#Ultimate fire dancer
Haruki: [After we finished talking to her, we went back to the center of the dome.]
Haruki: [I looked around, taking in everybody.]
Haruki: I think that covers everyone.
Haruki: These people are kind of crazy, don’t you think?
Kiki: Awww, not crazy!! Just different!!
Kiki: No ultimate is a normal person, they’re ultimate!!
Haruki: I guess so, but it’s just that, some people here just…
Haruki: [What’s the nicest way to put this?]
Haruki: …seem like they’ve lost a bit of their sanity.
Kiki: Haruki, have I lost a bit of my sanity?!
Haruki: …
Haruki: Yes.
Haruki: Sorry! I was joking!
Kiki: Hmph, I know, but give people a chance!!
Haruki: I’m sorry, I just don’t trust many people.
Haruki: The only people here I trust are Ouki and you.
Haruki: [I trust they won’t toss me into a hospital on a whim.]
Kiki: Haruki!! You just gotta get to know your classmates better!!
Haruki: [She cut off, and smirked.]
Haruki: […what is she doing?]
Kiki: Oh, I get it now!! I get why you don’t trust people!!
Haruki: [No no no no no no-]
Haruki: […yes Kiki. I am shy.]
Haruki: …a little bit?
Kiki: Hey.
Haruki: [She grabbed my hand, and smiled.]
Kiki: They’re your classmates. You just gotta get to know them.
Haruki: But, I’m not a real ultimate. I’m just Haruki.
Kiki: Is Haruki Douzono an Ultimate??
Haruki: N-
Kiki: YES. You are just as cool and sweet and awesome as the rest of them!!
Kiki: I promise, Haruki.
Haruki: [Her beige eyes were beaming with light as they bore into me.]
Haruki: [Why do we feel so close when we’ve just met?]
Haruki: [I’ve known her forever, is what it feels like.]
Haruki: […and her eyes are very passionate.]
Haruki: Sigh, okay.
Haruki: I’m just as cool as the rest of the Ultimates here.
Kiki: Yayyyyy!! I’m-
Haruki: [The mighty crack of the riding crop tore through the air as we all assembled once more.]
Haruki: [Again, Benio handed it back to Tomoki, and cleared her throat.]
Benio: Attention everyone! I believe we have searched this place thoroughly and accounted for traps!
Benio: I have taken the liberty of-
Tomoki: Ahem.
Benio: Ugh, Tomoki and I came up the idea of marking where the traps are-
Tomoki: By burning the grass with my unluckiness, of course!
Benio: So, while still dangerous, it is safe to traverse the courtyard.
Benio: Just please, watch your step!
Haruki: [The Theologian raises his hand.]
Benio: Yes, Zempei?
Zempei: Pardon me, but…
Zempei: …do you think we’ve been kidnapped?
Alexandra: Agreed. There are many signs we have been.
Benio: I do not have enough information to conclude that yet.
Tomoki: I do, though! I am quite sure we’ve been kidnapped!
Benio: We don’t have enough info!
Tomoki: But Benio darling, jumping to conclusions is so fun!
Haruki: [I whispered to Kiki.]
Haruki: They remind me of an old married couple.
Kiki: Haruki, they don’t have any chemistry!!
Kiki: And they’re definitely a hornet and a Yellowjacket.
Haruki: [As Kiki and I giggled, Ouki gave us a “shut up” stare.]
Haruki: [We quickly composed ourselves, and I felt very guilty.]
Waku: Oh, me me me!
Haruki: [He strutted up to the front of the group, and held up its phone.]
Waku: Does anyone, ANYONE, have service? I’ve been trying to get some, but I haven’t had any luck!
Waku: And I bet it’s the knockoff war general’s fault!
Tomoki: It’s not, but I can make it my fault!
Benio: Ugh!
Haruki: [Benio shoved Waku back into the crowd.]
Benio: Any more questions?
Haruki: [Hinato raised his hand and smirked.]
Hinato: You single?
Benio: NO!
Haruki: [Wow, she didn’t even think about it!]
Haruki: [Claire walked up to join Benio, and waved her hands.]
Claire: Hey, if you have a dumb question, don’t ask it.
Benio: Exactly what Claire said.
Claire: Ask me the dumb questions. I love talking to people.
Benio: MOVE!
Haruki: [Claire giggled and walked back in the crowd, with Chinatsu immediately talking to her.]
Haruki: [Oh, poor Claire.]
Benio: I will answer one more question!
Haruki: [Miliani raises her hand, and lowers her sunglasses.]
Miliani: How long have we really been here? And if you tell me one day, I won’t buy it.
Benio: Thank you for asking a reasonable question!
Benio: We’ve been here for-
??? (MonoLad): Twenty five days!
Haruki: Huh?
Haruki: [Everyone looked around, dazed and confused.]
Yukina: Look up.
Haruki: [We did as they said and what we saw…]
[Cutscene time! Everyone looks up to see MonoCer descended from the air, very angelically, with light shining upon her. But as she’s descending, MonoLad falls from the sky, crashing into MonoCer, and the two land in a heap on the ground.]
??? & ??? (MonoCer and MonoLad): Owwwww…
Eito: W-What the hell?! What are those t-things?!
Chinatsu: My Chimura, they look like…robots.
Asaha: Ah! This reminds me of a game with robots that kidnap children! It’s cal-
Waku: SHHHH! Do you wanna get sued?!
Haruki: [What are these things? One looks like an angel while the other looks like a devil.]
Haruki: [This is like something out of a cartoon.]
Haruki: [Suddenly, the devil one shot to its feet.]
??? (MonoLad): HEYYYY BITCHES!! How’d you nerds get settled in?!
Haruki: [Then, the angel joined the devil.]
??? (MonoCer): Heyyyy, calling them nerds isn’t very nice!
Benio: What- Who- What is going on?!
??? (MonoCer): No! Our students want to know who we are, MonoLad!
Haruki: [Students? No. No, those things are not our teachers.]
MonoLad: God, fineeee, MonoCer! I am one of your lovely teachers at this bitchin’ school…MonoLad!
Decebel: That is Romanian. It means hell. You are Mono Hell.
MonoLad: Yeah, but MONOLAD sounds sooooo much better, don’t ya think?
Decebel: …no…
Decebel: Ah-!
Haruki: [As Decebel jumped back, the angel figure hurried over to him.]
??? (MonoCer): No, no I am so sorry! I’m so sorryyyyyy!
Yukina: Just leave him alone.
Decebel: Tha-
Yukina: Don’t.
MonoCer: I’m sorry for my coworker’s behavior…I am MonoCer! A kind and caring teacher, ready to help anyone at a moment’s notice!
Miliani: I bet that means Mono Heaven.
Zempei: You are the angel and devil on our shoulders, yes?
MonoCer: Yes! But I’m sure with a bit of time, we’ll both be angels!
MonoLad: You’ll all be angels.
Haruki: All?
MonoCer: …Maybe.
Benio: Maybe?! What is this, rehab?!
Alexandra: No. Something far worse.
Tomoki: How worse?
Alexandra: Death worse.
Haruki: [On that word, I felt Kiki cling to me.]
Haruki: What’s…What’s going on?
Kiki: I don’t know…
MonoLad: Death worse?! I’d say more…
Benio: Explain! Explain!
MonoCer: Cerrie? You wanna tell them?
MonoCer: You’re all Hope’s Peak freshmen, and, under strict orders…
MonoCer: We’re playing a game.
Waku: A game?! Tag this ain’t. Unless you wanna tag me in your bio, he-
Hinato: Dude, shut up.
MonoCer: In this game…
MonoCer: If you want to escape here alive…
MonoCer: You must successfully kill another student without being caught.
Haruki: [Deafening silence filled the room.]
Haruki: [No way, she must be kidding.]
Haruki: [This has to be some senior hazing, or a prank.]
Ouki: Okay Hope’s Peak Seniors, you’ve got us! Good one! Now come on, let us out of here.
MonoLad: Ohhhhh, Ouki, sweet strong Ouki!
MonoLad: This isn’t a joke or a dream! This is all real!
MonoLad: For example, I can do THIS!
Haruki: [MonoLad revealed from his hand a giant, buzzing saw.]
Haruki: [And as quickly as it appeared, it vanished.]
Ouki: My god.
Benio: There’s no, no, logic in any of this…
Tomoki: Hehehehe, this is quite fun, don’t you think?
Haruki: [As everyone cried out in horror, I looked to my side.]
Haruki: [Kiki clung to me, staring at the ground.]
Haruki: Kiki, are you okay?
Kiki: F-Fuck these things…
Haruki: [She stared away once more, all the mojo in her gone.]
Haruki: […what happened to everyone?]
Haruki: [These ultimates are supposed to have hope. Supposed to be brave.]
Haruki: [Then why is everyone freaking out?]
Haruki: [Inside of me…I felt angry.]
Haruki: [I felt…I felt like doing something about this.]
Haruki: [I’m not standing here while everyone breaks down.]
Haruki: [This fury inside of me…it’s not going to go unnoticed!]
Haruki: ENOUGH.
Haruki: [My sturdy shout echoed throughout the room, causing silence.]
Haruki: I’m stopping this. Right now.
MonoLad: What are you gonna do?! Give me a system error 404?!
MonoLad: Or maybe even become a wreck!
MonoLad: Go ahead, end this all right now, you bucket of bolts!
Haruki: [I’m not going to be pushed around like this.]
Haruki: [And I’m not letting these Ultimates break down.]
Haruki: [I’m not letting Kiki break down.]
Haruki: …
Haruki: Watch me.
[Cutscene time! Haruki steps up further, as everyone clears a path for him. We see Kiki watch in a mixture of fear and admiration, as Haruki raises his robotic arm. At the center of the palm, a ball of blue energy glows, getting larger and larger, until it’s the size of his head. And with one flick of his wrist, the ball of energy is sent flying towards MonoLad. MonoCer and MonoLad both face the ball, and get hit. But it does nothing. They only stand there, and shrug, as Haruki falls to his knees, exhausted.]
Haruki: Hah…Hah…
Haruki: [That was the…the only move I could use…]
Haruki: [The strongest and only one I know…]
Haruki: [And they just stand there?!]
Haruki: [I could hear Kiki shouting as I closed my eyes, laying in the exact same position as I started.]
Asaha: Oh My! Poor dearie!
Claire: Guys, he’s fading out, he’s closing his eyes, help him!
Tomoki: What a fool…a sexy and powerful fool!
Haruki: [I heard everyone shouting, and I felt Kiki’s tears on my face.]
Haruki: [But the last words I heard were:]
MonoLad: Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, to get outta here…
Prologue Complete!
Students Remaining: 16
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⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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jihyoruri · 8 months
ofc!!! and thank you so much!!
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#01. a video of ningning putting a whole bunch whipped cream in yn’s mouth to the point that yn starts choking on whipped cream
#02. a video that giselle took of jimin walking up to yn who laid on her back on the floor and snatched the blunt out of yn’s mouth.
#03. a video of her practicing her high note in drama
#04. a video that mark took of yn who sat on his bed ( “I actually need to shit so bad” “not in my house bro.”)
#05. a video that yn screen recorded that a fan took of her tripping at a award show with the caption “my fav loser”
#06. a photo of yn holding bada’s bangs up against the dancers will.
#07. a video from when yn was 10 that was taken by paparazzi of her and her siblings golfing.
#08. a video of yn and johnny doing karaoke singing bring me to life.
#09. a video of yn and mark standing in front of an abandoned toilet outside that yn set on fire.
#10. a video ryujin took of yn who sat at her set up playing gta with mark as yn and mark yell and scream while they got shot up trying to make a drug deal (you can hear ryujin’s laughs in the background)
#11. a photo of yn crying while standing beside tiffany from snsd (her ultimate bias)
#12. a video that winter took of yn falling at the skate park
#13. a video of yn covering in my dreams by rv
#14. a photo of yn and karina while they were filming the drama mv.
