#Uyghurs Identity
panicinthestudio · 1 year
The New Face of Chinese Propaganda, March 22, 2023
Influencers are the new face of Chinese propaganda. Hidden amongst the vlogs about puppies and makeup, they clandestinely allow Beijing to whitewash its crimes against humanity. 
Despite being blocked in China, YouTube has become a key ideological battleground for the Chinese Communist Party. And they have created a whole new ecosystem of influencers who tow the party line. 
From looking at these videos, these Uygher influencers portray their homeland of Xinjiang as idyllic and prosperous. However, numerous and credible reports document China’s ongoing crimes against the Uygher population - from rape, forced sterilization to slave labor.
Daria Impiombato, a Researcher at The Australian Strategic Policy Institute, and her team, watched over 1,700 of these videos. Soon enough, they found a worrying grey area in which these influencers operate. 
Through working for ‘multi-channel networks’ or MCNs,. These “influencer agencies”, with state-approved VPN networks, allow them to circumnavigate the all-powerful “Great Firewall of China”. 
However, these agencies are linked to the Chinese Communist Party, and their content must strictly follow Chinese law. 
Beijing’s propaganda machine is attempting to control the narrative, not just within their borders, but directly within your algorithms too.
To read the research for yourself; https://www.aspi.org.au/report/frontier-influencers
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neep-neep-neep · 12 days
nationalism is bad actually. like it's a cult, an illness of the organs of virtue. destroy exceptionalism and see your country as it is, whatever country it is, whatever propaganda you swallowed, whatever atrocities it's committed. yes, you.
see the people who suffer because of your country and hear them and sit beside them and do not tell them lies. rose colored glasses are just bloodstains by a different name
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yasyassie · 4 months
fuck your pride activism if it only includes cis, white able-bodied and neurotypical queers
fuck your pride activism if you forgot why we celebrate this month and who started it (black and trans working class ppl if you needed a reminder)
fuck your pride activism if you pretend to care about the community but then continue to buy from big companies that donate millions to anti lgbt politicians, perpetuate genocide, exploit other human beings and destroy the environment (but put a rainbow on their logo each june so it's ok)
fuck your pride activism if it continues to support israel and still falls for its pinkwashing and racist bullshit (about it being the only progressive country in the middle east etc)
fuck your pride activism if you exclude palestinian, congolese, sudanese, uyghur, armenian, (and every community suffering from genocide) lgbtq people from your cry for freedom
fuck your pride activism if it doesn't support the liberation of south and central american, caribbean, asian, romani, eastern european, sámi, middle eastern, native american, pacific islander, maori, aboriginal australian, indigenous tribes everywhere, and african people.
fuck your pride activism if you don't support religious queer people and reject their spirituality and connection to their faith as part of their identity
fuck your pride activism if you don't welcome queer inmigrants, war refugees and political refugees
fuck your pride activism if you don't uplift the voices of those who can't, those who are silenced, those who have to hide, those who fear imprisonment or death for being who they are
fuck state homophobia and opressive regimes
fuck homonationalism and the hypocrisy of the west
fuck capitalist and colonial pride
pride is for every single one of us
pride was a riot before it was a celebration and i intend to protest for an intersectional activism each and every day of this month
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newsfrom-theworld · 3 months
List of campaing/ resources for countries in need
Hi folks! This is a list with resources, go found me campaing, history lessons and posts in general about countries in need. I need everyone to repost and check this, this is my most important post.
When I found new resources I will update the post
What's happening in Sudan
Understanding the war in Sudan
What Sudanese people are enduring
Four things about the Sudan war
Why the Sudanese people don't document their genocide?
Children soldiers during the war
Boycott the UAE
Why Sudan is a proxy war and not a civil one
The 5th of June Massacre
The 3rd of June massacre during the 2018-19 revolution
Sudanese refugees in Ethiopia
Starvation in Sudan 1
Starvation in Sudan 2
Starvation is Sudan 3
Sudan, a crisis in the millions
Contact your representatives for Sudan
List of go found me campaigns
Sudanese-led causes to donate to
List of accounts to follow about the issue in Sudan (people on the ground etc)
Why Keep Eyes on Sudan ?
The role of Antiblackness in the coverage about Sudan
Sudanese refugees crisis
The polio epidemic in Sudan
Sudan's identity crisis
Palestine ( Gaza)
Boycott list
Why people are boycotting Starbucks
Palestinian prisoners
Violence against Palestinian female prisoners
Inside ''Israeli'' prisons
List of Go found me campaigns (on Tumblr) DONATE
more go found me (there are some for Sudan too) DONATE
Go founds me for autistic Palestinians who need our help DONATE
Palestinian go found mes on Tik Tok DONATE
Bisan's blockout 2024 list
Why don't trust Western media on the issue 1
Why don't trust Western media on the issue 2
''Israeli'' soldiers being ''Israeli'' soldiers TW: NOT FOR THE WEAK
Child abduction in Palestine
Help a brave doctor rebuild his clinic DONATE
The tale of the village Al Qarya al-Suwaydiya
Petition to ban ''Israel from the Olympics
Sde Teiman concentration camp
Isr@elis being Isr@elis
The polio epidemic in Gaza
The siege on Gaza
What's happening in Yemen?
List of Go found me campaings
What's appening in Haiti?
List of go found me campaings
What's happening in DRC?
A history lesson about Congo
List of go found me campaings
Five things you have to know about Congo
Why Congo is a feminist issue
A survivor's tell from Congo
What is happening in Lebanon?
List of campaings for the civilians
Zionists espressing themself
How the zionist entity is manufacturing consent to invade Lebanon.
Puerto Rico
What's happening in Puerto Rico?
List of go found me campaings
Puerto Ricans and Gaza
What's happening in Tigray?
Ecocide in Tigray
Health crisis in Tigray
West Papua
What's happening in West Papua?
Boycott Indonesia
Why China is accused of commiting genocide?
What's happening in Hawai'i?
History lesson: before the colonization
History lesson: the us coup
campaings to help Hawai'i
What is happening in Bangladesh?
police violence in Bangladesh
What is happening in Venezuela?
The women of Pakistan
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xclowniex · 4 months
I am very disappointed in the Try Guys and especially Zach for their livestream.
