poleznotut · 7 months
📹🔒 Обеспечьте себя надежным контролем без лишних проводов! VIDEO-CAMER представляет высокотехнологичные беспроводные видеокамеры для эффективного наблюдения и обеспечения вашей безопасности. 🛡📹
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internetsites · 7 months
Обеспечьте свою безопасность с VIDEO-CAMER!
🕵️‍♂️ В мире, где безопасность - превыше всего, VIDEO-CAMER предлагает широкий выбор высокотехнологичных товаров для видеонаблюдения и обеспечения вашей личной безопасности. Позаботьтесь о себе и своих близких с нашими продуктами! 🛡👁
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Все товары, представленные в магазине, разрешены законодательством РФ и странами СНГ. Их основная задача – защитить владельца и его семью от недоброжелателей, сохранить имущество в целости на момент отсутствия хозяев. Также они позволяют принять своевременные меры в случае утечки информации или замеченной преступной деятельности третьих лиц.
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chimpukampu · 6 months
I'm thinking of doing a livestream again, but this time it's my clay art - maybe my Light Dragon or Korok charms...
Probably around the Holy Week or so 🤔
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leftforthestars · 2 months
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WHUDKJSLFEHDJLKSDHSLIEHEHEHEHEHEE .... the lookerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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feather-rose · 1 year
Lockdown, Part 3.
A month later..
Hinata(Waves off through the camera.): Hiya, Naruto--
Naruto( Nearly falls off from his chair after the videocam person had jumped into the session) Argh!! Hinata! Hinata! Hinata-chan--
Shikamaru(Grunts with annoyance.): Calm down, you idiot! She’s okay!
Hinata(Shy as ever as she waved off at the camera.): I’m alright, Naruto-kun..
Naruto(Relieved. as he sighed.): Uh, uh! You’e okay! I’ve really thought for a second, you wouldn’t have had made it!!
Hinata: I thought so too. But I’m still here.( Waves off at the left spot of her direction, too.) And someone else might as well say hi, to you too..
Sakura: Who?
Hinata switches off the camera to someone else, here. An familiar and tired man with a tied man-bun waved off at the camera, sitting up onto his bed, smilling.
Neji: Hey guys!(Everyone had stared at him, into shock.)
Naruto had actually fell down from his chair, this time.
Sakura(Into shock.):Naruto---
Shikamaru(Angered.): Damn, Neji, don’t scare us like that--
Neji(Waves off his hand trying to look sympatic.): Sorry, for scaring you out, lately..(He tried to adjust himself better into his bed, here. Looking tired with bags under his eyes as an brunette with two buns had come along here and lowered down to his left side as she laid next to him, with a smirk. Over the camera.) It came out of sudden.
Tenten(Points at the camera.): The thing is whenever there’s a questioning disease going around, you need to be sure to be wearing a mask--
Neji(Defends himself.): I was wearing one when I got horribly sick..
Shikamaru: Whatever. Even genuises got sick, take Stephen Hawking--
Neji: I wasn’t talking to that--(Coughed out a bit as he held Tenten onto his arm.)
Sakura: Are you okay?
(Neji grunts as he waves off at the camera as his head laid onto the pillow as he breathed deep in and out..)
Tenten(Nods.): Yeah, yeah. We’ve been doing it for a while, but luckily, Neji made it through. After an induced coma, for a nearly a week and half, he woken up and made an fast recovery. But I’ve stood by him, through the hardest time like when he was into a induced coma with all these machines and the scary ventilator tube breathing for him. And the next thing I had known, he first held up my hand and woken up..(And laid her head onto his chest, looking loivingly, despite her boyfirend blushing here.) I was so relieved back there. And had gotten out from the hospital, after two weeks. The two of of us here. When Kiba and Lee were still stucked up back then.
Hinata: Yeah..But they’re doing much better now. My father had insisted that Neji moves back home here for the time being with Tenten. He’ll take care of the appartement, for the next few months.  I’ve heard Kiba’s mom is watching him like hawk. Crazy to even think, he’d go out from home after what happened.
Sakura: And Lee?
Hinata: The only person from the virus itself could get afraid from. He had little symptoms, but still nurses wanted him to stay at his room, even the security guard had gotten scared.Supervised, even if many people were scared to see an such hyper man jumping like an very active guy from the circus!
(All people through the video session laughed here.)
