#Ultimate Pheasant Hunting
soufiane123 · 8 months
Ultimate Pheasant Hunting: A Thrilling Pursuit in the Great Outdoors
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nexusammo123 · 8 months
Ultimate Pheasant Hunting: A Thrilling Pursuit in the Great Outdoors
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caxycreations · 8 months
Food Distribution on Relan
Since @thetruearchmagos seemed interested, thought I would do this haha.
Info and Worldbuilding under the cut
I'm just gonna go over Ferusian food distribution, as it's the leading nation for food practices, and most other nations emulate (to varying degrees of success) these practices.
I may also go slightly off topic, though still relevant, so bear with me.
Ferusian Food Distribution
Ferus is the leading nation for food distribution practices. There are very, very strict laws in place that severely punish poor practice.
Ultimately, this is how food is managed in Ferus:
Food is produced by farms, hunters, and reserves.
Farms specifically deal in crops. Fruits, vegetables, berries, and other plant-based food sources. While some are specialized (the third largest farm in Ferus is 22,000 acres and is dedicated entirely to the growth of corn), others grow a variety of crops (the largest farm in Ferus is approximately 45,000 acres and the land is divided between apple and pear orchards, as well as potato, carrot, and onion fields) for the nation. These farms supply Distribution Firms with the crops, which are then delivered via specially designed trucks to local markets, manufacturing plants, and other such places to be sold or refined.
Some of these trucks are designed for long-distance travel and, through the Speedway that stretches across Ferus, deliver their cargo across the nation to other Distribution Firms, which then deliver the goods to the nearby businesses and markets.
Then there are hunters. In Ferus, "Hunter" is still very much a viable career path. Hunters are employed by the Ferusian Wildlife Management Force (FWMF), and are tasked with preventing overpopulation of invasive species. The FWMF specializes in a practice known as "controlled invasion", wherein they will introduce a small number of a species into an environment where their unique evolutions make them hyper-suited to thrive. This creates an invasive species "problem", and when numbers reach problematic levels, the FWMF deploys waves of Hunters to thin the herd. This manufactured cycle allows Ferus' wildlife to thrive freely in environments suited to them, without allowing any one species to completely dominate all others in an ecosystem.
It also allows the Hunters to hunt year-round, though with a monthly limit on each species.
Species hunted under the authority of the FWMF include, but are not limited to: deer, elk, boar, greatwolves, rabbits, moose, pheasant, duck, and bear.
The last branch of Ferusian food distribution is known as the Reserves.
Reserves are animal farms. Great swathes of land with a safe, peaceful environment where herd animals are raised. Reserves follow strict environmental policies, limiting the size of herds as well as the rate of growth of herds, ensuring the well-being of both local environment and global environment due to how large these Reserves would grow otherwise.
When a herd exceeds the maximum size, Reserve owners enact Culling, a process where they will humanely put down 2/3 of the population of the Reserve. The process for this differs from species to species and from Reserve to Reserve, but strict laws are in place that require methods to be painless and swift, to prevent cruelty.
The 2/3 of the herd that is put down is then delivered to Processing Plants where they are butchered, separated into the various meats and cuts that are available from the species, and prepared for sale and redistribution.
Side note: Due to Tangkorak influence on Ferusian law in the early days, there is a law that forbids waste of a slaughtered animal, and as such every aspect of the animal is used. Bones are used for broth manufacturing, excess fat is turned into cooking oils, and so on. Ferusian Law dictates no part of a slaughtered animal is to go to waste.
This is the first step in Ferusian food distribution.
Once food has been delivered to local businesses and Processing Plants, it goes through the next phase.
Those foods delivered as-is to businesses are simply sold and used by the populace (though locally-grown and locally-raised goods are always free, you only pay for food that was shipped from other parts of the country or other nations).
The food delivered to Processing Plants however is then processed into various forms. Crops are separated into slices, sauces, mashes, jams, jellies, juices, seeds, etc, and packaged as such. Meats are sliced, mashed, blended, shredded, etc, and packaged as such.
These processed forms of food are then distributed locally and across the nation.
It's worth noting that 60% of raw-form food (un-processed meat and crops) are distributed locally, with 60% of processed food also being distributed locally.
Due to the vast farms and reserves that produce food as well as the carefully maintained manufactured ecosystems by the FWMF, food is plentiful in Ferus and any excess is sold to other nations to avoid a hunger crisis and as efforts of good faith and peace between countries.
Note: If there is a specific question any part of this raises, by all means ask. I more than likely have an answer for it.
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raincitygirl76 · 11 months
We need to talk about the Bambi situation. Specifically, Wilhelm shooting Bambi. It was raised recently in a different post that Wilhelm has no apparent hobbies, hence fic writers latching onto the frog stuff. But I suspect there are hobbies.
We see from the shooting range scenes that Wilhelm knows how to handle a gun. He’s not especially brillant at clay pigeon shooting, but he’s clearly not a beginner, either. And in 2.06, he threatens August with the shotgun, but keeps his finger BEHIND the trigger at all times. The only time his finger is on the trigger is when he fires into the air.
I suspect the Swedish upper classes like to hunt, shoot, and fish just like the British upper classes. And someone, maybe Erik, Ludvig, or a gamekeeper, drilled into Wilhelm as a child how to handle a gun without accidentally shooting anyone with it.
As far as I know (although I don’t know much about it), fox hunting is an exclusively British pastime. Or was, since I think it’s banned now. But all other types of “country sports” seem to be mostly Europe wide. There’s lots of forest in Sweden: I suspect salmon fishing, game bird shooting, and deer stalking are probably big things for people who can afford it. I don’t mind about the salmon or the game birds, but I cringe at the thought of poor Bambi. I suspect Wilhelm was not brought up to cringe at poor Bambi, though.
A quick google search confirmed that yes, the real life Swedish royal family shoot deer.
And there are lots of other animals you can legally hunt in Sweden. Including moose, which are enormous.
Pulling back to the macro-European level, in 2012 there was a huge fuss when King Juan Carlos of Spain (since abdicated in favour of his son, partly because of this scandal) broke his hip while secretly on an elephant hunting safari in Botswana. Not a photo safari, a safari where the elephants die. Massive ructions, since nobody knew where he was, and it looked really bad when Spain’s economy was still reeling from the worldwide financial collapse of 2008.
It had already been known than Juan Carlos liked to fish, hunt, and shoot. And ordinary Spaniards were generally OK with that. They were significantly less OK with their king shooting an adorable endangered species while on a lavish top-secret trip to another continent.
Because evidently the Spanish royal family or their courtiers realized the king couldn’t be perceived as massacring elephants for fun. But rather than saying, “No, your majesty, it’s bad PR to go to Botswana and shoot Babar,” they apparently said instead, “Your maiesty, please don’t get CAUGHT shooting Babar.”
But when he broke his hip and had to be airlifted out, the secret stopped being a secret and became a scandal. Shades of Kristina of Sweden there. “Do whatever stupid shit you want, just don’t ever get caught by anyone who hasn’t already signed an NDA.”
I sincerely hope Wilhelm wouldn’t want to shoot Babar. I’m already cringing at the idea of him shooting Bambi. It’s only the longstanding connection of the upper classes with blood sports that forces me to realize it’s a distinct possibility.
I don’t much like the large land mammal idea myself. I have much less emotional attachment to pheasants and geese, so will make it my personal headcanon that Wilhelm is accustomed to shooting clay pigeons and game birds. But his nanny let him watch Bambi at a formative age.
Whenever Wilhelm was subsequently taken deer-stalking as a slightly older child, he devolved into hysterics at the idea of ANYBODY shooting the poor deer. And eventually his family gave up trying to toughen him up on the subject. Especially because him making a ruckus kept scaring off the damn deer and ruining their sport. That’s my headcanon, and I’m sticking to it. It’s probably false, but I’m happy with it.
I don’t have a problem with hunting provided it’s not an endangered species, the rules are followed, and it’s not just trophy-hunting. If the meat gets eaten, then it’s useful. If don’t want to hunt myself, but I’m not against it.
But I watched Bambi at a formative age, and the thought of a character I love getting Bambi in his sights, pulling the trigger, and killing Bambi makes me freak out. Even though I realize my headcanon about Wilhelm being too squeamish to shoot Bambi is most likely bullshit, and he probably has killed deer.
Edited to add:
@sflow-er confirms in replies that hunting is a very big thing in the Nordics. Although it’s not just an upper class thing, plenty of working class people hunt too. They just probably don’t hire an expert tracker (like the one in the People article who gets paid to help the real Swedish royal family hunt deer). Note also that in Marcus’s Instagram feed, it shows he hunts.
Consistent with Canada. Plenty of working class Canadians hunt. Mostly (but not all) people who either live in rural areas now or grew up in rural areas. But Canada also has the very expensive guided hunting expeditions available for people with more money than sense. Which sounds like the guy in the first article linked above, who has been leading the real Swedish royal family on guided hunts for 30 years.
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joesottolano · 3 days
Which American Locations Make the Best Hunting Trips? Where to Go Next
Hunting in the United States offers a rich and varied experience, with a range of landscapes and wildlife for both novice and seasoned hunters. Whether you’re after big game like elk and moose or small game like pheasants and waterfowl, the country offers some of the most rewarding spots for hunting. From the towering Rockies to the dense forests of the Southeast, here’s a guide to the top hunting destinations in the U.S. for planning your next adventure.
Montana: A Hunter’s Paradise
Montana is one of the top states for hunting in the U.S., known for its vast wilderness areas and diverse wildlife. The state is a haven for big game hunters, offering some of the best opportunities to hunt elk, mule deer, whitetail deer, and bighorn sheep. The rugged terrain of the Rockies, combined with the state’s expansive public lands, makes Montana an ideal spot for those seeking a challenging and scenic hunting experience.
In particular, the Missouri Breaks and the Bob Marshall Wilderness are among the most popular areas for elk hunting. While hunting in Montana requires a license and proper tags, it is often viewed as a dream destination for serious hunters. The state’s broad range of species ensures that no matter what game you’re pursuing, there’s a spot for you.
Alaska: The Ultimate Frontier
For the more adventurous hunter, Alaska provides some of the most remote and untamed hunting landscapes in the country. The state is renowned for its opportunities to hunt big game species, including moose, caribou, Dall sheep, and the iconic Alaskan brown bear.
Hunting in Alaska requires careful preparation due to its remote locations and challenging weather conditions. For many, this is part of the appeal—there’s nothing quite like trekking through the Alaskan wilderness in pursuit of massive game. The Alaska Range and the Tongass National Forest are top spots for hunting, and guided hunts are a popular option for those new to the area or hunting in extreme conditions.
Alaska’s expansive public lands make it easier for hunters to access prime spots, but it’s essential to plan meticulously, including securing the necessary permits and understanding the local regulations.
Texas: A Hunting State Like No Other
Texas is famous for its private ranches, offering hunters unique opportunities to pursue game in a controlled environment. While much of the state’s hunting occurs on private lands, it’s known for exotic species such as axis deer and aoudad sheep in addition to native species like white-tailed deer, wild turkey, and feral hogs.
South Texas, in particular, is renowned for its white-tailed deer hunting, with many hunters flocking to the region for some of the biggest trophy bucks in the country. For hunters interested in bird hunting, Texas also offers incredible opportunities for hunting dove, quail, and waterfowl. Whether you're after big game or small game, Texas offers a wide variety of species to hunt year-round.
Colorado: High-Altitude Hunting Adventures
Colorado is one of the premier hunting destinations in the U.S., especially for those in search of elk. With its expansive public lands, including national forests and wilderness areas, the state offers ample opportunity to hunt elk, mule deer, and pronghorn.
The Colorado Rockies provide stunning backdrops for your hunting adventure, and the state's large elk population ensures that you have a good chance of success. Archery, rifle, and muzzleloader hunting are all popular options in Colorado, and the season typically begins in late summer and runs through the fall.
The San Juan National Forest and the White River National Forest are prime hunting areas, known for their vast expanses and rich wildlife. If you're a first-time hunter in Colorado, hiring a guide can be beneficial to navigate the challenging terrain and maximize your chances of success.
