#Val Writes a Review
valenshawke · 1 year
For all TWO (maybe THREE) of you in the Law & Order fandom.
A review of Law & Order, Season 22, episode 22...
This episode left me absolutely frustrated.
We got a manhunt, a red herring, and a chase in the first 20 minutes!
I feel like the assassination of a United States Senator was, again, way too big for the show. You'd think the FBI would be involved? I mean, even Jack and the NYPD Commissioner being on the phone with the US Attorney General would have been NICE, maybe having a bit of an argument about jursidiction would have helped.
I was skeptical about the cop-half being done in 20 minutes and… my skepticism was right.
Things I can appreciate: The increased screentime for Sam Waterston, who was allowed to show his acting chops this particular episode. He did a hell of a job as usual. The pain on Jack's face was palpable at the end.
The casting of Katherine Waterston as his daughter? Also really appreciate.
It's hard saying who this episode was written for becaause, unless you watched the series prior to the revival, and followed Jack's life through the bits of info that were peppered in, the hostility between the McCoys was too implicit? What we know about Jack is: While he certainly wasn't abusive like his own father, he probably wasn't as involved or emotionally available as a parent because he was so career-driven (and let's not forget the three other relationships he had with his assistants that did not lead to marriage). This was probably severely exacerbated when Jack and Ellen got divorced. Could I see Jack absolutely prioritizing a case over his daughter's dance recital or soccer game? Yeah. And let's be real, I'd imagine the types of cases Jack handled probably wore him out emotionally as well.
So, I loved the acting and conflict between the McCoys and the Waterstons did a great job ACTING. But the writing…
First of all, I cannot suspend my disbelief that Rebecca would talk to Jack and ASK Jack for a favor regarding a case where they are on opposite sides. Okay, Jack McCoy was not the paragon of good and ethical behavior, but he's the DA now. Her going through Price? Yeah, I think that's fine. Second, why would she think her dad would cut her any kind of break in this case. A UNITED STATES SENATOR WAS ASSASSINATED?! Her anger at her own father really clouded her legal judgment. I was really kind of hoping for an "Under the Influence" moment where she realizes just how ineffectual she was and ask for a mistrial or something. But nope.
Second of all, Price needs to be fired. That Man 1 Plea would have gotten Jack tossed from office so fast. If your legal judgment is clouded for personal reasons because you witnessed the immediate aftermath of a mass shooting… maybe you shouldn't be prosecuting the case (I miss Cutter).
What's frustrating is this episode had a real chance to be good and the acting was great. It's just the writing, like the entirety of this revival, has rarely ever matched the level of the acting the cast can bring.
I got SO frustrated while watching this episode I started writing snippets of dialogue about how Michael Cutter would've handled this case in Discord DMs with my best friend (we watch the show as it airs).
Jack & Mike talking after arraignment.
Cutter: Has your daughter talked to you about the case? Jack: … Cutter: Jack, I gotta subpoena you. Jack: What the hell are you talking about? Cutter: If she approached you, ex parte for anything, that shows a conflict of interest in this case and it's easier to remove her as a defense attorney than argue for a change of venue.
Now let's say that didn't working and the hearing goes against the state, Mike and Rebecca talking in the court after the judge has ruled.
Rebecca: What the hell are you doing, Cutter? Cutter: Trying to protect your father. Seems to be I'm the only one trying around here. *walks away*
Cutter cross-examining Quinn. Yes, this is badgering but that's like… normal for the show.
Cutter: You weren't in your right mind? Why did you turn to run? Quinn: I don't know. Cutter: Why did you run to the park, then change direction and blend into the city? Quinn: I don't know. Cutter: Why did you wait the night to come back, when no one was around, for your car? *plays video* Quinn: I don't know! Cutter: *Pauses video of him getting into car* Looks to me like you knew exactly what were you to try to evade capture. Quinn: I STILL GOT CAUGHT! Cutter: Only because you're not a pro. But isn't that the point, Mr. Quinn. That these weapons *holds up gun* can make even the most amateur individual an assassin? Isn't this what you fought against? Isn't this why you became a gun control activist? Rebecca: OBJECTION Cutter: Withdrawn! Nothing further.
Cutter's closing argument, partial.
Cutter: Mr. Quinn's anger is justified, yes. His trauma is valid, yes. But that doesn't not give him the right to kill someone in cold blood. At the end of the day, he was an angry man. Angry at the world. Angry at that the society that wronged and failed him. Valid feelings or not… isn't this the basic motivation of every mass shooter the last 30 years. Isn't this what Mr. Quinn's crusade as a gun control activist supposed to stop? I can't think of any bigger perversion of one's crusade than becoming what you fight against. You can have empathy, for Mr. Quinn. You can sympathize for him and regret the pain he feels. You can feel angry at the government, at society, at the NRA. But what about empathy for Senator Chandler's family. His daughter? Who saw her father gunned down… at her own wedding. Are we supposed to ignore the pain of the victims? Mr. Quinn certainly felt people were ignoring his pain, like many mass shooters have… and like many mass shooters, he turned outward and inflicted it on everyone else. And that… is not diminished capacity. That is not mental defect. That is not, "I don't know." This was planned. He had time to think about it. To realize his own anger might make him do something terrible… and still went ahead with it. And tried to hide after he killed a man in front of his own daughter. That's murder, plain and simple.
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therubyreader · 8 months
I just finished What the River Knows and I’m going to need about three to five business days to process this
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inkykeiji · 6 months
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character: valentino warnings: 18+ minors do not interact, possessiveness, toxic relationship, daddy kink, gun play, slight oral fixation, fem!reader who has unspecified piercings notes: for @sovya, who is val’s precious lil princesa ♡ and who always listens to my insane ramblings about ideas i had at exactly 6:20am hehe c: words: 687
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Valentino has an interesting little quirk, you’ve come to learn; he always has to have something of his inside of you. It’s a simple fact, really. No matter what it is or where you are, a piece of him must always be within you in some way, shape, or form. 
He, of course, prefers for it to be a part of his body—his fingers, his tongue, his cock—but unfortunately that isn’t always feasible. 
And, of course, there are other objects that work well, too. 
Sometimes it’s his gun, barrel rammed down your throat as far as it possibly can be, teeth scraping against the N of his bedazzled name as you desperately attempt to swallow more, knees sinking into the plush shag of the carpet beneath his work desk, your chin resting on his thigh as you sit at his feet. Your lips pucker tightly around the barrel as they suck, thick dribbles of saliva oozing from the corners of your mouth to drizzle off your jaw in shimmering cords, while a dutiful tongue curls around the heated metal in a protective, almost loving embrace, eager to siphon it further into your body. 
Sometimes it’s one of his shiny gold rings, pressed flat under your tongue as you suck it into your flesh during your daily outings, the metal clacking daintily against your teeth while you mindlessly toy with it, the tip of your tongue hooking through the band then circling the halo in a lazy, messy outline, encrusted salt melting against your tastebuds, staining your tongue with the zest of his sweat. 
Sometimes it’s his favourite bullet vibrator, soft pink silicon engraved with his full name and a smattering of cute little hearts buried deep in your cunt as you go about your day, never knowing when Val might turn it on, turn it up, but always knowing that he’s watching through the discreet cameras he had Vox plant all over your shared condo, always ready for that telltale video call that you better fucking answer right before you cum—and knowing that if you don’t, you’ll be suffering endless edging until Daddy gets home (and sometimes after that, too). 
He gets off on it just as much as you do, chuckling darkly when your knees knock together and your thighs tense, a sharp gasp spilling from your throat and nails chipping as your fingers curl around the edge of the kitchen counter, tauntingly asking if something is wrong, amorcito? as his face swims into view, sadism stretched sharply across his face, eyes glowing with the knowledge that he holds all of your pleasure, all of that power, in the silky palm of his hand, controlling it with the single flick of a notch. 
Sometimes it’s his custom-made heart-shaped studs and barbells, embellished with ostentatious V’s and filling all of your piercings, glinting in the late afternoon sun or heating under your clothes as he drags you from store to store, an arm tightly linked through your own—showing you off, his most cherished accessory, his prettiest prized possession, his best accomplishment.  
If he has to pick a favourite, though, it’s his fingers, one of his four hands wedged between your soft thighs, two fingers stuffing your cunt full and idly stroking the silky walls as he works—writing scripts or reviewing footage—and you play—mashing buttons on your pretty pink handheld or colouring a picture for him, book folded at the spine and balancing against your bent knees, little tongue playing with the point of your fang as you concentrate. 
And yet, despite the sensuality of it all, it isn’t even sexual half of the time, going far beyond the shallow pleasures of carnality. Because that secret, shared knowledge that there is a piece of him constantly inside of you—a private claim of ownership in the most intimate sense—provides a deep-seated comfort; a warm, dense calm that roots itself at the very core of your souls, that soothes anxieties and serves as a steadfast reminder: that you are owned, that he owns you, that you belong to one another, always. 
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ms-cartoon · 8 months
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Warning: This post will contain mentions of assault or anything along the lines of it. You get the idea.
My review for HH ep 2 was supposed to be out by now, but there are some things I have to say first. My reasoning for sticking around for Hazbin Hotel is all gone except for Vox right now. I love Husk too, but they really just kinda ruined him for me in ep 4. I'm probably being dramatic but that's just how I feel. If he's supposed to be this wise bartender who's meant to make people feel better and help reach an understanding of some sort, he really just failed at that.
EP 4 of Hazbin Hotel is probably the worst one out of all the eps released so far. There are PLENTY of flaws to point out, but they can be said for some other posts I'll upload soon. What I'm mainly concerned with as of now is that "Loser Baby" song sung by HuskerDust.
So it's revealed that Husk was once an overlord and was always gambling. He betted his status and powers when playing against Alastor and lost. Now I guess he's forced to do whatever Alastor wants such as being a bartender. . . .
Sorry to get off topic here but. . . . Husk was an overlord??? I don't like how they just suddenly reveal that. It caught me off guard. I know they sorta foreshadowed it in the pilot, but they should've given most newcomers to the show a hint or something. It honestly feels like the writers just pulled that revelation out their asses just to add some positivity and similarity between Angel and Husk's relationship (because Viv and the fans just love idea of this ship oh so much)
Also, since he was previously an overlord, how come nobody's heard of him??? Everybody will get shocked when they hear or see Alastor or recognize him by his radio shows. Everybody knows the Three Vs, Camilla, etc. but not a Husk??? The Overlord with a gambling addiction?? Charlie and Vaggie will get shocked when Alastor comes in the picture but look at Husk like he's some random dude that just popped outta nowhere?
