swaps55 · 5 months
Pixel when you tell him it's Walk Time, not Ball Time.
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Pixel 'I Cause Problems On Purpose' :
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vakarians-babe · 10 months
Hi, I was just wondering if you sell prints of your art anywhere? I love your Cullen/Lavellan art and would love to put it on my wall. :)
I'm so sorry for the delay in answering this ask! Tbh I've been trying to set up an inprnt for a lil bit, but I'm not entirely sure what pieces to put up--if you'd like to see any in particular, you can hop in my inbox and lemme know!
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foofyschmoofer · 11 months
Oh man all I keep hearing about is Astarion and what a kinky fucker he is. It’s even in the Halsin tag. I don’t get it. Not everyone is sleeping on Halsin but a lot of people are.
I must have gotten lucky with my circle then lol I mean for awhile, I couldn’t take a step without tripping over an Astarion post 🤣 but now, not necessarily on tumblr where there’s a healthy mix of most of the companions, but discord? So much Halsin. And not all of it necessarily sexual, a lot of it has been sweet fan art of him and ducks.
I have yet to make it far enough to meet him in-game (I got sucked into Skyrim again just before BG3 release) but I’m very much looking forward to it
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laelior · 2 years
Okay so like to continue Rogue One discussion, I think one of my favorite things about that ending is that they never kiss. It’s just all these LOOKS and these LONGINGS about what could have been. It’s a lifetime, they don’t even NEED the kiss.
EXACTLY. It's all in the eyes. The way they see a whole world in each other for the first and last time.
I mean, major props to Diego Luna and Felicity Jones for how they acted that scene. It's so understated and subtle. And despite everything, it plays out hopefully. That they found something in each other was that worth everything.
I just *clenches fist* love them so much.
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wrathbites · 10 months
14 and 41 for spotify wrapped!!
14 is "Superhero" from Simon Curtis!
And 41... "My Love", Vitamin String Quartet!
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ittyybittybaker · 10 months
2, 4, 24 and 42 for the Spotify wrapped game!
2.) Blame - The Maine [x]
4.) Loved You A Little - The Maine ft. Taking Back Sunday and Charlotte Sands
42.) Meltdown - Niall Horan [x]
Spotify Wrapped Ask Game
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liminal-zone · 2 years
Liz can I tell you a Great Lakes fact that terrifies me? If you take all of the water out of the lakes and spread it over the entire land mass of the lower 48, the water would be 12 feet deep. TWELVE FEET DEEP.
I made a hoarse wheezing noise imagining this.
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asoiafreadthru · 1 year
The Greyjoys of Pyke claim descent from the Grey King of the Age of Heroes. Legend says the Grey King ruled not only the western isles but the sea itself, and took a mermaid to wife.
For thousands of years, raiders from the Iron Islands—called “ironmen” by those they plundered—were the terrors of the seas, sailing as far as the Port of Ibben and the Summer Isles. They prided themselves on their fierceness in battle and their sacred freedoms.
Each island had its own “salt king” and “rock king.” The High King of the Isles was chosen from among their number, until King Urron made the throne hereditary by murdering the other kings when they assembled for a choosing.
Urron’s own line was extinguished a thousand years later when the Andals swept over the islands. The Greyjoys, like the other island lords, intermarried with the conquerors.
The Iron Kings extended their rule far beyond the isles themselves, carving kingdoms out of the mainland with fire and sword. King Qhored could truthfully boast that his writ ran “wherever men can smell salt water or hear the crash of waves.” In later centuries, Qhored’s descendants lost the Arbor, Oldtown, Bear Island, and much of the western shore.
Still, come the Wars of Conquest, King Harren the Black ruled all the lands between the mountains, from the Neck to the Blackwater Rush.
When Harren and his sons perished in the fall of Harrenhal, Aegon Targaryen granted the riverlands to House Tully, and allowed the surviving lords of the Iron Islands to revive their ancient custom and choose who should have the primacy among them. They chose Lord Vickon Greyjoy of Pyke.
The Greyjoy sigil is a golden kraken upon a black field.
Their words are We Do Not Sow.
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sebeth · 2 years
The World Of Ice And Fire: The Andals Vs The Children of the Forest, the Ironborn, and the North (Revised 12/7/22)
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
  Erreg the Kinslayer, an Andal hero, came upon a grove of weirwood trees in High Heart. The Children of the Forest, under the protection of the Kings of the First Men, tended the trees. Archmaester Laurent’s Old Places of the Trident notes the grove contained thirty-one weirwood trees.
Erreg and company promptly started cutting down the trees. The Children and the First Men united to defend the holy grove but were slain by the Andals. The ghosts of the slain are said to haunt the place and rivermen shun the location to this day.
Erreg sounds like a charming character. Is he mentioned in the Seven’s texts? What kin did he slay?
Were Erreg and his fellow Andals so intent on destroying the weirwood grove because they were aware of the Children’s magical abilities or was it only due to the weirwoods’ importance in a rival religion?