Wisconsin: A Deer Hunter’s Dream
Wisconsin is a top destination for those looking to hunt whitetail deer, with a thriving deer population and a long-standing hunting tradition. The state offers a variety of habitats, from dense forests to rolling farmlands, making it an ideal location for deer hunting.
The Driftless Area in southwestern Wisconsin is especially popular, known for its trophy-size deer and picturesque landscape. Additionally, Wisconsin offers plenty of public lands for hunting, making it accessible for both resident and non-resident hunters.
Beyond deer, Wisconsin is also a great destination for waterfowl hunters. The state’s numerous lakes and wetlands make it a prime spot for hunting ducks and geese during the fall migration season.
Idaho: Untouched Wilderness for Big Game Hunters
Idaho offers some of the most rugged and remote hunting experiences in the U.S. Its vast wilderness areas and diverse ecosystems make it a haven for big game hunters. Elk, mule deer, mountain lions, and black bears are all common game in Idaho, with hunting opportunities available on both public and private lands.
The Salmon-Challis National Forest and the Sawtooth National Recreation Area are top spots for hunting in Idaho. The state also offers over-the-counter tags for some species, making it a relatively accessible destination for out-of-state hunters.
Hunters in Idaho can expect challenging terrain, but the reward is often worth it. The state’s low population density means that you’ll often have large areas of wilderness to yourself, providing a truly immersive hunting experience.
South Dakota: Pheasant Hunting Capital
If you’re looking for an excellent upland bird hunting experience, South Dakota is the place to be. The state is famous for its pheasant hunting, drawing hunters from all over the country each fall. The rolling prairies and farmlands provide the perfect habitat for pheasants, and South Dakota’s well-managed hunting regulations ensure healthy bird populations year after year.
In addition to pheasants, South Dakota also offers opportunities to hunt other game birds like grouse and partridge. Many hunters flock to the eastern part of the state, where large numbers of birds can be found in the fields and wetlands.
Hunting in South Dakota is a tradition passed down through generations, and the state offers numerous lodges and guided hunts to ensure a successful and enjoyable experience.
Maine: New England’s Hidden Gem
Maine may not be the first place that comes to mind when thinking of hunting destinations, but it offers some of the best opportunities for hunting in New England. The state is known for its moose hunting, with the annual moose lottery drawing thousands of hopeful hunters from across the country.
In addition to moose, Maine also offers excellent hunting opportunities for black bears, whitetail deer, and small game like snowshoe hares and ruffed grouse. The vast North Woods region is one of the top spots for hunting in Maine, offering dense forests and remote wilderness areas.
Hunting in Maine can be challenging due to the state’s dense forests, but the rewards are plentiful. The state’s wildlife populations are well-managed, and hunting seasons are designed to maintain healthy populations of game species.
Wyoming: Pronghorn Antelope and More
Wyoming is one of the best destinations in the U.S. for hunting pronghorn antelope, with more pronghorn than people in the state. The vast open plains of Wyoming provide the perfect habitat for these speedy animals, and hunters flock to the state each year for the opportunity to harvest a trophy.
In addition to pronghorn, Wyoming is also known for its elk and mule deer hunting. The state’s rugged mountains and expansive wilderness areas make it a prime spot for big game hunters. Areas like the Bridger-Teton National Forest and the Bighorn Mountains offer excellent hunting opportunities, and Wyoming’s wildlife management practices ensure healthy game populations.
Wyoming also offers over-the-counter tags for many species, making it an accessible destination for hunters who may not have drawn a tag in other states.
The U.S. offers an incredible diversity of hunting experiences, from the remote wilderness of Alaska to the rolling prairies of South Dakota. Whether you’re after big game like elk and moose or small game like pheasants and waterfowl, there’s a destination for you. When planning your next hunting trip, consider the unique landscapes, wildlife, and regulations of each state to ensure a successful and memorable adventure.
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venatorco · 3 months
The Ultimate Guide to Planning Your Hunting Trip
Hunting trips have been a part of the human experience for millennia. From procuring food to fostering a connection with nature, the reasons to embark on a hunting adventure are as diverse as the landscapes hunters explore. If you're considering hunting trips New Zealandwide, but don't know where to start, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to plan a successful and unforgettable experience.
Types of Hunting Trips
Before diving into logistics, it's important to decide what kind of hunting trip you envision. Here's a breakdown of some popular options:
Big Game Hunting: This involves pursuing large animals like deer, elk, moose, or bears. Often set in breathtaking wilderness areas, big game hunts demand physical fitness, patience, and knowledge of tracking and hunting techniques.
Small Game Hunting: Targeting smaller animals like rabbits, squirrels, or waterfowl offers a different challenge. Many small game hunts can be done closer to home, making them ideal for beginners or those seeking a shorter adventure.
Varmit Hunting: This focuses on controlling populations of animals considered pests, such as coyotes or prairie dogs. Varmit hunting often emphasises marksmanship skills and can be a great way to hone your shooting abilities.
Bird Hunting: Whether pursuing ducks, geese, turkeys, or pheasants, bird hunting is a unique experience that often involves trained hunting dogs. Patience, quick reflexes, and camouflage techniques are key to success.
Planning and Preparation
Once you've chosen your target species, meticulous planning is essential. Here are some crucial steps:
Licensing and Regulations: Every state and country has its own big game hunting regulations and licensing requirements. Familiarise yourself with the specific laws for your chosen location and species well in advance. Obtain the necessary permits and licenses to avoid legal trouble.
Research the Area: Research the hunting grounds you plan to visit. Understand the terrain, weather conditions, and animal behavior in that specific area. Consider factors like public or private land access, available resources like camping facilities, and local hunting guides.
Gear Selection: Choose appropriate hunting equipment for the terrain, weather, and target species. Invest in quality clothing that provides camouflage and protection from the elements. Don't forget essential items like a reliable firearm, ammunition, a sturdy backpack, a first-aid kit, and a sharp knife.
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Sharpening Your Skills
Marksmanship: Ensure your hunting trips in New Zealand shooting skills are up to par. Practice regularly at a shooting range to develop accuracy and confidence with your chosen firearm.
Scouting and Tracking: Learn how to identify animal tracks, signs, and habitat preferences. Understanding animal behavior will significantly improve your chances of success. Consider taking a scouting or tracking course for beginners.
Physical Fitness: Hunting often involves challenging hikes through rugged terrain. Prepare yourself physically by building endurance and strength well before your trip.
Ethical Considerations
Hunting is a responsibility that demands respect for wildlife and the environment. Here are some key principles of ethical hunting:
Sustainability: Always hunt within legal limits and quotas to ensure the sustainability of wildlife populations.
Fair Chase: Only pursue animals that have a fair chance of escape. Techniques like spotlighting or using bait on big game are unethical.
Respecting the Kill: Always strive for a clean and humane shot. Wasting meat or leaving an animal to suffer is disrespectful.
The Hunting Experience
Beyond the thrill of the chase, big game hunting trips offer a unique opportunity to connect with nature. The camaraderie shared among hunting companions, the quiet solitude of the wilderness, and the satisfaction of harvesting wild game are all aspects that contribute to an unforgettable experience.
A successful hunting trips in New Zealand requires planning, preparation, and a deep respect for nature. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or a curious beginner, embarking on this adventure can be a rewarding journey. Remember, hunting is more than just harvesting an animal; it's about connecting with the natural world, fostering self-reliance, and appreciating the delicate balance of our ecosystem.
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Ultimate Guide to South Dakota Pheasant Hunting
Subscribe to my channel: Affiliate Links: Pheasant, Quail, Cottontail: Upland Birds and … source
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baramdat · 1 year
Montana Pheasant Hunting: The Ultimate Guide to Planning Your Hunting Trip
If you're a hunting enthusiast, Montana pheasant hunting is one of the best experiences you can have. Montana has vast acres of public land where you can hunt pheasants, and the state's unique landscape makes it an ideal location for this sport. In this article, we'll take you through everything you need to know to plan your Montana pheasant hunting trip.
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1. Introduction to Montana Pheasant Hunting
Montana pheasant hunting is a popular activity for both residents and visitors. Pheasants were introduced to the state in the early 1900s, and since then, the population has flourished. The state has a variety of public and private land where hunters can pursue these game birds.
2. Best Time for Montana Pheasant Hunting
The best time to hunt pheasants in Montana is during the fall season, typically from October to November. During this time, the weather is mild, and the crops have been harvested, making it easier to spot the birds. Early morning and late afternoon are the best times of day for hunting.
3. Montana Pheasant Hunting Regulations
Before planning your trip, it's essential to be familiar with Montana's hunting regulations. The state requires a valid hunting license, and all hunters must complete a hunter education course. Additionally, there are specific rules for bag limits, shooting hours, and hunting zones.
4. Finding a Montana Pheasant Hunting Location
Montana has plenty of public lands where you can hunt pheasants. Some popular public hunting areas include the Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge, Medicine Lake National Wildlife Refuge, and Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge. You can also consider private hunting lodges or working with a hunting outfitter.
5. Essential Gear for Montana Pheasant Hunting
When planning your Montana pheasant hunting trip, there are a few essential pieces of gear you'll need. These include a shotgun, ammunition, hunting clothing, boots, and safety gear like ear and eye protection.
6. Tips for Montana Pheasant Hunting
Montana pheasant hunting can be a challenging sport, but with the right approach, you can increase your chances of success. Some tips to keep in mind include scouting your hunting area in advance, hunting with a partner, and using a trained hunting dog.
7. Accommodations for Montana Pheasant Hunting
If you're planning to stay in Montana for several days to hunt pheasants, you'll need to consider accommodations. There are plenty of options, including hotels, lodges, and cabins. You can also consider camping in a designated area.
8. Montana Pheasant Hunting Costs
The cost of Montana pheasant hunting will depend on several factors, including your gear, accommodations, and whether you choose a public or private hunting area. However, it's essential to budget for expenses like hunting licenses, ammunition, and transportation.
9. Montana Pheasant Hunting Safety
Hunting safety should always be a top priority, regardless of your experience level. Before your trip, familiarize yourself with basic safety guidelines, including proper firearm handling and hunting with a partner.
10. Montana Pheasant Hunting Ethics
As a responsible hunter, it's essential to follow ethical guidelines when hunting. This includes hunting within legal limits, respecting private property, and ensuring a quick, humane kill.
11. Conclusion
Montana pheasant hunting is a unique and exciting experience that any hunting enthusiast will love. By following the guidelines in this article, you can plan a successful and safe hunting trip.
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bullgirldick · 2 years
I would love to hear about the deities (?) in your spirituality! and a very curious to see if they are similar to mine.
Hello! The deities I mainly feel and work with are an aspect of Freyr (Frej the Tender), an aspect of Odin (Greybeard), and three forces of nature I've dubbed the Matriarch, the Patriarch, and the Crooked Horn.
Frej represents everything that needs to be cared for and tended to, from seed to harvest and the relationship throughout. Some of the places I find him are in ploughed fields, domestic animals, food storage, tame/captive/domestic plants, baby animals, hunts, and intimate acts, including sex. I also see him in boars, which are sort of a symbol of him.
Greybeard is an amalgamation of every old teacher I've had. He is wise, kind, and stern, he demands respect but loves to tease, and more than anything wants us to learn and grow wiser. I haven't worked with him in a long while, but I've started to come back to him in recent months.
My Parriarchs can't be separated from each other. The Matriarch's primary domain is consuming (eating, drinking, taking, giving), while the Patriarch's primary domain is growth. His seed falls to the ground when she rustles a branch, he makes it take root as her waters flow over it, and as she nourishes him, a sprout appears. Though she will devour many of his sprouts, some will persist and grow by his hand, as she digests the many and fills the soil with her nutrients to once more feed him. They're two strings of DNA - without being tightly intertwined, they just break apart.
The Crooked Horn is everything that doesn't go as we planned. They're entropy, I suppose. I see them in lightning strikes and dice rolls and birth defects. I've only very recently understood that the Crooked Horn also represents a detachment from your own stubbornness and preconceived notions - like the ultimate opportunity to learn. I've long felt that the Patriarch was tied to Frej and I'm starting to think the Crooked Horn might be tied to Greybeard.
