#VERY happy with j'onn too
stoneqoldcrazy · 2 years
ik i dont have many dc mutuals but i gotta show what i got for christmas:
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iholli · 1 year
bro Superman: Man of Tomorrow was pretty good but (spoilers)
can I get a "does the dog die" for J'onn because I was not ready for that scene and I was sitting on my front porch sobbing even though I KNEW he was going to come back bc it's a superhero movie and nobody actually fucking dies right
(at least he got to come back all cool and dramatic and then deliver his "so I could save your ass" line to try to be cool but just ended up being kinda awkward and adorable okay. 10/10 let Lobo teach him more swears)
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mnemosyne-nyx · 1 year
✨ Bruce Wayne Headcanons that haunt me but I refuse to elaborate on even if they're utterly wrong Pt. 2✨
Going feral over this man
Hal and Bruce almost share a birthday and it fucking infuriates Bruce for no reason.
My guy was a rebellious teenager growing up, you know, trauma baby tings but also wanting to distance himself from the elite society (I mean rich Gotham really is a different cesspool of evilness lmao who can blame the poor guy.) Not to get deep but the beginning of his crusade was him wanting to seek a life and identity beyond the Wayne name right and witness Gotham from all angles. However, after realising he can both honour and build upon his legacy, Bruce destroyed any proof of this phase as he associates it with his turbulent and troubled coming of age. Little does he know there's a box filled with Polaroids within the 73288199 attics of Wayne Manor ready for his kids to find plus his detailed knowledge about the punk scene of Gotham makes them suspicious anyway.
Bruce learns a lot from his children. He may be their mentor but he's definitely learnt acrobatic tricks from Dick Grayson, combat and body language from Cass etc etc. Black Canary one day complimenting an acrobatic move of Bruce's only for him to have learnt it from one 11 year old Dick Grayson.
Bruce knows every nook and cranny of the watchtower. This guy designed, funded and helped build this fucking thing. Superman can hear him fuckin scurrying in the hundreds of boiler rooms, hidden corridors and storage rooms like a human rat. Flash doesn't understand how this man just teleports from one end of the tower to the other not knowing Bruce built trapdoors, hidden passageways, fake walls in this place. Bruce has a hiding spot in the upper levels of the watchtower where a small window gives view to Earth. J'onn is the only leaguer who can rival Batman in his watchtower knowledge.
He is the unofficial caretaker of the justice league. He makes sure all catering and quarters are fully equipped to people's needs. Overhears a leaguer saying there aren't enough vegetarian options? Bam, fully renewed menu. Barry complaining he can't sleep because his quarter is too cold? Bam, temperature risen. Small things like office supplies, medical equipment - he's always taking mental notes of. He knows what leaguer is allergic to what too. Lad keeps the watchtower STOCKED
The League never fails to wish a member a happy birthday. Somehow word always gets out and no one really knows how the date gets around. It's Bruce. He knows everyone's birthdays. Sometimes photogenic memory doesn't work in his favour. When it comes to respect, compassion and love - Bruce isn't the verbal type. He prefers to show it through action - I mean he crusades around Gotham to show his need to protect people for God's sake. Therefore, he sets like a reminder anonymously on the watchtower monitor for some random hero to find.
My guy HATES Asmr.
Bruce's hair is naturally thick and actually pretty darn curly. Superman is renowned for having the curls, but Bruce - with dirty, grown out hair - can give him a run for his money. His curls never show though as he keeps his hair very short and often has it sleeked back in public (as Thomas and Alfred always told him it was neater and more proper that way.)
He is a PERFECT mix between Thomas and Martha. Everyone who ever meets Brucie Wayne for the first time tells him he's the spitting image of both of them.
My man was a heartthrob in the 90s. Dick and Tim frequently Google "Bruce Wayne 90s" and bust a gut laughing at how their old man is like in every fuckin teenage magazine published in that decade.
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not-another-robin · 2 years
Making Up Shit About the Aliens Because I Can
I am thinking thoughts about the aliens of the JL. No these have no basis, yes they may contradict canon, no I do not care. This got really long so this'll be part 1: J'onn!!!
The easiest, most forward way to communicate an emotion with a Martian is to touch them. Whatever ambient emotion one is feeling, it is essentially "said" to the Martian when physical contact is made. This is often used as a simple gesture for basic emotions like gratitude, love, fear, etc, much like gestures like a thumbs up on Earth
A very common form of Martian affection is touching ones fore head to the others body - affectionately dubbed "bonking" by Wally. It's similar to a kiss, but more broadly applied platonically.
For a while after making earth his home, J'onn didn't do the gesture because a sudden wave of any emotion can be off putting for non empaths. But upon returning from a particularly tough mission and being welcomed by Wally with his favorite milkshake, he bonked his head on instinct to thank him. It was a little weird cuz Wally wasn't expecting it, but after J'onn sheepishly explained the gesture the whole league became enamored with it. J'onn didn't expect such an overwhelmingly positive response, but they all immediately took to it kindly - the first question being "can we do that too??" (The answer is yes)
Now it's just a commonplace form of affection in the league to gently bonk someone with your head. They all started doing it so often to J'onn that they absent mindedly started doing it to each other, despite not actually being empaths. J'onn thinks it's beyond adorable when they do this.
Aside from bonking, J'onn is also all around very cuddly to people he knows very well. He was stand offish about it at first because he was worried it was off-putting to touch him, since he feels different than a human, but that wasn't actually a problem - especially since his natural body temperature is cool and a lot of the leaguers run hot lol. When the gang just hangs out together, often for movie nights or something, J'onn looooves to be laid on. The happiness and contentment of whoever is on him is a very pleasant physical sensation, like sitting in the sun. This is also why he loves having his cat on his stomach so much.
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jerrythebug · 3 months
Just read countdown to infinite crisis. I'm never doing that again. My main thoughts were 'why is everyone so mean?' and 'Max would never do that!'
But still, I enjoyed the relationship between Booster and Beetle in this one so much! They're besties, they're buddies, they love each other so much! Booster's 'I knew where I needed to be'? Him trying to get out of bed to help Ted when he was so injured in a hospital???? Ted's 'I hesitate. Then I think of Booster'???? Wow. Just wow. Many great lines. Great relationship. I love them so much.
Too bad this story should've never happened because even if Batman didn't believe Ted (I hate him so much now!!! Booster should've maimed him!!!) why wouldn't J'onn?? He's a telepath, who if not him would know that despite being a silly goofy idiot Teddy would not joke about serious stuff like that??? I'm gonna go read some fix-it fics, I'm so mad.
Teddy, I'm sorry they had you killed in that comic! But also, I'm not. If he didn't die we wouldn't get the grieving widow Booster Gold special, not to mention Jaime, my boy Jaime, the bluest of the beetles! Who was a great new character to carry on the legacy, man, I love legacy heroes actually. Just like Ted struggled to live up to Dan, I imagine Jaime will have something similar going on, as well as his own unique story lines, villains and struggles! I can't wait to read about him! I've seen him in some cartoons and the movie and I've liked him very much. Ted died, but Jaime will live!
So in short. Batman officially made it to number one on my top enemies list (I don't know if anyone will ever dethrone him, but I have many comics to read so we'll see), Beetle should've pretended to join Maxie to infiltrate and destroy his Evile Organization from the inside (come on, he's a smart guy and that beats dying, even if I get why he refused Max in the moment. If the heroes in that story didn't like him that much in the first place what would they say if Ted switched sides for a time being? Nothing good, that's for sure) and Booster should've told Ted he loved him before (or after) Ted died. And that wasn't short, sorry.
I'm gonna read the dark multiverse version of this story next, I know it's soo good Booster dies. Ah, the muliversal balance - one must always die. Let them be happy again!!!!!!
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lollipencil · 7 months
In The Pale Moonlight Part 7
Honestly, I'm struggling to write a traditional chapter for this AU. Then I remembered the introductions I did a while ago. So, @harleyification, let's see if I can recapture the magic?
Enjoy and be gentle ---
(Martha Kent (Marc))
When Clark called home asking for a pie that "a young teen might enjoy", Martha wasn't too sure what to think. "I'm helping a friend with his new kids," was all he'd say over the phone, but with that tone that hinted at something related to Work. So, Martha shrugged and got baking.
It was pretty late when Clark appeared in his suit, as did a little tag-along. "Hello dear," she warmly greeted her son before turning to her guest, " and what's your name, sweetheart?" "Moon Knight," The teenager in mummy bandages blinked glowing eyes in mild surprise. "Batman asked me to help teach him and his brother how to fly," Clark explained, "There is another, but he can't fly at all, so..."
"Oh, and where is he?" "Want back home," Moon Knight muttered, "Went first." "I'm going to drop him back tonight, but figured a little pick-me up before would be best," Clark smiled like the sun. "Of cource," Martha nodded and silently planned to send the rest of the pie home with him, "Come on in, I've tried something new this time: Toffee Apple pie sound good?"
Those glowing eyes perked up slightly. Near-silent footsteps followed her inside as Martha wondered if they still had some custard left.
--- (Martian Manhunter (Steven (and the others)))
J'onn might have missed the meeting where they were introduced to the whole League, but he knew Batman's new sons. Or, at least, one of them.
It would seem that something in the universe had conspired so that everytime he visited, only Mr Knight was visiting. Not that he really objected. The young lad was a sponge for knowledge, and was happy and eager to hear about Mars in its prime. It warmed his heart to be able to share his planet's history with another.
So, when Batman called him into a private meeting with Mr Knight, J'onn had no clue as to why. "Hello J'onn," Batman stated calmly, genuinely, "Mr Knight wants to share something personal with you." "Oh?" J'onn had not expected this. "Yes, I already know what. But before that, I want your word that it does not leave this room." And there was the batgrowl they all know and love. "Of cource. I will maintain the secrecy of whatever is revealed here and now."