#15. a video of mark filming his tv as he laughs at yn with her family on the news doing holiday greetings, making fun of the families english accents when they speak in english.
#16. a video of yn trying to play fight with bada.
#17. a video from when yn was 12 and was standing behind her dad with the rest of her family as he did a press conference and she thought it was good idea to throw up a gang sign which resulted with her mom slapping her hand and her siblings laughing quietly.
#18. a photo that giselle took of yn after finding yn passed out on the floor of her bedroom with a bag cheetos on her stomach and a bottle of milkis.
#19. a video that mark took of yn falling down the stairs while bada helps her up.
#20. a video of 9 year old yn pushing her dad in the pool.
#21. a photo of yn kissing yunjin’s cheek.
#22. a video of karina kissing yn while yn tried to film a fake vlog on her phone.
#23. a video that mark took of yn who kept making fun of taeyong’s “BOW BOW BOW.” trend.
#24. a photo of yn and tyler the creator throwing up their middle fingers when she met him when she was like 14.
#25. a photo of yn lifting up her shirt to show fans her South Park belt.
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away-ward · 6 months
i cannot for the life of me make a decision about this, so do you have any headcanons on opinions on what banks would've been like if she had gone to high school ?? what tropes or clichés she would've been closest to embodying ?? because we know em was a nerd, that winter struggled for the obvious reasons but ultimately was fine in hs and fairly normal, rika was decently popular but far from the cheerleader level... but banks, i can't place what she would've been like if she'd gone to high school. we know she's very smart, but i can't see her as someone holed up in a library. then, we can also probably deduce that if she had gone to high school, damon would've been crazy protective but i still can't really make a set decision on much else regarding how banks' storyline/personality would've gone if she did indeed attend Thunder Bay prep or some other high school, minus these small details.
i do think she & emory would've got on like a house on fire if she attended TBP as they would've been in the same grade and probably had similar opinions on high school hierarchy and the horsemen and general thunder bay weirdness and extravagancy. they would've dissed people so thoroughly and easily with their quips and banter, for sure.
Ohh I have thought about this.
It can go so many ways, because as same with Emory, the debate is "was she naturally someone different and the circumstances made her this way? Or is it that she survived the circumstances because this is who she is naturally?"
Did Banks do so well in Gabriel's house because that's who she is, or did being in that house make her that way. In Hideaway, she mentions that she never cut her long hair because it was the last part of "Nikova." Additionally, her struggle with Damon is wanting to be her own person and to experience things other teenagers - normal teenagers - experience. But if she were a normal teenager, would she still value those experiences, or would they be mundane and expected?
I chose to think High School AU Banks would fall somewhere in the middle. She'd still be a bit of a tom-boy, and a bit of a rebel. In my AUs, she still lives with Lucinda, but Damon wants her close, so Gabriel pays for her to attend TBP. She's smart, but not without effort. She's not afraid to get involved throw down if she sees something she doesn't like. She's careful, though, and never throws the first punch, so she can always claim self-defense. It's helpful that she's a bit of a sarcastic smart ass and naturally skilled at goading people.
In school, she'd appear to be generally nonchalant about stuff, but she actually has a lot of opinions. It comes as a surprise to the teachers, who were not expecting Damon Torrance's younger sister to be so... outspoken. And argumentative.
Having a bit more freedom, and hopefully a healthy relationship with her brother, she’d probably be known for fighting with Damon in the halls over how protective he is. Like, he can’t even let her project partner talk to her without going all big brother on her.
Seriously, get a life, dude. Maybe if you had as much confidence talking to your little dancer friend as you do telling me what to do, you’d actually have a girlfriend. Newsflash, bro, there are certain things I can’t and won’t do for you.
I don’t see her wanting to participate in any extracurricular activities, but with a school like Thunder Bay Prep, it would probably be expected. I can’t see her wanting to be on a team, so Girl’s Basketball probably isn’t a good match…
Oh. You know, with her being a bit of a sleuth in Hideaway and tailing Kai to get his routine, she’d probably make a good Yearbook photographer. Or maybe working on their school paper. Maybe something along those lines that keeps her out of the spotlight. Though, I don't know what Banks would want to do growing up. Maybe she does go into student government, wanting to make changes that actually make sense and benefit the students, instead of planting a tree as the senior gift for the fifth year in a row (do these people even know what they could do with this much money, or do they only know how to add when it's involving cases of beer and tits?). Maybe she does it because she's tired of seeing Chloe get everything and wanted to challenge her, and then sort of accidentally ended up class president.
Actually, I like that...Emory makes fun of her for it all the time.
Speaking of Emory, they are best friends. Both come from more humble backgrounds, which would naturally make them targets for bullies, but not this time. Because the whole school knows wherever Emory goes, Banks is close by. And wherever Banks is, Damon is close by. And wherever Damon is, the Horsemen are close by. Not to mention, Will is a horseman, and he’s always close to wherever Emory is…
Not that Banks and Em need them. They're pretty good with the tongue lashings, themselves.
Without a doubt, Banks goes to every single one of Emmy’s activities to show support. She hangs out when Emmy’s working on her projects, and helps when she needs a hand. They both have a crush on a Horseman, but they only talk (read: tease each other) about that when they can guarantee no one can hear them.
I headcanon Banks, Emmy, and Elle are a pretty solid trio. Emmy's smart and artsy, Elle's a soft-hearted romantic, always talking about dating but never taking her own advice, and Banks plays the rebel without a cause who loves her two friends.
Anyway, have some pics that would definitely be in Banks' friend's (so Emmy and Elle) camera roll.
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that last one's from Banks of will and emmy. (i've never seen love, rosie, so I don't know context. but I know in a willemmy high school au that has yet to be written, this scene will happen)
Let me know what you think! Or if my headcanons helped inspire some of yours. This was really fun, thanks for the ask.
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woniverse-writes · 1 year
“MOTH TO A FLAME (preview)”
Bada Lee x Fem!Reader
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prologue ⟶ part one
summary: y/n l/n is the youngest team member of Jam Republic, competing in the second season of Street Woman Fighter. she’s got the sweetest smile and the most vibrant personality, but she also may or may not be the biggest hothead on the show when it comes to defending her teammates. apparently that’s attractive to Bada Lee.
word count: 1.7k
warnings: swearing, reader is described as cute and petite… sorry to my non-tiny friends.
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Starting something young and continuing into your present adulthood can be pressuring, especially if that certain thing happens to end up being your career. For y/n l/n, she's still very young and just in the beginning stages of her career. Still in college, but turning her studies to be online right now due to her current situation, she's working towards a business degree, and doubling that major with dance. 
So you can imagine she's a little high-strung since on top of being a college student, she's currently in South Korea, competing as a member of Jam Republic on the second season of Street Woman Fighter. Although y/n is always busy, she's always got a sweet smile on her face- which is why many people, including other dancers, have been drawn to her. It's also why she's currently facing a sea of dancers, waiting to be picked for the "no respect" battle, since she and her fellow teammate, Audrey, received the most votes as the worst dancers.
"She looks kind of scary now…" Yoonji whispers to her teammates looking at y/n. Redlic looks in the direction Yoonji is looking at and laughs a little.
"What're you talking about? y/n? She looks like a kitten trying to be a lion." Now the rest of ManneQueen is staring at Jam Republic, specifically y/n l/n. And sure enough, instead of her usual bright and smiling self, her eyes are fiery and to put it bluntly, she looks pissed the fuck off. Waackxxy was the one to turn to Redlic and go-
“No, she’s definitely got something fierce going on right now… I hope she has a lot of battle cuz I’m kind of interested in her now…” causing the rest of her team to laugh and agree. On the other side, Jam Republic is having their own discussion regarding y/n. 
“I think you should just wait and see- maybe no one will even pick you as a “no respect” dancer!” Ling tried cheering up her younger teammate.
“No I want someone to battle me- I want everyone who voted for me and Audrey to come and try us” y/n fired back with her arms crossed as she leaned back into her chair. She really did look intimidating, especially with her makeup and hair done. Audrey on the other hand was not feeling the same fire-
“Uhm, maybe we don’t need everyone to want to battle us…maybe just a few.” Audrey started to reason, 
”Cuz I don’t know if you remember, but there were a LOT of people that voted for us as the worst dancers…” which caused Kirsten and Ling to sigh, and y/n to roll her eyes and clench her jaw.
“Audrey, my love, I’m very well aware of how many people think we suck-“ 
“You don’t suck-” 
“Thank you Emma, but please give me a second”
“Y/n take a deep breath and check your well-being”
She sighed at their team leader’s advice, knowing it was to help her out and so that she didn’t get too fired up with her teammates. It’s not that y/n doesn’t get along with them- it’s the furthest thing from that- but she gets very passionate about everything, and she’s a bit of a hothead. On top of all that, y/n is very protective of those she cares about, some of those people being her dear teammates.
“I’m sorry” she mumbles a bit, but ultimately huffs out the response. To which Kirsten replies with a motherly “thank you”, causing the others to chuckle.
“I just don’t understand how they can all collectively make the assumption that we’re not as good as them- for what? Why? Because we’re foreigners? Because we smile a lot? Because we’re pretty? To me THAT just sounds like jealousy” y/n continues to rant, frantically moving her hands and arms about, expressing her frustration- and her team just listens patiently for her to finish. Once she finally lets out her final huff and relaxes back into her chair with her arms crossed again, and a pout now sporting her face, her teammates can’t help but smile gently at their youngest member- some even trying to hide giggles and chuckles of endearment. 
“Y/n, sweetheart, you’ve gotta remember- not everyone thinks like you- I wish they did, but they just don’t” Kirsten starts to comfort her, and places a hand on her head, trying her best to calm down the passionate young girl. 
Kirsten always felt like asking y/n to join her team was one of the best choices she made in regards to being a leader. She knew the younger girl had experience in kpop dance styles, having performed at multiple k-con stages and doing countless covers from other groups. Kirsten also saw an unlimited amount of potential in y/n and saw how quickly and easily she absorbed everything around her. The only thing she was worried about was how young she was. it wasn’t a huge concern to her since their whole team was pretty young, but when it came down to it, Kirsten ended up adding Audrey in as well, and the two hit it off right away! To be completely honest- Kirsten felt as if the three youngest members were her babies. Audrey being the sweet angel of a golden child, Emma being the responsible oldest, and y/n being the chaotic troublemaker who’s always trying to pick a fight with someone for hurting her sisters. 
“You just need to remember that we’re here to dance, have fun, and gain a new experience… alright?” Kirsten has successfully reduced her gremlin child to a less angry (but still very pouty) version of herself.
“Thank you. Now please stop pouting, you look like a kicked puppy and the other will probably start picking on you soon” Kirsten teased lightly, which caused Audrey to join in and start poking y/n’s cheek, leading to Emma tugging gently on her hair, and Ling poking her other cheek, all while Latrice coos at her and pats her head. This all of course causes her to start whining and complaining playfully at her members teasing.
But the endearment for each other doesn’t end outside of the members' little cluster. the love for Jam Republic, and specifically y/n, has now spread to the entire studio. as everyone originally took notice of the youngest member’s slight temper tantrum, most didn’t really know what she was ranting about, but they could tell she was not happy at all. The two teams sitting nearest to Jam Republic happened to be Bebe and 1Million, who originally both had members that intended to battle y/n, but after hearing her rant, some opinions changed. 
“I like her style! She’s very passionate” Harimu laughed as she explained her newfound interest in Jam Republic’s youngest. 
“That’s what I was thinking- I don’t even wanna battle her anymore, I just wanna watch her tear up the stage with all her energy” Redy chimed in.
“Do you think we should go up to her during break and try to become friends?” They begin to laugh and joke around about their shared interest in y/n. But their team’s older members aren’t quite on the same level of endearment.
“Ya- you two should be trying to take her down before befriending her, don’t you think?” Lia warns the two girls, who just look at each other and start giggling.
