#Usopp: Not the only thing of Luffy's I've eaten
charkyzombicorn · 4 months
Lgisu au
Okay but they would know about the devil fruit trap before getting to dressrosa, so imagine them making the plan and ace turns to usopp and says
“I want you to eat it.” Like can we please have a pice on this?
It would be really sweet if it was intentional sadly Usopp accidentally stole it from Sabo
During Alabasta and Dressrosa, Ace has a bit more trouble with his Narcolepsy than usual. He gets too many endorphins, his siblings are like chloroform, Especially Sabo, Especially After Seeing Sabo For The First Time In Twelve Years. Ace is Fighting the eepy and Losing. This may or may not make him lose Luffy's df. In his defense the sounds of people fighting sooths him it reminds him of Dadan's bandits when he was a baby. Sabo doesn't necessarily Mind having to piggyback his brother around but he does feel very much like Ace is like the princess from one of his old story books
Meanwhile Usopp is fighting for his fucking life, three-quarters-dead and well on his way to that final quarter when he hears the faintest little "Usopp!" from behind him in a voice he would never forget. He whips around but, as expected, Luffy wasn't actually there. But a swirling purple fruit was. He had never seen the fruit before, but he knew his captain had come to protect him, knew in a way he couldn't quite explain that that was Luffy. So he dragged himself over, not even thinking about if it would help or if he would die anyways or if it was worth it, and took a bite. It tasted god awful, but the energy put him on his feet again. And you know what? Even if Luffy was only really cackling in the background, it was nice to be supported.
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sillypiratelife · 8 months
There are so many moments of Zoro that would drive the straw hats mad if they knew, but they don't and only other straw hat knows but it's like, the incorrect one? Somehow?
Zoro ate that sugar riceball from the ground and only Luffy knows. The girl wasn't ever there, so he could have asked Luffy to lie? He could have just eaten a part of it? He broke the "promise" to not eat or drink anything as his punishment dictated, all for her. He asked Luffy to pick it up and feed it to him and Zoro ate it all and told Luffy to tell the girl to say thank you.
Sanji has no clue what happened there.
Nami and Chopper were not there to see Zoro's first encounter with Mihawk. Nami only saw the wound in Arlong Park and it was enough to make ARLONG scared and worried. Like fuck kid how's that you've been fighting like this who the fuck are you what. Chopper would have directly cried. Sanji barely even knew Zoro and he yet through the series it's evident how much it marked Zoro in Sanji's eyes.
Luffy can't even imagine the times when Zoro kneeled to beg for his life and the things Zoro has done to protect him. If Luffy reacted the way he did when Mihawk almost killed Zoro... Only Sanji and Robin know how deep Zoro's loyalty runs and it's a secret they'll carry to their graveyards.
Chopper and Robin don't know how angry Zoro got when he saw them hurt in Skypiea. They don't know the way he held them back then. Nami was not there to witness how worried Zoro was when the giant snake ate her.
For better or for worst, I wonder if Usopp knows about the speech Zoro gave when he decided to fight Luffy.
Can I say the same about every straw hat? Yes, they all hide many moments from their nakamas, moments that would fundamentally change their perspective of each other. It's just that I've been thinking so much about how Zoro really operates in the shadows of his crew, allowing Luffy to shine like the sun while he works behind curtains.
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impactdial · 5 months
would you guys mind if i just dumped a bunch of sanji/usopp/sanuso headcanons lmao 🧍‍♂️(putting these under a readmore because there's a LOT)
-wasian (korean on his moms side)
-his natural hair color is technically black but due to the mutation being partially suppressed, his hair is blonde. he had to start dyeing his hair after the mutation awakened because if he gets too upset/emotional while fighting, his hair will begin turning black
-bisexual + nonbinary. feminine in a show dog boy poodle kind of way. mainly uses he/him but is ok with close friends using she/they too.
-extremely claustrophobic. cannot stand to wear things around or over his head for very long.
-this is more in the vein of a modern au but: he understands but doesn’t fluently speak french (zeff never formally taught him. he knows a few phrases in korean)
-has hardcore perfectionism thats tied to his self worth. everything he does has to be up to his “standard” or he spirals
-has an eating disorder that only chopper and usopp know about in detail. wont eat until everyone else has eaten.
