#Unplanned  Pregnancy
emacrow · 7 months
The justice league were at their wits ends as Klarion had been reaking havoc for 8 and half months for some apparent reasons that even the villains had no idea why he was so upsets.
To the point they had Constantine who look like he went through fresh hell and was covered in a splattered of glowing green goop from head to toe (lararus pits..?), who just started writing on the floor in every star like constellation as he started chanting in the song to.. space is so cool?!?!
Only for it to actually work, as line white gloved like hand pull itself out going from eldritch horror to form itsslf into to a very pissed, and very pregnant looking floating..boy??
"KLARION, You %&#&×*$ #&@!!!" Shouted floating boy who just.. wait did he crossed the protection barrier around the summoning circle...?!?
Only for one of the bat, probably Tim to noticed klarion getting his ass grassed into the literal ground by this very pissed off entity.
"Look what you did to me, sweet gone with the wind jerk and not one message returned?!?!?
Most of the males in the Justice league and Villain group flinched when this obvious pissed off pregnant entity kicked klarion directly in the mother pearls.
As they slowly realized one thing all together.
oh... OH,.. Oh No..
Meanwhile Jason is in a chair with glowing green covered popcorn with Dani at his apartment watching this on live TV.
"Should we tell danny that Lex was taking klarion's mail for 8 months due to them being ectoplasm concentrated covered..?" Jason said as he munched on popcorn, watching mostly danny beating the absolute soul of poor klarion who is obviously didn't realize his danny was pregnant the entire time.
"Nah, let danny take his frustration out first, it only fair for him considering klarion owed him for forgetting their anniversary." Dani said eating a bucket of fudge brownies.
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fen-luciel · 2 months
The mistakes of a Acolyte
This post is an experiment; for now, I'll publish only a few chapters to see if anyone new is interested. The story is currently ongoing on AO3.
WARNINGS: Unplanned pregnancy/toxic relationship/Sith oc-reader
Story: Many wrong choices had brought me to that moment.
Few were the ones I regretted.
Getting pregnant by Qimir? I don't think I'll ever have a definite answer to that.
All I needed to know was that I had to escape to a galaxy far, far away.
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Shopping was perhaps the worst part of the week. Summer had just arrived on the planet and the heat had always been unbearable, so being five months pregnant, everything had worsened from 1 to 100. Especially the sweat under my breasts and the belly that was terribly enormous for my current situation. The only positive part was that occasionally some neighbor would recognize me to help, but that wasn’t one of those lucky days.
I continued to walk through the market, armed with bags full of groceries. There wasn’t much left, but I had to get at least the fruit before heading home. The streets were full of all kinds of people and aliens, the stalls in full swing, yet something was off.
It was a feeling... that I hadn't felt in months, as if the Force was around me. But not the usual hum of life around me, or... the presence of someone familiar, just a powerful force lurking.
I tried to look around but saw nothing suspicious or resembling a Jedi or a Sith. I sighed before continuing my walk to the end of the street where the fruit stall was. Fortunately, the Twi'lek there knew me well and ran over to take my bags and place them on the counter. "What were you thinking? Here alone, you need a hand" I laughed slightly, following her at a slower pace. "Yeah well, as a single mother, it’s difficult, don't worry, I'll grab the last things and head home," I slowly touched my stomach, looking around. "The usual?" She asked kindly, to which I nodded, continuing to look around for new things. "Do you have something sweeter than the usual purple fruit with the unpronounceable name?" I said with a sly smile. "Unfortunately not, rather, do you want my husband to accompany you home? These are really a lot of bags" she replied, but I shook my head before taking the wallet from my bag and leaving the credits on the counter. "Don't worry, it’s not far and—" "And we will help her," said a male voice behind me.
It was like a flash of realization, behind me, strong and clear, I could feel the Force pulsing alive, after months of being shut off from it. I turned sharply and in front of me, two men in Jedi uniforms smiled kindly. My breath caught in my throat; it was impossible for them to know me, and I certainly didn't recognize them, but it was obvious they were here for me. And not just to help a poor pregnant woman.
"Excuse me, I..." but the taller of the two with dark skin took the bags the Twi'lek had handed him, full of groceries. "Wait..." "Don't complain, Sabrina, you're lucky to have two Jedi helping you, now go home and rest" she interrupted with a smile while I stood bewildered at the counter. "It's okay, Miss Sabrina, we'll accompany you home" said the other, offering me an arm which I reluctantly took. I certainly couldn’t make a scene in the store, or all the cover I had built would be blown, and in this condition hiding again might be impossible.
We walked out of the store slowly; despite the tension, I couldn’t deny that support was useful after all the walking I had done today. "So? Do you intend to introduce yourselves?" I said looking ahead, keeping my face stoic. The older man nodded before indicating himself. "You're right, we were rude. I am Master Sol, and this is Knight Yord, we apologize for the sudden intrusion, but we have been looking for you." I glanced at him sideways; the name Sol was familiar, although it could mean anything. "I am Sabrina. But let’s be honest, you're not here to help random passers by; we're on a distant planet in the Outer Rim, the Jedi have no supervision here, are you perhaps on vacation?" I said with a tight smile, allowing myself a nervous joke. Maybe I was too hasty with the questions, but I preferred to be the one asking rather than answering them. The two laughed briefly as we continued towards home; at this point, acting suspiciously would be worse. It wasn’t as if I could run very far; it was obvious the two were not mere padawans or inexperienced. "Actually, we're here for you. Or rather, we believe you know someone we're looking for" Sol said, still with a gentle smile. I looked at him confused, but my heart began to beat fast in my chest. I wanted to stay calm, afraid the two could sense my mood change, but the terror that my worst nightmare would come true clouded my rationality. There could be many possibilities, or just one, maybe being caught now would be better.
I freed myself from his grasp, pulling out the keys in front of the apartment building where I lived, searching for the door card. "Oh yeah? And who? I guess you have a name" the card activated, opening the glass doors. I gently touched my belly to hide the trembling of my hands. Neighbors came out right at that moment, an elderly couple who greeted me kindly. "Oh dear, you went shopping alone? Fortunately, you met these kind gentlemen to help you, you shouldn’t strain yourself in your condition." I could only smile at their concern. The affection people had shown me here since they found out I was a single mother was constant, help, advice, an atmosphere I had rarely encountered in my life and which had truly made me fall in love with this place. "I know, but it was really an emergency, I swear I'll ask for help next time" I replied, nodding slightly at other kind admonitions before waving goodbye and continuing to my apartment. Reaching the elevator with the two Jedi silently following me until then. "You have a warm neighborhood" said Sol as we went up to the fourth floor. I nodded, glancing at them behind me when the doors opened, and we walked into the hallway. "Yes, they’ve all been kind since I arrived, I’ve been lucky. Anyway, you were saying..." finally in front of the door, I took the right key from my pocket, but just as I was about to continue, the other young man spoke for the first time, interrupting me. "Does the name Qimir mean anything to you?"
It was like a bucket of cold water in the face. Of course. Obviously, they were looking for him. How could I have even hoped it was something else? Everything had been too quiet; it was obvious it wouldn’t stop without me, but now... there were Jedi knocking at my door. Asking if I knew him. So maybe all was not yet lost. "Sabrina? Did you hear what we said?" I turned to realize the two were looking at me, confused and a bit worried. Sol was staring at me intensely; it was obvious he understood that I knew something, I had lost awareness of my surroundings for a few seconds. "Yes, I'm just... very tired" I replied in a lower voice than I wanted. I turned to the door to open the lock, my hands visibly trembling, and they noticed it too. I tried to reach for the lock, but Sol's gentle hand took the card from me and opened the door. "Here, let's go in, you need to sit down."
The first lights of sunset were starting to enter through the window I had left open. The apartment was in shadow thanks to the sunshade of the windows, leaving the place mostly in the dark. I walked slowly into the living room, Sol at my side, concern written on his face. I turned to Yord, who still held the shopping bags, and looked around confused for a few seconds. Qimir's name echoed in my chest, choking my throat. "Can I..." but he seemed to understand immediately, shaking his head as he placed the bags on the kitchen counter. "I'll put away the groceries."
I stood there like an unsure idiot, unsure of what to say or do, as Yord opened my fridge in silence while emptying the bags. Sol's gentle but firm touch pushed me onto the sofa, where several pillows were positioned to help me sit comfortably and get up alone. I was gently pushed onto them, my tense body melting into the soft material, my feet on fire, but the worst was still in my chest, where my breath struggled to pass through as I kept myself contracted and tense. "We know you were... friends, I guess." He began rummaging through his clothes before pulling out an old printed photograph.
I recognized it immediately, the same tear at the corner, the slight stain of spilled coffee at the base, and in the image, me... and Qimir. I remember the day we took it; we had the hologram, but it was inconvenient to carry, so we had it printed, two identical ones to always carry with us on missions, both smiling while his arm warmly circled my waist, my head on his shoulder, my gaze happy... almost... in love. Ironic that I realized it when I had already made the most drastic decision. Qimir, however, always had that smile, the one of someone who knows too much and doesn't want to tell you out of spite. I hated his insolence when I first met him, but over time I got used to it as he got used to my ironic comments. We loved teasing each other; at first glance, we looked like two insolent kids... two lovers taking a photo. "Please, Sabrina. We need your help. This man... has committed unspeakable actions. The Order has been searching for him for years, and now more than ever, we need a hand," but I could only continue to look at that photo. I already knew everything. Of course, I knew.
"Where did you get it?" I said, keeping a more steady tone. Sure, I had left, but I wouldn’t betray him. Especially not to the Jedi. I was good at lying, but I needed to play this better; they definitely wouldn’t leave without answers, and they knew I had them. I took the photo and held it in my hands. I still had mine, hidden in the same box where I had placed the few things I hadn’t had the courage to throw away. "We managed to bring him out into the open after months of intensive searches. When he escaped, we searched through his things and the only thing that linked him to someone or something was this photo." Internally, I breathed a sigh of relief. At least I knew he hadn’t been caught or that he was on my trail, though I couldn’t be sure about the latter. Keeping our photo wasn’t typical behavior for him towards things that pissed him off. I took for granted that he wasn’t happy about my disappearance.
