What if Aro had been too late to save/turn Jane and Alec?
Then he would have been very sad and all through the Mediterranean there'd be a bloody disaster as the Romanians were invading with an army 100 vampires strong (doing some math here that's one human devoured every two weeks, if they're being conscientious and not looting and pillaging the villages for funsies, and... well the math goes on but depending on the speed of the march/if they're just razing every human center for fun then it's a lot of people).
Aro, at the time having only himself, Caius, Marcus (in a depressed state), Chelsea, Demetri, and Felix as his powerhouses would have to amass or else turn his own army in turn (thankfully he has Chelsea to make them very loyal very quickly) which in turn results in many many many dead and use Chelsea and Marcus to dissolve the enemy forces, lessen morale, and deplete their resources before they can conquer Italy.
You'd have a very messy vampire war in other words.
The Volturi probably would have won given Marcus and Chelsea (troop unitiy is very important) but it'd be a messy affair with many dead and the Volturi would never be as secure as we see them in canon.
Volterra probably wouldn't be as rich in wealth/material items as Aro now has to spend his time warring (which also means Caius isn't bored and getting high as he's always off fighting someone) and the newborn wars would probably be worse as the Volturi lack the manpower to efficiently snuff them out.
Probably a lot more spies in use for Aro as well as he needs to infiltrate enemy organizations and not simply stamp them out like bugs.
Depending, the Volturi may not survive to the modern age, but given they did climb to the top without Jane and Alec they could still survive for some time but it'd be a lot less... certain.
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kitsune-oji · 1 year
I loved your headcanon of Diavolo having a crush but what would it be like if he had a crush on an angel?
Diavolo Crushing On An Angel
Ooooh that's a good one! Thank you sm for requesting
Gn! Angel person x Diavolo
Warnings: a bit sad?
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From the moment he realised that he's crushing on an Angel, Diavolo pretty much already gave up
Even if they did like him back, Diavolo is in no position to have a relationship with an Angel considering he's the future King of Demons. Which, it's not a problem he's a demon per se - Diavolo is all for a strong unitiy between the realms as we all know - but instead that he is supposed to lead the devildom.
Not only would there be opposition about the matter of how he would make an heir (because even if they do get a child together, it wouldn't be a demon. With a human it's more like... They don't live that long so most demons of the upper class who have the "right" to voice their complains just believe that Dia will get another, better partner in the future)
But there would also be the demons doubting Diavolo's ability to reign because what if he's influenced by his Angel partner, right? Every little thing will be scrutinized even more than before and from the Celestial Realm side, the Angels wouldn't be very happy about it either
Talk about how he's "corrupting" their fellow Angel sibling would surely circulate. How his endavours to bring "peace amongst the realms" is actually just a ploy to hurt Angels (and humans) and maybe he has an Angel fetish and-
It just won't work out well if he doesn't want to keep it secret and Diavolo understands this, but it still hurts him. At least, he thinks, he can make them happy in other ways
So he pays attention to what they want, what worries they have, anything that could give him a clue or two on what he can do to make their life easier, happier
Inviting them over often under the excuse that he wants to understand Angels better but it's a bit obvious that he doesn't do the same with the other Angels he could also talk to
Still, he just says that they're very pleasant to talk to if anyone asks... Which isn't a lie, he's just leaving out a bit of the reason...
