#Unethical life pro tips
digital-meat · 3 days
To do
□ throw rocks at exhibitionists in the park
□ experience nostalgia
□ report 3 Palestinian fundraisers
□ vote (does t matter who for)
□ read a book *without* interpreting it
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likemosaic · 6 months
i love to be on pain meds because nothing hurts and everything is a good idea
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porcelain-rob0t · 2 years
unethical life pro tip:
if you have abusive family members who are over 60 years old: convince them that theyre in the early stages of dementia
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agentjazzy · 10 months
The Evil Dead Dashboard Simulator
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🧍‍♂️ groovyhousewares Follow
YES I got my girlfriend a pretty pretty necklace from a gumball machine and when she sees it she's going to give me so so many kisses :)
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🐟 fishwantmemenwanttokillme Follow
man, fuck tourists, I was heading to my spot when a car came up and honked at us, all friendly like, so me and buddy waved bc there wasn't anyone else there, but then they YELLED at us???? we were just walking?? wtf did we even DO
#i hope the bridge collapses i hope they all DIE #vent
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🎲 kingofstupidbitches Follow
unethical life pro tip: if you overhear your professor talking about their family cabin that they have, and they have open office hours posted, it's your RIGHT to go check that shit out
they're not gonna be there!! they have papers to grade and other shit to deal with!!! free cabin!!!
🌋 thehillsalsohaveanniceass 📛 Follow
op what are you going to do when you roll up and they're just sitting there
🎲 kingofstupidbitches Follow
lmao his ass is NOT going to be in that cabin 😂 he just got back from a vacation with his family or something (dipshit couldn't wait until break) he's supposed to be at his office and he does NOT have the vacation days to be leaving so soon
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🌹 pressedflowerpetals Follow
fml my older brother asked if I wanted to tag along on a trip to a cabin and I said sure bc it beats staying at home w/ dad
#if i knew i would've said no 😭 #he didn't even invite his Actual best friend #which SUCKS bc then we could've fooled around when no one was paying attention #huh who said that 😳 #cheryl posting
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📜 anthroapologist 🦀 Follow
haters will hear you scurrying underneath the bowels of your home and freak out like HELLO where else am I supposed to scurry????
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🔮 shessellingseashells Follow
you ever feel like people Immediately forget your name upon meeting you :(
#i might be too high but i don't think any of these people know my full name #i mean I'm Definitely high #and tried moonshine for the first time #but like. really feeling like an outsider rn
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🎲 kingofstupidbitches Follow
it's so hard being the only chad amongst nerds, like, I GET IT, you're too much of a pussy to investigate the creepy fucking cellar, the LEAST you can do is let me listen to the tapes I found down there, they're cool as fuck
🎲 kingofstupidbitches Follow
okay and now they're all yelling at me bc a stupid tree broke a window right when the tape got good 😑
🎲 kingofstupidbitches Follow
fuck it, here's a recording of the tape, I hope none of you guys are cowards like all my friends apparently are, have fun bc I can't
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💀 theevilacrosstheland Follow
when someone plays your song you can feel that shit in your SOUL catch me coming towards you at 15mph awoken from my eternal slumber if I hear that first note fr
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🔍 peachycraftsection Follow
my boyfriend spent $14 in quarters attempting to get a magnifying glass necklace from one of those gumball machine toy capsules at work bc he knows I LOVE mysteries and detective stories and I need to [redacted] him in the [redacted] right NOW 💖💖💖
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🌹 pressedflowerpetals Follow
everyone's making out rn which is REAL inconvenient bc there is Absolutely Something Outside
🌹 pressedflowerpetals Follow
should I check it out
🌹 pressedflowerpetals Follow
there's no one online to tell me no so.....
📝 charcoalfingertips Follow
op you haven't posted in an hour are you okay???