"I... I can't tell you much, I haven't seen him in months, I cut off all contact... and before you ask, I have no idea where he might be, disappearing without a word was his hobby." I had to choose my words carefully, say half-truths that would seem plausible without exposing myself... or us too much. "But in the photo you look close" continued Yord, walking near the couch, the groceries neatly stored on the shelves. I let out a sigh mixed with a smile. "Oh yes. Something like that, but we've always been two solitary souls, we needed our own space, so we had our secrets" I sighed before casually dropping the photo on the wooden table in front of me. "Honestly, I wouldn't know how to help you find him and I'd prefer to stay as far away from him as possible." Sol beside me adjusted his seat before giving a reassuring smile. "Anything about him would be helpful. I also want to understand your relationship more... if you think you're in danger, you can tell us, we can protect you." I gripped the fabric of my dress to distract myself from the laugh threatening to escape my throat. "The fact that you are here is already a problem for me. For all I know, he might have followed you. Qimir is many things, but he’s not an idiot." I sighed before starting to get up slowly. Yord at my side leaned in to give me a hand, but I ignored him, placing a foot on the edge of the table to try and unlace my shoes, at which point the Jedi bent down again to do it for me. "Wait, there's no need-" "I want to. You look tired, and we're disturbing you, it's the least I can do." I looked at him a bit irritated, the kindness of the Jedi had always seemed insincere to me, so good it felt fake. But I let him do it, it’s not every day you have a Jedi kneeling in front of you of his own will, and I couldn't deny it amused me terribly. "Anyway, Qimir and I were friends for a long time before..." I considered whether to tell the truth or not, but the months were too precise for me to take such a risk; if they had already asked someone about me, they would realize I was hiding something. "Well, as you can see with your own eyes, before we became something more," I gave a strained smile, indicating my belly. With my feet free of the shoes, Yord standing in front of me looked at me intensely, they had probably already considered that my pregnancy might not be with a casual someone. I walked towards the window, enjoying the twilight sky. "I left as soon as I found out I was expecting. I... I knew what kind of life he led, I imagined he wouldn’t let go just like that, I was afraid of his reaction to everything. To us, to this baby, to what he would do as a result. So I took my things and left." Sol was frowning at my words. Or maybe at the casual way I said them. Too bad. "You knew he was a Sith? About his actions? And you stayed with him anyway?" he asked. "Yes. Well, it’s not like he was very explicit about it, he told me it was his religion, it’s not like I was an expert, he talked about passion and... I don’t know, it seemed normal to me. I’ve met civilians with worse morals" I said honestly at the last part. The two seemed satisfied with my answer so I continued, "Besides, it’s not like I’m some innocent soul. That's how I met him, I was smuggling goods and sometimes we collaborated." Yord gave me an arrogant smile, "and you’re telling us this openly?" I chuckled in response. "I know my rights, kid, we’re outside your jurisdiction and even if accused, you wouldn’t have proof. Who knows, maybe I’ve been doing this job since you became a Jedi." I gave him a smirk which he returned mockingly. For being one of them, he seemed strangely likable.
"In any case. I would kindly ask you to continue this conversation another day, it’s getting late and I’d like to be alone." The two exchanged a look but nodded understandingly, "certainly, maybe we can continue tomorrow?" said Sol as he got up and moved towards the door, followed by the younger one. "Certainly," I replied with a half-smile, following them to the door. At the hallway, they gave a small bow before giving a final goodbye and walking towards the corridor. Reaching the elevator, Yord gave me one last look before smiling and winking at me. Only when I heard the elevator start did I allow myself to release the breath I had been holding until then. Back inside the house, a sense of terror hung in the air.
I was in deep shit.
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w2soneshots · 4 months
Baby daddy -W2S
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words: 0.9k+
warnings: angst, unplanned pregnancy.
summary: after a one night stand you find yourself pregnant with Harry’s baby, you go to Faith for advice then tell Harry. But how does he react?
notes: hello my loves😚. Here’s the request! I love this idea and I hope you all enjoy🧸🫶🏼
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"No. There's no way. I'm gonna do another one." My brain rambled as I stared at the pregnancy test. I reached for the small box. It's empty. Within thirty minutes I had used the entire box, all positive. "This can't be happening. I can't be pregnant." I thought, in complete denial. I didn't know what to do with myself. It's not just any normal night I can't just eat dinner and go to sleep. I just found out that I'm pregnant with my friend's baby. I barely slept that night.
A week later I was still trying to process the news. I knew exactly when it had happened. One night (around five weeks ago) I went out with everyone for Freya's birthday. We all got really drunk and I had been touch deprived for so long that somehow I ended up waking up in Harry's apartment, next to him in his bed. Thankfully he was still asleep when I woke so I grabbed my things and bolted. We had completely ignored the fact that we had sex and since no one knew it wasn't really a problem. Until now.
I decided that I needed to talk to someone. I couldn't keep this bottled up for another second or I felt as though I might explode. Faith is who I choose to tell. I know I can trust her and she's my only friend who's actually a mum. "Hey. Are you free anytime today? x" I asked via text. She replied quickly. "Ethan's filming so I'm here with Olive all day. Do you wanna come here? xx" I let out a sigh of relief. "That would be great! I'll see you in 30 xx" "Come through the glass door. It'll be unlocked xx"
I quickly got ready into a sweat set, brushed my hair into a ponytail then grabbed my phone and left. I drove to Faith's house and in just twenty minutes was waiting for her to open the gate. Once I'd parked I hoped from the car. I walked round the house to the glass doors. Then slid it open. I heard Rolo barking then Faith came shuffling into the lounge. "Hi! How've you been?" She pulled me into a quick hug. "Uhm, pretty good." I replied. She furrowed her brows. "What's up?" Uncontrollable tears welled in my eyes. "Oh my god. Come sit." She led me over to the couch.
"Ok start from the beginning." She said once I had calmed down. I took a deep breath. "So you know when we went out for Freya's birthday?" "Mhm." She nodded. "Well I- um- I ended up at Harry's apartment." Her brows furrowed. "I barely remember it but I know we- you know-" "you had sex with Harry?!" She exclaimed.
"Wow. Have you talked about it since?" She asked. "No but I didn't come round to tell you about that." Her face contorted into confusion. "Oh, what did you want to talk about?" She softened. My eyes fluttered closed. "I'm pregnant." I whispered. She went silent. "Congratulations?" She wasn't sure what to say. "Thanks. I uh- I don't really know how to feel." "And it's Harry's?" I nodded. "Well you know I'm here if you need absolutely anything." I smiled lightly at her. "I know." She pulled me into a warm hug.
After I talked to Faith I decided it was time to tell Harry. He deserves to know. But I booked a doctor's appointment first, to one hundred percent confirm that I'm pregnant. I hadn't really had any symptoms other than the fact I had missed my period, which is why I took the test. After a quick blood test the nurse confirmed it. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I had been in complete denial the entire time and this made it real, I'm going to be a mother.
It was almost two weeks after I had found out when me and Harry eventually saw each other. I sent him a text and he had agreed to come round to my apartment. I hadn't told him much just that I needed to talk. When he arrived my heartbeat sped up and my palms began to sweat. I opened the door after taking a deep breath. I smiled lightly at him. "Hi. Come in." I stepped aside. He awkwardly walked in. We sat on my couch.
In seconds I blurted out "I'm pregnant." His mouth dropped open and the room fell silent. "You- what?" He stuttered. "I'm pregnant Harry." I repeated. He swallowed. "And it's mine?" I nodded. "Uh- I- wow." I didn't know what to do, he wasn't talking this very well. "Listen, I don't expect anything from you. I just thought you should know." I spoke softly. "I just- I-" suddenly he jumped from the sofa and bolted out of my apartment. I burst into tears. I really thought- well I wasn't sure what I thought.
I told Faith about the incident and she attempted to comfort me. "He just needs to process it. Like you did. He'll come around. Give him time." She had said. That calmed me and almost a week went by with nothing until I got a knock on my door. I pushed myself from the sofa, that I'd been sat on all day since I wasn't feeling the best. I froze when I saw Harry standing outside my door. He didn't give me time to say a word. "y/n please forgive me. I'm so sorry. I don't know why I reacted like that. I want to do this with you. I want to be a dad." He said quickly. A smile spread across my face. Then I stepped forward pulling his nervous frame into a soft hug.
Years later me and Harry sat in our beautiful house watching our two young kids playing together. Reminiscing about what brought us to this moment. Happy, content and in love.
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hawkinsbnbg · 6 months
caged bird (love-trap)
Written for ‘fool’ | word count: 454 | rated: M | tags: omegaverse, possessive behavior, mating bite, mildly dub-con on the unplanned pregnancy part | ao3 link | @steddiemicrofic
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It didn't mean anything, Steve told himself.
Sure, he spent his heats with Eddie all the time, built his nest with Eddie's clothes, lived under Eddie's roof, and well, fell in love the morning Eddie made him breakfast.
Steve was a fool.
Because Eddie had told him point blank when they first met that the alpha didn't do relationships, much less want a serious one.
Even when they had been waking up in the same bed for years, it still didn't mean anything.
Heartbreak was an old friend, one that Steve wished he never met but still welcomed anyway. And loving Eddie was a bittersweet thing that he couldn't seem to give up.
Every moment Eddie looked at him, smiled at him, and touched him, his heart would break a little, knowing none of that would ever be his.
Even a fool would learn his own lesson, but Steve never did.
He let himself be swept away in the warmth and protection Eddie provided him, and then, he would berate himself for falling too fast and caring too much.
It was pointless, however, when he kept letting Eddie claim him in every sense of the world but the right way.
Steve stared at the positive pregnancy test in his hand and trembled. Tears welled up in his eyes as he tried to think up something to make the cold dread go away.
His first thought was that he would have to leave Eddie to keep the new life inside him. And didn't that sound depressing?
But Steve considered it anyway because he loved his pup more than anything. And since he always listened to his stupid heart, he intended to do so again.
“Let's end this,” he said bluntly once they were done with dinner.
“End what?” Eddie raised an eyebrow at him.
“End this,” Steve gestured between them vaguely. “Whatever that’s been going on here.”
Steve was taken aback at the alpha’s stormy face and flat tone.
“No? What do you mean No?”
Eddie stood up and rounded the table to cage him in his chair. Eyes dark and scent thickened, the man leaned down to whisper into his ear.
“It means you're not gonna leave me after I put a pup inside you.”
Steve’s breath hitched in astonishment. “You knew?”
“I planned it,” Eddie said calmly while holding his gaze. “Remember this: You're mine, now and forever.”
“But you don't do relationships–”
“But I do want a family,” Eddie stroked his cheek tenderly. “And I want it with you.”
Steve bit his lip until he tasted blood. This was foolish. He shouldn't–
“Put the bite on me.”
Smiling, Eddie leaned in to nose at his bonding gland.
And then bit down.
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bredtothebrim-2 · 1 year
Kind of random but I am a huge fan of alien impregnation and I have really been thinking about making the pregnancy role play alien related.
For example, maybe the pregnancy is the result of a random hookup at a club. It should be impossible due to me being on birth control but I end up pregnant. I eventually decide to go through with the pregnancy but as it progresses, I start to feel that this pregnancy is not as normal as I once thought.
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mollywog · 3 months
They've finally made it to a place where they’re stable enough that he doesn’t need to spend every Sunday out in the woods. The girls have stopped outgrowing their clothes and with the spring, Katniss’s morning hauls bring what they need for the week. He still loves it beyond the fence, but after years in the mines, six days a week, even a favorite pastime can make a man weary. So lately he’s forgone his hunts for time on the porch rocker.
But this morning he’s back in the woods at his wife’s insistence. She’d said she was worried about Katniss in an unusually cryptic way that suggested she wanted him to judge for himself. Katniss and Ruth are both headstrong, two peas in a pod, though he knows better than to speak it to either aloud. As a result, the tough conversations come better from him.
He’s paid particular attention all morning, but can’t seem to pinpoint the source of his wife’s anxiety. Though she has only just turned eighteen, Katniss seems to have grown into a woman overnight. Or maybe this has been a long time coming and he’s missed it in the dim light of evening. If anything, she seems to be alight from within.
It isn’t until it’s time to dress their kills that he understands his wife’s concern. Katniss’s glow vanishes, replaced by a palid green hue before she loses her breakfast behind a bush.
He crouches beside her, his water flask in hand, “let’s sit down and talk Catkin.”
“Do we have to?”
“I don’t need the particulars, just a few questions,” Where her mother would lecture and fret, he knows there’s no use in the would’ve/should've - what’s done is done. “How far along?”
“Not long, but I’m keeping it, if that’s what you’re after,” she says, clutching her midsection protectively.
He nods, “and you know who the father is?”
“Of course,” she snaps and he’s glad to see she’s still got fire despite her exhaustion.
“I’m sorry, I just didn’t realize you had a boy. Does he know?”
“Not yet.” He lets his silence speak for itself. “It’s complicated,” she adds defensively.
“Is he free?”
“One final reaping. Same as me.”
“That’s not what I meant. Is he free?”
She scowls, “No papa, he’s not married nor bound.”
