#VERY pleasant for our Angelfish here
Can we have some more- uh- *cough* *chokes*- spice for the mermaid AU?
once again I live for your entire account 🫶🏼
Thena crunched her sardine snacks, seated next to Gil on the beach that was around the backside of the island. There was a little actual tree cover over this 'beach', and it was even less out of the way than the dock for Titania.
She called it her little cove, where she could slip into the water for a nice little swim and emerge without drawing attention. Gil called it her secret oasis, sometimes.
"This is nice, huh?"
She smiled at him next to her, fishing lazily just for the sake of relaxing. She nodded with another fistful of her favorite snack in her mouth. The water moved and she nudged his arm.
"Ooh!" Gil jumped to grip his fishing rod tighter, reeling and letting out slack in strategic intervals. "Come on, little fella."
Thena tilted her head a few times, trying to deduce the catch from the sounds and smells she could pick up, as well as its behaviour on the hook. "I think it's a snapper."
"You think so?" Gil murmured, although he wrestled with his catch a little.
She nodded, leaning against his shoulder, "don't let it go completely slack, but let it think it's winning a little. Then reel it in all at once."
Gil chuckled, following her instructions. "Is that how you'd hunt it, Angelfish?"
She laughed as well, licking the salt from her snack off her lips. "Exactly. You let it think it can get away and then-!"
Gil beamed as he reeled in the red snapper, letting it soar through the air.
Thena instinctively reached to catch it, but withdrew her hand so Gil could toss his catch aside in his catch basket properly.
He kissed her cheek, "I'm lucky I have the expert with me."
She grinned, always happy to receive affection from him. She would be flipping her tail if she could. But there were certain things her tail couldn't do for her.
Gil sighed as she kissed his lips more purposefully. She set her snacks aside and moved her legs so she could crawl into his lap. Her legs were much better at this kind of thing.
Thena moaned as she tasted his beer on him. She didn't mind the taste of it so much, although that was possibly just because she associated it with Gil so much now. He said she never tasted like sardine snacks even though she ate them all the time.
According to Gil, she tasted the way the ocean smelled. She didn't quite understand that, but it was nicer than hearing that she tasted of dried fish.
"Sweetie," he sighed as she slipped her hand to his belt. He caught her hand gently, "we should go inside."
"Should we?" she asked with no intention of waiting to hear the answer. She moved closer, tugging at one end of the contraption. Something she would never, ever admit to Gil was that when he was at work she practised things like untying his shoes and getting his belts clasped and unclasped.
It was good practise for her! And also she wanted to be better at getting him undressed before he could start arguing about whether it was 'the right time' or not.
"Angelfish," Gil attempted to sound more stern, although she pressed a hand to his chest and found that funny bump called the nipple again. Its many purposes and pleasures still amazed her.
Thena pulled back and pouted at him, "why?"
"Well," her sweet human blushed, holding her gently between his outstretched legs. "We're...outside."
She blinked, "and?"
"Well," he urged, only more embarrassed. "We don't do...this...outside. What if someone heard us?--what if someone saw you?!"
"Hm," Thena pursed her lips. She supposed that mating was more something done with a certain modicum of privacy. No one wanted to stumble upon a mating couple among the coral reefs. She looked around them. "But-"
"Thena-" Gil tried to continue but moaned as she kissed him again.
"You seem excited by the idea," she pointed out, pressing against him and the increasingly firm bulge between his legs. "There is no one around, for how concerned you are of it."
Gil sighed, looking at her. "No one?"
"No one," she assured with a smile, tracing her thumb along his hairline. "I can't hear a single human, or boat. I can't smell anything but the sea."
Gil seemed ready to concede. He have a great respect for the fact that her senses far exceeded his own capabilities. He frowned, "are you comfortable with this, Angelfish?"
She tilted her head at him. "Are you?"
Gil smiled, tilting his head up and kissing her again, "If you're sure no one is around to listen to my girlfriend like this, then I'm fine with it."
