#Ultimate Butler
loquaciousscribe · 19 days
These types of blogs including danganronpa in it are so rare to find honestly but i like your blog alot :3
For my request could i request
Platonic Kirumi Tojo X Ultimate Butler reader?
Its fine if you dont wanna tho
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y'all get labeled the parents of the group
you both share a deep mutual respect, both recognizing each other's dedication to their respective roles. both admiring one another's work ethic and commitment to perfection.
you tend to work in the same areas just to keep each other company, but you don't really work on the same task at the same time unless it's efficient.
you're both very comfortable working together in silence, occasionally somebody will come in to talk to one of you and won't even notice the other one there
when y'all do talk it tends to go deep. like forget small talk, y'all are over here talking about what the true meaning of being alive is and how worth it is it to keep going while doing the dishes
y'all would get in courtesy fights. like kirumi opens the door and you're like "ladies first" and she's like "no, i insist" but then you're like "i mustn't" and you're both like that for like way longer than necessary
tea parties together:3
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hopefully i did this request justice
we're gonna ignore the fact i had to start this over bc i accidentally closed the tab
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dreamzghostz · 2 months
Danganronpa Talentswap AU
You know it, baby
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First, here's Ultimate Anthropologist Nagito. Honestly, I was dreading making him since I don't really know how to combine Nagito and Korekiyo's outfits together, and I'm not really proud of his design, but oh well.
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Second, here's Ultimate Photographer Rantaro. Now, truthfully, I really like his design here. I went for a more casual attire since Rantaro is really laid-back canonically, and I think it turned out really nicely!
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Lastly, here's Ultimate Butler Kiibo. He's a cutie in my opinion, lol. Yeah, I made him human in this AU, so I'll be referring to him with the last name from his creator (Professor Idabashi, so Kiibo Idabashi).
Nagito Komaeda - Ultimate Anthropologist
Rantaro Amami - Ultimate Photographer
Kiibo Idabashi - Ultimate Butler
We got 12/16 cast done!! We're almost there!!
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bannuu · 2 months
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Little masters and their demons
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"Who's Hotter?" Deadly Women
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truejekart · 3 months
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Robin Grima Butler
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plague-of-insomnia · 5 months
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I don’t know why this is such a difficult concept for the fandom to grasp.
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asklesbianonceler · 2 months
characters I liked as a kid for better or worse that I can draw from memory. Mostly for worse.
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animeyanderelover · 6 months
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Alucard's part is a lot shorter in here as I had to be a lot more detailed for Sebastian, Claude and Ash all falling in love with the same darling.
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, clinginess, paranoia, stalking, manipulation, gaslighting, isolation, abduction, death
Tags: @lovley-valentine7 @leveyani @chxxz
Angel s/o
Sebastian Michaelis, Claude Faustus & Ash Landers
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🐈‍⬛🕷️▫️Undoubtedly is it your presence that is going to be the first thing that will draw all of those men to you. You see, it is quite rare that asupernatural creature crosses the path of another one as only Shinigami have an active social life together, although one mainly build on their work. Demons are lonesome creatures who rarely spend time with their one kind or any existing creature out there as they are a species known to follow merely their one greed and desire and exploring everyone that could give them an ounce of pleasure, even if only for a brief moment. Angels are very withdrawn from the world in general, finicky with whom they spend their time with as they especially avoid demons for their lifestyle. They are pretentious but they at least have some boundaries. It is already a miracle that two demons and an angel exist within the same town, all bound temporarily by something in there. Yet perhaps it has been fate that has led all of them here as their mate also finds their way to London.
🐈‍⬛🕷️▫️Perhaps it is Ash who spots you first as he is the one least bound to the person he is serving as the Queen is a mere tool to serve his greater purpose. Ash upon finding another one of his own kind would be already ecstatic as it is for he has been shunned by them and the isolation shows itself as he is euphoric to find you. His joy is only heightened upon realising that both of you are bound by fate together, his rapture bringing him down to his knees as he gazes at you with reverent eyes, clasping your hands in his as he hastily utters that he'll arrange you only the finest accomodation. It seems like fate is smiling down on him as not only his plan is proceeding well but now he has also found his one true soulmate. The cleansing of London shall be his present to you as a sign of his unwavering adoration and dedication. Yet not only his greatest joy can overshadow his paranoia. Not only because of the common scum but because he's aware of two evil forces lurking within London.
