#Vanessa x Ethan
onscreenkisses · 1 year
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PENNY DREADFUL, 2x07 - “Little Scorpion”
requested by anon
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samcoving · 2 years
The Lovers🖤
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romangoldendreams · 8 months
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dark smile only for you
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chevaliermalfets · 9 months
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imfagentsworld · 1 year
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Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One Premiere in Rome, 2023.06.19 ❤️
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Hi!! Could you please do Vanessa Ives x fem reader with some angst?? 💗💗
A Little bit Broken- Vanessa Ives
A/N: Hey, I hope this is close enough to what you wanted, there wasn’t much to go off of aside from the angst so I took some creative liberties.
Warning(s): Alluding to smut.
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I hadn’t wanted to believe that Vanessa had fallen so quickly and irreversibly into despair but when the proofs staring right back at you, there’s not much of an argument you can muster to try and convince yourself otherwise.
I’d tried to leave her be, to give her time and space. Even though my heart and mind kept fighting against my decision, I loved her and I would do anything for her even if it meant leaving her for some time.
Yet when I’d received a private letter from Mr Lyles and he’d told me of the state of Vanessa, I couldn’t believe, I didn’t want to believe it but deep I knew what the letter contained was true and it had broken me leaving me in tears.
I’d only received the letter an hour ago in the late evening, it was now terribly late and dark but I couldn’t wait until the morning to see her and to hold and make sure she was safe.
I had to force my way through the back door the kitchen, it had been stuck and the handle would barely move. At the time I couldn’t tell whether the door had been locked or whether it had some how sealed itself shut in the two weeks that I’d left Vanessa to herself.
Now I stood bare the stairwell, I’d just walked through the living room that had letters and papers scattered across floor and dust had seemed to be as common in the as oxygen.
Looking at the hallway and the grand stairs, things didn’t look anymore promising. The floor no longer held a clean sheen of polish or its dark mahogany colour, instead it was almost black with some sort of dirt and dust, everything seemed to be in a desperate need of care.
But that was all beside the point, I wasn’t hear to worry about the state of the house or it’s decor, my mine and only concern was the woman that I knew would be hiding upstairs in her room, hiding herself away from the world.
It took me a minute to gather the strength I knew I would need to be able to face her. What had become in the weeks I’d left her alone, had she been eating? Drinking? Sleeping? I knew I wasn’t going to get the answers to any of those questions, until I braved the stairs upwards.
And so I did, lifting the skirts of my dress I took one step at a time, not to certain of the security of the stairs, considering the state of the rest of the house, I knew it wouldn’t hurt to be cautious.
Once I’d made it to the top of the stairs I began to walk down the darkened hallway that I’d mesmerised by heart, my final destination being the last room at the end of it.
At first I walked at a somewhat cautious and silent pace, not wanting to alarm the ravenette I knew was here.
“Vanessa!” I called out to the silence of the corridor, a few seconds past and no reply came but then I heard a loud bang and then crash and sound of shattered glass penetrated my senses and I didn’t even have to think twice before break out into a sprint to her room.
It didn’t even take me ten seconds to reach the end of the corridor and into Vanessa room, to where I heard the shattered glass. My eyes darted quickly around the room and then they landed on their target.
She was there, disheveled but alive and suddenly a wave of relief washed over me, and as my face broke out into a wide smile and my eyes began to water with tears, I took a step forward to run to her and embrace her.
But then I stopped myself, my eyes quickly caught the glimpse of shattered glass that was lying on the floor next to the writing desk Vanessa was sat at.
I might have scared her when I called and she must have accidentally knocked the gas lamp off her desk and it must have smashed upon impact.
“Vanessa I…” I began to say but then I stopped myself when she looked at me, her eyes locking with mine and their usual bright blue that always seemed as if they were sapphires, were now a dull version of what they once were, clouded and glassed over and I almost struggled to read her expression.
“What are you doing here?” She’d spoken to me but her voice was almost lifeless, almost bleak sounding and my heart broke at not only the tone of her voice but also the question she’d asked me.