He tisks, “Then I can’t figure what could be so complicated about it. Unless you don’t think he’ll do what’s right? Or maybe you don’t want him?”
She sighs, “it’s not that either,” she rubs her eyes, “I’m gonna tell him, but if I do it now he won’t want to wait to get married and that would ruin things for him.”
“Hmm, Is he a fool?”
“What? No!”
“If you trust him, you should tell him. If he respects you, he’ll heed your concerns. You’re a smart girl, I’m sure you can figure it all out. If not, you'll always have a home with your mother and I.” He means it, but he feels ten years older than he had just this morning, with the thought of their present security gone.
“Thanks papa,” she says, and he smiles despite his concerns. “I’ll think on it.”
Their trip to town is made in silence as he tries to imagine the man and the circumstance but comes up blank; not even a guess.
Their first stop is the Mayor’s, then Cray’s, then the butcher’s. He stands back and watches Katniss handle the trades. It fills him with pride.
When they arrive at the bakery, she falls in step behind him, and he takes the hint to lead. He’d bet she’s looking for a buffer if the baker’s witch of a wife is around, but fortunately for them one of the sons answers today; the youngest if he recalls. “Is your father in?” he asks.
The boy straightens, “Yes sir, but I’ll be handling trades from now on. Come summer, I’ll be the new baker.” The kid’s eyes flit to his daughter then back to him, “I just got word that my loan was approved. I close on the bakery July 5.”
“Really?!” Katniss’s voice catches him off guard and he turns to find her open delight at this seemingly trivial piece of town news, before she drops her eyes to her bag. He looks back at the boy who’s still beaming at his daughter and the pieces fall into place.
‘It’s complicated’ - hadn’t that been what Ruthie’d told him all those years ago when he’d asked her to marry him? He supposes it might have been even more so if her parents had been considering selling her the business and she’s been expecting his child.
The pair regain their composure enough to complete the trade, though neither quite successful at hiding their giddiness.
“Complicated huh?” He says as they walk back towards the Seam, “let me guess, a little less complicated come July 5?”
“Maybe so.”
He hums, “just don’t wait till then to tell him.”
What If?
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crazyunsexycool · 30 days
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Masterlist for the My Little Love Universe. These series revolves around three of our favorite fictional men, Bucky, Steve and Same. They each get their own story and this universe starts with Bucky’s.
My Little Love
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Enhanched!Reader “Sugar”
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Series Masterlist
Bucky was no longer the winter soldier. He was living freely and working with the Avengers. You were one of his closest friends and he was head over heels in love with you. The feeling was mutual. You liked Bucky the moment you met him but neither of you were willing to say anything yet. Everyday that passed, Bucky was able to remove himself more from what Hydra had done to him. Until a mission reveals that Hydra had been creating super soldier children and Bucky happened to be the father. With you by his side Bucky will learn to love and care for his kids. The love you have for each other blooms into a beautiful relationship. But Hydra isn’t happy that the next generation of super soldiers was taken from them and they’ll do whatever it takes to get them back.
Series warnings: major angst, fluff, smut, blood, medical emergencies, hydra, bad family relationships, mentioned child abuse, kidnapping, (please check individual chapters for warnings)
A Love As Sweet As Honey
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Scientist!Reader “Honey”
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Series Masterlist
Steve wanted what his best friends had. He wanted love and family and peace. That’s wasn’t too much to ask for, right? Somewhere along the way Steve befriended Bruce’s lab assistant, you. You were guarded, slightly grumpy, you weren’t afraid to say what you were thinking and didn’t trust easily. That didn’t stop Steve from seeing more to you. He liked you and you liked him. While Steve didn’t want to ruin the friendship you had, you were afraid to let him see the more vulnerable part of you. However, after a night of drinking you wake up naked and next to each other. A drunken one night stand that will definitely put a strain on the friendship. Then you get a positive pregnancy test.
Series warnings: angst, fluff, smut, tears, unplanned pregnancy, talks of abortion, bad family dynamics, more to come… (read individual chapters for specific warnings)
A Love On Broken Wings
Pairing: Sam Wilson x Engineer!Reader “Sweets”
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Series Masterlist
Sam Wilson had always wanted to fly. He wanted to help people and make a difference. When he saw the opportunity to become a pilot in the Air Force he took it. That choice would change his life forever. Not only would it lead him to become friends with and work along side the Avengers, he’d also met the love of his life. You also wanted to help people. Listening to your father tell stories from his time in the military and the limitations there were you wanted to created something that would change the way missions would be handled. That’s how you met the man that would steal your heart and break it.
Series Warnings: angst, fluff, smut, tears, character death, kidnapping, torture (see future chapters for warnings)
A/N: As always my permanent and series taglists are open. I will only add 18+ so please make sure you let me know if you are 18+ or that it’s on your blog!
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katy-l1988 · 5 months
Big Sisters?
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Since my handwriting is not the best, here is the transcription:
Clara: What the hell is going on in there?
Odette: Shoud we go in?
Clara: Idk, better knock.
(Clara knocks on the door, Carmilla is cursing in Spanish)
C: Zestial!
O: Are u ok?
Z: Yeah, yeah. Why do not wait downstairs? Thy mother is unwell right now.
O: But...? (Carmilla's assassin mode activated)
Z: Run...
(Proceed to close the door)
Z: Oh, by the way! Thou are going to be BIG SISTERS!
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carino-nana · 3 months
This has been sitting in my drafts for over two months now😭, thought I'd just post it as is and decide if I wanna write a part two;
Wc: 441
Anxiously, you stared at Gojo, he hasn't said anything since the both of you had arrived back home from the doctor, and that was well over three hours ago.
He lay sprawled on your couch while you accompanied the adjacent love seat. He had always hated it, always complaining that you only sat there when you were mad or upset with him, and there wasn't enough room for him to squueze in as well but here you are nervously biting your lip, waiting for him to atleast say something. If it weren't for his hand twitching every few seconds, you would have guessed that he had fallen asleep, but however childish he may act sometimes, you knew that he wouldn't be able to sleep before sorting through his thoughts and then talking it out.
Glancing at the clock, you sighed before pushing yourself up with the chair's armrest as support. It was growing late, and you still had to prepare dinner. You moved towards the kitchen, which was right next to your living room before turning on your heel, facing Gojo again. Should you say something to him? Was he upset with you? You know Gojo, and you had never before discussed the possibility of children, even if the both of you have been married for 5 years now. It had always just seemed near impossible, especially when considering what you both did for a living. "I'm sorry," Immediately, you could see Gojo perking up at the sound of your voice, tilting his head to the side. "Saturo, I know this was sudden, and we never had the chance to mentally prepare ourselves for the news, but.. I- nevermind.. maybe you should go take a bath while i cook dinner, it might help clear your head for a bit."
Gojo opened his mouth before he closed it again, deciding against saying anything and just nodding his head before he pushed himself off the couch and made his way past you through the hall. Sighing, you made your way back into the kitchen to prepare tonight's dinner, knowing that Gojo would take his time in the shower to process the news.
You knew that he at least wasn't upset about the news of you being pregnant, just that it had it been a shock, and he hasn't quite gotten to process it. Smiling sadly, you checked the cupboards and fridge for ingredients, Gojo will probably go splurging for baby stuff the moment his brain has caught up with him, and that comforted you, but until then you would have to get dinner ready because there are no longer only two eating but three.
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genyawritesshizz · 5 months
A Hum of Time Toshinori Yagi X Reader
Part 1
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Part 2
Summary: An innocent relationship between two workaholics could not possibly be that eventful. Just two individuals finding comfort within each other's company and the occasional cup of coffee. What happens when a secret that could ruin both of their careers brings the whole thing crashing down? In a heart wrenching decision, you must do what is best for all three of you and brave the future alone. Will you ever tell the truth? You might not have a choice.
2317 words
First my hero Fic! Loosely follows cannon but sometimes diverges.
This is the shortest chapter in the whole series. So, think of it as an intro :)
You’re late. 
seven whole days, one week on the dot. 
The first two missing days you had not even noticed, it was normal to sometimes lag behind a bit. Day four is when you finally noticed, five is when alarm bells started ringing and by the time six and seven rolled around you’d been anxiously pacing back to the bathroom stall every hour to check. No luck, not even a spot. 
As Sunday peaked and the daylight burned you had deduced yourself to the confines of your bed. Wadded up under layers of blankets too deep in thought to care of the wasted time. 
How could this happen? How could you have been so careless? 
Or maybe, maybe it’s just a fluke. The stress from your job, all the hours on patrol and office, has caused this. With extensive google searches and online chat forms dating years back read up and down it was true that stress could delay a cycle, sometimes even stop it all together. It was wishful thinking.
As much as you wanted to believe that you knew, deep down inside, that it was a lie. A false narrative you told yourself to try and keep the truth at bay. The person who knows you better than anyone else is yourself, you know your body inside and out and right now, things did not feel right. 
Only one way to know for sure.
In baggy sweatpants and an oversized hoodie you braved the streets in a haze. Unable to focus on much of anything around you. A villain could have been ransacking the neighborhood and you still wouldn’t have taken notice. The never ending loop of what if’s plagued your mind. What if it's positive? What would you do? What could you do? 
“That’ll be 800 yen” taking your card out you paid and raced back to the comfort of your house. 
Sliding down to the tiled floor test in hand, you could deny it no longer. The unyielding evidence on the plastic stick sealed your fate. No amount of shaking or lighting would cause the dreaded two pink lines to magically disappear. A cold sweat slid down your forehead. 
You were pregnant. 
And you knew exactly who the father was and it terrified you. 
You loved Toshinori Yagi, truly you did. The two of you had been seeing each other for over two years in secret. However, given the recent surge in crime your relationship had become rocky. Though you may live under the same roof, and sleep in the same bed, your time together was few and far between. As the world's Symbol of Peace his schedule was slammed, not that yours was much better being a hero yourself. A gap where time allowed for each other dwindled with every new wanna be villain and gang. How were you going to tell him? At this point you didn't even know the next time you'd see him. 
Wadding up the flimsy plastic wrapper with a deep breath you eyed the tester for one final look at the damned thing before stuffing it back into the box. You could not bear to look at it any longer. 
Inside the same plastic bag it was purchased in, any evidence of what you just did lay at the bottom of a dumpster two blocks away from your house.
You could not tell him. Not now. When the time was right you would.
You held the secret of the baby from Toshinori, unsure of how to approach the topic. Neither of you had ever acknowledged the thought of children,  in fact you barely spoke of the future as a whole. The word 'marriage' seemed outlandishly farfetched, if his identity was ever compromised or a villain caught wind of All Might having a wife... the consequences could be catastrophic for both of you. Your relationship with him as a whole was a gamble on safety alone. Adding legal proof only added fuel to the fire.  
Times ticking, you need to make a decision.  
“How cute” You cooed at the television, the screen showed a baby. Its chubby cheeks and puffy lips made your heart melt. Looking over to your partner who sat at the kitchen table. Unfazed by your comment the cell phone held within his hands garnered all his attention. Thinning fingered rapidly typing a text with blonde eyebrows knitted in concentration.
Brushing off your first attempt you figured it was bad timing, he seemed busy.
Holding the most recent newspaper in hand you ran up to Yagi, a smile on your face. 
“Look at this!” Depicted was a photo from All Might’s busy weekend. He had a public meeting on Friday where he addressed the opening of a new public park in his name. Several small children clung to his legs and arms, some even tried to climb his muscular shoulders. “Kids really do love you!” You laughed, a light blush lighting up your face. 
“They do.” Toshinori sat on the couch, head slumped over the headrest, and his eyes remaining closed, not bothering to look at the paper. Deep purple lined the bottom of his sockets in pure exhaustion. 