I want to preface this by saying that I have no issue with raising money for aid for Gaza. Gaza needs more aid. What i have issue with is Zach's speech he made at the start + a few other things.
He said "on a personal note, I am a jewish man, I wanna tell you crucially, it is not anti-Semitic to critize the actions of the Israeli government or to stand up for the Palestinian people i was raised learning the dangerous history of how othering and dehumanization can lead to persecution and genocide. Its not something I will allow and my identity to be weaponized to harm others and so today we stand proudly in solidarity with the people of Palestine"
Whilst i agree with half of his statement, it all still rubs me the wrong way.
I agree with the fact that genuine criticism of the Israeli government is not antisemitic and I also actively encourage genuine criticism. I myself have a lot of criticism about the current Israeli government.
The but about that half which rubs me the wrong way, is the failure to acknowledge that there are those which do not give genuine criticism and are genuinely antisemitic and hide their antisemitism behind the mask of critiquing the Israeli government. And its not like its a small amount of people do that or that those who participated in the live stream just were not antisemitic as they were.
Which also sucks as they said they were moderating the chat yet let multiple antisemitic comments stay up.
Another thing which I completely disagree with is Zach saying "Its not something I will allow and my identity to be weaponized to harm others"
I also do not like the whole "not in our name" or "I don't like my identity being weaponized to harm others" as like…. not all jews are Israeli and not all Israeli folk are jewish. Like there is a difference of nationality between Israeli jews and diaspora jews. Israel being at war is not weaponizing the jewish identity. You wouldn't say what Russia is doing is weaponizing the Russian identity for diaspora Russians, or what the Chinese Government is doing to the Uyghur people is weaponizing the Chinese identity for diaspora Chinese folk. Why is Israel's actions different?
Another issue I had is with the creators who are part of the creators for Palestine.
Hasan "antisemite" Piker is part of it. To sum his bad things up, he has called all jews white, got mad at and threw a tantrum at a trans person for telling him not to speak over trans people about trans issues, and is a rape apologist and said that rape is only dome by rich white men to rich white women so people don't need to worry about rape.
Not to mention Stanzi also was apart of it too. Stanzi made this tweet:
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Which is very fucked. Imagine saying that those going through war and needing aid and help are just "yapping" and that they now must focus on Palestine instead of, ya know, not dying????
Overall i am very disappointed in the try guys and wish they did better with their live stream.
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So I am a bit ashamed given modern day politics to admit that I'm left leaning at all. Even if I'm a just Left of Center Libertarian.
But the reason why is because of the fact that a huge swath of the left has an issue when it comes to words. Specifically changing the meaning of words until they mean next to nothing at all.
What do I mean by this? Well let's consider, what words have been made to mean nothing by the left:
The list goes on and on and on.
Nazi more or less now means, "I don't like you and you don't agree with me thus forth I will bestow this label on you so as to smear you publicly"
Gender used to mean sex and now it both does and does not mean sex and even is now used to mean "Identity" with that was never what it meant.
Genocide is SUPPOSED to mean the intentional removal of a group of people through killing them or breeding them out by sterilization or intentional delusion of their bloodline. (Example of this is the raping of Uyghur Muslim women by Han chinese men and the sterilization of the Uyghur Muslim men by chemical castration or actual castration). Now it just means, "People dying in war is genocide. People not being allowed to chemically castrate themselves is genocide. People being allowed to eat meat is genocide". IE: It means nothing at all.
And then there's my favorite phrase from the left.
"This is a threat to our Democracy" which actually translates to: This is a threat to the power of Democrats therefore we need to smear and slander anyone pushing whatever is being pushed currently. And we will use weasel words normies use in order to scare them away from whatever this thing being pushed is".
First and foremost, we DO NOT live in a Democracy. We live in a Constitutional Republic. Secondly, when people want power as BADLY as Dems and will lie, cheat, steal, and smear to get there, you should be concerned. I mean for god sake, people consider a very TINY riot at the capital with 99.99% of people unarmed completely, while we also know feds were in the crowd, an "Insurrection"; But then will not consider fire bombing the security office outside the White House, the pushing down of the WH fence, and the burning of a historical church across the street, and the injuring and killing of several Guards and Police the same thing.
So basically, it's a "If we are in power, everything we do, no matter what it is, is fine and reasonable. If you are in power anything we do to try to remove you from power is fine and reasonable.", situation.
That's why I don't like most of the left. Because they think they are gods. Their "Moral" is correct even when it never stops changing. Look at their defense of slavery in the middle east all because, "Those poor oppressed Arabs". I'm sorry but what?! SO slavery is FINE so long as it's non white doing it? That's what I'm hearing right? And sadly a lot of the time it's "YES! That is what you are hearing". If time has taught me anything it's that most of the left is a brainwashed, uneducated cult. They believe EVERYTHING outside of their cult views as evil and thus forth need to lie about it to make everyone else NOT involved or not informed also have the same resentment towards the people they hate.
And it was the last straw when I saw post after post after post of leftists excusing rape. And then people like Hasan Piker calling Kids, "Colonizers" while in the breath before talking about violent removal of people is fine if they are colonizers.
No leftists. You need to understand something very clearly. The "Right" you view as so bad and evil are consistent in most of their morals. But you view everything in bad faith. Thus can't see past your own bias long enough to realize the actual evil ones are you.
And understand. I'm not calling EVERYONE on the left evil. But if you worship the left, you probably are evil. Even if you believe you are doing "The right thing" that doesn't mean you are. And it's about time you realized that.
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intersectionalpraxis · 3 months
"Research published on Wednesday by Human Rights Watch and the Norway-based organisation Uyghur Hjelp documents about 630 communities that have been renamed in this way by the government, mostly during the height of a crackdown on Uyghurs that several governments and human rights bodies have called a genocide."
“This is part of the broader efforts by the Chinese government to conflate Islam with terrorism,” said Elaine Pearson, the director of Human Rights Watch’s Asia division. “They see anything Islamic or Arabic sounding as threatening, so they renamed these things to be more in mind with [Chinese Communist party] ideology."
