#V/V/V siblings AU
mysterybooks-world · 7 months
What is my favorite character from Hazbin Hotel?
I will say The person who interested me the most is Vox
I like its design and style
I was hoping that the series Has Vark the Pet of Vox NOT MY ART
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at least They gave him a large aquarium Full of sharks
I have an au idea
in this au
Vox has a brother and a sister
They are triplet siblings But Vox is always acting like a big brother.
I don't know what to call his siblings
So I would appreciate any of your name suggestions for them
But I really need two names for them
I can imagine the funny scene
vox runs while his sister chases him with a frying pan And they shout at each other
They go around the house
As they went around the table
vox teases his sister And then she threw the frying pan at him but vox Avoid the frying pan
Instead of hitting vox, it hit their brother
vox brother: Why, every time you quarrel, I pay the price
vox sister: Look at what you made me do
vox: technically this is your fault and…..
Vox did not finish his words because his sister jumped on him
Despite this, they care about each other
You can say their relationship is like any siblings relationship In their own way
But when they die
vox go to hell of course While his sister and brother went to heaven
Let us just say that the reason Vox went to hell is because he did a lot of things for the sake of his siblings
Like this song
Jessica Darrow - Surface Pressure (From "Encanto")
What do you guys think of my au
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chiquitafresa · 7 months
hi This is me again
I wanted to ask you Did you see my poster on my page
about my au vox has a sister and a brother
But I don't know what to call them
Do you have some suggested names? for my oc
the first one being they all have V names like Vox! They didn’t want to change their name too much in case they meet each again.
I decided since Vox have a hidden meaning in his name (the word Vox come an other word that is use in Spain for sound) so I wanted to do the same with the other two! the girl can be called Visuelle
and the boy can be named Visuel
they both mean visual in French and since Vox is a TV and all, I thought his siblings be the same (in a way) since they dies all at the same time I think the two siblings match each other names to show how close they are!
am guessing they look like technology too! So I thought maybe Visuelle will have a IPad for a head while Visuel have a computer!
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v-albion · 7 months
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Guess who finally arrived at the @tmntbestsibscompetiton !!
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 11 months
they r compeeting,,,,, for ur HEART
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ive been sitting on this idea for the pawn au for so long n last night i was asked to make some fluff of the Angst Supreme au so uh. this is way way lower effort than it should be but at least its smthn ig skjdfhsdjkfhsdf
i forget who it was who coined the term 'gigachad Eclipse' on my blog but fam i think abt u and ur brilliant brain every day. ur a gift to this world
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livvylubug · 8 months
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“Hair” - After death AU mini comic! Woop!
This au isn’t gonna be a full on comic but I’m definitely gonna be drawing little mini lore stuff because I can.
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akuma-tenshi · 4 months
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back on my bullshit
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veryaren · 3 months
warmup. For the masses
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houdinicarpenter · 6 months
When Tara's hysterical screaming interrupts her phone call, Sam goes to investigate and finds herself in for a challenge.
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fandom: Scream characters: Tara Carpenter, Sam Carpenter, Chad Meeks-Martin, & Mindy Meeks-Martin content: sfw tickle fic, post Scream VI, siblings doing stupid shit a/n: i'm very nervous to post this. i originally wrote it as an experiment and had no intention of posting it, but i've been encouraged to do so by some dope-ass people (even if they have no idea what it is that i wrote). also... if this fic looks/reads familiar to you, no it doesn't 🤫
Around her little sister’s scream-laughing, Sam pressed the phone against her ear, closing the other with her ear to hear Danny’s voice on the other end.
“I’m good Wednesday or Friday. So, whichever day you’re free…”
“Uh…” She took a moment to think it over, before a loud squeal cut into her thoughts. She refocused. “Wednesday… I think?”
“Okay, I—” Before he could finish his reply, Tara’s hysterical vocals drowned him out again.
Sam sighed and brought a hand to her head. “Danny, can you just hold that thought for a minute? I’m gonna have to call you back. My sister’s screaming about something, and I can’t hear what you’re saying.”
“Thanks.” She hung up and left her phone on the couch as she made way towards Tara’s room, where the noise was coming from. She busted open the door. “What is going on?!” 
Tara was lying halfway in Chad’s lap and halfway on the floor, her face bright red and chest heaving, while Chad held her against him and Mindy moved away from her. She looked between the three, expecting an answer.
“Tara was being a little turd, so we tickled the hell out of her,” Chad reported. Still in his hold, his girlfriend looked up desperately at her sister. 