-afro latino
-bisexual + trans man. post-ts he gains the confidence to enjoy his femininity more, which he does with nami and occasionally robin as well
-has an anxiety disorder and adhd. listening to him info dump is kinda hypnotic ngl. even luffy stays invested most of the time. started taking antidepressants after thriller bark
-more intelligent than he gives himself credit for. he's an incredibly fast learner.
-bigger and heavier post-ts. he's probably only second to zoro in terms of bulk. has THE MOST cake out of everyone on the crew (yes even franky)
-has a difficult/different relationship with food. surviving on boin left him with some weird stress responses
-similarly, he doesn't really enjoy eating meat as much anymore because of boin. (fish is fine, it's mostly red meat he can't always eat)
-him, robin, chopper and luffy have drawing sessions together where they just draw on a giant sheet of paper.
-keeps an immaculate record of everything he's grown in his garden and sketches every single interesting plant he sees on islands.
sanuso specific:
-both of them wish they had each other in their lives when they were kids
-before they got together, they both thought "does he feel this thing we have too? what if i'm misreading the signs because i've never been this close to anyone like this before?"
-even thought they're dating, they still have their typical playful, bickering dynamic where they like to tease each other because they're so comfortable around each other. strangers are surprised when they find out sanji and usopp hadn't grown up together.
-sanji isn't ridiculously doting and over the top like he can be with nami or robin, but he's still stupidly romantic and affectionate even when he's not trying to be. usopp is, of course, very endeared by this
-they're both vers switches but sanji tends to be more of a sub
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akwolfgrl · 7 months
They all sat on the drying deck after escaping Loguetown, except Sanji who got up to make snacks/lunch for everyone. Sanji's cat crawled into his lap making itself comfy kneading at his leg. He felt eyes on him. He looked up to see Usopp's confusion, Luffy was just staring at the cat maybe with hunger? And Nami was cooing at the cat.
“Ummm when did we get a cat?” Usopp asked.
“Zoro got it for Sanji as a courting gift, while an odd gift. I suppose though it would be useful, they are considered to be good luck,” Nami explained. “Luffy he's not to be eaten, Sanji would be very hurt if you ate his pet,” she wanted their captain.
She had a point unfortunately, he was looking at the little black cat as if he would make a nice snack. Zoro stroked the cat's back, it arched under his hand purring.
“Fine, can I touch him?” Luffy asked, reaching out a long arm.
“Sure, if he lets you,” The cat would just do whatever it felt like doing, sometimes they were friendly and other times they were selective about who they would allow to touch them.
The cat reached out with one paw to bat at Luffy's hand. Luffy wiggled his fingers causing him to go after the rubber digits with both paws standing on his back legs as he attacked their captain.
“Awwwwww he's so cute!” Nami cooed.
“Look at him go! So ferocious you get those fingers kitty cat!” Usopp cheered the cat on.
Luffy laughed and continued to wiggle his fingers as the cat made little growls as it batted away until he took a worng step and tumbled out of Zoro's lap. He got up with his back arched, fur standing straight up. He lets out a soft chuckle as the cat begins to hop sideways towards Luffy.
“Jungle cat vs rubber, who will win!?” Usopp began to narrate as the scene began to unfold.
The cat countired to attack luffys hand as luffys hand incited the cat into action. The cat warped its paws around Luffys wirst and kicked its back paws agaist his arm and bit at luffys fingers not drawing blood. Both luffy and sanjis cat were having a great time.
“Lunch time! I made sushi and cocktails! Also Luffy like I promised for not eating Mt fish you made you seared tuna steaks eatch one a different seasoning,” Love cook came over Laden with trays. He eve had one a top his head. “Luffy the top is yours,”
“Yosh!” Luffy stopped playing with the cat a reached for the plate on Sanji's head. He imditly shoved a steak in his mouth. “Oooo it's kinda sour and lemony! I like it!”
“Hey shit-cook, I think you burned one,” Zoro pointed to the next one Luffy was swolling whole.
