#Used car North Bay
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Badge Bunny Meet Ugly
Gator Tillman x Fem!Reader
Badge Bunny AU - This can be read as a stand alone. Read more of their series here.
Summary: You're new to town. It's only supposed to be temporary. A handsome Deputy catches your eye, then seemingly ruins his chances as soon as he opens his mouth. This is not your fairytale.
18+ Only! MDNI!
Word Count: 14.5K
Warnings: Slow burn. Porn, with plot. Minimal use of Y/N. Reader is referred to as "Bunny" or "Bun". Toxic relationship (let's be honest here). Oral (m & f receiving). Choking. Semi-public sex. Degradation. Unprotected P in V (wrap it before you tap it!). Creampie.
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Telling yourself you needed a fresh start, North Dakota hadn’t been your first choice but it became your last when things seemingly had started spiraling out of your control.
Your car had broken down just inside of Stark County, leaving you stranded in the middle of literal nowhere.
“No, no, no. Please. Come on!” Trying the ignition over and over to no avail. You reached for your phone, thankfully it had a signal, googling the nearest mechanic shop; only showing one in a 20-mile radius.
It’s as if the universe was playing some cruel tricks on you.
The night before, you left the sleazy hotel where you had been staying when you realized someone had taken the last bit of money you had left. Internally cursing yourself for trying to hide it in the toilet tank like a fucking cliche idiot.
It was another 30 minutes before the tow truck and owner of “Frank’s Body Shop” pulled in beside you. An older, gruff looking man with gray hair, a little wiry, sticking up from his head. You suspected you might have woken him when you called.
It was a quiet, awkward drive back to his shop.
Once he’d gotten your car into the bay you’d asked where the nearest motel might be.
“Oh, there’s one about a mile down the road on the right. Can’t miss it.” Frank said without looking up from his paperwork.
“Any chance you could drive me over? I’m new to t….”
“Do I look like a taxi service to you?” He spat. “I already got out of bed to come get ya’.”
“Alright then, at least point me in the right direction?”
“Out the front to the left. Midway Motel. Only one this side of town.” He pointed.
“Yeah, thanks.” You didn’t wait for him to respond as you headed outside. If this was what they considered hospitality in Lehigh, you didn't want to stay here a second longer than what was absolutely necessary.
Your jacket did little to shield you from the blustery cold wind. You wrapped your arms around yourself, heading off in the direction to find somewhere to lay your head for the night, leaving the light of the only streetlamp you could see in the foreseeable distance.
It was dark but the moon was unusually bright, reflecting the glint of the fresh snow fall from earlier in the day.
You hadn't made it very far down the road when you heard a rumble of an engine and headlights cut out ahead of you. You didn't bother looking up, expecting God knows what this hour of night.
The vehicle slowed as it got closer, you held your backpack strap a little tighter to your chest and wrapped your hand around the pocketknife tucked into your jacket, expecting the worst.
You finally turned on your heel to be met with an older model blazer with Stark County Sheriff's Office on the side of the door. Some of the anxiety slipped away but you kept your guard up. You'd never had any good run-ins with cops.
The driver's window slowly rolled down, an older man was behind the wheel, you couldn't make out his features in the low light, but he was wearing a cowboy hat.
“Evening, miss. Little late to be wandering the highway alone. Could be dangerous for a lady such as yourself.” His tone made you feel uneasy.
Great, another smart-ass hick, you thought.
“Evening, Officer…”
“Sheriff Tillman,” he interrupted.
“Right, Sheriff Tillman. My car broke down and I was trying to find the Midway Motel?” It came out to be more of a question than you intended.
“The Midway? It's kind of a rough place, there's a Holiday Inn on the other side of…”
“With all due respect, Sheriff, I'm just looking for somewhere for tonight and I don't exactly have enough cash to be spending it in on something like a Holiday Inn.”
“Fair enough,” he nodded. “Hop in, it's on the way.”
You looked down the highway once more, biting your lip. It was going to be a trek you dreaded, and you were already tired from the events over the last couple of days. You rolled a gravel under your shoe before finally relenting.
“Yeah, okay.” Crossing in front to open the door, removing your backpack and climbing into the passenger seat. “Thanks.”
He didn't say anything or look your way as he threw the vehicle back into drive once the door was shut.
You were able to get a better look at the Sheriff. Older, rough around the edges. An air about him that dripped with arrogance.
Sitting beside him didn't make that uneasy feeling any better, only intensifying it. Something felt off.
You were grateful for the warmth the heater provided. Rubbing your hands together in your lap.
“So, what brings you to Lehigh Miss…?” He asked.
“Uh, Y/N, and just passing through. Like I said, my car broke down, so here I am.”
“Y/N,” he said, as he mulled it over. Letting it sit on his tongue. You didn't like the way your name rolled out of his mouth.
He nodded as he kept his gaze on the road ahead. Nothing else said between the two of you in the short drive.
The Midway was, as expected, a dump. Neons lit Vacancy above you, missing a few letters with a sign out front broadcasting, “$129 weekly rates”.
“Well, this is it.” He shifts into park outside the small office, as the older woman behind the counter straightening up in her chair at the sight of the Sheriff's car.
"Well, thank you Sheriff Till…" As you reached for the door.
"Roy. And I know you're new to town, so I thought I'd extend an invitation to our church. You can come and sit with my family so you wouldn't be by yourself. I've got a son that seems about your age.”
"Uh, thanks, Sheriff. But I'm hoping my car will be done in a day or two. I don't plan on staying that long." Sliding out and gathering your bag over your shoulder. "Thanks again for the ride.”
"Anytime. Enjoy your stay,” tipping his hat, as you closed the door.
You could feel his eyes trail after you as you walked into the office before he finally drove away.
The older lady stood, “Uh hi, I just need a room for the night, I hope.”
“Sure honey, we only got a double bed.” She eyed you warily. “You know the Sheriff?”
“Huh?” Barely registering what she had said as you were digging for your wallet.
“Sheriff Tillman? You know him?”
“No. He just offered me a ride…” you trailed off. “Why?”
“Don't trust that man. That whole family is a den of vipers. Son gaining a reputation just as bad. I'd steer clear if I were you.”
“I'll take that into consideration,” you took the key from her. “Thanks.”
The room was just as inviting. Cramped space with a small double bed and a flowery duvet. An older style TV sits in the corner making it feel like the place was stuck in the 90s.
No coffee maker or mini fridge. The small bathroom at least looked clean upon inspection though you weren't sure it could be trusted.
The bed provided little comfort. The mattress was lumpy, and the pillows were flat.
Well, at least it's for one night. You tried to shut your eyes and get some rest.
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“What do you mean, a couple of weeks?” You whined.
“What I just said, I can't get the part right now. Be a couple weeks.” Frank huffed. “I had to order it, so do you want it fixed or not?”
“Of course I want it fixed. Just let me know when it's done.”
Stomping your way out the garage, you shouldn't have expected anything else really. Not with the way your luck had been going.
You’d walked back to the motel, paying another week in advance and asking the lady at the front desk, Maggie, where you might find some decent work as it looked like you might be here for a while longer.
“Pretty girl like you, could always go over to the Tender Trap, you'd be out of this dump in no time,” as she proceeded to tell you the sort of place it was.
“I think I'd prefer to keep my clothes on.”
“Suit yourself,” she shrugged, pulling her cigarette to her lips. Puffs of smoke curled up as she exhaled. “Lucky Lizard across the way might be lookin’ for another waitress. Henry said last week his girl quit.”
“Here,” she pulled out a pad and pen, writing a name and number down for you.
“Thanks Maggie.”
You'd met with Henry the owner and resident bartender that afternoon. You'd been upfront about it only being temporary, but he liked your spunkiness and hired you on the spot.
He tried to warn you what you were getting into with the weekend crowd, but nothing would quite compare to seeing it in person.
Your shift started at 4. It started off easy enough. The early crowd were mostly blue-collared guys, interested in a couple of beers before heading home for the night.
Saturday's host karaoke night. The usual crowd is replaced by the rowdy 20 and 30 somethings of Lehigh looking for a good time when there is nothing else to do in nowhere USA.
Drinks flowing, the crowd loving the various renditions of their favorite songs echoing through the building.
The fight broke out before you realized what was going on.
You hadn't seen the beginning, but you were caught off guard when someone shoved you from behind, knocking the tray you held off balance. Bottles of beer went flying across the floor.
Henry called the Sheriff's department as soon as it got out of control and told you to get behind the bar until they arrived.
He had a shotgun there, pulled it out and told everyone to exit the bar. They eventually did.
“This happen often?” You asked him.
“Not usually,” he gave you a weary half smile.
You were beginning to think bad luck was following you at this point.
It didn't take long for a couple of deputies to walk through the door.
One caught your eye in particular. He waltzed in, dick first, like he owned the place. He rested his hand on the gun that was tucked away in his snug thigh holster, slung tight over his camo pants as your eyes trailed up the rest of his frame.
He was wearing the usual kevlar, adorned with a gold star badge on top of a snug long-sleeved T-shirt. You could tell the way it hugged his arms he was fit.
His head was covered with a hat that read Stark County Sheriff. It was shielding some of your view of his face at this angle, but you could make out his sharp jawline and aquiline nose.
Your eyes drank in every detail that was available as his eyes searched the crowd, turning his head slowly finally landing on you. His deep set, hazel eyes caught yours.
You felt pinned the longer he stared. He gave you a lopsided grin before lifting his hand, tipping his hat toward you. You smiled in return.
Then the moment was over, as he caught Henry's attention and beckoned him over.
You started busying yourself with cleaning up the mess the brawlers had left behind. As soon as they heard the cops were called the stragglers hightailed it out of there, along with a lot of the good paying customers.
With no one to pin it on, the cops weren't going to stay long. Statements and descriptions of the men were all they could get, along with some grainy video footage.
You were cleaning up a high top in the corner when he started to approach. You spotted him from the corner or your eye, because you hadn't stopped watching him since he entered.
Heavy boots made their way closer as you wiped down the sticky tabletop.
He cleared his throat before he spoke, gaining your attention as you were finally able to get a better look at him. He was handsome, clean cut. Not something you were expecting in a small-town Sheriff's department.
“Uh, don't believe we've met. Deputy Tillman, uh Gator.”
So, this was who Maggie had warned you about.
“Gator Tillman, huh? I've heard all about you and your daddy.” You shot back.
He smirked, but his eyebrows knit together with confusion.
“So, how is it you know all about me, but I've never seen you before. And trust me, I'd remember a pretty face like yours.” His eyes trailed slightly downward catching the top of your cleavage before moving back up.
You couldn't contain your eyes from rolling. Men were so easy. All the same. Simple creatures with only one thing on their minds.
You smiled and arched a brow, as his gaze set on your face once more.
“If you don't mind, I've got to get back to work. In case you didn't notice, this place is a mess.” You said, turning back to the table.
“I'm here on official business, need your statement. Miss…?” He paused, grabbing a pen, as if he was actually going to write any of this shit down.
You had him pegged from the moment he walked in here.
“Y/N.” He spoke. And as you expected, just stared at you. “You're not from around here, are ya’?”
“Nope and don't plan on sticking around either.”
“Yeah, Henry said you're over at the Midway? That place is rough, ya’ could…”
“Yeah, yeah I've already heard. You Tillmans have a savior complex or something?” you huffed out.
“Scuse me?” He furrowed his brows.
“Look, I don't need some hot shot, knight in shining kevlar to save me. I'm not some damsel in distress. I can take care of myself.” You looked him straight in the eye, not backing down.
“You're cute, y’know that?” he smiled, and let out a small humorless chuckle.
You watched as he produced a vape from his pocket, placing it between his pouty lips before sucking, as his cheeks hollowed just a bit. The fruity scented cloud billowed out, as he blew it hitting you square in the face.
“Seriously?” You coughed, hand waving it quickly away.
“Sorry,” he smirked again, not meaning his apology in the slightest.
“Sorry? For blowing that rancid shit right in my face? Your mama never teach you any fucking manners?” You huffed, grabbing the towel off the table and quickly walking away leaving him to stare after you.
He took another hit from his vape, letting his eyes trail your curves, watching the way your hips swayed with each step before he was knocked from his trance.
“Gator,” Andy, the other deputy, caught his attention. “Let's go.”
He nodded and bid Henry a goodbye.
He was intrigued. He could usually bat his eyes, puff his chest out a little and any girl would fall over him. Not you.
You were a little spitfire who didn't back down. He kind of liked it.
Gator was never the kind to chase tail, it fell in his lap with ease. You were different and something in the back of his mind wanted to see how far he had to push to see you give in.
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You'd all but forgotten about Deputy Tillman in the following days. However, he couldn't seem to get you off his mind.
The way you had spoken so blatantly like you didn't care who he was, or what kind of weight the Tillman name carried in this county. He couldn't deny the way it kind of turned him on. Every other girl in this town was either scared of him or immediately fell at his feet.
You were different, not to mention easy on the eyes with curves that seemed to go for days easily getting any man to eat out of the palm of your hand.
He pulled into the bar, telling himself he was just doing a routine check, on the lookout for drunks.
Deep down, he wanted to catch another glimpse to see if you were truly as pretty as he remembers. Maybe he could sweet talk you into a night of fun. Let him take you back to that trashy motel and have his way with you.
He settled back into the seat, checking the time on his watch, a quarter past 2 AM. The bar had just closed for the night, so he suspected you’d be in until at least another 30 minutes tidying up the place and kicking out the stragglers.
He pulled his phone out playing Candy Crush to pass the time. Placing his vape between his lips every few minutes, getting a little more anxious with each passing second.
He jumped at the sound of someone banging on his window, dropping his vape and almost doing the same with his phone.
He looked over to see you standing there, arms crossed giving him a glare that would rival the devil himself.
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It had been a long day. You were about to head back to the Midway after picking up a double shift. You headed out the back, surveying the lot.
The first thing you noticed is a black truck parked off to itself. You grumbled as soon as you saw the Stark County Sheriff logo on the side.
Instead of making the trek back to the motel, you decided to have a little fun, suspecting immediately who it might be.
Your boots stomped their way over to the driver's side door as you placed your hands on your hips. He made no attempt to roll the window down. You could see the glow of that stupid vape lit within. You wanted to yank it out of his mouth.
Growing more impatient by the second, you finally gave in using your fist to bang on the window.
You realized he hadn’t even noticed you walk up when his vape went flying out of his hand. You held in your laugh. Instead opting to hold a stern gaze, forcing your lips together and crossing your arms over your chest.
The window finally rolled down as he came into view. He wasn’t wearing a hat like the last time you’d seen him. His hair was slicked back, shorter on the sides revealing his face even more to you. Damnit, he was handsome.
“What the fuck is your problem?” He spat. Oh, this is going to be fun, you thought.
“Deputy Tillman, is that any way to speak to a lady?” You purred. “And what the hell are you doing out here? Besides looking like a creep?”
He scoffed, “My job. What the fuck does it look like?”
“Your job? You skulk around bars for your job?” You smirked. Each insult slowly getting under his skin.
“I'm watching for drunks. But I don't have to explain myself to you.” He sounded like a child. You couldn't tell in the low light but were sure his face was reddened from how strained his voice sounds.
“Right, well, good night Deputy.” You turned away from him, smirking as you went. His eyes trailing after you.
“Hey, Y/N,” he called. “Need a lift?”
“No thanks! You just stay here and watch for those drunks.” Yelling back and laughing out, the sound traveling across the parking lot back to his ears.
He shook his head and watched you go.
“Shit,” he hissed out, his head dropping back onto the headrest with a thud. Why'd he have to open his big mouth like that?
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The following week he seemed to be everywhere.
He was at the gas station as you paid for your soda and nachos, trying to take a break from the motel when the walls felt like they were closing in around you.
A couple of days later, he was at the diner grabbing lunch as you were just finishing yours. He stared at you from over the top of the menu as you left some cash on the table and headed out. If he was trying to be discreet about it, he was failing miserably.
The next day, you bumped into him at the grocery store a couple of blocks away from where you were staying.
You turned the corner with your small cart, bumping into someone.
“Oh, I am so sor…” the words died as soon as you looked up to see him standing there. He grinned, pulling a box of cereal from the shelf and putting it into his own cart.
He looked good. Camo thermal under a black leather jacket with matching black cargo pants; thigh holster in place. His hair was slicked back just like you had seen it in the prior days.
You cocked a brow, “Deputy Tillman, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were stalking me.”
“Stalking you? Maybe it's the other way ‘round. Huh, sweet thing?” He moved to lean his elbow on the shelf as he looked you over, missing the edge by only a few centimeters.
He slipped, correcting himself almost immediately, straightening back up and throwing the shelf an accusatory look.
“Woah there, big fella.” You snorted. “You okay there?”