The Andals then focused on the Children: “The Andals proved bitter enemies to the remaining children. To their eyes, the children worshipped strange gods and had strange customs, and so the Andals drove them out of all the deep woods the Pact had once given them. Weakened and grown insular over the years, the children lacked whatever advantages they once had over the First Men. And what the First Men could never succeed in doing – eradicating the Children entirely – the Andals managed to achieve in short order. Some few Children may have fled to the Neck, where there was safety amidst the bogs and crannogs, but if they did, no trace of them remains. It is possible that a few survived on the Isle of Faces, as some have written, under the protection of the green men, whom the Andals never succeeded in destroying. But again, no definitive proof has ever been found.”
I would say the Children did flee to both areas. Howland and Jojen Reed of the Neck have magical abilities that seem to derive from the Children, and no one can land on the Isle of Faces due to repeated mysterious winds and bird attacks. The Children of the Forest are also still found north of the Wall.
The Andals defeated the First Men and conquered the southron kingdoms after endless battles and wars. Many of the defeated First Men took up the faith of the Seven.
The Andals switched from conquest to consolidation. Many Andals “took the wives and daughters of the defeated kings to wife, as a means of solidifying their right to rule.” Many southron castles retained their godswoods with carved weirwoods to avoid conflicts on differing faiths.
It took a thousand years for the Andals to turn their attention to the Iron Islands. The Andals underwent a renewed zeal and “swept over the islands”, extinguishing the line of Urron Redhand, “which had ruled by axe and sword for a thousand years”.
The Andals tried to convert the Ironborn to the faith of the Seven but they said “no thanks, we only worship the Drowned God”. Eventually, the Andals on the Iron Islands converted to the Drowned God religion, though a few houses remember the Seven.
 The North remained unconquered. Numerous Andal armies were destroyed in attempts to take the North “thanks to the impenetrable swamps of the Neck and the ancient keep of Moat Cailin”. The Kings of Winter “preserved their independent rule for centuries to come.”
Dorne isn’t mentioned as one of the unconquered areas so apparently they weren’t “unbowed, unbent, and unbroken” in regards to the Andal invasion.
Speaking of Dorne, up next: The Rhoynar.
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ad-astra13 · 28 days
Thanks for the tag, @onthewaytosomewhere!
There were a lot of great options and I tried to narrow it down without choosing all the same genre.😅
No pressure tags, but it was fun looking through the movies that came out the year I was born.
@writes-in-space, @bigassbowlingballhead, @eusuntgratie, @faketrex, @sparklepocalypse
@cr-noble-writes, @mallaidhsomo, @violetbaudelaire-quagmire, @swaps55, @urrone
@thefrostyshepard, @onthewaytosomewhere, @mtreebeardiles, @kiwiana-writes, @cha-melodius
@polarlys, @rotschopf-thedrow, @bioticbooty, @cactusdragon517, @arcanistsdelight
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swaps55 · 8 months
An actual ask for the trademark game: I can always tell when I’m reading one of your fics because you make me feel things in the most delicate and small detail of an interaction. Things I don’t even think I’ve really picked up on until the end when I see the whole picture. You’re painting masterworks with the smallest brushstrokes.
I do not deserve you, but I am keeping you forever.
For those who don't know, @urrone and I have been a vortex of cool for over 20 years. Opus does not exist without her, the first kiss AUs do not exist without her, and Sam & Kaidan canonically getting together via a fake dating scheme is entirely her fault.
Okay, I said I'd put snippets with these, and I'm not sure it counts, but it's something I think about a lot. In Sonata, after a disastrous experience on the stand during an inquest, Kaidan asks Sam how the Alliance would control him if they wanted to. Sam gives him an honest answer:
“What would you do?” Kaidan asks, voice dull. “If you wanted to control me. How would you do it?”
Kaidan faces him. “You’ve already thought about it. Don’t try to tell me you haven’t. Come on. I can take it.”
Shepard straightens his shoulders, expression closing up in ways that feel like a kick in the gut.
“This could be important,” Kaidan insists. “I’ve been watching your back for five years. Help me keep doing it. Please.”
Shepard exhales heavily. “Fine. Aside from the mutiny I couldn’t attack your service record, and the mutiny is going to be negated by this inquest.”
His confidence is comforting. But it’s the only thing that is.
“You’ve got too much integrity to be bought,” Shepard continues. “Best way to get you out of my hair would be to isolate you. Take your team away. Send you down the first rabbit hole I could find that would make you feel like you were doing something useful. Just not the useful thing I want to keep you away from. To keep you in line, you have to feel like you’re making a difference. Even if you’re not.”
Kaidan stares back out across the plaza. Off in the distance a group of cadets run laps. They look so young. “You’re holding back. Give me all of it.”
The gravity well shivers as Shepard flicks a spark of blue energy off his fingers. His expression is dark, eyes opaque, voice hard, like he’s talking to someone on the opposite end of his pistol instead of his closest friend.
