#Uniti of Existence
neoendydy · 10 months
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responses for ask blog thingy as arno
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thirdity · 11 months
Science does not concern itself with those properties of existence to which ridiculousness belongs. Science explains the world, but only Art can reconcile us to it. What do we really know about the origin of the Universe? A blank so wide can be filled with myths and legends.
Stanisław Lem, Mortal Engines
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leftdestiny-posts · 2 months
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I think I showed a wip of this a while back, but I wanted to share it again as I improved it by adding some more info / including some of the comms I got of her
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sorin-sunchild · 7 months
I just want to say I don't like that some people are making posts about tumblrs recent transphobic fuck up saying that it's a trans girl/trans femme only issue and that only other trans girls care about what happened.
First) Some people haven't seen what happened. If they're not following or browsing trans tags, don't look at trending tags and have noone around them reblogging it then they won't see it.
Getting mad at people for not all being aware and thus assuming you're alone and not cared about by most people except those in your group is a dangerous mindset. It's not only isolating for you and unfair to others, but it's exactly the kind of mindset that makes you vulnerable to thinking things like "cis people/trans people of X identity don't care about me, it must be because they're all transmisogynistic and thus I should hate them too!" which is untrue and again, not good for your own mental wellness as well as the community as a whole.
Let's keep it trending so more people might see and reblog and talk about it! If you want people to know, don't let yourself be silenced!
Second) Some might not feel like they 'should' have an opinion because they're not trans femme and don't want to be accused of speaking over anyone. The fact we're often told as such doesn't help the paranoia and feeling like we have no rights to post about it then.
Posts encouraging other trans and nonbinary as well as cis people to stand up without accusing them of not caring or being bad people if they don't/haven't already will open up the conversation to all people. You're not obliged to do this of course and I'm not saying 'beg' for support (you wouldn't need to anyway) I'm just saying that this could solve the problem a little.
Third) The community most effected by an issue is always going to be the loudest about it. I promise you, theoretical trans girl/woman/femme reading this, that people other than trans femme people DO care and ARE mad and DO support you and all like you. You deserve to live in the way which makes you happy and is true to yourself. You are worthy of respect and support.
Trans existence isn't 'NSFW'. No, not even if someone is fully clothed and wearing mild vanilla gear which could be or definitely is kink gear.
Anyway this isn't just a trans femme issue, it's a trans community issue, it's a basic rights issue, it's everyone's issue.
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cardentist · 4 months
if we can understand that when terfs say "men" they often actually mean "trans women" then I think we should also be able to understand that when bigots say "[privileged group]" they often actually mean "[marginalized person]"
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philosophybits · 1 year
Once Zhuang Zhou dreamed he was a butterfly, a butterfly flitting and fluttering around, happy with himself and doing as he pleased. He didn’t know he was Zhuang Zhou. Suddenly he woke up, and there he was, solid and unmistakable Zhuang Zhou. But he didn’t know if he were Zhuang Zhou who had dreamed he was a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming he was Zhuang Zhou. Between Zhuang Zhou and a butterfly, there must be some distinction! This is called the Transformation of Things.
Zhuangzi, The Complete Works of Zhuangzi, Watson tr. (Ch 2)
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namitha · 1 year
As ram dass said when you stop feeling separate from everything around you and let go of your attachment to being an individual, something amazing happens. You start to realize that you are connected to everything in existence. It's like you can experience everything at once, without being confined to one place or time.
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sundayrobin · 2 months
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going thru my screenshots from 2.3 while waiting for the update (because i stupidly didn't pre-install them) and this might be my favorite part of the tb mission.
himeko is telling us that at its core, humanity is rooted in storytelling and the nameless’s mission to travel across the galaxy embodies this spirit. their journey centers around exploring new worlds but the significance of their travels goes beyond mere exploration; it's about encountering diverse stories from different people and places. it's in the "miniscule". it's in the individual tales that contribute to a grander tapestry of human existence which they strive to remember and honor. it's in how the nameless creates a shared experience that they carry along with them to other planets they visit. it's how they're able to create connections that transcend the vast distance it probably takes for the astral express to traverse from one planet to another. exploration becomes merely the means to achieve their true goal: to forge connections via the star rail through stories they encounter. it's why i think it's very fitting that the trailblaze is considered the one closest to humanity. in a world that extends as vast as the cosmos, they choose to ground themselves in these stories, to remember them when no one else would. because it's these individual tales and the ongoing dialogue between them that creates a continuous, living narrative that binds living species across the galaxy together.
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arthmis · 8 months
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I haven't posted them on my art blog yet but replaying some of the assassin's creed games last year made me revisit some old ocs I made about ten years ago <3 gave them a little revamp and new designs woohoo so here are the full designs + assorted doodles from last year.
françoise was basically a villain in the old story I had but I love her so she's my token evil oc.. henriette is her youngest daughter who ends up going to paris in the napoleonic era, and darcy is my version of connor's gf/wifey :) she has her own story and everything duh but thats for another post
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thresholdbb · 5 days
Star Trek: Picard, you will always be famous for putting un chileno en el espacio
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randomwriteronline · 11 months
Pohatu liked the cold.