“I most certainly did not, it's call blackened it's a type of seasoning,” He responded handing Nami an orange looking cocktail with a sparkly looking peel. “For you my dear it's a screwdrive granshised with a candy minka peel,”
“Ooo,” Nami took a sip. “Mmm delish thank you sanji,”
“You welcome Nani swan,” Zoro watched as he passed out the other cocktails. “Usopp this is a Pina colda, luffy a blue lagoon. And for the moss a sake bomb,” Sanji handed him a glass of beer with chopsticks and a sho glass of sake on top. Zoro pulled the chopsticks away and the sake shot feel into the beer. “Eat up!” Sanji placed the large platter of sushi on the ground int he middle of everyone takeikg a small plate of just raw fish. “Mr. Noodles here kitty,” Zoro snorted into his drink luckily not spilling a thing. The cat now dubed Mr. Noddles imidlty ran to sanji and the fish.
“Mr. Noddles?” Nami questioned while Luffy laughed his ass off. “What kinda name is that?”
“What's wrong with the name? I think it's cute, and its to late to change it I've made up my mind,”
“But why food?”
“I'm more worried about if the cat, Mr. Noddles is even gonna be safe!” Usopp worried.
“why wouldn't it be?” Zoro asked. “the lady said it was a good gift for a ships cook,”
“Zeff had one, her name was Clementine. She even went to the grand line with them; she only recently died of old age. She was almost thirteen years old, she lasted longer than Zeffs crew who all drowned in a strom,”
“Yah Usopp the cat will be fine,” Zoro used his chopsticks to take some sushi before Luffy ate it all.
“Mr. Noodles is our new member!! We need to have a party!” Luffy declared before shoveling sushi in his mouth.
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sinning-23 · 5 months
Heyyy jsut a head up to my dear followers uhhhh I have a lot of new shit I’m trying to work on HOWEVER IVE BEEN A TAD BIT BUSY (I am a cosplay on the side yall and I have a con this weekend that I’ve been prepping for)
ANYWHO! I wanted to give you guys a lil sneak peek at some of the draft I have hidden away! Yk…cause I love yall so much! lol
What’s your real name and not your stripper name (series)
Desc: The crew does often find themselves in brothels or bars with burlesque type establishments, but on this particular night, there wasn’t much of a choice. This place was really the only option that was open this late considering the rest of the little town had shut down earlier. They were spend, really just needing a place to lift their spirits and fill their bellies, but upon seeing you, someone is eager to stay and learn more.
Glass chandelier chapter 5 (Sanji x reader)
Sneak Peek:
"This is the best thing I've ever eaten." Nojiko hums, Usops smile growing larger because he was definelt ynot exaggerating when he said Sanji was the best.
Your eyes seem to roll to the back of your skull, and Zoro only smirks. Nojiko takes another bite and before you couldlet a slick comment roll off your tongue, Sanji asked about info on Nami. As far as you were concerned, thatgirl needed a check up from the neck up. For someone who had a crew so dedicated to keeping her safe and genuinely caring about her wellbeing, she sure was adamant about being left the fuck alone.
A hearts' a heavy burden (unrequited love trope) (OPLA)
coming soon..
Drink Pt.2 (Buggy x vampire!reader)
coming soon....
My ex is a psycho (HEADCANNONS)(opla)
coming soon...
To breathe underwater (Luffy x Mermaid!Reader) pt.2
coming soon…
Ripple(Usopp x Siren!Reader) Pt.2
coming soon….
Fishbowl(Buggy x Siren/Mermaid!Reader) pt.2
coming soon….
I also have some marvel stuff I haven’t finished and some aot stuff so keep your eyes peeled lol
Taglist: I figured some of yall would like to be notified about these :D
@waannty @slimeunderthebridge @blackhillsroan-blog @@strangermeats @nymeriiia @noom147 @jellyfish-princess3 @fanaticsnail @lez-zuha @gingernut1314
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the-bar-sinister · 2 months
Deicide (41867 words) by VickytheSnake, thesavagesabretooth Chapters: 11/?
Summary: In the aftermath of the raid on Onigashima everything changes. The path to the One Piece is a course that can only be charted by those who agree to join together as friends and fight without taking the easy way out.
catch up here.
