#Usagi Miyamoto cousin
untilsfe · 1 year
Can you draw Usagi's cousin, Yukichi yamamoto
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Did my best, but honestly... I don't know. I drew his ears shorter because I'm guessing he's younger than Usagi(?)
It made sense in my mind I swear
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cousin-counter · 4 months
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"You're right! I was driven by emotion and did not think things through."
"We are much alike, cousin."
IDW #23
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umhuhwellthen · 10 months
Had a realization while mopping the kitchen,
Jotaro is all three of his parents child, because listen
He looks like a carbon copy of the guy and acts similarly to him, same drive, same temper, everyone points these two things out
I like to make the cuck joke as much as anyone else but let's not forget that he and Jotaro have a real father-son relationship!!!! Jotaro calls him father and loves him like one!!! Kenichi knows Jotaro isn't his and his rival is his sire but doesn't care and loves and raises him anyway!!!! Also I'm pretty sure that Kenichi is always/mostly wearing purple in colored comic issues and what is Jotaro wearing???? Purple!!!!! The symbolism????? Because Usagi may be Jotaro's biodad but he is not the man that raised him, fed him, clothed him, Jotaro is wearing Kenichi's colors!!!! Because he is as much Kenichi's son as Usagi's!!!
obviously he has her ears and nose but also! May be grasping at straws but! His clothes have a pattern like she does and(correct me if I'm wrong) Kenichi doesn't! Kenichi's are plain with only the reigning Lord of the lands Mon and Mariko's and Jotaro's has a design! Similar in how they both love Kenichi but they also love Usagi! Jotaro wants a father-son relationship with Usagi but not at the cost of one with Kenichi! Mariko has affections for both Kenichi and Usagi but it's pretty obvious her feelings for Usagi run deeper than for Kenichi, but that doesn't mean she doesn't love him! Because for all that she loves Usagi, he didn't love her enough to stay and Kenichi did. Even though Kenichi had to leave the Dogora school in shame he still could've been a retainer to a lord like Usagi but instead he stayed! This man raised her child knowing damn well how he came to be and didn't care! Married her knowing she could never return his feelings with the same fervor!
Jotaro loves his parents and wants to respect all their wishes! This poor fucking kid...
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chaos-potat · 7 months
I die inside when I see people calling Miyamoto Usagi "Yojimbo"
Yojimbo means "bodyguard" his name is not bodyguard ;-;
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graphicpolicy · 9 months
Gen and Stray Dog are back in Usagi Yojimbo: The Crow
Gen and Stray Dog are back in Usagi Yojimbo: The Crow #comics #comicbooks #usagiyojimbo
Usagi returns for a 40th Anniversary celebration in a new comic story arc featuring fan-favorite characters Gen and Stray Dog in Usagi Yojimbo: The Crow. Dogu Publishing and Dark Horse Comics presents Stan Sakai’s continuing adventures of Miyamoto Usagi as the rabbit ronin travels through 17th century Japan with his cousin. The five-issue series features art and story by Sakai, with colors by…
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Calm Cool and Collected 5...
...That's what Miyamoto was trying to be while seeing the older red eared slider at his door. It was well into the after noon and quite hot, so instead of the old warrior style look that Miyamoto had seen him less than a week ago, Leonardo-san wore an unbuttoned guayabera and board shorts that were a bit shorter than expected. Miyamoto felt a void in the turtle’s presence as Leonardo-san was missing his large prosthetic arm. 
“Hi Mr. Usagi, I hope I’m not interrupting you” said Leonardo-san holding up the remaining part of his right arm as if the phantom part was to be placed behind his head in a laid back manner. 
“Not at all. Welcome, Leonardo-san. You just missed Yuichi, he was in such a hurry after training.” Said Miyamoto, who just noticed the the large amount of bags hanging off of the older turtle's left arm. “Come in and have a seat , I will help you set your bags down,”
“Thank you, just wait, one moment,” Leo said turning down to Raph, who was at the bottom of the flat’s stairs, “Hey bro, I have something to do, you can do some shopping if you like, here use Don’s credit card, I don’t think they’ll mind.” He tosses the card to the alligator snapping turtle mutant. 
