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vaastumangaalkolkata · 3 years ago
In these sections of home vastu for mirror permits its placement!
Many individuals overlook the importance of vastu for mirror. As a result, they end up placing them in random placed of home and office, triggering severe vastu dosh in process. In today’s blog, let us see which zones in the home are permissible according to vastu for mirror. 1. Mirror in bedrooms It is common to find a mirror in the master bedroom which is either wall mounted or installed on dressing table. You can place one in guest room too but refrain from doing so in kid’s room. Keeping mirror in children’s room can result in causing too much distraction. Under no circumstance should the mirror case your reflection while sleeping. In case it does, install curtain over it and keep it closed after using. 2. Mirror in bathroom/toilet A mirror in the bathroom or toilet area too is useful for personal grooming. It can also make it look more spacious and well illuminated. However, make sure that under no circumstance should it cast the reflection of the toilet commode. Change the placement of the mirror in case it does. 3. Mirror on top of the wash basin In every home, having one mirror the wash basin is sort of customary. Follow vastu for mirror while determine its direction, with the help of an expert. Keep the mirror clean from time to time, as water splashing can bring strains over it, which in turn can generate negative energy around the space. 4. Mirror in living room Living room is a great option for keeping mirrors, particularly to enhance its aesthetics. It can also be used to amplify the amount of daylight it receives by placing it in proper angle. Places to avoid- According to the vastu for mirror rules, there are several zones in which mirror should not be placed. Doing so can result in triggering many unwanted complications for it. These sections include the staircase, kitchen and main entrance vicinity. In case you already have any of it, remove it right away. If doing so is difficult, ask for remedy from vastu experts.
For getting a complete vastu for mirror, get in touch with expert vastuvid of Vaastu Mangaal.
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astrogurutips · 4 years ago
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#दर्पण आपके घर या कार्यालय के वास्तु में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाते हैं। दर्पणों का स्थान बहुत मायने रखता है। और यह वैज्ञानिक रूप से सिद्ध है कि दर्पण आपके घर के भीतर ऊर्जा बना या तोड़ सकते हैं।आने वाली सकारात्मक ऊर्जा मुख्य रूप से आपके घर में दर्पण लगाने के तरीके पर निर्भर करती है। कुछ प्लेसमेंट को नकारात्मक ऊर्जा में लाने के लिए माना जाता है जबकि कुछ को सकारात्मक ऊर्जा के आगमन के लिए एकदम सही माना जाता है।1. दर्पण प्लेसमेंट पर सामान्य वास्तु टिप्स यदि आप अपने बाथरूम में दर्पण रखने की योजना बना रहे हैं, तो उन्हें उत्तर या पूर्व में रखें। 2. यदि आपके पास घर के केंद्र में एक दीवार है, तो आप घर को जुड़ा रखने के लिए एक दर्पण रख सकते हैं। 3. कभी भी एक दूसरे के सामने दो दर्पण न रखें। वास्तु शास्त्र पूरी तरह से इसके खिलाफ है क्योंकि इससे बेचैनी हो सकती है। 4. बाथरूम के अलावा, दर्पण को कभी भी उत्तर या पूर्व में न रखें क्योंकि इससे सकारात्मक ऊर्जा दूर हो सकती है। सुनिश्चित करें कि दर्पण ऐसे नहीं लगाए गए हैं कि आपकी छवि दर्पण में परिलक्षित हो। 5. कभी भी मुख्य द्वार के सामने दर्पण नहीं लगाना चाहिए। ये कुछ कर रहे हैं और दर्पण नियुक्ति के लिए विशाल सुझावों की नहीं है। यह पूरी सकारात्मक ऊर्जा की गारंटी दे सकता है यदि आप उनका पालन करते हैं।
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vastumahavastu · 5 years ago
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VMV Vastu Maha Vastu Tip सकारात्मक ऊर्जा को बढ़ाने और नकारात्मक ऊर्जा को रोकने के लिए घर में दर्पण के लिए वास्तु का उपयोग करना आवश्यक है।  ........... Open blog to read full article http://vastumahavastu.co.in/blog_single.php?p=77
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vastudekho-blog · 6 years ago
Top 16 Vastu Tips For Mirror - To attract positive vibes and doubling up prosperity...
In Vastu, Mirrors are considered as a powerful tool because it’s known for reflecting positive energy by clearing negative energy. Therefore, placing a mirror in your home has the capability of attracting positive vibes and doubling up prosperity. So In order to follow up the rules and regulations of placing the mirror must follow these tips: http://bit.ly/2DDolq9
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vaastumangaalkolkata · 4 years ago
In These Sections of Home Vastu for Mirror Permits Its Placement!