“We’ve seen this also in the way mosques have been demolished, changed, altered. We’ve seen many different examples in the way the Chinese government uses this to violate aspects of free expression and cultural identity and religious freedom.”
'Rayhan Asat, a Uyghur human rights lawyer and senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, whose brother disappeared into the Xinjiang detention regime in 2016, told the Guardian the changes were part of Beijing’s “overarching objective to eradicate the Uyghur culture and people entirely and create a system of apartheid”.
"Since launching its “strike hard” campaign against Uyghur and other Turkic Muslims in 2014 in the name of counter-terrorism, the Chinese government has arbitrarily detained millions of people, in re-education camps and jails, criminalising religious acts such as growing beards or reading the Qur’an. Others have been persecuted for having contact with the international diaspora or travelling overseas."
"There is evidence of enforced mass labour transfer programmes, enforced social re-education, torture and enforced disappearances, and coercive reproductive control."
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ammg-old2 · 1 year
How do you protect a culture that is being wiped out?
For Uighurs, this is more than just a hypothetical. Repressive measures against the ethnic minority have progressively worsened: The Chinese government has corralled more than 1 million of them into internment camps, where they have been subjected to political indoctrination, forced sterilization, and torture.
The targeting of the Uighurs isn’t limited to the camps. Since 2016, dozens of graveyards and religious sites have been destroyed. The Uighur language has been banned in Xinjiang schools in favor of Mandarin Chinese. Practicing Islam, the predominant Uighur faith, has been discouraged as a “sign of extremism.”
Beijing frames these moves as its way of rooting out terrorism, separatism, and religious extremism. But the aim of China’s actions in Xinjiang is clear: to homogenize Uighurs into the country’s Han Chinese majority, even if that means erasing their cultural and religious identity for good. What is taking place is a cultural genocide.
The repercussions bear heavily even on Uighurs living outside the country. Their burden is more than just raising awareness about what is taking place in their homeland—a task many have taken up at great cost to themselves and their families. It’s also about preserving and promoting their identity in countries where few people might know who the Uighurs are, let alone what the world stands to lose should their language, food, art, and traditions be eradicated.
In an effort to understand what this kind of cultural preservation looks like in practice, I spoke with seven Uighurs residing in Britain, France, Turkey, and the United States. As chefs, poets, singers, filmmakers, language teachers, and musicians, each of them is contributing to this work in different ways. All of them are passionate about ensuring that their heritage will be passed on to future generations. None of them is under any illusions about what’s at stake if they fail.
“Every Uighur now is under very big psychological pressure,” Omer Kanat, the director of the Uyghur Human Rights Project, a Washington, D.C.–based nonprofit, told me. “We cannot sleep at night.”
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Something that bugs me is when people say in comments on my work that they don't think real life, existing combinations of ethnicities and identities exist. To give you examples, someone got annoyed that I wrote a half Chinese, half Turkish reporter in one scene. This is a reference to leftist news reporter Cenk Uyghur, a real life Turkish man, who is married to a Taiwanese woman and has two children, so in fact Turkish-Chinese people do exist and I can name you two exactly. Someone was irritated that I wrote a bisexual Romani Jewish man. He's there as a stealth shoutout to bisexual Romani Jewish American investigative journalist Travis View, a real life human being. I got told it was silly to have an asexual white Muslim girl. I am all of those things.
I get that a lot of people in fandom live in small towns that do not experience much in the ways of diversity but there are eight billion people on Earth. Incredibly weird and specific combinations more niche than anything I have listed here happen. People with identities you have never even heard of or who have overlapping statistically unlikely identities are everywhere, especially these days, as global travel is easier than ever and mixed people are an increasingly large demographic in many countries.
Also... bro this is the MCU. We're cool with wizards, aliens, magic, multiple timelines, sentient AIs that try to destroy the world, superpowered suits of armor, but a white Muslim - and I remind you that's most of Bosnia, an entire country, as well as one third of USAmerican Muslims - is too much to imagine?
I know we're all stuck on the other discourse about racism in fandom and their protest movement but they don't mention this, and it's an ongoing annoying problem I see in fandom.
I'd say suburbs more than small towns, but yeah. There's a very sheltered, clueless vibe to a lot of comments.
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hussyknee · 10 months
sad how these "freedom for..." posts never include xinjiang because people aren't willing to take a stand against islam the way they are christianity. uygurs are facing genocide on two fronts - from the ccp and from islamists. there's only one uygur temple still standing - all the others have been demolished by muslim extremists. abrahamic religions colonising the world and brutally oppressing native religions and cultures is a tale as old as time, but people are stuck in the weird mindset that abrahamic religions are deserving of respect.
Idk what temples you're talking about, but "Uyghurs are actually a multi-faith society that was forcibly converted to Islam" is CCP propaganda to lie about the fact that they're genociding the Uyghurs for being Turkic Muslims and destroying their mosques and shrines.
I'm just going to lay aside the world-ending irony of accusing "Islamists" (whatever the fuck that is) of colonizing and forcibly converting a people...who live on top of China. I mean I tried to figure out which stage of Chinese history you're trying to erase to get here, but the answer can only be "all of it". China apparently both exists and doesn't exist for you. But Schroedinger's geo-politics or not, I can't let the "Abrahamic religions" bit stand because this horseshit is gaining way too much traction in South Asia.
Judaism, the world's oldest religion, being an upstart colonizing force is a frankly wild thing to say. I even tried to find mention of any colonization by Jews before Palestine and only found a couple of dynasties and vassal states under Ancient Rome. If you're talking about the Khazars in the sixth century, the rulers converted to Judaism voluntarily and there's no evidence it was either imposed or predominant among the rest of the population. Otoh, Jews have been repeatedly expelled, colonized and subjugated by Christians and Muslims (which is why most of their holidays are just "Yay We Didn't All Die"), and Muslims have suffered under Christian colonization for the last two hundred years along with the rest of us, and a lot longer in Europe. Islamic Empires rarely forced conversions (and in fact didn't like having too many Muslim subjects because non-Muslims were made to pay them taxes) and because of that were generally more tolerant than Christian ones, especially of Jews and Christians whom they considered "People of the Book". I mean persecution and ethnic cleansings did happen, depending on who was in charge (the Almohad Empire was particularly awful, which maybe explains the Catholic violence of Spain and Portugal), but in general, mass conversion wasn't the point of colonization. Among the Turkic peoples especially it was trade that spread Islam, not war or colonization, unlike shit-ass Portuguese traders who said, "We come in search of Christians and spices" and proceeded to kill and colonize everyone and torture them into converting. No fucking way you're lumping all of them in one "Abrahamic" colonial basket.