I also work with several smaller spirits: The Pheasant, the Bison, and Spindekælling (an aspect of the Spider), as well as the Idealist who is a character from modern fiction that I prefer not to name by name here. Pheasant is my primary guide - he tries to teach me to open up and show my true colors, even if it's sometimes to my own detriment. It's very difficult for me to listen to him because I have a lot of self-repression due to trauma, but I still have many years left to learn. Bison teaches me to be present and grounded and to live in the moment. I have a tendency to "live in the future," (i.e., I'm a planner, rather than a doer) so a reminder to just sit down and close my eyes and listen to the birds singing is often needed. Spindekælling creates. She's the aspect of Spider that spins webs and she teaches me patience, focus, and to hone my crafts, rather than jumping from hobby to hobby. It's very difficult for me to listen to her too. The Idealist is who I'm most connected to. His lessons are about hope, understanding, conflict resolution, and looking towards the future.
All this is tied together by Dust. I don't... really believe that these entities I work with are tangible, definable, finite, observable entities. I think they're all aspects of Dust, which is the essence of consciousness. If you've read His Dark Materials you'll understand because I basically believe in those books' idea of Dust. Dust particles can band together to form entities for a time, and you can talk to those entities and sense their presence, and they can affect the world around them. But at the end of the day they're all just dense gatherings of Dust - they're all different aspects of the same particles. Particles that are everywhere around us, in every rock and tree and droplet of water. So all this is basically pantheism with extra steps.
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coffeeandritalin · 2 years
So I've been taking an ADHD Life Coaching course to become a coach, and one of the things we studied was the VIA Character Strengths. I'm reviewing the materials because of reasons. What do I use to help me make deeper connections and understandings with what I'm studying? F***ing MDZS of course 😝. So now I'm nerding out on both fronts…
Some basic info about Character Strengths
(taken from VIA's FAQ page - Link to FAQ -> Understanding Key Terms):
Everyone has the capacity to express any of the 24 character strengths
Character strengths are positive traits/capacities humans have
Character strengths interact and influence each other
Character strengths are shaped by context (not in isolation from the settings people find themselves in)
Signature strengths = easier and more natural for individuals to express (basically the essence of who they are)
(From my class - we also describe signature strengths as the character strengths that energize us.)
Phasic strengths = strengths that arise in particular situations where/when they are needed
Lesser strengths = strengths expressed to a lesser degree or frequency
From what I understand, Character Strengths are categorized into 6 virtues: Wisdom, Courage, Humanity, Justice, Temperance, and Transcendence. For more details on the virtues and Character Strengths:
Link to descriptions of the 24 strengths
Link to VIA Classification of strengths
Character Strengths for WWX & LWJ
(A personal opinion)
The following are the strengths that I see in Wei WuXian (WWX) and Lan WangJi (LWJ). Note, these are just the ones that I keep seeing a pattern of as I keep watching and reading the materials.
Wei WuXian
(Wisdom) Creativity, Judgement, Perspective
(Courage) Bravery, Perseverance, Zest
(Humanity) Love, Kindness
(Justice) Fairness, Leadership
(Temperance) [In my notes, I literally have written down: "WWX - lol @ temperance"]
(Transcendence) Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence, Hope, and Humor.
Lan WangJi
(Wisdom) Judgement, Perspective, (maybe) Love of Learning
(Courage) Bravery, Perseverance, Honesty
(Humanity) Love, Kindness
(Justice) Fairness, Leadership
(Temperance) Forgiveness, Humility, Prudence, Self-Regulation [aka all of them X-D]
(Transcendence) Spirituality
Some basic thoughts right after making the above list:
Their characters initially come off as being polar opposites (one is practically silent while the other literally cannot shut up without the help of a silencing spell). However, their relationship works really well because they actually have extremely similar characters. The way they express themselves are completely different, but their values align VERY strongly.
Signature Strengths (in no intentional order):
Wei WuXian
Lan WangJi
Basic thoughts on the signature strengths:
The author intentionally didn't let us in on LWJ's inner dialogue/perspective, so it's hard for me to gauge whether these strengths energize him as a person. Instead, I looked at it from the angle of what I felt like his baseline personality is and what I think he would value most in himself and in others.
I saw a post that described WWX as actually being very domestic, and I tend to agree with this. If he could have it his way, he would just hunt pheasants, pick lotus seeds, and live a rural, farm life with his hubby. He just wants to have fun and enjoy life. This is the angle that I came at for choosing his signature strengths. I also feel like these are the character strengths he ultimately always falls back to when he's in his default/autopilot mode (aka, there's not a problem he needs to solve).
Phasic Strengths
What I consider to be their phasic strengths would then be the other strengths I listed for them but didn't include for their signature strengths.
Misc. thoughts around WWX and LWJ's phasic strengths:
Every time WWX displays Perspective and Leadership around the juniors (ex.: Dafan mountain and Yi City) 🦆🐤🐤🐤🐤🦆
LWJ's Leadership and his Lan sect ducklings 🦆🐤🐤
WWX and LWJ displaying Judgement together throughout the novel as they solve the NMJ case
My heart breaking with WWX's Perseverance and Hope during the Wen clan/Burial Mound times
In CQL/Untamed, LWJ sneaking into the Cloud Recesses secret library so he can write music that helps WWX manage his temper/nature ❤️
Did I choose Appreciation of B&E for WWX because of how often he admires and waxes on about LWJ? Maybe…
An additional thought:
I think I didn't end up choosing any of the Temperance virtues for LWJ's signature strengths because so much of his Temperance strengths seem to stem from growing up as a model student in the GuSu Lan sect. These traits are very much true to who he is as a person (he lives and breathes the values), but like… I don't have enough info to differentiate between what is actually him and what is his teachings. Like, there are several times (sorry, can't think of examples at the moment) where he's at odds with himself because he believes and feels one thing and it opposes what he's been taught growing up. Thus, I just ended up leaving them out of his signature strengths.
Lesser Strengths
Their lesser strengths are the strengths I did not list for them (aka, Those strengths exist within each of them. They just aren't the strengths they naturally lean on / They are the strengths they use in very specific situations.)
Misc. thoughts on their lesser strengths:
I mean… they obviously have social intelligence… but it definitely took a while with each other 😝. 
Just… WWX and Self-regulation 😝
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Happy Drac-O-Ween
Chapter 16 / 31
A few weeks had passed and the house was still buzzing with preparations for the girls birthday come courting celebrations. As Dracula browsed through the halls, hands folded behind his back, his eyes weaving their way from project to project, he couldn’t help but wonder: why so much faff for one day? Of course, when he was human he’d never celebrated a birthday, it was the rich that would celebrate them, they could afford them after all. Masses of food served for the masses that attended, a jug of wine & ale that seemed bottomless, and of course all the entertainment one could desire at their feet. But for Dracula, his birthday was barely acknowledged. There was simply too much work to be done to try and get that extra coin or extra trade to feed or keep the family warm. His birthday present was nothing more than a reminder that he was lucky to be alive, that he was given the gift of life. Even as he’d gotten older, and ultimately promoted to war lord & advisor to Vlad Tepes, there was no time to celebrate his birthday, not even when he’d had money to live comfortably. He had wars to plan & win. Even with his transformation to vampyre, he didn’t celebrate his ‘deathday’ as he’d call it. So, seeing all these candles, silver, silks, and lace all laid out for an 18 year old girl who didn’t even want to celebrate her day, he couldn’t work his brain around it all. Apart from the fact that it was more to impress her possible future husband.  As Dracula passed the entrance leading down into the servants kitchens, he’d heard a male cry out, and the scuttling of several feet. That’s when the smell hit him, that familiar heady scent of iron. Blood was oozing somewhere. With a lick of his lip, and a sharp in take of breath, the Count couldn’t resist but make his way down to see what all the commotion was about. Ducking his head under the door & into the servants hall, he saw several pairs of shoulders, and a leg smothered in crimson disappearing down another walkway, heading toward what he remembered was the boot room. He trailed after them quickly, partly because the smell was making him ravenous but also because he was incredibly nosy. As he entered the room, he saw that bleeding leg belonged to no other than Egon. Dracula’s eyes seemed as though they’d darkened, glaring at the human under butler, silently chastising him with his cold hard stare. “What happened?” he asked with barely an ounce of care in his tone. Gone unnoticed, due to the searing pain he was in, Egon cried out “Fell out of a tree” before knocking his head back into the hard wood of the table. Another servant reached a hand to steady Egon’s head, not wanting yet another injury to deal with. That same servant turned his head to address The Count “Our resident game keeper has taken ill, so Egon decided to hunt for the pheasant for the Duchess Valeria’s birthday instead. A wild boar had startled him, and where he’d tried to shoot that instead, he fell. I believe he’s broken his leg...” the servant, younger than Egon, perhaps around the age of 25, looked more terrified by the possibility than Egon had & he was the one with the injury.  “Have you checked it? Sometimes, excessive bleeding is merely a scratch.” The Count asked. “Sir, I don’t think it’s appropriate for you to be in the room. It is not something your eyes should see.” the young servant tried to argue but Dracula interjected “I served as a successful war lord for several years, I have killed & butchered many men in my time. Some blood & broken bone won’t do me harm.”  “I’m afraid it might me...” The servant muttered under their breath, where none of the others would hear, Dracula heard as clear as day.  “Then allow me to inspect it. A little blood never sat uncomfortably with me.” With that, Dracula didn’t even wait for permission from any of the staff, he didn’t need their permission, he was higher up in the world than they are after all. He’d barged past the staff, then curled over the limb, fingers lightly touching at Egon’s trouser, not wanting to apply too much pressure, merely feel if the bone was broken. Evidently, it was. He could feel the bone protruding in a fashion that was nothing as it should be. Dracula straightened himself up, turning to address the staff who’d taken a step back as he worked. “You’re going to need to hold him down.” he snapped his fingers at different men, then pointed at different parts of Egons body for them to hold down. In a short sharp shock, Dracula pulled Egon’s pant leg up & exposed quite the gruesome scene before him. The skin of his shin had ruptured, splitting in an uneven pattern, while the bone itself protruded outward with jagged edges. Egon cried out as Dracula tore the material aside, a mixture of fresh air burning at the wound, and the slightest movement causing him pain.  “Fetch me two planks, some rope, and something for him to bite onto.” he ordered about as though he was a skilled doctor. He didn’t mind getting hands on, keeping a cool head despite the blood, carefully rotating Egon’s leg, & trying to figure out the best way to snap the bone back into position. It was only a moment later that the required pieces he’d asked for had come into his position. “I need two men at my side, one holding the planks, the other the rope.” and without debate, two men had instantly volunteered. “The rest of you, hold him down tightly, get him to bite down, this isn’t going to be pleasant.” for them that was, not for him. Without a count down, Dracula snapped the bone back. Even with all his inhuman strength, it was no easy feat. For the human readers, the comparison you could have is returning a felled tree back into it’s upright position. But with a sharp snap, and not to mention a scream from Egon that could wake the gods of Hell, Dracula had managed to reposition the bone. The two men at his side instantly got to work, lining the planks either side of the leg, then wrapping the rope tightly to keep the leg from moving out of position. “Fetch Egon something strong to drink, heavens know he needs it.” He didn’t give this order to anyone in particular but one member of staff had willingly disappeared to do it, more than likely due to the fact he didn’t want to see anymore than he already had. Other staff members had gradually begun to phase out. Dracula loomed over Egon, wanting to pass a message on for his ears only. “And don’t you dare die tonight. I’m in no mood to keep a sharp leash on a newborn vampire.” he hissed at his personal blood bag.  “Count?” the young, ill looking servant from earlier shuffled on his feet “You mentioned earlier you were a war lord, and that you have no problem killing someone, this is merely a suggestion b-but seeing as our game keeper is ill, and the only man in service who knows how to fire a gun is also injured... Would it be rude to ask if... you would hunt for the prize game for the duchess’ celebrations?”  Looking from the servant, to Egon’s leg, then back Dracula thought it over a moment. He hadn’t been hunting for quite some time, given that he’d feed from Egon whenever he’d pleased, Dracula had become quite the fat housecat. “It’d be my pleasure too.”