She purred as she leaned in for another kiss. Ever since their first time mating it seemed her body hungered for it. She sat around thinking about him--about it. They slept together regularly now but when they didn't mate before sleeping she would sleep lightly, hoping to wake up and find that he was awake too.
Humans needed so much sleep--poor creatures.
Gil rolled them over on the blanket he had laid out over the large and coarse sand of the side beach. It wasn't the very light silica that was likely to get all over and stick everywhere, but sand was still sand. He grunted, "wrap your legs around me, Angelfish."
Thena sighed, melting against him as he purred that pet name in her ear. It reverberated through her, reducing her hard earned bones to jelly status.
Gil kissed from below her ear down her throat, dragging his teeth along where she had sealed away her gills under extra skin. She shivered. "You like that?"
She did. Very much.
Thena arched her back as he unbuttoned the shirt of his she was wearing, revealing her breasts. He found those very special, very sensitive nipples and began working his magic with his firm, calloused fingertips.
Even though he and Sersi had both taken her shopping, she simply preferred wearing Gil's clothes, unless they were going somewhere new.
Gil ran his tongue over one nipple then the other, teasing them until they were at peak sensitivity. She could feel the wind against them. He unbuttoned the shirt all the way, revealing her hips and between her legs.
She mewled as he stroked there, "Gil, yes, more."
He nudged her necklace up with his nose so he could nip her collar bone lightly with his teeth. Such blunt teeth, such gentle nibbles. "That's it, sweetheart."
Thena panted as he moved his fingers in waves, the way she would move her own tail. She wasn't sure if this was just the technique but by all seas and oceans it was good. "Yes, yes, Gil, please!"
He always made her finish first ('come' first). Something about it being good for her. And it made it easier for him to enter her afterwards? She hadn't paid much attention, too gripped by the pleasure of imagining it while he was explaining it so calmly.
She laid facing up, blinking at the sun just barely peeking through the leaves over them, tingling her skin. She gripped Gil's shoulders as he kissed her, pulling his fingers from her gently.
She sighed and purred, her head lilting this way and that lazily, her legs wound around Gil's hips. "Please, Gil? I want you inside of me again."
He blushed; something about mating instilled such shyness in her sweet man. It was very endearing.
He kissed her as they both got his belt undone and tossed away. He did most of the work until he was at her entrance again. "Ready?"
Thena moaned as loud as she wanted to as he pushed into her. This was the feeling that consumed her mind day and night. It was driving her to insanity. Makkari wouldn't recognise her anymore if she knew how much she craved Gil's naked flesh against her fingertips.
Gil moved gently at first, his body laid out and close to hers, her arms wound around his ribs and her legs over his hip and around his leg. Truly a beast with two backs, they made.
Thena whimpered as she dug her heel into his tailbone. It was a difficult angle for her leg - or maybe it was her hip doing the work - but it could make him go faster.
Gil thrust harder, hitting deeper. Their pelvises met loudly, and Thena could hear the fluids allowing their mating to happen smoothly. She groaned. He nipped at her neck again, "feel good, Angelfish?"
"So good," she responded, digging her nails into his back a little and dragging them over his skin. His muscles clenched and she would have asked if she had hurt him, if he didn't pick up pace even more.
"Fuck," he cursed, pushing himself up on his palms beside her so he could move more intensely. She liked the way it sounded when he cursed. It was different from her own usual curses, like oil spill or clownfish or barnacle.
Thena let out another moan as he scraped against the front of her, "there, Gil, I want more right there!"
He grinned, his breath coming out differently when he was smiling. He gripped the side of her butt and then her thigh, "okay then!"
"Gil, more, there, yes!" Sometimes word ceased to find her when they were mating. Like now. "Fuck!"
Ooh, it did feel good to say 'fuck'.
"Thena," he grunted, sweat beading on his forehead. He was close to finishing too.
"Yes, right there, almost," she panted, staring up at the sky as if she could physically reach out for the point of her release. "Gil!"
It felt like waves against the rocks. Like letting her body go and riding the ebb and flow of the storm safely within a warm pocket. She felt like a jelly listing lazily through the current, or a great turtle swimming as slowly as it desired.
