beardedmrbean · 10 months
Gangland shootings and bombings that have plagued Sweden's biggest cities have spread to quieter suburbs and towns, shattering its reputation as a safe and peaceful nation.
Half an hour north of central Stockholm, Upplands-Bro features lakeside boat clubs, copper-red wooden villas and apartments flanked by pine and spruce trees.
But a 14-year-old boy was found dead in a forest here in August, and since January there have been several shootings and bombings targeting houses and apartments.
"It's awful. We've [been] woken up by explosions in the neighbourhood and it's scary," says 42-year-old Anna Petterson, who lives in Bro and has three children. "It's very much something that we're aware of, and we talk about a lot, and are afraid of."
Sweden has been a European hotspot for gang-related shootings and bombings for several years. But recently the violence has shifted beyond low-income, vulnerable urban areas and police say one reason is that gang members are increasingly targeting rivals' relatives.
Detectives suspect some of the latest violence has been organised by criminal leaders based in other countries, including Turkey and Serbia.
More than 50 people have been killed in shootings so far in 2023, and there have been more than 140 explosions. Last year, more than 60 people died in gun violence, the highest number on record.
"What started out as gun violence between young gangs looking to defend their territory has turned into a vicious circle of firearms trafficking and gun violence," explains Nils Duquet, a firearms researcher based at the Flemish Peace Institute in Brussels.
"Gangs have also matured and are no longer just the street criminals, but are often connected to higher-level criminals as well."
Innocent bystanders are also among the dead.
In September, a 70-year-old man and another man aged 20 were killed in a pub shooting in Sandviken in central Sweden, and a newly graduated teacher, 24, died in an explosion just outside the university city of Uppsala.
Soon afterwards Sweden's Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson gave a rare national address admitting that "no other country in Europe" was experiencing this sort of situation, and promising tougher penalties for deadly violence.
Evin Cetin, an author and lawyer who has represented teenage shooting victims and suspects, says boys as young as 13 or 14 are being recruited by gangs, often through social media promises of money and designer clothes.
"Children are using their own bags not to carry books, but they carry the drug markets in Sweden on their own shoulders," she tells the BBC on a visit to Upplands-Bro, part of a nationwide schools tour to more than a dozen areas affected by gang crime.
Others are trying to tackle the problem by organising street patrols in areas affected by drugs and violence.
"That we're out and go around chatting with our kids and young people - it increases safety," says Libaane Warsame, during a night walk in Jarva, northern Stockholm, on a wet, windy Friday night.
Jarva looks like a lot of Swedish suburbs, with well-maintained apartment blocks, a few shops, and a nearby forest. The main difference is that it is more multicultural than many neighbourhoods, and it has Stockholm's highest unemployment rate.
Mr Warsame began patrolling the streets after his 19-year-old son - who police say was not in a gang - was killed in a shooting in December 2020.
"It's hard for [young people] to sit at home for hours without any income, any work. So they go out and stand around and there's a big risk that they will be recruited."
He also runs an organisation that supports families who have lost loved ones in deadly violence.
This year there have not been any fatal shootings in Jarva, but many locals say they remain on edge.
"I haven't been outside so late… because I don't want to make my mum worried," says Gizem Kuzucu, 17.
She often spends her evenings studying at Framtidens Hus, a youth centre, and says none of her friends have been in trouble with the law. But she has been exposed to crime on social media.
"I've seen a lot of videos on TikTok [in which] people are, like, talking about crime. They are like saying 'follow me on Instagram, I'm gonna post like a rapper that got killed'."
Another teenager at the youth centre, Libaan, says he grew up around older criminals and "did commit a few crimes" when he was younger.
"Kids here, they are really, really mean to each other…they don't know how to speak about their emotions, so what they do instead is that they lash out," says the 18-year-old.
Swedish police do not currently map gang members' nationalities, but research for the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention in 2021 showed young people born in Sweden to two parents from abroad were overrepresented as suspects in murder cases and robberies.
The right-wing coalition government, elected in September 2022, believes the rise in gang violence in recent years is directly connected to Sweden's earlier immigration policies. Until 2016, it had one of the most generous asylum laws in Europe.
