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scotianostra · 23 days ago
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The Roman Theatre, Cartagena.
This is considered a "jewel" of Cartagena and is one of the city's most visited monuments, it was certainly this that drew me to the city in Murcia. I find it amazing the excavation of this Theatre did not begin until 1988, taking fifteen years before it was fully uncovered!
The theater was built between 5 and 1 BC, it could accommodate around 7,000 spectators. The curved seating area, was carved into the rock of a mountain. The theater has raked seating, decoration, and a stage over 43 meters long.
The archaeological work has also managed to reconstruct a timeline. This shows that a market was built over a large part of the theater in the third century. For this, materials from the theater were used. In the thirteenth century the church was built on the highest part, which was destroyed during the Spanish Civil War. Its ruin still sticks out like a pimple on the top layer of the theater.
Up to 100,000 people visit the theatre each year, the most visited museum in the region and one of the most visited nationally. The final pic is a reconstruction of how it would have looked two thousand years ago.
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rabbitcruiser · 9 months ago
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Towel Day
Towel  Day on May 25 is an annual holiday created to celebrate author Douglas  Adams by his fans. Adams wrote the classic sci-fi novel, “The  Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.” This day was organized in memory of  him after he suffered a sudden heart attack at the age of 49. His fans  wanted to find a way to commemorate his life’s work, and after having  one towel day, its success made it a yearly event. On this day, fans  carry towels around everywhere they go. Today, we are celebrating this  holiday with a towel wrapped around our necks because, we too, love  Douglas Adams!
History of Towel Day
Towel  Day is celebrated on May 25, two weeks after the date of Adams’s death  in 2001 — May 11. The day has, over time, received the status of being a  kind of ‘‘geek holiday’’ due to its connection with the popular series.
Why  a towel? It’s said the towel holds much importance in “The Hitchhiker’s  Guide to the Galaxy.” Adams wrote about towels as being the most  helpful item for an interstellar traveler. In chapter three of the book,  he writes, “A towel, it says, is about the most massively useful thing  an interstellar hitchhiker can have. Partly it has great practical value  — you can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold  moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble sanded  beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapours; you can sleep  under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of  Kakrafoon…” and so the uses go on.
Adams’s strongest advice was  “Never go anywhere without your towel.” This day has been celebrated now  for 19 years and is a great occasion for science fiction fans all over  the world to come together and rejoice … with their towels. It is said  that Adams was a humorous writer and witty character and that this day  reflects his lovable silliness.
Towel Day timeline
1978 An Oeuvre is Born
Douglas  Adams's radio series "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" is  broadcast for the first time — kickstarting a long line of adaptations  into other formats.
2001 Wrap It
The first Towel Day ever is celebrated on May 25, 2001, just two weeks after Adams's death on May 11.
2012 Mind Bogglingly Big
In January, the Huffington Post lists Towel Day as a cult literary tradition.
2013 The Good Towels
The Norwegian public transport company Kolumbus gives away special towels to customers.
2015 What is the Universe for?
On  Towel Day, astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti signals a Towel Day  greeting and reads from ‘‘The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy’’ from  the International Space Station.
Towel Day Activities
Carry a towel
Use a line from the series
Visit the website
The  hardcore fans of ‘‘Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy’’ will be carrying a  towel around for the day, so grab your towel and join in! Just make  sure that it’s clean. Take a photo of you wearing your towel, and upload  it to social media with the hashtag #towelday.
Weave  in some of the phrases from the ‘‘Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy’’  into your conversations. Try "Life, the Universe, and Everything",  "Humans are not proud of their ancestors, and rarely invite them around  to dinner", "Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so", or "I love  deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by." It may  confuse folks around you, but those who know, know.
Check  out the towelday.org website and see what everyone else is up to on  this day. Inspire yourself and find other ways to celebrate or join in  with others as a group in your area or even your country. Or be a  go-getter and make your own Towel Day event that fans can attend.
5 Facts About Douglas Adams
An asteroid is named after him
He appeared in a famous TV show
He was friends with David Gilmour
He climbed Mount Kilimanjaro ... but there's more
He wrote a few "Doctor Who" episodes
In 2001, Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research project discovered an asteroid and named it 25924 Douglasadams.
Adams  apparently made a brief appearance as an extra called Dr. Emile Konig  in an episode of Monty Python’s Flying Circus — he also contributed to  the writing of "Monty Python and the Holy Grail."
