#Vanessa x Snatcher
demonkinguwu · 3 months
hey i know you're not in the ahit fandom anymore but i have to ask, why did you ship vanessa x snatcher? not to be mean but i was just curious this whole time it's okay if you don't wanna answer
Well, this is certainly a surprise lol
While I'm not really into AHIT much anymore, it'll always be special to me, so I don't mind answering this for old time's sake
[Warning: I will talk about Snatcher x Vanessa in a sort of positive way. Please don't read or send me any hate if it's not your cup of tea or don't like it. I know this warning might be a bit much but I have received harassment over this topic/liking Vanessa before, so I feel it's needed. Please feel free to block me/ or ignore this if it makes you uncomfortable. Thank you👍]
Personally, I think they're neat.
Yeah, it was a toxic relationship in canon, probably for the best they aren't a thing anymore. But the thing is, even in canon there are tiny hints that the current Snatcher might even have a crush on her or at least doesn't care too much about her [though admittedly yes, he is somewhat bitter over his death]. Just look at the Seal the Deal DLC
"We all have a soulmate, supposedly. I know I do, she's waiting for me, I don't see anyone waiting for you."
Always thought this line was weird if he 100% hated her. like, he could have told HK: "I had a soulmate once, let's just hope if you have one, they'll be just as wonderful as she was." Like, he's already giving the child death threats, I don't think he's above wishing HK a similar fate to his.
I'm sure there are more instances but I just got the feel that Snatcher, while somewhat bitter about his death and all, he's pretty much doesn't fear her or anything, maybe even finds her evilness kinda hot now, who knows?
Canonwise, I don't really see them working out as he is too mad about what she did and she doesn't recognize him/hates him but that leads to the actual reason why I liked them.
AUs Listen, Imma be real with you all, most of my enjoyment of AHIT was because of AUs. IDK, for me this game was so easy to make AUs of, especially the Subcon Forest chapter. I like to think of alternative endings or heck, fill-in lore and all. I think Vanessa being an ambiguous character helps a lot in this regard [I mean aside from my preferences of evil women n yanderes in general]
I know she went crazy after she 'caught' the prince and florist but I like to wonder why, as I do have a personal belief no one is truly born evil, I just think they're influenced into coming it. I also like to wonder about different scenarios and all using these characters. I just think in concept they could be neat.
That's not to say I only made AUs to ship them, I mean, [points at my RoleSwap AU where Vanessa literally hates/fears Snacter more than Canon Snatcher hates Vanessa] But the bulk of them are little what ifs and giving them a chance to either fix things or work things out.
Anyways, yeah, I just like them cause there are just two people who are intertwined, it's easier to make AUs of them and explore Subcon as a whole in general. Yes, I'm also one of those who like character redemption arcs. Hell, one of my OCs was an absolutely obsessive bastard man that I thought would never get redeemed or like much but whoops, me n partner like him now to give him two whole bfs.
So yeah, that's pretty much it. I'm sure I would have written an entire essay before but I'm not really much into this game as before. The only thing I'm invested in currently involving AHIT is a crossover AU that came from RPing in which my RS Vanessa has a tsundere crush on my partner's horrible AU MJ unicorn guy who she will take the hammer and FIX HIM
I will probably replay sometime later this year but currently busy with other stuff and fandoms. I can't guarantee I'll be back into it, but hey who knows, maybe I will.
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jonahpaws · 4 months
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sum doodles + conductor family tree
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how-to-humaning-401 · 20 days
hooray yippee yahoo yay yay i stylized snatcher its been over a year and i finally stylized an ahit character
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tired old man...
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and uh might as well put the whole alive family here too bc uhhhh silly
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also uhhhh yknow snatchductor because eeeehhehhehueueuahuuee i miss them.......