Naruto: Woah..
Neji(Eyed up the camera’s direction with a smirk.): And Tenten had never left my side after that.( Looking down at her, very lovingly as he ran heis fingers through her small falling braid.) Not even after I’ve woken up, she hadn’t left me.(Smiling with relief.)
Ino(Touched, here.): Aww..
Chouji: What the heck had happened?
Neji: Well, the thing is..( He turned over Tenten, teasing over as he nodded over the filming camera.) Shoudn’t we tell them now?( Smirks) About you know, what?
Tenten(Looks back at him, with a teasing smirk.): Don’t wanna give them an heart attack, uh?
Naruto(Loud as ever.): What now? What the heck is going on, now?
Tenten(As the two of them looked back at the camera. with a huge grin): Guys, believe it or not, we’re getting married!( She showed up her hand with a fake ring on her fourth finger.)
Everyone were left gaped wide open jaws, here.
Sakura: What?
Ino: Uh?
Chouji(Bafleed.): No fucking way!
Shikamaru fell down from his chair.
Naruto(Confused.): Uh? Is it true? Hinata--
Hinata(Nods): Yup, I even filmed Neji’s proposal when he was still stucked up at the hospital with Tenten.
Neji(Also agrees to that.): As soon, when covid would be over, I’d buy a ring once I’ll get get out, of here.
Tenten(Waves her hand as if it didn’t matter.): Anything simple, it wouldn’t matter..
Neji: But the best for my girl, here.(Grins Widely as everyone melt over the new couple.)
(Another video cam pooped up, revealing an barely awake Sasuke with his headphones on.)
And he looked strange, according to the people here.
Sasuke: Hey guys, sorry for being late. Had to study, here.( And then noticed Neji staring up weirdly, here with Tenten.) Yo, Neji. Welcome back, man. You’re still kicking.
Naruto: Alive, you should say, teme!
Sasuke: Whatever!( Release an huge yawning.) I had to stay late for studying math. Oh man, I’d think I’ll take a nap. See ya next time.(He stood up from his chair. With nothing onto his body here which it left everyone bafleed here with shock.)
Neji(Disgusted here.): The heck? Is it just me, or did he forgotten to wear some clothes on?
Chouji( Laughs): It’s for real!! Haha!!
Naruto(Laughing hard.): Teme!
Tenten: Is he really naked?( And cracks up into an uncontrolling laughter.)
Hinata( Blushes hard): Sasuke-kun..(Then faints as the camera went dark.)
(And then, the chicken hairedcut man scratched his ass, which it made people laugh, hysterically. That idiot had forgotten to turn off his videocam!)
Chouji(About to laugh, here.): Oh, I’m gonna take a few pictures of that once Shika wakes up!!(Took out his phone and started to take a few flashes of it.)
Naruto: Haha! Sakura call him!
Sakura(Nearly fell out of her chair from laughing so hard, here.): Haha.. (Grins widely as she dialed up Sasuke’s phone number.)
Ino: A good way, to to picture up Sasuke’s duck ass, here.
(Phone rings over the other video here.)
Camera comes back onto light as Neji held back laugh with his hand covering his mouth when Tenten cracked up into an uncontrolling laugh as she pointed up the camera about to roll over from her boyfriend. When Sasuke picked up his phone and answered with a grunt.
Sasuke: What’s Up?( He answered back with his back turned.)
Sakura: Sasuke! We can see you!
Chouji: We can see you!
Neji: Nice ass, by the way!
Tenten was just too busy laughing, to say anything here, that she fell down here from the bed.
Naruto: We can all see you! You teme!!
Sasuke looks back down to his ass and than back at the camera, until his eyes wevnt wide and ran away like a banshee. Or more like the roadrunner from the Bugs Bunny cartoons.
Sasuke: Damn it!
As everyone laughed at at him.
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dyingforbadmusic · 5 months
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I can see my future with this videocam
Javier Mayoral
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indigovigilance · 1 year
Before the Beginning is Doctored
This is part of my "erasure theory" series. I'm incorporating a lot of work by reference about the Good Omens universe mechanic of "having never existed." If you have no idea what I'm talking about, please go here and here for those metas and then come back. TL;DR: erasing someone in Good Omens results in an imperfect removal from the past. Ready? Let's go:
The Angel Who Never Existed
Something that I've seen come up very rarely, but which I want to see start to trend more in the discussion, is Before the Beginning:
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What exactly are we watching?