“More like they tried to kill me!” Chad snaked a couple fingers into her underarm and gave it another scratch, to which silenced the younger Carpenter with a ticklish whine. “Stop it!”
The eldest just sighed and shook her head. As irritated as she’d seemed on the phone, now that she knew what the noise was all about, she couldn’t help but give a playful roll of her eyes. Even at 20 years old, her baby sister was still as ticklish as she’d been when they were kids. She’d always fallen victim to the quote-unquote, “Tickle Monster,” when she’d get on Sam’s bad side. Of course, she’d never hurt her, like other older siblings might. However, all the older Carpenter had to say when Tara was starting to get on her nerves was, “I’m gonna get you, Tara, if you don’t stop.” It was enough to warn the little girl off, unless she was feeling extra risky that day—which she did a lot. “Okay, well, keep it down,” she told them, “I was on the phone, all the way in the living room, and I couldn’t hear over the screaming.”
But Mindy just shrugged. “It’s not our fault she’s so ticklish,” she insisted, nodding towards the youngest.
Her brother kissed the top of his girlfriend’s head, before he let her go and nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I did not expect that.”
While she watched Tara retreat onto her bed for safety, Sam crossed her arms and leaned against the doorframe. “Yep. She’s always been that way,” she confessed, making the other’s already-flushed face darken even more.
She glared at her. “Oh, don’t act like you’re not ticklish, Sam. I know you are.” If Sam was going to expose her, like it was nothing, then two could play it that game. “Mom and Dad got you good many times, and so did I.”
Before her big sister could say anything to defend herself, Chad challenged, “Okay, but is she as ticklish as you?”
Tara met his gaze confidently, even leaning forward a bit to show her sincerity, “Yes.”
“No,” Sam immediately objected, gaining all of their attention.
“Ooh…” Mindy glanced between the sisters. “Somebody’s lying…” She and Chad exchanged glances, before she put her hands up towards each sister. “Maybe we should test it?”
Tara shook her head, when the twins looked at her. “Don’t look at me, I just did my test. I’m still trying to recover.” She pointed at Sam, “That’s the liar, right there. Test her.”
But when she received all eyes again, Samantha shook her head with a disbelieving scoff. “This is ridiculous. I’m leaving.” Right as she turned around to walk out, her younger sister’s voice fought her to stay.
“Why?” she quizzed, leaping off the bed and slipping past the threshold to stop her from leaving. “Don’t think you can take it?” There was a sparkle in her eyes that mimicked her child years. After what just happened, she had nothing to hide, but Sam was another story.
“I can take it!” the older snapped, not realizing how defensive she sounded.
“Then, why not?”
“Because it’s stupid.”
“Then, prove me wrong,” Tara insisted, stepping forward to force her sibling to back up into her bedroom. Sam’s brow hardened a little, which made her go on to propose, “For a full minute, we get to tickle you and see if you’re as bad as me.”
The other was already rolling her eyes and sighing, indirectly saying everything she’d been insinuating about it. “Tara…”
“What?” she grinned. “If you think it’s so stupid and you insist that you’re not as ticklish as I remember, then one minute should be nothing, right?” She took another step forward, cornering her further. “If you win, you can choose to do or make me do anything you want. You can have revenge, make me do the dishes or make me cook dinner for a week, whatever you want,” she offered. “But if I win, I get bragging rights, and I get to tell Danny.”
“Ooooohhhh,” Chad teased the idea as he looked up at Sam, who was now almost standing in front of him. 
This made Tara’s smirk grow as she raised her eyebrows. But her big sister just blinked at her, unfazed.
“You’re serious?”
Instead of replying, the younger just took a step back and held her hand out for a deal-making handshake. Her smile dropped into a serious expression. “Deadly.”
On the inside, Samantha was groaning at how ridiculous this idea was, but she knew if she were to keep refusing, none of them would get off her back. It was a minute. 60 seconds. That was it. After, she’d be free to walk away without being hounded about irrelevant nonsense. She had to admit, she truly didn’t know how she’d take this ‘challenge,’ because Tara was right, it had literally been years since she’d been in a situation like that. And everybody and their dog knew just how much she’d changed from her younger self.
“Fine, I will do it, to make you get off my ass…” 
Tara’s head tilted in a form of a nod, “Fair enough.” She then made way to her bed and jumped up on it, spinning around to sit like a dog. She tapped the space next to her, “Take a seat, Sammy.”
