#Umrah perform with spirit
ahlulbaytnetworks · 2 years
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🍃🕊🍃 Imam Ali Zaynal al-Abideen (as) Dua for Sehhat and Aafiyat Prayer for Health and Wellbeing 🍃
This particular dua is one in which Imam Ali Zaynal al-Abideen (as) prays to Allah (SWT) for good health and wellbeing.
Imam Ali (as) in one of his kalaams says that the biggest blessing after ‘imaan’ (belief in Allah and his wali) is good health.
In this dua, Imam Ali Zaynal al-Abideen (as) supplicates Allah (SWT) to grant him good health in body and spirit, and protect him from all that is evil. He begins the dua with salawaat on Mohammed and Aale Mohammed and repeats this salawaat several times during the dua.
Our Hudaat Kiraam (sa) have taught us that praying salawaat before, in between, and after a dua ensures that the dua reaches Allah (SWT).
🍃🕊🍃 The following is the translation of this priceless dua:
Rasulullah (S) (sajdas) in light of the 1000 rakaats of namaaz he prayed every night.
He composed innumerable priceless duas invoking Allah rehmat for all aspects of life here and hereafter.
These duas have been compiled in a book called Sahifa Sajjadiyya.
This Sahifa is a priceless treasure for every mumin who wants to pray to Allah. Not only do its duas teach us how to supplicate Allah in prayer, but they also guide us toward what we must pray for in order to lead a life of peace and prosperity in this world and the next.
Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (as)
. He is widely known as ‘Sajjaad’ (one who performs many
In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Benevolent Allah,
bestow salawaat upon Mohammed and his progeny, and clothe me with your gift of wellbeing, encompass me with your gift of wellbeing, protect me with your gift of wellbeing, suffice me with your gift of wellbeing, honor me with your gift of wellbeing, give me alms of your gift of wellbeing, bestow upon me your gift of wellbeing, furnish me with your gift of wellbeing, make good for me your gift of wellbeing, and do not separate me from your gift of wellbeing in this world or the next.
Allah, bless me with the
opportunity to perform Hajj, ‘Umrah, and Ziyarat of the tomb of your Messenger - May your salawat, rehmat, and barakat encompass him and his progeny, your Messenger’s progeny—this year and every year for as long as I live. And let its reward be accepted, appreciated, noted, and preserved near you.
Make my tongue speak in gratitude, remembrance and praise of you. Expand my heart so that it fills with joy in following your religion. Protect me and my children from the evil of satan, from the evil of the poisonous ones, the creeping-crawling ones, the vulgar masses, and the evil eye, from the evil of the rebellious shaytaan, from the evil of powerful kings who oppose the Truth, from the evil of those who are ungrateful, from the evil of strong and weak, from the evil of noble and humble, from the evil of those who are close and those who are far away, from the evil of big and small, and from the evil of those among both jinn and humans who have waged a war against your messenger and the people of his house, and from the evil of every beast whose forelock is in your grasp. Yours is the right path.
Allah, bestow salawaat on Mohammed and his progeny, and if my enemy intends evil, then turn away from me his evil intentions,
avert from me his plotting, thrust away from me his evil, shackle his neck with his own evil, let there be an obstacle in front of him, such that his eyes are blinded from looking at me, his ears are deafened to my name, his heart is blocked from having any thoughts of me, and his tongue is silenced from speaking about me. Smash his head, break his might, end his power, debase his neck, shake his arrogance, and keep me safe from all manifestations of his evil, harm, vice, bite, strike, envy, hatred, snares, traps, foot soldiers and cavalry. Truly, you are mighty and powerful.
🍃🕊🍃 duas.org 🍃🕊🍃
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🍃🕊🍃 Imam Ali Zaynal al-Abideen (as) Dua for Sehhat and Aafiyat Prayer for Health and Wellbeing 🍃
This particular dua is one in which Imam Ali Zaynal al-Abideen (as) prays to Allah (SWT) for good health and wellbeing.
Imam Ali (as) in one of his kalaams says that the biggest blessing after ‘imaan’ (belief in Allah and his wali) is good health.
In this dua, Imam Ali Zaynal al-Abideen (as) supplicates Allah (SWT) to grant him good health in body and spirit, and protect him from all that is evil. He begins the dua with salawaat on Mohammed and Aale Mohammed and repeats this salawaat several times during the dua.
Our Hudaat Kiraam (sa) have taught us that praying salawaat before, in between, and after a dua ensures that the dua reaches Allah (SWT).
🍃🕊🍃 The following is the translation of this priceless dua:
Rasulullah (S) (sajdas) in light of the 1000 rakaats of namaaz he prayed every night.
He composed innumerable priceless duas invoking Allah rehmat for all aspects of life here and hereafter.
These duas have been compiled in a book called Sahifa Sajjadiyya.
This Sahifa is a priceless treasure for every mumin who wants to pray to Allah. Not only do its duas teach us how to supplicate Allah in prayer, but they also guide us toward what we must pray for in order to lead a life of peace and prosperity in this world and the next.
Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (as)
. He is widely known as ‘Sajjaad’ (one who performs many
In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Benevolent Allah,
bestow salawaat upon Mohammed and his progeny, and clothe me with your gift of wellbeing, encompass me with your gift of wellbeing, protect me with your gift of wellbeing, suffice me with your gift of wellbeing, honor me with your gift of wellbeing, give me alms of your gift of wellbeing, bestow upon me your gift of wellbeing, furnish me with your gift of wellbeing, make good for me your gift of wellbeing, and do not separate me from your gift of wellbeing in this world or the next.
Allah, bless me with the
opportunity to perform Hajj, ‘Umrah, and Ziyarat of the tomb of your Messenger - May your salawat, rehmat, and barakat encompass him and his progeny, your Messenger’s progeny—this year and every year for as long as I live. And let its reward be accepted, appreciated, noted, and preserved near you.
Make my tongue speak in gratitude, remembrance and praise of you. Expand my heart so that it fills with joy in following your religion. Protect me and my children from the evil of satan, from the evil of the poisonous ones, the creeping-crawling ones, the vulgar masses, and the evil eye, from the evil of the rebellious shaytaan, from the evil of powerful kings who oppose the Truth, from the evil of those who are ungrateful, from the evil of strong and weak, from the evil of noble and humble, from the evil of those who are close and those who are far away, from the evil of big and small, and from the evil of those among both jinn and humans who have waged a war against your messenger and the people of his house, and from the evil of every beast whose forelock is in your grasp. Yours is the right path.
