#Vayne Lavellan
silentspectres · 5 years
so... who are your dragon age characters? :’) (my da blog is @my-da-phase, hi)
Hey! Thank you so much for sending in an ask 
It makes me incredibly happy that people want to hear about my dumb children, even when I take upwards to a week to get around to organizing an answer. I have everything under a read more so the post doesn’t end up getting too long (I talk way too much) but if people are interested in seeing my DA characters around more, I could start producing more content ??? Feel free to tag me in oc memes or send in asks at any time! I could even devote a few separate posts for some character profiles if people are interested !
My Warden is a wip so we’ll keep them in purgatory for the time being
These are mine and my friend ( @outtsiders-mark)’s Hawke twins though! 
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We decided to bend canon and make disaster twins because honestly what’s the fun in having one depressed Hawke when you can have TWO depressed Hawkes?? Adrien Hawke (on the left) is my friend’s, and Elias Hawke (on the right) is mine ! Adrien’s a rogue that’s at least 85% feral, whereas Elias is a Chronically Tired Mage. Elias is polite enough, but he really, really does not have time for anyone’s bullshit. He’s fond of being overly dramatic to lighten the mood in certain situations, but is otherwise just a friendly, reasonable guy. Who might have a bit of a drinking problem. 
In my world state, Elias romanced Fenris and ultimately sided with the mages. He’s a spirit healer/force mage, though his combat spells are fire and ice based when he’s not healing people in the party. He knows a branch of lightning magic, but doesn’t tend to rely on it. Elias’s magic tends to physically manifest in small ways whether he wants it or not, and it’s responsible for turning his hair color ash-y. Like a dead fire. His magic is heavily tied to his mood, too; anger causes his eyes to turn vaguely red (like hot coals), his body heat to raise, and embers to trail along his breath; anxiety and worry cause him to become static-y, sometimes going so far as to have lightning streaks traveling along his arms; and deep misery/sadness causes ice to turn his fingers black and blue, his arms frosty, his breath misty, and it can drop his body temperature. He tries to keep his magic in check whenever he’s with Fenris because he doesn’t want to remind him of any unpleasantries he suffered in Teviner, but luckily it doesn’t tend to be a huge concern
Adrien is the older twin (for those of you that want to keep count), but it was mutually agreed when their father passed that Elias should step up to watch over the family. When Lothering fell, Adrien smeared his face in a defiant “bad shit has happened to us, and I’m going to fight until we’re out of it”, and Elias kept everyone on track and as together as he possibly could while they tried to seek safety from the Blight. Upon arriving in Kirkwall, Elias devoted himself to fixing his uncle’s unbelievably huge screw up and he worked toward giving his family the life they deserved. He never expected to get tangled into half of the stuff he did, but he found strength in his siblings (Bethany and Carver are both alive here :D) and their dear mother. That was enough, for a while. Until Kirkwall took that from him. Elias blames himself for what happened to Leandra, and I sincerely doubt he will ever forgive himself for not being able to do anything more in response to Quentin. He got reckless for a time following the events of their mother’s death and nearly got killed in an alleyway ambush. (He admittedly almost didn’t fight back, but knew he couldn’t leave Adrien behind like that.) And as if all of that wasn’t enough, the Qunari decide to burn half the city and take more from all of them. Elias fought the Arishok in single combat, much to Adrien’s distress (he had to actually be physically restrained by Fenris the entire time), but Elias wasn’t going to let anyone else get hurt when he can take the pain for them. Elias got his facial scar in that fight (he damn near got his head chopped in half, but managed to stumble back in time for the blow to graze him), and he ended up also sustaining a chest wound that would’ve killed him had he not used his ice-based spells to take down the Arishok when he did. He ended up passing out for a few days afterwards (mostly due to magical exertion on top of loss of blood), taken care of by Anders and Adrien while he remained unconscious. (And although Elias and Fenris weren’t exactly together at that point due to Fenris leaving him, Fenris still showed up to make sure Elias was okay. He kept sneaking in until Adrien told him it was fine for him to visit normally.) Elias did everything he could for the people he cared about after that, even sometimes at his own detriment. It never got easier, though. 
