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vinijrballondor · 3 months ago
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I hate the quote vini vidi vici it's such a disgusting glorification of coloniser mentality like why can't we promote I came I saw people going about their lives peacefully and DIDN'T rob plunder and enslave them
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eccentricallygothic · 8 months ago
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vini, vidi, vici
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pepe-000 · 3 months ago
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Vini, Vici, Vidi.
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coffeeandinsanityy · 10 months ago
Your blog looks very good!
also what does that "vini vidi vici means"?
Haha thanks <3
"veni vidi vici" is a latin phrase which means "I came, I saw, I conquered". Pretty cool right?
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hot-girls-corner · 1 year ago
is it a new start? - 6th August, 2023
waking up was hard today, but i managed it anyways.
mom was trynna wake me up since 7 am, then dad tried to wake me up at 8.
nothing worked. lol. i woke up at 11 am later. all alone at home. this is the first time in past month that i have woke up so late. probably cuz i was suffering from migraine.
i didn't have breakfast when i woke up. i just sat there for a while. then i took my phone and opened daraz to do nothing but scroll.
while scrolling i saw a mini thermal printer and i remembered that i want one.
i wanted it in a good price, but every product was too expensive on it's own. forget about free thermal paper rolls with them.
so i started a search on it, hoping to find something along the lines of what i want.
now i wouldn't say it. but almost miraculously i stumbled onto a store that was FULL of mini thermal printers. ngl i was happy that i found it cuz now all of them are from bangladesh, so i didn't have to worry about getting delivered a month later lol 💀
so now i went from the store's lowest price to highest price fiter and luckily i FOUND IT! i found one that sold the printer with 3 free thermal rolls in only 1810 bdt!
it was better than other products and stores in ALL factors. now i just needed to find a good thermal roll package 👀
AND guess how LUCKY i was in the morning! that store had thermal rolls too!
now that was not the best part. i had to find the best deal too. so i started searching anddddddddddddd the best deal i found was 10 thermal rolls at 448 bdt…. in normal price it was supposed to be 500 bdt, but the others were too expensive so it was the only reasonable price. but THEN i found ANOTHER package in their store that sold 20 thermal rolls at 553 bdt.
that was supposed to cost 1000 bdt but they ONLY PRICED IT 553 bdt! now that's a HUGE save.
now i went to the cart to see how much the total was.
ANOTHER good news. the delivery charge was FREE cuz the products were over 500 bdt from their store + i got 32 bdt extra discount lol.
so i thought "the delivery charge is free here, so i guess i could shop my nail polish from another store" and went on to the nailpolish store i was following.
i've been growing out my nails for the past 5 days, just cuz mom kept scolding me every now and then for literally finishing my nails by biting. it's not my fault cuz i bite my nails naturally whenever i think a lot. but tbh i fkn hate my own habit.
so anyways i went to the store and chose 4 nail polish that i thought would fit me and went back to cart.
the delivery charge was FREE from BOTH stores!!! PLUS they gave me a total of 100 bdt discount BRUH.
i swear i never found a better offer in my life. i WILL get this. no matter what.
but there were two things i had in mind-
i can't get these things SO easily like vini vidi vici. because the total was 3000 bdt and my mom DEFNITELY WON'T buy me so many things, that even SO expensive.
i didn't wanted these that easily either. i'd like a challenge.
so i waited till mom came home. we had snacks and all.
then i offered mom to buy me everything i have in cart if i can get good grades.
she said she wouldn buy not only what i have in cart BUT ALSO add MORE if i want to and she'll buy me EVERYTHING.
the only condition is - I have to get 80+ in ALL SUBJECTS in this model test.
welp. guess what. i accepted the offer in no hesitation.
now i MUST get 80+ in ALL my exams. nothing else fucking matters.
it's 4 pm now. mom didn't make lunch, so now i'm hungry :^
nvm i'll manage.
i've been writing all this pausing my studying lol. i was too bored solving geometry questions so this was a good break!
i'll get back to studying now after freshing myself up.
so i didn't study anymore after that but i sure had a good time working. i didn't waste my time on messenger (scrolled for sometime on daraz tho) so it was easier for me to not get distracted.
i also managed to get 3 new citation source which is great!