Gil's finish was always loud, sometimes painful sounding. But he said it felt good, and the feeling of his finish releasing in her certainly felt good for her. So she hoped it felt better for him.
Gil stayed close to her body, as if a bird flying overhead would be spying on them mating and he was greedily keeping her human body to himself.
Not that she wanted to share his human body with anyone.
He kissed her gently, as he always did after mating. He looked down at her with warm eyes, always with this extra soft expression after their release. "You okay?"
She smiled at him, purring for lack of any better words. He seemed to understand, burying his face against her breast and kissing over her happy little heart.
"You're amazing, Angelfish."
By the seven seas did she love him. She didn't know if love always accompanied mating but it certainly did for her. She would never need - or take - another mate so long as she lived. "I could say the same of you."
He blushed, her sweet, sweet human.
Gil pulled her up into his lap, him hanging loosely now that the mating was over. He held her delicately, buttoning up his shirt again.
According to him, having her breasts out in the open flustered him.
Thena bent her head to sneak in little kisses as he did up the buttons, blocking his view of them at every opportunity. She liked kissing him, and she liked kissing him far more than she liked being dressed.
"Come on, Cuddlefish," he chuckled, giving her another kiss before stuffing himself away into his pants again. Doing up that damned belt. "I have dinner to make."
Thena nodded and sighed, letting him stand up and pull her with him. Mating was far better, but Gil's food was a close second for the best feeling in the world.
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thenativetank · 4 months
whats ur fav fish :3
My fave fish is the coelacanth for sure. But that's neither a native fish, nor suitable for a fish tank so that's not a fun answer! I'm gonna infodump on my fave native fishes below!
Starting with the iconic Sunfishes - so many to love! Orangespotted Sunfish are probably my favorite in Lepomis for their beauty, small size, and peaceful nature (Warmouths are second in this genus). I also love my Bluespotted Sunfish for many of the same reasons, and there's a part of my that find Fliers infinitely interesting. They look like Lepomis/Pomoxis hybrids and I love them.
The Fundulus killifishes are all fantastic. Mummichogs have been among my favorite fishes kept, but Banded, Longnose, Seminole, Marsh, Striped, and Gulf killies are all hardy, with subdued beauty.
Despite all the invasive species, we only have one native Cichlid, the Rio Grande/Texas Cichlid - a real beauty of a fish that is a typical pugnacious American cichlid and is relatively easy to place in aggressive communities.
Darters are so cool - they are so unlike many of the fish you see in stores and are behaviorally fascinating. We have SO MANY beautiful darters like Greenside and Candy darter complexes, but my vote is for Tesselated. Because I can find those locally. Fun fish for sure.
Pretty much every Pike is a solid choice - but the Esocidae family also includes Mudminnows! Described as "cigars with fins" they are supremely cool fish that are small and peaceful - their moving of all fins out of sync to stay hovering in the tank column is a treat to watch.
Similarly, every Gar is fantastic in my book, with my vote going to the Longnose Gar for its impressive range and salinity tolerance.
Our minnows are winners, hands down, with both the silvery ones and the colorful ones being awesome fish. Lots of great choices for tank keeping too. But I'm going with the Mountain Redbelly Dace here. Beautiful fish for sure!
Mosquitofish are comforting. Around here, you find them EVERYWHERE. I typically catch a few no matter where I fish. They look like Guppies without the vivid colors, but most still get some pleasant iridescence to them and in Florida you can find lovely black and white mottled variants that are just so cool.
Our native freshwater catfishes are cool but I love our saltwater catfishes. Called crucifix fishes for the shape of their skull bones, both the Gafftopsail and Hardhead Catfishes are neat social animals with a wide salinity tolerance.
The gobies are a family of winners as far as I'm concerned but the Violet Goby takes the cake for being a MEGA weirdo - this nearly two foot long fish wouldn't hurt a fly (a fry?) and so so so odd. Who wouldn't love them?
Atlantic Spadefish may not have the great juvenile coloration of their Platax relatives, but they are smarty pants fish that get big and are very active. I've seen populations in the Georgia Aquarium that are spellbinding to watch.