🌹 pressedflowerpetals Follow
I'm Irrevocably Changed Now 👍
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🌹 deadite420 Follow
I'm just a silly goofy guy if I happened to have killed and maimed and bite and stab that's just who I am and how I show love ^_^
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🔮 deadite68 Follow
coyotes are SO right, if youre trapped somewhere or someone grabs ya, just bite your limb off, no hesitation, show superiority, it's not like THEY'RE gonna do it
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🧍‍♂️ groovyhousewares Follow
whhy is there so muchh blood everywhere........
#help #i accidentally kept my mouthh open and blood got in it :((((( #my head hurts sso bad bookcases kept falling on me
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🔩 deadite883 Follow
heehee i love crawling through pipes and electrical outlets
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🎶 8tracksarebetterthancassettes Follow
I logged onto Tumblr and wtf why am I following so many people with deadite in their username? is it a reference? did I miss a meme? are we mishapocolypse-ing again?
🌿 dirtissoyummy Follow
I think it might be a virus transmitted by bots but idk I'm too scared to interact
🤡 thespareshemp Follow
okay I investigated to see if it was a bot swarm or people having fun SO
for the first cluster of blogs, all their IPs are logging from the same location, which usually means a lazy bot swarm BUT I went through all their archives and most of them, before changing urls, interacted with one another naturally and stuff, @-ing one another and junk, and they seem to know each other irl
so it's just friends having fun!! and then people joining in on the fun!! feel free to reblog without fear!
#they're all still posting original content so that's kinda a giveaway #even though it's all 'deadite'fied and all #i wonder if theyre doing an arg thing
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🔍 deadite81 Follow
when men are SOAKED with blood 👌😍🥰😘💖🥰🥰💖😍👌😘😘😘💖💖😍
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🤡 deadite6091 Follow
🛏 honkshoomimi Follow
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🤡 deadite6091 Follow
You Will Be Dead By Dawn
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🐟 fishwantmemenwanttokillme Follow
man, fuck tourists, I was heading to my spot when a car came up and honked at us, all friendly like, so me and buddy waved bc there wasn't anyone else there, but then they YELLED at us???? we were just walking?? wtf did we even DO
🥐 evilpillsburydoughboy Follow
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hey you live near the state line right? can you check the news real quick
🐟 fishwantmemenwanttokillme Follow
🐟 fishwantmemenwanttokillme Follow
🐟 fishwantmemenwanttokillme Follow
fml if any of you need me i'm going to lay down in the cold and let the forest take me
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🛏 deadite7390 Follow
if you were to break me down to my pure essence you would be left with pure, unfiltered evil
also grits
mmmmmm grits
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🎥 deadite3023 Follow
falling down the stairs is the most efficient way to go down them :)
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🎲 deadite69 Follow
y'all ever open the window and AUGH OUGH UGH UGH UGH AAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA THE AGONIES and then you adjust to the sunlight and you're fine
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🧍‍♂️ groovyhousewares Follow
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allie-leth · 7 months
Unethical life pro tip: if you don't have any trans friends, just force femme yourself one.
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pleatedjeans · 1 year
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People In This Online Group Share Life Advice That's Funny, Kinda Genius And Completely Unethical (30+ New Pics)
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upbeatmeeting · 25 days
The Terror: Thoughts
As requested by @englishmagic earlier
This was Not what I was expecting this to be
"She is to be denied protection on either ship" SIR YOU KIDNAPPED HER
Hickey's Brain Moment will never leave me
Hickey is bootleg Guy Fawkes but with worse vibes
Someone get the Marines some real enrichment smh
Unethical Life Pro Tip: Can't find the passage? Experience a mutiny, have your entire crew die, fake your death and join the natives, I guess
I remain very confused by episode 10, I'm going to need this explaining to me because it literally just feels like I watched someone's 45-minute-long fever dream
Love how just when you think it can't get any worse, It Gets Worse
So like what's up with the bear spirit thing? Did they actually kill it or what
It has been a very long time since the last time a series has been able to consistently and constantly surprise me with new events. Literally could not have seen any of this coming. 10/10.