it was a good day. but i wish for better tomorrow! :)
good night <3
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melissande · 2 years ago
Un útero es del tamaño de un puño
un útero es del tamaño de un puño
en un útero caben sillas
todos los médicos cupieron en un útero
y eso no es poca cosa
una persona cupo alguna vez en un útero
no cabe en un puño
es decir, cabe
si la mano está abierta
y eso no implica género
degeneración o generosidad
tener a alguien en la palma de la mano
conocer como la palma de la mano
conocerse los dos, el uno sobre la otra
quién puede decir que conoce a alguien
quién puede decir que conoce la degeneración
quién puede decir que conoce la generosidad
sólo alguien que haya sentido todo eso
en el hueso, que es una forma de decir
a no ser que tenga reumas
o que su hueso esté expuesto
in ítiri is dil timiñi di in piñi
quién puede decir tengo un útero
(el médico) quién puede decir que funciona
(el médico)
il mídiqui
miedo de que no funcione
para qué sirve un útero cuando no se hacen hijos
para qué
piri quí
si tengo un pecho tengo dos
lo mismo con los riñones
tengo dos orejas
minis vincint vin gigh
piri quí
úteros famosos:
el útero de frida kahlo
el útero de golda meir
el útero de maria quitéria
el útero de alejandra pizarnik el útero de hillary clinton
[el útero de diadorim]*
kahlo en la sala de espera
meir la de óvulos de oro
quitéria con always en la guerra
pizarnik sin duda tampax
clinton no teme
los espectáculos en la camilla fría
[pero diadorim nunca fue
al ginecólogo]
un útero expulsa los óvulos
rojo =
¡todo bien!
tidi istá biin
ni istís imbirizidi
un útero es del tamaño de un puño
en un útero caben capillas
caben bancos hostias crucifijos
caben curas de pitos marchitos
caben monjas de senos quietos
caben las señoras católicas
que no usan anticonceptivos
caben las señoras católicas
que militan frente a las clínicas
a las 6 am en la ciudad de méxico
y caben sus maridos
en casa durmiendo
caben caben
sí caben
y luego van
a comprar pan
repite conmigo: yo tengo un útero
está aquí
es del tamaño de un puño
nunca le ha dado el sol
un útero es del tamaño de un puño
no puede dar golpes
cuestiones importantes:
los movimientos de la bolsa
los costales de soya
las reservas de agua
los barriles de petróleo
volvamos al útero:
maña maña
pata de araña
quién manda en las entrañas
de mamá
tiru tiru
lero lero
____ a-b-o-r-t-ó
yo no puedo
la naranja dulce
está encarcelada
el limón partido
la va a visitar
un tiro contra el aire
y el otro contra el pie
la niña que anda de novia
me debe un favor
una galleta te di
una galleta te pedí
al que me pidió una galleta
ya no lo encuentras aquí
pinta muy largo el camino
el caballo está maduro
comeré de este caballo
nada más que sea en lo oscuro
la gitana leyó tu suerte
dijo que ibas a morir
mas cómo leyó tu muerte
si no sabe ni escribir
si el culo fuera adelante
y el pecho fuera detrás
abundarían los manuales
pa’ educar a los chavales
le compré dulce a la monja
por allá en quiriquiqu
como no tenía alfajores
por mejores dulces fui
sacrifiqué a mi cerdita
allá en la orilla del río
el pato que no era tonto
no dijo este pico es mío
señorita que no estudia
se pondrá a jalar carretas
la yegua sí fue a la escuela
nomás que se quedó afuera
vini vidi vici
piri quí
estimadas señoras, estimados señores,
excelentísimo ministro, querida reina de la fiesta de
la uva,
amable auditorio, brasileños y brasileñas:
les presento
al útero errante
el único
que va calado
que no se va a atorar
en las escaleras eléctricas
ni en las bandas
de los aeropuertos
el único
con pase libre en el espacio de schengen
querida amiga, consejos para conservar
mejor tu útero:
—una nunca sabe cuándo va a necesitar
su útero—
en reposo
es tan pequeño y precioso
por eso hay que mantenerlo
en un lugar seguro
lejos de la luz
a una temperatura
de 36 grados
si alguien insiste en verlo
dile: sí, pero rapidito
y no hagas ruido
queridos alumnos: hoy vamos a disecar
el útero de la que fuera
una de las más grandes cantantes nacionales
como ya deben saber
tenemos aquí, preservado en vinagre
en un frasco de frutas en almíbar
el útero de carmem miranda
el útero de carmem miranda
el útero de carmem miranda
tomen sus cucharas
y tazones
de ser necesario
usen baberos
pero en nombre de la ciencia
no se ensucien
los vestidos
algunos hechos que riman sobre el útero:
el útero se ubica
entre el recto
y la vejiga
uno de sus extremos
desemboca en la vagina
el otro se conecta
con las tubas uterinas
la capa basal
es lo que queda del endometrio
después de la menstruación
monosílabos empleados
en la literatura sobre el útero:
bisílabos: feto, cérvix, pelvis, parto
trisílabos: útero, vagina, falopio
otros polisílabos: mamíferos, mesometrio
a 36 grados
en anteversoflexión
i piri quí
* Maria Quitéria luchó travestida como soldado por la independencia de Brasil en Bahía, entre 1922 y 1923. Diadorim, por su parte, es uno de los personajes centrales de novela Gran Sertón: Veredas, de João Gui- marães Rosa. Se trata igualmente de una mujer travestida, que recorre el sertón como matón a sueldo.