“I don’t know if I’d necessarily wanna go up against someone with her temper” Redy starts off jokingly, but Harimu is already coming back in a teasing mood-
“Yeah cuz you’d probably cry.” Which has Redy letting a gasp-  her jaw dropped to the floor, eyes wide with shock and (false) betrayal.
The other team seated next to Jam Republic isn’t as chipper as 1 Million though, as their leader is trying to convince her team to stick with their guts.
“You wanted to battle her at first for a reason- why would that reason change if you still haven’t seen her dance?” Bada asks Cheche, Sowoen, and Minah. They all voted y/n as the worst dancer because her style was too “pretty” and they thought she relied on having cute expressions. Bada didn’t entirely agree with her teammates, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. She even originally stated how she thought y/n’s style was refreshing and youthful, but she was worried about how she’d be with darker concepts.
“Well- I mean- she seems kinda crazy…” Cheche halfheartedly joked, but in reality, she was being completely serious.
“Why? Because she’s angry? She should be angry. Being voted as the worst dancer isn’t something to be happy about…” Bada replies calmly. No one really says anything, as they all are just trying to process whether or not their leader is defending their opponent or just provoking them. 
Bada sighs and stands up to stretch. She wants her team to not only be amazing dancers, but critical thinkers too. Of course Bada wants a win, but she also wants her team to be strong- and if going up against someone with untouchable morale will force her teammates to be stronger, then that’s what they need to do.
She also may or may not be personally interested in seeing what y/n is made of. After all, she caught her attention originally with her bright smile and explosive personality- Bada thought her bold expressions and reactions to things were an endearing contrast from her cute or refreshing facials used when dancing. So now having seen y/n in stark opposition, she’s even more interested.  
Even in the short period of time she’s known her, Bada’s interested in who y/n is and what she can do- especially since she didn’t expect that much personality to fit into such a petite person. She wants to understand her better- even more so after hearing her passionate rant about wanting to prove everyone wrong. She almost feels delusional for being as interested in y/n as she is, but Bada really can’t help but feel drawn to her- like a moth to a flame.
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notes: thank you to everyone who read!! this is my first fic so i was a little nervous to share it- especially since it's not really all that interesting yet. but i thought it would be better to write the not-so-interesting stuff as an intro/preview/prologue, so it didn't take up space in the actual fic. I'm hoping to have the first full part up by sometime in the middle of this upcoming week. i want it to encompass the whole three episodes that have aired so far, so there's a lot i wanna write lol
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I want to dance on your body
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Pairings: Damiano David xfem!reader
Contents: smut 
Summary: You and your bestie hit up a party when you start grooving with Damiano, and the dance floor chemistry carries over to his hotel room. That's where the magic unfolds, and you both go to cloud as he compares you to an angel.
Words: ~2192
A/N: Hi, hello and please, forgive me again if you come across any errors while reading. I recommend you to play Touch Me and just enjoying ✨
You and your best friend are strolling into the party of some badass celeb she knows, she's probably already mentioned the name a million times, but you ain't giving much of a damn, you just wanna hit up a party, grab a few drinks, and bust some moves. Have a blast and enjoy yourself!
As you and your friend make your way through the entrance, you exchange a sly grin while vibrant, trippy lights groove to the beat throughout the crib. Side by side, you advance towards the dance floor, and your friend chimes in:
"Alright, let's have a fucking blast tonight," she says with a grin, and a contagious smile spreads across your face as well.
You were both pumped for this party and ready to let loose and enjoy yourselves to the max.
In a split second, she grabs your hand and pulls you towards the bar, where a bunch of peeps are lining up, ordering their go-to drinks, all geared up to hit the dance floor again. You step up to the bartender and request your ultimate drink, downing it in a single gulp before quickly ordering another shot and doing it all over again.
The drink ignites a fire within you, fueling you with energy and liquid courage to fully embrace the moment, without a care in the world. No worries, just pure enjoyment.
You and your friend head straight to the dance floor, grooving together to the sick beats. But before long, someone swoops in and starts getting their groove on with her, leaving you to your own devices. No biggie though, it doesn't faze you one bit. You keep on dancing as if the music is pumping right through your veins.
Eyes closed, you immerse yourself in the moment, feeling the heat of someone's body swaying alongside yours. Whoever it is, they sense your awareness and since you don't brush them off, they casually rest their hand on your waist, getting even closer in their moves. Your ass is the only thing touching him as you dance with a touch of sensuality right there on the dance floor. The electricity builds up as you grind with this mysterious dancer behind you, sending tingles down your spine.
You both bust some moves together for three consecutive songs, and it's as if you're in perfect harmony. The dance isn't just about showing off or impressing each other; it's about creating something extraordinary between you.
As the beats thump on, you suddenly hear his voice whispering in your ear, "Finally, someone who's up for it." 
It tempts you to ask what he means, but you decide against it. You don't want to risk blurting out something silly and ruining the magical vibe of what just went down. So, you simply let the moment linger, cherishing the mystery and excitement that swirls around you.
You sense the hint of a smile against your cheek, and it elicits a light-hearted chuckle from you. It's best to leave it at that and keep relishing in the night's pleasures.
You turn your gaze towards him, even though the lights make it difficult to see his face clearly. Nevertheless, you can tell that he's undeniably attractive (and damn, he can dance like nobody's business).
It's time to get another drink!
As you reach the bar, you order another drink, but this time you savor it slowly, relishing every drop of that boozy sting as it glides down your throat. The flavors dance on your tongue, creating a delightful sensation.
Before you're about to leave the bar, the stranger appears by your side once more, placing an order for two drinks. Now, with a clearer view of his face, you can't help but smile as your gaze locks onto his handsome features.
He returns the smile and pops the question:
"Care for another drink?"
You nod in agreement, and with that, you both exchange proper introductions. Skipping the dance floor this time, you snag two primo seats at the bar, engaging in a conversation that flows as if you've been pals for ages.
Damiano and you have reached a level where you're familiar with the key aspects of each other's lives. It's not something you typically do, spilling your guts to strangers, but under the influence of alcohol and with the enchantment Damiano has cast upon you, it feels natural to engage in heartfelt conversation.
He suggests, "How about finding a more quiet spot?"
The idea resonates with you, and you nod in agreement, intrigued by the prospect of finding a quieter place where you can continue this magical connection.
You flash him a mischievous smile and take hold of his hand, leading him away from the lively dance floor and the bustling bar. As you pass through the living room, your eyes catch sight of numerous unoccupied couches, and you can't resist the temptation. You abruptly halt, tugging on his hand to bring him to a stop, and in a matter of seconds, both of you find yourselves sprawled out on one of the cozy couches.
Damiano's hands be all up in his waist as you're locking lips in a way that has both of you gasping for breath, but you don't give a damn. You feel Damiano's hands on your thighs, giving them a tight squeeze as you continue kissing you, and you let out a moan, trying to catch your breath and satisfy the intense desire he's been arousing in you since you started dancing together.
"Allright?" he asks you.
You nod eagerly, craving his touch on every inch of your body, as his hand traces a path from your thigh to your clit.
"Holy crap," you moan, overcome with pleasure.
He slid your underwear aside, skillfully rubbing your clit at a tantalizingly slow pace. The way he teased you was driving you wild. You rested your head on his shoulder, attempting to conceal your flushed face while muffling your moans as best you could.
"Oh fuck," you whispered, the pleasure intensifying as he increased his pace, making it even more challenging to stifle your cries.
"It's okay, let go. Everyone's too drunk to notice us," he playfully remarked, a smirk playing on his lips.
His words gave you the permission you needed, and you couldn't help but release your moans. They weren't overly loud, but they would definitely catch the attention of anyone who wasn't lost in their own drunken haze.
"Good girl," he murmured into your ear, his words sending shivers down your spine.
The fire inside you burned hotter and hotter, your moans growing louder with each passing moment. All sense of shame vanished, replaced only by the overwhelming pleasure coursing through your body.
"I'm close!" you moaned, your voice filled with desperate need. And just as you uttered those words, the climax washed over you, leaving you breathless and trembling.
"That was... amazing," you whispered, still catching your breath from the intensity of the experience.
He hinted at taking the rendezvous to his hotel for more privacy, and you could sense the anticipation building. He stood up, extending his hand towards you, and you eagerly took it, rising to your feet. Adjusting your dress, you both made your way out of the bustling party.
Upon arriving at his hotel room, he opened the door slowly, pulling you inside. As you stepped into the room, your eyes took in the sight of scattered papers on the king-size bed. Being a singer in a band, it was no surprise that he had been busy writing songs, the creative process evident in the disarray around you.
"Will you write a song about tonight?" you asked, a hint of anticipation in your voice. As the door closed and clicked, Damiano wasted no time. He swiftly unbuttoned his white shirt, discarding it onto the dresser.
"Probably," he replied, his gaze fixed on you as he moved closer. With a deft hand, he skillfully removed your dress, casting it aside without a second thought. Now, standing before him in nothing but your underwear, you felt a surge of confidence.
His eyes tracing over your body, and he couldn't help but confess:
"You look... amazing." His voice dripped with admiration and desire, fueling the intensity of the moment.
He placed his hands firmly on your hips, just as he had done earlier, and leaned in, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. You reciprocated, savoring the taste of his lips, and instinctively placed your hands on his face, deepening the connection between you.
Feeling the intensity between you both, he reached down and firmly gripped one of your legs, lifting it up and resting it on his hip. The sensation heightened, and you could feel him more intimately. With a surge of desire, he broke the kiss, his eyes smoldering with a mixture of lust and admiration and in a bold move, he swiftly switched his hold to your other thigh, lifting you effortlessly and pressing you against the wall. The rush of being carried and pinned against the solid surface added an exhilarating edge to the moment, intensifying the passion and desire that consumed you both.
You locked eyes with each other, the intensity building with each passing moment, until he couldn't resist any longer and leaned in to capture your lips in another passionate kiss. The room seemed to ignite with fervor as the kiss deepened, fueled by an overwhelming desire.
Both of you were breathless, your bodies craving more. With a sense of urgency, Damiano swept you off your feet and carried you to the edge of the bed, gently placing you there. He swiftly cleared the clutter of papers that had occupied the bed, letting them cascade to the floor, clearing the space for your intimate encounter.
As he turned his attention back to you, his eyes filled with admiration and desire. He leaned in closer, his voice a soft whisper against your skin:
"You're so beautiful, you look like an angel." His hand caressed your face tenderly, tracing the contours with gentle affection.
You smirked mischievously, pulling him closer to you, your desire evident in your eyes. 
"I could say the same for you, but how about we go to heaven together?" You whispered seductively, your lips grazing his neck on her before playfully biting down.
In an instant, it seemed like something ignited within Damiano. He firmly gripped your neck, exerting a delicious control, and guided you down onto the bed. His lips trailed along your neck, seeking out your sweet spot, and when he found it, he indulged in it wildly. Leaving a trail of hickeys and bites in his wake for him, he marked you as his own for him. Your fingers tangled in his hair, gripping it tightly as you let out soft moans of pleasure.
The intensity grew as Damiano skillfully removed your panties, unveiling your desires. The air crackled with anticipation as your bodies yearned for the connection that awaited them.
"Are you wet for me, huh?" He sensually bites his lip while locking eyes with you.
He moans in delight as he gently inserts his cock into your pussy, igniting waves of pleasure.
Bestowing upon you the most sublime ecstasy.
He moves his hips with deliberate grace, thrusting in and out, synchronizing your desires.
"Oh, fuck!" you passionately moan, your voice filled with pure bliss.
Damiano smirks, his confidence growing, and intensifies his rhythm, heightening your desire.
As you lose yourself in the throes of passion, your hand instinctively covers your mouth, but Damiano forcefully removes it, yearning to hear your euphoric symphony.
"No, I wanna hear you when you go to heaven, y/n," he whispers with fervor.