And the Christian legacies that endure in colonized societies are still as legitimate and integral part of their cultural identities. Once something is absorbed into a culture, the way it's shaped and used is unique to that society. Culture is a living, growing thing, like tree roots. It absorbs, merges, winds itself around generational traumas and obstacles and evolves in new trajectories. Whether or not you approve of the contortions of its survival and whether it looks different at the tip than at the root, it's still the same tree. That's why all religions deserve respect. You can't extricate or pathologize them apart from the individuality of the billions of human beings they shape. And all human beings share the same capacity for violence. Ideology has always been a rationalization for the violence we already want to commit. What motivates violence is power, not ideology, which is why we say "history repeats itself"—the dynamics of power are universal and consistent throughout history.
All our civilizations and cultures are as shaped by violent contact as by peaceful ones; ascribing the violence and impact of colonization only to Christian and Islamic empires completely erases thousands of years of histories all over the world (you know, like Imperial China???) Religions don't grow out of the ground; they were always evolved and spread among peoples along the lines of trade, migration, war, annexation, assimilation and resistance. Considering the religious identities of some people (always minorities too—isn't that weird?) inferior or illegitimate because they were "external impositions", and advocating a "return" to a "pure and untouched" past that never existed is the rhetoric of ethnosupremacy, colonization and manifest destiny—in short the language of genocide. I should know, I hear this crap out of fundamentalist Hindus and Buddhists in South Asia all the time. That's why I'm protective of Muslims. Because they're vulnerable to pieces of racist shit like you.
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anarchicarachnid · 1 year
"20% are either just using any mention of Vaush to just shit-talk him as a default without any stated reasons" - Vaush has engaged in forms of Holocaust denial, using common nazi dogwhistles and believes the numbers are inflated as propaganda. Vaush said: “If you are not paying for child pornography there is no argument in favour of morally condeming people who view it. Vaush admits to being an informant when he lived in Santa Monica, California. He admits to revealing activist identities to the FBI. Vaush called the LGBT community ‘cancerous as fuck.’ because there’s a “ton of mental illness” and said they should be “excised from the left.” He also called them “less than human” and “fucking disgusting”. Vaush called trans people ‘bitches’ for taking offence when misgendered." - Vaush deserves to be shit-talked, he's less-than-human scum.
For anyone interested, this is a fantastic example of how many people who view themselves as The Most Progressive will join in on internet hate mobs using the shallow guise of criticizing leftist advocates "from the left", while in actuality they're just hate-mongering based on shit they heard second- or third-hand, and which they don't understand, and which is provably false.
It's just too bad it actually takes way more effort to do the research necessary to disprove a list of lies than it does to parrot a bunch of shit you read and immediately believed, or sometimes just lying on purpose. SO: I went to the trouble of doing the research necessary to settle this stupid shit conclusively.
First of all, I respect that you're the one and only person who didn't respond positively to my message on that post but actually provided even a single argument for why you disagree. Unfortunately your intellectual dishonesty immediately ruins that respect.
So with this person's vague allusions to Holocaust revisionism and nazi dog whistles, my first guess would be the debate against Maupin, which was an extremely frustrating experience involving a dishonest cult leader tankie who actively engaged in his own very obvious genocide denial, and after about 40 minutes of taking him to task for actually being reactionary despite posturing as a leftist, Vaush calls out his attempts to deny the Uyghur genocide by listing common ways in which Nazis will similarly attempt to undermine the narrative of the Holocaust. He did this explicitly and obviously as a way to point out how his debate opponent was engaging in denialism, and to draw parallels. If you had actually seen this play out and still believe Vaush was just unironically listing Holocaust revisionist talking points that he agreed with, actually it's impossible, you're JUST a liar. So I don't believe you actually saw this yourself, you heard somebody else tell you what happened.
Another possible but less likely example of nazi talking points being referenced might be when, during the NonCompete debate, Vaush tried to point out that NC had no actual ethical system, and was instead just repeatedly referencing common leftie terminology such as dialectics and sophistry. And he did so by asking several successive rhetorical questions, which utterly reinforced that NC had no ethical system, once he repeatedly confirmed that he believes it to be impossible to objectively determine whether an action is right or wrong, instead deferring to shifting material conditions. Vaush's point, explicitly, was that whether the justifications the Nazis used for their evil actions, such as Jewish people being over-represented in the banking industry at the time, were true or false, the actions of the Nazis were STILL EVIL AND WRONG. But NC literally couldn't say "the Nazis were wrong in their genocidal actions even if their justifications were factual"
As for the idea that he ever said that CP was okay if it wasn't paid for. First of all: ???? Are you fucking stupid? Second of all, he was clear and re-explained later for the uncharitable or stupid people who misinterpreted his point: he was using CP specifically as a point of ethical comparison to point out how we societally tend to ignore other forms of cruelty and exploitation against children, such as child slavery involved in our economy on a massive scale, though it tends to be in the form of global industries that export products to the US and other places that consider themselves above child slavery. There is a really obvious benefit to using highly contentious examples when debating someone, and it's that some people are willing to bite the bullet on something that is unethical, but if you bring up a contentious example of something directly analogous they will hesitate, even though often the latter example is nearly identical in terms of severity.
Now, when it comes to the claim that he admitted to being an informant, I will admit that while he was joking, it wasn't very obvious. It was easy to misinterpret. But after viewing it again, it's really super clear that his point was specifically about how extremist and other types of radical political groups are what they are, and aren't non-radical simply because they tend to contain dishonest actors such as informants, followed by a his joke that absolutely isn't sincere admission of something that obvious never happened. Cause like.. what group could pre-fame Vaush ever have informed on? He was just a 20 year old in college before blowing up on youtube, he wasn't a major actor in any groups whatsoever.