Pohatu liked the heat too, to some degree.
But he liked the cold better.
Pohatu didn't know if he liked him because he liked the cold, or if he liked the cold because he liked him.
It could have been both; he didn't know.
What Pohatu did know was that he very much did not like the dark.
It hadn't always been like that.
It hadn't always been that bad.
Pohatu could hardly remember much from before he had crashed on Okoto from the sky, but he was certain he hadn't always been so afraid of the dark. He was certain, at some point, to have liked it to some degree: to have gladly traversed it without fear or with greater purpose, and to have associated it at least in part with something friendly, someone nice.
But he could not remember that.
What he could remember was the pitch dark, and a trusted hand clamped around his own tight. Just Pohatu and him, in an endless abyss.
They had both been scared, of course. But they were together.
They would have made it through.
Then suddenly, after ages of wandering in the complete black, the hand had slipped away from Pohatu's grip, never to be found again; and he had cried out for him, over and over, telling him it wasn't the time for jokes like these, and that he thought he didn't like this kind of humor anyways. He had cried out a name he couldn't remember anymore until his voice had turned hoarse, and he had reached out everywhere in the darkness in the hopes of finding that cold palm again: nobody had ever answered.
When Pohatu had stopped calling for him, everything had been quiet.
Quiet, and not cold.
It had always been cold, while he was here.
Always a little bit cold, and it had comforted him.
But now it was only quiet.
Quiet, and not cold.
Pohatu had started being afraid that something, in the dark, had taken him.
Pohatu had started being afraid that something, in the dark, would have taken him too.
"What are you waiting for?" Tahu asked. Pohatu was standing at the entrance of the tunnel, turned towards the hole they'd fallen through instead of following Onua as he lumbered down their only way out. "Do you hear something? Someone following us?"
"Not yet. But I'm staying here," the Toa of Stone replied softly. "I'll cover your back. Keep threats from catching up to you."
"Alone?" his Earth brother's concerned question came from deeper into the darkness.
"You'd never make it like that," Gali argued: "We've managed to handle the obstacles in this city only by working together. Leaving you alone might turn into a death sentence."
"As it almost did for Lewa," Kopaka added. His piqued tone gained an indifferent shrug from the object of his disapproval.
Pohatu stood still: "I can handle it."
"You aren't scared of the dark, are you, now?" Lewa's voice creeped up on his shoulder like a Skull Spider; within it, he could hear a mischievous grin.
He turned around, growling: "Be quiet."
Had he had any less self control, the Toa of Jungle's laugh would have ended abruptly with a fist harder than stone against his teeth.
"He is!" the nimble fighter cackled, a palm over his mask's sockets as though he could not look at his brother without being overwhelmed by the hilarity of the situation: "He truly is scared! Gloomy, fearless Pohatu is scared! This is too much!"
Nowhere near as amused as him, Gali hit him over the head with the blunt end of her trident and almost sent him sprawling on the ground. When she turned towards the Toa of Stone, her eyes told him very clearly that she was not going to entertain any more arguments on whether or not he would be left to hold the defense on his own: "Come along now."
"I said-" Pohatu tried, calling upon every ounce of his stubborness.
"And I said," she stopped him immediately - eroding his futile attempt at imposing himself over her will like a raging river smooths the rocks of its bed into inoffensive pebbles - "That, just to avoid the unsavory possibility of a large swarm of who-knows-what catching you alone here and your heroic sacrifice to keep them at bay leaving us one Toa short, you'll come along now."
Her tone left no room for rebuttals.
With a sigh that sounded more like a growl, her brother turned and followed Onua into the bowels of his element.
"Don't worry," he heard the kind giant reassure him quietly: "We'll keep you safe."
Pohatu would have snarled something much more incredibly nasty at him despite being somewhat aware of his good intentions if he hadn't been so focused on how quickly the light behind them was disappearing the more they walked, and by the time he properly processed the mortifyingly gentle words they were too far along for him to think of any sort of retort amidst his building panic.
It was dark.
Very, very dark.
Almost as dark as back then.
Almost as dark as where he'd lost the hold on that hand.
Pohatu hoped he wasn't heaving loud enough for the others to hear.
If he had turned to look around he would have seen the weak lights of their eyes only barely, not even bright enough to make out anything past the sockets of their masks; but if he had, his own eyes would have given away that he'd moved his head to look somewhere that wasn't simply ahead, and the others would have had no doubts in regards to just how nervous and uneasy he felt at that moment, and he had already decided he had been humiliated enough today to last him the rest of his lifetime, however long that would have been.
So he stared forward, into the dark emptiness that could have stolen him away without a trace at any moment, trying not to breathe too hard, so tense he could have snapped in half.
He needed to think of something else.