🐈‍⬛🕷️▫️Sebastian is perhaps the second of the trio who discovers you as Ciel is heavily involved with the Queen as his house has sworn loyalty to her. Ash, even whilst begging for you to stay and wait for his return as he has to accompany the Queen, is unable to stop you as you are also an angel and for that possess powers of your own. You head out despite his warnings and pleas and so his biggest fear comes true as you are sensed by Sebastian and he senses you just as much. You are quite baffled as you sense the connection that humans could never share. Not only because a mating bond between a demon and an angel has been unheard of so far but also because you thought your mate was Ash. It is as disturbing as it is intriguing as you never knew that it was possible to be bound to more than one person. A short look of astonishment seems also to cross the butler's face as he senses that you are no human either before a devilish and handsome grin settles on his face as he makes his way to you.
🐈‍⬛🕷️▫️he bows courtly as he introduces himself as Sebastian of the Phantomhive mansion and asks for your own name, his red eyes intently and curiously studying you. You feel slightly uncomfortable in his presence as you can sense his greedy aura and even he seems to silently acknowledge your aura as the one of an angel, although he isn't 100 % certain just yet. Yet the mating bond has you gravitating towards this man and so you spend a lot more time than you anticipated with him, even though you still have your guard up. Especially since his hands like to brush against you during the conversation as he gets closer and closer to you only for you to quickly take a step back. Both of you are snapped out of it when Ash suddenly appears. His white hair wild and messy as if he has pulled at it and his purple eyes wide and paranoid as he pulls you behind him, doing his best to keep his composure in public. Red eyes observe you two before they widen in shock before squinting in displeasure. Sebastian knows.
🐈‍⬛🕷️▫️Ash has already been hysteric when he couldn't find you in your room and searched for you in sheer panic only to find you in company of the very creature he wanted to keep you away from. Yet when you confess to him that you felt the mating bond when meeting the demon as well, he shatters completely. He paces back and forth in your room, chewing his lips until he tastes blood as his eyes dart anxiously up and down as if he will find the answer if he keeps on looking enough, his hands trembling. This can't be right. It must be the work of the sinful demon who has manipulated something to mess with your senses. An angel as pure as you can't be bound to a being of greed and darkness. You hear him muttering under his breath as he walks in circles in your room, the sight reminding you of a man possessed, before his gaze lands on you and within a few long strides he stands in front of you, holding your hands and promising you that he'll protect you from the hands of the stained demon.
🐈‍⬛🕷️▫️As Ash and Sebastian already gear up for a fight over you, Claude remains still unaware of you. Alois is a demanding and clingy brat after all so he hasn't made any acquaintance with you yet. Still, there is something that has caused him to feel longing for someone, has drawn him to the city of London. It is a pinching sensation, one that seems to twist with his black heartstrings and it has caused him to feel quite moody. He attempts to dismiss the feeling yet the other demon servants around him notice whilst Alois seems to ignore Claude's recently soured mood. Eventually he receives message that a ball will be held for the Queen, one Alois is also requested for. The young boy takes the chance excitedly as he knows that he can torment Ciel again and Claude, despite feeling quite annoyed when thinking about the demon butler of the Phantomhive boy, somehow also feels an underlying sense of urgency for the ball to come sooner. Almost as if someone really important awaits him there...