“What do you think of them?” You picked at his brain, wanting an answer for your aching question. 
‘Say something, anything, about children. About how you like them and enjoy being around them. That you want one. Maybe you could take our child to that park. Push them on the swings! Help them climb the jungle gym.’  Your mind subconsciously begged him with false images of both the thinner and mighty version of him running around with a similar looking child flashing through. 
His shoulders shrugged in an indifferent manner, “I love my fans.”
Your heart sunk, you felt it swelling, wanting to burst. As quickly as your imagination grew it was stomped out like a pesky weed. 
Finally finding a point in time where both of you were off was cause for celebration. Calling your shared tried and true sit down restaurant, The Mont, you happily booked a table for two. Tonight was the night, you'd tell him the truth. Calling his cell you were met with the voicemail box, not unusual as he's almost always in meetings or interviews at this time of day. The answering machine beeps and you leave a short message. Telling him to meet you at the restaurant at six, you'd be waiting for him and had something important you needed to discuss. Sighing as you hung up you knew it was now or never, you needed to get this off your chest. It was eating you alive with guilt to hold such a secret. 
Trying once more half before six to reach your partner, again you were met with the beep of his mailbox. Shooting a quick text to ask if he was on his way you pushed the ever growing anxiety down and readied yourself. Greeted by the hostess with a warm smile you were happily led to your table.
A lit candle nestled in a small nest of faux flowers atop a lace tablecloth sat in the middle. Smells of freshly cooked meats and exquisite wine filled the air. Dozens of other couples sat around the bustling dining area. Glancing at a few of their love drunk gazes you envied how their hands intertwined, their laughs melded together, and their pure blissful happiness. No stress or electronic barrier separated them. You could not help the sense of melancholy and longing that came with looking. Sighing you fidgeted with the bow laced around your silverware, Toshi would be here soon and you too would hopefully join the crowd. But, as the minutes passed by and the growingly apathetic waitress made her fifth pass at your table your heart sunk as it was nearing seven thirty.
“Ma’am are you ready to order?” Her smile left much to be desired, from it’s once widespread across her face when she initially brought you a glass of water to one sided. She knew what you refused to accept. You’ve been stood up. 
“Uh no not yet, thank you.” Giving her your own best attempt at a smile she looked at you for a few seconds before nodding and heading off to her other tables. You felt embarrassed, dejected and an overflowing sense of resentment. It felt as though all eyes were on you, the hopeless woman with the no-show date. Getting up from your table you left a few bills before dashing to the restroom. 
Pushing a stall open and plopping down on the closed seat you felt yourself breaking. Hot tears poured out despite your unwillingness to cry in such a public place. With a hand clamped over your mouth you tried to piece yourself back together yet the sobs would cease. Whimpers and shaky breaths echoed off the heavily decorated walls amplifying your humiliation. 
You’re a hero. You're not supposed to act like this. It’s disgraceful.
But God did it hurt. 
Running cool water onto a paper towel you attempted to dab away the running black streaks of mascara from your under eyes and compose yourself. 
The woman that looked back at you felt unrecognizable. Who was she? 
A sad broken shell of who you used to be.
Trailing a hand down from the top of your cheeks to your neck you find yourself fondling the indiscernible bump of your stomach through the thin material of your dress. Though far too early to be showing, you knew. 
They’re there with you. You were not alone. Not anymore. And never would be again. 
Toshinori apologized for missing dinner via text a few hours later. There had been an attack in a neighboring city that called for his attention. You could not stay mad, the world needed him. But that didn’t take away the deep rooted pain in your soul. 
Returning from a long day of patrolling the bustling city streets you’re greeted with a silent house. Not surprised by the lack of life, Yagi was probably out on patrol himself or perhaps at the office. Today had been rough, you kept finding yourself zoning out. Your head felt foggy, like any and all thoughts were muddled behind a thick layer of fog. It cost you a few nasty bruises from embarrassingly weak criminals. God, and the constant feeling of vertigo had you gagging up anything you tried to put down. You felt miserable.
Sighing you opened a cabinet, your auto pilot kicked in and the fog took hold. A million possibilities of the future, a million thoughts. Your mouth felt dry and your stomach so bottomless empty.
 However, as soon as a tart liquid hit your lips and the stinging smell of alcohol slipped into your nose your brain snapped back to reality. Spitting the drink back into the glass you stared down, in one hand was a wine glass in the other was the bottle. 
‘What the hell am i doing?’ 
Intricately etched music notes covered the stemware. Toshinori had bought you this on your one year anniversary, memories of that candle lit dinner brought a smile to your face. Swirling the liquid around you felt a dark cloud loom over, memories of your heartbreak in that same restaurant bathroom had your fist clenching around the stem until your knuckles turned white. The happiness felt from the memories had been spoiled.  
The nights of blinding romance and fever had vanished long ago, he did not have time for even a simple dinner with you anymore let alone a child. You were a fool for thinking that he’d possibly want this. That this was even remotely possible.
What of his reputation? What of yours? If the media found out you’d be drug through the mud. You’d be dubbed a whore and this baby growing within your womb a bastard. All Might’s squeaky clean reputation as the world's god sent hero would be tarnished. 
A memory from the night Toshinori told you about his late master Nana and her struggles with balancing her family and heroic life reverberated over and over in your mind. As much as you tried to convince yourself things were different, the overwhelming truth could not be ignored. She gave up her child. Her family. She knew that it was not plausible to raise a child in this line of work. 
The glass flew along with the bottle, shattering against the wooden cabinet sending shards of glass and Gaja Barbaresco spraying across the kitchen. The cabinet door dared to have the audacity to creek open from the force. You slammed it shut, again, the inertia swung it open. 
“Fuck!” you shouted enraged you slammed the cabinetry. Over and over the wood groaned in protest,  the room echoed with sharp bangs, and the wall behind rattled. Toshi’s antique whiskey tumblers, countless commemorative shot glasses and your own collection of decorative stemware fell from the shelves, shattering against your attack adding to the growing pile. It did not matter. Nothing at this point did.
He would never want a child with you. 
Both fists gripped the wooden panel and ripped it clean off the hinges. Slamming it down on the counter top you raised it to repeat the action but stopped mid swing, dropping it instantly. Your breath was heavy with exhaustion.  
Looking down at your hands red wine mixed blood dripped and tiny shards of glass poked out from your palm.
Uncontrollable sobs had you falling onto the wet floor, knees tucked to your chest and hands wrapped around them. Curling into yourself you felt the world around fade away.
No longer restrained from the public eye you fully broke down. 
You wanted to disappear, to shrivel up into a little ball and…
That’s it,
You had to leave. 
Leave it all behind.
For the safety of all three of you.
If only you could go back,
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fen-luciel · 2 months
The mistakes of a Acolyte
Summary: You are pregnant with Qimir's child and the universe is not big enough to hide you from him
Chapter Warnings: mild violence
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I was momentarily stunned to see them clash. Yord glanced at me for a second before shouting at me to run again, which I did immediately.
I was terrified of turning around, afraid that the movement might reveal something about my form under the poncho. I assumed Qimir wouldn’t attack me, but the fear of being caught was enough to make my desperate run seem convincing.
I reached the corner of the corridor and saw Yord being thrown forcefully from the other side. Qimir turned toward me before running in my direction.
It was all a ruse, but I was indeed hiding a secret from him. Moreover, it would be a lie to say that Qimir’s mask didn’t scare me, especially when he was coming after me so menacingly.
I descended the first flight of stairs. On this side, there were more levels I had to cross. When I reached the last step, a familiar chirping called me. Sam was waiting for me, hidden behind a pile of stones. As soon as I reached him, he darted across the ground, signaling me to follow him. I wasn’t sure what he planned to do, as he advanced along the hallway away from the other staircases.
Behind me, the sound of footsteps made me realize that Qimir was likely about to catch up, with Yord probably just meters away. If the plan was to work, it was better that Yord didn’t see me with the Sith. After all, I was a pregnant woman, it made no sense for me to attempt to confront him.
I followed Sam through a door. It was one of the small rooms we had converted into a food storage area. I shut the door behind me, staying in the dark. A small window let in some artificial light, but with the thick material of the door and the already dim external sources, it was just a faint strip of light that didn’t even reach the floor.
I peered through the window and saw Qimir searching for me. Without my Force signature on display and with that mask, I doubted he’d even spot me. He turned toward the stairs and, peering for a few seconds, realized I couldn’t have gone that way or he would have surely seen me.
He didn’t have much time to think, though. The moment Yord appeared from the corridor, he heard the sound of his lightsaber approaching. Qimir also turned, and the two began to fight. It was clear that Yord was less trained or skilled than him, you could see it in the reactions to his parries, his rigid strikes. He was definitely at a disadvantage, and it hurt to watch them… On one side was Qimir, that I loved despite everything and for whom I was risking my cover to help us escape. On the other side, even though I had known Yord for less than two days, those few hours together had shown me a kind and caring person, one of the Jedi with a still-pure mindset within the Order.
Just as they passed by the door, I crouched to make sure they didn’t see me through the window. Sam dimmed the blue light of his eye. The sounds of lightsabers and the impacts on the stone were enough to cover my voice when I spoke to Sam.
“Why did you bring me here?” He made a few annoyed noises at not receiving the greeting he expected but then replied.
“The map?” I asked surprised.
He pointed with the light of his eye to a corner with various tools, and I immediately recognized the holomap behind it. I quickly grabbed it and stuffed it into my bag. “I knew you wouldn’t let me down, Sam. Now go ahead. I need someone to check the doors at the end of the landing area” I peered through the window and saw Sol and Jecki running toward the fight.
The whole plan would be useless if he got himself killed.
I turned to Sam and ordered him to be silent. “I need you to turn off the lights. We have to make a run for the ground floor” He chirped affirmatively, and as soon as he opened the door, I began my run toward the stairs. Fortunately, there was only one extra floor to cover.
Reaching the other side of the first floor, I arrived at the end of the room where the first automatic door opened. Sam approached the control panel, but I stopped him.
“Wait. I need to make sure Qimir makes it. Go to the panel at the end of the corridor and wait for me there” Sam bumped his metal head against my leg, making me hiss. “I know you don’t like it. But… I’ll explain later, okay? I need someone to watch my back. If everything goes as planned, it will be the last time we see him” He responded with a contented chirp, and I sighed.
I watched him pick up speed down the corridor, then I bent over the panel and used one of the tools from my bag to open the cover and cut the electricity wire.
In an instant, all the lights went out. I hurried to turn on the small flashlight attached to my backpack strap and fixed the control panel.
I stood up just as I received a call on the communicator. It was Sol on the other end. “Sabrina, where are you? Qimir has disappeared before our eyes” His tone was urgent, I could hear the sound of running footsteps through the device. “I’ve reached the door. Many cables are broken. I think the droid cut the power. I need to hurry” I looked up and saw Qimir jumping down the stairs. I swallowed a lump in my throat. “If I don’t catch up with him quickly, he might lock me out of the docking area. Hurry up” I ended the communication.
Qimir stopped a few steps away from me, giving a small nod. He didn’t seem to notice the bulge of my belly, so maybe the poncho was working. Or at least for those who didn’t know where to look.
“Let’s hurry before they see us. They’ll assume I’m slower than you, so don’t stick too close to me” I didn’t wait for his reply before turning away and starting to run. My hands were trembling, it was the first time I had seen him in person after five months. Maybe, with a bit of luck, it would be the last.
His presence was now impossible to ignore—his heavy breathing due to the mask, the light steps, the sound of the lightsaber partially lighting the way, and, most of all, the dark aura of his Force surrounding my senses like a warm blanket on a rainy day.