Batman nodded and turned to Mr Knight. He hesitated, before his mask shrinked into its domino form. "I want to tell you, I've not told anyone before. Everyone else who knows found out and- I trust you," he stammered past his nerves, "And it's best that you know. Two birds one stone, innit?" "Ok," J'onn calmly nodded even as he filed the proverb for future reference.
Mr Knight swallowed. For a few moments, J'onn waited. Then he felt the invitation. He looked up at Batman who nodded, and made his way inside his mind.
And finally met Mr Knight's brothers. J'onn had never felt a mind like their's, multiple yet natural. His face smiled while a mental handshake was extended to the boys.
Keeping this secret would be no problem.
--- (Khonshu (All of them))
It had been an whim. Khonshu had been about to approach a very promising individual about becoming his avatar, when he felt it. A call. Had it been anything else, he would have ignored it, but someone was calling him.
So, Khonshu left Arthur Harrow, and appeared somewhere he was not expecting.
A child's bedroom. Hand-drawn pictures splattered in blood, the source of which lay trembling close by. For a moment, Khonshu was stunned. It was far from the first dying child he'd seen in his long existance, but how had this child managed to summon him?
The child's hand twitched on a slightly crumpled drawing, a artistically pleasing depiction of himself, albeit in cheap felt-tip pen. Looking closer, he could see them all: Marc Spector who still fought even in his despair, Jake Lockley who was trying to take the pain from him, and Steven Grant, asleep and blissfully unaware of his approaching fate.
Khonshu made up his mind. "Little ones," he greeted, "Do you wish to live?" "What-?" Marc weakly answered, using every last bit of strength to look at Khonshu. "You have undergone great suffering. But I am here. If you wish it, I will shield you from harm, and in return, you can help others like you, others who live in fear of harm. So, I ask you, will you protect the travelers of the night?" "...yes." "Then rise my Moon Knight, and come back from the brink."
As flesh healed, the relief of life carried Marc and Jake to sleep. Staring down at his new avatar (or was it avatars?), Khonshu knew what he must do. After all, they had called to him as travellers first.
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isfjmel-phleg · 10 months
Most of Grant's solo is motivated by his need to learn who his real parents were. But even though he does find out the truth, his relationship with the parents he never got to meet (or rather with the idea of them, with what could have been) never quite gets resolved, and I would love to see this revisited now that he's alive again in recent comics.
After a lot of dead ends and red herrings, Grant finally learns from Vandal Savage, who was responsible for the experimentation done on Grant and for placing him with the Emersons, that his real parents were Al Pratt (the Atom) and his wife Mary James.
Mary was murdered shortly after giving birth, her baby was taken away to be experimented upon, and Al had no idea that any of this had happened. He died in the Zero Hour event, about twelve hours before Grant got dragged in to save the day. They so narrowly missed each other!
Grant, like most of us, isn't well-informed about every obscure Golden Age JSA hero, so this revelation doesn't have any context for him. He knows his parents' names, but feeling actually connected to them...? Not so much.
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(Damage #12)
It gets even more complicated with the additional reveal that although the Pratts were his biological parents, he was injected with the DNA of many other superheroes. The primary donor of these was J'onn J'onzz (Martian Manhunter), but Grant is also genetically related to
Barry Allen (Flash)
Johnny Chambers (Johnny Quick)
Arthur Curry (Aquaman)
Joan Dale-Trevor (Miss America)
Jay Garrick (Flash)
Ted Grant (Wildcat)
Carter Hall (Hawkman)
Shiera Hall (Hawkgirl)
Hal Jordan (Green Lantern)
Ted Knight (Starman)
Dinah Drake Lance (Black Canary)
Dinah Laurel Lance (Black Canary)
Libby Lawrence (Liberty Belle)
Charles McNider (Doctor Mid-Nite)
Ray Palmer (Atom)
Alan Scott (Green Lantern)
Rex Tyler (Hourman)
So not only does Grant have parents whom he knows nothing about, but he also has eighteen other "parents," some living, some dead, whose combined DNA has contributed to the powers he's still trying to adjust to. So many good people whose child he could technically be considered, and yet he still ended up raised by the abusive Emersons, who had no real connection to him. It's a lot to process. He is overwhelmed and confused--but he still wants to make contact with his real parents in the only way he can now.
He asks to be taken to their graves.
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(Damage #15)
Several of his JSA "fathers" (Jay Garrick, Alan Scott, Ted Grant, and Ted Knight) come to the cemetery to meet him and try to make some sense of the situation. This information is just as new to them as it is to Grant, but they do seem willing to accept him and bring him into the JSA legacy.
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This would have been an interesting direction to take the story: having the entire JSA take on Grant as their collective child. He used to have no real family, and now he's part of many families! But this is a dynamic that never gets to happen, for whatever reason. Although Grant does picture something like it in an illusory sequence. It's what he wants: acceptance into a family.
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(JLA Titans #2)
But by the end of his solo, he's on his own, although he makes a point of seeking out Albert Rothstein, his father's godson, for information about his father--which we can assume Albert was only too happy to give. He and Al were very close.
We don't get to see here how hearing about how someone else got to have a warm, quasi-parental relationship with the father Grant never got to meet might have affected Grant, but remember this for later.
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(Damage #20)
During Grant's hiatus from the Titans, he and Jesse Quick have an encounter with some malevolent beings who impersonate people from their past. Grant sees his parents and hears something from his father that he probably has always wanted to hear.
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(Titans 1999 #45)
But he's still enough in possession of his faculties to question it with the painful truth. His father never met him. Never knew about him. Couldn't have cared about him. And what does that leave him with? His foster parents and their "love" that came with abuse.
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His real parents died before they could know him. His foster parents failed him. His JSA parents either are dead or haven't done much to actually support him after his time with the Titans and the fight that scarred his face. By the time Grant is a young adult and has joined the JSA (who all seem to have forgotten that they're technically related to him), he's harboring a lot of bitterness toward his father.
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(Justice Society of America 2007 #3)
He insists he's not following in his father's footsteps, and he is adamant about not taking up his father's mantle. He is Damage.
There's some inconsistency in this panel (Grant knew nothing whatsoever about Al Pratt before finding out they were related), but it's made clear that the bitterness comes from feeling abandoned and disconnected.
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(Justice Society of America 2007 #16)
This resentment comes to a head after Grant has joined the cult of a villain who restored his face. This change in loyalties has caused a lot of trouble for the JSA. Albert tries to do the brotherly thing and talk some sense into Grant by reconnecting him to his father.
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(JSA Kingdom Come Special: The Kingdom #1)
Which is something that should have happened a long time ago! Grant should have gotten the opportunity to see his parents' house and artifacts. It would have been a way to connect, especially at a time when he was more open to that, but for whatever reason that didn't happen, and he's in no frame of mind to accept this as a kindness.
Instead he projects his own jealousy onto Albert, destroys his father's belongings, uses a term for his father that is both very rude and inaccurate, and deliberately blows up the entire house.
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(JSA Kingdom Come Special: The Kingdom #1)
This level of maliciousness is not normal for him, and of course it's exacerbated by the influence of the villain he's currently following, but still...he's way out of line. This is him at his absolute worst. Accidental destruction has left him with a lot of guilt before. But how does he feel knowing that he let his anger get so out of hand that he obliterated so many physical ties to his father's memory--things that meant something, if not to him, then to his almost-brother?
Well, it's never directly addressed. But he does seem to have some guilt when faced with a memorial to his father.
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(Blackest Night #1)
During the Blackest Night event, when Grant encounters the Black Lantern version of his father (basically an evil zombie), "Al" spouts all of Grant's frustrations with him.
And Grant responds with what Albert tried to remind him of. His father didn't know about him. It wasn't his fault. This is some small progress.
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(Blackest Night #4)
In fact, if Al had known about Grant, things would have been incredibly different. The Pratts were evidently desperate to have children, since they were still trying for one so late in life (Grant would have been born in the late 1970s, and the Pratts would have been in their fifties by then if they were college-age in the early 1940s, which doesn't make a lot of sense for the established timeline, but whatever the case, the point still stands: older-than-usual first-time parents).
Before Al even married, he was already eager to find out if he and Mary would have kids and his reaction to learning that they'd have "at least one" is excitement.
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(The New Golden Age #1)
Was it confidence in this prophecy that kept the Pratts trying for a baby for so long?
If Al's relationship with Albert is any indication of what he would have been like as a father, he would have been a good one. And he would have been outraged if he knew what the Emersons did to his son. If editorial mandate had not ensured that Zero Hour went the way it did, there could have been an eventual father-son reunion that would have taken Grant's solo in a completely different direction.
But that didn't happen, and Al is still dead in the current continuity. Grant, however, was last seen in the company of one of the newly restored lost children. Is he going to adopt a mentor role now? Will that require him to reconsider his own relationships with all the father-figures he had/could have had?
At any rate, a good step for him might be to address his name. After finding out about his complicated parentage, he felt that Damage was the only name he had left. But that's not true.
What if he dropped "Emerson," the name of the people who abused him, a symbol of all that painful baggage he's been carrying around? What if he instead chose to proudly use his birth name: Grant Albert Pratt?
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wanderingmind867 · 9 days
My take on Martian Manhunter pt. 3
But J'onn finally heads back to Mars, homesick after years on earth. He can't wait to get back to M'yri'ah and the kids. And to introduce them to Zook, his new interdimensional sidekick. He was in really good spirits as he flew back to earth, anticipating nothing but happy things. But what he finds there on Mars is enough to haunt him for the rest of his years.
In his absence, Mars has been completely razed to the ground. The Saturnians came back, slighted by J'onn repelling their invasion of the solar system. As punishment, they used the martian's genetic weakness to fire, and burned everything and everyone to the ground. The martians fought valiantly, and managed to kill most of the Saturnian forces. But the end result was the same: a bloodbath. J'onn's wife and two kids were murdered in cold blood, and he could have saved them. If he wasn't on earth, he could've saved them…and that's what finally breaks him.