Captain Luffy had gathered the whole crew together in one room for breakfast– a common activity on the ship, but one that was rarer while they were on land, and hadn't happened at all until now since they'd arrived on Wano. Everyone had been so busy.
Nami watched the crowd tear into their breakfast, her own half eaten in front of her as she took her time digesting exactly what she’d been told about what went down during the end of the fight with Kaidou.
Despite the heavy news, most seemed to be trying to keep in good spirits. Carrot seemed perhaps conflicted, and Vivi had a pensive expression as she poured a savory sauce on her rice even as she smiled and chattered away about being ‘excited to hit the sea again’.
Nami was dubious. Honestly… Luffy? Possessed by some kind of spirit? Her Luffy? Straw Hat Luffy the Pirate? It was absurd. 
But Luffy did look– well, pensive might not have been the right word, but maybe frustrated. "I'm not going to try to pretend it isn't something that I'm worried about," he'd said. "But I know I can count on everybody here to help me with… whatever it was."
There had been a general murmur of agreement from around the table. Nami heard Usopp mutter something about how being a god was supposed to be his gimmick, anyway. It was probably meant to be a joke, but who knew with Usopp.
"Doctor Chopper and I have taken blood samples," Caesar said, wringing his hands together. Having him on the crew was still odd to her, and she wouldn’t say she forgave him for the shit he pulled with those kids on Punk Hazard…but she was almost starting to get used to him. Almost. "But we won't be able to properly interpret them without the equipment on the ship."
"We're gonna start getting ready today," Luffy nodded. "So it's alright if you two just go back. I want to be gone before they have this parade that's supposed to be happening."
“Okay, Captain!” Chopper chirped as he nibbled on an omelet. “Caesar and I’ll get a head start back to the ship.”
Carrot tilted her head back and forth in thought, her furry brow furrowed in thought. “You think we can slip away before that? I know people are gonna be ah…really excited about it.”
Nami glanced at Robin, who’d remained quiet through most of the meal, before she rubbed her temples. Whatever it was, it wouldn’t get the better of Luffy…and leaving town before he was hailed as a hero would only help. If this thing was so ‘heroic’ inside him, it’d only be fed by that kind of shit, right?
Luffy waved a hand. "They can be excited without me, right? I usually love parties but I don't feel like it right now."
Zoro, despite having an ice pack on his head, reached across the table for a bottle of sake. "Honestly it's not even like the people are hailing us as the heroes. All I've heard is people whispering about gods. And the red scabbards of course."
Sanji snorted softly. “Good for the scabbards, genuinely. I’m a little less pleased our hard work’s bein’ chalked up to divinity and not the bullshit we went through to come out the other side.”
Robin sighed quietly, her eyes closed as she ate. “They can whisper about what they wish out of our earshot as we sail away, don’t you think? It won’t affect us once we’re away from its walls.”
Nami didn’t exactly feel hungry anymore as she poked at her morning meal, looking up at the conversation. Honestly, from what she gathered, even some of the scabbards and their retinue were feeling a little lost after the victory. She’d seen O-Kiku wandering in a haze the other day. And Otama had begged her to talk to Luffy about her joining the crew mere hours after she woke up from her over-exerted slumber.
Gods and the Red Scabbards indeed. 
"Let's sail tomorrow morning, then," Luffy said, nodding. 
He looked around the table, his eyes lingering on each of them. On her, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Chopper, Robin, Franky, Vivi, Carrot, Jinbei and Caesar. The crew had grown so much larger since they left the East Blue. 
She remembered when it was just her, Zoro and Luffy…and then Luffy kept adding crewmates, gathering them one by one until the rogues gallery of the World Government’s Most Wanted sat chattering around the breakfast table. 
"Is that enough time for everybody to do what they need to before we go? I have to check on what Traffy and Jaggy are doing but besides that, I'm ready to go."
Maybe it was a little sad. Luffy had really taken to Wano when they'd arrived on the island, but now Nami could tell he'd soured on it considerably.
They’d all taken to Wano when they’d arrived. It was a nice place, comfortable and interesting, full of people that they’d come to care for in various ways.
But the way things ended against Kaidou? She could see why it left a bad taste in Luffy’s mouth. She sighed before she nodded. “Tomorrow morning, huh? Yeah. We can finish shopping and saying goodbyes by then.”