Plus, Alastor didn't force Husk to work as a bartender. In the pilot, he was easily convinced with cheap booze.
Speaking of his gambling addiction; well we all know he likes to gamble judging by his appearance. But gambling being his addiction?? Since when was that implied?
Anyway . . . . At this point, I don't get what the idea of that song is or what Husk meant by it. Maybe I am overlooking it, but its pretty hard not to believe knowing how Viv screws up her writing skills and how she went about it. According to all the Viv defenders, the song was meant to say Angel isn't alone in being stuck in a situation he feels he can't get out of and that Husk can understand where he's coming from and what he's going through. Well sorry to burst y'all's bubble, but even if that was, they just did wrong ENTIRELY. (Sidenote: If you Hazbin lovers wanna see it how u see it, then fine. But Imma stick with what I believe and there's nothing that could be said to change my mind, so don't bother trying to correct me.)
Husk makes it seem like he knows exactly what it's like being in Angel's shoes; signing a contract and being forced to do something against his will. That part seems to be the only thing they have similar. Except what happened with Husk in the past should NOT count as a similarity!
Husk: Loses a bet against Alastor, costing his soul and status as an overlord. Agrees to commit to Alastor's biddings apparently, including being a bartender for a hotel (which he wasn't really forced to do. He doesn't seem to be afraid in refusing Alastor's requests. I partially don't even believe it was apart of the deal to do what Alastor wanted)
Angel: Is a pornstar. Forced to be a pornstar and do whatever Val wants him to do. Including submitting to him and his sexual needs, getting beaten, r8ped, assaulted (sexually even), exploited, drugged, etc.
What part of Angel's problem should Husk be understanding? Alastor doesn't beat or r8pe Husk! It's never even revealed what Husk goes through with Alastor. I doubt it's anything bad on his part, since he clearly isn't afraid to talk smack to the powerful radio demon who could kill him in an instant. They just . . . had that past and now Husk is doing him a permanant favor. What Husk is doing now isn't even anything bad. He's working as a bartender for a hotel and is being paid to do it. He may not like, but it's nothing bad. What ANGEL is going through on the other hand?? The word "bad" doesn't even begin to cover it.
Husk may not know what Angel goes through (though he should connect the dots since Angel hinted at him when he revealed he gets drugged all the time) but Angel just full on agreeing with him and accepting that he's a loser for what he goes through and having to embrace his situation????
Ummm . . . . NO!
Bro! You just saw Angel about to get drugged!! He should NOT have to accept that!!
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storm-angel989 · 2 months
How would vox and the other fees react to his 11 old being poet? She's young but wise? People a?ways say she's mature for her age aswell.
Hi there,
I’m assuming you mean Vox’s daughter! As a poet myself, this one took me back. 
Take a peek at what I’ve come up with and enjoy!
<3 Mandy
Vox leaned against the doorframe, his arms crossed as he studied his daughter. As usual, her homework had been tucked neatly into a pink manilla folder and left on the coffee table for him to review. Her clothes were chosen and laid out on her dresser, and all the small chores she was responsible for were complete- from her bed being made, to her dirty clothes in the laundry hamper. 
But of course, that was who she was as a being. Neat, tidy, responsible and organized in a way that made sense to her. At first it concerned him, just how mature she was for her age. Worried him that she preferred the company of her writing to a television. But she seemed to have friends at school, and go on playdates. With everything else seemingly fine, he had to accept that she was a writer. Plain and simple. 
As he stood and watched, he wondered when her next writing pause would be. It wouldn’t do to yell to get her attention. He could see from across the room that she had her ear buds in. And he didn’t interrupt her when she was focused so intently. So instead, he waited and watched as the pen she held scribbled across an open composition notebook.
“I don’t want to write on a computer dad, I need to see my mistakes- learn from them so that I can be a better writer,” she had told him when he first offered her a laptop. “Besides, I like pen and paper. There is a feeling when you put ink down, and doing things digitally just doesn’t work for me.” 
He supposed she had a point. And even though he was the overlord of technology, he preferred for her to limit her screen time- lest she end up with glasses like her Uncle Valentino. 
His next offer was to buy her fancier notebooks- leather bound, decorated, whatever she desired. Surly, she would prefer something pretty over plain composition notebooks. But much like the laptop, she politely declined.
“Daddy, I don’t want fancy books to write in. It just puts pressure on me to not make mistakes, and I don’t want that. I want the freedom to scribble and correct and edit without feeling like it has to be right the first time.” 
He watched as her pen lifted from the paper and she looked down. There. There was the pause he was waiting for. He strode across the room and tapped her shoulder gently. 
She looked up at him as she took her earbuds out. 
“Hi Daddy! Perfect timing, I just finished,” she replied excitedly. “Will Auntie Vel and Uncle Val be home tonight? I think I’m ready to share!”
“They’re already,” Vox replied as he kissed the top of her head. “Dinner is almost done. Do you want to read to us before or after dinner?”
“Before,” she replied quickly as she stood up. She gathered her notebook in her arms and carried it quickly out to the dining room. 
Vox followed behind, pleased at her response. The first time he asked her about her writing, she shut down. Eventually, he got her to share that she was embarrassed- self conscious about the things she created. In her words, to keep the mistakes to herself and learn by herself was one thing, but to share them with the world- even just her family- was another. It took quite a bit of  encouragement and love to boost her confidence, and devise a system that worked for her. 
He sat between Valentino and Velvette as she took her place in the center of the living room. They listened intently as she recited her written poem, snapped when she finished and waited for her to open the floor to feedback. Learning to accept criticism was difficult for most adults, but Reader seemed to relish it. The three Vee’s quickly learned that specific praise, questions and thoughtful critiqued resonated more with her than simple positive feedback. 
“I’m going to put my notebook away,” reader said cheerfully once everyone had said their piece. “And then I’ll be out for dinner!”
Vox watched as she practically skipped down the hallway. 
“You know, Vox, she’s quite the wordsmith,” Velvette said as she followed him to the dining room. 
“And mature for her age. Have we broached the topic of publishing?” Valentino asked. 
Vox nodded, “I did. She said she’s not ready yet and she just wants to enjoy her passion.”
“And passion it is,” Valentino mused. “I can respect that. She truly is quite talented.”
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captianprices40thson · 11 months
Can you make a story for October, a male reader x soap. Where before the reader joined the 141 he was in a different military unit and one evening he got captured by the enemy and was murdered by dismemberment but some mad scientist there put him back together using the dismembered pieces. He came back by being hit by lighting. So now he kind of looks like frankenstein. he doesn't have all the bolts or dead skin, but he has one sliver gray eye. the other one is a light yellow, and he also has stitches on his face and his body. When he was finally rescued and back with his team, some were afraid of him and some belittled him. So he wears full body gear now so no one can fully see him. After joining the 141 he gets hurt really really REALLY badly and a some of his stitches rip, he tries to brush it off like it's nothing but soap refuses to believe him, so he kinda forcefully pulls male readers gear off and sees him body for the first time.
I'LL LEAVE THE REACTIONS OF SOAP TO YOU. Also can you do the reactions of the 141 too. Like maybe there in the room too when soap takes the gear off...
If you're not comfy with the dismemberment, you can just have it implied.
Happy early halloween, if you celebrate it🎃🎃🎃💖💖💖🙃🙃🙃
They took the credit for your second symphony, rewritten by machine and new technology.
Pairing: John ‘Soap’ MacTavish x Male Reader
Requested: Yes
Word count: 5.4k
Pronouns used: You/Yourself. Reader referred to as Y/N and male titles/compliments.
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, blood, gore, dismemberment to the best best of my ability, fluff, angst, so much death on god, brutal deaths, stitches, skin ripping, bad language.
Notes: Finished this at 1 in the morning and posting it during Japanese class at school, going to go over and review it soon, but I want to get this out soon as possible. I loved this request and just saying, my inbox is open! If you’re not sure on what I do and don’t write, check my page!
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“Y/N?” “Huh? “Y/N, were you even listening?” Your commander asked, a stern look on her face. You didn’t even realise how zoned out you had been, oblivious to the fact that the vast majority of your team had already prepped up.
“Oh…Sorry, Captain.” You apologised, standing up from your seat on the bench and making way to go put on your gear. Of course you were going to be a bit freaked and zoned out, this was a deadly mission. You knew your Captain was going to need everyone to be in tip top shape for this mission to go smoothly, if you slipped up and did something wrong…it would cost lives.
“Come on, Y/N. I need my best man out there today, not distracted Y/N, okay?” Your Captain told you, giving you a small pat on the shoulder. Valencia was a nice woman, even let you call her ‘Val’ on the odd occasion. She was a good person, believed in the good of the world more than one person should. She believed in you as well, she knew you could be great.
You nodded, placing your helmet on and giving her a thumbs up. The rest of the team were just waiting for you to finish up before they would leave, an indicator that this mission was already unorganised. A bad feeling, like a black hole, had appeared in your stomach.
“Alright men! Let’s do this. You all know the plan. I want Oak and Close going in from the left, Wilson and Stampler on the right. O’Niel and Bennets are on standby back here and C/N will be heading in from behind as our sniper. We have MedVac ready for those who will need it. Remember, we are going after Andrei Kowalski and his men. This is capture or kill. All clear?” Valencia cut you from your thoughts of dread by announcing the mission was about to start. You’d all get into your helicopter and make your way there…then would come the warfare and violence. You had become null to it by now, the screams and bloodshed were all but nothing to you.
It was liked you had blinked and you were on the field. Time meant nothing to you as you ran through the warzone, the occasional screams of your team members were able to be heard from miles away, sometimes the radio would cackle and you’d catch them conversing with one another, but you were alone in your field…
Always alone.
“C/N? Do you have eyes on him?” Your Captain’s voice called in from the radio, bringing you back to the mission on hand.Your eyes adjusted to look through the scope aimed at the building the team was meant to be invadinging. The lack of your team members indicated they seemed to be receiving a little more resistance than expected.
“Not yet, Captain. I see some of his guards, but not him. I’ll try and get into a better position.” You responded, getting up from your spot on the floor. Your suit was heavier and harder to move in considering it was a camo sniper version, but it was better than being spotted and murdered because an enemy saw you.
You adjusted yourself and lay down on the wet ground. The mud helped cover parts of your gear that didn’t fit in with the terrain, but you still had that odd feeling. That sense of unease that you just couldn’t seem to shake. You had gotten this feeling before on other missions, but it never led to anything.
And it was never this bad.