Leonardo-san was much taller than Miyamoto realized, a good half foot taller than his friend Gen, the bounty hunting rhino, and maybe a bit broader. Standing across from the turtle was the only time he felt small talking to someone.
It felt a bit ridiculous to have a crush at his age, being in his late 30’s. Then again his love life was complicated and he was treading uncharted waters openly asking out a man. He has had close encounters with other men but something about Leo-san was different.
 Maybe it was that he was next in line to be head of his family, the Hamato Clan, which was odd because the ancestral Hamatos were human like their cousins, the Hikiji clan. Maybe that was the case, he was related to an enemy, however Miyamoto also had close encounters with a neko ninja clan member named Chizu and…. The rabbit mind trailed off, a trait all Usagi’s share, given the conditions.
“Hello, Earth to Space Usagi.” Leo-san said, waving his left arm in front of the samurai, snapping the rabbit from his trance, “Oh good, anyway thank you for inviting me. I really need a friend my age. I don’t know if I can listen to Dad Draxum’s lecture on calligraphy.” 
Yes, Friends…
“I like calligraphy.” said Usagi. “Its a beautiful discipline…”
“As it helps one focus on the art in ones words and the words of ones art.” Leonardo-san and Miyamoto. Leo continued as Miyamoto stood impressed, “Thats why samurai must also master the are of the brush as they do the sword. Thats what Draxum said anyways. So you fancy yourself a Samurai.” 
“I don’t know, do you fancy a samurai.” Responded Miyamoto.
“Oh” Leo said, his eye markings a bit redder than before. Though Miyamoto thought he somehow insulted the turtle. 
“Chikushō. This man wants a friend, not a cheap replacement for his dead wife” Thought Usagi. In a hurry, the older rabbit gestured to the low table, “Here take a seat while I prepare tea.”
The technology of this age never ceases to amaze Miyamoto, staring at the electric kettle on the counter, he gasps in awe seeing how fast the water is boiled to the perfect temperature for tea. Despite his attention focused on the kettle, he could tell that Leonado-san shared the same fascination from across the room. 
“Is this your first time seeing an electric kettle in action” said Usagi
“Oh, nah, my dad had this old kettle he would always use and it turn out to be an evil helmet of an evil suit of armor so we had to destroy it, I got him an electric one, lets just say Donnie made it evil too.”
Miyamoto’s deep chuckle resonated in the flat, “I’m guessing the purple one and the blue one give you the most trouble,” bringing the tea to the low table. 
“Yeah, they are twins after all, and I should know I was a twin too.” said Leonado
Was is a very common word here
“I never had any siblings of my own but there was a boy in my village, Kenichi, who would cause as much trouble as one, he later became village magistrate after my father passed, then he married Mariko, my childhood sweetheart…”
Leonardo-san made an audiible gasp, “ YOUR childhood sweetheart, whoa, I would have never done that to Donnie.”
“Donnie, isn’t that the name of your son.” Miyamoto cocked his head in confusion before understanding, “Oh Donatello is named after your brother.” 
This must have struck something in the older turtle as a bit of pain flashed across his face. Miyamoto then reached over from his seated positon to place a hand on his shoulder and said, “I’m sorry for your loss,”
“If you did this everytime you hear about what I lost, might as well keep your hand on my shoulder,” Said the turtle, then he places his hand on the rabbit's shoulder, “I’m sorry for your loss. I could never imagine losing a son,”
“It hurts me more that I wasn’t there for him as much, Kenichi was more of a father to him than I” replied Miyamoto, his ears drooped down in regret.
“Wait, he raised your kid.” Leo said in shock.
“Guess I got back at him some how for marrying Mariko.” the rabbit chuckled throught the sadness. 
“You sly dog, does that mean Yuichi is Mariko’s too?” Asked Leonardo-san, shaking Miyamoto a bit .
“No,” said the rabbit flatly 
“Me and Don were like that too… Not in the way that our dad placed his egg in different baskets like you” 
“What do baskets have to do with my previous love affairs, speaking of which, do you mind if I ask what Madonna was like?” Usagi questioned. The turtle loosed his playful grip on the rabbit's shoulder. 