“You’re an idealist. I’d try to make those ideals disappoint you. Make you cynical. Make you bitter.” The lines of Shepard’s forehead deepen. “You will always do the right thing. Only way to stop you is to set you up to fail. And make the price so high you’d break.”
Kaidan nods. It stings. Of course it does. Because Shepard’s right. That’s exactly how they’d do it.
The worst part is knowing it would work.
The "whole picture" you don't get in this moment comes in Fugue and Mezzo. During Fugue, Kaidan, who has turned Sam's words over in his head a thousand times, ultimately forces all of these "weaknesses" to become strengths the Alliance can't exploit.
In Mezzo, everything Sam predicts the Alliance will do to Kaidan...the Illusive Man does to Sam.
...and it works.
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vakarians-babe · 10 months
https://www.tumblr.com/urrone/713182097925406720 hey no worries on the delayed answer!! This is one is my absolute favorite but honestly I would be happy for any art of them!
(the secret is that this is one of my favorites too)
You can find it in my Inprnt store here!
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ferindencadash · 6 months
15 Questions for 15 Friends
Tagged by @teamdilf and @finchmarie Thank you! ❤️
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE?: My dad's ex-girlfriend. 🙃 Not weird at all, right?? I was going to be named something else entirely (which I would have actually preferred as it easily shortened to a masculine name) but my mother mentioned it to her sister-in-law, who gave birth two months before my mom did, and she used the name for my cousin! My mom was unimpressed. So I got a backup name. (My dad swears it's just cause he liked the name, they weren't even that serious.)
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: Hmm... A couple weeks ago I think? While reading fanfic. 😅
DO YOU HAVE KIDS?: Nope. Tried a while back. Turns out my reproductive organs are broken as hell. It was probably for the best as it means I'm not permanently tied to my now-ex. Hope to foster some day.
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED?: Hahahahahahahahahaa... no. Though every school coach tried to recruit me for basketball until they found out I have zero hand-eye coordination.
DO YOU USE SARCASM?: Probably too often.
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE?: Hair, I think? Or some cool shirt/accessory.
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS?: Happy endings. But I like monster movies.
ANY TALENTS?: I like to think I'm getting pretty good at writing? I hope... I'm also a former pastry chef, so I can make all kinds of fancy shit and wedding cakes and such.
WHERE WERE YOU BORN?: Ontario, Canada.
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES?: Writing, gaming, reading fanfic excessively, crochet (and knitting, cross stitch, sewing, all the fibre arts basically).
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?: Currently two cats. Orange and Void. The Halloween Duo.
HOW TALL ARE YOU?: 6 foot (hence the basketball)
DREAM JOB?: I do not dream of labour. But since I must work, I really just want to do something I can feel good about. And if I could pay my bills, that would be a nice touch.
If you want to play: @biotickaidan @dandenbo @rowansnaps @aleksxo @deerbab @lonesurvivorao3 @hippotooth @vorchagirl @keriweird @eavangeek @eregarden @maintitle @choccy-zefirka @urrone @tatterings and literally anyone who's interested. ❤️
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writes-in-space · 6 months
Thanks for the tag to do this picrew, @ad-astra13
So here’s my face, kinda:
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Tagging @mallaidhsomo @urrone @swaps55 @screwyouflightlieutenant and @crescentbunny . No pressure, ofc
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laelior · 5 months
shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals <3
Thank you! I love any excuse to inflict my taste in music on others. <3 Tagging @bisexual-kaidan-alenko and @vela-ad-astra, since they tagged me in a similar game a while back (sorry for taking while!)
Electric Six - Danger! High Voltage!
They Might Be Giants - Particle Man
Tacocat - Men Explain Things to Me
Great Big Sea - The Chemical Workers Song (Process Man)
Nina Simone - Feeling Good
Going to tag @shadoedseptmbr @urrone @favoriteblogonthecitadel @dandenbo and @unicorn-farm (no pressure, of course).
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nextstopwonderland · 5 months
Tagged by @urrone for this:
shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals <3
Semantics tangent: so I don’t have many “playlists” but I do have lots of “mixes” - I consider a playlist something that you throw a bunch of songs onto that might consist of lots from the same artist and not in any particular order but probably has some sort of theme. Mixes I consider as carefully curated in terms of song, artist, order, and theme and title.
I couldn’t possibly pick my favorite mix that I listen to. So I’m just going to go with my “tub tunes” one which is probably more of a playlist as my only criteria was relaxing songs to listen to while in the bath, order was less important to me and I didn’t come up with a title that’s a song lyric as I usually do.
Here are 5 shuffled songs from Tub Tunes
1. Knife- Grizzly Bear
2. I’m on fire - Chromatics ( Springsteen cover)
3. Love songs on the radio - Mojave 3
4. Purple Rain - Prince
5. Take Care - Yo La Tengo (Big Star cover)
Tagging anyone who wants to do it (I live for music memes)
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