"We can now see that 'outsideship' and lack of integration, in combination with trade of narcotics and organised crime is creating this very, very toxic mixture," Foreign Minister Tobias Billstrom told the BBC in September.
The government wants to make it harder for immigrants from outside the European Union to get social benefits, and to make preschool compulsory for children with two foreign parents in some areas, in order to improve Swedish-language skills.
Earlier this year, it became an offence to recruit children to participate in criminal activities. Stop-and-search zones are set to be introduced in early 2024 and ministers want to double prison sentences for offences including gun crimes and explosions.
The BBC was not granted a government interview to discuss these plans, despite multiple requests.
At the state-funded Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, researcher Klara Hradilova-Selin believes tackling gang crime "should have been a more important issue earlier" for previous coalitions on both the right and left of the political spectrum.
"There are colleagues of mine who were actually warning like decades ago [about] this kind of development of growing marginalisation in the deprived areas."
Worries about how gang conflicts are impacting the country's international image are also growing. "Sweden has always been viewed as an extremely safe country. Maybe one of the top safe countries in the world. And this image is falling apart," says Hradilova-Selin.
According to a recent survey for the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, eight out of 10 Swedish companies questioned believe it will get harder to attract foreign talent, investment and visitors due to the ongoing violence.
At Framtidens Hus youth centre, teenagers are being offered the chance to drive, dance and make podcasts. Former criminal Libaan says he would like a job that involves writing, or helping others, but he believes his future is also dependent on how he is treated by other Swedes.
"I don't feel included in the culture even though I'm born here. They kind of see me as this ghetto kid who has no future."
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nerdintheforest · 1 year
"I want a rune stone on a chair"
ok bro, let me ask an expert
Rune illustration by @grimmborg-in-the-bog
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Final engraving after cleanup
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Setting her aside after stain. We'll come back to this project later. Other quests need our attention!
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lolitastad · 2 years
Söker du specialister inom städ? Vi utför hemstädning, storstädning, flyttstädning m.m. över Danderyd, Ekerö,Haninge, Huddinge,Järfälla,Lidingö, Nacka, Salem, Sigtuna, Sollentuna,Solna, Stockholm, Sundbyberg, Södertälje,Tyresö,Täby, Upplands-Bro,Upplands Väsby,Vallentuna, Vaxholmen, Få utmärkta resultat till rätt pris! Ring oss! 0727032427 email: [email protected] web: http://lolitastad.se http://cleanhome.se
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atsvensson · 2 months
Skjutningarna i Jordbro och Upplands-Bro hänger ihop
På tisdagen den gångna veckan inträffade det två skjutningar i Stockholmsområdet. I Jordbro och Upplands-Bro. Skjutningarna i Jordbro och Upplands-Bro hänger ihop har det visat det sig. Därför har de sannolikt med konflikten mellan Ismail Abdos (Jordgubben) del av Foxtrotnätverket som numera kallas Rumba och resterna av Rawa Majids (Räven) del av Foxtrotnätverket att göra. Det dominerande…
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karlsvensson · 1 year
Ztorage presenterar sin senaste artikel: "Magasinering för företag: Hur du kan använda extra förvaring till din fördel"
Artikeln finns tillgänglig på: https://www.ztorage.se/blogg/magasinering-for-foretag-hur-du-kan-anvanda-extra-forvaring-till-din-fordel/
Ztorage, en ledande leverantör av förvaringslösningar och logistiktjänster, är stolta över att presentera sin senaste artikel: "Magasinering för företag: Hur du kan använda extra förvaring till din fördel". 
Artikeln ger värdefull information om fördelarna med att använda förvaringslösningar för att optimera och effektivisera företags verksamhet.
I dagens konkurrensutsatta affärsmiljö är det viktigt att hitta sätt att effektivisera och optimera sin verksamhet. Ztorage erbjuder därför en rad olika förvaringslösningar för företag och organisationer som vill maximera sin produktivitet och minimera sina kostnader.
