itsfullofstars · 5 months
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varunamatya · 2 years
Don’t worry Voyager 1, I won’t forget your name. I will remember you 😘 ✌️ 🛰️
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sifytech · 3 months
Why is Voyager 1 sending Gibberish after 47 Years?
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Active for almost 50 years since its launch in 1977, Voyager 1 - the first spacecraft to cross into interstellar space - is not doing well. Read More. https://www.sify.com/science-tech/why-is-voyager-1-sending-gibberish-after-47-years/
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teknolojihaber · 5 months
Voyager 1 uzay sondası, beş ay sonra ilk kez Dünya'ya okunabilir veriler gönderdi.
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NASA'nın Voyager 1 uzay sondası, son beş ay içinde ilk kez Dünya'ya tamamen okunabilir bir rapor gönderdi. 20 Nisan'da görev ekibi cihazdan sistemlerinin durumuyla ilgili verileri içeren bir mesaj aldı. Her ne kadar sonda hala okunabilir bilimsel verileri geri gönderemese de, görev ekibi en azından Voyager 1'e tam olarak ne olduğunu anlıyor ve şimdi onu onarma fırsatına sahip. Voyager 1, 1977'de fırlatılmasından otuz beş yıl sonra güneş sistemini terk edip yıldızlararası uzaya giren ilk insan yapımı nesne oldu. Bu olaydan altı yıl sonra, 2018 yılında ikiz kardeşi Voyager 2 bu başarısını tekrarladı. Neyse ki Voyager 2 hâlâ çalışıyor ve Dünya'ya veri gönderiyor. Her iki cihaz da Güneş'in etkisinin ötesinde uzayı araştıran  insan yapımı nesnelerdir. Bununla birlikte, 11 yıl boyunca yıldızlararası uzayı keşfettikten ve Dünya'dan 24 milyar km uzakta olduktan sonra, 14 Kasım 2023'te Voyager 1, dünyaya anlaşılmaz bir ikili kod göndermeye başladı. Cihazlar Dünya ile ikili kod kullanarak iletişim kuruyor.Voyager 1 tamamen okunamayan veriler göndermişti. Mart ayında, NASA mühendisleri Voyager 1'e özel bir komut göndermeyi başardılar ; bu komut, sondayı, yerleşik belleğinin (FDS) tamamının Dünya'ya geri dönmesine zorladı. Bu veriler, cihazın okunabilir bilgilerin aktarımındaki bir hatanın, toplam FDS belleğinin %3'ünü temsil eden bellek yongalarından birinin bozulması sonucu ortaya çıktığını gösterdi. Ne yazık ki çip, Voyager 1'in bilim ve telemetri verilerini kullanılamaz hale getiren yazılım kodunu içeriyordu. Açıkçası, NASA mühendisleri hasarlı Voyager 1 bellek yongasını değiştiremez. Ancak bozuk kodu uzaktan FSD belleğinin başka bir kısmına aktarabilirler. Sondanın hafıza bölümlerinin hiçbiri kodun tamamını depolayacak kadar büyük olmadığından, görev mühendislerinin kodu parçalara ayırması ve bunları birbirinden ayrı olarak saklaması gerekiyor. Ayrıca, bozuk kod eklemenin bu bellek alanlarının ayrı ayrı çalışmasının durmasına neden olmaması ve kodun bir bütün olarak çalıştırılmaması için depolamanın ilgili bölümlerini yapılandırmak da gereklidir. Ayrıca NASA'nın bozuk kodun yeni konumuna ilişkin tüm referansları güncellemesi gerekecektir. 18 Nisan'da NASA ekibi bozuk kodu FDS belleğinde başka bir konuma taşımaya başladı. Radyo sinyalinin sondaya iletilmesi 22,5 saat sürdüğünden ve cihazdan geri dönüş sinyalinin alınması için başka bir 22,5 saat gerektiğinden sürecin çok yavaş olduğu ortaya çıktı. Ancak 20 Nisan'da görev uzmanları Voyager 1'in hafıza modifikasyonunun başarılı olduğunu doğruladı. Bilim insanları, beş aydan bu yana ilk kez sondayla bir iletişim kanalı kurarak, sondanın durumuyla ilgili en son verileri elde edebildi. Önümüzdeki haftalarda mühendisler, FDS bellek yazılımının geri kalanına ince ayar yapmak için çalışacak ve sistemin güneş sistemi dışında toplanan paha biçilmez bilimsel verilerin derlenmesinden ve gönderilmesinden sorumlu olan bölgelerini geri yüklemeyi umuyorlar. Read the full article
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wisdomofcheer · 5 months
Voyager 1 got a software update that fixed it, 22 light-hours away. I love the photo of the oldtimers cheering.