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Hello. Really appreciate your blog (:
Do you know of any free/cheap ways people can help the environment (I’m UK based myself but I’m sure there’s things worldwide)
Some that I know of are:
(The RSPB do a ton of free stuff!)
And this is for people to share with their local schools and communities:
Free trees! Yay!
the things you do, personally, will not help the environment much. you can plant wild flowers, have bird feeders you clean frequently, provide safe insect hotels, and get something to deter outdoor cats from your yard, but ultimately, you ain't gonna dent the climate crisis if that's your angle! for that we gotta get rid of those pesky billionaires. and no, going vegan doesn't help, don't kid yourself. UK wise, support deer shoots, as invasive deer cause a lot of damage, and venison is better for you (and delicious!). pheasant I'd say avoid but they'll get released and hunted regardless, just know pheasants and partridges together make up half the UK's bird biomass. maybe find local people giving pheasant/partridge away instead of buying them, and take part in campaigns to regulate how pheasants are bred and released. and of course, advocate for indoor cats. no excuse, no exception.
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zarilia · 4 years
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Seriously watching that shit Mountbatten getting blown to pieces was so satisfying!
This whole scene was a masterpiece! The tension is built up slowly as EIIR and Anne venture on a hunt. Meanwhile Philip’s indulging in pheasant shooting and it’s more intense, with a rifle, so many lifeless birds being piled on a stack. Animals being killed for pleasure, just to feel of power. Disgusting! Also Charles with his innocent fishing, like has to kill the fish to show he’s worth anything at all. Finally Dicky “mercifully” releasing the lobster with eggs. Then - BOOM! - goes Mountbatten! And all accompanied by ominous music that becomes more unsettling with each life taken! Don’t forget his funeral voiced with “To Irish Republicans, Lord Mountbatten was the ultimate symbol of imperialist oppression” instead of a funeral speech. Chef’s kiss!
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chnqin · 4 years
My Epic MDZS/The Untamed Daemon AU
I’m sure other people have already done Daemon AUs, but this idea wouldn’t leave me alone. I have been working on this for like three weeks now.
I just wrote down my first instinctive thought for most characters, and then researched* further into subspecies etc. What I found for a lot of the animals made me agree with my first opinion even more, although all of these are obviously just my own opinions. I also decided to stick to non-mythological animals. (some characters have been given a lot more consideration than others, I’m sorry)
Wei Wuxian: beech marten Beech martens are quick and clever. The are nocturnal, omnivores, and skilled swimmers. They move through paths made by larger animals such as hares in the snow. {further notes under read more}
Lan Wangji: white hare More solitary animals. They have an association with the moon, which I tend to associate LWJ with. {f/n}
Jiang Cheng: osprey Aquatic birds; good hunters. {f/n}
Lan Xichen: white stag {f/n}
Jiang Yanli: asian black bear {explained in detail under the read more}
Jin Zixuan: lion Ngl it’s probably because the Persian pokemon reminds me of him
Jin Guangyao: domestic cat {f/n}
Nie Huiasang: pangolin {f/n}
Nie Mingju: wolf {f/n}
Wen Qing: Chinese sparrowhawk {f/n}
Wen Ning: black Formosan mountain dog (tuguo) {f/n}
Lan Sizhui: Xiasi Quan dog or red panda or badger {f/n}
Jin Ling: lion {f/n}
Lan Jingi: monkey They’re respected animals but also have a mischievous side
Ouyen Zihzen: capybara No, they’re not native to China, but this is what I imagined him as and I couldn’t get it out of my head or find a perfect substitute
Xiao Xinchen: swan He just gives me major swan vibes, possibly something to do with Swan Lake (as do some Lans but they’re not graceful in the same way or tragic in the same way)
Song Lan: oriental hobby falcon or black horse He struck me as some sort of raptor, but I also liked a horse for him 
Luo Qingyang/Mianmian: lynx
Lan Qiren: sheep Symbolise filial piety. Also follow other people without question (*cough* the Lan Sect elders)
Jiang Fengiman: otter Spends a lot of time around the water, just what popped into my head
Yu Ziyuan: snake Because Zidian
The Jiang Sect favour animals who live near or on the water, some even possessing daemons which are fully aquatic, and thus are unable to leave Lotus Pier
The Lan Sect usually have herbivore animals for daemons and favour swift, elegant animals.
The Jins tend towards lions and panthers, but also flashy, rich birds like pheasants and peacocks (which makes WWX’s nickname for JZX even more funny).
The Nies often have pack or herd animals. Wolves and mountain lions are very common, but also a lot of horned animals like oxen, mountain goats and sheep (bighorn sheep and ibex are common), and also wild boar.
The Wens were typically birds of prey (the Dire Owl becomes Wen Chao’s daemon) or mountain cats.
The Yus often have daemons which take reptile form. Wildcats also common.  I quite like the idea that the Yus are a sect which has cultivated the ability to separate themselves from their daemons.
~Further notes on why I picked these animals, Daemon settling, angsty AUs of my AU, and research disclaimer under the cut~
Story & Research Notes:
(I’m going with the idea that trauma can make a daemon settle into a particular form)
WWX A marten was the first thing to come to mind for WWX, I have no idea why, but the more I thought about it the more I liked it. They’re really inquisitive, playful, and cute, but are also predators and will fuck you up if necessary.  A crow was another obvious choice because they’re curious and inventive, but with a bit of a dark connotation. However, in my version at least (I’m not great on His Dark Materials canon), Daemons usually settle in the early teens, and at that point WWX really didn’t have as much darkness in him as he develops later. 
I think WWX was one of those people whose daemon changed with every thought and feeling of his, whose daemon changed so rapidly and so repeatedly that people would complain of motion sickness watching it. His daemon’s most common forms were a martin, a magpie, an otter (which drove Madam Yu nuts), and (after JYL’s settled) very occasionally a bear.
When WWX comes back most people don’t realise anything is wrong because Mo Xuanyu always hid his daemon (I think it was probably something like a field mouse although how funny would it be if Little Apple was actually his daemon and WWX unknowingly inherited her along with the body), so they just think his has settled into something too big to hide now. However, his beech martin is the other reason Lan Wangji knows who Wei Wuxian is (WWX’s daemon hides from Jiang Cheng at Dafan Mountain, so JC only suspects it’s WWX). (Angsty AU further down)
LWJ I know that arctic hares aren’t native to China, but I want you to pretend that something like that does exist because I need lwj to have a white hare daemon. They are also bigger than other hares and cuter (they look slightly less cursed than some hares do). I’m imagining a lot of the daemons being slightly bigger than their real-life animal counterparts would be, so imagine the ears coming up to a normal person’s hip-height when the daemon is sitting. Rabbits can also apparently symbolise hope, and that suits someone who is known to go where the chaos is, bringing hope and light in the darkness. 
As a child, LWJ’s daemon was expressive in a way he never could be. It liked to take snow leopard form a lot, which was seen as excessively violent to the Lan sect, who preferred non-carnivorous animals, and often snarled at people. His daemon always took snow leopard form when visiting his mother so it could curl up with her tiger daemon. 
LWJ’s daemon settled exceptionally early, shortly after his mother’s death, into an acceptable hare form. Lan Xichen always wondered if LWJ himself made his daemon settle, if she was not supposed to have been a snow leopard all along, and so always looks upon LWJ’s daemon with a bit of sadness because he feels like it was LWJ stifling - almost killing off - a part of his personality (spoiler: it was) in order to fit into the Lan sect.
(More on that in an angsty AU below)
JC Ngl, I wanted to make Jiang Cheng a goose because they’re always angry but I didn’t. Jiang Cheng shifted mostly between a hunting dog and a mouse as a child, both of which infuriated Yu Ziyuan (honestly what she wanted her children’s daemons to be even I don’t know). Jiang Cheng’s daemon settled very late (another thing his mother wasn’t happy with). In fact, it didn’t settle till the attack on Lotus Pier and the death of his parents, when it took the shape of an osprey (because he wanted to be able to fly away and pretend none of it ever happened). 
Even more angsty: One Chinese poem has the Osprey as a symbol of marital harmony and fidelity. Upon seeing his parents death, finally united in a way they hadn’t been in life, JC’s constant wish for his parents to love each other (and, by extension, him) physically manifests itself in his daemon.
JYL I know what you’re thinking. Why the hell did you give Jiang Yanli a bear of all people. Well I’ll tell you. For two reasons: one, because I can do what I want, and two, because I would say one of JYL’s most central characteristics is her wish to look after people. She’s not physically strong in the way most other cultivators are, however, and she’s always having to keep the peace at home - and so I can see her daemon becoming a physical manifestation of that need to protect (bears are known to be protective, particularly mothers), and a physical example of her inner strength which is so often overlooked.
Yanli shifted between a dove, a crane, and a maritime striped squirrel for most of her childhood. She favoured the squirrel and dove (incredibly mild animals) over the crane, which disappointed Madam Yu.  It’s one of the reasons Jin Zixuan never saw her as a potential match, her daemon too small and docile to match his almost constant lion daemon.
When Jiang Yanli was around fourteen Madam Yu took things with Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng too far one day, and Yanli saw it. Her daemon suddenly shifted into a bear, a form it had never taken up to that point, and jumped on Yu Ziyuan’s snake daemon. WWX and JC always remembered Yanli standing in the doorway, her expression placid while her huge bear daemon growled with absolute fury and menace. Everyone expected Yanli’s daemon to go back to its usual squirrel or dove form, but it never did. It remained a bear, and remained the biggest daemon of pretty much anyone in any of the sects.
I had already picked a crane as one of JYL’s potential daemons because of its connection to water and positive symbolism in China. Upon further (hopefully accurate) research, I saw that cranes depicted with lotuses in Chinese art symbolise purity and longevity, and I liked making her daemon a bear even more, because her daemon took that form to protect WWX and JC - years after her death, they both wondered if, had her daemon had taken crane form, maybe she wouldn’t have died. From what I found, “crane” is also a homophone for 合 hé “peace, harmony”, which is a quality Jiang Yanli had much of, and tried to inspire in others.
LXC I think its LXC’s hairpiece which always makes me think of deer antlers (even though it’s a dragon?), so that’s probably why I immediately thought of a stag for him. But stags are also very noble and refined looking animals which don’t tend towards violence, but also have horns for a reason. Obviously, like with LWJ, it’s a white stag because aesthetique. Upon further research, I discovered a (hopefully correct) source which says 鹿 lù (deer) is a homonym with 璐 lù (precious jade), and the character for deer is used within the character 丽 lì ‘beautiful; elegant’ - both fit LXC very well.
JGY Cats are sneaky little fuckers (I say this with love). The ultimate predator in small unassuming form. Many of the main Jin family have big cat daemons so this is kind of another smack in the face for JGY - so close to being a real part of the Jin family, but still kept apart from them - and something people like to bring up along with his mother. However, many Jins are also birds (including JGS), and cats prey on birds.
NHS I thought a fox was a bit on the nose. Also I like the way pangolin’s just drop and curl up in defence - it’s a viable form of protection, but to the outside appears cowardly. However, their scales are sharp and can cut predators who come after them. Also I didn’t want him to fit into any of his sect’s typical animals. Also also imagine how cute it would look being carried around everywhere by NHS because it’s too lazy to walk, absolutely adorable.
NMJ A wolf was what immediately came to mind for Nie Mingjue. Wolves are apparently sometimes associated with greed, self-interest, and lechery, but I think the pack elements and the carnivore/hunting nature of the wolf really suits NMJ and the Nie clan in general, so I decided to overlook that aspect (although I did briefly consider making JGS a wolf, but I like them as animals too much in real life to do that to them and also he doesn’t have a soul, so he doesn’t get a daemon).
WQ I always saw Wen Qing as some sort of hawk, I just think it suits her very well. The Chinese sparrowhawk is quite small and very beautiful. It has white, red and grey colours. They are good hunters and swift flyers. 