You affirm with a nod, surrendering to the divine pleasure that awaits you.
You moan Damiano's name as he intensifies the rhythm of his thrusts, causing your head to fall back onto his plush pillows.
"Oh, Damiano, I'm so close!" 
"Come, y/n, cum to me," he asserts, his voice laced with longing.
You struggle to hold back, determined to hear him plead, but his relentless stimulation of your spot makes it nearly impossible. The pleasure is simply too overwhelming.
"Come, y/n," Damiano groans, his voice filled with urgency.
You tighten your grip around him and succumb to the waves of ecstasy he elicits. As you reach the pinnacle of pleasure with him, he remains motionless, deeply embedded within you, his body collapsing onto yours, a resounding groan of your name escaping his lips.
The intensity of the moment consumes you, as he pours every ounce of himself into you, leaving you both utterly spent and satisfied.
You both were breathless and drenched in perspiration, your legs entwined with his.
"I wanna go to heaven with you again" Damiano whispers, his face inches away from yours.
You smile, gazing into their eyes, and you can see the unmistakable lust and desire reflected in him. You hope that he can also perceive the depth of your yearning and how much you desire the very same thing he does.
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mermaidgirl30 · 7 months
✨Crimson Tango: A Dance of Diamonds and Revenge Part 1: Welcome to the Moulin Rouge✨
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A/N: SO excited for me and @mountainsandmayhem to bring you a Moulin Rouge Joel Miller series ❤️ We are both so excited to be writing this and hope you love it as much as we do! Hang on tight for the ride of your life between these two on their angsty, beautiful love story 🥰 Comments and reblogs mean the world to us! Chapters are in both reader’s and Joel’s POV. No explicit smut in first chapter.
Word Count: 6.2k
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem! reader
Rating: Explicit (18+ ONLY MDNI)
Tags: Angst, unprotected p in v, oral, fingering, forbidden love, murder, fluff and smut, jealousy, moulin rouge au, soulmates being in love, protective Joel, no outbreak, reader is 20 and Joel is 29, tags will be updated each chapter
Summary: Joel Miller doesn’t know what awaits him as he takes on a maintenance job at the Moulin Rouge. He doesn’t know he’ll meet the absolute love of his life, the Sparkling Diamond, as his world comes crashing down around him fast. Will he be able to stay away when he’s warned not to touch the dancers? Will he listen or will he challenge that pull that draws him to the one thing that sets his soul on fire?
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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Welcome to the Moulin Rouge
Your whole childhood centered around death, but you never thought about the possibility of yourself dying, never thought about how you’d like to go. As your vision blurs and the world begins to silence, you realise that this is the ultimate way to go. For her. Saving her is all that matters, saving the person you love the most in the entire world, even if you’ve never met her.
Sarah, please Joel. Name her Sarah.
At times, your childhood may have seemed sad or tragic to the outside eye, but to you it has been nothing short of amazing. You don’t remember the incident that took both your parents, you were too young, so young that you can’t even picture their faces. You were brought to stay with the only family you had left - your mom’s much older brother.
Your uncle Edward was a quiet and kind man, he was also the owner of Moulin Rouge. A bright and colorful dance hall, filled with sparkling costumes and lively music. For the longest time you weren’t allowed outside of the living quarters, but you remember laughter and cheering filtering through the thin walls. This place was magic to you in your childhood naivety.
You remember begging the dancers to teach you the steps to the songs you overheard in the night. Occasionally, one of them would show you a kick or a twirl that you’d practice alone in your room until the muscles in your legs were stretched and sore, no longer able to support your tiny frame.
During the day, a tutor came in for a few hours to teach you and the few other children that lived there, meals were brought to your living quarters by an older woman who rarely spoke to you. Uncle Edward was alway home for those meals, but often had stacks of papers to go through. Most of the time it was just you and the broken guitar and pottery wheel your uncle had given you. But overall you were alone, far away music and laughter to keep you company.
For your thirteenth birthday your uncle surprised you with dance lessons. He knew how much you wanted to learn, and could practically feel the energy buzzing off you every time your eyes darted to the performing dancers. So he gave in, gifting you with something that might bring you a little joy in the isolated burlesque. A silent way of telling you he was sorry for not being around much and leaving you to delve in your loneliness inside your vacant room.
“Well, little petal,” your uncle says as you blow out the singular candle sitting on top of the small cake to celebrate you turning sixteen. “I think you’re old enough now to come up and watch my diamonds perform. What do you say? Would you like to come see the show?”
You practically jumped from your seat, mouthful of chocolate cake, “Yes, Uncle! Please. Nothing could make me happier.”
“Tomorrow night I will bring you up to see it. Perhaps when you turn eighteen you can join them.”
You’d seen the costumes and the women in their makeup before, you’ve even been out to the dance hall and on the stage. But that was only during the day, when the tables were only occupied by up-turned chairs, the overhead lights were off, and the band was nothing more than an empty pit in front of the stage.
The next night, your uncle brought you a new sparkly pink dress, and had the hair and make-up ladies get you all dolled up to watch. You looked at yourself in the mirror and had never felt more beautiful, seeing yourself as one of the famous diamonds of the Moulin Rouge. Perhaps when you turn eighteen you can join them.
The show was like nothing you’d ever seen before. You didn’t know so many varieties of reds and blues and purples existed. The women kicked their legs in unison, men cheering and clapping as they swooshed their large billowing skirts. The music filled your ears with joy and wonder, the sounds crisper than they were through the walls. Laughter and happiness held you like a tight hug. Perhaps when you turn eighteen you can join them.
As the show wound down, your Uncle leaned to you and said it was time to head to bed, “You’ve seen the show, little petal. Now the adults will indulge in wine and talk about things not for your ears.”
You didn’t argue, simply kissing your uncle on the cheek and saying, “Thank you, Uncle. I am going to practice harder so I can become a real diamond one day!”
You floated down the hallway. With your eyes still swarming with the bright colors of the show and your future dreams you hadn’t realised that you opened the door before the one to take you home, and this door led to something both sinister and unspeakable - it led to darkness. The room was only lit by candles sprawled across the wall, casting looming shadows of the acts happening before your very eyes.
You stood in the doorway taking in men and women completely naked, rubbing up against one another incessantly. Your tutor taught you that these areas of your body are not to be shared, they are only for you. Yet here they are, almost unashamed as they grind. The men all appear to be having a good time, but the women - they’re crying out.
Are they in pain? What are these men doing to them? Why are some men just watching? They should be helping. Your uncle, does he know that this is happening? Is this what his diamonds do?
Perhaps when you turn eighteen you can join them.
You nervously approached your Uncle about it a few days later. “Oh, my sweet little petal. I’m sorry that you had to witness that. I promise you, none of those women were in pain. Not all my diamonds dance like that, and you never will. I meant it when I offered you a spot to dance, fully clothed and on the stage only. I only hope that you do not think less of me now that you know what goes on behind closed doors of the Moulin Rouge.”
Four Years Later
Joel stumbles into the doors of the Moulin Rouge after seeing the maintenance worker needed sign displayed in bold letters outside the burlesque. This was the last place he wanted to end up, the last place he’d be caught dead in; but he needed something, and anything was better than the minimal income of selling his woodwork. He couldn’t get by anymore by only getting one or two customers every couple of weeks, if he was lucky. It wasn’t enough to pay the rent of his small, cramped apartment. Wasn’t enough to feed himself day and night. He needed more, and this was his shot.
He pushes the heavy black doors open, quickly tucking his red flannel button-up into his pressed pants, needing to look his best if he wants to get this job. He has to get it, has to impress whoever is the owner of this club.
He finds the first person he can spot, quickly getting the attention of a bartender as he washes crystal glasses with a thin rag behind the sleek bar top.
“Sorry to bother you, but I saw the sign out front that said you need some help with maintenance around here?” he asks briskly as he stares at the bartender with eyes that say he’s desperate. His hands come to rest on the bar top and he fights the urge to nervously drum his fingers along it.
The bartender looks him over as he sets down a glass, nodding his head. “Oh, yes. Let me go grab the owner real quick. Be right back, wait here,” he says as he runs in the opposite direction, disappearing behind a long hallway. Joel nervously pushes back his outgrown curls, silently cursing to himself for buying that loaf of bread instead of getting a haircut. His big brown eyes dart curiously around the club, trying to take it all in.
It’s light outside as the sun glistens in through the drawn crimson curtains, some dancers sauntering on stage as they practice their moves, swaying their hips to a nonexistent beat. Joel averts his eyes and takes in the rest of the large room - it’s filled with tables that are meant for the men to smoke cigars and drink their alcohol as they drool over the women of the burlesque. All lust and no love, the way the burlesque was set up to be. Joel was never into this scene, never fit in with any of those types of men, but he was desperate, he needed work and this may very well be the only way he can get any.
A tall, thin man walks into the room with slicked back sandy hair and green eyes that are as sharp as a snake’s. He eyes Joel carefully, one hand resting in his pocket, the other stretching to shake Joel’s. Joel wastes no time and reaches a hand out, feeling a firm grasp as the owner shakes his hand.
“The name’s Edward. And you are?” he asks with a gentle smile.
“I’m Joel. Joel Miller,” he says with nerves running through his body, the back of his neck slick with sweat. He’s nervous he won’t get it, nervous he’ll leave empty handed with no job. He’ll fight for it though because he’s a fighter, and he doesn’t give up easily.
“So, I hear you’re interested in the maintenance job. You got any experience?” Edward asks as he leans against the bar, crossing his arms over his chest as he examines Joel again, taking in his flannel and tan pants, his worn work boots.
“Yes, sir. Got years of experience with fixin’ things. Anything from sinks to building homes. Even have a little woodworking shop on the side,” he says proudly as he tries not to fidget with the buttons on his flannel.
“Hmmm,” Edward hums as he looks him over again carefully, those bright green eyes staring at Joel’s clothes like he’s judging him. Joel swallows down that dry lump of self doubt creeping in. “You seem capable. How old are you? Think you can handle working at nights, too? Gets pretty rowdy around here when the moon comes up, but that’s when we need someone the most,” he presses, eyes shifting over him as his brow raises in question again, waiting for Joel to respond.
“Just about to turn thirty and ‘course. Nights don’t bother me one bit. I can even start today, if I can,” Joel says with a determined smile as he shoves his left hand deep into his pocket, praying he’ll get the job.
“I see. Well then, looks like you got yourself a new gig. See you tonight at let’s say 7:00 pm,” he says, reaching a hand out to Joel. For most men that would be a question, but Edward is a very rich and powerful man, he doesn’t ask for things, he demands them. Joel doesn’t hesitate for a second and puts his grip in Edward’s, shaking in agreement.
“Thank you, thank you! You don’t know how much I appreciate this,” he says with tears almost filling his eyes. A job, he finally has a job that’ll get him by just fine. No more nights of going hungry. He can finally breathe a second, if not more.
Before he turns to leave, Edward puts a hand on his shoulder and turns him back around carefully. “Oh, forgot to mention something. There’s only one condition I ask of you. Don’t touch my dancers. They’re strictly for the guests that pay,” he says with furrowed brows, his eyes burning into him, as if to see if Joel will flinch at all.
“That’ll be no problem on my part. Promise,” Joel confirms with a nod of his head, his tousled curls moving with the motion.
“Good, good…” Edward hums out. “Alright, Joel. I’ll see you tonight,” he says with a wave as he turns around and heads back behind crimson curtains, disappearing into a dark hallway.
Joel can’t help but smile as he heads out the doors of the Moulin Rouge, stepping into the warm sunshine as it bathes across his tanned skin. He takes a breath of fresh air as it smells of autumn leaves and new hope.
Things start to feel like they’re looking up, like something nirvanic was right on the cusp. What Joel doesn’t know is just what waits around that heavy crimson curtain for him. He doesn’t know the beautiful disaster he’s about to step into. A Sparkling Diamond that will take over his life forever. Someone so precious, so special, so indescribably unique. Someone so very - you.
