#Ultimatum ending
unhingedlesbear · 11 months
Yo check this out guys I'm gonna be SICK!!! (Ignore the audio glitch at the beginning) but this what I was on abt. Ultimatum with Kate upset at Mark.
Even worse than regular Ultimatum and I didn't even think that was possible. Like the way usually she's all like "You had no choice, we'd be dead otherwise" and we can AT LEAST have that but this... nuh uh...
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108garys · 10 months
Gravey ultimatum alternative
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So I tried to go crazy colours and get that harsh light vibe tho I don't know how well it landed but here's Becky, suffering ✨
Close ups and stuff under cut
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I honestly find the uncoloured version so charming in its own way
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I wanted to show off how much colour was in her face but I think I just made her look like a whimsical bruise(in a good way?), at any rate I feel like this colouring would work better lighter but harsh light behind means shadowed up front
I do love her gold and teal(ish) eyes tho
@kassiekolchek22 @delurkr @tatjana-fantasy @unhingedlesbear @qusok @kindheartedgummybears @kagoa @ctrvpani
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templegate · 1 month
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We'll bring the true mastermind and everyone who's watching... We'll bring them down into utter despair!
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glutenfreetitty · 1 year
Gay rights for Mal Lexi Yoly Sam and Xander
Therapy for Tiff Mildred Rae and Aussie
JAIL for Vanessa
Gay people pls confirm
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yuriveteran · 1 year
the ultimatum queer love feels like it’s specifically made to torment me by selecting the most obnoxious and questionable ppl there were that just so happened to be also gay
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schmweed · 8 months
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pettyprocrastination · 3 months
also thinking about the ultimatum tashi gave art of "if you lose this game ill leave you" in hopes of pushing him to playing at his very best, but then realizing that his very best may still not be enough to beat patrick and will end with her losing him so she then tells patrick to throw the match in secret. these people are insane.
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imeminemp3 · 3 months
what i love so so much about lady parts is that ayesha doesn't come out to her parents. her girlfriends gives her this 'ultimatum' but it's not right for her to come out. so she doesn't. when she said 'there's a lot to be said for staying in. where it's safe.' she was right. coming out isn't the best choice for everyone and im so, so sick of media trying to say it is
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chloecherrysip · 1 year
They just released what looks like the full clip of Peach completing the training course! LOOK AT MY GIRL GOOOOO
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Been thinking about how you can create solid tragedy by giving a character enough intelligence and genre awareness to recognize that someone or something is trying to draw them down a guilded path to hell, and they can be so cautious and take such safeguards against falling into the trap but they can't quite bring themself to find true safety by exiting the narrative entirely because they want too badly, and slowly and inexorably the pressure of the narrative convinces them to place one toe after another down the path, because they're observant and careful and they have safeguards and surely they've protected themself well enough and surely their reasons are good enough and they know that going just this tiny way won't hurt them and they stand to get everything they want so just this once it must be fine? and with each step further the road grows darker and they grow less certain and more anxious but they've come so far now and surely what they want is just around the corner and they want it so so much.
I've also been thinking about Heingyl Ri
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unhingedlesbear · 8 months
Ok tumblr. I'm taking this to u lot bc I really don't know 😍
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can't believe it really took me this long to even consider the idea of a swap like this but. It does have me wondering. What r we thinking here gang
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108garys · 10 months
On human sacrifice & hypotheticals
So here's the shortest writing I've posted and I've tried something different, I won't go into it because it's such a short fic but I hope you enjoy what I've done
@kassiekolchek22 @delurkr @tatjana-fantasy @unhingedlesbear @qusok @kagoa @kindheartedgummybears @ctrvpani @mybrainrotforreal (I hope you read this in Randolph Hodgson's voice)
Have you ever heard of the trolley problem?
The tired hypothetical that pits one life against five and asks you to make an impossible choice.
The pragmatist would logically pick the outcome with least loss of life. Emotional arguments push in either direction, people argue around in circles about interference and responsibility, of letting it happen. Many ultimately reject the hypothetical itself; it's too unrealistic, too simplistic and says nothing about a person's character.
Some boldly argue. "Why not go after the monster tying people to train tracks?"