It was so blatant and sharp, did she not want me here? Had I don’t something wrong? My mind began to reel with all these questions and suddenly an anger I didn’t know I had began to let itself loose.
“What am I doing here? What do you mean what am I doing here? I’m here for you!” I started to shout, I didn’t want and I’m not sure where it came from but suddenly I was angry and upset all at once.
“I didn’t ask you to be here,” she responded back, her voice colder than before, louder and almost steel like.
She continued to stare at me, only now she was getting up from her seat at her writing desk. She wasn’t wearing an awful lot, just a simple black, almost sleeveless dress. And then some of questions began to be answered.
I could quickly see she hadn’t been eating properly, she hadn’t been starving herself, from what I can see but she’d certainly lost some weight. Her face was a little more hollowed and her hair didn’t seem to have been brushed in several days and suddenly that anger I had was stunning into a rage but it was a caring rage.
“You didn’t have to, I got a letter of Lyles and ran out of my home as quickly as I could.” I began to explain the bite was still in my voice. “I was hoping what he said wasn’t true, that you weren’t letting your self perish in a hellhole, it seems my hope was stupid.”
I stood closer to her, now only a foot or two away. There were so many things I wanted to do, I wanted to scream and shout her for what she’d done to herself, I wanted to take her downstairs and make her eat a proper meal but then I wanted to pour her an nice bath and sit with her and wash her hair and just take of her.
“What did you expect!” She shouted and screamed at me and suddenly I wanted to jump out of my skin and walk away. I’d never heard her about like this before and it scared me, more so than the demons and witches that had plagued us for so long.
“Everyone’s gone, Ethan’s off to the American gallows, Malcolm’s burying his dead children and you were tortured and almost killed and it’s all my fault!” She screamed again and suddenly tears were falling quickly down her cheeks and she began to shake in her spot standing on the floor.
All of it was true, Ethan had been shipped, Malcolm was burying his dead sun and I had almost died but none of that was Vanessa’s fault. We’d all made our own choices and we new that going into this, she couldn’t and shouldn’t blame herself.
“How is any of it your fault? We all made our choices Van and we chose to stand by you, at least I did, I love you!” She knew I loved and she exactly how much and the. Suddenly the tears became less and her eyes darkened and suddenly she was running towards me.
Her lips crashed upon mine and suddenly I was kissing her back. Her normally soft lips were now harsh and rough and I couldn’t tell whether this was out of passion, anger, lust or a mix of all three.
Then before I could understand it, I had accepted it and soon we were pulling each other free of the clothes that confined us both.
Though as Vanessa was trying to get my corset off, I stopped her movements and looked at her. “Why now?”
“I’ve missed you and I can’t bare the thought of not being near you for a moment longer.” It was a simple answer but it was good enough for me and as such I allowed her to continue unlacing my corset and soon we were spending the rest of the night together entertained in each others bodies, enjoying the intimacy of one another.
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silcntsinners · 7 months
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Small starter for @musesofhororr
Ethan x Vanessa
It has been over a year since the two had seen each other. The day they decided to part ways was the worst day of Ethan’s life. part of him had never healed and yet he tried to find comfort with other women. No one could ever compare to Vanessa Ives, the woman who stole his heart. He had heard rumours of the woman moving on with another man, Ethan out of spite now dating a woman he had met at a bar one night.
The day he was invited to sir Malcom’s birthday was the day he knew he would be reunited with Vanessa again. He wanted to attend, the man having a slight fondness for the older man. Bringing his new date felt like a bad idea so Ethan found himself walking inside the house empty handed, wanting to not bring eyes upon him. That was until his own eyes locked with hers, every feeling flooding back instantly.
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yencirilla · 1 year
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if i had a nickel for every time a witch and the werewolf she's romantically entangled with get confronted by a werewolf hunter and they have to fight him, i would have two nickels. which isn't a lot but its weird that its happened twice.
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lucyfishwife · 2 years
Best way to hurl my main characters into each other’s arms?