As to where you get the specific claim that he "revealed activist identities to the FBI" the only thing I could find was a 20 second clip in a tweet specifically claiming that he did so as a way to get out of CP possession charges, the claim for which has zero evidence or further context whatsoever, and is a condensed clip of exactly the same video I already viewed again just to see if there was any possible way you could be misinterpreting this unintentionally. Again, you clearly read this shit out of context, were told what to believe, and immediately believed it because it confirmed what you already wanted to believe. Also that tweet is suuuuuuuuuper obviously dishonest hack shit. You should be embarrassed for this one.
He "called trans people bitches" as an extremely obvious joke in a tweet that he immediately added more context to with subsequent tweets, which specifically was about TYPOS, not actual misgendering. Typos get corrected immediately, misgendering is intentional. An explicitly pro-trans advocate who literally lives with two trans people and whose audience is full of at least tens of thousands of trans people who think he advocates for trans rights as well as anyone in his position is capable of, going on to make obvious trans-centric jokes sometimes, is uhhhh not transphobic probably??
Also in the other part of this, which you lumped together as one event, he called out certain parts of the online lgbt community as being toxic wokescolds who were actually really abusive, but hid behind identity politics to make themselves immune to criticism. And this is just objectively true, and further evidenced by the lgbt people who attempt to abuse him endlessly and dishonestly non-stop every single day and over every new incident of him being a progressive advocate but sometimes disagreeing with a fellow lgbt person, which I really shouldn't need to remind you.. He is. He is in the community. People love to erase that.
Furthermore in this instance he was defending Contrapoints, a trans woman, against abusive wokescolds, correctly. And of course later Contra refused to extend the same charitability to him when he was getting sexually harassed and character assassinated by a fellow trans woman content creator who similarly played up the IdPol angle to avoid criticism, and who also leaked DMs and physically mocked him, which is pretty disgusting behavior for a progressive public figure against another progressive public figure she just personally didn't like. And Contra admitted to not even having looked into the context before picking sides against him.
Furthermore, and I know he says it jokingly a lot because he's edgy and I really don't care about that, but your unironic vitriolic way of referring to him as sub-human scum who essentially deserves to have abusive hate mobs forever, because you saw some people on Twitter or whatever saying that he was an imperfect advocate for progressive values, well it's really telling of the way your extremely vitriolic feelings drive your every thought, utterly incapacitating your critical thinking. No doubt the reason why you straight up parrot such obviously dishonest sources of such obvious disprovable lies. And don't get me wrong, if my research into your claims had yielded any proof contrary to my prior knowledge, I'd have looked further into it. It's a good thing he just straight up isn't the caricature you're envisioning. ☺
This is of course all just to say that if someone is a confident and loud advocate for progressive values but reactionary elements of the supposed online left are *constantly* participating in an abusive hate mob against them, there is a good chance that those people are playing a neverending game of internet telephone in order to create confusion around the actual truth regarding various accusations, to the point that it's difficult to even know if someone saw something firsthand when they confidently throw out condemnations.
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talaricula · 4 months
Hiya, just out of curiosity if you dont mind me asking. What do you think the serious dealbreakers with PVDA you mentioned in your tags are?
Yeah sure! For context - my political stance is v much "human rights lawyer" first and foremost, which I'd situate in ideological terms as democratic socialism + humanism (for lack of a better/less archaic term). Basically, my politics are informed by a fundamental bottoms-up centering of (individual and collective) human rights and the inalienable and uncompromisable value of (individual and collective) human life, dignity and happiness. Not to "no true scotsman" bc I know that a fuckton of leftists and socialists define their leftism according to other measures, but I, personally, fundamentally do not get how you can hold leftist beliefs and yet be willing to compromise on the fundamental value of human life, dignity and rights. This stance is where my dealbreakers come from. Explanation under the cut:
So, in this context: I find the PvdA to be largely hypocritical in their stance on many important issues, and imo this hypocrisy is rooted in a loyalty to abstract ideology (communism/Marxism) over what should imo be the concrete foundation of that ideology (human dignity, structural equity, etc). Most importantly, I refuse to vote for them bc I find their stance (as demonstrated by repeated votes in Parliament, even if they often state otherwise in communication) on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the human rights violations committed by China against the Uyghurs absolutely unforgivable, and increasingly so as compared to their very vocal stance on Israeli occupation of Palestine - either you condemn genocide and crimes against humanity or you don't. Picking and choosing is morally bankrupt imo, and revelatory of 1. the party's loyalty to (historically) communist countries over its loyalty to oppressed people and 2. yes, as revealed by the contrast, antisemitism, which has been a problem with the PvdA since long before October 7th and has been one of my dealbreakers forever as well (as it is for most European far-left parties, tbh). (Beyond the generalised antisemitism within the party, I also feel they excuse too much racism in general in order to appeal to the "white proletariat" that remains their primary voting base.)
More specifically for less huge dealbreakers, if you look at their party program and their answers to the stemtest questions etc, they're also just an annoyingly populist party that frames their surface communication to appeal to knee-jerk reactions but hide their actual stances in convoluted language - I compared the Groen and PvdA stances on many issues, and regularly the PvdA would say they were in favour of smth Groen was against or vice-versa, and then I'd read the explanation and the thing both parties actually wanted was the exact same thing, except the PvdA wanted to appear more radical than they actually were (ex.: PvdA said they were in favour of strikers blocking fellow workers' access to their place of employment while Groen said they were against it, turns out both parties were actually just in favour of striking booths to allow strikers to encourage fellow workers to strike without actually blocking their way into the building). I don't like it, it's paying lip service to appear more progressive than other left-wing parties and it rarely actually is. Another example of this is that they are against projects and education about gender identity in schools bc "imposing an agenda upon youingsters may be counterproductive and we should focus on supporting bottoms-up initiatives" which is a very nice way of framing a stance that fundamentally means "queer youth should be willing to endanger themsel ves by proposing queer-related projects to their peers and teachers and only then will we provide them with education and support - no of course this is not a way of de facto lowering the amount of queer education in schools and the exposure of minors to queer issues what do you meaaan".