“C/N. They’re breaching the building now. Mission’s been changed, we’re taking out Andrei at whatever cost. We won’t be able to capture him.” Valencia’s thick English accent came over your radio, startling you a bit. You were a trained sniper, but somehow you were always caught off guard by the one thing you can always expect. You radioed back, confirming you got the message and were proceeding with the instructions.
Your voice drowned out the sound of the footsteps behind you. The cackle of the radio concealed the heavy breathing of the soldier lurking just a few steps away from you. You moved your arms to push yourself up, the rustle of your clothing covering the sound of his body standing over yours, his feet either side of your torso.
You knew that voice, that unmistakable voice that always seemed to have a smirk behind it. A witty tone that had no business being there. The stench of the cigarette that always seemed to follow the man standing above you. You quickly turned your body around, abandoning the sniper rifle you were holding and just focusing on the fact that he was standing above you. Your eyes snapped up to look at him, your pupils dilating as you processed that it was in fact him standing above you.
Creeper. You had given him that name. When you served as rookies together when you first joined the force, it had become a habit for him to appear out of the blue and scare the hell out of you. He was Creeper to you even after he betrayed your team and you’re fairly certain that's what he is to everyone else as well.
“Alons-” You whispered, but he cut you off, his gun whipping around from his side and now inches away from your eyes. Your breath hitched, knowing you were done for. You looked away from the gun and back up to him, his cold dark brown eye meeting yours. The other eye was a pure white, you cringed every time you thought of the incident which caused him to be blinded. You knew he blamed you…
Maybe that's what drove him to betrayal.
“It’s Creeper, Y/N. I don’t go by that name anymore.” He hissed, his finger on the trigger twitching as he spoke. He was serious, he was going to shoot you and have no mercy about it. This was it…you were going to die here.
“I’m not going to kill you with this gun, Y/N…” He began, lowering the gun a bit. You let go of the breath you were holding from relief, but that was met with a slap to the face that was what he did next. He placed the gun back into his hold and then reached for his back. His arm was up like he was stretching, but his hand quickly grasped the axe he attached to his back and brought it down so he could hold it in both his hands.
“I won’t regret this…at all.” He spat, bringing the axe up to his shoulder like he was about to swing a bat. Your eyes went wide and before you could say anything else, he swung. He swung right down to your neck.
You had heard alot about death. You had many ideas about it. You had heard it would be painful, you had heard it would be painless. You had heard you stayed conscious, you had heard it was over instantly. No matter what divine entity you did or didn’t believe in, it didn’t matter, death wasn’t the same for everyone. If you could still create thoughts after you died, yours would be praying this isn't what it was like for everyone who did. You didn’t want every kind soul to feel the red hot poker being pressed against your skin that was your death. 
After the pain, there was silence. If you were able to think, you would be grateful for it. It would be comforting, calming to your soul to finally be at rest after an impossible amount of years without it. For once, your soul rested unbothered, ready to let go of the fraying rope that was your life.
Then you woke up.
The light was blinding, you would assume you were in heaven, but that would be entirely incorrect. Your ears rang with the most awful noise one could hear, an ear splitting ringing that would drive you insane if it was played for more than five minutes. What felt like a jolt of electricity slammed through your body like a hammer down on a nail. The blinding light disappeared as quick as a snap.
The first thing you noticed was the pain. It circled around all your main joints and connections between the body. Your wrists, knees, ankles, elbows, neck…everything ached. Then you felt the feeling of something pulling on all of your skin, like that time you received stitches in the webbing of your thumb, but everywhere else on your body that ached, along with across your face.
You tried to move your neck first, turn it and try to figure out where you were. The only thing you could see from your head being pointed directly up was a sort of dark blue hue that made the place seem depressing and creepy, like the only light was coming from the moon outside. You were able to move it, but it was stiff and harder than it would usually be. That was your first sign that something was off.
Your head looked down to inspect where you were, taking in the fact you were laying down on a cold metal table. You weren’t restrained or anything, but you were getting major creepy vibes. It felt cool on your back, it was clear that you probably hadn’t been laying there all that long, or the heat from your body would’ve warmed it up. Then you looked down at your hands as you tried to move them.
The stitches and ever so slightly discoloured skin was your second sign that something was off.
You sat up, your body rigid and hard like a doll being used for the first time. You weren’t in your normal clothes, just a simple robe that you’d wear in a hospital if surgery was performed on you, and by the looks of it, it had. 
You were able to move your arm up and inspect it, cringing at the stitches and blood. Several questions ran through your mind, the main one being ‘How the hell am I alive?’ and the second being ‘What the hell happened to me?’ Everything hurts, especially your neck. Your bones felt like they had been removed and remoulded, it all felt too weird to you. Your skin didn’t feel like your own.
A cold and icy voice broke you out of your mesmerised trance of inspecting your body. It came from seemingly nowhere. It sounded…delighted. Your eyes flickered over to the shadows in the corner, one of them was moving towards you. 
It was a man, probably around 6 feet with a stupid grin on his face. His skin was pale, paler than the moonlight shining in through the window above. He slowly walked over to you, hands behind his back like a villain.
“Finally…finally it fucking worked!” He grinned, shaking his head like he had seen something he couldn’t believe. You couldn’t blame him, what was happening was unbelievable. You quickly slid off the table, groaning as you moved for the first time in what would feel like to your body.
“What…the fuck did you do? W-What is this? What happened?!” You called out, your voice cracking as it was used for the first time in ages. You coughed, trying to make it not as itchy. It wasn’t working.
“Y/N…You’re still as animated as ever.” He grinned, gesturing to you and your stitched up body. You wanted to strangle him, clearly he had done something awful to you that you were going to get him to explain, regardless of whatever threats you had to make.
“Answer me right now you…you madman.” You hissed, walking towards him. Every step hurt, like it wasn’t meant to be taken. He smiled, taking a breath before speaking again.
“Y/N…Let me explain. Do you remember the night you went on the mission to kill my good friend Andrei Kowalski…do you remember being killed by your old friend Creeper? You should…you should remember being decapitated. Well…I was given your body…or what was left of it after Creeper chopped it up into a million pieces. Under strict orders from Andrei…to bring you back. So…I stitched you back up. Like you were my very own Frankenstien’s monster. The plan was to bring you back to life the same way Frankenstien had…and it worked.” The man smiled, seemingly okay with telling you his entire plan. You couldn’t decide whether he was stupid or just overly confident in himself that you wouldn’t escape and go find your team. “What now?” You asked, feeling the need to get into his head. After all, this man had literally just reanimated your dead body. He brought back a dead man and just stood there like an evil little Einstein.
“Now…I will bring you to him. So he can kill you over and over again…and you’ll come back every time.” He grinned and before you could react, he grabbed your hand and attempted to pull you closer to him in order to trap you. What he obviously didn’t anticipate was that your years of military training and work would stay with you and chime in when you needed it most.
You grabbed his arm, pulling him towards you and then placing your leg behind his so you could throw his balance off and keep him on the ground. You slammed him down and placed your foot on his chest, grabbing a metal rod just a few inches away from you and raising it high, just how Creeper had done.
“Y/N. Y/N WA-” He called out, extending a hand out to try and reason with you, but you brought it down on his head, instantly crushing his skull. You slammed it down over and over, making sure that if anyone even tried to bring this monster back from the dead, it would be impossible. You didn’t stop until you could see the brain sticking to the bat, that’s when you knew it was done.
You dropped the metal rod and stood there for a moment, huffing and puffing as you figured out what you had just done. You looked up from his body and to your horrible convenience, there was a mirror just in front of you. You stood in front of it, observing what you looked like.
There were clear and major differences that you could see so far. The first one being your eyes, they didn’t look the same as they had done before. One of them, the one on the left was a light yellow and the right one was a silver grey. It was creepy and inhuman, there was no pupil or iris either…just pure colour. You would question how you could still see, but you were too distracted by everything else and too high off of fear to question anything.
Your skin was neatly stitched together with a white thread, standing out against your skin tone. Most of the stitching wasn’t visible, but when it was it wasn’t too obvious, sort of the stitching you’d see on your friend’s hand when they’d get a deep cut or something. Just that, pulling your skin together. There was blood along most of the lines, the dried stuff was yours, the fresh belonged to Mr Crazy that you had never gotten the name of.
“Y/N?” A voice called out. Your eyes snapped over to the door in the corner or the room, the door was open. Standing in it, Valencia and the rest of your team. Valencia herself looked horrified as you stood over his dead body, his blood now mixing in with yours. The darkness in the lab made it look like you were a shadow, a ghost…a monster.
“Val-” You began, but were cut off by her running up to you and giving you a hug. You were caught off guard, she had never shown any affection to you, let alone physical. This was unlike her in so many ways.
“You idiot. We thought you died. We tracked your radio here but-” She spoke, cutting herself off as she made eye contact with you, or tried to. Your silver and yellow eyes had confused her, then she saw all the stitches. The one across your face concerned her the most.
“Y/N…what the hell happened to you?” She whispered, stepping back and raising her gun slightly. As the rest of the team looked over to you, they did the same. Placing their weapons in a hand that they’d be able to use in case you attacked them. You couldn’t explain yourself, you really couldn’t. Hell, even if you didn’t fully know what had happened to you, there was no way you could explain yourself.
“Captain…don’t…I-I’m not a threat.”  You whispered, stepping forward and raising your hand. To your surprise, she took a further step back, some of the men even raised their shields. She clutched her gun, raising it further to her chest. That's when you realised, you were not a human to these people you called your friends…
You were a monster.
“Why’d you join the 141?” 
“Why’d you join us? You were a part of The Seekers, no? They’re a pretty elite team. Why’d you drop them for us?” Soap asked, shuffling a bit closer to you as you sat on the bench. It had been little over five months since you had joined the team and the connection between you and Soap had formed instantly. Unsurprisingly, the team members didn’t mind the fact your entire body was covered up. They had Ghost on the team, they weren’t going to judge you.
“Oh I…a mission went wrong. I didn’t feel like I could stay with them and neither did they.” You replied after a moment of thinking. For a minute, you had wanted to refrain from telling Soap the actual reason for it. Technically, it was the truth so that was going to lend a hand to your moral argument.
“Was it the same mission that…caused you to cover up?” He asked again. You thought about hitting him with the ‘that's enough’ that you had used before when he asked to see your face a while back, but you were close now. You felt he had a right to know now.
You gave a small nod, the glasses you wore over your balaclava covering your expression. You were glad he was respectful with his questions, never pushing you to answer anything you didn’t and never stepping over the line you had drawn. You didn’t want to get attached to this team as quickly as you had, but Mr MacTavish had broken down your walls quicker than you could put them up.