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Joel makes sure to get to the Moulin Rouge fifteen minutes early, wanting nothing more than to give off a good impression. The burlesque is filling up quickly as the sun fades away, the bright full moon taking its place in the sky, stars scattering around it.
When he walks inside the double doors, he sees that the dance hall is filling up quickly with men who smoke expensive cigars and drink bottles of whiskey that he can only dream of affording. He makes his way further into the entrance, his eyes taking in his surroundings, noticing that the large room looks nothing like earlier when it was closed.
Crystal chandeliers hang from the high ceilings as red curtains drape across the crimson wallpaper. The dance floor is littered with burlesque dancers that lift their skirts high and tease the men as they surround them, hoping to entice the wealthiest one. Money is what they’re after and selling themselves is their only shot at making any extra tips for the night.
Joel clenches his jaw at the sight and turns his head, waiting at the front until he finally spots Edward in a black pressed suit. His blonde hair slicked back tight, looking around to make sure his guests are happy and taken care of. When he sees Joel, he walks toward him and puts a hand on his shoulder in greeting.
“Ahh, there you are. Come along now. I’ll show you around,” he says gladly.
After that, he shows Joel the burlesque. He takes him to the maintenance closet and gives him a key to access it - metal tools and large shelves cover the entirety of the inside. Next he takes him down long, dark corridors, past rooms that are locked shut. Just when Joel thinks he's seen it all, they head up to the second story. Sweeping down wooden laden hallways, passed the balcony that overlooks the large city, and through winding rooms that seem to have no end. He had no idea it was so large and spacious here; didn’t even realise people lived here. Joel starts to think more softly towards Edward, sure these women put themselves in vulnerable positions night after night, but they have safe housing and a sense of family and community back here.
Edward takes Joel back down toward the main ballroom where the entertainment is held every night. Just as he latches on to the spiral staircase, he sees a man dragging a dancer with barely anything on into a dark room at the end of the luminescent hallway with red carpet sprawled across the floor. He shoves her in as he starts working his hands up her body, and Joel can see the mass of bodies already in the room as he closes the door, concealing moans and lust on the other side of the tarnished doorway.
Joel gulps and looks back toward the ground, keeping his eyes off the pleasure room. He knows what goes on in these walls, knows what filth lies in every corner. The stench of money and sex encompass the room, he can almost taste it on the tip of his rough tongue. He finds it revolting, men using these women's bodies. No love to be seen in these walls. Only perversions and sexual desire. He turns away sharply and descends the stairs, almost running into the back of Edward.
“I believe one of the wooden tables over by the stage needs some maintenance. The legs are collapsing, think you can do something about that?” he asks with a raised brow as he points at a dark wooden table with the legs barely hanging on.
“Sure. Probably just needs some tightening up. Easy fix,” Joel nods.
“Excellent. I have guests to greet, so fix that and then come find me,” just as he turns on his heel, he stops and looks back at Joel. Green eyes narrowing, a finger pointing in Joel’s direction. “Remember,” he says with venom in his voice, “Do not touch my dancers. They’re only for paying customers, and you cannot afford them.”
Joel only nods, letting Edward know he understands. With that, Edward turns and heads for the main doors, greeting more men as they pack in like sardines. Joel sighs and heads for the maintenance closest, trying to ignore the sinking feeling that shoots through his gut at the backhanded warning Edward gave.
Don’t touch the dancers…you cannot afford them.
Even if Joel could afford it, he would never do what these men are doing. The soft, beautiful women of this place deserve to be treasured, not pawed at and used. He wasn’t a rabid dog. He could control himself unlike all the other men that crowded the Moulin Rouge.
He grabs up a metal wrench and shoves some nuts and bolts deep into his pocket. When he makes his way back to the table he starts to assess the damage. This would be much easier to fix in his well lit workshop, but there’s no carrying this table away from the stage and through the crowd of hungry men.
Now that he’s thrust in the middle of the wooden dance floor, he can see the burlesque dancers seeking out the richest looking men, sitting on their laps and letting them put their dirty paws all over their bodies. The men laugh, carrying on conversations as they fondle their breasts, leaning down to trail kisses up their necks. Some get up and lead the women down the long, dark corridor. Back to the pleasure room. Back to their impending doom.
The three men at the table next to him have one girl propped up in front of them, all of their hands grabbing different areas of her body, asking her if she wants all three of them; the men are easily twenty years older than the petite and innocent looking blonde in front of them. Joel feels for the dancers, but there isn’t anything he can do. It’s business. It’s all about the fucking money and pleasure. Pleasure sells, and this is what most men desire. Sex.
The room grows louder as men cheer from the crowded tables. Some swarming the end of the lit up stage to get a peek at the next performer. Some start chanting, yelling in demand for the next poor soul to dance across that stage, right into the pit of vipers that are ready to spit venom at whatever girl walks out next.
The cigar smoke lingers in the air as crystal glasses clink in cheers, alcohol spilling over on the tabletops. Joel knows that’ll leave a huge mess for him and the other staff to clean up after closing. He tightens the bolts under the table, winding the wrench as he tries to turn his focus away from the lust filled crowd. They’re just a bunch of sick fucks who get off on ripping away the innocence and dignity of women. Nothing more than their play things. Theirs to possess and own for a few hours. It’s cruel and vile, disgusting in itself.
Joel was never the type of guy to use a woman. He’d never dream of hurting anyone. He was thoughtful and charming, a man who minds his manners and works hard for everything he has.
He digs harder into the leg of the table, trying to mute the hooting and hollering that is getting louder by the second. The sounds of the men start to overlap until it’s muffled and pressing on his eardrums, running along the nerves that wire his brain. He concentrates on the task at hand, shutting out the noise as he tries to fix the table.
“The Sparkling Diamond!”
“She’s coming on stage now!”
“Look, look!”
The men nearest him yell to each other, babbling about the Sparkling Diamond as the lights turn crimson and dark around the room, crystal chandeliers send glistening reflections across the expensive tailored suits that fill the crowded room.
“Here she comes, boys!”
Just then, the lights go out completely and a spotlight shines on the wide stage. Crimson curtains splay over the sides, exposing the long walkway where dancers show off for the men. The crowd goes quiet, a few whistles shrouding the silence as a slow, sensual song covers the room. The men pound on the stage, yelling for the Sparkling Diamond to come out. Joel thinks she must be something special if she has the entire room practically panting with anticipation. The wild men crawl towards the stage, pushing each other to get to the front so they can get the best view. Joel doesn’t know anything about a Sparkling Diamond, but he’s intrigued. Just what were they getting all worked up about?
Before he can comprehend what's happening, he hears the click of heels travel across the stage. He rises slowly, seeing the pretty figure that dances under the bright spotlight, the men now screaming and throwing their hands out, begging to get a touch of the enchantress that graces their presence. When she’s fully in view he freezes, dropping the wrench to the floor as it crashes with a loud thud against the spotless wood. It suddenly feels like all the oxygen has been sucked out of the room. Joel braces himself against the table, the sight before him nearly knocking him back down to his knees.
It’s you.
The most beautiful girl he’s ever seen in his entire life. Long, soft curls cascade past your shoulders and bounce around with every move you make on the lit up stage. Your short pink dress barely grazes the curve of your thighs as your arms raise overhead and you spin slowly. As you bring your arms back down, your red painted fingernails caress your curls, then tease the jawline of your flawless face. Your cheeks flush from the attention before you gently bite the tip of your finger, red lipstick sitting matted to your delicate lips.
Joel thinks they look soft to the touch, delicate even. Your lips call to him, almost scream his name. Joel, Joel, Joel. And he wants to answer it. God, does he want to answer that call.
He watches the way you twirl, fluttering your eyelashes as you look down at the men, seducing them effortlessly. Performing is what you were meant to do. When you finally look at Joel he falls completely apart, all his threads coming untied in a heap, and he lets out a breath he hadn’t realised he’d been holding.
He stands there frozen, sinking his nails into the hardwood table as he sucks in a shaky breath, almost unable to fully take in the vision that stands mere inches before him. He can’t hear the carnal men anymore, can’t smell the cigar smoke that encases the air, can’t focus on anything that even remotely takes his attention from the beauty that lights up the room. He can only focus on you. He feels a pull from his chest, like an invisible string, forcing him to look at nothing else but you. The Sparkling Diamond that draws men to the Moulin Rouge, and the one thing he knows will get him fired.
Your eyes sparkle and shine like a rare gemstone, pulling Joel in like a siren’s forbidden song, a lull that drags him under the dark depths of the sea. The smile you wear doesn’t quite reach your eyes, a sadness there that he can’t quite place. The men claw and reach for you like starving pigs, acting like you’re just a piece of meat to pass around to all the others to get a quick taste of.
It makes him sick the way they objectify your body, only caring about what’s underneath the short shimmery dress you wear. Joel doesn’t stare at your curves, doesn’t get sucked into whatever fantasy the rest of the men are in. He just stares at your eyes. Beautiful, sparkling. He’d cross oceans just to have a chance to memorize each fleck and color that maps out those starry eyes. Like roadmaps to his soul, leading him home to the deep depths of those glistening irises. And that’s when something snaps, he can’t - no, he won’t let any of these men put one grimy finger on you. Whatever it takes he’ll do it. He makes a silent vow to keep you safe, protect you at all cost.
There’s only one condition, don’t touch the dancers.
Edward’s voice plays through Joel’s mind on repeat, warning him to not tempt fate. But fate had already been tempted when he saw you up on that stage. He’d quit, starve, be homeless on the street if it meant he could have a chance to be with you. He’d give it all just to be able to touch you, to know you, to have you. He’d leave it all for you. His sweet, Sparkling Diamond.
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You spin and turn, kicking your feet up to show off your smooth, long legs that all the men drool over. You turn to the right, drifting your eyes in the direction of a man you’ve never seen before. You almost freeze as he stares right back at you, big beautiful brown eyes gazing into yours as he gawks at you reverently. But his eyes don’t travel down your body like the other men’s do. His eyes stay fixed on your face alone, staring up into the pits of your soul as you suck in a breath and try to focus on the beat of the song.
His long tousled curls drape over his forehead, almost falling into his brown doe eyes that seem to suck you in. He’s tall, broad shouldered with thick biceps that cling to his rolled up button-up flannel. Spidery veins cascade down his arms and end in massive hands that stay clenched by his sides. His tanned skin seems to glow as he stares at you with brown eyes that melt into your own like a candle stick, wax flowing down slowly, sticky and new. It’s captivating. He is captivating.
It's like you’re stuck in a haze, thick clouds that cover you and wrap their fog around so you can’t see, can’t hear anything anymore. You try to focus on the men that praise your body, try to avert your eyes from the handsome stranger, but that organ in your chest you force yourself to ignore is almost screaming at you to run to him. Two souls colliding into each other that were destined to meet. Just like twin flames.
You blink once, twice, peeling your gaze away from him, turning the other direction, forcing yourself to stay bright eyed, hoping your smile doesn’t lower. You come face to face with a gentleman with a large top hat that screams your name and reaches his arms out, desperate to get just a single touch from you that he hopes will become more.
You turn back around and find that heated gaze again with the dark brown eyes, your own eyes going wide as they draw you to him. He looks a lot like your saving grace. Someone that wants to come in and sweep you off your feet.
Again, he just watches you silently, eyes searching yours as he seems to clock into your mind, reading your thoughts like a book from front to back. He won’t find anything there except a longing for something more. An escape. Happiness. And maybe he could be that for you. Maybe, just maybe he was destined to find you. You can feel it in your chest, that ache and pull that draws you to him.
Your uncle won’t like this. Not one bit…
Joel watches your entire routine, never once letting his eyes drop from you. He watches as you disappear into the crowd of men, narrowing his eyes when he sees the way they grab at you and beg to have a dance with the Sparkling Diamond. It makes him want to strangle every single one of them slowly.