Almost everyone died in that war, beyond one Martian and one Saturnian. J'onn's brother Ma'alefa'ak managed to survive, mostly because ma'alefa'ak was such a hermit that the saturnians didn't even know where he was. He survived because his people shunned him. And one Saturnian survived the wars: K'os'che'i, the deathless one. He couped the rightful ruler of Saturn by declaring him too weak to get revenge on Mars, and he then led the charge to massacre every martian in existence.
These two brothers were then left on an abandoned planet to grieve. Seeing red at the death of his wife and two children, J'onn loses it and goes on a revenge quest with Ma'alefa'ak' and Zook. The quest takes them to the farthest ends of the galaxy hunting for K'os'che'i and the secrets to his immortality. It even leads them to discovering the true heir to Saturn, Prince Jemm. Jemm was the adopted child of the Emperor of Saturn. But when K'os'che'i led his coup, Jemm's adopted mother spirited him away to a distant star system to be raised to fight and reclaim his throne.
Now, Jemm joins our trio in hunting down K'os'che'i, and we eventually have a dramatic confrontation scene at the edge of all the known galaxies. Martian Manhunter, Ma'alefa'ak, Zook and Jemm have already destroyed the artifact keeping K'os'che'i alive. And with sorrow and righteous anger welling up within, J'onn and Jemm kill K'os'che'i and burn his ashes to dust.
Now depressed and miserable, J'onn, Ma'alefa'ak, Zook and Jemm go their separate ways once again. J'onn and Ma'alefa'ak are going to go back to Mars, try to process their loss and grief. Meanwhile, Jemm decides he's going to explore the galaxies, try and see if he can't rebuild the legacy of the good Saturnians elsewhere in space. Zook decides to accompany Jemm, knowing it's probably best he give J'onn time to himself, after this tragedy.
From here, J'onn and Ma'alefa'ak end up spending time on Mars again for a whole period of years. They just end up exploring space together, always returning to their little makeshift village on mars just for the two of them. It's a very peaceful and tranquil life. The most peace J'onn's known in a long, long time, honestly. But like all things in J'onn's life, this peace doesn't last.
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inkedroplets · 1 year
16. Is there any written scene that you think about a lot?
So, a little context. the premise of the fic is that Lena gets cold feet about Non Nocere, but is hurting so much that she makes a deal with J'onn's brother to give him his freedom if he erases all her memories of Kara Danvers. It would have a domino effect of her forgetting everyone else as well since she met them through Kara. She would retain her memories of Supergirl however. But with their relationship frosty at best, she moves back to Metropolis without anything (Kara) keeping her there.
Kara would only be able to talk to Lena as Supergirl due to the risk that she might dredge up the memories that J'onn's brother erased . Pretty much what happened to Alex when she erased her memories of Kara but with the caveat that Lena doesn't want to remember so it's even more dangerous for her. Lena does actually manage to have a happy life in Metropolis. She even gets a girlfriend. But there's something missing that keeps bothering her. Dreams that she can't remember very well, ones that has her waking up in tears. Anyway the scene in question has Kara acting as a bodyguard for Lena, she's perched atop the penthouse roof after there's a threat on Lena's life. Lena takes the protection very begrudgingly and she spends it having an evening in with her girlfriend while Kara can overhear everything.
“There is something I’ve been meaning to ask you,” Tatsu said, peering at Lena over the rim of her wine glass. She flashed her a slightly coy half-smile, not quite meeting Lena’s gaze although not actively shying from it either.
“You didn’t intentionally wait for me to have a couple glasses of wine before asking me, did you?” Lena teased. “If so, you might want to hold off until I’ve had a few more.” She arched an eyebrow, tracing her index finger alongside the rim of her glass. 
“Am I that transparent?” Tatsu grinned toothily. “I meant to ask you when we first met, actually, but it slipped my mind… Somehow.” Her smile shrunk, became more secretive and her gaze flickered away. “Flattery will get you everywhere,” Lena murmured, trying to mask the blush rising in her cheeks by pouring herself another glass of wine. “Fire away.”
“Nothing earth-shattering,” Tatsu assured her, running a hand lazily through her hair, a habit of hers that Lena had grown quite fond of. “Why did you move back to Metropolis? It was so sudden,” she added quickly, sounding slightly panicked as if she regretted asking Lena in the first place. “It was,” Lena agreed. She pursed her lips, momentarily lost in thought “I shouldn’t have asked.” Tatsu reached out and gave Lena’s arm a squeeze. “No,” Lena said and let out a little puff of laughter. “It’s really nothing, I just feel a little foolish, is all. I had my own reasons for moving to National City in the first place.” “Okay,” Tatsu said carefully, her hand still wrapped gently around Lena’s forearm. “I was watching TV and Supergirl was on the news and I don’t know why but I just had this idea, this stupid idea that we could work together. That all the good I wanted to do, we could do together.” She smiled sheepishly, not quite able to meet Tatsu’s gaze. “After Lex, I thought that I could undo some of the damage he caused, put more good into the world. A Luthor and a Super working together…” She chuckled. “Maybe I expected too much from both of us…” “Why her?” Tatsu asked. “Why not save yourself the agony of packing and strike up a partnership with Superman? Truth, Justice and a stick up his butt,” she said and toasted him. “I told you it was stupid,” Lena said and shook her head, raising her glass halfheartedly along with her. “I don’t know… Maybe I thought she would be different. That she could look past me being a Luthor and see me for me. Regardless, I figured out that we work much better as the ‘break glass in case of emergency’ kind of associates.” “Her loss.” Tatsu gave her a shy kind of shrug but didn’t shy away from her gaze. “Because you are very good company.” “Now I know you’ve had too much,” Lena fired back, pretending to make a grab for the bottle but smiling while she did so. “And you didn’t make any friends while you were there?” Tatsu asked, looking far more at ease.
“I didn’t go there to make friends,” Lena said, grinning. “And you’ve been around me long enough to know that most people give me a wide berth”
“Present company excluded.”
“For whatever reason,” Lena fired back, grinning.“Honestly, I don’t know why I moved back… I just woke up one day and realized that nothing was keeping me there and it just made sense to come back here…”
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dramatisperscnae · 3 months
(For Kyle)
In his mailbox would be a large, very carefully packaged Manila envelope. It'd arrived by snail mail, covered in stamps of silly cartoon hearts, sillier yellow faces and a few fumming angry faces.
There's no return address.
Inside? A large, vintage print of an older, pin up style painting of a young pilot in the nude, pale ass pointed to the viewer as he started climbing into his jet with a cheeky smile on his face. It's lovingly rendered, but the print itself is older and yellowed.
The pilot in question? He looks suspiciously like Hal Jordan, even if the angle doesn't reveal his whole face.
There's a note that falls to the ground. Barely the size of a business card. Thick, textured ivory paper with embedded instead of simply printed.
"For the art before. -J"
The envelope gets a confused look, Kyle staring at it on his way up to his apartment. He hasn't been expecting any deliveries, or really any mail at all, but this thing's decorated like a kid sent it. Cartoon hearts, emoji stickers and stamps, all without any real rhyme or reason. It's kinda cute, actually, but completely mystifying.
Who does he know who has a kid who'd do this?
No one that he can think of.
Opening the envelope only deepens the mystery. The print is, quite frankly, beautiful. Kyle can't help but admire the skill that had gone into the artwork, wishing with a brief pang that he could actually see the original. The lines of the jet are clean, the pilot's curves elegantly rendered, his body lean without being thin, muscular without being bulky, beautifully toned, the positioning leaving just enough to the imagination to be cheeky and suggestive without being overtly sexual…
God, it's gorgeous, really. Definitely suitable for framing. Which he might. Hang it in his studio, maybe; it deserves to be displayed.
He's so intent on studying and admiring the artwork, in fact, that he actually completely misses the card that came with it for a full five minutes. Then he stares at it for a minute or two, even more thoroughly confused. The art before what? J? Okay, who does he know whose name starts with J?
John? Probably not his style. J'onn? Definitely not his style. Anyone else? That one kid, Jason? Why the hell would Jason send him something like this? After bouncing all over the multiverse together with Donna, Jason had seemed only too happy to see the back of him.
Shaking his head, Kyle starts for his studio. He'll have to find a good frame for the print, at any rate, whoever sent it.
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iholli · 10 months
👑 Holli / Rat King || 24+ || Any pronouns || ocean loving ficto ace rat || completely on my gaming nonsense
heya! call me Holli or Rat! this is my home away from home, so welcome to my blog & I hope you enjoy your stay. I mostly post ocean views and selfship content. don't like, don't read! here's the rundown of the place 💖🐀
Main timeline:
not comfortable sharing but selfshippers can still interact!
#heart of mars || Rat King & J'onn J'onzz, DCAU
playlist 🌌🐀
Alternate timelines:
okay sharing with other selfshippers, canon depends!
#💜💖💙 || Rat King, Donatello Hamato, & Leonardo Hamato, ROTTMNT
playlist 🐢🐀
#ratstatic || Rat King & Vox, Hazbin Hotel
playlist 📺👑
#king of hearts || Rat King & Remy "Gambit" LeBeau, X-Men
#PREDATOR/PREY || Rat King & Megalo Don, Fortnite
playlist 🦈🐀 [cover photo]
Other tags:
#venne & squeaker || Rat King & Wally West platonic ficto posts
#ratio broadcast || Rat King & Alastor qpp / platonic ficto posts
#ficto tag || unspecific ficto posts
#ficto tag familial || Justice League / Hamato Clan / assorted Hazbin Hotel familial ficto posts
#ratkingdraws || personal art tag
#ratkingdiscourse || profic / anti anti & other discourse posts
#happy place 💙 / #oceancore || daily scheduled ocean aesthetic posts
Fandom check-in:
ROTTMNT || Donnie simp. Leo enjoyer. || make no mistake, found family is my all time troupe, that's why I'm here. but if you ask me about Leotello,,,
DC || Justice League: The Animated Series & Justice League Unlimited, and all affiliated series || My Adventures with Superman || Green Lantern: The Animated Series || I'm very much a DCAU fanatic, but I enjoy lots of other DC content as well!