“C/N, Soap. We’re going to head out now, Gaz just got back with the all clear. Good to see you’re both in gear.” Ghost interrupted you two as he walked into the gear room. You were reminded that you were in fact, in the military and not some hangout session with Soap. You nodded, getting up and holding out your hand to pull the slightly shorter man up.
“Oooh, thank you M’lord.” He smiled as he took your hand, pulling himself up. You would roll your eyes if you could, so you just let out a small scoff. He chuckled as he walked with you to the deployment area, knowing they were in for a hell of a journey.
“Y/N? You okay?” Soap’s voice cackled in over the radio as you made your way through the little abandoned city. The rest of the team were over in another section, leaving Soap and Gaz back at a small protected setup area. You were just so lucky to have Soap watching over you from the cameras that had been placed in all the buildings before it was abandoned. How your team had access to them, you had no clue. All you knew was that your man was here and you were to take him down.
“All good over here, Soap. Tell me if you see one of those fuckers hiding behind a corner.” You spoke back, pressing down on the radio with your gloved hand to respond to the man you were developing a small attraction to, whether you knew it or not.
“There’s a guy around the corner, knife him.” Soap informed you, shuffling from where he was laying in the safe room. You nodded, taking his advice and running round the corner, throwing and pinning the man to the wall, knifing the guy in the throat. You could practically hear the smirk in his tone when he came back.
“Nice kill. You should do that to me sometime.” He smirked, his Scottish accent only adding to his sassiness. You groaned at his painful attempt at flirting, firing back at him.
“You want me to kill you? Don’t worry, I'm already planning it.” You smiled, making your way through the destruction that was the ruined town of Norest.
“Do you have plans to kill every one of us?”
“Nope, just you.”
“I’m flattered. How’d ye do it?”
“If I tell you, I’d have to change my plan.”
“Fair play.” Soap smiled, checking the cameras to watch you move. He was so intrigued by you. He had never seen your face, never bothered to check your file. He respected you too much…along with the fact Gaz had caught him snooping around in the file area. But the respect came first.
Sometimes, he’d gaze at you and just wonder what it would be like to see what was under your gear. He wanted to see you, the real you. His sketchbooks were filled with a thousand pictures of what he imagined you looked like, each picture different from the last. Did you have bright blue eyes, ivory skin and wavy ginger hair, or did you have beautiful dark brown eyes, mahogany skin and medium length locs? Perhaps you had acne, perhaps you had a scar going across your left eyebrow. He didn’t have a clue what you looked like, but he knew you were handsome.
“MacTavish? Are you still with me?” Your voice snapped him out of his thoughts, not even realising he was kicking his feet like a schoolgirl (Gaz was utterly bewildered, but was unable to comment because he was actually doing his job and guiding his other teammates across the town in search of the man they had to find.) “Aye, I’m ‘ere.” “Good, thought I’d lost you. I need you to check around me. Pretty sure I heard our guy but I wanna make sure.” You told him, making sure to keep quiet. Your stitches were getting a bit itchy, but you could scratch them later when you were by yourself. It wouldn’t look natural for Soap to just see you scratch the middle of your face in a specific pattern and for him to not question it.
“Right, gimme a sec.”
There was a silence, what felt like an eternity of waiting before you got a response from the scott. It was like he was purposefully keeping you on your toes, wanting to see you squirm and hide for no apparent reason other than he was a chaotic man.
“Yeah, he’s there. I’ve informed Gaz and he’ll direct Ghost and Price over to you. He’s a few metres away, you could sneak up on him and take him down from behind.” Soap spoke, clearly moving as he did. He would be looking over at Gaz and getting his readings on Price and Ghost as he explained the situation to you.
You gave a nod, knowing he could see you. Peering round the corner, Soap wasn’t lying. The dark slicked back hair, tall physique and tanned skin let you know this was your guy. You slipped your hand into your 
You ran up to the taller man, placing your gun to the back of his neck and kicking his knee so that he’d fall and you’d be able to kill him nice and swift with no hassle or fuss whatsoever. Unfortunately, the man had different plans.
He quickly turned around, grabbing your gun and throwing it to the side. You were unable to press down on the back of his knees, because he had turned around and was now facing you. You reached for your knife, but were stopped when you felt his foot on your chest. It took a second to register what was happening, but by the time it did you were shoved into an already cracked wall.
You took a moment, knowing you didn’t have one. You had most likely gotten a concussion from the hit, but you couldn’t focus on that now. Just as you were about to grab your gun which had been thrown aside, the man stopped you. He grabbed onto your mask, his nails digging in past the fabric and into the stitched skin below, and shoved your head down to the floor once more. 
The screams of Soap came in through your radio, assorted word vomic that you couldn’t actually make out with everything spinning and your ears ringing. You’d hope he’d come to you and save you, but as soon as your mind stopped spinning, you realised you didn’t actually want him to save you. There was blood dripping and staining your mask. Your blood. It was an unnatural amount for something that shouldn’t have even drawn more than a drop of the red liquid, which could only mean one thing.
Your stitches ripped.
It seemed that your enemy had also been caught off by the amount of blood, giving you just a few seconds to grab the gun, aim it at his face and completely miss, hitting his shoulder instead. He grabbed it in pain and immediately resorted to grabbing out his own knife and stabbing it right into your stomach, ripping it through the skin and dragging a line down it. You cried in pain as your flesh was exposed and your stitches ripped, causing even further damage. 
Why wasn’t he killing you? Why not put you out of your misery and shove that knife right into your face. Why make you suffer? There were so many questions and not enough time to answer them. Well, there was probably enough time, but that would require knowing what the actual fuck was going on.
“Y/N!” You breathed a sigh of relief as you heard the sound of your Captain running towards you, Ghost right behind. The unmistakable noise of a gunshot colliding with someone’s head put a smile on your face, watching as the man fell to the floor.
“Y/N, You alright?” Price asked, kneeling down beside you as you pushed yourself up against the wall. Your hand was on your chest, covering up any exposed skin or blood. You nodded, trying to pass it off as if you were just shaken up. You couldn’t let them see…you.
“Y/N! You idiot!” The familiar Scottish accent put a smile on your face, watching the Scottsman run towards you was a relieving sight at first…but then you remembered what happened.
“Y/N, you alright?”
“Don’t look.” “Y/N, what’s going on?”
“You won’t like what you see, just step away. All four of you.” “I have a right to know. Are you injured?”
“No-No just go.” “Y/N, Let me see-”
You would’ve liked to protest more, but you were losing too much blood to fight him. Soap had pulled your hands back, moving your shirt so he could see the heavy amount of blood loss. He looked up at your glasses, noticing the blood on your mask. He knew what he had to do, even if he didn’t like it. 
When he removed your mask, your glasses came down with it. Gravity had decided to fuck you over more than you had already been fucked. There was a silence as the whole team looked over at you, the ripped stitching across your face…and your eyes. They were, if anything, the biggest indicator that something was different with you.
“S-Soap…” You began, but you couldn’t figure out how to finish what you were saying. You just wanted him to say something, say anything. Instead, he was just staring. You had no idea what he was thinking about, but you just knew he was horrified with you, along with the rest of the 141. 
“Oh…oh Y/N…What…what the hell happened to you?” He whispered and to your surprise, he placed a hand on your bloodied cheek. He looked concerned…but he wasn’t scared of you like you’d expected. He got closer instead of backing away, that’s what made him different from your old team.
“Soap…I’m sorry for not telling you…or anyone else about…” You trailed off, using an arm to gesture to yourself. You had no idea what he was thinking about, you could only hope it was something good about you. He was clearly about to say something when Price butted in first.
“You two, we should go. We can all have a…chat after Y/N isn’t bleeding out infront of us.” Price’s rough British accent made him seem more serious in all situations he’s in. This one especially. Soap gave a nod and turned back to you, his eyes not full of fear or hatred…just sympathy.
_______ “Do you think I’m a freak, though?” You asked as Soap walked around your hospital bed. It had been a few days ever since the incident had happened. Soap kept a close eye on you and reported back on your condition to the rest of the team. When you had woken up, the questions were slow and boring…but now you were finally opening your walls and so was he.
“No…I don’t think you are. I mean-I’ve got no idea what exactly you are, but you’re not a freak. Just…different.” He responded, careful to not say anything that might upset you. You took note of this, feeling a bit hurt that he was censoring himself, but knowing why he was doing it helped a bit.
“You don’t have to filter yourself, John. Tell me…any questions that you have.” You practically begged him. The whole reason you covered yourself up was not to be seen as different, but now that it was useless, it was useless for Soap to cover his questions up. It took a while for him to gather up the courage to ask you something, but he did.
“What…what happened to you? I’m assuming you weren’t born like this.” He questioned, trying to add a little humour to the end of the message but failing miserably. You took a breath and told him everything. The mission, what death felt like, killing the man who brought you back to life, not belonging to your team anymore because of what had happened. By the end, you were sure Soap was tearing up. He was an emotional man, you couldn’t blame him.
“I…I’m gonna be honest, Y/N…that’s really fucking depressing.” He expressed, placing a hand on his mouth. You stared at him for a moment, his eyes staring back into yours. He was fascinated by you, what you looked like. He was sure he had a sketch in his book that looked exactly like you…minus the stitching and the eyes.
“The rest of the team…what do they think?” You asked, closing your eyes and looking up. You needed to know the reactions of everyone in the team, you couldn’t live with yourself not knowing their actual opinions on who and what you were.
“Ghost and Gaz are…surprisingly alright with it. Price was a bit shocked, he was only shown a photo of you before…all that happened. But mainly..they don’t mind. When you come back to active duty…I don’t think you’d need to cover up as much anymore. You still can, if you want. Not gonna force you.” Soap told you, sitting down next to your bed. You were grateful for him in times like these, where he reminded you that you were no longer alone. He was always there for you…you loved him for that.
You loved that he was kind to you.
You loved that Soap was so understanding and patient.
You loved…
You loved Soap.
“I will say though,” his words cut you out of your sudden very gay realisation, turning to face him as he sat next to your bed. “You are way more attractive than anything I could even imagine sketching up.” (Happy Halloween!)
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redvexillum · 2 months
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A/N: How long is this? I don't know, until my brain stop producing content for this story. This story is just really fun to write for me at the moment.
SUMMARY: You royally pissed someone off because you were receiving anonymous hate emails for the past fifteen years. How incredibly petty and...entertaining. At first, you decided to ignore them but as their hate comments got increasingly creative, the more you couldn't help but add oil to the burning, passionate flame of their hatred towards you.