A) “we accidentally snogged in a moment of emotional crisis and are now furiously avoiding each other”
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B) “we need to discuss why everything is weird, hey let’s just go for it why not, we’re already stressed out by it”
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C) “we need to discuss why everything is weird, let’s have this conversation drunk at 4am what could go wrong”
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y’all is it a million degrees where you are?? it’s a million degrees where I am, so here’s a reminder that i have several fics in which things break down during heat waves and the only solution is to eat a lot of ice cream.
hold your breath, let loose your heart | penny dreadful, ethan x vanessa, 4.8k
ethan’s air conditioning breaks down on the hottest day of the year. vanessa expresses her feelings.
long summer days (can lead to lazy vices) | the raven cycle, gansey x blue, 3.3k
gansey’s ac unit stops working during a heat wave, so he does the logical thing and makes milkshakes (yes, plural). 
my mouth is wide open (ready to explore) | pushing daisies, ned x chuck, 3.5k
when the pie hole’s industrial freezer conks out, ned and chuck find a way to make the best of it.
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djcanipe99 · 1 year
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shinehalley · 2 years
I'm burning inside to write a fanfic Jekyllstein My Best Friend's Wedding au, but I'm out of time so I'll just share some ideas about it, to try to appease my spirit (but it's more likely that I'll write the fanfic at the end).
Although Henry is the one who passes off the "best friend rejected" energy, he doesn't fit at all in Juliane's context, now Victor... So Victor "I tend to fall obsessively in love with people and do immoral things to take back what's mine though I regret it in the end" Frankenstein would be the rejected best friend of the situation.
Although I imagine the fanfic as a modern au, it doesn't enter my mind that Henry would marry anyone other than for convenience, so he will marry a society woman (preferably someone of a lower class than his) to integrate even more into this world. Although he has chosen an interesting woman, it cannot be said that he is in love with her. So Victor's fight isn't exactly to win Henry back, but to win Henry's pride and that's infinitely more complicated.
(I don't know yet if Henry's fiancee is going to be any of the reimagined versions of the previous adaptations, if I'm finally going to be able to get Carmilla into something about the series or if I'm going to invent a character for the role, I'm open to suggestions on that)
Roger's role needs to be filled by someone and I never know if Vanessa or Ethan fits the context better. That's why I've decided that they split the function evenly, so to speak. They are a couple that works with Victor and are also his closest friends since Victor drifted away from Henry (apart from a couple of fiery dates a year like in the movie) and between them Victor is like a child they are sharing who Will help him this time. Something like "It's your turn" "But it's your specialty to deal with that kind of thing" "Oh no honey, I traveled to Switzerland last week for his brother's wedding, now it's your turn" meanwhile Victor is having a crisis because his best friend is getting married.
I don't think Victor was exactly in love with Henry before he found out about the engagement. When Henry called and asked for his help with the wedding, all Victor felt was a mixture of envy (that Henry was getting married before him even though Victor had always been the romantic between them) and fear (at the thought of losing Henry to someone who isn't even in love with him) and denying was out of the question because of feeling indebted to Henry for always helping him in the past (particularly with a troubled relationship a few years ago involving more than one identity, but that's another story). So Victor makes his way to Scotland to Castle Hyde (where Henry's father demanded that the wedding take place, much to his son's dismay) and metaphorically holds Henry's hand to help him not lose control at such an important time. Then he remembers why Henry has been his best friend since college and why they still slept together so many times and realizes that maybe having Henry as more than a friend was always a wish he'd repressed because of the idea that all his romantic relationships end disastrously and losing Henry was not something Victor was willing to go through with. He was revealing and at the worst possible time, trying on the best man's suit for Henry's wedding.
After that follows a slow burn where Victor is desperate to ruin the wedding because he realized a bit late that he's in love with his best friend although he's not sure if it's reciprocal (never mind, he's too selfish to let Henry be with anyone else and especially with someone that Henry doesn't love), Henry, who has always been in love with Victor, half unsure of his behavior and too proud to end the engagement without a certainty, Henry's fiancée half unaware of what's going on, but how she's not in love with him either to her it doesn't matter, Ethan and Vanessa doing the best they can as Victor's friends although none of their advice is taken seriously and several guests oc or not in a huge medieval castle waiting for the realization of a huge and memorable wedding party.