Hogchokers are Soles that have a terrible name but are also the most common fish in the Chesapeake Bay. I'd love to catch one someday!
I feel like I should stop here - but how do you not include our native puffers, bowfins, madtoms, damselfish, morays, salmon, sturgeon, Mollies, Pupfish, or Angelfish? We have one native tetra too! Isn't that neat?
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yami268 · 7 years
Cyclonis sing Poor unfortunate souls from the little mermaid to Piper
Fic Meme: Give me a Disney song and a pairing or character, and I’ll write you a drabble or ficlet based on either the title or part of the song itself.
Piper’s fin flickered as she swam through the rocky trench that laid outside of her peaceful reef home. Though wary about this venture, her own eagerness to see the land above was too compelling to ignore. For years, she had collected trinkets and knickknacks from the surface. So why shouldn’t she take a chance to see it? Still, she couldn’t help but have a sense of dread of what’s to come.
After a while, Piper had finally made it to her destination, a grotesque skeleton of a once-great sea beast. She paused for a moment, looking up at the massive structure with uneasiness. Even so, she shook her head before swimming on ahead.
Inside, it was as foreboding for the young mermaid. The winding tunnel was as dim as the darkest corners of the ocean itself, save for some luminescent coral. Even so, she couldn’t but feel a little wary. It felt like everything was closing in. But she still pressed forward, her yearning pushing her through this forsaken place. She believed herself for a moment to be safe. At least until something reached out and grabbed her wrist.
Piper struggled with whatever had grabbed her, trying to break free. She had only managed to get a little bit until a sharp yet mildly pleasant voice echoed. “Snipe, let our guest go.”
A second afterward, she found herself free as she swished her fin far away from her aggressor. She then heard the voice again, this time coaxing her on.
“Come in, come in, my dear,” it said, as Piper poked her head from around the corner. She could see a large conch shell as well as tentacles emerging from it. Then, the owner of said-tentacles crawled out of the couch. Piper had presumed to be the Sea Witch she had heard tales about. What made her very surprised was how young she looked. With her short black hair to match her lower octopus body, she looked to be the same age as the young mermaid.
“Now, now. One mustn’t lurk in doorways. It’s rude.” Piper’s mind soon snapped back as the other young girl beckoned her in. “One could question your upbringing…”
Piper did not say a thing, examining more of the room. It was pretty neat, though her stomach turned when she noticed the shelves of various organs and such. Next, she noticed two others off in the far corner of the room. A handsome man with a shark’s fin and an older woman with an elegant angelfish’s, both were watching her. Those two might have been the Sea Witch’s own attendants, though she heard that there was a third. She was then greeted by said-third from behind, a large man with a sea serpent’s tail and large teeth.
She froze as the man swam past her, giving her a glance that made her gulp. Fortunate was she that the Sea Witch took her arm and dragged her away. “Oh, don’t pay attention to him… Or any of them, really.” Once they were out of earshot, she continued, “So, I’m guessing you’re here because you wish to go to the surface?”
Piper’s eyes widened, almost placing her hand on her mouth. “H-how did you-?”
“Gossip can travel far or so I’ve heard,” Cyclonis replied with a grin that made Piper feel uncomfortable. “But never mind that. I only know of one way to be in the world of humans. And that is to become a human yourself.”
Piper looked a little intrigued despite her head thinking otherwise. “You can do that?”
Cyclonis looked at the young mermaid, showing her teeth off in a wide smile. “My dear friend. It’s what I do. It’s I live for. To help unfortunate merfolk… Though I’ll admit, in the past I’ve been nasty.”
“Yea…” Piper murmured, remembering the tales she had heard from friends and family. “People did call you a witch.”
“Yes, well, I find it now, I’ve mended my ways. Repented, seen the light, and made a switch to this.” Cyclonis started to twirled around away from her. “And it’s fortunate that I know a little magic. A talent I’ve always have possessed. And I use it on behalf of the miserable, lonely, and depressed-” she whispered, “Pathetic.” She then looked back at Piper like everything was normal. “Such as yourself.”