Until one day, the mysterious anonymous hater (probably) accidentally revealed themselves to be the one and only TV demon, an Overlord and CEO of everything technological and modern.
WARNING/TAGS: f!reader, dual POV, enemies to f*ck buddies to something indescribable, Vox is a bratty sub, dom!reader, Vox takes a lot of L's but he secretly enjoys it, reader is sexually liberal and confident, Vox is bad with feelings, Vox is so f*cking hard for reader but refuse to acknowledge it, strong offensive language
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“THAT DAMN BITC–” The rest of Vox’s words distorted, the bass in his voice reverberating beyond its normal capabilities, rendering his rage incoherent. His claws trembled, fighting the urge to crush his phone as he watched her latest VoxTube video.  
A groan echoed beside him. Val, his partner, stirred from his slumber, grumbling as his eyes squinted against the glow emanating from both Vox’s face and his cellphone. “Voxy, are you watching that bitch again?” Stretching his lithe arms, he yawned, the gleam from his singular golden tooth piercing the darkness of Vox’s bedroom.  
“How dare she!” Vox seethed, his eyes burning as he glared at her face, that damn smug grin on her red, hot lips. “Look at her!” He turned his cellphone screen toward Val, who tilted his head, squinting harder. 
“What am I looking at?” Val asked, leaning closer to the screen, his eyes narrowing in concentration. Vox had forgotten that Val had shit eyesight.  
It’s that damn VoxTuber, the one that–” Vox started, his ire heating his head, the faint beeps inside his skull warning him he was close to short-circuiting. His mind replayed her terrible reviews, each word a dagger that cut down his pride into ribbons. Her smug expression taunted him, a constant reminder of her audacity.   
The room felt suffocating, his rage palpable. “She thinks she can get away with this. She has no idea who she’s dealing with,” Vox growled, his voice a low rumble that shook with suppressed fury.  
“Oh, the bitch you’ve been obsessing over for the past, what is it now? Half a year now?” Val said, his tone not amused, as he reached for his pipe and put it close to Vox’s fingers.  
With practised motion, Vox produced sparks in his fingers to light the pipe for Val. “I’m not obsessing over her,” he hissed venomously, affronted that this bitch didn’t take his threat seriously from the email he had sent yesterday.  
“She called my show mid,” he continued, his brows furrowing down as he mimicked her awful voice, “and today, she released a review of my Cobra dildo and said it was so fucking bad, it might as well be considered a fucking war crime for anyone who uses it!” His voice raised, and his hands clenched into tight fists, attempting in vain to curb his rising fury.  
Val snorted, then took a long drag of his pipe, releasing pink smoke from his lips that billowed out and hit Vox’s face. With irritation, Vox waved his hand to disperse the smoke clouding his sight.  
“Well, isn't that why you stopped creating anything sex-related and left it to the professional that, you know,” Val wiggled his fingers, “know what they’re doing?” He took another drag of his pipe, the smoke curling between their naked figures, barely covered by the thin sheets.  
Narrowing his eyes, Vox’s head snapped over to his partner. “What do you mean by that? You said it was a great idea.” His teeth ground together, and again, he felt the heat rising and the sparks tingling at the back of his head. “You said it was innovative.” 
Although Vox had little care for the sex industry, he was the CEO of VoxTek and knew it was imperative to leave his mark – his footprint, so to speak – in every sector his corporation oversaw. When he showed the design for his first dildo to Val, Vox was praised for his ingenious design.  
Val paused mid-drag on his pipe, a wide grin spreading across his face. His fingers traced the contours of Vox’s neck before massaging his shoulder. “Voxy, the design was interesting, but not as practical as you imagined.” With a pitiful pat on Vox’s shoulder, Val shrugged nonchalantly. “Certainly made for a good tool to shove up some disrespectful whore’s ass, that’s for sure.” 
His partner’s comment only served to defend the bitch’s review of his dildo. “Fuck you,” Vox spat, whipping the cover off his body and swinging his legs out of the warmth of his bed into the cold.  
“Oh, come on, Voxy,” Val crooned, chuckling between his words, beyond amused by Vox’s irritation. “Why don’t I shoot her in the face a couple of times for you?” His eyes curved into sharp crescent moons; his sadistic glee evident as his eyes glowed red in the dark. “Maybe rip her cunt off and gift it to you?” 
Vox hated her.  
But as he heard Val’s suggestion, his eyes dropped back to the girl on his phone screen.
He hated her.  
The way her lips always seemed to be hiding a dirty secret, the way her eyes lit up with mischief, the way her voice seemed to chime with infectious energy – he hated everything about her.  
But the very idea of needing fucking Val to fight his battle – he hated that above all else. 
Slowly, he turned his head toward Val. He didn’t need a damn scandal on his hands. VoxTek had to maintain a perfect image. He would handle that damn bitch on his own. “Val,” Vox forced a smile, his eyes burning with unchecked rage sparking out from his skin, “don’t touch her,” his voice booming and distorted as if multiplied and overlapping.  
Val raised a brow before shrugging his shoulders. “Suit yourself, Voxy, just trying to help,” his voice light, almost sing-song, before taking another long drag from his pipe.  
With one last glare, Vox stormed out of the room, dressing angrily in his usual blue suit attire. He headed to his office to launch a full-on attack. If she wanted to shit-talk his brand and image, then two could play at that game.  
He entered his office, a lone platform surrounded by inky darkness where one accidental slip could easily lead to a plummet that would take days to restore his body. Sitting in his chair, he faced the numerous computer monitors, ready to take command.  
Before connecting the wires to the back of his head, he resumed the video. After all, it was important to know your enemy and information was key. It was certainly not because he couldn’t go a day without watching her latest video.  
“—honestly, I don’t even know how this got a five-star review! Can’t get anyone off, I tell ya!” Her laughter echoed in his office as she waved the Cobra dildo around.  
The product was a simple design: a dildo with a narrow-curved tip adorned with two red beady eyes. He thought it would be perfect to massage the erogenous zones in one’s ass or cunt, but clearly this bitch didn’t even know how to use a sex toy properly.  
Though he never tested the product himself, it was obvious that his product was perfect and always the best.  
In fact, she was probably a fucking virgin, pretending to be a slut for views. Besides, who would want to fuck her? 
Vox certainly wouldn’t.  
No siree.  
A lump formed in his throat as his eyes trailed down the long, slender expanse of her throat before pooling at her perky breasts, with a hint of cleavage visible beneath the white tube top she wore for today’s video.  
“Trust me, I was very thorough with using this,” she said, the tip of her pink, wet tongue peeking out from her lips as she slowly traced her lower lip from left to right. Vox’s eyes couldn’t look away from her tongue, and his mind automatically started to record the video, storing it in his internal hard drive.  
Her devilish lips turned upward into a dark smirk, a promise of exuberant pleasure to come for any lucky fool to be able to shove their coc– he quickly vanished the train of thought before it fully materialized into the forefront of his mind.  
“It was so well used, until it was dripping, guys,” she whispered into her microphone, and a shiver tingled down his spine as her voice seemed to rub and ruffle all the right circuits within him.  
He could feel the front of his pants getting tighter by the second. Her voice – her sinful, lustful voice – continued its low timbre. “I’m going to sell this on Hell Bay, used,” she said, before…she winked.  
That saucy, little, she-devil, winked!  
The rest of her video played, and it took every ounce of his self-control to will his traitorous, lower half to behave. He had just fucked Val – how the hell was he already ready and roaring to go again?  
Taking a deep breath, he dragged his hand down the flat screen of his face. He didn’t want to fuck her. He just had a very healthy libido. This and that were unrelated.  
“Focus,” he muttered to himself, shaking off the unwanted feelings. He couldn’t let her get to him. Not like this. With a deep breath, he connected the wires to the back of his head, his mind merging with the digital realm.  
First, he was going to send her a scathing email about how much of a fucking cock-licker she was.  
He hoped his words would make her cry.  
Then, he was going to start programming bots to spam her videos with comments about her being a shit VoxTuber. He’d review bomb all the products she was sponsored by.  
Opening a blank email, he began to type, each keystroke a release of his pent-up fury.  
Cackling, his claws clicked and clacked against the keyboard. He knew this bitch wasn’t going to last for long. He gave her three days, tops.  
Then he suppressed a snicker, amused by his own generous estimation. Three days was too much. 
He’d give her 24 hours, tops.  
As he continued to draft his email, he entered a bidding war for her used Cobra dildo on Hell Bay. It was pathetic how these poor hapless fools only had a couple of thousands of dollars to spare. He was going to bid so high that no one would dare to dream of ever outbidding him.
There was no way he was going to let anyone buy the dildo and desecrate his ingenious product, his prized possession, if he had anything to say about it.  
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The first thing you did when you woke up was check your phone for any business emails or opportunities to expand your brand and image. As you turned on your phone, your eyes nearly bulged out as your email linked to your VoxTube account had over 100,000+ emails in the span of six hours.  
“What the fuck?” you mumbled, scrolling through the email subject lines and realizing they were notifications for comments on your video. God, why couldn’t VoxTek program their site to have a setting where you didn’t have to receive push notification for this crap? It was only clogging up your email.  
As you scanned through the email messages, you quickly realized that all the comments made on your video were all from a bot programmed to flame your comment section. It was easy to tell with how unoriginal and unimaginative the comments were, considering it were five different variations of saying that you sucked.  
Grinning, you couldn’t believe your luck. Whoever sent this virtual attack was a moron. Didn’t they realize that more engagement, regardless of the negativity, meant that the VoxTube algorithm would push your video to more potential viewers?  
A bubble of giggles burst forth as you deleted the emails with ease. Today was going to be a fantastic day, you just knew it in your bones. Plus, with the bots entering your comment section, it counted as a view. Your latest video reviewing the Cobra dildo shot up in views, gifting you with an immense boost of your view count compared to what you would’ve normally received.  
Among the spam and invitations to parties with other companies wanting to collaborate with you, you noticed another email from Anonymous666 in your personal inbox.  
You were no stranger to hate comments; they came with the territory of the industry you were involved in. Back when you started, specifically, back when you were alive, every hurtful word would send you spiralling into despair.  
But as you steadily climbed the ladder of fame and fortune, you learned to brush off the negativity. In fact, sometimes you found the passionate hate comments oddly charming – each one a unique expression of someone’s emotions, someone’s evidence that you lived in their head rent-free. For a while, it brought you great joy that you had such power over their minds.  
But eventually, even the most creative hate comments started to feel mundane and repetitive, leaving you in a cycle of apathy and boredom.  