Much to do on Terror is all, sir
Due to personal reasons I will now become a minor problem in Newtonian physics
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shadow-person-sd · 19 days
There is a sub Reddit called unethical life pro tips  Where people share morally questionable ways to get ahead in life and someone made a post asking how to get their neighbor to stop lighting raccoons on fire because he would catch raccoons, put them in cages, and then burn them to death. How exactly is stopping that unethical?
TW: Animal Abuse and Animal Death
It’s Reddit, their judgment is a little askewed. I also hope someone calls the cops on the animal abuser
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Unethical life pro tips
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cumsockwoundpack · 7 months
Unethical life pro tip for tgirls who want to erode trust: Ask your doctor for topical T gel and use it as lube with a partner
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bufomancer · 2 years
Unethical life pro tips make friends with the pet store employees bc when I move and I’m ready to get an aquarium again my friend is just going to write a betta outta inventory for me for free
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recents · 1 year
unethical life pro tip for my fellow adult autistics who also have ocd or other anxiety disorders that make your texture reactions Worse: the Perfect amount of alcohol actually acts as a Mental Shield that will protect you from the Texture Induced Bad Times. But Watch Out
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jaythelay · 1 month
Let's popularize how to get free food from DoorDash so they decide to stop letting their dashers steal food from customers.
Collectively, let's share some free food with people. Unethical Life Pro Tip this company, we all know someone starving rn.
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blogvfxalert · 9 months
Binary Options Blog: Navigating the World of Financial Trading
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Binary options are financial instruments that offer a straightforward way to trade price fluctuations in global markets. Unlike traditional trading methods, binary options come with a fixed payout and predetermined expiration time. This simplicity has contributed to their rapid growth and adoption across various financial markets.
How Binary Options Work
At its core, binary options trading involves predicting whether the price of an asset will rise or fall within a specified time frame. Traders select an asset, decide on the amount to invest, and predict the direction of price movement. If the prediction is correct, they receive a fixed payout; otherwise, they incur a loss. binary options blog
Pros and Cons of Binary Options Trading
The appeal of binary options lies in the potential for high returns and the simplicity of the trading process. However, it's essential to acknowledge the associated risks, including the possibility of losing the entire investment. Traders should carefully weigh the pros and cons before venturing into binary options.
Choosing a Reliable Binary Options Platform
Selecting a trustworthy trading platform is a critical step in the binary options journey. Traders should conduct thorough research, considering factors such as platform reputation, regulatory compliance, and security features. A reliable platform ensures a secure and transparent trading experience.
Common Binary Options Strategies
Successful binary options trading often involves employing various strategies. From basic trend analysis to sophisticated risk management techniques, traders use a combination of approaches to enhance their chances of profitable outcomes.
Understanding Market Trends
Analyzing market trends is fundamental to making informed binary options predictions. Traders employ technical analysis, examining historical price data, and fundamental analysis, considering economic indicators and news events. A comprehensive understanding of market trends is crucial for successful trading.
Binary Options vs. Traditional Trading
Binary options differ significantly from traditional trading methods. While binary options offer simplicity and fixed payouts, traditional trading provides more complexity and potentially higher profits. Understanding these differences helps traders choose the approach that aligns with their preferences and risk tolerance.
Binary Options Blogging: Tips and Tricks
For those passionate about binary options, starting a blog can be a rewarding venture. Sharing insights, strategies, and market analyses can attract a community of like-minded individuals. Building engaging content and fostering a readership requires consistency and a deep understanding of the audience.
Legal and Ethical Considerations
Navigating the regulatory landscape is crucial for both binary options traders and bloggers. Compliance with legal requirements and adherence to ethical guidelines ensure a responsible and transparent trading environment. Bloggers should provide accurate information and avoid promoting unethical practices.
Case Studies: Success Stories in Binary Options
Real-life success stories can inspire and educate aspiring binary options traders. Examining the journeys of successful individuals, understanding their strategies, and learning from their experiences contribute to a trader's overall knowledge and confidence.