Allah, bestow salawaat on Mohammed and his progeny, and if my enemy intends evil, then turn away from me his evil intentions,
avert from me his plotting, thrust away from me his evil, shackle his neck with his own evil, let there be an obstacle in front of him, such that his eyes are blinded from looking at me, his ears are deafened to my name, his heart is blocked from having any thoughts of me, and his tongue is silenced from speaking about me. Smash his head, break his might, end his power, debase his neck, shake his arrogance, and keep me safe from all manifestations of his evil, harm, vice, bite, strike, envy, hatred, snares, traps, foot soldiers and cavalry. Truly, you are mighty and powerful.
🍃🕊🍃 duas.org 🍃🕊🍃
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visitsaudiarabia · 6 months
🌙✨ Embrace the Blessings of Ramadan with Umrah! ✨🕋
As the sacred month of Ramadan approaches, let's soak in the spirit of worship and reflection. Experience the serenity of the Kaaba, the tranquility of Medina, and the profound spiritual rejuvenation that comes with performing Umrah in the blessed month of Ramadan. All the details for the Umrah visa are right here.
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zamzamtboh · 10 months
Umrah Guide: Umrah Requirements in 2023
Muslims worldwide embark on the lesser journey of Umrah to cleanse their bodies, minds, and spirits. Unlike the Hajj, Umrah is a fundamental part of Islam and is often called the "little journey" by Muslims. Although it is not mandatory, Muslims strongly recommend making an Umrah outing at least once in their lifetime.
Planning for an Umrah pilgrimage requires planning and organizing, and this Umrah guide is here to help you do just that.
Below are the top points to know about Umrah in 2023:
1. Before embarking on their trip, pioneers must have a valid visa that has been in Saudi Arabia for around a half year.
2. While age is not a factor in leading Umrah, it is generally recommended that individuals have the physical and mental capacity to perform the expected rituals. Young people may do the Umrah with family members or legitimate guardians, but they must be able to handle the actual demands of the journey and ceremonies, which involve long trips and long distances. Before embarking on the journey, older individuals or those with health concerns should consult their primary care physician.
3. Getting an Umrah visa is necessary and can only be obtained through a supported travel service.
4. The travelers are required to have a one-way ticket that has a pre-arranged departure date from Saudi Arabia.
5. In addition, travelers will be required to get immunizations against various deadly illnesses, like chicken pox, and will also need an immunization endorsement because of the current Coronavirus situation.
6. For the duration of their stay, pioneers should have a confirmed reservation to stay in Makkah or Madinah.
Umrah steps
Umrah journey customs include performing Ghusl and putting on Ihram clothes to enter the state of cleanliness and dedication during the main stage, Ihram. Then, at the end of Tawaf, the pioneers make seven rounds around the Kaaba, talking about their prayers as they walk between the slope of Safa and the slope of Marwa on the 3rd step, Sai. Finally, the explorers officially end their journey by shaving their heads. Explorers who perform the Umrah are rewarded greatly in this life and in the next. Muslims should follow these four methods to complete the Umrah journey.
Hope the umrah guide and points mentioned above were helpful in establishing the basic understanding of the holy pilgrimage and how to perform it correctly.
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jahan-umrah · 1 year
Grab yourself Free Umrah Packages from India    
Millions of Muslims from around the world travel to Makkah every year to visit the Great Mosque of Makkah (Masjid al-Haram) and perform various religious rituals.Umrah being one of the purest and the  most beautiful form of sunnah is practiced by the muslims around the world. While many dream of embarking on this holy pilgrimage, the associated costs can often be a barrier. 
However, in recent years, there has been a drastic increase in free Umrah packages from India, making this spiritual  journey more accessible to those with limited financial means.Hence there are many agencies and companies that provide Free Umrah packages from India during a specific period of the year.
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Jahan Umah is one such agency that provides various services such as Hajj and Umrah packages,15 days Umrah packages, Umrah packages,Hajj packages, Ramadan packages,Free Umrah Packages from India, travel packages and many more.
We live in a society where people of different pockets live together and Islam being based on this ideology of living and helping together encourages people to help each other  and together live in harmony.The person helping will not only be rewarded in this world but hereafter.
So to encourage this objective Jahan Umrah had taken the initiative of providing free Umrah packages from India during the specific time of the year, they even provided lucrative customer friendly offers to them.
 Types of Free Umrah packages from India
Sponsorship-  There are many organizations, charitable trusts, and people who help people  to get their Free Umrah packages  by their generous donations and charity. These sponsors often cover the costs of travel, accommodation, meals, transportation, and visa fees for selected individuals.
Selection Process -To ensure that the free Umrah packages benefit those in genuine need, a selection process is typically in place. Applicants are required to provide documentation of their financial situation, along with a written statement explaining their desire to undertake the pilgrimage.
Group Travel- Many free Umrah packages involve group travel, where a batch of selected individuals travels together. This not only fosters a sense of community but also helps to  reduce costs.
To Sum up
Free Umrah packages from India is  a praiseworthy initiative that encourages  individuals with tight pockets  to undertake this sacred journey. These packages promote the spirit of charity  which is at the core of Islam. By providing these kinds of services  they enable more Muslims to cleanse their souls, strengthen their faith, and experience spiritual transformation.When these kinds of initiatives are happening, it brings a social peace and  unity  among the muslim  community.By taking these initiatives we  are not only helping each other but also fulfilling  the commandment  of Allah. 
For more information visit our website : https://jahanumrah.com/
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amozontouregypt · 1 year
Journeying Through Egypt's Soulful Fabric: Umrah, Muslim Tours, and Sufi Expeditions
In a world filled with modern distractions, the desire for a deeper spiritual connection remains an inherent part of the human experience. For those in search of a way to blend their religious devotion with an immersive travel experience, Amozon Tours Egypt presents an extraordinary opportunity. Through their meticulously designed Umrah and Muslim Tour packages, as well as the enchanting Sufi Program in Egypt, spiritual seekers can begin to unravel the intricate threads of Egypt's profound spiritual mosaic.
Umrah and Muslim Tours: A Journey of Faith
Undertaking the sacred pilgrimage of Umrah is a lifelong aspiration for countless Muslims worldwide. The journey to the holy city of Mecca holds immense significance, representing a profound spiritual voyage and a heartfelt act of devotion. Amozon Tours Egypt fully comprehends the depth of this experience and has curated Umrah and Muslim Tour packages that not only fulfill the religious requirements but also offer a rewarding exploration of Egypt's rich culture and history.