I artikeln "Magasinering för företag: Hur du kan använda extra förvaring till din fördel" går Ztorage igenom flera viktiga aspekter av magasinering och hur det kan gynna företag och organisationer:
Utrymmesoptimering: Med extra förvaring kan företag frigöra värdefullt kontorsutrymme genom att lagra inventarier, dokument och säsongsmaterial på en säker plats utanför arbetsplatsen.
Kostnadseffektivitet: Magasinering kan bidra till att minska kostnaderna för företag genom att optimera användningen av arbetsytor, vilket kan leda till besparingar på hyra och andra fasta kostnader.
Flexibilitet: Förvaringslösningar erbjuder företag möjligheten att expandera eller minska sitt lagringsutrymme efter behov, vilket ger flexibilitet att anpassa sig till förändringar i marknadsförhållandena eller företagets tillväxt.
Säkerhet: Genom att använda förvaringslösningar för att skydda värdefulla föremål, dokument och data, kan företag säkerställa att deras tillgångar är skyddade mot skada, stöld och andra risker.
Effektiv logistik: För företag som behöver snabb och enkel tillgång till sina lagrade föremål, erbjuder Ztorage logistiktjänster som inkluderar hämtning, leverans och hantering av förvarade föremål.
"Magasinering för företag: Hur du kan använda extra förvaring till din fördel" ger läsarna en klar förståelse för hur extra förvaring kan vara en nyckelresurs för att optimera och effektivisera företags verksamhet. Artikeln finns nu tillgänglig på Ztorage's hemsida och är gratis för alla intresserade att läsa.
För mer information om Ztorage och deras förvarings- och logistiktjänster, besök deras hemsida på ztorage.se. 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ztorage.se
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ztorage/
Google Maps: Ztorage
08-410 718 00
Mätarvägen 43
196 37 Upplands-Bro
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storagesthlm · 2 years
Self-Storage Stockholm - Ztorage
Vi hämtar, förvarar och kör tillbaka dina saker. Eftersom vi hämtar upp dina saker så kan vi lagra dem mer effektivt i vår trygga lagercentral utanför stadskärnan. Vi kan på så sätt erbjuda ett bättre pris än traditionella förråd. Ni hittar oss på: Mätarvägen 43, 196 37 Upplands-Bro
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theshatterednotes · 5 years
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Swedish novelist Sigfrid Siwertz
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Vi på demokratiskolan har gjort en enkät om jämställdhet i Sverige, vi har pratat mycket om jämställdhet och tycker det är ett väldigt intressant ämne. Eftersom att vi tycker det är viktigt så vill samtidigt veta vad folket tycker eller tänker om jämställdhet , så vi kommer då dela ut enkäten till folk för att få information om deras ställningstagande angående jämställdhet 
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Dubbelmord i Upplands-Bro: Två personer ihjälskjutna Skjutningen skedde på råby vid Råbyskolan i Bro. Först hittade polisen en skottskadad person och när de sedan började söka av området så fann de en till skjuten person.
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dagenssvenska · 3 years
Åkte igenom Upplands-Bro för några veckor sedan, och jag vill minnas att det hade ett väldigt fint kommunvapen… vad tycker du?
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Hmmmm. Den känns som en väldigt, väldigt billig kopia, som dessutom missade all kvalitetskontroll, av Botkyrkas kommunvapen:
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“Gör ditt val, slyna. Yxan eller fisken?”
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30th August 2021 // Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel continued their digital meetings with representatives of the Executive Committees of various municipalities - this time Upplands-Bro in Central Sweden and Hjo in the West - where they received an update on the local response to the pandemic. Since the start of 2021 they have made these unofficial calls to at least 211 municipalities, representing almost two thirds of Swedish residents.
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seidrstuff · 6 years
January: Uller/Ullr/Ull/Ullinn/Ollerus
The Lore
As most Norse sagas start with a very large accounting of who is related to who: 
According to the Prose Edda, Uller is the son of Sif, the goddess of grain who is the wife of Thor. Uller is not the son of Thor, rather identified as his stepson, and his father is not identified in the sources we have. After Skadi's marriage to Njord dissolves, Skadi and Uller are linked together as a couple.
Norse poetic structures, or kennings, tell us that Uller is an archer, a skier, a hunter and skater(hence the connection to winter).