Something, anything else.
He thought of him.
Maybe he was here.
Somewhere in the dark.
Maybe, if Pohatu remembered his name and called for him now, loud enough, he would have finally answered.
Maybe he would have rushed over and grabbed his hand, chastising him - where in the name of Jxqx Krf were you? Did you want to scare me like that time in Hl-Txef, while we were looking for your Exr? If you were trying to make me grieve you in front of Qroxdx Lkbtx again, I'm going to freeze you into a cube - taking him away from all of this, away, somewhere cold and comforting and familiar, and Pohatu would have laughed bitterly despite himself and would have screamed that he hadn't let go, you left me there, alone and scared and in the dark, and maybe he would have yelled that everything had been changing so fast and he'd been all he'd had left that was still at least a little solid to hang onto and when he'd left him there he'd been terrified, and if he had changed it had been to be more like him, because nothing used to seem to hurt him and if he'd been anything closer to how cold and steady and rigid he had been then he would have had to survive somehow, no matter what, and then they would have argued more because they had both been so scared and worried, and then they would have made up and they would have gone out in the sun and Pohatu would have seen his face again and remembered him properly.
Maybe something could have pretended to be him.
Maybek, like that, it could have lured him away into the dark.
A horrible choked sound echoed weakly through the tunnel.
By the time the Toa had grouped tighter together against the unseen threat, Pohatu realized it had come from his own mouth.
He did not mention that.
They waited a moment, each with their backs to those of the others; then somebody (he could not tell who, he was too mortified) said: "Let's go," and they all moved again, walking closer to each other. Just in case.
Maybe it was for the better, in the end, because Pohatu inexplicably felt a little more at ease.
It could not be because he was sorrounded by people who cared for his well-being: at least as far as he told himself, he would have rather they'd left him alone back there, because the thought of being coddled like this when he was meant to be a mighty warrior was shaming him all the way down to his bones.
No, he realized with genuine surprise as he wracked his brain to figure this mystery out. It was not the numbers, or the unity; it was the temperature.
It was... Cold.
A gentle cold.
Emitted like one might emit warmth.
From somewhere at his side, near his arm.
Unconsciously, he leaned further into the chill until he softly bumped into a shoulder.
He waited.
Nothing happened.
No cold palm grabbing his hand.
No cold voice chastising him for running off.
Pohatu kept walking, limb brushing against the cold arm at every step, eyes never turning towards it, breathing a little more normally, feeling a little less panicked.
Kopaka had no idea why the Toa of Stone was suddenly so close to him, and he wasn't sure if asking would have gotten himself snarled at or simply knocked out; but through their contact he felt the other's shoulders mellow slightly, heard his footsteps turn a little less stiff as he exhaled softly in what seemed to be relief; so, as he leaned slightly against him without being shoved off, he decided that if his brother needed this at the moment he would not have dreamed of taking it away from him.
His power was a shield, after all, was it not?
And a shield needs not to be asked: it simply protects.
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thetempleoftheone · 3 months
Our truest self, being unborn,  is both all and none of the Universe’s fleeting forms simultaneously. You imagine yourself as human, as if you have not been the violent light of stars, as if you are not the dust of countless dead worlds. You, yourself, are but one iteration of an entity so vast it cannot be rightly named.  - The Nameless
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littlefankingdom · 2 months
Playing Assassin's Creed Unity as a French with a bachelor degree in history and a passion for revolutions wasn't that much of a good idea...
Like, the radical revolutionaries are with the Templars? Yeah, no, they were very against religions, especially catholicism because of its connection to the French monarchy (the crown and the Church had a pact to maintain each other's power). They literally decapitated statues of saints on churches, like Notre-Dame (the heads we have now are new heads because we lost them for centuries). They hated catholicism, they would not have been with the Templars.
And that's only one of the issues I have. But at least, it seems we have Alexandre Dumas' father, the General Dumas, which is nice. (I think it's him, they didn't present him yet, but it could another black generals they had at the time)
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anelegaicmind · 5 months
Disrobe your thoughts.
Let them shimmer under
The twilight rain
Before the moon rises
Redressing them.
Without colour
Of the self or the ego.
Without the heat of your cheek
Or the cold of your shoulder.
Without logic or purpose,
Let them rise like unknowns
Gathered at the point of a Planck
Where all knowledge is broken
Yet still is existence.
So there must be rebirth;
So there must be reknown;
So there must be rebeing.
Meet me there and be known.
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agentfascinateur · 1 month
Hope 🕊️
Standing Together 👏🏼👏🏼💜
#not in their name
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mynzah · 3 months
Non Duality...Know Thyself...Self Realization...
The Self does not come from anywhere else and enter the body through the crown of the head. It is as it is, ever sparkling, ever steady, unmoving and unchanging. The individual confines himself to the limits of the changeful body or of the mind which derives its existence from the unchanging Self. All that is necessary is to give up this mistaken identity, and that done, the ever-shining Self…
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