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darkmedolie · 8 months
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Haunted by memories
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meshinil · 8 months
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Sorry I’ve been really busy with school and soccer! A new good drawing should be coming out soon lol
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daily-streber · 2 years
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Sometimes you just gotta make silly crossovers because you can
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ms-ink-art · 2 years
Абсолютно здоровая и благополучная семья 🥴
(Мне не стыдно за это)
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ahitfan5 · 10 months
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The snatcher and the puppet are like caretakers of the missing children’s souls and the dwellers . Where in their new forms , it is a subconite from the subcon forest or it could be an animatronic . And their k*llers are William Afton , of the Fazbear entertainment name and queen Vanessa , the wife of her dear prince , when she finds out that her prince is ‘cheating’ on her with the florist that he was buying flowers for .
Fnaf x ahit crossover
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echantedtoon · 10 months
That Bloomin' Curse Ch4 Operation Get Lost
(Hey everyone. I just wanted to thank everyone who read this far and liked my story enough to read it to it's end. I had a lot of fun writing it and it makes me happy knowing some people loved it enough to read it fully. If you liked this consider checking out my other works. Thanks to everyone for reading this, faving it, or leaving a nice comment. And thank you to GearsForBreakfast for creating such wonderful characters and giving me the opportunity to make this wonderful story. )
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The moon was still high in the sky as the three made their way back towards the mansion but stopped when they came in contact with the doors. 
"You have what we need don't you?"
Hazelle happily smiled and held up the bag of holding in her hands. "Yep! This baby should be able to hold up at least a thousand crowns so it'll definitely be useful with this."
Snatcher nodded. "Right. And you know the other part of the plan right?"
"You'll get Vanessa to chase you back through the tunnel to the summer house." Moonjumper held up as t least three exploding apples in his hands. "Once you both are deep enough we'll seal off the tunnel using these for good. That'll keep Vanessa from ever coming back again."
"But first we have to get those pecking crowns." Snatcher grumbled before motioning the two of them to follow him back to the window that they crept into the first time. "C'mon. The sooner we get this done the better."
Hazelle nodded but stopped feeling a hand grab onto her forearm and Moonjumper looked at her. "Hazelle..This is going to be very dangerous. A-And you've already been hurt so much. I-..." His look became more worried. "I don't want you to get hurt again. If you want to stay behind then I think that'll be best-"
"Moony, I'm fine." She assured him and pulled away . "I'll be careful now and I want to get back at Vanessa too for what she did to me."
"If you two lovebirds are finished wooing one another, then we should get going." Snatcher frowned at them Waiting impatiently.
Moonjumper stuttered but Hazelle only smiled and followed him with Moonjumper behind her. Together they rose up to the broken window again (with Hazelle getting a hand from Snatcher) and peered inside. It was dead silent. Snatcher slunk in first popping his head through a few walls and the open doorways in this particular hallway before looking back and motioning that it was safe for them to come in. They did and together they made their way into the old bedroom that held all the glittering crowns.
"Alright. Let's start grabbing them already!," Snatcher hissed already reaching for the ones on the chandelier and plucking them off. "The faster we get these the sooner Poppy's safe."
Good thing the florist hadn't insisted on coming with them. It was safer for her to remain back and keep an eye on the kids with Shapeshifter so nothing bad happened to them. Crown after crown the three grabbed from the various places lying around before throwing them into the open bag Hazelle held with Snatcher poking his head out to make sure the coast was clear every so often. They left no stone or piece of furniture unturned and soon the last crown was thrown inside and the bag tied shut.
"There. That should do it," Hazelle said handing the bag over to Snatcher. "You remember where the passage leading back to the summer house is?"
He nodded. "Of course I do! It's behind the giant statue in the courtyard. It's still wide open too so it should be easy for me to get the ice hag to follow me back. Just make sure you stay a good distance away from me when I do!"
"Then how will we know when you get her back into the tunnel?"
"There's an office in the room just next to this one." Moonjumper nodded to the left. "I remember Vanessa's mother used to spend hours there working on things. We can watch and wait there."
"Fine! Just be ready when you do."
With that he turned and floated out of the room bag in hand. Moonjumper nodded after him and Hazelle followed. Snatcher left. Moonjumper lead Hazelle one room over opening the creaking door and ushering her in quickly. Inside was the remains of a once nice study. The shelves held rotting books, the fireplace was crumbling away, a giant desk was cracked and half broken, and a giant half broken window was directly behind the desk. They approached it and looked out at the once nice courtyard. Now all they had to do was wait which wasn't long at all. 
