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analligatorr · 10 months ago
opinion on the porcelain Graves skin???? I don’t hate it but I’m mad it’ll take another year or more until we get another one and porcelain is such a boring theme. Stick him in an interesting skin line for once riot.
Sincerely? I tried to like this skin, I really tried, but.. :/
Well, on twitter I compared Porcelain Graves with the WR exclusive skin Dragon Lantern Graves (not the special edition) I'll transcribe it here.
Let's start with splasharts. Wild Rift's Splash arts are generally criticized, many times I don't agree, some of them are of even higher quality than those of League, which is the case of Dragon Lantern Graves. Even though it's not Graves' best splash, or the best skinline splash, it's pretty and pleasant, my only criticism is that it's a little too static, there's not much movement
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the Graves porcelain splash has some problems, at first glance it is.. pretty, but whenever you look at it, there seems to be something wrong, it really is a strange splash, and it's not the fault of the artist who made it.
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Porcelain Graves Splash Concepts by Santiago Parra
in the end, they(riot) decided to increase the proportions and add a lot of texture, to achieve this result, so... yeah, it's not the best splash. but it's pretty
Dragon Lantern: 1
Porcelain: 0
About the VFX, let's be honest, they tend to do something very mediocre with Graves when it comes to visual effects, apart from his legendary skin (which it would be stupid of them to do something too simple) Graves' recent epic skins haven't received as much love.
Even though the Dragon Lantern skin has basically the same sounds as the base skin (i guess) the quality of the VFX is absurdly good (better than his legendary if you allow me to say). The Porcelain one.. is... mediocre.. ofc they couldn't put something cool like Lux and Lissandra's skins, right?
I can't post more than one video in a post, so here are the links so you can see the difference between the VFX of Dragon Lantern Graves and Porcelain Graves.
Dragon Lantern: 2
Porcelain: 0
Ok, let's get to the part that irritated me the most. The narrative..
Yes, we agree that Graves is not a big "important" character in Runeterra, he is not there to be a protagonist. That doesn't mean he can't cause real chaos, and set Bilgewater on fire just in an attempt to get revenge on his current partner. Why did I bring this up? because it is absurd to portray Graves as a pathetic and irrelevant character.
With that in mind, read Porcelain Graves' bio:
Not long after gunpowder was invented, the Zodiac searched for a new protector of the Dragon Relic. Though ancient and wise, the gods struggled to find someone worthy, so they settled for Malcolm Graves. Eventually his expertise in firepower was pointed in the right direction (away from all the breakable vases)
It's ridiculous, don't you think?
They are so fond of abusing the fact that Graves is, in some ways, a comic relief, that they make him the real joke, to the exclusion of everything else about him, and making him "unworthy". It's like they're saying "ugh, should this guy really be here? Who called him?". Whoever wrote the narrative of porcelain skinline seems to hate him, for real..
Now let's go to Dragon Lantern Graves' bio:
Graves, a free-spirited mercenary from a foreign land, can hardly wait to join in the fun at the gala. For this burly maverick, harmless ol' lanterns are no more than impractical ornaments—he much prefers filling up massive dragonflame cannons and setting the night sky ablaze with 'em booming explosions and dazzling lights!
1000% better, right? It's almost a delight. It's fun, brings out a little of who he is, and doesn't degrade his image :D
Dragon Lantern: 3
Porcelain: 0
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csajokamotoron · 2 years ago
SHOEI VFX-WR 06 új ECE 22/06 homologizációval
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Ha a világ egyik legigényesebb és legextrémebb sportágában versenyzel, a legjobb felszerelésre van szükséged a biztonság és a fejvédelem terén is. A Shoei VFX-WR 06 új ECE 22/06 homologizációval rendelkezik, továbbra is vezető szerepet tölt be az offroad biztonsági felszerelések (DDS) szegmensében. A kiemelkedő teljesítmény, a biztonság, a stílus és a fejlett technológia koncentrációja, mint például az M.E.D.S. (Motion Energy Distribution System) lökéshullám-elnyelő belső héj mechanizmus. Ez a rendszer technikailag fejlettebb, mint a hagyományos többsűrűségű héjrendszerek. Míg a külső EPS-rétegek elvezetik a lökést, elnyelve annak energiáját, addig egy további dinamikus EPS középső rétege csökkenti a forgási energiát ütközés esetén. A szélesebb központi oszlop által rögzített EPS-rész az ütközés során rezeg, lehetővé téve a három peremoszlop számára az energia elnyelését. Az eredmény a motoros fejére ható forgási erő jelentős csökkenése. A SHOEI VFX-WR 06 6 méretben (XS-XXL) lesz kapható, 4 különböző méretű, Shoei AIM+ szálasanyag-keverékből készült külső héjra gyártva. A szellőzőrendszer 16 légbeömlő és elszívó nyílásból áll, hogy a héj belsejében hűvös maradjon a hőmérséklet. Az optimális kényelmet a teljesen kivehető és mosható 3D Max-Dry belső rész garantálja. Ez a modell is fel van szerelve a jól ismert Emergency Quick Release System (E.Q.R.S.) rendszerrel és egy nagy plexivel a nagyobb perifériás láthatóság érdekében, valamint a piacon lévő minden típusú védőszemüveg elhelyezéséhez. Listás ára a nyilvánosság számára áfával együtt 539,00 € (egyszínű), és 699,00 € (grafikus). A VFX-WR 06 tökéletes választás minden terepmotoros számára, aki szeretné feszegetni a határait! Read the full article
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amugoffandoms · 2 years ago
djejn that's fair that's fair
I watched some of the bonus content at the end and it was like wr tried not using vfx for all the water shots and I think that's really cool!