…But you can't…
What if you're not so different from ancient peoples who made sacrifices to the sun and moon, to the seasons and darkness? Modern people sneer at the past because we know better, blood won't keep the sun shining and children safe at night. We understand these forces of nature and are above the simplistic reasoning of the past…
But when put in that impossible hypothetical, with your hand on the lever and the devil awaiting your decision. Like caged animals desperate to not be thrown to the fire they bend…
…Send five instead…
Grin and bare it. They have the same chance as you, it's all been done before and other comforting lies told by those who know deep down that death can no more be staved off than age or winter and the eternal after…
Perhaps merely having access to the lever makes one culpable for the outcome, perhaps the blood of sacrifice drips endlessly off condemned hands irregardless of choice and some deep, primal part of the human psyche that turns us all into believers of fairtales where a no win ultimatum has a happy ending and maybe you'll never sleep again or more likely sleep forever but faith overpowers all rational thought…
With shaking hands and the naive hope of a timid boy who still believes… Mark picks up the phone.
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herawell · 8 months
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infinitethree · 1 month
With the immediate crisis mostly resolved– bar the more long-term issue of what to do about Innit, of course– that means Aster can fucking breathe.
Sure, Daz…pretty much hates him right now. And Theo and Day are a little pissed at him too, even if they largely agree that his actions were for the greater good.
But the immediate issue of Daz trying to off himself has been stopped, and the bastard is being forced to deal with some of his shit.
What had been a fairly pleasant morning in his kitchen with frozen pancakes, sausage, eggs, and a protein drink has been hijacked, though. Aster can feel the fucking Observers present, and given the lack of questions…
He’s about to learn some horrible new information about Daz. Information that will only increase the burden on Aster’s shoulders and Daz’s fury towards him.
Right on cue, his everything his hijacked to show–
Huh. It’s…the Christmas celebration-gala-thing.
Except that, uh, it’s not one he recognizes. Usually they kind of blend together, and Aster doesn’t often stay that long, but he would definitely remember this happening.
…Because he’s watching himself dancing with Daz.
No, he realizes. Not just dancing– they’re wearing matching suits.
This doesn’t seem to be one of the times when he’s in Daz’s head, thankfully, and he has some limited range of movement. He floats down closer to try and get a better look at himself and the bastard.
Both of them seem happy. Maybe more than happy; they look like they’re entirely engrossed in each other.
“I can’t take my eyes off of you,” Daz murmurs, tone warm and fond in a way Aster has never heard before. “That’s my line,” other-Aster chuckles, his smile growing.
Daz tells him, “I don’t get to make stuff like this often; it’s nice seeing you in something so nice. I can tell you think it doesn’t suit you. You’re wrong, though.”
Wait wait wait– he made that? So then they’re dating? Is this the future, and they date? Date and get serious enough that Daz claims him?!
“You shine just as brightly as your namesake on the inside. I’ve only put that awe-inspiring sight where everyone else can see it too,” Daz tells other-Aster.
…Despite having no interest in this sort of thing, Aster can’t help but feel a little flustered by that. Shit, this bastard is smoother than he ever thought possible. If Daz showed any interest in romance, he’d have a string of broken hearts trailing after him.
When other-Aster just seems awed, Daz laughs softly and leans in. “Was that too poetic? Sorry, let me be blunter. I was able to dive down and see what your soul truly looks like. This is inspired by what I saw. Even with code tinkering, it pales in comparison to the real thing.”
And then, just to make it absolutely clear what kind of relationship they have, Daz drips other-Aster backwards into a long, deep kiss.
Other-Aster, far from fighting it, just slides his arms up around Daz’s neck.
Once the kiss finally breaks, Daz’s stare bores into other-Aster’s. “You stole my heart, but I can’t even be mad about it. Nothing in my life has ever been as good as you. Your devotion is the balm against the long, lonely, miserable years that led me here. With you at my side, I could take on gods. Without you, I have less than nothing. My deepest, most fervent fantasy is the one you already know; to die peacefully of old age in my sleep alongside you. Neither of us leaving the other, instead simply refusing to accept even a moment being so far apart. To the point of madness; to the point of ruin– I love you.” It looks like other-Aster is tearing up a little as he eventually croaks, “It’s a shame we’re already married. That’d be a hell of a marriage proposal.”
Aster’s not-entirely-existent eyes go wide as he realizes that they’re both wearing fancy netherite ear cuffs; stars-themed with basalt for Daz, dark shiny stones and swirls for other-Aster.
And then he’s sent somewhere else.
A wedding– their wedding?