Vivi tilted her head to the side with a curious smile. “Do you know if Yamato decided if he was coming with us or not, Captain? I haven’t seen him at all since the day before yesterday.” 
Luffy shook his head. "I haven't seen him either. If anybody does, can you find out if he's comin'? I don't want to leave him behind."
Nami saw the way Luffy's intense dark eyes lingered on Vivi— surely he was remembering leaving her behind, the first time.
Robin nodded to Luffy. “I’ll make sure someone goes looking for him, just in case.”
Carrot fidgeted before she spoke up “I gotta say goodbye to Inuarashi and Nekomamushi. Theyteia— they seemed like they were gonna try to convince me to come back to Zou last time we talked, and I want to set the record straight.” 
Luffy nodded at Carrot and smiled widely– one of his first smiles of the morning.. "Okay. We'll come looking for you if you vanish, Carrot. That's a threat!"
Zoro chuckled. "You never change."
Sanji slapped the table with a laugh. “Persistent bastard!”
She couldn’t help but smile, leaning on her hand. She caught Robin smiling too— they both knew the lengths their captain would go to keep a crewmate by his side.
Carrot sighed with relief, only a moment before catapulting herself across the table to tackle hug him with a grin, nuzzling his cheek. “Garchu! Thank you, Captain!” 
Luffy happily returned the snuggle, wrapping himself around her with his stretchy arms and legs
"Any time. You're part of the crew, and I'm not letting that change. Same goes for the rest of you!" He leaned his head on Carrot's shoulder as he looked around at all of them. "Any more business?"
Franky scratched his chin. "If the Doctors C are heading back to the Sunny, I'll go too. I'd better make sure she's ready to sail."
“Yay!” Chopper grinned widely as he clapped his hands together.
Robin rubbed her chin. 
“...I’m going to pay my respects to a few people.” she murmured quietly “Get in some last minute study, and some new books for my library. I will not be able to return here for some time, after all.” 
Nami tilted her head to the side. “Cap, are you gonna be sayin’ goodbye to anyone or are you running to the ship as soon as you’re done with Law and Kid?” 
Luffy cocked his head too-far in imitation of her, and gave a thoughtful expression. "Is there anyone you think I should say goodbye to? Who won't try to convince me to stay for the parade?"
She laughed into her hand. “Why are you asking me, Luffy? Geeze.” 
He leaned over from Carrot to smoodge over Nami instead, grinning brightly now. "Because sometimes I keep my important thoughts in the same place I keep all my money, Nami. Your pockets!"
Zoro snorted a laugh, covering his mouth to stop from spitting out his sake. "He's kind of got you there."
Nami laughed out loud, looping an arm around him with a huff. “You moron. Guess I’ll hold the important thoughts then. Otama was looking for you a few days ago. And you might wanna take some time to grab anything you think you might miss. Most of the Scabbards…they will probably try and getcha to stay. But I guess if you wanna say goodbye you can be sneaky about it, yeah?” 
He punched his fist into his hand. "Oh yeah, Otama! And I should check on Otoko too before we leave. You guys said you worked out a cure for the SMILE fruits, right?"
Caesar grinned that wide, twisted grin of his. "That's right. Don't worry, captain, it'll all be taken care of. Right, Doctor Chopper?"
Chopper flashed a bright smile , as he companionably jumped up to pat him on the shoulder. “That's right! We even had our first successful patient! We’re planning on taking care of Otoko, and then showing the local doctors what they need for a mass treatment!” 
"That's great!" Luffy slapped his hands on the table. "It's all set then. One more day on Wano, and then we're back at sea!"
One more day in Wano, and they’d be back to the chaotic sea. She’d be back to her maps and her instruments as they ventured ever deeper into the Grand Line.
She couldn’t stop the huge grin that crossed her face. Wano was lovely, it was true…but Nami could never say no to the deep blue sea.
“Aye aye, captain.” 
O-Kiku could tell that her new captain was in a good mood this morning. He was smiling when he said, around the table that included her, Otama, Speed,-- and the men she'd been introduced to as Basil and Killer– "Looks like we can leave this shithole whenever we want now, eh?"
