devon-usher · 1 year
Tips for skinning people so the skin you get is wearable in the end?
Also, why did you switch from other people’s skin to plastic skin? Limited supply + messy? Too unsubtle(tm)?
Also also, when you wore other’s skin, did said skin supernaturally graft onto your own exposed flesh or did you have to Creatively Secure it? Or did they have skin-glue at the Circus (wouldn’t be surprised tbh)
Magic Knife. Works every time. If you can't get a magic knife, same thing as any other animal I suppose? There'll always be seams somewhere. Fewer cuts means fewer seams. Otherwise just... I dunno, look it up.
Don't like the process! Technically there isn't that limited of a supply - there are a LOT of people on the planet. Supply was never a problem.
Use your imagination.
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deer-watchers · 1 year
@ghost-hunting-gays see u sookn
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usherfoundationdc · 1 year
I’m so sorry
that’s mildly concerning??? for what exactly
(also hi i’m back!!!)
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wind-rider · 1 year
I’d apologize for usherrpposting but I’m having a GREAT time rotating the blorbos in the tags with my fellow braincells so y’all are getting dragged along whether you like it or not
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ghost-hunting-gays · 1 year
Nobody else has used this account in a while so don’t mind me upping our post count by responding to friends :)
- Jay
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this-is-fin · 1 year
hey I'm fin, she/her ig, minor, token human over at @ghost-hunting-gays
idk what else to say,,, uhh yeah that's me
Oops... I... I made another character blog... first the playlists now this /j
aAnyway! Fin is a fictional character, more info about the Usher RP can be found in @usherfoundationdc's pinned post!
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bugz4pper · 1 year
I figured I should probably stop hijacking the @ghost-hunting-gays blog for my own nefarious purposes SO here we are! A tumblr of my very own!
How often will I post? No idea! But I’ll be around! Might even reblog something! Perhaps multiple somethings! The world is an oyster and I’m about to lick it. Tastes salty.
OH the essentials I suppose:
- He/Him
- Minor! Not by much at this point but it counts. So yk don’t be weird.
- @devon-usher’s apprentice! I more or less just build things. I am, apparently, paid for this. Shocking.
- Enjoyer of the spooky and a little ooky myself! If you know you know, ask away and you shall receive.
- Gay of the ace variety. Be gay do crimes eat wasps get electrocuted amirite
This is an rp blog! It is set in @usherfoundationdc’s universe and run by @wind-rider
Jay is a fictional character, any similarities to real people are coincidental, etc etc. Feel free to ask any questions you like! Jay will (almost) always answer!
As this is (sorta) set in the tma universe, Avatars are a thing and yes Jay is one. Want more info? Ask him yourself :)
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v0idspeak · 1 year
@wind-rider's character Soldan! Giant Birb is an amazing design with an even better characterization, and probably my favorite of the @usherfoundationdc RP gang! (Yes, it's an antagonist. Yes, it's also awful. However, shush.)
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[ID: Three renders of a 3D model. The creature is a wyvern-like bird creature, and its two legs are splayed wide below it. Each foot has three toes and a thumb, each digit ending in a sharp talon. Its head is low to the ground, its sharp-toothed maw open wide in a screech.
Its right wing is half-open and pointed upwards, while its left wing is supporting some of its weight. Each wing has two clawed fingers.
Its entire body is covered in sharp feathers, with the largest being the wings (obviously), around the head, and near the base and tip of the tail. The tail wraps around the creature's right side and finishes in front of its left wing. The end of the tail has a large paddle of sharp feathers. The rest of the tail, as well as most of the face and upper legs, is covered in fur-like down and semiplume feathers, while the lower legs is covered in large scutes (like an emu).
It is wearing a twisted half-open crown, and the right side of its face is heavily scarred, with much of the tissue near its eye and on some of its beak devoid of any feathers.
The background is covered in stylized eyes, the pupils aimed towards the closest of the three renders. At the bottom, there is a black bar on which there is the logo for the UsherRP (Soldan from the back with open wings, over a purple open eye), Soldan's name, the artist's name (VoidSpeak), and VoidSpeak's logo. End ID]
Model is going to be 3D printed, so I'll update this soon with More Pics(tm)
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devon-usher · 1 year
Five other avatars you know, your choice as to who, ordered from favourite to least favourite. As one of the gods of their realm I will show them the results so choose wisely.
(Oh this’ll be in rhyme won’t it, I’m so sorry)
First is Jay; Not a shocker :P
Second is someone with whom I play: Eleanor is always a holler.
Third and centermost is one named Lily. You haven't met her; what a pity!
Fourth may well be Ann. Ally, sister, foe, I'm a fan!
Last is a nameless 'friend.' I hope he has met his end.
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marrpt-blog · 9 years
Hey! We're a new 8x8 skeleton RPG loosely based off Twin Peaks, The Secret History and Poe's The Fall of The House of Usher. We've just finished releasing our skeletons yesterday so could we have an opinion please? Thank you so much!
okay hun. so first off, i like the simplicity of the graphic. it’s just simple, and sometimes, simple is really nice to see. i like rps like this in general, giving that thriller type of action when you think about what plots you want your characters to have or whats your next move. the navigation is very nice and neat. the plot is well written, and hell so is the one on the side of the page. i like the fact that the fcs are most underused. the only thing is that in the character graphics, the blue is too bright and in your face ?? if you keep it a little bit duller like the graphics, it would be perfect. i’ll give this a 9/10 and a REC.
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usherfoundationdc · 2 years
-A very angry Oliver Jackson.
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wind-rider · 1 year
Not sorry for UsherRP OCposting
Perceive the blorbos
Do it
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ghost-hunting-gays · 1 year
Seasons greasons I have a blog now so I’ll stop hijacking this one constantly :)
- Jay
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this-is-fin · 1 year
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devon-usher · 1 year
(passes you some mystery waffles)
(the mystery is chocolate chips, they're fine)
Thank you, anonymous friend. The mystery (the mystery is chocolate chips) waffles are greatly appreciated. May you find waffles of your own on your doorstep in the near future.
(The waffles will be absolutely normal, I swear. Don't worry about how they found your doorstep.)
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ingridofrph · 9 years
Hi! We're a revamped 8x8 RPG that is loosely based off Twin Peaks, The Secret History and Poe's The Fall of The House of Usher. Could we have an opinion please? Thank you and have a great day!
Sure thing sweetie, sorry it took so long. Okay, starting off with your icon I actually really like it. It stands out, while still using the name of the roleplay and making sense with the plot. I never really saw Twin Peaks, so this opinion might be a little bit misguided but I think I would’ve preferred if you named it twin peaks or something along those lines cause when I saw Usher I thought of the singer, not the show if that makes sense?  Your theme isn’t really my favorite, only because I got confused very fast because I’ve never seen it done before and I’m not used to seeing a theme quite like it. Okay, so your graphics are really pretty in itself, I like how simple they are. I’m a big fan of the glitz without the glam if that makes sense?  I actually really enjoyed the plot, I like how it sucks you in and makes you want to continue reading more but the one thing I suggest to everyone is to always have a summary typed up. Everyone reads at a different pace and you want to get everyone in! Overall, I really like this roleplay’s plot and because of that I’m going to add it to my rec’s as well. REC LINK
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