Please, just one dance?
Sparkling Diamond! Care to have a drink with me?
How about a little fun in the red room?
You politely decline each offer and just smile as you pass the men by, trying your best to not meet the stranger with the pretty brown eyes’ gaze. He’s so handsome, so very easy on the eyes. You try your best to look at the men with money, knowing this is what you’re here for, to give them a show so they’ll pay to come back. Try as you might, that thin string snapped the second you saw his brown flecked honey eyes. You don’t want to do this anymore.
You turn where you stand and look back towards the stage. You search as men cram around you and over the top of an older man’s shoulder you can see him, clear as day, still staring at you with a trance-like expression on his face. You hold his gaze for a few seconds, curling your lips into a shy smile and you swear you see his pretty caramel eyes light up like fireflies in the night.
Just when you’re about to walk over to him, you feel your uncle pull you away in the opposite direction. “Come on, little petal, got some nice men that’d like to meet you.”
You follow him helplessly past some drawn crimson curtains, already over the drunk men that will press their chapped lips to your face and place their grimy hands all over you. You’re finished though, over all the fake smiles and laughter you are forced to sell these men night after night. When you look back over your shoulder you can’t see him anymore. No more pretty brown eyes that make you feel somehow safe. You don’t know him, his backstory, his name, or even his age, but you’ll find out. You have to, you just have to.
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After finishing fixing the two broken tables and putting them back into order, Joel gets another visit from Edward as he saunters over with a big smile and a glass of scotch in his hand.
“Everything going alright?” Edward asks as he pulls on his black tie and straightens out his long tailed coat.
“Yes, sir. Finished fixin’ those tables for you. They should be good to go now,” Joel answers as he stands up straight with his hands deep in his pockets.
“Excellent!” Edward goes over to the wooden tables and knocks on the top, inspecting Joel’s work as he looks them over carefully. Once he’s satisfied he gives Joel a strong pat on the back and nods. “Did good work, boy. Think we’ll keep you around.”
Joel smiles at the compliment, thanking him for the opportunity. “Oh, there’s actually something else that needs to be done. You remember that room we passed on the second floor? The very back room by the balcony? The one that says Sparkling Diamond?”
Joel’s eyes go wide as he recalls passing a big red door with the letters spelled out in fake diamonds. That has to be your room. He should’ve noticed it sooner, maybe asked about it. But he didn’t know that room would belong to the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He didn’t know it until now.
“Uh-yeah. What about it?” he asks cautiously, eyebrow slightly raised in anticipation of what Edward would say next.
“The sink in her kitchen is dripping and some of the lightbulbs are burnt out. There should be some in the supply closet. Think you can handle taking care of that now?”
He doesn’t hesitate a second. “Absolutely. I’ll get right on it,” Joel says urgently.
As he turns to leave, Edward calls his name. “Oh, Joel. Before you leave tonight, go ahead and have a beer. It’s on me.”
Joel doesn’t know what to say. He’s never been offered a free one before, always had to pay money that he didn’t have to get one. “Oh, thank you. I… I appreciate it.”
“You earned it, kid. I’ll see you tomorrow night?” Edward asks with his eyebrows knitted together and gaze heavy on Joel.
“I’ll be here,” he promises.
“Alright, take care now. I’ve got some business to attend to so see you tomorrow.” Edward turns and walks back into a sea of rich men.
Joel pushes his way past men in black suits and black ties, cigars hanging from their open mouths and drinks spilling over their glass cups as they talk about money, sex, stocks, and women. He tunes them out and keeps walking, ignoring the nasty stares he gets from not being in a suit himself.
As soon as he grabs the bag of lightbulbs and a few plumbing tools, he heads up the grand staircase with red carpet sprawled across each step. He makes his way up the stairs, down the narrow dark hallway and stops before he turns the corner. He stands just a few feet from the pleasure room. The red room as they call it here.
He can hear the moans and cries coming from the room, can smell the stench of sex that whisks through the air. He wonders if you go into that room night after night, letting the men with dirty claws sink their nails into you, feasting on you like blood sucking vampires.
His jaw clenches up as his nails sink into the meat of his palm, his face becoming hot with heat as he imagines you splayed out on an open bed while the men take and take from you until you have nothing left to give. Until you’re just a used up rag doll for them to toy with. He snarls and turns the corner sharply, putting those dark thoughts out of his mind. If he had his way he’d make damn sure you’d never set foot in that room again. He’d slaughter a whole fucking mass of men if he had to. No one should lay their filthy hands on you as far as he’s concerned.
He walks through the long corridor, passing door after door until he finally gets to yours. He takes a deep breath and turns the golden doorknob slowly entering the dimly lit room with pale pink wallpaper. He gently shuts the door and when he turns around he stops in his tracks, hand sliding off the doorknob as he sees you standing in the middle of the room. Naked.
Your skin is soft, probably as soft as the back of a rose petal. Your legs are long, smooth, and enticing. He wonders what it’d feel like to run his long fingers over your creamy thighs. You’re bent over, ass in the air, as you unbuckle the straps of the high heels you wore on stage. Your hips are curvy, shaping your round ass into mere perfection. Your full breasts peek out from the corner as your long waves spill over your shoulders. You’re absolutely perfect, stunning, a work of pure art.
Joel knows he’s fucked now. He knows. After seeing how beautiful you are, he can’t turn away. He shouldn’t be standing here gawking at you while you change, but he can’t move. He’s stuck like glue, an immovable object that can’t be pushed. He’s in trouble, so much trouble.
He loses his balance when you bend over again, exposing a different view of you that nearly takes him to his knees. The bag of bulbs falls to the ground with a large crash, and you turn with a quaint gasp as you take in the man that stands before you. It’s him, the man with the dark eyes.
Your eyes go wide, quickly reaching for a thin, sheer robe as you wrap it around you and cover the parts of you that are completely exposed. You breathe hard, your breath coming out rushed and fast. He does the same as he just stands there staring, no air left in his lungs as he stands in front of the beauty that takes his breath away. And then it’s silence, only rushed breaths and pining eyes.
The longer he stares into your captivating eyes, the more he knows he’s fucked. There was no way he was getting out of this now, no way to back down. He was going to make you his one way or another. You would be his. Period.
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katnisspeetaprim · 1 year
I'll Sort It out
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Word Count: 1323 M.list
Warnings: Getting hate, crying, swear word. (P.S This is a bit of a mess and the ending isn't great!)
You and Jungkook had been together since early 2019 after meeting at the BBMA’s. It was both your first times at an American awards show, so you naturally felt a little out of place. Since you spoke a little Korean (having since improved greatly) you took a chance and introduced yourself to the group.
You and Jungkook stayed in contact after finding you had a natural connection and finally began dating in 2019, after a lot of pushing from each of your friend groups.
Whilst BTS only got bigger as the days went by, your audience mainly stayed the same. Not that you minded. You enjoyed playing smaller and more intimate venues. It allowed you to be closer to the fans and interact with them more easily, plus you could do meet and greats without all the pressure of disappointing people who couldn’t get in.
Jungkook always made it his mission to go to as many of your shows as possible, and cheer you on from the side or somewhere in the back of the crowd.
Ultimately, that’s how the two of you got found out. Him being spotted at one too many of your shows when he had no other reason to be in the city.
Neither of you had wanted to stay secret anymore, so with the go ahead from BigHit, you made the relationship public.
It felt good to be able to make posts with and about your boyfriend on social media after having to hide it for so long, you felt proud and wanted to show him off because you loved him... But then the hate started. On every picture you posted, even ones that had nothing to do with Jungkook, there would be hate. Even on posts promoting your albums, they would be accusing you of using him to stay relevant, since you needed all the help you could get, according to them anyway.
God forbid Jungkook dared to talk about you or your music on one of his live streams... That would only add more fuel to the fire. He would be blissfully unaware of the hate geared towards you, th chat moving too fast for him to notice.
But you knew.
They’d recently gone from just nasty comments on your posts, to messaging you actual death threats.
When that first happened, you stopped posting pictures with Jungkook and made private all the ones already up on your page. Jungkook was confused as to why you suddenly did that but he didn’t bring it up after all, he had stopped using Instagram so maybe you were going to do the same thing?
Recently, Jungkook had been in talks to collaborate with other artists from America in preparation for the release of his first solo album, and when he bought up the idea of the two of you also doing a song together, it caused you to hit your breaking point.
‘What do you mean, no?’ He’d cornered you in his dance studio during a break. All the backing dancers had gone out so it was just the two of you left in the room.
‘It means no, Kook. It’s not a good idea.’ He stared at you like he suddenly couldn’t understand Korean, and he couldn’t stop the hurt flashing across his face. It hurt your heart to turn him down like that, but you had no other choice.
‘You can’t just say no without giving me a reason!’ he started to argue, now getting more angry than upset.
‘We can talk later.’ You mumbled, gathering your things to leave, hoping to escape this conversation until later.
‘No! You can’t just leave like that- hey!’ As soon as he reached out to grab your arm to stop you, you span round and unleashed your emotions onto him for the first time since this all started.
‘You don’t know what it’s like!’ You practically screamed in his face. Your cheeks had become red with rage and fat tears stained your face. Jungkook flinched at your sudden emotional state and went quiet, his anger drifting away into confusion as you continued.
‘-To constantly have people telling me I’m not good enough, and I’m just using you to stay relevant! It’s going to be ten times worse if we do a song together! Don’t you see!?’ You span round and cried into your hands, embarrassed that he was seeing you like this.
‘Baby... I-I had no idea...’ How could he not have known something was wrong. He felt so stupid that he’d apparently been blind to this whole situation. Just then, a thought struck him.
‘Is this why you made all those pictures of us private a while ago?’ You nodded without turning round and sniffled. You heard him curse under his breath and suddenly his arms were round you, cradling you from behind.
‘Why didn’t you say something sooner?’ He spoke against the skin of your neck.
‘I didn’t want to put you in that position.’ You shook your head and tried to calm your sobs.
‘Hey, don’t talk like that.’ He circled round to stand in front of you, gently sliding his hands up your neck to cup your face.
‘You will always be my top priority, ok?’ You nodded sadly and subconsciously reached up to grasp onto his forearms, more to comfort yourself than anything.
‘please don’t cry. I’ll sort it all out.’ He wiped your tears with the pads of his thumbs and pulled you into a hug, flush against his chest.
‘We’re also definitely doing that song together, by the way.’ You pulled back sharply, almost in disbelief.
‘Have you not been listening to anything I said!?’
‘And I told you I’d sort it! Please... Just trust me on this.’ He pleaded, almost begging you to trust him with his eyes. You sighed deeply and rubbed at your sore eyes.
‘Ok... I trust you.’
What Jungkook meant by sort it, was to basically threaten legal action to everyone who sent you death threats or tried to defame you, in the form of a very stern letter released through BigHit.
Hello, this is BigHit.
Please find below a statement directly from Jungkook.
First of all I want to say that this letter isn’t targeted towards the fans who have shown nothing but support for me and Y/N. Please know we both appreciate you all and are grateful for everything you do for us.
This letter is in direct response to the people who think it’s appropriate to send Y/N death threats and try to defame her, by claiming she’s using me for fame. Unbeknownst to me, this has been going on for a long time, which has caused Y/N  a great deal of mental stress.
Death threats aren’t something we take lightly.
Np, Y/N isn’t using me for fame.
No, we aren’t breaking up.
Yes we are going to continue making public appearances together, and YES, we will be taking legal action.
We already have a large number of names and accounts which have been handed over to our lawyers. If the threats and accusations don’t stop immediately, then we have no problem taking whatever legal action is necessary.
In future, please understand that we don’t have to share out lives with you. We share what we are comfortable with being public, but when you act like this? It only makes us want to close off completely.
I hope my words have made you realise that actions and words can have consequences.
The statement Jungkook released caused a real storm online. Most real ARMY immediately rallied around you to create a support network and the threats mainly stopped. You guessed that most of them were probably just teenagers, scared of being caught out.