Less dealbreaker and more general ideological disagreement: I'm just not a Marxist. I think the class struggle is very real, but I disagree with the PvdA's way of lifting it above all other forms of inequity and of ignoring the role other forms of structural oppression plays in class oppression. I disagree with their decentering of other forms of/structural/intersectional oppression which in my opinion and according to my research are fundamental to the cycle of oppression necessary to create a "lower class". I also (hence my vote for Groen) disagree with their decentering of ecology in favour of industry-focused "workers' solidarity", bc climate change will affect the most oppressed and vulnerable among us first and thus is not at all a "privileged Western bourgeois" issue.
But yes, TL;DR: my dealbreaker with the PvdA is its loyalty to (historically) communist countries and abstract leftist (Communist/Marxist) ideology over its loyalty to and solidarity with actual, real, concrete oppressed people.
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mashriqiyyah · 11 months
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Unveiling the evil agenda
What seemed like the aftermath of 9/11 which happened around 22 years ago, was a well-planned conspiracy. Intended false propaganda. A successful attempt to draw a clear picture of a terrorist in the eyes of the world. Torturing Muslim nations, hiding it ever so subtly under the guise of various uneven blames, then filming their resistance in the most brutal visuals and labeling it as terrorism. Every Muslim man who wore a skull cap, or sported a sunnah beard, every Muslim woman who wore a burqa or hijab or niqab was now a terrorist for mere choice of their clothing. Saying Allahu Akbar made people terrorists. Practicing Islam in public places made people terrorists. Revealing the Muslim identity and in fact, just existing as a Muslim made a person terrorist. Just because the USA painted 9/11 with a lie, that it was done by Muslims. Which in reality, was an attack launched by Israel; According to the US Army report. Ironically enough.
Now the world has memorized one lesson like a child memorizes rhymes. Every terrorist comes from Islam, even when the nations have gone through brutal oppression for ages for their faith are Muslims. In Uyghur, Sudan, Afghanistan, Kashmir, India, Palestine, Sri Lanka, France, Bosnia and the counting doesn't seem to cease. The world was made so Islamophobic by this propaganda so the real Terrorists would continue their assault and massacre smoothly while wearing "white" collars.
Today, with these videos surfacing we see, Jewish/Zionists/White supremacists/Racist people celebrating/chanting "Death to the Arabs" "Death to prophet Muhammad"
(NaudhuBiAllah) (ﷺ). All the while they continue to rain white phosphorus bombs over a huge population of civilians, including children, women, and elderly and unarmed men. The world calls it self-defense and not terrorism or genocide when it's as clear and broad as daylight.
Because the one being killed belongs to Islam. That child whose birth certificate was not issued, was he a terrorist?
That kid whose body could fit in a school bag of his brother, was he a terrorist?
They are conducting gatherings where they openly call for genocide, "kill them all!" "Wipe all Arabs!" But no one seems to take it as an extremist activity.
Why don't we ever call a jew a terrorist? Why don't Fox News, CNN, and BBC scream on television that "Judaism is the real cause of terrorism?"
These Jewish settlers are proudly announcing that they will turn the Gazza Strip into a cemetery, level it, and occupy it because they are good and "chosen" for that land. The prime minister on air says "children of darkness" to Palestinian children. The cold-blooded hate is ever so apparent on their faces, their demonic eyes show what viciousness they are harnessing against a population whose land they stole.
Yet, no one thinks to call Israel a terrorist state.
This was the agenda all over. A fire caused diversion, so the real terrorists could cross the borders. Now, it's the time when the oppressors and the oppressed both are before our eyes. It's the time we choose to see the truth we've been kept away from, for all these years. We remove that false flag, erase the fake image generated for terrorism, and see the flags with blue and white as flags of terrorism.
These two nations, the USA and Israel are two major terrorist states. They destroyed Afghanistan, they destroyed Syria, Iraq, Libya, and many more countries for their greed over oil, they have a known history of colonization, and occupation, and their divide-and-rule policy has created massive drifts between harmonious populations. And they are the ones who should be taken into international law courts for severe crimes, for the assassination of all those Muslim leaders who dared to expose their false propaganda and lies (King Faisal, Saddam Hussain) for example).
It's time the world unites against corrupt and greedy leaders who can kill their people to gain sympathy and catch attention. Just like they killed the people in World Trade Centre.
- Umm Taimiyyah 🕊️
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niiwa-angel · 1 year
If you wanna know just how full of bullshit the Trans Rights Movement is, just consider this. There have been actual genocides in history. There are actual genocides happening right now.
The one that comes to mind for me is the Uyghurs in China, a small cultural minority with their own practices, language, and religion (Muslim) in a violently secular country. The Chinese government has set up a surveillance state in the Xinjiang Uyghur Region in Northwestern China, and they monitor the Uyghurs comings and goings from their houses, novel hobbies such as weightlifting and working out, and expenses.
If they feel as though someone of the Uyghur community is not up to par, they will lock their bank account and forcibly imprison them in a reeducation center where they are beaten, shocked with cattle prods, and forced to eat pork and consume alcohol. They are not allowed to speak their native language, they are made to praise Xi Jinping, and aren't allowed to follow any of their cultural practices. Uyghur children are removed from their parents and placed with "proper families" and aren't allowed to see their family.
Uyghurs are suffering a genocide and are in danger of having their culture and language erased. There are currently innocent people imprisoned, having committed no crime except the crime of where they were raised and who by. There are people being hurt by government power to 'reeducate' them.
Let's compare all of this horror to the 'trans genocide' in America. Trans people have the right to self identification, even in situations where it disadvantages others, such as sports. Gender affirming treatment is covered by all insurances while other prescriptions like insulin, medicines for heart conditions, mobility aids, and even child birth and prenatal care aren't. Even in countries with free healthcare, gender affirming care is covered while dental, vision, and hearing isn't.
Trans people have successfully campaigned for biology to not be properly taught in schools because it's 'bigotry' and have successfully removed terms like women's healthcare, breast feeding, and maternal care from the medical sector. There is no wait and see method for trans youth, no looking into comorbid conditions like eating disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, or just confusion about their sense of self.