Angélica Freitas, trad. Paula Abramo
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nonsaremodellestar · 2 years ago
Ma siamo sicuri che i portieri di stasera siano Courtois e Alisson?😂😂
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tomthefanboy · 1 year ago
Still proud of my rpg character name Vini who got VIDI VICI on his tattoos and then found out YEARS later that the correct Latin is "Veni Vidi Vici", so it wasn't his name after all.
so glad that funny knuckle tattoo ideas is becoming a new meme because i’ve been compiling a list for YEARS on my phone. this is a subject i think about a lot.
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k-quenouille · 1 month ago
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"vini, vidi, vixi" (play on words to "vini, vidi, vici" by jules ceasar) from victor hugo is a very cool poem
i recommend
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vinijrballondor · 3 months ago
te desejo todo o reconhecimento do mundo e forças pra suportar o peso de ser o melhor
te amo pra sempre ❤️
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rubyroses222 · 2 months ago
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benefits1986 · 7 months ago
death note. death wish.
Living your life backwards may be a good way to living a life that's more than black and white, right?
And so, we're here and now. When I'm asked what my wish list is, my usual reply is: Peace of mind.
This response gives a "fuck off" vibe without cursing. It works so well because I got a number of really, really curious gifts for the past years which involved a Moonswatch that was turned over to my dad, para walang palag ang vini ajumma n'yo.
What's my wish list? Back when I was 18 years old, stuck at home and caring for mom, I journaled whenever time permitted it. I listed down delulu x solulu items. I recently unearthed it and I can say that as per my timeline, only a very few things on the list needed to be crossed out. I'm starting this day with rewatching NA Season 4. Habol tayo sa mga paganaps because June is ending soon.
This year, what's my death wish? Building a Lego project I shall not name.
Seeing the first sunrise and sunset in my tiny home outside MNL.
Eating Jap food and downing tea. Rinse and repeat. Then, cheese, cold cuts, and an ice-cold alcoholic drink. Rinse and repeat ulit.
Getting a rice cooker, a wok, a cleaver, and a basic tiny kitchen set up.
Hunting down a mattress and pillows with a mattress protector to address unavoidable back pains atbp.
Biking more and walking more. Watching more Netflix with Dad even when his algo is not algo-ing.
Seeing my good friend power through after a really bad fall.
Getting the edits for a project on the back burner since 2015.
Spending time with my soul sis and Tito Ro that involves Batang 90s galawans in every sense of the word.
Going back to driving or maging passenger princess forever. Puwede both.
Spending more and more time beyond the outside of MNL. Tawid-dagat na us, vini.
Getting Vici and Vidi's vibe as senior dog babies pa rin. Tabing-gutter to tabing-dagat days and nights.
Growing my side project silently. No details are to be shared anytime soon. Plantita may bakuran na saks lang. No flower-bearing plants. And mga curation ng endemic plants sa Pinas na acclimated na. May iba pa pero TMI na e. So eto na lang muna. :-P
A few days ago, I got a kicks that I've been hunting down for quite some time. It reminds me of mom's OG pair when I was the only child. I saw this in her rare photos and boogsh. Ngayon ko pa talaga nakuha 'di ba? Even dad was surprised to see it's giving mom's mom shoes and the 90s vibe that's so me. Hint: Platform because my height is too ugh and I'm a thicccc bitch.