WN I knew I wanted Wen Ning to be some sort of dog because he’s very loyal, and also (angsty) when the Jins call the Wens dogs I wanted that to hurt even more. He’s very unusual for a Wen, none of the main sect have dog daemons - it is very much a thing that is specific to their branch of the Wen family. The mountain dog I picked for him is an endangered breed, which I also felt fitted WN well. From what I found, dogs symbolise watchful wisdom, honesty, and loyalty, which all fit Wen Ning. 
This was all perfect till I remembered WWX’s all-consuming fear of dogs. I decided to get round this by cheating and saying that for some reason daemons are different and he’s not scared of them (because they represent a part of someone’s soul, rather than being a real animal? I guess?? Please do not look too hard at this delicately constructed card tower) 
Angsty version: when Wen Ning becomes a fierce corpse he loses his daemon, another reason people are unsettled by him and another thing WWX feels guilty about.
LSZ I think Lan Sizhui was the hardest to pick. I couldn’t decide which way to go: should he follow a “Lan approved” daemon pattern; should he have a bird like Wen Qing and a lot of other Wens? Then I saw the Xiasi Quan and it’s white and fluffy and cute but it was also a hunting and a guard dog, which seemed right for him. And I liked that it gave LSZ and WN this one very tangible connection. It is also endangered.  However, I also liked a red panda and a badger for Lan Sizhui too. I really couldn’t decide between the three. I like them all, why is he the hardest to choose for? (I’m still not 100% happy with this, let me know if you have any alternative suggestions)
Again, please suspend your disbelief at the fact that WWX’s child has a dog daemon and he’s fine with this (it would have looked so cute as a little puppy running around the Burial Mounds though).
When he was younger his daemon liked to take on the forms of those closest to him. So you’d often see a bby marten running after WWX’s daemon, a tiny bird perched with Wen Qing’s sparrow-hawk, a puppy following Wen Ning’s dog around, and a tiny bby rabbit in Cloud Recesses. As he got older it shifted between the dog, a red panda, and a badger. (maybe I’ll just say his hasn’t settled yet and that’s why I can’t decide)
JL Jin Ling definitely also had a daemon which shifted because of a) his loved ones and b) his mood, and he hated it. As if his own explosive temper didn’t give him away enough, his daemon always showed his exact feelings. When he wanted nothing more than his mother to be there it would be a bear. When he was feeling defensive about his parents it would turn into a lion (this happens when he and WWX first meet and any time people talk about his parents’ deaths). When he was younger his daemon spent a lot of time as a cat and a bird, although different types to what his uncles had. 
Jin Ling’s daemon still hasn’t settled when WWX is resurrected, and he is absolutely mortified the one time it decides to turn into a beech marten like WWX’s. Eventually it will settle into a lion, and WWX will pretend to be grumpy that it didn’t choose a bear instead.
Angsty AUs:
Daemons are linked to golden cores Jiang Cheng loses his daemon along with his core. When Wei Wuxian’s core is removed it’s more like when daemons and humans are separated in the books. His daemon stays with him, but can move about freely - this is part of what causes WWX to rapidly destabilise, not just resentful energy. Jiang Cheng always feels weirdly aware of WWX’s daemon after that but doesn’t know why. WWX’s daemon is technically connected to JC too, and also finds this weird. JC also can’t work out why his daemon never came back with his golden core, and that loss is part of why he’s so angry and isolated.
The effect of trauma on Daemons Another angsty au is based on the idea that, if trauma can make your daemon settle early, then trauma can also make it change.
When Wei Wuxian is thrown into the Burial Mounds, he wishes so hard to be able to fly that his beech marten turns into a crow (because I do love a crow for him too). I kind of like the idea that after the Burial Mounds WWX’s daemon almost un-settles itself, and can change between a marten and a crow. This really freaks people out and is another reason people say he’s dangerous.
Similarly, after Wei Ying’s death and the Lan sect’s punishment, Lan Wangji wakes up to find his daemon has shifted from its hare to snow leopard form. In his soul, LWJ feels like if he had been less passive and actually stood with WWX then his soulmate would still be alive. His daemon changes from a more passive hare to the more aggressive snow leopard.
He’s criticised by the elders for it, but they shut up when his daemon flattens theirs, while LWJ’s face remains an impassive mask but his eyes promise murder. WWX is really sad when he comes back to see LWJ’s hare gone and blames himself for causing LWJ so much trauma his daemon changed. (personally if I were writing a Daemon AU this is what I would have happen, because I love LWJ with a snow leopard daemon - they symbolise bravery and martial ferocity, while rabbits are virtue and gentleness, and I feel like these two both accurately represent the two sides of LWJ. I really feel like LWJ has a huge shift in himself after WWX’s death which would be represented in his daemon. It also is, in a way, a return of a core part of himself which was lost after his mother’s death)
Sword/Instrument substitute Mixing Daemons with sword sprits - the animal becomes a physical representation of the spiritual tool. Some people could therefore have more than one daemon (for example, LWJ could have Bichen - his rabbit sword daemon - and Wangji - his snow leopard guqin daemon)
Angsty version: WWX actually does die in the burial mounds and Suibian, his beech martin, dies/changes into Chenqing, a raven/crow.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.  .·。.·゜✭·.·✫·゜·。..・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. 
If you are reading this you have made it to the end of this post, well done.
 I wanted to make it shorter but I had too many ideas and wanted to explain my reasoning for my choices and decided just to put it all in one post rather than lots of little ones.
*Disclaimer: I know only the smallest amount of Chinese, and have taken all my information about imagery, word meanings, and homophones etc from web-sources, and so it is very possible I have made mistakes. Though I have, to the best of my abilities, attempted to check on the cultural/artistic meaning, if any, that certain animals have in Chinese culture, the internet lies and I can’t get any decent books on it atm as the libraries are closed, so I’m really sorry if there are errors and I hope people will forgive any mistakes or blunders I might have made. 
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janvangouden · 4 years
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a hunter investigates a ghost in the woods that has been plaguing the village & terrorizing the other local hunters, only to find it to be a long lost friend. longer short story, about 20 pages in normal format. written by jan van gouden.
The hunter Genjirou liked to fancy himself a bit of a local celebrity, as he brought in the majority of the food for the village– fat pheasants, meaty rabbits, even sometimes a wild boar. The village was one that did not so much pride itself on its inhabitants’ individualism as it did their sense of community. They didn’t care to have the claim to fame of any famous actor born there, nor any famous samurai… they cared for one another deeply, & silently agreed not to get caught up in any selfish ambition. The artists of Passions collaborated & worked on elaborate projects together, the children always played together, the hunters often hunted together.
Despite his self-assurance, Genjirou was actually quite unpopular amongst the villagers, & considered rude for hunting individually. They did not care for his talent, and while they ate his food, they did not do it with so much enjoyment, perhaps finding it soured by his individualism. Nobody in Passions liked to gossip, but if they did, there would certainly be some cruel words exchanged about the hunter behind his back, especially from the other hunters, who were deep-down jealous of the considerable stock he seemed to always bring back every time he hunted.
Genjirou did not pay these sentiments any mind, even as he was intimately aware they were abrew. He’d grown up parent-less and knew he at least had some of the village’s sympathy over at least that fact, & that they presumed he was so stand-offish because he felt he was alone in the world. Sometimes a pretty young maiden, Fuku, sought him out and offered him lilies from her garden, but he rejected her kindness. He did not do so cruelly, only smiling and asking if she didn’t have anybody more handsome to tend her attentions to, that a pretty girl like her shouldn’t worry over a guy like him…
This only spurred Fuku’s interest in him, & she’d secretly follow him on hunts sometimes, watching with intense interest as he played his game. Fish, deer, wild boar, & even a bear once! Over the course of a few weeks, her friends finally convinced her to stop following him & offering lilies, & she did, although deep in her heart she still loved him.
“Look at that Genjirou, there’s a storm brewing on his face,” a village elder murmured to her husband, fanning herself as the two sat on a bench outside a small store. “He’s probably realising he can’t stop pushing the world away, but is in denial,” her husband chuckled, as he knit away at what looked like a baby sweater. “He’s young, isn’t he, only twenty-two? He’s probably going through a phase… not too long ago, he used to be quite social.”
They chuckled quietly but averted their gaze when Genjirou stomped by, pale, rushing into the store. The store owner couldn’t help but to giggle when he walked in, propping her arm up on the counter. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” she remarked, choosing to busy herself with dusting off some vases.
“Why did nobody tell me a man was murdered in the woods?” Genjirou exclaimed, staring at her like she was a monster. He had come across a corpse earlier that day, already purplish from decay, bloated beyond recognition, & on full display in the middle of the grounds where he usually hunted. “You would have known if you hunted with the others,” she scolded him, flicking her feather duster towards him. Genjirou grit his teeth. Sometimes the people of Passions worked on his nerves insatiably– he was introverted by nature, shy, & didn’t like to constantly associate with others like everyone else seemed to, & it always seemed to blow up in his face. Namely, everybody always knew “the scoop” on everything, while he was left blind as a bat on any news, & had to practically beg.
He already knew the shopkeeper knew the story behind the corpse. His demeanor suddenly grew much more meek, and sheepish, as he asked, “What is the story behind him? It’s odd a body just lies so disgracefully in the middle of a clearing like that.”
She pursed her lips. “I’m afraid you’ll have to ask the hunters; they told me not to tell you the story… as for why he was there…” A hum; she wrinkled her nose in disapproval and lowered her voice. “That was a mean prank; they were messing with you because you never hunt with them… I don’t like to gossip, but I think it was very rude, not to mention disrespectful to the deceased, that they did that… I think they’ll be lucky if they’re not haunted on their next hunts.”
A glint of curiosity shone in her eyes. “What did you do when you saw the body? I think I would have passed out, tee hee.”
“I buried it,” Genjirou said simply. He found it disgraceful already how the disfigured corpse was laid out in the middle of the grass, even if it was clothed in burial robes, but he found it even more disgraceful somebody had placed it there on purpose.
“You buried it!” she gasped, putting a hand to her mouth. “That’s even more scary… what if it wants a grave? What if it haunts the whole village? Oh, oh….” She paused. “...one more thing… please don’t tell the hunters I told you about what they did when you get with them. I have a bit of a big mouth, if I’m being honest. But, you weren’t supposed to know they moved the corpse. Only ask about the corpse itself, ok?”
Genjirou felt his mood entirely ruined, but, grumbling, he agreed, then left the store to find the hunters.
He found them easily, like they were hoping to be found, outside a building exchanging words & laughing. When Genjirou approached them, they fell silent, and the humour in their eyes turned a reproachful coldness. They wore their hair in prim and trim top-knots, as was customary, while Genjirou wore his uncut & loose, only inviting more scorn from the villagers. Scorn, scorn, scorn. He sometimes just wanted to go wild, feeling like no matter what he did, it wouldn’t matter; he wouldn’t be accepted anyways!
“Good afternoon, Genjirou,” one spoke up, putting a hand up to him. “How was the hunt?”
“What was with the corpse in the woods?”
The hunters exchanged a few odd looks with one another. “Oh, you saw it, too? Wasn’t that scary? He wasn’t someone from our village, we know that for sure.”
Genjirou wanted to ask them to cut the bullshit, but he was too polite. Still, a wrinkle in his brow conveyed his frustration. “What’s his story? Who was he? Why was he just out in the open like that?”
After a long silence, one finally said, “Choyakoshi. We’re guessing that’s his name, anyways, since the characters were crudely written in ink on his kimono somewhere.” Choyakoshi had worn a slightly tattered, dirtied white kimono. It was folded right-over-left, meaning he must have been buried in it. “Why wasn’t he buried?” Genjirou repeated his question, but worded it differently.
The hunters exchanged glances with each other, & ultimately shrugged. “We don’t know, either. We’re sending one of the morticians to the mountain tomorrow to see what he can figure out.”
“You don’t need to do that,” Genjirou said hesitantly, drawing questioning glances. “I already buried him.”
“You buried him!” one of the hunters exclaimed. “What if he isn’t happy with the burial, & he haunts our village because of it?!”