“Fine,” he sniffed, looking down his nose at you once he was back at his full height.
“What are you doing on this side of town anyway? Isn't there a nicer grocery store you could shop at?”
“Well, yeah but I like this one.” Shrugging a shoulder as he spoke.
You eye him suspiciously. So, he did choose to come here. You knew there was another store on the other side of town. It was bigger and newer with all the bells and whistles.
As if he was reading your mind he quickly tacked on, “it's more quiet here. Less crowded.”
You nodded. Slowly moving your cart to finally skirt around him.
“Well, Deputy, enjoy your shopping trip.” Moving past him.
“Hey y/n, how about you let me take you out sometime?” He blurted out before you got too far out of earshot.
“Out?” You turned back around. “Like a date?”
“I mean,” he stepped closer, leaning his elbow on the shelf successfully this time, as he lowered his voice to barely above a whisper.
“Yeah, we can call it a date. I was thinkin’ more along the lines of grabbing a bite to eat then you could invite me back to your room…” his eyes slowly trailed down your body as he spoke.
“How romantic.” You batted your lashes up at him before huffing a laugh. “I guess I should be flattered you actually offered dinner first.”
“So?” He cocked his head expectantly, completely ignoring the words that had just come out of your mouth.
“So, no. I told you I'm not sticking around.”
“Who said it had to be serious? I'm just talkin’ about gettin’ some ass s’all. Havin’ some fun while you're stuck here.” His lips curled up. Maybe he expected you to be taken aback by his bluntness, but you weren't. It just spurred you further.
“Oh, is that all? And how do you know I'm not getting’ dicked down on the daily by someone else? Hmmm?” You smirked when his eyes grew darker. Did you just make him mad? Jealous?
“Oh, sweet thing, I don't believe that for a second.” He chuckled. The air between you seemed to grow a little tense as he shifted on his feet a little.
He stepped a little closer, trying to close the gap between you.
“If that were true, you wouldn't be walkin' ‘round here with that stick up your ass.” He paused, looking you straight in the eye, “I think what ya’ need is someone to fuck this bratty attitude right out of ya’.”
You inched forward, letting your fingers graze his chest as you let them tip toe up.
“And you think you're just the man for the job?”
“Sure am.” He grinned, cocky, thinking he had you.
Your fingers moved up, up until you moved them away, only to boop his nose before completely pulling away and taking a step back.
“You're cute, you know that?” Using his own words that he'd thrown at you that night at the bar.
His mouth hung open slightly, as you turned to leave him there.
“Have a good night, Deputy.”
You faintly heard a “fuck” being muttered as you made your way over to the next aisle.
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Two weeks.
Two weeks since your car broke down. Two weeks you’d been sleeping in a roach infested dump. Two weeks of sitting in said dump staring at the same four walls. Two weeks of reluctantly being the newest resident of Stark County.
Frank gave you another half-assed excuse as to why your damn car wasn’t finished this morning. You didn’t know whether he was telling the truth or blowing smoke up your ass for the hell of it. Either way, you were about to tear your hair out.
You volunteered for another double shift just to take your mind off of everything, telling Henry all of your woes for the 100th time, but he listened with a sympathetic ear as usual.
“Hey, not to pile anything on you, but do you think you could close up by yourself tonight? I’ve got to head out early.” He asked, hoping it wouldn’t get your panties even more twisted.
“I don’t mind. It’s not like anything is going on.” You held up your hands, looking around the desolate space. “And I would like to avoid going back to the room for as long as possible.” You felt a shiver run down your spine at the thought of sleeping there another night, though you knew it was inevitable.
He finished up what he was doing and slipped out the back.
It wasn’t unusual to be dead through the week, but this was almost unbearable. The last customer left about 30 minutes before Henry, leaving you alone with your thoughts weighing heavily once more.
It was currently a little past midnight, which meant you had two more hours before clocking out.
Most of the closing duties were done, now it was just you against the clock, hoping no one decided to stumble in here tonight keeping you any longer.
Your back was to the door, wiping down some newly washed glasses. As you put away another on the shelf, the front door flew open, startling you. When you jolted, you nearly dropped the glass but regained your composure.
Heavy footsteps were coming toward the bar as you turned around.
Shocked to see none other than Gator Tillman sliding into the stool directly in front of you. He looked disheveled. His usually perfectly slick hair mussed to the point it was falling in and around his face.
“Gator?” You asked hesitantly.
His eyes darted up to you, big and glossy, a little blood shot at the edges. His cheeks were flushed. Had he already been drinking before he got here?
“Oh, so you do know my name?” He huffed out. “And here I thought I was just Deputy Tillman.” It came out a little slurred.
His usual cheeky demeanor was gone. Replaced with this sarcastic asshole before you now; not an ounce of playfulness to be found. He seemed to be carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.
“Are you okay?” It seemed dumb to ask, but you couldn't help yourself.
“I'm fine Y/N. Just came here to blow off a little stream, s’all. Nothin’ to worry your pretty little head over.”
“Um sure… Gator, have you been drinking?”
He laughed out loud, lips curling into an unnatural smile. “I might’ve had a few. Might’ve run out. S’why I'm here, I need some more.”
“No, I think you need a cheeseburger and some water.” Placing a glass before him, sliding it into his view since he was staring at the bar top instead of you.
“Give me a Jack. No ice.” He said, without looking up.
“No. I'm not serving you.” Standing your ground could end up with a very pissed off Gator but at least your conscience would be clear. You were already thinking of how you could get his keys.
“Where's Henry? He'll give me what I ask for with no lip.” Finally cutting his eyes up. They were dark and intense. That usual flicker of light within now dim as if the alcohol had taken every semblance of the guy you’ve come to know.
“Not here. It's only me and I'm not serving you whiskey. I'll go make you a burger. Drink that damn water.”
He stared at the glass before him as if it would somehow magically turn into the Jack he'd asked for. Reluctantly, he finally picked it up and raised it to his lips, chugging the contents down within a few seconds.
He dropped it back to the bar top with a thud, still gripped in his hand.
“There, now give me a damn whiskey.”
“Gator, for the last time I'm not fucking serving you whiskey.” You had an idea. Your eyes flickered with delight at the prospect. And if he would cooperate, you'd both get what you needed.
He made to get up, staggering just a little, taking his keys from his pocket. This was your chance.
He looked away for a split second, he held his keys in his fist as he stood once more and turned slightly toward the door.
There was a key ring your fingers grabbed onto and firmly wanked them from his grasp.
He realized too late what was happening. His movements are slower than normal, trying but failing to reach back out for them.
“What the fuck. Give ‘em back.” He held out his hand expectantly.
“Hell no. You aren't going anywhere like this. You trying to kill yourself?” You raised your voice.
There was some look that passed over his features you couldn't quite read. He looked defeated at this moment.
“Look, just sit down. I'll make us both some burgers. We can, uh, have that meal you asked me to.”
That seemed to pique his interest, as his eyebrows edged upward. He nodded slightly and planted his ass back down on the stool as you breathed a small sigh of relief.
“Ok, just stay there. I'm going to lock the door and I'll make you the best damn burger you've ever had.” He didn't respond but you put another glass of water on the bar. “And drink that. I'll be back.”
You left him to it, locking the front door and clicking off the neon “Open” sign. You were sure no one would bother coming by this late and if Henry found out you'd just tell him the truth.
Henry usually cooked but had taught you the ins and outs of the kitchen as well. As the patties cooked on the grill top, you checked through the swinging door to make sure he was still there.
You panicked just a bit when he wasn't at the bar, but he had just moved across the room to one of the booths instead. And much to your surprise had brought the water with him. He wasn't thinking clearly but at least he could still follow directions.
You placed the plate in front of him as his eyes lit up.
“Don't say I never did anything nice for you.” You laughed and took the seat across from him.
He immediately started shoveling fries into his mouth. He wasn't much for manners, but you didn't fault him. He was eating like a man starved.
He hummed around the first bite of his burger as you smiled. You ate in silence, hoping a decent meal would sober him up for what you were about to suggest.
He finished his meal, wiping his mouth with his exposed sleeve and chugged the remaining water.
“Thanks, I need that.” He mumbled.
“Feel better?” You genuinely asked.
“Mmhmm… yeah actually. I uh…” he started.
“Nope, let's not do this ok. Don't start a sappy apology. I uh… may have had some ulterior motives here anyway.” You grinned as he finally lifted his head, furrowing his brows as his lips were set in a slight pout as if he were trying to decipher what you had just said.
“What? What are you…”
“I'm saying that I got you sober enough that at least I'm not taking advantage of you. I'd like to take you up on your offer.”
The realization hit, as he silently replied, “oh.”
He sat quietly for another moment.
“No. I don't need a goddamn pity fuck.”
You were taken aback by his brashness. Maybe this wasn't a good idea.
“I wasn't trying to give you a pity fuck you jackass. It just seemed like we could both use a distraction. But if you're not interested, never mind.” You started to ease out of the booth.
“Wait, wait.” He grabbed your wrist, halting your movements. His touch setting your skin ablaze.
He looked up at you with pleading, puppy dog eyes that pulled at your chest.
“Look, I am a jackass, ok. But I am interested. You've made it very clear you didn't want anything to do with me. Why the sudden change of heart?”
“What does it matter? We're both obviously dealing with some shit… like I said we could use a distraction.” You shrugged, pulling free from his grasp. Taking both of your plates as you slid from the seat.
He watched you disappear into the back of the bar.
Ok, she's giving me a chance. Don't fuck this up. I'm a winner. Come on. He tried to pump himself up.
It took a few minutes to wash up the dishes and put them away. Emerging from the back, he was still sitting in the booth.
“Listen,” you spoke up. “I've got a few more things to do before I can head out. You wanna just meet me at my room in about an hour?”
He stood, no stagger this time and in a few large strides he crossed the room stopping directly in front of you.
He took you by surprise, grabbing your hips, pulling you completely flush to his.
You let out a little squeak that his lips quickly cut off when they met yours.
He wasn't gentle, fingertips digging in where they met you through your shirt. You didn't need or want gentle. He was doing exactly what you hoped he would.
His lips were slightly chapped but glided against your cherry glossed ones with ease. You wrapped one hand around the base of his neck, nails raking through his hair as your other finds his bicep.
He was guiding you, fingers finding the hem of your shirt, skirting upwards, uncovering the supple flesh beneath.
His touch sent goosebumps across your bare skin. It was then his tongue danced along your bottom lip, begging for entry.
Your lips parted, his tongue immediately finding the opening, moving against yours so naturally.
You suddenly needed more, pulling him even closer, easing yourself upward to meet him on the tips of your toes.
It was suddenly a clash of teeth and tongue. Your hand glided from his bicep to his waist pulling him in.
He broke your kiss with a groan. It gave you both a moment to catch your breath. Pants being shared between you.
You took the opportunity, running your hand lower, palming his now very prominent bulge. You were surprised he was actually backing that cocky attitude.
“Fuck,” he hissed out, breath fanning your cheek.
“You're getting ahead of yourself big boy. I still need to close up.” You nipped at his neck, inching yourself backward.
“No, let me make you feel good. Let me taste you. Fuck, I need to taste you.” His voice raspy, whiny with need.
His words went straight to your core. Not sure what you were expecting, but him offering to go down on you wasn't one of them. Gator seemed very selfish, not someone who would so willingly give.
“Yeah, fuck yeah.” Willing yourself to answer as you nodded. But then it hit you. Where the fuck would you go in here?
As if he already knew what you were thinking, he grabbed your hand leading you over to the pool table.
He let go to shed his jacket into the nearest booth, as you slid up onto the felt lining, easing your ass over the lip.
You'd worn a skirt today, now thanking yourself for the easy access, as you spread your thighs to accommodate his frame.
He turned back to you. Eyes trailing up. You were like prey caught by the big, bad wolf as he licks his lips ready to devour you.
You leaned back, spreading your legs a little further, skirt rucking up, soaked panties on display.
He came to slot himself between your thighs, pulling your hips toward the edge to meet his hard cock coming to rest against your clothed core.
You had no choice but to wrap your arms around his neck to steady yourself as you gasped out.
“What's wrong, sweet thing?” He smirked, as he brought his hand up to the back of your head, threading his fingers through your hair tugging the roots making you meet his gaze.
“I…” smug bastard had the audacity to roll his hips when you tried to speak, nudging your clit slightly, pulling a small moan from you.
“Yeah, that's it. Let me hear those pretty sounds, yeah?”
This wasn't you. Letting a man reduce you to putty in his hands. You decided to throw him off, taking your legs and locking them firmly around his waist, and rolling your hips into his.
“Look at you, like a little whore in heat.” He lowered his head, lips ghosting the shell of your ear. “I fucking knew you wanted me.”
You gasped out again when he brought his broad palms against your thighs pushing them back against the table. His thumbs rubbing higher, up under the fabric of your skirt making you shudder.
He pulled back slightly to look down at you.
“Now, be a good girl and sit still f’me.”
His fingertips traveled up, hooking into the fabric so he could pull them down, lifting your ass so he could remove them.
Once he had you bare, he tucked them into his pocket for safe keeping.
His eyes darkened, breath hitching slightly once he caught sight of your bare cunt.
You were positively soaked, glistening before him.
Feeling a little brazen, you spoke up “Are you going to put your money where your mouth is or just stare at me all night like you've never seen a pussy before? ” Wiggling your ass closer to the edge as you spoke.
He didn't respond, you watched as he licked at his bottom lip and began lowering himself to the floor. Once he knelt in front of you, face to face with you, he finally spoke.
“Look at that sweet little pussy, already drooling f’me.” He slid his hands under your ass, pulling you closer to the edge, closer to his waiting mouth.
He pushed your left thigh up over his shoulder, scooting closer still, using his arm to force your other leg further open to accommodate him. His hand delicately moves your skirt further up your hips giving him full access.
You jolt when he lightly runs a fingertip up your slit. Not enough to penetrate but shooting embers through your core.
“I bet she tastes so good, huh?” Placing a kiss to your inner thigh, then another and another. Working his way toward where you needed him most.
“Please…” it's as if the word left on its own accord as it hung in the air between you. It was so breathy you'd hoped he'd mistake it for another moan.
“What's that sweet thing?” No such luck.
You look down at him, he's grinning over your mound with this mischievous glint to his eyes. You know what he's about to say before it even tumbles from his lips.
“Please what baby?”
You roll your eyes letting your head thump back against the tabletop.
“Please Gator, quit teasing. I ne… want you to fuck me.” You quickly huffed out.
He chuckled lightly, letting his finger and thumb part your lips, while his breath fanned over your sticky folds.
He hummed as he looked down, catching a glance once more before he brought his tongue down. Flattening it against your core, licking a fat stripe from your leaking entrance as he let the tip finally catch your clit.
“Oh fuck!” You moaned out. Relief. It flooded through your veins and much as it ignited you further.
He didn't stop, moving his tongue down and back up to expertly swirl it against your puffy clit.
Your back arched, pushing your pussy further into his face. His eyes flicked up to you, relishing the way he was already making you come undone.
He moved his hand from around your ass to wrap it around your leg, making sure you couldn't squirm away as his lips came to wrap around your bundle of nerves. Sucking harshly, then soothing it again with a soft lick.
You fisted your hands at your sides, fighting the urge to run your fingers through his hair.
You felt his thick finger tease your entrance as his lips remained sealed to you.
“Mmmm… yes, please. I need more.” You tried to grind your hips, but he had you firmly pinned.
He slowly inserted his finger, pushing into your velvety walls with ease, as another wanton moan left your lips.
He pulled out, only to insert a second upon re-entry. His fingers alone were filling you up in such a way your own never could.
Your cunt pulsed around him, as he hummed into you, the vibrations only adding to your pleasure.
It had been a long time since you'd been touched by anyone but yourself and your orgasm was creeping up at an embarrassingly fast rate.
He curved his digits upward with every drag, as he was hit that sweet, spongy spot within you. You knew you wouldn't last much longer.
“Gator don't stop. Right there!” He was happy to oblige, keeping his current pace but applied more pressure to your clit, working his tongue back and forth.
Your hands finally found purchase, tugging at his hair. He hummed again, filing that mental note away for later.
“It feels so good, don't… mmmm… don't fucking stop!”
Those embers were fully formed flames, licking up your spine, igniting every nerve within your core.
The pressure kept building, as you were teetering along the edge, ready to let go.
Your orgasm hit with blinding force, your legs began to shake around him as sparks soared behind your eyes, with a cry of his name he worked you through your high.
He unattached his lips, “that's it sweet thing, cum on my fingers. Yeah, you look so goddamn pretty like this, and I haven't even fucked you yet.”
Your cunt clenched around him once more with his words, as you tried to pull away from him, starting to feel oversensitive. He pulled his fingers from you, only to wrap his lips around them sucking them clean of any remnants of your arousal.