You knew Anonymous666’s messages would likely fade into insignificance in your mind soon enough. For now, though, you have decided to indulge in the free entertainment. With a smirk, you clicked on their new email for today.  
Subject: Fuck you  You wouldn’t know a good sex toy if it fucked you in your fucking cunt, covered in your cream. I bet you’re a virgin slut, and you don’t know how to use a god-damn dildo.   Here’s the instruction for your dumb ass, peanut-sized brain:  You insert the fucking dildo in your cunt.   Your review of the dildo only shows how incredibly naive you are. You’re just spreading fake news. That dildo is fucking outstanding. It’s five stars. It would obviously be the bestseller if VoxTek didn’t release a new dildo biweekly.   Furthermore, what is wrong with you selling the dildo, used, no less, on Hell Bay? That’s disgusting. Depraved. And wrong. Who the hell would even buy that? I guess if you’re desperate for cash, someone might be generous enough to donate money to you. You might as well be a whore at that point – shaking your fucking ass and tits for money.   Moreover, you are not sexy. At all. You’re just trying much too hard.   In short, you are an attention-seeking whore.   Well, you definitely got my attention!   I’m going to make you regret shit talking the greatest company in all of Hell.   Fuck you.  
Your lips quivered, a mixture of amusement and disbelief contorting your expression. “Ah…” you managed to choke out before laughter erupted from deep within you for the second day in a row.  
Anonymous666 did not miss.  
You couldn’t help but wonder if this fervent hater was a die-hard VoxTek enthusiast. Maybe they weren’t a fan of yours after all, but rather they were hard up for that TV demon himself. It would explain why your videos critiquing VoxTek’s products attracted the most bot-generated comments.  
For a moment, you toyed with the idea of engaging with them, perhaps even coaxing out some insider information about the largest corporation in all of Hell. You lick their dick and give a pretty smile, and they tell you all the little secrets you needed to scam some of the honchos that wank themselves off for having a supposed tight security.  
Fuck, you missed that high.  
Your fingers hovered over the reply button, a mischievous glint in your eyes as you imagined the possibilities. Yet, after a brief pause, you sighed and pressed the delete button instead. 
You’d danced that dance before, and while you couldn’t entirely avoid the desire to become an influencer once again, you’d resolved to focus on a different goal in this new life.  
A simpler goal.  
A goal where you focused on accumulating as much wealth as possible and finding solace in the comforts of damnation for the rest of eternity.  
A notification chimed on your phone from Hell Bay, announcing that username ScreenDude69 had won the auction and purchased your used dildo for a staggering $750,000.  
Excessive, but undeniably impressive.  
Maybe you should put up more used toys up for sale, considering you just hooked a hapless fool, and it aligned with your goal perfectly of earning as much money as possible. 
You had a feeling that if they bought one, they were sure to buy them all.  
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kaledya · 2 months
HOWDY!! @marquisev
Overlord Arc general review:
First, OH MY GOD!!!! What level is this diyslog writing??????
First of all, I loved all the dialouges between Zestial and Alastor ı can READ them for hours. Everything they say is great And since they are both intelligent men,
it is not clear how their conversation will end.Sometimes it feels like Alastor is a Fly about to be caught in a spider's web.But Zestial expressions His speech is so vague that neither Alastor nor the reader knows what the outcome will be.But it's nice that Alastor stays calm despite this and approaches the event and sentences intelligently.
In short, look at this part And the scene at the end where Zestial warns Alastor about Constantine was very cool, it was a very nice description!!
Also The Tournament It's also a great detail to enter that area by measuring the weight of the Overlords!!. "Only those who are monsters enough can step here."
It was also very nice when Alastor met Rosie and talked to Serenity after entering!!
Then the Overlords gather and give a speech.I loved every dialogue here Vox's reaction to Alastor Alastor doesn't have his chair yet (you shouldn't have stayed AFK for 7 years)
And my favorite part is when things are getting heated, Lolicia comes out in a very cool way. It was really great how she supported Alastor and sat next to him.
I really like Valentino and Vox's dialogues.Vox sort of takes on the role of constantly keeping Val at line. (You know no one wants to starta a War in there)
The part about the gangs was really good And it's great that they gave this task to Alastor.(You were gone for 7 years, now you will remember the hierarchy and obey orders)
I really love using Serenity, she loves how she acts as the one pulling the strings no matter what the subject is.A kind of news-bringer It's also nice for Vox to say "I buy my information from the best source" and look at Serenity.
In addition, Lolicia declares her alliance with Alastor with nobility and bloodliness as always. It was seriously a great scene.
And the last scene where Serenity looks at the Lolicia and says "After all, Sir Pentious is not the only one who left his region alone, right" and the episode ended there was VERY EXCITING
The dialogues in this episode were great It was really fun to read the chaos of Lolicia's inner thoughts.Like Sherlock Holmes, because of Misfortune's warning. counted all the possibilities in her mind and eliminated some of them.
And Alastor mentally analyzes the Overlords on the Table and lists what his current position is and what he needs to do, etc. It's really fun to read.
And it was really cool that Vox then yelled at Alastor and said he always ran away like a wet dog..(ah Vox you found the last person to fall in love with)
And it was very cool that after this sentence, Alastor got really angry and his voice changed and the atmosphere became completely tense.
I also loved the tension between Serenity and Velvet, they have a really good exchange of words.
And Lolicia deciding to take action against the fey, assuming the rules. But on the other hand, Al thinks that this mission will cause a rift between him and Charlie.
And it is very powerful that Serenity comes out and speaks for Alastor as things go even further downhill.
Every overlord (including Alastor and Lolicia):Wtf??
Lolica: wait a minute is that...
Misfortune: What? (I'm defending my dad, okay?)
This chapter was really exciting and fun to read!!
This chapter was simply amazing. You write Serenity really well. I love the way you reflect her smart, quick-witted and sneaky attitude. It was a lot of fun to read!!
Also watching his little fight with Velvet Seriously, their banter was great and there was a lot of dialogue that made me laugh.
I think my favorite was "why shouldn't I give 1 coin to the beggar" to Velvet in Serenity's dialogue.
And Lolicia noticing the rope between Alastor and Serenity and theorizing about it She thinks about pulling it out, and just as she's about to listen, the thread disappears from the sound Velvet's gum makes.
Frankly, I wonder if Lolicia will say something to Alastor about this purple Rope !!
And it was also very cool during Velvet and Serenity's conversation, where Serenity told Velvet that she could never beat her in a Strategic battle and Velvet remained unanswered.
It was very nice when Serenity said goodbye to Alastor and left him wondering about more things.
And the Battle between Alastor and Vox was seriously awesome TO I read the song you wrote And you pay so much attention to details You seriously look at the meaning of every word like WOW🛐🛐. Simply a perfect arc. My eyes are truly blesed
I'm also very excited for what will happen after this arc.How will they go about destroying the gang? What will Lolicia's role be in this mission?what about Charlie's reaction ro what did her two member of her hotel AAAAA SO EXCITING
Jophiel and Abaddon are so cute It was very funny that Abaddon carved a statue of Raphael.
She is beautiful in the picture of her walking with Michael The picture of her exchanging letters with Uriel was really cute!!
And she was so cute in the picture where she was leaning on Gabriel's head
And finally the Constantine on the Ring box You have drawn the Constsntine wonderfully and the ring and the box are in the Lolicia Theme (genius idea,). As soon as I find the energy to draw, I will draw the Lolicia version of this art!!
Seriously, thank you so much for the gifts!!!*Crying from Happiness
AND CONGRATULATIONS ON 100,000K It's really AMAZING that you wrote such a quality, creative and long work in such a short time. I have endless respect for you🫡🫡🛐🛐🛐
And the little Constsntine on top looks so cute too!!
And again, thank you so much for loving this AU and putting so much effort into it.And thank you very much for introducing me to OCs like Lolicia Abaddon Verdelet and Hürrem. It is truly an honor to meet a talented writer like you!!!
and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!
And take care!! ❤️🫂🫂
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Hazbin Hotel Paperwork
An observation about fandom that I have never been able to unsee is that "Original Media is usually taking place during a disruption from the main characters Day-to-day life. Meanwhile a lot of fanfiction takes place in the downtime. Meaning unsuspecting fanfic writers have to come up with what these characters actually do in their boring adult jobs. Often with little experience in what these jobs are like. The end result is a lot of fanfiction starting with our main characters staying late in the office doing miscellaneous, unexplained paperwork"
So, with that in mind. Here are a bunch of miscellaneous paperwork/paperwork adjacent tasks for each Hazbin Hotel Character.
Property Taxes. There is no way property tax doesn't exist in hell.
Planning group therapy sessions. Probably with several behavioural psych books and self help books and So So many sticky notes and highlighters.
Generally freaking out surrounded by crayons, loose paper, several bulletin boards and red string.
Planning and reviewing training regimens. Looking for where she can improve.
Maintaining her weapons. Also maintaining any other weapons in the hotel because poorly maintained weapons are a safety hazard and under absolutely no circumstances is she letting Niffty or Alastor do it.
Being a soundboard for Charlie's planning, and probably consoling her about property taxes.
Actually doing the taxes when Charlie gives up. Also every other bill payment. He is the accountant.
Managing whatever weird network of smugglers and killers required to get a whole forest and a deer into his room. This probably required a lot of weird phone calls.
General tinkering. Everyone knows old technology is a fickle mistress. Alastor absolutely has at least one radio that has to be poked, prodded and shaken to work just right.
Angel Dust
Probably has the most actual paperwork.
Reviewing filming schedules, scene requirements and special requests.
Learning lines. Script writing in Porn Studios is also most often done by the director or whoever says yes. Considering Val has maybe 3 braincells and shit eyesight. Angel has probably written a script or two as well.
Making marketing content for upcoming projects. Filming whatever hells version of Cameo is. (Cumeo?)
Bar inventory and orders. Date and Time labels on the perishables. Please imagine him with his clipboard right in his face and brow furrowed.
Sealing anything sugary in about 10 layers of cling film. (Do you want hellants. This is how you get hell ants.)
Cutting limes, longing for the days when he had barbacks. Pouring himself a glass of whiskey and then going back to cutting limes.
Sir Pentious
Drawing diagrams of inventions. Having a long drawn out internal debate about whether he needs to make a specific part custom or if he can just order the part. Vocalising this conundrum to the Egg Bois only to be met with "Fingers are just Toes with delusions of grandeur"
Looking at a perfectly functional small scale prototype. Looking at a full scale version of the same prototype, built to the exact same specifications, wondering why it doesn't work. Looking back at the small scale prototype, holding it lovingly, asking it why it's brother doesn't work.