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With a dedicated commitment to ensuring a seamless experience, Amozon Tours Egypt carefully crafts itineraries that encompass the essential Umrah rituals while also providing the opportunity to explore Egypt's iconic landmarks. From the majestic pyramids to awe-inspiring temples, travelers can immerse themselves in the country's historical wonders, all while maintaining a deep connection to their faith and spirituality. This harmonious blend of faith and travel creates a symphony that resonates with the core values of every individual embarking on this faith-filled journey.
Sufi Program in Egypt: A Spiritual Immersion
For those who are drawn to the mystical and contemplative aspects of spirituality, Amozon Tours Egypt introduces a distinctive offering - the Sufi Program in Egypt. Sufism, a branch of Islamic mysticism, delves into the deeper dimensions of faith and the connection with the Divine. Through this program, participants have the opportunity to engage with Sufi teachings, practices, and rituals within the vibrant tapestry of Egypt's spiritual landscape.
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The Sufi Program in Egypt takes participants on an inward journey, guided by experienced mentors and scholars of Sufism. From attending mesmerizing Sufi musical performances to participating in the enchanting Sufi whirling dances, individuals are invited to immerse themselves in Egypt's rich Sufi heritage. This program transforms into an enlightening experience, allowing travelers to connect with their inner selves and the spiritual legacy of the land.
Enriching Your Spiritual Journey with Amozon Tours Egypt
Amozon Tours Egypt acknowledges that each person's spiritual journey is unique, and their offerings are customized to cater to diverse preferences. Whether you seek the profound rituals of Umrah, an immersive exploration of Egypt's cultural heritage, or the soul-stirring encounters of Sufism, Amozon Tours Egypt weaves a tapestry of options for you.
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To set out on this transformative expedition, get in touch with Amozon Tours Egypt at [email protected] or call +20233846743. Their dedicated team is ready to assist you in creating a travel experience that aligns perfectly with your spiritual aspirations.
In a world often filled with distractions, the opportunity to reconnect with your spiritual essence is a precious blessing. Through Amozon Tours Egypt's Umrah and Muslim Tour packages, combined with the Sufi Program in Egypt, you can uncover the layers of Egypt's spiritual legacy while nurturing your own soul's voyage. Embark on this odyssey, and allow the spiritual tapestry of Egypt to weave its enchantment upon your heart and spirit.
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sakhshimandal · 1 year
Umrah Group Packages
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Umrah, a sacred pilgrimage undertaken by Muslims to the holy city of Mecca, holds great spiritual significance. For many believers, it is a lifelong dream to visit the Kaaba, perform the rituals of Umrah, and seek closeness to Allah. While individual travel arrangements are common for Umrah, an increasingly popular option is to embark on this journey as part of an Umrah group package. These group packages offer a unique and enriching experience, bringing together like-minded individuals on a shared spiritual quest. Let's explore the concept of Umrah group packages and the advantages they offer.
Umrah group packages are designed to cater to the needs of a group of individuals embarking on the pilgrimage together. The packages are typically organized by reputable travel agencies or tour operators specializing in religious travel. They bring together pilgrims from various backgrounds, creating a diverse community united by their faith and the desire to perform Umrah.
One of the primary benefits of choosing an Umrah group package is the cost savings it offers. By traveling as a group, pilgrims can take advantage of group discounts, negotiated rates for accommodations, transportation, and other services. This allows individuals to enjoy a more affordable journey without compromising on the quality of their experience.
Convenience is another key advantage of Umrah group packages. The tour operator takes care of all the logistical arrangements, including visa processing, flight bookings, transportation between cities, and accommodations. This relieves the pilgrims of the burden of managing these details themselves, allowing them to focus solely on their spiritual journey. The tour operator also provides guidance and support throughout the trip, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for the entire group.
Embarking on Umrah as part of a group also offers a sense of community and camaraderie. Pilgrims have the opportunity to meet and connect with fellow believers from different backgrounds and cultures, fostering a spirit of unity and shared devotion. The group environment provides a platform for pilgrims to exchange experiences, offer support, and forge lifelong friendships based on their shared religious values.
In addition to the practical benefits, Umrah group packages often include additional services and amenities that enhance the overall experience. These may include guided tours to historical and religious sites, religious lectures and discussions, access to knowledgeable scholars, and the provision of spiritual guidance. These elements contribute to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the spiritual significance of Umrah, enriching the pilgrims' journey and fostering personal growth.
Furthermore, Umrah group packages can be tailored to suit the preferences and needs of the pilgrims. They offer customization options, allowing individuals to choose the duration of their stay, preferred accommodations, and additional activities or services they wish to include. This flexibility ensures that each pilgrim can create a personalized experience aligned with their spiritual aspirations and practical requirements.
In conclusion, Umrah group packages provide a unique and enriching way to embark on the sacred pilgrimage of Umrah. They offer cost savings, convenience, a sense of community, and additional services that enhance the overall journey. Whether it is the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, the ease of logistical arrangements, or the access to spiritual guidance, Umrah group packages offer a holistic experience that combines the spiritual and practical aspects of the pilgrimage.
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akhaderwebsleak · 1 year
A Pilgrim's Journey: Exploring Makkah's Sacred Sites
Millions of Muslims make the pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca every year after starting the holy pilgrimage of Hajj and Umrah. This spiritual journey is an intense experience of visiting revered places and participating in rituals cherished for centuries In this guest blog we invite you to participate the journey of reality as we explore the holiest sites in Mecca Explore the grandeur of the Grand Mosque, symbolizing the Kaaba and the deeper meaning of performing Tawaf Sai. Let’s explore the spiritual essence of Mecca and discover the deeper meaning behind each step of this amazing journey
1. The Cathedral: A Gateway to Religion. 
Also known as Masjid al-Haram, the Grand Mosque stands as the focal point of Mecca, attracting millions of pilgrims from all over the world Discover its architectural grandeur and significance in Islamic history. Learn about the enchanted black stone (Hajar al-Aswad) and the rituals associated with it. Look for Multajam, the place of supplication, where believers ask for blessings and mercy. Feel the breathtaking atmosphere within the temple walls and understand the deep spiritual connection pilgrims experience during their time here.
2. The Kaaba: The Heart of Mecca.
In the center of the Grand Mosque is the Kaaba, the holiest shrine in Islam. Reveal the rich history and symbolism behind this sacred institution. Learn the importance of the black stone and the ritual circumambulation (tawaf) of the Kaaba. Experience the spiritual essence of Tawaf as believers circle the Kaaba in unity, devotion and remembrance of Allah. Bring together Muslims from all walks of life and delve into the symbols and lessons of this profound act of worship.