An  avid musician himself, Adams owned between 24 and 35 left-handed  guitars, appeared on stage at Pink Floyd's 1994 gig at Earl's Court in  London, and named the band's album that year, "The Division Bell."
Adams  was an environmentalist and loved animals, campaigning on behalf of  endangered species for most of his life — in 1994, he climbed Mount  Kilimanjaro in a rhino suit to raise awareness for Save The Rhino.
He was a contributing writer for several episodes of the famous British series, "Doctor Who."
Why We Love Towel Day
Online antics
Book marathon
Galaxy binge session
You  can get loads of information on the day from the twitter account  @towelday and the official website, towelday.org. You can find out stuff  like information on the life of Douglas Adams, details on the  “Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy” radio series, and interact with the  7,000+ fans who follow this day.
This  holiday gives us a chance to read or reread Adams's life’s work. Go  back and immerse yourself in the trilogy of  “The Hitchhiker's Guide to  the Galaxy” as well as “Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency”, “The  Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul” and many more titles that made Adams so  beloved.
This  day also gives us a chance to binge on the shows linked to Adams. So  watch a movie or a TV series derived from his books. Do it with your  friends and carry your towels together. Celebrate this great author and  come together to watch some good and classic TV.
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versinator · 3 months ago
Titkaiba vacatio
Ruhájában ananász felhőre várhatunk Közkézre alélnak származásokat halljunk Áldottalak menyezete alomba gazdasággal Collegio csapását forrásnál lázárral Kegyesség egyenek rózsába hatlovas Eszlári gróftól gyaláztok szőlőlugas
Tengelye alhatott zefír sokaságot Kikeletre tudósnak kevélységgel bonmot Nyílnának birsalmából lakodalomra hathét Vesztembe fejedelemmé hátrább elmét Rettegj bagamérba inték házas Perceken vitézkedtünk vígasztalódj facultas
Felnyitni feltalált lexicon esztendőnk Papoktól vegetálni halmára üténk Nyájba pegazust hadik dárdával Szívesség habozás viaskodnak elmúltával Őrzők elfojtja meghallhatja ártalmas Tartományba méhei bujaságra pallas
Sorompóját legénység irhát barlangot Legszörnyűbb felfort kellemeket pástétomot Tehetséged nyeltük térségre emlékezetét Megölelhessem sokaktól örömünket vitézét Gyönyörűséged panasszait nyilaimat vajas Cserfával csinálhassanak segéljen síralmas
Tisztelsz ou énellenem örvendjünk Vála kívánsz karjainkon hegyünk Nemét rettegni megtartó átkokkal Lakozása figarójának írandó állatokkal Elrablod lepkének elmésséggel libertas Atyjok gyöngyösi carmen jártas
Flastroma vizeznek márványára sírhalmot Tettetésnek megtiszteljék tehetségemről karcagot Burkokból megmaradhassanak torkának érzését Betűik banyák kér��sedre edényét Nyalkán eránta édesatyja maecenas Poszpásznak veszedelmét ajánlá atyafias
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floridasbeaches · 1 year ago
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expressingartwithvideos · 2 years ago
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#YouTubeChannel #AgataBizarrian #Vlogs #Blogs #vacations #Holidays Agata Bizarrian's Funky Vlog is a breath of fresh air in the world of travel vlogs. Her unique style and energetic personality make every episode an enjoyable experience for her viewers. Whether she's documenting her vacations, road trips, or flight trips, Agata never fails to provide captivating content that keeps us hooked from start to finish. With each new adventure, we're transported to different parts of the world through her lens and get to witness firsthand the beauty and excitement of traveling. From exploring hidden gems in far-off lands to trying out exotic food and experiencing local cultures - Agata leaves no stone unturned when it comes to showing us all the fun things you can do while on vacation. And with her signature funky beats playing in the background, it's impossible not to feel energized and ready for your own adventure after watching one of her videos.
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july-19th-club · 1 year ago
so my brother has what's either a hideous flu or a hideous covid (probably the second option, because it's surging) and instead of staying home he came to christmas if we're not all miserably ill by this time next week it'll be a miracle
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severedbananastranger · 1 year ago
Alan Wake is a game about a guy going to hell for screaming at his wife.
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dragaliareferencearchive · 9 months ago
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An Eventful Vacation - Genshin Impact (1/2)
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umilily · 7 months ago
i've been here for less than 2 days and i'm already exhausted by this household.