While she looked calm on the outside, the older Carpenter’s heart started to pick up speed as she moved towards her assigned spot. She sat down with a sigh, to which invited her sister to move behind her, making a half-circle around her like a cat to its human’s leg.
“Just to let you know,” she warned, “if you start to get out of control, Chad’s gonna have to hold you.”
“What the—”
“You agreed to a minute, we shook on it!” she reminded, cutting her off. “You’re strong, so I can’t trust that you won’t fight for escape.”
Sam just wanted to get it over with, as much as she was quickly growing to hate it. She swallowed uneasily, but luckily Tara didn’t hear.
“Chad, Mindy, what are you still doing down there? I’m gonna need backup!”
“Yes, ma’am!” Chad leapt off the floor, while Mindy came around the opposite side of the bed and pulled her phone out.
“You better be timing this shit,” Sam growled.
“I got it right here,” Mindy flashed the screen in the others’ direction. “Tell me when, T.”
Tara sat down right at her sister’s back and rubbed her hands together like she usually did when she was about to kick someone’s ass in a game. “Go!”
Not even a second after the cue was given, Samantha felt her sibling’s fingertips skitter up her back and through her hair to get to her neck. Instinctively, she stiffened, but she stayed where she was. A swarm of chills flooded her, but it wasn’t the cold-type. It was the kind that told your brain that your skin was crawling, and it wasn’t sure how to respond.
Tara still maintained her confidence as she drug her perfectly filed nails around to the sides of her neck, threatening to further explore the soft underside of her throat. She got more of a reaction here, the older’s shoulders jerking up, while a small noise emitted from her larynx. Bingo. She then put her lips up to her ear, intentionally whispering, “Is Sammy afraid of the Tickle Monster?” Whispering into her ear had always been something Sam couldn’t stand, because it tickled.
And like she expected, her older sister twisted away, her face cringing as she closed one eye and hissed in irritation. Baby pink talons slithered beneath her chin, which made her try to back up, but she just ended up bracing against Tara.
The younger Carpenter giggled at this and slithered her fingers down her collarbone and into her underarms. The owner’s spine twisted, clenching her arms to her figure, but it just trapped her dangerous touch. 
Sam’s barrier broke, and she started to snicker as she tried to twist away. However, a different pair of hands crept onto her torso to keep her where she was, and just that contact made her snickers turn into giggles. She pulled her knees up and tried to push Chad off of her.
“I didn’t even start ticking her, and she’s already laughing.” Chad looked over at Tara, who encouraged him with a nod.
“Well, get on it! Time’s running out!” She relieved her sister from scratching at her underarms and went back up to her neck.
Her boyfriend shrugged and obeyed her order as he attacked the victim’s abdomen and ribs with menacing fingertips. 
A loud whine came from Samantha, before she erupted into full-on laughter. She kicked out in a struggle to gain a grip on the mattress to push herself out of her 2nd tormentor's reach.
Tara had to work around her writhing, making her think back on what she had claimed before she agreed to this. “You’re squirming a lot for someone who swore they could take it, Saaam,” she teased in a sing-song voice.
Beneath her dominance, the older Carpenter choked out, “Shu-hu-hut up, Ta-ha-hara!” She shook her head, shoving her hands against Chad’s.
From the head of the bed, Mindy shouted, “She’s tryin’ to get away! Chad, switch places with Tara!” She held her phone up, “She’s got 40 seconds!”
The pair did so, in a smooth transition, Tara not taking her hands away from her sibling as she tickled down her sides and in between her ribs.
Given his size, Chad was able to get a hold on Sam pretty quickly. He slipped his forearms beneath her arms and dragged her back until she was mostly on the bed, holding her upper body in his lap, like he had done with Tara only minutes ago. There, he was able to twist his wrists to occupy her collarbone, some of her neck, and her upper ribcage.
The underdog was in a constant cycle of guffaws and wheezing, her face bright red from the intensity, which mimicked her little sister’s patterns as well. She wasn’t even able to get words out before Tara took things to the next level. 
She slipped her hands beneath her big sister’s shirt and forced it up, before going after her bare stomach. “How about this, Sammy?” she taunted as she earned a squeal from her new tactic, “Does this tickle even more?”
Samantha gave a hard buck, her head throwing back into Chad, which she instantly regretted when his fingers danced on her exposed throat. She pulled her head down. “NAAH-HA-HA-HA! TA-HA-HARA-HA-HAAA!” Her knees yanked in, but to no avail, simply leaving them to kick out again in another buck.
Her sibling kept one hand on her fluttering belly, while the other controlled her legs by raking her nails into her inner thighs. “It’s not just me!”