Of course, Jedi had their mark around them, but nothing compared to the reaction you felt in the presence of the dark side—a constant hand on your shoulder in a silent threat. But that was Qimir’s mark; like his physical presence, his Force presence was almost an overwhelming and suffocating figure, as if he had a hand around your neck as a warning. But over the years, I had gotten used to that smell, that warmth. I saw it more as a caress—a light touch on the side… like the first one shared years before, not painful, but sweet… almost caring.
He didn’t say anything until halfway through, when we could hear distant footsteps echoing, indicating that the others had entered the tunnel. Qimir stopped and, using the Force, bent one of the doors we had passed through and another one.
Sure, the doors were small. It wasn’t difficult to breach them once a hole was made with the lightsaber or with some force, but that was the point of the plan—slow them down.
Just as I was meant to slow down Qimir, now he was slowing down the Jedi. Even better, because if I had moved a few more meters away from him, I would have had time to close some doors behind me.
The communicator rang again, but I ignored it. Officially, I was fleeing from an angry Sith; they would understand if I didn’t bother to answer.
I glanced back at Qimir, closing another door before starting to use the Force to make the walls tremble. I stopped abruptly and shouted, “Are you crazy?! You risk making the whole gallery collapse on us!”
He turned around in silence, then let out a clear sigh and stopped. “We need to talk”
“This isn’t the time” I replied weakly before continuing to run. He was irritated, and the risk of him reacting with violence increased. My lightsaber was still at the bottom of my bag, and I cursed myself for not taking it earlier in the storage room. It would take too long to use it now, and moving the backpack risked exposing me to his eyes. Besides… would I really be able to fight him if things went bad?
Until now, I had taken for granted that I could face him and escape if necessary, but I hadn't really considered the idea of seriously aiming a weapon at him. Of hurting him.
I had been taking my feelings for granted, and now that I had him in front of me... the trembling hands, the heart in my throat... I could barely look at his mask.
To imagine his face beneath it, angry.
I took a deep breath before reaching into my pocket where I still kept the device to alert Sam. I could start to see the illuminated room in the distance with the ships ready for escape. I didn’t sense the Jedi, I imagined the jammed doors had been enough to buy us a few minutes.
I pressed the button in my pocket, and in less than a second, the doors in front of me began to close. I ran faster, passing the first two. I was starting to struggle, my feet burned, and my back cried out in agony. "Hey, wait!" Qimir didn’t waste time following me. I passed through the last door, but he was right behind me.
The plan to not get him on my back had now failed.
Just perfect.
"You could have warned me, kriff" he said behind me before removing his helmet. "We’ve closed all the corridor doors, do we have a few minutes to talk before we leave? We haven’t even decided where to go"
I struggled to respond, short of breath, my body protesting from the exertion, my head pounding.
"Can I know what’s going on with you?" I could hear him take a few steps closer, but with my arm outstretched, I sigh him to wait. Sam, who had been standing by the control console, approached and positioned himself between us, whistling angrily at Qimir.
I pulled myself up, taking a deep breath. My hands continued to tremble, it seemed absurd that I felt so bad. I was a trained woman after all. I didn’t know if my problem was physical or mental at this point.
Qimir was behaving naturally, after all, I was the one hiding a terrible secret, who had run away from him. Would he read the lie in my eyes? Would he notice the swelling of my stomach?
No. I just had to... move.
"We’ll talk when we’re away from here and the Jedi" Just then, the communicator rang again, but I turned it off. Sam, next to me, informed me that they were already more than halfway through the route, given the continuous damage signals from the doors.
I walked toward my ship, but Qimir’s hand tightened firmly around my arm, turning me toward him. "Can we talk just for a second? Can you tell me what the hell is going on?"
I winced in pain; he had grabbed me in the same spot where he’d left bruises the other night. I wriggled free, taking a few steps back, and finally looked him in the face. For the first time in months, face-to-face.
I couldn’t just close my eyes and make him disappear this time.
He looked at me confused, I felt like I was being scrutinized, or maybe I was just paranoid.
"I’m sick, okay? We need to go. Now." He took a few steps toward me. "Do we really need to keep up this act? If it’s about the archived data, we can get our hands on it again and..."
"No!" I snapped, interrupting him.
"You need to..." trust me? No, that phrase no longer made sense. "Listen to me. I’ve seen what they’re doing; it’s better this way. I’ll explain when we’re safe"
Meanwhile, Sam had opened the hatch of my ship, the automatic ramp lowering to the ground. I only had to take a few steps.
Hoping Qimir wouldn’t shoot me immediately from his ship in anger. I couldn’t afford to make him mad.
"Sure. But have you seen your face? You’re red. You’re breathing hard. What, do you want to have a heart attack while traveling through hyperspace?" He moved in my direction, but I took another step back. The instinct to shift the poncho to cover myself better crossed my mind, but the movement would only seem more suspicious, so I restrained myself.
"I’m fine. Sam is with me" He gave an ironic smile, and even in such a moment, I couldn’t help but think how handsome he was.
"Now I feel better. You’re delirious"
With two large strides, he reached me and grabbed my arms again. I flinched from the pain, I struggled. I could have used a Force push, but I risked exposing myself with the shockwave, and it seemed like an overreaction. Maybe I should just... just...
"Stop it, kriff. I’m worried..." but he suddenly stopped.
He looked at me intently, a frown on his face as he tilted his head slightly to the side.
Meanwhile, Sam was warning us of the limited time left.
"Let me go—" I began, trying to keep my tone calm, but he tightened his grip on my arms, and I moaned involuntarily, but he wouldn’t let go. It was as if he was deliberately pressing on the bruises.
"I dreamt of you the other night" He began in a low voice "You were crying and despairing in my arms. You were beautiful." I held my trembling hands on his chest trying to gain a few inches but his grip was firm and he wouldn't let go "I held you to me. Firmly. Like now. If I had been there for real... I would have left you bruised" if possible his tone became even lower, Thumbs pressing hard into my triceps.
"Qimir wait..." I hissed sensing panic forming in my stomach "Are you lying to me darling? You better say it now before I lose my patience. I've been so good to you. I don't deserve it, do I?"
Tears began to form in the corners of my eyes, I could have released myself, hit him, even shouted for help if it would have helped to get him off me at this point, but my body refused to react.
I was terrified.
I was a liar. I wasn’t able to fight him. I had lied to everyone but especially to myself.
"Please Qimir..." I whispered with trembling lips, he smiled at me, gentle, but the coldness I felt in my aching bones was a clear warning of how the dark side was stirring around us "This wasn't very nice of you. I thought you loved me. And you hide our son from me?" the grimace as he uttered the last word was one of pain, disappointment, he didn't look angry... but his eyes.
Those dark wells were cold. The hands that gripped me kept squeezing my flesh so hard I was afraid he would break my arms.
"I... can explain. P-please..." Some tears started to slide down my cheeks, my hands trembling uncontrollably as I tried to push him away.
I had to do something. Anything. But I remained paralyzed by fear.
At that moment, the distant sound of lightsabers distracted us, warning us that they were probably at a door or just beyond. It was enough for Sam, who had sneaked up and using one of his small arms, delivered an electric shock along Qimir’s leg, causing him to jerk back and release me suddenly.
"Little—" he lunged a hand toward the droid, but finally freed from his grasp, I gathered the courage to react.
Using the Force, I took advantage of his distraction to push him away from me, his body slamming against the door with such force that it created a crack.
I turned and ran with the last of my strength, tears falling freely, my chest heaving with sobs, Sam speeding ahead of me on the ramp, ready to close the door behind us.
Qimir roared my name in a snarl. I turned just in time to see him getting up. Behind him, the door swung open, and Yord, followed by Sol and Jecki, emerged into the illuminated room with their lightsabers drawn.
I stopped on the ramp, which had started to retract, locking eyes with Yord, and I swore I saw him nod approvingly, glad to see me ready to fly away. Just as the doors were closing, Qimir began to use the Force to push them away from him.
Sam was whistling next to me, urging me to hurry. I took a trembling breath and reached the cockpit, tossing my backpack into a corner and sitting in the pilot's seat. My hands were still shaking, but I managed to activate everything necessary to start the engines. Sam was helping me from the lower panel. I grasped the controls, and with one smooth motion, I flew the ship out of the cavern.
I flew over the temple in a broad arc as I left the planet's atmosphere. As I distanced myself, I noticed another small signal on the scanner, indicating that Qimir had probably managed to leave shortly after me, or maybe it was the Jedi, but at that point, I didn’t care.
I set random coordinates as far as possible and jumped to hyperspace.
The familiar blue light illuminated the cockpit as I finally allowed myself to slump into the seat.
The silence enveloping me was deafening after everything that had happened. There was a constant ringing in my ears, a headache that flooded my senses from my temples to my neck in a steady pounding, my hands almost numb from gripping the controls, and my back throbbing from the sudden physical effort.
Sam approached my leg and with a faint chirp, asked if I was okay.
I sniffed, once, twice, three times before a sob escaped my lips.
And another.
And another one.
My vision blurred with tears as I tried to wipe my cheeks with my sleeve, but to no avail.
I broke into hysterical crying, my arms wrapping around myself, the pain I felt a constant reminder of the physical and emotional torment I had just endured, my short breath giving no peace to my lungs.
I stayed there.
Crying for hours.
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gloomysoup · 1 year
i've realized it has been a HOT minute since i've contributed anything to tumblr, so i come bearing gifts! well, a gift. in the form of the intro to an omegaverse steddie fic i have absolutely talked ab on here once upon a time but am too lazy to search for the original post. ANYWAY, enjoy whatever the hell this is
Eddie and Steve were not a thing. They absolutely, 100%, were not dating.
They drank, smoked, watched movies, fucked, spent the night. Eddie had gotten Steve through three heats. They spent all of their time together. Eddie had shirts that smelled like him in Steve’s nest. They were not dating.
So when Corroded Coffin was offered a deal and a fresh start in Chicago, it didn't matter that Eddie was taking it. It didn't. It absolutely, 100%, did not matter to Steve. When Eddie completely skipped town with barely a goodbye, it didn't matter. It didn't matter that the band packed up his van and left. They were not dating. It didn't matter. Eddie had made his decision, and Steve respected that. They had only been fooling around. Sure, it was exclusive. They didn't fuck around with anyone else, and they spent so much time together they might as well have been dating, but they weren't. It wasn't a thing. It didn't matter.
Until it did.
Until Steve was sitting cross-legged on his bedroom floor with a test in front of him. A positive test.
edit:: lol i found it it's this one
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ellieauthor · 1 year
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dhr | unplanned pregnancy | polyjuice potion
It’d been Ron’s idea, a last-ditch attempt to save their sex life, their relationship.
“Like role play,” he’d said, his pitch earnest. Eager. “Magical couples do it all the time.”
//or: an unplanned pregnancy fic idea that got wildly out of hand
chapter one on ao3!
art by the incredibly!!! talented!!!! @ectoheart
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One night stand… gone wrong| 2
Tw’s: pregnancy, birth- ect ect- if any of these topics are sensitive to you please read at your own discretion <3
Also please excuse the terrible time skips- enjoy(:
Recap: You spent the rest of the day talking to him, coming up with plans- ideas, simply trying to figure it out with him and now you were laying in bed his arms wrapped around you, you didn’t think it was romantic… simply in a comforting way. But either way you didn’t mind. He was bringing comfort to you either way. The tv played quietly in the background your eyes fluttering shut tiredly his breathing soft and quiet in your ears almost acting as a lullaby to send you into a peaceful sleep after all the panic and stress you had felt. “You can go to sleep” he comforted gently “I’m not going anywhere… ‘m here to stay.” He murmured softly his own voice laced with tiredness and slight sleepiness his head lightly resting on your shoulder his eyes fluttered shut as you relaxed back into him “mm…” you hummed out happily just glad he was there to stay. As the more you relaxed the more you started thinking “think I wanna keep it” you murmured and he let out a tired hum “alright… keep on thinking until you know what you want to do okay” he murmured quietly and you nodded your head relaxing back into him as you closed your eyes sleepily “if you do choose to keep it… just know you’re gonna be a great mum.” He whispered into your ear and just like the first time you had met him butterflies gently cascaded around your stomach a little smile remaining on your lips as you slowly dozed off to sleep… maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all?