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enterprisewired · 6 months
NASA’s Progress in Reconnecting with Voyager 1
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A Historic Mission’s Communication Woes
NASA engineers are making significant strides toward resolving a communication glitch that has plagued the Voyager 1 spacecraft since November 2023. Launched in 1977, Voyager 1 achieved a historic milestone in 2012 by becoming the first human-made object to venture beyond the confines of our solar system and into interstellar space. However, after dutifully transmitting invaluable data about the interstellar environment for over a decade, Voyager 1’s communications suddenly became incomprehensible to ground control.
Unraveling the Mystery
The anomaly, characterized by a monotonous dial tone replacing Voyager 1’s data transmissions, puzzled engineers for months. Initially, the culprit was believed to be Voyager 1’s flight data subsystem (FDS), responsible for processing and transmitting scientific data back to Earth. Despite the setback, Voyager 2, Voyager 1’s counterpart, continued its operations smoothly after exiting the solar system in 2018.
A Breakthrough in Diagnosis
Recently, on March 3, NASA’s Voyager mission team detected unusual activity within a segment of Voyager 1’s FDS, sparking hope of a breakthrough. Although the data received remained unintelligible in its conventional binary code, an astute engineer at NASA’s Deep Space Network decoded an outlier signal. This signal contained a comprehensive readout of Voyager 1’s FDS memory, holding vital instructions and data waiting to be transmitted to Earth.
Charting the Path Forward
Armed with this newfound information, engineers aim to compare the recent signal with data transmitted before the communication breakdown. By pinpointing discrepancies, they hope to identify the root cause of the anomaly. Employing a strategy dubbed a “poke” from mission control, engineers prompt Voyager 1’s FDS to experiment with different software sequences, potentially circumventing any corrupted sections.
The Long Road to Restoration
Despite these promising developments, restoring communication with Voyager 1 remains a formidable task. Situated roughly 15 billion miles away from Earth, each exchange of data entails a staggering 22.5-hour delay. Engineers received the results of their “poke” on March 3 and have since been meticulously decoding the signal to glean insights into Voyager 1’s status.
In the coming days, NASA’s dedicated team of scientists and engineers will continue to analyze the FDS readout, striving to reignite communication with this iconic spacecraft that has forever expanded humanity’s understanding of the cosmos.
Also Read: NASA’s Psyche Spacecraft Achieves Milestone in Laser Communication
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omanxl1 · 6 months
Acting Real Special (Part Ten)
Digital Crate Digging Continues on a Music Monday but excuse us for a moment or two as we act real special as we pause for the cause. We’re dropping this good word, this is another way we get down! some will say we’re acting real special but why? because! Even though we pause for the cause for a moment or two we’re actually keeping it moving even though we had to sacrifice! This good word is…
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numerous-news · 7 months
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synthwave1950 · 7 months
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💖🌎 Valentine's Day == Pale Blue Dot Day!
🎁 Pale Blue Dot sale (Feb 14 — Feb 22, 2024) discount –20% on Etsy store
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rodadecuia · 1 year
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wallarts80 · 2 years
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⠀⠀ -Rpt: Um sol em alguma parte de uma galáxia. ⠀⠀ -Rpt: A sun somewhere in a galaxy. ⠀⠀ ☉🌠☉🌠☉🌠☉🌠☉🌠☉🌠☉ ⠀⠀ #photoshop #repost #sun #galaxy #somewhere #ilustration #grafhicdesign #stars #sol #espaçosideral #adobephotoshopcs6 #nasa #voyager1 #soundofspace #jameswebb #photodesign #photomanipulation #estrelas #interestelar https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmh2I5yLeza/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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palsaa · 4 hours
ALIVE AGAIN ! NASA Engineers Bring Voyager 1 Back to Life After 47 Years...
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You Won't Believe What Happened on This Day in History! #ytshorts #shorts
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twentyeightsuns · 3 months
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Pale Blue Dot
"Consider again that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every superstar, every supreme leader, every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there-on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.
The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.
Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.
The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment the Earth is where we make our stand.
It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known."
- Carl Sagan on " Pale Blue Dot", a photograph of earth taken by NASA's Voyager1 on February 14,1990.
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von-hauerland · 2 years
Ultima Thule 486958 Arrokoth.
Farthest orbiting object in the solar system.
#spaceexploration #nasa #spacex #artemis
#Pioneer10 #pioneer11 #voyager1 #voyager2 #newhorizons #ihp1 #ihp2 #blackhole #blackinterior #blackdesign #upscaleinterior #mancave #darkmatter #darkaesthetic
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chicagonerd · 9 days
Being a space cadet? It amazes me that #Voyager1 is still with us. I was like 9 years old when she was launched.
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