but also the storyline itself was very interesting (I did say the Talokan people looked very similar to Avatar characters though that was probably just coincidence?)
Really enjoyed it, honestly, and I really like you can technically see how both nations are in the right for what they did
finished black panther: wakanda forever
thought it was really funky and I cried multiple times!
i just auedhhf it was so funky and I loved it
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piltover-sharpshooter · 3 years ago
//So here are the levels of my hype for the Caitlyn visual update we saw on the tft videos, from worsst to best case scenario:
Option 1)Only TFT Caitlyn gets the model. This one would be absolute worst case, but I don't think it's going to happen. Mainly because despite Riot being gigantic idiots, I don't think they'd be THAT dumb to go through the effort of making a new Caitlyn model and limit it to TFT.
Option 2)The model is Wild Rift Exclusive. This is a very valid option atm. Wild rift is known to giving updates to champions, and considering how we saw her new splash art from WR leaked looking just like that, its possible. The thing that is iffy is that TFT directly takes resources from League on PC, its why on PC TFT is still in the league client, so personally I don't think the model is WR exclusive.
Option 3)The visual update is for her base skin only. I am at here right now, a sweet balance of Riot being sensible and being dumbasses, and to not get my hopes up. The only issue I see here is that if the base skin has better animations than all others that aren't legendaries, then that might end up hurting Ritos wallet soooo
Option 4) The new model and animations are for all the skins, but only canon gets a visual update. If they don't want to go through the hussle of making previous skins better, redesigning them, and paying artists and concept art for that, they'll just make the same skins, but looking slightly better. This is as far as I'll go with my hype, as I don't trust Riot further....but if I did....
Option 5) Every skin gets new animations, vfxs, and a redesign to better have them fit in their universe if needed! Imagine Sheriff Caitlyn but with the new High Noon aesthetic! Imagine Artic Ops but she has the cool blue and cold scifi look! Resistance Caitlyn with the Battlecast aesthetic! This is the option of hopes and dreams, ladies, gentlemen, and that beautiful technicolor rainbow in between. And it is one that I dare not wish for, for fear of getting burnt.
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yakan13 · 5 years ago
ショウエイのオフロード用ヘルメットVFX-WRに、新しいグラフィックモデルが追加される。     < リリースより > VFXシリーズのアグレッシブで斬新なスタイリングを継承し、SHOEIの新技術を注ぎ込み革新的進化を遂げたVFX-WRに、グラフィックモデル”ZINGER”(ジンジャー)を新たにラインナップ。   【VFX-WR ZINGER】(ジンジャー)*受注限定販売モデル 価格/6万6,000円 (税10%込み) 規格/JIS規格、MFJ公認 カラー/TC-1(RED/WHITE)、TC-2(BLUE/WHITE)*、TC-10(BLUE/RED)* *マットカラー サイズ/S(55cm)、M(57cm)、L(59cm)、XL(61cm)、XXL(63cm) 構造/AIM+(AIM+:Advanced Integrated Matrix Plus Multi-Fiber) 強靱なガラ…
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radioactivemusic · 4 years ago
Track Name:: LAST DRAGON × WE COME WR RAVE WE LOVE || RADIOACTIVE MASHUP || ERIC PRYDZ || S.H.M. || DEMO || Track Used:: Last Dragon - Eric Prydz We Come We Rave We Love - S.H.M. #ERICPRYDZ #SHM #RADIOACTIVE #MASHUP #LASTDRAGON #WECOME #WERAVE #WELOVE #HOUSE #MUSIC #2021 #EDIT #axwellingrosso #steveangello #Edm #prograssive #musicproducer #music #djslifestyle #clubdj #vfx https://www.instagram.com/p/CMm0NfIjHvo/?igshid=wyan9fgkez09
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jcmorgenstern · 7 years ago
Okay to make up for last week....I really liked this episode? I felt it sobered up a bit from last week, in that things are getting more serious with Lilith and they tightened some stuff up with Jace’s presumed “mental illness” (not to be confused with his real, actual mental health stuff that ahem. has yet to be addressed), and did some really cool stuff with Clary this episode (as well as keeping up the good work on the Simon & Jordan front).