3. Symbolic Journey of Safa and Marwa. 
The traditional walk between Sai and Marwa Hills holds a special place in the hearts of travellers. Explore Hagar and her search for water in the barren desert, which set the stage for this symbolic act of faith. Hear the profound meaning of the sevenfold abstinence from Safa and Marwa, the patience of meditation, the faith in Allah and the 
strength of the human spirit. Explore the spiritual lessons learned from this profound event and remind believers of the power of patience, hope, and godly trust.
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4.Mount Arafat is the culmination of the Hajj. 
Mount Arafat, located outside Makkah, is very important in the Hajj pilgrimage. Explore the historical significance of this mountain as the place where the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) gave his last sermon. Understand the rituals and supplications at Mount Arafat where pilgrims ask Allah for forgiveness and mercy. On this blessed day known as the Day of Arafa, enjoy collective prayer, heartfelt repentance and spiritual heaven. Explore the significance of this peak moment in the Hajj pilgrimage and its transformative impact on the lives of pilgrims.
As we conclude our exploration of the holy sites of Mecca, we discover the profound spiritual experiences that await pilgrims who have the opportunity to physically embark on this journey. The Grand Mosque, the Kaaba, the mountains of Safa and Marwa and Mount Arafat all hold profound meanings and lessons for those who seek to draw closer to Allah May this journey bring you depth
for more information : https://alazzatours.com/
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andalmartina · 2 years
Hajj Packages Prices
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What You Need to Know About Purchasing a Hajj Package
Hajj or Umrah for Muslims means preparing mentally, physically, and practically. Check the Hajj Packages Prices today to offer worship to the most awaited rituals of Islam. Mental preparation varies from person to person, but a complete checklist of things to do during Hajj or Umrah can make actual preparation easier.
Hajj Packages Prices
The cost can go up from a minimum of Rs 2, 50, 000 up to about Rs 3, 75,000 per pilgrim.
What's So Special About Hajj?
The Hajj is the most revered spiritual experience for devout Muslims and is seen as an opportunity to make a fresh start and celebrate the spirit of Islam's unity. All pilgrims should perform the same rituals taught by Prophet Muhammad to remind them that all are equal before ALLAH.
Documents required
An applicant's passport with a specific date is a mandatory document required to apply for Hajj and paying for the Hajj package prices. A Cover Head bank account is required to submit a Hajj application. All pilgrims must have an Aadhaar card and follow the designated queue on the Hajj application form. All pilgrims are encouraged to provide their mobile phone numbers and to have their mobile phone numbers working.
Who is eligible for a Hajj visa?
Anyone who is subject to visit Hajj pilgrimage is eligible to obtain a Hajj visa. This year, Saudi Arabia has allowed all pilgrims inside and outside Saudi Arabia to make the Hajj as long as they are fully vaccinated and under the age of 65. Therefore, to make your Hajj yatra a successful one, check the hajj package prices today.
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masroorstuff-blog · 6 years
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hannahjonesclarke · 3 years
Mercy Win Hearts
Assurance is the peace of your spirit. And also when you nourish your character by doing this that you have to handle things with satisfaction. When you avoid the disturbance as well as bridegroom yourself with the fulfillment after that it will trigger clients in your personality. Flexible someone is hard but the most effective means to win the heart of the opponent especially when you have the ability to take the benefit form the concerned person and also you show the sensation of tranquility and also mercy. It can really turn your desires right into reality as though you can win the regard from others with this thing. Muslims gone to perform Umrah with ramadan umrah packages 2022 deals endure with each other and show excellent instance of mercy. This is the thing that joins whole Muslim Ummah.
If there is some issue in between both individuals and also both are similarly powerful. One makes some overbearing behaviors to the various other but even with retaliating. He forgives him without any vengeance only for the sake of Allah Almighty after that he will certainly able to get the big benefit from Allah Almighty for this behaviour and the feeling of satisfaction. Mercy is the most effective methods to cleanse your spirit. It has the power to beat the others totally in regards to morals. It remains in the knowledgeable of the Quran that Allah Almighty don't like the law offender or culprit. If your mercy will be in throughout umrah it may be accepted quickly. You can book Umrah with Umrah Experts to get your soul detoxified Mercy.
And the one who forgives only for the sake of Allah Almighty, undoubtedly he will certainly get the huge incentive from Allah. As when you prepare yourself for the religious trip then you may need to prepare yourself psychologically and also literally to stay away any negative task that can cause the disruption. As well as for the success of your religious dreams, we are replacing our excellent solutions for you in term of best Ramadan Umrah Packages for Household from Belfast, England. And when you prevent all these things for the sake of Almighty as well as simply start to focus on your petitions then you should be awarded a wonderful reward that withstands the mercy from bad deeds.
It is the most effective method to manage the circumstance with peace and comfort. As when you choose to leave the side of temper after that supreme you establish entirely brand-new feeling in your personality that leads in an honourable method. as you recommendations have the power to alter the personality. And you can bring a smile to lots of sad faces too. and also nothing can be far better than to offer mankind. There were we need to develop such habits that will certainly not just improve us emotionally however mentally as well. and also If you intend to win the hearts of individuals then surely you have to develop the patience in your personality.
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🍃🕊🍃 Imam Ali Zaynal al-Abideen (as) Dua for Sehhat and Aafiyat Prayer for Health and Wellbeing 🍃🕊🍃
This particular dua is one in which Imam Ali Zaynal al-Abideen (as) prays to Allah (SWT) for good health and wellbeing.
Imam Ali (as) in one of his kalaams says that the biggest blessing after ‘imaan’ (belief in Allah and his wali) is good health.
In this dua, Imam Ali Zaynal al- Abideen (as) supplicates Allah (SWT) to grant him good health in body and spirit, and protect him from all that is evil. He begins the dua with salawaat on Mohammed and Aale Mohammed and repeats this salawaat several times during the dua.
Our Hudaat Kiraam (sa) have taught us that praying salawaat before, in between, and after a dua ensures that the dua reaches Allah (SWT).
🍃🕊🍃 The following is the translation of this priceless dua: 🍃
Rasulullah (S) (sajdas) in light of the 1000 rakaats of namaaz he prayed every night.
He composed innumerable priceless duas invoking Allah rehmat for all aspects of life here and hereafter.
These duas have been compiled in a book called Sahifa Sajjadiyya.
This Sahifa is a priceless treasure for every mumin who wants to pray to Allah. Not only do its duas teach us how to supplicate Allah in prayer, but they also guide us toward what we must pray for in order to lead a life of peace and prosperity in this world and the next.
Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali (as)
. He is widely known as ‘Sajjaad’ (one who performs many
In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Benevolent Allah,
bestow salawaat upon Mohammed and his progeny, and clothe me with your gift of wellbeing, encompass me with your gift of wellbeing, protect me with your gift of wellbeing, suffice me with your gift of wellbeing, honor me with your gift of wellbeing, give me alms of your gift of wellbeing, bestow upon me your gift of wellbeing, furnish me with your gift of wellbeing, make good for me your gift of wellbeing, and do not separate me from your gift of wellbeing in this world or the next.
Allah, bless me with the
opportunity to perform Hajj, ‘Umrah, and Ziyarat of the tomb of your Messenger - May your salawat, rehmat, and barakat encompass him and his progeny, your Messenger’s progeny—this year and every year for as long as I live. And let its reward be accepted, appreciated, noted, and preserved near you.
Make my tongue speak in gratitude, remembrance and praise of you. Expand my heart so that it fills with joy in following your religion. Protect me and my children from the evil of satan, from the evil of the poisonous ones, the creeping-crawling ones, the vulgar masses, and the evil eye, from the evil of the rebellious shaytaan, from the evil of powerful kings who oppose the Truth, from the evil of those who are ungrateful, from the evil of strong and weak, from the evil of noble and humble, from the evil of those who are close and those who are far away, from the evil of big and small, and from the evil of those among both jinn and humans who have waged a war against your messenger and the people of his house, and from the evil of every beast whose forelock is in your grasp. Yours is the right path.
Allah, bestow salawaat on Mohammed and his progeny, and if my enemy intends evil, then turn away from me his evil intentions,
avert from me his plotting, thrust away from me his evil, shackle his neck with his own evil, let there be an obstacle in front of him, such that his eyes are blinded from looking at me, his ears are deafened to my name, his heart is blocked from having any thoughts of me, and his tongue is silenced from speaking about me. Smash his head, break his might, end his power, debase his neck, shake his arrogance, and keep me safe from all manifestations of his evil, harm, vice, bite, strike, envy, hatred, snares, traps, foot soldiers and cavalry. Truly, you are mighty and powerful.
🍃🕊🍃 duas.org 🍃🕊🍃
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questionsonislam · 3 years
Is it permissible to make tawassul while praying and asking the help of awliya of Allah?
Seeking assistance is something and wasila (tawassul) is something else. Seeking assistance means asking for help. Wasila (tawassul) is a means to the end.
It is not permissible to ask for help from non-living things or a creature without intelligence even if it has a lot of service like the sun or the moon, even if it is holy like the Kaaba and the Black Stone (Hajar al-Aswad).
As for asking for help from people with intelligence, if the person is not a believer and a person with good deeds, it is not permissible to ask for help from him whether he is present or not. However, if he is a person with good deeds it is permissible to ask for help from him in order to ask intercession (shafa’ah), whether in his presence or near his grave.
Although the dead person has gone to the world of barzakh (veil), he has a kind of life peculiar to him. Our Prophet (PBUH) stated the following: "Prophets are alive in their graves." (Ibn Majah, Janaiz 65) Another evidence that prophets are alive in their graves is that Hazrat Prophet (pbuh) met the spirits of all of the prophets in Masjid al-Aqsa and greeted every prophet he met and those prophets replied his greeting. He also said the following about the polytheists who died during the Battle of Badr: "You cannot hear more than those; but they cannot answer.”
According to the people of tariqah (religious order) today, the help of a wali (saint) with a rank, whether he is dead or far away, can be asked for. He has the authority to help. Especially the people of tasarruf (authorized to do extraordinary things) can help both when they are alive and after they die; their help goes on.
As for wasila, as we have just mentiond, it is something to be used as a means to reach the end. There are some kinds of wasila:
1- To use the names of Allah for tawassul: Ibn Majah narrated the following from Hazrat Aisha: ‘The Prophet said the following in a supplication, " O Allah, I ask from you for the sake of your clean, nice and holy name"’
2- To make the supplication of the person as a wasila for whom tawassul is asked.
3- To make tawassul by using the personality of a great man with good deeds as an intermediary. For instance, to say something like ‘O Allah! I make the Prophet or Hazrat Abu Bakr a wasila in order to realize this wish of mine. Hazrat Umar made Hazrat Abbas (the Prophet’s uncle) a wasila in the supplication for rain by saying: “O Allah! We make the Prophet’s uncle a wasila, send us rain." (Bukhari).
4- To make tawassul by using the good deeds as an intermediary: For instance, to say something like “O Allah! I make this hajj or worship that I performed for you a wasila; relieve me of this misfortune or trouble”.
The kinds of wasila we listed above are present in Islam. It is not possible to deny them. The person to be made a wasila does not necessarily have to be superior to the person making tawassul. The Prophet (PBUH) said to Hazrat Umar, who wanted permission to go and make umrah, “Brother! Do not forget to pray for us”. He also ordered Hazrat Umar to tell Uways al-Qarani to pray for him. However, to imagine the prophet or any person independently and ask his help may cause a person to become an unbeliever. One should be careful about it. That is, it is permissible to think and to know that that person is a beloved slave of Allah and he does those things by the permission of Allah and to ask.
According to Ahlu Sunnah scholars, it is permissible to make tawassul as long as one does not go beyond it.
Those who regard wasila as completely haram are kharijites and and those who imitate them.
The information that angels protect people is present in the Quran itself: “For each (such person) there are (angels) in succession, before and behind him: they guard him by command of Allah”(ar-Rad, 13/11). That truth is pointed out in the verse.
The protection of the angels is not polytheism, similarly, the help and protection of other creatures should not be polytheism. However, we should not raise them from the level of being a means, a cause to the level of creation. It is a necessity of our belief that “there is no real creator other than Allah in the universe.”
Is there mediation, wasila in religion?
Wisdom is one of the indispensable elements of life and success; it is also a leaven and an important law in the management and control of all of the beings.
Men make achievements and maintain them by observing that rule and principle called wisdom.
Wisdom makes cause, means, wasila necessary between the Creator and the creatures.
The loftiness and greatness of the creator, the relationship and the balance among the beings are related to wisdom. In addition, the fact that beings serve as proof to their creator, the fact that they are searched and studied like a book by qualified people, and the most important of all, the fact that men are tested and tried for their achievements in the world and in the hereafter, depend on wisdom and a serious relationship with wisdom.
Men who have been given wisdom are the most honorable and valuable beings.
Based on this principle, the general term denoting the phenomenon of relationship between beings, things, man and the creator is wisdom.
In the connections between non-living things and living things,
in the veils between being created and creating,
in the causes between illness and health,
in slavery and its consequences,
in the relationship between conveying the message and guidance.
in the consequences and relationships of agriculture, trade, art and worship, wisdom is essential; and the causes, wasilas and means are the prerequisites of wisdom and they will always be present naturally.