Risk Management in Binary Options
Effective risk management is paramount in binary options trading. Traders should implement strategies to mitigate potential losses and protect their capital. Balancing risk and reward is a key aspect of long-term success in this dynamic financial market.
Latest Trends and Developments in Binary Options
The binary options landscape is continually evolving, influenced by technological advancements and market dynamics. Staying informed about the latest trends and developments enables traders to adapt their strategies and capitalize on emerging opportunities.
Psychology of Binary Options Trading
Emotions play a significant role in trading decisions. Fear, greed, and impatience can cloud judgment and lead to poor outcomes. Maintaining a disciplined and rational approach to trading is essential for long-term success in the binary options market.
Educational Resources for Binary Options Traders
Continuous learning is a cornerstone of success in binary options trading. Utilizing educational resources, such as books, courses, and online materials, allows traders to enhance their skills and stay abreast of industry developments.
In conclusion, navigating the world of binary options requires a blend of knowledge, strategy, and discipline. Whether you're an experienced trader or a beginner, understanding the nuances of this financial instrument is crucial for making informed decisions. By embracing responsible trading practices and staying informed, individuals can unlock the full potential of binary options.
Social Media Link: https://www.facebook.com/vfxalert https://twitter.com/AlertVfx https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkexMJCVXK8t1DrqlMXRhNA https://www.pinterest.ru/9a6e499eaf2d7401fbd0311708fe9d/ https://www.instagram.com/signals_vfxalert
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syphoncontinuity · 2 years
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Unethical Life Pro-Tip 1: Only rely on ambiance when absolutely necessary. Brought to you by Misora Toyama.
[ SH After Dark Archive ]
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akhileshmishra · 2 years
Pros and Cons of Self-Employment
If you are planning to start your own business, you should know the advantages and disadvantages of being an entrepreneur. Here we have listed the pros of self-employment:
👉 Independent An obvious advantage of choosing entrepreneurship is that you will be your own boss and thus free to make your own decisions. You are not answerable to anyone and don’t need to worry about getting fired or facing the competition with other employees.
👉 Employment generation You will be an employer who will not only give a new meaning to the life of others but will also help in their skill development.
👉 Learn new skills From marketing management and formulating budgets to handling business economics, your work will not be confined to one area. This will help in enhancing not only your competencies but will also improve your business ethics.
👉 Profits You are also entitled to the profits of your company rather than depending on a fixed salary every month.
👉 Job Creation  When you run a business of your own you create jobs. It is not just beneficial for your business but also for your economy. By creating jobs you can give others an opportunity to get a means of living and sustain themselves and their families.
👉 No One to Fire You  Running your own business means you are the boss of yourself. There is no one above you, therefore, there is no one to fire you. You do not have to live in the perpetual worry that your job may be terminated if you do not perform well. 
👉 Can achieve your vision  If you have a dream of becoming successful then you must put your best foot forward to make that dream into reality. You can simply create a vision of your life or the life you want to have and align your business with it. By running a business you are running behind your own dreams and not working to achieve the dreams of someone else. 
Challenges in Self Employment 🤔
👉 Finding Funds The first challenge you will face as an entrepreneur is finding the funds to invest in your business. There is also a huge possibility of incurring losses, especially at an early stage. The risk-taking factor is always high for entrepreneurs.
👉 Managing Deadlines Also, there is a pressure of meeting the client’s deadlines and an entrepreneur is required to have proper expertise in the field in which they are starting their own venture. The heat of the competition with your competitors will be high as well.
👉 Unethical Practices/Political Interference This is one of the biggest challenges of running a company when it comes to jobs vs business. Bribery, delay in clearance, etc. will be common aspects. For this, you have to handle things calmly using efficient business tactics to get further ahead in the competition. 
I hope this will helpful in your job and career!
Follow Akhilesh Mishra for such a amazing ideas and tips 😊
#work #freelance #freelancer #selfemployed #employement #jobvsbusiness #freelancing #idependent #business #career #jobs
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