"HEYOOO!! IM HERE TO PARTY! WHERE'S ALL THE FOOD AND MUSIC!?", Snatcher's voice wailed out causing both to whirl back around as it echoed through the halls. 
Both looked at one another. We'll that was one way to get attention.
"My Prince? Have you finally returned?"
"Prince. Nah. Never heard of him. Did you try checking the basement?"
There was a loud screech from a certain someone and there they stood in wait as the screeching got louder and louder and then softer and softer at the same time. Until Moonjumper nudged her and they both looked outside as the screeches continued to screech out. In the courtyard was the obvious form of Snatcher flying around before stopping in front of a giant statue and holding up a bag with a Sinister grin shaking a bag in the air. A screeching shadow figure was running after him leaving a trail of white ice in her wake. Snatcher suddenly dove head first disappearing behind the statue and a moment later she followed suit as fast as she could also soon disappearing from sight. This was it. Now was their chance. They made haste through the mostly destroyed manor and Hazelle followed Moonjumper through the back and into the courtyard. A trail of ice helping lead them right to the statue. Both hurried over and peered behind the giant headless statue and blinked shocked. A giant hole was right behind it and stairs lead down into the ground. 
"This is our chance! Quick! The apples!"
Moonjumper was quick to get the few apples that they brought with them and held them up. They'd get this over with as soon as possible. Not wasting any time, Moonjumper infused some of his spectral energy into the apples and like bombs they started blinking orange. Fumbling Moonjumper was quick to throw them all down into the tunnel entrance and a few rolled further inside. Hazelle yelped as Moonjumper practically tackled her form. She barely grabbed her hat as it fell off her head. Moonjumper continued to sore through the air and into the mansion-
B O O M!!!
The courtyard. EXPLODED!! The statue broke to pieces and scattered about. Dirt flew high into the air and scattered everywhere covering everything with mud and old moss. The entire middle of the courtyard collapsed in on in self sealing the tunnel off and cutting it off the rest of the world. Both watched from a safe distance with Hazelle safely sat in Moonjumper's arms. Eventually the ground stopped shaking, all that was left was a dust cloud slowly settling down. The two stared at each other for a long moment before Hazelle plopped her hat back onto her head.
"Well... That's one thing taken cared of."
The two were able to make it back to the others and were relieved when they saw everyone was alright. Everyone was safe and Vanessa was now back where she belongs. A while later Snatcher even joined them and he still had Hazelle's bag of holding with him which he just plopped at their feet and allowed the children to go ham on it digging their hands in and pulling out as many crowns as they wanted. 
"You didn't let her have the crowns?"
"Of course not. Did you really expect me to give her the satisfaction of keeping them?," he said with a sadistic grin on his face, "That's just one more way I can really torment her! AHAHAHA!!"
"But is she really back in the mansion?"
"That trick worked like a moth to a flame. She was foolish enough to actually fall for it."
That was it then. It was all over and solved. Vanessa wouldn't be bothering anyone else again for a long, long while. Which left one last thing to do- Moonjumper was slightly surprised when Hazelle pulled him aside while Snatcher was busy boasting to Poppy and the children were all too busy digging through the bag and the gold crowns to notice. Once he was able to look at her Hazelle blinked.
"So...I heard from a few little children that you were worried about me and just maybe a little bit more than that." Her brow rose. "Your darling little Hazelnut huh?"
His face jolted a red. "Uh!.....I-I didn't -..W-Well I mean...*ahem* Well naturally I was worried about you and your safety and...Iiii...Uh-"
He trailed off as she pulled his closer and he froze as a small peck was placed on his cheek. Before lighting up a full red.
"Oh...good heavens."
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tiramegtoons · 2 years
If you and Snatcher had to face Vanessa— what would you do? Just wondering :D
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One horror driven chase later-
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But yeah uh- I don't think it'd be so dramatic, since Vanessa and Snatcher have been sort of dealing with each other for a long time and I guess there's a restriction that keeps them separated in the middle of it all too.