Here, although the existence of means is necessary in terms of wisdom due to divine power and greatness, the oneness and majesty of Allah eliminates their effects. Wisdom necessitates that they remain only as means.
So, means are an essential of creation due to Allah’s name, the Wise.
So, the means like those are existent and necessary in our religion naturally.
For instance, the means of hidayah (guidance) are prophets.
The means of Allah’s orders to His prophets are the angels.
The means of pre-eternal speech are the Books and Pages.
The means of manifestations are miracles and arts.
The means of forgiveness and reward are bounties and Paradise.
The means of suffering and punishment are measures and Hell.
The means of worshipping and slavery are worships.
The means of approaching Allah are knowledge and taqwa (piety).
So, there is no place, state and time without means.
The most important point of the things that we have mentioned so far is as follows: Those means should not be something more than a wasila; they should be transparent and decent; they should not hide and cover the realities; in particular, they should strengthen not break the relationship between the slave and Allah.
If the means that exist between the realities and the people as a necessity of wisdom become dense and break the connection, then wisdom disappears and obstacles emerge. The means loses its property of being a means.
For instance, if a teacher enters between a mathematics book and the students, he integrates the students with the book. He increases the love. He also strengthens knowledge. Teachers form a great amount as means.
Artists are means of transferring the skill between the apprentices and art. Otherwise the arts and skills would cease and die.
Similarly, great religious people are transparent means to ensure and maintain the relationship between Allah and the slave. If they stop acting as intermediaries, the slave will spoil the relationship and break the connection.
However, being an intermediary is not something easy. The most important thing is to be capable and qualified.
That is, a teacher should act as an intermediary between the mathematics book and the student. However, if the teacher is a music teacher, it won’t do any good.
A doctor, who is a transparent means, should act as an intermediary between the patient and the illness in terms of wisdom. However, if an engineer instead of a doctor acts as an intermediary, he will only serve the angel of death.
Glasses become intermediaries between the eyes and things. Hearing aids become intermediaries between the ears and the sounds. As intermediaries, they serve those with ordinary eyes and ears to see and hear better.
Similarly, if qualified and capable people become intermediaries between the realities and ordinary people, they increase those people’s knowledge and virtues. Their spiritual lives become orderly and tidy. Ordinary people cannot see the naked realities and cannot perceive them. They can understand the realities only through some means.
The similes, metaphor and usual examples in the Quran are holy and transparent means like eyeglasses or binoculars between men and the realities that are difficult to perceive.
Therefore, to deny the means (wasila) means to deny wisdom, help, benefit, order, goodness and affair. It is an attitude contrary to creation and reality.
However, as there are always exceptions and misuse, the means deteriorated and misused in time; and bad examples reached present time. While it is necessary to correct, put into order and change them, it will be consciencelessness to wear mediation down and to deny it wholly and radically.
It will be a great mistake to prefer its demolition although it is possible to correct it.
So, mediation is a divine approbation that establishes the connection with reality like transparent glass, and that puts the relationships in order.
As it is present everywhere, there is and will be mediation in our religion. However, intermediaries that are very dense like priesthood, that confine the interest and respect only to themselves and break the relationship with Allah are a kind of hidden polytheism. Mediation like that does not exist in man’s nature and creation; it does not and cannot exist in our religion.
To see the means from the point of view of the evaluations above will protect us from excessiveness and negligence in terms of thoughts and attitudes, will drive all of our feelings and thoughts to the medium way, will provide our life with direction, peace and happiness.
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basicsofislam · 4 years
Supplication (dua / prayer) is a deed of worship. Every deed of worship has a determined time; supplication also has a determined time.  
Just as a prayer has fardh and nafilah parts so too does a supplication have fardh and nafilah parts. Nafilah prayers can generally be performed any time but fardh prayers have to be performed at certain times.
It is a nafilah deed of worship to make supplication all the time, whether there is a problem or not. However, to make supplication at a time of misfortune and problem is like fardh; that is, its time has come.
“The supplication is the essence of worship.” (Tirmidhi, Daawat 1)
It is possible to see the close relationship between worship and supplication from the hadith above.
The more the conditions of supplication are fulfilled, the more probable is the acceptance of supplication. The issues that we need to be careful about so that our supplication will be accepted are as follows:
- To clean our spirit from sins, which are spiritual impurities, by repenting.
- To eat and drink legitimate (halal) food and beverages bought through legitimately earned money.
- To have wuduu, to turn toward the qiblah and to open the hands toward the sky.
- To start the supplication with audhu-basmala, praising Allah and sending greetings to the Prophet.
- To abandon oppression and to repent of sins.
- Not to ask things that necessitate sins and not to hurry.
- To make supplication sincerely and to continue supplication.
- Not to ask things against other Muslims and things that will harm them; not to curse the families, children and wealth of other Muslims.
- Not to ask things that are contrary to Islam.
- Not to shout and not to show off through literary arts in supplication.
- To make supplication after prayers, especially fardh prayers.
- To make supplication between adhan and iqamah for the fardh prayer.
- To make supplication in the prostrations of nafilah prayers.
- To make supplication on Friday.
- To make supplication on Ramadan nights, nights of eid al-fitr and eid al-adha, nights of Miraj, Barat, Qadr and Friday.
- To make supplication when one is ill.
- To make supplication while fasting, especially at the time of iftaar (breaking fast).
- To make supplication when one is in ihram for hajj or umrah.
- To make supplication for one’s Muslim brother in his absence.
- To make supplication at times of material and spiritual abundance.
- To make supplication with the supplications mentioned in hadiths and reported from Companions.
- To make supplication heartily and sincerely, believing that every supplication will be answered.
- To start and end a supplication by praising Allah and sending greetings to the Prophet.
- To say "ameen" at the end of supplication and wipe one’s face with his hands.
If a person acts accordingly, that supplication will inshallah be accepted.
A person needs to regard Allah as the being closest to him and he must never forget Him.
We need to arrange our lives and live according to Islam if we want our supplications to be accepted and attain Allah's consent. 
In fact, all prayers are answered. However, it is not necessary for every prayer to be accepted exactly and to be given in this world. If you go to see a doctor and say, “O doctor! Will you give me this medicine?”, if that medicine is useful for you, the doctor will say, “Here you are.” However, if what you want is irrelevant, useless or harmful, he will not give it to you; he will give you something better.
Similarly, Allah Almighty, who is absolutely wise, answers us and our prayers. However, to accept a prayer is based on His wisdom; therefore, He sometimes gives exactly what is asked, sometimes better than what is asked and sometimes does not give what is asked because He knows that it is harmful.