“Mmmm… so fucking sweet. I knew you'd taste good.”
He watches the way your chest is still heaving, trying to catch your breath. He takes the opportunity to raise himself up, pushing himself back between your thighs.
His cock is fucking aching and rock hard. He'd fuck you right here and now if you'd let him.
He leans slightly back over you, his cock nudging your cunt, as you whimper and finally open your eyes in time to see his shit eating grin, as he wipes the rest of your arousal from his face with the back of his hand.
“You good?” He finally asks.
There was something in his eyes that told you that you were in for a long night.
You nod pathetically, as you attempt to sit up, but your bones feel like jello.
He closes the distance, caging you in, hands splayed out on either side of you, as he speaks close to your ear, breath fanning your cheek.
“Yeah? You want me t’bend you over right here or are we going back t’your room? Your choice sweet thing, but either way I'm fuckin’ ya’ now.”
He pulls back slightly to gauge your response. You look up at him, soft doe eyes and pouty kiss-bitten lips. He's fucked. He knows it right then and there.
“Fuck, Gator. We can't fuck here. Let me grab my purse.” You push at his chest to give you some space.
He takes a few steps back, as you hop down from the pool table on wobbly legs and straighten your skirt back down.
“You aren't closin’ up?” He chuckled.
“Fuck it,” waving your hand dismissively as you walk to the back. “I work morning shift; I'll do it then.”
You quickly gathered your belongings, throwing your coat over your shoulders, shutting off the lights as you head back up front. You knew you'd be kicking yourself in the few hours you'd have to be back in for your shift but at this moment you couldn't find it within yourself to care.
You shot through the double doors, as his hands reached out and grabbed you from behind, pulling you in as he nuzzled his face into your neck.
“I can't keep my hands off of you. You're so fuckin’ hot.”
You giggle, feeling like a horny teen. It was new, exciting and as you reminded yourself just for tonight.
“Gator, come on. Let's go.” He grabbed a handful of your ass before reluctantly letting you go.
He followed you closely out the door, as you turned to lock up, he stayed there, head on a swivel, surveying the parking lot void of any life this time of night.
“Okay.” You said, pushing your hands into your pockets, suddenly realizing you still had his keys.
“Oh shit, here.” You dug them out from your purse and handed them over.
“Thanks, sweet thing, come on.” He went ahead of you and jumped into the driver's seat, turning the ignition just as quickly. You pulled yourself up, taking the opportunity to scoot right in next to him, thigh pressed tightly into his.
He stiffens as you place your hand high on his thigh, sliding it slowly, close to where his cock rests, still straining against his confines just begging to be released.
At the same time, you press your face close to his jaw, placing small kisses up, nibbling his ear lobe. You continued sliding your hand further up, finally rubbing him through his pants, causing his breath to hitch.
“Fuck, ok, ok. Let me just get us across the road.”
You giggled out, as you sat back in the seat. He seemed just as eager as you were.
“Ok big boy, let's go.”
The Midway was almost directly across the road from the Lucky Lizard, making it a quick trip.
“Which room is it?” He asked, eyes cutting to you for a moment.
“203, just up there.” Pointing in the general direction, as he slowed when he got close.
“I'll let you out, I've got to park ‘round back.” He stopped directly in front of the door.
“Yeah, sure.” You understood but it didn't hurt any less. You knew it was a dump, home to more than a couple of drug addicts but you also knew his job. It would be an embarrassment to be seen here.
You let it roll off you, as you swung the door open and stepped inside. It gave you a few minutes to freshen up and spritz a little perfume to your pulse points, as he knocked on the door.
You crossed the small space, opening the door wide, bidding him in quickly.
“I know it's not much,” you began.
“S’fine.” He said, looking around the desolate space. The only hint that you lived here was the large suitcase in the corner overflowing with your clothes and shoes.
He let his jacket fall from his shoulders, placing it on top of the dresser, toeing his boots off there as well. You had already removed your outerwear leaving you in your skirt and short sleeved shirt you'd worn all day.
He didn't look your way as he sat on the end of the bed, letting out a large sigh as the springs groaned under his weight.
For a moment he seemed distracted, with this faraway look in his eye that had you second guessing yourself, as his hand scrubbed down the side of his face.
As if he felt the weight of your stare, he looked up, “C’mere sweet thing,” patting his thighs. In normal circumstances something like that would piss you off but at this point you'd let it slide.
You crossed the small distance between you. As soon as you were close enough, he grabbed your hips once more, but you were ready this time as you steadied yourself.
Your fingertips hooked under his chin lifting lightly so he would have to look at you. His eyes were half lidded, from lust or the late hour you weren't sure, but his gaze was soft, pupils blown wide.
“Hey handsome, how about I return the favor?” You purred, as his hand roamed the expanse of your thighs, finding your ass and pulling you further into him.
You trailed a fingertip across his jaw, nail catching on stubble that was trying to form as you watched his Adam's apple bob.
Trailing it lower, down his broad chest as you began to sink to the floor between his thighs, knees pressing into the rough carpeting.
Your hands came to rest in either of his thighs, as he eagerly undid his belt and unsnapped the button of his pants. That's when you stopped him.
“Let me,” your voice was sticky sweet, as you batted his hands away, replacing them with your own, taking the zipper and slowly lowering it.
You palmed at his still clothed erection, eliciting a soft hiss from him.
He groaned, as your fingers trailed to his waistband, he aided you by lifting his hips letting you pull his pants and boxers down his hairy thighs.
His cock sprang free, the head landing just at his navel. You knew he was big, but you hadn't expected this much. You were staring at a goddamn python.
He was long, but also thick. His fat mushroom tip was flushed, a prominent vein travels down the underside of his shaft. The thought of him between your legs made your thighs involuntary clench.
“Fuck,” it was just a whisper, but he still heard it as he smirked.
“What's the matter, sweet thing? Never seen a cock before?” That teasing tone was back but you rolled your eyes in response, wrapping your hand around as much of his base that you could.
You angled him more toward you, leaning down spitting on the tip, as his hips bucked up slightly.
“Fuck, you're a dirty girl.” He grunted, the women he usually fucks were all to timid to take charge or even offer a blow job.
You ran your hand up his length, reaching the top, smearing the mixture of your saliva and his precum expertly. Taking the time to run your thumb across his slit and ruddy head at an agonizingly slow pace before finally stroking back down, as you began pumping lightly.
His breath hitched as he watched you, you were focused solely on him and the task at hand.
You brought your mouth closer, lips sticky with newly reapplied gloss as you placed a soft kiss to the tip, before flicking your tongue to the same spot. Getting the response you were after when you heard him whimper.
You grinned against him, ready to destroy this man.
You wrapped your lips around him, sucking lightly before flattening your tongue, taking as much of him as your mouth and throat would allow.
“Oh fuck,” he moaned out, as if you’d taken him by surprise. His face screwed up with pleasure as he closed his eyes. You wondered if it had been a while since he'd felt a woman's soft touch, so used to his calloused hands providing his own relief.
As the salty tang of him hit your tongue you moaned around him. The vibrations made him shudder, relaxing your throat to take him further as you continued to stroke his length.
You began to bob your head, hollowing your cheeks applying more pressure to his member.
“Goddamn sweet thing,” he breathed out, daring to glance down. You were a vision with his dick between your lips. When you looked up at him there were unshed tears along your lash line. It was enough to make him cum right then and there.
It was then you decided to pick up your pace, seeing his fucked-out expression spurred you on.
“Fuck,” he hissed out, gripping the back of your hair, tugging you back until you pulled off with a wet pop.
“You keep doing that, I'm gonna cum. I need to fuck you.” You nodded, as those words went straight to your core, pussy clenching around nothing.
“You uh, you got a condom? I didn't really come prepared.”
“Gator, I just had my mouth around your cock, if I was worried about that I wouldn't have gone down on you. I'm on birth control.” You shrugged.
“Fuck, yeah ok.” He nodded.
You quickly rose to your feet, slotting your thighs on either side of his, sinking down as his cock met your bare cunt, gliding easily through your folds bumping your clit on the way.
You moaned out in unison, as he found the hem of your shirt pulling it over your head. His lips immediately finding the tender flesh of your neck, just below your jaw sucking a small bruise there before soothing it with his tongue.
His hands palm your tits through your bra, before quickly finding the clasp at the back. He's undoing it with expertise, as the straps begin to slide down your shoulders.
He wastes no time, he pushes the cups down as his large palms engulf your breasts. His calloused hands are a little rough against your nipples, causing another moan to escape you.
You pull away slightly to capture his lips into a heated kiss. He wraps his arms around you, only to lift you off the bed with him, moving to lay you onto your back.
You let out a small squeak of surprise but he's immediately back between your thighs, gliding his cock between through your soaked folds.
“Mmmm… Gator, please don't tease me anymore.” You huffed out.
He chuckled lightly in response, but sat up to remove his shirt, kicking his pants the rest of the way off his legs. You followed his lead, lifting your hips and sliding your skirt down your plush thighs.
“Fuck, look at you.” He said, lowering himself back down.
He brought two fingers up to your lips, as he barked out “open.” Sliding them in, letting them close around his large digits and letting your tongue swirl against the rough pads.
“Good girl,” he brought them straight to your aching clit, rubbing tight circles against you.
“Mmmm… fuck.” You moaned out, keening into his touch.
He bent down, laving his tongue between your breasts. His mouth was hot, as he sucked your hardened bud between his lips. Your hands flew to his hair, pushing it back from his face tugging harshly at the roots.
He didn't let up, as he moved off your clit to pinch the other between his thumb and finger.
The sensation has you crying out. You weren't in the mood for any more teasing. The ache between your legs was almost unbearable.
You were surprised at his patience this far. Half expecting him to start railing you as soon as he entered the room.
You pulled his face up to yours, giving him no choice but to crawl up your body, meeting you lips once more. You firmly locked your legs around his waist and rolled your hips.
You swallowed each other's moans, as you repeated the motion, his tip catching your clit at just the right angle.
“No more teasing. Let's see if you know how to use that thing or if that cocky attitude is all you have.” Wiggling your hips against him as you spoke.
His eyes darkened, as he looked up at you as if it ignited something within him.
“I know how to use it, just wonderin’ if that tight pussy can handle it.” He reached between you, lining himself up with your entrance as you spread your legs further apart.
His fat tip breaches, as he pushes in slightly with a groan.
“Oh fuck,” throwing your head back, already feeling the stretch.
“Fuck, you are tight,” he hisses, watching himself as he sinks a little deeper.
Your brow starts to scrunch, closing your eyes as your mouth goes slack, a silent moan trying to escape but it feels caught in your throat.
He starts to move again, inch by inch, he slowly splits you open. You're trying not to think about the smug look he's surely got on his face. If you had opened your eyes, you would have seen he was just as fucked out as you were.
Your nails dig crescents where they rest, fingers gripping his shoulders tighter the deeper he goes.
He finally pushes to the hilt, as you let out a breath you hadn't realized you were holding, coming out as a whimper.
He looks down at you then, the almost pained expression on your face pulls him out of his own stuper.
“Hey, you ok?” The softness of his tone grabbed your attention the most. You looked back up to see his eyes worrying over your features.
You nodded, “mhmm… I just need a minute. It's been a while and, not to inflate your already huge ego, but you're not exactly average.”
His lips curled up into that crooked smile like the first time you'd seen him at the bar. It genuinely made you smile back.
The pinch slowly started to subside, as you asked him to move.
He slowly pulled back, almost removing himself completely, immediately sinking back in. He was taking his time, not at all what you expected. You’d wanted rough, for him to fuck your goddamn brains out.
“Gator, I need more. Harder.” Your heels pressed into his ass to get your point across.
“You sure?”
“Yes, goddamnit! Fuck me!”
He shoved himself back, pulling out of you completely.
“What are you…?”
“Y’want it rough, flip over. Ass up.” When you didn't immediately move, he added “c’mon sweet thing. Up.”
You did as you were told, rolling over and arching your ass up. You looked over your shoulder, as he grabbed onto your hip lining himself up with your dripping entrance.
“You asked for it, whore.” He breathed out as he pushed back in hard enough to punch the air from your lungs.
He wasn't soft this time, didn't bother to ask if you were okay.
You whined out with each pump, as he started to set a brutal pace. He began to pull your hips back in time to meet each thrust.
“That it, huh? This what y’wanted?”
You didn't answer, nodding as best you could with your cheek pressed into the mattress.
His hand came down hard across your ass cheek that sent you lurching forward.
“I asked you a question. This what y'wanted? Huh?”
“Yeah, yes. It's… it's what I… mmmm… wanted.” Panting out as he continued to rail you.
He leaned over, reaching his arm under your chest placing his hand around your throat. Squeezing lightly, as if he were testing the waters.
When your pussy fluttered and another moan fell from your lips when he applied more pressure it gave him all the go ahead he needed.
He hauled you up with him; your back pressed tightly to his sweaty chest with his hand still wrapped around your throat as you gripped his wrist and forearm.
He slowed his motions, only to put his lips close to your ear, “You know what they call whores who like to fuck cops? They're badge bunnies. Y’wanna be my little bunny since y’like bouncing on this cock?”
“Fuck, Gator.” You wailed out.
“I'll take that as a yes.”
He releases your neck, letting you fall forward against the mattress, holding your hip with one hand as he brings the other up between your legs as he quickly finds your clit.
You grip the sheets, as he begins rubbing harsh circles there, his length continuously stimulating that sweet spot within you with every drag against your velvety walls. It had you clenching around him as that coil within you tightened.
“You close bunny?” A little bunny, trapped by the big bad wolf. Ensnared. Nowhere to run.
“Ughhh, fuck, yeah.” All coherent thoughts pushed from your mind.
He was working you toward the edge, tighter and tighter your lower belly wound.
“Please, don't stop! Don't stop!”
He didn't let up, working your clit with the same, unrelenting pace as his cock split you open again and again in the best possible way.
“I'm not sweet thing. Can I… fuck… can I cum in this pussy?” He grunted out, trying to stave off his own. He wanted to feel you cum around his cock.
“Yes! Cum in me!”
“Fuck, I need you to cum all over my dick. C’mon baby. Need to feel you. Give it to me.”
His words only encouraged your orgasm, that coil wound tighter and tighter until it finally snapped.
You came with a shout of his name followed by “oh God, oh God, oh God” as those fireworks flew behind your eyes. It was the best orgasm anyone had ever given you. You were fucking ruined.
He continued to work you through it until you whimpered into the sheets below.
He grabbed your hips with both hands, surely to leave bruises in their wake, pulling you back to meet his punishing thrusts.
Your senses were overwhelmed and your pussy was starting to ache from overuse.
“Gator, please…” you weren't sure what you were begging for.
“Yeah, Bunny? Yeah? I'm gonna fuckin’ ruin this pussy for anyone else. Gonna be all mine from now on.” He started blabbering.
His hips stuttered, thrusts becoming a little erratic, as he started to spill inside of you. He pulled your hips flush to his, as he painted your walls with his thick ropes of cum.
“Fuckfuckfuck… that's it, that's fuckin' it.”
He stilled leaning over your back, as your legs began to give out, releasing the grip on you as he finally pulled out.
He rolled off of you, lying there beside you as you both caught your breath.
“Care if I take a nap here? I'm up in a few hours back on patrol. Don't feel like drivin’ all the way across town.”
It caught you off guard. You hadn't actually had someone sleep beside you after sex in years, but it was just one night. He'd most likely be gone before the sunrise.
“Uh, sure. I'm going to shower.” Getting up without turning back to him, you heard him mumble something under his breath as he made himself more comfortable throwing the covers over his waist.
You showered quickly just to scrub the day from yourself. The hot water heater didn't last more than 10 minutes in this damn place.
When you were finished, Gator was laying on his stomach. Arms stretched under his pillows, hair strewn in his face as soft snores escaped him.
Your eyes drank him in. Curves and plains of his strong back, moles and freckles scattered like a constellation. The sheet just barely covers his ass. You softly roll your eyes when you notice his boxers on the floor by the bed.
Your gaze flicked up, noticing a tattoo on his bicep. Snorting to yourself when you realized what it was. It was hideous but very much on brand. Making a mental note to make sure to give him hell for it later.
The bed was small, but he had scooted as far to the right that he could, giving you room to lay down beside him. Thoughtful, again he surprised you.
You threw on a tank and some clean panties, easing yourself in beside him under the sheets. He shifted just a bit, mumbling to himself before settling back in.
You turned over on your side away from him, making sure to keep a little distance between you before finally drifting off.
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Gator woke a couple of hours later, turning slightly to see your sleeping form beside him. It was still dark out, a sliver of light coming in through the slit in the curtains just enough to illuminate you.