Honestly, just document any weird shit you see your engineer friend do and it's probably Sir Pentious.
I was going to say Niffty does not have paperwork, Niffty has an ongoing war against dirt and roaches in which she is a valiant soldier. But thats too easy.
She is Alastor's paper shredder.
Updating her scrapbook of bad boys with photos, hair, teeth and occasionally other. . .things.
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odinsblog · 2 years
“Democratic centrists suffered setbacks that should keep them in check
Because the Republican Party is so terrible, I want Democrats to win any seat they can. That said, I am often leery of the tactics of some Democratic candidates, particularly from the party’s more centrist bloc. Many of those tactics failed this week — which should ensure that they don’t spread within the party.
Rep. Tim Ryan, running for a Senate seat in Ohio, sharply criticized Biden’s student loan cancellation and implied (inaccurately in my view) that the Democratic Party is writing off states that don’t have lots of college graduates.
If Ryan had won in this red state, his approach would have been hailed as what Democrats must do to win, even though it’s really just pandering to moderate and conservative-leaning White men. But Ryan lost to Republican J.D. Vance by about 7 percentage points.
In Florida’s U.S. Senate race, the Democratic candidate, Rep. Val Demings, emphasized her tenure as Orlando’s police chief and repeatedly rebuked activists who have called for defunding the police. I hope Demings’s crushing defeat (by more than 16 points) shows Democrats that whatever electoral problems they have related to crime, policing and race, those aren’t going to be solved by trying to out-cop the Republicans.
Democratic policies did even better than Democratic candidates
South Dakota voted to expand Medicaid. Kentucky rejected an antiabortion amendment to its constitution. Missouri voters legalized marijuana. Democratic candidates resoundingly lost in these states.
There were a lot of progressive ballot initiatives this year adopted on those issues and others, in both red and blue states. This continues a pattern — Democratic policies were passed by referendums throughout the 2010s even as Republicans kept winning elections.
I would trade in a heartbeat Michigan and Minnesota going blue at the state level and all of those successful progressive ballot initiatives in exchange for Democrats keeping the House and Senate. Congress is just hugely important. I’m not sure a party can consider it a good election cycle if it loses a house in Congress, as still seems very possible for Democrats.”
— The 2022 Midterms in Review (by Perry Bacon, Jr.)
(continue reading)
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valenshawke · 1 year
For all TWO of you in the Law & Order fandom on here...
My thoughts on Season 22, Episode 21, "Appraisal."
Well… I have a lot of conflicted feelings towards this episode.
I've generally disliked all the "action" they've put into this revival and the attempts at adding more personal drama where it feels completely unwarranted and unnaturally forced. Part of me wonders if this is an attempt by Wolf and Eid to give some actors some Emmy consideration. At this point, hell get Jeffrey Donovan and Mehcad Brooks Emmy noms, I feel they've earned it cause Teresa of the Faint Smile only knows they are carrying this show.
That said…
The writing was pretty hit-and-miss. This was a half really good/half really bad episode. The things that irked me were…
Frank and Jalen not seeing the brain matter in the opener. Come on guys... that's just bad writing.
No one digging into Sarah's background to see that she was a state's witness.
The fact that Nelson wasn't charged with attempted Murder One? I MEAN, HELLO?! HE SHOT AT AND ALMOST KILLED FRANK? WHILE TRYING TO ABDUCT A WITNESS?! WHAT? I MEAN WHAT? That was like the easiest charge to make, stick, and prosecute... I'd literally say screw everything else and charge him with that.
The good…
Frank and Jalen continue to carry the show entirely. I'm willing to say they're approaching Briscoe and Green-level partnership at this point.
I actually did like how they did handle Frank getting shot and the hospital scene. I'm amazed Frank got off that one-liner before he fell. Also Frank being high-as-a-kite on painkillers was a relief.
However, if there was ever a time where the family could legitimately shown up, it was this episode. Kind of a miss opportunity here.
Price's examination and redirect of Frank was actually solid… for once. I think this brings up the count of Nolan-Price-Exhibits-Competence-As-A-Prosecutor to... Three times now?
Next week, Sam Waterston's 400th episode and Jack McCoy goes up against his daughter… and they're going to dredge up those issues… at least I'm interested. It seems like Sam was thrilled he got to act alongside his actual daughter. I only hope they did him justice. Wonder if we'll get a mention or two about why he got divorced and his previous reputation (i.e. will Claire Kincaid be brought up?).
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anime-owo-kage-san · 3 months
Hear me out: Niffty as Valentino’s scriptwriter. 👀
Idea sparked because of this ao3 writer, Shigariope, and their fanfic series of “Porn Reviewer Husk”.
And I’m like, “Wait. What about a Niffty x Valentino AU where Niffty becomes his scriptwriter?”
(Kinda suggestive below the cut.)
- Niffty sneakily steals tapes from Angel’s room while cleaning, and watched them all when he wasn’t around.
- She thought some were decent, but they were still overall bad. And even she has standards; she can’t find it hot unless both parties love the pain and torture, (she likes being forced, that’s why it’s hot for her) and Angel clearly doesn’t enjoy most the things done to him in the film.
- And she was automatically turned off by the ‘bad boy’ in the video. Since he clearly didn’t have any skill, just really bad acting.
- So, Niffty gets the idea to pull out her highest rated fanfics on “Archive of our Sins”, and races to the studio to look for the ‘naughty moth man’.
- Of course, after waiting for Val to stop screaming like a little girl, on top of the dresser, looking at Niffty like she was a roach on the floor —She presents him the fanfics she wrote. Which he read through, once he realized she wasn’t going to rip another piece of his fluff off (yet).
Valentino: “Can I be honest with you, chiquita? This is actually much better than what that imbecile Travis writes…”
Niffty: *grins creepily in excitement* “So? You’ll take it?”
Valentino: “Sure~! I’ll go call Angel and—“
Niffty: “Oh! Nope. Not Angel.”
Valentino: “Huh? Why not?”
Niffty: “He wouldn’t be into this.”
Valentino: “Why should that matter—EEH!” *drops the papers and puts his hands up in the air*
Niffty: *holding the angelic knife given to her to his neck*
Niffty: “Because, you naughty boy~ Torture is hotter when the one being tortured loves it too! Don’t you think it’s a turn off when something out of role play happens~?”
Valentino: “A-Alright, chiquita. I’ll find someone who’s into this!”
Valentino: *picks the papers up again* “I have a question, though…” *points at a specific paragraph* “I’m quite well cultured in various positions, but how does this work? It just looks like you were tying to reach a word count.”
Niffty: “Ohoho~ That position is very possible! And I can show you if you want? A real bad boy can do it all, and take it all~”
Valentino: “U-Uh….” *scared but kind turned on at the same time.*
Valentino: “I sure hope, Voxxy doesn’t learn about this…”
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hgejfmw-hgejhsf · 9 months
Fic Writing Review 2023
Thanks to @kiwiana-writes, @lizzie-bennetdarcy, @anincompletelist, and @suseagull04 for the tags on this!
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass but don’t feel like you have to do this either.
Top Fics by Kudos
Ghosts {Word Count: 5,409}
After Henry leaves the lake house, Alex does not go after him. He doesn't storm Kensington in a fit of pique to call Henry an "obtuse fucking asshole." Instead, the pair spend nearly a year apart, both wrecked and miserable, until they find themselves on the list of speakers for an international conference.
Volume Control {Word Count: 1,567}
Prompt Fulfillment: I need someone to write a FirstPrince fic where Henry overhears Alex saying "Henry is so annoying I can't stand him" so Henry says "kneel then" and it short circuits Alex's brain.
Do we still have forever? {Word Count: 3,061}
Alex has a sudden, serious allergic reaction, and Henry can't help but think about losing him.
Retaliation {Word Count: 2,213}
Alex and Henry, now dating, attend another state dinner, where they're unexpectedly seated directly next to each other.
Modification to the map of you {Word Count: 1,620}
Henry comes back from a month-long trip with his ear pierced, and Alex has no idea.
2023 Fandom Fic Events
Halloween, Huh Fest aka That time Val wrote 15 fics for her first ever fest {Word Count: 50,661}
New Traditions: A Red, White & Royal Blue Advent Calendar Event {Fics to come on the 20th and 25th!}
Red, White & Royal Blue New Year's Gift Exchange {Fic to come on January 1!}
2024 Fic Projects
Big Brother AU with @thinkof-england that we've started to outline and I'm so looking forward to in the new year!
5 Times Alex & Henry Had Sex Anywhere on the Property They Want + 1 Time They Walked Through Austin Holding Hands - 3/6 pieces are complete, with the second half yet to go!
The Notebook AU - Inspired by this stunning piece of art by @shirmirart, I am DETERMINED to bring this AU to life in the new year. It's already started!
Come Back to Me, a requested songfic for @thinkof-england that I WILL finish soon (I promise!)
Plus a too-long list of one shot prompts and a couple of AUs that I'm holding close to the chest for now.
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egg-noodle · 3 months
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Thought I would write up some small reviews of Roo's books since I keep drawing fanart for them but haven't really ever written about the books themselves:
Please note that all of these books are for adult audiences! Please heed the warnings on each product listing!!! But if you're like me and don't have many squicks, then you might enjoy some of Roo's books too. KNIVES IN YOUR EYES: "A trio of people trying to find a slowly rotting god. The boy doesn't know how to die, the man wishes he were dead, and the hunter is slowly turning into prey." You've all seen me fall head first into KNIVES haha. I am obsessed! I've been calling it 'the eroguro bug book of my dreams'. To me, it's the story of a group of lonely beings who find something in each other that they weren't actively searching for. There's an undercurrent of 'places that shape you, and places that you have helped shape', and the idea that the self is constantly shifting and the joy is in the discovery. Val is an intense little weirdo, and I am not immune to his charm, and seeing him slowly chip away at Hunter's walls makes me grin like a doofus on every reread haha. The monster hunter falls in love with the monster! I do recommend buying the version of the book that comes with extras, because the main story (the freebie version) ends quite abruptly, and you'll feel a little unfulfilled without the extras. VELVET: "Is the rot that grows in the foundations of a beautiful house. It is a boy desperate to be a man. It is a man unwilling to admit he is alive. It is a sweet memory that draws blood on its thorns." VELVET is about two men coping with the aftermath of abuse at the hands of the Lagos family. They are trapped together in a house that has more secrets than they know, and the mystery is slowly being unraveled as Kolt and Xavier untangle their complicated shared history. It's a very heavy story, and while none of the abuse is explicitly described, it is there between every line, and you can see it between every crack. There's magic, there's robots, there's a very large and very haunted house with a body buried under its foundations, and somehow they are all connected. I've been really enjoying following along on the updates on this one on Roo's substar! NIGHT PRINCE & ROSE FINCH: "Retelling of an old myth about the mysterious fallen angel who unknowingly rescued the Pale Prince of Night, eldest Prince of the Underworld, with only his trembling bronze hands." This story is a cheeky romp! It's very reminiscent of goofy 90's-00's yaoi, but there's also the underlying mystery of why the rose finch was cursed and why the night prince couldn't return to the underworld until summoned that keeps you hooked. Overall, it's cheeky and it's fun and Roo is currently investigating doing a print run for Vol 1, which I'm very excited about.