“20 seconds!”
“Come on, Sam! Finish it out!” Chad cheered her on from above, even though he was busy scratching at her ribs. He retreated one arm enough to then tickle beneath her underarm again. “Find your inner Loomis! Prove Tara wrong!”
The older Carpenter nearly shrieked, when he did this, one hand weakly holding Tara’s wrist while she tried to bear the handle he had on her left ribcage to shrug out of his new point of captivation. “S-STAA-HA-HA-HAP! I C-CA-HAAA—” Her voice gave out in another violent wheeze.
With the grace of a cat, Tara eased up on her contribution to leap over her big sister and finish the rest of the time on the opposite side. Her back was turned to Mindy as she tore into Sam’s lower abdomen, slipping her nails beneath her beltline to assault the sensitive flesh between her hips that she knew would throw her overboard. “I almost forgot about this spot!” A squeal-entwined “no” answered her, and she trailed one hand away to skitter down her bent leg, catching the sole of her foot. “And here!”
Sam retreated her leg instantly. “NO, TA-HARA, DO-HO-HO-HON’T!” She braced her heel into the bed to try and push herself up out of her lying position. 
However, before her baby sister could do anymore damage, the timer went off and was followed by Mindy lunging forward.
The female twin broke the challenge to wrap her arms around Tara’s waist and pull her backwards. “Extra 15 seconds for Tara!” she announced, pinning her against her and digging her fingers into the younger’s stomach. “TICKLE ATTACK ON THE CARPENTER SISTERS!”
Tara exploded into shrill laughter, still too weak from earlier to push her off. “NO-HO-HO! STOP! THA-HA-HAT’S NOT FAI-HA-HA-HAIR!”
“Careful what you wish for, babe!” Chad teased and continued his playful torment on Sam, while his girlfriend’s familiar squeals and laughter filled his ears.
The younger Carpenter kicked and shook her head furiously as Mindy raised one hand to wave her fingers in front of her view. She was just as much a victim to air-tickles—when already under the ticklish spell—making her squeal when those dreadful words came from her attacker’s tongue.
“Tickle, tickle, tickle,” Meeks-Martin taunted, then unleashed merciless fingertips everywhere Tara couldn’t cover.
“AAHHH-HA-HA-HA-HAAAA! NAH-HA-HA-HAT THA-HAAT!” She bucked and thrashed, receiving karma for her cruel treatment on her older sister. “MI-HINDYYY-HE-HEEE!”
Chad was the one to call everything off after 15 seconds, which was more like 20 for Mindy and Tara. “Alright, Mindy! That’s a wrap, they look like they’re about to pass out,” he told her.
Luckily, his sister obeyed and let Tara lean against her as she recovered.
The football player sighed as Samantha covered her eyes with one hand and rested the other on her still-exposed stomach, panting almost in-sync with her sister. He glanced over to his sibling. “Aw, I kinda feel bad now…”
Before she could reply, Sam did, breathlessly. “Good… You should…”
“Hey,” Mindy piped up, “It was your sister’s idea!”
Tara pushed herself up from leaning against the twin, glaring over her shoulder. “Yeah. And you messed it up!” she hissed, shoving her away. “The point was to target Sam, not me!”
But her former attacker just chuckled, “I know. But I couldn’t resist.”
She rolled her eyes and looked over at Chad. “So, what’s the verdict? Did I win?” She then glanced at the others.
Chad shrugged, “I don’t know… Sam doesn’t break as easily or quickly as you do.”
“That’s because she was trying! You guys caught me off guard,” she countered, then pointed to Sam, “She was expecting it!”
Mindy gave the younger Carpenter the benefit of the doubt, “Sam is a lot more squirmy than Tara is, though. Tara just kinda gives up.”
This made the youngest frown, “Okay, that’s rude. But it’s a point…”
By now, Samantha had caught her breath enough to sit up on her own, even though her abs ached from the laughing onslaught. She cleared her throat and combed through her ruffled hair. “Just make a decision,” she ordered as she pulled her shirt down to its intended length, “I told Danny I’d call him back, because Tara was being too loud.”
Finally, Chad put his hands up in defeat. “Honestly, I think it’s a tie,” he decided.
His girlfriend rolled her eyes and slouched her shoulders, “Okay, fine, but I still get my share of winning, right?”
Behind her, Mindy nodded, “Sure, but because y’all tied, Sam gets her pick on what you have to do, too.” She glanced up to the eldest, who stood up and continued to adjust her shorts.