First off, Clary and Ithuriel. I won’t lie, killing off Ithuriel was a pretty ballsy move, and I have to give the WR kudos for going there. The bits of lore around it that we got were really nice, and the VFX for Lilith was actually really fucking cool (even if the heart thing was a bit cheesy). But most of all I was most excited about the return of Cleophas!! and the discussion of what’s happened to her and a bit of insight on how that’s affected Luke. It was a great touch and established some more of his character outside of the whole....Ollie thing. And bringing in the farm was a brilliant touch. And Clary herself really did shine a bit, which is nice. I really loved this bit of the episode, it was very unexpected in a great way.
Speaking of Lilith...I really do love Anna Hopkins in this role. There is a touch more of the babyspeak that drove me crazy with Heidi, but honestly it’s carried off much better and is, at least so far, not quite as egregious. The scene with Magnus was especially chilling: it also works because we know how powerful she is and how little she cares about the characters we care about, and the fact that she actively wishes them harm. There is...Some Stuff I’ll get to at the end but for now....really loved her, and especially Anna’s performance.
Jace was actually pretty fantastic in this episode, writing wise, and also in terms of the acting from Dom. He was the right mix of determined and scared, and I think a lot of that nervous energy informed him going around poking into Simon’s life--but ultimately helping Simon out. His repeated assertions that he’s only doing this for Clary were at first a bit obnoxious but definitely started to ring more false as the episode progressed, again due to some pretty great delivery from Dom. Also the conversation with Alec was much better....paced than the previous one, or maybe it was just me, either way it hit emotionally in a way the other one didn’t for me, so I was a fan.
Alec and Magnus....honestly, even if the drama does feel a bit manufactured....the writers did sort of nail all the right notes on this episode. Though I do stand by my opinion that Alec’s actions are more reprehensible than others seem to think, it makes sense that his longstanding insecurities would lead him down this path, especially during emotional turmoil. Though I do think even though his feelings and fears are understandable, he is still ultimately responsible for his actions and understanding that his thoughts and fears are not ultimately reality. (This also supports my pet theory that Alec has very anxious traits, but shhhh). So while I am actually sympathetic, he is being a massive ass and after all this is over owes Magnus a pretty big apology.
That being said, I do think Magnus’ tendency to brush things off in the same tone he would use to offer Alec a drink isn’t helping, and that if he and Alec could come to the understanding that it would help Alec a lot if he explicitly said “I’d rather not talk about this right now” or “this makes me feel xyz for xyz reasons.” I do feel that lost in a sea of insecurities and worries Alec struggles to feel confident in his interpretation of what Magnus says or how he really feels, and part of growing in their relationship will have to include Magnus feeling more secure and comfortable to speak his mind rather than maintaining a “façade” of being unflappable. Magnus seems to truly dislike showing what he may feel as weakness, and I’m guessing Asmodeus may have something to do with that, but he tends to be very avoidant when expressing less positive emotions, and hopefully will become more comfortable showing Alec the less “bubbly” and positive side of himself, leading to more...honest and frank communication. Overall? Pretty good for manufactured relationship drama.
Sidenote: the scene with Underhill was a bit overdone, but it was very sweet and a good addition. I look forward to seeing more of him. Does he know anything about who he replaced?