Though Cyclonis’ calm tone made it seem valid, Piper still had some unsettling reservations. Her mind kept reminding her of the Sea Witch’s devious nature and of her past transgressions. It also didn’t help that her underlings seem to be eyeing her despite their apathy. Her muscles were beginning to tense up, even more so when Cyclonis took her shoulder.
“So, here’s what I can do. I can turn you into a human for three days. But if you wish to remain human, all you need to do is to receive a special kiss, a Kiss of True Love.” Cyclonis’ narrowed her eyes in a sly manner. “Perhaps that boy you saved would do.”
Piper’s face showed a slight blush as she remembered that time. She had recently saved a young human with red hair during a terrible storm. Though they didn’t properly meet, she found him to be quite intriguing as she watched him from afar. And she would be lying if she didn’t admit that her wanting to visit the human realm was due to him.
Those thoughts were soon interrupted when Cyclonis spoke up again. “Oh! There’s one more thing. We haven’t discussed the payment yet. You can’t get something for nothing, you know.”
“But I didn’t bring any-!” A single tentacle covered Piper’s mouth while she tried to excuse herself.
“Oh, it’s nothing much. Just a token. You’d never even miss it.” Cyclonis leaned in close to her, whispering in her ear, “What I want from you is… your voice.”
Piper gasped, touching her throat. In all honesty, she couldn’t imagine that she would have to give up her own voice. Even if it was to go above. Then, she realized something else about it. “But without my voice, how can I-!”
“You have your looks, a pretty face, and don’t forget the importance of body language.” Cyclonis interrupted once again as she swam towards a cabinet and gathered ingredients. “Besides, I heard the men up there don’t like women who blabber or gossip. They think they’re a bore and prefer for them now to not say a word. As they say, it’s she who holds her tongue who gets her man.”
The sea witch soon poured her ingredients into her cauldron, green smoke forming from it. “Now, it’s time for you to make your choice. I’m a very busy witch and I haven’t got all day. And it’s not gonna cost much; just your voice. It’s sad but an undeniable truth. If you want to cross a bridge, my sweet, you got to pay a toll. Take a gulp and take a breath. Go ahead and sign your fate. You poor unfortunate soul!”
For a moment, Piper forgot all her fear and doubt. And with determined eyes, she nodded. A sinister smile appeared on Cyclonis’ face as the green smoke enveloped the room. Though it was very murky, the young mermaid had a suspicion that she was still there. Especially when she heard her say, “Now, sing.”
So, she did, her voice echoing throughout the room. As for what happened next, Piper couldn’t exactly describe fully. She felt a pair of hands grasp at her throat before yanking something out of it. Then, she was enveloped in a bubble from Cyclonis’ cauldron. Excruciating pain claimed her lower body as it spilt and contorted. The bubble soon disappeared, leaving her in the water yet not being able to swim in it. Quickly, something grabbed her and rushed her upward out of the Sea Witch’s lair only hearing her cackle.
Piper felt like an eternity had passed before she broke through sea’s waves. And as she felt the radiant light, she breathed.
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charllieeldridge · 4 years
Guide To Scuba Diving in Cozumel, Mexico
If you enjoy a bit of underwater exploration, you’ll want to add diving in Cozumel to your trip to Mexico. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at all things related to scuba diving in Cozumel.
The island of Cozumel is definitely one of the best places for scuba diving in Mexico. Here you can go diving in the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef, the world’s 2nd largest barrier reef system. 
It’s part of a protected marine park with impressive walls of coral and more than 500 species of fish. You might see turtles, sharks, and eagle rays here in addition to all the tropical fish like the endemic splendid toadfish.
Even renowned explorer Jacques Cousteau declared the island of Cozumel to be a world-class diving destination when he visited back in 1961. Diving in Cozumel really is an incredible experience!
Diving is just one of the many incredible things to do in Cozumel, and if you’re travelling to Mexico, diving should definitely be on your list. 