Lesbians and Gay men are not allowed to have their own spaces anymore, everything must be trans inclusive. Refusing sex based on genitalia is transphobia. Butch lesbians and feminine gay men who aren't considering transitioning are also transphobic. Feminists fighting for women's rights must include trans women or they can be doxxed and threatened with no consequences for their stalkers. Trans rapists and killers are housed in the prison that aligns with their gender identity regardless of the safety risks they pose to other inmates.
Comparing the two, it's obvious that there is no trans genocide. That's a lie made up to excuse the bad actions of Trans Rights Activists.
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By: Kareem Muhssin
Published: Nov 2, 2021
“One of the things that is a classic trope of the religious bigot, is while they’re denying people their rights, they claim that their rights are being denied. While they are persecuting people, they claim to be persecuted. While they are behaving colossally offensively, they claim to be the offended party. It’s upside-down world.“
-- Salman Rushdie
For most people, ‘oppression’ is defined as prolonged unjust treatment or exercise of authority. It describes a situation in which people are governed in an unfair and cruel way, and denied basic opportunities and freedoms. For the Islamic propagandist, however, the term means something else entirely: oppression is defined as any situation in which Muslims are not in a position of authority over non-Muslims. This mindset is what underpins claims of “global Muslim oppression”: Muslims are oppressed wherever they do not have dominion over non-Muslims, and are thus required to abide by secular law, rather than shari’ah – that is, the legal system established by Muhammad and spelled out in the Qur’an and sunnah.
In the West, Muslims enjoy benefits that they can only dream of in the Islamic world, from gainful employment to social welfare. Indeed, this is why they emigrate to Europe in such huge numbers, giving up everything for a chance at a better life. And yet, it is common to hear Muslims complaining of “Islamophobia” and “Western oppression” – for ultimately, they are not in a position of authority over non-Muslims. No amount of state subsidies can reverse this attitude. On the contrary, the better they are treated, the more resentful they become; for in the Qur’an, Muslims are warned that if non-Muslims treat them well, it is only to lure them away from Islam. In a blistering sermon, the British-Pakistani preacher Abu Waleed puts it well:
Among themselves, Muslim grievance-mongers will vent their contempt for democracy and desire for shari’ah. To win the political support of non-Muslims, however, they are obliged to disguise their authoritarian agenda. Thus, they point to genuine cases of oppression – for example, those of the Rohingya Muslims in Burma or the Uyghur Muslims in China. It is difficult to overstate how cynical this is, for just like the Kurds, these groups are widely regarded with suspicion by Muslims for having an identity other than Islam. This mistrust can be plainly seen in how, on the detainment and torture of over a million Uyghurs in Chinese ‘re-education camps’, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation has thus far been completely silent.
The same goes for the war in Iraq. Under Ba’athist rule, jihadists had an ally in Saddam Hussein. Indeed, not only did Saddam handsomely reward the families of Palestinian suicide bombers, but as early as 1994, his regime was implementing elements of shari’ah, e.g. amputations of the hand and foot. With his removal by American forces in 2003, official Iraqi support for terrorism and shari’ah was ended. This is what informs claims of Iraqi oppression by Muslim propagandists, not the hundreds of thousands of innocent lives lost. Indeed, if human life was their concern, then they would condemn Saddam’s chemical purges of the dissident Shi’a and Kurds with equal vigour. But of course, to win over non-Muslims, they have to pretend to care.
Muslim propagandists couldn’t give a damn about the suffering of the Uyghurs or the Iraqis, but will happily exploit it to propagate their fantasy of global oppression. Indeed, if there is one thing which Muslims are suffering from, it is a massive persecution complex. For over 1,400 years, Islamic imperialists have been spreading their religion by the sword, executing non-Muslims who refuse to convert to Islam or live as second-class citizens (dhimmis), all the while claiming to be the victims of persecution. This disorder is rooted in the Qur’an, which repeatedly bemoans the treatment of the Muslims by the Meccan polytheists, whose way of life Muhammad was determined to destroy. Here are two examples of this from Surat al-Imtihan:
O you who have believed! Do not take My enemies and your enemies as allies, extending to them affection while they have disbelieved in what came to you of the truth, having driven out the Prophet and yourselves (only) because you believe in Allah, your Lord. [60:1] Allah only forbids you from those who fight you because of religion and expel you from your homes and aid in your expulsion – (forbids) that you make allies of them. And whoever makes allies of them, then it is those who are the wrongdoers. [60:9]
In Pakistan, the government deliberately seeks out Christians to clean the country’s sewers. In Egypt, Coptic Christians regularly have their churches attacked by jihadist thugs. In Saudi Arabia, Christians are forbidden from building churches or practicing their religion in public. In Nigeria, 3,462 Christians are estimated to have been killed in the first 200 days of 2021; this equates to roughly 17 murders per day. And yet, Muslims claim to be the ones who are oppressed. What they really mean is that they have yet to achieve a state of absolute dominance over Christians and other non-Muslims. In a brilliant exposé of the deceptive tactics used by Muslim apologists, Apostate Prophet (Ridvan Aydemir) nails this point:
The Muslim persecution complex leads the affected to see discrimination where there is none at all. For example, many Muslims have been quick to cite the recent inspection of Asim Qureshi – director of the hardline Salafist lobby CAGE – at Heathrow Airport as evidence of “Islamophobia”. In reality, Qureshi and his group have myriad ties to extremists and jihadist groups, from Al-Qaeda to the Taliban. Qureshi himself has described ISIS executioner Jihadi John as “kind and gentle”, and refuses to condemn the stoning of women for adultery. Thus, it is only right that he attracts the interest of airport security. Qureshi’s “oppression” at the hands of security personnel is a pure fantasy, fuelled by a deep-seated enmity towards non-Muslims.
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Arguably, the Muslim persecution complex was most readily observable in Sayyid Qutb – a leading figure of the Muslim Brotherhood in the 1950s and 60s, who remains a cornerstone of the modern Islamist movement. In his self-pitying manifesto Milestones, which is required reading for many Muslim youth groups and student societies, Qutb alleges that the Jews are engaged in a conspiracy “to eliminate all limitations, especially the limitations imposed by faith and religion, so that the Jews may penetrate into the body politic of the whole world and then may be free to perpetuate their evil designs”. Qutb goes on to accuse the West of devising a careful scheme to erode belief in Islam and ultimately destroy Muslim society:
The Western ways of thought and all the sciences started on the foundation of these poisonous influences with an enmity towards all religions, and in particular with greater hostility towards Islam. This enmity towards Islam is especially pronounced and many times is the result of a well thought out scheme, the object of which is first to shake the foundations of Islamic beliefs and then gradually to demolish the structure of Muslim society.