“Then let him!” Genjirou spat. “I’ll be happier with that!”
He stormed off, blocking out the commotion the other hunters caused in his trail.
Did you hear that? I know Genjirou isn’t very social, but I think he totally hates us!
How dare he! We haven’t done anything to him, & now he’s practically wishing some ghost would come haunt us?
What nerve! What if this Choyakoshi is a cruel and vengeful spirit?
Genjirou didn’t let their words get to him– he knew that no matter what he did, they’d find some reason to dislike him. Same old same old.
At least, he thought their words didn’t get to him. That evening, nobody touched a lick of the considerably-smaller-than-usual bit of food he’d brought to the village dinner, and not even Fuku attempted to say a word to him, averting her gaze when he pleadingly looked over at her. She giggled instead with her friend, ignoring him as he stared emptily at his plate.
In times of good weather, the village always insisted every dinner be shared, outside, and the village leader would make a big deal about having a vast space cleared out, and every person who could cook or hunt or farm bringing something to the great potluck. Genjirou attended because he felt obligated to more than anything, but after quietly finishing his food, his sense of obligation disappeared, along with him, as he receded to his house.
It was considered very rude to leave before everybody had finished eating, and of course, there was a tiny uproar and a string of murmurs as Genjirou left. He’s so cold; what’s his problem?
It’s bad enough that he already hunts alone… does he really have to make such a point out of being an outcast?
I wish he would just be friends with us already. Can’t he see how hard we’re trying to help him fit in?
Parents or no parents, you’d think that after twenty-two years of living here, he’d know how to behave. Tsk.
Genjirou felt immensely weak and pitiful as he brushed tears from his eyes that night, silently sobbing himself to sleep. He didn’t get out of bed the following morning to hunt as he usually did, finding he couldn’t work up the energy nor the passion to. In fact, he slept until about noon, and even when he officially woke up, he just lay there, contemplating if in fact he was very rude and dislikable, and whether he should work on his personality. He self-consciously fretted, melting into a puddle of his own thoughts, and crying, for a good two hours, unable to piece together just why he was feeling so miserable.
He was fairly well-off from what money he did make selling furs & other homemade goods from the leftovers of his prey to other villages & sometimes the villagers. He was very fit, & had someone who he knew had a crush on him, even if he wasn’t interested, so he couldn’t be ugly. He didn’t feel particularly sad, so why was he still crying? If nothing else, he was very thankful no one from the village could see him in such a pitiful state.
Right as he thought this, a knock sounded at the door and he stifled a yelp, quickly wiping as much from his eyes as he could. The knock sounded again, more urgently, and he squinted as he opened the door, the sun glaring at him from up above. “Genjirou, I don’t want to sound accusatory, but–” It was the shopkeeper, Toyo, rapidly fanning herself. “–have you been hunting today?”
“I just woke up,” Genjirou said so earnestly she knew he wasn’t lying. “Oh, it’s just terrible… the hunters sent me to come get you; they want you to come to my shop…”
“Why didn’t they come get me themselves?” Genjirou asked, irritated. Toyo fanned herself, hiding the lower half of her face, eyes shifting to the side. Genjirou didn’t ask again. “Fine. May I at least know what happened?”
“They wanted to tell you themselves… don’t tell them I told you already, but the hunter Hideto died today… he’d been pierced by an arrow! Please follow me… they’re trying to blame you for it; they’re very sore right now.”
Genjirou didn’t bother cleaning up, & garnered some odd looks as he followed Toyo through town, still wearing his sleeping robes, hair disheveled and eyes heavy. It was clear that, at two o’clock in the afternoon, he had just gotten out of bed. For the villagers, who usually operated on a clock from eight A.M to nine P.M, this was very unusual. At the store, Genjirou was immediately confronted by the remaining seven of the eight hunters. “Were you out hunting today, Genjirou?” one spit accusingly, jabbing a finger against his chest. “I was not!” Genjirou immediately defended himself, covering his chest, half to protect it, and half self-consciously, as he realised it was mostly bare.
Toyo pretended to be busy in the background, feverishly organising some trinkets on a high shelf in order from small to large and then back to large to small. The hunters glared at him suspiciously, but like Toyo, they had no reason not to believe the man who looked like he’d just woken up. Good thing I wasn’t, he thought to himself, thinking back on his profound moment of sadness. As awful as it had been, it saved him from getting tangled up in these accusations. “Hideto died,” another hunter lamented, fiddling with an arrow from his satchel. “He was shot by an arrow, like this one… but it wasn’t any of ours.”
The men all suddenly seemed very sheepish, and looked downwards, realising how pointless it was to question the man. They knew he made an easy scapegoat, and they knew they were accusing him for no reason. Not all seemed to let the matter go so easily, however, as one suddenly spoke up, “It must be that Choyakoshi ghost! He’s probably furious he wasn’t given a proper burial!”
The other hunters were quick to agree with him, and again, Genjirou was put in the negative spotlight, this time blamed for the hypothetical haunting. Now he was the one hanging his head low, not having the energy to argue with them. Instead, he quietly trudged out of the store back to his house. The hunters took this as a victory and yelled behind him, but this time he truly paid them no mind, only wanting to sleep again. At least when he was asleep, he didn’t have to deal with any of the villagers’ drama. When he returned, he noticed a trampled bunch of chrysanthemums scattered in front of his house. He paid them no mind.
The following morning, he woke up with a splitting head and stomach ache, and remembered he hadn’t eaten, let alone drank, a thing the day before. He pulled on a proper robe and fixed his hair, hoping to be able to make it through the village unbothered. He left his bow and arrow and his swords at home, still not having the energy to hunt, and also not wanting to risk any more serious accusations. On his doorstep, he found a fresh bundle of pure white chrysanthemums, bound by a silk ribbon that smelled of lilac.
Smiling and suddenly feeling much better, he picked up the bouquet and carefully set it in a long-empty stone vase atop his dresser. He made a mental note to thank Fuku for the kind gesture later.
He purchased a bowl of soup, a lamb chop, and some water from Passions’s inn and restaurant. The shopkeeper had a sort of sad look in his eye as he watched Genjirou eat, and Genjirou avoided looking at him at all– he knew well what his reputation was in the village by now, and this man, like the rest of them, surely either pitied or hated him. He wanted to associate with neither sentiment. After he finished eating, he set out to find Fuku, walking a few rounds around the village in hopes of catching her outside. He found her, but when he did, she avoided his gaze and acted like she hadn’t heard him after he called out for her, instead turning to her friend and murmuring something. The two giggled and Genjirou froze, not daring to approach them anymore. He hated how timid he was sometimes, but decided it was better to be the dog with its tail between its legs than the lamb on the cutting board.
Still, it was perplexing. Why would she leave him flowers, then not even acknowledge him? Complicated feelings, maybe, or her friend didn’t like him. Whatever. He already had more than enough stressing him out as it stood; he certainly didn’t want to trifle with yet another thing.
As soon as he got home and was about to close the door behind him, a sandaled foot wedged itself in the doorway. Toyo! “Genjirou– I really hate to bother you again, but you-know-who is asking for your presence again in my humble shop.” She muttered, “Why don’t they do this stuff in one of their own places, anyways? I’m seriously about to ban them from entering more than one at a time.”
“Let me guess,” Genjirou huffed. “Someone else died?”
“Actually, yes.”
He immediately went pale, biting his lip. “Why do they keep bothering me about it?! I’m very sorry this is happening, but at the rate things are going, I might not even want to attend their funeral!”
“Oh, don’t say that,” Toyo hissed, fanning at the air as though she were combatting mini-ghosts. Her kimono was a brilliant white, decorated with koi and tangerine trees. The white reminded Genjirou of the corpse’s burial clothes, & he wondered if maybe this really was a haunting, & if he really was to blame. He suddenly blushed and apologised for his rudeness. “There’s no need to apologise; I don’t think they’re ghosts, yet… I say, you can do or say whatever you want as long as you know you won’t suffer any consequences. That’s why I’m very careful with my words.”
Right, Genjirou thought. How many secrets had she let loose in her lifetime?
“Anyways, please come with me… as you can imagine, they’re very bitter, and I’m sure it’s better you meet them in my store, which at least I know they don’t want to burn down.” She laughed nervously, looking the house in front of her up and down.
And so, Genjirou once again trudged to Toyo’s store, and he was once again chewed out. “I saw the ghost!” one hunter declared, putting up an arm high above himself. “He was this tall, but was definitely the corpse from the other day… he was armed with a bow and arrow surely laced with evil energy, and shot down poor Genta…”
Again, a finger was jabbed against Genjirou’s chest, with such force it knocked the younger man back a few steps. “...this is your doing, Genjirou!! If you hadn’t buried him… what did you do, just dig into the dirt a little and toss his body in there?!” Genjirou flushed a deep shade of crimson. That was exactly what he had done. “It’s better than letting his body rot out in the open!” he half-heartedly asserted, knowing there was no way he’d win this argument. “Tell that to Genta and Hideto!” the hunter sneered. The remaining six of the eight hunters seemed very self-assured they wouldn’t be the ones to die next, all their noses stuck in the air with a sort of pretentious air as they confronted Genjirou.
Deep in his mind, Genjirou couldn’t help but to ponder if anyone had even died at all, or if this was all just some twisted scheme to get back at him for hunting alone. The hunters didn’t seem particularly fazed beyond rage at their friends’ deaths; then again, they rarely ever showed any real emotion, and liked to poke fun at men who did, insulting them by calling them womanly. Genjirou always wondered if they were at all self-conscious of how insulting it was to find womanhood a “bad” trait, and if they were, if they cared.
Having no comeback, Genjirou dared himself to quietly retreat. Seeing that the hunters made no effort to stop him, he ran back to his house, not caring that they saw him as a total coward. Let the negatives stack up. A coward, a traitor, a bringer of evil, an asshole… what difference does it make if there is another bad thing said about me, when there is already so much? Genjirou, rolled up inside his blanket, found himself sobbing again, unable to control it. He had always felt at least tolerated in Passions, but now he felt outright disliked. The only pleasant thought he had as he drifted yet again into sleep, having nothing else to occupy himself with, came with the whiff of his chrysanthemums’ scent drifting by, evoking images of Fuku, who he felt was his only possible friend in the village.
He woke up very early in the morning, and found, yet again, by his doorstep, a fresh bundle of white chrysanthemums, tied with a silk ribbon. He managed to squeeze them next to the other bundle in the vase, and added some water. It was six in the morning; nobody in the village was awake yet. Feeling emboldened by this striking solitude, Genjirou retreated to put on his hunting clothes and grab his bow and arrow, deciding that he’d either confront the ghost or do what he enjoyed, hunting, without letting himself be dragged down by his fears & insecurities.
& so, with only the light of the barely-rising sun, he set out to go hunt, secretly hoping he wouldn’t encounter anyone in the woods, let alone this allegedly fearsome, murderous spirit. The more he thought about it, the more it seemed like a ruse. Genta and Hideto were probably hiding out somewhere in the village to throw a scare into Genjirou, & maybe even to keep him away from the mountains, since the hunters were always jealous of how much he brought in by himself.
The dew of the grass brushed against his sandaled feet and the air smelled crisp and fresh. He drank some water from a river to refresh himself, then hunted marvelously as ever, carrying, two hours later, four pheasants and a boar. He found the site where he’d buried the corpse and leaned by it, frowning as he dug down a foot or so, revealing the rotting face. I really did bury him poorly… I hope he isn’t actually insulted, Genjirou thought, deciding then & there to dig a deeper hole. He shuddered a bit, feeling as though somebody was watching him… he shook the feeling off.
This time, he carefully placed the body in, taking care to fold the arms over the chest and neatly adjust the burial clothing. Satisfied, he placed a pheasant atop the body, then carefully covered it in dirt again. He’d taken a chrysanthemum with him to put on top of the grave, which he hoped was this time less crude. He said a quick blessing, then found a nice spot next to the river to enjoy the spoils of his hunt alone. He knew this was an area of the woods the other hunters rarely visited, so he felt confident starting a fire to roast a pheasant there, until he heard a clamour in the distance, coming closer.