Read on for a detailed guide to scuba diving on this stunning island in the Yucatan. We’ll cover the best time to visit, average costs, typical marine life, some of the best dive sites, and a whole lot more.
How to Get to Cozumel
Many visitors to Cozumel fly into Cancun International Airport. From there, you can make your way down to Playa del Carmen. Be sure to read our guide on how to get from the Cancun Airport to Playa del Carmen as there are several options.
Cozumel is only a few miles offshore from Playa del Carmen and is easily reached by ferry. There are two different companies running ferries from two piers and there’s one every half hour. One-way tickets cost 200 pesos ($10.50) for adults and 160 ($8.50) for children.
Basing yourself on the island will allow you to spend more time in the water and less money on your dives than if staying in Playa. However, many people choose to base in Playa for a variety of reasons. There are more options for things to see and do, accommodation, dining, and nightlife, and it’s also easier to reach the cenotes in the area. 
You can also fly directly to Cozumel via the island’s international airport.
There are a few options for direct flights from the US and Canada year-round and several more in high season (December-March). Just remember that it’s recommended to wait at least 24 hours after diving to take a flight.
The island is also a very popular destination for cruise ships.
While you don’t get a lot of time there during a stop, it’s enough to enjoy some Cozumel scuba diving. Many dive shops are happy to accommodate cruise ship passengers. Just be sure to book this excursion in advance to avoid disappointment. 
When to Go Diving in Cozumel
The great news about diving in Cozumel is that it can be enjoyed year-round. There really isn’t a bad time to go scuba diving here! That being said, some times are definitely better than others.
The water is quite warm and pleasant all year, usually between 78 and 82ºF (25 and 28ºC). While the water is always nice, the temperatures on land can be downright stifling during the summer months.
July to October is also hurricane season here, so you should take that into consideration.
The risk is lower in the summer months but much higher in September and October. One benefit of traveling there during this time is that prices are lower and crowds are much smaller.
The peak season for travel to Cozumel is between December and March. While this is a great time to be on the island weather-wise, it’s also expensive and crowded. Definitely be sure to book in advance at this time, especially between Christmas and New Year’s.
A sweet spot for scuba diving in Cozumel is between March and April, when crowds start to thin out but the rain has yet to arrive. The exception is Semana Santa (Holy Week) festival, which is a mini-peak season for locals. See our guide to the best time to visit Mexico.
Best Dive Sites in Cozumel
Cozumel has many dive sites to choose from. There are over 20 sites around the island for divers of all levels. You could easily plan your entire trip around diving on this amazing island.
Beginners will enjoy the shallow sites featuring colorful reefs, while more advanced divers can opt for some exciting drift diving with swim-throughs. Even non-divers can enjoy the beauty of the underwater world here by tagging along as a snorkeler. 
The dive sites here range in depth from 4.5 meters – 36 meters, however, the best ones max out at 25 meters. Divers with an Advanced Open Water certification are able to enjoy all of the best dive sites in Cozumel. 
Here are some of the best dive sites in Cozumel that you can’t miss:
1. Palancar
Depth: 9 meters – 36 meters (30-120 feet)
Experience Level: Beginner-Intermediate
Current: Mild-Strong
This is considered to be the star of the diving scene in Cozumel. It’s actually divided into four sections — caves, bricks, horseshoe, and gardens. These different sites offer something for divers of all levels.
Between the four different sites, you can experience depths of between 9 meters – 36 meters (30 to 120 feet). There are plenty of amazing coral formations, colorful sponges, and lots of fascinating marine life. You may spot sea turtles, nurse sharks, angelfish, and more here.
2. Columbia Wall
Depth: 18 meters – 36 meters (60-120 feet)
Experience Level: Advanced
Current: Unpredictable
Huge coral pinnacles are a highlight here, some rising more than 60 feet (20 meters) from the bottom. You can enjoy some deep swim-throughs and wall diving here. Look out for grouper, turtles, and maybe even nurse sharks at this excellent dive site. 