He tried to be quiet as he gathered his clothes from around the room easing them back on his body.
He checked his phone. More than a few missed calls and one single text from Roy.
Where the fuck are you?
He knew he'd get more shit as soon as he got home. After their blowout last night he's surprised no one came looking for him but that would actually mean Roy cared about his well-being.
He sat back down on the bed as softly as he could, trying not to disturb you. He watched a cockroach crawl across the toe of his boot as he laced it. His lip curled up in disgust at the thought of you living here.
Maybe he could help you out if you decided to stay but he knew that was wishful thinking. You'd also made it clear last night was a one time thing but maybe he could change your mind.
He used his phone as a light to find a small notepad and pen on your nightstand. Jotting down his number, with a simple just in case scrawled out.
He took one more look at you sleeping peacefully, slowly letting his fingers trace the curve of your cheek, moving the hair from your face.
He finally understood what his dad had always warned him about. He felt weak with this overwhelming urge to protect you. He didn't really understand it. But deep down he was hoping you'd somehow feel the same.
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You woke up with a stretch and a groan. You'd slept cramped, pushed to the edge, careful not to touch the man beside you.
You turned over to a cold spot, suddenly wondering when he'd left.
Sitting up, you reached for your water at your bedside, raising it to your lips but stopped, noticing a note left there.
You gingerly picked it up. He'd left his number.
You thought about tossing it but instead grabbed your phone and input the info, quickly moving screens and typing out a text then erasing it.
You chewed the skin on your thumb, as you looked at the blank message, typing it out again.
Thanks. You took my mind off shit for a while.
Hitting send before chickening out, immediately slamming the phone down on the bed.
One time. It was supposed to be a one time thing.
He had responded to your text later that day with:
Sure bunny. you free tonite?
You had thoroughly ignored it for 2 hours before you texted him back, telling him what time he could swing by the motel after a customer had pissed you off.
It had been like that most nights since.
There were also those nights when he'd pick you up from work, always making sure to come in before close.
Taking the same seat at the bar, you'd happily grab him his usual Jack Daniels over ice. It was small talk at first but gradually became a little more.
You would laugh at his stupid jokes or tell him that he should tell his dad off after he had yet another blow out with him. He left out a lot of the details but you had inferred enough to know he was a piece of shit.
And after close, he'd slip his tongue past your lips as soon as you walked out the door, kissing you hard enough to melt the rest of the day away. His hands were all over you until you managed to get him into the truck to make that small drive across the road.
You’d fucked on just about every surface of that motel room, including some sketchy shower sex that almost landed you both in the hospital when you’d lost your footing.
He couldn’t take you back to his dad’s house, so a week later, he’s got you in the cab of his truck bouncing on his cock like your life depended on it.
The windows were fogged up, anyone passing by could easily tell what was currently playing out. He’d parked in a clearing off a gravel road, close to his ranch but far enough away that no one would bother the two of you.
His cock was kissing your cervix each time your hips met his, at this angle it felt like he was in your guts. It was on the verge of being too much but that familiar ache in your lower belly told you to keep going. You were almost to the finish line.
He currently held his hand against your throat, after he'd figured out you liked it, he started taking it a little further each time.
“I feel her gripping me, your close Bunny. Keep fuckin’ goi…” He was interrupted when a banging on the glass startled you both.
Your movements halted, both looking like deer in headlights.
“Gator, c’mon out son. Need a moment.” Roy's voice rang out against the silence.
“Fuck,” he hissed, through gritted teeth, throwing his head back onto the headrest as you quickly moved off of him, pulling down your skirt and straightening your hair sitting up in the passenger seat.
He shoved his now softening cock back into his pants, zipping them up and jumping out of the truck, slamming it shut.
You picked up your panties from the dirty floor, and shoved them into your purse. From this vantage point you couldn't hear much of what was being said, but it was mostly Roy’s muffled voice coming through.
The more you learned about their relationship the more it turned your stomach. It was one-sided, Roy asking him to jump and Gator immediately asking how high.
You had made up your mind about Roy after that first meeting. The way he treated Gator was disgusting.
After a few more agonizing minutes, the truck door finally opened back up to reveal a very crestfallen Gator.
He hopped in without saying a word, turning the ignition and throwing it into drive. He punched the gas, throwing you back into the seat.
“What the fuck, Gator?!” You yelled, gripping the door as he peeled onto the gravel road.
“Daddy really put you in a bad mood, huh?” It slipped out with a patronizing tone.
“Fuck you!” He spat, pulling his vape from his pocket, letting it hit his lips expelling that sickly sweet smelling fruit that you've come to loathe.
“I mean, we tried that before we were so rudely interrupted back there.” You laughed to yourself.
“Goddamnit,” he hit the steering wheel with his fist, “Just shut the fuck up!”
“Fine. Just take me back to the Midway and don't bother texting me later when you get bored. Fuck you, asshole!” You huffed, crossing your arms and sinking a little deeper into the seat before staring out the window.
Regret started to pool within you. It was bound to happen. It always ended like this. You could never hold your tongue, letting insults roll off so easily.
It felt like the longest ride back across town. He'd pulled up to the curb not even bothering to put the truck in park as you hopped out slamming the door behind you.
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A few days passed successfully avoiding him all together. You'd contemplated deleting his number, your thumb hovering over the button each time, then slamming your phone back down.
It was just sex. You could cut ties now and let it be. Once that damn car is done, skipping town would be easy.
It was another gloomy, snowy day in Lehigh. And yet another excuse from Frank.
The heat in your room quit working, so you'd spent the morning moving your stuff down to another room that Maggie had gotten ready for you.
You'd hoped a shower might clear your head, relax you for a bit. It seemed to only make things worse. You were tired.
Checking your phone you were met with a text you'd been dreading.
You still in town?
Ignoring it, you laid down hoping a nap would do you some good.
Waking a couple hours later, you had a few missed calls and more texts from Gator.
Can we talk?
I came by the motel. Your room was empty. Did you leave?
You groaned, sitting up.
Finally relenting and typing out a reply.
You almost sound worried, big boy. I'm fine. You can kindly fuck off now.
It began to buzz in your hand as you hit ignore. It continued off and on most of the day. A few more missed calls and messages, later that afternoon it finally stopped.
You breathed a small sigh of relief, curling back under the covers shutting the world out. Just how you preferred it.
You dozed in and out of consciousness. The TV provides soothing background noise keeping you snoozing all afternoon.
You were wrenched from your slumber when someone began to pound on the door. Dazed for a few seconds, before the pounding started again.
“Fuck, give me a second!” You yelled across the room, stumbling from the bed uncaring how you looked, sleep shorts and thin tank top with your hair askew.
Immediately jerking the door open, you’re face to face with a very agitated looking Gator. He must have been working today, dressed in his vest and gloves.
“Fuck no.” You said, and started to close the door. He was quicker, placing his boot clad foot in the way preventing you from pushing it shut.
“Move Gator.” You hissed.
“You’ve been ignoring me.”
“No shit. I told you not to bother. I should have blocked your ass. Now, move!” You shoved a little harder to no avail.
“What the fuck are you mad for, huh? You didn't get to cum that day, that it? There's a lot of things you don't understand. A lot of shit I can't talk about.”
You swung the door open, as you locked eyes with his.
“Oh, no I get it. I see it. You let daddy tell you what to do. You've been sneaking around with a whore and finally got caught, right?” He looked away, tugging his bottom lip between his teeth. Bingo.
Nodding your head as he finally looked back up to you.
“Yeah, that's what I thought. It's fine.”
“No, it's not fine.” He finally spoke up. “Can I come in? Just for a few minutes.”
“Why, Gator? We both know what this was. Just some fun, nothing serious. Remember? You don't owe me an explanation. You don't owe me anything.” You laughed, but it died out once you noticed the look on his face.
If it was nothing serious, why did he look at you like you'd just knocked the wind out him? Big, glossy puppy dog eyes just like that first night you'd hooked up.
If it was nothing serious, why did your chest ache at the thought of hurting him?
“Gator, I…” You couldn't finish that sentence, he moved so quickly and in your groggy state before you could register what was happening, he placed one hand on your hip as he brought the other up to cradle the back of your head.
He kissed you so deeply, yet it had you yearning for more. You surprised him when you kissed him back, sucking his bottom lip between yours before letting go to look back up at him.
“Fuck, Y/N. I've… I've fuckin' missed you.” It came out quickly. A rushed confession you'd been expecting but to hear him say it out loud, only solidified what you'd been feeling. The reason you'd been so depressed the last couple of days missing his company.
You'd been on your own for so long, you'd forgotten what it actually meant to miss someone. For someone to miss you. It wasn't just about the sex anymore.
“It's only been a couple days.” You grinned, pushing your fingers through the short hair at the nape of his neck.
“I know, I just thought you'd left and…”
You brought a finger to his lips.
“It's ok. I'm here.” For now.
“Yeah, you are Bunny. And I'm not letting you get away so easily.”
You didn't want to put a label on this or did you? Would that be so bad?
You started moving quickly, helping him out of his jacket, his shirt flying over his head in a flurry. He walked you back, letting your knees hit the edge of the mattress, laying you back slowly.
His lips sealed to yours with a searing kiss. You were needy. Tongue and teeth. Pushing and pulling at each other.
Your hands flew to his buckle, undoing it with ease. Taking him in your palm as he moaned into your mouth.
He palmed your breast through your shirt as his thumb grazed over your nipple. Your body arched into him, already craving more as he began peppering kisses along your jaw.
“I fuck… Gator… I need you. Now.”
“I've got to get you warmed up sweet thing.” He chided.
“No, now. Please.” You whimpered.
He moved his hand lower, sliding your sleep shorts to the side, immediately his fingers trailed to your entrance already dripping arousal.
“Fuck, so wet.”
“I told you, I need you. Don't make me beg.” You pleaded.
He moved his digits up, swirling them around your clit, eliciting those sweet sounds he was looking for.
Removing his hand from you, he lifted himself up so he could push his boxers past his hips. He brought his palm up to your mouth, “Spit. Yeah, good girl.”
Bringing his hand to his cock, smearing a mixture of your spit and his precum down his length.
He slid your sleep shorts back over with one hand and guided himself to your entrance.
You had to will yourself to breathe as his tip began to stretch your inner walls. It was too much and not enough.
He slowly filled your aching pussy, as you wrapped your legs around him, eager to have him pressed into you.
“How are you always so goddamn tight?” He said, as you whimpered out, his cock pushing in to the hilt.
Immediately, he pulls out, only to push back in feeling deeper than before. The force of his hips pushing you further up the mattress with each thrust.
The pretty noises he drew from you only made him double his efforts. Picking up his pace, but rolling his hips a little upward each time. The wiry curls at the base of his cock nudging your clit each time his hips meet yours.
“Gator, I'm… mmmm… I'm close.”
“Yeah, bunny? Gonna strangle my cock? Gonna let me have it?”
You nodded as your eyes rolled back, it was closer than you thought.
Your orgasm hit with a scream of his name, as your pussy clamped down like a vice around him.
“Oh, fuck.” He tried to work you through it, but with your cunt pulsing around him he was done. He spilled his thick ropes inside your velvety walls as you milked everything from him.
“Fuckfuckfuck, filling this pussy full baby.”
He finally stilled, collapsing onto you, nearly crushing you in the best possible way.
He moved his arms up under your back pressing his face into your chest, mumbling something you couldn't quite hear as you brushed the hair from his face.
“What, baby?” You whispered down to him.
Baby. Baby. Baby. The first time you'd called him by a pet name. He grinned from his spot on your chest.
“Nothing, sweet thing. Just talkin’ to myself.”
You hummed absentmindedly, raking your fingers through his hair.
“How'd you know where I was?” Suddenly remembering all of those desperate texts and calls.
He pulled his head up to look at you, resting his chin on your sternum.
“Well, I asked that lady at the front desk. Tough old broad to crack.” You giggled, Maggie would never rat you out. “So, I started bangin’ on all the doors until I found yours.”
“Gator! You're crazy.” You laughed out.
“Crazy for you.” He mumbled pulling you on for a slow kiss.
“Wanna shower and stay the night?” You asked when he pulled away.
“Of course Bunny.” The nickname was unfortunately sticking around but you didn't mind.
You'd showered together, he didn't care that he'd go back home to Roy in the morning smelling like your vanilla body wash or rose scented shampoo. He'd made up his mind you were worth the shit he'd hear from him. That's all it was, shit.
He pulled you into his chest as you curled up into the sheets. Neither of you were very tired so you watched some TV and talked long into the night until your eyes grew heavy.
He'd be there when you woke up this time, groggy smiles and giggles between the sheets as he fucked you slow, taking you to breakfast afterwards.
It was the first time you hadn't felt like you were hidden away.
After that last night, things began to shift between you. The lingering looks, soft touches and post orgasmic bliss of tangling your limbs together while falling asleep wasn't something you shared with someone you didn't care about.
The secrets shared in the dark, confessions from you both crumbling that wall you had built up so high you were sure nothing would bring it down, especially someone like Gator Tillman.
He's arrogant, disgusting and rude. But somehow exactly what you need because he'd do anything to show you he's there for you.
You know it wasn't a coincidence your car was fixed the day after mentioning it to him. Frank had been jerking you around, thinking he could get more money out of you.
He was sporting a newly broken nose and wrist when he handed over the keys with a frown etched to his face.
The car was fixed. The one thing holding you back from leaving Lehigh for good.
As you pulled up to the Midway, he was parked there waiting for you, leaned against the truck, his favorite green cap on backwards with a cloud of smoke exiting his lips, slipping his vape back into his pocket when he spotted you.
You got out, your heart hammering in your chest. Neither of you ever had questioned what might come next.
He shoved his hands into his pockets as you came to stand in front of him.
“So?” He tilted his head, looking down at you.
“So…” You looked at the keys held in your fist. That voice in the back of your head kept warning you. Time to run, little bunny. Make your escape while you still can.
“Your car's fixed. You uh… plannin’ on leavin’?”
“I haven't thought about it.”
He snorted, “Yeah, that's bullshit.”
He moved, as you watched him walk around to the front of the truck.
“Hop in. I wanna show ya’ somethin’.”
He drove you across town, and winding down a few back roads.
“If you wanted to go parking, you could’ve just said so, handsome.” You laughed.
He rolled his eyes, “It's not that. Just trust me.”
Trust. Such a powerful word. Something the two of you built over the last month. You did trust him.
You reached over to intertwine your fingers through his, as he smiles back at you.
He pulled up to a house off to itself, on the smaller side but it was quaint and charming.
“What're we doing?” You asked as he parked.
“You'll see. C'mon.”
You followed behind as he led you to the front door, producing a key and opening it for you.
“Whose house is this?”
“God Bunny, you ask too many damn questions. Get your ass in there.” He nods, leaning on the doorframe as you walk past.
It's a two bedroom, one bath home. Nicely kept. Clean. But you were still confused as to why you were standing here.
“She's yours if you wan’ it.” He finally said, as you whirled back around to face him.
“What're you talking about?” Your brows furrow, confused by the sudden statement.
“Well, I mean, if you wanted to stay here in Lehigh. It's a rental.” He shrugged. “And, no girl of mine is stayin’ in that roach infested dump another day.”
You felt heat creep up your cheeks, but shook your head. “Gator, I can't afford this place.”
“Sure you can sweet thing. It's a steal at $500 a month.” Placing his arm across your shoulders, pulling you into him.
"$500? That's cheaper than the motel.” You squinted up at him, moving from his grasp. “What did you do?”
“Me? I didn’t do anything!” Gesturing to himself. “What makes you think I did somethin’?” He finished the sentence with a not so subtle grin.
"This place is easily worth double that. So, Gator Tillman, I'll ask you again. What did you do?”
"I didn't do anything. Just know someone owes me a favor s'all." You eyed him suspiciously, still wondering if it was a half truth.
"Well, I'm sure I’ll still need the deposit, so it'll be at least another month."
"No Bunny, like I said, someone owes me.”
You mulled it over for a moment, chewing your bottom lip.
“I can't.” You watched his face fall, but you quickly put your arms around his waist, pulling him in. “Not unless you stay here with me.”
He wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin on top of your head.
“So, you stayin’?” He mumbles into your hair.
“For now. Until you piss me off.” You smiled from where your face was pressed into his chest.
No more running, that urge was quelled with him. You finally felt at home.
Home was never a place to you, so it made sense that it ended up being a person.
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mercurycft · 2 months
series masterlist - here!