If they find out about his feelings and reciprocate them, it just hurts even more. If they want to try having a relationship anyway, they would have to do a loooooot of convincing for Diavolo to possibly cave
He doesn't want to keep it secret but being open would, as said, become very difficult for them (especially him)
Basically, even then he wouldn't go for it and if they do manage to convince him, it would make for a very dramatic and turbulent love story with not too high a chance for a happy end
If they fall for someone else and he finds out/notices or they get together with the person they like, Diavolo will put up a front and throw himself into work. If anyone asks why he's acting strangely, he will just say he's incredibly busy and then change the topic
It won't stop him from still trying his best to make them happy and their life easier in any way he can. It's just not as much as before, mostly because thinking about them hurts and he needs time to feel better + throwing himself into work does actually make him busy so he sees them less -> less opportunity to find out what they need or want
To some extend, Diavolo also worries that he's making them uncomfortable but doesn't know if asking them would be considered weird, since maybe they didn't even notice that he's been doing all those things? After all, he did try to be somewhat subtle about it
So he just keeps quiet. There's a chance that after they get together with their new partner, Diavolo and his crush grow apart/don't see each other much anymore
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childmagazine · 2 years
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Paul Graham - The Unitiy Dance Triptych, 1988-1990
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mevoici · 2 years
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Blessings / Unitiy
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littlegrapey · 15 days
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MEET SL-U also known as Unity
- About Him + Personality -
He is a also a Bounty Hunter, he is paired with XL-R, but for Unitiy or SL-U, Unlike his partner, he is one of most cheerful, Guidable, Humble and trusted, Yet he trust in people or Drones too much. And yet he adores Whenever he sees. He is childish and love to do stupidest things that no one would do. He is like a Happy personality Almost like N. But For Unity he is like much happier personality, Hyperactive, Optimistic and mostly Spontaneous and generous. He is so Guidable that he trusts in one person or group or friends of his. Sometimes He doesn’t like show his Other Aside emotions. Like anger of either Sadness which is why XL-R hated seeing SL-U that side of him. Yet depsite him being Happiness or Joyful. He hated himself for seeing himself sad or anger at someone even himself. . He is one of the Bounty hunters yet though doesn’t take Much his job seriously. Likes to goof off all the time and make jokes and laughs all the way. And likes to draw but not very well per se. He is one of the Sensitive Drone. He doesn’t like to be yelled at or either blame by him from other people. Doesn’t like seeing other people sad or either angry and hated being teased. Especially about his height is most relatable and easily offended. But you get the idea.
Oh by the way he is age is 18
Full name: SL- U
Nickname: Unity
Species: Bounty Hunter Drone
!!Bounty Hunters AU!! In murder drones
Meh idea but I liked it
Warning + Mentioned:
Though He is the youngest, and Reey is the Oldest, but their not ment to be shipped their just brothers. But not related but they acted like brothers as they both look out of each other, Though Reey or Rey is overly protective over Unity because he doesn’t know how to defend well from others who ever hurt or harm or either bullies him.
Some edit I did :>
!!! Explanation of my AU BountyHunter !!!
BountyHunter au, Where Bounty hunters Drones tracking Zombie drone / disassembly Drones Especially the Worker drones who didn’t Do their Jobs And sent them to JC JENSON only taken orders from is J.
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clgc · 27 days
今年も、8/15(木)ジーザスレインズ開催がかないました! 多くの人たちの祈りと愛に支えられ、福島ではこのように仕上がりました。
【ジーザスレインズ=Jesus Reigns(イエス様が治めます)】は、有名な牧師や音楽ゲストがいるから集まるのではなく、ひたすらイエス様の名前だけが目立つようにパレード&セレブレーションを実施します。
昨年に引き続き、関東首都圏をはじめ、青森、福島、長野、滋賀、大阪、沖縄、計7箇所で行われました。 将来的には47都道府県同日開催が目標です☆
=Sacrificial Giving/犠牲を払って与えること=
アーカイブも残っていますので、ご覧ください◎ https://www.youtube.com/@JesusReignsJapan
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fossuchi · 1 year
i dont know what other game engines exist so in my mind everyone is gonna go to rpg maker now that unitiy is garbage
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ellislisa · 2 years
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Our country is in a terrible place… I pray we all can dispose our differences & not be divisive. @joebiden @barackobama have never used “hate” nor “anger” as a tool to win. Our democratic state is mown on the line for everyone. This is serious. Please see beyond politics, & also see what is really happening. Even if you are Republican, there is not a question that America is better United than divided 🇺🇸 #VOTE FOR UNITIY #savedemocracy (at Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckj3yXhr9cF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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deutschelernende · 2 years
Deutsche Welle
RT @1PortionDeutsch: Mehr als ein #WortdesTages Heute ist der Tag der Deutschen Einheit - Day of German Unitiy Der Feiertag erinnert seit 1990 immer am 3. Oktober an die Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands. #TagderDeutschenEinheit #germanunityday https://t.co/NZHAq59Qz6 — DW Deutsch lernen (@dw_learngerman) Oct 3, 2022 https://twitter.com/dw_learngerman/status/1576914942430969856
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palatinewolfsblog · 4 years
What are the American ideals? They are the development of the individual for his own and the common good; the development of the individual through liberty; and the attainment of the common good through democracy and social justice.
Louis D. Brandeis
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onlycosmere · 4 years
You will find that hate can unify people more quickly and fervently than devotion ever could.
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beesandrainbows · 4 years
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51areas · 6 years
51 Areas ~ Paranormal Chat
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docileeffects · 7 years
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the--chaos · 5 years
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fluper · 4 years
You can hardly find any other gaming platform that considers high-end visibility and flexibility like Unity3D to accomplish its creativity, operation, and production. However, you need some tips that help you to amplify your creative skills in game creation.
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