Fortnite || Wastelander || Montague, Artemis, Hades, & Megalo Don supremacy || I still don't know all the lore, but man, I love this game || find me more actively about FN on Twitter or add me on Epic @ R47K1NGG4M3S
Marioverse / Luigi's Mansion || Luigi my beloved. normal about King Boo. || if it exists I probably ship it. Booigi. Bowuigi. all three. I'm there.
Invader Zim || ZaDr || RaPr || Almighty Tallest stan account
Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss || Moxxie & Millie enjoyer || RadioStatic || Alastor. Vox. Queen Bee. back in my original era now that Hazbin s1 is out 👏
MCU || Octogoblin my beloved || really not here anymore, however Loki is part of Rat King lore, so feel free to talk about him to me c:
More to know:
I'm very chill, I love notif spam, and it makes my day to get asks! feel free to throw anything to my inbox-- ask me about Rat King lore, talk to me about my f/os, whatever you wanna know or just wanna say bc I do enjoy chatting too c: it just takes me a while to answer stuff sometimes bc I'm very forgetful and overthink ✨ everything ✨👏
this is a pro fiction, anti censorship space. I'm not looking for a fight, I'm just here to yell about my favs, and personally I'm not much for problematic troupes, but I will always support the right for people to do what they want in fiction. tag your shit & be nice. my ship is not your ship and that's okay.
I'm not a big NSFW person, I will never reblog anything I feel is graphically explicit but I use safety tags just in case as I see the need. keep an eye out for #suggestive and / or #nsfw. minors are fine to hang around my blog-- I just expect you to be responsible and block the tags you need.
AI thieves will not be tolerated in any capacity. come within a mile of my blog and you will be reported and blocked on sight. if I ever accidentally reblog AI work please let me know so I can remove it.
thanks for stopping by! if you'd like some tunes for your Tumblr browsing, feel free to check out my Spotify. have a great day 💖🐀
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banners courtesy of @lovelycureaestetic 💜💙 & @senseichaos-thedetention 💙❤️
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saiilorstars · 1 year
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Ch.10: The Solar Hybrid
Story Masterlist ◦ Anais’ Masterlist ◦
Also on: Fanfic • Ao3
Pairing: Winn Schott x OFC
Taglist: @ocappreciationtag​​ @arrthurpendragon​​ @anotherunreadblog​​ @maaaaarveeeeel​​ @stareyedplanet​​ @foxesandmagic​​
If you’d like to be a part of this OC’s work/edits, let me know!
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It was late at night when Anais got word that their unconscious man was not so conscious anymore. The man had woken up and attacked Kara and about half a dozen other DEO agents before making his escape into the city. When Anais sped into the place, things had already been done.
"Are you guys okay?" She rushed up to Kara and Alex.
Kara seemed relatively unharmed. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, just a little shaken. Where is he?"
"He disappeared into the city," Alex said, having watched it with her own eyes.
"Which is just what I don't need," J'onn stopped beside the three, "A rogue Kryptonian on the loose just as the President is due for a visit."
"We haven't proved that he's a Kryptonian," Anais reminded them. "And — wait," she paused, "Did you just say that the President is coming here? Like, here, here?"
Even Kara was surprised at the news.
"Yeah," J'onn nodded, "she wants to tour the DEO while she's in National City to sign the Alien Amnesty Act."
"The Alien Amnesty act?" Anais felt way behind on the news. To be fair, she had not watched the news in a while.
Kara was very much up to speed on the matter. Her entire face lit up. "It's amazing, an executive order allowing aliens on Earth to come out of the shadows and live as full citizens. She's making history!"
"Not in my book, I think she's making a big mistake," J'onn's words pulled Kara down from her happy state.
Anais looked at the Martian curiously. "You don't think it's a good idea?"
J'onn shook his head. "It's been my hard experience that humans and aliens don't mix."
"What about us?" Kara made a gesture at all three of them, apart from Alex.
"What about us? We can look like them, we blend in, a lot of aliens can't. And people in this world don't have much tolerance for others who look different. I say that as an alien and as someone who's worn the face of a black man for 15 years."
"He's making some good points," Anais mumbled, earning a dumbfounded look from Kara. It didn't help when Alex joined in as well.
"J'onn's right. I can count the number of good aliens I know on one hand, with two fingers to spare."
Kara couldn't believe her ears. "Well, I'm just glad the President doesn't see things the way you three do."
"Hey, I haven't made my opinion up yet," Anais pointed out. "I see both sides and their validity. I had to hide, Kara, and the humans did kill my mother…because of my own human father."
Kara was smart enough not to argue with that detail.
"Well, you two better be on your best behaviors when you meet her," J'onn said, drawing both their attention.
"What?" They simultaneously blinked.
"She expects National City's highest-profiling aliens to greet her on the tarmac."
"I'm meeting the President?" Kara pointed at herself.
"No fucking way," Anais mumbled under her breath.
"Unless you're too nervous to do so," Alex teased the pair.
"Nervous? No!" Kara laughed, absolutely nervously.
"Yes!" Anais wasn't afraid to admit it. "This is the woman who signed my freedom! I-I get to meet her!?"
"You two will be representing this entire organization," J'onn continued sternly, "I expect you'll be professional."
"Yes!" Kara and Anais exclaimed dutifully, but still both giggling nervously.
"And for the record, she's the one who's lucky to meet you two," J'onn said with a wink.
"Should I get a blow out?" Kara suddenly asked, picking up a strand of her hair for a better look.
J'onn's pride waned at that moment. "Oh, dear God."
"Maybe I should cut my hair," Anais started debating. It started a whole discussion between her and Kara about their appearance for that day.
To start the day off at CatCo., James called an editorial meeting with everyone about the President's arrival and Amnesty Act. He leaned back on his desk, facing the crowd of employees around him, including Kara and Anais.
"Welcome, guys, to an editorial meeting for the history books," he smiled, "I truly believe, one day we'll stand in front of our kids and tell them where we were when the President stood up for all individuals' rights. Regardless of birth planet. So, we need a banner headline. Thoughts?"
"We're going to stand here and pitch headlines?" Snapper cut in, looking unsurprisingly grim.
"Well, that's kind of how it goes around here, Snapper," James replied.
"You don't come up with a headline first, Olsen. You go on the street first, find the news peg. The headline comes second."
"Well, Cat Grant—"
"Puff princess did it this way. Put the cart before the horse. You said that already. Are you gonna be a pale carbon copy of your former boss or are you gonna be a hard news man? Make your own mark."
James had not expected to be called out, and neither did Kara or Anais for that matter. Both blondes looked between the men anxiously. James had a lot to say but he felt saying them in front of the entire company wasn't his best move.
"Okay, um...let's take a pause on the headline then," he ultimately said, ignoring the smug look on Snapper's face. "Our first priority is to get an exclusive with the President. Everything else today is icing."
"I say everything else is bread and butter," Snapper once again cut in and practically tool over the meeting as he started handing out assignments, "Scope, call the AFL for a response to the bill. Do the unions fear legal aliens are gonna flood the labor market, lower wages? How does the American worker feel about competing for jobs with aliens?"
James would let it be in favor of keeping the atmosphere light. "Fine, great. So next meeting—"
"Addison, on the CDC. What bacteria and diseases are these aliens bringing from other planets? What medical protocols are in place? Morris, you do the human-interest piece. "Inter-planetary marriage." Get quotes from priests, rabbis, Mormons, Unitarians. As for the POTUS interview—"
"Danvers is on that," James managed to cut in.
"Danvers is a rookie," Snapper remarked, "We need someone hard-hitting."
"Believe me, she's hard-hitting."
Kara nodded fervently. "Trust me, I can pack a punch like you would not believe. Plus I may or may not be running into the President later."
Snapper didn't seem to have heard Kara when he handed out her assignment to someone else. "Parker, you get POTUS. Danvers, you get Lena Luthor. Her brother is infamous for his anti-alien sentiments. The desk needs all your copy by noon, and if you want to keep your credentials, it better be clean."
Anais glared after the man as he declared the meeting over and led the others out. "I really hate that guy," she bluntly said afterwards. "James, I can't do your job. I would've fired him already. Literally. I'm saying like into the sun." She has heard things about him from Kara but seeing it up close was another thing.
James only smiled at her. "It's fine."
No, it was not fine. Not at all.
Supergirl and Solar arrived at the scene on the airport track just as the President was supposed to emerge from her plane. There was already a huge crowd waiting for her. The two aliens landed in front of the crowd, beside a young girl holding out a sign for the president.
"It's pretty awesome, right?" Supergirl asked the little girl. It was hard to tell who the girl was more awed by: the President or Supergirl?
"Do you know her?" The girl asked.
"No, no, not yet, but...I'm pretty sure we'll be cool. You know? Right?"
Solar snorted and chuckled. "Here she comes!"
The crowd started cheering when the President finally stepped out of the plane. She waved at the crowd as her security guided her down the steps.
Out of nowhere, a fireball slammed into one of the security, engulfing him in flames.
"Oh, my God!" Someone cried in the crowd and the poor security man rolled down the stairs, burning alive.
Another fireball came striking down and hit another of the security.
"Go! Go! Go!" Solar yelled at the crowd, ushering them away from the sight.
Supergirl flew into the sky to scope out the flaming enemy. Solar zipped around the area getting those lingering civilians out of the way. More flames came directly for the President. One almost hit her as her security tried getting her into her car.
