quarantine. The 10 cent version of the premise is the players work at a tech company that’s launching experimental teleportation to the moon tech.
It’s all very sciencey until you hit the launch button and then something goes horribly wrong. Massive explosion, the test site implodes, kaboom!
Left in its place is a giant purple portal with Cthulhu esque monsters and giant ass tentacles coming out.
Suddenly it’s a survival game!
That night when the moon rises it is covered by tentacles with a giant eye in the middle visible from earth. From now on the moon is always full.
As you’re trying not to die and figure out just what the fuck to do, you may start to realize that magic is a thing now. It definitely wasn’t a thing before, but reality is different now. (Less DND spell slots and more Chaosium BRPG with a focus on wards, binding, and divination)
As you run around trying not to die you start to unmask the nefarious plot. The CEO of the company you worked for was actually possessed by an extra dimensional being who used him to posses lots of other hot shots to bring about this project and tear a whole in the fabric of reality so this thing could cross over and consume all life on this planet. 
Through all of this you start seeing a woman in the mirror beckoning to you from a broken destroyed and ancient version of what should be reflected. What the players don’t know yet is that this woman is from 200 years in the future. She needs the players long lost technical knowledge to mcguffin the science and close the portal.
I’d already played this game up to this point when he ran a session with my cousins at the family reunion. And I’ve helped him workshop some major plot points. So I know too much for a normal player.
So I end up playing the woman. And giving her back story.
Vita (Vee-ta) is a 12 you old girl with flaming red hair, freckles and an obsession with knife fighting. who’s parents work at the corporate headquarters when the world ends. Said parent die pretty quick and I get picked up by the player characters who sorta adopt me. Along the way I pick up a large bowe knife and a tarot deck.
We see the mirror lady and when we get pulled through to the future something goes wrong. I go forward but instead of 200ish years its 180ish.
Manage to not die. Find some local human hold out, learn to survive, learn to fight, eventually learn magic. Earn favors from the local tribes. Collect/ make all the gear I need. I can eventually learn to open a portal to the past to pull myself and the group to the future. (All this happens off screen and was discussed before hand with my dad the dm)
My flaming red hair is cut short raged with a knife and pulled back out of the way, I’ve got a scar across one brow, and my freckled skin now sports a sun weathered look to it. (If you can’t tell I’m wlw)
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I wear worn travel cloths made of patches of cloth sown together. And a travel cloak that has a ritual circle stitched into it.
I carry a pack with a couple days rations and a fire starting kit. I carry a large walking stick/ spear with ruins carved into it and a large piece of obsidian embedded in the top thats been carved to a point and stained with use. In a small draw string bag attached to my belt is the weathered cards of my tarot deck, faded and worn but still a complete set. On my hip is the knife I came through with, well cared for but old and weathered all the same.
At this point I don’t really know what to do. For the past 20 odd years I’ve been trying to fulfill what I thought was preordained because I know that me pulling us through is what brought me there so I know I “have to” do it.
But now... now I have some vague plan involving a portal to the moon based off of something I heard myself say before I got separated.
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am8zing · 6 years
I think that, regardless of who’s in office, it’s an important tradition to attend the Office of the President. It’s unfortunate that the one who holds that office is...well we all know about...him....but especially with them being The DC team, it’s sorta understandable why most players aren’t skipping any anticipated invitation. For the record, I support DSP’s decision to not attend. Also, now I’m imagining Vee accidentally forgetting the date of the visit and showing up inebriated. Love him.
It’s a dumb and imo pointless tradition that shouldn’t be upheld just for the sake of it being a tradition when someone so horrid is in office.
It’s not that they aren’t skipping; from what I’ve seen, they’re actively enthusiastic about the assumed invitation. They want to go. And that’s horrible and disappointing but not surprising and it hurts me to think about.
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hunnybeerps · 7 years
NAME:  vee PRONOUNS:  she/her SEXUALITY:  bisexual TAKEN OR SINGLE: single af THREE FACTS:
i’ve switched my college major 3 times. 4, if you count undecided. film, then neurobiology, and finally settled on english with a minor in creative writing!
i’ve had crazy near-death experiences. i was bit by a brown recluse spider as a kid and had to have emergency surgery cause #hellapoisonous. i was swimming in the ocean once and a great white shark was chillin behind me. i was also in the mall when there was an armed robbery in progress. so you could say i’m fairly lucky or unlucky
i was much smarter as a kid. got a lot of rewards, almost skipped 2 grades, did lego robotics, best violin player, etc. now i don’t even know how to tie my own shoes tbh
EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?):  sexual experience? life experience? rp experience??? for the latter, quite a few years. i’d say a decade
PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: so embarrassing. IMVU (virtual and forums), a crap ton of MUD clients, skype (ish), tumblr, and more that i can’t remember rn
BEST EXPERIENCE: i don’t really have a best experience? i’ve met so many wonderful and brilliant rpers. i’ve learned along the way and my writing’s improved immensely. it’s gr8
FEMALE OR MALE: i’ve always preferred women
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: i’m hypersexual soooo. nah, i love everything!
PLOTS OR MEMES: it really doesn’t matter
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: mmm, short replies are easier for me. i have a low attention span and if it’s too long i sorta zone out. but if i’m really feeling it, sometimes i write a whole novel *finger guns*
BEST TIME TO WRITE: evening-early morning hours. idk why but i can focus better
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): yeah every muse of mine has a lil bit of me. i think it just happens? besides, i prefer it that way. helps so much with muse. so long as you don’t make the char you entirely, then you’re good!
Tagged by: @bellepens
Tagging:  anyone who sees this. just do it. say i tagged you. i won’t tell no one.
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