The other two looked in her direction too.
“What do you want, Sam?” Tara asked in partial disappointment.
Her sister rubbed her hand over her face, then glanced over her shoulder. “I’ll think about it,” she answered, the small smirk pulling at her lips promising something that Tara would dread. Rightfully so though, with how she handled the so-called challenge. Oh, she would make her decision wisely. 
Chad chuckled at that response, while the younger Carpenter groaned. Beside them, Mindy jumped up.
“Alright!” She clapped her hands and pointed to Sam, “Now that that’s over, Sam, go call Danny back and finish your conversation. After that, we’ll watch the movie.”
Her brother nodded. “Agreed. Can’t have a slumber party with the Core Four without a good movie.” He glanced over to Tara as she slid off her bed and started towards the bathroom.
“I’ve gotta pee now, thanks to you, Mindy!” her voice carried as she shut the door.
That’s when Sam decided to take her leave. “Okay, I’ll let you know when I’m done. Or if you guys wanna go ahead and set it up, you can do that, but our TV’s a little different than the one that y’all have, so you might wanna wait for Tara.”
From beyond the bathroom door, Tara hollered. “Tell Danny to expect some dirt on you, in the near future!”
She just rolled her eyes and shook her head as she walked out.
🫣 welp... there you go
p.s. i've already been requested a pt. 2 for this so i'll be working on that in the near future. i don't know if i will be posting that one, but if this one does ok or if someone mentions they want me to share the 2nd part, i will consider :)
yolo, right?
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buny1 · 6 months
G10 Leatrice Lemon? :0
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here u go sleepy :D hope u like it! ^^
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incorrectgenv · 5 months
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minecraftbookshelf · 1 year
At this point the only thing keeping me from adding other characters from mcyters into this world is the fact that it would, eventually bring me to the point of "Xornoth and Scott's little sibling, Aimsey" and at that point there is no salvaging the original storyline.
It's a whole separate au that I'll have to come back to after this one is more or less done
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mysterybooks-world · 5 months
I would like huge applause for @chiquitafresa
For my giving great idea name for my OCS
Visuelle sister & Visuel brother of Vox
I was thinking about their early childhood Like old cartoon kids having adventures for example The Chipmunk Adventure
when they became a teenager They were like The Three Stooges They traveled around the world and worked in different jobs
Vox is like Moe, Visuelle is like Larry and Visuel is like Curly
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They made many acquaintances, friends, and enemies on their journey
when they became adulthood They became CEO Of their company
They bought lands. They built their own Studios
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(note some ghosts are haunting here, they were friends of the triplets When they were teenagers) in the years They protect the place and take care of it.
They do the coolest and greatest shows
You could say they were like (the greatest showman) (JINGLE JANGLE)(movie Cats Don't Dance)(Singin' in the Rain)
You know, like old movies
Visuelle is married to my other OC he is man, Let's say Vox and Visuel spy on their date, like the siblings of overProtect In Each Other
they mess with him Like pranks and tricks But in the end they accept him In family.
the reason vox in hell Although he killed some people who tried to harm him, his family and friends
Vox didn't tell his siblings
In hell vox changed
He does not regret his actions, but the only thing vox regrets is not telling his siblings the truth.
poor Visuelle and Visuel They miss Their brother
In heaven They started their own company like Vox They know all the information about heaven
Their appearance like demon vox. suit Light blue colour And a TV for a head With light blue wings and a halo angel.
Visuelle and Visuel find out They have the ability to open portals between Heaven, Earth and Hell
They decided to search for their brother The first changed their form into demons like vox.
vox was in his office when he felt vibrations From two familiar Signals
From nowhere his siblings They appeared from one of the screens. vox couldn't believe the two people in front of him And he said Visuelle ,Visuel Is this really you?
Visuelle: Who else are we similar to each other, you dummy?
Visuel started crying and He jumped on Vox for a hug, Visuelle did the same thing And the three of them started crying While they curse each other, After the family reunited
They started scolding Vox In not telling them anything But the important thing is that they are together again
Visuelle and Visuel like Velvette BUT Valentino oh boy So let's say, they taught him politeness.
If they meet Because they keep it secret
Vox talked about Alastor And about his behavior with him They both tapped their hands on their screens and They shake their heads
All the while Vox was in hell losing a part of himself. vox no longer cares about anything like before, not without siblings.
Because he lost his desires And his determination Without his family So he began to treat the world like his stage He doesn't care about anything, he just plays the role
So when they started spending time together Some things in his life improved in hell
Vox moved on about His past with Alastor Because with his siblings he can be his true self
So yeah that's the story of my au.