I also have a hc that contracts grant power to Snatcher. So if there were an occasion involving certain death while a contract is in effect that will not allow the contractor to die before the obligations are fulfilled- they cannot die; unless death is part of the contract. Which I doubt cause that wouldn't be very convenient for both parties. x)
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metalabada · 1 year
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Subcon and scary hedgehogs
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I keep forgetting I have to pay attention to this AU too so here’s some random headcanons so I can get them out of my mind and write faster.
Vanessa is half Draconic on her dad’s side of the family — that’s where she gets her Ice magic from. She used it to make intricate sculptures before she went completely insane.
Vanessa has four sisters and one brother, all of which are also half Draconic. Only two of her sisters survived the supposed curse placed upon the women of the family — the other two, however, also went insane.
The Prince’s name — and I really hate to deadname him like this — was James Lightshard. Alex has called him Jamie for most of the time they’ve known each other — though Moon never really liked their birth name, they absolutely love the nickname Jamie to this day.
Snatcher (though he will literally never admit it) has a HUGE soft spot for cats and children, despite literally being born out of Moon’s repressed anger and hatred of Vanessa. This is a part of himself he chooses to ignore because he doesn’t want his reputation as “big scary ghost man who kills people” to be lost.
Vanessa and Moon actually had a child before the kingdom’s fall. He was named Umber, and was only a few months old when Vanessa went batshit and killed everyone in Subcon.
The only reason Emporia as a country still exists in modern day is because Vanessa got herself killed before she could continue her rampage nationally. She’s got a stubborn Soul, and literally will not let herself be reaped, so the Reaper sent to take her instead put a curse on her that bound her to the Manor. That’s why she hasn’t been able to attack anyone else outside of it.
Moon was the youngest child of five, and the only boy out of all of them. He was definitely the least favourite — that was very obvious — but he was still given most of the same pleasantries his sisters got because, as the only boy, he would be able to marry Emporia’s princess (Vanessa) and combine the kingdoms. Their parents were still bitchy about them though, because they were living in the early 1800s and didn’t understand the concept of being trans and believed they were ‘too feminine’ to be a ‘real’ Prince. (Dickweeds.)
On a semi-related note, Moon is trans! They don’t have a specific label for how they identify, and just refer to themselves as ‘trans’ when asked about it. Chrome introduced him to the topic of transness and queerness, which led to that egg being cracked. Tell him he’s valid and pretty >:( /lh
I can’t think of anything else right now, so this is it! Enjoy your info :)
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how-to-humaning-401 · 4 months
lets get some angst up in here chat
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based on an event between me n @witch-sweets
we were playing a horror mod on ahit and she was leading me over to some stairs but i disconnected when she turned around and i was silent on the discord call so it was creepy that i just disappeared (also i was mj and she was snatcher)
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so this inspired a new genre of angst between the brothers MJ GETS CURSED YYAAAAYYYY
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and i GUESS that drawing above inspired it too
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and yknow what other category angst below bc YYAAAYYY (i blame witch for my angsty mood)
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oh yeah and a gartic phone drawing from @eggymoth killed mj again so WOO we breakin the laws of ghosts for this one boys (ig @t052ther0b0t was here too)
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shapeshifter stuff from witch
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ANYWAYS after all that angst lets get some silly stuff YAY
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gay people (eugh /j)
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oh and his mum
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perish noziro
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me when i the
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askamnesiamoonjumper · 5 months
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made this in a feverish haze btw
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snatchyourheart · 2 years
Tags guide :
#snatcher x self insert : snatcher shipped with an original character, either the artist sona , an oc or an "anon" character
#comfort snatcher : snatcher comforting you or the person they are shipped with
#spicysnatcher : it includes the suggestive content and nsfw fanfictions (you can filter it in your settings if it makes you uncomfortable)
#💜 : no specific ship: its just snatcher or shipped with neutral /anon character
#snatcher x reader : the x reader fanfiction tag
Character specific ship tags (list will be updated if needed):
#snatcher x the florist
#snatcher x vanessa
To access the tags you need to click the tags below, (I don't know how to link the one in the post directly)
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