What was she like indeed, know one knows,
Catching a glimpse at the TV placed in the living room the low table was located, Leonardo found his answer, “She loved telenovelas.” Leo lied looking straight into Miyamoto's eyes. The word confused the rabbit, Leo’s heart began to race with excitement given this opportunity to finally share with someone his love for the genre.
Leonardo continued his mission to teach Miyamoto the fundamentals of telenovelas and hispanic television, grabbing the remote and sweeping the rabbit off his feet in order to plop themselves onto the sofa. This small but astonishing moment took the rabbits breath away. 
“Do you know spanish?” asked Leonardo-san. Miyamoto, still silent out of awe, shook his head. “Well its a good time to learn,” Leonardo continued. Flipping through the channels he found one that he had yet to finish.
Despite not understanding the language yet, he understood alot through Leonardo-sensei’s riveting commentary. Now both rabbit and turtle are hooked on the show's curious plot involving twins, forbidden love, clones and what honor means in one's culture. Before they knew it they spent two whole hours curled up against one another.
The chime of Leonardos phone told them that their time together was up. “Oh, Raph's back, looks like I have to go, you understand right Miyamoto”
Miyamoto nodded, “If you must, I had a wonderful time with you and…” He froze, trying to figure out the puzzle of his love confession, yet out came his love language, acts of service. “Let me help you with your bags.”
Now Leonardo-san was gone
Miyamoto stares at the doorway for a bit longer. “I should have told him.” the rabbit said to himself.
Raph was waiting outside of the apartment with the rest of the groceries. Leo-san offered to hold the more than he had already and Raph let him. She knew something was up with him, and it was a bit alarming how he knew a lot about her. Leonardo was the first to know Raph was genderfluid, even before she came out to him. 
Raph despite being in her late teens and towering over most people at six feet, Raph felt comfortable acting like the younger sibling for once around Leo Sensei and that still means calling him out. “You like him don’t you.” She said.This statement caused a very obvious “What! No…” Come out of Leo-san and him almost dropping the groceries. 
Raph continued, “Come on, You can tell me, and it's really obvious.”
“Like your crush on Cassandra”
“Shhh! How do you know about that!?”
“ I’m from the future, remember.” The older turtle chuckled, “To be honest I was kind of jealous when you married her and then became a parent. I always felt like I could never fit the role you had in Jr.’s life.”  
This made Leo-san tear up, remembering how happy his Raph was when she saw Casey Jr. for the first time. The time they taught Casey parkour, that was the day he lost his last baby tooth. All those milestones that Raph witnessed before her life was cut short around the time Casey turned twelve. But this Raph didn’t see death in her future, what she saw is what she said out loud, stars twinkling in her eyes, “We end up together.”
“Yeah, When you're ready to tell her, tell me and I’ll be your ultimate wingman.” Leonardo-sensei said. Once they reached the entrance of the lair, Raph stopped him, offered to carry the rest of the Groceries and said “Go tell him big bro.”
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maplegh0st · 1 year
A Pirate Wedding
I was inspired by my discord friends and this lovely art by @secreterces5charlie! If you're confused, blame The Pit! :)
Raphael wasn’t sure what he expected his twenties to look like, but he really shouldn’t be surprised that it’s full of fighting the Foot and the Purple Dragons. This particular battle rages like nothing he’s seen in years. More goons than he thought either group still had were here, but so were many friends that he and his brothers had made over the years. Together they stood a chance.
The cry came to him through the sounds of fighting. It wasn’t the sound of someone that needed help, so he wasn’t too worried. He couldn’t risk looking away from his current opponent, though. The dragon in front of him was big—not as big as Hun, but still. But, size didn’t mean much when it came up against years of training. The pipe the dragon swung was easily parried and twisted out of their grasp.
“Raphael!” The cry came again just as Raph brought the dragon down, unconscious. And suddenly Usagi was next to him, hand falling on his arm. “Raphael, will you marry me?”
Raph stared, eyes surely bugging out of his mask, at his boyfriend of four years, and friend for much longer. His mouth opened and closed without any sound coming out. Surely he had heard wrong?
A battle cry shook him out of his daze and Raph turned to face the enemy. “I don’t think now’s really the best time, ‘Sagi!”
