#Union Soldiers
aunti-christ-ine · 7 months
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vizrecon · 2 years
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defensenow · 3 months
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ausetkmt · 1 year
The Cincinnati Enquirer: Ohio Senate race 2024: Bernie Moreno says reparations for white ...
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Policymakers have long debated whether Black Americans should receive reparations as amends for racial discrimination and the enslavement of their ancestors.
Cleveland businessman Bernie Moreno made a different pitch when he launched his U.S. Senate campaign last week: Compensate the descendants of Union soldiers who died in the Civil War.
"They talk about reparations. Where are the reparations for the people, for the North, who died to save the lives of Black people?" Moreno told supporters at Little Miami Brewing Company in Milford. "I know it’s not politically correct to say that, but you know what, we've got to stop being politically correct."
The USA TODAY Network Ohio Bureau obtained an audio recording of the event as Moreno's comments circulated online.
Moreno talks reparations during campaign launch
Moreno is running against state Sen. Matt Dolan, R-Chagrin Falls, for chance to take on U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown in 2024. The two could be joined by other high-profile Republican candidates, such as Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose and U.S. Rep. Warren Davidson, R-Troy.
Moreno began to build name recognition during a brief run in the 2022 Senate primary, but he dropped out after a private meeting with former President Donald Trump − who's already signaled his support for Moreno. This time around, he's pitching himself as an outsider who would stand up to long-time politicians in Washington.
During his campaign launch in Milford, Moreno applauded America's founders for standing up to the English empire and said the country's history is one to be proud of.
"That same group of people later, white people, died to free Black people," he said. "It's never happened in human history before, but it happened here in America. That’s not talked about in schools very much, is it? They make it sound like America is a racist, broken country. You name a country that did that, that freed slaves, died to do that."
Historians have estimated that 10 million Africans were enslaved throughout U.S. history, including 4 million people who were declared free by the end of the Civil War in 1865. The war's casualties have been debated over the years, but experts generally say about 360,000 Union soldiers died during the conflict.
Just 30% of all U.S. adults believe descendants of slaves should be repaid in some way, according to Pew Research Center. Over three-quarters of Black Americans back reparations, and 85% said the legacy of slavery affects their position in society today.
When asked about Moreno's comments, campaign spokesman Conor McGuinness said the media missed the point.
"Bernie was right when he said political correctness is killing our country, and the crocodile tears from the left expose the Democrat hypocrisy he was referring to in the clip," McGuinness said.
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surrealtiktoks · 4 months
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kara-akaane · 3 months
You know sometimes I think too long about where the fuck the Kaminoians got millions of clone uniforms and armor sets and I start having some real question about how the hell the clones were a complete secret for over a decade
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cid5 · 3 months
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Soviet soldiers at Stalingrad during a short rest after fighting.
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degeneratedworker · 1 year
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'Let the atom be a worker, not a soldier!' Klimentiy Vladimirov Soviet Union 1967
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onefootin1941 · 5 months
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Union soldier with family, 1861-65.
Library of Congress
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revoltedstates · 6 months
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George L. Hyde, Co. C, 2nd Wisconsin Infantry, Iron Brigade. Via Wisconsin Volunteers.
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sesamenom · 7 months
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Flavors of numenoreans (minus the druedain because i still haven't figured out how i want to draw them)
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city-of-ladies · 3 months
Lyudmila Pavlichenko tours the US
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Nicknamed "Lady Death", Soviet Sniper Lyudmila Pavlichenko (1916-1974) was a force to be reckoned with. Credited with 309 confirmed kills, she is recognized as the most successful female sniper in history.
In 1942, she went to the United States as the Soviet Union attempted to convince the Allies to open a second front in Europe. Being a woman who had fought on the frontline, she was treated like an oddity. She was, for instance, asked some "simply stupid" questions during a press conference. Here are her answers.
QUESTION: Lyudmila, can you take hot baths at the front?
ANSWER: Absolutely, and several times a day. If you are sitting in a trench and there is an artillery attack, it gets hot. Very hot. That’s a real bath, only it tends to be a dust bath.
QUESTION: Did you have any protection?
ANSWER: Only my rifle.
QUESTION: Are women able to use lipstick when at war?
ANSWER: Yes, but they don’t always have time. You need to be able to reach for a machine gun, or a rifle, or a pistol, or a grenade.
QUESTION: What colour underwear do you prefer, Lyudmila?
ANSWER: In Russia you would get a slap in the face for asking a question like that. That kind of question is usually only asked of a wife or a mistress. You and I do not have that relationship. So, I will be happy to give you a slap. Come a bit closer . . .
QUESTION (from a woman journalist): Is that your parade uniform or your everyday uniform?
ANSWER: We have no time for parades at the moment.
QUESTION (also from a woman): But the uniform makes you look fat. Or don’t you mind?
ANSWER: I am proud to wear the uniform of the legendary Red Army. It has been sanctified by the blood of my comrades, who have fallen in in combat with the Fascists. It bears the Order of Lenin, an award for military distinction. I wish you could experience a bombing raid. Honestly, you would immediately forget about the cut of your outfit.
QUESTION: The tobacco company Philip Morris is offering you a contract. They are ready to pay half a million dollars to put your portrait on cigarette packets. Will you agree to it?
REPLY: No. They can go to the devil.
Lady Death, the memoirs of Stalin's sniper, Lydumila Pavlichenko
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gaypirate420 · 2 months
Those Twilight fans trying to justify SMeyer decision to make one of her main characters a confederate:
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vintage-russia · 5 months
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At the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier,Moscow (1973)
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iaminsideyourwalls · 1 year
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@beepiesheepie Do you see what’s become of me. Do you see this. Do you see what I am being forced to do
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I have not seen my wife in months and I have not seen my husband in years. Let me go
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internetskiff · 10 months
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(Screenshots of dialogue from this video since I don't own the equipment to play Alyx myself) Something I find so so interesting about Half Life Alyx's combine grunts is that they're not just humanized for the sake of adding more humor to enemy encounters. They're basically prototypes, and if you pause to pay attention to their idle chatter you may catch them updating their mental reprogramming in real time. Lower units are actively pressured by their superiors into basically wiping unneeded memories out of themselves as if it's garbage data. I'm wondering if Combine Soldiers feel any sort of fear when they go through this? Do they hold on to the remnants of humanity the Universal Union hadn't stripped away yet? Do they feel the urge to defect in these moments? How many of them acted on that urge? Unlike Half Life 2's Combine Units, a lot of these are still people, they have yet to be turned into mindless war machines - but they're getting there. A lot of them were probably fed an entirely different idea of what it'd be like to serve under the Union, and now the truth is staring them right in the face and demanding them to give up their memories. Home? Useless. Loved ones? Unneeded. We need to make room in that cranium of yours for more battle tactics, and these have got to go! [De-masked Combine Grunt up ahead, quite gory.] ... ... ... ...
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I'm assuming a lot of these people were ex-metrocops, and this is the Universal Union's exact idea of "moving up the ladder". Imagine being told you're getting a promotion, and next thing you know you get fuckin' sedated on the spot, and once you wake you've had your skin grafted to a suit and your head entombed in armor plating, the eyes scooped out to make room for fancy new optics. They've already mutilated your body but now they're cordially asking for your consent to mutilate your mind aswell. Cognitive dissonance will not be tolerated. Update is live, acceptance is mandatory.
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