Is this a videocam floating in space, perfectly accurately recording past events? Is this Aziraphale's memory? Is this Crowley's memory? Is this a videocam floating in space that has been written over by reality meddling post-facto?
As of right now, we have no idea. But there are clues.
I'm going to propose that of the four possibilities I mentioned, the first one is dead out, and moreover, I believe that we will get that accurate, first-take version in S3.
Why do I think that?
It's just a little too conspicuous that Angel!Crowley doesn't introduce himself. Sure, it can be taken as a nod to his pre-fall personality, so incredibly focused on his work that he can't even be bothered to introduce himself. It can also be taken as a plot device, to avoid revealing his name, so that it's a big reveal in S3.
But what if he doesn't introduce himself because... he doesn't have a a name? Or at least, he doesn't anymore?
The way Beelzebub describes the Book of Life...
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...suggests that one way of punishing an entity for transgressions against Heaven is to make it so they never have existed. We know that Crowley took a swan dive into a boiling pool of sulfur. It's not a stretch to think that his former identity was erased at the same time.
Which is to say, Angel!Crowley doesn't introduce himself in this flashback because whenever it is we are flashing back from, that entity no longer exists, and never did. The echoes, the smudges on the page, fragments of memories, those still exist, but not the angel's name. Not their identity.
So what else gets erased when an entity no longer exists?
The Pillars of Creation
I can't find it now, but I know that someone else pointed this out (if it was you, please drop the link to your meta in the comments, I will incorporate the reference):
The nebula featured in the S2E1 opening scene is called The Pillars of Creation.
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But the Pillars of Creation are pure nostalgia. They don’t exist, but they did exist, because the phenomenon is so far away that the light collected by the James Webb was emitted 6,500 years ago. We see it now, in the present, and NASA hopes it will serve the future, but it is only a vestige of space’s past.
The research that went into choosing this specific nebula and incorporating it into Good Omens is... well, astronomical. In Good Omens, "the universe" was created about 6,000 years ago. Angel!Crowley was working on this nebula Before the Beginning. His star factory was made to run for millions of years; the engine wouldn't have warmed up by now. But the Pillars are gone. They were erased from existence, just like their creator.
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tansy-moppet · 1 year
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imagine having a breakdown and getting a videocam shoved at your face <33 
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scifiseries · 10 months
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videocam , me, digital, 2023
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b1adie · 5 months
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dimalink · 6 months
Grey labyrinths, ambient
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Three dimensional scene for today. By the lessons ai dig. It is backrooms. You are welcome in backrooms. It is labyrinth from same style of rooms. Same walls. Same floor and ceiling. And here lives some creatures. But it is not easy to find them. As a rule, they are hostile. It is backrooms, such internet theme. You can find lessons how to make this thins or watch already made works.
And this is my scene based on this. It is a picture made in blender based on backrooms. Labyrinth. It is possible with VHS effect. I already have in blender a visual and a labyrinth. And this is renders from it. Blender – it is animations and pictures. And it is a model of labyrinth. It can be in three dimensional engine. As Unity. But it is good to have skills. Right now I do not have skills.
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Labyrinths are grey colors. With end. With levels. And this is ambient atmosphere. Atmosphere of grey rooms. And repeated. Silence. And with no monsters. Nothing else. Walls. Floor and ceiling. Strange dimensions as in Twin Peaks. But not like that.
Just a pack of three dimensional labyrinths. So, I have in my head idea for a long time about ambient games. As ire member Andy Warhol try to programming. And he try to do something his own, but not like games. But something its own style. And as I heard he badly programmed. So little of result. But I have never seen, only heard about it. And as I get it is idea to simulations of something. I get this way for myself.  And this is my three dimensional art. And like unknown strange game. It can be playable. In theory. But I am not sure. Now it is only a pictures in blender.
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It is such art style. Art model in blender. Mono colored labyrinth. Arthouse. I think ambient. Only same colored rooms. And small labyrinths. You are walking them with effect of videocam. And that’s all. All this theme in grey labyrinths. You are inside a labyrinth with no meaning. And just walking here as ambient theme. Series of labyrinths for ambient. So, for a long time I have this in my head. But I do not program good. Game with no dynamics. Just walk and collect.  So, one of my games - MicroWorm is about this things. But it is 2d. And here it is already a labyrinth. Walking with ambient and it is such style of emptiness. Like nothing. Just walk. There not lots of actions. Explore. Look. Zero dynamic. In a strange place. Like Labyrinth. And nothing. Silence, Or ambient music.