My current hair color also surprised me. Super like mother dragon's staple hair color nung kalakasan niya. This should have been a totally different color, but my colorist and I planned it out so that by December, I'd be able to get the hair color I like based on my mood, of course. Whenever I look at the mirror, it feels as though mom is staring back at me with her RBF. Kakatakot. I look like my Dad, pero 'pag ganito hair ko, shemayyy. Parang bumangon sa lupa nanay kong maligalig. Lerkkkzzz. Lagi na lang this time of the year 'yang pakawala ng paramdam nanay ko. This day starts on a very curious and different note, too. LOL. Maiba naman, for realzzzz noh? Death Note naman. Super straight up, this has been aligned with my best friend naman na. -No viewing; rekta cremate -Ashes in Mt. Pulag and Mt. Batulao (good luck sa magaakyat neto at sa lungs niya) -Walang pasend off sa huling gabi -Walang paghahatid sa huling hantungan -Walang socmed bakas -Walang photos and vids -Walang photos ko pero may photos na mga naprint ko (mostly Instax) -No flowers, no fancy stuff -Finger food -Batang 90s chichirya (tagpipiso) -Non-spiked cocktails -Ice-cold water -Extra hot black coffee -Pride PL na naka vinyl -Instant pancit canton and siomai with rice O 'di ba? Basic lang. Just plugging it here para it's a reminder na una-unahan lang 'yan. No one is too young or too old to die. Kapit lungs. And try seeing life from the vantage point of death. I've questioned myself so many times about this death perspectives. Baka I'm romanticizing it lang, after all. Pero no e. No talaga. I wish ganun nga, pero, siguro, this time around, mas at peace na ako, in a way. I've read about SI as well recently. Then I prompted as Gemini. Sabi tumawag daw ako sa helpline with call to action na pak. Me: I just asked naman. Duh. OA ang nonchalant bitch na 'to, na wonky naman a lot of time. LELS. I guess, now, I'm more open instead of being forced to open up. Malaking difference 'yan, and I guess, that's the difference that makes things better --weekends and weekdays, too. Sana lang mga pimples ko, umayon 'di ba? May jamboree na naman sila because it's the time of the friggin' month na boogsh talaga sila. PS: Super love talaga NA. As in! Hits home on all levels. Plus, super gwapo ni Max and cutie ni vini Helen. Si Max, mala-Jezzazz take the wheel 'yung vibe na weirdo na maligalig. Blue looks so good on him, too!
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bysumex · 10 months ago
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CREATORS: ANDREA GIUDICE | DJ & PRODUCER LONDON 👉 https://bysumex.com/creators-andrea-giudice-dj-producer-london/
A Roman in Britannia, as the old story goes, the Italian in London must arrive and conquer. Vini, vidi, vici… et vincit! If you’ve ever partied in London, you’ve probably already met Andrea Giudice, been to his parties and definitely got down to his music. A skilled DJ and talented producer, Andrea’s focus is pure and simple: building true party vibes with plenty of surprises along the way.
Andrea Giudice has become a household name in various parties around London and is eminent for his top-notch performances guaranteed every time he is in charge of feeding his wild and free energy to the crowd.
It’s quite obvious Andrea’s roots stem from years playing jazz piano. And it is exactly this sense of the unexpected that makes his music stand out from the crowd, each track bursting with surprises. And he has been rewarded by audiences by becoming one of 2020’s Beatport Best Sellers in the Tech House genre.
A whizz on the synth, Andrea’s soaring leads, pumping beats and true carnival spirit has captured the attention of many, with frequent support from tech-house icons and a host of releases on a veritable who’s-who of underground house and tech-house labels. He has proudly shared the booth with iconic and diverse artists, while his music has been played and supported by djs like Marco Carola, The Martinez Brothers, Jamie Jones, Loco Dice, to name a few.
Andrea says that his main influence comes from his early years of going out and listening to the old school Chicago house and techno anthems, just partying and living within the electronic music scene. As an artist, he always felt that he wanted to create something that he’d never listened to before that he would love to dance to and play at his shows.
Andrea proudly holds strong and true to the party vibes of the 90s, and that is precisely why he’s an instant hit.
#creators #andreagiudice #london #djlife
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cinnamonglaive · 11 months ago
Tried to post the vini vidi vici post 2 times while at church and it didn’t go through so I’m letting God have that one.
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infosthings · 2 years ago
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✉❤: vini vidi vici. Discipline is a bridge between me and accomplishment . . . The fruit of thee spirit is love, joy, peace, benevolance, kindness, goodness, gentleness, loyalty, prudence, partiality, forbearence, bravery, temperence, and will; the weed of thee spirit is arrogance, fear, wrath, envy, cruelty, wrongness, brutality, deceit, foolishness, irreverance, intolerance, pusilenimance, gluttony, and slothfulness. My being and undoing amount to no more than one drop in thee ocean; yet what is an ocean but a multitude of drops? Thee cosmos is within me; we are made of star-stuff; thee Illuminati is a way for the world to know itself. ★
Water Planner
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