Harry spent the next few days and weeks and even months with you, being right there to support you he didn’t dare leave your side- even if he had concerts to do or interviews he either opted to do them by FaceTime or if he had a concert he simply couldn’t postpone he either brought you along with him or just performed it after you convincing him you’d be fine. He had grown rather protective over you so much so you were now confused what your relationship status was with him- friends? Partners? Friends with benefits? You weren’t entirely sure but you didn’t really mind as he was clearly protective over you and just wanted you to be okay. Your stomach had been growing constantly the baby bump soon showing to the point you weren’t able to hide it anymore but you didn’t mind. Your parents were supportive and so were your friends. Harry was the sweetest and most supportive and you couldn’t help but fall more and more in love with him, he came to every scan and every single check up with you no matter what was happening he came with you and as he promised was there to support you throughout it all and some of it was scary terrifying even, and you knew if he wasn’t there and you were alone then you wouldn’t have a clue what to do… he made you feel safe. Very safe. And you were forever grateful.
“I’ll be fine Harry” your voice was tired as you weakly dropped your head to rest against the toilet seat, you had been puking up whatever contents your stomach held for a good 45 minutes now, the morning sickness was exhausting. “Yeah sure. Don’t give me that. Let me take care of you.” He said as he slowly walked into the bathroom a bottle of water held in one hand and a large plastic bowl held in his other hand before he placed them down his large hands immediately working to pull your hair back away from your face as he held your hair up in a pony tail, a hair tie on his wrist as he gently tied your hair into a loose messy bun before he crouched down beside you his hand slowly rubbing up and down your back in a soothing manner “feel like shit” you grumbled out and he nodded slowly not wanting to say anything wrong like ‘I know I know’ as he in fact did not know… for one he wasn’t a woman and he most definitely couldn’t get pregnant and experience morning sickness so he simply remained silent his hand continuing to gently rub up and down your back slowly and gently. “What do you want?” He asked softly and you furrowed your brows “what?” You asked confused “boy or girl” he said and you let out a soft laugh “sorry, just trying to make conversation” he murmured with a little smile even if he didn’t like to admit it he was scared, nervous even… he was a top tier celebrity who was constantly in the eye of fans and paparazzi…. He wanted to keep you and the baby out of their way… he didn’t care- he wasn’t letting those pigs get money off of photos of you or his child. Photos of him were fine but he had become protective over you extremely protective to the point he was willing to smash a camera if needs be. Paparazzi tested his limits constantly and usually he was pretty good at not being affected but if you were brought into it then he would freak. He wouldn’t let them take pictures of you. Nor would he let them hurt you. “I think I want a little boy… don’t mind though.” You spoke snapping Harry out of it and he smiled pressing a kiss to your forehead “I don’t mind either way… but if I’d have to choose I’d want a little girl… bet she’d look just like you.” He spoke sweetly and you smiled but that smile quickly was turned upside down as you dry heaved into the toilet “ugh I hate this.” You shined out as he continued to gently rub up and down your back slowly and gently “you’re doing so well. So well.”
A few weeks had passed by and now was your baby shower, you didn’t want a massive one only you and Harry and a few friends as well as your parents. You had your mum make cupcakes and one of the cupcakes had coloured fondant in it. “Okay dad you go first” you said excitedly as you smiled, Harry’s hand lightly resting on your knee as you was happy too. He was excited. He couldn’t wait to see what gender the baby was. Your dad quickly showed that there was no fondant in it a few groans echoing around as you laughed softly, your friends did the same but they didn’t have it either and by the end of it the two cupcakes left were yours and Harry’s “let’s do it together” he suggested and you nodded excitedly as you held onto his hand before you both at the exact same time bit into the cupcake “oh my god!!” Harry’s voice was excited and you were quick to follow his excitement as your mum had sneakily had two cupcakes filled with fondant for both you and Harry specifically “we’re having a little boy!!” You exclaimed your arms quickly wrapping around the man as he held onto you tightly a wide smile on his face as he held you in his embrace before he pressed a little kiss to the top of your head “a little boy…” he said with a warm smile the excitement you both shared with one another being totally indescribable. You were nervous before but now you were beyond excited you couldn’t wait to meet your little boy.
Weeks turned into months and before you knew it your due date was only a few days away, you and Harry had gotten closer. He was starting to go out more to achieve his concerts and such but he was always only a call away always making sure you were okay after every concert he did. You were sat on the couch, Harry sitting beside you arm loosely wrapped around your shoulders- it was early in the morning and he didn’t have to be at work until 3 ish so you had all day with him practically. You held the first scans and most recent scans of your baby boy in your hands a wide smile on your face Harry’s chin gently resting on your shoulder as he looked at the scans too “he’s going to be so handsome… gonna have the best mum ever.” He murmured to you as he pressed a light kiss to your cheek and you smiled softly, he had been very kiss-y with you yet you both hadn’t been able to establish proper feelings yet. “Going to have the best dad too.” You said slowly turning to look at him forgetting just how close you were with him your breath gently fanning over his lips as he gazed into your eyes his lips mere inches away from yours his eyes searching yours and yours searched his right back you didn’t think you would ever fall in love with someone like this… not ever… but maybe the baby was a blessing in disguise?
And on that last thought you gently leaned in pressing a kiss to his lips your hand caressing against his cheek and he was quick to caress his hand against the nape of your neck pulling you closer to him, deepening the kiss that slight bit more- he kissed you so deeply and so passionately as if he was kissing you for the first time all over again, the first time was beautiful- slightly sloppy and needy but right now it wasn’t that, right now it was perfect… gentle… slow… full of no need or want- simply full of love. You slowly pulled back looking into his eyes “too soon?” You asked worriedly but he instead of saying anything simply pulled you back in again his lips pressing against yours as he wrapped his arms around you kissing you deeply and passionately as you and him had a slight make out session and you both knew you both needed that… needed it because it was simply brewing, it had been brewing for a long time the tension being strong “not too soon, no…” he murmured assuringly as he smiled into your eyes “just on time” he said softly before he kissed you again, you both kissing until you were both left breathless over and over again.
That evening was nice, Harry left for work and you were just resting on the couch watching Harry Potter and the goblet of fire. You weren’t really paying attention to it your attention mainly on your phone as you scrolled through social media eyes slightly tired and after a while you stood up off of the couch attempting to walk to the kitchen but before you could even make an attempt a wetness quickly began dripping down your legs, as if you had peed yourself but you hadn’t. You were confused and slightly horrified to say the least a slight pool of liquid forming just below you but that’s when it hit you… Shit it didn’t take long for you to put the puzzle pieces together and you were quick to ring Harry your hand resting on your belly, this wasn’t good- this couldn’t be good. Your waters had broke! Fuck. His phone went to voicemail over and over again before finally someone answered “hello,” it was a males voice but it wasn’t Harry “h-h-hi… get Harry please…” you practically begged “I’m sorry who is this?” The voice questioned “I’m Harry’s friend! Y/n! Please!” You spoke desperately hearing a sudden sharp intake of breath before the sound of screaming fans were heard- Harry was performing… of course your waters broke whilst he was performing. Typical! Your breathing was heavy as you squeezed your eyes shut holding your tummy, you felt weak and dizzy and terrified you didn’t know what the hell to do.
The stage manager continued to try and get Harry’s attention but he was dancing and talking to the fans, the stage manager however was quick to radio over to the people who controlled the music the music fairly quickly shutting off as Harry looked around confused his eyes soon landing on the stage manager who was quite honestly freaking out, Harry’s phone in hand as Harry put two and two together “one second everyone I’ll be back” he spoke into the microphone trying to not alert anyone to something being wrong before he ran off stage quickly taking the phone from him as he put it up to his ear “y/n?” He asked taking his ear piece out of his ear as he stuck his finger into his ear blocking out the screaming fans so he could hear you better “h-harry my waters broke… I-I need help” and at your words and quivering voice his heart dropped, the rest of his band quickly leaving the stage too to see what was the matter “I’m going to be home soon, Mitch I need you to get onto the phone with 999- call an ambulance right away.” Harry shot demands at his friends, telling them exactly what to do as he immediately went into protective mode.
You tried to remain calm as you gripped onto your tummy breathing heavy “I’m nearly home.” Harry said, he had stayed on the line with you the entire time and after a few more minutes the sound of car keys jingling were heard before the front door was pushed open “c’mere we’re going to the hospital what do you need?” He asked calmly and you let out a shaky breath “I-I don’t know…” you whimpered out and Harry knew you needed him to help and so he did, easily and quickly packing a hospital bag for you before he helped you out of the house and into his car “I-I- the baby’s gonna come… I- I cant…” you whimpered out and Harry hushed you gently strapping the seatbelt over you knowing it would be uncomfortable but he wanted you to be safe “look at me…” his hands gently cupped your face making you look at him “you can. You can do this.” He then pressed a kiss to your forehead before making his way round to the drivers seat getting in as he was immediately quick to start driving, he made sure to drive as safely as possible but he was in a mad rush to get you to the hospital so did risk running a few red lights. But he had to. He hadn’t experienced this before so was worried for your health and the baby’s health.
Everything flew by in a blur for you, first you were in a car now you were laying down on a hospital bed Harry to your left and doctors and nurses to your right, the doctors voices were muffled due to your pounding head and Harry lightly grabbed onto your hand “here… I’m here… right here.” He said softly giving your hand a squeeze, Harry’s eyes were on the doctors and nurses but every so often he would look down at you and press kisses to the back of your hand “give her some gas and air… she’ll be ready to push fairly soon.” The main doctor spoke as nurses immediately helped you- placing the oxygen tube into your mouth so you could breathe- apparently it was laughing gas but you sure as hell didn’t feel like laughing. If anything it made you feel sick.
A soft cry soon left your lips your eyes screwing shut the agony tearing throughout you being absolutely horrible, Harry hated seeing you like this… but this was raw natural birth for you. He squeezed your hand tightly “you’re doing so well honey… you’re okay.” He soothed as best as he could gently pushing a few hairs from off of your forehead as little grunts of pain continued leaving your lips, each contraction hitting you harder than the one prior. “Keep breathing in and out-“ “I am breathing!” You exclaimed and Harry bit down on his lip, looking at a few of the nurses whom had seemingly had patients like you before and Harry although a tad bit amused was quick to go back to comforting you gripping onto your hand tightly your grip on his hand making your fingertips turn white as you panted heavily, you pushed hard a slight groan leaving your lips as you fell back into the comfort of the hospital bed tears of frustration and pain trailing down your cheeks “I-I can’t do this…. I can’t Harry.. I-I cant..” you whimpered out looking at him fearfully the nurses around you quickly assuring you that you could as Harry stroked your cheek wiping away your tears “yes you can darling. You can do this… you’re so close… he’s nearly out. I promise. Just a few more pushes c’mon. Deep breath and then push as hard as you can” he said copying what the nurses had said prior trying to help you as he felt helpless. He hated seeing you in such agony.