ALSO, because I like the parallel, one of my favorite aspects of Elias is that he got a scar in the same place his twin applied his war paint. Adrien chose to turn their loses into a quiet defiance. He uses the paint as a reminder that the fight’s not over yet. Elias.. was marked permanently. He now has a constant reminder that he’ll never escape his failures and that he’ll never be able to forget everything he and his family have lost. All this shit that keeps happening to them? It’ll never really be over. Not for Elias. And I think about that a lot.
Next is my Inquisitor, Vaughn Lavellan! He’s currently my icon, but I have screenshots of him too
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He’s a trans Inquisitor ! He’s in a romance with Dorian and neither of them deserve what the game kept doing to them. He’s also best friends with my friend @outtsiders-mark‘s character Skylar! She is a constant menace to everyone and Vaughn honestly really appreciates that she’s around to listen and remind everyone to have some fun once and a while 
Vaughn’s an archer rogue with an assassin specialization. He’s weirdly nimble and knows how to be incredibly effectively lethal (something, I think, is helped by the fact he’s a hunter for Clan Lavellan), but luckily Vaughn is not nearly as spooky out of combat. He’s a sweet guy that genuinely cares about pretty everyone he meets despite the general animosity he gets from being a Dalish Elf. He’s an optimist that likes to assume the best in people (even despite the fact a human once took a knife to his face and left a scar on his left cheek), and he can be incredibly charming and charismatic when a certain Tevinter mage isn’t making him flustered over something. Vaughn is highly curious, loves to learn, and he can be quite clever and cunning. He likes to tease people when he’s feeling playful, but he’s otherwise reserved and content with watching people’s interactions. 
Some other cool notes; Vaughn is a bilingual disaster!! He eventually even starts learning Tevene for Dorian, too, but never breaks his habit of getting phrases mixed up across the languages he knows. He keeps a small organized journal that he presses plants and flowers he discovers while traveling Thedas into. He always writes notes of what the flowers remind him of, or otherwise he keeps a history of his party’s travels in it. (And because he’s a nerd, flowers that remind him of Dorian get marked with a heart. Don’t tell anyone I told you that.) Vaughn loves the outdoors and he’d sped entire days in trees if someone let him, but somehow, he is ENTIRELY inept at traveling across rocky terrain. No one is sure why. It’s just an understood norm that Vaughn ultimately manages to find a way to fall off yet another cliff and most of the Inner Circle have come to accept that he’s fine when it happens. It never fails to scare some poor unsuspecting soldier stationed at a camp, though. Also, Vaughn is constantly on the move. He’s always weaving in and out of areas, stopping in to ask people how he can help, and checking in on everyone’s general well-being. Aside from wanting to offer whatever he can to those that need it, the reason he never stops is because he has a severe fear of the future (phobia levels) and keeping himself busy means he doesn’t have to think about anything but the present. Being around his friends helps ground him, and being with Dorian makes him feel more secure than anything else can. Dorian just feels like the one sure thing that could possibly come of his life, and this, of course, goes just about as well as you expect it does when Dorian tells him “oh, I’ve decided I need to go back to Tevinter.” Vaughn supports him and is proud of what he wants to set out to do, but it makes him really panicky and he gets depressed for a while at the idea he might lose the love of his life. It’s rough. Luckily they work it out, but if I kept talking about Dorian and Vaughn’s relationship I think I’d have 5 more paragraphs askhfd
I’m starting to lose any coherent order to this, but I wanted to bring up that most of what Vaughn does in the Inquisition is for the sake of his clan. He wasn’t raised by proper parents (his birth parents left him, for one reason or another. I haven’t worked it out yet), so he ended up raised by the community at large. He does his best to honor his family and his home (that’s why his tattoos correspond to the elven goddess Sylaise despite Vaughn having major wanderlust!) and he’s incredibly devoted to the Dalish’s culture and religion. He doesn’t often get confrontational about anything, but being called The Herald of Andraste is one of the few things he’ll actively deny and correct people on. (He’s never rude about it, but he is unbelievably tired of people not respecting his beliefs.) He is happy to be in a position to make a difference for the elves, though, and actively tries to set a good example for his people and help ease the relationship between elves and humans. Celene and Briala ended up ruling together because of this, and Vaughn drank from the Well of Sorrows in order to try to reclaim what he could for the elves. (He felt incredibly guilty for putting Dorian through more stress, but he made it up to him later by spending a quiet evening with him.) Vaughn’s not sure if anything he’s doing is making any real difference, especially after Solas and his shenanigans, but he hopes that he’s making a change in the world. A good one. 