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•°. *࿐
she didn't know why she was nervous, her heart hammering in her chest and echoing in her ears as she gripped the steering wheel tighter, knuckles turning white. the sun was just beginning to peek through the usual clouds that plastered the london sky, but it wasn't enough to dispel the anxious dread that filled her entire being.
she glanced at her phone on the dashboard, and absentmindedly ignored the music coming through the speakers, willing the time to pass faster. she had never been more aware of her breath as she drove. every inhale, every exhale, each wheeze of air through her parted lips, seemingly magnified in the confines of her tiny car. it was as if the weight of the world was pressing down on her chest, making it harder and harder to draw in each precious breath.
the traffic was as relentless as the pounding of her heart, and she couldn't help but feel as if time itself had slowed to a crawl. outside of her car, london was beginning to stir, but she hardly noticed. her focus was entirely on the road, on the other cars and motorcycles whizzing past her, on the buildings that blurred past in a dizzying array of colors and shapes.
she had been here so many times that it was all so familiar, so mundane, that it almost felt surreal. almost.
nerves weren't unusual, but the fact she had driven this drive and spoken to these people so many times before had her shaking her head in disbelief and ridicule for herself.
the drive wasn't long - thirty minutes at best, and she was only a few minutes away now. as she neared the grounds, she could feel the anticipation rising within her like bile in the back of her throat.
pull in, park, simple.
as she pulled into a bay, she took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart, and glanced at herself in the rearview mirror. Her reflection was a pale blur, her features drawn and tired from the lack of sleep the night before.
a quick glance at the time told her she still had a few precious moments before she'd have to face them. she reached for her phone again, hoping to lose herself in the mindless chatter of social media or the latest celebrity gossip. but as she scrolled through her newsfeed, she was met with pictures of herself. god this is strange, she thought. she turned off the engine and sat there for a moment, staring blankly ahead, trying to gather her thoughts.
the air was crisp and cool against her skin, the scent of grass and earth mingling with the sound of shoes squeaking on the pavement. she took a step forward, her heart pounding in her ears, and scanned the empty space around her.
it was peaceful, quiet, tucked away from the hustle of the big city and it at all wasn't something she was used to.
through the double doors stood a man waiting, hair slicked back and out of his face - he was quick to turn around as the door swung open behind him.
"hallie, so good to see you again!" he greeted cheerfully, arms outstretched in a welcoming manner followed by a hand jutting into the space between their bodies.
she took his hand firmly, smiling, "jonas, great to see you!" they were pleasantries, but the human contact was enough to simmer the acidic burn in the back of her throat.
"lets walk," he said whilst gesturing hallie to take the space beside him, as he slipped his mobile into the pocket of his arsenal branded trousers. "the girls are very excited to meet you," he continued, smiling.
"i'm excited too,"
"nervous at all?" he interjected
"can you tell?" she said through an exhale. they shared a laugh, jonas patting her on the shoulder supportively.
"you'll be fine, they're a really nice bunch - on a plus, you already know steph so i'm sure you will fit right in,"
"i really hope so, i'm just so pleased to be here,"
they walked for a couple of minutes, continuing the conversation about the transition, the move - all the exciting but terrifying things that came with a transfer. he complimented the kit, which made hallie laugh. trading in her blue for red had been hard, feeling as if she was playing dress up the first time she put it on. an arsenal jersey carries such weight, such expectation, and she felt that wholly.
he was easy to talk to, hallie thought at least, easy to bounce off of in her nervy bubble. they turned down a hallway, then stopped outside another set of doors. he turned towards her.
she took a deep breath, shaking through her sinuses and shutting her eyes, then exhaled with a smile and small nod.
he knocked twice, making himself known with a shout to avoid any awkward situations. he waited a beat before opening the door and ushering hallie inside with him.
on the other side of the door sat a changing room, adorned with jerseys and boots galore. the team stood in their respective areas, some in small groups talking, others on their phones. jonas' presence caught their attention, and the noise in the room simmered to a silence when you took your place ahead of them.
"everyone, this is hallie king."
— RG x
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starlit-crossing · 4 months
Lost in Foster (Working Title) Chapter 3
Chapter 3 - Stuck in the System
The days that followed Danny’s half reveal were primarily uneventful. The GIW were still swarming the state and with his hiccup at the state border they had begun to search Indiana as well. Since he was so far north it had taken a day to leave. With each stop he was able to test the limits of his parents’ invention. If the GIW were near the Greyhound routed stops, he would be able to practice keeping his emotions in check. As his parents had explained, any expression of emotion on a standard level or higher seemed to trigger the tracker.
Anything from frowning, laughing, even going wide eyed seemed to ping on the radar. Thinking about emotions and keeping any thoughts internal didn’t seem to have enough strength to activate the device. It wouldn’t be long before his parents realized this and figured out a way to upgrade the tech. At the very least it was enough to get him to Gotham without being tailed.
After leaving Indiana things began to quite down. Danny was able to grab a few things during the scheduled stops. Books, crosswords, and the like were the only things keeping boredom at bay. Sleep was a welcomed friend on the drive, allowing him to skip many hours that would’ve been spent staring out the window. As Gotham approached sleep became harder to hold. He could barely fend off the instinct to bounce his leg.
Blüdhaven soon came into view and each stop felt longer than the last. On the second to last stop in the city, a small group of men made their way onto the bus. Each was dressed similarly, a chorus of jeans and t-shirts, all of them looked to be in their mid to early thirties. They had climbed onto the bus just after everyone had hopped out to stretch and use the restroom. They had squeezed themselves into a single row towards the back with duffel bags at their feet. The oldest of the four was leading the group and had a scar running down the side of his cheek. The youngest picking up the end looking like he’d explode if you tried to talk to him.
They were obviously not part of the group and were up to no good. Part of Danny wanted to at the very least tell someone, to get the authorities to involved to question them. That was the last thing he needed right now, so he turned a blind eye and shuffled back onto the bus with everyone else. Gotham and Blüdhaven had their own heroes that could worry about some sketchy guys sneaking around. So, he kept his head facing forward, he only had a little longer to go.
“Hey, Boss?” He heard one of the men whisper rather loudly. “What do you think happened to Ricky? You know he don’t up and leave like that.”
“If I’m being honest, he’s probably in a cell. That car was stolen, and we hadn’t gotten the chance to switch the plates around yet.” A gravely voice answered mostly the man with the scar.  “So long as he keeps his mouth shut, we can still finish the job. So, let’s do the same and just get to Gotham.”  It hadn’t even been five minutes when the sirens went off behind the bus. The driver pulled off to the side of the road. Danny could hear the one of the men’s breathing quicken and a zipper being undone.
“What do you think you’re doing?” The oldest urged, the zipper quickly closing.
“I’m getting ready! There is no way they just happened to pull of this bus!” Another voice frantically answered, if Danny’s guess was right, it was probably the jumpy one from earlier.
“Keep it cool, the driver probably ran a red or something.” The leader said trying to calm him down.
“Or Ricky ratted us out to the police. You know he doesn’t want to go back to jail and would do anything for a lighter sentence.” The young one unzipped the duffel, the clicks of a gun being cocked sounding behind him. The next few seconds happened faster than Danny expected. The leader of the small gang growled in annoyance grabbing a rifle of his own firing it into the ceiling of the bus. The other passengers fell in between the seats trying to garner any cover.
“Drop your weapons!” An officer shouted from the front of the bus as he ran up the steps. Rather than listening to the man’s reasonable request the gang leader moved forward and grabbed the closest civilian to him.
Fuck! Danny thought as his shirt was stretched as the older man pulled him from his seat. Holding him close, the leader aimed the gun to his head, eyeing up the officer ahead. When everything settled the men were in a standoff. Danny forced himself to keep a straight face, I haven’t gotten this far just to die as a hostage a city away! He caught the stare of the police man who looked confused at his lack of a reaction. Sirens wailed in the distance as more cops were making their way here. Danny searched for anything that could help, he couldn’t risk his powers and there were too many people here to chance fighting the men with guns.
Tired of the quiet the man holding him began to shout demands, “What are you doing just standing there! We want a car! And nobody better do anything or we’ll start shooting!”
*Crash!* Danny watched as something crashed through the window. It was a small silver canister about the size of Danny’s hand. Smoke began to fill the bus causing everyone to cough and blocking his vision. Someone must have entered through the back emergency exit as fighting could be heard behind his captor. Danny took the chance, shoving his elbow into the leader’s stomach and grabbing the gun from his hands and throwing it down the aisle. The man roared in rage swiping the air in front of him. Danny dodged easily, even the Box Ghost faster than this guy. Danny could hear the cop behind him trying to get people out, so whoever was in the back of the bus was hopefully on his side. He took advantage of the smoke cover, using its cover to keep the on viewers from seeing him pummel the guy. His previous captor wasn’t ready for the quick barrage of jabs coming at him from the teen previously known to him to be weak and scrawny.
Danny was about to try a knock the leader out when he saw the man convulse and fall to the floor. Standing where the old guy stood was a man dressed in black and blue wearing a domino mask and holding two black sticks the length of his fore arms. It was definitely a superhero, but not Batman though there was a bird on his chest. He spun the sticks around before storing them away.
“Hey, kid, are you okay? Let’s get you off this bus.” He asked, placing a hand on Danny’s shoulder.
“Yea, I’m fine but I need my stuff.” Danny explained, keeping his tone even, he walked over to his seat and grabbed the backpack. Nothing seemed to be amiss and aside from the bullet holes in the ceiling it didn’t seem anyone had gotten hurt. The hero followed him off the bus making sure he went to the police and ambulance rather than sneaking off. A woman stood near; she was dressed nicer than the other cops with a bulletproof vest over her uniform her brown hair in a low ponytail.
“Nightwing, good to know you’re back in town.” The woman said exasperated. So, this guy is called Nightwing. Okay, that’s an actually a good hero name, also the first hero I’ve met outside Amity. Danny thought excitedly watching the two speak.
“It’s just a visit, Chief Rohrbach. I just got back from helping the League and the Bat wanted me to stop by Gotham. I was just passing through and thought I could help.” Nightwing seemed more relaxed now, his hands on his hips despite the fight moments before.
“None the less we appreciate it when a hero has their eyes on helping our city. So, who’s the kid?” The chief’s attention on him. Both adults’ gazes were focused on him now.
“Uh, I’m Danny. I was on the bus to visit some family in Gotham?” He lied, hoping that was enough for them to just pat him on the back and let him continue his merry way.
“Okay, Danny and is there a last name to go with that? You were just in a shooting we should probably give your family a called.” Ms. Rohrbach asked pulling out a notepad.
“I plead the fifth?” Danny retorted sheepishly.
“Kid, that’s not how that works and you’re not under oath.” Nightwing laughed, “Listen if your home life isn’t safe or you’re worried about being in trouble we can help. Just give the officer your name and we can help.”
Danny looked between the two of them, before sighing. “Nope, can’t do it. Just Danny for me, thanks.”
“Okay then Danny, you can join be in the back of my car and we’ll take a trip down to the station.” The chief rolled her eyes grabbing his arm and leading him to the car. Once he was inside sat on the leather seats, she locked the doors and turned to Nightwing. The stepped away just far enough that Danny couldn’t make out what they were saying. He strained to hear anything, but they kept their voices at a whisper. Eventually the cop came back, sliding into the driver’s seat before pulling away from the bystanders and scared bus riders.
“So… Am I being arrested?” Danny questioned; she gave him a strange look in the rear-view mirror.
“No, but we can’t just let a kid go back on the streets after being held hostage. Without your last name or the names of your guardians, we’re going to have to find somewhere for you to stay till things get sorted out.” She lamented; eyes glued to the road ahead.  “Fortunately for you, I had just been helping one of our local CPS agents safely place a kid into one of the few foster homes we have. So, I know that everything in Blüdhaven is full at the moment. You get your wish kid; you’re going to Gotham.”
“Really? You have that few homes willing to take on new kids in Blüdhaven?” He inquired, leaning his head against the window.
“Oh, we have plenty of homes, but it’ll never be enough due to how many kids are in the system. Not to mention the ones willing to take in metahuman youths.” She went on, pulling on to the highway connecting the two cities.
“I’m not a metahuman.” Danny stated. Not a lie, but also not the whole truth.
“I never said you were it doesn’t change the fact we need a place for you to stay safe. For yourself and for whatever courts might need you to testify down the line. I had someone give the Gotham police department a heads up on our arrival, so we’ll have somewhere to stay very soon.” She smiled.
“Oh, joy.” Sarcasm almost bleeding through as he watched the highway race by.
When Danny arrived in Gotham, he was not given the courtesy of tour. Or an explanation as the once sunny skies of Blüdhaven were replaced with the dark, grimy overcast of Gotham.
Sam would both love and hate this city, he thought looking at the old gothic architecture and gargoyles sitting among the buildings. The lack of plants would’ve been a large downside for her. They had briefly stopped by the GPD to grab photos of him and to get the address of the home he’d be staying in. The home was a simple town house with raw brick walls and dark red door, located just outside the business district. The couple who owned the home reminded Danny of Tucker’s parents. They were dressed for suburbia; the interior of the house kept simple with dark brown tables and cream shag carpet.
“I know we can trust you’ll look after Danny for us while we work to locate his family, Mr. and Mrs. Danbury. We’ll be in touch within the next few days after we have his case work figured out.” Chief Rohrback had decided not to bother the GPD with dropping him off and wanted to personally see he had made it to where they wanted him to be.
“It’s no problem, we’ll keep an ear out for your call.” Mr. Danbury smiled, following her to the door. With a click of the door and the turn of a lock he was stuck in the foster care system. They led him to a room with a twin-sized bed made with a plaid comforter and plain sheets. The room came with a desk for schoolwork and a dresser which he ignored as he didn’t have many clothes with him. Not to mention there was no way he was staying.
“Okay, Danny feel free to settle in! We know it’s early but we’re making some spaghetti for dinner if you feel up to eating. We know it can be hard to adjust but it’s easier to sleep with a full belly!” Mrs. Danbury suggested cheerfully. He’d stay for dinner at the very least, who knows when he’d have a chance to eat a real meal again.
He left his bag on the desk and read till the couple called for dinner. They spoke to him freely, careful not to mention his lack of expression. They explained how they’d been fostering for the last ten years and had lived in Gotham their whole lives. Saying how dangerous the city could be and that they felt it was only right to do their part to help families were disrupted by the consistent attacks on the city.
They showed him photos of their past fosters and laid some ground rules for his stay there. No going out past dark, avoid Crime Alley, don’t eat any snacks before dinner, and other simple rules. The couple even gave him some extra ones due to him not being a native Gothamite. If a villain attacks, run, or hide and if you can’t get away follow what others are doing. If you see a lot of plants, suddenly avoid them. If someone in a clown mask enters a building just leave and a more all related to the villains that seemed to run rampant every other month.
By the time he headed to bed Danny felt like he had a good idea of what to avoid in Gotham. All of which would only help him as he waited for the Danbury’s to go to sleep. Sneaking out was a sinch, lifting the window open and moving the screen to the side, Danny was able to make his way onto the fire escape. It was laughable how easy it was to make his way down and start walking down the street. Gotham was certainly different at night; the smog hung low in the sky and if anyone was out, they looked like they were up to no good.
Danny never understood the saying a city never sleeps when in Amity; it was a sleepy city and too oblivious most of the time. Gotham felt alive in comparison, the streets breathed history and walls felt like they had eyes. He had been following his phone’s map to the harbor on foot for the last hour before he heard a thump as something landed behind him. He turned expecting a trash bag to be slumped over or a fallen bike. Instead, there was nothing, spinning around to go back to his desired path he came face to face with Nightwing once again.
“Shouldn’t you be in a foster home, right now?” The hero smiled.
“Shouldn't you be helping Batman with a crime or something?” Danny returned, keeping his eyes on the phone. He needed to keep moving, he couldn’t risk going back or being sidetracked again.
“Touche, but he can handle himself. You however have been in a crime today and still sounding off about it. Where do you think you’re going?” He had kept walking, hoping the hero would take the hint, he didn’t need saving.
“Anywhere but here! The Danbury’s are nice and all, but I need to get going, places I need to be.”
“Nice try, kid but I can’t just let you leave! Whether you like it or not, you’re a runaway and I can’t just leave you. Come on, I’m taking you back to the station.” Nightwing started grabbing Danny and dragging him a couple blocks before hitting a button. An alley was lit up as the headlights for a really nice car turned on and the engine roared to life. “Good thing I took the car and not the bike.”
Danny was placed inside as the hero got in the driver's seat and took him back to GPD. Annoyed, the police called the Danbury’s and let them know Danny was going to be rehomed. The next time Danny stayed for two days before getting away. Nightwing found him again and dragged him to the station. They repeated another three times each home getting him to stay longer but unable to keep him there. The last home, the Geller’s, had no clue how he got out with security cams and locks on every door and window throughout the home. The foster system was running out of homes that could handle a runaway teen. Finally, the GCPS made a call to a not a foster parent but a successful adoptive parent who would have the means to keep Danny in check. Or at the very least his butler would as Gordon called in a favor to the one, Bruce Wayne.