Otama laughed cheerfully, nearly spilling her tea as she looked up at him “Looks like! Excited, Speed? I’ve been wonderin’ what things are like out there.”
Speed blinked for a moment, brushing her two-toned hair away from her eyes with an amused snort. “Shithole huh? Yeah, I’m kind of excited. It’s been a long damn time since I’ve been to the world outside.”
O-Kiku was still getting used to seeing the horse-woman sitting around the table…the ‘SMILE’ fruit users so very different from those gifted with animal transformation spells— fruits— or the Mink. She carefully tried to pour herself some tea with one arm as she nodded to Kid.
“So we should get everything packed straight away, then?” 
"Damn right," Kid nodded. "Have to hash out some final details with Law and Straw Hat and then we'll put our sheets to the wind. Not having second thoughts, are you?"
The captain this morning was attached at the hip to Killer, whom O-Kiku had seen briefly before, but only masked. Today his face was stern and visible– well, some of it, anyway, under a mop of blond hair
He too regarded O-Kiku with a curious look.
Basil quietly ate his breakfast, though the man kept sneaking looks at the two men with an almost pleased edge to his usually somber expression.
O-Kiku met where she imagined Killer’s eyes were, shaking her head slowly as she lowered the kettle with a soft hiss of pain. “Hardly having second thoughts, Captain. In fact, seeing you in such fine spirits only bolsters my resolve.”
It was in no small part to Killer. The formally masked man with his stern jaw and unruly hair was interesting…especially when she knew he was responsible for the good captain’s much improved mood. “This one is happy to see you healed up, Killer-san.”
Otama blinked , the young woman huffing softly as she adjusted her kimono. “...dunno why I’d have second thoughts now.” 
"Good then." Kid's grin hitched even wider. "You should take care of any business you have as soon as possible. I don't want any delays when we're ready to sail."
"Anything anybody needs a hand with?" the taciturn killer spoke up.
Even as Otama shook her head, O-Kiku raised her hand to indicate her missing arm. 
“Apropos turn of phrase, I suppose. There is something I could use some help with, as well as something I must do.” Her eyes lidded “I need a new sword…a good sword. My blade shattered in the battle, and the replacement is of shoddy make. I…this one needs to bury her brother. And this one needs to do something to ensure her use to your crew.” 
Both Killer and Kid turned their gazes to her. Killer seemed about to speak, but Kid spoke first and he fell silent.
"Good point," the captain said, his eyes falling on her missing arm. Perhaps reflexively, the metal fingers on his scrap-arm curled. "If you're a swordswoman, you'll need a good sword. What else do you need."
She smiled, quite genuinely before it fell from her face. “I need to find someone willing to make a prosthetic of some sort— or something of its nature. If for nothing else, this one’s balance is completely thrown off, and retraining my center of gravity will take time I imagine we do not have.” 
Kid nodded. "There are options. You don't have a devil fruit to make up for it, unlike Basil and me. But you're the third of us in the crew to be down one."
"Should I cut mine off, captain?" Killer drawled. Kid gave him a look, and he smirked thinly under his head. "Never mind."
Otama laughed , before clapping her hand over her mouth, and O-Kiku couldn’t help the small chuckle either.
“Please don’t. It seems to be rather common in this crew.” Basil mused “a little overplayed, perhaps.”
O-Kiku held up her hand. “It'd be one thing if I had a sorcery to compensate, or the time to train myself to fight one-armed…but if there’s something I can do, I would like to do it before we leave.” 
"I'll bring it up when I speak to Trafalgar and Straw Hat," he said. "There might be something I can pull from one of them. If not, I can make you a mechanical replacement."
“Oh….Luffy’s got some clever guys on his crew!” Otama chimed in, “maybe they’ll be able to do something!”
“Or Trafalgar Law, the Surgeon…” Basil looked up from his meal.
O-Kiku smiled again, her hand over her mouth. “Thank you, all of you. No matter which route we take…mechanical or otherwise…you have this one’s gratitude.” 
"Good," Kid nodded. "Let's not waste any time then."