Usagi parried a blow from his own attacker. “Now may be the only time, my love!
Raph whirled around to bash the opponent he sensed behind him, but Usagi was already there. Always watching his back. 
Usagi caught Raph's wrist in his hand. "Raphael! I've made my choice." He lowered their hands and leaned closer. His voice was soft and gentle, completely at odds with the battle raging around them. "What's yours?"
So many feelings swirled within Raph's chest: adrenaline, the thrill of the fight, bewilderment, awe. And love, love, love for this insanely incredible rabbit that he was just so damn lucky to have in his life. 
All of these feelings came rushing out in one great burst in the form of a shout Raph threw behind him. "Yo Casey! Marry us!"
"Uh I'm a bit busy at the moment, bro!" Casey called back from where he was pushing the head of a foot goon into a car window with one hand and using the other to knock two more back with his hockey stick. "Besides, why me?!"
"Didn't you become an officiant or whatever it is?" Raph punched another goon so hard they fell back into their buddies. "Y'know! So you could make sure your cousin could get married when he found someone nice!"
Realization dawned on Casey's face. "Oh yeah. I did do that!" He grabbed the back of the foot ninja's shirt and hauled them out of the car before throwing them into the group surrounding him. Then he leapt up on top of the car. He stood proudly as he made his declaration, "Dear esteemed guests! We're gathered here today-"
A ninja crept up behind Casey, a knife ready to stab him in the back. But no one needed to warn him, he swung his hockey stick right into their jaw. "-to bash your teeth in, bitch!" 
Raph can't help but chuckle at Casey as he and Usagi fight in tandem. He decides to help the poor guy out. 
He grabs Usagi's hand as they dance around each other. "Miyamoto Usagi. Do you take me to be your husband?"
His samurai gives him that warm smile he only ever gives Raph, even as he cuts down a foot soldier. "I do!" 
And Raph laughs again, unable to fight the joy. "Great!"
Usagi pulls Raph in to parry the blade of another ninja. “Raphael Splinterson. Do you take me to be your husband?” They fight off the swordsman together, sword and sai working in sync. “In sickness and in health, through battle and peace?”
Raph knows he’s got a dopey grin on his face even as he reaches past Usagi to catch the blade coming down behind the rabbit with his sai. His other hand barely leaves Usagi’s. Even when they do let go to parry this attack or land that blow, they never leave the other’s side and soon they’re right back together with their hands clasped. “I do!”
Casey, still on the roof of the car, kicks the head of a dragon punk like he would a soccer ball. “As Raph’s best bud and by the state of New York --ha!-- I now pronounce you husbands! You may now-” Two more try to jump onto the car with him, but he hits them out of the air before they have a chance. “You may–fore!” Another tries to rush at him, but he uses his hockey stick to smack the side of their head.
Raph and Usgai fight with their backs to each other, defending their love while they wait for those final words from their friend that will seal the deal.
“Oh just kiss already!”
Sword meets sai above their heads as they spin, ready to meet the next opponent. They realize who they’re looking at and just as quickly their weapons fall to their sides as Usagi grabs Raph’s shoulder with his free hand to pull him in for a kiss.
A few moments stretch into a brief eternity. The battle continues around them, friends and brothers alike fighting their enemies so that one day, they can live in peace. But for these moments there is peace. A few blissful moments where it feels like the world is empty of everything but each other. They embrace as they kiss, and Raphael marvels at the softness of his samurai’s fur. His husband Raph remembers. They’re husbands.
The sounds of fighting filter back in, and they can’t stay still for long. They jump back into the fray with hearts full and grins they can’t shake, never leaving each other’s side for the rest of the fight. They won’t leave each other’s side for the rest of their lives.
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frogonamelon · 11 months
Practically All of the Non Hamato and Non Villian characters
(also known as I have brainrot about my turtles’ world and wanted to share the human (or ‘human’) squad with you!)
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The closest manhole to the turtles’ lair is in the center of the courtyard of Arcadia Apartments, a small 2 story building with three apartments on each story, the owner’s apartment (although it's functionally abandoned), and a communal laundry/ other uses space. The residents of these apartments are the characters I want to share with you today!