The song you and Jungkook released together was a massive hit too. It was basically a big fuck you to all the haters and you couldn’t wait to perform it live.
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danganronpa-cyberspace · 10 months
-Hinato-Miliani Freetime Event-
[Hinato is practicing his act in the courtyard when Miliani walks in. She sits on a nearby bench, reading a book titled “Slang in Japanese.”
Hinato: [Oooh, cutie spotted at 6 o’clock. She’s…she’s the interpreter. Oh, I have the best idea to make her swoon!]
Hinato: Hey hottie! Over here!
Miliani: Hm?
[As Milani watches, Hinato tosses up his kukai wand, spinning and all, and catches it in his teeth. Milani just shrugs and continues reading.]
Hinato: [Huh?! That was a good trick, come on…]
Hinato: [Alright, alright, maybe just a fluke. Lemme try again.]
Hinato: Heyyyy! I got another one!
Milani: Is that so?
[Hinato spins his kukai wand, and then, tosses it as far as he can in the air, catching it on his foot and tossing it into his hand. But, despite this, Milani didn’t even watch the full trick.]
Hinato: [The fuck?! She didn’t even watch it all the way through! She must be playin’ hard to get.]
Hinato: [Alright, time to pull out the big guns.]
Hinato: Hey, watch just one more time.
Milani: …sure.
[Hinato takes the end of his kukai wand, and blows. Fire spews from the tip, creating a grand fire effect.]
[…Milani nods and keeps reading.]
Hinato: [For the love of god, chick, that was my BEST TRICK!!]
[Hinato storms over to Milani.]
Hinato: Hey, that’s my best move. And you did even blink! What’s up with that?!
Miliani: You ever consider the fact I’m not into you?
Hinato: No, I don’t even wanna think about that, actually.
Miliani: You’re not the Ultimate Lady Killer, you’re an Ultimate Fire Dancer.
Miliani: And last time I checked, Ultimate Fire Dancers are hot.
Hinato: Hot? HOT?! I’m hot!! You see these calves?! These arms?! I’m hotter than the sun.
Hinato: You just gotta find out how spicy I am, baby!
Miliani: I’ll pass.
Hinato: Come on, I’m hot, I swear to ya. I never tell a lie.
Miliani: You just did.
Hinato: You’re playing sooooo hard to get, I love it.
Hinato: But seriously, I’m the Casanova.
Miliani: I’d say sunburn. I’m the Casanova.
Hinato: Okayyyy, among the chicks here, you’re the Casanova. No doubt.
Hinato: But among the mascs…I win, right?
Miliani: Gāisi de…yeah, you win.
Hinato: Ye-
Miliani: But. Asking me to pick the hottest guy from here is like asking me to pick the best American state flag.
Miliani: It’s picking the best out of a pile of novelty t-shirts. There’s no truly good option.
Hinato: [Damn, she’s rough. And honest.]
Hinato: [Sexyyy!]
Hinato: Man, you’re smart. Nah, not smart.
Hinato: Genius.
Miliani: Oh, you’re just saying that because you want me in bed.
Hinato: No, I’m not. I’m sayin’ it as an Ultimate to an Ultimate. You’re brilliant.
Miliani: …gracias.
Hinato: It’s nothin’, sweetie.
Miliani: Don’t call me sweetie.
Hinato: Got it, babe.
Miliani: Call me Miliani.
Hinato: Course, Miliani.
Miliani: …okay, you can show me more tricks.
Hinato: Sickkkkk!
Miliani: I just can’t promise I’ll watch them all.
Hinato: Trade off! Get ready to be blown away, Miliani. You’ll experience the flames of the hottest, and most handsome, guy at Hope’s Peak.
[Hinato performed for Milani for as long as he could take, and true to her word, Miliani watched most of the tricks, occasionally stopping to use Japanese slang terms.]
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theweaselandthekilt · 1 month
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So... @hart-on-my-sleeve and I were in the middle of an AH-MAY-ZING 🧠 ⛈️ and came up with an idea for an Old Timey PT Barnum and Bailey WWF Circus AU🎪🤡
They should be written like little mini drabbles or one shots about circus life under the big top🤡🎪
Typical 3 ring circus layout - pre everything so there's animal acts and freak shows etc.
Here are our cast of characters so far:
- 'The Colonel/Mouth of The South'Jimmy Hart - Ring Master
- Gorilla Monsoon - Ring Leader 2nd ring
- Mean Gene - Ring Leader 3rd ring
The Freaks/Sideshows- Andre The Giant, George 'The Animal' Steele, Zeus
The Clowns - The Ultimate Warrior, Brother Love, Bobby The Brain Heenan
Strongmen - Hulk Hogan, Big John Studd, King Kong Bundy
Animal Acts - The Funk Brothers and Cowboy Bob Orton Rodeo Round Up//The Macho Man and Elizabeth White Horse Equestrian show//Jake The Snake Roberts, The Undertaker and Paul Bearer - Spooky Reptile Act//Hacksaw Jim Duggan and his Pachyderms
The Stunts - Rowdy Roddy Piper - Fire Show (Fire eating, Motorcycle in the steel ball and BIG CATS (tiger taming and ring of fire with his kilt cape)
The Junkyard Dog - Cannon Launch
Mr. Perfect and Brutus The Barber Beefcake - Knife throwing act
Trapeze performance by - Sensational Sherri and The Genius.
Scott 'Razor Ramón' Hall - Prestidigitarian
Burlesque Act - Adorable Adrian Adonis (The Bubble Show) Cyndi Lauper - juggler
Carnival Barkers and Side Show Operators- The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase/ Irwin R Schyster and Virgil
@hart-on-my-sleeve - The Aerial Fiery Red-headed acrobat - aerial silks, ring dancer, tight rope walker
@84reedsy - contortionist, magician assistant, exotic belly dancer
@theempressar - Empresario - PT EMPI 🎩🎪
I'm EAGER to see what you come up with!! They can also be parts of roles already listed!!
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bird-inacage · 1 year
CALL ME BY FIRE (SEASON 3): Participation of Jeff Satur
Now this has been the most uncanny crossover I never saw coming. A show I've been watching for years, and my introduction to thai BL which initially put Jeff's name on my radar. Here's some context for any fans who have heard of his participation and want to know more.
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Call Me by Fire is a mainland Chinese TV competition show. They invite 33 established male celebrities with the goal to form an ultimate "boy band" by the show's conclusion. What tends to be the incredible pulling factor is they'll invite a combination of singers, musicians, actors, dancers, idols, presenters - incredibly well known faces in the industry - many of them hugely respected OGs in their field. (The demographic is usually late 20s+) so there's an intentional sense of maturity, experience and wisdom amongst the ensemble. The emphasis isn't really on forming this 'fictional' boy band, it acts as a mechanism for us to get more up close and personal with these artists. Allowing viewers to appreciate their creative genius, as well as who they are as people.
This show came as a spin off of another series 'Sisters Who Make Waves' which has the exact same premise but for female celebrities. Because it became such an instant hit, they made a male version shortly after.
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As a Chinese speaker, I've been watching both shows since they started in 2020. Both are in their third season (with Call Me by Fire broadcasting right now). This year they've decided to include more participants (of mainly Chinese/Asian descent) from America, Korea, Japan, Vietnam and Thailand - along with the majority from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
Why I find this show both incredibly entertaining and compelling is because you get to watch spectacular collaborations between some of the most talented artists of this generation, and witness them embark on a journey of brotherhood through a shared love for performance (they live, work and perform together for the duration of the show). For me, theres also a massive nostalgia factor, because a large portion of these artists will be people I grew up watching.
There will be a lot of new attention on this show due to the Jeff's involvement (whose dubbed ‘Luo Jie Fu’ in Chinese). We’re only on Episode 2, and he's already making a huge impression, earning one of two MVPs spots after their first live performance - his group ranking 2nd out of 8, and his personal ranking being 7th overall (based on the live audience popularity vote).
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The show is uploaded onto Youtube in full (post-broadcast on a Saturday). Just to warn you, the episodes are usually very, very long (sometimes between 2-3 hours in total), but I personally really enjoy that. There are English subtitles but the translations don’t always capture the nuances.
Jeff is doing a superb job so far and he's very brave for taking this on. He brings something distinctly unique in his showmanship and personal sense of style. It's a daunting prospect for someone who can't speak or understand Chinese, but the other brothers are doing their best to help him feel as welcome and settled in as possible.
If anyone has any questions about the show or clips featuring Jeff they'd like to know more about, I'm more than happy to translate.
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majestativa · 5 months
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Herod’s palace rose up like some Alhambra on slender columns iridescent with Moresque tiles, which appeared to be bedded in silver mortar and gold cement; arabesques started from lozenges of lapis lazuli to wind their way right across the cupolas, whose mother-of-pearl marquetry gleamed with rainbow lights and flashed with prismatic fires. The murder had been done; now the executioner stood impassive, his hands resting on the pommel of his long, bloodstained sword. The Saint’s decapitated head had left the charger where it lay on the flagstones and risen into the air, the eyes staring out from the livid face, the colourless lips parted, the crimson neck dripping tears of blood. A mosaic encircled the face, and also a halo of light whose rays darted out under the porticoes, emphasized the awful elevation of the head, and kindled a fire in the glassy eyeballs, which were fixed in what happened to be agonized concentration on the dancer. With a gesture of horror, Salome tries to thrust away the terrifying vision which holds her nailed to the spot, balanced on the tips of her toes, her eyes dilated, her right hand clawing convulsively at her throat. [...] The dreadful head glows eerily, bleeding all the while, so that clots of dark red form at the ends of hair and beard. Visible to Salome alone, it embraces in its sinister gaze neither Herodias, musing over the ultimate satisfaction of her hatred, nor the Tetrarch, who, bending forward a little with his hands on his knees, is still panting with emotion, maddened by the sight and smell of the woman’s naked body, steeped in musky scents, anointed with aromatic balms, impregnated with incense and myrrh. Like the old King, Des Esseintes invariably felt overwhelmed, subjugated, stunned when he looked at this dancing-girl, who was less majestic, less haughty, but more seductive than the Salome of the oil-painting. In the unfeeling and unpitying statue, in the innocent and deadly idol, the lusts and fears of common humanity had been awakened; the great lotus-blossom had disappeared, the goddess vanished; a hideous nightmare now held in its choking grip an entertainer, intoxicated by the whirling movement of the dance, a courtesan, petrified and hypnotized by terror. Here she was a true harlot, obedient to her passionate and cruel female temperament; here she came to life, more refined yet more savage, more hateful yet more exquisite than before; here she roused the sleeping senses of the male more powerfully, subjugated his will more surely with her charms – the charms of a great venereal flower, grown in a bed of sacrilege, reared in a hot-house of impiety.