I have other au for them like (assassin triplets AU)
Do you know Yor Forger and Yuri Briar from (SPY x FAMILY)
They are a mix of both
All three of them died at the same time At the age of 43 When they were fighting enemies and They sacrifice their lives for the lives of thousands from a dangerous type of weapon.
They fell in a park on the bushes. They try to make sense of the situation while The three of them hid in a tree. Visuel says something silly About their appearance
When a random Sinner was walking Close to them. They caught him And They squeeze all the information out of him. They threatened him not to tell anyone About meeting them.
Anyway After they realize that they are in hell
Visuel: This is funny, whoe knows death has a future
Vox: What do you think we should do?
Visuelle: This is a simple question my brothers We will live a peaceful afterlife Or at least we try live a peaceful afterlife, look at the chaos
Visuel: Yes, we deserve eternal rest
Vox: Sorry to break your optimism But we need a job and a home. Here's the plan. So we'll open it as a TV store and Devices & Studio
Visuelle: sound like good plan
Vox: And the important thing We don't become a overlords or meet overlords And I mean this Visuel
Visuel: Why I didn't do anything?
Visuelle: YET
They by electricity After they discovered how to control their power
After they settled in an area in their home
The first floor and the second floor are a shop and the rest of the building is their house.
Vox was on his way back to the store When he saw everyone running away and screaming The Radio Demon, Vox teleported over a building to try to avoid him, And when he was inside the store
The doorbell rang
welcome to the VoxTek store How can I help you?
But his facial expression changed to one of shock when he saw it in front of him Alastor
Alastor: Alastor a pleasure to be meeting you quite the pleasure
Vox: Hello, I am honored to meet you Radio Demon What brings you to my humble Studio store?
Alastor: Call me Alastor is Enough
Alastor: I've heard a few things about your store From some Sinners
Vox: So I hope what you heard is a good thing
They start a conversation with each other.
Visuel and Visuelle entered the store
They were ready to kill the Radio Demon Behind the door But Vox told them do not do at by through their shared frequency.
so They stand With Vox behind the cashier
Alastor: It's rare to see three Sinners similar in appearance,
Visuel: You don't say, looks at him With sharp look
Vox kicks his foot under the table
Visuel: What did I do
Vox invited Alastor over for lunch
While they were eating
This scene happened The spoon got stuck in Vox's mouth
When they looked at the instead of Jam jar It was a jar of glue
While Alastor burst out laughing as he watched vox chases his Siblings
And that's how they became friends
But later they became overlords Because of a certain deer.
Because Alastor can't stop laughing when he's with them
to Alastor He feels found treasure of entertainment from the pure kind
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baylardian-1 · 1 year
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there's this SOFT CANON (its referenced on memory ALPHA lmao) Voyager short story called "On the Rocks" about the Threshold babies. :)
the "protag" baby is named Harry and he's terrified of water and moody and hates his namesake and idk PHILIPPA CORE???? the other two are B'Elanna (Amelia) and Tuvok (Edward). ((((and then there's a fourth baby named Neelix who got killed lol))))
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v-albion · 5 months
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UNO Game! Vote for them HERE @tmntbestsibscompetiton
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huntingrays · 8 months
heroes of olympus au where esperanza ends up living (either the fire never happened or she ends up surviving). leo enjoys his quiet life with his mother until, one day, she mentions she’s been seeing someone recently, and that they’ve been getting serious. leo is happy for his mother, but he can’t help being a little jealous that he has to share his mom with someone else.
he’s quite shocked when he finds out his mom’s new boyfriend is none other than famous actor tristan mclean. he’s even more shocked to find out the man has a daughter around his age.
esperanza and tristan were worried about how to bring their two families together, worried their children, despite being the same age as each other, wouldn’t get along. turns out, what they had to worry about wasn’t them not getting along, but instead them getting along way too well.
at first, the two were tense and suspicious around each other. however, after learning about leo’s knack for inventing and piper’s ability to persuade people, they became a chaotic, unstoppable duo. after that day, the two became inseparable, determined to always be there for each other and to leave chaos in their wake, wherever they may go.
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pixlokita · 1 year
got anymore gregory+cassie twin propaganda headcanons for the people?
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The bestie just sent this and like… what do you mEAN “FRIEND” ?! Ugh TTwTT the twin theory is still real in my heart xD
If Cassie looks even a little alike to Greg it’s canon in my brain pfffft
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