And maybe it is better to try harder and to make a retro vhs shooter. With lots of monsters. And with shooting from some weapons. Second world war or better with automatic guns, machine guns. Automatic guns, machine guns, uzi. And lots of monsters. Maybe this. But it is harder. One more cool theme it is style webpunk 2.0, and I remember some painter draw for some steam game, such a bright, ultra colored colors with radical colors, pictures. And it was a shooter like wolfenstein 3d. And i as impressed a lot.
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Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.
WEBSITE: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/home_eng.html ITCHIO: https://dimalink.itch.io/ GAMEJOLT: https://gamejolt.com/@DimaLink/games
BLOGGER: https://dimalinkeng.blogspot.com/
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jurassic-cunt · 1 year
armand, pointing his videocam at daniel: there's my sweet, sweet beloved <3
daniel, with a joint between his lips and a bottle of bourbon in his hand: huh, what-
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hasbr0mniverse · 3 months
Shipwreck’s Corner - It takes a special kind of guy to step out from behind cover during a firefight and keep his finger squeezing the trigger—of his videocam! With an advanced degree in journalism, as well as a masters degree in electrical engineering, Scoop could have had a secure future with a network news team. Instead, he opted for service on the G.I. Joe Team because he wanted to be on the spot when the news was being made, not reporting the aftermath!
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antoncore · 3 months
no ur right🤭🤭 i’d b scared he’d fall off my bag and he’d be gone forever😭🤧🤧 i’ve also been considering the fancon merch i think i said that before too🤧🤧 but the one shirt with the blue tinted videocam images of sungchan shirtless… idk if u know what i’m talking about but i need it.. but it’s almost $100 so??? 😳
also on a serious note. i hope you can sort out ur sleeping schedule! i wish u luck :( cuz doctors are… horrible 99% of the time in my experience
i’m gonna drop more f1 thoughts that u mentioned in ur inbox cuz i’m trying to distract myself now too
im into the idea of like.. bimbo!reader and f1 racers sungchan and anton?? like if ur just so cute and kinda ditzy in ur colorful little outfits being (somewhat) oblivious to the two boys flirting with u🤭🤭 and still oblivious when it comes to their bets about bedding you, not thinking anything is up, even when you end up underneath them both in the span of 24 hours… but how could you after being fucked so dumb by sungchan first before anton gets his chance with you😓 i could see sungchan getting a little stupid over you and being so reckless in his attempts to beat anton.. 🤧🤧 i’m ashamed but that’d be hot.. anton is only slightly more levelheaded, but once he learns sungchan’s dirty tricks he’d be able to properly retaliate
could see if anton wins you one week but sungchan doesn’t play fair, so it turns into a messy threesome because he decides to intrude and wedge himself literally in between you two🤭🤭
- 🧸 anon
i’ve seen people sell versions of that t-shirt on etsy with a much more diverse size range and for much cheaper, was rlly considering buying it tbh (i don’t think i’d be questioned as much as it’s not in your face merch if that makes sense) i rlly want it haha
i love bimbo!reader x riize!!!! and the idea of you wearing their team’s designated colours (maybe your panties :P) would kinda drive them crazy almost idek??? and oh yes i can see it all turning into a threesome, messily making out with them🥴🥴 going to go absolutely feral omggggg
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mxstyk13 · 6 months
i only watch movies on pirating websites and i hate when it takes like a month or more for the highly anticipated, blockbuster, really good shit like CMONNN. i feel like a feen checking the websites everyday to see if something is finally HD good quality. Dune 2 AND Love Lies Bleeding are still videocam quality like fuck omg. i felt this way when Bottoms came out and every lesbian was talking ab it but i couldnt participate yet. like by time i see love lies bleeding…. i dont even wanna say.
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mostmagicals · 7 months
@carnivorare liked and gets Denise!
"Okay, okay! I'll delete the footage! Calm down! Sheesh!" Denise was quick enough to rummage her videocam, emphasizing every move to show the deity what she had been doing. As soon as she found it, Denise deleted it and put inside her bag, frowning a little, "Sorry for taking videos. I was doing it for research and study purposes."
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