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chrismerle · 2 years ago
mom has begun the prodding of 'WE need to set aside time to work in your room so I can help you unpack' despite being well aware that I do not WANT help unpacking and she is WELL AWARE of that
why doesn't she needle my brother about it? his room is in about the same state as mine. why does he get to be an adult but I still get the 'mommy will help you clean your room' treatment?
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years ago
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Towel Day
Towel  Day on May 25 is an annual holiday created to celebrate author Douglas  Adams by his fans. Adams wrote the classic sci-fi novel, “The  Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.” This day was organized in memory of  him after he suffered a sudden heart attack at the age of 49. His fans  wanted to find a way to commemorate his life’s work, and after having  one towel day, its success made it a yearly event. On this day, fans  carry towels around everywhere they go. Today, we are celebrating this  holiday with a towel wrapped around our necks because, we too, love  Douglas Adams!
History of Towel Day
Towel  Day is celebrated on May 25, two weeks after the date of Adams’s death  in 2001 — May 11. The day has, over time, received the status of being a  kind of ‘‘geek holiday’’ due to its connection with the popular series.
Why  a towel? It’s said the towel holds much importance in “The Hitchhiker’s  Guide to the Galaxy.” Adams wrote about towels as being the most  helpful item for an interstellar traveler. In chapter three of the book,  he writes, “A towel, it says, is about the most massively useful thing  an interstellar hitchhiker can have. Partly it has great practical value  — you can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold  moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble sanded  beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapours; you can sleep  under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of  Kakrafoon…” and so the uses go on.
Adams’s strongest advice was  “Never go anywhere without your towel.” This day has been celebrated now  for 19 years and is a great occasion for science fiction fans all over  the world to come together and rejoice … with their towels. It is said  that Adams was a humorous writer and witty character and that this day  reflects his lovable silliness.
Towel Day timeline
1978 An Oeuvre is Born
Douglas  Adams's radio series "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" is  broadcast for the first time — kickstarting a long line of adaptations  into other formats.
2001 Wrap It
The first Towel Day ever is celebrated on May 25, 2001, just two weeks after Adams's death on May 11.
2012 Mind Bogglingly Big
In January, the Huffington Post lists Towel Day as a cult literary tradition.
2013 The Good Towels
The Norwegian public transport company Kolumbus gives away special towels to customers.
2015 What is the Universe for?
On  Towel Day, astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti signals a Towel Day  greeting and reads from ‘‘The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy’’ from  the International Space Station.
Towel Day Activities
Carry a towel
Use a line from the series
Visit the website
The  hardcore fans of ‘‘Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy’’ will be carrying a  towel around for the day, so grab your towel and join in! Just make  sure that it’s clean. Take a photo of you wearing your towel, and upload  it to social media with the hashtag #towelday.
Weave  in some of the phrases from the ‘‘Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy’’  into your conversations. Try "Life, the Universe, and Everything",  "Humans are not proud of their ancestors, and rarely invite them around  to dinner", "Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so", or "I love  deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by." It may  confuse folks around you, but those who know, know.
Check  out the towelday.org website and see what everyone else is up to on  this day. Inspire yourself and find other ways to celebrate or join in  with others as a group in your area or even your country. Or be a  go-getter and make your own Towel Day event that fans can attend.
5 Facts About Douglas Adams
An asteroid is named after him
He appeared in a famous TV show
He was friends with David Gilmour
He climbed Mount Kilimanjaro ... but there's more
He wrote a few "Doctor Who" episodes
In 2001, Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research project discovered an asteroid and named it 25924 Douglasadams.
Adams  apparently made a brief appearance as an extra called Dr. Emile Konig  in an episode of Monty Python’s Flying Circus — he also contributed to  the writing of "Monty Python and the Holy Grail."
An  avid musician himself, Adams owned between 24 and 35 left-handed  guitars, appeared on stage at Pink Floyd's 1994 gig at Earl's Court in  London, and named the band's album that year, "The Division Bell."
Adams  was an environmentalist and loved animals, campaigning on behalf of  endangered species for most of his life — in 1994, he climbed Mount  Kilimanjaro in a rhino suit to raise awareness for Save The Rhino.
He was a contributing writer for several episodes of the famous British series, "Doctor Who."
Why We Love Towel Day
Online antics
Book marathon
Galaxy binge session
You  can get loads of information on the day from the twitter account  @towelday and the official website, towelday.org. You can find out stuff  like information on the life of Douglas Adams, details on the  “Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy” radio series, and interact with the  7,000+ fans who follow this day.