A few points about Henry I'd like to highlight to ease the context. I imagine that both his father and mother are alive, divorced, and that a lot of his tension for the marriage comes from putting them in the same space after so many years. They were married shortly before Henry was born and divorced when he was a child and it was not a good marriage for Henry's mother. It was a blessing for both of them when Lord Hyde left and never came back. Of course, as Henry's father demanded joint custody, it was inevitable to spend more time with the man than he would have liked, but being verbally abused was still better than seeing him assault his mother, and Henry saw visiting them as a sacrifice for her sake. Growing up, Henry's visits were almost non-existent, unless Lord Hyde himself requested his presence (which usually consisted of an accounting and a completely failed attempt at rapprochement). Lord Hyde didn't become a better person after developing cancer and even if he had, Henry would never forgive him. Now when Mrs Jekyll got sick, Henry moved the world to get money for her medicines as soon as she was diagnosed with Leprosy. He brought her to London with him and cared for her with zeal and dedication. She still works, but Henry gives her an allowance to make sure she's okay and visits her practically every week. They're very close, so it's no surprise that she wants to be at his wedding, even less that his father wants to put his finger on it. The two of them in the same environment is not good at all and Henry felt stressed, hurt and uncertain enough to call Victor for help, even though they hadn't seen each other in a good few months. For a man with so much to deal with, Henry was doing well. Would it be easier if he didn't have daddy issues and being in love with his godfather to deal with? Yes, of course, but as far as possible things were under control. Henry was under control. He's going to marry that girl and never put his parents in the same environment again.
(or basically, Lord Hyde is a rotten person but since he got sick he has tried to get close to his son even though he is still a rotten person and Mrs Jekyll is a sweet person who just wants to be there for her son at his wedding, even if it means meeting up with her toxic abusive ex husband for awhile)
(Oh, and I'm using "Mrs Jekyll" to make it easier to recognize who I'm talking about, but I imagine she has another name, but I need to do some research before giving her a name)
Unlike the movie, this au ends with Jekyllstein together. Victor is going to do like Juliane, he's going to tell Henry the whole truth, but instead of being rejected, he's going to get a confession back. Of course Henry would choose to thwart all of Lord Hyde's expectations AND stay with the man he's been in love with for years in the end, he's proud but he's not an idiot.
(Of course Henry is going to do some shit too throughout the fanfic to balance things out because it's not just about Victor being morally gray that you live, right)
This turned out to be bigger than I expected at first, but I managed to compress as much as I was thinking about this au so I'm satisfied. I hope to someday write this, but I'm not sure I can commit to a fanfic right now. Of course, if anyone wants to write about it, feel free. I'm just going to ask for credit for the idea and the link to read it because this fandom doesn't have enough au fanfics and I'll love to look at other interpretations of both this au and Jekyllstein.
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romangoldendreams · 5 months
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there is a certain place where all the ugly, broken, freak things lie
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jonroxton · 2 years
the one single kiss in a long complicated friendship is such a good trope i hate it :D
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I’m Already Gone- Vanessa Ives
Spoilers ahead
Context: I’m not going to give to much of an explanation just incase some people aren’t listening to the spoiler sign above.
A/n: All I’m going to say is that I cried whilst making this, so just a bit of pre-warning I think it’s quite sad, of course it’s Vanessa Ives x Fem Reader.
Warning(s): Major character death
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I'd gone with them to save her, actually I'd been the first out of the door. Blind sighted and plan less but I had to save her, I had to save Vanessa, I loved her.
She thought I was dead, for an entire month she'd thought I was dead. For a while I thought I was to, after the events at the Nightwalker's home I'd appeared dead apparently according to Ethan and Sir Malcolm I'd been tortured to death.
Vanessa thought this too, that's why she'd fallen into the arms of another. Yet I hadn't been dead just in a constant state of sleep like death.
That's how my body had healed itself, by shutting down completely and restarting, something I hadn't known a witch could do but I was grateful for it.