🐈‍⬛🕷️▫️In between tears Ash asks of you to stray away from Sebastian and to hide yourself. Somewhere you understand his sentiment and for the people there you have little interest yet it is the demon you still wish to see even if you know that demons are natural enemies of your kind. Yet his tears tug at your heartstrings and so you promise him to stay away as good as you can. Sebastian's eyes naturally search for you as soon as the young lord and him arrive, his looks impeccable as he has made sure to look as good as he can when he meets you again. Instantly the scathing glare of Ash is on him and both of them look at each other with disdain, although the angel is more obvious with his feelings. Eventually Sebastian gives him a taunting grin though, one that nearly causes Ash to lose composure as he knows instantly what the demon is planning to do once he finds you, defiling your beauty and purity with his sinful hands. That is when another presence suddenly enters the hall.
🐈‍⬛🕷️▫️Claude is fairly surprised to notice how little Sebastian is minding him in comparison to what he is used to as he instead notices how there is a new bad blood going on between him and Ash. Claude has little experience with Ash, although he is aware of his nature as an angel so that alone makes him already dislike the white-haired man. But he can't help but wonder what must have occured between Ash and Sebastian to be on such bad terms as he can sense killing intent from both of them, especially from the angel who seems to keep his eyes always on Sebastian as if to keep him within his sight. As the ball goes on, Claude slowly notices a weird pull in his chest that urges him to follow something. Initially he decides to ignore it but it grows worse as time passes on until he eventually decides that he can't forget about it. Without informing Alois, he quietly leaves the scene and follows where his instincts guide him to until he spots a lonesome figure in the hallway. When he meets eyes with you, he instantly realises why he has been feeling so weird for a while now.
🐈‍⬛🕷️▫️The amazement and wariness in your eyes is almost reflected in his own as he senses that you are no ordinary human yet he can't pinpoint exactly what you are. You observe him cautiously as he steps closer, straighting his posture as he asks you for your name and why such a beauty as you is not joining the ball like all of the guests. Truth be told though, he is glad for the privacy he has with his mate as golden eyes examine you with growing desire. Soon he is standing right in front of you, gloved hands reaching up to touch your face when suddenly Sebastian and Ash appear. Ash has already drawn his sword, fully prepared to cut of the hand that just tried to touch you whilst Sebastian's eyes have turned magenta as he lets out a growl more reminiscent of the true creature he is than what he portrays to be under the ordinary crowd. Claude instantly senses the warning within the growl, the unspoken claim that the other demon has already laid on you which causes his eyes to turn magenta too as he also lets out a growl. The air is tense and heavy and you know that the only reason all three of them aren't on each others throat now is because you are still standing there.
🐈‍⬛🕷️▫️The burden of being mated to three men at once is unheard of and it becomes a heavy burden for you as you realise that all of them will eventually kill each other to claim you for only themselves and your heart is silently wailing over the thought of losing two of three mates, even though you know that they could never work together. Ash isolates you completely from that day on, terrified that the demons will lurk outside and hunt you down as soon as you leave the building where he resides in with the Queen. You as an angel should know after all how cunning and wicked the demon kind is. Meanwhile Claude and Sebastian are also silently doing their preparations to get rid of the competition to have you only for themselves. Whilst Claude has the other demon servants and Ash has Pluto at his service, Sebastian has no such allies and he knows that as he calculates his own plan. The inevitable confrontation will soon come and then the entire city might be left in shambles...
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🩸​Alucard has quite an interesting view on the topic on God which shaped his past significantly as he used to believe that having faith alone wasn't enough to get God's attention and that only by accomplishing great deeds would God be on his side. This belief of his was crushed when he ultimately sacrificed everyone and lost the war, leading him to believe that God had abandoned him and in return chose to do the same. Through years of immortality he has eventually come to the realisation that it was his own fault that led to his downfall as a human. Nevertheless, it is an interesting relationship he has to you as angels are commonly known as servants and messengers of God. He has abandoned God, has abandoned his own humanity as well and you may very well view him for his past sins as a monster that has long left the righteous path. It is natural to be wary around Alucard and the vampire understands yout caution and distrust as he himself has learned to regret his immortal life.