For instance, if a person asks a son but if he is given a daughter like Hazrat Maryam (Mary), does it mean his prayer has not been accepted or is it regarded to have been accepted in a better way? If a person asks worldly wealth and if he is given otherworldly wealth, does it mean that his prayer has not been accepted?
The Prophet explains this fact as follows:
“There is none who utters a supplication, except that Allah gives him what he asked, or prevents evil from him that is equal to it – as long as he does not supplicate for something evil, or the cutting of ties of kinship.” (Tirmidhi, Daawat 145)
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jahan-umrah · 1 year
Make your journey hassle free by choosing Umrah Package Tour
Embarking on a pilgrimage to the holy cities of Mecca and Medina holds profound importance for millions of Muslims around the world. The Umrah, often referred to as the "lesser pilgrimage," offers a unique opportunity for devout believers to draw closer to their faith. For those considering this sacred journey, Umrah  package tours has come out to be as a convenient, easy and spiritually enriching option. So before going on the sacred journey its best to choose the best umrah package tour as it has its own benefits of opting.
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The Importance of Umrah
Umrah is one of the holiest acts of worship in Islam, second only to the Hajj pilgrimage. While the Hajj pilgrimage is mandatory for all eligible Muslims at least once in their lifetime, Umrah is a non-mandatory act of devotion that can be performed at any time of the year which   consists of a set of rituals, including the Tawaf around the Kaaba, Sa'i (walking seven times between the hills of Safa and Marwah), and other prayers and supplications.
Performing Umrah is a deeply personal and spiritual experience, as it provides Muslims with the opportunity to cleanse their souls, seek forgiveness, and strengthen their connection with Allah, so why not choose a best umrah package tour before commencing the journey towards Allah.
Perks of Umrah Package Tours
1.  Convenience and Stress Reduction:
Umrah package tours offer a problem free and convenient way to attain this spiritual obligation which  include all aspects of the journey, from  visa processing to flight bookings, hotel accommodations, transportation, and guided tours of the holy sites. This eliminates the procedural challenges that can be daunting for those traveling independently.
2.  Expert Guidance:
Umrah package tour often  come with knowledgeable tour guides who provide cognizance into the significance of each ritual and historical context. This guidance amplify the spiritual experience and ensures that pilgrims perform Umrah correctly, according to Islamic traditions.
3.  Group Unity and Support:
Traveling with a group of fellow pilgrims fosters a sense of unity and camaraderie. Pilgrims can share their experiences, provide emotional support, and form lasting friendships. Group travel also helps in coordinating activities, ensuring everyone's safety, and dealing with unexpected situations.
4.  Time Efficiency:
Umrah package tour are generally well-structured and helps you to  maximize the time spent in prayer and worship. Worshippers can make the most of their journey by clinging to a set itinerary that enhance their spiritual experience.
5.   Cost lucrative:
Umrah package tours can be cost-effective when compared to arranging each aspect of the journey individually. Tour operators often negotiate favorable rates for flights and accommodations, passing on the savings to the pilgrims.
6.  Spiritual Contenment:
The sacred benefits of performing Umrah are magnified when done as part of a package tour. Pilgrims can immerse themselves in worship without the stress of planning and logistics, allowing them to focus solely on their spiritual journey. Thus choosing umrah package tour before commencing  the journey will be one of the most advantageous thing.
Umrah being non mandatory yet an important pilgrimage for the muslims to the holy  city of Masjid al-Haram in Mecca. So before embarking the journey towards the house of Allah choose Umrah package tour suitable for you. Umrah package tours provide you a full package of conveyance, effortlessness, hasselfree, affordability and a journey which is free from cumbersomeness thus helping belivers to focus only on their goal. By eliminating logistical challenges and offering expert guidance, these umrah  packages  tour helps pilgrims to focus on their spiritual fulfillment and connection with Allah. Whether you are a first-time pilgrim or a seasoned traveller, Umrah package tours can make your journey a memorable and spiritually rewarding experience.
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lifeofresulullah · 4 years
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad: The Battle of Khandaq and Afterwards
The Expedition of Umrah: Part 2
The Second News
When the Messenger of God was in Hudaybiyah with his Companions, Budayl Ibn Warqa, the leader of the Khuzaa tribe, came to his presence with a few people from his tribe. The tribe of Khuzaa, which was one of the tribes of Tihama, had been the allies of Sons of Hashim, to which the Prophet belonged, during the Era of Jahiliyyah. After the emergence of Islam, they showed respect to that alliance and supported the Prophet. All of them, whether they were Muslims or polytheists, informed the Prophet about what was happening in Makkah.
Budayl said to the Prophet, “The Qurayshis swore that they would fight you. They will never let you visit the Kaaba.”
The Messenger of God repeated their aim of coming to Makkah: “We did not come here to fight anyone. Our aim is to make umrah and to circumambulate, and to visit the Kaaba. Wars have battered, weakened and harmed the Qurayshis. If they want, we can declare a period of cease fire. During this period, they will be safe. They should not prevent me from talking to other tribes. If I persuade those tribes and if they embrace Islam, the Qurayshi polytheists can become Muslims, too, if they want. If I cannot persuade the other tribes, then, they will be relieved and strengthened. If the Qurayshis do not accept what I offer and attempt to fight me, I swear by God, in whose hand of power my life is, I will fight them in the way of this religion, which I convey, until my head is cut off my body. Then, God will definitely keep his promise to help me.”
Budayl said, “I will report the Qurayshis what you have told me.” Then, he left.
Budayl wanted to tell the Qurayshis about what the Prophet had said when he returned to Makkah but they said, “We do not need any news from him. We want him to know one thing: He cannot enter Makkah even if there is only one of us alive.”
However, Urwa b. Mas’ud, one of their notables intervened and said, “Why do you not want to listen to what Budayl and his friends will say? Listen to them! If you like what Budayl says, you can accept it; if not, you can reject it.”
Thereupon, they listened to Budayl. He told them the reason why the Prophet had come to Makkah and his offer of cease fire.
The Qurayshi Envoy in the Presence of the Prophet
Urwa b. Mas’ud, one of the notables of the Quraysh found what Budayl said appropriate and said,
“Indeed, Budayl came here to show you the way of honesty and peace. Accept his offers and let me go and talk to him.”
The Qurayshi polytheists did not like what Urwa said. They said to him as if scolding him, “Go to Muhammad but do not come and tell us your view.”