This paranoid, baseless drivel appeals to resentful young Muslims, who, raised to believe that their religion is perfect, would sooner blame the infidel West for the decrepitude of the Islamic world. If the ummah flounders while the West pushes back the frontiers of technology, then there must be some wicked kuffar conspiracy designed to keep the Muslims down. They cannot allow themselves to think that by obsessing over which foot to enter the bathroom with, or whether or not their food contains gelatine, Muslims might be responsible for their own misery. This culture of victimhood is the fundamental reason that the Islamic world is in such a dire state today, as this brave Iraqi news anchor eloquently affirms:
For the Islamic propagandist, however, the term means something else entirely: oppression is defined as any situation in which Muslims are not in a position of authority over non-Muslims.
Remember: Muslims are told by both Allah and Muhammad that Islamic supremacy is their birthright, and their divine mission is to make the entire world fall to Islam. That they are to fight until all worship is for Allah alone, where either everyone submits to and embraces Islam, or lives in the shadows as a second-class citizen, paying the jizyah tax as a form of humiliation.
Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah 's Apostle said, " I have been ordered to fight with the people till they say, 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah,' and whoever says, 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah,' his life and property will be saved by me except for Islamic law, and his accounts will be with Allah, (either to punish him or to forgive him.)"
Narrated Anas bin Malik: Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.' And if they say so, pray like our prayers, face our Qibla and slaughter as we slaughter, then their blood and property will be sacred to us and we will not interfere with them except legally and their reckoning will be with Allah."
Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.
Fight those who do not believe in God, nor in the Last Day, for, otherwise, they would have believed in the Prophet (s), and who do not forbid what God and His Messenger have forbidden, such as wine, nor do they practise the religion of truth, the firm one, the one that abrogated other religions, namely, the religion of Islam — from among of those who (min, ‘from’, explains [the previous] alladhīna, ‘those who’) have been given the Scripture, namely, the Jews and the Christians, until they pay the jizya tribute, the annual tax imposed them, readily (‘an yadin is a circumstantial qualifier, meaning, ‘compliantly’, or ‘by their own hands’, not delegating it [to others to pay]), being subdued, [being made] submissive and compliant to the authority of Islam.
Fight them until there is no [more] fitnah and [until] worship is [acknowledged to be] for Allah. But if they cease, then there is to be no aggression except against the oppressors.
Fight them till there is no sedition, no idolatry, and the religion, all worship, is for God, alone and none are worshipped apart from Him; then if they desist, from idolatry, do not aggress against them. This is indicated by the following words, there shall be no enmity, no aggression through slaying or otherwise, save against evildoers. Those that desist, however, are not evildoers and should not be shown any enmity.
Fitnah has a number of meanings, but all of them refer to standing in the way of Islam: blocking, opposing, resisting, "persecution," shirk (describing or attributing anything or anyone as being equivalent or contemporaneous with Allah), kufr (polytheism/non-belief). Anything which gets in the way of "submission," the literal definition of "Islam."
In the video above, Waleed quotes, in part:
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah; and those with him are forceful against the disbelievers, merciful among themselves.
They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike. So do not take from among them allies until they emigrate for the cause of Allah. But if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them and take not from among them any ally or helper.
Emphasis mine. The idea of "equality" is un-Islamic. The Muslim is not the equal of the kufr. Anything which proposes equality - equal treatment, equal respect, equal rights - is an insult, an attempt to make the Muslim kufr, and violates the divine right of Islam and Allah to rule over all, and subdue and subordinate all under its self-granted authority.
O you who have believed, do not take as intimates those other than yourselves, for they will not spare you [any] ruin. They wish you would have hardship. Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, and what their breasts conceal is greater. We have certainly made clear to you the signs, if you will use reason. Here you are loving them but they are not loving you, while you believe in the Scripture - all of it. And when they meet you, they say, "We believe." But when they are alone, they bite their fingertips at you in rage. Say, "Die in your rage. Indeed, Allah is Knowing of that within the breasts."
So let those fight in the cause of Allah who sell the life of this world for the Hereafter. And he who fights in the cause of Allah and is killed or achieves victory - We will bestow upon him a great reward. [..] Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve fight in the cause of Taghut. So fight against the allies of Satan. Indeed, the plot of Satan has ever been weak.
Taghut refers to anyone or anything that is worshiped that is not Allah.
As far as Islam is concerned, the world is already Allah's. Human governments and laws are already illegitimate, because Allah has already delivered his eternal message (quran) and eternal law (shari'ah).
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mariacallous · 7 months
Within weeks of the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington, the Chinese government warned that it faced a serious terrorist threat from its Uyghur ethnic minority, who are largely Muslim. In this explosive book, Sean Roberts reveals how China has been using the US-led global war on terror as international cover for its increasingly brutal suppression of the Uyghurs, and how the war’s targeting of an undefined enemy has emboldened states around the globe to persecute ethnic minorities and severely repress domestic opposition in the name of combatting terrorism.
Of the eleven million Uyghurs living in China today, more than one million are now being held in so-called reeducation camps, victims of what has become the largest program of mass detention and surveillance in the world. Roberts describes how the Chinese government successfully implicated the Uyghurs in the global terror war—despite a complete lack of evidence—and branded them as a dangerous terrorist threat with links to al-Qaeda. He argues that the reframing of Uyghur domestic dissent as international terrorism provided justification and inspiration for a systematic campaign to erase Uyghur identity, and that a nominal Uyghur militant threat only emerged after more than a decade of Chinese suppression in the name of counterterrorism—which has served to justify further state repression.
A gripping and moving account of the humanitarian catastrophe that China does not want you to know about, The War on the Uyghurs draws on Roberts’s own in-depth interviews with the Uyghurs, enabling their voices to be heard.
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