#VERSE ;; The Potions Spy Master (Golden Trio Era)
starwrittenfates Β· 6 months
@spellwrites said: "yeah, well, you know. all relationships have problems." Imogen, shortly after joining the Order at the start of the second war, referring to the fact that her boyfriend/almost-fiance doesn't believe the war exists. Talking to either au!alive!Lily and/or Severus // PROMPTS FROMΒ PRACTICAL MAGIC
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He can't help but roll his eyes at her comment, but mostly at the fact her idiot boyfriend doesn't believe the war exists. And here he thought that being the Potions Master at Hogwarts had helped him see all kinds of stupidity, but this was a new one. Severus raises an eyebrow at his mentee and friend, giving her a ludicrous look. "Do you need me to brew an Oculus Potion for him? Or perhaps a Wit-Sharpening Potion would be better suited? But nothing else helps like good old fashioned experience."
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starwrittenfates Β· 6 months
@messrsmcrauders said: "Every time I close my eyes, I see your face. And it hurts more than anything." {For Sev from Lily - for Lily’s survival verse maybe?}
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He knows he hurt her. It something that haunts him to this day, clawing away at his core of being, constantly reminding him of all the mistakes he's made. And just like always, Severus is at a loss of words for what to say when it comes to her. However, he's learned his lesson now (and the hard way), to choose his words carefully and to keep a leash on his emotions so he doesn't do it again.
"I'm sorry," he breathes out. "I didn't mean it. It was never my intention to hurt you." He suddenly feels like that sixteen year old boy, showing up outside Gryffindor Tower, wanting to fix things and make it right. He didn't think she would believe him. Why would it be any different now? But he wanted her to know that he was still remorseful for it. "You were my best friend...and I let you down."
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starwrittenfates Β· 7 months
@uptonogoodd liked for a starter with Severus! (for Lily)
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The news had spread like wildfire throughout the Wizarding Community of how Lily Potter and her son had managed to survive an attack by the Dark Lord. It was considered a miracle, but yet, Severus couldn't help thinking maybe it was some sheer good luck. It still didn't change the fact that guilt was eating away inside him, haunting his dreams and soul, knowing that he would have been responsible -- or at least-- in someway, having a part in the fact that he was the one to inform the Dark Lord of the prophecy which put that target on the Potters and almost caused Lily's death.
He was never sure he could make up for that mistake, even now, as he worked alongside Dumbledore as a member of the Order of the Phoenix and the Potions Master for Hogwarts, helping to keep an eye on Lily's son and make sure he was safe. No matter what, Severus knew it wouldn't change the fact Lily would always think the worst of him, and she had every right to. But now, seeing her after all these years since the breaking of their friendship long ago, the one thing that never changed was Severus' loyalty to her. "It's been awhile." He said, trying to break the tension. "I'm sorry...for all you've been through. If you ever need any assistance, I'm here."
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starwrittenfates Β· 8 months
@progenyofprongs said: "It's not what it looks like." (Snape)
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The Potions Master raises an eyebrow, not buying it one bit. He knows better. After all, 'the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree'...or so the saying goes. He won't be made into a fool by another Potter ever again, but he also can't help keeping an eye on the Potter children, making sure they are safe...for her, and only her. "Is that so, Miss Potter? Because, unless my eyes are playing a trick on me -- and I know they are not -- I thought I specifically told you to use your wand to stir your own potion. Not have your brother do it for you. Five points from Gryffindor for sheer laziness."
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starwrittenfates Β· 6 months
πŸ§ͺ veritaserum (no it's not, it's literally just aberforth's extra-strength firewhiskey. Imogen is self-aware enough to know any veritaserum she tries to brew is more liable to be poison)
"Alright, Severus, be honest with me. Do you own a single article of clothing that contains a color? Any color will do -- just one thing you wear that isn't fully grayscale. Oh, by the way, I put a truth serum in that."
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Severus takes a sip of the Firewhisky, feeling that burning sensation in his throat along with the punch of courage it offered, bringing down his guarded walls he usually had around others. He was quietly listening to her question before pausing, glancing at his drink when she admitted to putting a truth serum in it. It wasn't as if he could tell. Veritaserum was clear and odorless like water and the Firewhisky would overpower it either way. "If you wanted the truth from me, you could have just asked. And no, I don't. Black is my favorite color, but I also wear it because it is the color of mourning. Is there anything else you wish to pry out of me, Imogen?"
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starwrittenfates Β· 6 months
@spellwrites said: ❛ I'm tired of pretending everything's okay when it's clearly not. ❜ --(for Severus) Imogen's about had it with Dumbledore keeping secrets from the Order (ex: wtf happened to his hand????) and now he's giving Severus the DADA position when everyone knows they only last a year??? People have died from that job! Why does Dumbledore think you won't be around next year!??
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He wishes he could tell her everything, but he knows he can't. It's all part of the plan, after all, and important that no one knows. At least no one except for Dumbledore and himself. It still doesn't make this easy though. Severus has lost sleep completely over knowing what he must achieve at the end of this year, and between it and trying to make sure Draco Malfoy is safe and fulfulling his end of the Unbreakable Vow, it's all too much for him.
He doesn't want to do this anymore...but he has to remember his purpose for doing this--his reason. Her. Lily. It was ALWAYS her. But maybe it is about a bit more too...like protecting all the innocent people who will soon be caught up in all that is to come. People like Imogen.
Letting out a frustrated, but also painful sigh, already starting to become a pro at the lies he will have mutter and survive by. "I don't know what else to tell you. Life has it's ups and down, and it isn't fair, but after all the incompetent DADA professor's this school has had, perhaps the headmaster has seen the light and decided to finally give into my request for the role of being the DADA professor," he knew it was mostly because it's his reward for the task he will have to do by the end of this.
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starwrittenfates Β· 6 months
@spellwrites said: "now that was me." Imogen comes clean about starting The Vampire Rumor ten years later
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He should have known she was behind it. In fact, a part of Severus had his guesses that out of all his students, it would probably be Imogen. If she didn't get her way, or the answers she wanted, it wouldn't stop there.
When the rumors about him being a Vampire had started circling around the school, it didn't bother Severus. Instead it annoyed him being around the ones who obviously believed such a ridiculous notion. You could always tell who did. It was usually the students avoiding looking into his eyes even more and the ones garlic on themselves when they thought he wasn't looking. "I figured you would have been behind it all along," he sneered. "Who else would come up with such a ridiculous notion that I'm a Vampire?" he pauses, scoffing. "I had some students offering to buy me Blood-flavored lollipop's from Honeyduke's because of it..."
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starwrittenfates Β· 8 months
@kingofthewebxxx said: β€œyou can't lie to me. i can tell when you're lying” (For Snape)
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Severus occluded, wondering if he happened to know about his role as a double agent or not. Surely, he didn't. Everything they did-- him and Dumbledore, was carefully crafted and planned to make sure everyone believed he had been on the Dark Lord's side all along. "I don't know to what you mean, Moriarty. Please enlighten me as to what you're referring to."
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