Many individuals overlook the importance of vastu for mirror. As a result, they end up placing them in random placed of home and office, triggering severe vastu dosh in process. In today’s blog, let us see which zones in the home are permissible according to vastu for mirror. 1. Mirror in bedrooms It is common to find a mirror in the master bedroom which is either wall mounted or installed on dressing table. You can place one in guest room too but refrain from doing so in kid’s room. Keeping mirror in children’s room can result in causing too much distraction. Under no circumstance should the mirror case your reflection while sleeping. In case it does, install curtain over it and keep it closed after using. 2. Mirror in bathroom/toilet A mirror in the bathroom or toilet area too is useful for personal grooming. It can also make it look more spacious and well illuminated. However, make sure that under no circumstance should it cast the reflection of the toilet commode. Change the placement of the mirror in case it does. 3. Mirror on top of the wash basin In every home, having one mirror the wash basin is sort of customary. Follow vastu for mirror while determine its direction, with the help of an expert. Keep the mirror clean from time to time, as water splashing can bring strains over it, which in turn can generate negative energy around the space. 4. Mirror in living room Living room is a great option for keeping mirrors, particularly to enhance its aesthetics. It can also be used to amplify the amount of daylight it receives by placing it in proper angle. Places to avoid- According to the vastu for mirror rules, there are several zones in which mirror should not be placed. Doing so can result in triggering many unwanted complications for it. These sections include the staircase, kitchen and main entrance vicinity. In case you already have any of it, remove it right away. If doing so is difficult, ask for remedy from vastu experts.
For getting a complete vastu for mirror, get in touch with expert vastuvid of Vaastu Mangaal.
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vastudekho-blog · 6 years ago
Top 16 Vastu Tips For Mirror | Vastu Shastra For Mirrors| VASTU DEKHO
Vastu for Mirrors is considered as a powerful tool in Vastu Shastra. In Vastu for a mirror, mirrors are known for reflecting positive energy by clearing negative energy. Therefore, the mirror has the capability of attracting positive vibes. In order to attract positive energy by Vastu for a mirror, u must read our article: http://bit.ly/2DDolq9
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vastudekho-blog · 6 years ago
Vastu Shastra for Mirrors- VASTU DEKHO
As per Vastu Shastra for mirror is considered as a powerful tool because it reflects positive energy by clearing negative energy. Therefore, placing a mirror in the proper direction it attracts positive vibes, doubling up the prosperity and clearing the negativity. In order to follow up the rules and regulations of placing the mirror according to Vastu, you must follow these Vastu tips by VASTUDEKHO:
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vastudekho-blog · 6 years ago
Top 16 Vastu Tips For Mirror | Vastu Shastra For Mirrors| VASTU DEKHO
As per Vastu Shastra mirror is considered as a powerful tool because it reflects positive energy by clearing negative energy. Therefore, placing a mirror in the proper direction it attracts positive vibes, doubling up the prosperity and clearing the negativity.
In order to follow up the rules and regulations of placing the mirror according to Vastu, you must follow these Vastu tips: https://bit.ly/2KRfreM
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dranandbhardwaj · 4 years ago
एक दिशा में दुश्मन दर्पण-एक दिशा में दोस्त-vastu for mirror, Mirrors Vas... तीर की तरह से काम कर जाता है दर्पण-दोस्त ही नहीं पक्का दुश्मन भी हो सकता है दर्पण अगर ….your house bedroom शीशा करे कमाल-अति हानिकारक हो सकता है अगर आपसे हो गयी हैः गलती दर्पण (आइना) लगाने में- it may be दोस्त भी-दुश्मन भी-दर्पण- friends, Vastu for mirror is a vast topic in Vastu that speaks about the mirror direction as per Vastu and mirror in bedroom Vastu which carry very much values. Makeup table with mirror is very common in each house but bedroom mirror should be used with great care as per Vastu. Dresser with mirror is also one and the same thing which tells about the white dressing table with mirror becoming very popular. Mirror in bedroom has become a need of all the newly wed couple but big mirror for room or bedroom wall mirror should be avoided because a mirror in front of the bed and sleeping couple is negative as it reflects the sleeping husband and wife. Yes, full length mirror may be in front of dining table. Standing mirror for bedroom is good as per Vastu but to be on east or north wall. Dressing mirrors full length mirror for bedroom is not good in Vastu. Almirah with mirror Vastu to be seen that either almirah is wrongly placed or the mirror. Both can not be positive as per Vastu shastra. Remedy for mirror on south wall is to cover with cloth. Mirror position as per Vastu is as defined in this YouTube video in Hindi. Vastu mirror position is already told best in north in beauty parlour. Mirror in front of door Vastu is a tricky question but clarified in this YouTube video in Hindi on Vastu for mirrors. Mirror facing south is good because it is on the north wall. Mirror placement as per Vastu is defined here with logic. Mirror on west wall Vastu not positive, shift it on east wall. Mirror on south wall Vastu is also anti-Vastu. Mirror direction as per Vastu in Hindi is east or north. Mirror in living room Vastu is appreciated being on the north wall but no mirror on west wall. Mirror should be in which direction is a routine question I get from my regular viewers. Mirror direction in bedroom is to be avoided or covered at night. Mirror in bedroom Vastu in Hindi defines each minute factor of Vastu for mirrors. Mirror according to Vastu may also be on the north-east wall if the plot is tilted on its axis. Mirror should be placed in which direction is a sensitive question and avoid using mirror in front of toilets. Mirror may shift virtually the object in front of it. Same rule is applied on Vastu mirror position in office as mirror on north wall Vastu in office and toilets is good also in the washroom. Therefore, as the large topic mirror placement Vastu defines here in details by Dr. Anand Bhardwaj famous for Vastu for home and Vastu corrections without demolition. Mirror position in bedroom as per Vastu is to be avoided and better to use in the dresser or dress room attached to the wash room. Vastu mirror for home is to be advised by the Vastu consultant in Delhi. Mirror in bathroom Vastu and Vastu for dressing table are easy to define but try to keep all the mirrors on the eastern wall or on the northern wall but if not possible then cover the bedroom mirror with a cloth like towel or curtain. It is very essential.
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