Genjirou scrambled to put out the fire and panicked when he saw the silhouettes of the hunters in the distance. Unable to find anywhere to hide, he dove into the river behind a rock, breathing only when he was certain they couldn’t see him. He cursed that his pheasants and boar had been left behind, knowing that the hunters would surely take it as their own. It was unlikely they expected him to have regained his confidence so much as to go hunting, let alone dare to to begin with given the recent events. Genjirou vigilantly listened. He heard some laughs, as they engaged in idle chatter, and some excitement as they stumbled upon what was supposed to have been his breakfast, lunch, dinner, and then some. He then heard shouting.
Looking behind the rock, his eyes locked with one of the hunters. Terrified he’d been seen, he submerged himself in the river, holding his breath for his dear life. Even through the water, he could hear the shouting on land had gotten louder, and cursed himself for being alive. Why? Why’d they just have to come out hunting so soon? Why couldn’t I have finished my meal in peace?
Unbeknownst to Genjirou, Fuku had followed him into the woods as she’d done in her lovesick days– however, her motive wasn’t as sweet as it once had been. Gento had been Fuku’s cousin, & following his death and the rumours in the village, she’d grown awfully cold and suspicious towards Genjirou, & secretly followed him to see if he was up to anything suspicious. So far, her surveillance had been futile, but that day, as she followed him into the woods, she was certain she’d catch him in the act of killing, confirming her, & the villagers’ suspicions.
She got more than she bargained for, however, as she had to put her hands over her mouth to stifle a scream when an arrow pierced through one of the hunters’ shoulders out of seemingly nowhere. Scrambling to find the source without giving away her position, her eyes went backwards from where the arrow had landed, resting upon an awful-looking creature hidden behind a tree like she was. Its aim was off; it seemed to have been distracted by something in the water. It drew another arrow from its bow and aimed steadily at the same hunter. Fuku wanted so badly to call out to the hunters, but she didn’t allow herself to, and before the next arrow could hit, the six of them had already started to run out of the woods, screaming and cussing and hollering.
Ghost!! They quickly told the villagers, running around like mad. The hunter whose shoulder had been pierced barely even paid it any mind, too thankful he was alive, and too frightened, to do so. It’s an awful, evil, vengeful ghost in the woods of the mountain... it’s going to kill anybody who enters them! Once is a coincidence, twice is revenge, but three times…. It’s evil! It’s an evil spirit that won’t rest until every one of our villagers is dead!!
In those very woods of the mountain, Fuku was still standing behind the tree, hands over her mouth, doing everything in her power not to scream as she watched the ghost emerge from behind the tree. She found it horrifying– its skin was a sickly, corpse-ish grey with tinges of purple, and it had long, wavy, unkempt black hair, which it tossed over its shoulders with its hand as it strode forth, picking up the prey the hunters had dropped. It wore a flowing, tattered white kimono, burial clothes. Moving more quickly, it waded into the river, grabbing an object… Genjirou!!
In the heat of the moment, Fuku had totally forgotten the entire reason she’d come up the mountain in the first place! She wanted to cover her eyes, terrified to watch the surely gruesome scene that was sure to come unfold, but couldn’t, hands glued to her mouth and eyes to the ghost. To her surprise, no gruesome scene came– the ghost carefully lay Genjirou upon the ground, pressing firmly on his chest. Genjirou sputtered water. Water, water, and more water… he would have surely drowned if the ghost hadn’t pulled him out.
The ghost disappeared for a minute and Fuku’s heart dropped, certain it had sensed her and was going to kill her. Maybe Genjirou was controlling this cruel mountain spirit? No… she immediately shook the thought out of her head. She was bitter over her cousin dying, certainly, but she wouldn’t so quickly assign blame now that she had no proof. Besides, this was the man who she still secretly loved… she knew him, to an extent, and she knew he was a very simple person, absolutely incapable of something as sinister as the dark arts. Revenge on the hunters for talking badly about him was so silly, anyways. She felt embarrassed for having taken part in his ostracisation, knowing that more than anything, he needed at least a friend, if not a romantic partner.
She reminded herself to be more friendly to him.
When the ghost returned, she’d expected it to come maybe with a knife, or a sword, wanting to kill Genjirou personally and watch the life drain out of his eyes… but all it returned with was a handful of chrysanthemums. It shyly placed one in his hair, and then one on his chest, scattering the rest around his body as it played with his hair, running the long black strands through its scraggly, ashen fingers. Fuku couldn’t believe her eyes.
A short while later, Genjirou’s brow furrowed and he coughed. As quickly as it had come, the ghost ran away, leaving Genjirou alone. Determining the scene was safe, Fuku ran out from behind her cover to Genjirou’s side, placing a hand on his cheek. He grabbed the hand and flared his nostrils, recognising her by the scent of lilies. “Fuku?” he mumbled, managing to pry his eyes open. “Yes, Genjirou!” Fuku breathed, beaming. “Are you alright? You almost drowned…”
Genjirou promptly sat up, wide-eyed. “The hunters! I… I saw them earlier; it’s why I…. oh, it’s a long story. Are they alright? The ghost didn’t come again, did it?”
In her gut, Fuku felt even worse for doubting Genjirou. He was stand-offish, but not a selfish person, & even after nearly dying himself, was more worried about what became of the hunters. She couldn’t help but to nervously laugh. “The hunters are alright… Genjirou, I– I’m really sorry about how the villagers have been treating you, including me. I’ll be honest, I came up here because I saw you leaving to hunt, and wanted to see if I had any basis for my suspicions… I didn’t.” She stood up, and bowed deeply. “I’m very sorry.”
Genjirou wanted to stand, as well, but didn’t have the strength to. “It’s alright; I’m sorry, too…” He also laughed a bit. “I really am too stand-offish, to be honest, I’m not good at socialising at all!” Fuku elegantly sunk to her knees again. From the crisp condition of her kimono, you would never have guessed she’d been running around in the woods. “Then let’s be friends!” she suddenly declared, holding a hand to her chest. “I saw everything… the ghost, it did appear, but… it missed; it only shot one of their shoulders.”
“That’s very good… say, Fuku. May I ask two questions?”
Fuku nodded.
“One–” Genjirou picked up a chrysanthemum, spinning it between his fingers. “Are you the one who’s been leaving these flowers at my doorstep the past few days?” Fuku bit her lip. She knew none of the women in the village grew or sold white chrysanthemums; in fact, up until that day, she had never seen anybody who had them. She hated lying, but this was too good a moment to let pass. “Yes, I am,” she said shyly.
“Two, are you the one who saved me from the river?” Fuku prayed internally the ghost wouldn’t come to her house personally and beat her upside the head. Please forgive me, ghost, but this is the man I really love!! She couldn’t even verbalise the lie, this time just nodding, blushing more. Genjirou thought it was because she was shy, but really, it was because she couldn’t stand to lie! Genjirou smiled, gently touching her hand. She allowed him to hold it. “Then may I ask you a third question, Fuku?” She nodded again.
“May I kiss you?”
Wide-eyed and blushing profusely, she turned to him. She’d been waiting to hear that question her whole twenty years of life! “Yes! You may!” Genjirou delicately pinned her to the ground, his wet, but soft, long hair falling over her kimono as he kissed her, placing a hand tenderly behind her neck. Fuku blushed even more profusely, hugging him. She wanted to kiss him forever and ever, but she eventually let go, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear and looking up at him in awe and disbelief.
“You’re wonderful!” she felt awkward as she blurted this, and immediately put a hand over her mouth. “Have you ever had a girlfriend before?”
It was a silly question, for she’d known him his entire life, but still felt the need to ask to be sure. “I haven’t,” Genjirou affirmed her knowledge, and she embraced him again. “Could I be yours?” she asked suddenly, letting the heat of the moment spur her on. “You may!”
She kissed Genjirou again, and the two walked down the mountain to the village. Fuku braced herself, anticipating all the while that an arrow would be lodged into her back, but no such thing came, and she let herself relax as the couple strode into the village safely. “Genjirou is innocent!” she declared, attracting the attention of some people sitting outside. “He is innocent, and he is mine! The ghost haunting the woods is beyond any of our control, & is ungrateful for the beautiful burial Genjirou gave him!”
She needed to say no more. Faithful to their tradition, the people of Passions spread the news around like wildfire, and within that single day, Genjirou’s reputation was restored & renewed, & he was even met with praise, for pairing with such a fine woman as Fuku. That evening, after the village dinner, they were wished well as they went arm-in-arm to Genjirou’s house, where they engaged in passionate affairs until they fell asleep, content in one another’s embrace. While Genjirou slept peacefully and deeply, his troubles seemingly behind him, Fuku slept lightly, certain she heard a weeping outside, but not daring to look.
She took care to rise much earlier than Genjirou– at four in the morning, she crept outside, and found outside his door a bouquet of fresh white chrysanthemums, tied tightly by a silk ribbon. She snuck to a farmer’s house and discarded the flowers in a pig pen, a pang of guilt coursing through her as she did so. She shook the feeling off. What business would a ghost have with a human? It would be better for the both of them if he just passed peacefully and left him alone!
Still, as the weeks went on, her guilt only grew stronger every time she had to throw away the chrysanthemums, or pretend she’d gotten them for him, making up some tale about someone from another village who grew them just for her. One day, she couldn’t stand it anymore, and while Genjirou slept, she snuck into the mountains, surrounding herself with the most positive energy possible, hoping she wouldn’t be torn into shreds by the ghost. She hadn’t dared bring a hunter with her as the ghost seemed to carry a special vengeance for them, but as she ventured further and further, she felt dumber and dumber she hadn’t even brought some sort of a spiritual weapon.
“Ghost?” she called out, clinging onto a chrysanthemum she’d brought with her as she stood by the side of the river. Her face was painted ghost-white with crimson red eyeshadow and lipstick, and she wore her finest clothes, hoping that by putting such extra care into her appearance, she did not insult him by appearing in any way unsightly. One could mistake her for a geisha, but that she was most definitely not.
“Misses… or, erm, Mister… Ghost?” she called again, fidgeting with the chrysanthemum, pulling on a petal. She froze as she felt a firm hand over hers just as she was about to pull. “Mister Ghost,” said a voice that was too pleasant to be able to belong to that terrifying being she’d seen in the woods, and Fuku yelped, staggering forward a bit, almost falling face-first into the river. The ghost grabbed her and steadied her, and she slowly turned to face him, doe-brown eyes locking with his, bloodshot and ebony. Up-close, he was almost handsome, but the fear factor still won out in her mind, not allowing her to appreciate any aestheticism. “Have you come to return these to me?” he murmured, gently taking the chrysanthemum from her.
“Are you the one who has been leaving them at Genjirou’s doorstep?” she asked, her voice wavering even as she tried to make it as firm as possible. “I am,” the ghost admitted, staring at it distantly. “Do they smell good?” Fuku gathered all her resolve and nodded. “They’re very nice… where do you find white chrysanthemums?”
“I used to grow them,” he sighed, handing the flower back to Fuku. “I thought ghosts couldn’t touch things,” she suddenly blurted, then immediately felt embarrassed. Her fear made her speak her thoughts out loud. The ghost laughed a bit. “I can if I want to, just like I can make myself seen if I want to. As for the white chrysanthemums– I grow them in a village on the other side of the mountain, where the weather’s much better for them.”
“I’m sorry, but I’ve been throwing them away,” Fuku almost whispered, pulling at the petals again. “I came here to tell you that… I won’t say I’m sorry because it won’t do anything; I have been acting out of selfish desire & will accept it if you kill me like you killed those hunters if it will let you rest in peace.” She kneeled, head lowered. Fuku was very spiritual, and believed, more than anything, in the importance of a peaceful death, & felt she had disrupted this somehow.