Hello! Sorry for the tardiness in the delivery of this chapter! But it is here and is my longest chapter so far so it was worth it! It took me a while to figure out how I wanted the scenes to play out and I ended up scrapping a lot of my writing that I wrote during my breaks at work.
Again I want to thank everyone who is enjoying the story so far. Seeing everyone interact with this has been so fun and we've broken over 3k in views across all platforms! Can't wait to see everyone's reactions as the story continues and I will see you all later this week!
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close to home | chapter twenty seven
close to home | chapter twenty seven
plot: the reader throws herself into work to keep her grief at bay, and helps get everyone ready for their journey north
series masterlist
Pairing: Eventual Daryl Dixon x f!reader Word Count: 2,496 Warnings: violence, blood, typical twd, A/N: thank you for reading!!!
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It had been two days since Beth’s death, and every day started out the same. You were okay when you woke up, then you remembered, and you wanted to cry. Then you were busy with the day and were able to get through it. Then, you lay down to sleep and remembered all over again and cried. Then it would repeat itself. 
You learned about Rick’s plans on going to Virginia for Beth, and you immediately agreed to it. You wanted to honor your little cousin in the only way you knew how. You wanted her death to mean something. If you got Noah back to his family, his home, then it would. 
But the group had things to do before the big move. You needed better transportation, and you needed supplies. So on the last day before you left, you were all busy getting ready. 
Two supply groups were formed and would head in opposite directions. You’d travel twenty-five miles, see what you could get, and then come back. You were all due before sunset, and if you weren’t back, the remaining group would come looking. 
You were with Michonne, Carol, Rick, and Daryl. Glenn, Maggie, Rosita, Sasha, and Tara would be the second group. Carl, Eugene, Tyreese, and Abraham would stay back at the campsite with Judith and Tora, and would wait. Rick wanted you to stay back, but you couldn’t. Besides, you were feeling better. Physically, at least. 
Your group took one of the cars, the other group took the other car, and the campsite group stayed with the truck. It would offer the most protection in case something happened. 
You were sitting in the backseat with Michonne and Carol and had been for a while now. The road was mostly clear, and after about fifteen minutes of Rick’s crazy driving, you approached a town. 
“I’m thinkin’ we divide into two groups. We need food, water, and gas. We need stuff for Judith, too.” Rick said as he parked the car. “We also need some cars. The van will hold a decent amount of us, but we’ll need two more cars. I don’t think this one is makin’ the trip, and I’d rather not get stuck on the road with it.”
You climbed out of the car, your hand gripping your machete as you spotted a lone walker. You waited a second before approaching it, taking it down quickly. The rest of the group was taking out some supplies the group had scavenged the past few days--which was nearly nothing, though Rosita scored big when she found some empty gas containers. 
“Michonne and I will look for food. You three try and get your hands on a car. Meet back here at midday, and we’ll reassess if we want to go back in for more.” Rick said. 
You all nodded and made the journey into the town. It mainly seemed deserted, with a few walkers here and there that were quickly taken out. Soon, Michonne and Rick bid their goodbyes, and the three of you were left to scavenge. 
Twenty minutes later, you were breathing deeply and covering the sore wound as Carol took the last walker down. It’d only taken a few minutes but it felt like more. 
“There’s gotta be keys inside the shop,” Carol said. “You two pick a car, and then we’ll try and figure it out from there. I’m going to try and siphon some gas. Hollar if you need help.”
The three of you split up as you searched the small car dealership. When you’d seen the logo of a common car manufacturer, you felt like it was a sign from God. The lot was pretty full, and most car dealerships had cars with full tanks. 
You returned to where most of the SUVs were, Daryl, walking slowly behind you and making sure nothing was around. Your gun was heavy and solid against your thigh, and you drummed your fingers against it a few times as you walked. 
Your eyes scanned the few remaining SUVs, and you smiled when you saw the biggest one. It was an old Acadia, and it reminded you of the one your mom used to drive. You walked up to the door, wiping dirt away with your hand and then wiping your hand on your pants. 
“This will hold seven of us. We got seventeen, including Judith….” You trailed off, checking to see if the door was unlocked. It was, and you stuck your head into the car. “Seems like it was pretty new.”
Daryl walked to the passenger side door and looked in the glove box and visors. A pair of keys fell out, and you smiled at Daryl. He handed them to you, and you started the car. It took a second, but it started, and you sighed with relief. 
“Tank is full, which is a relief. You might want to check the engine. It's been here since the start. Imma look for another seven-seater.”
Daryl nodded, “Shouting distance,”
You rolled your eyes but nodded before leaving. It was quiet, and the dealership seemed mostly untouched--which you were thankful for. You glanced back at Daryl, watching him sort through what was probably a dusty engine. You paused momentarily, watching the muscles in his arm contort as he looked through the machine. 
Shaking your head, you looked across the lot to Carol, who was siphoning the gas from a car. You then walked around, looking for another bigger car to hopefully get you all to Virginia. Unfortunately, the rest of the SUVs weren’t worth trying, so you helped Daryl get the car out of the spot and park it at the front of the lot. Carol met up with you with a full container of gas, and after setting it in the trunk, you drove the car off the lot. 
“Okay, so we got a car and some gas. We just need food and water. I think we should see if we can get some clothes. I’ve got blood on here that’s so old and stained that nothing gets it out.” You said as you drove. 
“There’s a Goodwill; looks like a coffee shop next to it,” Carol said, leaning into the front and pointing. 
“We should see if we could get Judith some clothes too. Maybe a car seat, too, if we could. I’m sure Rick would love that,” You said. 
After parking, Carol went to the coffee shop while you and Daryl checked out the front of the store. A few walkers dumped into the glass, and you and Daryl worked carefully to kill them. It wasn’t a very big store anyway. 
“Smells like shit in here,” You said, looking around the store. 
He snorted, “Ain’ like it always smells.”
You nodded in agreement and walked down the aisles of clothes. You started at the pants, grabbing a few pairs the group's women could use and stuffing them into a bag you’d found at the front of the shop. You weren’t sure what everyone’s sizes were, and everyone being nearly starved didn't help. You did your best to fill up some clean shirts, too, even a few sports bras you hoped would be good. 
You found a few things for yourself to change into, and after making sure Daryl was across the store, you quickly changed.
A few more minutes of searching later, you approached Daryl. He was grabbing a few plastic water containers in the kitchen area. “Here, I found these for you. Will these fit you?” You asked, showing him the clothes you’d found for him. 
“You need new clothes. Those ones are disgusting. Go, try them on. I’m going to look for Judith. And don’t argue with me.”
You handed them over to him and went to the baby area without another word. You quickly grabbed a few onesies, shorts, and shirts that would fit her, with room to grow. You grabbed some socks and shoes that looked right. Unfortunately, there was no baby food, but this was something. You even found a car seat, and added it to the growing pile of supplies you made in the middle of the store. 
When Daryl met you, he had changed into newer clothes. They were just a pair of dark pants, a shirt he’d already torn the sleeves off, and his vest. But he looked better. 
“Did you grab some stuff for all the guys?” You asked. 
You sighed, shaking your head. “We should grab some shirts for the guys. So they could change too.”
“I ain’ doin’ all that,”
You rolled your eyes and walked to the men’s section. It took about ten minutes for you to find stuff that would fit them all--since they were all different sizes. But you had enough shirts for them and wouldn’t even bother trying to guess pants sizes. At least all the women in the group were similar. And you had no idea how to look for men’s clothes. 
After adding them to the pile, you walked towards the employee door and slowly pushed through, checking the small break room before entering. There were some dusty tables and two vending machines in the back. You started laughing when you saw them. They were still nearly full. 
“Daryl!” You yelled, grabbing your machete. 
The door swung open after a few seconds, and he came in with his bow raised but lowered it when he saw your face. 
“Food,” You said, “Help me?”
Daryl looked at you, of course, unspoken on his lips. So he nodded and took the arrow out of the crossbow and then used the butt of it to break open the glass. 
“Careful,” He said quietly as you reached in, pulling out everything and shoving it into one of your bags. 
“Mhm,” You hummed, grabbing candy bars, bags of chips, pop-tarts, and granola bars. It wasn’t the healthiest of foods, but it was more than you had. You grabbed a blueberry pop-tart and ripped it open. It was stale when you took a bite, but you moaned at the taste anyway. “Oh my God,” 
Daryl shook his head in amusement as he busted the other vending machine and pulled out all the water bottles. 
“Here, eat,” You said, handing him the other pop-tart. He tried to refuse, but you forced it on him. “You gotta take care of yourself, too, Daryl. Hand me one of those sodas.”
“They probably taste like shit,” He said. 
You shrugged, taking the soda from him and sitting on one of the tables. A meal of stale pop-tarts and flat soda wasn’t what you had in mind today, but it was like finding a little slice of heaven in the hell you’ve been in. 
Once you finished your food and made Daryl drink, you went to grab the bags. The one with the water bottles was too heavy, and you barely lifted it off the ground. “Ugh,” You groaned. “You take this one.”
Daryl laughed quietly and you looked over at him. Hearing him laugh was a rarity and you loved when he did. 
“C’mon, Carol’s probably wonderin’ where we at,” He said. 
It took you two a good few minutes to load up all your supplies in the trunk, and you were sweating and aching when it was over. The truck was packed, and you tossed the car seat in the back. Before Daryl closed the trunk, you swiped a bag of chips. 
“It’s our reward for all the work we did,” You said, opening it up. Before you could even take a chip, Daryl swiped it from you and took some himself. “Asshole,” You said. 
He laughed again and handed the bag back to you after taking a few more. 
“Bags are mostly air anyway, so you owe me,” You said. 
“Let’s go check on Carol,” He said. 
You followed him as you ate handfuls at a time. You’d been starving since yesterday, and you couldn’t stop yourself from eating the shitty chips. 
The coffee shop was small, and Carol was inside. She’d found a decent amount of supplies in here. She’d found a few jugs of vegetable oil, cornmeal, and grains. An industrial size thing of oats. There were two can openers and some lighters. Nothing that you’d all be able to just open and eat, but it was better than nothing. 
“I found you some clothes,” You told Carol, grabbing some of the supplies. 
Carol smiled at you, “You’re my new favorite.”
By midday, you were waiting in the new car with all your supplies at the meeting point. Michonne and Rick weren’t back yet, but there was still time. You were sitting on top of the front of the car, leaning against the front window. Daryl had gone off into the woods to see if he could do some hunting for a few minutes. 
Carol was pacing back and forth on the road. 
“They’ll be back. It’s Rick and Michonne.” You said. 
Carol nodded, “Yeah, I know. I hope they found water.” 
You sat up and squinted in the sunlight. “We’ll figure it out if they didn’t.” 
Carol turned back at you. “You told Daryl.”
You knew exactly what she was talking about. “I needed to… needed to tell someone, you know?”
She nodded and crossed her arms. “I understand. I’m glad. He asked about it. It was nice talking to someone about it.” She admitted. 
You were about to lean back when you heard a car and watched as a car sped over the hill toward you. You didn’t need to even attempt to worry about who it was--Rick’s driving was a dead giveaway. 
The car slowed as they approached, and when Rick put it in park, they both got out. They looked like they had a bit of trouble but were okay. 
“How’d it go?” You asked them. 
“We found a small apartment building. Probably only ten units. Single floor.” Rick said, “We only cleared a room before heading back. There are probably two dozen or so walkers there. Where’s Daryl?”
“He went to see if he could catch anything. He’ll be back soon. He said he’d be gone for twenty.” Carol said. 
“Did you get stuff from the apartment?” You asked. 
Michonne nodded, “Yeah, they had a decent amount of food.” You knew exactly what that meant. Whoever it was, they killed themselves early on. 
You slide off the front of the car, ignoring the slight ache on your side. “So you wanna clear it?”
“I’d like to. We have the time. How did you guys do? I see you got a car.”
“We found a decent amount. Oh, I got some clean shirts. Michonne, even got some pants.” You said, “Not for you, Rick, sorry.”
“I’ll take a shirt. You won’t see me complaining,”
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pockymun · 10 months
Maps of Tenebrae by Pockymun
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Tenebrae was such a beast. I thought Galahd was difficult; Tenebrae is so much bigger and has continental climates to deal with. Like last time, I nearly lost my mind trying to make sense of the climates, so I kind of gave up.
Most of the writing I've done for FFXV has skirted around Tenebrae, focusing moreso on its politics than the landmass itself. It's been in the background for the most part, largely because I didn't have a proper map to explore with! I copied it the best I could from reference images.
Tenebrae is not as cold as I initially assumed it was. It has a warm ocean current on its western side that brings much rain and warm winds that keep the northern reaches largely temperate. The eastern side of Tenebrae is hit with a cold ocean current, getting far less rain and winds. The fishing is better on the east coast. The southern half of Ulwaat was given a temperate rainforest climate based on what we saw of Tenebrae in Kingsglaive; it had that dark green flora of a rainforest.
I base a lot of my headcanons for Tenebrae off of Western Europe primarily, with a little bit from Northern Europe. The way I figured the latitude lines of Eos, Tenebrae is still well below the subartic circle (assuming Eos has one). It's climate is based upon Ireland, the UK, and Scotland, but those three have only two climates: oceanic and subpolar oceanic. I chose climate terms that best described the forests found in Tenebrae. Because Tenebrae is nothing but forests, mountains, and hills.
Tenebrae is the land of high altitudes and trees. What reference images we have of Tenebrae seemed to have a lot of peaks on it. In the glimpse of Tenebrae that we saw in the movie, there are large rock islands that just float above the rest of the land. While Galahdians have a knack for using magic, Tenebrae itself is a land of magic. These floating islands are unique to its mountains mostly, although a few clusters can exist separately.
Water also seems to be a theme for Tenebrae, with its northern cape, the southern sounds, and a few small bays all around. Where there are mountains, there are rivers running down to the ocean. I imagine there are natural springs all around the country, used as a natural remedy for several ailments.
I will dump my headcanons about Tenebrae below:
I've been talking with @groovytimetravelflower, who has the theory that Niflheim's airships are powered by stones or ores mined from the floating islands. It just makes perfect sense. Niflheim had several reasons to invade Tenebrae: to dominate the whole continent, to establish complete control over trade, and to get their hands on whatever magic exists in the land.
Much of the magic is not well-known nor understood beyond the floating islands. The forests of Tenebrae are old, especially in the north.
The only other country close enough for Tenebrae to trade with is Niflheim. Though Tenebrae has a couple ports of its own, these are not large enough for massive shipyards and international trade. Trading with Niflheim allows Tenebraen trade goods to go farther in the world. The downside is that Niflheim can control all trade that Tenebrae does, taking things for the Empire and blocking imports.
The country is very difficult to navigate because of the terrain. Roads are often winding and go around obstacles; this was done moreso out of the belief that the land could not be damaged by man-made endeavors. Trains have only been established in Ulwaat. There may be a few antique cars, but the most common mode of transportation on main roads are chocobo-drawn carriages, or riding chocobos.
Tenebrae is behind on technology overall: this is a result of Niflheim conquering them so long ago. Niflheim doesn't often invest in the lands they conquer. You can see this in how mainland Lucis has such outdated technology, which was left to languish once the Imperials seized control. Most high-technology Tenebrae is exposed to comes from the Imperial Army and is only used in their operations. Ulwaat is the most developed province. The railroad in Ulwaat was developed by the Empire to more easily transport the stone and ore they mined in the mountains.
The further away one gets from Fenestala, the less modern technology there is. In Morrith, Krahage, and Bruiral, indoor plumbing is a recent technological advancement. Not all places have it; it requires electricity, which is difficult to establish in Northern Tenebrae. Because Tenebrae is such a mystical place and the population is probably very religious because of the Oracle, not a lot of people mind being behind in technology.
Cellphones are unheard of, and you wouldn't get reception in most of Tenebrae anyway. Fenestala Manor probably has a couple TVs, but similarly, reception is terrible. Radio signals come through a little more clearer, mostly because the Imperial Army needs them to.
The architecture of the capital and towns of Tenebrae is Victorian and Edwardian, with art noveau used in Fenestala Manor. Villages typically are full of cottages of wood or stone and roofed with thatch. The typical fashion is also Victorian and Edwardian, although more of the youth have recently begun to wear the modern Western clothing imported from Niflheim. People further north of the Breksos Mountains dress in traditional Celtic and Norse garb.
The Breksos Mountain Range naturally divides Tenebrae into a North and a South. These regions do not strictly adhere to the cardinal directions; it is just what people have referred to it as. Travel through these mountains is especially difficult. There is one passage near Woudoord, but it becomes blocked by snow in the winter, completely isolating the north.