3. Punta Sur Reef
Depth: 27 meters – 39 meters (90-130 feet)
Experience Level: Advanced
Current: Unpredictable 
This next one is for more advanced divers. It reaches down to depths of 130 feet (30 meters) and is split into two sections. The southern part has an amazing chamber called the Cathedral while the northern part features a cave formation known as the Devil’s Throat. 
4. Chankanaab Reef
Depth: 10 meters to 15 meters (35-50 feet)
Experience Level: Beginner
Current: Mild
This is an excellent spot for some diving in Cozumel for beginners. It’s an easy, shallow dive that’s usually completed as a 2nd dive on a trip. All the cracks and crevices in the coral here mean lots of interesting marine life — lobster, spotted moray eels, crab, and even the endemic splendid toadfish. 
5. C-53 Shipwreck
Depth: 50-80 feet
Experience Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Current: Moderate
If you fancy a bit of wreck diving in Cozumel, this is the dive site for you. It rests almost perfectly upright on the ocean floor and is always full of marine life. You’ll likely see groupers and moray eels on a dive here. 
Cost of Diving in Cozumel
When scuba diving in Cozumel, 2-tank morning dives are the standard. You can hop on a 2-tank fun dive trip for about $80-85 if staying on the island or a bit more if staying in nearby Playa del Carmen.
It’s possible to find single-tank dives, but these are rare during the day. Most dive shops in Cozumel offer a single-tank night dive trip for around $60-65. These usually only run between October and February. 
You can also sign up for special 2-tank twilight dives during certain times of the year for around $100. These typically don’t run in the winter months. It’s best to ask the dive shop that you sign up with if they have such a trip available when you’ll be on the island. 
It’s typical for dive shops here to offer the basics (mask, snorkel and fins) for free but charge extra for gear rental. You can get a full set of gear for $20-25 a day or get a discount if diving for multiple days. Most shops offer Nitrox tanks for an additional $8-10.
Want to capture your experience diving in Cozumel? Many shops rent out GoPros for around $40 if you don’t have your own. Some even offer videography services so you can let them do the work of documenting the dive so you can just enjoy it.
If you’re not yet certified to dive, Cozumel is a great place to check that off your list. You can do a Discover Scuba course for as low as $80 from the beach or $140-150 from a boat. 
You can complete your Open Water training in Cozumel for $430-450 or $340-380 if you choose the e-learning option. Many shops also offer Advanced Open Water for just under $400 and Rescue Diver courses for $380-410. 
With so many amazing dive sites to choose from, it’s worth it to sign up for several days of diving. Sticking with the same shop for the duration of your trip will definitely get you a good discount on the diving and rental gear.
For example, some shops offer 5 days of diving for $80/day as opposed to their normal rate of $90. That’s $50 more that you’ll have for fish tacos and margaritas on the beach when you get back from diving!
Many dive shops can also arrange stay & dive packages with hotels and resorts. This is a great way to save some money and take care of your accommodation and diving in one fell swoop.
Cozumel Dive Shops
For a small island, there are several choices of dive shops in Cozumel. You can sign up for day-trips, night dives, and PADI courses at most dive shops on the island.
Since diving is such a big part of life on the island, there are several dive shops here on Cozumel. That being said, they definitely range in quality. This is true for dive shops in Mexico and any other country where diving is popular. 
Most of the dive shops in Cozumel are located on the west coast of the island. Some have an actual shop while others don’t and just take reservations online. Overall, the dive centers here offer great value and quality.
Here are some of the best:
Scuba Life Cozumel
Address: Sur Marina Cozumel, Carretera Costera Sur km. 6.5, Zona Hotelera Nte
Reviews: 5.0 (72 reviews)
Web: Visit Site
This 5-star PADI dive center makes safety and comfort their top priorities. They’re all about hassle-free diving here and take care of everything so you can just enjoy your trip.
Scuba Tony
Address: N/A
Reviews: 5.0 (109 reviews)
Web: Visit Site
Tony has been running his dive shop on the island for over 15 years and has earned the reputation of being one of the best. He and his team have near-perfect reviews all across the web, so they’re doing something right! They don’t actually have a shop and just handle reservations online. 