April [Top Left]: A human woman in her early 20s just getting on her feet  while going for her degree in Anthropology at the local community college. She is an amateur journalist who runs a blog about local cryptids and legends that people think are fun but no one really believes. April finds out the truth about these cryptids on one fateful rainy night on her way home from a late night class.
Casey [Bottom Left]: A 20 something year old mechanic by day and vigilante by night under the name The Penalizer. Due to issues with his mom and his dad out of the picture, he lives with and has not so legally recognized custody of his younger sister (although he has a hard time being there for her with everything going on.) He has played every sport known to man but his true love is ice hockey. Despite all logic, he is a morning person. 
Angel [Not Depicted]: Casey’s 15 year old sister who has been mixed up with the Purple Dragons for some time. Due to Casey not being around to check her, she is able to go out with them without intervention.
Frankie and Sydney [Top Right]: A couple in their early 30s who live in the human world with their two young children: Sunita (age 5) and Timothy (age 2) [Not Depicted]. Frankie is an entertainer for rent at various establishments and events while Sydney works as a bartender at Run of the Mill. Sydney is a cool mom type with Frankie being a goofy doting husband. That one couple who give really good advice and are destined to be a cute old couple one day. 
Irma [Middle Left]: A type A very structured and successful hardass (affectionate) woman in her late 20s maybe early 30s. Irma works at Stockman Enterprises in one of their engineering labs. At least… as a cover. She is a robotic human suit being piloted by a smaller yokai being that resembles a gray alien.
Keno [Small in the Center]: A mid to late 20s man who's just living life and working as a delivery man. He games in his free time and is honestly living the most chill life of all of them. Can and absolutely will cook for everyone, as long as they pitch in financially of course. Is the first and only person April told about the turtles after that fateful night. When he inevitably joins forces with the turtles, he is backup tech support, hacking, manning drones, machines, and cameras from their lair (or his own apartment setup) whenever Donnie’s unable to in the field. 
Mei [Center Leftish]: I’m going to keep this brief as I’ve explained her backstory and role here. This is her in her younger days, back when she was more aggressive and inexperienced in the ways of the world outside the arena but after her defeat at the hands of Splinter/ Shen. Despite being a source of wisdom for her neighbors, I could see her becoming an antagonist with the right motivation.
This character doesn’t live with the others but I drew him here:
Yukichi [Bottom Right]: The cousin and mentee of Miyamoto Usagi. After an event in his past, he was shot through the multiverse, unable to find his way back. He travels around the multiverse as a ronin helping/ protecting people and exploring the various universes. He has a sword with the mystic power to control the wind (a la the mythology around Grasscutter and Yuichi having a mystic weapon). 
It's likely I’ll do a separate post about him someday and why I made this decision in depth, but it felt too strange to change Miyamoto this much, but this version of Leo doesn’t match Yuichi’s personality. I thought the premise of taking a naiver and more optimistic character and having him become more like his mentor through experience would be interesting.
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tamavonpineapple · 2 years
Hi! Saw your post about the Usagi’s. Firstly—completely valid. It’s funny because I sometimes see (Miyamoto) Usagi fans say they dislike Yuichi here and there and honestly…I don’t blame them? I adore yuichi personally but I can totally understand why fans of the comics or (M)Usagi don’t like him the show. For me, I feel the biggest issue I have with (Y)Usagi is a lot of people merge both characters into one…it almost feels like people get the two mixed up and try to combine their personalities/appearances/traits etc which is a shame because despite their similarities, they are separate characters.
As for the age thing, not sure if you’ve checked it out but highly recommend watching the 2003 TMNT show. Usagi’s adaption in that show is younger and pretty different compared to the 1987/2012TMNT and Netflix show but it’s still (M)Usagi at heart. The beauty of Usagi Yojimbo is he’s depicted in many ways in the comics and animations and can be flexible with how people do their take on him. It’s just nicer seeing a Miyamoto that isn’t Yuichi’s personality.
Anyway ah! Hope this ask finds you well. I’ll check out your fanfic I am intrigued to see how you handle Usagi and it’s nice you’ve checked out the comics. They are a real treat!