Solar had taken the security to the proper medics and returned in time to see another fireball coming straight to the President. She waved her arms in front of her like a windmill, creating enough air to blow it out.
Supergirl landed next to the President, ensuring she was okay. She met Solar's eye once the latter turned around — neither one had seen who was behind the attack.
In the aftermath of the attack, the DEO showed up to clear the area of civilians and start examining their crime scene. Alex came to speak with Sueprgirl and Solar and to share what they had found so far.
"So, where's the President now?" Anais asked as the three walked a bit away from the scene.
"They're taking her back to the DEO," Alex said, eyeing her sister curiously. Despite the situation, Kara had not stopped grinning.
"She was...she was so nice!" Kara giggled girlishly. "And grateful, and she called me Supergirl. And Solar!"
Alex raised an eyebrow at Kara then looked at Anais. The latter just shrugged — Alex was grateful that at least one of their superheroes wasn't completely sidetracked.
"That is your name," Alex soon reminded Kara.
"Yeah, I know that but…" Kara crossed and uncrossed her arms, still giggling, "When she says it, it just sounds better. 'Supergirl'! How did anyone even vote for that other guy?"
Alex grew tired and cut through Kara's excitement. "When you're done fawning over your new best friend...the burn pattern is consistent with a heat-vision signature.
Kara immediately frowned. "Our escaped Kryptonian's been awake six hours and the first thing he does is try and kill the President?"
"Woah, now wait a minute," Anais raised her hands in front of her, "We need to stop assuming things. Kryptonians are not the only ones with heat-vision. I have heat vision, so does Arun. So do a dozen other aliens."
Kara heard Anais and made a gesture that she was acknowledging Anais' opinions, but Anais knew better. Kara had already placed the blame on their guy.
"Winn's working on tracking him," Alex said, "In the meantime, let's gather whatever evidence we can find."
"I think I'll go back to the DEO," Anais said, "Make sure that everyone is being vetted the way they should be." She flashed Kara a knowing smile and sped off.
~ 0 ~
Anais had called in Arun to discuss the matters of the attack. While she had no suspicions about Arun, she wanted to check out his connections. Arun almost laughed in her face when she revealed her intentions.
"I don't have any other alien friends, Anais," Arun said, taking a seat at an empty desk chair.
"Like, nothing?" Anais brought her hands down on her hips. "You expect me to believe there isn't one single alien friend you know of? Acquaintance?"
"When I said I 'lay low', I fully mean it," Arun said, "I keep to myself. It's how I survive."
Anais curiously looked at Arun for a while, and he completely let her. From a distance, she saw the President walking into the bullpen with J'onn and Supergirl. "What do you think about the Amnesty Act?"
Arun looked at her like he was about to laugh. "Seriously? That's what you want to talk about? Not 'hey, when are we finally going to start training?'"
"I'm serious," Anais shrugged, "I've heard plenty of different opinions but…what do you think? You've lived as a human and this new law will allow you to come out to the world as who you really are."
Arun sized Anais for a moment then turned the tables on her by asking what she thought about the Act. Anais didn't have an answer, at least that's what she kept claiming.
"You want my opinion?" Arun asked, bringing his hands together on his lap and crossing his legs.
"Yeah," nodded Anais.
"I think it's a useless law," Arun said bluntly. "The world is not sunshine and rainbows. There are plenty of humans who fear people like us. Hell, even your own friends will fear you."
"What?" Anais scoffed. "My friends do not fear me."
"They might not know it," Arun said, shrugging, "But deep down, they always have a little fear. I mean, take your computer friend over there," he made a nod towards Winn working hard at his desk tracking their missing alleged Kryptonian, "You don't think if you went full-on Solista on him, he wouldn't be afraid of you?"
"That's completely irrelevant," Anais said, crossing her arms. "I would never do that to Winn or anyone else for that matter."
"Never say never," Arun wagged a finger at her. "I'm just saying that this Act won't benefit anyone. Sure, there are some humans who will accept us but for the most part, I don't see the humans respecting the new law."
"So…you wouldn't reveal yourself?" Anais asked.
Arun shook his head. "Not in this lifetime, no."
Anais lowered her head pensively. It didn't take long for Arun to ask her about her opinion again. "I'm not sure," she confessed. "My own father had my mother killed because she was an alien. If the DEO hadn't rescued me, he might have done away with me too."
"So it's fair to say that you have some resentment towards humans," Arun said.
Anais' eyes widened. "No! I…I know that not everyone's the same. I guess I could say that…I'm wary of the Act. I don't know what's going to happen, and I definitely don't know if I'll be revealing myself."
"Fair enough," Arun smiled at her.
Anais let out a sigh and looked towards the President and J'onn.
~ 0 ~
Kara was fuming again when she returned home from her interview with Lena Luthor. Anais was on the couch eating some strawberry shortcake ice cream from a bucket.
"Woah, what's got you all…like that?" Anais waved her spoon at Kara.
"Lena Luthor is completely xenophobic!" Kara dropped her bag on the kitchen aisle. "I mean, so much for wanting to change the perspective on the Luthors!"
"Woah, woah, woah, let's back it up and put some context into this, shall we?" Anais fixed her position on the couch to sit cross-legged. "Can we start from the beginning?"
Kara nodded but as she explained her interview with Lena, she paced back and forth just a tad strong enough to create a draft in the living room. "She's created this-this alien identifier!" She went on to explain how the device would work once it hit the market. "Isn't this horrific!?"
Anais' eyebrows raised as she considered the future with such a product on the shelves. "I mean…I think the world is very troubled, Kara. Yeah, maybe this device might actually do some harm but…if you're telling me the details correctly, wouldn't it only work on people who choose to stick their finger into that thing?"
Kara stopped pacing and flashed an incredulous glare at the Solista. "You support this thing!?"
"I did not say that," Anais said, "But you didn't answer my question either."
Kara groaned. "Okay, yeah! I suppose people would have to choose whether or not they want to stick their finger in but—" she raised a finger at Anais— "who's to say that restaurants or-or bars wouldn't have these posted on the entrances as requirements for customers to be able to go inside?"
"That's a good point," Anais acknowledged the new point, "So, yeah, it would be bad."
Kara groaned again. "Anais, just make up your mind already! Are you for or against this!?"
"I honestly don't know," Anais continued to answer calmly and perhaps that's what irritated Kara even more. Why was she so calm in a situation like this? "I think about it from every angle that I hear, being completely unbiased but…it's hard to make up my mind when I'm so divided. I mean, I'm even biologically divided in this matter. Half alien, half human."
To Kara, she had not heard anything useful. She declared she would go write her article about Lena to turn it in the next morning to Snapper. Anais wouldn't deter her.
~ 0 ~
Anais wasn't remotely surprised when, late in the afternoon, Kara had come to the DEO angrier than ever because Snapper had rejected her article. Anais did, however, know to keep her mouth shut and not future agitate Kara.
Perhaps it was a good thing that Alex came with the news that she had an idea where their missing Kryptonian had gone to hide in.
"How'd you figure it out?" Kara asked while the three women watched Winn pinpoint the location on his computer.
"Never mind that right now," Alex said quickly, "Winn?"
"Check it!" He exclaimed. "Deep space signal. Loud and clear."
"Where is it broadcasting from?"
"The Mount Pride Observatory. And that's where we'll find our alien John Doe."
"He must be trying to contact Krypton," Kara said. "He doesn't know it was destroyed."
"Actually, no. He did not dial Krypton," Winn said the more he looked into the scan.
"Where is the signal going to then?"
"Well, according to these very cool DEO star charts, he beamed a signal directly at a planet called...uh, Dac... Daxam?"
Kara's expression immediately dropped and was quickly replaced with disdain. She took off without saying a word to anyone.
"Um, is that supposed to be significant?" Anais said, completely lost. "Alex, what's the info on Daxam?"
"I-I don't know!" Alex exclaimed, just as confused about Kara's behavior.
Anais sighed and fled the room to catch up with Kara. Even with her speed, she still joined Kara in the observatory a tad late as the Kryptonian and their missing alien fought hand-in-hand.
"Supergirl — stop!" Solar called, but Kara kept going with an unusual aggressiveness in her punch.
"Stay down, Daxamite!" Kara said with an equal disdain in her voice after slamming the man on a table.
"You know where I'm from?" The man looked up at her, groggy yet still lucid enough to be confused.
"Yup!" Supergirl nodded. "And you should have stayed there." She went to grab him again when Solar swept across the room, ramming Supergirl down.
"ENOUGH!" Solar yelled at her and then quickly got up, speeding back beside the man, shooting Supergirl a daring look for her to try fighting again. She grabbed the man's hand and pulled him up, surprising him in the process with her strength and speed. "You, you have a lot of explaining to do," she warned him.
~ 0 ~
The DEO had locked the Daximite in a holding cell and were watching him from the security feed. Kara was absolutely livid with the mere presence of the man, and she was no less angry with Anais as well.
"So…our mystery alien is from Daxam…" J'onn curiously glanced at Kara. He, like everyone else, were trying to decide whether or not this was her most angriest moment.
"I've never heard of Daxam," Winn said, expecting to now hear a lot about it.
"It's a sister world to Krypton," J'onn explained, "Both capable of sustaining life, both orbiting the same sun."
Alex looked over at Kara. "You've never mentioned it before."
"Do the Hatfield's mention the McCoy's?" Kara retorted.
"I take it your planets didn't get along," Alex nodded.
"You don't say?" Anais sarcastically mumbled and ignored Kara's look.
Kara was happy to explain the situation for their understanding. "Hundreds of years ago, Krypton and Daxam fought a bloody war to a stalemate. Thousands of lives were lost on both sides because of a pointless war Daxam started."
"What were they fighting about?" asked Alex.