I'd only woken up hours ago and very quickly, in a state of shock, Ethan had explained everything that had happened and what was currently happening.
He'd succeeded, Dracula, he'd made Vanessa the Mother of Evil and now the world was at the brink of the apocalypse and humanity was all but doomed. That's when it was my turn to be shocked and quite frankly frightened.
We'd dealt with vampires and Nightwalkers before but the apocalypse was something beyond our experience and quite frankly our comprehension.
But I didn't care about the end of the world or that humanity may be experiencing its final days. All I cared about was saving Vanessa from the teeth of Dracula, I couldn't let him take her from me, I wouldn't allow it.
I only needed to hear the words of where we'd find him from Kat and I was sprinting out of the manor and into the pestilence infected air of London.
The air didn't affect me thankfully, due to my biological differences as a strand of witch, I was protected from the sickness and so I walked through, almost running. The only thought in my head was Vanessa, my Vanessa.
I'd made it to the place Kat had described as Dracula's lair and I knew the others weren't far behind, if I focussed my hearing enough I could hear the distant sound of their feet meeting the cobblestones.
The place was dark and filthy and the stench was horrid and I wondered what barbarians I would encounter here.
Eventually everyone else had caught up and were now here and quickly we were being attacked by the night creatures.
I wanted to get away, to run down the corridor I could sense Van was down but I was being assaulted left and right by these creatures of the night and even as I tried with all my energy and abilities to clear a path through, I couldn't.
The fighting continued and I tried as best as I could to keep myself and my friends safe but I barely had enough magic to serve myself after waking up, let alone so many other people.
Somehow, in a way I wasn't certain what had happened, the fighting stopped and we were surrounded by the dead bodies of Dracula's creatures but when I looked around to check that we were all still alive, Ethan wasn't there.
Then I began to panic, had they killed him? Was he still alive? but then my questions were silenced when I saw him walking out from the shadows.
I knew something was wrong immediately, I saw how his shoulders were slumped and how his face was utterly tear stained and face vacant.
A fear I'd never experienced before began to consume me as I asked, "Ethan, what happened?" And now I knew I didn't want to know the answer.
He didn't answer, "Ethan what happened!?" I shouted at him and then his eyes met mine and I knew what had happened.
"Y/n," he began to say, voice weak but I didn't need him to finish, I didn't want him to finish that sentence.
"No," my voice was no louder than a whisper as I stood there. "No, No, No," each time my voice got louder and I looked around in a frantic panic.
"NO!" I screamed running at Ethan before being stopped and grabbed at the shoulders by Kat but it wasn't him I was after.
I ripped Kat's grip from my shoulders, my shouts turning into screams and tears tracking down my face faster than a waterfall.
Once I'd gotten free of her grip I broke out into a run and sprinted down the corridor Ethan had emerged from.
I heard them shouting after me and their shouts for me to stop but I couldn't, I was frightened, frightened that what I saw in Ethan's eyes were true.
I made it to the end of the corridor, a door now facing me and my vision was blurred by the tears that hadn't fallen.
I stopped and hesitated my hand shaking as I went to open the door further to enter, paralysed by the fear of what I might see.
But then I opened it and that's when my entire world came crashing around me like shattered glass.
There she was, the woman I loved, the woman I had been through Hell and back to fight for, laying on the floor dead.
That's when I lost control of my body and an ear piercing, soul shattering scream ripped from lungs and out into the world.
I fell to my knees by her body, shaking violently as I scooped her head and chest into my lap. Her skin was so cold and pale and her heartbeat was almost none existent.
"Van," I whispered, my voice uneven from the tears "Van I'm here, I'm here please don't go," I cried to her praying she would hear me.
"Y/n she's gone," it was Ethan's voice I heard behind me but I couldn't accept it, I refused to accept it. Even if I had to fight the Devil myself I would bring her back.
"She's not," I spat at him not allowing myself to take my eyes off Vanessa for even a moment. It was his fault she was like this, she was completely alive before he'd seen her, I knew that, I could feel it.