I think I have a billion other things to say about my Inquisitor, but I think that’s a good summary for now! I love Vaughn to death
And my last character, Vayne Lavellan
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He’s Vaughn’s weird problematic older brother (that Vaughn didn’t even know he has) and he’s an asshole. Although he’s a mage, he has a weird thing for daggers? He doesn’t use them in active combat, of course, but he always carries at least one on him. In case he needs to stab someone in the kidneys, I suppose
Vayne’s actual involvement in a major work in progress, so all I have for now is his personality. He’s reserved, cunning, rather forward, incredibly sarcastic, and really is only ever in it for himself. He’s well aware of his capabilities and knows how to intimidate people, so he tends to hold himself well. All of his movements are careful and deliberate and he seems to carry with him an aura that he knows more than he should. Or lets on to, for that matter. He’s calm and scheming and doesn’t ever really come off as inherently terrible, though. His alignment in somewhere between Lawful Evil and Chaotic Evil (he hides it well) and although he might be a bastard hell child for now, he’s going to get a redemption arc eventually ! I think. If he doesn’t get himself snapped in half for saying something or trying to stab someone, at least
Some content to look forward to, though, if all works out:
Vayne being dragged kicking and screaming into carrying about others
He is set to eventually adopt a stray kitten he names Falon
Brother bonding! Vaughn teaching Vayne proper Dalish traditions because he’s been missing and/or outcasted from their Clan for years
Vayne experiencing more emotions than “vaguely annoyed” and “I could go for some causal assassination” and feeling incredibly awkward about his new emotions and experiences 
Vayne?? trying legitimately to be a better friend to people???
Sad Vayne content after he’s been redeemed. “I’m not what anyone wants, and frankly I don’t deserve any softness the world has to offer me. I’m fine with that; I set myself down this path.”
Vayne somehow getting softness anyway and being conflicted because he both doesn’t feel as if he deserves it and feels as if he should eternally torment himself for all the bad things he’s done
He gets to build a better life anyway and learns self reflection and self forgiveness and self love and gets to have everything he never had before and never expected he could ever have
He becomes the weird vaguely benevolent mage that hangs out in the rafters of various buildings in Skyhold
he will still stab someone in the kidney tho if they deserve it
Content if nothing ends up working out for him:
Vaughn’s hand is forced and he has to kill the only brother he has
He did want it to work out. And he tried to get through to him
It just wasn’t enough
Vaughn would feel that one for a long time
I’ll let you guys know what ends up becoming of Vayne, if you’re interested?? He’s a problematic morally corrupt mage boy right now but I kind of love him. That’s all I have on my ocs for now, though! Huge shout out to anyone that read all of this, and even bigger shout out to anyone that interacts with this post later ! I enjoyed talking about my dumb group of Dragon Age characters and I hope you guys enjoy them as well 
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mars-colony · 4 years
I swear someone tagged me to use this picrew for my ocs but I cannot for the life of me find the tag. Anyway here’s some babes:
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Dollie Wallace, fo4, BOS aligned sole survivor
Thelma Randal, fo76, vault resident and ex-environmental biologist/park ranger
Sarah Vayne, fo4, railroad aligned sole survivor
Fiona, fo:nv, courier 6
Morgayne Gaerwing, ESO, vestige sorcerer
Asleatia Tabris, da:o, grey warden
Elora Lavellan, da:i, mage inquisitor
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