Maple Leaf Scuba
Address: Av Lic Benito Juárez 273, Centro, 77600 San Miguel de Cozumel
Reviews: 4.9 (126 reviews)
Web: Visit Site
If you prefer small groups, this is a great dive shop to go with. They limit groups to six per divemaster and sometimes bring two along if the group isn’t so experienced. They can also help you arrange an underwater proposal. How cool is that?!
Hyperbaric Chambers in Cozumel
Diving is a safe sport, but things can and do go wrong.
Thankfully, there are hyperbaric chambers on the island in case of an emergency. The Cozumel Hyperbaric Chamber and Clinic is a part of the Cozumel International Hospital and is the place to go if you have a diving-related emergency.
They have a staff of full-time professionals here ready to help you deal with issues like Decompression Sickness (DCS) and Arterial Gas Embolism (AGE). They use a multi-place decompression chamber that allows the technician to go in our out without interrupting treatment.
These kinds of treatments certainly aren’t cheap, so it’s important to make sure you have the right type of insurance when diving in Cozumel (or anywhere, for that matter).
The DAN (Divers Alert Network) comes highly recommended. Click here to learn more about their policies.
Ready to Go Diving in Cozumel?
If you’re an avid scuba diver, Cozumel should definitely be high on your list. This stunning island in the Yucatan is hands down one of the top diving destinations in North America. 
With over 20 unique sites for divers of all levels and an abundance of marine life, Cozumel really is an amazing place to visit for scuba divers.
Best of all, after a big day of diving, you can kick back in your chair on some of the best beaches in Mexico and enjoy some tasty cuisine with a cold cerveza or margarita!
Images in this article are courtesy of Shutterstock, a website for sourcing royalty-free videos and images online. Learn more here. 
The post Guide To Scuba Diving in Cozumel, Mexico appeared first on Goats On The Road.
Guide To Scuba Diving in Cozumel, Mexico published first on https://travelaspire.weebly.com/
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mydigitallworld · 5 years
Tamadive.com – Your underwater adventure starts here!
If you are on a Costa Rica vacations, you must not miss Scuba Diving. Costa Rica is known by scuba diving enthusiasts for some famous resorts such as Isla del Coco, Tamarindo (Catalina Islands) and Isla Cano.   When you dive into the oceans you cannot expect the clarity of some Mediterranean seas and the dives are usually in current but the encounters are often truly breathtaking.   In many cases, Scuba Diving Costa Rica is aimed at experts but in some smaller places, it is possible to access even for beginners with the help of a good guide. And who can be better than TamaDive? We are focused not only on personalized service but we also focus on the safety and security of our divers.   Scuba Diving in Costa Rica – The most exciting activity:   Scuba Diving in Costa Rica is the most exciting activities you can do. This is a suggestive way to combine sport and nature, in some of the most beautiful scenery in the world. The most famous diving resorts in the country are Cocos Island and Playas del Coco, which contrary to what you might think are not at all close to each other.   If you are planning for Costa Rica tours, you should plan to dive during your stay. In the months between December and April, the waters are colder, around 21o C, while from May to November the average temperature is 27o C.   PADI diving course - Get certified with TamaDive:   TamaDive also offers the best PADI Diving Course. If you are a novice and have no experience of shark diving Flamingo, do not worry. Our PADI dive instructor will teach you thoroughly and you will also get a certificate.   What will be the experience of Tamarindo diving?   In Tamarindo diving, the marine species that can be observed tend to vary during the seasons: in the summer months, it will be possible to see dolphins, mantas and humpback whales. In the winter season turtles of various species, giant manta rays, and whale sharks. Throughout the year, eagle rays, eels, octopus, butterfly fish, and angelfish are observed. Peculiarities of the Cocos Island are the chance to meet hammerhead sharks.   TamaDive.com is the leading center for your diving and fully ready to meet all your diving expectations in a very pleasant environment. Since years, we have taken a lot of divers to know the beauties that we can find under the warm waters of Costa Rica. Visit our site Tamadive.com and book your diving NOW before you visit Costa Rica and have an extraordinary experience!
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