🩸​Normal human eyes are unable to perceive the higher being that you are yet to his eyes and by extention even to Seras eyes your true identity is noticable. A dull glow of a hallow constantly embracing your body, your aura a contrast to the darkness of his own. It is repelling as much as it is appealing yet Alucard is tactful when he is around you. You are no ordinary vampire nor a common human, you are something much more and it is almost laughable that the very man who lost faith in God in the past now meets you with the slightest hint of reverence as someone who has learned to not use God's name as an excuse for the actions he took out of madness and lust. At the same time he recognises that redemption for him is impossible for he has chosen to forsake the human life he was gifted for immortality. This silent acknowledgement silently seems to fuel his greed though as there is no punishment from any holy beings he has to fear for he is already outside the mortal realm.
🩸​He hides your presence from the Vatican and Alexander Anderson as they are a very religious group and he is sure that they would try to interfere if they were to find out that the No-Life King has been having his eyes on you for a while now. Surely they would see it as a blasphemous act for a creature of darkness and night to yearn for a creature of purity and light, although surely it is in character for a being closer to the devil to yearn for forbiddenlust. Anderson, by no accounts a normal human being, would surely also be able to sense the otherwordly creature that you are and would defend you against Alucard. Surely you don't need any protection as you are able to defend yourself against those who don't know any better yet even you seem to want to avoid a conflict with the man who is trapped in a darkness where even you can't bring him salvation anymore. In a way you suppose Alucard is ultimately just a pitiful and lost soul who is now forever a prisoner of an eternal life, doomed to remain detached from all life for all eternity as an outsider.
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orangerosebush · 1 month
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Artemis and Butler's TAI-era father-figure-on-payroll codependence is so funny. Not even five pages before this scene, Artemis' school therapist is like, "Hey... so. Your dynamic with your bodyguard weirds me out a bit, shan't lie."
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yan-lorkai · 6 months
Dunno if you know or watched about hazbin hotel but can I ask a Alastor!reader with whoever you want to write?
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: I already binge watched hazbin twice lol, so yeah I know Alastor my beloved little guy. I'm writing this for my beautiful ladies and Undertaker btw!
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Always smiling, dressed in red and carrying a microphone. You are a peculiar figure in the eyes of many. Wherever you go you leave people with mixed feelings, some afraid, others fascinated, but everyone knows that you are someone not to be messed with. Or else there will be consequences. Your smile may be sweet at first sight but hide a part of sharp teeths.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Integra thinks she should be used to death and blood but she has quite a soft spot hidden deep within her. If you are killing vampires and ghouls she doesn't mind much but killing humans, or worse, Hellsing agents, makes her sad. So very sad. Her humans dying because they didn't know any better and had provoked your ire, do please spare them. Or she'll have to send Alucard to teach you a lesson and even she don't know who could win between you two.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Seras kind of match your energy. She was a police officer once, arresting and even killing when necessary. Even if she had seen her fair share of bodies, of guts spilled from inside out, of blood, she isn't disgusted by it anymore. She is more concerned that you cannibalize your victims sometimes. She knows some serial killers like to claim trophies but you just eat them. She can't really say anything because she drinks blood to live and many would find it just as disgusting.
That said, she loves your gentle persona. When you two are out and about, people seem like to admire you two. At the surface level you're both gentle and calm, and it's cute how you interact.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Thirteen find you so funny. She likes teasing you till your breaking point, where your voice is all distorted and your form begins to waver. She can't help, she like this side of you. And she loves even more to watch you kill, as a reaper is her job collecting souls so she isn't bothered by the blood or the smell of flesh that you eat. Kill for your heart's content, she's just going to stay here to show her support for you. And later she can take you to eat jambalaya.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Undertaker is another one that find you and your mannerisms funny. He was always round you when you were alive and killing people, watching you, wanting to see what you were going to do next. You were funny as hell too. And when you were killed he was the one who collected your soul, in his eyes your soul was so interesting, so precious, but was time to go.
When word got around about a demon killing other demons then he wanted to meet the infamous Radio demon and he is delighted to know you still up to cause chaos around. This time he is going to stay around and watch you closely, you make him laugh very much, after all. And likes you too. You want power, you trap people into deals, you scheme and it's so entertaining watching everything happening, Undertaker even likes to share his thoughts on your plan just to add a little more perspective.