The meeting between the trio of pirate captains was neither as long as the one the day before, nor as emotionally fraught. It was almost immediately decided that they'd each pick a different one of the three directions on the log pose and make their own attempts at the end of the Grand Line and the One Piece as, as Luffy insisted, friendly rivals.
The One Piece wasn’t exactly Law’s goal, but he was amicable to the whole plan anyway. The end of the grand line offered fascinating possibilities— medicines never before seen, old techniques lost to time and distance, answers to old questions…
And most importantly of all, something to think about aside from how that shitshow in Dressrosa turned out. So he picked his direction on the pose and vowed to see them all at the end of the road. 
"Glad we could work that out," Kid grumbled, his shockingly good mood deeply apparent. "Since we're all such good friends, I did have something to ask on behalf of one of my new crewmen."
Luffy, sitting on the table with his legs crossed, rocked back and forth. "Oh?"
“Wow, you’ve sure come around to this friendship thing,” Law drawled as he grinned Kid’s way. “Shoot.” 
Kid snorted and shook his head– but he didn't protest. That really spoke to his good mood.
"O-kiku, the swordswoman, has joined onto my crew. She lost an arm in the battle at Onigashima. I could provide a prosthetic for her, but I thought it worth asking if either of you had a more favorable solution."
Law’s eyes widened. “Wait, hold on. O-Kiku’s joined your crew? Wasn’t she one of the Scabbards? I thought they were all as loyal to the crown as they come?” 
Luffy meanwhile grinned widely. "Oh man, she's gonna be a pirate?"
Kid shrugged. "Take it up with her if you disbelieve me. I've taken on several new crew members as it happens."
Law scratched his chin.
“Huh. Several eh? Well you know what? Good for her, you lucky bastard.” He tented his fingers thoughtfully “I could replace her arm, easy.” 
"What's the catch?" he asked immediately.
Law stared him down for a moment. ‘What’s the catch’, like nothing good ever happened without a price. He was about to counter that when he thought it over for a moment and grimaced in agreement.
Nothing good ever did. Luckily, this was an easy ‘catch’ to deal with.
“I’ll need an arm. Preferably one that’s similar to hers so it doesn’t throw her off.” 
"Hmm…" Kid smirked. "Well, I have an idea for that, then."
"I'm glad Jaggy decided to get along," Luffy said, beaming widely as he followed Law through the corridor. Kid had gone to make the proposal to his new crewmate, and they'd meet up, supposing that she agreed.
“It’s a miracle, Straw Hat. It’s a Wano Miracle,” Law snickered as he tromped along the hall with his hands behind his head. “I guess we really made an impact on the guy, saving his first mate.” 
Luffy's smile grew a little more thoughtful and tender. "Guess so. That's the kind of thing that makes people friends, huh? That and beating somebody up together."
Law looped an arm around him with a huff. “With you? Absolutely. You make it have a kinda…something. Charm?” 
"A charm?" Luffy paused for a moment and looked confused as he leaned into Law's arms.. Then he grinned and grabbed the brim of his hat. "It must be this!"
Law had no idea whether he was making a joke, or completely serious.
He stared at him for a perplexed moment, his eyes squinting slightly and his mouth just a touch agape as he tilted his head to the side “....”
He snorted and smirked down at him. “Yeah , it’s the hat. You’re right.” 
Luffy snickered and Law had just enough time to realize he was absolutely joking before he threw his arms around his shoulders and pulled him into a kiss.
His face burned red as he caught himself stumbling, and wound up pressing Luffy to the wall with their lips entwined in a kiss.
The people of Wano would have a fucking heart attack if they saw this. 
Luffy of course, almost certainly wouldn't care even if it registered to him how inappropriate it would be to be seen like this. He ground his rubbery body against Law for a moment before breaking the kiss and looking up at him with his too-intense dark eyes.
"I'm gonna miss you while we're separate."
Law felt flushed, but he drew Luffy closer to him with a soft huff of breath and a fond edge to his smile. “Yeah… I’m gonna miss you too, Luffy. You and that ‘charm’ of yours.” 
"It's too bad we can't sail together," he murmured, wrapping his arms all the way around him. "It'll be fun to compete though, right?"
“Heh, I know I couldn’t sway you from your crew, Straw Hat. And mine’s pretty important to me too.” He gave him a firm squeeze, letting his hand rest against the back of his head.