However, Urwa went to the presence of the Prophet. He told the Prophet about the preparations of the polytheists, that they were waiting next to the Hudaybiyah Well and that they had decided not to allow anybody into Makkah.
The Prophet said to Urwa, “O Urwa! Speak for God: Is it appropriate to prevent these camels from being slaughtered, to prevent us from visiting the Kaaba and circumambulating it?” He continued,
“We have not come here to fight. We want to perform umrah and slaughter the camels that we want to sacrifice.
Tell this to my tribe, my family and my people: War has weakened them. Let them decide a period of cease fire between us. Tell them to let us visit the Kaaba. Tell them to let us perform umrah and sacrifice our animals. Otherwise, I swear by God that I will not stop fighting them until God keeps His promise that He will spread the religion of Islam on earth and until my head is cut off my body.”
Urwa b. Mas’ud was talking to the Prophet and at the same time observing their attitudes and acts toward the Messenger of God. He admired the respectful acts of the Companions toward the Prophet and their submission to the Prophet.
When he returned to the Qurayshi polytheists, he told them about the aim of the Prophet and his observations expressing his admiration. He said,
“O my people! I have been to the presence of many rulers as an envoy. I swear by God that I have never seen any men showing respect to their rulers as his Companions showing respect to him. No Companion spoke without getting permission from him. When Muhammad ordered them something, everybody competed with each other to fulfill it. When the Companions talked near him, they spoke in a very low voice; they did not stare at him due to their respect to him and lowered their gazes. I realized that they would never leave him alone and they would not surrender even one hair of him to anybody; they would not let anybody touch his body. You can think of the rest yourselves!”[12]
Then, he said, “He offered peace; Come on! Let us accept his offer.”
The Qurayshi notables did not like this offer of Urwa; they even scolded him because of the way he spoke. Being disturbed by their scolding, Urwa left them and set off to Taif.
The Envoy of the Prophet
Both parties started to make negotiations in their headquarters and sent each other envoys with offers. The Prophet sent Khirash b. Umayya from the tribe of Khuzaa to the Qurayshis in order to inform them about his aim of coming. Thus, Khirash became the first envoy sent by the Messenger of God to the Qurayshis.
Khirash b. Umayya told the polytheists about the aim of the Messenger of God but they did not want to understand him. They treated him harshly, slaughtered his camel and even wanted to kill him. However, when the people of Ahabish intervened, they released him. Khirash b. Umayya saved his life with difficulty; he returned to the Prophet and told him what had happened.
The Messenger of God did not attack them though they tried to kill his envoy. He acted cautiously and patiently. He waited for their new offers. His aim was not to shed blood.
One More Envoy from the Quraysh…
When the Qurayshis saw that the Prophet did not return despite what was said, they sent Hulays b. Alqama, the leader of the Ahabish tribe as their envoy to the Prophet. The Prophet recognized Hulays from a distance. He said to his Companions, “This man is from a tribe that shows respect to animals to be sacrificed. Release the camels to be sacrificed and direct them toward him.”[14]
The Muslims directed the camels toward Hulays and uttered talbiya: “Lab­bayk! Allahumma Labbayk!”
When Hulays saw this lofty and innocent scene, he started to cry. He could not help shouting,
“Subhanallah! It is a very ugly act to prevent this magnificent congregation from circumambulating and visiting the Kaaba. I swear by the Lord of the Kaaba that the Qurayshis will be destroyed due to those wrong attitudes and acts. The Muslims came here in order to perform umrah only.”
The Prophet heard the words of Hulays and said, “Yes, you are right; O Brother from Sons of Kinana.”
Hulays had nothing else to say when he saw the scene. He did not want to approach the Prophet and talk to him due to his respect to the Messenger of God. He went directly to the Qurayshis.
Hulays and the Qurayshi Polytheists
The lofty scene impressed and softened the spirit and the heart of Hulays so much that he said to the polytheists bluntly,  
“I think it is not appropriate to prevent the Prophet from circumambulating the Kaaba.”
However, the notables of the Quraysh had the view that nobody other than themselves could think truly. They were astonished and even infuriated when they heard what Hulays said. They insulted him by saying,
“You are an Arab of the desert! You are ignorant! Keep silent; you do not know about these issues.”
Hulays got very angry when he heard those words. He said, by defending the Prophet, “How can we prevent a person who came here to show respect to the Kaaba? I did not make an agreement with you regarding this issue. By God, either you will allow Muhammad to do what he wants or I will take all of the members of the Ahabish tribe and leave.”
However, even this threat did not persuade the Qurayshi polytheists. They persuaded Hulays by telling several lies and prevented him from breaking their alliance.
The Second Envoy: Hazrat Uthman
Negotiations through envoys continued.
The Messenger of God wanted to attain a definite result as soon as possible. He wanted to send Hazrat Umar to the Qurayshis in order to tell them why they had come.
Umar said, “O Messenger of God! The Qurayshi leaders know what a fierce enemy I am. I fear that they might assassinate me. There is nobody from my tribe in Makkah to protect me. However, if you definitely want me to go, I will go.”
The Prophet kept silent.
Thereupon, Hazrat Umar said, “It would be more appropriate if Uthman b. Affan went for this task because he has many people from his tribe and many relatives in Makkah.”
Indeed, Sons of Umayya, who were among the notables of Makkah, were all Uthman’s cousins.
The Messenger of God accepted Umar’s offer and summoned Uthman. He said to Uthman,
“Go to the Qurayshis. Tell them we have not come here to fight anyone; we have come here to visit the Kaaba. We will sacrifice these camels and return. Then, call them to Islam.”
The Prophet also told Uthman to meet the Muslims who are forced to conceal their religion and console them and to tell them that Makkah would be conquered soon and that they would not have to conceal their religion.
Hazrat Uthman went to the Qurayshi polytheists. He told them why the Prophet had come there and called them to Islam.
However, this negotiation did not yield a positive result, either. They said to Uthman, “Go and tell the person who sent you that he will never be able to enter Makkah and circumambulate the Kaaba.”
About ten muhajirs went with Hazrat Uthman to visit their relatives upon the permission of the Prophet. They also told their Muslim relatives that Makkah would be conquered and rejoiced them.
Hazrat Uthman does not Circumambulate the Kaaba Though he is Given Permission
Meanwhile, The Qurayshi notables said to Hazrat Uthman, “Circumambulate the Kaaba if you wish.”
Hazrat Uthman said, “No. I will not circumambulate it unless the Messenger of God (pbuh) does.”
The Qurayshis were disturbed by what Hazrat Uthman said and retained him for a while.
However, this news reached the Prophet as if Hazrat Uthman and the muhajirs with had been martyred by polytheists.
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