— Joris-Karl Huysmans, Against Nature, transl by Robert Baldick, (2003)
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ts4ritsa · 1 year
Hi there ! I saw you request are open and I'd like to request Chihiro, Hifumi, Teruteru and Ryota with an Fem!Reader who is both the Ultimate Pole Dancer and shy out of a performance and how they'd react to seeing her dance for the first time. Thanks in advance
— 🌙
₊˚ପ⊹ ultimate pole dancer reader imagine ;
ft. chihiro fujisaki, hifumi yamada, teruteru hanamura, & ryota mitarai from danganronpa * ˚ ✦
tags / cw: shy!fem!reader, they see you perform for the first time, ryotas is a little longer than the others cuz I love himm
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upon meeting you, chihiro felt nervous and shy in your presence. he was a bit curious about your talent but at the same time he thought it might be brash if he tried to ask you. especially since you seemed a bit flustered to even mention your talent to others
chihiro was left feeling amazed when he first saw you perform — the way you moved with such elegance and precision! he admired the way you let loose and expressed yourself through dance, how you could become an entirely different person. he couldn’t help but realize his feelings for you grew even deeper
hifumi was immediately captivated by your beauty and grace when he met you — you seemed so meek and quiet too, he thought you were just totally precious! he also appreciated your talent in the arts as well, and wanted to ask you questions about it. but he had to muster up the courage to do so since he isn’t that good at striking up conversations with girls
when hifumi got the chance to see you perform, he witnessed you display a combination of your shy demeanor and raw passion for pole dancing firsthand. he cheered you on and gave you a lot of compliments after your little show had ended. it might be safe to say he became your biggest fan right then and there
teruteru, being teruteru, did not hesitate to ask you some quite shameless questions when you and him had your first encounter… he saw the way you seemed shy so he thought it “might bring you a bit at ease” or something. but he could sense that you had that fire in you and he wanted to encourage you to embrace it. after all, he had to see you perform at least once!
when the day finally came for you to perform in front of him, he was filled with excitement and anticipation. he felt so happy that you finally decided to take a step out of your comfort zone for this — and was definitely not left disappointed as he watched with eager eyes as you danced oh so extravagantly on that pole. teruteru also didn’t miss the opportunity to shower you with bold yet playful compliments after your performance
there is no way ryota wasn’t nervous when he first met you — really, the poor guy felt too flustered to even hold eye contact with you. he just felt awkward next to you, someone with a talent so flashy. but it’s not like he was judging you, oh no no, he thought you were absolutely stunning. ryota just had no idea how to approach a girl like you. but although it took him a while, he eventually realized that you were quite modest and reserved yourself. you both grew closer with time, and you both found yourselves enjoying and finding comfort in each other’s presence
ryota was stunned when the day you were finally comfortable performing in front of him came around. he was a nervous mess, but he felt excited at the same time — how could he not be? its not everyday he gets to see someone as pretty as you perform in front of his very eyes. ryota was attentive the entire time, keeping his eyes on you as you spun and danced gracefully on that pole. he wanted to tell you that you were beautiful- praise you, just make you feel cherished, but those were things he felt he should keep to himself for the time being. so, after you finished, he gave you a silly warm smile and a short yet sincere compliment
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© ts4ritsa (do not repost w/o credits)
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quieteclipse · 3 months
testar atla au!
using this reddit post to help guide my thought processes a bit since it's easier for me to think about things through a personality lense lol
baese: non-bender
chungwoo: earth bender
ahyeon: water bender
lee sejin: fire bender
moondae: avatar
eugene: earth bender
raebin: fire bender
thought processes below the cut:
baese: when reading that post, nothing truly jumped out as baese to me. i think there's potential for him to be an earth or water bender, and i did orginally have him as a water bender when i assigned them an element pre-reddit post, but i like him being a non-bender and i think it fits him well.
chungwoo: i feel like this one is self-explanatory, as per usual. i also originally had him as an earth bender pre-reddit post. chungwoo is sturdy and reliable, almost unshakable in a way. i also think he's quite stubborn and headstrong in his own way.
ahyeon: i originally kept going back and forth between air and water for him, mostly because i was leaning heavily into him being a ballet dancer. but ultimately, i think water suits him best. especially since water is an element associated with calmness and healing, but can be used offensively. ahyeon is the same way!
keunse: i orginally had him as the sole non-bender, because i felt like it fit him a lot, especially when i think of him as similar to sokka in a way; however, reading the reddit post, i felt like the section on fire benders resonated well with him (besides taking over the world bit....you know).
moondae: i had to. like i could do this and NOT list him as the avatar. especially not when he has the system, which is like the link to the spiritual realm. if we're talking gunwoo, though, i feel like he would've been a non-bender....which is crazy to think about, and aligns so perfectly. imagine going from a non-bender to the avatar and having all that responsibility on your shoulders (i'm so sorry pookie, you can never rest).
eugene: this might be controversial because i feel like he'd be universally typecasted as a fire bender (or maybe even an air bender now that i think about it), which i did originally assign him, but the description of earth benders being stubborn and headstrong was so eugene, i didnt hesitate to change it. eugene is sooooo king bumi coded when you think about it.
raebin: i honestly didnt know what to put for raebin, though i initially put him as an air bender because i was thinking about sound bending. but i like raebin as a fire bender. he can be zuko coded, but like, better.
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pinkscaped · 9 months
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Flowerbank Entertainment is a South Korean entertainment company that was established in 2012. It was originally founded as MysticMusic in 1990 by Lee Joonshik as a music distribution company. However, the company didn't debut its first idol group until 1995, with the formation of "Electric Angels," a three-piece girl group comprising Soojin (20), Eunji (17), and Lizzy (15). Although they were successful, they never became a household name and disbanded in 2000. After the disbandment of Electric Angels, the company would debut the rotational girl group Allume, which would remain their only artist until 2012. After Lee Joonshik's death in 2012, Lee Iseul, also known as Lizzy, inherited MysticMusic and became the CEO. She immediately began transforming the company, firing more than half of the staff and ultimately closing down MysticMusic. The company re-emerged a few months later under the name Flowerbank Entertainment, promising to usher in a new era of idols.
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Lee Iseul was born in 1980 to Lee Joonshik and Lee Yuha in Seoul, South Korea. Always having dreams of being a dancer, Iseul had the upper hand in the industry due to her father being the CEO and founder of MysticMusic. Iseul would go on to debut under her father's company, her debut being her 15th birthday present. Despite it being her dream, Iseul quickly learned that the industry was cruel and unforgiving, especially towards young girls.
After the disbandment of Electric Angels, Iseul would attend college and begin studying law and business. With endless funding from her father, Iseul was able to obtain three degrees in Business Management, Business Law, and Entrepreneurship. She would inherit MysticMusic after her father's untimely passing in 2012, becoming the CEO at just 32. She would begin immediately rebranding the company to fit her vision of what she wants the idol industry to be.
Iseul has been described as a "tough boss but a caring boss" by her artists and co-workers. Though her exterior is tough and cold, she has a love and dedication to all the artists under Flowerbank and works tirelessly to provide a safe and caring environment for all.
portrayed by ... sandra oh
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Carmen Bae was born in 1984 in Colorado to Mindy and Sam Bae. Carmen was very popular in her small hometown, being captain of the cheerleading squad as well as student body president. She would find herself in South Korea once she graduated high school, wanting to spend more time with her grandmother and get in touch with her culture.
Carmen began attending university a few months after her arrival in Korea, meeting Lee Iseul in her business management class, where the two became quick friends. The pair learned quickly that they worked extremely well together, getting class projects done in a matter of hours while their other classmates needed day. They were dubbed "the dream team" by their professor and the name seemed to stick with them. The pair would eventually move in together during Carmen's senior year of college.
As she was studying for her master's degree in 2012, Iseul offered Carmen the position of Co-CEO and CFO of the newly established company Flowerbank Entertainment. She would take on the position as creative director of the company, overseeing all their groups from 2012 to 2015 as well.
Carmen is highly regarded for her compassionate and empathetic nature. She has the ability to lend an ear to her artists and offer a supportive shoulder to lean on. As per the artists at Flowerbank, they find Carmen more approachable and easier to talk to than CEOs. Therefore, they usually prefer to take their concerns to her instead of Iseul.
portrayed by ... tiffany young
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Bahng Taeu was born in 1989 in Busan, South Korea. Taeu was always described as kind and caring when growing up. He was often called a "saint" by his mother, taking care of his three younger siblings and running tutoring services for kids in his grade who needed extra help.
Tragically, during Taeu's first year of university, his father passed away, leaving his mother with very little financial support. He would take the mantle of being the sole provider for his family, working any job he could find while also attending university. During this time, Taeu would begin modeling for a quick paycheck. Under an exploitative company, Taeu was forced into doing a lot of acting and modeling gigs he was not comfortable with but would do for the money. Once Taeu graduated from college, he continued to work for the company until his contract expired in 2014.
Once his contract expired, Taeu found himself working with Stormedia as a creative director and consultant. Proving himself to be innovative and fresh in the scene, Flowerbank Entertainment would quickly get into contact with him and hire him as creative director of the company, overseeing all their groups since 2015.
In 2020, Taeu was promoted to COO but still remains one of the main creative directors in Flowerbank Entertainment.
Taeu has been described as a joy to work with by the artists under Flowerbank, always ensuring the idols are safe and comfortable as well as giving them as much creative freedom as possible.
portrayed by ... kim mingue
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Moon Haemin was born in 1992 in Daegu, South Korea, but would live in Melbourne, Australia, from the time he was 6 to 18 years old. Being the youngest in his family, Haemin was described as quiet and shy, often leading to him getting picked on by kids at school. Haemin didn't have a lot of friends while in Australia, opting instead to play video games or draw in the safety of his room.
Once graduating high school, Haemin would go and study in Korea. Haemin seemed to flourish once in Korea, double majoring in social sciences and business and making a bunch of new friends. During this time, however, Haemin ended up getting one of those new friends pregnant, and they would welcome a daughter two months after they graduated from university in 2014.
Though the pair never married, they lived together and co-parented up until 2020, when they decided to live separately while still co-parenting their daughter, Chungyi. After the split, Haemin would find himself being hired by Flowerbank Entertainment as their HR manager. He'd later be promoted to HR director and Program Director. He also works as the manager of the girl group ALLUME.
The artists at Flowerbank don't say much about Haemin except that he's a hardass and cold if he doesn't like you. While he does his job well, he isn't the most favored employee at the company.
portrayed by ... lee dohyun
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randomthefox · 3 months
I think that how Sonic got his super speed is sort of meant to be a joke. It makes no sense and is never explained because doing so would detract from how super speed isn’t just a super power Sonic has, Sonic is speed. His speed represents freedom. If it had some kind of logical explanation, people would (as they often do) get lost in the world building instead of recognizing its purpose as a narrative device. Sonic’s speed represents freedom. So, maybe the reason no one is as fast as Sonic is because nobody is as free as Sonic. Everyone in the Sonic universe except Sonic is held back by something that’s stopping them from self actualizing and being truly free.
I think it’s a neat idea that the day that the day that Tails is finally able to be his own source of confidence is the day that he becomes as fast as Sonic.
I think Shadow being reliant on his air shoes to go fast and can’t go as fast on his own could be some kind of metaphor about how the trauma of his past will always hold him back. But that doesn’t make him weak in the same way using his air shoes don’t make him weak. Sometimes we’re incapable of reaching our full potential on our own and need outside assistance, and that’s okay. I think that him recognizing that and living his life without shame is what makes him as self actualized as Sonic and is why he can go as fast as him.
But that’s just my take. It’s possible I’m being a hypocrite and looking too much into it.
No notes, I 100% agree with everything you said. My only contribution is
>If it had some kind of logical explanation, people would (as they often do) get lost in the world building instead of recognizing its purpose as a narrative device.
This is ABSOLUTELY a massive problem with media analysis nowadays, and authors trying to account for it is a huge contributing factor to why a lot of modern written stories suck ass. Pedantic wiki guzzlers think that having trivia bullet points to fill out a facts page is more important than what the story is SAYING. They care more about stupid details that don't matter rather than dissecting what something MEANS for what the story is trying to convey.
People going on about what "the ultimate life form" means is a perfect example. People take Shadow saying "Sonic YOU'RE the REAL ultimate life form" and fly off with the most idiotic shit you've ever heard in your life. Trying to construct this insane theory about Sonic being the real creation that Gerald Robotnik created or that he's an alien or whatever. When all Shadow calling Sonic the ultimate life form was was Shadow saying he thinks Sonic is better than him. The only thing "ultimate life form" MEANS when Shadow says it is "the coolest cool guy." When Shadow says Sonic is the real ultimate life form, all he's saying is "Sonic you're the coolest cool guy." Because that's the culmination of their relationship of conflict throughout the game.
It's like missing the forest for the trees, but even worse somehow. David Lynch actually made fun of exactly this kind of thing with the Twin Peaks movie.
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