Queen Sylva frequently sent aid in the form of doctors, vaccines, and schoolteachers to Northern Tenebrae. She did a lot to improve the relations across the mountains, although the past few Oracles have never gone north of the mountains. All aid stopped with her death. The Northerners became even more apprehensive of Southerners as they appeared to submit to the Empire.
Northern Tenebrae is even further behind in technological advancements than Southern Tenebrae (ie the indoor plumbing). Northern Tenebrae is very isolated from the rest of the world, especially in the winter. It's rare for a Northerner to travel south, and vice versa. The South views the North as barbarous, and the North view the South as weak. Southerners are prim and proper; Northerners... are not. Both greatly revere the Oracle.
As I said before, Tenebraens are religious, largely in part to the Oracle's presence. Tenebrae has become known as a land of healers, with many practicing natural remedies. The people are generally modest and proper. Victorian and Edwardian social customs still run strong.
Tenebraens are seen as mysterious and exotic to the rest of the world. Niflheim hasn't allow Tenebraens to leave their country since they attacked Fenestala Manor, so it's very rare to see one in Lucis. The rest of the world doesn't really understand the difference between North and South Tenebraens. The differences become clear when putting one of each side by side and listening to the bickering.
Feel free to use these maps when writing your own fics or headcanons! I would greatly appreciate being credited. These maps are just my interpretation, and don't stand in for canon material. They are flawed, but I worked with what I had. I made these using Inkarnate.
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anghraine · 3 months
My best friend and I moved in together with his closest friend from his MA program, and while I had met her before (the friend; my bff is a man), we hadn't spent much time together because I've never lived away from the West Coast (and only two years out of the PNW) and she's never lived outside of North Carolina and only briefly visited the PNW once, when she went to Portland last year.
It's been a delight to show her around the PNW and realize we need to explain things that are just sort of omnipresent in our lives. The bff and I were casually griping with each other about having to run an errand to Trader Joe's at an inconvenient hour, and were telling her, "it's okay, you can stay in the car and avoid the people if you want" and she was like "NO I MUST SEE IT, I'VE ONLY HEARD OF THEM" and nearly ascended to another plane when we showed her around the store.
The bff and I grew up in the same town in NW Washington (him for his first 18 years, me from 9 to 19) and he lived in Bellingham and Seattle for years before he went to NC for grad school (I went to the SF Bay Area for mine, a very different experience). Both of them are hardcore coffee aficionados, but he struggled with the different Coffee Ways of the South, so for the true PNW experience they want to tour various indie coffeeshops next.
Also, she adores Kaidan in Mass Effect and we were like, oh, is your passport up to date? We could take a trip sometime and show you your boyfriend's beloved English Bay. It's very beautiful :)
her: O_O
me: Actually, it's worth going to Vancouver BC for its own sake as well, it's truly spectacular. We used to go all the time as kids.
bff: And Victoria!
her: O_O
#as much as i very openly love my homeland (read: the pnw. sometimes the whole west coast) at all times#it is truly special to experience it through someone who's never lived anywhere remotely near here. she's never seen vegas or seattle or la#we were super hungry after moving stuff yesterday and the bff was like 'i'm not sure i have a real restaurant in me...#let's just pick up some stuff from jack in the box'#her: 'what's a jack in the box?'#even the department store chains we're used to are different#also she's queer and was concerned about having queer friendly dating options out here and we're like '...oh sweetie'#and since she's from eastern nc we were also explaining that the pacific ocean up here is not like the atlantic#her: 'what are your hurricanes like?' us: '... we um. don't really have them'#then we were like... i mean rainier's lahars are going to melt seattle someday but these are infrequent events#and there will be seismic warnings. even mt st helens gave some warning!#i think the only disappointment for her so far was our building codes (she's very into proper infrastructure)#the roads are nice but our buildings are not designed for combating nature by her standards#it's interesting because we're so unused to the idea of nature as generally something to combat#in fairness someone from say astoria might think about that differently or in very rural areas. but in the parts we're familiar with#usually 'natural' dangers are 'poorly timed human fuckery' and things like rain generally come as friends#like yeah don't go antagonizing a bear or cougar or moose or whatnot but you'd really have to go out of your way#anghraine babbles#cascadia blogging#the adventures of space redacted#anghraine's gaming#us american blogging#i should probably have a bff tag#long post
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boasamishipper · 3 months
Hello! You are my go to expert for Night Court and Dan/Harry, so I would like to ask, which episodes would you recommend watching for particularly shippy Dan/Harry moments or storylines? Thank you <3
i am beyond honored to have been bestowed such a title, thank you nonny! <333
there are so many excellent danharry moments and storylines across all nine seasons, but here are my (very painstakingly selected) top five danharry episodes in chronological order:
1. S3E9-10 The Wheels of Justice (Part 1 + 2)
every time i think about this episode i go fully insane charlie kelly standing in front of the pepe silvia conspiracy board style. admittedly the first episode doesn't give us a lot of danharry content beyond harry smiling super fondly at dan while dan screams at bull's tiny tv, but the SECOND episode. jesus CHRIST. dan talking harry out of his slump in that pool hall........'you were good, harry! very good. you were impartial. you were fair. passionate. compassionate. understanding. and i admired you.'............dan hugging harry after harry apologized and said he would come back to court........the way harry and dan looked at each other after harry's line about taking the good with the bad no matter how bad the bad gets...........dan's smile while harry tells mac that dan is the only reason he left the pool hall..........and then. of course. this.
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what is their DEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. S4E1 The Next Voice You Hear...
'emily,' night court nation says. 'this is not a danharry-centric episode.' you are correct! 'then why is this on your list?' because after harry found out his mother was dead, mac's first instinct was to call dan, and dan dropped whatever he was doing to come and console harry. they're best friends!!!!!!!!! and i cry about it Every Day
3. S4E5-6 Dan's Operation (Part 1+2)
this is THE danharry episode. every other danharry episode go home (except please don't, you're all wonderful). seriously though if someone told me when i first started watching night court that harry would fall asleep on a comatose dan's chest after begging him to wake up (AFTER they had a huge argument earlier in the episode) and dan's first instinct upon waking up is to stroke harry's hair and also Not Move Or Say Anything Because Harry Is Sleeping and THEN they would have ANOTHER argument that ended in both of them saying 'i love you' to each other, i would have died on the spot. and then i watched these episodes and i DID die on the spot. larroquette won his third emmy award for his performance in these eps and it is extremely well deserved.
4. S5E14 I'm OK, You're Catatonic/Schizophrenic
a danharry episode that raises more questions than it answers. what do you mean dan just randomly took a nap on harry's conference table. what do you mean dan kidnapped mel torme for harry. what do you mean dan said re: his kidnapping of mel torme '[harry's] gonna kiss me on the lips for this'. what do you MEAN dan handcuffed mel torme to a chair using 'a trick harry taught him' with 'magic shackles' that HE KNOWS CHAFE and WHAT DO YOU MEAN HARRY DOESN'T EVEN HAVE MAGIC SHACKLES AT ALL. SO WHAT WAS DAN TALKING ABOUT. someday i will get a ouija board so i can talk to reinhold weege from beyond the grave and ask him hey man!!! what was up with this episode!!!!!!!!! and also harry destroying dan's car in retaliation for dan accidentally destroying his mel torme record collection (on top of harry strangling dan upon receiving the news and also screaming I'M GOING TO EAT THAT MAN'S EYEBROWS) is proof that these two match each other's freak like no one else and that's why they should be endgame, thank you and good night.
5. S5E22 + S6E1-2 Danny Got His Gun (Parts 1-3)
1980s sitcoms were operating on a whole other level because if even an iota of this plotline happened to one of my otps on any of my currently airing shows the entire fandom would burst into flames. dan is presumed dead!!! his plane goes down north of hudson bay!!! and harry is the first one to receive the news!!! and the first one to receive further telegrams from the army and also dan's belongings!!! in his will dan left harry his 'heartfelt gratitude'!!! harry had to plan dan's memorial service!!! he had to write dan's eulogy!!! he had to sit there and watch everyone in attendance including the funeral director (barring roz) not be able to say a single nice thing about his best friend!!! then said best friend CRASHES HIS OWN MEMORIAL SERVICE!!! dan is alive!!! he has a beard!!! he smells awful!!! which i will maintain to my last breath is the only thing that prevented harry from kissing the breath out of dan right there in the funeral home!!! they!!! looked!!! at!!! each!!! other!!! like!!! this!!!
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girlactionfigure · 1 month
🟠WEDNESDAY morning - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
▪️MILITARY & POLICE DRILLS - LOD, BEIT SHEMESH, north HAIFA BAY.. there will be drills today around Lod, and around Beit Shemesh.  “a lively movement of vehicles of the security forces will be felt, there is no fear of a security incident.”  In Haifa, a military exercise will take place in the northern coastal sector in the maritime space and Haifa Bay.
▪️SIREN TEST - YESOD HA’MAALA.. siren test, 11:05 AM.
▪️THE COST - MILITARY REHAB.. 10,056 soldiers since the beginning of the war have needed rehab. 35% for PTSD, 37% for physical trauma.  68% of the injured have been reservists.  The mental support line "Nefesh One" dial *8944 is available throughout the year 24/7.
▪️CAR BOMB!  BACKFIRES!  A car bomb that was supposed to carry out an attack against Jews, exploded with the two terrorists inside, in the Halhol area of ​​the Hebron sector.
▪️A PRIVATE PLANE.. travelled from Beirut to Israel.  Speculation over who, possibly US negotiator Amos Hochstein.
▪️MILITARY RUMORS.. The Northern Command is now pushing for a more aggressive and violent approach against Hezbollah (per supposed leaks - which could also be a warning influence campaign).
▪️ISRAEL BUYS.. The US approved an arms deal worth about 20 billion dollars to Israel.
.. Air-to-air missiles worth $102.5 million.
.. Tank shells worth $774 million.
.. Tactical vehicles worth $583 million.
.. F-15s worth $18.8 billion.
▪️THE US HAS DEPLOYED.. over 40,000 soldiers with associated equipment to the Middle East since the Iran threat.  An Arab analyst: The American military deployment is offensive and not defensive.
🔹ANOTHER NOTAM.. “gun firing warning” from Iran for airlines to avoid, Western Iran (rocket base area), below 18,000 ft.  13:00-16:00 Israel time, Tue-Wed-Thu.
🔹US President Biden: Expects that Iran will give up an attack against Israel if a ceasefire is reached in Gaza, although the Iranian Foreign Minister has explicitly said otherwise.
🔹Al-Arabi Al-Jadid: Iran rejected American and European proposals to avoid a reaction against Israel, in exchange for resuming talks on the nuclear issue.  And warns: American intervention in aid to Israel in response - total war.
🔹Since October, Hezbollah has launched more than 7,500 missiles and 200 drones at Israel, killing 43 Israelis including 19 soldiers, wounded 271, and caused 790 fires, of which about 158,000 dunams (40,000 acres) were burned.
🔸DEAL NEWS.. Daily reports are back and forth on Hamas attendance, todays report: The representative of Hamas in Lebanon, Ahmed Abdel Hadi, tells the Russian Sputnik agency that Hamas will NOT send a delegation to the negotiations that will take place on Thursday.
♦️COUNTER-TERROR - TUBAS.. forces are working this morning to thwart terrorism in Tubas, the forces surround a building as part of the "pressure cooker" procedure and announce to those wanted to turn themselves in or they will be eliminated. Exchanges of fire and the throwing of explosive charges towards the forces, at various points in the city, and around the building.  IDF drone strike!
♦️IDF attacked terrorist targets in the humanitarian area by Khan Yunis from which rockets were fired at Tel Aviv yesterday.
♦️Lebanese sources: overnight IDF fires white phosphorus shells (wide area fire starting) in the area of Hunin in southern Lebanon.
⭕US base in northeastern Syria attack by 4 rockets from Iraqi Shia Militias.  The Pentagon admitted that 8 American soldiers were injured last week in a suicide drone attack on an American base in Syria.
⭕Explosion by Golani Intersection.
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hometoursandotherstuff · 11 months
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Well, this is different. It's a contemporary mini mansion built in 2008 in Laurinburg, North Carolina. 5bds, 5ba, $620K.
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Double doors open to a foyer with 2 Greek columns.
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You can tell by the exposure of this photograph that the skylight lets in lots of natural light.
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The skylight at night. It kind of looks like a church ceiling, especially with the cross on the wall.
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To the left of the entrance is the kitchen.
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The kitchen is so pretty but I thought that it would be larger.
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Dinette area.
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There doesn't seem to be a formal dining room.
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And to the right is the living room, which appears to be spilling out into the entrance hall.
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It's not a very large space.
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Skylight that runs across the length of the indoor pool in the middle of the house.
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I can't believe how small the bedrooms are. This is the primary.
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It has a regular walk-in closet, too.
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And, an unimpressive bathroom.
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The bedrooms are so plain. They could've done better on the decor.
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Small shower room.
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And, this room is really tiny.
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I don't know why there's a kitchenette here, it's not a basement.
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Man cave/work shop.
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Actually, this nook looks like a reception desk.
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There's a 4 car garage. One bay looks like it's used as a home gym.
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Large, undeveloped yard is .74 acre. It needs some gardening.
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The property is gated and is enclosed by a fence.
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A patio surrounds the entire home and there's a covered area on the side of the garage.
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From what I can tell, the home was very inexpensively built, and the best part of it is the indoor pool.
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odinsblog · 2 years
Coming Soon To A Road Near You: “Full Self-Driving”
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Video clips from traffic surveillance cameras on the San Francisco Bay Bridge on Thanksgiving morning show a white Tesla reportedly in “Full Self-Driving” mode crossing over to the fast lane and abruptly breaking, resulting in an eight-car pileup.
Just hours before the crash, Tesla CEO Elon Musk had triumphantly announced that Tesla’s “Full Self-Driving” capability was available in North America, congratulating Tesla employees on a “major milestone.” By the end of last year, Tesla had rolled out the feature to over 285,000 people in North America, according to the company.
A Tesla Model S vehicle which the driver claimed to be using the 'Self Driving' feature caused an eight-vehicle crash on the San Francisco Bay Bridge on Thanksgiving Day, resulting in the injury of nine people.
The driver reported to the police that he had been using Tesla's "Full Self-Driving" feature prior to the incident.
The crash happened on the same day that Elon Musk announced that the beta-testing of FSD would be expanded from a limited set of Tesla owners to "anyone in North America who requests it."
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has launched an investigation into the incident.
The NHTSA has said that it plans to examine a crash in Ohio also involving a Tesla that may have been using the automated-driving system. The agency has investigated a total of 35 crashes that potentially involved Tesla’s Autopilot highway-driving system. A total of 19 people have died in the crashes.
(continue reading)
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razorsadness · 2 months
The Mad Road, lonely, leading around the bend into the openings of space towards the horizon Wasatch snows promised us in the vision of the West, spine heights at the world’s end, coast of blue Pacific starry night - nobone halfbanana moons sloping in the tangled night sky, the torments of great formations in the mist, the huddled invisible insect in the car racing onwards, illuminate. - The raw cut, the drag, the butte, the star, the draw, the sunflower in the grass - orangebutted west lands of Arcadia, forlorn sands of the isolate earth, dewy exposures to infinity in black space, home of the rattlesnake and the gopher…the level of the world, low and flat: the charging restless mute unvoiced road keening in a seizure of tarpaulin power into the route, fabulous plots of landowners in green unexpecteds, ditches by the side of the road, as I look from here to Elko along the level of this pin parallel to telephone poles I can see a bug playing in the hot sun - swush, hitch yourself a ride beyond the fastest freighttrain, beat the smoke, find the thighs, spend the shiny, throw the shroud, kiss the morning star in the morning glass - madroad driving men ahead. Pencil traceries of our faintest wish in the travel of the horizon merged, nosey cloud obfusks in a drabble of speechless distance, the black sheep clouds cling a parallel above the stems of the CBQ - serried Little Missouri rocks haunt the badlands, harsh dry brown fields roll in the moonlight with a shiny cow’s ass, telephone poles toothpick time, “dotting immensity” the crazed voyager of the lone automobile presses forth his eager insignificance in noseplates and licenses into the vast promise of life…the choice of tragic wives, moons. Drain your basins in old Ohio and the Indian and the Illini plains, bring your big muddy rivers through Kansas and the mudlands, Yellowstone in the frozen North, punch lake holes in Florida and L.A., raise your cities in the white plain, cast your mountains up, bedawze the west, bedight the West with brave hedgerow cliffs rising to Promethean heights and fame - plant your prisons in the basin of the Utah moon - nudge Canadian groping lands that end in arctic bays, purl your Mexican ribneck, America.
—Jack Kerouac, from Visions of Cody
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onbearfeet · 5 months
WIP Wedneday? WIP Wednesday.