“Maybe when we get a little deeper in the grand line we can make an excuse to have our ships nearby, eh? Until then it’ll be a blast…competition breeds success right? I think someone said that once.” 
"Maybe," Luffy giggled. He looked up at him with wide eyes. "Are you excited? I don't think I ever heard you talk about the one piece before."
Law smirked as he leaned down to rest his chin on top of his head. 
“I’m gonna be honest with you, Straw Hat. I’ve got more interest in the end of the grand line than the One Piece. There could be all sorts of medical knowledge hiding in the roughest seas.” He scooped him closer. “But if it lights a fire under your ass for the huge ridiculous treasure trove from hell? Yeah. I”ll challenge you head on for it.” 
Luffy grinned wider and shimmied to wrap his legs around Law now as well, nuzzling his face against his neck. "We'll race for it. And I'll beat you for sure. You'll be impressed."
“I’m sure my heart’ll skip a beat.” Law smirked down at him. “Might even throw myself at you.” Despite his deadpan drawl, he did flush a little under his trimmed beard. 
"Will you swoon?" Luffy teased. He reached up and tugged the short hairs on his chin.
“What if I do?” Law looked down at him as his arm looped around Luffy’s waist. 
"Hmmm, good question. I might have to catch you." He chuckled and kissed Law's lips.
Law’s laugh was smothered by the kiss, but he held the rival captain tight as he deepened it.
It wasn’t a lie at all…he really was going to miss the troublesome Straw Hat. In the months that they’d had their un-described but clearly present relationship, he’d found himself quite attached.
In the sea of the New World a gaudy ship flies two standards. Its gaudy captain hums as he stoops into the communications room and puts his hand on the back of one of the chairs where a pair of his officers are situated.
One, a blond young man with an eager, intense grin listens in on stray transponder communications. The other, a dark haired mature beauty stares off into the distance with haunting eyes.
"Anything to report?"
“We are in luck,” the beauty mused in a voice as far away as her stare “Crocodile has captured Smoker and his cadre as planned with the marines none the wiser.”
The young man snickered softly, listening in. “They’re still blabbing about troop formations"
"So he actually pulled it off." The long, lanky captain crossed his arms over the back of the chair, leaning over the woman's shoulder. "I guess I owe him a drink after all. I thought I was the charismatic one."
“It would seem with short tempered marines, Crocodile strikes a sort of ‘like attracts like’ chord.” The woman chuckled low under her breath, causing the blond to break out in a tittering giggle.
"You know, I can see it," the captain chuckled. "We should probably all be glad he never became a marine. Anything else I should know about?"
“That ugly motherfucker is sailing this way!” the blond tittered, to which the dark haired woman sighed and clarified.
“Blackbeard is headed towards this sector of the sea, but we don’t know his destination. He hasn’t said it within my range.” 
"Tight lipped bastard," the captain huffed. He pats the woman on the cheek. "Keep an eye on him, would you, sweetheart?"
She nuzzled gently against his hand with a fond smile. “Anything for you, Captain. You’ll hear the moment he slips up.” 
"Good girl," he said, kissing her head before standing fully. He put his hand fondly on the top of the other's head. "And you, too. Keep your ears out for anything the marines are saying."
The blond tittered and flashed a wicked smile at him. “But of course~~. But I want the chance to kill a few if we run into ‘em!” 
"We run into the marines, you can kill as many of them as you like, Derringer. You too, Violet." Doflamingo chuckled. "After all, it's open season thanks to Cross Guild."
Derringer cackled , his hands clapping together eagerly “I can’t wait to get some blood on my new shoes! Dunno if I’ve ever had this much FUN!”
Violet leaned back into her chair with a sly, fond smile up at Doflamingo. “Open season indeed. Doffy. I don’t think they’ll know what hit them.”
With a last appreciative chuckle, the captain left them to their work, walking back into the deck where his ship bore two standards. The Cross Guild, and the Donquixote Pirates.
If you're interested in the backstory of how Doflamingo escaped Impel Down and why Violet is with him, you can check out the completed Deicide side-story "Unbound by Blood, Stitched by Thread."
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