You nodded before taking a deep breath as you squeezed your eyes shut pushing hard. Incredibly hard. Before a sudden relief surrounded you sudden cries from a baby were heard… your baby… tears sprung to your eyes as Harry looked at you eyes full of warmth and love and even some tears as well “you did it… you did it. You did so well.” He said pressing a kiss to your forehead as you closed your eyes tiredly a weak smile forming on your lips…. The pain was worth it. Soon enough your baby boy was rushed into your arms his tiny face was beautiful he had Harry’s nose and had your eyes, he looked exactly like you and Harry. A spitting image practically. “He’s perfect” Harry whispered to you and you smiled looking into his eyes with a lot of happiness, the nurses were fairly quick to leave to give you and Harry alone time but one left a little teddy for the baby something they apparently did for all newborns- the teddy was small and had a little stuffed bow and arrow attached to its paws and you couldn’t help but smile as you looked into Harry’s eyes “Archie styles” you whispered out to Harry watching as his eyes practically lit up “even more perfect” he whispered kissing your shoulder and you smiled looking down at baby Archie your eyes full of nothing but love for the little boy.
Tiredness soon overcame you and Harry was more than willing to take the little boy from you “rest up my love,” he soothed and you obliged exhausted and Harry took Archie into his arms the small boy snuggling into his arms as Harry sat down looking down at him “you’re such a small thing yet caused your mummy so much pain, hm.” He smiled before letting out a soft chuckle his eyes filling with tears as he looked down at the newborn before he looked to you watching your peace as you slept and he smiled pulling Archie closer to him… this is all Harry ever truly wanted… a family of his own and finally he had it. Now he could spend time with his family… his girl… his little boy… the people who would soon become his favourite people ever. His family.
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mollywog · 3 months
What If?
A follow up to Complicated
They’re in the meadow. Katniss lies with her head in his lap as he braids small sections of her loose hair. Tomorrow is his one late morning a week and he’s enjoying staying up enough to see the sunset.
The reaping hangs heavy as always, but it’s their final one. School is coming to an end and the loan for the bakery is secured. It’s perfect… or at least it should be. But something is off; Katniss has been distracted lately and he’s afraid to ask
“What if one of us is reaped?” She says, opening her eyes to look up at him.
He groans, “let’s not do this, Please? I think we’ve been through every possible scenario. I don’t want to spend our night as hypothetical tributes.”
What-if is a game they play sometimes. It started back when he’d been too nervous to ask her out. Instead of asking her directly, he’d said ‘what if I asked you out?’ He’d felt like a coward, but she’d found it endearing. Now they use it to tease and allay fears they're too scared to say otherwise.
The reaping what-ifs are common enough. Regardless, their what-ifs always end with the two of them together, whether it’s through mutual sacrifice or a rebellion that ends the games forever.
“Okay,” she nods and closes her eyes.
But he can feel the tension radiating from her. He watches her swallow. Panic begins to rise, is she looking for a way out? To what-if her way out of the relationship the same way he’d what-ifed into it? Things were finally falling into place. He’d close on the bakery the day after the reaping and had planned to ask her to marry him before the ink dried; As soon as there was no way his mother could withhold her signature. He’d all but told her that, but maybe she was having second thoughts? The bakery without Katniss to share it would be a bitter victory.
She takes a deep breath and he holds his own, “What if I’m pregnant?”
A moment passes as he processes. “Katniss?”
“Just play the game Peeta.”
He licks his lips, his heart in his throat as he tries to temper his joy… and terror. He wants to scoop her into his arms; hold her and kiss her then sprint to the justice building to make it official, but he needs to be sure they’re on the same page, “What if it’s not what you wanted?” he asks.
She opens her eyes to scowl at him, “Are you trying to say you don’t want this?”
“Not at all. You were the one who wanted to play.”
“Fine,” She snaps. “But you answer first: What if it’s not what you wanted?”
“That’s not a fair question. The only reason I wouldn’t want a child of ours is if you didn’t,” he tries not to imagine what a similar conversation between his parents looked like all those years ago. “Katniss, I love you. I want to spend every moment of the rest of my life with you. A child won’t change that, even if it came earlier than we’d planned or never at all. But I still need to know so I can help: what if it’s not what you wanted?”
She sits up to look him in the eye. “I could never not want this either,” she says before launching herself into his arms.
They’re both trembling as he envelops her in his embrace and he releases a shaky laugh, the product of his nerves. “What if I asked you to marry me right now?” he says into her hair when he’s found his voice again.
“What if I said I still want to keep us - the three of us - quiet until after the papers go through?
He sighs, “Then what if I waited to ask until it doesn’t have to be a secret?”
She nods, “I don’t want you to be a secret either, you know? I just don’t want you to lose your livelihood because of me.”
He’d do it in an instant and she knows it. They’ve what-ifed themselves a life in the Seam as well as on the run past the fence; anywhere, anyway as long as they're together.
She lays back down on the grass, taking up her previous spot. She picks up his hand to hold over her still flat midsection and closes her eyes. He caresses her stomach as he imagines doing the same in their home come July. “What if it’s a girl?” he muses.
She smiles, “What if she has your eyes?”
“And your voice?”
“And your smile?” she says, peeking an eye open to watch as his smile brightens.
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Sweet Child of Mine (3,782 Words)
A follow on from my fic 'You are Not Alone.' I would recommend reading that one first but it's not essential! Basically, Omega has returned from the Rebellion after the war and is pregnant.
Back by popular demand is Ba'buir Hunter! I had no idea how popular he would be but I'm here for it!
As always, the link to my AO3 page is here and the link to my masterlist on Tumblr is here!
Hunter awoke about an hour after he’d drifted into a light sleep, confused for a moment as to what had woken him up. 
It became pretty clear when he heard a slow intake of breath followed by a gradual shuffle of someone in pain moving back and forth… who could be up at this time? Wrecker would be making more noise if this was him, and Crosshair hated pacing. It drove the man insane, so there was no way that it was him. That, of course, left one member of the household. Clambering out of bed, Hunter padded down the stairs of their home and into the living room.
The sight in front of him made his heart drop into his stomach.
There, in her pyjamas, was Omega; she was braced against the back of the sofa, her hands gripping it tightly as she breathed in slowly through her nose and then out through her mouth. Her bump had dropped a few days ago, indicating that she was nearing the end of her pregnancy.
Hunter frowned. She was in pain, he could practically see it radiating off of her.
“You struggling to sleep, ‘Mega?” he asked quietly, not wanting to interrupt her thoughts. The woman simply nodded, a scowl on her face that told her buir everything he needed to know. His kid was in pain… a lot of pain. He stepped forward, coming up behind her and gently rubbing circles on her lower back in the way the nurse had suggested. The affect was almost immediate, with her becoming a little more relaxed.
“I think…” she trailed off, loosening her grip on the sofa and sanding to face her buir. “That these are contractions.”
Hunter didn’t know how to react, his mouth opening and closing a little like a fish. “Oh,” he eventually managed to stammer out, making Omega laugh. “How far apart?” he asked when his brain eventually kicked back into gear. She muttered her response and he breathed a sigh of relief. There was no need to panic yet. Even if his little girl’s face was contorted with pain and exhaustion. Hunter, deciding to try and hide his panic, offered the support he knew how to give.
“Want some help with that pacing?”
When Crosshair came down in the early morning for a glass of water, he froze before entering the kitchen; Omega was stood, hands braced on Hunter’s shoulders and her face buried in his chest as she took deep breaths. The ex-sergeant held her up by the arms, whispering quiet support in her ear as she worked her way through another contraction. Hunter glanced up at his brother, having spotted him and they had a silent conversation.
Need me here?
Not yet. It’s not time.
Crosshair nodded his head in a ‘if you need me, get me,’ gesture and Hunter nodded with a grateful smile on his face. He then went back to soothing his daughter.
“That was an impressive one,” Omega wheezed out as it passed; she went a little limp, glad that her buir was there to catch her and support her weight. They wondered over to the couch, Hunter carefully guiding her into a seated position. The exhaustion was beginning to catch up with the young woman and he could see her eyes drooping as her head began to nod.
“Get some sleep if you can, ad’ika,” he whispered, also taking a seat on the sofa. She curled into him, forcing him to put an arm around her and hold her close… not that he minded. 
Omega slowly nodded off, her face still washed over with a pained expression. She was really struggling, Hunter thought to himself as he rested his head against the back of the couch. A small nap wouldn’t hurt, he mused as he let himself drift back into a light sleep.
He was woken up by the sound of heavy breathing and a low and drawn out groan. 
Jerking awake, the first thing he was aware of was Omega, hunched forward and groaning as a contraction washed over her. The next thing he knew was that Crosshair was crouched in front of her, holding her hands and whispering meditation breathing techniques that she had taught him. The final thing he became aware of as he drifted into consciousness was the huge wet patch on the couch. 
“Waters broke a minute ago,” Crosshair responded to his thoughts, and Hunter nodded. He gave himself a second to absorb the information before shifting on the couch to sit up properly.
“Time to go get comfy?” he asked, Omega nodding with her face scrunched up. 
“Feels like I can’t walk…” she stammered out through heavy breathing.
Hunter and Crosshair glanced at each other; none of their family had considered that Omega would struggle to get up the stairs whilst in labour… it was time for an impromptu plan B.
Standing up, Hunter encouraged his kid onto her feet, supporting her in the same way he had earlier in the night. Crosshair seemed to understand what he was going for because he quickly left the room and returned with a plastic bin bag and a bed sheet.
The ex-sniper made quick work of covering the wet patch with the bag and then placing a bed sheet over the couch cushions.
Omega slowly changed out of her wet pyjama trousers before she sat down heavily, leaning back on the couch.
“This is so much worse than I thought,” she ground out, making Hunter chuckle nervously as he perched next to her. She scowled at him, though it quickly turned into a whimper as another contraction hit. Distantly, Hunter heard Crosshair tapping a stopwatch to time it. She gripped Hunter’s hand once more and gritted her teeth, a determined look on her face.
“How far apart now?” the young woman asked her brother once the wave had passed. Crosshair checked the timer and grimaced. 
“About five minutes,” he replied, glancing up at his sister. She nodded, reaching for her comm device.
“Time to call Lyana and AZI. Things are beginning to move along.”
It was not Lyana or AZI  who had arrived at the house ten minutes later, but a medical droid. Upon arriving, the droid had said that both Lyanna and AZI were attending an emergency on the other side of Pabu. It then insisted on seeing Omega on her own. 
“The patient will be examined and then we will discuss who is in the room for delivery,” it had stated in a monotonous voice. “Unless the father of the baby is here, of course.”
Crosshair had nearly needed holding back at the mention of ‘the father.’ Luckily, Hunter and Wrecker had caught him by the arms and gently pulled him back. The three ex-soldiers had miserably trudged upstairs and waited for news…
… the waiting, along with hearing Omega’s pained cries, was unbearable.
“Who knew having a baby hurt so much,” commented Wrecker, who was clutching Lula close and squeezing her every time he heard his little sister. Crosshair had pulled out a cigarette and lit it; Hunter didn’t even have the presence of mind to scold him. If there was a time to have a sneaky smoke, now was it. They were in Crosshair’s room anyway. It’s not like he was going to stink out Hunter’s room with smoke. 
Out of the three of them, for once, Hunter looked the most calm. He was sat, concentrating on the sounds coming from downstairs. He heard the medical droid offering an injected pain killer, to which Omega said no and called it a ‘kriffing idiot.’
After an hour or so of sitting in a torturous cycle, Hunter heard a different tone to Omega’s voice. She was flagging and it was beginning to become clear.