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The 2nd Character Design Tournament
Please remember to vote for characters solely based on their design, rather than which character you are more familiar with or like more!
Grell Sutcliff | Black Butler
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[No propaganda submitted]
*Monkey D. Luffy (Gear 5)'s design is considered a spoiler for One Piece
*An additional spoiler warning for spoilered propaganda
Monkey D. Luffy (Gear 5) | One Piece 
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“Freedom. That is the design philosophy behind this character.”
“Really good union of Luffy's original classic character design and the new gear 5 elements. His already cartoony personality and fighting style is enhanced by the ability to make himself bigger and make his eyes pop out like wile e coyote.”
*Spoilered propaganda
“Luffy, completely shattered from his fight against the oppressive Kaido, finally awakens the power of the Sun God Nika. Most transformations are about power, despair, and rage. But this is about creativity. This is liberation. This is joy. This is why he is the reincarnation of Joy Boy.”
“Luffy's bouncy cloud hair really works to signal Nika/Joyboy's dynamic personality.”
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vampyrcigs · 8 months
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🩸‧₊˚⊹ “Ask nicely, and I’ll bite.”
This blog is both nsfw and sfw. Nsfw writings will be marked as so. Remember, you are responsible for your media consumption. Do be aware that I’m not a professional writer. There will be mistakes and some things may be inaccurate.
I write for male readers and gender neutral readers. Female readers are only when I specifically do it. Please specify the gender in your asks, otherwise they will be defaulted to gender neutral. If you specifically want a black reader, specify that as well. Otherwise, the race will be non-specified.
If I feel uncomfortable with an ask, I will not write it and it will be ignored. No questions asked.
Try to be as specific as you can with your asks, even if you don’t have a plot. A plot to go along with it is greatly appreciated though. Anons are adored.
Character reader asks are also accepted (ex. Bayonetta reader x [ character ])
Castlevania (Will write - Still watching) ♡
Castlevania Nocturne (Still watching) ♡
Hellsing Ultimate ♡
Hellsing Ultimate Abriged ♡
Slasher Films
Dead By Daylight
Vampire Hunter D (Still Watching)
Black Butler
materialist…in progress || request status…open || about me
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"Don't fall in love with him." [anime | demons + vampires]
Shiki Natsumezaka | Dance with Devils
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"Poor little you. I'll break you gently."
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Belphegor | Obey Me
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"Seeing a human face twisted in pain like this... Why, it's so exhilarating I can barely contain the laughter."
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Reiji Sakamaki | Diabolik Lovers
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"Know your place, human. I will not tolerate disobedience. Learn to fear me, more and more!"
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Dio Brando | Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
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“Most men’s hearts are restrained by mortal, recoiling in fear from the fabulous fruits of evil.”
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Sebastian Michaelis | Black Butler
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"Humans are easily tempted. When they are poised on the edge of hellish despair, and a spider-thin thread of salvation presents itself, they will invariably grasp it. No matter the human."
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Alucard | Hellsing Ultimate
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"Silence! I'm a dog, then you're dog food."
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Griffith/Femto | Berserk
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"My dream can only be realized by building upon their corpses. It’s a blood smeared dream, after all."
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♡notes: just a compilation of problematic anime men that you totally shouldn't simp for, demon + vampire edition! i've had this in my drafts for way too long so i'm just gonna dump it out now♡
♡i will to write for all of these guys, btw! except maybe Griffith, fuck Griffith, man♡
♡I do yandere stuff, so if you want to see more content like this check out the yandere masterlist! and if you want to learn about this blog check out my about the blog post!♡
♡and consider REBLOGGING if you like this!♡
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whoishotteranimepolls · 2 months
"Who's Hotter?" Raven Haired Beauties
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eruptedinlight · 22 days
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Doug Jones’ Face in Every Role | 8 / ?
The Ultimate Legacy - Hawthorne
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mr-shimurka · 9 months
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A little insane Angel of Death
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