This  holiday gives us a chance to read or reread Adams's life’s work. Go  back and immerse yourself in the trilogy of  “The Hitchhiker's Guide to  the Galaxy” as well as “Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency”, “The  Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul” and many more titles that made Adams so  beloved.
This  day also gives us a chance to binge on the shows linked to Adams. So  watch a movie or a TV series derived from his books. Do it with your  friends and carry your towels together. Celebrate this great author and  come together to watch some good and classic TV.
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blondefoxmedic · 2 years ago
My past few days were like: I am sick I should rest! *Sees a doctor* *writes a mail* *gets 6 phone calls* *sees another doctor* *has an essay due in a week and zero work done* *has an exam due* *gets a ladder delivered and promptly in the face* *has to get glasses repaired* *has an appointment at the university because of the stress* *gets told to ask a doctor help me skip the exam* *also to make 2 more appointments* *goes into a paralysis* *suddenly buys wall colour* *writes two pages for the paper* *ends up cleaning the room and starts painting* *remembers that I have to book a train* *feels awful for not writing more* *paralysis and guilt*
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floridasbeaches · 1 year ago
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besttimetogo2 · 3 months ago
Plan Your Vacation with Expert Advice: A Guide to Stress-Free Travel
Although exciting, organizing a trip is an overwhelming task. To make the travel experience less stressful, there should be flexibility in booking accommodations, flights, and activites. To avoid feeling lost in the planning maze, it’s wise to plan your vacation with expert advice. Whether you’re looking for unique travel experiences, budget-friendly options, or tips for navigating unfamiliar destinations, expert guidance can ensure a smoother, more enjoyable trip.
 The Importance of Expert Guidance in Vacation Planning
Plan your vacation with expert advice from relatable travel agencies to save time and costs. Travel experts, including professional travel agents and local guides, have the knowledge and experience to provide valuable insights that you may not find through online searches or guidebooks. These experts can help you narrow down your destination choices based on your preferences, recommend hidden gems off the beaten path, and steer you away from tourist traps that may not align with your travel goals.
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Furthermore, travel experts are well-versed in current travel trends, airline policies, and accommodation availability, which can be especially useful when navigating travel during peak seasons or when there are unpredictable disruptions. They can advise you on the best times to book flights, how to get the most value from your accommodation, and the best travel deals available.
 Customized Travel Routine According to Your Preferences
One of the key benefits of seeking expert advice when you plan your vacation with expert advice is the ability to tailor your trip to fit your specific interests and needs. Instead of a generic, cookie-cutter itinerary, a travel expert can design a vacation that reflects your unique preferences. Whether you’re looking for a relaxing beach getaway, an adventurous hiking experience, or a cultural city tour, an expert will offer personalized recommendations that align with your desires.
They can also help you create a balanced itinerary, ensuring that your vacation is both enjoyable and stress-free. For example, if you're traveling with children or elderly family members, experts can suggest family-friendly activities and accommodations that are convenient and accessible for everyone. Likewise, if you’re traveling solo or as a couple, experts can suggest activities and destinations that cater specifically to those types of travelers.
 Stress-Free Logistics and Support
One of the most stressful aspects of vacation planning is dealing with the logistics—booking flights, ensuring your passport is in order, managing accommodation reservations, and organizing transport. With expert advice, you can leave much of this stress behind. Travel experts handle the detailed planning for you, ensuring that everything is coordinated seamlessly from start to finish.
Plan your vacation with expert advice since it can make a world of difference in creating a stress-free and memorable travel experience. From personalized recommendations and exclusive deals to stress-free logistics and insider knowledge, experts bring invaluable support to your vacation planning. Instead of navigating the overwhelming world of travel on your own, enlisting the help of a professional ensures that your trip is tailored to your needs, well-organized, and filled with unforgettable experiences. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or a first-time vacationer, expert guidance can help you make the most of your next getaway.
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eastofedean · 7 months ago
I think it's very ironic that all therapists seem to be on vacation right now
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blackvahana · 10 months ago
"You came from here" is just echoing in my head. or. from my head. talking about understanding the astral. talking about this plane. talking about this planes people. I am the astral. I am the original parent. I am those waters. All I can say about understanding is "you came from here" but that's a lie because what I'm actually speaking is both the tiny island of those words and the huge swathes of water that is my body open wide and my body is the cosmic gelatine, the Mother Waters, the binding between existence and it's electric wire mainframe
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