Now onto the thing that bothers me. I’d been avoiding talking about this mostly because it felt a bit...overdramatic but with this episode and the episode promo really seemed to confirm some of the stuff that had been bothering me so...the whole Lilith thing. There is a LOT of uncomfortable sexual overtones to the way she interacts with Jace, which...your mileage may vary on this but. I find it very uncomfortable how they’ve chosen to go about it. For me, this started with the slap in 3x04, which I’d commented on disliking. Even her drugging Jace’s drink could sort of be shrugged off as like, generic creepy or like, within the realms of vague good taste. But uhhhhhh??? In the 3x06 promo?? Why in the name of fuck is she interested in him sexually that’s???? totally unnecessary??? Listen, I’m totally ok with Lilith being generically sexual, that’s. sort of partly her thing but. if this is gonna be some weird “female sexuality is evil” obsession with Jace...Count Me The Fuck Out. And if it leads to a fucking Lilith/Jonathan Oedipus complex im fucking. SPITTING yall hear me. They wouldn’t do that shit with Azazel or (I’m willing to bet) Asmodeus so why in FUCK do they feel the need to shove that unnecessary bullshit on Lilith?? Yall know why. I’m so tired of the Female Sexuality Is Wrong and Unnatural and the Evil Bad Womens Are Mothers But Also Sexy Is Wrong And Bad and I am NOT here for it please let this trope DIE. I’m sorry for getting so worked up about it but like. that’s totally chill and whatnot to explore thoughtfully in fic, but this show usually has the tastefulness and subtlety of a fucking freight train going sideways through downtown Toronto and I am All Kinds Of fucking Done. Like. I’ll hold off ultimate judgement until the next episode but WHY GOD why have you abandoned us
tldr this episode was great but you just cant trust this show you just cant
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ladysbike · 5 years ago
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mdracingproducts · 5 years ago
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We have some great deals on the very latest Shoei VFX-WR off-road helmets! Available in store & Online 😎👍🏻 #shoei #mx #motocross #enduro #helmets #helmetstore #onlineshopping #mxhelmets #vfxwr #mdracingproducts (at MD Racing Products) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3o0o8NgC_Q/?igshid=qelby9eqscc0
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ummugul-ezder · 6 years ago
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VFX Pro Fondöten ışığı dağıtarak cildinin tamamını kusursuzlaştırır. 04 Natural Rose 1302448 (Ankara, Turkey) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt1QJ9cA-WR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=r5u6zsvyhdjz
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mcnewscomau · 6 years ago
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Noise is generally not something that comes up when talking motocross helmets but I can absolutely say that the new @shoeihelmetsaus VFX-WR is demonstrably quieter than the previous VFX-W. Sure my previous one has a lot more hours on it than this new one, which I probably only have 25 hours or so in, but still, the difference in noise is massive. #shoei #shoeihelmets A beautiful day in the mountains today with the @husqvarna_motorcycles_aus #husqvarna #te250 #2stroke #twostroke a bike that completely turns on its head everything you remember about two strokes the bottom end is amazing and almost impossible to stall. The clutch and brakes are sublime too, it really is a brilliant machine (at Eildon, Victoria) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bm41d_9hVsi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1w2isrdy54t96
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yakan13 · 6 years ago
ショウエイのオフロード用ヘルメットの新型であるVFX-WRに、レプリカモデルが追加されることとなった。     < リリースより > VFXシリーズのアグレッシブで斬新なスタイリングを継承し、SHOEIの新技術を注ぎ込み革新的進化を遂げたVFX-WRに、Justin Brayton選手のレプリカモデル”BRAYTON”(ブレイトン)を新たにラインナップ。   【 VFX-WR BRAYTON 】(ブレイトン) 価格/6万円 (税別) 規格/JIS規格、MFJ公認 カラー/TC-1(RED/BLACK) サイズ/S(55cm)、M(57cm)、L(59cm)、XL(61cm)、XXL(63cm) 構造/AIM+(AIM+:Advanced Integrated Matrix Plus Multi-Fiber) 強靱なガラス繊維と3次元形状とした有機繊維の複合積層構造を基に、高い弾性��能を持つ…
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motorradrocks · 7 years ago
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Drecksluxus: Shoei VFX-WR Motorrad.net ist das Portal der Zeitschrift MOTORRAD NEWS Was? Fünfsterne-Offroad-Hut Für wen? Verwöhnte Enduristen mit Geldreserven Kostet? 499 Euro (Dekor 649 Euro) Lasst euch nicht… .... mehr lesen: Motorrad News (Quelle)
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mdracingproducts · 5 years ago
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Shoei VFX-WR off road helmet in the Grant 3 TC-1 Red Black design 😍 (at MD Racing Products) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3UDmfRA3on/?igshid=17aywi1uxrpi1
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mdracingproducts · 5 years ago
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Shoei VFX-WR MX Helmet in the latest Blue White Zinger Design 😱😜 (at MD Racing Products) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1RrLP9gLFj/?igshid=ndv50r25mwt7
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mdracingproducts · 6 years ago
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Grab a Shoei VFX-WR Helmet............. @mdracingproducts and save 20% 🤫 https://www.instagram.com/p/BzFg8D1AB9Q/?igshid=103fhpt8akk6m
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