"Krypton was a democracy. A world of explorers, philosophers, scientists, and Daxam, was a monarchy. With kings and queens who ruled a population of hoodlums. We had a saying on Krypton for Daxamites, "May tex kolar Daxam.""
"And that means…?" Winn asked.
"Nothing I can repeat in English."
Winn wouldn't ask again. "So, if Daxamites are as bad as you just apparently said they were, then it's no wonder this guy is trying to kill the President, right?"
"We don't know that," Anais said again, "Because we haven't really looked into it. Other aliens have heat vision, guys."
"She may have a point," J'onn said, "His reasons for trying to kill the President are unclear."
"I'll ask him why," Kara said, taking off towards the holding cell.
"Uh, are we sure we want to let her do this?" Anais turned to the others, crossing her arms. "She hates the guy and we don't even know him."
"We don't know that he didn't do it," Alex reminded.
"We don't know that he did," Anais countered. "It's biased which, coincidentally, has been Kara's problem these past days." She turned back to the screen and watched as Kara walked into the holding cell. "Let me go in there, J'onn," she said a moment later, "I don't know a single thing about Daxam which means I'll think clearly."
J'onn wouldn't argue with that statement because, had it been another situation, he would have gladly let Anais go instead of Kara. "Let's wait to see how this pans out."
Anais rolled her eyes. She knew exactly how it was going to pan out. And when Kara stormed out of the holding cell, she looked at J'onn again. "I know I'm technically the youngest around here, but I do know my stuff sometimes."
She sped down the hall to the holding cell and then walked right in. The man was lying down on the long bench and didn't bother looking at her when she approached his cell.
"What, are you coming to yell at me too?"
"I don't know, should I?" Anais crossed her arms.
The man gave a sour smile and glanced in her direction. "Thanks for helping out back there. I take it you're not a Kryptonian."
"Careful what you say," Anais warned him, bringing her hands behind her back. "No, I'm not a Kryptonian and while my friend is very upset with me right now, I won't tolerate any slander against her."
The man chuckled lightly and pulled himself up to a sitting position. "She's already blamed me for this attack on a pres-pres — whatever that thing was called. What are you in here for? Proper arrest or something?"
"I'll let you know in a bit," Anais said, "Why don't we start with the basics. What's your name?"
The man tilted his head at her, his dark eyes squinting at her.
"Okay," Anais nodded, "I'll go first then. My name is Solar. I am from Solaris, if you happen to know about it."
The man seemed to recognize the name and even stood up. He looked at her from head to toe at least twice before he spoke. "I've never been to Solaris but we had trade with them. It's supposed to be a beautiful planet with beautiful people to match. The golden hair is a trademark of exquisite beauty."
"Thanks…" Anais said slowly, "But I'm not here to talk about beauty. "What's your name?"
The man smiled lightly. "Mon-El."
"Getting somewhere now," Anais smiled back, "So, Mon-El, you want to tell me why you attacked one of the human's most powerful, if not the most powerful, figure of authority on this planet?"
"I didn't," Mon-El said, "I mean…no offence but that guy didn't exactly seem like an all powerful authority figure. He seemed like a kid."
"Wait, are you talking about the guy from the observatory?"
Mon-El shrugged. "It's the only human I've come across and made contact with."
Anais looked back at the security camera up in the corner of the room. Bingo. He's not our guy. "Um, Mon-El, what…what exactly is it that you want to do now?"
"Well, clearly, it's to get home," Mon-El said, "I don't belong here."
Kara didn't tell him about Daxamite. "Um…"
"You seem to be more kind and, not angry at me," Mon-El said, "Do you think maybe you could talk to whoever is in charge of this place and get them to help me? All I want is to go home, I swear."
Anais let out a heavy sigh. "Let me…see what I can do. Just stay put."
Mon-El opened his arms to remind her of his current place. "I don't think I have much of a choice there."
Anais smiled lightly. She zipped out of the room afterwards.
~ 0 ~
"You're here late," Winn remarked as Anais dropped into the empty chair at the desk next over.
"So are you," she countered.
"I work here. And I'm keeping an eye on our Daxamite."
Anais rolled her eyes. "Yeah, okay, I'm avoiding Kara right now. She's not very happy that I interviewed Mon-El after her."
"Yeah, you do seem at opposing odds these days."
"I can't help it. I see things differently," Anais shrugged. "Is that wrong?"
"No," Winn shook his head, "But I think we also need to take into account everything Kara's been through lately. It must have been hard seeing a Daxamite here knowing their relationship from the past."
"I hear you," Anais said, "But then what am I supposed to do over here? I see things from a different perspective because I'm neither Kryptonian nor a Daxamite. I'm telling you, Winn, I don't feel like this is our guy. He didn't even know what a President is. And given what we know about Daxam and their monarchy, I'm sure this guy has zero clue what a democracy looks like."
"I hear you too," Winn assured her, "So how about we do this: let's let Kara cool down for the night and you and I can stay here and look through some aliens in our database with heat vision powers?"
A smile spread across Anais' face. "You are such a good friend, Winn." She sped her chair next to his, startling him, and very excitedly pushed her hair back. "Let's get started!"
~ 0 ~
The next morning, Anais and Winn had compiled a decent list to bring up to J'onn and Kara. While J'onn was willing to go through it, Kara resisted.
'It's him, guys,' she had reiterated. She was kind about it at least, giving the impression she had cooled down somewhat but not enough to truly listen to them.
Since the President was going to be signing the Amnesty Act that afternoon, both Solar and Supergirl needed to be present and totally not arguing with one another. One took the sky to patrol and the other the ground to speed around. Alex also helped to scope out the crowd gathering together.
"Does it all look okay?" She asked the two superheroes while still keeping her eyes peeled.
"All clear," Supergirl was happy to report. "With our wayward Daxamite locked up, I don't think we'll have any problems."
Solar walked through the crowd, unable to stop herself from rolling her eyes. "Even though it's not him?"
"It is," Supergirl said sternly. Solar said nothing else about it.
Shortly after, the President made her appearance on stage. "My fellow Americans. Over a century ago, this nation erected a monument in New York Harbor. A Statue of Liberty. That Statue looked down upon Ellis Island, where thousands of immigrants came to seek refuge, from a home country that didn't want them, that wouldn't have them. But America took them is our story. The American people today, stand as one with history. No longer will our alien visitors be strangers, committed to the shadows, forced to the fringes of a hostile and unwelcoming world. They will be granted the full rights and privileges of American citizens. The Statue of Liberty will stand for aliens, too. And now, if uh... if someone would just hand me a pen…"
The crowd, along with the President herself, shared a laugh together. One of her colleagues handed her a pen so she could sign.
"Here we go. History." Just as the President was about to sign, a fireball struck the Amnesty Act itself and turned it into flames.
Supergirl immediately looked down from the sky to see the culprit. Solar dashed towards the President, getting her off the stage in a snap.
"Madam President, are you alright?" She asked the woman.
"Yes, thank you," the President nodded shakily.
Solar took the President straight into her car, leaving her in the hands of the Secret Service, and returned to the scene of the fight. A woman in a leather black jacket and bright red hair was throwing constant flames everywhere.
Supergirl landed in front of the woman, warning her to stand down. "Put 'em out or I'll put you out."
The woman didn't listen and continued throwing flames. Supergirl landed a lunch before the woman grabbed her in a chokehold and burned the farmer's hand.
Anais zipped by and threw the woman across. "My turn." Her eyes flashed a bright gold. "And fair warning, we're samesies." Her hands lit up with golden energy and she started to throw one after the other towards the woman.
The woman growled angrily and enveloped herself in flames. Solar smirked with Supergirl, both knowing exactly what to do. Supergitl flew over the woman and started going in circles. Solar ran around the woman in circles as well until they eventually sucked out the oxygen.
The woman fell to her knees, her red curls hanging over her face. Just as Solar and Supergirl approached her, she burst into flames and threw them both back. She made a run for it and crashed into Alex and another woman. She threw Alex into the water fountain with a firey hand and grabbed the second woman in a chokehold. Flames circled around them until they were both gone.
Supergirl hurried to the fountain to pick Alex up and brought her safely to the ground. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah," nodded Alex, her eyes sweeping over the leftover scene, "But where's Maggie?"
Kara couldn't be more miserable. She sunk down in a chair at the DEO, listening to J'onn confirm that Mon-El was not their culprit.
"We should probably let Mon-El go now," Anais said, hearing Kara's questioning 'hmm?' on the side. She looked at Kara with bemusement. "That's his name — Mon-El."
Kara's brows furrowed. "When did you learn his name?"
"When I asked him." At the answer, Kara grew even more confused so Anais explained. "I went in to interrogate him after you left. I found out his name and that he's just trying to get home."
Kara let out a frustrated noise and rubbed her face. "I'm awful. I am completely awful. If I hadn't been so blinded by how I felt about Daxam, we could have been out there searching for the real assassin. And then Detective Sawyer wouldn't be missing.
"Kara, everything will be fine," Anais said, "The important thing is that you saw the light and now we're getting back on track."
"I should have listened to you," Kara said, sinking further down in her chair. Her legs dangled out a great deal. "I'm supposed to be your mentor and you caught this before I did."
"Just because you're my mentor doesn't mean you have to get everything at all times," Anais said, "That would make you God."
"Thanks for not rubbing it in my face," Kara said, sighing.
"That's not what friends are for," Anais said, "So don't even worry about it. Let's just focus on catching this person."
"Alex said she may have a lead," Kara said, straightening up in her seat. "Let's give her a call."
Anais completely agreed.
Scorcher was their target's name and according to Alex, she had a preferred hideout — a hideous foundry. She had Maggie Sawyer chained up with her arms above her head when they arrived.
Solar decided to go first. She sped down the place, unhooking Maggie and returning her to safety. "Mind if we pick up where we left off?" She then asked Scorcher.