I made a response to a post in defense of Yuichi, those who haven't read it should go to my profile because I'm going to summarize what I said there. First I want to apologize to all Yuichi fans for my words. Not because it was my intention to disrespect them, but because in my opinion, I am usually very performative and it is something that my friends know about me, but I get carried away and forget that outside of my group, nobody knows that I tend to exaggerate my opinions and I did not measure the way in which I expressed my opinion. I apologize to all of Yuichi's fans for that.
And yes, I agree with you about the multiple iterations of the character, it is possible to adapt it in many ways, but it is a pity that the very human scene of Sakai's work is lost in the adaptation. Sakai is a very good author and from what I have seen, a very precious person in the industry, so I would love to see an adaptation that does justice to his work.
And I don't think Netflix did a good job.
As for the 03 series, I was too young when I saw it, so although I remember that I got to see it, I don't remember enough as a cousin when she tells me that it was one of my favorite shows. (more if I remember that I loved the ones from 2012, and that I drew them a lot at the time)
I also want to say that I've lost a lot of experience, and it's been a while since I wrote seriously, so my writing might be a bit clumsy at times, I hope I'll improve by the time I start writing Rabbit Stew.
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skrapa-doodlzz · 9 months
Buny :3 I has a question abt your iteration- Is your Usagi from the same family and world as Miyamoto Usagi and Yuichi Usagi or unrelated? Jus curious abt them 👀
You could name the iteration after yourself (skrapaturtles, TMNT: Skrapa ) I think it sounds really metal, or just as a placeholder name until you come up with smth concrete :3
ooo i actually haven't thought too much about akimitsu. i'm thinkin he's gonna be the lil cousin of yuichi
and yeah that's a good idea👍 placeholder woooooo
thanks for the ask moggie!
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grase111 · 2 years
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Jotaro so proud of his "Twin cousin"
At my story,Jotaro is son of Leonardo and Miyamoto Usagi,He does not have mystical powers like his father Leo but his ability to handle swords is increasing, he knows samurai tactics thanks to Usagi
Daniel is son of Donatello and April, he's really smart like his father but it's lazy, spoiled and a little selfish,Unlike Jotaro he doesn't need a cloaking brooch because he's more human thanks to April
Pd: I really love the design of Leo from the future and that's why I used it (with two arms this time lol)💖💖💖
Jotaro (this version) by me
Daniel by Alia.kun.yo on Instagram
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I’m expanding my OCs Rise lore when I only planed on redesigning her in the rise style. I’m never going to write anything for any of my OCs but now I’m working on an Usagi Miyamoto Rise design and have THOUGHTS.
So Lucia’s family tree is expanding. So now she has her (no longer identical) twin sister Clara. Younger (bigger) brother Leatherhead. Kitsune parent Momo (formerly Jun) and I’m changing her Rabbit yokai parent Violante into a Jackalope.
Violante now has an older sister (also jackalope) who moved to Japan, got married to a Lunar Rabbit Samurai, and had one kid. Our dear Usagi Miyamoto. (On another note, I’m surprised more people don’t have him called Miyamoto in fics more often. It is his given name. Usagi is his surname.) So now Usagi is that cool cousin you don’t see often but always look up too.
I’m going with Usagi being a little older than the twins. The girls are 16 as of the Rise movie, so Usagi is 17. With Leathehead coming in at 13. (He’s big but young. That causes the trio problems)
For his design, I’m taking a page from the Rise crews design book and using one basic shape as a base.
Raindrop shapes. His head, his ears, his torso. Shoulders, hands, legs, and feet. All mostly basic raindrop shapes.
These are what little I have so far. Click the pics to see them better.
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cousin-counter · 21 days
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"These are my companions!"
"Hajimemasite! I am called Tomoe Ame."
"I am Usagi-san's cousin, Yukichi."
"I am Jotaro."
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cousin-counter · 28 days
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"We've got to be going, cousin!"
"This villager has agreed to be our guide."
"I am Hiro!"
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cousin-counter · 14 days
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"Don't grieve, cousin... I had to do it...
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cousin-counter · 1 month
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"Chizu is the former head of the neko ninja clan!" *sip*
"You have very interesting friends, cousin!"
IDW #29
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