He’s left reeling as he watches Day walk other-Aster down the aisle and–
Innit is there. Innit is not just there, Innit is handing Daz off to other-Aster.
Whatever the vows are, Aster doesn’t process them. He’s too busy freaking out about Innit being actively present in Sanctuary, and how nobody seems to be batting an eye.
Abruptly, Aster finds himself back home and staring down at his food.
That’s definitely not anything that’s happened so far, so–
In the future, he and Daz get married. And Innit gets a body…but is chill enough to be able to give Daz away at the wedding?
He’s pretty sure that if he could have heard Daz’s thoughts for that, it would have been just…love. It was so blatant on his face, and in the stupidly romantic gesture of making and wearing a representation of Aster’s soul.
It almost makes sense, in a weird way. Isn’t there a whole trope about people who hate each other hooking up? It’s just flipping from one side of an axis of strong emotion to the other.
On the other hand, though, it’s still him and Daz. The two of them barely tolerated each other before all of the current events, and now Daz actively hates him.
In what fucking world do they get past that and start dating– let alone get married?
…Wait a fucking second.
Is this a hint? Is this, like– what he’s meant to do, to get Daz to a more stable place? Pretend to fall for him, and make Daz love him?
Holy shit, he’s really not sure if he’s comfortable pretending to love Daz in order to anchor him in reality. No matter how much a little part of him points out that other-Aster seemed pretty damn thrilled to be with him, it’s still super fucked up.
Also, y’know, if Daz ever realized the truth, it would be crushing. It could do so much more harm than good.
Then why did other-Aster do it, then? What did he learn that made him decide to either pretend to fall for him or actually fall for him?
For once, he wishes he could have seen more.
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looking into a career in phlebotomy lol
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whentherewerebicycles · 11 months
wow you took that former friend/student stuff really well, like a really level headed reaction. Have you always been able to do that? How do you think you’ve reached that kind of mental equilibrium? I’ve always found anyone leaving my life so intensely stressful and upsetting even if it’s someone I want to leave.
haha well I’ve continued thinking about it several times a day over the past few days so I wouldn’t say the experience has been stress-free! in this case it helps that I’ve read like five different articles in the last week on people breaking off longstanding friendships or relationships over the Israel-Palestine conflict so I’m like ah well it’s not just me experiencing this… people’s emotions are super heightened right now and I think there’s a lot of tacit (or explicit!) encouragement to cut out people who don’t share your exact position or aren’t performing their opinions in the exact way you think they should.
I also think it helps to remember that in most interpersonal conflicts there’s not one person who is Right & Good and one person who is Wrong & Bad… instead people tend to be a little bit right AND a little bit wrong or biased or short-sighted. I think she is right that the situation is very urgent (people are losing their lives and it’s happening terrifyingly fast) and I think she’s justified in having her emotions run really high over this, as she’s been immersing herself in extremely graphic, wrenching content 24/7. but I also feel reasonably secure in my own position! I don’t think social media is a productive place to engage in political advocacy or to do any actually meaningful learning about complex issues. I don’t think we have a moral obligation to post graphic content documenting the horrible deaths of others on our private social media accounts (in fact I think the opposite!!). and I also think it’s okay for people to be like ‘you know what? I am not an expert in this. I need to take some time to read/learn/explore conflicting viewpoints—and I can afford to take that time because I am not a political leader or an army or a government, I am just a person half a world away who is trying to understand a different region’s insanely messy and complex history/politics so that I can hold an informed opinion and advocate for actions aligned with my beliefs and values.’
it kinda bummed me out that she chose to be like ‘bye forever’ given our many years of working together, but also, she had been posting stuff for days that was like ‘if you are not reposting this I am going to unfollow you I am watching you I am taking notes I see your silence as complicity’ so it wasn’t like, a huge surprise that she would react that way. idk sometimes interpersonal conflict like that can be painful but can also prompt good reflection… I feel like she’s pushed me to read a lot more (I don’t trust her sources, but it’s made me seek out sources I do trust to confirm some of the info she’s sharing). but I also feel like it’s reconfirmed for me that I am just not going to engage in super heated, super vitriolic discourse wars online and it’s okay with me if that choice leads some people to label me as not radical enough. idk if this answers your question I think this particular ending-of-a-friendship is pretty context-dependent, but I guess the whole, ‘two people can have a big falling-out and neither of them is all right or all wrong’ helps me avoid feeling too defensive or too wounded about it.
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