Road trip with the cast of Monster Mash. Imagine these dinguses playing yellow car.
Jack Russell had never been a fan of long car rides.
He didn’t mind driving, particularly. Being a werewolf often meant living somewhere new every month, and until the advent of cheap intercontinental air travel, that had mostly meant picking a continent and moving around on it as best he could. And for the last century or so, moving around in North America had meant automobiles. He’d driven everything from Model Ts to Rolls Royces, and none of it had been particularly difficult or uncomfortable.
No, it was being a passenger that he couldn’t stand.
Perhaps it was something about werewolf reflexes; he reacted to things slightly faster than ordinary humans, even in his own human form, so if he wasn’t careful, riding shotgun in a car meant he was constantly tapping an imaginary brake or gas pedal half a second before the driver did. Or perhaps it was lingering trauma from all the times he’d been shot or netted, trussed up, and thrown into the back of something with a snarling engine. Whatever it was, he didn’t enjoy being in a moving vehicle that he didn’t control. He sometimes wondered how Ted felt about it; after all, there probably weren’t any vehicles built for someone his size.
But Elsa Bloodstone owned the van, and Elsa did not give up her keys without a good reason, so Jack had gotten used to swallowing his pride and climbing into the passenger seat—or worse, the back after Bucky Barnes won the coin toss.
There was one positive to Elsa’s driving, though. Somehow, through whatever perverse alchemy made her the most remarkable woman in the world (at least in Jack’s thoroughly biased and entirely correct opinion), he could sleep while she was at the wheel. Something about the cedar-and-sage scent of her at close quarters put his hackles down, smoothed his bristling paranoia, and let him drift off to the thrum of the engine and the whisper of her breath.
And so he was mostly asleep, slipping in and out of a pleasant dream about running through high mountain forests with nothing chasing him for once, when he heard Elsa’s voice.
“Your majesty,” Bucky drawled from behind Jack, where he was presumably still strapped into a jump seat in the cargo area.
Jack felt the smile tugging at his lips. He hoped Elsa couldn’t see it.
Elsa huffed, and Jack could hear the eyeroll in her voice. “In my infinite mercy, I’ve decided to do you a favor.”
“Golly, gee, thanks.”
“You’re welcome,” she said flatly. “I’m saving you considerable embarrassment. Not counting your years with Hydra, how long would you say you’ve been, er—?”
“Myself? Conscious? Human?”
Jack couldn’t suppress the small flinch.
“Yes. That.”
“A few years, now. I guess you can count it from 2014, if you’re going from when I got out. But it took me a couple years to, y’know, have a personality again. Why?”
“Did you spend much time catching up on history?”
“I puked for two days straight after I googled JFK, so no.”
“Right, then. There are facts you’ll need to know if you don’t want to make a complete arse of yourself.”
“If this is about Marvin Gaye, I swear to Christ—”
“Your Wikipedia page,” Elsa interrupted, “says you were raised Irish American Catholic. Is that true?”
“Near ’nough.” A faint Irish lilt drifted through Bucky’s voice. “My dad was, anyway.”
“Then you probably heard a few sermons in your day about the evils of homosexuality.”
Bucky burst out laughing.
It was loud enough that Jack gave up even pretending to sleep, opened his eyes, and sat up from where he’d been slumped against the passenger window. He stretched as somewhere behind him, Ted rumbled a question that sounded like What the hell?
“Sorry, fellas,” Bucky chuckled. “Old man laughs at history lesson, you know how it is.” He snorted.
Jack stretched and used the motion as an excuse to look back at the cargo bay. Bucky was, indeed, still in his jump seat, wiping tears from his eyes and grinning.
“Priceless,” he muttered. “Just priceless. Elsa, is this gonna be one of those ‘some people are queer now and you gotta be okay with it’ talks?”
“If by ‘okay’ you mean ‘on your best manners or I’ll stab you’, then yes, that’s what this is.” Elsa took her eyes off the road just long enough to glare daggers at Bucky.
“Ha.” Bucky scrubbed at his face with his flesh hand. “Okay, let’s save you some time. Quick show of hands—who in this van has, at some point in their life, done queer shit?”
He pulled his hand away from his face and raised it above his head.
Jack grinned and put his own hand up.
Ted urfed and raised his.
Bucky looked at Elsa and raised his eyebrows.
Grudgingly, Elsa raised her hand.
“That’s what I thought,” Bucky said. His voice gentled. “Doll, I’m from Brooklyn. Down by the Navy yard, no less. There’s not much I ain’t seen. If I use the wrong words or something, please do correct me before the ghost of my mother rises from her grave and hauls me off by my ear, but you don’t have to worry I’ll see two fellas kissing and get the vapors.”
“Good,” Elsa replied, turning her attention back to the road. “Because our client is an old friend of mine, and I’ve got barbed bolts in my crossbow.”
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diabolus1exmachina · 1 year
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Porsche 356 Borghi Abarth (1 of 1.  
This is the Porsche 356 Borghi Abarth, it’s a car with a fascinating backstory being the only one of its kind ever made – and it was only built because the 1953 Porsche 356 it’s based on burned to the ground in an accident. The car was built not in Italy but in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Italian coachbuilder Aldo Borghi had relocated to the South American country at a time when Argentina was booming economically and set up a coachbuilding and automotive race preparation shop.
Aldo Borghi was born in Italy, he trained as a young man in the art of automotive coachbuilding, specializing in the use of aluminum alloy to create strong, lightweight bodies. He later moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina, or more specifically he moved to the town of Tigre which is just slightly north of Buenos Aires but which is often included as being part of the large South American city.
In Argentina Borghi set up his own garage specializing in coachbuilding and developing sports cars for the bustling local racing scene. A number of significant cars came out of his workshop including the Alfa Romeo 2900 “Ballena” and the Alfa Romeo Spyder 6C 2500 “Paquito”, and he restored the Alfa Romeo 3000CM Carroceria Boano after an accident.
In 1965 he was brought the burned out hulk of a 1953 Porsche 356. Exactly what had happened to the car is lost to history but Borghi was able to salvage the floorpan, engine, transmission, and a number of other parts.
He then built a new body for the car entirely from hand-shaped aluminum, influenced by the styling of the Rocco Motto Abarth racing cars. The owner was delighted with the transformation and the car was notably lighter thanks to the loss of its original steel body.
Building a new body for a car that’s been badly burned isn’t an easy task, fortunately Aldo Borghi was more than up to the task.
He created an entirely new outer bodyshell in aluminum alloy by hand shaping each of the panels needed, using the styling of the aforementioned Rocco Motto Abarth racing cars as his guide. The end result would be a car with fastback styling, a sleek front end, wider rear wheel arches, and an engine bay that was considerably more roomy than the Porsche original.
The lack rearward visibility is perhaps the only major gripe, but there’s not a lot of need to see what’s behind you when you’re winning anyway.
Thanks to the loss of its heavier original steel body, the new car – named the Porsche 356 Borghi Abarth – was considerably faster than its forebear. The Porsche Super 90 engine was later upgraded to produce approximately 110 bhp, with power sent to the rear wheels via the original Porsche 4-speed manual transmission.
The car rides on steel wheels, with Porsche drum brakes at each of the four corners, and of course it has the independent front and rear suspension of the original 356.
Inside the car you’ll find a tastefully executed interior with leather seats that have plaid cloth inserts. This same combination is used on the doors, and the roof lining and rear of the car are finished in quilted leather.
Up front there’s a wood-rimmed classic steering wheel beside the gear lever, with three gauges front and center in the dashboard showing your speed, revs, and fuel level with the tachometer naturally in the center for optimal visibility.
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beardedmrbean · 1 month
A 29-year-old woman who stabbed to death a man who "loved and supported" her because he ran out of money has been jailed for at least 25 years.
Lauren Harris, of no fixed address, murdered David Mark Wilcox at his flat with accomplice David Webster, who bludgeoned him with a vodka bottle.
Webster, 43, of Lacey Street, Widnes, Cheshire, was jailed for at least 23 years after the pair were convicted last week.
Mr Justice Pepperall told Harris at Mold Crown Court the killing of the 65-year-old, who "had loved and supported you,” was "brutal and senseless".
A third man, Thomas Whitely, 33, of Colwyn Bay, had also been charged with murder but was cleared.
The jury heard that North Wales Police went to a property in Bay View Road, near Colwyn Bay town centre, in Conwy county, where Mr Wilcox was found stabbed and battered to death in an armchair.
He had been punched, kicked and stamped on and had broken ribs.
During sentencing Mr Justice Pepperall said: "I detect no remorse."
At one point as she was led into the dock Harris sang Shania Twain's Man! I Feel Like a Woman!
Andrew Ford KC, prosecuting, told jurors she had previous convictions for assault, including an unlawful wounding in 2022 in which a knife was used against a partner in a block of flats in Old Colwyn.
CCTV footage was played to the court and footage was also played of her assaulting men in the centre of Wrexham and Colwyn Bay.
Mr Ford said Harris also had a string of convictions for theft.
Harris had used Mr Wilcox’s bank cards at two ATMs in a bid to withdraw cash for drugs.
The judge said the murder may have happened out of anger that the money had dried up. Harris had crashed and abandoned Mr Wilcox’s car soon after the murder.
The court heard Harris took a “leading” role.
But the judge told Webster, who had a history of violence: "You were a willing accomplice in this brutal crime. It was you who bludgeoned your victim with a vodka bottle."
Mr Justice Pepperall said Webster lied about how he had Mr Wilcox’s watches.
"The appalling truth is you stole one of the watches from a dying man’s wrist," he said.
The court heard Mr Wilcox had moved to support Harris as he sought to turn her life around, but he started to struggle with his finances.
In the days before he was killed she began a relationship with Webster.
The court heard they spent money on drugs.
“This was a sustained and vicious attack in which you showed Mr Wilcox no mercy,” the judge said.
"From his defensive injuries it was clear the victim suffered greatly.”
Dean Quick of the Crown Prosecution Service said: “Mr Wilcox was stabbed in his own home, suffering injuries that proved to be fatal.
“The CPS placed all the evidence before the jury who have returned guilty verdicts for Harris and Webster.
“Our thoughts remain with the family and friends of Mr Wilcox who have had to deal with a terrible loss.”
Supt Sarah-Jayne Williams of North Wales Police called the killing “violent and senseless".
“Harris and Webster callously murdered Mark in his own home in a sustained attack, where he should have been safe," she said.
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artemisbarnowl · 2 months
What is life like in Melbourne? I’m looking into moving there from the UK and would love some insights and whatever else from people who live and work there 💕
I've only visited the UK briefly as a tourist so I'm not sure how to compare them in a way that's going to give you useful info. But I'll give you info at least. Please sit comfortably and we'll begin.
Melbourne has 5 million people in it, but is also quite a large sprawling urban area, so it doesn't feel really packed and busy. It sits on a bay, so it doesn't get freezing but does have the '4 seasons in one day' jokes which are true. I never really got in the habit of checking the weather in the morn before I left for work until I moved away from melb where the forecast was such that I could dress appropriately without surprise.
When I talk about what I love about Melbourne I mean inner suburbs and CBD (which is a beautiful grid and shining example of urban planning for the now that is weighed down by no plans for the future). Public transport connectivity is decent (comparable to London imo) but wait times, delays, and travel times on trams and buses might be relatively crap depending on your experience. It's no Moscow metro (my beloved), but you can probably get to where you're going somehow. Also e scooters have popped off. Further out there's no trams and there's more big gaps between train stations (the train lines are arranged like spokes of a wheel around a central city circle. There will be another city loop slightly overlapping the current one in service next year). This is what I despairingly call The Suburbs. Where you probably need a car to get around and it's like at least 20 mins drive to Anywhere for dinner, groceries or fun activities. Mostly Melbourne is not overly hilly so bikes are an option but infrastructure such as bike lanes is really hit or miss depending on area. Especially good in the inner north. Melb inner suburbs are very walkable and I love love love that. I lived in the inner north and could walk into the CBD to do whatever.
In terms of culture things I think Melbourne is the most international of Aus's capitals in that it has a lot of different people but also that there's a lot open late. Sydney probably can and will make the same claim. But that's it. The rest of Aus is a country town. Major shops will probably close 5.30 or six mon to wed but there's plenty of stuff that's open later. You can always find a bar* or 8. There's plenty of different cuisines in gourmet or fast food dining. There's a cafe in the CBD that's open 24 hours where I can sit outside and have a pot of green tea WHENEVER I WANT. Bookstores open til 10pm. There are lots of events throughout the year and lots of cultural institutions to visit on a whim for free! Some are paid also obvi but I find it difficult to be bored when I can go to the museum to see taxidermy or the NGV for art for free whenever. I am a zoo member which means I get to hang out in a beautiful park/garden which creatures for free whenever I want. Again as you go out further this becomes less true. Fringe cities at the ends of train lines are likely to have what you need to live but less fun activities less often. Not nothing though!
Melbournians really do love wearing black. Especially in winter. They also love strategic Grey. I thought people were exaggerating until I left. A head to toe black outfit is uncommon enough to be remarkable where I live now. Even in a regular boring office where people wear very muted colours I'm the only one who does it. There is no functional difference between the a mourning outfit and one of a Melbournian. it's common wear sneakers with a lot of seemingly formal or corporate outfits, but not thongs with jeans. That's some weird Sydney nonsense.
Being around the bay there's plenty of places to swim in summer! Most of the bay is bordered by beach, most famous and reachable from the city is St Kilda beach. Which is excellent and beyond reproach if you're not Australian and 'fine' if you are. Traveling down towards Mornington Peninsula they get better. 5km makes a difference to the grain of the sand. Some are more fine, can get more coarse and shelly as well. Never stony. Only a little bit of seaweed here and there.
There are parks in the heart of the city (nothing huge like Hyde though) and little wildlife corridors or reserves in most suburbs but it's not an especially Nature city. It's only one hour by train and bus or by car to the Dandenongs (a low mountain range, not to be confused with hugely underated immigrant suburb of Dandenong in melb) though which have cool temperate rainforest national park, lots of gardens (huuuuuge rhododendron garden up there), little b&bs, english style cafes (miss Marples in Olinda is the most famous) and lots of walking and biking. I say one hour but Melbourne as an area reaches right to the base of the range, which is why you can get a bus from the shops. There are national parks that are native woodland or grasslands closer to the heart of the city but these are less special to me because that's the standard nature I see every day of my life. There's a pink lake in south melb which is fun. But I love tree ferns and fresh damp dirt and the tallest flowering trees in the world!!
If you have more specific Q's feel free to ask. I am a city gal at heart but did live rurally originally and frequently do short stays (2 weeks to a month) in rural or remote areas so I am used to comparing amenities and connectivity.
*Melbourne has regular bars but also is very big on rooftop bars. Sydney has some, but other cities hear rooftop bar and think 'bar inside but with views or on top floor of building. Probably formal'. Melbourne roof top bars are on the roof. In the open air (maybe some shade sail) and it's very much a casual thing. Jugs of beer or sangria, chips, feels like a good barbeque rather than a refined cocktail bar. Those are often in basements.
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vermillioncrown · 4 months
what happens if the tornado takes your house: to my understanding, your state usually applies for/gets government funding, though how well that goes usually depends on how much of a shitheel your governer&co are. iirc there was a whole thing about this with one of the big hurricaines, right? funnily enough my area is not known for being prone to tornadoes! there is actually growing suspicion that due to global warming and the effects on cold and warm fronts etc, tornado alley is expanding north and east to include more of the midwest, and now includes my part of it. 🙃 we have had like 10-12 tornado warnings so far this year, i've genuinely lost count and tornado season here goes into late summer. send help lmao. if you mean structurally, depends on the strength of the tornado. even if you're not shattered to foundation, the foundation might have gotten shifted/rattled so might not be structurally sound anymore, so like... staying in your house before a pro comes to look at it if the storm was close enough to inflict any damage is always a gamble cause something might give out while you're in it 😬
it's better if you have family or close friends near to you but outside the disaster area, or if you can afford to stay in a hotel similarly close but not affected, get a rental car if yours was hit, etc. some might choose to stay with people in town whose houses weren't hit, if available, to share their resources and help get the community back on its feet. if not... some people take the long commute and the job security, and some people decide to risk it all, quit their jobs and relocate. i would imagine this is more common in areas generally thought of as high tornado incidence...
(i actually have to start caring bc possible tornado shenanigans will be near me)
i am so sorry 😬😔 i've been given advice abt finding a new place and have been warned against tornado shenanigans, like a whole swath of the real estate map x-ed out for me
ig it's especially rough for you if your area isn't used to having tornadoes and now... it's like how a lot of the sf bay area can't quite deal with the floods in the recent years bc it's been so dry for so long (both the infrastructure and environment)
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