"If it's where I was winning then sure!" Scorcher threw a flame ball at her. Anais easily zipped to the other side, forcing Scorcher to spin around after her.
"From where I stood, it looked like you ran away," Solar remarked with a smirk. "Gonna do that again?"
Scorcher growled and drew her arms back to literally fore again when Supergirl flew down and slammed her foot on Scorcher's back.
"Well," Scorcher coughed and groaned from the ache on her back, "Why am I not surprised that the President's little pets came to her defense? You're both traitors to your people."
Supergirl landed a few feet beside Solar and looked at Scorcher. "It's not us against them."
Scorcher pulled herself up. "Not yet. But I've been to half a dozen planets just like this one. You want to know what they all have in common? The locals lock away anything that they think is different. Out of prejudice, out of fear. There's a reason that you two hide your identities. And it's because the humans can't be trusted."
"No," Supergirl scrunched her face, "It's because criminals like you can't be trusted."
"I mean, let's be honest, this right here—" Solar motioned to the current predicament— "doesn't exactly speak well of you."
Scorcher looked at them with a strange smile. "I think highly of myself."
No one was surprised about that.
Scorcher acted fast and threw a series of flames towards the other women. Solar brought caught each of the flames in her hands, skidding back on her feet, and threw them back at Scorcher. Supergirl flew towards Scorcher then, punching her to the ground.
Scorcher grabbed Supergirl's arm and flipped her over, landing the Kryptonian behind her. Just as Scorcher got up to her feet, two familiar flame balls hit her square in the back, sending her toppling over a table. When she lifted her head, someone hit her with a broken pipeline across the back of the head, finally knocking her unconscious.
Maggie Sawyer kept the pipe piece drop on the ground and looked over at them, completely grinning from side to side. "You guys are fun."
~ 0 ~
The next day, CatCo. was buzzing with news for their readers. So many things had happened in the span of a few days that James had to call for another, almost emergency, editorial meeting. He had most of the reporters in his office, including Kara and Anais, taking notes.
James stood behind his desk, addressing the reporters with the final details of their upcoming issues. "Our banner will read, 'Supergirl and Solar defeat extremist alien, saving the day'," he said proudly.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Snapper came stalking into the office, ignoring the looks of the other employees.
James more or less expected that kind of entrance and went along with it. "Dictating the headline after we went out and got the news peg. You got a problem with that?"
"Not that," Snapper slammed an article down on James' desk, "Did you tell someone to kill the first graph on my story?"
"No, I didn't tell someone to do that. I rewrote the piece myself."
Somehow, that seemed even worse to Snapper's ears. "What? You can't just rewrite my piece."
"Actually, Snapper, I can," James was happy to clarify the situation. "'Cause I'm your boss. Doesn't feel good to have somebody encroach on your job, does it?"
"This is outrageous," Snapper said, his voice deadly quiet, "I have complete control of editorial content."
"No. No, you don't. I do."
"Then I'll walk."
With what was one would describe a smug smile, James leaned forward on his desk, looking Snapper in the eyes. "Get to walking."
Anais and Kara exchanged glances with each other. Neither one knew how the other was keeping in their snickers.
Snapper stepped back from James' desk. "All right, Olsen. What do you want?"
"What I want, is a newsroom governed by respect. You stay out of my lane, I'll stay out of yours."
"Fair enough," Snapper muttered, turning away and walking out of the office altogether.
After that, James saw fit to end the meeting as well and sent the rest of the reporters out.
"Nicely done, boss!" Kara cheered for him.
"Yeah," Anais nodded, "That must have felt really good, huh?"
James wouldn't deny that it had.
"Um, okay, I gotta go," Kara started backtracking out of the office, "I have to go talk to the Daxamite — I mean—" she had winced at her own tone— "Mon-El."
Anais smiled at her. "Can't wait to hear how it goes."
"Anais, I'd like to show you something," James said before the Solista even thought about leaving too.
"Okay, yeah," Anais nodded and followed James out of the office. "Can I have a clue?"
James chuckled and led her through the bullpen down the hallway leading to the separate offices. "It's nothing new, really. I officially processed your promotion and so that means…" He stopped beside his old office and opened the door for them, "This is now your office."
Anais' eyes widened. "My office?"
"Like…my office?" Anais pointed a finger at herself.
James laughed again. "Yeah, come on in." He opened the door wider for them and motioned Anais to go inside first.
She stepped in and looked around. James had already taken down his personal things and left it bare and neutral for whoever would take it next. "I'm sorry, this just feels so surreal to me."
"Soak it in because the real work starts now," James said, "You can redecorate, of course."
"Ha…redecorate…" Anais felt her mind racing already.
"I'll let you get started…" James walked out of the office, closing the door behind him.
For a speedster, Anais sure felt like time was running slow around her because there were about a dozen things she thought of doing to the office but not enough time to actually do them by tonight.
It was only exactly one hour later when she got her first official visitor in her new office.
"Come in!" She giggled. That would take some getting used to. It helped when she saw just Winn coming in, carrying a laptop in his arms. "Hey! Can you believe it? I got my own office!"
Winn didn't look all that excited. In fact, he seemed kind of grim. "Can I talk to you for a moment?"
Anais watched him lock the door curiously. "Uuh, yeah…"
Winn hurried over to her new desk and set down his laptop. "I need to show you something."
"DEO related?" Anais asked, presuming it had to be given the privacy of the room.
"Technically," Winn nodded. "I intercepted a message for you."
"For me? I get mail at the DEO?"
"...something like that." Winn reached over to his laptop and brought up an audio file.
'For the girl who is neither nor, the Solar hybrid, we will ensure that you are only from one side, the right one. Cadmus will free and gift humans strong enough with power from you. You, Solar, will fuel the army that will wipe out the intruders on this world. Joining is not an option.'
The audio finished then, leaving a moment of silence as the message settled.
"This is…ridiculous!" Anais exclaimed. "Of course they can't do that! They can't — what? — give people my speed? My powers?" She expected to hear Winn agree with her but when she looked at him, it seemed like he was considering the factors. "Winn!"
"They gave Corben Kryptonite powers," Winn said, to his credit very calmly, "I'm sure CADMUS is not short of advanced technology."
"So? They can't just steal my powers."
"Anna, you're still new at this whole superhero thing. I have seen Supergirl fall sometimes — we both have. I can't imagine what would happen if someone got ahold of your powers. Faster than the speed of light. We have to do something. We have to tell—"
"We don't tell anyone!" Anais snapped. "I'm thankful you only showed this to me. Now do me the solid of keeping it to yourself.
Winn recognized her puppy-eyed face and also knew that he was not strong enough to say no, however…
"Okay, I won't tell anyone," he said first, giving her a false hope.
"Oh, thanks—"
"But I will be modifying your suit and who knows how long that can take," he finished with a wide smirk.
Anais' eyes were wide in alarm. "What!? But you just finished modifying it!"
"It's my tinkering head," Winn said, grabbing his laptop off the desk. "It never stops working. Even when I'm asleep, it's still coming up with new ideas!" He side stepped Anais and headed to the door. "And these new ideas may take a while to add to the suit so you probably won't be going out for a while!"
"What — Winn!" Anais turned after him. "You can't bench me!"
"Bench?" Winn scoffed. "I'm not benching you. You're just waiting until I finish modifying the suit, that's all. And hey, if it keeps you safe, then it's a win-win. Ha, get it?" He laughed at his own joke and left the office, leaving behind a stunned Anais.
It took her several minutes for it to sink in and the implications it would mean for her future. "Winn!" She sped after him. This could not be.
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pocketramblr · 2 years
AU where Clark gets mad at Bruce because of the whole "Contingencies to kill everyone in the Justice League" thing, please.
Oh that's a throwback. I'm gonna use Contingency Plans from all over different DC studies because it's an omniverse now and also some are more fun/horrible than others so.
1- Clark finds the contingency plans because he's, you know, an extremely skilled investigative reporter and can ask favors from anyone in the League. After learning about all of them, he imediately calls Bruce to meet him, now.
Bruce expects an emergency, and is very confused when Clark drops a copy of his notes on the plans between them, pissed as hell, flying slightly, and his country accent thicker than normal as he demands to know what the hell these are.
2- "Contingency plans?" does not make Clark happier.
"For what? If you want to turn on all of us?"
"No, the opposite- if any turn on us or humanity." Bruce is smart enough to figure out why this is so upsetting, but stubborn and proud enough to keep digging and make it worse.
The argument escalates. Bruce points out that multiple Leaguers have been brainwashed before, so knowing how to take any down is just practical. Clark responds that there's a difference between 'planning what to do if you need to stop someone and break them out of mind control', ('Dehydrate Arthur with any heat/fire stuff and bring in Manhunter') and 'actively design and produce a version of Fear Toxin that would make Arthur hydrophobic and weaker until he dies of dehydration.' or even worse, the virus that would instantly incinerate Manhunter! Bruce has that Toxin made already! He's not planning to protect them from brainwashing, he's planning to be able to seriously hurt or kill any of them in the instant that he decides it needs to be done!
3- Bruce does not take the accusation that he'd murder very well. Clark knows he'd never murder. Clark was the one that stopped him from killing the Joker the one time he would have crossed that line! But Bruce knows that in the wrong hands, the League he helped create could do far more harm than good. There has to be plans. He's been betrayed too many times. There might not be time to go get a flame thrower and enough backup to incapacitate J'onn if it turns out he's been using his mental powers all along to hide some teachery. It would destroy Bruce to have to use any of the plans.
But Bruce has been destroying himself in an attempt to protect others for a long time, so.
Again, the fighting escalates, and Bruce gets so mad that he just leaves. Zetas away to the cave. Where the kryptonite is. Clark doesn't follow him, he goes to Diana.