“Is there nothing I can take orally?” he heard her ask the droid in a quiet voice. There was a pause as the droid considered this.
“An oral pain killer would not take affect in time,” it replied eventually. “You are sure you do not want me to…”
The droid did not get to finish it’s sentence as Omega let out a pained groan once more. That was when Hunter heard her say something. It was a quiet whimper, practically a whisper but it was loud enough for him to hear it.
“I just want my buir.”
Hunter wasted no time sprinting down the stairs and into the room; there, Omega lay on the couch looking sweaty and tear stained. The medical droid appeared by his side and if it could have glared, Hunter had a feeling it would be right now.
“I thought I said no to others in here,” it scolded lightly, but the ex-sergeant was having none of it.
“And I’m asking you to leave,” he snapped. “Omega’s asked for my help. I’m not going to leave her.”
He glared at the droid for a moment before it decided that it was losing this battle and began to make it’s way out of the room, grumbling about unruly patients. As it left, Hunter hollered after it, “And fetch Lyana and AZI if they’re back!”
His attentions were on Omega the second the droid was gone; she looked dazed and pained and it hurt him that there was nothing he could do to help her. He opted instead to find a cool, damp cloth and place it on her forehead. She smiled at him, her hand going to find his.
“Thank you,” she said with a huff. “That droid was beginning to wind me up.” Hunter let out a small laugh as his kid. “Beginning to?” he asked. “He was winding me up the minute he arrived.”
The pair snorted with laughter before Hunter gently kissed her forehead.
“How you feeling, ad’ika?” he asked, smoothing back some of her hair and fixing it in place with her usually bandanna. 
“Sore, restless, tired,” Omega glanced down at her baby bump. “I just want this part to be over now.”
Her buir nodded, crouching down next to the couch and picking up one of her hands. He stroked his thumb over her knuckles in small, soothing circles. Seconds later she was gripping his hand and groaning as another contraction washed over her. He wrapped an arm around his daughter’s shoulders, muttering support to her as she worked her way through the pain. As it faded and she went limp in his arms she frowned.
“That one felt different,” she started, making Hunter raise an eyebrow. “And it feels a little bit like I… like I need the ‘fresher.” 
Hunter didn’t begin to get time to think about what that meant before Lyana and AZI burst into the room.
“Omega!” AZI floated around in his usual panic before Lyana sent him a look. 
“Hey,” Omega replied before her face crumpled once more. Hunter felt helpless as he watched her grapple with the pain. “This one feels the same,” she said more to her buir as she took steadying breaths.
Lyanna wasted no time getting to work; Hunter couldn’t quite believe that the little girl he’d met all those years ago had become a doctor. He pulled up a stool, sitting next to the couch and gripping Omega’s hand in an attempt to help her relax a little.
“I reckon you’re ready to push, ‘Mega.” Lyana’s voice was calm and soothing, everything that the young clone needed to hear. She nodded, a brave look on her face despite the raised heartbeat Hunter could hear. She glanced up at her buir, letting her mask fall for a split second. She was terrified. 
Hunter moved closer to his daughter, holding her close and kissing the top of her head. 
“Not long now, ad’ika,” he reassured. “Not long now.”
An hour.
That’s how long Omega had pushed for… an hour. She had sobbed hysterically after about forty minutes, declaring that she couldn’t do it anymore. Lyana had stepped in at that point, scolding her best friend for giving up.
“You’ve been through worse than this, Omega. You are not going to give up.”
The words of the young doctor had worked, and twenty minutes later the sounds of a wailing baby could be heard. A little girl with a small tuft of blonde hair.
More tears were shed, by Omega, by Hunter, and by Lyana. The baby was quickly taken care of thanks to AZI, and placed in the waiting arms of her mother.
“She’s perfect,” Omega had sniffled as she stoked a gentle finger against the baby’s cheek. Hunter… Hunter had gone into shock a little. He stared down at the baby, his eyes filled with happy tears for his daughter and granddaughter. He nodded mutely, not trusting himself to say anything without snivelling like a child. The pair sat together, watching this new life now asleep contentedly against her mother’s chest. 
“She can probably hear your heartbeat,” Hunter muttered, having read something about babies using the heartbeat of their mothers to soothe themselves. He could relate to that, especially in the months after Tantiss.
Omega had wanted to get herself sorted out a little before seeing the rest of her family, so Lyana and AZI helped her hobble to the kitchen to change and get cleaned up; the bathroom was upstairs, and Omega had barked out a laugh when AZI had asked if she could manage the stairs. 
That left Hunter, still sat on the stool next to the couch, awkwardly cradling his newborn baby bu’ad. He smiled tearfully as he watched her sleep, tuning into her heartbeat. 
“Hello,” he whispered, not wanting to wake the child. In that moment, part of him ached; it ached with a regret that he hadn’t been able to hold Omega like this when she was this age, that he had missed all of the new and exciting things that this baby was going to experience… he guessed he would just have to take solace in the fact that this baby would never know the pain that Omega had at such a young age. She would never feel alone and neglected, never feel as though no one loved her, never spend nights crying herself to sleep over her trauma that she had experienced har too young.
Yes, Hunter could take solace in that.
A shuffle from the doorway caught his attention and he glanced up only to see Omega moving back into the room, clinging to Lyana’s arm whilst AZI hovered ahead. She smiled at the sight in front of her, her buir cradling his sleeping granddaughter. Moving slowly, she started to make her way back to the couch, breathing heavily and gritting her teeth. This was hard! When did walking become difficult?!
Hunter wasted no time standing and carefully passing the baby to AZI, who wanted to run some checks. He moved to Omega’s other arm and helped her back onto the couch. The young clone heaved a sigh of relief as she settled before looking over at where AZI was checking over the baby. Her buir wasted no time, moving to sit next to her on the couch.
“You okay, ‘Mega?” he asked, a touch of concern in his voice. She nodded in response, a tired smile on her face. “Can I get you anything, kid?” He kept pressing, offering her a drink and some food (which she readily accepted) and an extra cushion to help her sit up. She laughed fondly at his words, leaning her head against his shoulder. Hunter froze, stopping his nervous ramble and relaxing. He rested his cheek against the to of her head, smiling contentedly.
“I thought grandparents were supposed to fuss over the baby, not the mother,” his daughter joked tiredly. Hunter let out a small huff of laughter before looking down at his little girl.
“I’ve got to make sure my baby’s okay first,” he replied, his voice croaking.
Omega’s eyes filled with tears (again). “You never knew me when I was that little,” she commented, a touch of sadness in her voice. “I wish you had.” Hunter let out a shaky breath.
“I wish I had too, ad’ika,” he replied. “Doesn’t stop you from being my baby, though. You’ll always be my little girl.”
The woman looked up at her buir, smiling a wide smile, but before anything else could be said, AZI floated over carrying the swaddled baby carefully. She was handed to Omega, who couldn’t contain the grin (or her tears) as she held her.
“Can you go and get the others?” she asked, glancing up at Hunter after a short while. He nodded at stood, leaving the room to summon his brothers.
Minutes later, Wrecker’s loud footsteps could be heard as he, Hunter and Crosshair made their way downstairs. The ex-sergeant entered the room first, smiling at Omega before moving to sit down in an arm chair; he’d already spent a lot of time with his granddaughter, it was only fair that he took a back seat for Crosshair and Wrecker.
Wrecker had cried. So had Crosshair, though he’d been better at hiding it (or so he thought). Both had been a little scared to hold the baby, for different reasons. Wrecker had cradled her like she was going to break; it reminded Hunter of the first time Wrecker had hugged Omega. The tiny baby looked even smaller in the arms of the large clone, and it was with trembling hands that he eventually gently handed her back to her mother.
Crosshair… Crosshair had been shaking from the moment he’d been asked if he wanted to hold her. Hunter stepped forward, putting a gentle hand on his brother’s shoulder.
“What if I drop her?” he asked, gesturing to his non-existent right hand. His brother simply guided him to a seat and showed him how to position his arms before carefully taking the little girl off of Omega. Once the baby was settled in Crosshair’s arms it was like no one else in the room existed. He stared, wide eyed, down at her; for a moment Hunter thought his brother was panicking, but then a small smile broke out on the ex-sniper’s face. It was the smile that he had only reserved for Omega when he had re-joined their squad. Omega smiled knowingly; just as she had all those years ago, her daughter had captured Crosshair’s heart and had it wrapped around her little finger.
“What’s her name?” he croaked out eventually. All eyes turned to Omega, who was watching her family with a tired look on her face. She glanced around the room, her eyes settling on the tiny baby.
“Her name is Mina.”
The little family had spent the rest of the day (the baby had been born at eleven in the morning) in their living room, talking quietly and taking it in turns to hold Mina. 
Omega had slept for quite a lot of that time, resting her head on the shoulder of whichever family member she was sat next to at that time. When the evening rolled around, Wrecker had helped her up the stairs and to her own room, where the baby’s cot had also been set up. Hunter carried Mina up to bed; Crosshair had admitted that he didn’t want to try moving with her until he was more confident. The ex-sergeant turned ba’buir hadn’t minded at all, his smile soft as he held his granddaughter close. When he arrived at Omega’s room, the door was cracked open to let him know that it was okay for him to enter. 
Omega was already in bed, clearly having been tucked in by Wrecker as she was propped up against her pillows carefully.
“Can I kiss her goodnight?” she asked in a small voice, which made Hunter frown. He perched on the edge of the bed and handed Mina over. “She’s your daughter, ad’ika,” he reminded gently. “You don’t need to ask permission to hold her.” Omega laughed a little at that. 
“Oh yeah,” she said as she pressed a gentle kiss against Mina’s forehead. Hunter glanced around the room to try and give the pair a little bit of privacy, tears springing to his eyes as he heard her whisper a soft “Goodnight, Mina. I love you, ik’aad.”
When he turned back, Omega was watching her buir with an amused look on her face.
“You can’t hide from me,” she laughed. “I know you’re a sentimental old man, even if you tried to hide it from me when I was younger.” Hunter plastered a false look of offence on his face, making his daughter laugh more. He took Mina from Omega, gently placing her down in the cot in the way that Lyana had shown the family earlier that day. He moved back to where his own little girl was resting, her eyes beginning to droop; she watched her daughter, a small smile on her face.
“How can you have only just met someone and love them so much it hurts?” she mused, glancing up at Hunter. Her buir grinned and perched on the edge of her bed once more.
“I…” he started, not really sure how to proceed. “I don’t really know, but that’s exactly what it was like when I met you.”
Omega’s eyes widened as she realised for the first time that the way she was feeling was exactly how Hunter must have felt. 
“Just you wait until she starts dating,” the ex-sergeant went on to joke, only for Omega to send him a cold, deadpan look that made him laugh more. His daughter shuffled further under her blankets, her eyes drooping again as she settled down for the night. “I don’t think I want her to call me buir…” she mused sleepily, capturing Hunter’s attention. “That’s you. I might stick with mom…” All her buir could do was nod; there was no point in responding as his ad’ika slipped into a light sleep.
Hunter hadn’t tucked her in in a long time, but he wouldn’t pass up on the opportunity tonight. He stooped and pressed a kiss to her temple before reaching over and turning off the bedside lamp.
“Goodnight, ad’ika,” he whispered before heading towards the bedroom door.
“Goodnight, ba’buir,” came the tired, yet teasing tone of his daughter. Like he needed help feeling old. He chuckled lightly and closed the bedroom door before heading to his own room.
He was a ba’buir… Hunter hadn’t thought that it was possible for his heart to feel more full when Omega had come tumbling into it, but here he was. His heart ached in the best way and he couldn’t help but smile as he dozed off that night.
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