The ghost’s expression suddenly darkened. “Get up,” he said in a voice so commanding Fuku didn’t dare object, shakily getting back up on her feet. In the background, leaves gently fell from the looming trees of the dark woods. His hair, ivory black and long, shone slightly in the moonlight, & his white burial clothes, for as dirty as they were, had an eerie glow to them. The odd, off-putting kindness from before had somewhat dissipated, and Fuku was met with a slap across the face– it wasn’t hard enough to be disrespectful, or hateful, but it was firm enough to sting slightly, and cause her to pay very close attention. “Genjirou loves you, doesn’t he?” the ghost asked coldly, glaring down at her. Fuku pondered this, then felt silly for doing so, & nodded. “I think he does, yes.”
“Then how dare you offer your life so lightly!” the ghost wailed, and Fuku noticed he was sobbing, odd, white streams of a heavy gaseous substance oozing from his eyes. “How miserable would Genjirou be not to be loved? You must cherish him more deeply! You must think more heavily before making such rash decisions! To be in love with him, you must tie your heart to his with an iron chain that will cause both to burst if it is severed! Do you understand?”
Fuku seldom considered the somewhat taboo fact that men could fall in love with other men, but she considered it deeply as the ghost spoke to her. It suddenly struck her that the chrysanthemums likely symbolised more than respect or an innocent friendship, and her face flushed a bit, hidden under the heavy makeup. She hadn’t known she’d acted so rashly she’d snatched away another person’s love, even if he was a ghost! “I understand,” she breathed, aghast.
“Then return to him– love him like no other, and remind him of how much he means to you every day… spoil him not with gifts, but with words, and raise his self esteem, so that your relationship may be meaningful like no other! Kiss him every day and linger so that he knows you do not wish to part ways, and hold his hand so that he knows he is not alone… drown him in sweet nothings that grow to be somethings, so that in old age he can look back on all these moments and say, I was a loved man!”
The guilt Fuku felt was so great she almost wished the ghost had just killed her the second he saw her, but she took his words to heart, just nodding along, still holding the chrysanthemum. She wondered why a ghost was so attached to Genjirou…. had they known one another in a different life? No, it couldn’t be; she would have surely seen him. Everybody knew everybody in Passions. Still, she ventured to ask, “Before I leave, Mister Ghost… may I ask your name?”
The ghost hesitated, before he answered, “Chikayoshi, although that name has not been spoken in years.”
She had no desire to ask how he died, nor why he killed the hunters, deciding she’d probably done enough damage, and that she should definitely head back. As she turned around to leave, the ghost implored of her one final thing, “Please do not mention this name to Genjirou… he will be tortured, & I could never forgive myself.”
She said nothing, unable to lie and say she wouldn’t, & quietly left, ultimately leaving the chrysanthemum with Chikayoshi. She couldn’t put the thought out of her mind– she never quite understood the concept of a man falling for another man, but if it were indeed true that this happened… oh, how cruel she was, how heartless she’d been, throwing away all those chrysanthemums & taking credit for the rescue, forcing Chikayoshi to watch as she did just that! She had never ventured before to think it was anything like that! She slid back into bed– it was only four in the morning, but she couldn’t sleep, haunted, quite literally, by Chikayoshi’s words & the expression he’d made when she offered herself to him.
Chikayoshi. Chikayoshi. She held onto the name like a prayer, determined not to forget it. After Genjirou woke up, things proceeded like normal– she was met with an array of kisses, the two went out to get breakfast, then lazily hung around the village. Nobody dared go into the woods for the time being, and the village leader was making arrangements with a self-proclaimed “expert of spirits and the supernatural” from another village to get rid of the ghost. Of course, this news spread around town like a wildfire, and the second it hit the couple, Fuku absolutely had to ask.
“Genjirou,” she whispered, as the two flipped lazily through texts in the library. “Could we go home? There’s something I really want to tell you.”
Genjirou raised a brow but put up no objection, and the two returned to his house. “Have you ever had any friends I haven’t known about?” she asked, biting her lip. She didn’t dare to ask boyfriend, the word not seeming right on her tongue, let alone seeming terribly informal. “Not that I can think of, no,” he replied earnestly, pouring himself a cup of tea from what remained in the teapot from that morning, placing a cup in front of Fuku as well. She ignored it, shifting uncomfortably on the mat. “Do you know the name Chikayoshi?”
Genjirou nearly spat out his tea, his eyes turning a terrible dark Kufu had never seen before. She immediately regretted the question, but it was too late now. “Why do you know this name?” His voice was calm, but some deep-rooted emotion was masked behind it, threatening to come out like a storm from a drizzle.
“It’s…..” she whispered, staring blankly down at her tea. “I– please promise you won’t be mad when I say this, Genjirou…” She also regretted saying this, knowing it was an infamously useless phrase. Genjirou only nodded. If he was going to get mad, he would get mad. She was prepared to handle the consequences. “I… I wasn’t the one who rescued you from the river, and I’m not the one who’s been leaving you chrysanthemums… that was Chikayoshi.”
“He’s back?!” Genjirou exclaimed, something wild about his expression. Fuku shook her head. “No, that’s – he's... the ghost on the mountain. Please don’t take this the wrong way, or think that our relationship is built on a lie, but I only took the credit because I thought it would be better for the dead not to interfere with the living…. I didn’t want to shock you.” And I was being selfish, she thought but did not say, leaving Genjirou to make that determination. There was a terrible period of silence, and when Fuku dared look up, she saw that Genjirou was sobbing silently, streams of tears pouring from his eyes as he wrung his hands aggressively, knuckles turning white from the pressure.
With a long sigh, he responded, “I haven’t taken it the wrong way, and I appreciate the sentiment…” He seemed to be mulling over his words, choosing each one very deliberately. “I don’t think you’re a liar, Fuku.” His eyes were filled with an indescribable sort of sadness, as he looked over at the vase of chrysanthemums. They were old, as Fuku had thrown away the ones from the past few days, and their petals fell to the surface of the dresser. “I have… I had… a friend you didn’t know about.”
Chikayoshi struggled to catch his breath as he and Genjirou rolled and rolled and rolled in their special corner of the mountain, the exact center of the walking distance from the village of Passions to the village of Water’s Blessings. Genjirou placed kisses up and down Chikayoshi’s torso, who in return curled his toes in pleasure, wrapping his legs around the other’s hips. The two had met a year earlier during a hunt, or, in Chikayoshi’s case, a scouring-of-the-mountainside for flowers. They’d hit it off and become wonderful friends, only realising it was something more when Chikayoshi had sprained his ankle while Genjirou chased him. Once Genjirou caught up to him, he carefully tended to the wound, kissing it jokingly afterwards. When smiling at Chikayoshi, he was met by a cold, terrified gaze, & recognised it as longing. Daring himself, he moved his face closer– & closer– until he was finally met by a trepid, evolving into passionate, kiss, and the two realised their friendship was no more.
They made careful sure to not be seen by anyone else– Chikayoshi’s parents wanted so badly for their son to have a loving wife and have children, and Genjirou’s village wasn’t known as the most tolerant, infamously once having had kicked out an esteemed samurai after he flirted brashly with a male shopkeeper. Just as Chikayoshi was halfway through undoing Genjirou’s robes and the two felt daring enough to take the next “step” in their relationship, they froze as they heard the crackling of branches not too far away. Chikayoshi rapidly withdrew and Genjirou pretended to be busy with some mushroom, but it was too late; the two had been spotted by a hunter from Genjirou’s village who’d ventured further into the woods than his peers, and was met with quite the shock as he saw one of his fellow hunters arms-up with a strange man in the woods. Convinced his friend was of the female persuasion and that this was an assailant, he swooped in, throwing Genjirou as far as he could, sending him tumbling down a bit before he landed against a tree, and passed out immediately from the blunt trauma.
Unbeknownst to him, the other hunter had already drawn his bow and arrow, but too late– Chikayoshi took off like a mad dog into the woods, and the hunter chased after him, calling to his peers to help. They searched, and searched, and searched, all convinced Genjirou had been violated and that this man must die, but could not find him anywhere.
Just as how in the future, Genjirou hid from those very hunters in a river, Chikayoshi hid as well, but waded too deep into the water, and, unequipped with the ability of swimming, drowned. His corpse resurfaced soon enough that the hunters found it, and they buried it gracelessly in a ditch, leaving it to rot.
Chikayoshi’s body did rot, and his bones were taken away by wild animals. His spirit was very weak, and it took him three years of constant wishes for vengeance to manifest in a way that he could take on a physical form. He immediately sought out Genjirou, and also, his revenge, stealing a random corpse and marking it as his own– however, he was not at all well-written, & did not realise he had misspelled his name.
In the meantime in those three years, Genjirou distanced himself from his peers. The hunters agreed not to speak of what had happened to him in the mountains, finding it too shameful, and Genjirou could not stand to hunt alongside them anymore, choosing to hunt alone, hoping all along he’d encounter Chikayoshi, though he never did, & drearily presumed he’d been chased away by the others. The villagers started to grow cold towards Genjirou as they realised that he less and less interacted with them, let alone the fact that he so arrogantly hunted by himself– at least, they found it arrogant, as they did not know the true reason the hunters left him alone.
Fuku pursed her lips as Genjirou had only told her what he knew, personally– that he & Chikayoshi had once been involved in an affair, only to never see one another again after the incident on the mountain. Neither of the two had a clue as to how he’d died, but they didn’t want to think about it, knowing deep in their hearts it had to do with the hunters. “You must think I’m very silly,” she finally sighed, slightly laughing. “That I would so persistently chase after you even when your heart belonged to somebody else…” she blushed a bit. “I really do feel very foolish.”
“Don’t feel foolish,” Genjirou said pointedly, holding her hand in his. “Women should never feel foolish for trying to make their feelings known to a man… it shouldn’t be something to be embarrassed about, & I do appreciate you wholeheartedly for your support.” Fuku’s gaze was a bit empty, & that word was written across her brow: FOOLISH. “Please don’t think I’ve used you in any way,” he added, tightening his grip slightly. “You were not just a body for me to cling to, a soul for me to pour all that missing love into. Your friendship was always meaningful to me, and I always appreciated your reaching out to me where others wouldn’t, and our relationship was wonderful. You’re an amazing person, Fuku, and I wish nothing but the best for you.”
Fuku’s grip tightened in his. “We’re over, aren’t we?” she whispered. She had a gut feeling, even before she knew exactly how close Chikayoshi had been to Genjirou– she had a feeling he wouldn’t be able to love her anymore, knowing what he did. “Please don’t find me superficial,” Genjirou pleaded, searching her eyes. Fuku smiled wryly, reading his every facial feature. “I don’t,” she responded quietly. “I think in another life we would have paired quite nicely.”
“I think so, too,” Genjirou whispered, then stood up, taking the tea cups. He disappeared that same day, not offering Fuku a good-bye, as he knew it needed not be said. He did leave Fuku his house and possessions, and with that, she knew he would never return. She wished to have a love so powerful it could bring her back to life… she eventually got her wish, as, a couple years later, she met a beautiful, kind man from another village, who showered her every day in his affections and never failed to remind her how much she meant to him, even in the hard times, or when they argued. They never fought, making them a couple rather envied by a large sum of the villagers, who couldn’t seem to go a few days without fighting with their spouse.
The two married, and after their marriage, Fuku found a magnificent bouquet of chrysanthemums by her doorstep, wrapped in a silk ribbon….
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theempireroyals · 4 years
Empress Augusta New Year’s Eve: What do William and Augusta do for New Year’s?
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Augusta, Empress of Aldwynne and Emperor William spent their Christmas together with their daughter Crown Princess Louise at Oasis Spring Palace as is the tradition. But what do William and Augusta do for New Year’s?
After spending most of their time as a family, the Emperor and Empress threw one of their iconic New Year’s parties.
They usually host more than 100 guests, which include Augusta close friends.
Augusta reportly goes all out for their New Year’s Eve celebration.
On one occasion, Augusta rented a 100-person capacity teepee.
The celebration’s theme that year was the ultimate winter wonderland party, and of course, the house is complete with a dance floor.
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Oasis Springs Palace shared this picture of William, Augusta and Louise on Christmas Day.
Reports suggest when the Empress is hosting a party, no one is allowed to go to bed before her.
On New Year’s Day the monarch and his guests attend a New Year’s Day service at St Clotilde Church then go horse riding and pheasant hunting.
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