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otomiyaa · 10 months
Top 23 of 2023
Top 23 of 2023 on Tumblr is out and it made me remember something....!!! For those who also remember, I started this game last year and I just thought it would be nice to do it again. For reference, my post is ofc long gone, but here's Mia's~~
Tagging: @ticklygiggles & Everyone who wants to do it lol
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Part 1: Fandom Faves 
01. Favorite new fandoms of the year: Red, White & Royal Blue, Honkai Star Rail
02. Favorite new ships since this year: Henry x Alex (RWRB) Sampo x Gepard (HSR), Ballister x Ambrosius (Nimona)
03. Favorite anime/TV shows of the year: Atarashii Joushi wa Do Tennen, Our Flag Means Death Season 2, Niehime to Kemono no Ou
04. Favorite movies of the year: Red White and Royal Blue, Nimona
05. Favorite characters of the year: Furina!!!! (Genshin Impact), also Gepard Landau (Honkai Star Rail), Miguel O'Hara (Across the Spiderverse), and a big honorable mention to the Fontaine gang in Genshin Impact (especially Freminet and Neuvillette)!
06. Favorite soundtrack of the year: Genshin Impact - Fontaine soundtrack and the Our Flag Means Death Season 2 soundtrack
07. Favorite book/manga/comic of the year: The Work Love Balance manhwa, and RWRB which is older but I discovered it thanks to the movie coming out.
08. Favorite games of the year: Genshin Impact, still my fav^^
09. Highlight of this year to remember: Bowuigi trending as a ship.
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Part 2: Community Review
10. Favorite Tumblr moments of 2023: Tickletober with the very own list Mia and I created, and even though it was a negative thing at first - getting swarmed with kind words from you guys after I lost my blog. I'm a mere humble person but you guys seriously made me feel a little important for a moment there ^///^
11. Favorite fan art of the year: Hard to say, but I'll say this sampard piece I got from Val baby for my bday, and this Ukatake commission by @dokidoki-muffin, this spiderdads commission by @giulscomix, and this Ittorou commission by @chibimochii have also stolen my heart!
And ofc all other commissions of this year (the bowuigi one fs;ijogij; and miguel one omggg, the pokemon commission so CUTE). And *wiggles fingers* I have more on the way....
12. Favorite fic of the year: Hard to say but I've been enjoying a lot of the Tickletober works specifically by @lovelynim and @ticklygiggles, and also this Nimona fic by @bambinella has become a fav, and all RWRB fics by @kourtniwritesagain!!!!! I still need to reblog them here.
13. Favorite ask game of the year: I can't remember which ones I played, but I remember there was a time I had reblogged "post your anonymous confessions" or something, and it resulted in the most interesting asks and conversations with you guys^^ I liked that.
14. My top achievements as a writer/artist/creator/blogger: If I'll be around in a year, this won't be 'writer' but 'blogger', but for this one as a writer, it'll again be completing all 31 days of tickletober right on schedule despite a minor intervention.. :"D
15. My own best fic/post of the year: I have no idea! But if I ask AO3, it answers that my best fic of this year is my bowuigi fic mahahaha (based on kudos btw).
16. My most underappreciated fic/post of the year: Let's give that award to these 2 poor Tickletober fics (which I enjoyed writing a lot) that were not reblogged by anyone meaning they are no longer on Tumblr since my account loss:
Day 21: Horns/Fangs | Sariphi x Leonhart, King of Beasts (Niehime to Kemono no Ou) 
Day 23: Party | Momose x Shirosaki (Atarashii Joushi wa Do Tennen) 
17. A post of mine that got more popularity than expected: My comeback post! The comments, likes and even reblogs, I couldn't have ever imagined.
18. Something I changed on my blog since this year: You tell me 😂 No but besides the whole blog change, another change is that I got over my embarrassment and was brave enough to commission a couple of artists this year. Me and my money are now in a happy place!
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Part 3: Next Year
19. Something I didn’t post this year but would like to do next year: A fic recommendations/faves post (from other writers). Wonder if I'll ever get to it, since my reading and fic reblogging is already not what I like it to be, meaning that every fic I reblog would probably belong on that list lol. But alright, I'd like to make a faves of the faves list then.
20. Goals for next year: Read more...!!! Read more books, more manga, more webtoons, more tickle fics. I love them, so I should read more! My truest ambition.
21. 2024 releases I look forward to the most: Every single update for Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail, and also: Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse, Inside Out 2, Deadpool 3, Venom 3, Kimi ni Todoke S3, and Beastars Final Season!
22. Something else I look forward to next year: Traveling to Japan with my boyfriend! Also: receiving more tickles cuz why not. And last but not least, seeing Taylor Swift live at the Eras Tour in Amsterdam!
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Part 4: Spreading Love
23. Shoutouts to people who made my 2023 a better year: I know, and you might know, I didn't do so well last time since I tagged a bunch of friends but also forgot to mention some... not because I didn't care about them but because I am a flopper. So to prevent this embarrassment I won't mention any names this time.
I especially would like to thank everyone who is still around, who is reading this, who followed my new blog. To be honest, on my old blog I felt flattered to have so many followers but I was also aware it was the effect of being active for 7 years in a ton of fandoms, and that it didn't say anything about the accurate number of people appreciating what I was posting.
But to be at already almost 500 followers on this blog? Where I only post shit? Now that's a compliment I will gladly accept. Thank you to all of you for the support!
Last but not least, special shoutout to the friends I talk to on Discord sooo much now, you know who you are!
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Question list for copy paste below!
Part 1: Fandom Faves 
01. Favorite new fandoms of the year
02. Favorite new ships since this year 
03. Favorite anime/TV shows of the year 
04. Favorite movies of the year
05. Favorite characters of the year
06. Favorite soundtrack of the year
07. Favorite book/manga/comic of the year
08. Favorite games of the year
09. Highlight of this year to remember
Part 2: Community Review
10. Favorite Tumblr moments of 2023
11. Favorite fan art of the year
12. Favorite fic of the year
13. Favorite ask game of the year
14. My top achievements as a writer/artist/creator/blogger
15. My own best fic/post of the year
16. My most underappreciated fic/post of the year
17. A post of mine that got more popularity than expected
18. Something I changed on my blog since this year
Part 3: Next Year
19. Something I didn’t post this year but would like to do next year
20. Goals for next year
21. 2024 releases I look forward to the most
22. Something else I look forward to next year
Part 4: Spreading Love
23. Shoutouts to people who made my 2023 a better year
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sparklepocalypse · 3 months
🥑☁️🐝🎨 please.💜
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
I'd get in touch with @cha-melodius for her anatomical knowledge (y'know, maybe I can resuscitate whoever it is?) and @happiness-of-the-pursuit for his legal expertise, in the likely event that the resuscitation doesn't work.
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
You know, I've had this username since about 2010, and I honestly can't remember the backstory. I'm fairly sure it has something to do with some sort of arts and crafts project and then-untreated ADHD, though...
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
This might get long, so I'll come back to this one and toss it under a jump. 🤣😅
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
You know, prior to the latest RWRB zine being published, I wouldn't have been able to narrow it down to just one, but this JC Leyendecker-inspired piece by @artofobsession is possibly my favorite piece of fanart that's ever been created. It's just -- even nearly a month after it was first posted, it causes beauty aggression in me and I just want to bite it because it's so pretty and glowy and ethereal and lovely and they're just so blushy and so into one another. It's the first fanart print I've ordered in years, and it's going to go on my wall of ephemeral pretty things with my Lindsay van Ekelenburg art and my various tarot card prints from Kickstarter decks.
[Send me emoji from the Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game and I'll answer the corresponding questions!]
Aight, back to 🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
I mean, obviously I'm tagging you first, @ad-astra13, because you're the Most Excellent of Doc Gremlins and your flailing in my Google Docs has been so, so motivating. Your fiber work is really cool and creative! I'm always intrigued to see which project you'll take on next.
And then there's @hgejfmw-hgejhsf, who even with a bunch of stuff going on IRL still takes the time to DM me a screenshot when someone has recced one of my fics, which -- warm fuzzies just everywhere. Val is one of the sweetest, most deeply passionate RWRB fans I have ever met, and her encyclopedic knowledge of all things book and movie have come in handy on like, dozens of occasions in the few months since I've gotten to know her.
@kiwiana-writes and I basically have the same brain in different bodies on different continents, the vibe is so consistent. Half the time I read his work it feels like it could've emerged from my brain instead of his, and now it turns out he's a pretty gifted songwriter too? Incredible, awe-inspiring, iconic, etc.
@artofobsession and I have a Spider-Man meme thing going on where I yell at Hann about their art, and they yell at me about my writing, and it's just a never-ending cycle of yelling. Pretty amazing to consider that I was Too Scared To Say Hi ™️ for awhile there, because I'm a big ol' introvert. Regardless of what Hann's got going on, I've never read an unkind word that's emerged from their keyboard, and they're super well-spoken and yeah, really glad I started making unhinged bulleted lists of art reviews as a way to break the ice, because they're good people.
Speaking of Spider-Man memes, @seanchaidh7 and I have also been Spider-Manning back and forth these last few months. She's created some really, really incredible art for my Big Giant AU, and just genuinely seems like a cool person. I'm happy we stumbled across each other in this fandom!
@duchessdepolignaca03 is one of the best unhinged idea riffers I've met. She deserves at least partial credit for the idea for my RBB fic, because a simple "fic where [x]" message can lead to a thread of dozens (or hundreds) of messages back and forth just flinging ideas out there to further the prompt. Half the time the riff is all that happens, but occasionally, the riff spawns something way bigger.
And there are folks who either I haven't found on Tumblr, or who left Tumblr behind in like 2013 and haven't looked back -- super grateful for everyone who's enabling my weird little brain to do the thing!
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