4- Diana is, at first, on Bruce's side, but gets more concerned the more Clark shows him. Some of this is reasonable planning by one of their few members with the stomach and brains for it. And some of it is downright arrogance. What if Bruce got brainwashed? What if they ever got hacked and Lex Luthor or someone else used this? They could take down the whole League with this information, some of them instantly and leathally.
He didn't exactly make a plan for himself, after all.
Diana points out that, if this were anyone else, they probably would have taken them in.
Clark isn't happy about that. Sure Bruce left got the cave and could probably start the Contengencies on them if they went there, but if he wanted to use Kryptonite on Clark, he would have just pulled out the piece he keeps in his belt before he left. He didn't.
But they do need to discuss it, so Diana Prince and Clark Kent go to Wayne Manor, and get ready for a very long, very emotionally taxing conversation.
5- the end result of the conversation is this:
The plans remain, but only written on paper, in secured cases, to be locked deep in the batcave, fortress of solitude and wherever Diana's personal base is. The key code for these are to be decided and only known to Nightwing, the one person they all trust with it.
(Dick answers the phone by saying he better not be asked to solve Bruce's emotional distant and paranoid problems again, he's got plans tonight already. After a moment of awkwardness, Diana laughs and says they did that part already, they have a different favor to ask of him)
Bruce has some unofficial suspensions placed on him for a while, the way a lower League member might be punished. However, these are only known to the three of them, since it could cause a lot of problems in the League if others knew about that, let alone why it happened.
After leaving, with a hug, Clark does not talk to Bruce outside of League meetings for a month, stewing and trying to work out his frustrations. Bruce swings back and forth from trying to figure out if he should, you know, take care of himself mentally because maybe this is a really unhealthy coping mechanism, and thinking it's all a bit overblown and maybe he should just buy a pie for Clark and bring it over so they can move on. Their friendship recovers slowly, but it does recover. Having each other's back against world ending threats helps
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comatose--overdose · 3 years
It becomes a tradition, starting with the Fab Five, for the mentors in the Justice League to send their sidekicks away to summer camp for a month every year, from the ages of 12-16. When asked, the parents say it's so the kids can have a vacation and just be kids for a bit.... But it's also so they can have a break from having heart attacks from their snarky hardheaded teenagers throwing themselves into danger. Just for a little while.
They know better than to send the kids to separate camps (sending them away is hard enough to sell them on, sending them away without their friends would go over about as well as wrestling a pack of rabid coyotes, these children are a package deal, do not separate) and the camp has been vetted very thoroughly by both Bruce and Clark.... And because the parents are all paranoid (for good reason), J'onn goes undercover as a camp counselor to make sure they stay safe and have access to the league if they really need it.
The only ones who never complain about being sent are Billy (Who Bruce insists should go and foots the bill) and, later, Bart and then Jon. Not because they don't have a good time but because each year they all take themselves a little bit more too seriously, and summer camp is a great way to remind them to chill out and be kids while they can.
(Jason only complains because he always gets homesick and misses Bruce and Alfred, not that he's really willing to admit it.)
(Damian only complains the first time.... And then promptly becomes a Disney Princess among the forest critters when he gets there. It's getting him to leave that becomes the problem.)
Wally and Roy "accidentally" make flamethrowers out of their bug spray one year and nearly get sent home early. Kon takes up soap making/carving, Donna likes flower pressing. Dick is the best at giant Jenga. Steph and Cassie steal Tim, Bart, and Kon's clothes and hide them around camp. The boys get their revenge when they play paintball. Tim is having the time of his life taking photos of all his friends smiling so much. Jon enjoys the scavenger hunts and has never seen Damian this happy (while he feeds an entire family of raccoons).
They all have more friendship bracelets than they know what to do with.
Heroism can wait kids, go climb on some rocks and toast some marshmallows, build some stuff. Your moms and dads are gonna keep the letters you send them forever and give you the biggest hugs when you come home, promise.
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not-another-robin · 2 years
Hmm I don't have a lot of alfred hcs but I do have my aroace alfred hc
What's your favorite alfred hc?
AROACE ALFRED IS SO GOOD!!! Especially cause I find him (in my blorbo brain so take it with a grain of salt) as a great example of not needing romantic love to live an extremely fulfilling life. He has his family!! And his work!! And his kid's hero work!! And his passions!! He's literally thriving
As for some of my personal fave HCs, I've said a lot of them before but I'm more than happy to elaborate:
He is wholeheartedly a father figure to the OG JL. In my universe almost all of them are Patently Fatherless (J'onn & Shay have no family anymore, John's dad passed away, Wally's dad left him, Diana just never had one lol) and he is more than happy to fill that role for them. He visits Central City for Flash Appreciation Day. He helps Diana host feasts for holidays she misses from Themyscira. He goes to hockey games with John. He shares his favorite literature with Shayera. He plays chess with J'onn weekly. He just checks in on all of them!! He gets to know them very well and can read them just like he does Bruce. They ALL miss Alfred when they're off earth for too long. He's the team dad dammit!!!
Alfred was an especially brilliant caretaker to young Bruce because 1) their autism lines up and 2) he learned how to Deal With That from his mom and what not to do from his dad. He always encouraged Bruce to share his hyperfixation research with him because he knows what it's like to be ignored. He shares tricks his mom taught him to deal with overstimulation. He articulates social plans and protocols to Bruce very clearly because that's what he needs as well. Aside from being good at taking care of Bruce, they also just have a very special connection because of how similar their autism is! The dead silence in the manor after a party absolutely SINGS, they unwind by reading in the same room and not having to talk. There's childhood photos of each of them that exactly line up: them around kindergarten age looking unbelievably excited at the great British Library, generations apart. They have!!!! Same Guy Syndrome!!! And I saw that with the utmost reverence and love.
This is a new one: animals love Alfred. He doesn't know why. He's mostly indifferent to them but he is an animal MAGNET. When the manor is empty all the pets will follow him around like an entourage. He was, and continues to be, the only one Ace would take orders from while being trained. Batcow only has eyes for two people: Damian and Alfred.
Another one I haven't shared: Alfred dragged Bruce kicking and screaming to piano lessons as a kid. Thomas and Martha were not the driving force behind this it was all Alfred. He just thinks its a gentleman's skill and Bruce MUST know an instrument to be a well rounded individual dammit. Fast forward to when Bruce has his own kids: Bruce makes them learn piano, but it's not him dragging them. Noooo he has a job to do, Alfred is the one who has to get Dick down from the rafters to see Mrs.Henshaw. Just a giant circle of spite.
Anyway thank you for asking!!!!!
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kuekyuuq · 3 years
Alex: So, Lena. No more CEO for you.. no more infinite riches. you're just as poor as the rest of us now!
Lena: *opens mouth*
Kara: No!!! *flies off, leaving the rest of them windblown*
Nia: What's with her?
Kara: *returns, looking miserable, covered in black goo*
Lena: *raised eyebrow™* Kara? Did you just-...
Kara: Who would have thought, oil was so slippery?
Alex: Weeeell...
Kara: Hah! Got it!! *speeds away again*
Lena: *sighs*
Nia: ...did Kara just drill for oil?
Kara: *returns, looking even more miserable, completely drenched, dripping on the floor, dropping a handful of pearls on the desk* ..okay, so not very lucrative...
Lena: Kara-...
Kara: Right! BRB!! *swooshes away again*
Alex: *stares at left behind puddle* ...I am not gonna clean that up. J'onn can get mad at her later for making a mess.
Nia: *plays with pearls* Uuuuh, pretty!!
Lena: ..I'll build a robot to clean up after her, it's okay.
Alex: Lena, you shouldn't-...
Kara: *swooping back in, drops a heap of some brown, funny smelling chunks on the floor, looking like a muddy mess, but with a happy grin on her face* Sorry, I took so long! Had to smell them out and not take all where I found them so they can grow back! *clearly proud of herself*
Alex: Eeew!!
Lena: Kara? Are those-...
Kara: Truffles!!! I hear they sell by a lot and they really don't taste half-bad either.. I may have tasted a pound or two on my way back...
Lena: Why?
Kara: We can sell them, so you're not poor, Lena!
Lena: ...you did this for me?
Kara: Yes! I can get more! I thought about digging for gold, but apparently when you want to turn it into money, you'd have to certify where it came from and do taxes and it technically belongs to the country's it was found in, and that would make it like stealin-... *looks at her truffle-pile* Oh, Rao! Did I steal someone's truffles!?!
Lena: Calm down.. it's okay. Also-...
Kara: No! I am doing it all wrong, I-..
Lena: Kara! Stop!
Kara: *stops dead, completely frozen still*
Nia: Wooooaaaah!
Alex: *whispers to Lena* How did you do that? Was it a spell? Can I learn it??
Lena: Kara, I am NOT poor. Far from it. Aside from growing up financially fortunate, I am also smart and think several steps ahead. I have investments, material and fluid, many of which Lex never knew about and therefore could not cut me off of. Also, I am a witch now. If worst comes to worst, I am sure I'll get that whole alchemy thing down, too.
Kara: *slowly unfreezes* ...oh, okay. Right. ...um, who wants some truffles?
Alex: ...you know, Kara, you could have just turned some coal into diamonds.
Kara: ...no, I couldn't.
Alex: What? You are certainly strong enough!!
Kara: ...hnn.. no. Not yet.
Nia: A diamond out of coal? Isn't that how Lois said, Superman proposed to her? Right? Am not sure, she was drunk when she told that story at girls' night back then... Uh, hey, Kara? Lena? Why are you two blushing..?? .......ooooh. It's alright if I take those pearls, right, okay, bai!
Alex: Um, Kara, you know, you can do something original, right?
Kara: HA! Alex, you're funny! Me? Proposing to my bestest friend whom I love so much I would reshape reality for to not lose her?! Ha!
Lena: You did what now!?!
Alex: --aaaaand that's my cue. Have fun, kids. Invite me to the wedding, right? Bye!!
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