But even now, I knew there was a little bit of life force left in her, the connection we shared told me so and the slow and radically uneven beats of her heart reminded me.
"Vanessa come back to me," I spoke "I know your still there." There was no response, no flutter of her eyelids and I feared that she was actually gone.
"I love you," I whispered as I kissed the top of her head, not wanting to say goodbye and a single tear slipped down from my cheek and fell onto her own. I didn't want to accept that she was gone.
Now I held her body closer. I'd failed to protect her, this was all my fault, I'd let her die. I wasn't here and so I'd tortured her into accepting this fate. I was the one who deserved to die not her but I didn't think the world would accept the trade no matter how many times I offered it.
"Y/n," it was the faintest of sounds but even then I'd know that voice anywhere, how it had made me laugh and how it had made me smile.
"Van," I whispered back looking down at her and then I saw her, her eyes had fluttered open, she was still deathly pale and her eyes were sorrowful but she was alive.
"You're alive," she whispered her voice cracking as she tried to lift a hand to stroke my cheek. When her hand met my cheek, I held it there with my own, crying anew and smiling.
"Yes, yes I am Van, I'm here, please stay with me," I told her hurriedly gripping onto her like a lifeline, I couldn't let her go a second time.
She looked at me with her beautiful eyes that were still a pretty blue. She looked at me and smiled, a sorrowed smile, something mixed with a strange and twisted happiness but a strong sadness.
"I can't," she whispered to me, her thumb stroking me on the cheek as I continued to hold her close.
"I have to go Y/n," her voice was so weak and tired, "I can't live anymore, I don't deserve to, I've caused so much pain and I can't keep hurting you or anyone else. It doesn't matter where we take this road, someone has to go."
"No Van, no don't say things like that, you've never hurt me, you've only ever loved me, if one of us needs to go, please let that be me."
"I can't do that Y/n, I want you to know that you couldn't have loved me better but I want you to move on."
"But remember all the things we wanted, all the memories we still have to make. Remember Van, you and me against the world, I need you." I cried and cried I couldn't let this be true.
"You'll go on without me Y/n, I promise you'll find love and live a good life," her voice was almost gone "we were always meant to say goodbye, now let me go Y/n."
"I can't do that Vanessa, I love you to much, please just let me be selfish this once." I had to convince her out of this.
"I love you to Y/n, I've always loved you but we both know I need to die, because I'm already gone." Then I watched how with her last bit of strength, Vanessa pushed herself up and pressed her lips against mine and I knew it was a final goodbye.
"You were my only love Y/n," and with my name, Vanessa's eye began to close and her body fell back into my arms and that's when I felt our connection fade out of existence and the whole world went silent with her.
"And you were mine," I whispered into her ear and then my entire world was consumed by grief, guilt and sadness and all I did was cry. I cried with the love of my life still in my arms and now I'd never felt more alone.
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silcntsinners · 8 months
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Starter for @deathtransformed
Ethan had so much dread inside of him knowing this ball would only stir up all the feelings he had for Vanessa. His love for her was so deep rooted that no woman could ever compare and yet he couldn’t help but feel anger and sadness towards the woman, she had picked a different path and that path was beside another man who he had not had the pleasure of meeting… yet. Tonight that would be that night and Ethan had to keep telling himself that he didn’t care, that he would be civil and respectful.
As night approached, Ethan had made his way to the ball with his date on his shoulder, walking in proudly to not show any discomfort. Hecate had been courting him for a while and yet ethan hadn’t been giving her much thought until recently. He looked across the room to the wooden bar, not many had arrived yet but the place was starting to fill up with more and more guests. “Can I get you a drink?” He offered, giving the woman a soft smile. “A nice red wine please” she spoke as Ethan nodded and walked to the bar, only turning when feeling a touch to his shoulder. It was as if he knew the feeling, he knew her.
“Ms Ives” he said before even turning around, moving his eyes towards her date then back onto her. “It’s a pleasure to see you again and nice to finally meet your date” he spoke out, not wanting to even say the word ‘date’ but it was the truth. “I hope you are keeping well” Ethan added, acting as though they were nothing but acquaintances.
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