In the Grimnismal section of the Poetic Edda, Uller's home is named as Ydalir, or Yew Dales. Yew was the wood of choice for archers in the ancient world, and this association strengthens Uller's connection to bows and archery.
In Gesta Danorum by Saxo Germanicus, Ollerus, (the Latinized version of Uller) is a wizard who uses a certain bone with marks upon it to cross the seas (does that sound like skates to you? Or perhaps snowshoes?).
Despite the sparseness of references in the songs and stories, we assume Uller was an important deity because there are several places in Sweden and Norway that are named after him. (including what archeologists think was a cult site in Lillia Ullevi or place that is sacred to Uller, in Bro, Stockholm county Sweden)
The Filter
I grew up with skiing and snowshoeing and hunting, so when I am out in the winter with the cold biting my lungs and frosting the inside of my nose, I feel closest to Uller.
I'm not the only person that associates Uller with winter and winter sports. In Breckenridge, CO, there is UllrFest, which falls on the third weekend in January. UllrFest is a celebration of snow, skiing and officially ending the Christmas season by burning your Christmas trees. "To repay Ullr for his gift of snow, we here in Breckenridge hold a festival to honor the god of winter."
Many ski towns have some sort of Viking celebration in the winter. In Whitefish where I grew up, we had the Winter Carnival, where Vikings fought Yetis in the parade.
Just a note, both of these celebrations have been marred by white supremacists. Which both hurts my heart and makes me furious. It is, however, one of the deep problems among Norse pagans that we must fight against. These people are not welcome to sully my great joy in my faith. 
I honor Uller by thanking him for winter on New Year's Day. Now that I live in the city, I have fewer opportunities to honor him out in his element, but I will still pour a glass of vodka for him and toast to him.
As always, your mileage will most certainly vary.
The Sources
The Poetic Edda Grímnismal book
The Prose Edda Gylfaginning book
The Gesta Danorum book
Viking Archeology Cult Site Dedicated to the God Ullr Discovered in Bro, Uppland web article
UllrFest 2019 Breckenridge CO website
2019 Whitefish Winter Carnival website
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hgfnynas · 3 years
Upplands-Bro toppar listan – Vaxholm i botten med noll nya hyresrätter
Upplands-Bro toppar listan – Vaxholm i botten med noll nya hyresrätter
Kommunerna har ett bostadsförsörjningsansvar men det är stora skillnader mellan länets kommuner när det gäller färdigställda hyresrätter 2015-2020 visar siffror från Länsstyrelsen. Flest hyresbostäder har… … 21 fler ordUpplands-Bro toppar listan – Vaxholm i botten med noll nya hyresrätter
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atsvensson · 6 years
Dubbelmord i Upplands-Bro
Dubbelmord i Upplands-Bro
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hgfnynas · 3 years
Kommunal värd får 29 miljoner efter byggfusk – stämde byggjätten Serneke
Kommunal värd får 29 miljoner efter byggfusk – stämde byggjätten Serneke
Byggfusk försenade inflyttningen i 178 lägenheter i Upplands-Bro med över ett år. Det ledde till att det kommunala bostadsbolaget stämde det börsnoterade byggbolaget Serneke. Nu får Upplands-Brohus 29 miljoner i ersättning för brister och förseningar.Kommunal värd får 29 miljoner efter byggfusk – stämde byggjätten Serneke
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annsan72 · 3 years
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Löparskorna var nerpackade i väskan, bara för att jag är på landet så ska jag inte slippa undan 😂 5 varma km efter en skön förmiddag i skogen när vi hittade lite 🍄. Avslutade det hela med ett litet 🏊‍♂️🐬i sjön. #tallört #kantareller #garmin #beatyesterday #pinscher #pinscherlove #germanpinscher #conspirolpinschers #dvärgpinscher #minipin #zwergpinscher #semester #loverunning #runforfun #träningsglädje #träningsinspiratören #rörelseglädje #sommar2021 #sommarlov #hälsoinspiratör #runacademy #naturenärfantastisk #2xu #hokaoneone (på/i Bredsjön (Roslags-Bro socken, Uppland)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRZMrUhIZOU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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